Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Cipha Sounds: Bronx Kid

Episode Date: April 8, 2021

Kippy and Foley are back with Cipha Sounds for a HOT ep! They talk growing up in the bronx, working in Hip Hop, and trying to buy a house with cash! Its a fun one, thanks for listening.  Live Shows...: PATREON: FUM: Better Help:  Follow Kevin: Follow Foley: Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to another exciting edition of are you garbage the show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals or absolute trash now here are your hosts Kevin Ryan and H Foley hey everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast this is are you garbage mm-hmm to show we sit down with your favorite comedians and we find that if they grew up to be classy right there there's the big old piece of trash oh yeah I'm your host H Foley coming at you on a beautiful day we're down here in Ant Doody's basement she's upstairs sleeping it off yeah
Starting point is 00:00:41 one Easter Sunday yeah she got after it I have never seen a woman get this drunk at an Easter egg hunt in my life so she's upstairs chilling okay good my co-host from right next to me CEO of are you garbage an international businessman gang the next time you're reaching for a best pal do yourself a favor and make it a kippy you will not regret it I know I haven't a little bit of cash and how he's walking around his fucking bank accounts watch all the sudden I'm his best fucking friend again he's got a couple stacks on him man I'm checking on him like fucking like a sick ant he's got a couple of jihans all of a sudden he's
Starting point is 00:01:20 checking yeah dude I get and call hey how you doing kippy can I get you doing good yeah right are you feeling yeah Kevin James Ryan ladies and gentlemen hey gang thanks for tuning in as always please make sure you rate with you subscribe on iTunes full video is available on YouTube and those numbers I actually have a document here signed by all three governors of New Jersey Pennsylvania and New York that says no numbers are true to roof true to fucking roof and then also those numbers are fucking cooking too daddy oh cooking we're about to be fucking 10 stacks like it's nothing kippy's going to
Starting point is 00:01:52 Disney World haha man I got a waterbed on the way it just got stuck in the canal and then also guys Raleigh and Nashville 420 and 421 we're gonna be down there at a good night's and then Nashville Zainis yeah get them fucking tickets gonna be a little bit of stand-ups gonna be a little a little bit of live AYG with you guys where we ask you questions you ask us questions it's gonna be a good fun let's go yeah that's it business out of the fucking way and having a nice shout out to our producer short and air the magic man he makes us all look good mm-hmm T-bone McMuffin Toby McMullen yeah what up boys
Starting point is 00:02:27 bone got a hot one yo glass we've got a retraction from kippy I'm we did I'm thinking I got I'm gonna chip away the next thing you're gonna be retracting on is cash back I'm here for all the cash back you know who would like some trash you know who would like some trash back cash back what the fucking guy who pumped our gas in New Jersey wouldn't of mind fully popping in for a Gatorade grabbing five you put cash back at a fucking drive-thru gas station I maybe I'll go for it to give the kids something but I'm not getting $10 from fucking 7-11 yeah it's trash but gang we'll get into it that is neither here nor there we could
Starting point is 00:02:59 not be more excited incredibly special guest Royal New York fucking legend who here with us today he is a very funny stand-up comedian DJ and actor you've seen him in the 25th hour the bodega the Jim Gaffigan show the characters laugh mobs laugh tracks comedy knockout the Chris Catherine show wild and out the nightly show with Larry Wilmore the chapels show ever heard of it and got some comedy live and he has amazing podcast out right now called one ep is dead ladies and gentlemen do me a favor give me a nice big round of applause and I say this a lot but this time I mean it for the one the only cipher sounds
Starting point is 00:03:41 the one and one up I love it I love those credits where it's like oh yeah that was good that was good that was big that was big that was big yeah that wasn't that's still up there goddamn how long has this show been running about a year just past a year so you're still calling it the new the new podcast everybody's favorite new podcast okay we'd start this day one and we're stuck with it it's working it's cooking now it's cooking we're doing all right I'm happy for you we got you in here yeah yeah yeah yeah if I'm here dude you I knew you before I started doing comedy I knew cipher sound yeah I saw I've been
Starting point is 00:04:21 following you guys you know your clips on Instagram pop-up and then I go check out this show I'm like oh this is good how do I get on this you're here baby stupid as Billy as June it was a no brainer I remember when I first got up here and they used to make fun of me I didn't know what to do well it's also you gotta think we're hanging out was like me Reggie Conquest Derek Gaines yeah Monro Martin and he doesn't know hip-hop he doesn't know anything for anything yeah so you were like tweeting at everybody and shit and he goes who's this sip of sounds I don't know what he is we gotta start hanging out with him he got torched
Starting point is 00:04:58 in the group chat straight I bought a bunch of super dry shit the whole nine yards my headphones just cut out oh yeah this is fucking studios track garbage technical difficulties here and now it's going in and out you know I'm a radio professional we look like a couple of bozos now I know when the things are going in and out yeah wait why am I starting to talk like I might have stepped on it by accident sorry I step on mine a lot and I get yelled at like it's my fault I'm actually glad it happened to somebody else that has never happened to anyone yeah coming out of T bones paycheck at the end of the
Starting point is 00:05:44 month what is so you're from the Bronx you're a bronze yes so give us the full story okay born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican father and have Puerto Rican half Irish mother my mother had me when she was 16 my father died when I was three damn yeah of okay the story is okay the story is he drowned and then one of my crazy cousins calls me up one day drunk I don't know why he was mad at me goes and I know the truth about your father he was in the streets so insinuating that he died some kind of gangster way yeah fucked up this is like I'm in my thirties you know I'm saying when this happened I'm like what the fuck is and I
Starting point is 00:06:33 never even thought about it as my mom and she's like yeah he was in the streets but he definitely drowned it was unrelated he was fishing with his friends he there was some kind of accident this is very sad I don't want to start off a fun podcast okay he drew he dragged he fell off the boat but he lost his glasses is what they assume because and then he was kind of like really like legally blind so he just couldn't see shit yeah damn died oh man it's so sad there's always sorry there's always a cousin out there there's nothing good a couple in yeah I want to say something fucked up nothing he
Starting point is 00:07:10 wasn't even he's a very much younger cousin he didn't know anything about 14 his mother was telling him something you know he wasn't even what did he ask for a tour of the radio station and you shot my cousin started like wanting to come to nightclubs when I was DJing and like I would let them come but then like it you got to carry crates you got to kind of work I got a butt I got a whole squadron that's carrying crates to get in and then I my cousin's just walking for free like popping bottles and shit so my thing about if you help me carry crates into the club you have to carry the same
Starting point is 00:07:46 crate out of the club because what happens if you get in for free then you start drinking you're meeting girls you start disappearing and I got to carry all the crates out I got a tight fucking ship I'll give him that one man in one man out like you're DJing you're carrying crates over there get fucking laptop we know it was the worst my boy big cat was my roadmap he never he was always with me and if we both had two crates one in each hand we were like we need a new squad yeah I'll carry one as a comic that's one thing but when the DJs carrying his own records out of the club that's a hard that's a tough look
Starting point is 00:08:23 these are hot clubs to I want to I want to hear a little bit about that when we get to it yeah we'll get to it so so yeah so then what part of the Bronx I grew up my mom moved around a lot but my mom is from Fordham in Jerome okay worst and worst intersection in New York City so that's like Fordham Fordham Road area and then my godmother her name was Susie who's like well in the in the in the hood it's your mom's best friend is your godmother yeah she lived in in a gun hill road area so those were my two what do you call it like stomping ground yeah but my mom we always moved around a lot so Bronx Park East is where
Starting point is 00:09:06 we spent a lot of good time that was the home of like Regis Philbin oh shout out to the same elementary school as Regis really yeah that's my claim to school Regis I ran I ran up on Regis once I'm telling you that was the worst loss for me dude you are before we started recording you mentioned Colombo I'm a big Colombo Abed and Costello Jerry Lewis Frank I'm a huge Frank Sinatra fan I'll tell you all about that and like Regis too like this is all from watching TV with my grandmother we watched the Jerry Lewis telethon yeah so I'm doing this we're about the same age I'm a year old yeah all that's but my
Starting point is 00:10:01 grandmother like you know she was like my my baby said my mom was working so we watch a lot of old shit so the thing with TV when we were young is we didn't have that option we had to watch the which turned out I think better for us but we didn't have fucking YouTube and all these different choices yeah yeah in New York we had channel 2 channel 4 channel 5 channel 7 channel 9 channel 11 13 was PBS yeah and then Spanish channels a couple of univision in the summer we got two episodes of what's happening maybe an all in the family that a mash yeah oh can zero all that shit yeah so I was at a broadcasting
Starting point is 00:10:41 awards ceremony of state New York Lake George and Regis was one of the man Regis was one of the honorees that night suit is he wearing a suit yeah we're in a suit and I was wearing a suit and I never wear a suit and I only wore it because I might meet Regis and I ran up on them I'm like Regis I'm a huge fan I'm from Krueger Avenue same block you're from I went to the same school he goes calm down kid I was like you're right you're right you're right I should have known how to run up on you you're right that's great oh but yes so yes a group in the Bronx and then I had a sister five years younger than me and my
Starting point is 00:11:25 mom moved to California for two years it didn't work out move back to New York wait did you go you weren't with her yeah yeah yeah we're in Cali in the Bay area like Hayward next near Oakland now what was she doing work wise at that time well she went her brother's ex-wife lived out there so that was our connection we went out there she tried to become a California Highway Patrol okay what she tried to be a chip real quick just to stop you right there just for one second we're leaning towards trash at this point yeah because you mentioned brothers her brother's ex-wife if you got if you got some something
Starting point is 00:12:02 cooking with you with a relative ex-wife that's not a good look and number two you mentioned the godmother yeah no one has ever mentioned anybody got a lot of a lot of white boy well which like I have aunts and uncles that I that aren't my aunts and uncle yeah of course like I was at a I was at Easter Party this weekend I'm like is that my Jimmy and I'm like I don't have an uncle fucking Jimmy yeah my my godmother's daughter is my cousin even though there's no blood in any of the yeah yeah I don't say God sister yeah my cousin yes of course that makes sense the apartment we had in the Bay area the book cases were the moving boxes
Starting point is 00:12:45 but cut out the front of it and my mom I remember now I don't think books are your main concern those are in psychopedias buddy you move these psychopedias across the country I think that might be thing that we were like the last I don't know every family had a fucking set everybody in the hood had encyclopedias I don't know what it was everybody always a good salesman they hit the building and you all fucking bought that's great and then my mom had a boyfriend that's a great line my mom had a boyfriend and he used to sell salami at the flea market on the weekends man dude selling cured meats in a parking lot
Starting point is 00:13:36 ain't a good line just salami like salami some every you know kind of meat all that stuff all right meat salami specialist yeah yeah and then don't pigeonhole the guy he had his hand I got other options like we move back to New York everything is kind of whatever just a regular my mom wasn't like dirt poor welfare and my mom did a great job as a single mom because my dad died and she had my sister's father but he wasn't around long and then in 10th grade my mom gets a promotion she works for FedEx okay she gets a promotion instead of being a driver she becomes a dispatcher okay move to Levitown Long Island all
Starting point is 00:14:26 right so I go from the hood to very white the most suburban right I think the original suburb yeah yeah there's another Levitown right by where I grew up all the houses exactly exactly the same and it was from what I remember from my readings wasn't too accepting of minorities in those suburbs not at that time no when they first set them up that's what redlining comes yeah yeah probably an easy ride yeah but you know luckily it worked out for me cool and then so that's why I always say I speak white because of my three years in high school in Long Island plus Nassau Community College I feel very it
Starting point is 00:15:11 probably saved my life but because two reasons one I got out of the hood we're like you know people I was around with doing a lot of crazy shit to I hip hop was just always around when I grew up it just was the music of the neighborhood when I moved it got taken away so then I saw it sorted out okay that's what led me down the music DJ trail because I had to go find it as opposed to it just being outside every day and then that's where I started DJing and then that would led to me doing radio and here I am I mean dude you were a kid thinking about it you were a kid in the Bronx in the 80s in the 80s yeah that's fucking
Starting point is 00:15:51 bananas also for the people have never been the brought like you go to the different boroughs Manhattan Queens every like you know Brooklyn they all have their own vibe yeah the second new step foot in the Bronx I don't know what it is you know you're in the it's like it's a different it's a distinct different vibe in the it's very different it's because it's so what I think it's so far from downtown Manhattan it's so far detached I feel the same you feel like you're in a different place Queens and Brooklyn you're literally just looking at there you're right across the water where the Bronx you have to travel all the
Starting point is 00:16:21 way up Manhattan Island which is a long island you know it's it's not very wide but it's so you're like so far away I know people from the Bronx that have never gone that they go downtown once a year yeah yeah it's like to get to a doctor's you know what I mean like some specialist or something and then um and then the Bronx is they it's got they got an attitude it's it's the only borough with a the only borough with a the Bronx and they will correct you and then it's also the only borough of New York City attached to mainland America every other boroughs an island true so there's a they have a little and then hip-hop came
Starting point is 00:17:02 from there yeah hip-hop and Yankees yeah two major players in the world yeah major players yeah and the 1980s you were fucking you were there yeah but I didn't I didn't know what I was seeing now I look back like damn I was part of it I didn't I just was you just living we were see people think hip-hop is like it was invented in the 1970s in the Bronx and they always think there was like a man with like a beret and a cigarette holder like I'm gonna invent a culture sure yeah I mean like they didn't realize it was being invented when it was invented it was like hey how can we get some bitches at this party
Starting point is 00:17:38 that's what people don't understand and it fucking worked yo girls into a basement people always look at hip-hop is like this cold it is a culture it is a movement but at the time it was just like a guy like I want to make some money and have some bitches dancing like thank you and how much of a contrast was when you so when you moved out to Long Island you must have been I mean because I always say like I because we know we grew up in the suburbs you know and I wouldn't want to trade it for the world yeah but there is a thing that city kids do have a slight advantage as far as street smarts yeah over suburban kids of
Starting point is 00:18:19 course yeah it's a little bit different because it's so close to the city but still so when you got out there yeah you know I mean yeah it was weird it was a you were public enemy yeah I'm from the bra you know what I mean where it is a badge at all cuz I would have full radio right because I was the nerd in the Bronx yeah I was the nerd but I was very well protected I was a I was the guy I was literally the kid I was in seventh and eighth grade doing high school book reports for the like the street guys in my neighborhood and then they would take care of me you know that's awesome I would I literally did
Starting point is 00:19:03 book reports and one guy got so mad at me that yo you got me oh you got me a fucking a I'm sorry I read the book two weeks in advance just do this shit the night before just read half the book yeah read the back yeah he got so mad were you a cliff note kid no they were more confusing to me than a regular everything you by the way yeah I always say get the cliff I used to read really fast for some reason I just liked it nice and then I had all the street smart sorry I had all the street smarts but I didn't have to like use them like gotcha way like they taught me how to avoid trouble yeah they were like
Starting point is 00:19:58 getting into trouble gotcha yeah you're like I've seen this shit yeah I can sidestep so then I go like to Long Island it's all white kids but you know whatever like my grandmother's white right like my mother's mother's white so like it wasn't like white people were foreign to also the Bronx is a very mixed area yeah got Regis yeah Regis come on but like the Bronx is like grand concourse was I used to be like all like rich Jewish people and like I grew up in an Italian neighborhood Morris Park wasn't like white people were foreign oh like in some hoods we're like in the projects where it's like mostly
Starting point is 00:20:29 black or Spanish Latino is the Latin X Latin X whichever the right term is nowadays sounds like a superhero but yeah but yes so I go out that out and it was just somebody knows and we're back all the cancels she just got you were discussing chicharrones like they hear more about it gang this podcast is sponsored by better help let me ask you a question there's something in your life that's interfering with your happiness something preventing you from achieving your goals well as you know I'm a huge mess there was some things interfering with my happiness my goals and that's why we started working with
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Starting point is 00:23:00 tried the nicotine gum it didn't work and there was no way I was jacking myself up to a patch of straight nicotine going in my body 24-7 yeah but our friends at fume have come up with a solution this thing is absolutely fantastic if you're trying to quit smoking yeah guys it's not a vape and it doesn't use nicotine but instead uses these cores let me say that you stick right down the middle and it's infused with the world's super plants that help you successfully quit smoking from start to finish plus they taste pretty fantastic so head over to breathe fume dot com that's b-r-e-a-t-h-e fume dot com and use promo code
Starting point is 00:23:38 garbage and grab a fume and check out the variety of plant infused cores to start today their conquer cores are the number one core for quitting smoking from start to finish so give it a shot as you know I'm back on the Bernese I'm trying to get off them they sent these things they sent one for me for the big man and for T-bone and we've been crushing them they're great I'm cutting back on the Bernese it's an easy win for everybody it works check it out fume has already helped over 30,000 customers worldwide from hundreds of customers who have shared their quitting stories on their site head to breathe fume dot com that's
Starting point is 00:24:12 b-r-e-a-t-h-e fume f-u-m and use promo code garbage to save 10% and help a loved one or you quit today now back to the show so yes I then I moved to Long Island is all these white kids and I remember one time we were in a little like doing doing Long Island high school white shit where like they're like we're going to a party and I was like oh shit yeah I love you know great I've been going to parties all my life and they start walking me into the woods and I was like what's happening here and then they go and there's two kids there and they have red cups and they're like five bucks and I'm like for what they're like
Starting point is 00:24:54 to you got to pay for a cup I was like okay and then we walk a little further and there's just a keg in the woods yeah and I was like where's the party they're like this is the party I was like what do you what's happening man I I never got to do it which I was really jealous of never in the woods I was so jealous yeah it was always a couple in the woods yeah I imagine that would be like what the fuck's going on so yeah it was weird and then and then they had beef with some other school and like a pickup truck pulled up like six big like football white dudes jump out the back and start running towards us and everyone runs
Starting point is 00:25:36 away and I'm like it's not my beef yeah I don't I don't know and I just stood there and they came for this shit I'm all the way out to the woods for this and they run towards me and they're like I was like I just moved here this got nothing to do with me and then he's like all right and they run like I was like hey man it sounds like white people problems you guys got to take care of this but everyone ran and I was like this where I come from like you know what beef is coming you know I'm saying like yo someone got shot the other night be on the lookout cuz they might want to get revenge or some shit so
Starting point is 00:26:15 that's when I would just be like I'm staying home this week sure because you were expecting it but this was like it's not my beef so why would I run and it was like they like they looked at me with my hood logic and they're like yeah all right you're right make sense you're not Anthony or Vito you're not Vinny with the skinny are you stubby but yeah so then I just walked home and then that was my heist my high school years and then in my in do you know what five percenters are now this is gonna be this is gonna take too long I'm sorry now I like it no of course so cypher is a five percenter word five percenter the
Starting point is 00:26:53 five percent nation is his group it was very popular in the 80s and 90s and it's basically you ever hear like slang you ever hear hip-hop records like peace God you ever heard that peace God peace God yeah yeah I can't pull that long it's gonna be a long also it's like almost call someone man it's like what up God yeah anyway it's a group okay picture this what it is a group like Fleetwood Mac you know you know what the nation of Islam is sure like Malcolm X of course okay five percent nation a guy was in the nation of Islam left and then started his own group called the five percent nation but it's basically all the
Starting point is 00:27:35 teachings of the nation of Islam without the religion okay so instead of what they say is this is not where I thought the episode fully take notes what they say is instead of praying to the God in this mystery God in the sky Allah the black man is God because all civilization comes from the black man okay from Africa sure so it's a it's a basically a group like that all the hip-hop groups in the 90s were part of this if you listen to Wu Tang records there's all five percent are talking there okay so I discovered that in the summer between 11th and 12th grade so I become a five percenter in the summer I come
Starting point is 00:28:14 back to school and all of a sudden Ludi has is now God's site for Islam Allah you walking around third period with a bow tie to be like no no we was born militant yeah so I had a vest with all these buttons and stuff they weren't the guy I'm sorry they weren't the guys that like would dance or march behind public enemy no those are the S1Ws okay yeah so my shit is like you white devil what happened to Ludi is over the summer you're not coming to the next kangaroo man that's all like I told my mom I don't eat pork anymore she's like okay you're not gonna eat tonight then you know pork chop
Starting point is 00:28:57 yeah that's where Cypher comes from that's fantastic yeah it's a much longer version but yeah and then you kind of got out of that a little bit it's I'm not heavily into it but I it did change my outlook on life it's basically seeking knowledge I understand everything about the five percent they just seeking knowledge so that's where I got my my like my passion for like learning different cultures and I study all types I read all types of shit so very nice yeah pretty classy you see that's that's a good head on it for sure we as we as well as nervous to come on here cuz my trashiness weaves in with we'll get it
Starting point is 00:29:34 we'll find we love interesting stories and that's an interesting story I love that when you where did you guys in Levittown where you live did you guys live in a single family home yeah so I technically lived in Wontore which is right like literally like you cross over this little bridge that was over the highway and I was Levittown my high school was right there but I lived in Wontore what was the name of the street Twin Lane not pretty good and this was this was it was just you your mom and your sister me my mom's sister yeah so your mom was able to afford her own home yeah oh my there was a stepdad in
Starting point is 00:30:08 there's a little bit yeah but your mom had your had her own place yeah but was rented still that's pretty good though yeah you're doing pretty good well we moved there because of a promotion yeah like yeah a decent but there was a moment where I remember I was at home from school it was the first we moved there like in the summer before 10th grade that Thanksgiving it was a knock on the door like and I go to open the door and there's these people there with boxes of food for us like hey you know this is a contribution from the whole turkey on the table yeah like I was like huge turkey like in your hand
Starting point is 00:30:50 some church group was like donating food to us cuz we were the Latinos in the neighborhood I was like this is grow like disgusting canned corn we got the good shit she's throwing down and we gotta play the mofongo on the table you hit the fucking break oh man we hope it's in for this condescending edible arrangement for you yeah no shit we just redonated it to another can drive it was the next Thanksgiving so it was a little hole but what's your mom say the fuck shit she came home cuz I was just home alone like me and my sister and then she comes home and she's like what is this shopping people dropped it off and she's
Starting point is 00:31:30 like these are you parents oh I know they're not home here here's a box of canned cranberry sauce fuck out of here all right let's get into some more you go here we go all right we're gonna ask you a series of questions to determine whether your garbage or not I'm saying right now like you said we're 50-50 okay you're motivated motivated individuals successful right search for knowledge he sticks and moves I feel like he's got a good head on your smart guy because the way we look it's economics really don't matter what right even if it did you would have points in your favor okay cuz your mom took herself out of the
Starting point is 00:32:20 situation and if there's something in a better one right there's something you win if you're garbage or you want me to be garbage out of encyclopedia yeah L through Z we got them you know what it's not a hard you're just trying to determine yeah if you're trash yeah yeah I'm all I'm all I'm leaning I'm leaning pretty classy right I don't know where do you stay now where's your spot now battery Park City okay and you're married whoa whoa whoa I don't know yeah you told us about shootings and shit yeah you're running out the door you're gonna be asking me fucking personal questions let's get back to how my father died
Starting point is 00:33:12 who the fuck you've been talking to all right yeah married okay battery Park's not I mean that's that's a little bit and also Joe it's like you've been you know you've you've been successful is that the one of the questions no we're just a background okay yeah because I will tell you this I moved I got that apartment he might have got it in a trash you know it's my grandmother I was looking I was looking for an office in the city because I had a house in Jersey I bought a house in Jersey with cash from DJ nightclubs nice so I was looking for an apartment to be like a recording studio so I can have my like an office in a
Starting point is 00:33:57 recording studio so it's in 2004 I got it and it was an incentive to for people to move back into that neighborhood after 9 11 okay so the rent was way cheaper than it should have been and to this day it still is because like they were like yeah to move back here was like desolate after night yeah so I don't know if that makes it trashier now but it's I'm not paying you gotta know the discount my yeah that's a smart New York thing to do yeah there's no shame I know people that lived in fucking sty town yeah years yeah like fucking you know fucking 300 bucks their grandmother owned it right back in the day they got wise to that
Starting point is 00:34:36 though yeah um but you did bring up something interesting you bought a home in New Jersey with money from DJ yeah and you said you paid cash does I mean there was no mortgage no no no I didn't I didn't pay the whole thing cash you brought you told you brought like a duffel bag for a shoe box oh my god I wrote a shoe what type of shoes though was it Nike always nice I wrote a shoe box for the for the closing like that all the all the fees you have to pay for you can pay that in cash no the lady was not the lady was like like we had the meeting I was I go in and they okay now we need to check for this this is for
Starting point is 00:35:20 the title this is for the down payment this is for the day and I'm oh mr. DS watching too many little Wayne videos tell me I had to go like go get like a cash yeah they had held up the whole clothes like oh wow I don't know I thought that's how you buy a house throw the money in a table tell but they were shaking their head at me like oh mr. DS no see that's that that's the back and forth like yeah he can buy he's where he's hustled hard enough to go to get us the house in the birds but he shows up with a shoe box full of games and I will say this the reason I asked the question was because I think it would be more
Starting point is 00:36:05 garbage if you paid the house completely off with cash a checker whatever but you did the smart thing you got a mortgage right kind of now why is that I was pretty classy a mortgage builds credit is a mortgage mortgage builds credit and also it opens up you can do other stuff with that money rather than sitting in a house right you know I know all of a sudden I got a bunch of money I would do the garbage opposite I would fucking go buy a house that I really couldn't afford right and pay cash I'm not gonna have a more yeah yeah I would do the uncle I like that better though I like having no payment sure if it gives you peace of
Starting point is 00:36:39 mind for sure yeah but more than likely the person that does that is an accounting state tax property tax etc etc correct about those Jersey tax is real quick man they sent me the tax bill and I was like that's not that wasn't included got the fucking shoe box the fuck oh that's beautiful beautiful beautiful okay all right all right here we go some couple things so not personal questions but how you operate I guess you have a toaster at the house okay toaster oven or toaster okay that's a toaster oven toaster of it yeah I like toaster ovens are okay you say that but
Starting point is 00:37:29 I've never heard anybody where I said do you have a toaster yes I have a toaster I asked me who's a toaster oven he acts like you know he's got the pet snake or something no people are always a little self-conscious that don't be well I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you why I froze a little I got over COVID I don't know how to cook at all okay so I had nothing else to do so I started just fooling I'm trying to eat better I lost a lot of weight gained it back thanks COVID yeah but I decided to start just trying to chef up little simple meals and in the process of learning how to cook I got an air fryer my birthday okay
Starting point is 00:38:05 air fryer is also a toaster of it yeah so I don't know if that I don't know where I stand on air fryers to begin with air fryer that's like a bowl it's like a door you know it's a toaster of like it opens up like a convention here's the thing yeah there was a certain point in the 90s well we got we went too far with that stuff yeah you had a fucking TV with a fan yeah so anything any combo it's a tough luck right tough look okay well that was only one that was classy which was the VHS DVD yeah for a short time yeah yeah yeah so I had yeah so that's a new I had a toaster oven that I had for a long time but when I got the air fryer
Starting point is 00:38:55 I was like oh I could just use this so all right so reason I asked the question if you had a regular toaster I was gonna ask do you keep it out or do you put it away okay because my family's pretty trashy my mom uses the toaster yes and then puts it away back in the cab puts it away is garbage yeah yeah really back into the cabinet yeah doesn't just leave it out like the toasters like an appliance on a kind of counter his parents are a little pookie they unplug every appliance when they're not using it the wash yeah but don't you want your counter to look clean yeah but it's also a kitchen I mean I feel like a toaster
Starting point is 00:39:28 away yeah if you're hiding small appliances a blender I get put it under the fucking counter but a toaster you use it every day so you leave your you leave your toaster oven air fryer slash yeah but it flips up slash laptop wait what do you mean it flips up it's a it's it's like tuxet like a like a tumble bed yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a Murphy bed of toast Murphy bed you have an in-wall air fryer is that in the wall it's a it what's the brand food ninja something ninja it's a tough look like this kind of no it's longer put in food ninja ninja foodie or something like that that one looks
Starting point is 00:40:14 pretty close yeah I'll give you that this might be class the commercials would got me let me see that I think that's the one we see let me see yeah that's it 249 it's a whole pizza though I'll give them that this thing might be classy not this is good I don't know dude if you're cooking bagel bites in El Camino that's no good this is pretty this is pretty good the fact that he bought it this guy's back and forth I can't get a read on the fact that it's a nice piece of equipment 250 retail 50 but he bought it off a commercially saw yeah I'm on the fence all right this guy's gonna be right down the middle
Starting point is 00:41:04 all right you're a New Yorker living New York currently you have a washer dryer in the unit yes in the unit you have it yes yes why didn't you want to tell us that yes yeah it's in the unit yeah so you do it there you don't drop it off or anything right you don't wow he's shady about I don't know I don't have you ever been in a go-kart well go to car is it a goat car do you hook it up to you the no no no no that's a tough one I used to have that though I used to have that I in New York it makes sense a little bit I remember one time I was looking at a sublet of place the girls like we got in in unit washer and I'm like oh great it
Starting point is 00:41:59 was just one of those things in the bathroom like a salad spinner in you to wash your dryer that's class all right now specifically you this could be classy or trash okay because of where you grew up to time frame etc it's all relative were you ever a member okay before you got big were you ever a member of a studio audience no you never went to like a daytime show or anything like that oh never okay never it's pretty good never I was either way and I met Regis yeah I went with yam when yam was doing did you really the merit yeah me Derek Monroe ready we all went and Regis was the guest yeah man that guy's a stall
Starting point is 00:42:45 that's why I asked him specifically that because it could be normally that would be class like yeah I went to Jerry Springer with my aunt that's not that's yeah but you being where you were from you could have been like yeah I fucking I went and saw the first Phil Donnie you show yeah I mean there's something like that never studio audience yeah okay okay have you ever bought a pair of sketchers no okay he was offended by oh my god I was I was I was in a Charleston South Carolina last week with Jared Fried oh my god you know Jared yeah we just had him on like two weeks oh my oh yeah that's right so that his audience
Starting point is 00:43:21 who the hottest it's a hot it's all hot 90% hot white girls it's been now it's crazy dudes are girl the boyfriends of some of the girls whatever and man this girl this I was talked to is one girl she was so cute and I'm talking to her and I she was wearing some sandals but she worked at that bar but she wasn't working that night she came to see Jared gotcha and I go let me ask you a question when you're behind this bar what you got on the feet as she goes sketches and I said so comfy though no the high arch the high arch I don't give a fuck about your high art that's a word you can't judge a nurse for where
Starting point is 00:44:04 a nurse in shoes box are comfortable adidas are comfortable there's so fly knits Yeezy's they're all comfortable sneakers sketches I'm not worried he's working a brunch yeah getting Hollanda work bartender than Applebee's and never never hmm I would imagine you probably had pretty good access to all that kind of stuff when you were coming up especially around the time period sketches no did you have an original pair of Jordan's like no I wasn't into Jordan's I was in I just got into Jordan's like recently like in the last five years okay I hated Jordan huh yeah I love the original one yeah now I
Starting point is 00:44:42 missed out them off why I just couldn't no no no we were we were never there was no way I mean it wouldn't matter my mother was never gonna spend that money on a pair of John but what do you mean pull them off you mean your mom wouldn't buy them or you couldn't wear them now I couldn't really wear them now that's in your head you think always you put you put them on and you walk with confidence told me get me a pair he's carrying where we're in prescription shoes he can't get into a fucking pair of Jordan's I'm sorry I'm wearing a pair of lipid diet rest is gonna be furious I'm wearing a pair of
Starting point is 00:45:19 lipid tours lipid tour air okay no sketchers but I've ever bought a pair of knockoff shoes and try to pass them off yes when I was young yes yeah I had wild styles which were fake shell toe adidas okay they look exactly like adidas or stripes wild style and then and then I'll tell you this even in my heyday when I was making boo-koo bucks on the radio there was a spot that and it was like in 28th Street and Broadway there's like all these like whole sailor like costume jewelry yeah so there's like a lot of African guys outside and then we're like fake Yankee hats it's up there was a guy he had fake Air Force
Starting point is 00:46:12 ones and we would go and we pull up and we'd buy like 10 pairs yeah because white Air Force ones were just you always needed them and I don't wear I never wear sandals I never wear anything open-toe any sale none like that so if I'm going to Jamaica or Puerto Rico I always get a fresh pair Air Force ones and those are my beach shoes yeah so they were like that's trash that's fucking beautiful no he's wearing knockoff Air Force ones on the beach and then I leave them why why what they're probably 20 bucks like they were probably like 40 bucks and he can't wear them in the city he'll get called out he's a big I would
Starting point is 00:46:56 wear them only would snipe him walking into the building I don't like them shits is whack yeah bro let's say why no because here's the thing here's what they were what they were was we they're from the the Nike factory but they either had a small flaw or they were stolen a lot of guys a lot of guys expecting this don't yeah they steal them a lot of guys in China wherever they make them they they they steal them of the belt or whatever they made on they don't get to the boxing sure but they're the actual sneaker I believe you did that a couple times all right I gotta know why why we're all in this were you ever a
Starting point is 00:47:44 lugs guy okay man this guy's trash he had to have some questionable fashion choice but long he was never okay no lugs were never okay my mentor funkmaster flex had a lugs he did I'll give it he was the only one he was he was it was he was the only do push in those flex was the guy flex was a genius flex was always the guy you don't go after the number one of the two guy because they already got Jay-Z and Nas and Biggie whatever you go after the number three guy got a big check from the small for lunch wants to be number one so he made a deal with lugs I'm in a lugs I'm in two lugs TV commercials did you know
Starting point is 00:48:32 I found it on I found it I looked it up on Google I'm in a lugs commercial and then like a lugs magazine ad no a pretty bad site well whatever he's working I gotta give him that I never I never I never wore them but I I was part of the campaign sure yeah I got a nice she gave me a that was like he gave me I think of five or $10,000 check and I'm I mean I'm 22 you know I mean and he flexed and I mean flex got a I'm 34 I would go I'd put on a pair of lugs right now absolutely flex had to get a hundred thousand maybe more gave me like five or ten I forget what it was but I was I was living I was living for so yeah so if you search
Starting point is 00:49:18 lugs it will come up I'm going to for sure that's so funny had no idea that's great damn I don't know where I'm going ever been to vacation that a sandals or hedonism have you the ripping in the tail baby are you falling apart now are you you know this stuff right no no idea okay I'm we're just good at sniffing out the trash no okay and some guys some guy who buys knockoff Air Force ones in midtown wears them on a beach in Jamaica is probably going to say okay speaking of never never sandals never hedonism on my own accord okay but hot 97 had a deal with hedonism to win Jamaica I remember I remember the act we
Starting point is 00:50:11 would do hot night hot night Jamaica and you could win tickets to go to so that was the only time if I ever went to Jamaica I either went to the classy joint half moon in Montego Bay which is class sounds nice and now I go to Rock House which is amazing okay but I go to Jamaica a lot but I'm just a Jamaican at heart like reggae music dance home music it's like my culture okay it's like a new year and then and then also I know the guy that I got a dj a wedding I know the night manager no my best friend is a part owner in one of these hotels in in a in a grill called Skylark okay but it's yeah it's but
Starting point is 00:51:00 like it's funny because it's like touristy Skylark which is beautiful touristy like it's like in the middle sure but um yeah so I went to hedonism for that and first of all sidebar nude nude beaches it's disgusting there's a reason bikinis were invented yeah like also like I was like oh we go into a new like I'm kind of like I'm kind of shot like I'm not like I'm not like one of those freaks publicly like I get down with a girl and in private but then probably I'm not like one of those I don't even like strip clubs I start feeling bad for the girls yeah but I'm like oh nude beach I'm like giggling
Starting point is 00:51:37 like it's gonna be crazy it's all old yeah it's gross yeah hot people don't go to those things yeah yeah a bunch of bunch of me's with money yeah it's like old use gray head use little stinger hanging out yeah what would that night and tail what would that have a little it would be like it would be like a weekend it was called hot night but it was like a weekend so they'd be like a they'd be like a you know day party like a brunch kind of party vibe and then be parties at night and then we'd have like different artists performing at night so almost like private concerts yeah not a bad giveaway no it was great radio
Starting point is 00:52:19 used to really flex on giveaways back in the day man yeah you know it's like you know was me and like six other jocks from the radio and I wasn't even a high jock at that time it was just like they're not gonna send the main guys and we would DJ and do parties and then we'd have like mr. Vegas or Sean Paul perform before they were like really big you know and it was just like and it would be like 40 hot 97 listeners and then the regular people at the resort if you could call that that's almost classy it's not bad I do like this can't get a read on this fucking seriously everything's got a little bit of trash to
Starting point is 00:52:57 it every classy thing he does is rooted in the island and the spiritualness of it in the fruit and people actually my cousin my buddy Timmy's an owner I get fucking half off I get the midweek special cuz it's empty anyway kid I grew up with in Levittown rent scooters on the beach you ever heard of the restaurant miss lilies here in the city yeah of course yeah okay miss lilies is the guy who owns miss lilies owns this hotel okay there's a miss lilies in the Skylark and that the one on 7th and 8th yeah that's it there's one there's one on Houston okay it's actually really good yeah so but my boy is like a co-owner
Starting point is 00:53:33 he's like I don't know what you call it yeah vest or something yeah so I so he was in the room next door to me so every time I would listen when he was leaving his room I know he was going to get breakfast and I would just go with him so that I could eat for free like I heard you I respect the move for sure Max Glazer you know that's funny man holy shit dude what else we got what else when was the last time you were in a wave pool mmm a while yeah why I don't I haven't been in a I haven't taken my shirt off you know and a pool setting in a long time probably what do you see
Starting point is 00:54:28 don't do you swim with a t-shirt on if you go no no no no no you just don't go no no like I'm going to pool I won't go in the ocean how come no no no cuz I sneakers I don't like the awesome you come walking out of the water I don't I don't I don't I don't like going in the in the ocean from a beach I'll jump off a boat but I don't like walking in that slime okay I mean I don't like things touching my feet when you're walking into the ocean from the sand you know but if we're on a boat like a yacht I'll jump in cuz it's like you can't touch the bottom sure I mean and it feels cleaner also yeah I mean not very many
Starting point is 00:55:13 people have been guests on the shows have been been on a yacht that even have an opinion to be like oh well when I'm on a yacht I jump into the water how many times you've been on the yacht good amount of time yeah yeah I'm friends with he knows Jay-Z yeah that's pretty classy I know but he's jumping off to like an animal I guarantee Jay-Z off the fucking yacht I've been lucky man I've been on some cool shit man I'm like you know what it is people just like me like I like you're a nice guy they're like hey I'm loving it DJ you know on the third night of the cruise we're having a little get-together we want some cool like soulful
Starting point is 00:55:57 jazzy music with the guests but I don't just fly in for the third night I'm on the whole thing you know I mean pretty classy I watch below deck yeah all right what was the name of your pediatrician going up do you remember no no no I don't cut that cut that one out how many pairs of dress shoes do you own none zero I don't wear shoes I do not wear shoes what if you're gonna go to a wedding nope sneakers all the time always do you have a suit to put on right I have suits I got suits like two or like seven suits yeah I got four nice ones and then I'll have pretty good and then I'll have like like I got like six or seven like blazers that
Starting point is 00:56:48 I'll throw on with like an open button down and a nice G like black classy G star jeans okay you know I mean but like is that you know something somewhat dressed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but I gotta yeah I got like I got some custom suits but I go to I go to this guy and I'm like I'm going to wear sneakers so like hem the bottom so it looks right little longer yeah I don't I hate shoes I won't wish you pretty good only time I would ever wear shoes would be for some like if I was in a movie and it was part of the part of the character yeah Obama could be like I need you a DJ the White House I'm like I didn't go you
Starting point is 00:57:27 mentioned Jay-Z I there's a famous party every Grammy season is called the Rock Nation brunch yeah it's all your favorite rappers dressed to the tee like just to the nine I'm going to the next I'm gonna wait until you're walking down the hall like hey say where you going to the brunch I was managed by Rock Nation Rock Nation is my family yeah right shout to OG1 shout to Des this is my family and they're like you're gonna DJ the next Rock Nation brunch there was one in New York wherever the Grammys are is where the brunch is and I go okay they're like you got to dress up and I'm like yeah dress up no problem they're
Starting point is 00:58:02 like you got to wear shoes I'm like you know you know you manage me yeah you know I'm not wearing shoes in my contract that you send to promoters when they try to book me says will not wear shoes so you know I'm not wearing shoes and they're like no but for this you have to it I'm like I'm not doing it and and this is the biggest party of the year and I said you know what I'm not doing it I'm not going and they're like you're really not gonna go to the brunch I'm not going I'm not going and I stayed home and it was literally like what you didn't go it was like two blocks from where I live Battery Park it was like
Starting point is 00:58:36 some some one of those halls you rent like fancy all sure Tribeca joints and and it was literally two blocks walking distance from my house and I didn't go cheese throw in a pair of penny low no I have my I have weird non-negotiable if you know if you're booking me you should know I'm the cool you're I'm there for the cool factor got no shoes speaking of cool factor have you ever owned any of the following okay do you own any swords num chucks no yo-yos no Chinese stars have I ever yeah yeah hot and they were hot and you go to uh you go to the little uh the little Chinatown you know
Starting point is 00:59:30 where they sell like just candy and bags and sure and you go they want to get them going to back in the back room and there's like weapons they were so fucking awesome and it was what I never really heard I don't think I've ever heard one story of somebody getting hit in the face with a Chinese star what you would think how deadly of a weapon they are yeah that would have been stories about I people had had them never have friends so I think they didn't know how to use them yeah they would throw and they would fly all over the place I've I've seen people get messed up with nunchucks yeah I've seen it I've seen
Starting point is 01:00:06 it not correctly yeah you know not like of course okay I don't know how I'm doing over there you're doing good I got one this is this is a new one when you're getting you're getting out of the shower right how do you dry yourself off do you get out of the shower completely then dry yourself off do you dry yourself off in the shower or do you do like a half and half type thing basically do you do you limit the amount of moisture that's gonna go on to the correct yeah onto the floor in the shower kind of guy okay I dry off in the shower completely uh I mean completely I mean I don't get dressed in
Starting point is 01:00:48 shower I always keep the towel I got the hook by the shower I dry off enough to where I didn't wrap it and then you're good to walk around okay all right pretty good cuz I'll do that I'll just get out like an animal I get yelled I'll just get out I'll do it I'll get out I'll find you dry on the mat I'll I'll just do it yeah I just it's like I have no regard I'll go into the shower I'll go into the bathroom not realizing that don't I don't have a clean towel that's the worst feeling in the world still get into the shower I'll shower yeah fucking rip that thing open and I'll walk all through the apartment looking for a
Starting point is 01:01:25 towel my girlfriend my girlfriend screaming at me but it feels so good when that cold air hits your body thing you mean you go all around the apartment looking for a time you don't have all your towels I mean I go on the bedroom again in the shower yeah have you ever brushed your teeth I used to because my mom does that okay but I don't like it really big thing on the podcast really I was against it for a long very long time until last week I tried it yeah and I did it I did it today it's a game-changer really is a game I'm a hot shower guy okay but I like brushing my teeth with cold water yeah
Starting point is 01:02:11 okay and uh yeah I don't I don't know I don't what's the benefit what's the benefit for me which I which I'm learning is I exit the shower completely clean okay I go I can now put something on my face I don't have it's just like I'm the cleansing process is complete I'll sometimes brush my teeth before shower okay on that same thing I might yeah I I understand that because you're in the shower and your breath is hot but you're cleaning off yeah I'll brush my teeth before I take a shower that's pretty good I don't like it in the shower hundred episodes never thought of that also like the toothbrush is in the
Starting point is 01:02:47 shower like around he keeps his in there I can reach mine for a month yeah it feels like I don't even I even I cover my toothbrush because I don't even want the shit fumes I'm a big I was a I just started to wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute your own home yeah you cover your toothbrush yeah I yeah with what with like a it's in like a case like a travel case uh yeah see those things get way funkier no I clean it often you sure you got here pick one of those up and they just smell like yeah no no I clean I have a Amazon is the best I have a like a straw cleaner okay clean those metal straws and I clean the
Starting point is 01:03:26 toothbrush case that's that's not weird but it's classy he's got no shit on his bucket he's got no poop particles on it yeah I can't I can't I'm not a fan of any poop I don't think that really no okay well I have the science on it I do what do you mean it doesn't exist there's no way you take a poop there's particles all over you by the way on purpose 100% but also I found they did on Mythbusters years ago and I used to be like a big fucking germaphobe there's no difference there's poop the thing is there's poop particles everywhere yeah there's no difference to what being outside of the bathroom there's no
Starting point is 01:04:03 difference being in the kitchen or in your bathroom there's the same amount of poop particles poop particles throughout your house that's gross yeah there's so that's what made me going that's what made me like finally right yeah cuz there's something like I saw something once where they were like doing tests on money oh yeah get it cash money disgusting they did it when McDonald's put in the touch screens recently they did a study on that don't ever touch right yeah it's bad it's bad because you know what the thing is like that's the same thing about keyboards on computers at work where your keyboard is feel
Starting point is 01:04:43 thier than the toilet at your job oh yeah they say cell phones are disgusting disgusting yeah what am I gonna do I need myself yeah yeah I gotta I gotta I'm tick-tock I gotta keep up with these kids while we're on the subject of trash garbage I downloaded tick-tock because I was like I spent all my energy on Instagram and I should be spreading out my social media presence it's it's in our business have to yeah of course I have not posted one thing and I'm a fucking junkie I almost deleted it this morning I'm I'm I look forward to the time where I'm like okay I'm about to lay down go to bed I don't even watch TV anymore I
Starting point is 01:05:25 just sweat I fell asleep I woke up my thumb was still on my screen I woke up and then flicked another and then my algorithm is all fucked up it's just big titty white girls yeah and like date like what's the worst time you've been ghosted I don't know why well they they think they know I was the same way they think they know you so I was just getting all these like hot chicks as well and I'm like well I'm gay you know whatever so but then it stopped and now I get all which I enjoy is I get all rap battles like all right yeah yeah that's all I get that in like I get that an iPhone hacks that's pretty good love my phone
Starting point is 01:06:07 yeah that's not bad can't be useful for educational purposes I guess I've definitely used them with iPhone hacks I wouldn't I would I went on at once and it was yeah it was all like young girls dancing I was like I can't too old for this like I can't be looking at some big titties on tiktok yeah all right I got one have you ever signed up for a free trial knowingly you were going to immediately no stop it afterwards no I never do that because I know I'm gonna forget to unsubscribe yeah I only put things that I'm gonna actually I respect you with that unsubscribe they know the trashiest thing is setting an alarm in your phone
Starting point is 01:06:43 for like the 18th or I've gone I've gone I've done some things where it's gone all the way to the credit card part and then I go I'm not putting my credit card yeah I'm not gonna do it yeah I'm not gonna unsubscribe yeah yeah that'll make you flinch real quick did I belong to plan a fitness for like 37 years they're like you gotta come in and turn this on like you $10 a month for the rest of my life I never want to see they won't do it and the only way they get their money is if you ever try to re-up again and you can never go back to a plan of fitness don't try to bang out I can't buddy we'll be okay I've been around that
Starting point is 01:07:18 have you ever cooked onion rings at home like you mean not made them but just had frozen onion instead of making like fries in the oven you ever made onion rings yes that's trash yes but that's but that's with the new air fryer recently TV I'll give you that the recent follow-up how do you feel about the pizza burger you mean a burger with mozzarella and tomato sauce yeah now okay I'm a diner guy okay I'm a diner guy my me and my grandma these always go to the diner and a couple times I'm like I'm gonna get a pizza burger and I never took on paper it makes a lot of sex execution isn't great literally my two
Starting point is 01:08:11 I'll do hamburger meat on pizza though what how do you get that me meatballs no hamburger meat it's not a thing in New York really but if you go out of town I don't hate it like if you go to like cuz I don't eat pork okay so like the pizza hut and the Domino's and those type of oh yeah I've seen ground beer they'll do beef yeah yeah really ground beef like we would get 555 Domino's you get like pepperoni bacon and ground yeah and the hood we say hamburger meat so I don't like a pizza burger because burgers and pizza is my two favorite fucking right but I'll do the hamburger meat on the pizza have you ever made a pizza bagel
Starting point is 01:08:52 at home once as a no not a pizza bagel uh uh uh uh English muffin English muffin yeah they used to serve that was that was nothing trashy about the fucking thing I don't care what you put on it English muffin classy you know it's funny I grew up on English muffins but I haven't gotten I've never went and bought it on my own it was just always at my mom's house do yourself a pack of they stink dude what do you what do you mean the smell of them no no they just they're not no here there's such better breakfast bread you've sent some asinine things in this podcast it's the craziest thing I ever heard
Starting point is 01:09:32 there's something about an English muffin like I haven't had it in so long golden brown crispy but the thing is you got to watch them because they burn fast gotta watch them you know who watches toast you don't watch toast yeah toast you can set it and forget it you gotta be on toast it's like a cat do you leave it yeah the English muffin is like you gotta because it starts blackening that thing I'll get it out get it out stuff and then you put that butter on the English I'm gonna get a pack today the nooks and crannies I think one time my wife bought um some you know like a like a whole week gluten-free Thomas oh it
Starting point is 01:10:09 was not right I get that original the original also I'm a cinnamon raisin guy I don't like cinnamon raisin but yeah but I could see how that would be good yikes I don't like raisin okay what's why do they always make raisins I hate raisins huh what's the reason ain't doing much for you I love a trail mix with M&M's sure I gotta take out the raisins yeah of course I'll sit in front of the TV so you like M&M's yeah like M&M's and peanuts I like the peanuts and uh and uh whatever other shits in their cashews whatever I don't like I don't like a raisin and I don't like you know what else I'm upset about I feel like raisins
Starting point is 01:10:47 might be a white person thing my kids like raisins I like raisins okay my kids I agree I know some people like them uh why can't they do the oatmeal cookie without the raisins they can and they do it's chocolate chip and it's probably is that it's the best cookie ever I love it's not that popular but you find them it's my favorite cookie I'll bite into like an oatmeal raisin because I love the oatmeal cookie fantastic but then I gotta like it's like a fig newt yeah yeah around the raisin you like fig newtons no no no love them love fig newtons yeah well as a kid I hated them but I had one
Starting point is 01:11:25 recently I was like yeah when you were a little kid between that and the fucking chips ahoy I'm starting a revolution if I get fucking if I find fig newtons in my mom tried that shit once get it did not fly I looked her dead in the eyes into the back of town go back to the store don't like this not not in my house all right this is big do you toast a bagel yeah he's a what yeah wait no stop hold on rephrase the question stop stop you're a new year you're you're you're a New York kid yeah you go to you Saturday morning whatever yeah you go to a bagel place yeah fresh bagels yeah you're toasting that bagel wait am I
Starting point is 01:12:07 getting a pack to bring home you're just getting it there yeah I'll toast it I'll toast everything everything bagel scallion cream cheese scooped out huh scoops out scoops out classy scooped out is scoops out is the class the new scoop siphon sounds toast is big scooped wow it's so good we're big components of the of the fresh New York City bagel to not be toasted Toby disagrees so you're the first you're the first one that's agreed with it's you know you do toast it yeah he wants to toast you got to toast a bagel period we don't think you need to toast what about a buttered
Starting point is 01:12:47 roll that's such a New York thing it's very New York very New York I got no opinion on the butter roll I got hard opinions on the butter roll you don't toast butter really ever toast it's horrible and it's just that coffee that's it that's even coffee it is I like I like a but that's the breakfast in the morning like in the bodega it's just butter butter butter but just butter on a roll on a roll that's it delicious it's so weird to see like you know a fucking tin-knocker with like the construction you got a hard hat only yeah let me get a buttered roll yeah seven is that a New York thing oh yeah very New York bacon
Starting point is 01:13:20 egg and cheese is a New York thing too oh yeah the guy that we did the show for in Charleston he's a New York guy he he was part owner and down the hatch and off the wagon you know so he opened this bar in Charleston it's amazing it's called a uptown social and he he started doing breakfast on the weekends bacon egg and cheese New York style yeah Kaiser roll of it killing it oh people don't people thinking invented oh yeah I have no idea invented it's it only really exist it's like on the you know Mid-Atlantic up yeah like Philly DC up it to Boston so simple bacon egg and cheese at a good bodega
Starting point is 01:14:01 fucking orange juice can't beat it yeah good night yeah I'm gonna go get one right now thing to you get it anytime of day oh and whenever it's awesome you might have to wait a little bit extra for the bacon if they don't have it like already I don't even eat the big bacon there you go well since we're on food and you mentioned it before what would watchers on food what's your go-to with a diner what's your go-to meal okay my favorite diner after a show I got 23rd and 9th Chelsea Square diner I've spent many a night's there had at least five Thanksgiving's there hold on that's trash hold on I was gonna I swear to God I
Starting point is 01:14:36 was gonna ask him because it's a New York thing I was gonna ask him if he ever had Thanksgiving at a restaurant you just told us that you scoop your bagel out yeah you're all you're running you're swimming in the ocean I know you didn't think to hide that information from us thanks giving Chelsea Square diner at a diner they probably throw down a nice turkey here's the thing oh good here's the thing Chelsea Square diner we would go there after clubs all the time and I don't celebrate holidays like a 5% or you don't believe in the white man's holidays stolen land from the natives all that shit you don't believe in that
Starting point is 01:15:17 fair enough but I love Thanksgiving so I can't fuck with Easter but I love so Thanksgiving Eve in the hip-hop world I think Thanksgiving Eve is bigger than yeah yeah yeah it's that's for a lot of yeah party wise Thanksgiving Eve is better it's more fun New Year's Eve is a bunch of amateurs that don't know how to party Thanksgiving Eve is the night and Thanksgiving we DJ a club and then we go to Chelsea Square diner and get and you can get this right now they have it all the time yeah they have the Thanksgiving anything in a diner all the time that's where the trash part comes yeah yeah you can get Thanksgiving
Starting point is 01:15:55 dinner I'll do I'll do depending on the time of day I'll burgers are go to for me always do a good burger and then I'll do I'll do a grilled cheese on rye which is mostly New York they don't have rye everywhere good Jewish right yeah northeast they do yeah we had a tomato soup with that or just a girl I've done tomato soup with it okay real cheese on rye turkey bacon love it they make it go to the diner makes a great grilled cheese see I you know what I'm stuck on Chelsea Square diner because I know the whole menu I'll get a mushroom soup they got a good mushroom soup fried mushrooms fried mushroom appetizer yeah like the
Starting point is 01:16:41 like little breaded balls mushrooms know them well the best ones in New York are Neptune diner and Astoria sure Neptune diner right off the right Astoria Boulevard by the bridge they have the best fried mushrooms those are because I used to live in Astoria but a burger burger onion rings because fries like I like fast food fries sure so in a diner I'll do onion rings it's a gentleman move but he's also getting fucking I was fucking back damn it I don't know what's I made my decision kids slippery sorry I'm sorry I have all I I have all I'll render my verdict and it ain't good for Mr. Sip of sounds
Starting point is 01:17:30 was the last time he had quail egg 106 quail never never had a quail egg I don't like slimy foods I don't like slimy foods I don't know if that's trashier classy I don't know like I don't I don't I don't like even if I do eggs they got to be well done I can't do the the yolk know that all right he's trash yeah that's a wrap that's a wrap really a fucking gentleman has a sunny side egg no so you can dip your toast in it it's gross now my vote doesn't count but I say this guy's all class yeah but it's all it's all on borrowed time nothing nothing makes sense he's buying a house with a fucking the Air Force one box
Starting point is 01:18:15 100% carbazio I go on a road with the best I go on a road with Dave Chappelle Michael Che Michelle Wolf like these are my friends yeah for four seasons rich Carlton all day yeah top top top top if I go on a road with myself I'm on hotels tonight every I'm fine so this is clean I need a clean Hampton and you're doing well it's a tough guy's trash holiday and express do you hit the continental breakfast in the morning I don't I don't I'll go I I'll spend on food okay I'll spend on I'll give you that yeah I don't what's the what's the room Che used to get me sweets yeah because he's a gentleman he would get
Starting point is 01:19:01 me sweets and this how you take the buy out go ahead go down to the hotel listen we got to leave I'm gonna tell you right now here's the thing Michael Che the nicest guy in the world greatest guy he gives you the best first-class treatment my thing is I'm on a road with him three four months right summertime before when he doesn't do SNL my thing is his accountant at the end of the year is going what the fuck is all these two sweet yeah all the time you're a line item all the time you've got real expensive $38,000 the sweet cost more than what he pays me yeah so I don't want to be in that zone smart that's
Starting point is 01:19:42 smart you're looking at it like a fucking yeah all of a sudden you're an expense expense yeah so I'm like just give me a regular room it's still a four seasons ladies gentlemen cypher sounds but this was fantastic anything you want to folks out there to know you got coming up etc etc the main thing I want you to know is that when you do a podcast you for supposed to plug in the beginning we get long haulers baby look just follow me at cypher sounds it's a weird name it's CIPHA follow me Juan Epis dead podcast me and Peter Rosenberg it's back and the fans wanted it we're back and everything on there now that
Starting point is 01:20:32 the world is back open you can find everything on cypher or at cypher sounds fantastic awesome man thanks for having me this is amazing great kippy what do you got for him just make sure you're right if you subscribe on iTunes YouTube you can subscribe there and then the live shows we have coming up we're announcing probably like four or six more coming up yes sir but the first two are the fuck I'm drawing a blank Raleigh and Nash Raleigh goodnight Nashville Carolina Nashville Zaney's Nashville's get those fucking tickets babies come and see us yeah we love you guys we'll see you next time
Starting point is 01:21:06 cypher thank you thank you

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