Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Reggie Conquest Returns!

Episode Date: March 14, 2022

Kippy & Foley are back with old pal Reggie Conquest! Oh baby its a fun one! Live Shows: PATREON: Pr...omo Code: Garbage PROMO CODE: GARBAG

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Starting point is 00:00:00 California California California California middle class famous tour is coming to the left coast yeah guys April 3 we're gonna be in San Francisco April 4th review in Los Angeles April 6th we're gonna be in La Jolla get your tickets now it's a little bit of stand-up it's a little bit of AYG it's a whole lot of fun do it welcome to another exciting edition of are you garbage the show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals or absolute trash now here are your hosts Kevin Ryan and H Foley hey everybody out there and
Starting point is 00:00:39 welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast this is are you garbage yep it's a little show we sit there with your favorite comedians and we find that they grew up to be classy or to just a big old piece of trash I'm your host H Foley coming at you on a beautiful day down here at Antutti's Basement forgot the right one for the second time just realized they come up on you quick when you don't do the work my co-host is coming at you from right next to me he is the CEO of are you garbage he is an international business man he is not to be trifled with in the boardroom mm-hmm KJ Kevin James Ryan hey what's up
Starting point is 00:01:14 gang thanks for tuning in as always please make sure you rate views subscribe on itunes full video available on YouTube as you know those numbers are true cooking and then obviously the greatest website of all time turn you from a bozo to a homie real fucking quick over there sir check it out you get bonus episodes a yg bonus episodes of heart feelings live streams a whole nine yards also get your fucking tour tickets we're all over the fucking road California we just announced get those fucking tickets LA La Jolla and San Francisco get them now Cali's next
Starting point is 00:01:43 let's fucking go and have a nice quick shout out to our producer extraordinary the magic man makes us all look good we love him you love him give it up for T-Bone McMuffin Toby McMullen what up dude hey T-Bone dude the vibe in here is like the crew is back together after the heist good all is a good old-fashioned hang I love it I love it Reggie's dress like a second story man right hey you're about to hit mischief night came in in a stolen jacket by the way Baru dang we can never be more excited we could not be more excited to have our incredibly special guest back with us again today he is one of our best pals
Starting point is 00:02:23 started out together doing fantastic jumps right now it's an actor I did your credits before but they've grown so much I'm gonna do him again he's in the new scream mm-hmm did a season of Michael Chase show which you just did season two yep right you're in it you're writing on it you're fucking doing that fucking doing it just had a nice little part on fucking Abbott elementary yep plenty of stuff in the work that's lady bull doing some road dates work in the kids fucking I don't know about road dates I've been to Jersey I'll be looking at your schedule I want to go to LA work I take someone like hey man when though when scream came
Starting point is 00:03:04 out or whatever I tell you man so fucking cool you're I'm like you're fucking movies again but you're rich it's funny with the acting stuff like you'd be so bitter by the time it come out shit fucking two years out the money's going like I'm watching Abbott like look at this shit gotta go you gotta go to the movies and pay for it we can't fucking pay for this goddamn shit ladies and gentlemen mr. Reggie Conquest oh it feels good to be here you don't think I be adding up your patreon you got a couple of bucks now too what are you talking about yeah but I'm not compared to where we came compared to our star
Starting point is 00:03:45 yeah oh my god we were long I love to see we're sharing compared to where we can yeah we're all we were rich I love to see it it really is it excites me good stuff yeah I'm you know we still here we think you you think you've changed at all with a little bit of money no like the finer things little bit I do like to eat a little better oh it's just big oh yeah you're doing a peanut butter I'm going to hold foods I switch from sprite to seven up I'm a I like steak I'm a steak steak all right I got into that during the pandemic though that's when that insecure money was hidden forgot insecure yeah yeah so I got it I was
Starting point is 00:04:27 buying you have to mention those stimmies showing up oh 2020 was a good Donny T like like him or not boy can sign his name on a check but yeah touch check steaks and I do like eating out like a little bit you know I'm getting into cocktail bars just drink you want to go get a steak after this really yeah I'm down you're going to eat we're going out to eat all right I'm down yeah yeah of course you wouldn't bite you if we see yeah I know you ain't got it on you I'm gonna go to Gallagher's I was going bon chicken I walk by I was like bon chicken what is it called bonchon oh bonchon bonchon yeah you know there's
Starting point is 00:05:18 bonchon bio bio yeah right bonchon it's Korean fried chicken Korean fried chicken bonchon I think it's bonchon it's bonchon it's really good yeah bonchon yeah I've ever had a fried chicken oh I'm great that on the subway home I see you're really living it up yeah I can see you like the finer things I take the wait wait so you guys are done with the sub completely what do you mean the sub the subway like catching it oh yeah I haven't taken it up probably close to a year see I was just having that's because of obesity that is not to do with the money I just can't do it anymore I was getting frustrated because every time I
Starting point is 00:06:00 decide to catch a subway now people remember oh you acting broke like why you yeah making a big deal about sure and that that pisses me off because like somebody like Keanu Reeves I remember Keanu Reeves was all over the subway people reposting the pictures and celebrating them like oh he's so down earth you're trying to not eat bonchon I got one show and everybody's like why are you catching the subway it's like I still need I don't have that much money yeah he wasn't eating pigeon wings on the six I don't know why throwing the bones like he was if I ain't a celebrity kisses a train right now I don't know I get it
Starting point is 00:06:45 though no for sure for sure yeah they're just being jealous all it is I different when you go home to your fam bring up your money no they all make more money than me so it's like it's finally like we can stop paying for Kevin or like well the big thing now we just want on vacation and like I'll pick up a check I'll be like all right let and it's like everybody be like oh it's like I'll get shit I'm throwing a heaven I bought his mom diamonds and then lied about the price 35 grand on these neck they were emeralds I said my mom's a money for a birthday she went oh my god you're rich what you said there I just
Starting point is 00:07:23 said they're like some money like not even a lot give me a number a $40 best buy it was used 38 bucks cause you're crying I never thought I'd see today what you said a couple hundred like three hundred dollars nice but it was like you know it seems very you know but you send it in cash also what you give to your god son 300 bucks cash app in your mom money on her birthday is the trash here's a little walk around put an eggplant in the message great does that's come back that was very quick no it's very nice you get it immediately so much for your cocktail bars was there a note or anything no card nice message and
Starting point is 00:08:11 like hey thank you mom love you happy birthday okay that's a good quick catch it that's good catch ain't gonna get no card those times are over that's all like 1990s shit no I agree I paid someone on Venmo for a wedding I like didn't give him the card and I was just like I'm not man I'm not gonna post office and find a fucking stamp and envelope we were just yeah yeah yeah just throw it at him here you go your bums don't call me no more take your money but it does feel good though it feels great wait is the first time you know we're also you know rewarding ourselves we went to Manetta tavern been
Starting point is 00:08:51 there at yeah yeah I remember when y'all went I see y'all come on shabby stumble out of there yeah that's good that was that because that was for us we started in the village in New York the village gathers all those fucking cold ass nights walking down McDougal and bleaker for shows for like two people how many times I walked by Manetta tavern and like one day smell the onion rings going in and out yeah one day I'll be in there fucking nice to finally be able to stand by the door for a minute smell your hamburgers it's now it's nothing though like you've been there it's like oh I've been there let's let's find I got
Starting point is 00:09:23 reckoned last time I was in there I got recognized where I was like I take a picture real quick I felt like fuck I felt so famous oh yeah that happens that happens like and when I'm in Brooklyn I thought he was a baby probably say bae and then like Abel to come up but that feels good nice I mean especially when I say cutie you turn into a drink maybe I cash out I look up start talking to Jamaican accent pretend you're British all right so where have where have you where have you been dabbling you said what's a little cash order when you get to this side cocktail bar I'm getting I'm getting in the
Starting point is 00:10:10 wine a little bit I don't know what I like martini expresso those are my espresso martini martini it sounds like an Italian highway what are they what is it espresso espresso martini beans in it oh those are you those are my shit yeah it's nice nice little spot you having that to kick the night off or you have a night off kick the night off probably drink espresso martini's all night the feds are looking for you it's like doing an eight ball when you wait for a 3 30 a.m. spot definitely started off at seven be hyped by three I would love to see you try to navigate that glass for the first couple of times
Starting point is 00:10:53 oh man it's good it's good eating down in the village just feels good feels nice you're so poor there for so many yeah that deli and Percy's the deli yeah walking down at block moons no not my moons yeah we used to go yeah I thought you meant now I won't go in my back there but still I owe money for three Peters anywhere but Manetta Lane if you keep straight and walk down that like it's all these little restaurants in the back oh yeah that's like the West Village yeah yeah yeah oh that's some spots around there yeah you get over near six that you cross six Avenue over there yeah now when you order a wine
Starting point is 00:11:38 what are you what are you into with wine I'll just say our first cuz I know this is like wines are very snooty snobby yeah I like eating it with like when I'm looking shitty too like with a hoodie on or some you go and get a nice wine what do you know what he's sticking it to the man I just feel like it makes you I feel like a drug dealer I'm just sitting here drinking wine I say when we go to nice place late night I say we're Bitcoin people yeah we made our money in Bitcoin yeah I mean T-bones and like a fucking rockstar t-shirt yeah it does look cool when you're not dressed up when you're not yeah because we're the
Starting point is 00:12:13 outsiders yeah yeah yeah it feels good going into a nice place everybody's like I think we tell ourselves that I mean while I think everybody knows these guys got a couple grand on a credit card it feels good sure you try I think we're so not used to being in those situations that we lie to ourselves yeah these motherfuckers they don't know a drug I could be famous it's something cool about like that whole Adam Sandler effect where he like walks around and and one shorts and one shirts but you know this guy is super sure but the perception is that I'm making a lot of money when I go home so I still like to
Starting point is 00:12:50 show up bumming yeah I can just be whatever yeah yeah but when you want a hundred million dollars you can wear basketball shorts it's weird I like where I'm addicted to sweatpants fully I know you only wear sweatpants man that's why the change stop wearing them the funerals give us why was the last time you did wear jeans I don't even own a pair of jeans yeah I don't they're out for men's club or joggers joggers yeah what was the last time I put on a pair of pants that had a buckle on them a button I'm asking you I'm all I'm all drawstring now yeah oh me too all drawstring all drawstring for people
Starting point is 00:13:25 straight maternity straight I yelled at then what when I wore sweats who yell that yeah Liz really I tried to wear like a good top you got a shirt and tie on I tried to hide it up like what were you talking about sweatpants and a turtle neck got a bow tie on yeah you're drinking white you're drinking reds what are you red red only red you're red red and do you know anything about them you just go give me a cab I don't know how to I'll say you pronounce so I'm like wine and then I go what would you suggest I ask oh that's a good yeah yeah what do you what do you think yeah yeah yeah and then they'll
Starting point is 00:14:09 tell me what they suggest and I'll just pick a you'll be yeah I'll do the second thing I mean English isn't great for you let alone French does that third one come with a salad hello I'll take you stink I'll have that in the shrimp yeah but yeah I get real self-conscious in those situations I'm like not knowing how to pronounce things oh dude I'm not knowing what's why you know I'm king of Google shit oh yeah I'll do that too but sometimes that takes forever I know the waiters looking at you when you're ordering I'll go I'll always go what would you suggest I'll just go the fettuccine I yes my good man I'll
Starting point is 00:14:57 have the fettuccine I always go who would you suggest and then if they don't know I'll be like we just work that's real talking about acting like you haven't been there before I'll have what you're having what yo man you eat this shit what y'all have for dinner in the back would you be that'll fuck with fish that's the Lord's food I'm looking at other people food hey what's that that's good over there let me get a bite okay my man let me get a green bean real quick a little piece yo brussel sprouts are good brussel sprouts everywhere that's how you know somebody with no money's got a
Starting point is 00:15:54 little money when they come across brussel sprouts a fucking man anywhere I've been and ordered brussel sprouts they've been amazing they're seer they try to go home and make every time I try to go home in the microwave I put in the air fryer I tried to make them close the fuck is pancetta they stink at home everywhere I go I order brussel sprouts and they're always so fucking yeah they're bad they've been killing at the past couple of years yo I don't know what they're so good I'll salt bacon and then they stand puts honey on them yeah so good honey and bacon yeah man brussel sprouts are alright every
Starting point is 00:16:34 literally everywhere I go they take him and they put them in what's called a salamander it's like a broiler and it fucking just get my veggies give me the burrata salad and you said you got the steak where how do you get your steak how do you get it done well during and during the pandemic I was getting them in Philly butcher going to the butcher you were cooking yeah I was cooking you were cooking from YouTube and then from YouTube from watching YouTube yeah I got it but like YouTube sent them to you YouTube steaks I got a subscription they come once a month so I started making them during the pandemic
Starting point is 00:17:26 and then you I've been non-stop ordering them like when I go out not every time steak yeah where you've been going to I went to Manetta I went to it starts with a G Gallagher I've been there yeah this is recently within the past couple months okay like Keith and shit nice what made you go to get who'd you go to what made you go to Gallagher's cuz I'll cook it I when I used to cook them at home I want to see if how they are yeah yeah yeah so night and day in it night and day yeah but oh I'll smother butter when I was doing the searing yeah yeah you feel like you feel like a pro chef yeah yeah with that little piece of
Starting point is 00:18:04 tarragon in there time some garlic time how do you order your steak when you go out where you medium medium rare medium medium medium rare I like to see a medium what is it when you see a little pink medium yeah medium well you're not that little pin plenty of ketchup I don't know how they cook you can't see through all that ranch could be you could be wrong I'm a sauce guy too man yeah how good of the sauce is that like nice play like good place a little run your lads and shit a one sauce is so trash yeah that you when you go to other places when you get like
Starting point is 00:18:50 a homemade sauce sweet yes it's sweet at those nice places that one bite you sop up as much and I know that I'm a I'm a scooper when it comes to sauce like I'm not a dipper a scoop you get it I have a spoon for my steak I get in there baby yeah huh wow that's great yeah it's good you are eating good Brussels sprout money I like it that's a good that's a good level that's where we're at yeah yeah banging out with Brussels sprouts and waiter recommended red wines yeah I don't know how to order shit I always ask what would you mm-hmm this is like freezing what if they say like the most expensive thing on the menu like I'll
Starting point is 00:19:28 get to you know this well I mean it I've never had I've never been nowhere resort you had a time I haven't had a tomahawk yet that we go out we get the we'll get a porter house for like for the three of us and it comes for the table and you just gonna share it big big yeah no way I'm sure we're fully we got them on one of those sticks with the loop on it then they put dogs on my mind on a rope bone and ribeye oh yeah oh ribeyes are great yes yeah top shelf delicious that's probably my favorite steak yeah get that really spinning outside mm-hmm fucking good stuff a lot of fat on there love it hated fat when
Starting point is 00:20:12 I was a kid not a lot and I crave it I made of it I'm made of it can't let's talk about babble baby babble talk about babble love babble if you're trying to learn a new language maybe you got a trip coming up you don't want to sound like a bozo when you're in Spain or when you're in Italy you don't want to be down south or even down south who knows what you want to do you got to get on babble and figure it out it's a fun addictive way to learn a language yes babble teaches bite-sized language lessons that you'll actually use in the real world I know for me I was trying to learn German for years I was using all
Starting point is 00:20:46 these different apps and stuff like they teach you a bunch of stupid shit you never use had me walking around talking about my panties and yeah it's no good I don't need I don't need to know how to say the Sean's Elise and you know the real deal yeah copper bag somewhere babbles 15 minute lessons making a perfect way to learn new language on the go other language other language app use AI for the lessons plans of babble uses lessons that were created by over a hundred language experts yeah it's not forget about the matrix right now right now when you purchase a three-month babble subscription you'll get an
Starting point is 00:21:14 additional three months for free that's six months for the price of three just go to use promo code garbage that's babble b a b b l dot com code garbage babble language for life do it all form baby all form you ever heard of helix pinhead is that a helix company helix company helix has stepped out of the mattress game and they're getting into the furniture biz and let me tell you top quality easy to put together great sit great that's taking a lot of great naps on this couch there's one right there here in toadies Reggie Conquist is sitting on it right now yeah it's a movie star got a movie star
Starting point is 00:21:47 sitting on your couch with his feet on it it's the easiest way to customize the sofa using premium materials at a fraction of the cost of traditional stores you pick the fabric if you want spill stain resistance scratch resistance the color the legs a whole nine yards it's super easy you get a love seat up to an eight-seat section or whatever you want like I said they sent it to here I set it up all together by myself easy peasy forget about it good stuff they give you a hundred days aside if you want to keep it that's more than three months and if you don't love it they'll pick it up for free with a full refund
Starting point is 00:22:15 but you're gonna love it I'm telling you to find the perfect sofa check out all form dot com slash garbage and all formers offering 20% off all orders for our listeners at all form dot com slash garbage one more time all form dot com slash garbage do it do it but yeah it's been fun man every time I'm not like no of course yeah but I definitely have my moments where I go out and be like you know I'm gonna get you starting to open up to different things now yeah yeah it's fun it's funny to see it like as you know you've realized how limited your worldview was the whole time you know I mean our life for so long was dollar
Starting point is 00:22:46 slices and you know yeah turkey burger at the corner deli or what I mean I'll stuff is still good oh yeah I still eat like shit oh for sure dude I want to the sixers game had two hot dogs relish must felt the move with relish and mustard brought him from home hey can you Mike can you nuke these for me real time it's like but it is night and day like I don't nice seats at the sixers game alright they're like middle they weren't I was sitting there thinking of that like man I can't wait to be on that floor oh y'all went recently right or no no no okay okay um we went to the we were you bought Mets tickets and we were
Starting point is 00:23:27 like third row at the Mets game oh I've been I've been to a baseball game and been right behind it yeah also like those are I mean they were like a hundred bucks yeah they fuck Mets were fucking tank yeah the stadium was like no it was Mets Yankees I think okay okay see I can't I went to the sixers game middle seats but I kept looking at the the court side sees alright let me get there one day as I ate my as you ate your hot dog from home crab fries shout out to the chicken pizza yeah chicken the pizza I'll be there you're still taking the Sunday cup home with you have to a big-ass basket of chicken and pizza for
Starting point is 00:24:07 us to yeah it's like it's a lot never been a fan of the crab the American cheese oh fucking good night I can't I'm not a fan do you realize well you're still kind of bit but we would be so much you just say yeah I mean but we would be so much worse and Philly I say that all the time if I didn't think if I didn't move to New York I would be like if we were working jobs huh we were feeling like working regular jobs no I'm saying like healthy why like right now you get out you walk around I'm sure like I'm starting to yeah so you could look at him like he swarts an anger dude all right my bad no I see we I'd be
Starting point is 00:24:50 600 pounds in Philly he'd be dead yeah he'd be dead yeah yeah I would be I would probably be your size for sure every time I see a big guy in Philly I'm like man that wasn't me that could that would if I stayed here that'll be me fucking soft pretzels I'll get you yeah shout out to a Philly soft pretzel oh they will every time I'm in while I'm like there was times when I was living in Philly I was eating Wawa three times a day breakfast lunch and dinner every time home now to Philly I eat that shit I know but you know we start eating a little better you you do look down on like why are you looking at the other
Starting point is 00:25:23 you look down at the other people that are ordering meanwhile you're getting your tuna hokey heated up process brats last night pussy we get a tuna hokey with peanut butter and just real gross yeah but but yeah we would be through the yeah for sure falter the roof good shit I'll get to some cubes here some garbage question your conquest here as you know when you join the patreon we will answer your garbage question on air it's one of the perks to joining that patreon over there let's see this is from Brian I know Foley has done this for sure ever shower midday then put the same clothes back on oh yeah underwear and
Starting point is 00:26:06 everything undies undies is tough if I if I shower and I don't do anything that day I will put on the same drawers the next day if I shower at night I'll sleep in them and then maybe use them that next day wait you you take a shower go to bed and then change the drawers in the morning no I'm saying I'll put underwear on this I sleep in underwear okay and then I'll I'll get out of the shower put on fresh underwear at night right uh-huh sleeping them you're explaining strength it's all back this I'll get home okay so you looking at me like I have three you gotta close your mouth when you're listed man oh this
Starting point is 00:26:49 guy's got two pair underwear I don't know how to listen with my mouth Reggie's in scream trying to show you're trying to do pickups on the waiters telling you to special so would you mind closing your mouth I'm like this what the fuck is cuckoos what was the first have you had like a nationalities food that you haven't had like Ethiopian or a jet like Middle East is something you got into that you were like oh I never even had sushi Indian food I remember the sushi yeah I love to get fucking yeah we you have to get hot dogs yeah yeah like chicken fingers like this but not Japanese nuggets which was very I was
Starting point is 00:27:42 very good I'm done with these Japanese nuggets honey mustard spicy as shit and not really good I'm not a picky eater I'll eat just about anything so no not really but I was eating different stuff when I didn't have a little bit yeah okay raw oysters yeah I just got into them I got it my dad made me get into them yeah fuck you they make you hard as a rock those things no we went out and he just was like kind of like stop eating a pussy you need I was like all right I don't fuck with him no no no I do eat I won't order to myself like if they're there yeah fried oysters who have you taken him
Starting point is 00:28:21 out to dinner yet yeah you have yeah that feels good wow yeah that feels great yeah that's probably falling over in his chair every time he leaves he'll cry oh really yeah that's awesome it was good still beat your ass just posting those pictures of them here though there's one picture from like back in the day he's dressed like he's dressed like one of DMX's entourage yeah all black shirt yeah you're like damn that dude's mean oh dude he's to tear me up but that's my pop that's great puppy that's funny so back to the drawer yeah I'll take a shower at night so I get home from whatever today take a shower
Starting point is 00:29:00 tonight I'll take a shower tonight 10 o'clock put on a fresh bear underwear sleep in that okay wake up not shower in the morning I might shower and then that that underwear depending on the surplus of underwear I have in the drawer I might throw those on it that's a guarantee they still got some legs left it yeah if you only sleep in them they're good let's get nutted in them front of your boxes we all stand up or all crispy just turning backwards to keep it moving inside out I've never done that what I've never turned my box inside out I have really I have for sure I thought you man I thought you man turned
Starting point is 00:29:38 them around no inside out yeah they call it when the back you bent over everyone's you nutted on you yeah I fuck you coming from I got comes comes comes stains in the front of my boxes I will change we got a gentleman over here I will change that that's my campaign promise to you when there's American people in my undies I will change in a heartbeat you do you jerk off in a fresh pair that it stains up in the front I'm like alright I'm dirty I don't you don't I leave it in there oh it just disappears no it doesn't it really does not it's in there dude I think I think my juices are made of something different it just
Starting point is 00:30:23 evaporates oh it's like science class probably suck in the back of your head turns into a suck up in your body never really comes out my dick drags it back into the cave like the right-core monster yeah it does feel good I just brought a fresh pack of drawers it's great yeah I gotta re-up that's funny man because that that that's the stuff that's that's awesome like you walk into a target I need a pack underwear yeah I mean pet fresh pack of socks yeah I just loaded up to good fellow with target real nice bro I was just no I got a good shirt yesterday the best t-shirts in the game yes they're fucking they're killing
Starting point is 00:31:04 it these are these are good fellow joggers hey man y'all need to be getting a check from them they are fucking killing it good fellas I don't I just got those fat guy tees that they advertise online are they going to Instagram and stuff it's like I got me in a choke or I brought one hat from Instagram and that's all I see I know yeah I got your no it's changed so much I so I think now my in my info saved on it like my credit card info yeah it's like fucking two clicks and I'm like yeah it'll be on my door dude I'll be times the shit don't show up though I'll be up two in the morning just clicking on ordering
Starting point is 00:31:36 channel Amazon from Instagram so bad it's the best good it does feel good all I get is tooth-pulling videos on Instagram who that and popping pop it's got so concerned to oh oh popping pimples is good oh I get my algorithm is nails and nails but yeah girls nails yeah so that stuff I just like it but it's turning wait what do you mean you like it I like I like I like a fresh set really yeah I love it it's it's a age thing I think it's a age thing what about you are you going to get mannies and petties now I'm gonna plan again I haven't got one in a while but I'm gonna get one but I just like it on women like it's something I
Starting point is 00:32:13 really notice you like when their nails are done my shit nice nice look at when you're gonna man that is that is real creepy you know it's like it's rooted sexually that's weird no it's not is it I don't know I mean you're posting them on Instagram it's a little I like I posted just so people can so other women can see it they just tell me I got good taste so I'd be like cool man that's a weird oh that's a weird you're so there that's like your feet pictures yeah yeah yeah and then I'll post picture and then people go look at these you're not saying that you like it when you like it when a lady has her has her nails done
Starting point is 00:32:50 I like that you're saying you like looking at photo like it turns you on to look at photos of nails I wouldn't say turn I see that's the thing I don't get turned on I just like you ever jerked off to just nails no no I like it's a craft in it it's a art in it and I just like the look this is a pervert trying to make you kind of make it sound like it's not creepy it's not it is all right it's a craft I love it Reggie has four pink fingernails up his ass right now no I think it's a very sexy thing I like it okay all right I'll give you that yeah and then and then people will start sending me their hands and that's
Starting point is 00:33:27 what I'm saying that's that and then that can be creepy but I didn't ask you're not saying don't send me you're not closing your DM that's how you're gonna get hammed up some nine-year-olds gonna send you your hands you're gonna be up at six that hand look 30 what nine-year-old is hairy knuckles your honor people think I got a business though good I say business is booming so funny on Instagram just playing I know you're one of my favorite follows you'll do things that are so you'll do like recurring things that are so small and stupid but like stupid and you like comment on it days like it's just so
Starting point is 00:34:12 funny yeah it's stupid I really just go in there to play I try to use it for what it's for I haven't found my like you guys have found your thing that you use it for I have no reason to have fishing for kink pigs tell me a kneecap will you I have no reason to be on social media but I I'm still on it for some reason I love it I want to find something though but whatever elbows I post my friends shit I think I think I really believe in posting and support yeah just posting people shit they doing dope shit people are I hate when people ask me I don't like that shit can you post like fuck no beaty think I just post
Starting point is 00:34:48 anything let me see your nails the booker what yeah that's great alright this one's from Aaron ever been to a family reunion and thought one of your distance your distant cousins was good looking oh my god yeah you guys do family reunions he's weird for not I think he did okay I haven't done a what's a distant cousin theoretically not on the side of the room not immediate not like your mom's sister's daughter what about a sex is second and third cousin to me would be distant was what if it's your first cousin but you see her once a year and she has finger nails that's distant to though no that's not
Starting point is 00:35:34 genetically in the blood genetically that's I don't believe that talking about the vaccine to you have you ever been to England trolls walking around over there you ever see the British office come on okay yeah so that's this no no yeah I can't do it that's what I mean as a little kid you can't control that so here we go if you what are we getting into big man cuz I'm here for I'm just saying as a little kid if you have an older cousin and she's attractive what if she's the same age though cuz little kids you never had a kissing cousin when you were younger me me neither I was just
Starting point is 00:36:16 cut that but yeah try to enjoy my Thanksgiving nobody's saying a word I think that was a little doctor going around little household doctor shit like that sure you know I got a cousin with a fat ass his name's Ed kids a squat machine I haven't been to a family union though have you do them growing up now we we do them now we did them I would always miss them the last one you went to was probably about five years ago we do it on the beach in Wildwood real trashy shit I think I remember that we set up big tents in the back everybody's all fucked up smoking ends up with like fuck you fuck you know it's
Starting point is 00:37:04 real Irish Catholic trash yeah somebody's somebody's getting pushed or shoved or held back at some point is your family do the shirts yeah we do the shirts the Sullivan whatever family it's a tree I thought you're asking Reggie that so we definitely I've definitely I've only been in like two when I was a kid and then probably like 16 we did the shirts yeah what's family it was a kid in my high school their last name was low Sean low because he was great younger than me but have like a you know like a bunch of older brothers and shit like that and cousins in the school and they they always had their low family
Starting point is 00:37:40 reunion shirts that where other people like other people started wearing them because there was so many because it's like a thing yeah because everybody thought it was a cool t-shirt I think that's how stuff ends up now like that's how every people just wear t-shirts of anything I have mad t-shirts of literally anything on it yeah like just whatever sayings and I try to buy just random t-shirts what did you post about white people doing one thing and black people doing the other with funerals white people out that why don't white people do the t-shirts with the with the RIP on the rest of these t-shirts yeah
Starting point is 00:38:17 yeah yeah some of that stuff is just random shit I'd be sitting on the toilet just going off because off on the toilet because they don't they don't celebrities if they do they grew up in a rough neighborhood yeah I've never from the Hamptons yeah rest in peace I've never seen a white celebrity in the clouds that's what it was never you know I would like Kobe died and nipsey hustling all in this cloud are they walking to the girl walking to heaven yeah you know I've never seen a white celebrity in as a black celebrity you know you've made it when you end up in the cloud yeah but I've never and then
Starting point is 00:38:54 people were like oh cuz they're white and even and I was like Betty Betty white we loved her we loved sure rogers and people was quiet I think we were talking I was thinker over here Betty white huh mr. come on Paul Walker come on shout out to Paul Walker the three white people that come to the top of your head that's a weird squad but I only said those three because people kept saying oh it's because they're all evil and then I then I said those three is that people white people are all evil and I'm like I named those three to drop it all shut up it's just walking in the hell stepping on a baby drug away by Betty white being
Starting point is 00:39:38 drug away by two demons can't want to talk to you about latter latter all right you're a young kid but you're not going to be for long you got to look into term life insurance you want to make sure you take care of your family saw a commercial for latter on the old TV the other day yeah they know what they're doing they're moving and shaking guys term life insurance get on board with them everything's a hundred percent digital no doctors no needles no paperwork when you apply for three million in coverage or less three mil just need a couple of minutes a phone laptop to apply ladder smart algorithms smart
Starting point is 00:40:08 algorithms work in real time so you get a real Smith to play your funeral so you'll find out if you're instantly approved if you want to be if you prefer to talk to a person you can do that and their team of life since agents does not work on commission so they're gonna help you not up so yeah you know what I mean try to get you on the undercoat so go to ladder life comm slash garbage today to see if you're instantly approved that's ladder ladder life comm slash garbage ladder life comm slash garbage man scaped baby best of the best those man's guess who's back but back in town man scape coming around totes yeah I want to
Starting point is 00:40:37 want a second peek at the boys must be moving some lawnmowers over there I like to see it gang man scape doesn't just make the lawnmower 4.0 the amazing fucking ball trimmer nope they also have a nice little line of products all in one hygiene skin hair bundle is designed to upgrade the everyday man shower routine from head to toe look at that who don't need that who doesn't need that forget if you're probably using a bar on your skin like a dirt bag you gotta get on the man's gate tip yeah one job out of shower protect yourself from body odor by applying the man's caped aluminum free deodorant they also got the
Starting point is 00:41:11 two and one shampoo condition of the cleans and nourishes in one step non greasy formula the whole nine yards also while you're in a shower you ladder the cologne infused ultra premium body wash with aloe vera and sea salt to keep your skin looking for you feeling clean moisturize all goddamn day cologne infused yeah obviously they got the lawnmower 4.0 elective trimmer to clean anyway unwanted body hair do my mustache I'll do anything ceramic ceramic tip powerful motor but it's quiet it's water resistant you get a little light on there so you don't cut your nuts off yeah good stuff god damn it I cut my nuts off
Starting point is 00:41:44 again then they fought on a drain you gotta get a plumber in there get 20% off plus reshifting with the code garbage at that's 20% off plus free shipping with code garbage at it's time to get wet and clean your and clean with your new manscape shower routine do it yeah I was saying that we do the sometimes the windshield in the back of the car what's that we'll have like you know so-and-so 2000 whatever to whatever oh oh like the met the memorial yeah okay see that I'm like an escalate Steve on the rear on the on the what the fuck's it called the rear windshield yeah the rear windshield
Starting point is 00:42:26 I say like family members or with the dates no with the dates I like that if like 19 all right Tony oh that's so lazy with the wings and shit like that okay oh I know what you're talking about now no no I see black people in the clouds the gates yeah walking in looking back oh damn people get artsy when black people die that was also fair on a horse one meme said it was a meme he said don't put me in the clouds put me put a put a bowl of wings behind me put me in the blue cheese yeah so funny that shit oh my god I wouldn't want to be in the clouds either I don't even I definitely don't want an open casket and I don't want I don't want
Starting point is 00:43:12 the the dead guy picture either this dead guy pictures that's weird if you die immediately after this yeah everything I didn't want to print the t-shirts paint his fat ass in the clouds yeah every time I start thinking about that I immediately go no no no no funny rap it's funny rap fingernails mom immediately I try to work on my thinking of positive thinking and immediately go the other way I don't even like talking yeah holy shit that's a little funny yeah funny rabbit funny rap fingernails fingernails fingernails fingernails love them that was a for we were talking about it before our friend Chris cotton that was my
Starting point is 00:43:59 first black funeral that I attended mm-hmm and that's when I realized we do funerals completely different oh yeah I mean that was there was an air mission there was there was acts going on it was a thing the band Mike at the fucking the band was fucking pop shop yeah there was food being served it was everything was yeah other food yeah it was all in one unit rather than ours would like you go to you go to the viewing of the the mass and then to like lunch in afterward yeah no you go it's like an all-inclusive party I got a wristband when I walked in it was like beating the sandals I went to a
Starting point is 00:44:34 metal detector I don't know where they got that water slide from no I'm saying it was more of a I remember walking out like oh fuck that was I felt good we go to the we go to the viewing and then to the cemetery normally that's how it but and then somewhere else yeah but everything I was so relaxed when Chris body wasn't in I was so nervous walking in and I hope it's like he was standing in the back and then I see anyone that they're like oh this ain't bad that's me play you relax just macaroni sound if they lift up that chafing dish I swear to God if he's next to the cocktail we these I'm out of here
Starting point is 00:45:12 uh it was it was fantastic oh that was so fucking funny man that was the first time we all seen each other cry yeah yeah yeah no oh that's the first time we all cried together I've seen everybody we've all cried individually outside of the lantern or something we're like on a subway or oh yeah we all first move to you at the West 4th Street I think but maybe not together or maybe not we saw but each one of us has definitely cried at the West 4th Street station at like three in the morning wait on a train it's never come maybe if I get a check spot it's in New York some old man in the corner that
Starting point is 00:45:56 trains never come at this station's been closed for you should move home fuck up old man move home and get fatter I was you know what that just this is a fat thing you're gonna you're gonna get on me for this but you know what I miss hitting the fucking candy shop down at the subway when those things are open a little hut my little newsstands are they still open but they're back open yeah it's like August and you're sweating your balls for a cold water and they're all hot dude they heat them up on you all the candies dusty you know what I can tolerate the train now but when it gets hot I proud I think that's what I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:46:32 be done for a while yeah I got my bike I'm ready though I can't wait to look at nice there you go yeah I got my bike I'm bringing shot a out we rotten baby yeah I can't you have a nice bike yeah I love that fucking way I look at it every day which I can ride a shot day the singer no the bike that's the name of the color yeah I'm gonna helmet this year too I'm tired of people hitting me up look you need a helmet every time I post what kind of bike I don't know I got off Instagram it's called it's pink there's tassels on it it's nice it's called so lay bicycles and they still advertise me so lay bicycle it's a good bike
Starting point is 00:47:08 though I don't know that doesn't sound sturdy at all it's a good bike you see that something a bad energy it's all black right it's all black all murdered out I like it's a good looking bike baby I can't wait till that they get stolen I thought of that you're gonna cry I got stolen you would cry I would cry how much was it that's $400 it's not bad yeah and I bought it last summer what's it what's a real expensive bike Toby like a real expensive grand speed oh you could get a bike for 15 grand all right fucking nerd alert I got a key for 14 hey you're shitting on our guest over here
Starting point is 00:47:46 trying to embarrass this guy I asked you you asked me the price I tell you these dropped 1500 this motherfucker just prices right the shit out of me yeah one dollar all right I ain't gonna like 25 grand yeah that bike sucks and Instagram bike that does sound a little tough hey the lady has been fucking with this Amazon market whatever it is their grocery store it's Whole Foods essentially it shows up a couple hours after you order it wait you do that you do she's she just started doing like a couple weeks ago and she got New England clam chowder which it sat there for two days like are you out of your fucking mind you just got the wingland clam chatter from fucking Amazon and then she had a bowl for
Starting point is 00:48:30 lunch and she gave me a taste fucking top shelf yeah they know what they're doing I think the norms of that stuff is changing well oh yeah we'll be ordering pizzas off Instagram soon no way I have my way fiber on the world I haven't typed into the the the grocery store people do that though yeah it's nice I did I never did but what about fruit and I feel like if I was doing that I would not give a shit about people I was just like oh you need this hand oh god oh the people doing it don't give a fuck yeah don't give a fuck but like oh would you want this but this is close enough here you go here's our excuse you want to know how do you how do you uh like it's better yeah yeah well they've gotten better because the Amazon doesn't nice the inventory now they have like they used to be
Starting point is 00:49:12 like hey this is what we have this is what we sell but then if they were out of it it wasn't updated now like the inventory is updated constantly so there's like a better okay okay you can get when it's out of something it's you know they let you know that they're out it feels really good like dude I never did and I don't have a fucking bank account I got I got a bank account when we were when we were up here yeah you know what I mean like that's that's how recently I've had a bank doing that kind of stuff feels real nice it does feel good yeah even just ordering online ordering something online and not even not checking the price just ordering just like take a little big every now if you go crazy you go all right let me yeah slow it down how often do you check
Starting point is 00:49:53 your bank account a day on your app not not not like I used to do it every day now just be like I know how much is in my account and I go all right I look at it like every 15 minutes really yeah just in case anything's going to leave or just disappear whatever just paranoia oh yeah yeah I mean I still got some tech stuff I need to work on so yeah but no I don't check it every day that's nerve-wracking oh yeah yeah I check it maybe once a week yeah make sure I'm not overdrawing yeah if I'm uber and crazy I might check it like yeah taking a couple oobies are you you doing uber XL uber black no no no no straight up straight up uber I'm posting that shit though I just I don't want people the more you post it what you doing people think you're
Starting point is 00:50:39 doing you know what I mean yeah no yeah of course don't want people all up in your biz yeah that uber XL sometimes when that shows up and it's got like the handicap thing in the front oh yeah it's like one of the vans that like has a crane on it it's a bit yeah there's a bunch of hot chicks out front of the club yeah no no two dogs in the back I'll just do regular uber but man we do them on the road I'll tell you a picture of one when we landed in Atlanta we were texting had it ready you had it was ready for you had no no no no no we don't know that shit is cool that shit yeah I mean that's that's fucking cash yeah that's no we get the XL's on the road and you do feel you feel like presidential or you feel rich when you get in you ever have you
Starting point is 00:51:16 ever had that I was surprised you haven't had that one of the shoots or something like that when you fly down somebody fly up like it's a hero really yeah that's just dope Mr. Conquest that shit'll say uh sometimes I have my fucking government I fuck my name is Reggie I keep forgetting your names yeah so it is real name Shelly sure but it's James Reginald sure yeah wait your name is James too no Kevin James okay like the guy but no they that is cool the whole you get off the air you get off the thing and the guy is holding that shit as long as I ain't I got like three videos in my phone that I haven't posted you let them carry your bags I'll get them all that shit I'll stay right it's fucked up the instinct is to treat them like shit
Starting point is 00:51:57 I'm the first time drop it next I've never I've never had it hey buddy you want to come over here and get this from me hey pick this up while I record you the first time that happened I definitely did that just out of like oh oh shit let me get this you know I don't do it now you're driving take a load off huh what do you want to listen to I'm stepping in the car extra looking up hey you get it uh I'm looking around have you had they sent a proper limo for you yet or just like the town a limo just like the town car but that's still cool because you come outside the motherfucker is waiting with the door open they're like cleaning it and shitting it down yeah if it makes you feel nice I get why you're gonna tell me if you're cop I totally understand how some
Starting point is 00:52:42 actors are just assholes because they they pampered the shit oh god it's so easy to turn zero touches how do you you've obviously been on a lot of shoots and we don't get a lot of actors you know people that do a lot of acting work in here uh so much how do you act because you are 100% Reggie all the time you can't not be Reggie right yeah how do you act on like the trailers what do you look at the crafts table that's what I want to know are you doing you you're doing you at the craft somebody who said told me you got Tupperware because I imagine by the end of the day you got a full belly but I've cooled out but they said one time somebody's like one of the production scissors like you eat like nobody's watching yeah yeah because Reggie don't give a fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:53:25 they ate your fire bitch get away from me you know Betty White you bitch but no I try to treat everybody the same every but they're so nice it's almost like annoying a little bit like it'd be like oh I'll get you coffee don't leave you don't know I can get I can get it but then I had to get used to that yeah at some point like yeah now I'll take a half you know I'll take an espresso martini or whatever it is I I uh I beat y'all like I'll like hang out and then I'll be like all right let me not hang out with everybody because then when the clock's over these fucking people are lunatic yeah when they're when the clock yeah he'd be like all right let me go back to my room hey Reggie you want to come over
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't know how to I gotta learn how to be by myself like I don't like being by myself like going on the road like I'm sure you guys have fun uh we pal around good time dude I see that and I go fuck like I don't like so I'm taking time you out everywhere just for the fucking hang yeah it's so it's a comedy it's only benefit it's only been a few months but if I was by myself I would definitely be dead by now yeah it's like being by yourself is so when I am on a set or something like that I just try to be cool and see see if somebody invite me to a hang later because I fuck it what are you doing later yeah I'm that guy like hey what everybody what's y'all doing guys all hanging out someone's room or what's going on
Starting point is 00:54:55 like I don't like I don't want to go home so like I'm always on New York time and ready to hang and actually Reggie I haven't done it with John Lithgow and Leonardo DiCaprio all right where we going they got good they got good red wine they got his personal martinis I'll have what he Japanese nuggets there I'm in I muscle I didn't muscle but oh boy oh shit can I say this yeah of course he was at he came to a show in Brooklyn at me in uh the mesh run I was going to the cellar and he said he was going so I just straight asked him hey I'm going away can we can I go and I was just in the front of his uber just quiet just why are you getting the backseat with him he did no he was in the back with like one of his assistants or whatever and they were just talking I was just up there
Starting point is 00:55:37 we going to wait were you was there a plastic shield that you were be no okay I was just sitting up front like all right yeah could we roll through the drive through at the king real quick but you know he was cool he'll remember me but I definitely you know muscle my way in that uber that's a classic that's right yeah yeah that's right yeah yeah hey you going that way yeah if you go if I have me just got stopped by my house real quick you're going that way why not rob me oh you don't want to rob me you're a mean piece of shit because there's certain situations that have happened dude you're insane I don't run to like social media like it was when I was looking for an apartment this guy was legit being racist to me
Starting point is 00:56:18 like he was how'd you get in the building kept questioning me how'd you get the realtor yes he was being prejudiced you say hi I'm Reggie I'm here to see the apartment yes how'd you get in here but he was being I made an appointment dickhead that's how I was Steve right man I was Reggie I was so angry and I thought you were Italian later I thought like damn I could have fucking posted a record oh shit but I was so ready to go when angry that that didn't even come to mind so something like what you say don't when he said how'd you get we were just in an apartment we were just in an apartment cussing each other out wait really wait go to see an apartment you make an appointment I go to see an apartment lady I'm on the first
Starting point is 00:57:08 floor did you make an appointment with yes okay so the lady lets me with this guy with this guy this is in fucking crown height somewhere this lady lets me in I'm standing in the hall he's actually like yeah where you at he's outside and I'm and he already has an attitude I can tell he's like yeah how'd you get in the building and I'm like yeah the lady man like man you gotta let me in let me know if you're coming into the building he started and I'm like yeah the lady let me in so we're in it and then he said it again so I'm like dude the lady let me in and he's like look man I'm not gonna be able to your tone I'm like man fuck I start I snapped down on him and he's like he's like fuck you we're standing in the apartment I'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:57:44 get approved for this lease yeah I didn't give a fuck at that point I think the board members are gonna sign off no on this we're standing in his ass now show me the bedroom pussy you had it too bad right I'm standing in apartment with this dude and he's an empty apartment empty apartment dude I literally just walk in like we walk into the kitchen space and we stand there like this and he's like fuck you I'm like fuck this and we're going back and forth and I'm leaving I just leave like fuck you like it was it was bad was he a big dude he wasn't that big you taking him I could have took him yeah but it was what we see I was some fucking white guy but he was he had a fucking attitude when he came in like he must have been having a bad day
Starting point is 00:58:21 and it just showed up you know to me so you walk into the hallway of this building yeah he says how'd you get in here how'd you get in there then you guys go to the apartment the first time would you guys close the door like a couple like when you got the point till we get into the apartment god damn it he stood near the door as I walk in and the third hey man you gotta let me know I can't like that the third thing was what got me I'm like dude what does that got to do with anything you're a customer but later on I thought about it he just didn't want me in that building he didn't want me he didn't want to give that apartment to me yeah but it's crown heights I mean it's it's also like it was a very like nice yeah like it was there's there are the two sides
Starting point is 00:59:03 of crown heights but it was race award yeah so I thought about it later like oh that was just his way and it worked it worked he didn't want me in the building and I'm not in the building yeah I'm not in the building he came in with some two jumps out of the closet like you're looking at the apartment ah he didn't he just didn't want me in but that was his way of I'm sure he does that and that was his way of sure saying no I'm just being like yeah he got unruly you know he didn't listen to my directions I'm like I left I'm like that was a good plan it worked email loved the place these races ain't dumb have you checked my references they're pretty goddamn good at it yeah that's all I left like I thought about it later like oh that was pretty good it was pretty
Starting point is 00:59:42 I respect the mood my man because I'm fucking snapped out on this dude all right yeah I would have freaked out but I do gotta get better at pulling out my phone and record but with my look somebody looking at camera go there you go and I'm like all right well I can't post that I'll get canceled this is too harsh for my brand wait you didn't see the phone I'm filming here the fuck press record buddy he's like so all right well you won this one not showing his footage not posting my L's hey look at this guy looking at camera call me the n-word look at this guy completely owning me hi by bitch top two
Starting point is 01:00:36 braised man stands up to racers realtor immediately gets owned great great realtor here with my luck that would happen great realtor prevents unruly get unruly applicant you do see those videos where people just double the fuck down yeah but some lady losing it in a fucking Walgreens I you know what I kind of I kind of enjoy it I love throwing like shopping carts I don't give a fuck you're filming me like cereal and chips in your car let's say the n-word like three times and people are like look at him they said it again they said it again they also they always the person recording
Starting point is 01:01:24 I was like I got these people are great like they always get to the point where like oh I got them and they're like oh no they're just crazy yeah it's like all right and you go put the phone down and beat some ass what are you gonna keep it up here pal she set up the camera we're playing street rules get a cat get a fucking tripod and start whooping find my tripod you'd be real sorry right now motherfucker you're like you don't have myself be stick on me what about you want to fuck you and your tripod one of those videos I was gonna hey man hold this and then you just this is so stupid there's one every once in a while when they fucked them up the craziest thing is you gotta you not respect it but just the balls
Starting point is 01:02:07 are craziness of the person is they've they've already said it and then they press record and they go this person just called me the n-word you won't say it again and then they say it again bitch I'm gonna get a promotion for this what are you talking about they could have got away clean they'd be they'd be right in a place where they would say it and you go first I'd be watching like why are you there what are you doing in a Florida target lady yeah that's what you get why are you in this Florida why are you there you got no business being in that Panera bread anyway I was doing I was doing no bread anyway I should have been here I should be watching my weight I'm gonna get the fuck out of here if that ever happens I would
Starting point is 01:02:55 never post it my head hurts we gotta wrap it up buddy always we love you always laugh to my fucking head hurts to proud of you happy to see you guys proud of you guys here we are humble beginnings we're doing okay guys are good love you buddy are we really getting stakes after this if you want to yeah we got to do another episode but you can you with who we're doing it with us you're gonna hang if you want okay he's like hey who's hanging later no he's he's regretting saying yes that didn't know he's gonna wait an hour I know Reggie hey I was gonna find chicken I'll see you guys this weekend
Starting point is 01:03:44 wait can I be on a second episode or no sure of course you edit me out just blur them yeah it's going on the patreon oh yeah we're just gonna tell everybody you're earthquake yo that's special oh my god that motherfucker is killing funny special in the longest time I've that's the comedy I grew up on just quick random fast we were literally just talking about this with column Tarell upstairs we're talking about the laugh house I've only seen the first 15 minutes of it just because I let's say we save that we could talk about it on the picture all right good stuff keep it what do you got for him uh do you plug plug anything social
Starting point is 01:04:25 media shows I'll be at the uh the cellar and uh the stand uh every weekend check out his uh finger now man you really claimed up you're in movies we just talked about how good you're doing I need media training um but yeah um check out go follow him on instagram follow him you're not on twitter no I'm not on twitter instagram reds conquest uh that damn Michael chase season two is coming there you go some other fun stuff is coming so yeah go check him out support fucking Reggie he's one of our oldest pals uh guys check us out on the fucking road we're all over the place we still got uh let's go Cali we got Cali did we just announced it so we announced the tickets like fucking um less than a month before the shows so get those
Starting point is 01:05:06 fucking tickets some of them are already fucking halfway sold out I'm telling you that now LA La Jolla sand friend we also got Pittsburgh Buffalo Detroit Denver Phoenix Salt Lake City Chicago Rosemont more more cities coming get those fucking tickets Rosemont show the fuck up yeah we love old towns gonna sell old towns almost sold out so fucking buy your tickets kids are moving some tickets around here we love you gang peace peace

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