Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard - Flightless Bird: PSA / Farrier Takes Flight

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

An update on Flightless Bird! David explains to Monica and Rob why he’s had to take flight to New Zealand. Defeated by the US healthcare system and his bad health insurance plan, David has returned to Aotearoa, New Zealand for some minor back surgery! This has disrupted the usual smooth flow of making the show, so for July and August, Flightless Bird will arrive fortnightly instead of weekly. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 how is everyone great it. It's sunny. Oh my god, it's raining here. Eww, poop. It's been raining since the second I got back. Well, it's winter there, right? It's winter. Yeah, I sort of forgot. I forgot that it was winter and that seasons are different here.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And so I arrived back and my friend Dan picked me up from the airport. And he parked as far away as possible. Eww. And so we were just walking through the rain for so long. back and my friend Dan picked me up from the airport and he parked as far away as possible. And so we were just walking through the rain for so long. And I was like, why did you do this to me, Dan? Listen, we are getting way ahead of ourselves. What people need to know is that David is in space. This is our first ever episode talking to someone in space. We wanted to get ahead of Tom Cruise filming a film in space by doing to someone in space. We wanted to get ahead of Tom Cruise filming a film in space by doing a podcast in space, and that's what we decided to do. Well, we figure that you've figured out America pretty well, so now you have to figure out space.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I wish it was this exciting. I really do. I'm so excited by this alternate narrative now. Do you want to tell people why we're apart? This was sudden. This was not planned. You know, this is a sudden change. About a week ago, I jumped on a plane and flew back to New Zealand because I'm having some back problems. And it turns out the easiest way to solve them in the medical system was for me to fly back to New Zealand and use my
Starting point is 00:01:46 New Zealand health insurance to get things sorted out so yeah I'm in New Zealand I'm going to have a sort of a minor bit of back surgery in about 10 days now and then do a bit of recuperation in New Zealand which shouldn't take too long but it would be a good time to talk because obviously our regular scheduling might change a little bit. And also I just thought it's good to sort of talk about my fun experiences with the American healthcare system. Yes. I feel like you did this on purpose so that you could skewer the American healthcare system.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Because we did a healthcare episode fairly early on in Flightless Bird, and we had a discussion about it. And I sort of talked to some experts about it, but hadn't really encountered it myself. And we've talked as well a lot about what health insurance I should get in America. And I think very specifically, Monica, you warned me and probably Rob too. me and probably rob too no i had to warn also rob both of you were on not appropriate insurances for your incomes i have since changed mine though and your warning was early enough for me so it would have been early enough for david to change his as well yeah well look so the situation is I signed up to an HMO plan in America. So I pay about $360 a month. Which is still not a little.
Starting point is 00:03:14 No, it's still a decent. I thought it's a decent chunk of money. So if anything disastrous happens to me, I'll be fine. And I guess my first encounter with the health system was when I got nipped by that squirrel and I ended up going into the ER for that which weirdly I still haven't been billed for which I'm hoping they just forgot to put them through or they're all suddenly going to arrive at once but let's not worry about that okay that's for another day so yeah what happened at the end of May, I was recording an episode which won't have aired yet. And I'd just been on a flight and something really weird happened to my lower back. I said like
Starting point is 00:03:53 extreme lower back pain. And I was like, oh, this doesn't feel good. And I'm a tall person who sits down a lot. So I've had back issues back in 2011. And I was sort of, oh, this feels a bit familiar. back in 2011 and I was sort of, oh, this feels a bit familiar. And the pain got really bad and then it kind of started to go away and then it came back again. And so when I went back to LA, I called up my PCP, my doctor, because I should go and see the doctor and see what's happening with my back. And they said, oh, you can see someone in two weeks. I was like, oh, this is really painful. Two weeks seems like a long way away. So then I went to urgent care, which you just pay out of pocket for. I think it was $140.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And I went there and the doctor there saw me, but didn't like really like touch me or examine me. He just sort of listened to me moaning about being in pain and then gave me some sort of tablets that were like oral steroids or something to kind of help with inflammation and gave me some sort of tablets that were like oral steroids or something to kind of help with inflammation yeah and gave me some painkillers some tramadol and sort of sent me on my way and then it got worse and then something happened that really freaked me out and this was probably about four weeks ago from when we're recording this and my right leg suddenly stopped working properly so I had pain shooting down my
Starting point is 00:05:06 leg before this, but then I went to kind of like start walking and I didn't have strength in my right leg. And that felt super scary. Yeah. I was like, Oh, like my leg is shutting down. And that's sort of like a neurological thing, which freaked me out a little bit. And I couldn't stand on tippy toes on my right foot. And I was like, Oh my God, I'm not able to use my muscles in my leg. This is horrible. So I went back to my favorite place, the emergency room where I'd last been for my squirrel attack. I'm like, I want to go back to my faith. You went back home. It was like returning home. It was like returning home. And I was like, okay, I knew this, this is going to be $400 to go to the ER. And what I thought I could get there is that the ER would maybe get me a referral to some sort of an MRI just to see what was going on. So I go in there and long wait, eventually get in there.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And I sort of encountered my first weird quirk with the American healthcare system. But they won't give you an MRI without giving you an x-ray first. And it's like this progression. Really? Yeah. They will never do it. It's just a thing. And so I said, the x-ray isn't going to show up like a problem with my spine. I knew it was like a back disc kind of issue. Anyway, they gave me the x-ray and then they wouldn't give me an MRI because basically I wasn't dying which is fair I wasn't dying and I wasn't they do this thing with spines where if like you're losing feeling in your legs they sort of say like are you are you weeing yourself or shitting yourself yeah and that's their question I'm like no I'm not I'm not doing
Starting point is 00:06:42 that I'm like okay you don't need an MRI. Just go home and we can't do anything. And then did you think to say, yes, I am. I was just embarrassed. But yeah, I am doing that. I thought about it after. I thought about it after the fact if I just sort of like should have just shat myself at that moment. And that got me the MRI. But I don't think in that way and I kind
Starting point is 00:07:05 of wish I had because it would have gotten me my MRI oh my god I'm just picturing you sitting there like pushing to see if poop will come out so that you could just get your MRI that concern look that a toddler has on their face when they're squeezing one out so I didn't do that I took the on I took so awful I took I took the honest route and said no I'm not I still have control of my bladder and my bowels and I just went home and sort of achieved nothing and so then I was like okay I have to see my doctor about this because the thing with HMO insurance which really came into play is that you need a referral for everything. And so I can't just go and find an orthopedic surgeon.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I have to be referred there by my PCP, which in New Zealand we call a GP, like a general practitioner. Do you know what PCP stands for? Primary Care Provider? Primary Care Physician. Close. Physician. Okay. Two out of three. Two out of three physician. Close. Physician. Okay. Two out of three.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Two out of three. Thank you. Thank you. I'm learning. So I called back my PCP and said, I'm really sore. I can't feel my leg. I'm getting numb. My muscles aren't working.
Starting point is 00:08:16 What do I do? And so they got me in sort of a week earlier to see someone else. So I go in and see them. They then refer me on to get an MRI, but the mri is going to take two weeks to get so i'm like this is crazy so i just went and paid out of pocket for an mri it was three hundred dollars which wasn't too bad oh yeah this is the sketchy place you went you went somewhere weird it was in hollywood they took cash which seemed strange but they could see me like a day later which seemed good but they didn't need an x-ray they didn't need an x-ray and that's where i really learned a really important thing about the
Starting point is 00:08:55 american healthcare system whereas if you pay for something directly you get what you want really quickly so so i didn't want to wait two weeks for the MRI because then it would be like another two weeks to get referred on to an orthopedic surgeon to look at what was going on. So I went and got my MRI and then I got my referral to an orthopedic surgeon who was in my network. And I'm like, great, I can go and see an orthopedic surgeon. So that was about a week later. I went and saw this man man i don't want to sort of say any name because i don't want to get sued because i know america likes doing suing but i like to refer to this man as sort of like a doctor death kind of character oh my god he was about 80 he
Starting point is 00:09:37 wouldn't look me in the eye he looked at my mri and immediately said, you need a spinal fusion and a disectomy, and we need to do this immediately. Okay. And I just didn't trust him. He had such a terrible bedside manner. Yeah. He jumped straight to doing a fusion, which is a really full-on thing for a spine.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Like, I'm only 40. You don't really want to be fusing things if you can avoid it yeah oh my god that kind of freaked me out as a sidebar they forgot to charge me my co-pay of 65 and then they called me afterwards saying i needed to pay by check because they don't do any kind of um i had to like write a check and mail it in oh my god this just a whole other weird side part of america well oh god okay so i see this orthopedic surgeon but he's pretty terrible so at this point i called up my primary care provider again because i wanted to get a referral to another guy and again they're like you can't see your pcp for another two weeks and i'm just at this point i'm just going this is insane i just need to find someone what's going
Starting point is 00:10:48 on with your leg at that point and your back are you in my leg at this point my pain has gone away completely which is great but i'm walking with a fairly pronounced limp and i get really tired in that leg because my muscles aren't working and if I stand on my tippy toes on both my feet you can see my muscle in one leg I think I sent you guys that video yeah you can see like my muscles in one leg working and then the other leg they just turned off which is freaky like it's you know I'm pretty active and that was really scary I'm surprised they wouldn't do an MRI just to check neurologically. Like, that's so weird.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I guess the pooping is the only way it would be neurological. Yeah. Pro tip, if you want an MRI and you go to the ER to get one, definitely just poo yourself because then they'll rush you through. Or even better, have a seizure. Or have a seizure. Then they're done that it works at this point uh i'm getting really frustrated with my hmo plan because this whole referral thing is just driving me insane and the one person they did refer me to i just didn't trust this guy
Starting point is 00:12:00 he was just bad vibes bad vibes wanted to go to the most extreme type of surgery straight away. He was a baddie. So I was like, right, I'm going to just pay out of pocket and get someone, an orthopedic surgeon who's really good and he will know what's up. And so I did that. I found a guy who would see me who was in private care and for a thousand dollars cash, he would do a consult with me. He'd look at my MRI and tell me what was up so I went to see him and he was amazing he it was almost like he'd stepped out of a film he was like really handsome oh what's his name is he single really he well I don't know if he was single or not but he was beautiful he was really I trusted him instantly. He had a great bedside manner, very clean.
Starting point is 00:12:45 He was in like beautiful scrubs and I really trusted him. What color? He was wonderful. They were white. Oh my God. White scrubs is ballsy. He's an angel. Beautiful teeth, beautiful skin.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Everything about him was just amazing. Friends are not doing a good job finding out if people are single it's not what i jumped to immediately because i was mainly concerned about my silly leg oh my god you're so selfish i'm so selfish but this guy blew my mind and he looked at my mri and he didn't say i needed a fusion he said i needed a disect, which is a really minor-ish bit of surgery where they shave a little bit of disc off. Because what was happening basically is that my nerve and my leg
Starting point is 00:13:32 that sort of feeds into my leg, my S1 nerve root, is kind of being like crushed between two of my lower vertebrae. And so to free up some room, I just need a little bit of disc shaved off. Right. I was like great this is a great consult i trust you i would love you to do the surgery i go home his office sends me a
Starting point is 00:13:51 quote of doing it out of network and it was seventeen thousand dollars for the procedure and then every additional night in hospital was eight8,000. Oh my God. Which there's a world where I could do that and it would be a horrible financial hit, but it would be possible for me. But the thing I didn't like is that if anything goes wrong in that surgery and they have to do something else and then your costs just balloon. And I couldn't take that risk. And so about that point I was like
Starting point is 00:14:26 I'm just going to fly back to New Zealand and I'm lucky enough in that I kept up my own insurance here while I was gone and so in America I was paying 360 a month in New Zealand, I pay about $220 New Zealand dollars four times a year. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And for that, that covers amazing. I come back and I can basically get into surgery in a couple of weeks. I landed back in New Zealand on Sunday and on a Monday I was getting an MRI. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Well, I'm glad. I'm glad. But also, yikes, America. Yeah. Your doctor texted you about surgery the next day? Yeah, I'm directly in touch with everybody. The other amazing bit of trivia is the orthopedic surgeon I have lined up in New Zealand, he looked at the MRI I got in America. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:15:29 this isn't good enough. Like we can't read this well enough. Immediately made me go, oh, both Dr. Death and the surgeon that I really loved that I paid privately for, they never said the MRI is a bit fuzzy and isn't good, which is terrifying. We can look at this a couple of different ways though, because now I feel defensive of America. No, hit me. Perhaps the New Zealand. Well, I shouldn't say that before you go into search. No, hit me.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No, because you never know what's going to happen. No. OK. OK, I won't. I know where you're going with it. The doctors in America are so good. That wasn't hard for them to read. They could just sort of read through the haze through the bad signals of the or maybe the new zealand doctor just like needs to get his eyes checked make sure he gets his eyes checked before he does surgery on
Starting point is 00:16:17 you look that is that's a possible take um i it's not one i'd go with but the other you know i got this mri on day one and then they followed up being like we want to be really specific about this so come back and we're going to give you another mri oh my god this time with dye so they injected me in my vein and that basically lit up my blood and everywhere that blood flowed so they could see like what in my spine was like connected, what was disconnected. So I got two MRIs. Oh my God. Two for the price of zero dollars. I felt very, very cared for. And as a big disclaimer, I should say that I'm in New Zealand. I'm super lucky in that I have private healthcare. There's also a public healthcare system in New Zealand, which I could use. And there are good stories from the public health care system here.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And there are some really bad stories where people don't get cared for. A little bit my experience in America, you know, delays in care, big waiting lists, all that kind of thing. So I'm having the privileged good version of New Zealand health care where I'm going private. I see. I see. But the difference is this feeling in America that I just found so interesting is that when I paid for things, I got it straight away and felt really cared for and looked after. And just the level of care was really, really high and really, really good. When I was in my HMO land, it was like fighting to get the scans I needed and the specialists I needed. And I had all the time in the world. I
Starting point is 00:17:51 stopped writing the show. I was spending so much time on the phone. And I was just imagining if I was someone with kids or a job that wouldn't let me be on the phone on hold for three hours a day. I know. I'd just fall through the cracks. It was like really a big eye opener. Yeah. But I mean, I guess isn't sort of what you're saying a little bit is you're kind of doing that in New Zealand too.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Like the reason that you are able to get in so quick is because you are paying. You're not going through the public system, which is free in New Zealand. But I guess the difference is what you're paying. Paying for private is so much more affordable in New Zealand. Yeah, paying for private here is so much cheaper than in the United States. I sort of looked at a similar plan to what I'm getting here in New Zealand,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and it's more like 900 a month whereas in new zealand i'm getting that for 200 new zealand dollars a quarter um a quarter and it goes that's cheaper and that's like 80 american dollars well it's better and it's better care you got better care for 200 a quarter than you were getting for 300 a month a hundred percent and even you know and i've i've had back stuff back in 2011 in New Zealand. I've been through our publicly funded health system. And, you know, I saw doctors within a couple of weeks and I got the care. We've got less people, you know, we've got 5 million people.
Starting point is 00:19:17 We, you know, we all put money into a pool that all goes out to healthcare for all New Zealanders. And I'm a big fan of that system. But it was the first time I've been freaked out by America, but I love it there. Are you going to come back? I'm getting nervous. Well, yeah. So I'm going to, my recovery, I think is going to be, it's not crazy. I think it'll be a couple of weeks where I just need to kind of rest up. The disectomy isn't a crazy, it's not a crazy bit of spine surgery. So I think I'll be back probably end of August. I haven't been making
Starting point is 00:19:52 episodes. So then I've probably got another month where I've got to kind of start catching up and getting flightless birds together. So I'll scheduling, there could be a pause. Yeah, we might have a pause. We might go to every other week for a little bit. We're going to play with it. I've got a few in the can already that are ready to go. So we might just roll those out fortnightly instead of weekly just to pad things out a little bit. But I am coming back. I'm in New Zealand because weirdly it was cheaper and quicker to fly 12 hours to New Zealand for care than to get it through my health insurance in America, which is surreal. How was your flight? I was anxious about you flying for that long. I was incredibly lucky in the Air New Zealand. I called them. I said what the problem was. I said
Starting point is 00:20:37 that sitting was like a true nightmare for my back and that sort of the next step of my spine problems would be me shitting myself and i said you don't want that on your plane within new zealand i've flown so much with them i had a few upgrades and so i ended up flying back in business which is insane so i got to lie down okay but i'm sure it still was not that comfortable with like a broken back. It wasn't a great vibe. No, it wasn't a great vibe. I mean, my, yeah, my S1 nerve is being like severely pinched. And so sitting pinches it more. It feels like my right leg isn't quite my leg at the moment.
Starting point is 00:21:15 It's kind of like a bit alien and feeling a bit weird. And so it wasn't a great vibe flying back. And that was another big decision to make was do I want to like spend 12 hours sort of in a bad posture? Like, will that make it worse? But I'm glad I'm here. It's like it's winter, but I'm getting the surgery that I need. It's not going to bankrupt me, which feels really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I love making the show. So it's a bit weird to be out of the loop of that. But I think back priority sort of comes first. And then I'll get back into making the show with you guys. Health is always number one. And then buy me presents is number two. So remember to bring back some treats.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Bring you back some treats. The other thing, Monica, that I wasn't sure if I should bring this up or not, but I'm back living in my old flat which is where i lived with with rosabelle for a number of years the rosabelle yes i'm living back with rosabelle again she's just sort of down that hallway she's nearby she's nearby yeah yeah i could i could see if i could what it's what's? It's 9.30 on a Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:22:27 What time is it for you? Oh, my God. It's 9.30 in the morning. It's 2.30 on Friday afternoon. Yeah, this is Saturday morning. Oh, my God. I can see if she's awake and if you just want to quickly say hello to her. Wow, I've gone through such a journey with Rosabelle.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I was jealous of her then i was on her side and now i'm gonna meet her yeah i'll just i'll see if she's she might not be awake i'll just see if she is okay give me a sick i'll see if i can pull her in here i'm nervous oh my god yeah he's gonna have some dirt on. We'll ask for three pieces of dirt. Yeah. What if she's asleep and he's just screaming, are you awake? He's just shaking her in her bed. Okay, she's just putting some clothes on.
Starting point is 00:23:18 She's been sleeping. David, you shouldn't have woken her up. No, it's fine. That's what happens when you live with people. You know, she needs to, it's 9.30 on a Saturday. She needs to get into the day. She'll appear soon. She wasn't dressed when you woke?
Starting point is 00:23:34 I knocked on the door. You guys are really close. I didn't barge in, you know. I'm not crazy. I'll crack an egg on her head, but I'm not going to just barge in there. Wow. Do you guys have any questions about healthcare or my body or my back or anything? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:50 What was the lump? That's my question about your body, and you still have never answered. I've been through so many things, haven't I? And I almost forgot about the lump. After the squirrel attack, now this back problem. The lump seems like such a thing of the past, you know? I know. It's so long ago. You might as well tell us where it was. It was between my belly button and my upper thigh. It was sort of somewhere in that kind of region. By your penis?
Starting point is 00:24:22 of region. By your penis? The main thing is the lump. The body's an amazing thing. And the body, I think, reabsorbed the lump. And God knows where that lump juice has gone. The lump got sucked back in. And, you know, bodies do.
Starting point is 00:24:42 They do repair themselves. And I'm super curious. do they do repair themselves and i'm super curious i mean this this this back thing is a bit weird because the surgery will unpinch the nerve but what what all the surgeons told me actually so far that i've spoken to is that i might not get all the feeling back like once you've crunched the nerve for long enough it sort of stays a bit deactivated so there's a chance that i might be a little bit limpy for years and years or maybe the rest of my life or with enough rehab I might be able to get like the signals firing again as they should like it is sort of a serious thing in that this isn't going to magically just wake up my leg my leg could always be a little bit dead but I guess that's life in your 40s maybe
Starting point is 00:25:21 like your body just starts to do some things you don't want it to do, right? Like you had your cholesterol thing. You know, we've all got things. Rob's too young. He's too juvenile for anything to have happened to him yet. Yeah, not yet. But I think you're going to go to PT when you get back. And it might take a while, but I think you're going to be back to normal eventually.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And you live in my dad's sim. Might take a while, but I think you're going to be back to normal eventually. And you live in my dad's sim. And so, you know, I think it's going to be okay. That's what I like to think as well. And I think the power of positive thinking is so important, isn't it? It is. You can't get down in the dumps. You've got to be forward thinking.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You've got to think we're going to get on top of this thing. Do you think maybe it was karma because of the egg okay i do you know i'm not gonna knock the concept of karma entirely look something's catching up with me and it's either age or karma it's one of the it's one of the two and i don't want to spend too much time thinking about it because it's too scary okay we're gonna move past that i mean this is my first good like weird health scare. Like it's just weird when your body, I guess like Dax has had like stuff happen to him, hasn't he?
Starting point is 00:26:29 He's been like torn apart. He's been like crashes and sort of been like stitched back together again. I haven't really experienced like, oh, here's part of my body that stopped working properly. It's like a weird thing when like this vessel you're stuck in starts declining, I suppose. But again, that's just what happens when you get older. It's like, what next?
Starting point is 00:26:48 I know. We really do take advantage of these bodies. Yeah. Rosabelle's here. Oh my God. Okay, I'm going to give her, I'm going to get a seat for Rosabelle. Yeah, get her a seat. I'll give her an earpiece.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Make sure she can be near the mic. Listen if you like. Oh, no, I have low battery right when Rosabelle showed up. I just thought if you had any questions for Rosabelle, she's here, and I thought it would be an opportunity for you to query her about anything that you want to know. Hi there. Hi. It's nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It's so nice to meet you. We've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you. It's so nice to meet you. We've heard so much about you. And David always throws you in our face when he's trying to make us jealous about how close you guys are. That's true. Well, she might debate that.
Starting point is 00:27:36 We've heard all that he's put you through as well. Yeah. Yeah. I really appreciated the apology that you gave Monica in that other episode. Yeah. We're on the same team now. Yeah, exactly. But also, Rosabelle, you're not traumatized anymore by the egg scenario, right? You're through it. Don't gaslight her. Rosabelle, you can speak for yourself. You know what David wanted me to do this morning was to crack an egg on his head.
Starting point is 00:28:07 me to do this morning was to crack an egg on his head and I just would never do that to somebody that I care about of course you wouldn't of course you wouldn't because you're not a psychopath I thought it would be a good symmetry for the show if it would be you know suddenly Roosevelt walks in it'd be like good laughs on a podcast you know suddenly I've got egg in my head but Roosevelt saw beyond that and was like I'm not a bad person and I'd never do that, which made me think I'm still a bad person because I think that's a good idea. I'm with you, David. I think it'd be good for her to smash it on you. Oh, the pranksters.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You sure you don't want to? Maybe somebody else could do it on my behalf. Just people in the street. Okay, Rosabelle, can you give, while we have you, can you give us, and David, don't stop her, okay? Can you give us two pieces of dirt on David? Oh, what genre of dirt? What genre, Rob?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Any. Dating, I think dating, maybe a dating one would be good. We don't hear a lot about that I'm not happy with where this is going It doesn't have to be dating Because he might get actually upset about that Has he talked to you about his friend Hayden And how they always love to wrestle?
Starting point is 00:29:19 Actually, yes And that's, I'm going to clap for you for David Because he has, I guess, been vulnerable. Well, that's not the dirt. I mean, I guess that's quite open knowledge that he wrestles with Hayden. But they did have a wrestle once at a friend of ours' house and wrestled so violently that they smashed a hole in the wall of the house. David, and did you pay for it? I actually haven't.
Starting point is 00:29:47 The dent is still, my head put a big dent in our friend's wall and I haven't fixed it yet. Actually. Do you intend to, do you think? I was hoping not to, but maybe now this has come out, maybe I should repair Eddie's wall.
Starting point is 00:30:02 That might be a good idea. Well, now you've saved some money from going to New Zealand for the surgery, so you can use the extra you would have paid for the wall. I should actually note that Hayden came over last night, and as he was leaving the house, I was sleeping. I went to bed early, and he left, and he came into my room and poured water on my head.
Starting point is 00:30:19 We're all pranksters over here. So that actually happened because they wanted me to go into your room while you were sleeping and smash an egg on your head to wake you up. And I said that I didn't want to. So he got he he was on my side and he was like, well, I'll do something. Oh, OK. But he couldn't find the eggs because he looked in the fridge and he was like, there are no eggs in here. And I didn't tell him that they were just around the side on the countertop wow this is an amazing ding ding ding of all of our
Starting point is 00:30:53 episodes smashed into one this is this is perfect this is incredibly perfect and you get a sense of the dynamic and what i live with here in new zealand and i'm not always the bad guy all i'm getting is that rosabelle refuses to do anything mean to you. Yeah, it seems like you've treated her very poorly for how mean she is to you. You probably have a point. People treat you appropriately. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's a good way of putting it. Okay, it's been good, Roosevelt. Thanks so much. Bye, Roosevelt. Bye, Roosevelt. Nice to meet you. That's my little update from New Zealand. A little explanation of why our scheduling may change slightly in the next couple of months.
Starting point is 00:31:31 But flightless bird remains. It'll just be slightly disrupted. Stick with us. We might be shifting a little bit, but we'll be back to our regular schedule soonish. Yes. We're all sending you really healthy positive vibes yeah keep us updated i will keep you updated i'll see if like the anesthetist or something can um take a photo of my open spine and send it through you so you can have a little look. Can you bring your recorder for when you wake up? Ooh, great. Actually, I'll see if I can.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I haven't had general anesthetic before. Have you guys had it? I just had it for egg freezing. Oh, right. Yeah, no. So it's that thing where like, I thought it was going to be like sleep. We sort of drift off and you wake up. But apparently, it's just like jumping.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You don't get any sense of time passing. You're just like, you're gone. And sense of time passing you just like you're gone and then you're like oh and you're like has it happened yet and they're like yeah you're through the other side it's really cool actually but you've been awake for like 15 minutes by the time you remember is that for my wisdom teeth i i asked for my teeth and i don't remember at all oh wow yeah it just isn't there yeah i'm so. I guess it's like as close as you get to dying, but you wake up again. Like it is like death. You're just sort of gone.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Okay. Or you could do a more positive spin and say it's like time travel. Okay. Remember we're being positive. We're trying to be positive throughout this process. You know, that's a really good point. It's like time travel and you just you suddenly bounce through time. And so I will try and get a recorder going so that I can be recorded in those sort of 15 minutes of nonsensical ramblings that I won't remember.
Starting point is 00:33:15 That's a really good idea. This is amazing Easter egg for our listeners. OK, well, we love you and we're sending you good vibes and keep us updated and we have a bunch of episodes coming at you guys pre david in new zealand and then uh we'll do a check-in after that yeah that'd be good um i miss you guys and i'll talk to you very soon okay bye Thank you.

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