Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Dollar Beer Night w/ Kippy & Foley

Episode Date: August 18, 2022

We got a family episode baby! Kippy and Foley answer your garbage questions from Patreon. Thanks for listening. Love youse guys! Follow Kevin: Follow Foley...: Live Shows: PATREON: MERCH: Ladder Life: Better Help: True Classic: Code: Garbage Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hachi Machi middle-class famous tour update kippy. Uh-oh. We got a couple alerts going out straighten them out a little bit Yeah, guys, so we're coming to Seattle in Portland. Unfortunately Seattle is sold out So if you want tickets, you're gonna have to come see us in Portland and we're going to Kansas City Springfield St. Louis Nashville in the Philadelphia that show sold out already three months ahead of time We added a second show tickets are on sale right now Then we're going up to Providence, Rhode Island. That's gonna sell out in Boston. There's low ticket alert So get those tickets now. We love to see you do it. Welcome to another exciting edition of are you? garbage the show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals or
Starting point is 00:00:42 Absolute trash now here are your hosts Kevin Ryan and H Foley Hey Everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast. This is are you garbage? Little show we sit down Favorite comedians and find out that you're to be cleasy. Yeah, just a big old piece of trash I'm your host age Foley coming at you on a beautiful day. We're down here at Aunt Tootie's basement She's upstairs getting ready for the fall Doing a little pickling okay of her cigarettes
Starting point is 00:01:17 We got to start taking submissions My co-host is coming at you from across the table technically. I got a gig a lot of them So it counts as a win. He's the CEO of are you garbage? He's international businessman He's the Prince of Park Avenue, but always the king of the boardwalk. Give it up for KJ Kevin James Ryan Hey, everybody. Thanks for tuning in as always. Please make sure you rate view subscribe over there on itunes Oh, yeah, don't fucking mean anything no more. Yes, it does. Then you go over there are you garbage check it out because I think those numbers are And then obviously shout out to Al Gore for creating the internet shout out to Sam Yam and Jack Conti for creating the greatest website of all time
Starting point is 00:02:02 You get bonus content you get episodes a wedgy episode the hard feelings you get the live stream you get bonus content We're coming out the fucking wazoo with bonus content. Yeah overstuffed Overstuffed double-stuffed bonus content like those videos you watch We're just dropping it should be soon or it should be out right now The camping trip we just did meet the bone and new guy Luke went up there and a cat skills got an RV and boy Do we have a good time full long video on? The patreon right now check it out. I don't give any spoilers, but I fought a grizzly
Starting point is 00:02:38 Is it a gay bar? How about a nice quick shout out to our producer extraordinary the magic man makes us all look good Uh-huh the ones and twos reason for us Crosses the T's he dots the eyes He spins all the hits does time and temperature around the 8th give it up for T-Bow McMuffin Toby McMullen. What's up, dude? What up T-Bone you were present for us from what I understand. Oh, yes, indeed. We have a beautiful piece Submitted it's a collaboration. You know a bunch of people we we hold near indeed or our hearts frame of mind art Really who put this can in my hand and some other folks dabbled really so an unboxing video
Starting point is 00:03:14 It sure is and it's feeling mr. Beast. I haven't seen I haven't seen it yet What's inside but in person, but it's pretty dope from the photo. Okay, and they did all this behind our backs I don't know. I don't know. I don't like that. Yeah, what the fuck people plotting on me plus. This isn't gonna be a smooth opening Who's doing this taped up like a nuclear football? I know what the fuck? I got a hot cup Joe you'll be you'll be editing around this Hey, I got a dr. Pepper over here. What are you talking about? I'm busy fully your own audio Okay, yeah, you're a professional vampir. All right Slice it over you stink at this
Starting point is 00:04:00 All right, if it's a kitten, I'm gonna be very upset it's pretty Fucking sweet if I do say so myself. I hope we hate it to be honest with you Now before you open is this a is this a new set piece is that what you're envisioning? I don't know. We'll see it. We'll see how it takes out. I guess that I haven't seen it in person Okay, all right All right Machi you open up like a dad putting a bike together on Christmas and fucking Ikea Jesus Christ This is pretty fucking sweet
Starting point is 00:04:36 All right, listen, I shit on you for packaging it, but you did a pretty fucking great job. Oh My god, that's beautiful. It's so sick. Do you have to fuck? That's awesome It's even sicker than I thought it would be where's that going in the middle? I don't know that's fucking sweet Yeah, that's beautiful Shout out to cornbread customs Han and Tony. We appreciate it, baby We were in contact with who put this can man He reached out and organized this amazing opportunity to work with the graphic designer Logo Trevon from frame of mind art on Instagram. Holy shit. This is fucking sweet guys. Thank you. It's fucking beautiful, man
Starting point is 00:05:12 That's great. Hey for the audio listeners the giant bad-ass a yg sign with a trash can with the Mountain Dew bottle a carton of Bernie some spray cheese couple past two bills Couple of red cups the whole nine yards and I will be selling this to the highest bidder Get my eBay account going Reset my password fellas. Thank you so much. Yeah, T-bone. You put this together. I didn't do shit. They DM me I said don't tell the bosses That's very nice man. Thank you guys so much. It's fucking beautiful now. I gotta be worried people are plotting against me It's gonna be probably a microphone in that thing. Oh trust it. Oh, okay. We're scanning this thing for bugs for sure, dude
Starting point is 00:05:57 No, I got a couple of X FBI guys fucking on the team coming here with that one new guy Luke skin. Yeah, I don't like that. Oh Damn, so they got in the mirror Largo Mere Largo Jesus Christ. He said that like a dude on the Boulevard Hachi Machi That's fantastic. We got to figure out where to put that. Maybe that goes there I was thinking I didn't want to I don't want to say it up a bit. We'll figure it out. Yeah, it's very cool, man Fuck I don't know if the wood panel can hold that thing that thing's pretty fucking heavy bike What's the shipping on that had to be like three grain couple of sinkers?
Starting point is 00:06:32 But they just sent that to us. That's correct. That's so fuck. That's awesome guys You guys are the fucking best. You're the fucking absolute bad. Look at this. Look at this family gotta love it, baby I love it. Yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah, so much. It's great. All right. I have a question for you fellas. I'm listening A little bit a little something from new guy Luke NGL and shout out to new guy Luke NGL slid this one my way. I said run up the flagpole What do you think is the better deal the dollar slice or the dollar can of Arizona? Dollar slice. Yeah, what do you mean dollar slice all the way? Yeah, food food Trump's beverage Oh, it ever just fills you up for what you get free water cup over there, too
Starting point is 00:07:12 The best value is going to Chipotle ask for a water cup filled up with thy Coke and leave That's the best value. I if we're doing that I fill mine up with quack. I'm only I Brought this in you know, I have to charge you for that right. What are you talking about? This is my case of con queso. What's it called con queso? Salsa con queso which we had on the on the on the camping trip. We went food shopping You did the general store. I didn't tell nobody tell me maybe get some chips Spotted that cost of code salsa con queso at the end of aisle three. Yeah, you guys are going at it It was like a halo around that thing
Starting point is 00:07:50 It was right next to the buckshot After about 14 white claws, man, I Was like a crab in that barrel, baby Yeah, dollar slice all day Dollar slice all day which they say New York City is very expensive, but you can really eat cheap ran here if you put your mind I I'm so trash. I love I There's $3 slice places that I love the one over there by New York Common Club 4th Street right over there on a
Starting point is 00:08:17 Second-hab and 4th per se They got Percy's which bumped up the two doll. I mean in the in our early days in the village in New York We lived off Percy's dollar slice like I probably lean years not even not even joking. Maybe look pretty fat though Ten I was tight then ten a week ten a week probably yeah, Percy's We're doing ten ten ten slices a week at Percy's got two bucks now. I know goddamn fucking trick is to go heavy with the Palm cheese. It's almost like another slice. It's all toppings. Yeah, you really got to get it on the freebie What do you got back there and he gummy bears Skittles throw them on top piece of gum something get it some density Do you fuck with the the red pepper flakes? It depends. All right, listen, I'm a little weird
Starting point is 00:09:02 I'm a weird guy. All right. This is known as a kid. Did you go near that shit? Not until it's 28 Did I touch that shit? No way? I didn't know what those are bugs? There's ants on my side Get that shit away. I don't even like the oregano. All right, so I'm a real I'm a germ guy real picky icky You know what I mean? I won't touch those in public. I got the dollar slice spots I don't touch those mm-hmm was those dollar slice spots you go in there's at any given point Two crack heads a murderer a homeless guy. There's not enough flavor in them for me in what and the pepper flakes I don't really hate you. Sure. I guess you got to get good ones fresh ones. Yeah, they haven't made one of those
Starting point is 00:09:40 They're probably some of the things from the whole bunch is Just loosely it's construction paper. What are you talking about? Couple staples in there. I would tell you dude is like fucking three in the morning. I'm walking on walking home from spots and a Couple of pops this is a few years ago I stop into a dollar slice place and the guy in front of me dollar slice places are traditionally all cash Of course cash operation. I wouldn't trust it if I needed a credit card off the books So the guy in front of me orders a dollar slice of pizza And they can pull he pulls out a credit card to buy a dollar slice and he has it the fuck
Starting point is 00:10:16 It's three o'clock in the morning your own fucking 14th Avenue. Get the fuck out of here pal Honest you here cuz you ran out of coke quick fucking We're trying to stand on airs and make with the one He turned around the guys like guys like yeah, he's like, I don't have any cash on me The guys like yeah, right and then like fucking took this took to slice and put it back now in my head I'm gonna fuck. I'm getting this guy's bug bogus slice that he didn't want. I'm going. I want a new one You know what I mean? I'm not eating the floor model. Yeah, I had a dollar slice For 50 cents, I'll think about it
Starting point is 00:10:48 I'm throwing an Arizona. We got a deal Exactly, so then the guy turns on the music. So what are we gonna do about what do you mean? What are we gonna do about this motherfucker? Get out of my way and let me get to it. I die a pep and I'm out the fucking Dizzle. Hey, I'll tell you what I'll eat his on kick rocks dickhead Yeah, the fuck slice was is a dollar slice is probably Unless you find like a dollar taco spot, but the thing about the dollar slice, but it's a dollar all day every day 24 hours almost That's not the case with like oh this place has nickel wings or whatever. It's a yeah
Starting point is 00:11:22 But that's for two hours on a Wednesday, and you're in there I always thought that was a scam to what 25 cent wings. No man shout out doesn't add up Dude the barbers hall in north Philadelphia at on temples came it was like a little off temples campus It wasn't it was by no means sanctioned by the by the university and they had dollar beers dollar fucking cups like Red cups of draft beers dollar beers, and I believe it was 10 cent wings So 10 wings is a dollar dollar we go in there. That's how the UFC started, right? Do we go in with 10 bucks and fucking walk out?
Starting point is 00:12:02 You wake up in the morning, how the fuck I spent $88 a dollar beer night. Yeah, your butthole wasn't been burning Also one of my big claims of fame at this it was called pub web or something like that it opened like midway through My senior or something. I was like later wasn't there without open after I'd already been there was like a cool Puh, it was like cool. You know this place is chillin as young good like guys who ran it and everything I thought you meant you and your crew. Yeah, we were in there scouting blue cheese all over your face No, they had dollar beers at this place on like whatever a fucking Tuesday nights or Wednesday nights, and I Went up the one that was like ten of us and we were all getting like two beers or whatever So I like walked up and I'm like I need 20. I did the math like I need 20 bud lights or whatever
Starting point is 00:12:45 He's like what so you just brought a case. Oh, I handed on 25 bucks. You brought a 24 pack over. I was like my man Let's go. Yeah, I can couple bucks off cuz they're warm Uh-huh that was uh, and then that was another big thing was always finding especially in the city It was finding a place where you could drink for very cheap open bars. Sure You know 50 cent drink nights, whatever the college deals were all right. We had we had a acapoco pizza That did like Michael Slices Wednesday. I black out No, dude, they had a they would deliver on campus and they had a fucking it was like a fucking two-foot cheesesteak for like
Starting point is 00:13:26 Three cents or something like that used to fucking get a couple of those and fucking go to town The big one and I think I might have talked about you struck out I don't know what that broad deal was. You got pepperoni in your nose That's when I first put pickles on a cheesesteak and it was phenomenal really ketchup mayo and pickles talk about experiment in college Everybody's having three zooms and fucking turning by and shit You're over there putting pickles on a sandwich Got real weird in college Try to try to wine pizza for the first time never look back
Starting point is 00:14:12 I would tell you the our neighborhood Pizza place not be a sock to the food sock, but it was munchies do got arrested for fucking Slaying and mad Wade out of there. He got arrested with like a pipe bomb like fucking the foreground and cash I'm not serving like two years Take a minute here, but hold on that was somebody a lot of people right in he would they would deliver a six when we were real young You could be like 1415 you would call if no one was home like oh, yeah We're getting a large pizza two orders of cheese fries two cartons of poem
Starting point is 00:14:46 and a couple of Lucy's fucking Shawshank Comes in in a towel you bringing that up. I I asked glassman this but it kind of Got breezed over a little bit Toby and I were talking to my beginning definitely a question I want to start asking everybody. What was the name of the pizza place in your hometown and the Chinese spot? Sure, I don't think Yeah, we had a couple Chinese spots. We didn't do Chinese food though at all. I don't think my mom's had anything but Italian Italian and Thanksgiving dinner, that's all we do lady. I told you nine times. We don't do a fucking chicken bagada here
Starting point is 00:15:24 But I will tell you this I don't know one garden or something. Okay, that's pretty classy. I've never been in there But we had lay leg Okay, sounds like a panda, right? And we also had a fuck I can't remember it fuck. What was I gonna say? It's something really good. Oh, no, you didn't Yes, I did yes, I did Chinese spots the pizza rolls they have pizza egg rolls There I can get down with that dude Don't sleep on those. They are fucking fantastic. You want to hear something real? Oh, all right. This is this is all right
Starting point is 00:16:02 This is what I wanted to I wanted to bring this up before I Want to get your take on this we're now we're talking, you know, we're talking takeout food. Yeah, I know last I'm down to shore or whatever last week whatever two weeks ago. Mm-hmm We're ordering out from ain't LP North Wildwood shout out Okay, so we went with the cheese that with the with the liquid cheese whiz It's a good spot chicken cheese steak blew my so I go I'm getting a chicken cheese steak, right? my mom and my wife decided to do some sort of
Starting point is 00:16:36 I'm out. I think I go to the liquor store. I come back and I'm like, hey, they're like, oh, we placed an order They're gonna make some pasta and then they're gonna get meatballs from ain't LP because I guess they didn't have meat or whatever So they're gonna like kind of hodgepodge together a pasta dinner. Okay. I'm gonna whatever, you know Here what they did was they ordered a meatball sub and pulled the meatballs off the sandwich and put them in the pasta I was like, I don't know. This is genius or the biggest dirtbag move. I've ever seen you Have you ever watched your mom scrape meatballs off a sub? No, but it's a bad look since you bring that up. Oh God There was There the people were you know to come and visit my pop and they were they were bringing like sandwiches and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:17:24 My cousin rolls in with like a like a hoagie tray from this place up in Wilkesbury. They're they were fucking Phenomenal, but I mean there was just so much of it. Sure and my mom's talking to my sister-in-law or something like that She's like, well, you know what we could do We can we can scrape the meat off and make a salad with it like what the fuck is wrong with you Yeah, scraping the meat. Although with the meatballs, I would say In that moment if you took to if you took the meatballs out Chopped it up real quick into pieces the bread. Maybe hit it in the oven for two three minutes Get a little char on there. I just tossed they tossed the bread. They tossed up here
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's the pricing. This was a big thing. They were doing meatball math when I got there Because you can get like I'm confused. You were at A&L P. You got a chicken cheese steak They ordered the food. I went to pick it up thinking I'm getting chicken cheese steak for me And they were getting meatballs or they were getting a meatball. They said we ordered meatballs. Okay, but it was two sandwiches Okay, I call I'm like lady. They were they got to where's the spaghetti yet. They're making it at home. Oh What they're mixing sauces, I guess that's insane I mean, I don't think they watched the meatballs That's nuts is mixing tomato sauces that crazy, I think so you've never done that. No
Starting point is 00:18:50 What well, maybe it's not that crazy. It's tomato. It's not you're doing fucking pesto and fuck I don't know but Pete but but pizza place sandwich shop Mariners so much different than anything you would get at home. That's weird. Yeah, that's that's weird. Yeah, no, of course That's why I brought it up, but you have to like they killed somebody by by mixing two red sauces together You were also what I mean, this isn't fucking Christmas dinner. They're scraping meatballs off a plate You think they're getting a hemmed up at the do different red sauce? Holy shit. Yeah, that's pretty trashy. Uh-huh. I was just like, oh man, it's really it's really in me It's just like the trash. It's just you can't shake it the aloha in that's what it was called
Starting point is 00:19:32 What my Chinese spot? I just remember it. It's a fantastic back in the day Why were all your fucking places tropical? I don't know y'all could poke a pizza shag the fucking The come on. I want to lay a hot dog stand. Hey, it's marketing baby. I don't want to tell you Come down for a good time. The aloha was a tiki bar. What's the name of your Chinese spot? I Believe it was like new ho one or something cut that Gang support for today's episode comes from true classic the best-fitting t-shirt you're ever gonna see in your life Yeah, listen. Are you a big fat pig like me and me? I think we might be listen
Starting point is 00:20:14 You want to hear how good true classic is? How's that? It's all kippy wears for the past six months. Let's go kid That's alright. It fills you out in a shawl. It's good. It just fits better It's not for some skinny mini some little hot piece of ass running around. It's for some working boys Yeah, some big thick boys. Yeah, real fucking fills you out You don't look like a fat piece of shit when you sit down. You gotta do the pull You gotta do the stretch. You don't got to do that with the true classics now We're talking do yourself a favor start looking like a gentleman get yourself a couple of true classic D Uh-huh. The first thing you'll notice is how soft and smooth they are which as a bigger man
Starting point is 00:20:44 I tend to stay away from the real thin shirts But the waiter cut the way it fits perfectly It doesn't make you look all fucking saggy and baggy for you big boys They have a long body option sizes up to three XL It's time to learn to dress like a gentleman upgrade your wardrobe with true classics get 25% off true classic Get 25% off at true classics comm with code garbage a 25% off and free shipping on top of that over a hundred dollars With the code garbage at true classics comm get yourself looking like a doctor with true classics Do it baby now a word from our sponsor better help you gang
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Starting point is 00:21:54 I've went a bunch of different times in my life when I was faced when I was at the bottom of the valley You know what I mean? You got the whole world pointing their guns against you. You got to fight back, baby A therapist can be a real strong problem-solver for you 100% if you're thinking of giving therapy a try better help is a great option It's convenient accessible affordable entirely online. It's easy to get in the therapy water, baby Just jump in you don't have to go sit in a you know a waiting room here Somebody else talk the whole nine yards you do from the privacy You're on home you get matched with therapists after filling out a brief survey and you can switch therapists at any time When you want to get up when you want to be a better problem-solver therapy can be there visit better help comm slash garbage today
Starting point is 00:22:32 For 10% off your first month. That's better help slash garbage do it do it and then a pizza spot was we had Wolfman pizza It was great, but there was hair in every cross Wolfman pizza Radio DJ that guy also in the car dealership Yeah, I think I told you guys about that one and then I'm on down to Wolfman's pizza and Jiffy Lou Only open when the moon is full Now they're closed when the moon is full. He's got shit to do
Starting point is 00:23:08 He can't be making saw when the moon's full can't you make a pizza with all those villages are chasing you're out down I gotta go kill some chickens tonight And then a hot tomatoes in the town of our high school wave some messages and hot tomatoes Sounds like a bad cover. We had So I guess when I went to college I came back for like a year or two There was a big turn like Everything that I had grown up with a lot of things closed or changed and new places moved in I hate that I told you there was this there was a strip up the street from my from my mom's had Joe's pizza had the big dipper
Starting point is 00:23:44 And at the aloha in it was a fucking trifecta. That's just all went away. The big dipper sounds like a war buddy It's great on a 50 cow Clear Also, is there any coincidence is there any coincidence to all these great restaurants being open And then you go to school and you come back and they're all Lost their best customer, dude He's doing send in his fancy the way to college, you know, it's a waste of goddamn money I was trying to put a new roof on a house like it needs braces
Starting point is 00:24:21 It fits in of a bitch eight more goddamn rocky road The idea you packing up your mom's car to drive to college Orientation and all the store owners are crying boarding up their windows. I'm going up to Vietnam. Yeah, holy shit Shout out to the big dipper Hard ice cream Real good. Oh Jesus Christ Go ahead. I apologize. No, what the fuck was I saying something about a shopping center? Oh, like that there was turnover at this point, you know, like whatever five six years seven or whatever it was
Starting point is 00:25:03 They opened up two new places in two different strip malls like a quarter mile from each other Pizza land and then the other one was pizza world and I'm like what We're who well, why is it just Steve's pizza Joe's pizza Iggy's pizza pizza I'm trying to get a beef going. Yeah, pizza. I made an alright slice though That's how fat I used to be I used to go get the energy eat it I get takeout and eat it in the car of the parking lot Wait, you would like your mom would send you out to go Oh, I would just be like I'm gonna go get two slices of pizza and just go and get it and eat it in the parking lot
Starting point is 00:25:36 And just put like that little box in the back seat and fucking Drive around I didn't do that shit when I was a kid. So you as a kid. I was a kid I wasn't seven taking the fucking taking my dad's pickup truck to go hit fucking pizza world But we never we never really had anything though The only thing that we would ever have delivered to our house would be a pizza, but we'd go pick that up We didn't have shit delivered to the house. That's not what I said. No, but I'm just saying we didn't do anything The only thing deliver we would do would be and it was Usually no my mom wasn't involved would be pizza hut everything else. So do you go to pick up?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Hmm unless when I didn't have a car when I'm saying as a kid. I wouldn't go I Would we would go I would go somewhere and eat it. I would never go pick up takeout and bring it back to the house I don't think That'd be frowned upon in my house for you. Just yourself. You mean yeah, so you're telling me you're at your mom's house Hey, I'm gonna go get a couple of slices. I'll be back. You might not be there Like I don't know. I'm just like and no pizza wasn't to make it back to the fucking house. I tell you that much I thought you're making that the front. I thought you meant you guys would place an order for dinner You would just go eat like my chicken fingers. No, you would go pick it up
Starting point is 00:26:44 But you'd get a couple of slices for the fuck. Oh, no, no, I'll just get my dude Wow, I'll always a while on the parking lot never took it home. Okay, everything got eaten hot ready like fucking little seas No, Chinese. I Don't I don't think my mom's ever had Chinese food. I Swear to God Not an egg roll Kung Pao General so's nothing. Oh damn It's an American right there. She's a goddamn patriot. All right
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah, she's a picky eater and I don't think yeah, she do Indian food What I Have Indian food until I got married. I don't think No, no She's real straight lace. I'm gonna be a fun patreon goal. We take our mom's to some exotic restaurant You'd have to I mean if it's not caraba. She ain't going. All right She loves she loves a casual American casual dining facility that one
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, so I'm gonna drink special to yeah, he's always checking how much the niece how much the wine is to the Neesey wine Shout out to cavit Pinot Grigio. All right gang This is a family episode As you know when you sign up for the old patreon there get your question read on a year with two experts being dirt balls All right, this one's from stump the Schwab Uh Garbaggio nine months strong. Have you ever washed your oven mitt?
Starting point is 00:28:27 No, and it was it. I use my oven mitt today and I was like it's brown How do you wash it you put them? I thought I don't know but I'm saying yeah, you probably throw it in the fucking washer I didn't think you were allowed to do that by who the government What do you mean allowed to do? I thought there was some kind of chemicals in there. What's like a comforter. You can't wash that You can wash a comforter. Can you yeah, I don't think you can wash it down comforter. You ruin it It would all clump up. I don't like potatoes Also, but it's okay. Well, I mean we're often we're often a couple of tangents here that I don't understand But an oven mitt is not a down comforter. Do you think it's spray treated with something that doesn't burn?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah, I didn't think you were able to wash those I thought that was just how it was because ours had like it looked like a smear a peanut butter probably shit Imagine the white you could get with one of them That'll curl your toes daddy Check the brusney with that day. Oh, yeah, dude ours was ours was fucking crushed it over you get your fastball What I got this is I had an issue today, what's the inside of your oven looking like spotless really? Yeah, oh man My shit was smoking today. I caught a pepperoni in there. It was from the Jurassic era
Starting point is 00:29:56 Raptor was gonna come get me like a meltdown of three mile island. Yeah. No, we keep it tight Yeah, the freezer on the other hand Like the host system. Are you kidding me? Yikes, yeah, our freezer ain't our freezer and fridge can get pretty squirrely Yeah, my wife saved she say I'm saving I'm saving this and I don't like yeah, it just gets And we don't in New York. You don't cook. You don't have like it's not fully stocked Like my refrigerator is never fully stocked like my mind was growing up. Sure. You know what I mean? Like it's like a little sparse or just with like that's
Starting point is 00:30:32 Constantly being turned over with new stuff, right? So some stuff gets pushed to the back or whatever and it'll just fucking hang out. Yeah, it gets dicey back Yeah, sometimes I got some fish sticks in the back of my freezer Yikes, who turned into hot dogs? Dicey back there All right, this one that's a great question. I guess I thought about it today when I was I mean, dude I was like you throw it out and get a new one. Yeah. Yeah with those kind of things I like to buy a couple because that's a thing that like sure you never replace because you're like
Starting point is 00:31:09 I'll get it tomorrow like so I go I'll buy three of them Use one till I fuck it up next one next one next one. Sure. Yeah, a hundred percent And now they have the I think my mom fucks with the round ones now They're like round and they have like rubber on one side. It's not like a full mitt. Yeah, so I have I have like a Yeah, Pac-Man. Yeah, well Pac-Man guidance rubber in the middle. Yeah, those things are nice Real classy. We had one all growing up. It was a righty. That was it Damn lefty. That was it, man. I this one's from Leesol ten dollar homie never had one read my this isn't even a question
Starting point is 00:31:44 It just says my mom winning a white man coat and then a Volvo station wagon for being the top-selling Tupperware lady two years in a row That's clean living right. That's clean living that a mink a white mink This couldn't have been recent. No, it's no way. But he's moving Tupperware like Frank Lucas What are you talking about? Fucks rocking a white white mink. Jadakiss. Yeah Who's she kid rock? I Doesn't think nobody's buying Tupperware like that anymore, right? Zip-lock bags does all that. Yeah That shit back in the 90s in the 80s was nice though get a nice set broad come in get my mama pitch
Starting point is 00:32:23 We never she told a kick rock. Yeah, we never My mom did it. He just wanted the free crumb cake My mom did it a little bit as To like every now and then an aunt would do something a cousin of Avon was a thing and they would get the girls We're gonna get the girls you guys gonna be patty. It's gonna be carol There's so you know what someone's those nieces coming in to give a sure I think they were just down there getting all boozed up Yeah, trash and the husband. Yeah, yeah, but hey, I respect a good drunk fucking trash it for time to time I'll buy some shit
Starting point is 00:32:59 No, I respect that but that that's your on top. You're it's tougher Those things to do wet like to do well with those things I think otherwise What do you mean to like make money money in them? There's an initial push like you said you gotta get you got a really lean on the friends and family That's the only time we got cuckoo knives from like my mom bought one off my You know to somebody went in the 80s and it's someone again in 2000 Usually fizzled out but then to step outside of that immediate circle and start moving merch to where you're fucking getting furs and fucking cars What was the car again? Lavo station wagon. That's an import
Starting point is 00:33:36 Christ Lavo's are reliable cars. How many fucking casserole dishes do you gotta move to get a fucking VW? I don't know a lot though. That's wild. Uh-huh damn This one is trash, but also genius. All right It's very rare that we come across one where I'm like whoa This is this goes back and forth here. All right, this one is from Patrick Bateman Haven't had one read yet. Is it garbage that my girlfriend keeps chips and snacks in her entertainment center cabinets?
Starting point is 00:34:14 In the living room. Yeah So it's next to the TV where they're usually consumed. I respect it I gotta see what this kitchen looks like But it's also like it'd be weird if you were eating in the kitchen and you had a walk to the family room to get a bag of chips And then come back. That's to me. That's the tough luck Ha, hold on. Let me run to the family. You know what? I mean, that's weird I see pictures sometimes that people post and they have like They're not it's not a cabinet, but it's just the shit's out. It's unlike racks. You know, I mean, uh-huh. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:49 Way get a door on that thing. Yeah, we kept our snacks hidden Never anything out in the open. Maybe a couple of chips some fruit on the counter. Otherwise that shit was vanished. Yeah, we didn't do it That I Understand it though. That's you know, there was somebody that hit us up that said when they were doing when they were on the percadoodles They didn't want to go downstairs and get their their sweet treats So they would keep that stuff like on the windowsill Really? Yeah, like they're growing up my buddy his parents in the winter. They kept the ice cream outside Where'd you grow up and art outside?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah, they kept it like it. Yeah, they kept it outside Like if it was like a cold snap, they wouldn't put it in the freezer. They would just put it outside Outside the window. I swear to God, man I get us. I you know the fucking cube of Pepsi sure of course keep that outside in the garage keep it frosty That's taking up good space, but the fucking ice cream The fuck you got in the freezer. What's it a pint of briars is taking up? That's weird. No, I thought it was strange as well Do they have a dog door too? Yeah, they were dog door people mm-hmm They had a dog door and they also had a cat door that went down in the basement, which horrified me a cat door
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, I can't so the cat got out of the basement. That's where she did her business It reeked down there. It was tough. Look. It smelled like kitty litter. Oh, that's bad Um, all right, this one's from Nick never have one read great question here inspired by my girlfriend Since it happened to her family has anyone in your family ever won Thanksgiving dinner from a radio station That's bad about Frank Lucas handed out I'll pull on 25th Street throwing out 30s on Thanksgiving Day, baby We never we were not Who would who's preparing that?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Some engineer The intern yeah, I don't want Bubba in the morning fucking making my pumpkin Savings are Control Well, we never did any listen the way we were we treated everything like we were you know Criminals in a sense of like you don't ever give your name no info like we've lived life Off the fucking like we're in the wit like we were in wit sec You know what I mean? It was like you never signed up for anything because people are gonna be calling you
Starting point is 00:37:24 Mm-hmm. You never fucking give out your ad you who's at at the door. I don't want to do now Let's get your information. I'm not here like all that shit like we never to sign up for something free It's like that's how they get it ain't free. You're giving up something. Yeah, all right So nevnet like I've never anything Hey, go online and sign up or do you want to give feedback? Nope you figure it out the people that do my CPAP? resmed called me up yesterday and They called me to re-upload on the supplies like I'm like the hoses and all that kind of stuff and I've been getting emails about it, but they called me and she's like, okay
Starting point is 00:38:01 I just need your your date of birth and social security to to verify. I think no, you don't fuck Security for a couple of tubes. Yeah, I'll get tubes on the street. You called me bitch. You fucking know me You need me to fucking give that information I was like, I'll do it online. Thank you. Yeah, I have no idea how to do it They don't even have a website Also spent the whole car ride home complaining about how a CPAP machine isn't working, right? Yeah Yeah, they don't got my birthday today. Yeah, exactly They're not getting my favorite color
Starting point is 00:38:32 Shit Green by the way Name of my first pet. That's me didn't know next thing I got a drone over my head in a fucking stinger missile Come on. We didn't we never we never trusted any any any like anybody call in Anybody I mean like I used to think we would go door to door selling like Roofing and siding and windows and people would be like Yeah, you can give me an estimate. Here's my information my my parents would they would have ground me if I ever
Starting point is 00:39:02 Gave out any sort of information. Oh, yeah, of course People knocking on people's doors. You wouldn't get fucking halfway up the driveway patty would come out from the back Can I help you? This is private property Leave the samples and run over We're renters, but still legally. I know my right I haven't paid my mortgage in six years. No, man My mom my mom was one of the most warmest and sweet people in the world But I tell you what you get on her driveway
Starting point is 00:39:35 He's starting knocking on that door around five o'clock when she's got some cuddies on the stove Can I help you? Out the door. Hey, where'd you sit in the neighborhood going? I will go to the next door jerk off We're not interested. I was going around door to door. You're knocking. Hey, you want free window. They're gonna go. Oh, yeah I got a man. I'll see you later. We're gonna rip you off. Anyway Ah, that's good stuff. Can't but talk about ladder, baby. Ladder. Love them. Come on gang You don't want to leave your family holding the bag and holding your body in a wheel barrel
Starting point is 00:40:07 When you check out give them the final screw job. Yeah, no kidding a couple IOUs and some late dvds You want to make sure that your family's taking care of and you can do that with ladder and a little bit therm life Do yourself a favor and get over there ladder is 100 digital no doctors No needles no paperwork when you apply for three million in coverage or less Just a few questions about your health and application easy peasy out the door You just need a few minutes a phone and a laptop to apply ladder smart algorithms work in real time So you find out if you're instantly approved No waiting going to talk to somebody the whole nine yards about a big but a boom you figure it out
Starting point is 00:40:39 No hidden fees you can cancel anytime Get a full refund if you change your mind at first 30 days because they're good people over there ladder Finally since life insurance costs more as you age now's the time to cross it off your list So go to ladder life comm slash garbage today to see if you're instantly approved It's ladder ladder Life comm slash garbage ladder life comm slash garbage doing a back to that child back to the show This one's a little I don't think for uh, all right. This is from trash compact their shout out
Starting point is 00:41:04 I don't think that's the government name $10 homie. Never have one read What was your aim screen name? I know you're not looking at me you didn't have the fuck out of here Yeah, I guess 10 years you were probably no I was I was I was two in between and my parents weren't fucking with that That's the same shit knocking on the door. They used to send us like cds or whatever the fuck they were Yeah, like uh, who was it thousand free hours al. Yeah, whatever the fuck that was that was that got burned That didn't even go in the fucking regular trash. She didn't trust that shit at all melt it down the lava
Starting point is 00:41:43 liquid fucking Make a ring out of it A couple of bullets kill a werewolf That wasn't fucking doing it. That's what you were doing at college. You're you're hitting a bird college. No, no College not really it was but I remember you telling me that you'd go out at night You guys would be drinking then you have to go back to your dorm room and get on something to see if anybody messaged you Messaged you. Yes. It wasn't like facebook or myspace. No facebook came out my like got popular my Freshman year of college. Really? Yeah, that was like I was like the person it was for they had just went
Starting point is 00:42:20 I mean, that's what public 15 20 years ago Yeah 2005 Yeah, damn. Yeah 17 years almost 20 years ago. Yeah, Jesus. They didn't um Now you mean I didn't know what it was. I do talk about feeling out of the loop I showed up to like orientation numbers like are you on facebook and I'm like, what the fuck are these nerds talking about? You should go door to door I'm like, I'm trying to move a couple of shingies over here
Starting point is 00:42:51 I remember being like fuck that dude. He was trying to get laid the old way I'm more of an analog man knocking knocking on the girls doors You like it too information? Oh This guy's going to your favorite color purple This guy's going to hit our business cars fucking dollar dog night I didn't know what it was and I finally cave, but we were you were probably uh tibbon. You were probably aim as well Yeah, I'd rather not say my name
Starting point is 00:43:23 Oh, no, I'm sure it was like fucking butthole 69 or something. No, it was so nerdy Uh Shire fucker one two niner Shire fucker You also said niner, which is a good piece of business. Uh, it was trogg door 13 It's worse trogg door Holy shit Oh, man, you should have went with shire fucker
Starting point is 00:44:15 Trog door. What is that a pig gate? What the fuck is a trogg door? Uh, it was a reference to an internet cartoon Oh, man, it should have been virgin one two three Oh Ah trogg door shout out home star Dude, you're watching internet cartoons Holy shit Holy shit fucking school shooter sam over here
Starting point is 00:44:47 He would Ah My dad would have disowned you You know, it's bad when fucking d&d is too mainstream for you They gotta go into the depths of the internet Ah Trog door did anybody know that you'd pop into a chat room like oh shit trogg door Froggy a lot of shout outs
Starting point is 00:45:08 Shout out the t door. I was uh, mine was like skateboarding was uh, I had a couple of them obviously, but I think the couple burners Do my dirt couple of finstas Xx I'm not a poser. I swear xx xx. That was a big one xx something something. What does that mean xx? It was just like a you know, just it was like a Visually, it was like a thing. You would do like a big x small x your name small x big x I was never into that. Uh My was spitfire 542 Let's spitfire wheels y542 the only numbers you could get because 001 was taken
Starting point is 00:45:47 That's what's the sad part. You were the 560 second loser to use that name Say a trogg door was the number one right there. Who's trogg door to god dammit? Who's he was original? Would that work would you talk to girls? No, it was it was like it was just like your friends. It wasn't like you didn't like meet new people You talked to men who said they were girls Hey, I'm looking for trogg door You seem like a real trogg door Oh
Starting point is 00:46:21 No, you would talk to your I love how you don't know an aol instant messages I don't you would talk to your friends. It's the little guy the little yellow guy walking Um, you would just talk to your it was like texting. You know, that's all it was it was from your from your personal computer Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, fucking steve jobs over here from your personal computer Yeah, man Hahaha You are a great a door. That's all I can think about
Starting point is 00:46:52 It was worse Than I ever could have expected trogg door Uh Jesus christ, uh, but yeah, you would set like a way message like Fucking, you know, I'm eating chicken fingers right now Happy failure I'm at fifth meal
Starting point is 00:47:16 I just pissed my pants, man Fuck Ah I'm cruising the calf with trogg door If you meet me online at grubb's tap Oh What was the what was the what was the what was the plot line for trogg door of trogg door Just give me the elevator pitch. He's the burninator. Oh god. What does that mean? I don't know the boob all no
Starting point is 00:47:55 Hey, you didn't have he man you fucking twerk that's you know he man He's that's hollywood. You know what I'm saying I'm gonna get a lot of love for trogg door. You just what oh man. Um All right, this one's from kyle. Have you ever made friends on vacation? I don't know. I'm sure trogg door has no no he did not for sure. He couldn't even make friends online probably Oh Friends I think that's bad if you're like on the same boat or whatever, you know, if you're on the same thing We didn't have that but like I remember people would go we always just went to the shore
Starting point is 00:48:39 That was like our only hey was your family like a normally human being No, but people would go and like a cruise or they're at a you know I had friends that were like mexico were on a cruise and they would come back like Ah, this was bill parents are boozing. Yeah, throw the kids in a you know, oh You should gary was the craziest guy. He would do a half gainer. I would instantly hate those It's the fucking summer me. Yeah, when's he coming here? Anybody can be friends that you want to fucking boat jerko tried doing february in fucking bux county Anybody can have fun with your stupid ass
Starting point is 00:49:16 Try doing it day in and day out. That's like hanging out with you. I was like, oh, foley's the best I'm like, yeah, do it on a tuesday night. I didn't think of the angle you get met at the friend You get met at the other kid. You just don't like them. Oh, yeah You're you're you're jealous of your friend Normally you would just not like the the the the friend from from the cruise. Yeah, this guy sounds like a loser But you're so crazy But you were mad At the at your friend for making new for bragging that this guy's so cool
Starting point is 00:49:53 It's like, oh, yeah, is he he liked you because you're fucking on a water slide all fucking goddamn day Meanwhile, I gotta lend you five bucks to get a fucking chicken sandwich. So he's sound like a wife that's getting cheated on Exactly I'm the one doing the fucking nine to five this guy comes in fucking for the weekends Oh That's a great question No, also, I feel a lot of a lot of honeymooners do that They go away on a honeymoon and then because it's all a lot of honeymooners
Starting point is 00:50:24 They get there on the same thursday to thursday So they see oh, you were just oh, I was thinking kids as an adult get the fuck out of that a lot Yeah, yeah, yeah talking to people at the hotel bar Get the fuck out of here. Trust that at all. Yeah stuff um This is andrew you got a coke connector your wife's Your wife's gonna let me slip it in
Starting point is 00:50:50 Fucking shut the fuck up. Let me enjoy my muscles. Are you a lady of the night then kick rocks? All right Yeah, honey slide me a menu or beat it Um, this one's from andrew. Have you or anyone you know played air guitar in public? Air guitar is a tough look There's the funny like yeah, like there is doing it ironically of like, you know, whatever But then there's the guitarist Who is like hitting the notes the chords? That's bad. You know what I mean? You could like see him like hitting the g minor or whatever
Starting point is 00:51:23 This might be an unpopular opinion, but I thought a guitar hero Was pretty fucking whack. Sure. I get it A rock band the fucking wackest shit of all time. I loved it. I'm 46. I remember dudes my age Which I don't know how old they were when they came out. I was probably I was probably my 15 years ago Early 20s probably. Yeah, it was I knew probably 19 I knew 30 year old dudes that had that little fucking drum kit And you go over to the house and be like, what the dude your wife's definitely cheating on you
Starting point is 00:51:58 What are you doing in here like a trodor? What are you doing? Yeah, we had it. Um friends would have it Yeah Also, you have to you're it's a little different. I think for like your I knows is running we hit You didn't grow up with The escalation of that necessarily. You know what I mean? Like You weren't around you weren't playing video games when like xbox hit xbox 360 PlayStation 3 like no, I I remember playing metal of honor
Starting point is 00:52:30 On playstation one or two. It was probably one that somebody had given us Yeah, that's like so that's probably a couple steps behind Yeah, so like but to like When you're in if you're not in it and you look and you're like, I mean a 30 year old playing Is that's a pretty to have it by themselves without kids. It's a tough look wild But like for us looking back as a very through a very judgmental eye of like I want to shit on it, but I'm like It was just the progression of games at that point. You know what I mean? Like The guitar came
Starting point is 00:53:01 We played it as like a drunk It'd be like you'd get all fucked up and then like be at someone's house I'd like midnight if I can play in it eating bagel bites or something What Yeah, um, that's funny. Yeah Ike's You want a guitar hero guy trock door? No, not for me
Starting point is 00:53:26 Too busy out there slaying puss in dragons Casted spells Loads and deals. All right. This one's from Spencer $10 homie here. Have you or a loved one ever gone to a restaurant solely because it was on diners drives in and dives That's a great question. Yeah. Yeah, for sure We literally google it shout out to regi conquest for the tip and we're on the road I'll just punch in diners drive-ins and dives and google maps or wherever. Yeah. Yeah, where were we went to? We went to that fucking diner that was on it
Starting point is 00:53:54 Colorado Yeah And it was fucking fantastic He don't miss Say we want about mr. Fieri and shout out to shane torres who's like changed the Culture on Previous guest shane torres who changed the culture on guy fiora. He was the first one to be like, what are we doing here? This guy's fucking sweet guys fucking awesome. Uh and that clip went viral and
Starting point is 00:54:17 It made me look at him in a different light and now I look at him like this guy's fucking awesome I met him and he was the nicest fucking guy ever. Did you meet him? You met guy fieri? Yeah, I was shooting videos What the fuck? Why didn't you open with that get him on the show? You've never told us that? Yeah, I was shooting videos for all-star week. Geez. I've been treating you like shit for the last two years. I'm sorry I'm sorry, mr. Troodore. Yeah. Yeah, I was doing our promo video for a nightclub So shooting a video ludicrous was performing So I shot ludicrous and guy fieri showed up to hang with ludicrous and they're in the vip I have the footy. It's sick. They're bringing these sliders or anything
Starting point is 00:54:51 No, but I was like, dude, I love you and my girlfriend loves your shit and he goes. Oh, thank you so much, man A guy yesterday told me he was like my kids love your shit and I was like that makes me feel weird That makes me feel like a child. Hey, he was awesome, dude. Yeah, I'm sure man I'm literally looking at you in a different light to be honest with you Yeah, and and have you haven't told us this before no never and him and ludicrous were getting fucked up. It was sick Yeah, what are they gonna do together? I mean those two they're gonna talk about the fucking dal jones. You know what I mean? They're fucking they're getting after it dude. They're going over string theory. Yeah talking about Um
Starting point is 00:55:28 Let's see here. All right. This is this is a little bit different. This is ramia. Hey boys to another homie here What are all the different synonyms and idioms? dirtballs used for pain Someone slash money what I've heard from this podcast Greased up c-note a hundi buttered up hit him with a dub break off a bean or two hundo Sweet in the deal shekels funds mula beans dub ski kish kish And then someone uh, someone comment a jihad a jihad jihad bread's always a good one break off
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yo, hit me with break you have any bread on you a couple of bones Bones is trashy is it 15 bones five bones 10 bones. I like bones bones is trash bread's good I feel like rappers really influence all of that too of course like I think they influence everything. Yeah um, I was listening to a song the other day and he was Said he's got he at which blue my perspective because now these old these young rappers are rap There are hundreds that they grew up with are blue Yeah, not green. So they're green like yo, you got any green on it's
Starting point is 00:56:36 hundreds are blue So they were the one guy he goes. I got green hundreds at my safe. I got old racks and I was like This guy's flexing that he's got green hundreds You ever see you ever you ever get a fucking old Like not old old and then they came out with the big face The big the fuck the big face the old little face the 90s fucking a hundred dollar dollar font on those that said 100 in the corner Weird was definitely you see it now. I think they're worth more I'm probably not even in circle like 105
Starting point is 00:57:10 Greenbacks is pretty good couple of green couple of greenbacks gi gi That's me a little gay little butter. Uh-huh the butter gi You just got like offended that I that I said that I was shouting you out. Yeah, thanks pal. That's classic age That's mine No, you say it get your truck do her You never met Ky Fieri uh, um Yeah, we should try to compile a list of because we constantly change it. Mm-hmm cash ish
Starting point is 00:57:39 Okay, she's a little bit of cash. She's showing them. Oh, I'm gonna bring that back. I like that. I think that was me shows constantly evolving Maybe It's very intellectual Um, yeah, okay. She's all right. This one's from Ryan crook. Have you ever gone to a fast rude restaurant to get a free item? Because your local sports team achieved a milestone No either of I but uh for a long time down in uh
Starting point is 00:58:07 I think it was Oasis or something the gentleman's club in philadelphia They would do if you went in with your if like the flyers won and you or even if you just went in with your ticket stub You know, you get a free fucking titty sandwich or something something Free admins to the dildo show or something. I don't know what they were doing But you would go and get free cover or something like that. No cover if you're going with your ticket The only thing we ever embarked we ever took part in now patty's a little different
Starting point is 00:58:37 Uh, she'll get a freak up the lilas girl She'll get a freak up a coffee a while while when they do something my I've watched this and this is until because they don't want to I think they don't want to feel poor My dad would pay would go now. I'll pay pay for the coffee even on the even on the free days I like that because I'm not I think it makes them and I'm like that's the same thing It makes my parents and everybody feel Poor Don't give me. I don't need you to give me anything patty lining up for free stuff patty doesn't care with that
Starting point is 00:59:05 Put that good just with that kind of stuff um Dollar dog night, obviously we talked about I'm a fucking American at the end of the day kidding me Fucking lining up for that. Get out there diesels go down to the fucking veteran stadium in droves Yeah, four or five cars of foley's is fucking got our own mustard going down for a wedding That's all right Um, this one, I don't know if we've ever talked about and this is gonna be I can tell foley's gonna hate it Hated this whole trend hated this whole thing
Starting point is 00:59:35 Uh, so from scott b. Have you ever iced someone? Listen, it's a good time. I you have to realize that when you were doing stuff When this stuff was happening We were at two different you were Sure 32 or whatever. Yeah As a drunk 20 year old That's a good fucking time you and the boys We fucked with butt ice and like I remember when that stuff came out
Starting point is 01:00:03 Like the 5.0 and all that kind of stuff. What do you think icing is? icing is when you have a Uh smear it off ice. Oh smear it off ice. Okay, but you hide it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I thought anything with a game You're not involved. I thought you used butt ice This goes back to drugs in a room drugs in a room. Yeah drugs in a room Anything that like requires some sort of fun or attention or laughs get out of here. You're out. Yeah I I liked an Easter egg hunt when I was a kid There was a couple this is like an Easter egg hunt, but you got fucked up at the end. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:35 now I wasn't going for it. Okay. Yeah, I I totally didn't expect you to but I like butt ice when it came out because it fucked you up stronger Of course, we weren't playing games like that. We were getting fucking banged up. I mean, it's not like a game Where do you put it like picking teams and like, you know the signing captains? Where do you put it? Yeah, hide it. You try to make someone look at it inadvertently. Mm-hmm And then if they mean example Um like in a cake Maybe we'll break the knife
Starting point is 01:01:08 So if I was like, hey my phone's in that bag. Can you grab it and you reach in and there's a fucking Schmiroff ice in there. Hey, I gotta chug it. Just shove it up your ass All right that case. I'm in uh, yeah, you gotta chug it I think you had to like get on one knee or something and chug it or something like that. That's cute. Um Yeah, I don't even know how it started But it was big for like a month or something like that. Yeah, it's pretty whack But we we did it. You would hide it under their chair If you got it under their chair, they had to drink it. Oh, okay
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah, ours was like I forget I remember I remember like putting one in someone's pocket one like their jacket pocket and you're like go leaving to go to the bar And they're like, oh there was a guy you're fucking whack. Whatever. That's pretty good. Yeah, it was a good All right, there's a hoot. Um, but we gotta wrap it up. This has been a hot one This has been a some would say a true true door tastic one. It's been super fun It's been a good time gang. Do us a favor come out there and see us on the road the tickets are fuck guys I this isn't like this isn't fake marketing the shows are selling the fuck out We thank the fucking army of garbage for coming out and supporting us the live shows are so much fucking fun
Starting point is 01:02:12 Get those tickies. We want to meet you out on the road. We love you and we'll see you next week. Peace

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