Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard - Armchair Anonymous: Wild Card III

Episode Date: December 1, 2023

Dax and Monica talk to Armcherries! In today's episode, Armcherries tell us their craziest stories. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Trip Planner by Expedia. You were made to have strong opinions about sand. We were made to help you and your friends find a place on a beach with a pool and a marina and a waterfall and a soaking tub. Expedia. Made to travel. Welcome, welcome, welcome to Armchair Anonymous. I'm Daniel Roebuck and I'm joined by Monica Pladman. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I kind of wish it was Pladman. The Pladmans of Georgia. Because then people would call me like. Pladdy? Pladhead. What about Pladdy? Like platypus. Yeah. Pladdy. You wouldn't like platypus. A mammal that lays eggs. No it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:00:39 it's kind of like chinchilla. You kind of are a platypus. Oh because of my eggs. Because you're a mammal that lays big eggs. Big, big eggs. Okay. Okay. This was a story. Tell us a crazy story about eggs.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Nope. Okay. Could that be a prompt? Sure. Okay. This is wild card. Yes. We love it.
Starting point is 00:01:01 We do. I got to say, these are our favorite to record because we really don't know what's coming. It could go anywhere. Only Emma knows what's about to hit us. That's right. It's so fun. Let me just glance through these four to see if people can listen. They can.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yeah. I think this is kind of okay. Okay. Yeah. It's not great, but none of these are going to be good. No. Other than the one that tells us about an act of kindness. Yeah. They're all going to be nasty. Yeah. It's not great, but none of these are going to be good. No. Other than the one that tells us about an act of kindness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:26 They're all going to be nasty. Yeah. Till the end of time. That's what this is. Yeah. It's a tour down the nasty alley. Please enjoy Wild Card. Wild Card. Good times, take them slow. My life, I had them both.
Starting point is 00:01:48 But one thing you gotta know, I'ma keep on shining. Wild card. Hello. Oh, connecting. Oh, you can read that? Hi, Dylan. Hi, guys. I have to interrupt you real quick.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I can't read it, but I know that that little sentence on the bottom means it's connecting. Okay, but I wanted to make sure because my eyes. No, I can't fucking see that. Dylan, how old are you? I am 31. So your eyes are probably bulletproof. They're stellar. They're excellent so far.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Lucky. So envious. I can see you beautiful people just fine. Oh, good. You're a very organized young man. I love your far. So lucky. So envious. I can see you beautiful people just fine. Oh, good. You're a very organized young man. I love your hats. Thank you. I'd credit my wife for a last minute, like, we need to put some shit behind you because this isn't going to work.
Starting point is 00:02:35 There's a duffel bag and, you know, an open watch box. I'm like, you're right. What do we do here? So we did a little dry run yesterday and got everything. Oh. I hate to be stereotypical, but I definitely was excited that you did that with the hats. And now it's like,
Starting point is 00:02:50 yeah, obviously the wife did it. Well, let me say this, Monica. They were over here in a different section. They were still organized. I just had to slide them. Dylan, have you watched the Beckham doc? I was just going to say that. I know you were. I have not, but I heard you guys talking about how great it was.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And I was getting my hair cut yesterday. Maybe not, maybe because I was going to come meet you guys. But it got brought up. And I was like, I've heard it was great. I need to watch it. Well, one of the many interesting, unique things is his closet and the way he organizes his clothes is so OCD. I love it.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I could never keep a closet like his, but it's so appealing. Oh, that's funny because I was going to bring up when you lifted your hand to drink your water, you're wearing a Beckham-esque sweater. That sounds like a huge compliment. I'm going to take that. You're triggering two different Beckham memories, which is the dream. I'm trying to now look like him. You know, I don't think I belong in the same sentence as Beckham, but I'm going to take all the love. I love it. All right. So what's fun about this prompt, wildcard, is we have no clue what's coming our way. Yes, it's a wildcard. I will tell you that.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Well, Dylan, tell us what happened. Okay. This story takes place in downtown Denver almost seven years ago now. So at the time, my wife and I were living downtown, working downtown. I was working as an auditor at an accounting firm. So this was late January, maybe early February, but either way, any auditors out there listening know that's our busy season, we call it. Just grueling hours, working around the clock, tons of deadlines to meet. Because tax season's approaching April 15th, is that why? You're about the thousandth
Starting point is 00:04:25 person to assume that, Dax. But from the audit side, what I was doing, we come in and we audit the client's financial statement. So there's a 60 or 75 day, depending on how large the company is, to file your financial statement to the SEC. The auditor comes in and makes sure the books and records are all kosher, how they should be. So that's why we are just slammed and it happens to line up with tax season. Anyway, my own mom and dad still ask me like, aren't you glad you're not doing that tax season stuff anymore? I'm like, it's not exactly the same. But needless to say, it was a busy night, not unlike the others. It was just a typical weeknight. I'm in the office late and I start to text my wife to see what she's up to. I knew she'd gone out to dinner with some friends.
Starting point is 00:05:05 We decide, let's meet at our friend's apartment. They lived really close. Essentially, a park separated our apartment building from our good friends. So I said, I don't want you walking home late at night in the dark through the park. So I'll meet you there in about a half hour. We'll walk home. Important detail. I had my headphones in at this point and just blasted the music up full blast.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Like it had been a very long day. I pack up to leave. At this point, it's well after 10 p.m. I'm the last one in this office building. So the door I'd gotten accustomed to leaving out of that late at night was this side door. Every night, there'd be a security guard there like 24-7 just sitting in a chair. I'd always say goodnight to him. This particular night, I noticed he wasn't there,
Starting point is 00:05:45 which I thought was kind of odd, but didn't think too much of it. Just kept on walking. The rest of the walk was pretty ordinary until I got about halfway through this park that I spoke of that separated our friend's apartment from ours. And I will never forget this,
Starting point is 00:06:00 this sensation of what am I looking at? Because I just started to notice shadows on the ground, like on my feet of the trees I'm walking under. I can like see the tree branches. You know, it's been a long day. I'm tired, but I know enough to be like, I shouldn't be seeing shadows. It's 11 p.m. at this point. So I look up and there's a helicopter hovering over me with its spotlight shining directly on top of me. On you? On me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Okay. As soon as I look up at it, it just kind of moves the light off and flies away. It's like, okay, well, that was weird. But at this point, my mind immediately goes to, there've been a lot of drownings in the Platte River that flows through downtown Denver. It was like an unordinary high water time of year. There were several people that had gone missing and my mind immediately went there. I was like, oh, they must be searching for someone. Right. And the river,
Starting point is 00:06:49 like how terrible. Hope they find them. And I just keep walking. I'm actually going over the bridge to cross this river. And as I'm halfway over the bridge, now I noticed to my left, just on the other side of the park, this main street that comes down, cop cars are just flying down, lights, this main street that comes down. Cop cars are just flying down. Lights, sirens, headed in the direction that I'm going. So I'm getting nervous. My wife's in that general direction.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So I start calling her and doesn't answer. Call her again, doesn't answer. At this point, I'm at my friend's apartment. I'm in this courtyard just waiting, trying to get ahold of my wife. I do finally see like way off in the distance, her and my two friends walking towards me. Big sigh of relief. She's safe.
Starting point is 00:07:27 They're safe. I quickly don't see them anymore because all of a sudden, four cop cars come off of the street into this courtyard of this apartment complex. They jump the curbs and they're driving. Jump the curb in my direction. And even then, I remember my friend telling me like, yeah, I'm pretty confident this guy below is when he's selling drugs out of his window. So I go to that. I'm like, oh, I might get to see a drug buzz. This might actually be kind of cool. So a moment of excitement, which quickly dissipates when all eight doors of these four cars fly open, eight
Starting point is 00:07:59 cops, eight guns drawn directly at me. Oh, wow. Wow, wow, wow. You're the show that people get to watch. Absolutely. Would the prompt be, tell us about a time you murdered someone? And you didn't know it. Like a night terror murder. I like where your head is going. I still have my headphones on full blast, so I don't know what's being shouted at me. I go pull out a headphone and I just hear, drop it, drop it on the ground, on the ground. Drop what? I'm like, oh, I'm holding my phone. So I like drop my phone. I do as I'm told. I'm on my knees. And like within seconds, I'm in handcuffs. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I'm going into shock a little bit, but I know I've done nothing wrong. I literally left work 15 minutes ago. Stay calm. This has to be a mistake. The cop just kind of makes me laugh looking back. The one that cuffed me, it was clearly new because he starts asking me some questions that I think a seasoned officer would not handle. He asks if I have any weapons on me, which is fair. Textbook. Any weapons in your backpack, which is my work bag.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I'm like, there's a laptop and a fucking 10 key calculator. Like, no, there's no weapons in the backpack. Unless you've got some dirty books, then yeah, it's a weapon. You're right. That certainly could be that. If you're cooking the books, that 10 key will sort that out. You're right. And he asks if there's a way to get my backpack off without uncuffing me. Oh my God. Use your brain.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I don't know what to say. So he turns to his partners, like, well, what do we do? And they pick me up, place me on this bench, go through my stuff from there. Then some of the questions start to come, like, who are you? What are you doing here? They ask where I'm coming from, which I say work, and they ask what I do. I say I'm an accountant. Immediately, I just start to feel a little, well, that sounds fishy. Unless you know what I do, why is an accountant leaving work at 11 p.m. at night? Yeah, and they're like, it's not tax season. That's April 15th. Exactly. So I'm like, this doesn't sound great. That's April 15th. Exactly. So I'm like, this doesn't sound great for me, but it is the truth. So I continue. They ask, where's your
Starting point is 00:09:50 office? I give them the cross streets, just kind of nods and walks away. At this point, there's quite a scene developing. Everybody and their mother is out of their apartments, wondering what the hell is going on. Coming up, cops are screaming to get back. Is the helicopter hovering overhead? The helicopter's gone. I never saw the helicopter again, but there's more cops than there were that initially pulled up into the courtyard. Oh my God. People everywhere, lights flashing on me, and I'm just trying to soak this all in. Like, what the hell is going on? I start to think of Dateline. Monica, I love your Dateline stories.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I'm like, okay, I've seen a lot of Dateline. I've seen plenty of TV. Like, the innocent person, how do they fuck up in this situation? Well, they typically scream and yell and get upset and, like, freak out. I'm like, I'm going to do the opposite. I'm just going to stay calm. Like, this will work itself out. That approach works for about a minute, probably, as I'm just sitting there quietly until I hear one of the cops on the radio say,
Starting point is 00:10:42 yep, we got him. What the fuck? No, the fuck you do not. Yeah, yeah. I need to stick up for myself. I don't know what's going on, but they don't have the right guy. Oh, this is so scary.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah. I work the balls up to just be like, excuse me, officer, can I ask what's going on? He comes over and he says, an officer has been shot. Oh my God. He was shot in the exact location you claim to be coming from. There were two witnesses.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You match the description that they gave us. They are on their way here to identify you. And if you had nothing to do with this, then you have nothing to worry about. That's a lot to take in. You're now relying on two people. And did you think in your head, did I do it? I didn't get to that point, but I was like, holy shit. He's not in the twilight zone.
Starting point is 00:11:31 He's in Denver. I know I would think that for a second. Like, wait, is it possible I blacked out or something? It gets worse, Monica, which I did start to really question my own sanity here in a minute. But when he first says that, I just say, oh my God, that's terrible. Like I told you, I'm here to meet my wife. Talk about wrong place at the wrong time. And he goes, we'll see about that.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And just turns around and like walks away. Well, can I say, Dylan, you're already lucky. When an officer gets shot, man, everyone's in another headspace. Like the fact that no one shot when all eight were pointed at you is like, you know, that's about the most dangerous situation you can be in as if an officer's been shot. Trust me, Dax, I've thought about that
Starting point is 00:12:11 so many times of just how lucky I am it didn't go another way. Look, let's be honest. If you were black, you would have been shot. I've thought it many times. I remember your story about after the Lakers won and, you know, the things could have gone a different way. This story came to mind when you told that.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Like, yep, I am very privileged and I just will accept that. So, at this point, he tells me that. He walks off and I'm like, oh, we're not off to a great start with this guy. He's starting to question me a little bit, starting to get in my head. A while back in the story, but in reality, not that long before, I told you I'd seen my wife approaching. Yeah. All of a sudden, I just hear, are you fucking kidding me? He's never even held a gun. This is so fucked up. She's a mighty mouse, Monica. Yes. All five
Starting point is 00:12:55 foot three of her is like storming through this crowd. And this is not hyperbole. She gets through two cops before this female just like clotheslines her. Oh my god. They send the broad in. I hear two or three more F-bombs come out of her mouth before I'm like, Megan, stop. Stop. It's okay. I'm okay. This is a mistake. We don't both need to go to jail tonight. Please stop screaming at
Starting point is 00:13:17 officers. My friend is able to corral her and get her inside. Another officer comes over. He's like, she was saying this is her husband. Was that your wife? I'm like, that's her. I told you I was coming to escort that helpless wife of mine home. I think she's going to be walking me home from now on.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You know, I start to feel like a zoo animal. Everyone's still circled around trying to figure out what's going on. We're just waiting for these witnesses at this point. Man, did it feel like a long time. And as calm and like rational and reasonable as I felt like I was that night, the one dumb thing I did, I finally looked up at the officer and said,
Starting point is 00:13:51 officer, can I ask you a question? He's like, what? I'm like, is he okay? And he just looks at me. He gives me this like puzzled look. Is who okay? What are you talking about? I'm like, the officer.
Starting point is 00:13:59 He's like, what officer? I'm like, you just told me two minutes ago that an officer has been shot. I'm just asking if he's okay and he goes i never told you that i thought he was gonna say i didn't say it was a he you know that old trick that was a mistake i'm gonna agree with you oh yeah yeah yeah that sounds a little weird yeah yeah yeah yeah so now i'm like i'm fucked i am so fucked at the very least i'm spending the night in jail i'm gonna going to have to lawyer up. I've just admitted. I know a cop's been shot. I know that I was at the scene of this giant spotlight in my face. They told me to look straight, chin up.
Starting point is 00:14:45 That felt like a lifetime until I finally heard the door open and just heard negative, negative. And like within an instant, cuffs are off. People scram. Like the cops do U-turns and they're out of the courtyard. The crowd disperses and it's just me. Yeah, because the guy's still out there. Exactly. So the only people that are left are the two officers, kind of the rookie and the guy that was playing mind freak with me. He has me write a statement. He doesn't apologize. He was very polite and respectful. Thanks me for my cooperation. And as I'm writing my statement, to your point, Dax, the 911 operator comes across the radio and says, again, we're looking for a tall white male, six foot to six foot two, brown hair, brown beard, wearing a black coat, khaki pants, and a black backpack. Hope they rearrested you.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And he looks me up and down like it is me to a fucking tee. He just says like, do you understand why we grabbed you? I'm like, yes. He said the helicopter spotted me. He was screaming my name's Dylan as he left the scene. I was free to go home. I didn't sleep a wink that night. I was just trying to come down from this crazy experience.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I find out what really happened, which, I mean, breaks my heart. It is a tragedy. Sure enough, outside my office building, someone just walked up, shot and killed an officer and took off. Two women did witness this. I did match this description. I went back and put the timeline together. I am certain if I didn't have my headphones on full blast sitting there packing up that I would have heard this gunshot, but I didn't hear shit. I went out the side door and I headed one direction towards where I live, towards the park. He shot the officer and took off into downtown, further into the city.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And they caught him shortly after they had me hiding out on some patio downtown. Was it a Dateline episode? Was there someone's wife in the middle of all this? No. From what I can tell, someone had just gone insane. Wow. Oh my God. Yeah, actually here, I have a picture because I was so thankful, obviously, when those witnesses were staring at me that I must not have looked anything like this person because clearly they're in shock. If I look anything like him, I'm sure it's… Right.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yes. Could be. I don't know. Like, that might be him. I mean, I know that's how I'm sure I would have responded in a crazy situation like that. This isn't great for the listener, but I'll at least show you guys. This is the mugshot after they caught him. No wonder.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Okay, so just for the listener. Wow, wow, wow, wow. He only has one eye. He has crazy long hair. He has a huge beard. He looks just like Charlie Manson if Charlie Manson had one eye. And he's been shooting dope in his forehead. I don't mean to laugh.
Starting point is 00:17:21 It's just you look nothing like him. Yeah, no, that guy is, yeah. If anything, Dylan looks like Lane Norton. So just compare Lane Norton and Charlie Manson. Well, Charlie Manson had two eyes and was a little, exactly, a little handsome. The next day, I'll just give you a quick kind of where this went from there. Boss texted me like, oh my God, something horrible happened. Someone was shot like right outside the office. I'm like, yeah, I have a story about that.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I'll be in a little later today. I kind of took my time to get into work that day. As soon as I got there, I tell the team and, you know, it spread. So if the security guard left his post to go see what had happened. Thank you. I meant to circle back to that. I never got a chance to ask him. I never saw that security guard again, but I'm guessing that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah. There was this gunshot. He took off to go chance to ask him. I never saw that security guard again, but I'm guessing that's what happened. Yeah. There was this gunshot. He took off to go tend to the scene. I walk out moments later, not a clue in the world, and go down on my own happy way. For a second, I thought it was going to be
Starting point is 00:18:15 that it was him who got shot. The security guard. That ended up being the officer. Not him. But yeah, man, I told that story 20 times that day, and it certainly has become sort of a folklore around the company of be careful during busy season working downtown. The last kind of punchline that I chuckle out a little bit to this day. So I tell that story that day at work. The day goes pretty much as usual after that. And we're working late again. My boss goes, nobody's walking home. Everybody takes an Uber. Like, you got it. Happy to not walk tonight. Next morning rolls around.
Starting point is 00:18:48 We come back in and my co-workers sit there waiting for me. He's like, Dylan, I got a story for you. I'm like, all right, what could you have that compares to what I just went through? So let me hear it. He's like, well, I got in the Uber last night. And my Uber driver said, that's just so sad what happened last night to the officer. They caught him though. I saw the whole thing. They caught him right outside my apartment building. I was there. No. He looks
Starting point is 00:19:09 like Lane Norton. Wait, that's crazy. He was gracious enough to correct her like, oh no, no, no. That's actually a coworker of mine, wrong person. But I mean, for a while I was like, I can't show my face at my best friend's apartment anymore because people think I'm a escaped murderer or something. It took me a little to get over that. I've told the story many times to anyone and everyone that will listen, but that is my wild card. Yeah, that was wild. Thank you guys for having me. This is a little dream come true. So nice to speak with you guys. Yeah, right back at you. Bye. Everyone w were right you're vindicated yeah you stand corrected you're really rubbing my nose in it because i already offered an apology no but you really i
Starting point is 00:19:52 don't care because because you don't care you embarrassed her and now that's right thank you back did you hear that weird squeak earlier oh there's weird squeak Oh, there's a weird squeak. Hello. Hello. It's really you. Yes, it is. Is this Carrie?
Starting point is 00:20:10 This is Carrie. Yes. Nice to meet you. What an elegant closet you have. I get the chance to talk to you guys, and it's not how I envisioned our first meeting would be in my closet, but here we are. What city are you in, Carrie? I'm in Portland, Oregon. Ah, PDX. My whole family's up there. Best airport, would you say? I'm in Portland, Oregon. Ah, PDX.
Starting point is 00:20:26 My whole family's up there. Best airport, would you say? I would not. No. In fact, I have beef with PDX. I think the security line at PDX is very hit or miss. Sometimes you walk up and you're like, oh no, what is this going to take? The airport itself is nice, but you don't think that line gets a little bonkers?
Starting point is 00:20:44 It does. It does. But they win all kinds of awards. Really? Yeah. That's a beautiful airport. I don't remember that. What's the best restaurant there? Ooh, I like Henry's. It's good for some mimosas, a burger. Okay, you know your audience. Did you happen to hear the episode where we had gone to a wedding up there and we ate repeatedly at, I can't remember the name now, the breakfast spot. Carol's? Oh yeah. A woman's name. Cheryl. Love Cheryl's. So Carrie, because it's wildcard, we have no idea what the topic is you're going to speak on. And we're so excited. As soon as Monica tends to her ringing phone. I titled this one, tell Us About a Time You Were Involved in a Freak Accident.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Oh, I'm titillated. So the story takes place here in Portland. It was December 2016, a couple of years ago. Can I tell you something weird, Carrie? We've heard six stories today, and virtually all of them have taken place in 2016. The story we just heard, he said seven years ago. I didn't do the math out loud, but that's 2016. Oh, that is bizarre. There's something spooky happening. Well, 2016 wasn't the best year. Oh, I forgot. We were leaving my youngest daughter's Christmas performance from preschool. And my husband had to then take off for a coach's meeting across town, preparing to be a basketball coach for our daughters. So I head home with my three girls alone, dealing with bedtime routines. It's getting kind of late in the evening. As we all know, bedtime can get a little bit hairy.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Worst part of the day, yeah. Worst time of the day, yes. When my oldest, who was in third grade at the time, realizes that she hasn't finished her homework. So she's sitting at our kitchen island and I'm kind of leaning over her, helping her with math. Tensions are starting to rise. She claims I don't know how to do elementary school math. It's not the way her teacher is teaching her.
Starting point is 00:22:35 She's right. They don't teach it the same anymore. They don't. Three plus three is not six. You have to explain why it's six, right? You have to give paragraphs. So we're getting more and more frustrated with one another. And during all of this, as she's getting even more frustrated,
Starting point is 00:22:49 she kind of whittles her body around quickly in the bar stool and throws her hands up in the air and yelling, you know, I can do this on my own, and proceeds to stab me in the eye with her pencil. Oh, no. Ew. Oh, fuck. It happened so fast of course and so i immediately cupped my eye with my hand and i can just feel my hand is just filling with blood i'm gushing blood is the pencil
Starting point is 00:23:16 stuck in the eyeball or it has come out it has come out it is still in her fucking blood's coming out of your eyeball still in her hand so Holy fucking blood's coming out of your eyeball. It's still in her hands. So she literally just like stabbed. Oh yeah, like fatal attraction. Yeah, threw her hands up. And so I immediately freak out, of course, but I go into our hall bathroom and lock the door just to assess
Starting point is 00:23:38 do I still have an eyeball? What is happening? She's screaming, I'm so sorry mommy. You know, freaking out crying. And meanwhile my other two know, freaking out, crying. And meanwhile, my other two now are getting out of bed. They hear this commotion. They come downstairs. They see blood all down our hallway to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And I'm in the bathroom kind of leaning over the sink. And of course, the sink is filling with blood. I'm terrified to look in the mirror. Of course. I'm convinced that I in the mirror. Of course. I'm convinced that I've lost my eyeball. Do you remember being cognizant of whether or not you could see out of the stabbed eye? Great question. I tried to open my eye and I had no eyesight out of that eye.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So I'm even more convinced I can't see. So I try to call my husband who's at this meeting across town and it's getting snowy and icy. It's December in Portland. And maybe like the third time he finally answers the phone, he's hearing the screaming in the background. And all I say to him is, Anna stabbed me in the eye. So it's probably the worst way to lead a conversation, but he's trying to figure out like, what the heck are you talking about? Get home, honey. I'm blind. Exactly. So he kind of tries to calm me down, talks me off of a ledge, and gets the idea we have a friend who lives nearby who happens to be an ophthalmologist. So he says, I'm going to call him.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I can't get over to you immediately. Anybody that knows the Portland area in the winter, we don't know how to drive in the ice and snow. The whole city just shuts down. As good as the airport is, the driving could be better. Wait, pause. No one is like, call 911. You're bleeding so much. In retrospect, yes, we should be calling 911, but we're trying to just calm everything down.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Oh, everyone hates calling 911. Well, it's expensive to take an ambulance ride. Even if you live next to an ophthalmologist, no one wants to pay. So our friend comes over and he tries to assess what's happening. I'm explaining I can't see out of my eye. And as he's looking at me, he's saying, the reason you can't see out of your eye right now, you have your eyeball. He rest assures I have my eyeball. It's just so bloody. So we clean it up and he starts to look and explain eye wounds and head wounds, of course, bleed much more than most part of your body. So it's actually not as traumatic as you think. But what had happened is when you pull down
Starting point is 00:25:55 kind of your eyelid, where your eyelid and your eyeball connect, that was totally sliced from those pens. Yeah, It was totally sliced open. I got to ask a really gross question, but has the lead broken off in there? Yeah. Great question. Well, we looked as well, and no, it was a clean slice,
Starting point is 00:26:14 completely, in and out. Yeah. It was so disgusting, of all things. And eye wounds, I think, are even more gross. Oh, it's the most vulnerable part of your whole being. Your brain is hanging out of your head.
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's part of your brain. It's not. No, it is. If you listen to Huberman talk, it's actually part of your brain. It's the only thing that's connected to your brain that's exposed to the... Oh, yeah, it's connected for sure, yeah. So, more and more, he's still looking me over and says, you know, actually, eye wounds clear up from trauma pretty easily. He had some steroid cream and he just instructed me,
Starting point is 00:26:45 he said, use a steroid cream in the morning if you have a hard time seeing, definitely go to the doctor, but I really think you're going to be okay. And I'm starting to kind of gain my eyesight back during all of this. Oh, thank God. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So he leaves the house, my husband finally gets home, everything's fine. And in the morning, miraculously, I can see totally fine, but my eye did look like it was straight out of a horror movie for several weeks. It was so gross.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Oh my God. What was it? It was bloodshot to high heaven or there was goop? What do we got? All of the above. Bloodshot, black and blue. It just looked like I got beat up.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And how's your daughter? Well, it was so fun talking to her again about this story. And she was just like, I was just so scared. Everyone was just so scared. We didn't know. And I'm locked in the bathroom with blood on the hallway.
Starting point is 00:27:29 It just was terrible. You had quite a bit of leverage over her for at least a couple of weeks. For sure. Oh, completely. You know, if she'd complained to me, I remember for a short time or after, I would just pull down my eyelid and show. What are you going to do? Stab me in the eye again? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:43 What are you going to do? Stab me in the eye again? Exactly. To this day, honestly, I do not get near them doing homework because I am like PTSD. Anywhere near a pencil. So that was my freak accident. It all worked out well, but it was horrifying at the time. Did the neighbor ask you to Venmo him? Good question. No. It was totally on the house. What a neighborly. Wow. You know, if I ever go shopping for a house again in a neighborhood and I'm talking to the real estate agent, I might inquire, are there any ophthalmologists in the neighborhood?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Or medical. Professionals. Yes. I think you need a plumber, an electrician, medical personnel, a lawyer. Yeah. And I'll offer some mechanical assistance. There you go. Those type of people definitely need it.
Starting point is 00:28:25 They don't, you know, they spend too much time in medical school. They don't know about the internal combustion engine. Wow. Wow, Carrie. That's the fool. I'm trying to think, I guess my ultimate fear
Starting point is 00:28:33 generally when I have nightmares, the nightmare I have all the time is my teeth are falling out. Oh, gosh. I think I say I've had orthodontia for so fucking long.
Starting point is 00:28:40 It's like PTSD. So I'm trying to decide whether I would rather get stabbed in the eye or have my teeth knocked out. But they're tied. I mean, that to decide whether i would rather get stabbed in the eye or have my teeth knocked out but they're tied i mean i would rather get my teeth knocked out oh wow both of you also because you can get fake teeth you can't i mean you can get another eye and that's great yeah a glass eye i think they're coral now but yeah prosthetic yes i would vote teeth any day trust me granted i've never had my teeth knocked out, but having this eye trauma was horrible.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oof, oof, oof, oof, oof, oof. Oh, man. Wow, thanks for sharing that. Yeah, that was a clincher. That made us feel gross. Yeah. It was a total freak accident. This has been so, so fun.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And if it's okay, I'd love to just share with you guys how much this opportunity means to me. It came at such a fun time and crazy time in my life. Earlier this summer, I got a stage four cancer diagnosis. Oh my gosh. And chatting with you guys, I deal with stress with humor and levity. Podcast got me through all my chemo treatments this summer. Oh, Carrie. Actually, this Friday, I had my first surgery to remove some tumors. So the timing of chatting with you guys is like a light and a joy and a very stressful week for me.
Starting point is 00:29:49 So thank you so much for this opportunity. It's been honestly the highlight of my life and it's been so fun to chat with you. We're so grateful to have you. Thank you. Also, I'm a little angry at the universe because you're clearly a very sweet person who's raising three little girls and you've been stabbed in the eye and then you have a cancer. This is not fair. No, the shit should be happening to me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Knock on wood. Knock on wood. Yeah. I just want to show my gratitude through such a odd, weird, scary time and contributing to the humor and the messiness of being human, right? Well, we're the lucky ones to get to have people like you in our orbit. Yeah. Thank you, Carrie, for sharing that.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And obviously, good luck with all that. We're going to send you a lot of love and well wishes. Very sorry you're going through that. I so appreciate it. The timing was just perfection. So thank you guys. Give our love to that basketball coach and the three little girls. Nice meeting you. Bye. Yeah. I'm going to wave every time now. I hated
Starting point is 00:30:50 that. I know it's so insanely unfair. That makes me want to get under the covers and never come out because life is too scary and upsetting and sad. I'm going to do it. Oh, well, it sounds like maybe you wanted to. I already wanted. You already wanted to. Okay. That story reminds me. Do you know the story about Simone? I don't know if I do. Okay. Simone, really amazing makeup artist in LA, does Kristen's makeup.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Sometimes does mine. Sometimes does yours. Yeah. She's the best. She really is. She's the very best. So good. So she used to do Will Ferrell's on set. Yeah. I think she did the basketball movie and a couple others.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah, she's done a couple movies. And she was on, I want to say Step Brothers, maybe. She was doing Will's makeup. And so she was on set. She dropped something. She bent down to get it. She felt something weird in her eye. When she bent down, there was like garment bags hanging over a chair with the hook of the coat hanger.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Like hanging out. The coat hanger went in to her eye. Socket. Into the socket. Was hanging. The garment was hanging from her face. Yes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:32:01 She had become a coat hanger. Yeah. She pulled it out. Yeah. Like immediately, that was the instinct, was just, like, pull it out. And then she obviously, like, went to the hospital. Sued Will Ferrell.
Starting point is 00:32:10 She didn't. Okay. Or the movie, They're Lucky. But it went, like, right, thank God. There's, like, an opening. There's, like, a tube, a gap. So it just, like, went right in there. She probably had to wear a patch or something for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:23 But it didn't. I wore a patch. I know. It didn't do I wear a patch. I know. It didn't do permanent damage or anything, but can you, you bend down in the cup? No. What? No, thank you. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I'd pick that over my teeth getting knocked out though. No, you wouldn't. I would. Coat hanger in your eyeball. Yeah, for sure. Over my teeth getting knocked out. But why were you involved in all these fights where that was like probably a high probability? It was.
Starting point is 00:32:47 You know, this may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but when you're engaging in battle, the last thing you're worried about is your physical safety. I can't. You've thrown that to the wind. I know, but you were choosing to engage in that fight. And if you care so much about your teeth. Well, in a Sapolsky way, I don't ever experience the choice.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I experience the inciting incident and then I feel myself reacting. Right. But can you see objectively that. That if you have that fear, you should stay away from fisticuffs. Well, sure. Yes. And objectively, someone coming up and punching you in the face randomly is different than you reacting to some stimuli and then engaging in a fight and saying, meet me outside.
Starting point is 00:33:29 To you, yes. To me, no. You don't think that's the same? I know it's not because when it reaches the point where two guys are screaming, fuck you, motherfucker, at each other in their faces, what's happening next is someone's getting hit first. And after you've been hit first a couple of times while someone's screaming in your face, fuck you, motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:33:47 what you learn is when I hear fuck you, motherfucker, I better be the first one to swing because it's coming. So it's almost like because the dots have been connected, the in my face, fuck you, it might as well be the punch because I know what's coming next. You know?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Okay. Next caller. Yeah. Sasha hated sand, the way it stuck to things for weeks. So when Maddie shared a surf trip on Expedia Trip Planner, he hesitated. Then he added a hotel with a cliffside pool to the plan, and they both spent the week in the water. You were made to follow your whims.
Starting point is 00:34:34 We were made to help find a place on the beach with a pool and a waterfall and a soaking tub and, of course, a great shower. Expedia. Made to travel. Hello. Hello. Grace, how are you? So nice to meet you both. Thank you so much for having me. Oh, we're delighted to. Where are you calling from? I am in New York City and I apologize, Monica, because I am a big rule follower, but I do not have a closet. That's okay. Of course, you live in New York City. You'd have to be a billionaire. Yeah, I cannot fit in there. It's okay. You still sound great.
Starting point is 00:35:12 What part of New York are you in? I'm in Brooklyn. Yeah. I can't really see you that well. You need to tilt. That's better. That's better. Yeah, there we go. That says a lot about your ego. That means you were actually looking at us. Because if you were looking at yourself, which people tend to do on a Zoom, you would have noticed we only saw half your face. That's really true. It's a feather in your cap that you didn't notice that. Good.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Part of me, can I be dead honest? Yeah. And even while you were saying it, I had some anxiety. I thought, maybe she has an enormous goiter in your neck, which people get. I thought it too. She was covering it for a reason. Yes. But we would love her anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:49 We would. So we needed to see more. So it's funny you say that because there are actually some pictures I have where my neck looks ginormous. I don't know why. You don't have Graves disease or anything, do you? I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I will try to find it. I did swim in college and i had pretty significant traps which i think kind of expanded the size of my neck sure but cvs didn't be dirty on a passport photo i will my neck looks big to the point where i would go through security and they would be like congrats you look jacked oh wow you know my ex-girlfriend brie had a similar thing she got a license photo and she wore a white collared shirt. Something happened whereby the unbuttonness, it looked like her neck was about 16 inches long. It is insane.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I'm going to ask her for that as well. I already asked someone else for a license photo today. Okay, so you're in Brooklyn. Are you close to Clinton Hill at all? I am close to Clinton Hill. Have you been to Emily Pizza? Of course. So good. We just love it. So good, isn't it? We get delivery from there a fair amount. The delivery is not as
Starting point is 00:36:50 good. It never is. Yeah. Well, that burger is a soup. I don't know how that would travel. By the time it gets to you, it's probably just disintegrated. Yeah. Emulsified. Yeah. Okay. So this is wild card. We have no idea, Grace, what this is about. And it's very exciting for us. Tell us what happened. Yes, so this took place in 2015. Oh my God. So I was still living in New York City. I was a year out of college.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Really quick, are you sure it didn't happen in 2016? And I'm going to tell you why. You're the eighth person we've talked to today. And six of the previous seven, the story was in 2016, which I find to be impossible yes are the other as you were saying 2000 i was like oh my god if it's 16 i'm gonna freak but you're pretty sure it was 15 i'm pretty sure okay okay okay so i swam in college this is my first year out i had a huge void my kind of transition to becoming a swammer and i needed to
Starting point is 00:37:43 fill it with some sort of athletic pursuit some goal goal. So I decided to sign up for the New York city marathon. I had not ever run a half marathon before. And so I figured a marathon would be a great goal for me. So I get to the starting line really quick. Hold on. You get to the starting line. Was there any training between the decision? Yeah. Oh yeah. Lots of okay okay it was not a just sign up and go it wasn't charlie curtis perfect and charlie style didn't run at cold turkey so my goal for myself was under four hours which is i think like a nine minute pace i had been running 8 30s it felt achievable but by no means trying to qualify or anything i think like like Boston to the 330 or something. This is a ding, ding, ding because it was last weekend, no?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy when I got this email because it literally just happened. I was just cheering on some friends. And so I should also mention the New York City Marathon is the first week in November. It is usually, it was like 60 degrees. I was in a tank top and shorts, which will become relevant later on. So I start running.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It starts in Staten Island. You go through all five boroughs. I run through Brooklyn. I pass the halfway point. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling strong. And I start to really have to pee. And this is a big marathon.
Starting point is 00:38:55 There are porta potties everywhere. So it's not like I don't have a choice. It's just like, do I stop or do I not stop? And so I get to mile 16, which is on the Queensborough Bridge. So it's a mile of the course that connects Queens to First Ave in Manhattan. And it's one of the only parts of the course that does not have spectators. And so I had a lot of time for internal contemplation. So I'm running across.
Starting point is 00:39:21 The pressure is really building. Like I have to go. I'm not an elite person, but I'm just thinking like the elite runners are not stopping to pee. They're just peeing. They're peeing. You're not an elite runner, but you are an elite person because you swam in college. So you have that mentality.
Starting point is 00:39:37 That was the mentality I had. All in that. And then also I'm not a big sweater. So then I started like looking around at everybody's legs. Everybody else's legs were wet. I just assumed everybody else was peeing. That was your assumption. Quick question on the shorts. What color are they? Please say black. They were black. Perfect. You're going over the bridge where the cars are. So when you go down the exit ramp, it's a pretty steep decline. I cannot hold it anymore. I just released.
Starting point is 00:40:02 And you keep running as you pee or you stop? Keep running. Okay. That's got to be kind of hard, right? Because when I pee swimming, even that's a challenge. I think I was able to relax a little bit because I was running downhill. Oh, right. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Were they tight? Were they like bike shorts or were they more loose? Loosey-goosey. They were like looser Lululemon shorts. Okay. Okay. Shout out. And so when you hit first ave in Manhattan, it's one of the most populated areas of the course.
Starting point is 00:40:29 There's like thousands of people, six people deep. I did not think I was going to see anyone. I felt pretty comfortable in the anonymity of all the rest of the runners in the crowd. As soon as I run down, I see my coworker. Like he like locks eyes with me and he's cheering for me, screaming for me. And so I was not self-conscious. I then became immediately self-conscious about the fact that I had just peed myself because also I was completely dry except for my shorts and legs and sneakers were soaked. So I'm trying to figure out how to make this look a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Like I've just been sweating, which is what everybody else looks like. So as soon as I get to the water station, I just like take a shower. Oh, smart. I now have cups of water on my head, cups of water on my tank top. I was dry on the bridge. Now it looks like I was in a dunk tank. Like I'm just dripping wet. Yes, yes. Also, that'll slow you down a dunk tank. Like I'm just dripping wet. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Also, that'll slow you down. So I just keep it moving. Keep running. I'm feeling good. I get to mile 20. That was the furthest I had ever run. I'm still feeling really good. I didn't hit the wall. I had to pee again at this point. And it wasn't even a question. I already knew what I had to do. Once I saw the water station in the distance, I just started peeing and then I got there and did the whole thing again. Wait, really quick. I imagine running behind you and seeing wet shoe prints going on the ground. And if you're right behind, if you're paying attention, which you're probably not because you're sewing your head in a marathon, you'd see it coming down. Yeah, cascading down and then the footprints, wet footprints everywhere. And the shoe splash.
Starting point is 00:42:04 coming down. Yeah, cascading down and then the footprints, wet footprints everywhere. And the shoe splash. Okay. Yeah. So I was soaking wet at this point and I'm not generating a lot of body heat. So keep running. It gets to mile 23 and I can't really see. And I'm just making any excuse for myself to keep it moving. I wear contacts. My eyes have been open for a while. The wind must just be making it blurry, but I'm still feeling great. Like my body is feeling good. I haven't hit a wall. I keep running. So then I start getting to 24.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And at this point, it is harder for me to keep my eyes open than it is for me to put one foot in front of the other. I'm trying to keep my eyes open. And I keep telling myself that I'm just going to get to the next medic tent, the next medic tent. And then at this point, I'm just going to finish the race because I have two miles left. So the brain is an amazing thing. I get to the finish line. I do not get one step further than the finish line. You know, those like arches that they have like against the side melting down. I don't go the like five feet further you have to go to get a medal because I am just sprawled on the finish line. And there's, you know, like thousands of runners that
Starting point is 00:43:10 are trying to finish. Yeah, I'd be afraid you'd get trampled. I was just like, I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dead. I think I died at mile 23. There was other people jumping on top of me. So the next thing I know, they have me in the back of a golf cart. There's someone sitting on top of me. So the next thing I know, they have me in the back of a golf cart. There's someone sitting on top of me, hitting my face, trying to keep me alert. Oh my God. They start screaming, or at least I start hearing red alert, red alert, clear a bed. Am I dying? And they're like, no, honey, you're code green. You just have hypothermia. We're talking about the people behind you.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Oh my God. Hypothermia. My peeing on myself due to competitive greatness led me to get hypothermia. Because of the cold water you kept pouring on yourself. My time, by the way, was four hours and 51 seconds. So had I stopped, I don't think it really would have made a big difference. Oh, damn it. 51 seconds.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Fuck. So I don't clearly know enough about hypothermia. I didn't know one of the first early symptoms is your eyes start failing you. Blurred vision, I think. Blurred vision. And then there's a heavy drowsiness, yeah. Confusion. Oh, disoriented.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Wow. Also, it came in kind of fast. i think it feels like it hit fast but like 16 to 23 was still like two hours oh that's true yeah not really two hours but close they put one of those shiny blankets on you of course they did yeah i love those yeah and then there was some medical students having me do like salt shots oh cool oh that's cool they get all the students out there to help with the cascade of people just fuck themselves up willingly this is a great time to talk about electrolytes is it yeah tell us you gotta have you gotta replant that's what the salt shot was essentially yeah
Starting point is 00:44:58 how long did it take before you felt normal again i think like a few hours i actually had to fly somewhere because i had a work conference the next day the few hours. I actually had to fly somewhere because I had a work conference the next day. The best part was that I had to be a mic runner. It was like this huge conference and I had to run the mic to the table. I was in heels because it was still a pretty corporate formal session. So I was like waddling over to everybody's tables with the mic. Peen in your dress. Now you're so used to it anytime you feel like peeing you just involuntarily oh my god wow what a turn of events did you ever run another marathon or was that enough for you i think i might run another one sometime but not anytime soon i did run a swim
Starting point is 00:45:38 run with my twin sister that was 20 miles of swimming and running and we were tethered together what that sounds just like at a polish festival or something that sounds so bizarre i think the That was 20 miles of swimming and running. And we were tethered together. What? That sounds... Is this like at a Polish festival or something? This sounds so bizarre. I think the race originated in Sweden. And then now it's called... I'm going to like butcher it, but it's O-T-I-L-L-O. It means island to island.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And so in the US, it's like an adventure race. And so the one we did was at Maine. And you run and swim from island to island. Oh, my God. Nothing sounds worse. What about a triathlon for you? Are you good on a bike? Going downhill makes me nervous on a bike.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah. Yeah. It's fair. We're opposites. I would never run 26 miles. It's just not in me. I'm not made of the right stuff, but go downhill really fast on a bike. Great.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Let's go. And you like swimming. I do like swimming. You've been swimming for a long time. Yeah. Not speedily. Me in the middle. Let's go. And you like swimming. I do like swimming. You'd swim for a long time. Yeah. Not speedily. Meet in the middle. Swimming is where the Venn diagram.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah. It stops. Yeah. Wow. That was great. Thank you for sharing that. That was incredible. Thank you both so much for having me.
Starting point is 00:46:36 So proud of you for just squirting three times in that race. Also to make it through the finish line with hypothermia. That's impressive. You found out what you were made of on that early November day. I did. I did. And I like cheering a lot better than I like running. I think we're allowed to take off two minutes because of the hypothermia. I think you did it under four hours. We can adjust for hypothermia like we do for inflation. Well, so nice meeting you, Grace. That was such a great story. Thank you so much. Thank you both so much.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Bye. Yeah, take care. Yeah, I wave every time. I don't know how I ever had an issue with waving. It's the only thing to do. It's the only move that can be made in that moment. I have to pee now. Pee, just go.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I want to get hypothermia. Oh, is that why? Yeah. Hello. Hey, guys. Hi. Can you hear that why? Yeah. Hello. Hey, guys. Hi. Can you hear me okay? Oh, beautifully, beautifully.
Starting point is 00:47:28 We've caught you at work, it seems. Yeah, unfortunately, I don't have a closet to climb into here. It's all right. Oh, is this a home office or are you at the job? I am at the job. Yes. Okay. What was the excuse you made of why you would be unreachable for the next 20?
Starting point is 00:47:44 I put a sign on my door that says I'm in a Zoom meeting. Oh, perfect. And you are. You're not even lying. Yeah, it's legit. Marty, where are you in the country? Northern California, Humboldt County, California. Oh, Humboldt, where they grow all the marijuanica.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yes, there is a little bit of that up here. Yeah, what do they call it? The emerald something. The emerald triangle. That's right. The Emerald Triangle. I've read some spooky articles about people disappearing up there and the different growing factions.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Some mountain where people disappear a lot. There's some of that that happens up here. I'm sure it happens everywhere. Yes, and it's beautiful in Humboldt. We've driven through a few times. It's the Redwood Forest. Yeah. Okay, so this is wildcard.
Starting point is 00:48:25 So we don't have any clue what this story could be about, which is very exciting for us. Okay. Well, I appreciate you guys being willing to hear my story. My wife thought you might find it interesting. Okay, great. Let's hear it. May of 2021, we go on a kayaking trip. So during our summers, we go over to the Trinity River. It's about an hour away. We use inflatable kayaks. So they're good up to level three rapids. They're pretty sturdy devices to go rafting in. Is there a plastic base and then a bladder around it or the whole thing's just a bladder? The whole thing is a bladder. It's made out of polycrylar, I believe. It inflates on the sides and inflates on the bottom. There's seven of us in the party, three adults and myself, and then three kids. We have rookies on our trip.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And they didn't want to go on the dangerous part of the river. So we took them to one of the slower parts of the river. By the time we got out on the river, it was moving slow and the water was not deep. And so that was making for an interesting situation trying to float down the river because our bottoms are bouncing off the rocks of the river. Oh, okay. It's that low. And at that point, you're wondering, are we going to be able to get down the river? But it starts to get deeper. We get excited. We hit our first rapids. Everybody goes through the rapids. We're the last boat through the rapids and we hit a rock.
Starting point is 00:49:44 So the rock hits underneath the boat. It decides to hit me in the ass. It was a large enough thump that they heard it in all three boats. I joked that I probably was no longer capable of having kids. Being 58 with four kids, that's okay. Mission was already accomplished. Yeah. So we continue to float down the river and all of a sudden our boat is filling up full of water. Yeah. So we pull over to a bank, flip the boat over and there's a six inch gash in the bottom of the boat. At this point, it's too far to walk back. And this is wilderness. We're on the Trinity River. You regularly see bears, deer, bald eagles, river otters. It's not a situation where you can really hoof it out of there very easily. So we figured, well, we'll just continue to float down
Starting point is 00:50:31 the river. We'll transfer six of the people to the two larger kayaks. Not a big deal. I'll stay in the one that's kind of cut. I'll see if I can guide it down the river because I didn't feel like leaving it on a riverbank and trashing up Mother Nature. About 45 minutes into that trip, if you had been sitting on the bank, about all you would have seen was my waist up to my head and me paddling because the boat was pretty much underwater at that point. It was a submarine. Okay. We pulled over and tossed it out on the river bank and said, we'll just have to pick it up on some further trip. and tossed it out on the riverbank and said, we'll just have to pick it up on some further trip.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And the river trip that was supposed to be three to four hours long started to run five hours long, six hours long, seven hours long, eight hours long. At this point, we can't call anybody because there's no cell phone service. But we do find our get off point, get out of the river, haul up our boats, head home, and a short day became a very long day. And you're going, where in the heck is this story going? I think it involves your ass, but let's find out. Oh, I hope. Yeah. That night, probably 9 o'clock at night, I get ready to take a shower. I drop my Hawaiian board shorts and they're covered
Starting point is 00:51:48 in blood. Oh yeah. If it was strong enough to rip through the bottom of the boat, I have to imagine you're in trouble. It looked like I was a stuck pig, but I had to swim in the river almost for eight hours because there wasn't room on the boat. So it wasn't bright blood, but you could tell there had been a lot of blood. Yeah. So my immediate thought was, oh, this doesn't look good. I'm probably got an issue. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Marty, you don't probably have an issue. You have an issue. Yes. You just don't know what it is and how big it is. Yes. So I'm going to back you up a bit to two years before this kayak trip. I had to have emergency back surgery. Had herniated disc wrapped around some nerves and left me crawling on the ground, screaming and crying. Saw a doctor on a Friday and they operated on me on a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:52:43 He gave up his golf day to operate on me. Wow. By the time I got out of there after three days, I was back five days later because oxygen had got into my spinal fluid. Oh, fuck. So I was stuck in the hospital another couple of days. Had to go through about three months of rehab so I could learn to walk again. Oh, my God. Oh, my Lord.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Can I ask really quick, that air that got in, do you then have the symptoms of the bends, basically? No, you basically just end up with the worst headache you could ever possibly imagine. All right. The surgery was successful. I have no more pain. But on the right side of my body, from my waist down, I've lost most of my feeling. So I can't feel my butt cheek. I can't feel my thigh.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I can't feel my calf. I can't feel my calf. I can't feel my foot. Oh, my God. Okay. So I basically have to learn to walk a bit again. And slowly, through time, parts of that has come back. Right. So I have some feeling.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But if I put like a wallet or a phone or keys in my back pocket, I don't know where they are. I don't feel a thing. Oh, wow. Right. Okay. Blessing and a curse. Well, a curse in this current situation.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I was just happy I wasn't in pain anymore. And if I had to learn to walk again, it was a small price to pay. So back to the bathroom. I looked down. I know I'm in trouble. I proceed to examine myself to see what's happened. And I looked down at my testicular sac and I have a two and a half inch gash by about an inch and a half deep on the right side of my testicular sac. Your scrotum. Oh, my God. Yes. I've heard you can bleed out from the scrotum really easy. I hadn't even thought about that.
Starting point is 00:54:20 But the fact I was in the river all day probably helped with that. Yeah, yeah. Keeping it cold. Yeah. I've heard about all your injuries. So I'm sure you've been in those situations where you get hurt and you look at it and go, eh, it's bad, but I'll be okay. Listen, I'm going to pause you for half a second, Marty. I encourage you to go watch the movie Chips tonight because in Chips, I play a character
Starting point is 00:54:39 who is a X Games motocross rider and I get hit by a truck and my partner says, that looked like it really hurt. And I said, it was only a six out of 10. He said, what's a 10. And I get hit by a truck. And my partner says, that looked like it really hurt. And I said, it was only a six out of 10. And he said, what's a 10? And I said, scrotal tear. Oh, see, I've seen the movie, but I don't remember that part. I'll have to go back and watch that. So yeah, I yelled out to my wife.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I go to the emergency room, which is so close. It's a half an hour away. Okay. Getting into the emergency room. It's a Saturday night. I think every heroin addict in the county is in there. Elderly people who can't breathe, families with crying kids. Unless you're like personal friends with Jesus Christ, the odds of you getting back in the
Starting point is 00:55:14 emergency room is going to take you like four hours plus. I go up to the clerk. She says, what's up? And I told her my story and she just pauses and looks at me and says, you poor dear. I was back in an emergency room bed in under five minutes. Yeah. Again, I think because of the bleeding out potential. Yeah. Nurse comes in, everybody's got to hear the story. Tell him the story. He's examining me. He's saying nothing, which doesn't breed a lot of confidence at that point. You're kind of like, me, he's saying nothing, which doesn't breed a lot of confidence at that point. You're kind of like, what's going on? And he basically just says, I think we're going to have to have some folks look at this. So then every nurse and doctor that's working that night has to come in and check me
Starting point is 00:55:56 out. Sure. You don't get to see this often. No, this is not a common issue. No. They clean me up. Then they tell me they're going to have to do an ultrasound. And the ultrasound, you know, they're putting gel on the sack and they're using a warm wand. And I'm thinking five minutes, maybe? 45 minutes of this woman putting gel on my scrotum and rubbing this warm wand around. Do you get erect during this? Of course. No, but erect during this? Of course. No, but I'm...
Starting point is 00:56:26 That is a fear. Yes. Of course. I definitely thought that's where this was going. Because I'm not in pain, guys. I don't feel a freaking thing. Right. You're getting a ball massage with lubricant.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah. Luckily, nothing happened at that point. You dodged a bullet there. It takes hours for them to do this, get the results back, realize I haven't crushed a testicle. I haven't damaged anything else down there. The doctor comes in, takes a look. He goes, well, you beat all of my kayak stories. He says, you know, I'm really sorry here, but we're going to have to give you five shots directly into the wound. He goes, that's going to hurt really bad. I said, wait a minute, I got to tell you about my back surgery. So I told him my story. I said, I don't feel a thing.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah. I've got a permanent nerve blocker in. Yeah. So they cleaned me up. They sew me up. I ended up at home probably five in the morning on a Sunday. The two young boys that went on this great adventure with us go to school the next day and basically tell everybody that they went on the first kayaking trip and there was a ball-busting river. I guess to some degree it was. Did that put a damper on your future kayaking trips or were you right back on the horse? It really didn't slow me down at that point. We've been on so many long trips and tough situations and really the odds of you hitting a rock like that and really hurting yourself are few to none. But I will have to say that when we go through rapids now, I kind of hike myself
Starting point is 00:57:56 up. Normally I'm sitting on an inflated seat, but it just happened that day on the river, we didn't have those seats with us for that kayak. So if I had, I probably would have been protected that much more. Perfect storm. Yeah. And so you got some stitches and it healed up and that was that. That was that. Just a gruesome wound. Yes. Wow, wow, wow. Wow. That was a great story. Scrotal tear in an inflated kayak. That's a new one, right? Not too many people have that story. Yeah, that puts you in a very tiny group of people. Marty, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I wanted to thank you guys. My oldest son was an armchair. He turned on my wife. My wife turned on me. When I was having to rehab after my back surgery, I had to start swimming every day. And I got this waterproof MP3 player. And the only thing I had on it was your guys' podcast. And so I had to listen to that half an hour every day, working out. And I learned a lot.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I laughed a lot. I really appreciated the company because it wasn't much fun trying to do that every day. Oh, thanks, Marty. Yeah, we love hearing love hearing that well it's great meeting you thank you so much for telling that story and please give our love to all the armchairs in your life well thank you i appreciate you guys and it was really nice meeting you yeah take care i i waved and then he had now you okay now you've made waving your thing which is not fair he wasn't planning on waving either but then he went like this. It was like a reaction. It's still my thing. Wow. What a story. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:59:28 It's kind of interesting because I was already being critical of the notion of an inflatable kayak. I'm like, what do you mean? Does it have a plastic shell and a bladder around it? I could feel you. Like a Zodiac. I was already judgmental of the inflatable kayak. And now I feel confirmed. If he had been in a Kevlar one or a plastic one,
Starting point is 00:59:45 he wouldn't have been in this sitch. I wonder if you feel when you hear that story, I mean, you didn't respond like so viscerally. I didn't sound judgmental at any point. No, you didn't. But I mean, when you hear a story about a testicle rip or testicle puncture or whatever. Yeah, tear. Yeah. When I hear like the lady who's fell on her vagina, I feel like you should have that, but you didn't. I didn't. Maybe Rob will agree. Your balls are insanely sensitive, the testicles themselves, but your scrotum isn't.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Skin. It's loose skin. It's so loose. Loosey goosey. It's like a cut there. Yeah. It sounds like that would almost be preferred to a lot of other places yeah as we know that's now had he crushed a testicle we would both be
Starting point is 01:00:32 really squirming yeah we'd be we'd be in trouble interesting okay well that answers that yeah oh boy i love wild card me too you just don't know what you're going to get. You could also call it roulette in a way. You get what you get and you don't get upset. And you don't get upset. I can never remember the end of that. Well, I love you and thank you to all the Armcherrys for those delicious wild cards. Love you. Do you want to sing a tune or something?
Starting point is 01:01:00 We don't have a theme song. Oh. Okay, great. We don't have a theme song. Oh. Okay, great. We don't have a theme song for this new show so here I go, go, go. We're gonna ask some random questions and with the help of our cherries
Starting point is 01:01:15 we'll get some suggestions. On the fly, I rhyme dish. On the fly, I rhyme dish. Enjoy.

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