Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Airborne Car w/ Kippy & Foley

Episode Date: November 24, 2022

Are You Garbage is back with a Kippy and Foley for a family episode to answer your garbage questions from Patreon. Its a fun one! Follow Kevin: Follow Foley...: Live Shows: PATREON: MERCH: Established Titles: MVMT: Kamikoto: Promo Code: Garbage 7 Strong: Promo Code: AYG5 Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Boston province and the surrounding New England areas. We have a major alert for you and we ain't talking about the snow No, we're talking about a low ticket warning come out and see the live show, baby Yeah, guys, it's a great way to introduce your friends to the show grab the crew grab the home He's grabbed the bozos come out There's still some tickets left for December 6th in Providence at the second show added and the late show in Boston has a few tickets left Get them now. Let's party do it gang This episode is brought to you by our good friends over there at established titles of your purchase as little as one square foot of land You yourself can call yourself a lord or a lady. That's all it takes, baby
Starting point is 00:00:36 It's not only fun. Nope, but you help preserve the scottish woodlands. What are you doing? Huh? Yeah, you know You don't like the environment your dirt bag. Yeah, what are you some kind of non hippie or something? Whatever it is guys title packs give you one at least one square foot of dedicated land on a private estate in Edelstein Scotland and if you're gonna get an official certificate and a crash boom in it right there Hey, yo, hey, yo, it makes you an amazing last minute last minute gift and baby We're in the gift giving season right now. So get on it. Well, you know, you've been slacking You know, you've been on the uh, you'll tick tock you've been following Elon Musk Whatever it is established titles is running a black Friday sale right now
Starting point is 00:01:12 Plus if you use the code garbage you get an additional 10% off go to establish slash garbage You get your gifts now and help support the channel, baby Support the people that support the channel by going to establish slash garbage to get your gifts now and help support the channel Do it welcome to another exciting edition of are you garbage? The show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals Or absolute trash Now here are your hosts Kevin Ryan and H Foley Hey everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast. This is are you garbage?
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's that little show we sit down with your favorite comedians and we find out that you're to be classy After just a big old piece of trash trash trash trash. I'm your host H Foley coming at you on a beautiful day We're down here at end to these basement. I have some bad news. Uh-oh to these missing. Oh god. She's missing What are we gonna do nothing for a little while? All right, let us let the heat blow over you know what I mean Keep cashing those checks daddy. Oh My co-host is coming at you from across the table. He is the ceo of are you garbage? He is the prince of park avenue But no matter what time of the year it is the king of the boardwalk, baby. Give it up for mr. Neptune
Starting point is 00:02:30 2006 kj kevin james ryan. What up gang? Thanks for tuning in as always. Please make sure your rate of view subscribe on itunes a full video available on youtube As you know, those numbers are cooking Baby, they're cooking well over a hundred thousand dollars. Sorry. He's in a sack. Mr. We're 100,000 subscribers. What did I say 100,000 dollars? No, 100,000 subscribers. This guy's holding out I got cash buried in the backyard. Fuck toadie over 18 million dollars. They did what the fuck 100,000 subscribers over there on use tube
Starting point is 00:03:05 That explains toadie missing She's got a treasure map. She's looking she's looking for cash. She walked in you counting money. She had to go I clipped her out real quick Uh, and then obviously, uh, I would be remissed an asshole a jerk off a dickhead a piece of shit a bozo If I didn't mention the greatest website of all time Guys take out a pen and a pad a piece of paper your browser your internet explorer your chrome whatever you're using slash are you garbage check it the fuck out gang good time over there a lot of content Good content and anybody else out there. I'll put it up to that
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'll put anybody to the test. We got more content the Pepsi challenge. We call it my day I want my harrier jet too. There you go. Why harrier jet? That was a big thing. There's a there's a documentary now Pepsi was giving away a harrier jump jet. No Well, they there was a commercial where you could get like glasses a t-shirt a leather jacket And then at the end it was like harrier jet seven million points and this guy did the little snooping snaggin And yeah, say for like you didn't say like joking obviously And uh, you wanted it. He sued. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. No, they say yeah It's a whole thing check it out on netflix after you're done. Did they give it to him?
Starting point is 00:04:18 I don't want to I don't want to ruin it for the people out there just be handing out jets It's so I want a Huey helicopter Iroquois. Yeah, with the door gunner Who's gonna pay that guy some old-school guy? Uh, those are like 35 mil Shit now. We know where tody is a lot of wild cherry pepsi How about a nice quick shout out to our producer x short and air the magic man makes us all look good He's got a big old dick on him gang give it up for t-bone mcmuffin dubby mcmullen family program. What's up guys? What's up, mom? Yo, when they were doing those challenges, they would have the codes underneath the the caps
Starting point is 00:04:52 Did you ever before purchasing the drink tilted sideways to try and see if it was a winner see if you could catch a hanger Damn, that's pretty smart. They don't really do that shit anymore. Did I well? They started putting in the the play before you didn't have to peel and you could kind of see the code And then you had to start peeling off that that layer to love that blue peel. Uh, uh, it makes my blood run Get it. Um, we don't do cool shit like that anymore as a society. Do we what we don't do like cool giveaways like that You are the oldest man in the world. We don't we don't do we don't do cool stuff We don't do cool lotteries a billion dollars. What are you talking about? Yeah, whatever who the fuck wants a leather jacket from pepsi
Starting point is 00:05:27 I just want one of those octopuses that rolls down the wall They don't do good things in cereal anymore The only thing that is halfway decent are the kinder eggs and that's not even american company. That's europeans german They're all right. You get like a little race car little dinosaur a little something You open up a cracker jack or a fiddle faddle or something like that. It's all crap. It's nothing good We should do cool stuff like that anymore. That's what this country needs to bring everybody together is a big giveaway The lottery dude, it's billion dollars. That's not this. No little kids can't do that. Yeah, they can No, they can't you aren't playing scratchers as a kid. Tell me right now
Starting point is 00:06:05 We'll talk off the air exactly. What are you talking about? You split it. You got to split it with your creepy uncle If you get it you split that with me Uh-huh I see what you're saying. You see what i'm saying a little bit, but maybe they are we just don't know we don't have kids You're like you're going like i'm tuned in. I know what's going on. I got nieces and nephews and little cousins I know what's going on. No, you don't Yeah, are you telling me who who who who those who those kids that were kicking me in the ship this week? I know i'm saying you have them. You're not that tuned in. I know what's going on out there
Starting point is 00:06:35 Okay, I know what's going on. Sure. All right. We're not doing cool giveaways. I say I watch the commercials There's no pepsi this there's no mountain do that because they got jammed up and had to give away a fucking harrier jet The liability on this alone. What are you talking about? It's this goddamn litigious society Some guy in michigan with an abram's tag you throw a fucking decoder ring in a cracker jackbox next thing You know kids are choking on it. I know it sucks. Yeah that the hide dives everything somebody always hide dives Somebody always ruins it. They had to get rid of all the hide dives some kid cracked his head open You're jumping off the side playing tom foolery and doing grab ass. Yeah, you get up there You're scared to death. You jump off and then you swim over to the side like a gentleman
Starting point is 00:07:14 Would you ever jump off one of those ledges like those big diving ledges? I know nothing would happen to you They still scare the shit. Maybe that's a patreon gold dude. Me and the big Talking cliff jumping. No, I can't jump almost lost my leg from the knee down. That was only like eight feet Kippy is not I learned early. I'm not an outdoorsman. That was in the bathtub um No, you know, and it'll be in you. Olympic diving pools. They have diving boards. Then they have those ledges
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, yeah, the one that ban margiro all the off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that didn't happen Is that how you know every that's how that's your reference to everything? That's how I contextualize life when johnny noxville jumped off the roof of the pentagon. Oh, I know that Toby you ever been a cracker barrel? Yeah, ryan dunge got thrown out of one in 2002 rest in peace. All right Don't be coarse resting bring it up. Don't be sully in the name of the day. Shout out to him. Hope this episode's ruined Food to the house gonna come get you shout out to mr. Dunn Um, I wanted to ask you what do you got big feller? I noticed something. I was at a relatives house this weekend I noticed something something pretty trashy
Starting point is 00:08:22 Uh, either you guys have any family members or in your house or your house growing up Was the light to the bathroom on the outside of the door yikes? Yeah, that's when you're really now. Whoa, that's when you know on the outside on the outside that Oh, that's how you go into the bed school. You go to the bed. I can't find a light sunny outside of the door Real bad No, you can't you gotta know what that'd be like residential. They'd be like giving your brother the nuclear codes Oh, yeah, so it makes her a real good scare getting all over the floor and stuff. Fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:08:58 Turn it back on dude. Uh-huh. Yeah Turn the light. Yeah in the same vein. Um We used to uh, or the pool. What about this that thing? I got one of those in my closet in my apartment now. You do. It's kind of fun. It's a good time Yeah, every time I pull one of them. I was waiting for a witch to be looking at waiting for a fucking iron to come down And hit me in the head Marv! A bunch of bowling balls
Starting point is 00:09:25 No, that's more scary to me that you hear that that was always down in the basement That's the first thing that always that's the first time to know you're in a haunted house when that thing doesn't go right away If that thing gives you trouble on the first pull get out It's only gonna get worse dude. I'm bolting up the steps if I had to I still run up I gotta say grown man pretty sure there's no boogeyman Sure. I run up the steps of the basement at my mother's house. Of course, man. I throw it in fucking third guy. I am out My brother's cellar is Frightening a cellar's scarier than a basement. Forget it. Crawl space is where the fucking heebie-jeebies live
Starting point is 00:10:00 I got a crawl space now. Yeah, my mom. We have one at my mom's My brother used to go in there and hide Yikes, fucking go face to face with el diablo That guy like to look death in the eyes and keep pushing Holy shit, man. I wouldn't go in there without any nickel on me ever I didn't say he wasn't strapped in a gills Never if I had to go in there. I would just scream and cry until they Fine. I'll go in and get it. We make patty go in and get it. So we have our you've been in my better her than me
Starting point is 00:10:32 She's lived a life I'm a young boy. I got my whole life in front of me We had the the basement right you've been at my basement. It's uh, sure It's the tours on patreon. We had the basement and then there's like a second smaller back room No, but then off that is the utility room. Holy and then in the utility they're small in the utility room There's the crawl space and each room gets colder and colder as you go. It's the demons. You can feel this spirit Yeah, that's no good. Uh-huh. It goes the dog won't go in there Just in there parking
Starting point is 00:11:08 It goes finish basement Then it goes the room behind the finish basement that for some reason they never always finish storage We're doing storage. Then you got the crawl space down there. You store the jersey devil Keeps his luggage in there Hey guys, I'm going abroad. I gotta stop buying pick up my roller back. It's just beers in there. Um, and then you go Unfinished basement would be scarier with the you know, you the fucking The water heater and stuff like that. There's all kinds of things around where you swear you can see somebody just like Peeking out from behind something. Yeah, first of all one thing we never did that. I never allowed in my house
Starting point is 00:11:48 There was never any covering of the furniture Like if we like we had a basement in our house in wilkesbury And we had some old furniture down there and I remember for For a minute when we moved in my mom put sheets around them I'm like, yo, who are you bruce wane? You're not covering get rid of that. That's not happy. No, we never did We just ruined shit. We'd you know, and then the scariest is a cellar. It's just a straight dirt floor cellar Which we had with there were my grandparents had one in wilkesbury and it smelled like death. Yeah It's not like mold. It's not like 1800s. There was the farmhouse in my neighborhood. Like we said, you know that
Starting point is 00:12:25 My neighborhood was developed on an old farm and they keep that a lot of places kept the farmhouse Yeah, that's scary enough and the kiss kid ryan lived there. He was possessed for sure, dude That kid was cuckoo bananas. That whole family was rough And ryan, you want a skateboard now? I'm gonna go home and spin my head around a couple of times I'm gonna go speak in tongues. I'll be right back Hey, you sleep on a ceiling, huh? It's scary, man. And we would have to go play and like the like the shed and the cell and fuck the shed The shed is where they kept all the toys. It was so cold
Starting point is 00:12:58 What even in the dead of summer, dude, it was so cold I remember like reaching down for like a basketball or something fucking something bit me Dude, who keeps our toys in the shed? Oh like bait with wiffle ball stuff. I can see that not yet And not like yeah, yeah, yeah like sport like outdoor stuff a bike of the balls a wiffle ball I'm good. I'll see you in school I'm out of there. I didn't like that shit at all. But the light on the outside is a good indicator trash It's usually the bathroom It's usually the bathroom. Yeah, but why is that that doesn't make sense?
Starting point is 00:13:34 I don't know. So you don't have to go in to turn it off Is it the only is is the only uh, but I was in there fumbling around in the dark for about two minutes trying to take a tinky And I finally I'm a yellow. Is it a newer house or an older house? Beyond old. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, like big bang old Yeah, it's crazy. Uh-huh. There's just some carbon on the walls. All right. That kind of makes that light switch is a giant lever Yeah, like iron stuff If I got to be Edison to take a leak All right, that makes a little bit. I just don't want to piss on the floor. I don't wake up frankenstein anybody got a kite
Starting point is 00:14:10 You need a break here But now after a couple after like a minute in there, I was like, oh wait a minute And I peeked out and then I just flipped it on and it came on. I was like, oh, yeah, that's I didn't like it No dice those weird window panes Yeah, older houses kind of irked me Sure. That's why they're beautiful I always said I would do if I was goodbye. I would want to do new construction or something that like I don't want something so old Something 20 years. So I you know something before I was alive creeps me out. I think oh, this is built in 92
Starting point is 00:14:43 I go, I got it. I remember the 90s nothing Nothing, you know, there was no crazy headlines or whatever Kirk Cameron's gonna pop out Yeah, they're kidding one of the ninja turtles. Let's go Uh, but yeah something built in the 18th. That's fucking I live in a pre-war building right now. That's different though There's no ghost in new york. I don't know. Yeah, there are where are they? We talking about they're hanging no somebody definitely died in my apartment doesn't mean there's ghosts there You're about to die here I'm definitely haunting you kidding me
Starting point is 00:15:16 Something to do what's for dinner? All right, but let's get into it gang We got a old family episode family episodes as you know when you join the old patreon We will answer your garbage question. That's one of the perks of joining the old page One of one of many perks you can get that hard feelings you get that a yg bonus you got a lot of vlog Bonus behind-the-scenes content coming up too plus we're thinking about buying a timeshare Get three hours every year And we should do one we should all pull our money everybody should pull their money and buy like a mountain house and everybody gets like
Starting point is 00:15:52 That's not enough time night. I guess everybody gets three hours All right, let's get into it. This one's from Michael. Has anyone in your family ever been asked to put their sick out by a police officer? Sir can you put that cigarette down please? Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to put down that marver light. Uh, I have yeah when I was uh, uh It was I was 18. I remember I was uh, we got caught underage drinking down the shore Cops came in sure And he was like, where's your idea? I was smoking inside back in the day pre 2005 You could smoke anywhere than just crack a window and it was fine. Who are you clean eastwood?
Starting point is 00:16:34 What the cops come in you put the cigarette out when they eat It was pretty still smoking. I was trying to I was trying to act like I was over 21 Officer I have the confidence to smoke in front of you. You're holding the baby Uh, but I was looking for my wall at my room and I had to sing in my mouth. I was I was drunk All right, couldn't find my wall because he asked for ID So I'm digging through my like bag and I remember the smoke kept burning my eye because I I needed both I had to sing in my mouth. So, you know, you do that win for you. Yeah, I hate that Uh, and I was bending down so I was coming right up in my eye and he's like, why don't you put that cigarette up?
Starting point is 00:17:09 I was like, that's a good day. Yeah, I'll get right back to business. You light up another one Put two in. Yeah, I take that copper. Uh, uh, yeah This guy. Yeah, I was dry. I was a young guy. No, I was a young drunk. You always put the sig out when the heat rolls in Let's go. Oh, yeah, I didn't know. I mean, I panicked. I wasn't thinking straight. I remember patty got pulled over one time and she You're allowed to smoke when you're pulled over. I mean, what? What's the deal? Yeah, he didn't appreciate it. Yeah, I don't think it's a it's not like an honorable, uh They might put that cigarette out If the cherries and berries ever lit up behind you at high school
Starting point is 00:17:44 It was always light sigs to cover up the weeds. That was always a big thing too If you're underage drinking or smoking weed or got weed in the car hit the burnies heavy I used to keep a pack of ports right in the glove box just to get that deep rich menthol smell going Keep a box of mac and noodles in the glove compartment officer I'm having a boy, huh? What do you say you join me in a nice nice cigar, huh? Hey, it's a cuba don't tell anybody Be cool. Don't write me up, will you? That's a home run home run
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, love that sigs by the I don't have a whole lot of experience getting pulled over Two three times maybe you want to know one of my greatest achievements was Um was I was driving. I was at home. I was driving. I had a heat. I was smoking a heater stanger stanger Bernie, um Cop behind me. I flick it out the window. Sure Light you up lights me up. We're gonna light them up. I'm a proud supporter of the police department here Pull me over. So I pull out my pba card professional bowler association
Starting point is 00:19:00 Guys, I just came back from scoring a turkey um Now he pulls me over and I I saw that he was behind me. So I just I field scripted. You know what that means Yeah, but you put the cherry out. Yeah, and then you take the keep the filter because that's the part that contaminates the planet Yeah, I put that my little in my little thing Pull over pulls me over. He comes I saw you flick that cigarette out and I go I go. What do you mean? I have it right here He's go Walked back through his car followed me for about half an hour
Starting point is 00:19:33 But they were posted up out front of the house for a hot minute make a move that ass Which I appreciate the chasing A little bit of cat and mouse keep everybody keep everybody honest. I like it. I like it I want to show up the boys. I uh I got pulled over one time at the Lincoln tunnel. I was coming up to do a bringer show Which for the listener bringer shows were like, uh, the height of the entertainment industry Oh, man, it's you're doing bringer shows are tough as a new comedian the club goes or like a producer goes Hey, you can be on my show, but you got to bring six people something out six is a little it's like 10 to 15
Starting point is 00:20:06 Can you bring 12 people? And that's the way that they packed that packed the club out It's a bit of a money-making scheme for everybody involved but the comedian sure Um, but it is what it is. I was happy to do the time Um But me and my pal, uh, john nunn were coming up and he flicked this thing out at the we were going through the tunnel And he fucking lit us up Where there's no shoulder a guy behind new jersey state trooper lit us up chasing it through the tunnel
Starting point is 00:20:32 No, he chased me I stopped but now i'm just blocking a lane of the tunnel at like fucking six o'clock Yeah, right. I swear to god to see get out. Yeah, got out came up because you know, I pulled you over What are you doing from here? Let me see your license blah blah blah and we were like, oh, we're going to a comedy show He's like he's fucking rush hour, buddy. What are you doing? Yeah, he didn't case in pennsylvania. What are you doing? I'm like, oh, we're up here for a comedy show goes. Ah, who you seeing and right there? I kind of knew I had him ago. We're actually comedians because I don't know shit. How long you've been on the circuit And I'm like, hey, here we go about 10 minutes What are you doing in an hour? I could use two more guys
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, but he dinner planes How are you and the missus come over and uh, did he write you up? No, he just goes, let me make sure none of you guys have warrants on you And i'm sitting next to john nun. If you don't know him. He looks like a fucking bouncer for the hell's angels He's coming up to johnny nun. Handtaps the whole nine I go are you gonna come out of this? He goes, I don't know man. Let's see if that stuff got cleared up I'm like, all right All right, man. He came back as I can enjoy the show
Starting point is 00:21:31 Can't let's talk about seven strong. Oh, baby. This one is near and dear to the big man's hard I'm not even selling it. I'm just telling you the truth. You've all been hitting me up fully. Where do you get those cool shirts? I've responded. I sent you the link. This is it seven strong. Yeah, I've had comics other bigger gentlemen hit me up Say, where's big man getting on his fly gear? They go up to 4x. They are flexible. They are comfortable. They look good They don't wrinkle really. It's unbelievable trust me and you can wrinkle a shirt and throw it in your bag You fluff it out. It's ready to go. I let me tell you something. I love these shirts. I love these shirts They're comfortable. They're cool. They make me look sharp. They make me feel good. These shirts feel like me That's all i'm gonna say you're gonna be buried in one. I'm sure probably not that far away
Starting point is 00:22:16 These shirts are for the folks who want to have fun every day, baby Good school photos court date wedding whatever you got trying to get your kids back Just what they do shout out to seven strong the boys. They all come out to the shows in california We fucking love you guys right now seven strong is getting ready to bring the for their black friday sale running the black friday through cyber monday With up to 34 off most items. This is the best time to give the wardrobe a refresh And as a special deal just for garbage listeners visit seven dash strong dot com That's the number seven dash strong dot com and use our code AYG five to get an additional five dollars off one code per customer
Starting point is 00:22:56 Some restrictions apply sales prices will be applied in the cart seven strong every day wear for everybody Do it they're the best. Let's talk about freeze bite, baby. Oh, they call me mr. Freeze over there Let's talk about pulling to rip in banger That was my biggest complaint back in the day, man Your throat would get hot it would burn your throat all that stuff freeze pipe you throw it in the freezer Cools everything down gives you a nice thick cloud. It's a really a good time, man And it's a sharp looking piece of equipment. It does look pretty cool comes in a cool box I feel official with that thing. Yeah, no more throw up bar. No more tense coughing tax
Starting point is 00:23:31 No more chugging water after every rip, baby The secret is the freezeable glycerin chambers that come on every piece pop one of these chambers in the freezer For about an hour and you're ready to start cooking Smoke is instantly cooled as it passes through the icy chamber Change how you smoke forever, baby pipes, bubblers, bongs, dab rigs and more If you can smoke it freeze pipe makes it so head over to the and enjoy your new favorite piece What do we do every day great prices use code garbage for 10% off your next order? That's the
Starting point is 00:24:09 code garbage safe 10% shop today your throat and lungs will thank you do it see you on pluto Shout out to none I love it, but home run of a question this one in the same world. This is from jake ten dollar dirt bag Shout out is it garbage for me to wear a golf glove while i'm ripping darts in the car So my wife doesn't smell it on my hands when I get home I Respect that but it's other places too, but the hands are the worst. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's tough even You know a hand wash don't get that off
Starting point is 00:24:43 You gotta wash sanitize and then like eat the Ritos or something when somebody rolls in from having to Having a smoke outside in the cold. Well, I remember your uncle would do that when he rolled you do it You come in here smelling like a fucking ashtray sometimes. I don't smoke things What this whole show is based on the premise of me new fucking ripping burnies. We sell shirts that say burn Ah, man Well, I had to my primary care physician today about that. So you're still not smoking. Yeah doing good feel great eating two packs a day though Uh Yeah, they know he knows they know he key. I was smoking in the office. Is there gonna have to put that out? Are you still smoking?
Starting point is 00:25:25 You ever have a doctor tell you to put his thing out Um I remember that was the big dirt bag thing like in college and stuff if the doctor found out you smoked Your insurance would get all fucked up So you always said no and I caved the one time and I was like, yeah, you know Have one now and then he's like, so you are a smoker. I was like, no, no, no, I swear to god and fucking marked me I marked it down in my file Yeah, I was worried he's gonna call my mom and tell her I was back on the heaters
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's that little bastard Um I had a quick one for you fellas hit toby. You'll lead you alluded to it on the Natasha Legerro episode But I had the thought beforehand kismet you brought it up if you have a lot of cash no wallet Are you going large bills on the outside or small bills on the outside? I mean the wise guy Um etiquette would be As lefty from mulberry street said Beener on the outside, but beener on the outside keep the hundred on the outside
Starting point is 00:26:29 This is my thing But i'm also but these animals in this city They'll jump out the window at you to get it if they if you're if you're flexing a five But you still want to keep up appearances, right? So it's a it's a fine line. You gotta dance on the street. You invert it No, this is what I'd do Go ahead, uh, if i'm leaving the house Right leaving the house. I got my money from the day before whatever I dropped the ones off
Starting point is 00:26:56 I don't take the one I don't leave the house with ones It's like my little I have like a little savings like a little jar we put all the ones in if you need like milk money Whatever I'm running out. There's you know, there's 20 30 bucks there. Whatever milk money. Who you living with? He's he's european. She's moving with a little rascals No, if you remember from do you remember red man's crib mtv cribs? Yeah, we had the shoebox over his fridge his dollar box I've always wanted a dollar box and I've never had enough dollars to maintain a dollar box But now I have a dollar box. Okay, so if you ever just need well, whatever, you know tips or what I like having ones on me
Starting point is 00:27:31 A little bit of this a little bit of that The two whatever so I only leave the house with 20s really. Yeah two two three 20s. That's it That's what I'm that's what I'm rocking with two three 20s. Hmm. Okay Spot pay you bury if you get a hundo from you know hundo Spot pay nice. You bury that in the middle of the 20s So again, unless people think like oh, he's at least got 20 bucks What's on the inside? Who knows who knows I always go? I was always told to go small bills on the outside so you don't get jumped or whatever
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, but like I said, you want to fucking, you know, you want to look cool You want to look cool can't be flashing ones like a bozo the trashy answer I think is ones on the outside and then all classes you got you got your heavy bike rolling outside because then you're Going places where it doesn't matter. Yeah, but it's like if you have 100 and then 220s It's like so aware that you're trying to show off that hundred You need like four grand to be like, yeah, I keep the other all hundreds. It doesn't matter But if you have If you have one oh like a hundred dollar bills surrounding like three ratty ones. Oh, yeah, that's a bad look
Starting point is 00:28:36 straight straight to five Have you ever seen the that's a tough look the picture of of puff daddy Courtside holding a lot of hundreds and 120 and he's looking at the 20 like oh He's looking like what is this? Who gave me this? It's not even worth my time to count it I heard a clip from I think it was brad williams Uh this weekend he he did the I guess he was traveling somewhere. I believe it was brad williams
Starting point is 00:29:02 He did he was traveling somewhere and he had I guess they were told get a shitty cell phone and a fake wallet In case you get robbed. That's what you hand over That's a that's a move. I wouldn't mind having that was back in the day. That was in the 80s. Colin Quinn says it in his show, uh, the new york The new york show is you'd have your mugger money. They'd say hey have your mugger money on you Have 20 bucks rolled up and they go hey give me your money and you go. All right. Here's him. Here's my mugger money That's not bad. He goes you got to a point where they're like just give me your 20 that you already like I won't take everything Just give me the 20. That's a gentleman's thing. That's hey getting robbed one thing
Starting point is 00:29:39 I don't want to have to fucking go to the dmv and deal with all that shit or fucking call me. Yeah, I'm wallet It's like to me Had that thing forever Might not be this episode. Uh, we might be loyal to another brand Ooh, nice. Um, all right. This one's from banister lannister. Don't think that's his first name Uh, ever gotten airborne in a car Dude, you're fucking up if all four wheels come off the ground once and I was so fucking mad at my friend for Uh, letting us drive to school with this kid who the kid buddy is in a doom buggy on the way to school
Starting point is 00:30:20 How do you get airborne on the way to school at seven o'clock in the morning fucking hitting the gas? so Me and my boy me me and my boy you live in the same neighborhood this kid lived in the same neighborhood And him and I I think at the time we're taking turns driving you drive. I'll drive you die. You die So he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like josh is gonna drive ever like the new guy in the mix a friend of a friend I hate he did two moves and I was an old man then I didn't like that shit. I didn't like jumping off the roof into the pool Or fucking going to the quarry. You can't get off my roof. I didn't like any of that
Starting point is 00:30:54 I didn't like doing dangerous shit where I was gonna end up as the fucking you see what happens Yeah, I mean patty and terry instilled that in me like when they would put like the car out in front of the high school Near prom that shit petrified me Like going to prom. I didn't I didn't I drove. I didn't drink anything. I wore three condoms Only did anal I want to knock this brought up Put them on after the shower I didn't wear them there
Starting point is 00:31:25 I didn't like that shit Okay, and he picks us up and he's got a I think you had a zephyr. You know what a zephyr is It was an old piece of shit car And over on this one street cathcart road. There was like this little hump. I know the and there's a hump at every town And man out of nowhere. He's like watch just he's like watch this and fucking And dude, I had a fucking wrestling meet that night. I was like, dude, what are you doing, man? Fucking I freaked out and then as we got closer to school. There was this other There was a house that had a horseshoe driveway that went from one road to the other
Starting point is 00:32:05 He pulls in there real fast and goes through their horseshoe. That was kind of fun But the jump in didn't like that shit that shit the kids do now is crazy They're all standing in a circle spinning the cars and they all want to get hit by the car You break a hip. I don't trust that like the What is that? What are they? What do they do? How Toby might know how I don't know how they do that. I'm not a car guy How do they do that thing? We're like How do they do donuts they hold in the break or what's going on that the front of the cars stay in still where they're spinning There's got to be something cooking. I don't know, but it's irresponsible
Starting point is 00:32:40 Well, as you go home and get your homework done Toby does have a license as an unlicensed street racer myself Back in the day our friends used to go down to the races North Carolina drift Our friends used to go down to the couple of kids growing up had like real shitty Mustangs parents. Yeah, yo for sure single family home like Dad was you know somewhere and he would send checks and they you know, it was a loveless household date bounce a lot of pit bulls floating around too sure, um Kick it smoke sigs out front of the house at like 14 15 years old. It's cool and orange. She don't care. Yeah Like one of those kids were like, do you have parents like I've never seen them
Starting point is 00:33:22 They never showed up to pick you up at the basketball games or anything. Yeah Um, it's always hanging out under a street light couple houses where there's holes punched in the wall in the living room Oh, yeah, you save that shit for the bedroom, but kids would go down to the races Uh, which ones down in south philly like by the airport like I'm like that. Oh like it like illegals races. Yeah, like like the drag We're not talking about the Trotters here Not talking about Belmont dude talking about fucking like no mint julips and weird hats No, like south philly street races on like wednesday nights No, and I'm like because fast and fierce was banging back in everybody wanted a souped up civic
Starting point is 00:33:59 Sure, uh myself included. I hate the And it's always the cars like half shitty half nine ever got it But I remember friends of mine of ours would be like, yeah, we're going down to the races tonight I'd like fake a tummy ache. I'm like, buddy. I can't make it. You need about that life Dude, no fucking way It's not gonna cheesesteak or something. You know what I mean? Yeah, family matters. I wish I could help out that Yeah, yeah, it's never happened But we did have the hump where you would like my dad would like speed over it
Starting point is 00:34:30 Like as the kids like just like scare us or whatever wrote real cool guy scaring the shit out of the back of the pickup and the people have done a little bit version of that too Oh, yeah, we were back. We were a big back in the pickup. Yeah older kids The fuck my brother's friends were driving us somewhere. They had a pickup. They'd catch us on something Mm-hmm, but a little bit to shake us up. This was I'm fucking I got half a pop tart in me It's fucking eight o'clock in the morning. I'm on my way to school My hair's still wet from the shower and this guy's playing fucking evil. Can evil Just to try to fit in you're killing me here
Starting point is 00:35:05 Um, home run of a question though home run. All right, this one's from uh, b batron, I guess $10 shareholder Uh Did you or anyone your family ever own a hookah? Which is the trashiest of the tobacco Smoking now if you're pulling tubes out of it, dude. Yeah, but then still I mean who's smoking You just smoke a bong or a fucking right here I don't know somebody's dad had one and this is before I knew that you were supposed to smoke, uh, Tobacco, what do you know what they don't smoke tobacco out of a hookah. Yeah, I do
Starting point is 00:35:40 It's like incense or mur or something like that tobacco. I don't think so. It's like the ash or something It's called shisha. I believe Okay And it's a it's a like a wet tobacco. Yeah, it's tobacco It's like flavored tobacco. They put coals on there. So it like continues to burn. Maybe that's roast in some beasters Maybe that's I'm sure it's cool rip tubes. Um, but you know like we had we had one that had like four different tubes And you put weed in it. We'd all smoke. Yeah Smoking yeah, that's a little I mean
Starting point is 00:36:14 I think it's trashier to have one for just tobacco use than anything I mean some cultures that that's what they do. Yeah. Yeah, of course. I mean, yeah Other than the heights, which is a lot of uh predominantly dominican and they it's like huge the hookah the hookah lounges Really? Yeah. I mean most of new york, uh has most of the cult like you can't go like four blocks outside of Manhattan I thought that was more I thought that was what? Middle Eastern It's everywhere. It's like there's a lot of cultures really leaned into it. I think of like some fat cat smoking it Hello, rick. Yeah. No, it's uh, I mean out on the streets everything. It's like posting up. I mean all like the I go into most fucking
Starting point is 00:36:54 Uh, bodegas they sell hookah shit. Really? Yeah. Yeah. At least the tubes the fucking whatever. Yeah I'm sure at your fancy sleep away school. You probably smoked that shit. No, we had it at my dirtbag flop house in Chicago though There you go hookah. Oh, yeah. Were you smoking hookah? Were you smoking doobies out of it? Uh, mostly it would just be she sure whatever and then occasionally somebody throw some nugs in there Do a little you know, do a little steinway split little spliff type deal I don't hate it nugs nugs is all right Kippets kamikoto time, baby kamikoto time to slice through that Thanksgiving turkey like a hot knife through butter, baby Kamikoto builds over 800 years of Japanese experience in creating steel
Starting point is 00:37:39 To make knives that have been meticulously handcrafted using techniques that date back to japan's Edo periods one of my favorite periods that Edo period Of course nothing wrong with it. Dang. Absolutely fantastic knives Their single bevel edge can achieve an unbelievable sharp edge. You just can't get with other knives Don't be a bozo. What are you doing? You can cut through a rib eye like butter. Uh-huh I'm telling you buddy. They were nice enough to send me a package of them. I comes in a nice wooden thing Flip it open nice soft in there. Got him. I mean, I mean my wife were sword fighting in a goddamn kitchen Uh, choose by michelin star chefs worldwide every knife is individually inspected and comes with a lifetime guarantee
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Starting point is 00:38:59 That's what two college dropouts did in an apartment back in the day when they created the greatest watch company of all time Clean designs top quality product. Yeah, and here's the turkey. What's that? What do you think gobble gobble fraction of the price? Who don't love a fraction of the price fraction of the price now. You're speaking my language daddy Guys the good folks at movement. We've been talking about it for years now They they they were nice enough to send send me a nice watch Baby, I love it. I this is how much of a bozo. I am they sent me a watch. I went out of the guy I got to get an expensive watch. I went out bought a expensive watch. I like movements watch better It looks cooler. It looks better. My wife likes it better. I try to throw a move on her
Starting point is 00:39:40 She shot me down whatever watches are just beginning to movements line that they have eyewear jewelry Designed to set you apart blockers too. Oh, but it's the best So be a good gift giver with movement during their seasonal sale get a special discount just in time for the holidays Join movement today at That's Do it. Can't establish titles, baby Let's run it back one more time. Hey ladies. Hey, lord Big fans of established titles over here on the show So you gotta get a tunnel at the heat blow over get some land over there in scotland. Yeah, hide out for a little bit This is the only way i'm a i'm a goddamn landowner is by is by established titles
Starting point is 00:40:22 There you go. Ain't nobody else giving me a square foot of land nowhere else Hey, my grandfather said by real estate. They ain't making any more of it There you go. That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say, baby Guys with every order of status With every order established titles plants a tree and works with global charities how about that to support global Reforestation efforts title packs give you at least one square foot of dedicated land on private estate in edelston scotland An official certificate with a crest boom. We got one right here We got table's got one. I got one big man got one get that put on your license
Starting point is 00:40:54 The first 200 people purchased a title pack using our link will effectively be next to our plots with a few minutes of walking We can be neighbors. We can build our own garbage kingdom, baby. It makes a great last minute gift and Stay off my lawn established titles is running a black friday sale Plus if you use the code garbage you get an additional 10% off go to establish titles comm slash garbage You get your gifts now and helps put the channel down. Who's talking that day about blowing shotguns Was that you? Yeah You're making fun of my mom telling me to say that she blown shotguns
Starting point is 00:41:24 I've been meaning to ask you guys this for like a month hit me What do you spend every day together for the past three months, dude? No, I know I just keep slipping my mind. What do you call it when you hold in smoke so long that when you exhale nothing comes out? Oh um Goat not ghost ghosting it maybe ghosting that's a popular one. He called a drug addiction, I believe You'd have a name for that bully. Um, I don't think so zeroing That's a popular maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:41:53 We did used to have I remember smoking a blunt in my short-lived, uh weed career I would panic like a motherfucker Smoking a blunt on the side of this kid's house, uh, who was like, you know Still rough around the edges this kid. This is one of those where you're like, what are your are do you have parents those type kids? Smoking a blunt and they can have the idea. I think they called it the chicago You chicago it where you take we were also 12 So like somebody could have just made this up completely Where you take a hit and then it goes around and you're not allowed to exhale until it gets back to you
Starting point is 00:42:27 That's a good time Man my world inverted I might as well been an inception, dude My world turned upside down because you exhale and then hit it against you You're like, that's the only thing you're getting is fucking blunt smoke as a 12 year old Where were you on that one mom when a super hot check would with shotgun. That was pretty cool With you. Yeah, I never had that. Oh, really? Shout out to my boy pad. I had him a couple of times I've been here with the skinny. Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:02 Ah, man Um, all right here. This this is just this is mirf the god ever seen your own asshole Yeah, absolutely how mirrors I went down there to nasa I did a full spray with any label. It's what do you think they can it's probably shaving my butt My conch over here pulled his butt apart It's like indiana jones where he has the 19 mirrors to get Some poor egyptian kid holding it up has seen
Starting point is 00:43:43 Like in the fifth element he's yelling at him Hold the line I think I might have seen a moment go start coming out everywhere Ah That thing's haunted for sure. What's the lesson you touched your own butthole? Like Finger touched your butthole This morning in the shower, right? Yeah, probably. All right, cool. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:08 fuck That was like you were accusing me and also like wanted it I grew up with a kid who says he's never touched his own butthole. You gotta touch your butthole Well, you also grow with a pathological liar because that's crazy. Yeah I've look I've seen everything looked at everything Fiddled with everything the whole mind yard. You gotta know your own body. Sure. I don't I think I've taken a disgusting as mine is I think I've taken a glance Back in like high school or college. It was like, all right. That's enough for me dog. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:36 Hey, don't yeah, I know it's there. We don't fucking talk and we keep it moving You know what I'm gonna step that at christmas. Hey, don't go to see He's probably a little beat up nowadays though, but You ever have a hemorrhoid? That'll scare God into you, bro For sure. You got roids? I mean, I have the most of the time I wonder why you don't look at it. Hey, come on in. Well, yeah That's the first time I looked. Yeah. It was a little messy down there. A little spare tire back there too I looked he was looking right back at me
Starting point is 00:45:11 But he don't for christmas You got a light? You mind putting that sig out? Hey hemorrhoid, you might put that sig out for a minute Uh I had a lot of discoloration around the The outer the outer rim look like a burn victim. I it's bad It's bad. Yeah, that's what I don't want to know. It's like an oak tree. You can count how many years it's been around Yeah bad news I wish I get it all bleach back there get all cleaned up. I mean you can
Starting point is 00:45:41 I know focus on bigger issues that hand than bleaching your butthole at the moment penis enlargement. I'm with you Get in there. All right. This one's from Eric. Uh, is it garbage if your whole family slept on water beds? My parents still have one 35 years strong We had one in the house my stepdad had one I guess in his uh Single days and then when he moved into my mom's we brought it over my brother used it for a long time Which I've said, oh, I don't know how and I haven't been on one since you know, I was eight or whatever How do you How do you have intercourse on one? Yeah, I feel like you to
Starting point is 00:46:21 It's the I feel it's very ins my memory of it would be very unstable You slap the wave at your feet and then you're right at it I was the body burp body body surfing champ of wildwood It's normal I only probably did it once or twice Because I had it when I was like 16 or 17. You know what I mean? Like a cat walking on the top of a pool cover and trying to figure it out What are you getting into there? What do you get your hands up?
Starting point is 00:46:46 You let the water do the work. I don't know you sit back Let her do the work You let him do the work Yeah, I don't know I just think about that a lot and also like my cousins had to is it good for your back Can you get can you get eyes on that like is it good for Did it work? They went back and forth and said that like the water wasn't good if the heater broke in the middle of the night You could it could kill you because you would like go into hypothermia. I don't know. I thought it was pretty chill
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah, pretty snug. I've had them for a long time. There's a one in my house for a long time All right Water beds are good for the back and can help them out with muscle tension pressure points pressure sores and back pain Next paragraph a water bed can cause back pain. Yeah, it's all bullshit. I'm out. Do they still make them though? I'm sure think so, huh? Yeah. Yeah, probably anything there, you know, probably not a whole bunch We uh, when Mine got popped because I threw it pretty much just a fucking air mattress that you put water in at this point Uh, I threw a temper tantrum one night started kicking my bed and I popped it didn't realize it
Starting point is 00:47:50 And then like a couple hours later my brother came in and jumped on it and He's like you fucking Yeah, had to call all state So we had a fucking Use the hose to drain it But I slept in that bed for about a year with a with a uh a full-sized mattress in there Whoa inside the water bed. That's a tough luck Tread it's what we call a white tree, but it was actually kind of cool. It was cozy
Starting point is 00:48:16 Uh, I guess it just fit just and I have like I have like a little space between that and the headboard Put your snacks put my snacks put put like my gijos Couple comic books a couple of nudie mags. Don't mind it. I uh patty none the way my sister popped my brothers in a fight And that's why we're like all right. We got to get on purpose. Oh, yeah I took an earring out and fucking popped it. Wow. Yeah, you could have put a little flex seal on that in the earring Yeah, but I think my uh, where did she Yeah, she's yeah, and I think after that my mom was like, all right, we got to you know Fucking west side story over here. There were clearly animals. He had put her stuffed animal on the roof of the house
Starting point is 00:48:55 He would go out climbing on the roof out of one of the windows And he put she had a stuffed out of a stuffed pig and he She put her her pig got put on the roof He was a real he was a real ass all that I like his style. I remember my mom would come home from work and he would be like on the roof Walking around smoking sticks and she's like, what are you doing? She couldn't go get him too She's in scrubs. He just he just did whatever he wanted until like he fucking, you know, the cops came or whatever Growing up my buddy's parents had, you know, the full shot like they had like the king size
Starting point is 00:49:28 My aunt and uncle had a sick one. No, but it was split because the the mom didn't want the Waterbed so they had like a single waterbed and a single Regular mattress in the frame Because he liked the waterbed and she did it. Wow, that's weird. Now that would that That's like having sex on the beach. Uh-huh. You're half in half out. What time's low tide, huh? Holy jammy up the crabs start coming in. That's wild. Uh-huh, man that I don't mind um, all right, this one's uh This one's from Kevin. Is it garbage to pack your winter coat?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Hold on start over Is it garbage to pack your kid's winter coat with beers when going into a football game because they don't get padded down by security? That's yeah, of course. I don't know if it's trashy. I've never been the sneaking beers in anywhere I've never been a fan. Really? No, I'm not a sneaker like that. You're candy at the movies. Yeah, sure But that's more of a selection thing Yeah, but there are so many more benefits to sneaking booze in than sneaking candy in I'm aware of that price-wise. Yeah, but not even that but it's just waiting in line those beer lines get fucking boncos Sure, they've gotten better with it with the stalls and the stands and shit like that
Starting point is 00:50:45 But if you you sneak a sixer and you save I don't know 80 bucks true You save 80 bucks. You don't have to wait in line. You drink your own brand not. Hey, we're out of course light We have fucking michelow I was always once they busted you I just say hey dump those out. Are you gonna throw you in jail? They throw you out of the game in front of your kid Kids the kids alone drinking of beers. What do you want from him? Sorry Hey, I don't know this little fucker He told me he'd give me a deal on a ticket. That's all I knew officer
Starting point is 00:51:18 Uh back before they got back before they got keen to it, uh, we'd go to our uh the games You'd wear the hoodie put beers they would just search here Or your bag like if you had a bag and we everybody put like three or four beers in your hoodie And they wouldn't now they they kind of will they'll give you like at least the the grab or whatever But this is when no one yeah, and I was like, I said, maybe we all put them in or we snuck We snuck like 30 beers in between like six or eight of us. That's pretty good You know, you put them in your butt. It's pretty good too. They don't get them. Yeah, that's Okay, you gotta use the pounder can't I need the big boys
Starting point is 00:51:55 You gotta start off with a pound there and get the other ones in there My uh, my boy brought it stuck into a music festival. Uh, a tube of sunscreen full of vodka And I never forget him in the middle of a mosh pit squirting vodka Three o'clock in the afternoon. I mean, that's a big thing on cruises too. The shampoo bottle my step dad did that They were all going on a cruise him and another my can't bring booze on the cruise No, because I want you to buy their booze and their booze is expensive. Really? Yeah, I think everybody's allowed like one bottle or something. It's like very Like very regularly. Do they look through your bag? Yeah, they like search your shit. Who does the cruise?
Starting point is 00:52:33 I guess I don't know. I'm not letting some dickhead from fucking carnival cruise look through my bag I mean the tsa is one think that's a that's a government organization. I don't think it is though It's tsa isn't a government organization. It's like one of those like third. It's real wonky. That's just a fucking guy I was working away. That's for that guy was working at cvs two years ago. That's for safety though They're part of homeland security. There you go. I don't know that's federal Some fucking kid. I'm pretty sure they're one of them. I remember already one of the back office of princess cruises Private tie. It's like one of those like weird semi-private ties Someone's getting caked up. They look give that a google. They look through your bag when you get on a cruise
Starting point is 00:53:13 They do. Yeah, my my parents have fuck you Dumped with that. Fuck that She got caught she got caught with a with an empty leg No, but that's a big thing because everybody's It's like the suitcase from fear and loathing Rollin in there You didn't pack one piece of clothes, man The first thing if you step how to sneak in booze on a cruise pops up
Starting point is 00:53:41 It's like one of the main things they sell empty. You can buy smugs jugs. This guy's hidden four bottle Yeah, you can buy empty Shampoo bottles like that. They don't that there was nine bottles of shampoo really You're bald. I'm persian. I don't know Um, yeah that uh That I would do I don't but I remember my dad weeks my step dad weeks out was like We got this we got the shampoo. He's gonna have the bliss He's gonna have and like everybody went strapped to the gills with fucking with booze because it's like it's very expensive
Starting point is 00:54:16 It's like 12 dollars a drink or something imagine living in an airport for four days. That's what it's like Trying to get fucked up too. Most people on a cruise are going to get fucked up That's crazy. They look through your bag Mm-hmm. I don't know if they still I mean that was the big thing Um, all right, let's see here The One sec. Um, all right. This one is from shelby first time long time shelby Do you or anyone you know request hot beer?
Starting point is 00:54:46 I once had a regular in my bar tending days Request we kept a 30 pack of keystone by the cooler motor to raise the temperature above room temp Uh, that's crazy. Yeah, that's a crazy. That's a yeah, that's nuts. Also the keystone. What light? Yeah, what's come on couple of pebbles. Yeah Say one of the mountain battens that we're dealing with That's trash. That's nuts. I don't even I need my beer's got to be screaming warm keystone screaming Warm keystone light you're asking for esophageal cancer too. That's it'll burn Dude, they go down so hard
Starting point is 00:55:26 So they go down hard when they're cold What my keystone? I don't mind the keystone I've been getting back on the light beers. I'm off the IPA. Is that right to retrieve them last night Man, they really if you get off them for a little while your tolerance dies down push it over. I was googling I did dinner. Hey, I was making a run on the waiter, dude Yeah, this thing's fuck you up anymore. Yeah, I goof you Yeah, yeah I really like it sister. I'll clown you a little bit smack you in the head pull your ear. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:59 Oh, I heard a great term for beer yesterday wobbly pops. Hmm. That's pretty good Wow a couple of two tree wobbly pops a couple weevil wobbles Straighten me out. Um, all right. This one's from jeff When I was growing up my dad didn't use an air conditioner When he would get hot he would lay in the front yard with a fan and have us wipe him down with rubbing alcohol to cool off That seems crazy toxic That's too much rubbing alcohol lay in the front yard with a fan Why not do that in the house? I guess the fumes would get you. Yeah, why make the kids do it too? Why not?
Starting point is 00:56:34 You know, I think we're gonna put with you know, it's cheap labor. That's not long term that lasts about 30 seconds Does feel good though What the cool that's like putting like mineral ice on it's not really lowering your temperature. Just it's like makes you feel cool You know what I mean? I don't know. I mean, yeah, that's garbage Yeah, that's insane dead the rights sane behavior Tucker T would just wait until the last possible second to put it in especially Going back to the 80s. We didn't have an air conditioner or we did and he didn't I don't I Because I just remember one night. Let's all see you have central air now. You guys window units
Starting point is 00:57:15 They have sheer central. I had to get that put in because that's an older house. No, I believe so. Yeah, but How long have you been in that house 20 30 years since the 80s? 87 I believe Yeah, they probably they probably Which maybe it was in we it wasn't because we had one we had the biggest air conditioner I've ever seen in my life In the front window of the house we moved in for the first of that house Yeah, for the first few years window unit on the front Yeah, it was a bay window
Starting point is 00:57:47 The size of a pickup truck it was or maybe it was in the back now It was in the back It was in the back next to the yeah And then that was in the before they had it all all done But it was sticking out heavy bike It was a huge one. It looked like a regular window unit But it was fucking like the size of a refrigerator and that shit would fucking ice you down Yeah, nothing better than that when it's hot out thrown on a window unit and stand in front of that thing
Starting point is 00:58:11 God damn pebbles off real quick But in in my in my house the first house that we lived in No ac no central air And we would ride it out and I think the one summer When it got real hot he put it they put it in the living room And we all slept downstairs in the living room and they put blankets Over the the the passageways into like the hallway It was fun, you know, like a Friday night. You're all in there snuggling. You don't know any better
Starting point is 00:58:39 I know when you got it down the shore then when you walk through that blanket. You're like, uh Start wobbling. Yeah. Yeah, they're walking into a fucking good kitchen And then one night I remember he was trying to put it It was like three o'clock in the morning when my mom was bitching We were all sleeping in their room and he was trying to get the window unit in in the hole and he kept catching his finger God damn it, buddy And chat, you don't know how good you got it good times. Uh, once you got that thing cooled down Whoo was good sleep tempers cooled down
Starting point is 00:59:11 Everybody knocked out cold we uh, we didn't my dad never mind spending a buck or two Especially when we didn't have it so he didn't mind just The air conditioner was never a thing it was always like turn it on whenever the first hot day was That would get cooking Denise at Denise's house She didn't have a fucking say that the inmates were running the asylum So she would be like keep it on 78. We were like, okay. It's 78. He would just do whatever the fuck we were cooking a turkey We would just do whatever the fuck we wanted and then when my stepdad came in he really tried to reign like, you know He's he's really trying to reign at all. Touch that ec. Yeah, he would but he would go to bed at like eight
Starting point is 00:59:48 If he's a construction worker because the bed at like 7 15. He wakes up He wakes up. I had that thing at like 67 dude. Just fucking Whoo, like the core's light train. He wakes up with a cold. God damn it. Yeah Okay, don't touch that thermostat. All right pal sleeping in his underwear. I'm sweating it out in the living room watching fucking Yeah, get out of here. There's not happening Patty runs the uh thermostat Gestapo regime they still do it now crazy. Do you go home my mom? It's it's like it's better to sleep cold No, it's not did you go home?
Starting point is 01:00:22 They all have they have winter jackets on in the kitchen a little bit about it, of course It's crazy I remember the one time I walked home. They were both in fucking ski jackets on the couch watching fox news I was like, you guys look like you're on a ski lift right now How the slopes buddy, it's crazy. Yeah, it's kooky. It's crazy. They got people get to a certain age and they I guess they stop working. They're on fixed incomes. I don't know what it's rolling in. Listen. It cannot be that much more It can't be I mean a couple a hundred bucks a month. Yeah, it can be man. It could be a couple hundred Yeah, if you run it all the time, it can be 200 bucks a month. I think they're just nuts
Starting point is 01:01:01 What are you doing? Oh This is awesome. Yeah, I mean from your perspective you spent every dollar you've ever made until this point myself included We're not we're not ones to be like we've never saved a dollar to a different generation Yeah, yeah, yes, we're spending it before we get it. They're like, hey, we gotta fucking I gotta live the next 35 years You you gotta do three months Roll the well fucking burn the bridge You got the heat and the ac going Just let them know you can turn the oven on let them duke it out. Uh-huh
Starting point is 01:01:35 That's the saddest thing I've realized about myself. I've spent I've been working since I was 12 and I've spent every dollar I've ever made Don't most people do that. No, dude. Not everybody does that. You think most people have savings saved up Yes, every not every a lot of probably doesn't yes. He does not really for tax purposes. Yeah, I have my taxes saved up. So do you I don't know what you're getting at most people have savings accounts like saving savings. Yes. Oh really? Yeah, you just have the money that yours you owe that money to the government. Sure. Yeah, that's what I'm saying So you don't I'm ready to go. Yeah. I'm saying you don't have like savings. No, yeah That's what I'm saying. We've spent every dollar we've made until this day You've been working for 30 years and every single dollar you've gotten has gone back into the economy, which I respect
Starting point is 01:02:19 There you go. Yeah, no shit man Keeping the fucking wheels turning Turning ac up And crack a window while you're at it. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yeah, I mean they yeah Yeah, we just we're very irresponsible with money and we've always have been sure Our family generate our parent generation was not. No, you know what I mean? No But it is what it is. They would scream and yell You ain't everything I just bought it turn that down. Where'd I come again? Don't lose that
Starting point is 01:02:56 Yeah, yeah Shout out to them. All right. Let's see here Uh, this is from Ian. Are you garbage if your family if you all right? Sorry start over This is from Ian. Are you garbage if your family taxidermies the dog? Oh That's that doesn't seem that seems It never comes outright. It's like plastic surgery in the 80s. Like what are you doing the technology's not there It never looks good, man. You know, he's not alive
Starting point is 01:03:25 I get it from the perspective of like I want to you know, it's uh, you know, they're so close to you They're a family member the whole nine yards. I get that but like the execution of it and then it just doesn't work I said, listen, I'm not a hunter. Okay, but I respect it Uh, I see taxidermy as a trophy as a look what I look what I did. Okay, sure and some hunting obviously um, the little elephants and stuff like that they didn't nice little things but Um, there's a run around. I would have got damn place. Take a take out a buck or two a doe Fucking messed up my Chevy Cavalier But that's like a trophy
Starting point is 01:04:02 When you know that when you know the animal that seems a little weird I mean that at least makes I can I guess I can kind of you give him a hug You say you're goodbyes and you and you take care of it. You can't just have a freezer sitting in a living room I I yeah, I don't know doing like this thing. You know, I mean It's playing fake catch Uh, yeah, I don't know. I don't know my doing the Harlem shake challenge My stepdad's dad was big into taxidermy. What you like too too much But deers or like you know bears and yeah, but birds and quails and you see you start doing a couple of bears too
Starting point is 01:04:37 Which would scare? Yeah, yeah, dude. My buddy Ernie's dad had a fucking huge bear huge huge hug They went up and he did have a huge hug they went up through Alaska or something like that and went on like a hunting trip That's what those dudes those taxidermy dudes. They seek out to go get a certain Thing and a lot of you know, it's a very it becomes like a trophy. Obviously like a trophy trophy Hey, we're going up to Canada. That's this is when the the fucking quails are flocking or whatever But it's like you can't have like a deer a lion's head and then a pitbull head just Well, I would argue the people that are taxidermy in the
Starting point is 01:05:13 Dog probably maybe they are taxidermy people Maybe You gotta you yeah, listen. Listen. Listen. I am still feeding them every day and so I'm the biggest animal lover love love love love Hate saying goodbye Breaks my heart you got to let that go You can't be taxidermy in the dog. I've seen somebody do it with a cat vacation and stuff. Yeah, that's all no
Starting point is 01:05:38 It just looks like a bad pillow get a painting or something. Yeah, that's nice a nice frame a nice picture family picture There you go. There you go. You can't be having them like, you know Walking or a moving them room to room. Yeah, plus for like Stephen King purposes. I think comes back pet cemetery nice That movie scared the fucking Jesus No way, Jose. I slept with the door locked For a couple weeks after I saw that and I saw it begrudgingly. Yeah, if you do get your pet taxidermy put them in the crawl space for sure Yeah, they're kidding. That's it gang. We got to wrap it up gang. We love you and we'll see you next week. Peace

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