Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard - Synced: Martini Mission

Episode Date: February 7, 2024

In this week's episode of Synced, Monica and Liz talk about the conversational dynamics that exist within different sexual orientations, they revisit the brunch pin, and discuss the ways people in rel...ationships talk to singles. They answer listener questions about whether or not it's okay to leave a partner who is ill, how to handle traveling solo while in a relationship, and how to successfully cut off an ex-sister-in-law. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning. Good morning. How are you? Good. You look cute today. Thanks. So do you. I like your outfit.
Starting point is 00:00:19 You have your new little shorts that I bought. You bought. I bought. No. That you bought in my presence. I did. Yeah, we had a fun shopping trip. We did. I loved it. I teased it on a fact check. Oh. Dax was asking what I did that weekend. I said we went shopping and then there was a story that we were going to tell on Synced. And so I didn't say the name of the place. Good. And so I'm going to keep that
Starting point is 00:00:42 place under wraps. But should we? Yeah. But like he's going to listen. Okay. Well so I'm going to keep that place under wraps. But should we? Yeah. He's going to listen. Okay. Well, I don't know how to handle this. Okay. So we're going to do it anyway. I walk in to the store and you were there already. And I saw want to enter the conversation. So I just start looking at clothes. And then I text you, I'm here. And you're like, me too. And I was like, yeah, I see you. Like, just come here. But you were still in an enraptured conversation. And then you came over and I was like, do you know him? Because I thought, oh, maybe Liz knows that person. The way you were conversing, it really seemed like you knew him. And then you didn't. You were just chit-chatting, waiting for me. And then you felt that he was a
Starting point is 00:01:40 little overbearing. Yes. Overly familiar. And now we're worried because we did end up telling him about our podcast. But now he'll really know. I think you should cut that part out. Okay, okay. Because we could have gone to a bunch of different areas.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I mean, he's going to know. If he listens, he's going to know. Oh, my God. Do you think he really is going to listen, though? But this is what I was thinking about the other day. I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:00 this is a good story because there's a lot of meatiness to it because Monica let me come into the changing room with her which is a new... Well, she kind of snuck her way in. No. Forced her way in? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I actually went into the other one and you were like, no, you can come in mine. And I was like, oh my god. This is the best day of my life. And so then you even changed in front of me, which I didn't look. I looked to the ground so that you would feel comfortable. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:02:25 But I was really excited on the inside. Not sexually. No, because you felt like I trusted you. Yes. To me, these are landmark moments. Experiencing them brings me a lot of joy. But yeah, so once we were in the changing room, I just started realizing what was happening. I was like, oh my God, this guy's now following us around and talking to us.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm looking in the future of how this interaction is going to end. He's going to try and get my, like just the awkwardness of it all. And then you were like, you were best friends with him. Like you let him believe that you were interested, not romantically or anything, but just that you were interested in conversing at all. Right. And all we did was talk about you. That was why I was so enraptured and interested. That may have given him the impression that I'm feel about him the way I feel about you, but I don't. And so then we were in the changing room. And then you were like, look, when someone says, like, do you need help?
Starting point is 00:03:12 And then we did. We did a role play. We did a role play. I taught you. You taught me how to respond. And so you keep looking at what you're looking. You say, oh, no, no, thank you. And then you turn around right away.
Starting point is 00:03:21 That's right. You turn around right away. No, no, I'm good. I'm just looking. Thank you. You can make a very quick eye contact with a smile and say, oh away. No, no, I'm good. I'm just looking. Thank you. Yeah. You can make a very quick eye contact with a smile and say, oh, thank you. No, I'm good. I'm just looking.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Then you immediately go back to your clothes. But then we went to another store where there was a very different vibe going on with you and the salesperson. Oh. Well, I didn't have a vibe with him no but you were way more friendly the both of us were we were like best friends with him i mean not best friends but we were having a lot of fun well okay so i was trying stuff on you were waiting outside and then this nice man he just brought you a jacket to try on we can't go into such detail. He's going to listen. Look, I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's not him. It's me. Yes, that's right. If you're listening, it's not you. It's me. It's not. I think we get ourselves,
Starting point is 00:04:13 a lot of women, and you're one of them, get yourselves stuck. And I've done this too. Stuck in situations that you don't mean to be in because of friendliness. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Because we think we have to be so friendly. And then you end up like getting sort of followed around the store and then he brought you a jacket to try on, but you weren't going to buy it or anything. It did look really cute on you. It did, but it's never going to happen.
Starting point is 00:04:36 That's how I let you in because I could tell things were going badly. Like I could tell in your voice that you at that point didn't like the amount of attention. And so then I said, you can come in this dressing room with me. How can you tell? The high pitch? Yeah, maybe it's about the pitch or I think I just
Starting point is 00:04:54 know you. But there was another man working there and then this happened again at another store. And this is not fair. But these people were gay men. and there's no problem chit-chatting with them i don't feel like i have to do my thing of like you were totally bubble yeah because there's no threat at all of it turning into something but then it's like can't
Starting point is 00:05:19 just two straight people have regular interactions i think think they can. I think we should. I think that would like solve a lot of problems. But it's like, how do you? Yeah. Oh, it's so. What's the solution? I don't think there is one. I think currently it's the way of the world. I will say my ground on this. I think it's good that men do go up to women in public. I don't think we should just be on apps all day and that that's how we should be meeting. I do think people should be meeting. Again, nothing inappropriate happened. No, no. So then he did show up at the coffee shop. No, we can't put this on. No, we can't put this on. No, we are. No, it was just funny because then we went to this coffee shop. This was just hilarious because we were talking about just these dynamics of straight men versus gay men and our interactions with them.
Starting point is 00:06:10 When you're single, that's another thing. If you're in a relationship or if you're married, this goes out the window. Right. It's about the idea or threat that this might turn into something or that someone will think it could turn into something. So we were talking about all this. We went to this coffee shop right down the street, and we were waiting for the matcha, and he just showed up there. Did you tell him you were going there?
Starting point is 00:06:34 No. He bugged the dressing room? No, he happened to go there. It was a coincidence. He even said, he said, I'm not following you guys, which was funny. It was funny. It was funny. It was funny. But I feel so bad in my body right now.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's not him. Yes. And if he listens, thank you for listening. By the way, it sounds like we're like, ew. And we have a podcast. That's not what happened. The other salesperson said, oh, I love your show. And then we started talking about that. He wanted to know about the show. Right. But we love you. We don't,
Starting point is 00:07:10 okay. Sorry. No, see, you're doing it. Yeah, but I don't. Okay. So what, so how do we manage? Real time. I know. How do I? You have to get over needing to be so liked. I feel like I'm hurting him right now. It's not about. Then let's be really clear. Okay. This is not him. It was just an example of how we interact differently with different people and their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, it kind of makes- It plays a part. It does. Yes. I think this is common for single people. I don't think this is- Yeah. Oh my God. I had a dream. I just remember. Liz, I was so mad at you last night in my dream. Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Don't worry. It hasn't translated to real life. What did I do? You, like, seduced Jimmy Kimmel. The best boy? Yeah, I think it's because we've been talking a lot about him because he's a best boy. Cool guy, sexy man. He's all three.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Exactly. He's the only one that's all three. But you met him. Okay, you know how dreams get complex? Yeah, I was with you. We were at a taping of a show or something. And then you had like a look on your face, kind of like the voice thing that I know about you.
Starting point is 00:08:22 You had a look on your face and I was like, what's going on? And then you're like, well a look on your face, and I was like, what's going on? And then you're like, well, we hung out yesterday. And I was like, Liz, oh, my God. He's married, and we like his wife. And even if we don't, it's not good. And he kind of kept looking, like, over at you, too. So he fell in love with you.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You kind of seduced him the day before. You'd only hung out once, but then you were like i'm taking him you like really you were then dead set on it and i was trying to trap you in a space so that you wouldn't you had like balloons and stuff oh nice sweet and you were gonna like go you were like gonna go to him and i was like no that's my move yeah i go with balloons yeah it's sexy yeah I just remember that. How weird. Maybe because I knew we were recording today and then a lot of Jimmy talk lately. Sometimes I will be telling a story and you'll be like, lit!
Starting point is 00:09:13 Like, you'll, like, assume this. And I'm like, no. But I also understand why you would assume this. That you are being flirty? Is that what it is? Sometimes I think I get myself into situations that are unexpected. So how are we going to—have you forgiven me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Tonight, I'll see how it goes with our dream selves. Right. I'm not so sure where we're at. Wow. But in real life, we're great. Okay, great. Thank God. We have last week's pin.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I know. Thank you. I've been thinking about that, but thank you. Oh, my God. Thank you. Brunch pin is also on my mind. Did we fully cover— I still feel horrible. I'm going to have tummy aches for a week over this. Thank you. Brunch pin is also on my mind. Did we fully cover?
Starting point is 00:09:47 I still feel horrible. I'm going to have tummy aches for a week over this. Lit. It was fine. It wasn't him, but it was interesting that our demeanor changes. Because I don't think he was flirting or anything. I think he was just being very friendly. But when you date guys and you're available, everything becomes, oh no, do they think I like them? And half of the time,
Starting point is 00:10:10 it's not even happening, I don't think. Like no one's thinking that, but it can always be on your mind. It can always happen. And so many friendships, you know, there's that whole meme of like the guy that's about to ruin the friendship. And it's like, he'll just be like, I can just talk to you. Like when they start saying the things that you know is like, uh-oh, it's a sign that they're going to like start revealing their love to you. And again, I think you should tell people when you like them. I'm pro interacting with people. And the thing that I try and remember, because even sometimes, okay, this is dating apps.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I feel guilty. In what way? Yesterday, like this person just wrote this like really thoughtful, like what they like, you know, about my, it seems like you're really blah, blah, blah. And like, what really left it. And then I just was looking at the person. I was like, can I get myself to, and I was like, no, I can't. And then I felt this wave of guilt wash over me. But then I remembered, I told myself, men are used to being rejected way more than women are. It's kind of part of the whole game, right? And Rob, tell me if I'm wrong. And I'm not saying it's easy, but it's part of the sort
Starting point is 00:11:08 of seduction thing is that men are hitting on way more women in that process to know that they'll get rejected. And actually, I think that makes them more equipped for- Yeah, and confident. To sort of, again, engage in public or engage with people that they don't know. Whereas I'm very sensitive, I think, to rejection. Yeah. And, you know, make a whole story about it. So it helped me think about the fact that these men, they don't feel it in the same way that I would feel it.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Well, also, you just shouldn't feel guilt about not being interested. You can't control that. There's nothing to feel guilty about. Guilt comes when you've done something actionably wrong. You can't help it. That's a good point. The brunch pin. Yeah. The brunch pin is from last week, a big cliffhanger. Huge. We went to brunch and we got on this conversation that I think is important. You are with some non-single friends. Yeah. And we're always with non-single friends. We are. You made the astute point that when you're with non-singles,
Starting point is 00:12:06 the first thing they ask often is about your dating life. And they're almost like drooling. They're like chomping at the bit. It's entertainment. Entertain me. It's like, so what's going on? You know, they want it to be good.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Like, I'm not saying they want like a catastrophe or like a car crash, but they want it to be good. Like, I'm not saying they want, like, a catastrophe or, like, a car crash. But they want, like, details. Also, could we be generous that they're sort of living vicariously? I think so, 100%. But there's a superiority. There's a superiority because it's a mix of entertainment and pity. There's a little pity because then most of the time, if you're still single, the stories aren't going to be great.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's like if you're in a relationship, then that's it. But if you're talking about – and again, some dates are great, but most of them, there's a reason why it didn't work out. And so usually what ends up happening is that they're like, what's going on? And they're frothing at the mouth, and then all they get is really horrible. Just a bad story that you have to tell. And dating stories, even the bad ones, like, it would be almost better if they were dramatic and interesting. But like, it's usually like, yeah, and then I never heard from him ever again. Or then he just kind of like wasn't putting in a lot of effort. And it's usually just a down. Exactly. It's like, it's not. So then they're
Starting point is 00:13:24 not satisfied because that's not what they wanted. They wanted something that's like fun and juicy. And then both of you feel bad. That's how I feel like that question usually goes. Now I feel bad and now you feel bad because I feel bad. And then you end up giving me like a weird pep talk about how I'm going to find the one, which then the superiority comes in. Exactly. It always leads to the person who is in a relationship imparting some advice, which is tough because they started it. That's the thing. It's like, I didn't ask for advice. and now because I'm primed to think about all the things that aren't working out in this part of my life. And I think the flip side would be so inappropriate, right? For me to be like, tell me about what's going on with John's lack of erections.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Your sex life. Yes. Married sex life. Totally. Invasive. It would feel very invasive. And so it's almost like we're on display because we're single. I mean, this isn't all my friends. Also, they mean
Starting point is 00:14:25 well. They do. They're just checking in on our lives, but it's true that the reverse doesn't necessarily, I mean, sometimes it does. I have friendships where we talk about their marriages, and in that case, I don't mind as much because it feels more equal. And also, I think you're coming in not from a place of wanting details, but from a place of hearing about how she's feeling. It's not for like the gossip of their inner conflicts. In any other area of life, if a friend is looking for a job, you wouldn't immediately, like first thing you sit down, so how's the job hunt? Or by the way, if you are doing that, you shouldn't do that because you would know if they had a job. So the job hunt's not going well.
Starting point is 00:15:05 It's like you already have the answer. And also, if I am dating someone that I'm excited, if things are going well, you will know about it. Exactly. You don't have to prompt me. It will come up in conversation. The thing that, again, I noticed as we were talking through it was like, Monica never asks me that question. We will be out together for hours and dating will just not be. as we were talking through it was like, Monica never asks me that question. We will be out together for hours and dating will just not be,
Starting point is 00:15:29 again, it can totally come up. It comes up. Oh, what happened with that guy? It'll come up tangentially sort of from other conversations, but there are so many other things that you're going to ask me about my life. It is not the entree.
Starting point is 00:15:40 No, it's like the sprinkles. Like, oh yeah, you treat it like it's not the most important thing that's happening in my life. And I think that tone and intention, it's not. I love it. And I appreciate it so much. And I love how little we end up talking about it in the way that I don't like. Like, I think we do end up talking about relationships and dating and all kinds of stuff. But I don't ever feel that heaviness to it. Or again, that sort kinds of stuff. But I don't ever feel that heaviness to it or again, that sort of subtext. Yeah. I mean, it could be just because we're in the same position, but I wonder if we end up in relationships, if we'll do that. I think people get amnesia.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They were just single and feeling the exact same way. And then as soon as they're in a relationship, you forget. Forget. I remember being in a relationship where particularly one of them where for some reason I thought we had such a great relationship. And like it was great, but also not perfect in any sense. And it's over. So like, you know, there were definitely issues where I had almost a sense of superiority over even some of my friends that were in relationships where like I felt they were being treated as good as I was. I'm sure that happens. Yes. And now that I look back, I'm like, oh my God, that must have been so, again, I'm sure people felt it in the tone or whatever. Because society also rewards you for being in a relationship. Like you've won, especially I think for women. Even though this is wrong,
Starting point is 00:16:59 the headline is you've been picked. Yes. And that's why it's not the same for men because they're the ones doing the picking. But it's why it's not the same for men because they're the ones doing the picking. But it's all fucked up and not true and wrong, but there's still this thread hovering a little bit. Totally. Inescapable. And then I was like, well, so what are the like rules? Like what are our people? Well, not rules, obviously, but the recommendation, I guess. Maybe talk about other stuff. Yes. It'll come up. It'll come up. Like, what's bringing you joy? And then, like, if they're not bringing up anything related to dating, that's because it's not.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So you might not want to ask. Maybe the question is— So what's been going on? I think I'm no longer telling my friends about first dates. That's your new rule? It's Omerda. Like, no one knows because that's what kind of leads to this. Like, so what happened to— That's your new rule? It's Omerda. Like no one knows because that's what kind of leads to this. Like, so what happened to, and you're like, sometimes you don't even
Starting point is 00:17:49 really remember and you're like, oh, right. And then I have to remember this person and remember what happened. It ends up bringing those things top of mind when they're not. So yeah, I've been thinking about the first date, no talking rule. Okay. I love that. I don't know. That's one strategy. I get it. It's also on, not on us. Yes, I was just about to say that. We can't control what they're going to do. They might just ask. So then maybe some safeguards on the other side of not talking about every little thing that happens. No, but that's so fun. Support for Synced comes from Open. Listen, if you want to know the secret to a happier 2024, it's breath work. Uh-huh. It's the new everything.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It's the new everything. It is the key to everything. It is. Now we know, I mean, you're working on some breath stuff and it's like… Sure am. It's just so remarkable how much you can do with your breath. Yeah. It's just-
Starting point is 00:18:46 It can regulate your entire body. I mean, it does. It does. It does regulate your entire body. And it was better than like doing a whole therapy session. Like I woke up that morning, like not feeling great. And then the rest of my day was so much different just because I did that class. I like doing the stillness for sleep.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It's five minutes. It's like super easy class. And then I just feel like the day is released. Oh, and you feel completely different. Yeah. Like you'll lay down and your mind is just going. And then after the meditation, it's almost- It puts you in a different mindset. It does. If you want to get on our daily routine, you can get 30 days free of Open by visiting slash synced. Again, 30 days free by visiting slash synced. Again, 30 days free by visiting
Starting point is 00:19:26 slash synced. Support for Synced comes from Vegamore. We love Vegamore. We were just talking about that. I'm obsessed. I'm always talking about Vegamore. You got your hair cut. It looks so fresh, so nice. I cut it myself. You gave yourself a haircut, and you're keeping it really healthy with Vegamore. Yes. I use their serum. I use their, oh, that brush at night. Like, I keep it on my nightstand and I'll just, like, brush myself to sleep. It's so good for your scalp. It's really nice. And the Grow Hair Serum.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Ugh, don't get me started. I mean, I can always tell by the ends of my hair when I'm, like, on that Grow Hair Serum. First of all, my hair is just, like, so long. Every time I see you, I'm like, what is happening? I know. It's so long. But it I see you, I'm like, what is happening? I know. It's so long, but it's because of the serum and it's healthy. It's not just like drab. Yeah, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Your hair is amazing. So elevate your hair wellness routine this year with Vegamour. For a limited time, get 20% off your first subscription order by going to slash synced and use code synced at checkout. That's slash synced, code synced. To save 20% off your first order, slash synced, code synced. Okay, I'm going to pivot because I am currently on a hunt for a martini shaker. Oh. Because I made two martinis this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:56 You did? Okay. Obviously, this started. Well, I love martinis, but I never felt like I needed to make them necessarily, although I have some beautiful martini glasses. So that's always fun. Here's a present hack for people. Gift hack.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Let's say we're on vacation together or something, and we go to a fun bar that we love, and it's like fancy and cute for your birthday. This isn't relevant to you because you don't drink anymore. But if you did, or maybe I would still do this because you could drink Sprite out of it. Then if that bar sells glasses, then buy that. Like I have two martini glasses from Bemelman's Bar in New York, which is my favorite bar in the world. And then I have two from the Connaught in London that also had a beautiful bar that I stayed there for a week. And it's a
Starting point is 00:21:46 memory too. You're so good at gifts. I love giving gifts. That's such a great idea because what you're so good at is you give very personalized gifts. It's important. Thoughtfulness. How do you do it? Well, I just like it. Rob's like that too. He's very, very good at giving gifts. And I mean, it's ultimately selfish. It's just, I like the feeling of putting that puzzle together. It's a puzzle. Right. It's an art. It's an art. It's a puzzle. It's a science. Girl math. So yes. Anyway, all to say I have some nice martini glasses. And then I was on YouTube Friday night looking for a recipe and a video of Emma Watson popped up. It was a Vogue. I think I saw this video. Her and her brother? Yes. Oh my God. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:30 She has a new alcohol company. And so she was on British Vogue making some drinks with her new gin. And then her brother was in one, making one with her. But anyway, the first one she made was an espresso martini. And I was like, I'm going to make that today. But I was overwhelmed because I don't know how to make espresso. I don't know. But then I remembered I have an espresso machine. So I made it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I Instacarted a chocolate liqueur. Oh, wow. All nine yards. I know, I know. So I made it. It was delicious. It was so good. The problem is I only have the stir apparatus. Some martinis are meant to be shaken and some are meant to be stirred. Okay. And so I have from Bemelman's, I have the stirring situation cover, but I don't have a shaker. And the espresso martini needs a shaker.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So it tasted so good, but I can only give it a seven because it didn't have the consistency it was supposed to have. So now I'm on the hunt. Oh, and then on Sunday, I made a regular martini, my martini, gin. I used to get it without vermouth, but I'm putting that back in. And lemon twist. There is such a sexiness to it. You peel the lemon and you have to do it over the glass because the aromas come off into the glass. And then take a little strip and you wrap it around the long stir and it gets curly. Oh, it's fun. Anyway, so I need a shaker. Yesterday, I went out with Jess. We just went out on the town.
Starting point is 00:24:06 We went to multiple stores. Everyone was out of shakers. Wait. What are you talking about? I know. Why? What's going on? What's shaking up?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Emma Watson. Yeah, her video came out. Everyone bought shakers. Do you think? I mean, Taylor Swift made $93 million for the NFL by just going. So, like, it's just. Well, Jess said based on his restaurant, he thinks people are drinking a lot right now. A lot more. Oh, that's such a cool focus group. Interesting. So people are drinking more in January?
Starting point is 00:24:38 That's kind of surprising. Like normally not, but he's just saying right now this year, for some reason, he noticed and his manager noticed people are drinking a lot. They're ordering a lot of drinks. Isn't that interesting? No more shakers. People are drinking a lot. Well, his explanation was that everyone's drinking, so they bought all the shakers to like make their... I mean, duh. That's obvious. I mean, well, look, like obviously it's like a very small sample, but it is anecdotal information that's pretty interesting put together. That's super interesting because there's a whole dry January thing. But usually there's more in my feed, you know, people bragging about it on my feed.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And I'm not seeing it as much. That's true. I had one friend who was doing dry January when she did it for like a week. I feel, I mean, we've talked about this, but last year was like such a bummer. And, you know, it's going to be an election year. It's going to be a lot more drama. I think people are just in their YOLO. Like, they just don't care.
Starting point is 00:25:29 There's kind of a YOLO-ness in the air. You feel that? A little bit. I feel it in myself where I'm like, whatever, a little. That's nice. You don't feel it? No, not yet. I think I will.
Starting point is 00:25:41 This beginning of the year has been very stressful for me. And then someone did this hilarious meme or is it a meme if it's just letters? I mean, words. Yeah, I think it counts. Okay. It counts. They posted something that said, I reposted it. Oh. One thing about January is that she's going to make sure you feel all 31 days of her. Oh, I saw that. That is how I feel. I just like, thank God we're almost out of this month. I am ready for a turnover. Interesting. What are you ready for? What are you inviting in? Just not so much heaviness. Some levity, some light, just a little bit more ease. Coziness. I don't need it to be cozy necessarily. It can be sprightly, but it just can't be so heavy.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Right. Well, you've been dealing with a lot of drama. I know. There's been a lot of drama around you that's been trying to like bring you in. It's hard. And you've been doing, I think, a really good job of resisting. Thank you. Getting wrapped up into it.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. But when this airs, it will be February. Copy February. Copy February. Congratulations to all of us. We made it. Yes. And hopefully by now, I of us. We made it. Yes. And hopefully by now, I will have had a martini shaker.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So I might go on a little mission today. Try to get one. Go on a martini. Martini mission. It's your social video. It's a social video. I feel so bad. This is what we do on Flightless Bird too.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Every time we do an episode, we say, oh, for social, we'll do this. And then we don't. Never do it. You know, sometimes you shoot for the stars and you land in the trees. Okay. And that's so good. Shoot for the moon and land in the stars. Yeah, I think that's.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Oh, well. Yeah, the trees is a new spin on it. You're not even making space. Yeah, landing in the trees. Oh, wow, that's the truth. It's better than landing on the ground. That's a good way to put it. It's not what you wanted, but it's something.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Sometimes something is enough. All right. Well, should I tell this bad story about a restaurant? How bad is it? I went to a restaurant and I went with Elizabeth and Andy from Nobody's Listening, right? Favorite podcast. And when I got there, I asked the server, I said, can I also put in a to-go order? And she said, sure, of course. Just let me know whenever you want to put that in and we'll get that going. And I was like, great. So, you know, we order our food. We're in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's like an hour in. She comes back by and I say, I'm ready to put in the to-go order. I give her the order. She's asking about the sides. You know, we get it all done. And then she comes back some minutes later and says, I'm really sorry, but the kitchen is too slammed and can't accommodate it. And I was sort of like, oh, okay, no problem. It just sort of caught me off guard.
Starting point is 00:28:22 So I said, no problem. But then I— Had a problem. Yeah. Then I did have a problem. It just sort of caught me off guard. So I said, no problem. But then, then I had a problem. Yeah. Then I did have a problem because it doesn't, you can't do that. First, first to me, you can't say yes and then say no. Like at that point you have to tell the kitchen, sorry, I already said yes. Or before you say yes, you say like, let me just double check. It's kind of a busy night. But once you say yes. It's on you. It is. Or we're out of this item, but we can do these other ones. Lie. Yeah. You lie. Do whatever. But at SoulCycle, they would say find a yes. Even if we were out of water, you had to find a yes somewhere. Like, okay, we're out of this, but we have this if you want this, or we'll give you free something.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Like, you have to for customer service. Also because we could have just ordered the food. Were you at the table still? Yeah. You should have just been like, never mind, I'll take it now. That's what I was thinking. Ask for it to go box. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:19 But by then we were already so far into the meal that I think they could have said, like, you have to give your seat up. Well, okay, so then we also got kicked out. You got kicked out. I've heard about this happening there. There's technically a time limit on the table. And depending on how busy it is, they don't often care. But in this case, and we were there for two and a half hours. So then a different manager came up and said, hey guys, and this was very nice. He was trying to find a yes. He said, we'd love to move you over to the bar. We'll buy you a round of drinks.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But we need this table. But we were still drinking our drinks. I just said, we're heading out. Don't worry. I understand. But also after what already had happened, you kind of like, you just have to be aware. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that was rough.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Especially because, yes, you can't say yes and then no because I would have just ordered all the food and then taken it to go. I just never heard of, like, wouldn't they want to make more money by giving you more stuff? I'm sure they were just really slammed. But it's not like an order calling in. We're there. Right. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah, it's a little weird. There's something going on. They have so many policies there. Right. It's weird. It's a little weird. There's something going on. They have so many policies there. I know. I've gone in the afternoon with Calvin and they've made me take my hat off. Yeah. I'm like, what is this? I don't like that at all. I hate dress codes. Even if I go in and I do
Starting point is 00:30:36 what they want me to do, I feel bad the whole time. It's just such an exclusion tactic. It is. It had a nice shirt on. It wasn't like showing up in a t-shirt. And you can't wear certain types of footwear. Oh my God. I have no idea what I'd want. Mainly for men.
Starting point is 00:30:49 They don't do much for women. But there's also something about like as an adult being told to do. What to wear. Like it feels very like you're 14 and you're at school and like the headmaster's like. Yeah. To me, it like brings me back to like a weird place. It definitely feels exclusionary for reasons that are shady. Yeah. All right. Well, on that note, let's answer some questions. Yeah. Oh, this one's heavy. Is it
Starting point is 00:31:15 okay to leave someone who might have cancer? Anonymous. Hi, Monica and Liz. Last year, I asked for a divorce from my husband of eight years. We tried couples counseling for a bit, but I realized I could not get over all the emotional abuse, gaslighting, and cheating that went on for years. We recently have started getting paperwork and things ready for the split. We have children, so it's a process. However, recently, he's been having some health issues, and doctors are a bit worried about the possibility of cancer or something serious going on. I'm very conflicted on if it is something serious, would I be a bad person to continue with the plan to leave? I find just hearing you two talk through things can be very helpful to look at things from different angles. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Oh, man. This is hard. Yeah. And I would struggle with this. I think you can go ahead and leave. Yeah. I was expecting like because of the sickness, which I think is more complicated and nuanced, but this is not, unfortunately. And you can be there for this person. I mean, staying with them does not help them and will not help them recover. I think that you can still support them and especially if you're co-parenting and you're still involved in each other's lives. But I think you're not doing anyone any favors by pretending you want to be in a relationship. You know, you don't want to be in it. And just suffering. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:31 also because you've already put in your due diligence. You've tried. You've been hurt. You know that you can't come back from it, and that's it. You have to put yourself first. I mean, this is like the most heightened situation for codependency. It's like begging for any codependent because of course you feel like, oh no, how could I quote abandon someone when they have a serious illness? But you're not. And you have to protect yourself. And your kids. You have to also protect your kids because when your parents are miserable, the kids are miserable. Yeah. I don't love to give, I don't have kids, so I don't, anyway, whatever. But you were a kid once.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I was. I was for a long time, 18 years. But I think, sometimes I think we want to do things for kids because we think it'll help them. And again, I think there's a lot of people who will sort of keep the semblance of a family, even though there's a separation or a divorce for the kids. But I think it ends up just confusing them more. And sometimes just being clear cut and being honest and not wavering, right? Yeah. Of, well, now daddy's sick, so we're going to be together, but we still hate each other. Like, I think that only makes it more complicated for children,
Starting point is 00:33:40 even though maybe the initial experience of being separated while they're going through an illness will be difficult, I think overall in the long term it will be for the best. Well, yeah, I think if you do have kids, a good thing to think about is what would you want for them? If your kid was in your situation and had been emotionally abused and cheated on and they're sad, like you don't want that for your kid. So you shouldn't want that for you. Synced is sponsored by BetterHelp. We love BetterHelp. We love therapy. We do.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Relationships are hard. When we're struggling in a relationship of any kind, we can be really hard on ourselves. But the truth is they are hard. That's just the nature of them. And therapy is so life-saving to talk through relationship issues. Yeah, and it makes our relationships last. I feel like there's so many times where I could have ended something or cut something short, and my therapist was actually like, no, this is the moment you dig in. We love it because it's entirely online. It's convenient. It's flexible. There's no excuses about it being difficult because you just fill out a brief
Starting point is 00:34:50 questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist. You can switch therapists, which is great. Great. Important. Very important. Find the right one that works for you. Become your own soulmate, whether you're looking for one or not. Visit slash synced today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, slash synced. Okay. Well, that was much easier than we thought. Yeah. Listen to yourself. Okay. Solo traveling as a very independent wife. This is from Lane. Hi, Monica and Liz. Big armchair and sink squad member here.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I'm a super independent married woman. I've always been the person that won't wait around for others to decide that they want to join me on an adventure. I'll just go do it on my own. My husband and I normally do one big trip together each year around our anniversary. My husband is more worried about budgeting and money than I am. He plans and researches while I just do whatever and figure it out as I go. This means I've gotten to go on a lot of amazing solo trips, and then my husband doesn't feel like we have enough money to do a big trip together.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I'm almost 31, and I feel like I'm getting close to trying to have kids. I'm feeling the pressure to use my limited time off to do adventures I won't be able to do as easily if I become a mother. I have it in my head that this year, I really want to go to Scotland and walk the West Highland Way, but my husband doesn't have any interest in doing that.
Starting point is 00:36:13 It's also our 10-year anniversary and we want to do a bigger celebration trip together. I'm worried that if I do my usual, do what I want and go to Scotland, I will jeopardize our anniversary trip and I will feel guilty and my husband will resent my decision. What should I do? How do I balance keeping my independence and also being responsible and a good partner? This is tricky actually because we're so independent and I do love
Starting point is 00:36:34 solo trips and I also agree that one life and if you don't think you'll be able to do this Scotland trip for a long time because of children. I'm kind of like, you need to do that. And I understand being in a partnership and feeling like, can't you sacrifice that for something that we do together? What does he want to do? I guess I want also more information. Like, he wants to do a bigger celebration trip, but we don't know what it is. Okay. And I think the thought is if she does the Scotland trip, there won't be enough money. Right. But also, I guess the question is, is that true?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Right. He is very— More frugal. Exactly. He's more frugal, which is great. But what's the truth about the finances? Right. Maybe she could, like, make a budget and say,
Starting point is 00:37:24 I think we have the funds to do this big trip together and for me to do this important thing for me. Maybe budget it all out and then present it to him and say, I don't think we have to do one problem and they're like over 70. And so it just can become something that's just difficult. And my dad almost went out and did this two-week trip on his own in Hungary. And I was like, why do you do it? Like part of me was just, okay, sure, go do it. But I could tell there was like a sadness to it. And he didn't end up doing it, which I thought was probably for the best. But anyway, that's kind of a separate story. But yeah, I think it's common with couples, right?
Starting point is 00:38:01 That you're just approaching travel and money. I mean, money, right? Like just differently. So I would want you to like plan something even better together or try and find a way to sort of do both and do it on a budget that feels good for you because yeah, you should be able to do things you want to do, right? Yeah. Especially before you have kids, I agree. And you're young. So if there's something that's going to be like a lot more expensive that you both want to do together and you feel okay sacrificing the Scotland trip for it, then maybe do that. But I would just sit down and like make a budget,
Starting point is 00:38:39 make a list of different options, and then you might have more clarity on it. I think there's a difference too between becoming a dad and becoming a mom that she can maybe even bring up because I understand feeling left out and if she's going on this adventure and it's their 10-year anniversary. So yeah, I do think she should be thoughtful about making that anniversary special and celebrating it together. But I also think women having kids and men having kids is just like a total, like you become a different person. You know, you lose a lot of things, you'll gain so many things. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:08 But maybe that's also something that could be helpful for her to sort of discuss with him why this is so important. That it's not just like, I'm independent. And obviously she is independent and all that stuff. But like becoming a mom in 2024 or in these days, there is a loss of freedom. There is. And you won't be able to do things the same way that you used to for a while. You'll be able to eventually, but for a while it won't be. And it will never be this version anymore. Once you have a kid, they are your priority for life.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Yes. Not to say like you'll never do a vacation. Of course you will. But your brain changes, right? And your priorities change and your life changes. And so I think you should do what you want to do before that happens. Yeah. Okay, let's see. I think we have time for one more. I want to end the relationship with my sister-in-law now that her and my brother are getting divorced.
Starting point is 00:39:59 It's from Ashley. Hey, Monica and Liz, I need some advice on how to manage a delicate situation. My younger brother and his wife are in the middle of getting divorced. They've been married for two and a half years, but have been together since they were 16, now 33. In all honesty, she's not a person I would ever gravitate towards in real life. She's judgmental, aggressive, and her anger almost always gets the best of her. In my family, anger has always been a big issue, and I've worked hard to keep mine in check and surround myself by people who keep a level head.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Anyway, her and my brother have had a volatile relationship since the beginning, and they have two sons who have always suffered the consequences of this. During arguments, they would jump to harsh words and intense emotions, whether the argument was small or big. She always seemed to bring out the worst in my brother, and for that reason, I distanced myself from him while they were dating married. Anyway, my brother has finally stood up to say enough is enough and they're getting a divorce. Currently, they are working together to keep things civil, but there have always been a few situations that foreshadow a difficult divorce proceeding is coming. She wants to continue to hang out with me because she sees me as a friend and wants to have a relationship with my two children, but I would prefer to cut ties in order to pursue a better relationship with my brother. I used to be so close with him when we were kids, and I want to get back to that place. He has been so much
Starting point is 00:41:08 happier since asking for the divorce, and we've been hanging out a lot more. I don't want to risk messing that up. How do I broach this with his soon-to-be ex-wife without her being spiteful and using my nephew's as leverage to get me to hang out? She's done that before even when they were married. Help. Oh, God. Sounds fun. I mean, for me, this is a no-brainer. And it's also, here we go again, boundaries. Here they are. They, like, you can just be straightforward. You can be straightforward, but also you don't owe her an explanation and a whole thing, too.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I think it's a pretty simple one text. thing too. I think it's a pretty simple one text because sometimes I feel like we end up over explaining and it ends up kind of justifying their spitefulness or their anger or like you've done this horrible thing. To me, it's a simple, when she asks you to hang out, say, I really don't have the bandwidth right now, but I'll reach out when I do. Wishing you the best. Making it clear in your communication that you're not asking questions, you're not engaging, you're not really interested in that relationship. Yeah, that's so true. This goes back to what my therapist said once about boundaries when I'd ask, like, do I need to have a conversation? Do I need to tell them basically that I'm putting up boundaries? And
Starting point is 00:42:17 she was like, no, you just put up the boundary. Exactly. So yeah, this does feel like that. And you're so fine. Like prioritizing your brother is exactly what you should do. And honestly, it's an out. This person has some toxicity. You felt it this whole time. It's created a faction between you and your brother. And so great. Time to start over with him. How fun. Right. And she doesn't need to be a part of it. And I can't get into it, but I had a similar situation. And I just would be cordial but distant. Yeah. In text messages or interactions, non-communication is communication. Sometimes the loudest.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Exactly. And just preserving that distance. Because she's going to want to pretend like you guys are still close and that you're going to stay close. And you need to signal that's not the case. You have every right. It sounds signal that's not the case. You have every right. It sounds like she's a difficult person. So if she comes back and if she's directly attacking you or questioning you, I think you could say at that point, I'm sorry you feel that way. I need to prioritize my relationship with my brother. Exactly. That's it. The shorter,
Starting point is 00:43:20 the better. Yeah. And then if they keep coming back, just ignore it. I mean, that's the like, it's sad because the children, but your brother will have time with the children and you'll see the children then. No, it doesn't even matter. I don't, they, you know, they still have their parents. They still have you as their aunt. The kids don't need the aunt to be friends with them. No, I think the thought is, would then she be removed from seeing the kids? Like, she probably, these are her nephews.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And so the thought is, will I not be able to see them anymore? But you will via your brother. Oh my God, it's fine. I don't think it will jeopardize your relationship. Unless if she's super toxic, she can start talking shit about you. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Which is kind of a older thing. You can't control that. But yes, you can't. And just be short and be cordial and focus your relationship on your brother. And I think this is great. Me too. It worked out the way it was supposed to, it sounds like. Because it's hard when you have a sibling or even a friend and
Starting point is 00:44:09 they're dating someone that you know is bad or that's not bringing out the best in them or that's mistreating them. It's very difficult. And in many respects, that can bring a lot of problems within the family and with the kid and all that stuff. But I feel like this clear separation is a really good thing for everybody. I agree. Okay, great. Great questions. Keep writing in. We get such beautiful, wonderful questions. I just saw Anthony's again. Hi, Anthony. Did you send another one? No, it was just the one from last week. Okay, next week is the big... It is already next week? Yeah. I have like...
Starting point is 00:44:47 You have really backed yourself. Well, because also, I didn't realize how bad I am. No. Well, not bad, but my body, there's something wrong with... I'm not breathing. I have not been breathing my whole life. That's what I'm kind of realizing. Yeah, you learned that, which is kind of a big revelation.
Starting point is 00:45:01 It's a big revelation to me. Like, when I breathe with my diaphragm, it hurts. And I feel like I'm dying sometimes. I'm in these exercises. Not dying, but like, there's something wrong with me. Have you ever done a thing? Okay, lay down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Put something. A book. That's one of my exercises. But it's like the transnational ultrasound. What? Yeah, yeah. It's that for my diaphragm. Yeah, it hurts.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I've been storing a lot into my plexus solar. Solar plexus. Sorry, solar plexus. I'm fucking crying. Wait, who says that? In French Canadian, they say plexus solar. Plexus solar. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I guess I said it wrong. So, yeah, I've been storing a lot. Apparently, there's a body work guy I should go to. Hannah told me to. No, don't add more doctors. I know. There's just not exactly. I just like, I just want to chill. This was supposed to be like, I mean, it has been relaxing. It's been not so great for my roommate, I'm sure. Not so relaxing for her. It's been a nice experience, but I'm very afraid to perform.
Starting point is 00:45:59 In my first acting class in college, so like once you joined the acting program, so it was the first like real acting class. The first day of class, the teacher said, it was like a Monday, Wednesday, Friday. She said, okay, on Friday, everyone's going to come in and sing a song for the class. Terrifying. And I was like, I quit. Like I'm not doing that. I'm not doing it. not doing that. I'm not doing it. But she said the reason is because singing in front of people is the most vulnerable thing a human can do. And once we all do this, we will know each other so
Starting point is 00:46:35 much better. We'll get that first vulnerability out of the way so that we can like, you know, act on each other and stuff. So we should all say, no, that's what we're saying. You have, you've done this and I haven't started my essay yet. I mean, I'm so jealous. I've been thinking about you when I'm doing these fucking things. I was like, man, I got the wrong end of the stick here. I know, but this is your personal journey. No, I'm glad I did it because it's helped me. My month of January has been good because of this. Honestly, it's been something that's made me scroll less on my phone and just have a goal in life. Yeah, yeah. Next direction.
Starting point is 00:47:09 And like this teacher I found is really sweet, even though she's just on my computer. It's just a video lesson. Like she's very great at what she does. That's great. Yeah. Okay, one more thing just to add right before we go. I just remembered that last week when we talked about beauty products, you talk about the hydrogel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:27 A couple days ago, I was at Target, and it's under lock and key there too. It's behind the glass. What is it? Wow. Maybe you can make like math out of it. There must be an active ingredient. I think it's just like hot. No.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Hot commodity. No, they would put like, if all things in Target, the hydrogel, Neutrogena. No. That's weird. I think there's more to this. We should investigate for next week. Yeah, let's go. Cliffhanger. Okay. Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye.

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