Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Stuff Island w/ Tommy Pope & Chris O’Connor

Episode Date: January 17, 2022

Watch the AYG Special: Tommy & Chris from Stuff Island Podcast join the boys at Tuddy's. Its a fun one! Thanks for listening. Love youse guys.  Live Shows: PATREON: Promo Code: GARBAGE

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Starting point is 00:00:00 gang just want to remind you that the r u garbage comedy special is on our youtube page right now it is it is our favorite moments from last year's tour and speaking of tours we're here to announce 2022 the middle class famous tour baby new cities new trash new money yeah gang we're coming to hardford albany syracuse atlanta tampa orlando pittsburgh buffalo detroit denver phoenix salt lake city chicago rosemont and this is just part one plenty of cities coming after that it's live stand-up live a yg it's a good time get your tickets now we'll see you there welcome to another exciting edition of r u garbage the show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals or absolute trash now here are your hosts kevin ryan and h foley hey everybody out there
Starting point is 00:00:56 and welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast this is r u garbage it's a little show we sit down with your favorite comedians and we find that they're going to be classy or if they're just a big old piece of trash i'm your host h foley coming at you on a beautiful day down here in anthony's basement she's upstairs yeah hiding the pills okay she knows who's in the house it's like an easter egg on a third bank scavenger hunt took me 45 minutes to find a Tylenol i'm like my co-host is coming at you from right next to me we've got a little company in the building a little family here he is the CEO of r u garbage he is an international businessman and he is not to be trifled with in the board room or bedroom or the bedroom give it up for kj hey gang thanks for
Starting point is 00:01:42 tuning in as always please make sure you're right you subscribe on itunes full video available on youtube and as you know those numbers are cooking baby i forgot t bone doesn't have a mic this episode um and then obviously the greatest website of all time slash r u garbage you can sign up you get bonus episodes a yg episodes of hard feelings live streams the whole nine yards check it the fuck out it's a party over there good stuff we love you guys thank you so much for the love and support and a nice shout out even though we can't say anything to our producer extraordinaire the magic man the brains behind the special he makes us all look good we love him t bone mcmuffin toby mix gruffins all right and the reason toby's off mic this week is because we got we got a crowded
Starting point is 00:02:22 house here we have our incredibly special guests both back with us again for the second or third time but the first time together there's a hot new kid you can cook it out there in queen they got a little podcast called stuff filing that you gotta check out it's absolutely fantastic we have uh christy cold azanio connor and tomy two pops pope right there he is hey good to see you fellas hey how you doing good to see you too what's up guys thanks for having us now we can never do that that was unbelievable yeah yeah that was just i was a showman that's what boys are fucking unbelievable yeah taking turns i swear to god one time i had uh i bombed an audition so fucking bad it was a final call
Starting point is 00:03:08 back and i had to do that was from like uh london it was for a cell phone service and the whole thing was i come out and he's sitting in a chair and i say how great the deal is in american yeah english in america that's your first see what language is this in american america it's fucking fantastic i'm even bombing the story about bomb is this in british what are we doing i don't know what this has to do with working with somebody else or o'connor because eventually i'm saying i'd be terrible what you guys just pulled off and i bombed i tripped over my words he never got it out he's supposed to say the same lines in british and it's still okay and it's supposed to sound same language yes i didn't follow that story i don't know i'm not fucking down the story
Starting point is 00:03:51 no you got you got chris you got let me finish the story you got o'connor always looks like a disappointed hockey coach around tommy he knows he's got the talent that's icing he's got the raw talent he doesn't want to work he's got a high ceiling he's got a high ceiling i'm just all stressed out because i'm one with a strange family in michigan that's a boarding school anyway they're all laughing at me by the like a picture of that house when you said that this one director put a paper over and he started shaking like a kid who farts in the back of the school and i go i'm sorry i'm on cold medicine and it's really i just started pulling the roseanne bar thing i had his old loft you know i wasn't
Starting point is 00:04:38 sleeping so anyway i compliment you guys on your intro right the guy across from you was auditioning too he's with me so you fucked him i fucked him and then i was like i hustled to the elevator and it's one of those like pulled monkey crates so he meets me in the elevator again i was like i'm very very sorry but about all that he's like sorry all right sorry man hey i just looked all right and he had like a fucking he had like a fucking cookie this guy got dressed for this i just smell like booze and drugs that probably pissed you know cold medicine you mean yeah i like how that's your go to by james anytime anytime anything's wrong i mixed up the day calling i've used that before that goes further than you think i like it
Starting point is 00:05:20 anyway boys thank you for coming and sit with us the podcast is fucking amazing yes thanks to you guys we've both done it check out our episodes of stuff filing you've probably already watched them yeah yeah i hope so for sure you guys are having fun doing it yeah yeah it's great how's the creative process going to do it you want another long drawn out story we both basically fight the whole time but somehow it gets done yeah it's very natural what we do it's even a more we have a very complicated relationship yeah but ours is like we you know we're like an old married family publicly it's kind of take we're united front
Starting point is 00:05:57 you two on the other hand are like fist fighting the boo cool yeah you two all you two all have added in public you guys are a married couple that fucks on christmas yes once a year you still love and you still adore the kids yeah we fuck every night yeah but you guys still turn your clothes off you're a hell there's a couple of domestics involved too real Bonnie and Clyde situation that's kind of why it works oh yeah it's been going great thank you man you two are attached together you both were in black that's crazy good with a black out he's got he's on one today too don't get him started you what are you talking about yelling at a fire truck on the way in here he's just dude next to a fucking mailbox you don't fire truck goes off he goes how did you guys
Starting point is 00:06:38 how did you guys get in the city the horde is for intersections the sirens are between blocks he doesn't have a for how crazy is he does make some good yes there's cars in front of them they hear the sirens we all hear the sirens but they don't move you're talking about when they go yeah you gotta give it some burning yeah i'll give you know they're there nobody doesn't know there's a fire drop behind what getting out from from Connecticut where he's from i'll give you two honks honks yeah it was a little weird but this guy was hitting nine ten yeah all the way down the street there's a fire somewhere but he's also driving like 20 fucking ambulances and fire trucks they they never pushed the limit not sure not sure if you've been reading the news and i don't see
Starting point is 00:07:26 him screaming up and down they're just fucking he's like he's like on the back of the fire truck were you driving me yeah yeah i drive drove in here oh yeah yeah we tried oh i thought you asked me oh yeah i thought you asked me if i drive man i'll dust off the gloves for one last job i'll get you a podcaster now but i'll do it one rule no fire trucks no did you well you guys i don't get out of the way i go you follow me i'll take you out you're like a full back going down six having it i see all the cars like this start getting out of the way i'm just like suckers conny slides the siren on top of the room no you weren't driving when this was happening is what i'm asking that's why he was standing on the street i'm trying so how did you guys get into the city
Starting point is 00:08:21 today we took an Uber took an Uber okay but we was way off and gone we didn't hold up any traffic yeah they were dude they were standing out front like they were on a stake out when i pulled up yeah i'm fucking tipping my my beak was chipping by the time you got here 10 minutes out there boy holy fuck is it called oh god well how did you guys get here i told you imagine doing this he's a little prick i love him i love him but he's got a bit of an edge he's totally murdering his eyes how was your fucking Christmas how the fuck did you get in what you what you fucking fire truck how were you toby i couldn't find that i couldn't think of what it was but there was some clip that you guys had
Starting point is 00:09:07 from the pod of you were yelling at him it was another weird o'connor thing it was like the lasagna in the in the in the refrigerator it was something weird about food that you and your family did but i was i was looking for and i couldn't find that egg noodles it was egg noodles what about the egg noodles you salt them you eat them no he thinks egg noodles should be yeah consumed on a normal basis hippie how do we feel about egg noodles i think we talked about i've talked about it on your pa and no they're the ones in the bag right yeah i'm a box pasta man myself what's the difference between a box in a bag a lot cereal comes in a bag it's trapped parents that love you about 48 cents at the o'connor house
Starting point is 00:09:54 apparently yeah get the fuck out of here what's the difference between a hug and a handshake all right he's a lot chill yeah that's a real handshake what's the difference between a normal well adjusted even being in a psycho pack egg noodles egg noodles are a tough look now you guys split an uber in right yeah who pays for that uber we don't ever talk about money usually i'll get i'll get something i'll get a tab at a bar restaurant pick up you pick up that's the way to do it you can't be i don't do good like that i don't fuck with people that problem with money you know like not problem as in i don't have a lot of it but i'll pretend i have enough to get that car and that fucking uber not ask my buddy for a couple bucks back you know i mean you ever
Starting point is 00:10:34 see a table like five friends of course the checks it's nuts why are you even eating should be intimate that's just something that's special to somebody you're going to ruin it we're bringing money up don't invite your fucking friend over to eat okay i'm with you hundred percent the guinea's really coming out of him right what is sauce on a table you don't talk about it i fucking mean that dude eat cooking for somebody or asking somebody out to go to dinner of course that's an intimate thing where like you expect a good time and you're gonna fuck it up by bringing out like you know bringing up some money issues of course you know i waited tables for a long time these who drive me insane yeah that's why i had hope in the future generations when bed mode came around but they're
Starting point is 00:11:12 still fucking bozos i just got a marble in your throat i'm waiting for a parakeet to fly something's flying there's a dead canary in there all right rusty god damn it save yourself i caught it on the fire truck by accident so you're in the hat um i was choking on my water uh we all got covid way who knows you're hacking i got the antibodies i'm good yeah i'm strong right now i can't foresee you being a big back vaccination guy oh no i am oh really yeah yeah i love science okay i can't get a read on him i'm built i'm built i'm built for the vaccine the i my body takes science so well take out a conversation with a shark those eyes they're they're kind of like they're deep and shallow at the same time hey dommer when you pull it back 20 percent a lot of
Starting point is 00:12:03 times if i really need to get something out i stare at his eyebrows so that i don't get lost in this fucking evil look because they're like tar pits yeah halfway through i just go what what's the matter he goes nothing i'm just listening to you yeah i'm like you don't listen like that is something wrong talk about what did i do just let me know no i like to look through people yeah you do man yeah that's why girls walk backwards i'm gonna leave no dinner was fine do you want to split the check oh my god don't worry i got it i don't want things to be weird about money yeah dinner is no i don't stare i don't stare at people even that was we do what i don't stare at people
Starting point is 00:12:53 i think you just get lost in your own thoughts this is the most i've noticed this by the way what how crazy you are yeah well the weekly podcast is really opening up a box now that i'm forced to talk every week it's really spilling out and somebody commented that they're like i'm really i think it was on like the post that i post like i the of your clip and they were like man i'm really seeing a really legit psycho back yeah yeah his takes are so fucking wild it calls it's the beauty of your your show you're asking questions it's immediate content you're always going to come up with different perspectives everything that hollywood over here all this time yeah that was a nice little that was a nice little elevator pitch every every everything
Starting point is 00:13:30 content that's what the people want did there's two minutes and 45 grand let's turn it up like it'll be my treat yeah no splitsies Tommy loves pitching and positioning there it was bombing an audition right was it was the audition in London or here that was here it was in one of these i can't believe that gave you eight takes at it found it boy got there like his face says he should be an actor yeah yeah i don't know what's going on give him another shot i don't know he's a good looking kid we like your look in your hair we hate your body the way it's moving right now stop shaking at least they were crazy i know they really are well you guys just said jib gaffigan in here i know i know you clean the household so so connie is he a lot all the time that's all i do
Starting point is 00:14:18 you know these will kind of keep it clean what's his room like oh hell he's your room is hell yeah think about what's in his head that's what my room looks like he plates and stuff like that in your room no he doesn't need your room i don't use plates he doesn't use napkins he takes a fucking sandwich that he orders from uber eats or something yeah slow walks it sits on the couch unwraps it no napkin i'll just eat like a monster he eats like like a book would you prefer if i ran to the couch that's what he's upset about the speed that he walks to the couch that's my issue yeah slow walking and then he takes a bite puts it like right on the table raw and then goes like this with his head you'll just put a sandwich on the coffee table yeah that's crazy no no not naked
Starting point is 00:15:01 it's in the wrapper trust me you don't want to see it i mean it's in the wrapper yeah give me that exactly you're supposed to unfold the wrapper and then you put your chips next to your you play you get a sandwich you plate the sandwich yes listen i don't want to get involved with this anymore it really wears me the fuck out if he took this it'll finish it i'll put it there and it really will never ever leave so every morning every morning every morning every morning every morning meanwhile every common closet is full of Tommy's clothes it's got a nice wardrobe what do you want shoes everywhere you wear three shirts yeah go back and watch all his playing about it it's this one yeah and uh what's the other one the hoodie with the what's the other oh oh he's saying he's
Starting point is 00:15:43 you got one pair of jeans what is there any sneakers it's just some it's a bar bar yeah i don't know they gave it to me anyway i like free you're a free shirt guy you are oh yeah yeah yeah you don't buy clothes a lot now in fact every time i'd buy jeans it's a whole fucking where do you go fashions fashions changed completely every time i have to buy jeans he's wearing bell bottles what the fuck there's no chicks out here i've been tripping over these jankos for fucking owls yeah he's got all his podcast and equipment in the back pocket i'm like what numbers what numbers leave eyes on it what's a chris o'connor shopping experience they don't put the ass flap in the back anymore what's going on here where are my suspenders well are you going to like an h&m a
Starting point is 00:16:29 macy's a gap what are you doing uh last time i shopped i hit a j crew and i had Tommy Tommy on the phone the whole time that's the canada get in you the j crew is a little bit he sent me picks that i picked out is you're a j crew man i do i go to j crew here and there it's a little over it's a little overpriced for what you get quality wise is there Tommy does dress good you've always been put together or even like how unsuccessful you've been at period like we all been at periods thank you he would show up to open like to like italian boots what was that about yeah what the fuck was that about is y'all are you getting me back when i said on your on our podcast no what i really opened up everyone was trying to compliment your podcast and i was like i get the thing oh yeah
Starting point is 00:17:07 he was like you don't say anything with questions and then and the food and the stuff yeah i'd be good on your show you didn't say that he liked it said i i get the whole thing yeah i get the whole thing with the hand wave that was very dismissive is that what you were doing that does that seem like a shot is that what you were getting back at the point i get from my father no no no i get it bullshit show you're doing over there because i know that just hurt Tommy yeah i'll think about that for weeks i saw it in his face no i've always done well i'm not saying you ever didn't i know well i'm saying we would when we had zero money open like said you'd show up like in a fucking three-piece suit mostly like because i was coming off a real job in a real life and i forgot what
Starting point is 00:17:50 it was like to be a fucking zilch you know what i mean i basically he was the only he was the first guy i knew with a pico he had to have he had to have the nice clothes to keep everything to keep up appearance everything moving when he's out at the bars beside won't you leave a $100,000 job and then you're you're fucking a park in my car in the in the lot next to helium and then i hang out with a bunch of bedbugs you know what i mean i was talking to you in the front of the raven one night and he's like well you need you had just left your job to go full-time comedian in philly which is tough i mean you're doing like shows at applebee's i saw the fire and he's like no no it's fine he's like yeah well you just hang on we're talking you're talking in front of the in front of the
Starting point is 00:18:24 ravens no no we're in the bar at the raven at the front like at the window okay there used to be that little like half ball like by the like that window the vestibule yeah and we were we were going out i think what he had just done is a big rail yeah don't bring that up we gotta stop with this in that tiny bathroom that used to have in raven that used to have yeah that floor bathroom in the toilet or something yeah yeah yeah they had like there used to there was a little door you would knock and put five dollars on it it was a lazy susan that would then turn around and they would take the five dollars and replace it with a pbr and then turn it back yeah you'd go into the bathroom and order a beer at a pretty special place there was just a guy in a broom closet
Starting point is 00:19:05 back there with a cooler filling it up smelling dumps every once in a while yeah um no but you're like what you know i was just i was like how do you even do it and you're like you just gotta find bars that'll give you free booze i'm like oh this guy this guy's nuts yeah his his tips were success on how to make it we're fine bartenders who will give you because yeah place where you do shows that oh you drink for free you know what i mean just him i'm pretty good you drink for free that's pretty good find a place on monday come back come back on the weekend you'd be all right this is true he was in like a four hundred dollar trench coat i'm like okay mr pope well you can't be bopping around the different bars you gotta find one bar yeah and you gotta
Starting point is 00:19:43 know the ship you are very loyal i went to that place with you guys in queens last week man they walked in they were like tommy yeah yeah you take care of them they won't charge you the beer all the tip money goes right to them and then you feel out you you feel out of cycle kip let's talk about all form all form yep you think you might not know it but you do know it it's a helix company it's a helix company helix is now added a bedroom and in to the sofa game oh baby with all form you got to check it out absolutely fantastic you won't be steered wrong yeah guys it's the easiest way you can customize the sofa using premium materials at a fraction of the cost of traditional stores we got one right over there sitting right there put he got one they send it here many a nap on that thing i put it
Starting point is 00:20:22 together by my side it's like putting together a fucking lego set it's easy peasy easy uh you can do it by yourself all different colors finishes whatever you want pillows sectionals and the best thing about it is if you change apartments you get a new roommate or whatever you can get a you can extend it you just keep adding to it pretty sweet um like i said we love it big fan it's it's the only couch here at tooties it's nice called her passed out smoking a cigar on the other day i had to be careful uh all form also has financing and flexible payment plans so an amazing sofa is never far away they even offer a forever warranty literally forever wow to get your perfect sofa check out slash garbage allform is offering 20 off all orders for our listeners
Starting point is 00:21:05 at slash garbage one more time slash garbage do it kip let's talk about black buffalo baby black buffalo you know i got a lot of folks out there like to uh you know how do i say this uh pack a lipper little chewy pack a dip you know what i mean yeah pack and lips and listen when you're young it's uh whatever get older gotta get away from that stuff uh-huh but there's alternative to everything these days and black buffalo can help yes if you're if you're 21 or over and you dip or chew tobacco pouches or long cut don't matter you have to try this tobacco alternative black buffalo uh try it get off it it's everything you love about dipping include the pharmaceutical grade nicotine just without the actual tobacco stem or leaf there you go they
Starting point is 00:21:47 sell their products at it's available both long cut and pouches if you're looking to ditch nicotine and tobacco tap into their nicotine free options called zero they got you covered look at that you want it you don't want it they got you a subscription comes to your door the flavors the whole nine yards kind of set it in forget a type thing what gets it for me born in the midwest raising the south these are good old boys down there black buffalo proudly manufactures their products right here in the us of a local no kind stuff you know what i mean they they sent us it i have we've tried it so check it out it's a new year and if you are one of the 10 million people who are 21 and over and dip tobacco consider turning over a new leaf and
Starting point is 00:22:28 switching to black buffalo it's everything you love about dipping just without the actual tobacco stem or leaf uh head to use promo code garbage for check out for 25% off your first order nice that's the best offer you'll find but if you have to use our code garbage for 25% off your first order one last time promo code garbage 25% off your first order do it yeah is he now is he now starting to ride along oh yeah i brought the boy yeah what do you two do on a normal night well when i was there i can i can o'connor pooped at the bar oh my god i threw up tom he went into the bathroom it smelled so bad that he then threw up in the bar the next one the next bathroom there's two bathrooms next to each other hey hey mal this was just after we had a
Starting point is 00:23:10 podcast going you don't shit in public you don't you this there's never a reason outside of eating raw chicken you should never be dumping in public you should wait that's your rule and puke yes that's my point we got to get you to a doc no something right down there dude it was like the reptile section of the zoo it was simple i did it on news base like hitting the face with a shit shovel i can't i just started to dry even i threw up in the next the next uh wait what do you mean you don't poop in public you don't poop in public never that's insane it isn't you figure out your own schedule and you work around that and if you if you have something set when you normally go and your bowel movements you you move your schedule around that if you got to go to the zoo
Starting point is 00:23:48 what if you go to like a music festival row up you don't okay get a job longer you're not 18 yeah what a weird thing to say man well porta bodies oh porta bodies like a football game you're shitting at a football game i'll shit if i have to shit i'm shitting i mean he just shitted a bar and there was four people in the bar yeah hey he was he was he was 25 percent of the patrons he got up and left for like 45 and i'm like where the fuck is okan we had done like four shots i'm like where the fuck is okani well it's either that or i have to leave i get i'm not opposed to it i understand i when you're hand up you gotta you know you gotta take care of it i didn't i didn't realize tom he would go in there and intentionally smell it attention yeah you went
Starting point is 00:24:32 in there you knew exactly what happened in there you went in there to smell it he does that all the time he smells respected dude the first the first time the first time i was able to go away and stay go on vacation with my friend's family all right real nice place down the shore they had fucking grandparents brother and sister yeah i'm like 12 year old i'm like 12 years old i'm real insecure real low so i have some more mac and cheese please mrs robbins not until your shirt dries off you know you you know he's pull hopping with a shirt on no never wear your wet clothes on the couch Henry never and i'm gonna get the security to that's a fucking disgrace to fat kids i always take your shirt on you fat kids out there you
Starting point is 00:25:22 fucking bite the bullet yeah show them who you are no never go in there with a t-shirt on i did it once or twice probably 11 and the second i got it makes that suction i'm like this is bad it's crazy it's crazy makes your titties look even worse or better anyway i get we get down there first night all right and i had a fucking poop really bad and it was like a little shore house so the fucking bathroom is right off the living room i'm talking whole family the grandma the grandma the mom the dad the hot older sister everybody's in there we're all watching fucking tv or whatever it was i go in there and dump i come out like 15 minutes later try to blend back into the couch you know what i mean like i was like i tried to hop in the story
Starting point is 00:26:09 i was here the whole time came out with a plate of hot hors d'oeuvres i was hungry puff pastries i just slide us frozen my boy just to be a dick fucking goes in the bathroom and then comes out and he goes oh my god and re in front of the whole fucking family and i haven't shit said they laugh did they laugh no see that's all those people yeah no i agree with that fuck those people people take shit oh they felt bad for me they were like what yeah yeah it's all about the toilet the courtesy you have to flush as soon as things happen i let it out let it out flush then you want to be cleaned up i don't kind of you want it to you want it you want everybody to know no i'm not trying to push it on people not trying to people get people to
Starting point is 00:26:57 smell it your big state but it's just like it's a natural human thing sure you're gonna get mad because you smell some barts fuck you it really bothers me it really bothers me it's just like dude this shit happens we'll get over it i understand so is that a typical night you ever have someone get mad at a bar than them we almost got in the fist fight we film on tuesdays and then we usually go to the bar down the street for a couple pops with the guests and then uh and fuck off home yeah he usually edits two three nights a week we got this cooking how many nights you're going out together four five yeah yeah yeah we're close yeah this is all i got yeah we have a good time we have a great time yeah it's fun keep your bow movement we were fucking we really hit it off
Starting point is 00:27:43 no more shit in the denny's i'll tell you that again wait also you were about i friend we didn't you were about to steal that drink that night you were you were about to steal the pint glass do you remember that no yeah he was walking out of about a half a pint glass and he goes all right i'll see you later like you're like all right i'll see you and you had it and she's like all right see you tommy and i saw your conscious kick in and you're like okay i'll see you yeah and then cleaned up the glasses because you felt that i don't think i did that i don't think she's watching i've stolen pine glasses sure yes yeah habitually though no no i i used to do it from the place bards and philly because they had this nice little glasses they had some real interesting
Starting point is 00:28:23 tulip glasses with brand names on them so i put a couple and i hate it the fucking bartender i hated yeah and i hate it the bar so i was like yeah fuck you you know yeah i agree i'm gonna take a couple of these home do you steal anything else no i can picture you stealing you'll get a convenience store stealer we're like a 401k or something i can't stand i don't see you calling an old lady scamming her your son was arrested i got a couple scams i got a couple scams that i run wow what do you got currently what well the group a board group one what a board oh yeah he told me about this what came in handy regardless of what group you were in if you just board group one how you just just walk on you just ignore it yeah and they scan your ticket that's very odd that they'll
Starting point is 00:29:07 say sir we're just boarding group one right now your group three yeah there's probably a thing if they scan it no they gotta let you in they always that's what i'm saying like you can't like scan it and then go like that then that's it you're bored it no i got shut down once after they scanned it i tried to board for group two and i was group like five and she's like you're not you're not ready well there's some there's always one person tough group yeah that's what i usually have and i'm a group five we're still wiping that section down go to our patreon get me to group two at least yeah check out their patreon i'm always group seven seven there's no fuck i check in an hour before the flight is that what that has to do with yeah it's when you check your ticket your ticket
Starting point is 00:29:47 yeah it's what ticket yeah what level of dirt bag you are well group one you can't if you group one is like select people but i think groups like three through seven are kind of like when you check in that might be like if you check in late they dump you why don't they just put fucking the back of the plane to the front of the plane well they started doing that during covid because the front of the plane people pay more yeah they get on first they want to see overhead space too why do they want to they're already sitting no they it's the overhead space because if you're in the back of the plane oh you run out over and they check your back plus if i'm if i'm paying if i'm paying for first class you want that seat they want you want them to see
Starting point is 00:30:25 you i want them to fucking see me they want you're fucking fat ass the same people have judging you fucking in line and don't like this guy probably bought two seats yeah that's that's me right now i'm doing my part yeah i really hand it up i gotta i gotta go sideways the bags over my head my tits are hanging out i really i really get their money's worth sometimes they ask me to walk back so they can feel better turn that fat kid up here again this time get some champagne remember that one lady made fun you asked for the seat belt extended the one lady made funny that was me i've made a lot of fat jokes at your expense what'd she say i don't know it was something like oh yeah of course or it was and you were like oh god you're like that
Starting point is 00:31:05 fucking bitch she fucking she shamed you yeah i think so i can't remember what it was i forgot what the line was but it was like uh i don't know but i'm suing she chuckle shout out here let's get this bitch canceled i forgot where we're coming from too i just want free cookies those are dynamite the biscotti cool no is it biscoff yeah biscoff biscoff yeah that's the brand right they're like cinnamon yeah they stink oh i love them they're terrible i love it and i found out you can order them biscotti in general right now taking a terrible i'm not just a box wait from the company hold on slow down i kind of don't like any of them what do you mean your box the company that where'd you get away from it you could order biscotti from directly from the pilot drops them off the biscoff
Starting point is 00:31:49 factory biscoff biscoff is a company like he's an idiot he's not dealt at it didn't buy the company they they just use it's owned by Hudson news it's an organization that makes cookies in a factory and it has the contract for delta yeah that's all it is mr biscoff was like how many you want he's like you've never seen those and you can just order them put some aside for the people at home that want them you can just get them in a store you don't gotta get on the plane that's what i'm saying that's what i'm telling you you're saying you ordered i think you think i think you think delta owns this flying cross country just a couple of cookies am i fucked up here now hold on a second are you picking any of this up we gotta go back what's your fucking problem with biscotti it tastes
Starting point is 00:32:28 like shit yeah it's like rich it's like rich european you're crazy he just give me a give me a fucking give me a chips a hoi yeah i'm an intimate i'm not saying i don't like a chip i'm a fucking american a nice chocolate covered biscotti's nice what are you talking about you dipping in your coffee it's got better than a better than a gentleman better than a cashew a little dip real quick into a cream coffee because i i used to like stellador breakfast treats yeah me too i almost bought a bag yesterday yeah it's all different multi uh flavored they're real old school fucking with the long bars no no that's biscotti that's biscotti but you know stella dora is a mixed stella dora is a company it's got like one they have they have a bunch of different shit it's real old
Starting point is 00:33:10 school stuff like a pretzel oh that i mean you got me with the pretzel a big pretzel guy those are uh no you're talking about dankst yeah i'm talking about these no no no no stella dora stella dora stella dora how do you tell dora deal stella dora has like uh frostings and shit on it it's like flavored stella dora yeah stella dora that's them oh get out of here that shits no fuck hey moosellini kick rocks all right that shit stinks i've never even no way with that no that fly in my household wait hold on hold on i think those things no i think the margarit's i think the margarit's that whole brand is a no fly zone yeah yeah it's the brand they have their own little aisle they have their own little thing there's no way to piece was buying that as a
Starting point is 00:33:53 there's no packaging it's no way that's european shit get out of here no we're just in the entire world right now dude we used to love them i don't like cannolis either yeah i could have saw that coming out of a child what are you talking about child children love cannolis yeah they they should it's a very nice cookie what did you get when you were a kid you know a nice cannoli when you were a kid i like a devil dog all right all right that's not a devil dog is that the chocolate with the cream with the cream that's all right i like a regular entertainment coffee cake oh yeah honeycomb wait honeycomb cereal yeah you like this guy's jumping category you know he got so nervous about having a third option you strike you strike me as a dry
Starting point is 00:34:44 cereal kind of kid no i need cereal dry like a psycho no i soak the sugar pops in a black coffee great fruit sugar pops with the only cereal i ever ate dry was a regular cheerios you like a little snack pack yeah yeah the bag yeah well when you were six months old yeah yeah i was a baby too no i had two teeth i also didn't have teeth yeah no i just i yeah i you know i can't make anything yeah yeah i can't take the time so i just eat regular well if you check out a cooking show so yeah run what is the cooking show it's just it's chris and i in the kitchen pretty much following uh following me cooking and chris being crazy yeah and every now and then chris without oh yeah yeah he does you don't know how to cook at all no i i do if you if you set me to a task i
Starting point is 00:35:36 do it pretty good what we are this is how the chicken parm first episode i'm a good cheese grater oh yeah yeah he he can he can he can offer services he doesn't know how to cook i yeah yeah like i can't i yeah no you say yeah he's just he's my fucking foreman you know what i mean she's yeah okay yeah so if i own he's johnny on the spot in the kitchen i'm a little discuss he's holding the flashlight in your dad can you make eggs okay can you make eggs oh yeah okay yeah i can make yeah i can make eggs i can make pancakes i can make you can make pancakes i can cook bacon i made eggs once in the house you've been there two years yeah yeah well i'm not gonna show off my skills i can make them i don't want anybody ripping off my style yeah i'm working on a cookbook no i don't
Starting point is 00:36:26 like cleaning up and now it's even worse because you know what do you do for breakfast you wake up in the morning what what time you i think it was like a nooner you get up i feel like social services should be called there's something yeah i was like you guys should get just i just want a little bit every couple weeks i was getting up at like nine or ten there for a while now now depends on the night load yeah we've been boozing it up quite a bit we had a nice we had a nice happy run with the start of the patreon where we got excited and watched editing you guys i remember shane coming in one night and he was like yeah i read this book because he's like he was experience re-experiencing the beginning of the start well it's like you know yeah you're finally having like success starts
Starting point is 00:37:04 a little bit or something you're catching five thousand dollar suits there's a pack man there's a pack man machine behind you that's a thing you're both sitting in race cars no he's he's gonna you're gonna get fancy as fuck i'm still gonna be sleeping on top of my laundry yeah but no it's a very simple idea idea that's it's been done a million fucking times but you know the concept i have is like no one's really married comedy and cooking appropriately and correctly so where you're giving advice in an entertaining way that's like both informative you know funny as fuck i hope at some at certain points and then also like fun to watch yeah cooking in the background of any yeah any house is like always just fun to do and absorb i guess i don't
Starting point is 00:37:55 just gonna be on the stuff file on patreon yeah yeah right now it's because it's a lot of work for chris there's three camera setups the edits john nuns helping us you need a t-bone you need to we do need an editor he's not for sale yeah well maybe we got a couple guys that or that crazy yeah so it's once we get two or three or four episodes out i think we'll have an idea of like the theme the format it's gonna take some growing pains and i just i think people are gonna fucking like it because yeah i i've consumed so many hours of fucking cooking shows yeah that i know what's missing in terms of just a unique flair or like to me fucking hollywood honestly he is good i have no what's missing Tommy's good in the kitchen too he's good i saw
Starting point is 00:38:36 him i saw him you made a short rib one time blew my socks yeah that's real nice he's got the good stuff he's got the good he's got a nice knife too you were flashing a good knife spent a lot of money during quarantine yeah literally all my savings on i want to talk to you i want to pull the trigger on some kitchen stuff yeah you have you have those you have those colored pots you had the luck luck we say yeah i got i got to an animal yeah they they're lifetime pots we mean the french they'll they'll that'll never chip it's a nonstick surface pretty much and the the the cook the concentrated cook is is all the way through the iron it's not like you will you'll never have burned spots really yeah it's fluid all the way through top the bottom side to side this is the
Starting point is 00:39:14 kind of stuff you're gonna get yo dude i'm a guest you know what happens you're like i'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about but also maybe not yeah but let's talk about ladder ladder let's talk about the uncertainty of uh of the world today these are wacky times we're living in they're wacky kooky times i need a little bit of a safety net need a little bit of a safety net a lot of people get scared away term life but you want to get yourself some insurance you want to make a term life and you want to take care of the ones that you love yes ladder is 100 digital no doctors no needles no paperwork none when you apply for 3 million in coverage or less just a few minutes on the phone or laptop uh ladder smart algorithms working real time to find out if you're
Starting point is 00:39:55 instantly approved no waiting around look at that no driving to some bozos plays in a strip mall or anything uh and you can finally uh life insurance costs more as you age now's the time to cross it off your list make a move baby no hidden fees canceled anytime it's easy peasy uh ladder policies are issued by insurers with long proven histories of paying claims they're rated a and a plus by am the best it's nice it's pretty good i think not too shabby uh more of an fm man myself so go to slash garbage today to see if you're instantly approved that's ladder ladder slash garbage slash garbage tip athletic greens athletic greens athletic greens we ain't talking athletic blues baby let me tell you something i saw an ad for them somewhere else before they
Starting point is 00:40:41 became a sponsor yeah and i was intrigued you were all over and then when i found out that they came on board uh and sent us some yeah i was in knocking on my door looking for the stuff i've taken it every single day since we've had it i'm having that coffee yeah all right gut health immunity energy basic nutrients absolutely fantastic tastes great too i can sit there and sip it it's not something i have to pound down i can sit and sip it yeah maybe on the rocks or something it has a great taste man i'm telling you it's all right yeah guys it's lifestyle friendly whether you eat keto paleo vegan dairy free or gluten free uh ag ones got you covered uh tons of people take some kind of multivitamin and support and choose one with high quality ingredients
Starting point is 00:41:24 that your body actually absorbs an ag one has you covered they got even little packets for if you're on the go uh it costs less than three dollars a day you're investing in your health and it's cheaper than your cold brew habit you got there you go um athletic greens has over seven thousand five star reviews recommended by professional athletes trusted by leading health experts such as tim ferris and michael jervis jervais take that put that in your pipe and smoke it there you go put that in your green juice what else you need to hear um right now it's a time to reclaim your health and arm your immune system with convenient daily nutrition especially heading into cold and flu season absolutely it's just one scoop and a cup of water every day that's
Starting point is 00:42:03 it no need for a million different pills all over to play supplements um to look after your health but they give you a cool bottle you shake it up it's right there i think i got a cool package athletics is going to give you a free one-year supply of immune support and vitamin d that i kept and five free travel packs with your first purchase all you have to do is visit athletic greens dot com slash garbage again that's athletic greens dot com slash garbage to take ownership of your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance i'm back to the show yeah no tommy literally is like you can tell he's been doing this show in his head for probably three years well i've also got a lot of shows going on out there i was a kid it's like and like i get i get
Starting point is 00:42:42 chris eyes i get this chris beady fucking psychopathic eyes when i start talking about it because i'm so intense about it and i just i think there's a there's a misconception about a high end cooking uh that low end people can't do you know what i mean there's like classy dishes that they think the trash can't do and the trash people like i would never attempt that it's like sure there's this middle ground i like it's not even touched i like this and you could do these these dishes like that short rib ragu that if you took to a party or a holiday people would like fucking blown away and it's simple it just takes a little effort a little time a little precision and you'll never forget the fucking fish yeah yeah fucking gary v in the kitchen anybody can do it just start
Starting point is 00:43:19 talking like a dickhead like this i just i'll give like very simple you have never been to the type type of type of party you're describing but i like that slide yeah you're at a bar getting hammered no when the last thing was tonight the last time i've had like something like barbecues out back it you know i i treat my comedy friends like of course like i always would have wanted at a family party sure instead of like a bag of pretzels i know but you just chips and a napkin you painted a very that's it my childhood that's it oh yeah and then like deli meat that would sweat like my fat uncle that would just be laid out until people just thought you couldn't eat it because the cheese got bad it's like no that's when it gets good you fucking i remember the first time i had wet cheese
Starting point is 00:43:58 man karen's house it was like 92 i'll never forget that feeling that's the solidified fats uncoagulating so it comes to the surface and opens out my favorite platter was not with a not like i like i like a hoagie tray but back in the day yeah but it wasn't pre-mose it was like fucking wah wah or some dog shit like spring chop right or something they did all right though but what i'm gonna say i did all right i like the one that wasn't that wasn't made when it was just slices in a row yourself couple there was always a couple slices of rye bread and there was no mayo was always straight mustard no lettuce tomato real old school yeah i'm actually gonna do an italian hoagie uh probably in the next like month because there's there's certain ways to make a really high
Starting point is 00:44:36 end hoagie that uh you won't have to worry about ordering anymore i'll tell you this about new york there's no good fucking there's no good coffee a really high end oh my god you're the shamwell guy huh what do you think you're gonna waste all that money on cold cuts when you're done you're gonna get cold fighting a hooker too in miami that's what happened to him he bit a hooker's nose or something she bit his tongue she bit his tongue yeah he was all fucking yacked out doing the crack with some hooker and she bit his tongue yeah i didn't think it was red bull well we all have our weekends you don't have to bite in fucking hoagie there's no there's no we live in a story where there's all the different cultures and cuisines which is wonderful but
Starting point is 00:45:16 there's no american comfort food on that you can rely on there's like two places that have a decent hoagie stinks a decent hoagie now queen alley queens it's not what i'm saying queens is nice philly it's by far we've had this conversation on the road by far the greatest sandwich location station it's great yeah i mean you there's there's two or three places even in the suburbs just a place you know isn't he's what are you talking about you spent two years you go you you also never you fuck was there for 20 years hey jersey mike zippin what are you talking about fucking lowlife get out of here i'm just you're putting american cheese on an italian sub i can tell you go to any fucking neighborhood around philly every any boat is all right i'm not putting
Starting point is 00:45:59 cheese on it somebody else is putting it on and i'm buying it heat no no no i'm not making myself one of the things this animal does and then we'll move on i'm sorry about talking too much he gets a podcast i mean it's no it's be silent the fuck tommy tommy we're not the feds he gets a bacon it comes out 190 second episode keep talking we're gassed it's not true he gets a bacon egg and cheese when he gets up or whatever and then he only eats half and then he puts the other half in the back where he does his editing just lets it sit there and you whole finish that second half of bacon egg and cheese at like 10 p.m. i don't i've done that i'm okay with that i've done the fatter version i buy two i eat one and a half and then save that you know that's wild
Starting point is 00:46:45 no you don't have to fucking sit a little air on it you don't have to air it out it's like a scab because it's on a bagel you put a bagel in the fridge i think it's some air on that thing put a bagel in the fridge it's over exactly then you put it back in the oven you gotta get crisp on the outside now see this is what i'm talking about it's like what's putting it back in the oven what are you nuts you guys what are you emerald i'm gonna fucking chill in to not be fucking stupid if you want to learn something it'll be great it is true i will say that uh it is i will make cat joey peppy yeah do yeah it's really cool he told me how to make yeah it's a dish it's like a famous tusk and dish it's just cat joey peppy i don't like the fact you said tusk in it yeah he
Starting point is 00:47:27 meant something three guys you owe money to you know fat joey and peppy they run the book out of the bar we go to come he's stealing pint glass it was his dad's book he passed it down he's the guy behind that rotunda of beer with fucking raven looking for fat joey the catchy tell him i want 20 on a base and two pbr's right back here anyway all right let's get into some we gotta do a little a couple of questions man we got these two here we gotta ask some questions yeah all right all right this is from andrew first guys so as you know when you sign up for patreon we will answer your garbage question it's just the best way to do it we get hit up
Starting point is 00:48:08 you know through so many other ways but patreon gets first cranky um chat this is from andrew first question long time homie ever had to testify in court in front of a jury tommy i'm looking at you for some reason no my closest court situation was i got hit in the face with a bottle in the greatest bar for his church or something and the kid got clipped coming back from his honeymoon like three years later and i had to go with a war press charges yeah and on the way to the court i called my brother and my brother's like what are you doing this kid you're fucking 23 years old was three years ago you know three years after the fight that's what i'm saying no this was i was 26 and uh i was apparently choking his friend out and the friend
Starting point is 00:48:54 was like this i saw a second i'm not really supposed to talk about this because i had to remove it from another uh podcast yeah i mean be vague then yeah so apparently the guy i it was December 24th 1980 dim the lights will you know it's it was a huge bar fight everything was working perfectly the first three guys i hit out it was fucking beautiful and i was like i was 190 i was like another 30 pounds of fucking muscle this is like just after baseball lift and heavy days for no goddamn reason i'd stick some i was built like spongebob square pants i had tiny legs no legs just but i was it went all up here so much about being specific anyway i knocked a couple friends he was wearing a blue shirt and the dude i had about 178 pounds right now maybe
Starting point is 00:49:33 170 out of the shower i don't know i got 174 and then i got behind this one dude and i took him off a friend and this dude that i recognized because we were down the shore together at a shore shore house party and i was like go help chris he was bringing up a second location he was getting no it was a it was in rocks barrel that place that had three different layers all right i think uh you've already violated the terms of your no i never i've never testified in front of anyone but i did tell the guy i'm not pressing charges in the courthouse i had to be an expert so i dropped all the charges and the kid was like oh thank you so because it's like it's intent with but this was three years after this happened it was three years after the bar fight because he they couldn't find
Starting point is 00:50:14 them jesus and then he went on his honeymoon when he came back in the country he came back in you gotta get your security they ran god damn really and then so i know i'm clean if i came back into the states yeah you're good there's nothing there's no warrants nice yeah what do you have to get arrested what do you think we're pulled over uh to get your warrant dangerous man okay toby i'm sorry i had like 17 coffees a long story but i've been in court you're doing great and chris i i believe i believe chris just said he was an expert witness i was an expert witness he's like i haven't been caught yet but i will see my i will see my day in court they'll find the box yeah yeah once they find her head under his clothes in his bedroom no yeah i was called i
Starting point is 00:51:01 when my brother was in law school i went down to visit him in new Orleans and uh he was like can you be like a expert witness in like moot court or whatever it was like you know it was like kids practicing and i was like yeah fine and i went in there and like uh you know i didn't i read over like who i was supposed to be for just a script 20 minutes yeah but like i didn't spend any time we're not talking about some school play here we're talking bottles to the face grand jury testimony you got the bulls that cut me off for this i hid under car for 45 minutes while cops were around a parking lot some show your brother's sorority was doing zip it all right jesus christ talking about wire taps
Starting point is 00:51:55 fucking preco charges not the fucking debate team i thought it'd be a nice story then we all got ice cream after which is great they put up a hell of an argument they did they were poking holes in my testimony i'm gonna say no to free pizza i know the pizza and soda there was no ice hot no ice warm temperature orange soda they would you know they would cut it in a weird way to get more mileage out of it too nothing pisses me off more than that there was no pizza there was no soda the guy fucking cross examined me for 30 minutes he was 13 i'm just making shit up and then he's like but you put in a sworn affidavit and i had to be like dude
Starting point is 00:52:50 this is i'm not a real person we're gonna need a we're gonna need a handwriting expert in here oh god he had a set of strings he just puts a pair of glasses on that is not my handwriting it's a lady wearing a wig like fucking bronson in the what's his face in bronson what else you got did your brother do got a little john wane in him i like did your brother ever graduate then become a lawyer yeah your brother's a lawyer yeah what kind of like practicing like criminal law or no no no mergers and acquisitions or something uh yeah it's like states and trusts
Starting point is 00:53:33 and stuff like that that's where the money is yeah a little bit of key i think i think i'm not sure it's definitely not god damn it who's lefty under the lefty under what are you up for me this one's great this is from thomas ever gave yourself food poisoning have you ever cooked something for yourself yeah you know who gave me food poisoning oh john owes the light you know thomas john oh yeah one time i let him cook me chicken i was shitting for i'm gonna say eight hours straight that's when you shit yeah that's when you poop in public no i wasn't in public thank goodness yeah you're having enough you're in bed you're in just rolled around it was like a getting stabbed in the gut all night no sleep just get up shit get
Starting point is 00:54:17 up shit i've done i've done a thing where uh i was puking and shitting so much i just laid down in the shower yeah that's a good move and just shitting that cold there's nothing better than that cold and i would just shitting puke and let it run down like a live stock yeah just i would just hold like a lamb giving birth he's covered in goo oh my god he's just crying shitting throwing on it was happening so frequently coming out of moving until it's just like your dad's probably going i gotta piss get out of here he's probably jerking off again no i didn't know i was like living in my apartment uh or an apartment with my girlfriend sure she was thrilled yeah how long after that did that end i know it wasn't three years years really women do love you for a
Starting point is 00:55:04 long time yeah i don't know why i got something i got cooked fish one time and gave myself to my madness that jacket hurt that and i'm gonna let you out there hanging out hanging high and dry this is from josh carter yo big fan first time question do either you do does anybody have any visible cigarette burns yeah i have one right there on your hand i got one right somewhere yeah here didn't college be cool kind of thing yeah well these guys i got a dirt bag yeah that's a nice one that's a held its circle oh yeah on purpose why would you go to the most delicate part yeah you gotta go i got a real bad one right there that you can't really see too well but i got it when i was real little the story is are you trying to mock me you fuck no the story
Starting point is 00:55:54 is is that i walked into only you would take that like he's been busting my balls about my long stories and the way he dropped his wish and well the story he's also very crazy yeah i was not mocking you sir he's just feeling vulnerable about his childhood uh is that the story is that i walked into my aunt who had a cigarette lit cigarette in her hand now i think jarn had a one-up connet or cross-examination now what do you want to do at the bottom get the bottom is this your fucking signature the it's too like dead on you think there was some intent did you have a bad relationship with her i was like three a bad relationship oh i didn't know how old you were you said you're a walking buyer kind of three-year-old walking
Starting point is 00:56:43 that fucking eye yeah what i got your head not your arm yeah that's what i'm saying and i don't remember it it's before i can remember oh she probably pissed her off somebody put a cigarette butt out of me that's what i i assume that's what happened yeah that's amazing yeah i get you could see my initials we get in high school in 1998 uh branded yeah with a razor blade we all put our last names on our i got like pa and wait with a hot razor blade or just cut we just cut into our arms just cut with razor one kid went no movies out that weekend i don't know we just got drunk in a shore house and yeah and then we just all were like let's do our initials all right oh kind of you never do anything like that right now i had a friend once turn on mega
Starting point is 00:57:24 domes yeah turn on mega death and fucking pierce his nipples high school i was just like hanging out in his house and he was just like and he started wiping the blood oh my god Jesus Christ what the fuck you hang out with this guy yeah he's a buddy yours yeah still talk to him yeah he's the man still got his nips pierce now still on the mega death they never really close up though he could get it in if he wanted to you ever have a name like coming up like Steve wear my earrings like she goes to a wedding once oh yeah uh dishes i assume you had your ears pierce yeah i got both pierced yeah well what was what did you have like the diamond studs yeah i went diamond that was a big thing i also had gold hoops at one time yeah did you ever have multiple earrings in each year
Starting point is 00:58:08 yeah wow i did the hoops multiples i went diamond solo one diamond one diamond real diamond oh cuba sarconia what kind of places where you're going when you're doing this i don't know he also just a razor blade and fucking cut himself put his initial what what kind of places where you're going do finger banging parties fbp's i've kind of ever put your ears like dance now nose no nope penis nope i my buddy not even close i pierced his eyebrow one time it was like eighth grade or whatever we're you know in his room you're just got looking for something to do yeah he's like i want to pierce my eyebrow when you know i'll do it myself in the bathroom like i'll fucking you know i'll do it thought i had the guts to do it yeah so just heat it up a state like a big safety
Starting point is 00:58:52 pin and i got through i think i went up for i don't know what i got through half damn and i don't they clamp it like did you how did you clamp oh i did i i didn't have the guts to get like i got in oh so you but yeah because i'm like dude i'm fucking yeah i'm i'm throwing my fucking hips behind this thing and it's not coming up yeah yeah so i power's like i'm out so i just left it with him i can't get a fucking uh a safety pin just hanging in his head he's like someone's got to do it someone's got to do it you piece of shit i can't dude i'm squeamish where'd you hit muscle what did you hit muscle or something i don't know it just was it it was just easy squirmish was it it was like taking the hook out of a fish it was like a small man i'm not gonna do you
Starting point is 00:59:35 i use my feet you can't you can't leave somebody hanging well i did i'm sorry james i bet he was more of a big mouth guy who wants his eyebrow pierced in a basement that's why the fuck i i'm gonna run down and grab a sandwich real quick my dad's calling me just hang to christmas ball in the one hand now you look good you look good yeah you're fine all right um let's see this from lewis uh you ever live on the same block as a decommissioned limousine what the fuck does that even live on the same where like someone has a limo or does anybody in your neighborhood it's not really no what do you got fucking eight spots taken up oh i mean i would destroy the girl who had a
Starting point is 01:00:18 ambulance an ambulance like a decommissioned she moved to the nation she was new in the neighborhood that's kind of cool yeah it wasn't not for a sixth grade girl yeah that was not she got fucking holy she got fucking crushed there was a short bus parked behind like somebody took it to school every day that hadn't been there for a while yeah school buses like people get those they become for like you know that tailgating parties what no what are you talking no in the best circumstances yeah you paint it eagles green and you get a grill yeah yeah but that's that's the one percent of school bus owners my one my one buddy put it to paint it is uh like a fucking shitty Nissan like an 85 Nissan bright orange for the flyers franky
Starting point is 01:00:58 scroll shout out frank and then and then paint it the flyers logo on the front of his little beater that's were they good that year or something no i just think he's so passionate i love lindrall's and this wasn't a tailgating car this is like go to work car it's gotta go to enter a enterprise run a car or whatever what if you get fired for something like that if you had like a business job and you were showing up with a bright orange well he's not doing door to door sales i'm sure i'm staying in the in the company you wouldn't happen to be a flyers fan would you sir who's your long distance carrier at the moment have i already stopped by here we had the ultimate trash uh somebody in our neighborhood had a DeLorean an old
Starting point is 01:01:38 yes that never they never run no dude fucking four flat tires just sitting in the driveway didn't matter everybody rolled by yeah is that trash i thought that was cool when it doesn't run far yeah that's cool yeah but it's like so that's someone's project that's someone project this is my thing with it it's a project but the people who's want that to be a project never have they get the money no money and they never have the operating capital finish the project right right 100 yeah they have no idea what that entails as soon as they got the car they're like it's all downhill from here we have the car and it just sits there for years and they sell and get their money out of it and those parts aren't really breaking and it was real trash i was like weeds
Starting point is 01:02:22 growing up behind it oh yeah yeah yeah so the landscaping is always tough on the backside of those yeah one time i began split the back of the chair at thanksgiving just exploded into like matchsticks you can't bounce back from that no a broken chair yeah i don't know which is a beefy name the star what is it a little thicker lori that's a tree that you come out you come out of the womb of a big meat wagon when you got some hips on you as soon as that name goes on a fucking birth certificate it's like nutty professor you smell right out of her paper it's not a forgiving name it's like Maggie like shit like that you know what i mean beef bag names immediate yeah there's some hot maggies out there though very hot bag yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:03:11 there is curly hair you see that like one got it like the one that got it i know a Maggie curly hair i feel like hot maggies have curly hair yeah they do probably never seen one i'll look like linebackers all right let's do one more and wrap it up this has been a heater what is this three three questions four or five maybe okay that's about 15 20 minutes of questions yeah that's good yeah uh this is from lee ever book a hotel room with cash yeah of course of course you have yeah well i mean i didn't have any credit i know i still i mean i just what did you have to put down because that happened to me once i used to have to go to i forget but i used to have to go to um uh what's the walmart not walmart what's the sears shittiest
Starting point is 01:04:00 walgreens department store kmart walworth yeah it was either kmart or something but i had to pay back a debt uh using to clean up your credit to clean up my credit so i had to pay that with cash as well like everything was cash because i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't afford a card you had to go to a walmart to pay a bill you paid a bill in the store it was through this uh what's the pay process jesus christ i don't remember running this it was like 15 30s dot com yeah but yeah i paid so i had to pay in cash for for hotels and shit like if i want to take a girl a red roof in after going off the irish pub after winning a halloween contest that's what i did halloween contest what was the outfit or costume me and my boy were were were tetris pieces really intense about halloween for
Starting point is 01:04:42 like three four years jesus christ and uh we're in his parents basement it's so important when you're like 24 or whatever yeah yeah it's like 20 those years 20 21 22 your identity for a little thank you kevin start playing in like eight thank you kev yeah so uh this one year uh we couldn't figure out what we wanted to be and we're like fucking we used to go to davis's trading post like and then just like walk around find something and we go back to his parents uh basement and we're just fucking scratching our heads and he looks over and he's like i fucking got it i did i got it and he like i could sit i could tell he had a good one he looks behind the couch he goes look and it's a full-sized white Siberian tiger this is like two weeks maybe one week after
Starting point is 01:05:24 sigfried and roick a bit oh so four days sigfried and roick so we go to davis's trading post and we just get two um what are they paying you or something like the time you mentioned davis's trading post no it's the best place to go i don't know what it is either delco delco whites will understand it's like what my mom mentions the five and dime i'm like i don't know what you're talking about sequent one piece suits like elva suits i get black he gets white and the it's full-sized tiger so he he's obviously the guy that gets bit so he ties the tiger around it i i i would be dragging he was he's six four and then he gets a neck wound he's got all the things all the accessories that are fun i just look like a fucking when he goes to the bathroom i'm just i'm a gay i'm a
Starting point is 01:06:05 bg yes but the prize money was 700 700 hours so what they did was they walked around there was like a it's like whatever their hosts were no they uh judges they walk around one or two or something they tapped you and they'd be like yeah you're in the top 10 and then it was mob dude nuts to butts you couldn't fucking slide anywhere so we go in the back and they parade you around on top of the bar in the back they picked the top five the top five would stand on the bar and walk all the way to the end of the bar and the dude would put his hand over each one and crowd there was like 300 people it was my first kill because by the time they got to us kill it was halloween at the irish oh let me tell you how let me tell you how
Starting point is 01:06:49 emotional this was he started crying he was so happy and laughing so hard they get to before they could even get to us we're on the fifth on the end the entire place is chanting sick freed and roi sick freed and roi and then they put on this like this music he starts doing the fucking billy madison the pony dance down the other end of the bar back and forth and then we uh we met a couple ladies because you know yeah and then i went to the red roof in pay a little cash and had that was the worst next day uh what do you call the walk of shame just a sequence suit coming out of the red roof with a bloody stuffed tiger no he had the tiger we split ways oh my god these two are crazy that's not a crazy story that's a fun
Starting point is 01:07:34 useful story that's a good one that's a good one the red roof that is a good one i like that one you could experience you had that one that sounds enjoyable okay are you having a good time yeah yeah i've never gotten laid from a costume before what were your halloween costumes and like this is jesus christ yeah i think i was the dude one year who's the glibowski from low about okay yeah it's just his neighbor dude i i never had a good costume again it's it's like it's not something you're proud of to be honest yeah it's like but we did i mean it was it was big that is a good costume man i love it boys we absolutely love you i love you stop filing this podcast patreon's cooking yeah you're gonna be doing a cooking show we're also doing he film he cut my hair because
Starting point is 01:08:21 people are interested in how to how to cut their own hair so we're gonna do like stupid shit like that those two it is impressive they're just at some point it's gonna be a 24 7 livestream of them just hanging out in their house we are pay for it you get it top tier member wednesday nights wednesday nights we do livestream us playing uh surprisingly fucking fun it's fucking really he was giving me the metaverse rundown where i was just like uh yeah i was like i don't get it sure oh you're gonna be big in the meta you you you you he's already killed three people in the metaverse i'm a hanging upside down bleeding out there's shit and puking and tubs he's gonna let some forearm space as well yeah thank you guys thank you guys thank you
Starting point is 01:09:08 we absolutely love you kippy what do you got for him guys check out the fucking special our live show the middle class famous tour is on sale right now we're going to Hartford Albany Syracuse fucking Atlanta Tampa Orlando Pittsburgh Buffalo Detroit Denver Phoenix Salt Lake City Chicago Rosemont the whole nine at camera and comedy on social media check it out we'll be adding more dates to that we love you guys and we'll see you next week peace

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