Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Kam Patterson!
Episode Date: February 20, 2025Are You Garbage presents stand up comedian and podcast host Kam Patterson! You know Kam Patterson from stand up comedy, Kill Tony, Whiskey Ginger, TigerBelly, Fat Fish Podcast, Take Your Shoes Off, Fi...shing with David Lucas, First Date with Lauren Compton and so much more! Thanks for watching AYG Comedy Podcast. Love youse guys. Come to a live show! AYG 2025 Tour Tickets: Live Shows: PATREON: MERCH: Sponsored By: Shopify: Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at iRestore: Reverse hair loss with @iRestorelaser and get $625 off with the code AYG at Factor: Get started at and use code FACTORPODCAST to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. Bombas: Head over to and use code AYG for 20% off your first purchase Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Can't be you see this we got this Route 66 special dropping.
You ain't lying big man we got the live shows from every city on the tour plus the boys on the bus
seeing this great country of ours it's dropping February 25th on our YouTube page. Make sure you
tune into the live premiere. Welcome to another exciting edition of Are You Garbage, the show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals
or absolute trash.
Now here are your hosts, Kevin Ryan and H Foley.
Hey everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite podcast.
This is R U Garbage.
Oh yeah.
It's that little show we sit down with your favorite comedians and we find that to grow
to be classy. Yeah. But they're just a big old piece of trash. Tr Oh, yeah, so a little show We sit down with your favorite comedians and we find that the girl to be classy
Yeah, they're just a big old piece of trash trash trash
I'm your host H. Willie coming at you on yet again another beautiful day down here in Austin, Texas, Toody
Austin's finally caught up to her. Okay, she's upstairs with a liquid IV hung the fuck over good for her
We got to get her fucking back to South Philly get her straightened out get her an LA fitness or something
She is hurting my co's is coming at you right next to me. He is the CEO of are you garbage?
She is an international businessman and my best pal in the whole wide world give it up for KJ
Kevin James Ryan every what up gang shout out to you. Thanks for tuning in as always
Please make sure you review subscribe on iTunes full video available on YouTube then obviously the greatest website of all time slash are you garbage you go over there you get all that bonus content gang yes sir and gang
we couldn't be more excited to have our incredibly and I mean incredibly special guest here with
us today with the first time but wanting to have him forever we're down here in Austin
we made it work he is on a rocket ship to the top one of the hottest best young comedians
working today you love him you know him Cam Patterson, everybody. Let's go.
There he is.
We almost killed him in the driveway.
No, I really see that shit got slippery as hell out there.
Got dangerous a little bit.
I like how you pulled up in calls
that you were out front too.
Didn't just walk up to the door.
Start knocking on random fucking doors.
I do that everywhere.
I go like, I'm not saying that everybody know
I'm outside before you take, you know what I'm saying?
This shit get dicey and shit.
Turn her eyes in the backyard like what the fuck, man?
Buddy, give us the backstory.
I know a little, we know a little.
Give us the whole story.
Florida kid.
Florida kid, what's the land of, born and raised?
In Orlando.
Yes sir, the west side, dude.
What's the difference between the west side and the east side?
Well, the west side, more like black people
and the east side we got a lot of Hispanic shit like that.
Like close to Disney? Hell no, no, no.
Well, the East side kind of over there.
The best way I can explain the East side is,
I didn't know UCF was on the East side of Orlando.
I didn't know UCF was in Orlando
until I graduated high school.
So that's a big difference between the East side
and the West side.
You get in there, you think you're going away to college?
It's down the street?
I thought like, our graduation was at UCF if I thought we were going out of town really
20 minutes 30 minutes
And I show up with luggage and shit like that. What where the fuck are we going?
Okay, who'd you grow up with mom's dad's story? I go about what my parents my split custody
Okay, so my mom stayed in the suburbs. My dad stayed kind of in the hood.
OK, so I will go back and forth.
My mom will work on her.
She'll fight it in. OK, so she will work
mostly like through the week, the week.
Then she back on the weekends.
But I go to my dad's house on the weekend.
What's your pop like that?
He's a a con man.
Now he was McCartney.
He a contractor. Contract. Yeah. Big difference. a con man
Difference I would always tell people I'd be like he would always he do like I'm I might do like a contract I like he would people would be like our goal and like work sometimes people be like legally
They said I couldn't do this in a weekend. Sure
We can do a whole thing. Yeah, we'll figure it out work around the permits. I respect that sure. Yeah
Yeah, all right brothers and sisters. Work around the permits, I respect that. Sure, hell yeah.
All right, brothers and sisters?
Yeah, I got one brother and three sisters.
Okay, did they live with you, your moms and dads
back and forth?
No, my mom, I'm a mom only kid.
My dad got four kids.
Well, five with me.
All the same, around the same age?
Hell no.
Well, the two younger ones, so I got one that's 24,
she my ass, that's my sister, Kai,
and I got one that's 24, she my ass, that's my sister Kai,
and I got one that's 18, and then I got,
the two older ones are like 44 and 40.
Hell yeah.
And how old are you?
Okay, yeah, 20 year gap, that's pretty trashy.
I got that in my family too, it's not a good look.
20 years between siblings is tough.
That's a lot.
I only had one brother so I was wanting to hang out
with him and shit, but I ain't never kicked in
like he was so much older than me.
So I be like, let's do shit, let's do something.
And then one time he said, fuck, get in the car.
And then he took me to this abandoned McDonald's.
We sat there for a minute and then we just drove away.
I didn't realize until I was like 18,
I was a drug dealer, I had no idea what was going on. I thought, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I
was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was
like, I was like, I was like, I
was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was
like, I was like, I was like, I
was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was
like, I was like, I was like, I
was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like,
I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, apartment? House. House, okay, so house and the apartment, you got your own room and stuff like that.
What was the grocery store your mom would go to?
Shout out Publix in the South.
See, I like it, I didn't bed.
Where was your dad food shopping?
That nigga like Costco a lot.
Like he wasn't bad.
Who wouldn't tell?
He fought with Costco for sure though.
Costco's great.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, fantastic.
That nigga loved Costco.
Like he loved Costco, bro
Like it that's funny everybody. I mean Costco's on the come-up now
Costco's very nice. It's very good. It's very it's very trashy, but it's great
It's very true. You're not one of my
TSA pre-checking a Costco car. Nothing. I thought I was going to be.
I thought I was going to be clean for sure.
You showed up at the door with it out.
I was at Costco the other day and there's a white lady.
I was with my dogs and shit and I was just joking around.
I was like, yeah, they don't even understand like me and you, man, we're executive members.
And then she went, is that my car?
What the fuck is going on here, bitch?
I was like, I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I like, yeah, they don't even understand. Like me and you, man, we're executive members.
And then she went, is that my car?
So what the fuck is going on here, bitch?
I swear to God, I would've beat the shit out
of that old ass white lady, dog.
That was really fucked up.
Did you have, now did you have friends at your mom's?
Like, did you have two, like, did you have like,
your Orlando friends and then like the suburb friends?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, were they, was it like two different worlds
or were they similar?
Oh, we all kinda went to the same school. Gotcha. So when we got the, when I got to high school, And then like the suburb friends. Yeah, well were they was it like two different worlds or were they similar?
Gotcha, so when we got the when I got to high school the school my middle school is in those I went to
Mitchell Coy middle school the Coy high school a coy elementary was really white
Okay, like so white to the point where I'll be like mom. We don't black people in the world
Why did she like my oh Coy oh Coy middle school. Like it was white as shit. Like, you know what I'm saying? My O'Core middle school was getting, it was getting there. And then O'Core high school, everybody couldn't get it.
Everybody from my dad's side.
Everybody from where I was from,
the same school for the most part.
And how were you in school?
Were you good in school?
Hell no, I was terrible.
I was one of the worst ever, nigga.
I was on, I got A to AD, so like,
it was like, if I wasn't on my A to AD medicine,
it was gonna be a bad day for any teacher.
It went around, though. I had it, I got it too. I was ADD medicine, it was gonna be a bad day for any teacher. You know what I'm saying?
I had it, I got it too.
I was terrible.
Man, I was the worst.
Anything like really, or just kinda fucking,
just causing a distraction, hanging out.
I was always too scared to get in like super trouble
until I got out of school,
because my mama was just like,
she was like, I don't wanna deal with her when I get home.
I was never trying to get no bullshit.
Felt like an old wise thing for like an eighth grader. Like, I ain't dealing with her. Just wait till I get out of the house, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Yeah, I'll do what I want when I get home, I was never trying to get no bush Well, like a well old wise thing for like an eight year eight eighth grader
I deal with her just wait till I get out of the house. I'll do whatever
I want when I get older, but I can't do she's the same person
She's in salmon one time spit on the key
I spent on somebody and like when I was in like a fourth grade why and then huh?
Why just I don't even know what really coming dude. I did what I did
He spit on me.
Yeah, my mama didn't know that.
My mama didn't know I did that.
So when I go home, she just spit on me.
She was like, you like spitting on people?
Oh shit.
Do you enjoy spitting on people?
How do you feel?
I was like, that's not what I did at all.
You hopped a loogie on me.
That's an eye for an eye type shit, dude.
That's wild.
Never did it again, though.
My mom did something similar.
I think it was in fourth grade again,
or fourth or fifth grade. I went like this to the whole class. And again. Oh, my mom did something similar. I think I was a fourth grade again a fourth or fifth grade
I went like this to the whole class
Yeah, and the teacher had called my mom and didn't my mom didn't say anything and I got home and I remember I was getting
In the tub. I was completely naked about to get in the tub. She kicked open the bathroom door
She's like you like doing this to people. No fucking scarred for life. Oh, no
Bag mom grabbing her fucking cooter. You like doing this? What
the hell? Yeah that's crazy. You ever got whoopers in the bathtub? In the bathtub? Getting
into the tub. No, did you ever hit you when you was wet? No. My mama hit me when I was
wet one time. I got in the shower and she got in the shower with me and it whipped me
when I was. It sounds crazy when I'm explaining it. Jesus. I was bad though. I needed it.
Sure. But yeah, that was a torture tactic though
My mom was the one that did the hit my dad Oh, it would just he would just have to threaten yeah my dad never even he would just had to threaten like if he would
Take the belt out. Yeah, there's belt called black beauty and if he would take that out we got in line
But my mom she's the one that fucking some reason it hurts so much when they'd smack you and you were
Like cover it up in here in the back and shit like it'd be really bad fucking stings my dad
Jacked me on one time and I was in a I think I was like second grade
Every time he did kind of have it coming
Every time I hit something have me I needed it sure as I'm aware was a
Like every time I had something happen me I needed it sure as I remember I was a
Pimmy from school they called him people from school
And he just was well we was always riding back
And he just was like he took me to get food like it listen now you what you did was fucked up But I'm gonna get you, but I'm not gonna tell you when and he took me a fool talking having a good time
We got in the house. I was chilling there. He just came
Yeah, that's mental warfare
I never ever would do that like that. Why would they do that shit?
Why would they play it cool for a little while?
You think you're getting away with it, then all of a sudden.
I can't wait to be a parent.
I'm going to be the best mental abuser ever.
I'm going to hit your ass.
Wait like two weeks, don't say nothing.
I forgot.
Fuck, nigga.
Wait till I'm over.
All right.
Any sports in high school?
Play basketball.
Play basketball.
Good basketball player? Yeah. I forgot, fuck, nigga. Now that's over. Damn.
All right.
Any sports in high school?
Play basketball.
Play basketball.
Were you a basketball player?
I was a, I was decent.
I had a, so I didn't, I never really had the grades
to play a full season until my senior year.
A full season.
So I always played like half a season.
My freshman year, I got in a fight
with my teammate who played more.
We both didn't play.
Aw, man. I got in a fight, we teammate who played more. We both didn't play. Sure. Oh man.
I got in a fight, we fought in the away team bathroom.
We got in the away game, we fought in the bathroom.
I almost died.
I was a small kid, my friends and me.
But I could fight a little bit.
I had some hands a little bit.
So we was in the fight and I was fucking them up.
And I was beating the shit out of them.
And then my brain just went.
My dad came in and started kicking my ass.
I was like, come here dude. My brain just went, hit him came in and started kicking my ass. I'm like, come here, dude.
My brain just went, hit him with the razzle dazzle.
So I tried to pick him up.
Everybody was recording the fight.
And then when I went to go pick him up,
he grabbed my lower body.
And all I remember is somebody going, don't kill Cam.
And they caught me right before I was gonna hit the ground.
They cracked your head open or something.
Yeah, he was gonna fuck me up.
That's a pretty good fight, though.
Dude, a fight in the away team's locker room?
That's pretty respectable.
No, it was dope.
So I got killed on the team for that.
And then my sophomore year I got back on the team, we had a new coach.
Because the old coach we had was like, you'll never play basketball at this school level
He went to a different school.
You got fired.
So we got a new coach.
And then I got back on the team, didn't have the grades to play and then played
the same half of the season.
When I got back on the team,
I cussed out my Spanish teacher.
Cause she was a bitch.
She had it coming.
She definitely had it coming.
Cause I wasn't trying to learn Spanish.
I wasn't going to college.
So I didn't give a fuck about it at all.
And then she was a black lady too, which was okay, whatever.
So she, I was never going to learn Spanish.
Cause my first shit was a Russian lady teach me Spanish.
I know the fuck she was saying.
Second year was black lady.
She was cool, but she was a bitch.
So I was asleep one day and then she was like,
you gotta wake up.
And I said, hey, bro, you ain't gonna let me sleep
or you gonna shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone.
And my, I didn't realize that the JV coach was next door.
She just told him immediately
and they keep up team for that.
Just for the record, she kinda was right.
You're sleeping in class, then you yell at her.
I mean, listen, every time I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
I tell you, you have admitted every time.
Every time I'm wrong, I be wrong as shit.
Man, wrong as fuck.
What was the vacations like when you were a kid?
Would you guys, we always think everybody living in Orlando,
you went to Disney World like every three days.
Fuck no.
Hell no, Disney World is a casino.
I don't know, vacation? Nothing really? Nothing? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Okay, that's a huge vacation. It's a huge vacation. But she's a flight attendant. She gets the buddy pass or whatever.
You feel me sir, it wasn't really like,
well it was dope, that was cool.
My parents got married, we got friends,
I went to Wauw, my mom was like 10 years old.
There you go.
That's really good.
That's the only one I can really remember.
That's a good one.
Oh, in Tennessee?
Yeah, that's a vacation?
With my ex-fam, reunion and shit.
With my daddy and shit.
Got mustard in my eyes.
Wow, hell.
I was on my step mom side of the family.
So your dad got remarried?
And so she been married my whole life.
She up change my diapers and shit.
So I went over to, we went to Tennessee
and they got a cabin and my sister's cousins
was playing this game called, don't go to sleep
or you're gonna get mustard in your eyes.
Pretty descriptive game.
And I was tired, I was the youngest, I went to sleep're gonna get mustard in your eyes. That was a game. Pretty descriptive game. And I was tired.
I was the youngest, I went to sleep and they put mustard in my eyes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's how the game went.
That's alright.
They kinda lost the game.
It's a fucked up game.
Was your family reunion every year?
Did you guys do one every year?
Yeah, in Gainesville, Florida.
My mama's side, yeah.
Man, that's alright.
Yeah, yeah.
That was probably a good time.
It was dope.
Yup. I put pee in a water bottle one time and chased my cousin's around with it cuz I couldn't catch them in tag
Man, this guy chemical warfare. He got piss bombs
You know what? I mean, you are the weirdest guy I've ever met
Yeah, my granddad my granddad was so mad at me about this shit
I couldn't catch them about mad as fuck and then like we'll play tag and I went to the bathroom
I came back out with a water bottle and it was yellow and they didn't realize at first
But in my cousin was like he got piss in the water bottle and they just started hitting and I was squirting it
I didn't like
Yeah, it was crazy. I was in time about two hours for that fucking problem child
Stop it to have
It's easy time
Do you have any pets growing up what was the pet situation?
Spit on him man. I hated that dog. I don't even know he was a mutt
What kind of dog? I don't even know, he was a mutt.
Like my mama just found his ass one day,
he was at the crib.
Romeo was a real fuck nigga dog.
I hated him.
Like, cause like, I don't, like you know,
as a kid you have a dog and it's like,
this your best friend and you own the dog.
I think the dog thought,
hey man, I own this little nigga.
Like, he belongs to me.
You work for him, yeah.
Yeah, like he was sleeping in my bed,
but it wasn't my bed, it was his bed and his mind.
Like he was sleeping at the foot of my bed.
Now I move in my sleep a little bit. So he would just bite my toes. Oh shit. It was his bed. His mind like you see by the foot of my bed I'm moving my sleep a little bit so he would just bite my toes
Oh shit, like all this shit and be like stop moving like I'm trying to sleep
I'm at one time I was I was in back yard my mom house and I peed outside just cuz I wanted to
Mm-hmm, I peed outside and Romeo just pissed over my piss. Yeah, oh to Marty. Yeah, I got to admit
This is my house pussy. That dog was a real bitch. Yeah, I fucking hated Romeo
That's me. This is my house pussy dog was a real bitch. Yeah, I fucking hate it
When I was a kid he was outside dog though and we would come inside when they were like big shit dude an out An outdoor Florida dog. That's a fucking dog. That's a real grown man, right? Yeah
He's got a job and shit. Yeah. Yeah Damn. What about, what was the stacks and shit
like that in the house growing up?
What were you allowed to have?
Were you allowed to have like sugar cereal
and all that kind of stuff?
Hell yeah.
My mom's house was dope.
Like I had, we had a whole bunch of snacks.
Dad, we had snacks too, from Costco.
Costco, yeah.
Shout out, Signature.
That was great.
Respect it.
You were allowed to drink soda growing up?
Oh, yeah, I could have soda.
I could have sugar and shit.
What was there?
How was your mom in the kitchen? Good cook? She can cook for fuck. No. My mom can't got a soda. Yeah. I got a soda and shit. OK. What was that? How was your mom in the kitchen?
Good cook?
She can cook for fuck.
No, man.
My mom can't cook for shit.
Yeah, no, but she try to make a red velvet cake.
Does that work?
That work?
She can make a cake for you.
Damn, so I can make a cake.
I've never had someone flex a red velvet cake.
That's a high-end cake, dude.
That's a fuck.
I'll give you that.
Can't cook for shit.
Red velvet cake on your ass.
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And did you work at all in high school?
Did you have any any what was your first job?
My first job was at Foot Locker.
First job that foot like I went every single day at the mall in the summer.
When I graduated high school.
So your first job was until after high school.
I was playing sports.
I was I was trying to go to school.
You're getting kicked off the team.
What are you talking about?
You said you only never played a full season.
One of my seniors, I did play a full season.
I didn't play a lot this season, but I was on the team.
I had to practice.
I had to be on the team.
I'm in my coach told me, he said, he said, nigga, you here for team Morale.
Your coach said that?
Yeah, that's when I was like, oh yeah, I'm not going to play this shit in college.
Keep up the jokes, all right?
Off Morale. And how was the job at Footlocker that summer? It up the jokes, all right? Off my route.
And how was the job at Footlocker that summer?
It was the best, man.
That's where I do comedy.
Yeah, why?
Because I always tell stories from my basketball,
from basketball to my coworkers.
And they was always be like,
nigga, you fucking funny.
And you should do standup.
And so that's the reason I do standup.
There you go, look at that.
But they shouldn't have hired me.
There was no way in hell they should have hired should I how does it work if I could you?
Do they get commit you get commissions on the sneakers or anything like that? Yeah, but it was like a dead stove
So we like it was like that's so funny
So if somebody did come in it's like why the fuck are you here you fucking up my date? Yeah
Killing over here
An empty footlocker is wild I'm killin' over here, dude. I've never seen an empty- I've been crushin' all day, man. I ain't never seen any dumbass shoes.
An empty footlocker is wild.
Empty as fuck.
Did you steal it all?
My boy worked at Foot Locker and he stole like crazy.
Yeah, let me tell you something.
Because the malls, if you don't know anybody that ever worked at a mall, the mall has its
own ecosystem where the lids guy will steal hats and give them to the Foot Locker guy.
The Foot Locker guy will get jerseys from this store.
It's like they're all just,'s like they're all fucking so I
Didn't mean that but yeah
All up and down that mall before I even know my man's was cool
There was a girl that was trying to fuck me for the store open and I didn't know I was like cameras and shit
And I don't know my mention like that. We got I don't know my manager
I was like yo the girl that Jimmy J. I want to fuck me in the store
And they were like why the fuck didn't you do it? Yeah cameras don't know my manager
Why the fuck didn't you do it yeah cameras don't work nigga you should have did it but after that I was fucking all up into This too like man. I fucked in the bathroom behind them all it was an abandoned part of the mall
I was fucking in there at the JC penises shut down. I was going fucking you're fucking in a closed JC penny
In the change install and I wonder why the footlocker was taken
Any meat uncle cam coming in
We had guys so I never is stolen for like a mom my brother had a homeboy that used to oh he got
He got like big trope and still finish line when it was me. So I was always like man. I'm not don't do it
but we had got a
When I became a manager,
which was a terrible, holy shit.
Oh, yeah, it was stupid.
Man, full-on, what the fuck?
I was like 18?
Wait, yeah, I was 18,
because I was the only one that showed up to work.
And I lived like, I lived behind a mall and shit,
so they were like, even if anything came with it, show up.
Because you gotta understand,
like, I feel like I got like a hiring system back then
where it was like, you gotta get a score more off like,
oh, let's say the score is like you got to get past 600 if you get past this hundred like you got a
670 you could be like a manager. Yeah, like a 650 you can be like a what's it? I had like a 610
You were like do not hire sure the baby barely made what are the questions about sneakers or just regular shit?
It was a personality test. I guess and they were were like, this nigga's not a good person.
Have you ever spit on a girl?
I'm like, what kind of question?
They would ask something like that.
Were you doing the schedule and shit like that?
No, no, I never got that.
I would do the sales report.
I would have to write an email, but I'm not email trained.
So I was like, what's up?
So is it?
We got to talk to your boss.
We sold a lot.
What's good, fam?
We out of Jordan.
We sold so many Air Force today. Black was the nigga like to steal.
So, but it was uh. What year is this? This was 20... shit. 2019. That's crazy. Geez, you were working at Footwalker 2019. Yeah.
Yeah, so I was, but I was sold to the funniest shit. So I'm a manager, right? But the last manager that we had who work at Champs now,
this nigga didn't know how to open the safe
to put the money in that night.
And then so when they got to me,
obviously my test wasn't good.
I'm not the brightest nigga in the world.
So they were like, if that guy couldn't do it,
K.M. damn shit can't close no fucking safe.
So they never, when I would close the night,
they never taught me the code to the safe, right?
So one night-
I would also not teach you the code to the safe. Right. So one night I would also not teach you the code.
That's not you cannot blame them for that.
We never like but the money was it would just be open.
So one night it was a string of like, you know, in Florida was crazy.
It was a string of footlocker robbery.
I swear to God, I'm not lying to y'all.
There was a string of footlocker robberies where they would break in through the back door
and like they would, they would break in.
So it was a store next to us that was open.
So they broke into that store and stole like
so many shoes from us, like a lot.
And the next morning we got there,
we realized that they had broken in,
stole all the shoes and shit.
And so we had, it was a big investigation.
And the later that came in, thought I had did it.
Can I close the night before? That ain't locked the safe. And then we didn't, we couldn't tell her that we never a big investigation. And the lady that came in thought I had did it. I closed the night before.
I locked the safe.
And then we didn't we couldn't tell her
that we never locked the safe.
Anything I could lock the safe.
I had to learn the safe code that day
and then do all this extra shit.
And then she sat me down.
I had a conversation with me.
She had like a real deal, like long talk with me,
older black lady.
And she was like, so what are you?
She tried to get me to go to the army, really.
She was like, you should go to the army cuz like this ain't this for long shit
Which is the cop investigating the yeah, they brought like an investigator like a real investigate and she was like an army shit
Okay, talking to me and then uh little I find out she told my man. She was like, why would you hire him?
He's like you got a 610 on the test. She called me and I quote she called me emotionally retarded
She called me and I quote she called me emotionally retarded.
She like you why would you hide this man? He's emotionally retarded. You can't he should not be working at footlock.
This is insane. And that's fuck that bitch. Yeah.
Did you think there when you got there and you saw they were
robbed? Did you think because you were had access to the safe
something that they were gonna try to show?
Were you confident that you were gonna get out of it? Or you're
like, nah, we it could go either way?
I was scared, but then the funny thing about her too,
she told my manager, she said,
he said, so do you think he did it?
And she was like, there's no way he could've pulled this off.
That's, there's no way.
You have the outfit on when you walk in.
She like, there's no way he could've did this.
And then they came and robbed us again, like a year later.
Yeah, it was crazy.
That's nuts.
Yeah, then I got fired for cussing out my manager.
I got a new manager and I cussed that bitch to Smith and Reed.
A new manager can ruin the vibe of any job.
You got a new manager, they come in,
they're trying to make a name for themselves.
One or two people that you were like part of your team,
they leave and you're like,
we're not, it's not the same job anymore
I'm a special child one time and I cut that bitch to filth
Like special like go we'll go back and forth. That's lazy be cool. They wouldn't be cool. What's your life?
You my special child, you know, you need a little extra help. I like this. I swear to God
Call me special again. Holy be smoking this fucking city. I cut that bitch to smithereens
Fuck that lady, you know, it's crazy, I started working at Publix after that.
You started working at Publix?
At first I was on the cashier and they was like, you can't do this.
I had a joke about this one for a while, I would always be like,
I'll have a good day my nigga.
And they'd be like, Cam, you gotta stop.
You can't do this.
They're dapping everybody up.
We gotta put them in the back of the house.
What's up fam?
You have a big hug.
So that's how I started stalking Chell,
but then she started working at Publix with me.
Who did?
My old manager.
The one that you cursed out?
Was she a manager or just regular?
Just like me at Publix.
So I would cuss in that bitch hat every day.
Man, that's a fucking vengeance story.
It was beautiful as shit.
She's working under you
Now I hated that you do cool now those whatever but I hate her she's cool now
What yeah, yeah, shout out the toy though. She do what gave a job police
She dope you see I love it toy and then what are the jobs after what do you start doing comedy?
I thought doing comedy at politics really are you were at publics? That was a let you've only ever had two jobs in your life
Yeah, I worked at a golf course when I got here.
You worked at a golf course.
That didn't work, hell nah.
Had you ever played golf before or anything like that?
Fuck no.
My homeboy White Can worked at a golf course
and when I came here, he was like,
I get this job at a golf course, you wanna move?
I said, hell yeah.
What were you doing at the golf course?
I was a little caddy dude.
You were a caddy?
Not a caddy.
Not a caddy.
I clean your clubs when you get back.
Yeah, really?
Yeah, yeah. I've done that too.
Yeah, I was terrible at it.
I was good at listening though.
So I didn't know like none of the,
I don't know shit about golf.
But to get tips you gotta talk to them
when they got an important shit.
So everybody would be like,
yeah, so like how was the back nine?
So I'd just be saying shit like that.
You didn't know anything, yeah.
Nothing, I just be like,
the back nine was great, right?
That's awesome.
I loved it back, my favorite hole is the 11 hole.
How are the bars today?
Yeah, we're good. That's pretty good. Do you make good money there though? Fuck? No
Hold on. Give me this timeline. So you're working at Publix. You're doing comedy. I mean isn't that long ago, which is crazy
Yeah, three years ago. Yes. I was at Puddes at
2020 2021 and you're doing comedy you start doing comedy in Orlando. Yeah, okay doing open mics or whatever
Yes, you work your way up to the clubs over there?
Yeah, I would do, I would do, so I did,
I would do the Funny Bones,
then probably then it was Funny Bones.
Yeah. I would do that.
And then we only had one club,
I would go to Tampa a lot,
and do like a, it's a smaller trap house called The Gimmick.
Okay. And I would do that a lot.
And then I was, so the best thing about Orlando
was like, you in the middle. She in the middle of Florida, yeah. I was all over, I was so the best name by Orlando was like you in the middle.
She in the middle of Florida.
I was all over.
I was in Jacksonville and Tampa.
I was everywhere.
But no big travel.
Like you weren't going to like the Funny Bone and like Syracuse or whatever.
Nah, nah.
Just local, regional stuff.
So you do it down there for a few years, then you move here and then kill Tony, you blow
Yes, sir.
What was the car when you were running around?
What was your first car?
My first car, my mama got me a Honda Elantra.
I got my Honda Elantra, yeah, yeah. She drove it until she paid it off and she gave it to me.
No kidding.
And I crashed that bitch.
Yeah, you did.
Crashed it to the back of four people.
So I was driving on this road going to a mic, which is crazy, I was going to a mic, and um,
it was a dude I seen that I know, so I said, I was standing there talking about fuck around with him and shit, and the light was green but nobody was going cause it was a dude I seen that I know so I said I was saying something about fuck around with shit and the light was green but nobody
was going cause it was like a little hold up and I slammed in the back of the light for
people. They're pretty bad and then so after that happened I didn't have a car
I didn't have a car no longer had a car but so when I was living with my dad at the
time I was staying with my dad like full time and shit I was on his couch when I
started to stand up and I was like like, man, fuck the car.
Like, fuck everything that just happened.
How I'm gonna get to these open mics?
I need a way to get to these open mics.
I just started doing stand up like every day.
When I like, this is probably like my third week
doing stand up every day.
And then I crashed the car.
And then so I was like, pops,
how I'm gonna get to the open mics?
He was like, nigga, I got a car.
So my dad had like this old ass this fucked up Jeep and
So at work I work I work I would work during the day and he had a car doing his shit
There's little activities and shit right and then that night I was little activity so demeaning to your dad
Little activity office on the porch
What the fuck you do outside? Yeah, little activities.
His office on the porch, nigga.
He don't have a, you know what I'm saying?
Like, I'm not finna be like,
this nigga the best contract in the world.
No fucking way, man.
His office is on the porch.
So it's like, he was doing activities and shit
day to day. Gotcha.
And then I would take the car at night and do mics
when me and my dad shared a car.
And then one day, my uncle, he's a crackhead,
he stole the car and sold it for crack.
And then we had like a couple other cars
and I moved off.
What do you how much crack you get for a Jeep?
Well, I think it was like a,
I think it was like a rented situation.
He was trying to rent it to somebody for some crack.
And they never gave it back.
That'll happen in the crack trade.
Yeah, man, that shit hurt my heart, man.
I lost a stereo to a Coke dealer in North Carolina.
Actually, yeah, never got it back.
Maybe one day, yeah, never got it
back. Maybe one day, put your
mind to it. You can get it
somewhere. I'm still looking
for that damn car too. ****
up. Everyone you pass, you're
looking to be like, is it? My
head like, I had just started
like making emergency like
T-shirts and **** and I had
like, I had so I wear sliders
where I go now with shoes
sometimes but I had like uh I
had like these orange phone
posits and then we tracked the car down to where the last location was at.
Oh, was it with the GPS on it?
No, it was just, we were talking to people.
We were talking to people in the neighborhood.
We found it.
But we didn't find the car.
He was pressing the street.
I don't know, we tracked it down.
I don't know, okay.
We got there though.
Okay, sure.
We found the house and my little cousin was over the fence.
And all my merch was in the backyard.
No shit.
But the car wasn't there. Did you the backyard. No shit. Oh, I know
Yeah, you get the merch or no now we need to get the merch better. They got some real one-on-ones like some shit I don't even make no more. So you got this it please fuck
Please you guys don't you were too scared to go into the house and try to get it
My uncle he was like he was really fucked up. He told my step. He say listen
He's gonna leave me alone by this goddamn car. I'm telling a nigga where y'all live. I'm like, wait a minute
Yeah, it's like a crazy way that he's lost a fucking mind
Man also talk about a guy who don't give a fuck some guy comes to your house to beat you up
He's wearing your merch like
That's me right there
Holy shit. All right, man, so you work at golf course. And where were you living when you got here?
I was staying over at my dog, White Cam.
Staying with who?
My dog, White Cam.
So his name Cameron too.
But he white.
He's White Cam.
And when I got here, I was like, I'm Cameron now.
He's White Cam.
And so, I'm my dog, White Cam.
Shout out, White Cam.
Cam, he's my dog, hell yeah.
Alright, that's pretty good.
What, on the topic of first,
what was the first concert you went to?
First concert? I went to Chance the Rapper.
That's a pretty good one.
Hell yeah. I was a man.
Was this when he first came out?
Yeah, he was doing like a realest thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Me and my cousin was big fans of Chance the Rapper.
Mama got us tickets for my birthday.
Very good.
We got to go out there and see him.
Which was super dope cuz I did a
Show when uh, I did a show in Chicago at the Xanis. Yeah, Hannibal Burr's pulled up
Yeah, and then chance came with Hannibal get the fuck out of here. That shit was like a real light
I was one of the cool moments of my life though. He's telling me your first
I never got never thought I was so I was like
You know, like my favorite like I was I was so like nigga, you changed the fucking rapper, nigga. So I never got to be like, you understand, nigga? I love you, dawg. Like, my favorite.
Like, I was so, like, stuck, bro.
That's funny.
You feel me?
But yeah, my friend caught that with Chaz Rap.
That's really good.
All right, now that you're here,
you're doing very well, very funny.
Doing good. Good career.
Has there been any stupid purchase
since you started making money,
where you look back and like, I didn't need this watch,
this car, a hot tub, a Wave Runner? What was the first big check that you got where you were like holy
shit really but didn't have to be that big just at the time where you were like this
checks now we're crazy but I remember my first bitch I was like four thousand yeah and I
went with my whole family I think somebody something happened my whole family was at
my grandma house and I just had to check in my wallet I was just showing my color you
only understand this is for words. Oh, she jokes
Me four thousand dollars. I was selling I was selling nickel bags
Let me four thousand dollars. I was so it was had mama's like you got to stop doing that
That's funny you did that at 24 23 we did it at 47
38 I did that for the first time two years ago.
I called my mom like, you know what I fucking made last night?
No idea what's going on.
She's like, you owe me $4,000.
Has there been stupid purchases?
No, really.
I'm finna get a better car, but not.
What do you got now?
What's out front?
I'm driving a 2003 Acura.
It's overheating right now.
And I got a police intercom on it.
Oh, I just saw that video actually.
Yeah, yeah.
Wait, that's your car?
Yeah, I bought that, yeah.
But that's all, it's fucked up, cause I'm a...
How much that cost you?
Ha ha ha ha ha, I told you about the check.
Yeah, it's $4,000, see?
I got that check when I'm buying a...
God, that's my first car I ever bought by myself.
No shit, congratulations.
Is that what you used the check for that you got?
Was it by that?
No, no, no, no, I waited.
I had to pay some debt off a little bit.
But then that was-
Hold Foot Locker a couple of bucks.
Real shit.
But that bitch terrible now though.
How many miles are on that thing?
Yeah, 1,700 and-
No, 100,000.
Yeah, there it go, there it go.
2,300 Accio with 1,500 miles on it.
Yeah, she just just sat in the garage
Okay, okay, so that you bought that with over a hundred thousand miles on it. Yeah, and I just terrible
Just bought that here just to get around. Yeah. Yeah, but oh, I don't know what he was overheating
I was like god damn this bitch fucking up. So you're now you are actively looking for a new car now you can
What do you want what do you want? I want to get a Cadillac Blackwing. What's a blackwing?
It's just a Hellcat in a suit. That'd be a five. That's awesome. That'd be a five. That's probably my first big person.
I got an apartment and shit but I don't really. I buy a lot of cologne. Cologne? I can smell it on you.
Yeah I buy a lot of cologne. What do you like? Shit, whatever they got. Really?
Yeah, my cousin, my cousin like my mom.
He like my big brother, my cousin Justin.
So like that nigga love cologne, he got me into it.
And I just, he be like, look at this shit,
and I be like, I bought it already.
So you'll go into the store,
you'll try some stuff on, that kind of stuff?
Yeah, yeah, I love cologne, bro.
I got too much.
That's like cologne.
That's probably it though.
That's probably like the biggest, bro.
And I do like a lot of my family shit. I like that. And how's the apartment now? It's nice, it though. That's probably like a big I do like a lot of my family shit I like that. How's the apartment now? It's nice. It's nice. Hey bad. What's the bed king-size queen-size?
I got a quiz. I was bit. Okay. I want to put it on the floor
I wanted to keep it on the floor, but then I was I gotta get a stay young. I like it
Yeah, I want to keep that bitch on the floor to sure
What's the vacation looking like now? I guess you're trying. I know you're working up a note
Sure. Sure.
What's the vacation looking like now?
I guess you're trying, I know you're working up a note.
I don't like vacations.
Hell no.
You can't just go away for a couple of days
and just chill on the beach or whatever?
I've always been a weird, it's been weird for me.
Like if I'm doing something,
I like to do it every single day.
Like with basketball, we would have breaks from basketball
and we'd be like a week off and I'd come back
and I'd just be so ass.
So it's like, so taking breaks always scared me.
You like staying sharp.
All right.
I always tell you, I'm not a vacation type, dude
That makes sense. I get that. When did you get your passport? I got my passport last year. Okay
Yeah, so this is the first so the first time you travel is the first time you travel out of the country to go to go
To Canada what first time when I went with Tony, so this first time by myself. Yeah, okay
But it was two four. It was for for comedy you were going to gotcha jeez
I got my passport at 47
Have you ever owned a butterfly knife or a switchblade
Somebody gave me one yeah, yeah, I'm out of game more somebody's a present for you know
Later a butterfly knife?
I think it was a switchblade.
Those are fucking dangerous.
Yeah, get rid of that thing, that's no good.
You had mentioned you were selling nickel bags.
Was this Publix time error, time frame?
Man, so, Publix was so like,
when I started working at Publix,
it was like a brief instant when I was like,
really like, just outside doing a bunch of wild ass shit,
and I was standing at my dad's house, and step mom was like you gotta get a job nigga.
So I was, I started like, I say nigga man, but I was booming for a second.
Like I was saying for like three, four months nigga, I was booming.
Then I was like, my phone started, I was telling somebody, I was like my phone started really
rain like when I was really outside for real.
And I had to choose like either you gonna do the stand-up shit. Mm-hmm, or you gonna say drugs
Yeah, and so I was like fucking I'm gonna try to stand up shit
And so that's I stopped selling drugs started working a part of life for you said the phone was ringing like you were starting
To get real busy. I had like real customers like it was niggas like I got the drugs
So that was encroaching on you know, if you gotta be somewhere you gotta be yeah
I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do standard and then my home
I got a homeboy who was really like,
who I grew up with, who was like,
that my dog back home and shit.
And then he was also like,
we were, cause like when I was doing stand up,
I would sell drugs a little bit in between that.
And then he was just like,
bro, you gotta pick one for me.
Was it just weed?
You were just selling weed?
All right.
When he said drugs, you know,
that kinda picked up, it was a-
Cause like, I be trying to tell people like,
I was outside, but I was like, my favorite thing about you know? I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing.
I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing. I was out of my thing and beating shit out of people. But the whole time I was out, that be would have got in my head like this. Sure.
Just fucking just terrified the whole time.
Like scared as shit, bro.
Scared as fuck.
Man, that's fucking awesome.
That's crazy.
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the boy sent you. Holy shit. How do you like to travel now that you're traveling all around?
I love traveling.
I think my mama a flight attendant so I like traveling like my second nature.
I love traveling.
You flying first class or in coach?
Nah, I like coach.
You like coach?
Because first class you can't even get that window sleep for real.
It's too much of a gap.
You know the seat goes back.
I know but I don't like that.
Do you not put your seat back in an airplane?
Nah, I feel like I just spit off some n***a behind me. I respect that gonna say that. The seat goes back. I know but I don't like that. Do you not put your
seat back in an airplane? No, I
feel like just spelt from the
**** behind me. I respect that.
Yeah, man. Let they be in the
**** and I go all the way back.
They be in the ****. Turn right
and spit on them. Pussy. Well,
you bring food on a plane. Nah.
Okay. Take your shoes off on a
plane. Mm I got slides so
probably is. Okay. I was sliding. Yeah. The miss. So, probably. I was going to
come up. When you get to a
hotel, if you don't like the
room, will you ask you asked to
change the room? No, I've never
been. No, you can. You can. I
can go to a restaurant and ask
for or you can give me some
complete different. I just
black out. I eat it. I just
roll with it. Yeah. Alright.
There we go. Are you going out
to nicer restaurants or
anything now that you have a
couple of bucks? Sometimes.
Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes. For sure.
What do you like? Steak.
Yeah. How do you get it cooked? Medium. Okay. Gentlemen. yeah. Sometimes. For sure. What do you like? Steak. Steak. Yeah. How do you get it cooked? Medium. Okay.
Gentlemen. Gentlemen. Very good.
Do you drink? Yeah, I drink a little bit.
Okay. Yeah, but I don't drink before the show.
I don't drink after the show.
So it's like I kind of limit myself.
If you go out to dinner and you get a drink, what do you get?
You get a wine, you get a beer, you get a...
Ain't drink no wine. It's pussy.
I told you I was a drug dealer, right? You heard me.
Shit, I don't know if I'm drinking. I might get a bill.
I might get a bill.
I be around white people now.
Y'all got me in the beers.
Comedy got me in the beers real bad.
Points it off.
You guys got me in the beers.
Like we did it as a collective.
They tried to get out.
Come on, I got a homegirl.
She from one from her name, Tate.
And she do comedy too.
And she like a real treacherous.
I was in the trenches for half my life. So I was back and forth
She she was just yeah, right and so every time she did it tastes like musk
like musty
Yeah, they taste like I get it. I must taste
Every whole family's looking at you
Damn do you have a preference between Pizza Hut or Domino's?
Not like Little Caesar's though.
Little Caesar's.
Really? Little Caesar's?
Hot and ready.
Hot and ready.
That's why we call hoes back there too.
That bitch hot and ready.
I never met one of them.
Yeah, that bitch is a little hot and ready.
Let me tell you something.
Little Caesar's, I haven't had in a long time.
Back in the day, dude, it was unbelievable.
They used to, it used to be a square pie. It was a square, it was unbelievable. Bro. It used to be a square pie.
It was a square, it was like Sicilian.
And it was like, they like baked it
and there was like oil around it.
Dude, in the 80s, it was fucking unbelievable.
Then they changed it to the hot and ready
and the round pie.
Just lost something.
But that's some dead cheese bread on it.
Yeah, it's pretty good.
Are you cooking at the house at all?
None at all.
Uber eats? Yeah, Uber eats all. Uber eats. Yeah, we'll be tiny. Cook your eggs. Yeah. How
do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Whatever. That does
it all. God damn aristocrat. I'm got their five star chef with
a kind of head. Are you shopping? Will you go to the
grocery store? Get some stuff for the house? Okay, he's
Costco. Homeboy stuff. They do comedy and shit. They getting Are you shopping you will you go to the grocery get some stuff in the house? Okay
Okay, I'll be when I'm gone they just be there
So you have your friends hanging out at the house?
Yeah, are they are they Texas friends are they Florida friends the comics you bet here?
Yeah, and who are you are you bringing people on the road with you when you when you go?
So everybody come on roll me up from from from the from the city. My dog, Jar, been on the road with me.
He kind of, he the first person to like really
shot me out in the city just being like,
man this kid like really working his ass off the corn.
Like I just believe in him.
So that's one of my best friends.
And my dog, my uncle Jolly,
who really taught me how to stand up,
he my, they both my, they been on the road with me.
He's your uncle?
Ah, technically.
He's your black uncle. Yeah, I always tell me, I'ma fuck your auntie one day,
so we gonna be family for real.
Jesus Christ, that's a friend right there.
I be like, you know what, nigga, I believe in you.
Shit, do what you can do, dick.
My auntie my best friend, she dope in here too.
I would go to her house too.
Do you own any suits?
Like if you had to go to a wedding next week,
what are you wearing?
Nah, I ain't got no suit, I'ma get one.
You're gonna go get one, yeah? Y'all gotta give me a suit. I got you. He's only 25 wedding next week, what are you wearing? No, I got no suit I'm gonna get one. You're gonna go get one. Yeah, yeah, 25. I know that's right
Yeah, one. I mean I didn't give a suit until I was fucking 32. I got married. Can you tie a tie? No
Yeah, huh and who's cutting the hair who's doing the hair
You go to the shop or they come to you? Okay. Yeah. You got a place down here. The guy that you like. Austin Moe
Money. Who pointed you in that direction? Austin's most wanted.
Austin's most wanted. Shout out Austin's most wanted. Did you
know of that when you got here? Did somebody say, Hey, you want
a good haircut? It's an app called the Cutout.
And a haircut app? Well, everybody can download it.
I mean, I didn't think only you had it, Kay.
All I got is this. Wait, hold on. This I mean, I didn't think only you had it, Ken. All I got is shit like this out here.
Wait, hold on.
This is great.
I've never heard of this.
So any city you go to, like, say I can get in my barber
before I leave.
I go on the app, and I'm in the city.
I'm in, and it's just got pictures of the barber.
Like reviews and shit, and like, oh, this guy.
Yeah, well.
You can just send an appointment right there.
You'll get your haircut on the road.
Through the app, it's like you can really find a good barber.
No, you're not just going that bitch blind. Like you've seen it with a gun. Sure. But I go through the app, it's like, you can really find a good barber. You're not just going that bitch blind,
like you seen it with a young man.
But I found my barber,
because I had one barber,
that nigga was kind of out in the way,
and he was talking like $80 for a car.
I just get a line up, nigga, what the fuck?
Yeah, what's the cost you now?
That's not bad, what do you tip?
I tip about 20.
There you go.
That's a God damn gentleman right there.
That's a good tip right there, I like it.
Very good.
When you're traveling on the road,
will you guys do anything touristy Very good. When you're traveling on
the road, will you guys do
anything touristy in the city
when you're there? Yeah, we got
to. Yeah, I want to see some
shit, but I'm trying to see. I'm
trying to see the city. When I
was in Edmonton, I had to fuck.
It was cold as hell. It was
negative 12. I was like, but
people shouldn't live here. Oh, man, it made dope, so they were cool as shit. But dog, that shit pissed me off. Man, I didn't want to move at all.
People like, come hang out.
Fuck no, y'all live in a tundra.
Will you get a manicure, a pedicure, a massage at all?
No, no.
That's gay.
Nothing wrong with the gays, though.
Let them gay niggas, gay niggas is cool.
I don't know.
Just asking.
I like a nice massage.
Did you get a pedicure?
I did a pedicure.
I sure did. I got fucked up toes. No, I think fucked up toes so get a pedicure. I did a pedicure
No, I think I think for the toaster to a real man I
Agree, you're gonna be getting them done cuz they start wearing on you man. You start ripping through sneakers I always say she like we go do this
Let a girl lick your ass like how you get older and get gay? You feel me?
That's crazy.
That's a young man's response.
I'm just talking about getting a bad care.
But I know, but you know, this is how you feel me.
Once it leads to another.
Hear your feet that listening.
You know you're in your headseat now.
Lick your asshole.
He done get your head in the booty hole, lick nigga.
Freaking hell.
I got your booty hole, lick before.
At any point in your life, did you or anyone in your family ever put the batteries in the refrigerator or the freezer? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. You gotta buy a new refrigerator. He was like, why the fuck y'all never change the water filter? I'm like, nigga, what you mean?
Yo, yeah.
Nah, I didn't even know you could do that.
Yeah, what the fuck?
I like tap water.
Yeah, I'm right there with you.
Do tap water here too?
I got a little money now.
It depends where you are.
Yeah, you know what I mean?
I don't, I drink it anywhere.
I was drinking it and he's like, you're using tap water?
Anywhere is crazy.
You drinking that Flint, Michigan?
Probably not Flint. And now I would.
Not fucking five years ago.
They fixed it. I never knew they fixed it. I never kept up with it.
I wouldn't trust them.
I never lied about it. I had a water in Flint now.
Never looked up there.
Oh, okay.
Gatorade man.
What's your flavor?
That one that looked like blue but it's purple.
Talking about glacier ice.
There you go, hell yeah.
That's the first time I ever heard that,
it looks like blue but it's purple,
and I know exactly what you're talking about.
Damn. That's funny.
Really good.
Uh-huh, what was the high school mascot growing up?
It was a knight.
Pretty good. The knight.
Yeah, so UCF was there, my school was kinda new.
So it was like, it was 10 years old when I graduated.
So it was the principal that we had went to UCF
and was like, the Knights, like, it's pussy though.
Yeah, sure.
We should've got a better name.
Do you have any pairs of dress shoes at the house?
Like not sneakers, like you're going out
and put on a nice pair. If you had to dress up,
what are you throwing up?
I have one at my house, but I got some here.
In your mom's house.
They're in Florida, but I got some for sure. Yeah, yeah, I got a pill, I got one pill.
How often do you go back and see your mom?
I try to go as much as possible.
I'm going there in March, so I'll probably go back.
But I try to get to see as much as I can.
My dad on the road with me every weekend, my dad always come.
Your dad goes on the road with you?
Your dad?
He do the merch.
Your dad sells your merch?
Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, he said my sister and I said he sells the merch.
I love that. Whoa. That's sick, dude. Yeah, he said, my sister and I said he sell the merch.
Whoa, that's sick, dude.
Yeah, but he always go, nigga, I'm robbing you.
He don't even get in on robbing you, nigga.
Ryan does our merch and he robs us for sure.
That's awesome.
It's funny, because my dad be coming up
and he be having polo suits on and shit.
And I'm like, where you getting all this money from?
He always go, my investment paid off.
I'm dragging your ass around for 20 years.
That's great.
So your dad goes everywhere with you?
Everywhere I go, yeah.
Oh, that's fucking awesome.
How old's your dad, by the way?
He's 65.
What a fucking nice back half of the life.
Roll with your fucking comic son,
hanging out at fucking clubs and shit.
He loves it, man, but he, boy, we mean we button heads by the meet and greets, dude
But we ready to go to whoa why can he get the car?
Come on some first money go to him if I'm gonna do the meet and greet the merch money goes down
Bring your ass out as soon as you get on stage nigga. I can't sit here for five minutes
No, they waiting on you. It's like, I call him Joe Jackson without the belt.
That's crazy, dude.
He's pimpin' you out.
No, for real.
Get out here and start fuckin' dancing.
He was like, nigga, you was a hoe.
Make the money.
Try to go backstage, get your head on straight,
have a soda or something like that.
My dad not gonna do it, hey.
What we doin'?
What's the plan?
You sit down, too long.
He tell my dog, Joe, he be like,
Joe, this nigga get five minutes.
Cause that five, those minutes are crucial
to the people hanging out, but you also need to go,
whoo, all right, let's go.
Let's like, let me get my fucking head together.
Let me get a drink of water or something.
Get your head to go meet a bunch of people.
But some people see that if you're walking out
and you're not there, they're like,
I'm just fucking gone.
And I tell them all the time, like, listen,
thank them for coming out.
But they don't want to wait like 10, 15 minutes,
ain't no one see me that bad.
All right, he's getting good head on his shoulders.
What's the split of the merch with your dad?
What's up?
He just went, whatever.
I be like, let me send me some money,
he be like, all right, whatever you need.
Oh man, that's a good gig, dude.
That is not happening with you.
Yeah, no, he,
cause of my positive shit, I always be like,
I gotta tell me like, you know what I'm saying,
I'm gonna let you know when the investment has been paid off.
I don't think that's ever gonna happen.
Nah, nah, nah, nah. He's got, he's got it.
You might wanna get some eyes on that.
I'm sure you move a good amount of t-shirts on a weekend.
Nah, it be a lot. My dad, my sister be coming up with these Louis Vuitton, man.
What's going on here, man? What's y'all making over there, man?
They be making some real bread over here.
They got new couch, new TV.
You get on a plane to go back and coach your dads
up in first class.
See you in the front, son.
See you in a minute.
Remember, five minutes.
I mean, think about it.
You were at Publix not that long ago,
and then you're here, so it's like,
the jump from my son works at Publix
to my son selling out weekends is a fucking jump.
He was always like the catalyst of like the whole dream.
Let my mama see the best.
When I told her I wanted to stand up,
she wasn't on board at all.
And so she kicked me out and went to my dad's house
and my dad was like, you got a couch, you got a yelp.
And I forgot he lent you the car at night.
Yeah, he lent me the car.
He deserves the merch money.
So I wouldn't even be like, nigga what's up with the money? Nah, you know, you gotta couch. You gotta yell. I forgot he lent you the car at night. Yeah, he lent me the car. He deserves the merch money.
So, I wouldn't even be like, nigga, what's up with the money?
Nah, he dope, you feel me?
That's pretty good.
This is dope.
And then they always, like, the people I got around me keep me on my, like, just keep me
on a clear space, like my pops and my sister and niggas I started with.
Yeah, it's great.
You get your dad on the road, you can't get in too much trouble.
Yeah, I can't know he the problem.
Yeah, he's probably out running around, dude.
He's an issue, man.
I remember the other day, so grab him. He's like the problem. Yeah, he's probably out. He's probably out running around. He's an issue, man.
I remember the other day.
So he's like Drake's dad.
But he's in the video and shit.
Oh, I never forget.
I got a mark over there.
I get a marker.
My dad, I swear to God, no lie.
So girl, I want me to sign a ticket and shit.
And so my dad or she had to go, we still do do a watch.
And so he'll like I remember the other day he had a he had a I was signed to it. And I look how many titties would you say you're signing do a what? And so he'll like, I remember the other day he had a, I was signing titties and I looked back.
How many titties would you say you're signing?
On a weekend, probably like six, seven.
That's a lot of titties, man.
I was signing the titties, I looked at my dad
and my dad had a marker like this, what the brain is?
And I'm gonna sign one too.
He's fucking insane, man.
Like it's a, I be like, ain't possible,
you gotta cheer the fuck up.
It's a case, it's a one. Signing titties. I remember one of you talking to this one girl. God insane, man. Like, I be like, hey, Pops, you gotta chill.
This a case.
This a one.
I remember one of them, he was talking to this one girl.
Damn, dude.
And my dad, like, 6'4", he like 300 pounds, and he don't realize, he like, he a menacing
That's also security.
You're on with security.
Nah, he can't help for fuck.
I know, but I'm just saying, he's big enough to get fucking, nobody wants to take a run
at him.
Man, how proud of a daddy he gotta be.
Three years ago working at Publix, he was watching you sign titties like, yeah, I did.
My dog had a funny story we did.
I did cars and says, let's go to put my name on the monkey.
And then my dad was walking up on my dog.
He was like, he said, look at that shit up there, boy.
He said, my dog, yes, he can pass.
He said, man, fuck that.
I said, say, pass. Oh, yeah. Hell yeah.
Yeah, sick. That's awesome, man.
What a come up. Damn, dude. I mean, I don't have that much more for I mean
Are you a mayonnaise guy you like mayo? Ah?
Do it without it or tuna fish. I hate
Really? I can't stand tuna tuna fucking disgusting. Hey, I any type of tuna nigga. I don't want to I like I like sushi
But everything they made was sushi got tune in
Well, you don't like the regular good tuna. I ain't never tried
The kids trash
Third bag I love shit dude one of the funniest. Yeah, you're on a goddamn rocket ship
We could not be happier for you and we fucking we love what you're doing and we're happy
Yeah, man, I'm proud of you. That's fucking awesome to see killing it really
Yeah, what else you want the folks out to know what he got coming up pretty quick
I'm on a road and shit, and then I just I do a lot of turn on YouTube
I'm trying to get YouTube shit poppin so just can't pass on YouTube and that's about it. The YouTube channel is great
You're doing such different stuff on there. I'm looking at it today. I was like man. This is all
Fantastic I watched a video of you install.
I didn't realize that was your car in the video.
I thought it was I thought you're like, I bought this piece of shit car to have fun
because he installs a fucking speaker, like a CB speaker,
and he's just driving.
They just driving around fucking the neighborhoods like playing fucking music.
You got a girl twerking and shit.
Yeah, it was dope. This is cool.
I was like, that's all alright. That's my kind of fucking
Also at the police siren on it, yeah, it's not legal at all
And I don't have a I don't have no place on my car neither I need to do no plates no
Get the plate. Yeah, I mean why I had to get an inspection. I wouldn't get an inspection. They were like nigga this caution
One million miles. Yeah pull the trigger on the new car get the
But then keep that one case somebody needs it for sure
I got the game plan was to fix it up and then give it to a comic who don't have no car come on
What are we doing? Oh, you know say no it don't break down on me
Do I project get another try to give somebody that's amazing?
Yeah, so congratulations Don't break down on me. Do I project get another try to give somebody that's amazing I said congratulations
Appreciate gang do yourself a favor if you haven't seen him live
He is literally an absolute killer check out his YouTube page camp Patterson kippy. What do you got for them guys?
We're on the road as well tour tickets are moving shows are selling out get them now also the route 66
Special is dropping Tuesday
and now also the Route 66 special is dropping Tuesday,
February 25th on our YouTube page. Go watch that.
We love you, gang.
We'll see you next week.