Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Casey Rocket!

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Are You Garbage is back with Casey Rocket! We're talking drinking 'tuss, running from home and big business! You know Casey Rocket from stand up comedy, Kill Tony, The William Montgomery Show, Matt an...d Shane's Secret Podcast, Soder Podcast, Almost Friday Podcast, Chrissy Chaos, Camp Gagnon, First Date with Lauren Compton and so much more! Thanks for watching AYG Comedy Podcast. Love youse guys. Come to a live show! AYG 2025 Tour Tickets: Live Shows: PATREON: MERCH: Sponsored By: Ridge Wallet: Upgrade your wallet today! Get 10% Off @Ridge with code AYG at Rocket Money: Lucy Goods: Mando: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code GARBAGE at Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Tenchione Solo Dirt Bags, the back on the block tour starts this week, baby. We added a couple second shows, but tickets are going quick. Do yourself a favor, grab the squad, come out and see the boys. Yeah, this Saturday, March 8th, second show in Pontiac, Michigan at the Crow Football Room. That's going to sell out. Indianapolis has already sold out. Then we got the Milwaukee Improv on March 11th.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Get those tickets. Madison, Wisconsin, that sold out. The Minneapolis on Friday at the Fillmore get tickets We'll see you there. Let's go Welcome to another exciting edition of RUgarbage The show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals or absolute trash Now here are your hosts, Kevin Ryan and H. Foley.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hey everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite podcast. This is R U Garbage. Oh yeah. It's that little show we sit there with your favorite comedians and we find that out to go to be classy. Yeah. Which are just a big old piece of trash. Trash, trash, trash.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I'm your host H. Foley coming at you on another beautiful day down here in Tejas Austin T. Cody is having a time our life down here tonight. She's sitting in on the keyboard for that Gary Clark, Jr Okay, very tickling the Ivory's baby. She's not gonna want to go back My co's is coming at you from right next to me slightly amused this week. It was alright. He is the CEO of are you garbage? He is an international businessman of my best pal in the whole wide world and I'd love him give it up for KJ Kevin James Ryan everybody what up gang shout out to you Thanks for tuning in as always please make sure you rate you subscribe on iTunes full video available on YouTube and now Spotify And then check out the greatest website all the time
Starting point is 00:01:37 Gang we couldn't even work started ever incredibly and I mean incredibly special guests You're here with us today for the first time. He is a very funny, very successful stand up comedian and podcaster. Rising star on the comedy scene. Yes. One of the stars that killed Tony Universe over that. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. You can hear him every week on the William Montgomery show.
Starting point is 00:01:59 But the big question was mine today, is he garbage? I don't know. It's a big question. Sometimes you got to go away for a home game. Give it up for Casey Rockett, everybody. Thank you. Happy to be well, 30. Just roll that event. It is fine as D extra business as usual. I was happy to hear that you are a CEO.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You're a businessman that gives me comfort. Sure. Yes. I'm also a businessman that gives me comfort. I'm sure yes I'm also a businessman of sorts there and in what sense type of work. Do you do ventures? Here and there as capitals just ventures ventures. I'm working up to capitals and it's been the best summer ever and That's it's only winter I don't know much. I'll be honest with you. Bit of a mystery. Give us the backstory.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Give me the whole thing. Southern boy, no. Is that true? I was born in Normal, Illinois. Bloomington, Normal, Illinois. Okay. On a day just like today. Scared yet.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Scared yet. And but I was raised in Georgia. I spent my whole life in Georgia. Okay. So yeah, North Georgia kind of rural area. What did you guys pull out of Illinois? As a baby when I was about four years old, about four years. Yeah. brothers sisters. I had at the time when I was born, I had an older sister. Okay, she's alive. I don't know why I said it. Yeah. At the
Starting point is 00:03:22 time and it's in here at that time that time and at this time I had an older sister and she's four years older than me and then now I have two half brothers. Okay, they are 18 and 60 when you guys moved to Georgia, did your parents split up? Is that why you moved? Yes. Well, they split up when I was like seven. So they were together for a couple years after we moved down. Okay. And who'd you live with? Back and forth back and forth. Same was it close? The houses? Relatively. Okay, relatively 20 minutes. Civil.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, parents get along. Okay, no. Next question. Not in the slightest. You're looking for baby was messy. It was a blood bath. That's where I got my keen business. My Learn my ventures. They don't fence against the middle. They don't negotiate with each other. And but yeah, so I was a child and that was great. Raised in rural Georgia. Rural Georgia. How rural are we talking about? How many people were in the town?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Um, it's a pretty good sized town, but it was pretty rural. It was my mom is a horse trainer. So I grew up. No shit. Yeah. Like uh like racetrack? Um Western pleasure so like show horses. Sounds like a pornography. Well there's two styles of show horses there's English which is like um the little black hat and the chaps. Gotcha. Very proper in the crop and they do jumping and it's called dressage and that's expensive stuff. That's rich people shit Yeah, but then Western pleasure is like cowboy horses. So Everyone their show horses. So you dress like a cowboy
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's basically like make-believe and then you show these real nice horses with real nice lineages and she would help to train the horse Gotcha and do that at like shows. It would be like a. Yeah, we're always at the horse shows when I was a kid. Strike number one. Yeah, I didn't enjoy it at the time, but I've grown to come. Does she still do it? That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:18 What was the house like, girl? Was it a house, a condo, a townhouse? My dad, when I would be at my dad's, it was like a house, like a two-story house, like a regular house. Um, but then my mom's house- How many times have you said house makes me think it was not a house? It was totally a normal house, two-story house, house, house. Tons of doors, you guys would have loved it. Driveway, everything, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:38 You guys would have loved it, it was perfect. Um, but my mom's, we would move around all the time. So sometimes we would be in a camper, sometimes we would be like. Why the fuck at it? Yeah, like a real small camper. And I burned it down on accident. I was lighting. You did it on purpose.
Starting point is 00:05:55 That's absolutely true. I was lighting little fires in the sink. And. Why? I guess I was just bored or I was angry. I don't know, I was really young. Sure. And then I couldn't, or as angry. I don't know. I was really young sure and then the I couldn't It got bigger than I anticipated
Starting point is 00:06:07 The some things were burning some things got out of hand And I grabbed the nearest thing and I poured it on it when it was nail polish fluid and it fucking And I heard our little home who lived there. Was it just you and her just me and her I don't know where my sister was at that time but it was super small but that was like a pretty small portion that was like six months maybe and then was the camper on like a Site or we just kind of camp it was behind the barn So it was just out and gotcha behind the barn that she worked at yeah that she would rent I guess gotcha Doesn't even own the barn. She's renting the bar. Sure.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Make sense. So it's like some rich guy that owns the barn. She's always trainer for sure. Yeah. All right. And then we would move all we would move around. We lived in a barn for a while like a little apartment. Sure. You all we all slept in the same bed. So what age we talking? Maybe eight or nine. Probably too old. Is this when your parents are still together? No, no, no, no. Okay. So was you your mom and your sister? Yeah. Whoa. What your dad do? What does he do? Yeah, business just like me.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Just in the family. So go with the family business. I'm a chip off the old block. Tie man cup of coffee. You look just like your old man. Yeah. Yeah, he pitches products to Home Depot. So people come to him with the product and he's like the middle man. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Does he go and do the show? Like, is he a pitch man? Yeah. Really? Yeah. So he sets up at what do you call them, like conferences and he'll have his booth with the products of the people. And really try to push to like the buyers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, like Lowe's, Home Depot. So he's like a big break away from being like a Billy Mays. He could pop like that. Maybe, I don't know the extent of, I don't know, he's never really described it to me. Yeah, cause he doesn't, he does give like little presentations. I'd never been there, but.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Do you still talk to both of your parents? Yes, okay? Yeah It seemed a little hesitant, but I can't get a read on this I do feel like I'm talking to Kaiser so say over here Start talking to the British accent My mother's name was couch desk Great woman had a house couch desk shoe knob. So it's pretty cool. How was school growing up? It was fine. I went to public school. Okay, you do well. Were you a good student at all? Or no, I can't stand out with the fires in the
Starting point is 00:08:36 camper. I don't think you're seeing being a smart guy though. Relative. I mean, it came relatively easy to me. But I never like tried out it like bees and sees. Okay. That's pretty good They're enough not bad sports. Yeah baseball. My dad was my baseball coach Alright high school baseball coach He was he pitched at Illinois State. So he was a baseball player Oh, and he was my rec baseball coach from when I was four to when I was 18 So okay my whole life. he was my baseball coach.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Can he throw heat? He was curveball guy. 85 topped out at 85 had had some movement on it though. A little bit of Western pleasure. What did you play? What position? Shortstop primarily and but I would move around. I was utility man.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Gotcha. Chase Utley. Yeah, not the Utley. Played for the Blue Jays for a couple of seasons. Yeah tapered off towards the end there I do that in high school to you play for your high school team. I didn't I only played rec. Yeah, okay Just wreck. I was decent. I never really tried at it though. I love I love love baseball I'm a huge Cubs fan, but I never applied myself. All right. Yeah, huh? What did family vacations look like growing up? But I never applied myself all right. Yeah, huh what did family vacations look like growing up? Disney World pretty good
Starting point is 00:09:51 Is that mom or dad taking you there that was just when they were together? So I have a memory of going there a couple times and then Never been on one with my mom she We didn't have sure yeah, of course sure but working single mom yeah, my dad He took me a couple times to a beach. Yeah like South Carolina a beach a house business Try to try to pull away your chase in the car. I Never think about this stuff. Yeah, it took me to a beach
Starting point is 00:10:25 Sounds like you're making up an alibi on the spot. Yes, there was a beach and my father. You guys would have loved it. Did he get remarried? Uh-huh, yeah. That's where the brother, the half siblings come from. Yeah, they remarried when, he remarried when I was 10. Yeah. And did you get along with your stepmom
Starting point is 00:10:37 and the family and all that kind of stuff? I did not when I was a kid. It was very contemptuous. Burning down houses. Yeah. What age did that happen? Oh, you said 10. I was 10. Gotcha. Yeah, and then my mom remarried when I was a kid, it was very contemptuous. Yeah. Burning down houses. What age did that happen? Oh, you said you said 10. I was 10. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, and then my mom remarried when I was 15 maybe. All right. Were you in that wedding? Were you in either of those weddings? I was in my dad's wedding. Walking down the aisle. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 But by the time my mom remarried, I was completely, I was gone on the tus. I was completely, I was high all the day. I was completely, I was high all the day. All the day, all the live long day. On robot tussin'. On tus and weed and tussin'. Wait, really, you were doing robot tussin'? He was robot trippin', that's what I've heard about the man.
Starting point is 00:11:14 For a short period of my, from 14 to 15, so for two years I was doing that. Really? That's a pretty long period of your life to be robot trippin'. It's 700 day, 700 day tus challenge. Yeah, let's see if you can beat it out there. Did they know? Oh yeah, for sure. long period of your life to be robo 700 day 700 day test challenge. Did they know? Oh, yeah, for sure. I don't think that's something you can hide. So I know. Yeah, I talk about that. It's got a bad
Starting point is 00:11:33 call. I hour all the time. You can't hide it. They would come in my room and I just he's crawling on the ceiling. To have a normal conversation. But you talk really slowly to do it. Yeah. You like can't you're so raspy Like Bradley Cooper and a star is born I'm like Casey what the hell you talking about?
Starting point is 00:12:01 I just came here to tell you good night So your mom gets remarried. The financial situation improves a little bit. Her husband. Yes, you got she gets a house. Your dad has a house that your mom have more kids or now? No, she did not. But he they he had two daughters. So then I had two two stepsisters over there. And then my dad's wife that he married had a stepdaughter so then that house had a stepdaughter and then two little kids that they had yeah so
Starting point is 00:12:29 you're proper you're the only one going back and forth yes two two proper rooms in each house yeah all right but they my sister so she is four years older than me so when I got to high school she was gone so then at that yeah, it was a lot of going back and forth all the time. And I would get kicked out of their houses like every show that. So, yeah. Oh, just being horrible. And robot being in court. Gires. Yeah. Lighting fires. Just being a monster.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It was just not listening to rules and whatever. So you were a handful as a kid. Oh, I was absolutely seems like a bit of a handful now. What kind of stuff would you do to get in trouble? Example, other than the crash my car not lit like turn my phone off and like stay places for like days at a time. And then they'd be like, Hey, man, like you like what it like party at a friend's house, turn my phone off. And then eventually he'd be
Starting point is 00:13:20 like, All right, you have to leave and I just have to turn the phone back on. Hey, sorry. And that yeah, just was getting drunk and high all the time Just had a substance abuse problem, and they would just pop you back and forth Hey go with your mom for a little bit could straighten that you come back Yeah, was there ever a time you weren't allowed at either one of their houses. Yes. Yeah Yes Like it a friend's house condo and Boca Yeah, business had to learn sounds like a nice family and all that stuff and they were cool to you
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah, sure. Yeah, they were nice. Well, I just be random people for a day or two. Yeah All right, but yeah when I was 14, they sent me to a rehab for nine months, but I ran away I ran away after ten days nine months. That's fucking done here, and this is for Tussin Yeah, and pills because opioids are really big where I was from Yeah, I was 14. I'm now 30 So yeah, that's a tail end of the opioid I caught the the 2011 2002 the tail end of the Purdue farm Almost got me. I lived to fight another day the the 2011 2002 the tail end of the Purdue farm almost got lived to fight another day. Talk about big business.
Starting point is 00:14:30 What happened when you when you ran out of rehab after 10 days? What they say about that? Are they springing the bill for this two? Or is it like the state? They it wasn't court mandated. They my dad was paying for it. Yeah, nice one. I guess it was like a T it was teenage rehabs. It was just teenagers and we would just dig stumps all day. It was like it was like spiritual revelation through labor So it was like it stomp sucks. Oh, it was awful and it made no sense fruitless
Starting point is 00:14:57 It was like you will have we it was like martyrs that French movie logic Where's like we will break you down to where you are like God Take me away from this suffering. So it's like sleep deprivation We would only sleep like four or five hours a night the fuck and we go to passages or something Yeah, I would have like that's crazy. Maybe I would have stayed but yeah I get out like escape or you just I ran away so I at night there was a one-hour break after like Look there was a prayer time, and then there was like I knew I was like a Shawshank thing I was like I was like okay if I you know if I sneak out at this time storm
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah, I was like if I leave it at 910 They won't know I'm gone until 945 and that'll give me time to fucking get some serious mileage It's over a half an hour So I open up his room well Casey's gone and he's got 35 minutes on us that boy could be anywhere Did you have a car there? No, I was 14. So I Was a little kid Is this far away from everything? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Where did you physically go? It's really, really, that was super rural. That was like up in the mountains. And I remember somebody telling me that there was a gas station. Like they said, you know there's a gas station like two miles from here. And I was like, yeah, where is it though?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Like I was like dropping hints, like trying to figure out the location. So if I left next Tuesday at 9, 10, how would I get there? How, where is it though? Like I was like dropping hints, like trying to figure out the location. So if I left next Tuesday at 910, how would I get there? How would I get there exactly? They just said take a left. And I was like, all right, I'll take a left. That's quite literally what happened. And I was like, all right, I'll take a left.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Bang a left at the stump and keep going. That's nuts. So I snuck out, I took someone's jacket, I put on shoes, it was winter, and I just ran into the woods and I just ran And it was like fucking my arms all up because it was bramble bushes And I ran for like several miles and then there was a gas station and I had stolen some change So I called some of my friends and I was like it was like I was trying to like brag because they were 14 too
Starting point is 00:17:03 So there's nothing they could do and I was like mom, can we go pick up Casey at rehab? Hey, I'm in the middle of dinner right now. We call you back. I was like, yo, I broke out, I broke out of rehab and they're like, what? That's all right. You're like, cool. I guess. And then I called my dad and I was like, yeah, I ran away. Um, then he came and got me. All right, there you go. And actually the police came and got me. right there you go and actually the police Came and got they get called the police like teenage runaway the police took me back there Then my dad came to there. Yeah, you said hey. I don't want to do this. Yeah, that sucks I feel bad for you fucking 14 year old kid run through the goddamn woods Yeah, what the fuck was like one of those teen challenge things. You know, there's like Netflix documentaries like that trouble teen industry.
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Starting point is 00:20:50 Did things smooth over after that? So they said I were just getting started. Kind of. Sit down fat boy. They said I can't come back, which I was like perfect. Ideal situation. Thanks Dick Edward. What? No. I ran situation. Thanks Dick Edward.
Starting point is 00:21:05 What, no. I ran away. Yeah, I know. Oh, what? So they said I couldn't come back because that was like a trouble to the other kids or something because I ran away. I was like, I would have ran away the first day
Starting point is 00:21:16 if I knew that, but. Dude, he's a nightmare. So they, from there, they put me in a mental hospital for like two weeks. Because they were like, we don't know what to do with you. The rehab was they put me in a mental hospital for like two weeks Because they were like we don't know what to do with you The rehab was saying put him in jail as like a ward of the state crazy and is this just drugs you were just We're having mental issues. No just drugs just us. Yeah, I only have I have a serious substance abuse problem But I don't have any mental health problems. Yeah, and so I both baby just worry that just that night. Yeah, you're like company take him to the hospital So they they put me in the hospital for a little bit. I
Starting point is 00:21:53 Got out and then I got there too. Yeah. Well, no, no, they let me out eventually So it like ran its course. I just never think about this stuff. So then I went back to public school Okay, and then one week later So it like ran its course. I just never think about this stuff. So then I went back to public school. Okay. And then one week later, I got kicked out of public school for being high on Robitussin at the football game with my friend Brett. And our backpacks were like full of stolen bottles
Starting point is 00:22:15 of wine from CVS. And they like went through my pockets and it was like tus. Like it was like a clown car. Just a never ending, like just a very long bottle. It was like three packs of Marlboro Reds, bottles of rubber tuss and one bottle of wine in my pants No, I think as he was the quarterback I Have a question on the execution of tusks sure how much do you have to drag you got a bottle does that you and your? your boy
Starting point is 00:22:41 Tussin yeah, well rubber tussin DM You can't drink CF it gets you really sick like violently sick and sometimes we made that mistake like how sick could it get? It's like shitting and puking family guy style out of both out of both ends You're like oh, it's true the rumors are true uh-huh, but like a bottle would Four ounces four ounces will get you going And then you get a test tolerance. So then it's eight ounces, 12 ounces. Sure. Yeah. Was it what did you prefer about the tusso high?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Why didn't you just drink? I did. I drank all the time. But as far as like a day to day thing that I could have access to, because I didn't have a car. Right. My mom, you know, would go get groceries. So I wanted to be high all the time. I just have that gene. Sure. I'm just a drug addict. And so I would I wanted to be high all the time. I just have that gene sure I'm just a drug addict and so I would I got a steel tusks
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, got you do you go with your mom and you'd steal it mm-hmm when I was younger. You know till I had a car Yeah, yeah Really got a car. What was that first car? Red Pontiac Grand Am no shit. Yeah, did you get that? What here? Would have been a 2008 all right. Yeah, it was nice. So the wheels yeah, I think it was 3,500 it was a nice car thirty five hundred dollars. What'd you get the cash for that? My dad bought it, and I worked it off gotcha. Yeah, that's all right slowly paid him back. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:23:59 That's not bad man crash that car. Yes short times Several times it's all about front. Several times. So I got kicked out of the ninth grade. And then not even in ninth grade. Where do you go from there when you get kicked out of the public school in a rural town? So I was kicked out of the eighth grade. And then they were that was for fighting. And then I had a bamboo weed pipe in my book bag like a piece of bamboo that we had made into like a piece pipe. And then so then I had a bamboo weed pipe in my book bag, like a piece of bamboo that we had made into like a piece pipe.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And then, so then I go to rehab, so it goes kicked out of the eighth grade, rehab. I go to public school for one week, I get kicked out of public school. Then I go to the mental hospital for two weeks. Then I couldn't go to any more public schools because I've been kicked out twice in one year. So then they sent me to military school.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So then I spent six months in military school. Yeah, when I was from 14 to 15. How was that? awful. Yeah, what was the name of it? It's called the Riverside Military Academy Riverside Military Academy. It was atrocious. Was it just like a high school with like maybe like prep years like you could go a year after high school? Or was it all the way through? It was middle school through high
Starting point is 00:25:01 school. Yeah. So there was like seventh, eighth, and then all of high school. Nice facility with like history and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, really, really formal. Everyone's in military guard. Reveille at five or six in the morning. Then you march, everyone marches as a school, and then you break off into your platoons
Starting point is 00:25:20 or your companies. Let the kids sleep in, you got them doing stumps. You don't want to get up in the morning. It's part of the problem is I wasn't ever getting to get any sleep. Yeah. So as always acting out. How were the kids at the military school? Were they cool to you? Was there bullies and shit like that? Yes. Some people I mean, there was definitely a lot of violence
Starting point is 00:25:37 for sure. But I had a lot of friends too. Yeah. How did you end up getting out of that? Well, I did it my semester. So I did second half of my freshman year at military school. And then enough time had elapsed where I could go back to public school. Go back in the same public school system. Yeah. Going back to public school after that must have been. Yeah. I was like legendary.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah, I was like persona non grata. It was all that. That's that young Tusk. That's young tough. That Young toss sick grand damn. How you doing? Did you graduate? Yeah, was it then pretty smooth sailing after that or no? Yeah relatively Yeah, so once I mean my rate on a curve But sure from 15 and then I graduated public school and then I graduated from Georgia Southern yeah okay yeah so I went to college yeah no kidding what'd you get in the SATs is that the one with the longer number nevermind yeah yeah yeah I don't know but I got a 22
Starting point is 00:26:39 on the I got a 24 on the ACT I think think that's good cuz that like 32 or something Yeah, you can tell you're a smart guy sure. I'm well read Okay, okay, dude. Were you always reading when you were growing up? Yeah, I'm holding Caulfield. That's crazy I I like yeah read a lot of books, and I watch a ton of movies I've seen probably like 10,000 so you were reading on your own as a kid while you were going through all this shit I've never heard anybody brag about that. I probably see four million. I know that I guess that is pretty stupid No, I like Wait, hold on. Will you read? I'm pretty smart. I've seen a lot of movies all the Pirates of the Caribbean's
Starting point is 00:27:16 Big history buff. Were you reading for pleasure on your own? Why you were going through all this shit with the Tussin and all these the rehabs and all that stuff You were a reader sure a reader but mostly movies yeah Which isn't really that's like a business that takes no effort to do So I've actually never read a book because I was high all the time and even though I went back to public school I was I still I got sober for the first time when I was 21 so well from 15 to 21 It's just mayhem mayhem. Mayhem. Yeah, complete chaos. How's
Starting point is 00:27:48 everything? It was it was fine. I did good. I graduated with a degree in journalism. No shit. Technical writing. So you were writing papers and all that kind of stuff. I was the head of the school magazine. Whoa,
Starting point is 00:28:01 turning it the fuck around. Get this wasn't able to magazine. Whoa, turn it the fuck around. Get this wasn't able to magazine reflect. What was it? It was called Reflector magazine. No kidding. Yeah. That's are we the editor? Yeah, it's mainly just a list of movies you watch. That's pretty good. What about the social scene in college? Yeah, I had a lot of my friends from high school. So this was about five hours from where I grew up. So I kind of got out of that town you stay you so you're staying in the dorm
Starting point is 00:28:28 You're at your proper campus life. Mm-hmm. All right. Yeah, I got a couple struts. I almost did not make it my freshman year I got a couple strikes with the university For I got I got arrested for drunk in public twice and then I got I my RA You know I'm talking about the jar trying to find him. I had never met him, so I was like, what are you doing in my house? I was like, trying to find him. This guy broke into my house. Holy shit. But after that, I made pretty, I mean, for a couple years, I was still
Starting point is 00:29:00 drinking, but I was like, I'm not going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink. Holy shit. But after that, I made pretty I mean, for a couple of years, I was still drinking, but I really turned my life around when I was 18. I was like, you know, this has to change. I have to try because I was failing out my freshman year. I had failed like four out of my five classes.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And my dad was like, you know, you're going to have to move home. Like if you don't turn it around. So I was like, OK, I'm going to make some make make some change where so that was that was just drinking then not no drugs No, like recreational. Yeah, pretty much just drinking. Okay. Yeah. All right, but you made it through journalism degree Yeah, that's fucking hard man. Yeah, that's fucking awesome Yeah, I enjoyed writing and it gave me a sense of purpose being the editor of the magazine. I enjoyed that. So yeah Yeah, that's all right. So it's a good story.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And then what'd you start comedy? I started when I was 20. You started when you were 20. So I started at Georgia Southern doing the school talent shows. No kidding. All right. And then did you move to Atlanta? Yeah. Okay. And then how long you were down that were you down there?
Starting point is 00:30:02 So I did two years at Georgia Southern and I would go to Savannah, do open mics down there? I so I did two years at Georgia Southern and I would go to Savannah do open mics down there. And then I was in Atlanta proper for like nine months. Okay. And then I was in Boise, Idaho, the hotbed. All right. What were you doing there? I was there for three years. And then I've been here for four years. So why were you in Boise? I had a buddy, the people I was living with when I graduated college wanted to move out there and do like mountain bike stuff So I just went with them, but I never did any of that stuff. I
Starting point is 00:30:33 Was like, oh, I'll just go hang out crazy. We're doing comedy out there. Oh, okay Yeah, how long were you in Austin before you popped on Tony? Well, I met Red Band after maybe a month of being here. Okay. And at that time I was I was living in my car so I met Red Band and William just randomly. All right. And then I did kill Tony maybe eight months later or something. You were in the car for eight months? I was in the car for six months. Yeah. Where would you park it? At Walmart. Yeah, I mean, that is a place where a lot of
Starting point is 00:31:08 people that it's like a safe haven that you can sleep in shower and friends all that kind of stuff. Make it work. Yeah, showered at friends and Planet Fitness. Working a day job at all. No, just trying to make it work with comedy. Where'd you get money? How did you did you? I would do door dash. Okay, so I would door dash and then I would try to make the money from the gigs I was getting which is like ten or twenty yeah, but when you're living in your car. There's no overhead
Starting point is 00:31:32 What is that car at that time afford escape, so it's not it has a little bit of space. Where'd you get that car I? Bought it in, Idaho, okay from working. So you're making it work, alright. Jesus Christ, what was your first proper job? As a kid, like did you? I worked at like seven different pizza places. I was just a delivery guy. Delivery guy, you demand, if I open the door and you had my pizza, I'd go, everything's right in the world right now.
Starting point is 00:31:59 This guy's high as fuck, car's still banged up, grand dam's running out front. There's three slices missing, deal with it. I, when I was in college, I get, when I drink, I get delirium tremens, so I get the shakes. And I would have to drink before I would. Pretty sweet, all right. I would have to drink before I drove.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So I would have to drink to safely drive. So, because I would have alcoholic seizures. So I would be delivering pizzas and I'd be like crushing these little four loco things called bootleggers My backseat was just full of bootleggers But I wasn't any drunker than the next guy it was Driving it's sound logic, but It was a college town like I don't know. Yeah, but yeah, have you ever been arrested like proper? Yeah. Yeah for what? I've been a joke listening to the show
Starting point is 00:32:53 Several times I'm gonna do four times Three times for drunk in public and one time for shoplifting Well, we gotta be really drunk in public to get drunk in public. Sure. It's usually like the, hey, just go home. Get out of my house or whatever. Well, that's the thing is they would be like, keep it moving. I'd be like, what did you fucking say to me? Yeah, it's always the cops back.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Oh my God. Yeah, I was incorrigible. Yeah, I was very, police always made me super angry. So I'd be drunk. They'd be like, keep it moving. Don't you fucking tell me what to do. I pay your salary or something. Go bust a meth lab you fucking pig.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Just a traffic cop. Hey, take it easy, kid. What were you stealing at Walmart? I was stealing from a Publix. Publix. And I had Walmart. Back then they didn't have those little gates. So it was a free forall the the rule of thumb was to steal from Walmart because they had a no chase policy So when I was how you know like the corporate bylaws of each of each big box store He's going to the stores that have a chase policy just for the thrill of it
Starting point is 00:33:59 Come get me bastards. I heard Publix just hired a fucking outside linebacker She all I ever wanted was for someone to tell me to stop I Just wanted somebody to bring my rain to an end is that true no, I don't know maybe Tell you got real deep for a second these kids alright Yeah, also I thought the same thing and I'm like I'm for sure someone told him to stop stealing The police the judge his parents there was dozens of people I had a support system Screwball all over the road, dude. What is your pop say now?
Starting point is 00:34:43 He fucking went what throw all that shit with you? You got a good career. You're fucking killing it. It's going really good Yeah, he comes he came to watch me in like four or five cities last year. So that's very nice This has to blow his mind. I think it does he probably says I know yeah, I think it truly and for good reason I think they both 100% thought I would be dead by now So yeah, yeah Yeah, they're very I'm in Chicago this week and he's coming to see me in Chicago and
Starting point is 00:35:14 Then my mom's going to my other shows in Chicago. So that's continuing. I'm doing old town Zanies and Rosemont Rosemont, yeah, have they come together at all that over the years? No, no, they don't see eye die they don't talk got you all right But I will tell you I was when I was arrested for shoplifting not to harp on this I Just cuz it's a funny story I I went in there to steal beer and it was like four or five in the morning And I was on a bunch of Ritalin and I and I black out drunk, obviously, and I tried to fill the shopping cart. I was so drunk, I didn't make it to the beer aisle.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I just started pouring, like, clearing shelves into the cart. Bunch of fabuloso. Yeah, it was random stuff, like lunch meat. It was mostly lunch meat. And I got in the car, the manager followed me out, and he was like, hey, come on, I know you didn't pay for that,
Starting point is 00:36:04 and I was like, for sure, and I was just throwing myself in like, hey, come on, I know you didn't pay for that. And I was like, for sure. And I was just throwing myself in my car. Yeah, definitely, 100%. We'll take care of it. Sure. And then. I'll be right back. Yeah, it's one of those things where you're saying something
Starting point is 00:36:13 and you're doing the opposite. So I was going, oh yeah, for sure, I'm gonna come in there and pay for it. And then I just got in my car and drove away. And they showed up at my house because they got my license plate, so. But it was just your parents' house? Yeah, my mom's okay. So this is your
Starting point is 00:36:25 still he opens up what took you so long. Yeah, covered in lunch meat. Well, I had the biggest sandwich in the world. All I ever wanted was for someone to tell me to stop. Have a cold cut. Okay, this. All right. Yeah. Who are you living with now? I have a cold cut Okay, all right. Yeah, who you living with now I Have my own apartment. I live by myself. That's amazing fucking spot. What kind of car you got now? I Just bought a new car. It is a
Starting point is 00:36:57 2018 Toyota 4-Runner kids got a new 4-Runner out there already. I seen it pull up I was like that can't be him. Yeah. It's got the way we were taking bets on how you arrived. Yeah. He's like, do you think he takes an Uber? Is he driving? I was like, Rickshaw. I don't know who knows what this fucking way. I have some dollars now. I had like 50 cities last year. So I am.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And I bought a car. That's great. Love the fucking awesome. Yeah, it's exciting. It's super new to me even Last December so not this one the one before that I could only sell maybe 20 tickets. So it's pretty exciting Yeah, is this apartment you have your first like yeah your own nice apartment Yeah, my first one is this the this might be is this the first lease you've been on. Yes. Yes What was that credit check? Shit absolutely true. It's my first lease. Yeah, you probably had to put down 17 million dollars
Starting point is 00:37:54 We're gonna need a hundred months in advance My credit is not great understandably, but I Also, I'd always live with girls so when I moved out of when I was living was living in Boise, I was living with a girl, my girlfriend, and then. Off the lease. Off the lease. Off the radar. Off the grid, baby. Gotta be able to stick and move, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah, well, I never want to get involved in something that I can't pack up my bags and be gone in 30 seconds. Heat logic. It's all this, it could be gone. Sounds well adjusted. Sounds healthy. So yeah, man, I'd never been on a lease. So it's pretty exciting. So all this could be gone sounds well adjusted So yeah, man, I'd never been on the lease so it's pretty exciting that's all my stuff it's wonderful new furniture and all that stuff Yeah, I just got a couch last week. What do I at what what kind of store discount furniture store? That's okay like yeah. Yeah, you have to put it together
Starting point is 00:38:40 No, they delivered it thankfully it fit through the door. Yeah No, they delivered it. Thankfully it fit through the door. Yeah Kind of bed you got over there now I got a board mattress company free mattress from the William Montgomery show there and a bed frame That I have a button and it comes I can make the bed stand up. Look at this guy. Come on Look at this fucking Smart bed, what size is it King queen oh queen come on all right no better look at you okay let's talk about lucy baby shout out to the good folks over at lucy talking about lucy goods 100 pure nicotine always tobacco free lucy breakers are nicotine pouches with a little
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Starting point is 00:40:21 product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Yeah. Okay, we gotta talk about Mando baby. Shout out that is you a stink Gang if you don't know Mando first of all you've been living on a rock or something like that Here's a little reminder Mando deodorant isn't just for your armpits all over body deodorant Keep yourself fresh with Mando get on there. They got the wipes. They got everything. This company's blowing up over here. Yeah, whole body's over it. You got your pitch, your balls, your thigh fold, your belly button, your butt cracks in your feet. Sitting right here.
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Starting point is 00:42:05 Let's not go down this rabbit hole very nice. I was a big DX guy myself. Where are you? Where are you purchasing your let's not go down this rabbit hole. What do you think? I'm just curious. Brooks Brothers. Rift stores. This is from a company called suplex vintage in Philly. I'm very well. No way. Shout out to him. Yeah, my shoes from my bunch of their stuff. Yeah, they're cool guys. Great. Yeah, I got a bunch of their shirts. Yeah, they're cool guys great. Yeah, I got a bunch of their shirts this I don't know what these pants are I have like three pairs pants. I just rotate
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, of course. I'm just just curious old Navy. I think I'm defending him. I know what the fuck You just turn against me. He's a good kid. I'm crying Do you know how to tie a tie by any chance? Good kid. I'm crying Do you know how to tie a tie by any chance? I'm working up to a suit. Well, I had okay, so I have so I have a little money but I've had my apartment for like nine months since last May and I just got a couch before that I had two directors chairs that I bought at a thrift store So I had two directors chairs in the middle of the living room
Starting point is 00:43:06 And I would just sit there in my directors chairs and watch my movies. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard I had girls over and stuff. They're like Hey you want to come over be uncomfortable That's a wrap on Casey Because we can't sit next to each other either. So that's a tough move dude Yeah, try to make a move try to get your answers chair over the director. You're a young guy You're doing it step by step. You got the couch. You got the bed. Are you cooking over there now? Sure cooking a little bit. Yeah spaghetti
Starting point is 00:43:38 Thank you say your dish, I don't know I don't cook very often I must eat out. Yeah, where do you eat out? Do you order in? Or do you go out and at a restaurant? You know, I haven't been I haven't been home very much. I uh kids working I'm working down the road 50 cities under under riff challenge. Let me ask you this How much flying did you do before this took off? Not very much. Not very much. Yeah. How old are you when you got your passport? Do you have your passport? I have a passport. Yeah, I did Canada. I did Canada three times last year. Yeah, okay, so is that when you Got got it. Yeah, uh-huh couple years ago. Well, I when I was 20 I did a month studying abroad in Paris How the fuck did that happen how did that hey let the cat out of the bag
Starting point is 00:44:29 They let the big dog eat they let me over there the tusk tyrant they call me lot in fonts to read lay Holy shit, how did you like that? It was great It was the same cost of doing a semester at Georgia Southern, but it was just in France. So oh, I loved it I'm like, holy **** How did you love affair yeah under the Parisian lights also a girl from Ghana meeting you yeah that's like that's like exotic to her you're like you're as southern American wacko as you can get you know what I mean yeah it was a cultural shift yeah it was great what did you stay when you were over there at the University Todd de Paris the Paris University? Yeah, no, I asked so a dorm room. Yeah, just a dorm room. Soak up the culture you go to the Louvre Yeah, have a little fog rock go out to the Palace of Versailles. Yeah, I did I went out to Versailles one night
Starting point is 00:45:39 Because the train line runs to Versailles and they have a great system the train system there Yeah, and then I I don't remember if I fell asleep or what, but I was out there in Versailles, which is relatively far from Paris, and the train stopped running. So then I was just like in Versailles, in this like golden city that kind of like, it looks like an emperor city,
Starting point is 00:46:00 and it was just like me on the streets. And yeah, it was pretty tough. I don't remember how I got home. I was thinking about that. You guys got any lunch meat out here? Yeah. Did you like the food over there? I'm gonna have to shoplift my way back.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Interpol's looking for you. Yeah. Yeah, man, the food was good. The chicken was real good. Chicken, what? Well, that's what comes to mind. They have like hormone free chicken. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, it was delicious. How's the palate? Do you like a nice dinner? What well that's what comes to mind they have like hormone free chicken sure yeah Has the palette do you like a nice dinner? I have a really really simple palette like meat and cheese tell us meat and cheese. That's it meat and cheese cheeseburger pizza meat and cheese Taco and gelato I almost bit through my tongue eating a cheese enchilada like two days ago in Cincinnati I bit my tongue so hard and I turned to my friend I said is it there and Full of blood dude that shit's the worst talk about rooting a fucking sandwich I know I fucking hate that the last bite of the meal to are you a guy?
Starting point is 00:47:00 What's your favorite what's your like best of the best what's the best one you got? Uh-huh. It's gotta be what's your favorite? What's your like best of the best? What's the best one you got? Depends Pete Terry's is really good out here the Terry's makes a fine burger kind of a specialty spot sure you talk about the Basics I like Taco Bell talk about good TV man. He's man. He's throwing through like a Baja blast I love a frozen Baja blast sure luscious gentleman so it's a house of Versailles frozen Baja blasts your gentlemen so it's a house of Versailles. Yeah, I love I just have a really simple no onions or anything just me and you. Yeah. What What do you hate? Like like something like onions or tomatoes?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Hate mustard and pickles. Hey, I don't want to talk about that. Guys, let's move on from here. You get me all worked out What do you put on a burger little ketchup little mayo I just started putting ketchup on it about a year ago, so I've worked up to that man. Success has gone to your head Man, Hollywood really changes real bougie Casey. You know what? I can afford it now. I can afford it now. I'm gonna treat myself. Holy shit. Have you ever had like,
Starting point is 00:48:12 I feel like any weird disease or medical stuff like Salmonella or Lyme's disease or anything? I have this reoccurring thing called iritis, which is an inflammation of the iris. Which is a, you can go blind from it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Whoa. I started getting it, I went to a strip club in Atlanta, this is true. I hope you believe me. Sure. I pray you'll believe me. On a night just like tonight. And, this is maybe 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:48:41 and we went to a strip club, and the next day, I woke up and I opened my eye and I just started screaming. Cause it is, you know how your eye dilates when it's exposed to sunlight? Iritis is where when the dilation takes place it causes a muscle spasm, like as if you're having like a back spasm
Starting point is 00:49:00 or like a spasm in your thigh but it's your eyeball. So it feels like your eyeball's being like torn out of your head. It's extraordinarily painful and I get it once a year You're kicking me out. What does the strip club have to do with this? I don't know. I Don't know but it has to be a correlation, right? It has to be a correlation It can't be I get this weird because it's a super rare disease only like maybe 50,000 people get it in America every year did Did you get a lap dance or anything like that? Sure, I got a dance. I'm not gonna sit here and lie. I got a dance and she touched your eye or something.
Starting point is 00:49:36 My contacts and Oh, I dropped my contact. Put it back in. This won't be a bad idea. Do you wear contacts? Yeah, I don't have them in right now. But yeah, I do. Yeah, you're near senator farsighted. I always forget what that means. But I can't see for drove here. Yeah. The windshield of the Tacoma is just one big contact lens. Why wouldn't you have them on just kind of curiosity? I have glasses in my car. So it's all right. Yeah. All right. Have
Starting point is 00:50:01 you ever been to a monster truck rally? I wish I had gravedigger reach out what yeah Yeah, gravedigger. It's a girl who drives it here officially the most famous person I've ever met She messaged me a couple weeks ago, and she said that I could come to a rally or something Well, I'm never around. Oh, I would love that yeah, I would love that that. That's I've went to one. It was fucking was it's wild Oh, it's a great. They really put on a show. I think I went prior when I was a kid We're always going to like rodeos and my mom always had like really really like redneck boyfriends like Bobby Ray Billy Ray Those are actual names. Yeah, Bobby Ray Bobby. Whoa is she still with your stepdad? They divorced a couple years ago. Yeah, he wasn't the best
Starting point is 00:50:47 guy. Yeah. Otherwise, for the most part, the families are doing okay. Yeah, they're doing good. My mom lives in southern Illinois again. She moved back to our old family farm. So she out there. No, no neighbors in the middle of cornfields out there. Wait a minute. You had a family farm at a certain point Your mother had a family your mom's well, it's from like her childhood. Yeah, it's like her great-grandfather It's like two acres and then a little little farmhouse out there. Yeah, and you got she kept it all the way through
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yeah to change hands different people in the family and then now she has it. Yeah, that's pretty sweet Yeah, it's really nice out there. So she's got her horses and she's got like seven or eight horses. She's gathered through the years that she owns Yeah, well, there's some in the barn that are leased. They were like trying to make the cash people pay Yeah, of course, and does she train the horses that she owns to perform. Yes. She yeah, she still shows them sometimes Yeah, she yeah, she still shows them sometimes. Yeah, she won Something at the Congress the world's core the world horse Congress Which is like the Super Bowl of horse riding a couple years ago. No shit. She won a show or something Yeah, so she's a good trainer not fair. Yeah, what about medical wise you getting sure you got insurance you got health insurance
Starting point is 00:52:01 I just got it last month. Yeah, yeah, let's get on the fucking up and down dude Dude, you are fucking they're looking up, but then they make it nice. I just got home that goes up and down Go get a physical no That's what I flashed the card for the chicks. Well. They sent me a letter in the mail because I was just I was gone for three weeks. I just got back yesterday and they said, hey, we're going to cancel your insurance. They might have canceled it because I didn't pay it. So. OK. But I had medical insurance, if only for a moment. That's all right. Can re-enroll at any time.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Flying without a net. I'm with it. How do you like to travel since that's new to you? You like a nice hotel? like a hotel anything particular I Like it. I like it. I feel generally more Like my life is more together when I'm on the road than when I'm home sure all right because I don't have I have a girlfriend I have a bisexual girlfriend in Atlanta and Lot of details that were included in that I have a bisexual artist girlfriend and She lives in Atlanta, so I don't remember where I was even going with that. I guess I just wanted you guys
Starting point is 00:53:13 You're just bragging to the boys Shoe horn that in I respect that you two nerds ever kiss a girl I truly don't know where I was going with that Sure travel I when I tell you about hotels when I come back to hotels. Yeah for sure my girlfriend's by When I'm home I feel lost like I'll be gone I've just been to it last year I was gone way too much then I would come home and I feel like I wouldn't know my friends anymore and I would just feel really lost.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Curious. Yeah. Gotcha. But, so I'm trying to find a better, after the next couple weeks, I'm doing weekends now which is a blessing so I will be home more than I was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because when you're doing one-nighters
Starting point is 00:53:59 you can line up, I mean you could be gone forever. A month, yeah. Yeah, yeah, sometimes I'd be gone for like one or two months, yeah. Do you have an airline you like to flood your, you're loyal gone for a month. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sometimes it'd be gone for like one or two months. Yeah. Do you have an airline you like to flood your, you're loyal to one airline? United.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Oh. You're United, man. Yeah. Okay. But I'm thinking about switching to Delta because they lost my bag. Bastards. Take that, United. Yeah, we're Delta men.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Delta is a fine, fine company, I would say. It's nice. How often do you fly out to Atlanta or bring her here? How's that working? It's new she is one of my really good friends from high school who I who no, I'm sorry she One of my really good friends from high school who I moved to Idaho with that is her brother So she is my one of my best friend's sisters so she grew up with you Basically I knew her from when I was like maybe 18. Yeah, she saw the whole thing. Yeah, now you know we're dating Yeah, we're in love But we just started dating like a month ago, so it's super new, but it's interesting because I was gone
Starting point is 00:54:57 You know I've seen the world I've been out there I've I've done different things and then I came back to finally be with someone who is from where I'm from, you know Very well end of the day you I came home and I said, you know what this person I really looked at her And I was like, you know what I really like You know, I was searching for something and it was right there the whole time. Yeah, this is fucking kid. All right Hold you as a writer fucking guy. Damn it. Look at you. It's true. I fucking love this shit I Went around the world, but she was right there. Oh, sorry. I gotta go. I love her
Starting point is 00:55:33 Sorry, I gotta fucking go my bisexual girlfriend She speaks both ways Give you a titty twister and walks out God damn it. Very, very, yeah. Few more AYG questions. Do you have any aunts or uncles that you don't refer to by their first name? Like an aunt, or like an uncle Knuckles,
Starting point is 00:55:58 or a fucking Aunt Soupy or something. Aunt Soupy. That's a real one. Aunt Soupy. That's a real one? That's my aunt's name, Aunt Soupy. Soopie or something That's a real one that's my aunt's name soupy well, I have an aunt Cindy, so that's that's it's very close Not as weird, but not close No, okay Yeah, Joey Jeff Kind of right up the middle Brad you got an uncle Brad got an uncle Brad
Starting point is 00:56:25 All right. He's the main uncle. He's got a bunch of kids a bunch of my cousins are via Brad Come to kin of bread by way of Brad you're close with the family Relatively just around the holidays. Is that where you guys gonna ask you? Where do you spend your Christmas? My dad's house dad's house through the tree all that kind of stuff. Mmm. Yeah Yeah, my little brothers are younger and now they're older 16 and 18. But yeah, so I yeah, whatever. Every Christmas I'll fly home, go do it down there because they're little kids. So yeah, it's mostly for them. Thanksgiving. Stay here.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Stay here. But if I did do it in the past, it's always been at my dad's. Yeah. Now like this year, will you decorate your apartment with maybe put a little tree the little something or no? I had a little Santa by the door Okay, but I don't you know, I didn't have a girlfriend or anything like living with me So it's all just me. So my apartment is covered like head to toe and like Donnie Darko Paul Thomas Anderson like guy stuff rust coal true detective shit Charlie Kaufman, it's just all like different directors and then pictures of me dressed as Grimace So you have that little tiny mirror that he used to look through? It's a meditation it's a form of meditation
Starting point is 00:57:41 I mean I you know pretty open and closed case I I think we have here if loss in every day I Have I just recently started good man that sounds like the most political response I've ever heard of my life I've heard very good things about this flaw scene. I'm thinking about starting it Do you happen any other way keep the apartment clean you got a vacuum and all that stuff? Yeah, I keep it pretty clean. Yeah, I wash the dishes all that shit mm-hmm. Yeah, keep it pretty tip-top hmm Cleanliness is next to godliness. They taught us that at military Told me that when I was digging stumps. Yeah, it's gonna sound crazy. You're gonna think I'm nuts I genuinely don't know if the kids garbage. I really don't know. What is it? I mean you're a dude
Starting point is 00:58:26 He's got you in some sort of wonder. Loss. I love them. This is talk about rooting for somebody He escaped rehab ended up in a mentees, but he referred to it as you went through a lot He's got the departments clean He lives in a vampire bed it sounds like an artist's life. It's an artist. It's it's bohemian I wouldn't say how he operates now what I would I deem that garbage. She's got a shit fucking together I Gotta push back on this. This is fucking easy. He likes frozen Baja blasts. It's nature nurture What spaghetti do you make regular spaghetti? Can I be both duality of man sure you can walk in both worlds? it's nature or nurture. What spaghetti do you make regular
Starting point is 00:59:06 spaghetti? Can I be both duality of man? Sure. You can walk in both worlds. Yeah, I dip my toes in both. Uh spaghetti. I don't really make spaghetti. I was just trying to impress y'all. I don't make. Come on. What are we doing
Starting point is 00:59:18 here? He's got you fucking. I just wanted you all to think that I cook. Do you drink milk? Mm hmm. Do you like milk? If y'all do, I don't drink it like that. I don't drink it like that. I'm sorry, I think there's no bisexual girlfriend. I don't drink it like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:30 What about mayonnaise? You like mayonnaise? No mayonnaise. He's a plain Jane, meat and cheese. Plain. I just started using ketchup. Ketchup is new for me. You're trying and it ain't there.
Starting point is 00:59:41 What are you reading right now? I'm reading a book about a doomed Arctic and Expedition expedition called the worst journey in the world. That's pretty good. Yeah He can read I'll give you that the kids fucking Georgia trash Being in the shower. Yeah, I piss in the shower brush your teeth in there Yeah, you leave the toothbrush in there. Yeah It's fucking what do we want for me? Come on, man? He's good kid. Good kid. I mean, why are you making it sound like I'm tragic? What the fuck gotta call balls and strikes if we run an honest ship on a show here
Starting point is 01:00:18 He said a camper on fire and then put try to put it out with fucking now pause remover I could have easily been a bottle of Gatorade It was purple yeah, I would have been a hero they would have threw me a they would have threw me a fucking parade man What if that's the moment where it would all turn? Yeah, you know becomes the quarterback stars Short stop local here. Are you writing anything currently? Do you write anything? Are you writing anything long for me? Yeah Got a laptop? Yeah. Writing scripts. Writing a script. Kids got a laptop. What do you got a Mac? No. Damn. HP. Damn. I was rooting
Starting point is 01:00:53 for you. A Kindle. I got I got an HP. But. You type on a typewriter. Uh no. Hunter S Thompson style. No, not Thompson style. I I saw an interview once with Paul Thomas Anderson And he said that he learned how to direct movies from watching a bunch of movies so and I was like you know I'm basically him I basically made boogie nights when I was 26 I am law in font terrible. I am a wonder kind It's a funny 26 when he was really young he was 26 duty made magnolia when he was 30 Which is like this beautiful three-hour opus. It's unbelievable Frank T. J. Mackie. Yeah. Yes
Starting point is 01:01:31 So I figure that's probably where I'm at in my life. I'm just Paul Thomas Anderson So that's how I view myself and then I go on stage to about worms for an hour Buddy we love you 100% garbage yes but man honestly bro what a fucking tail and congratulations thank you yeah very cool to see man KC rocket everybody thank you guys what do you got coming up you got toward I'm on tour KC rocket comedy calm I'm doing 30 cities this year going to Australia going to the UK going to Australia going to the UK. It's going to Australia going Australia Oh, well, what's the fucking shoplift nothing over there? I'm not coming to get you. I think it's gonna lunch meet
Starting point is 01:02:11 UK Ireland going all over the place, but yeah casey rocket comedy comm yeah, thank you also funny buddy. Thank you Love you kippy. What do you got for guys? We're all over the road as well tour starts very soon tickets are going fast second shows are being added. Get those tickets while they're still available and the Route 66 special is out now. Go watch that on our YouTube page. We love you. We love you again. Casey. We love you, buddy. I love you. Appreciate you. Thank you, gang. We love you. We'll see you next week. Peace.

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