Athletico Mince - Boiled Parsnips 1: Loft Dogs

Episode Date: March 29, 2020

Some bits from the first two Athletico Parsnips episodes from last year. Beardsley, big paella, Scottish tale, recycling, Slaughters, Barry and more. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, Bob. Oh, and Joe, it's the first episode of our political parsnips. It is. So what's that all about? I haven't really got a clue. I don't know what we're going to do. We'll just sort of like talk about stuff and that. We've got some questions that have come in from subscribers. We're going to address. Foot, let's talk about past nips. Yeah, all right, then fair enough. 75 calories per past nip, right? High in potassium. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Good source of insoluble fiber, right? Which is very good for your heart, gets rid of bad cholesterol, right? The longest ever, guess guess longest ever past nine feet 18 foot six inches house bells exactly that's what they called it the heaviest ever past nap in pounds and ounces I'm going off that long one I reckon half a ton what a fuck off 17 17 pounds, three ounces. Right. Listen up if you're thinking of growing parsnips, right? The leaves and stems are toxic, highly toxic,
Starting point is 00:01:12 after handling them if you're exposing to sunlight and the blisters and waltz can last for up to two years. So if you're thinking of lobbing a parsnip crop in the back yard, be careful where gloves. Where? Yeah. I'm going to continue, Andrew. See, I'm more parsnip crop in the back yard. Be careful where gloves. Yeah, I'm going to continue, Andrew. I'm more passive stuff. Because I've got a memory man for your regard in parsnips. Go on, hit me with it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And it kind of covers what you've just said. Oh, shit. Give you it anywhere. Do you remember memory man, the name of the student who suffered second degree chemical burns after falling onto a wild parsnip plant in the US state of Vermont in July 2018. That's the American one. American one.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yes, yes I do. There it is, memory man. Let's have a root veg quiz. Oh, I'd love to. You know, I mean, we're searching for an identity for our theoretical parsnips. In the minute, it looks like it's gonna be 100% parsnip. But if they start in the soil, you know, it can grow, can't it? Good thinking, I like it.
Starting point is 00:02:11 All right, let's get in the soil. It's called onions, capper, capper. Give me just a little more time. Carrots, Barbara, my head's stuck. Pop, Boeing, oh yeah, Beecho, whack, whack, and turnips. Hey! Boeing! Oh yeah! Beatroot! Whack Whack! Turnips!
Starting point is 00:02:28 Hey! Alright, yeah. It's quite simple. Per kilo. Right. Most expensive. To least expensive. Or the other way around.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Onions, carrots, beetroot, turnip. Beetroot first. What you mean? Most expensive, okay. Then I'm going to see onions, then turnip, then carrot, unlucky under it. Oh fuck sick! Most expensive, it's £2.00K, the turnip. What? Yep. Second, beatroot at £1.50. Then onions at 90p, a
Starting point is 00:03:08 keylaw, cheapest of them all the carrot at £20. So are the sort of right. No, you were. About the sort of it. Yeah, but you're not right Andrew. Now listen up. Right, okay. I I went round Peter's, oh I, and I can't eat dog a boat. Right, why? But I can't eat dog a boat. I've just agreed with Peter that I won't, but he's going to allow me to use this extract of an interview. Right. Dead with him. Yeah. Asking some of the questions that we got on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Oh yeah, from the, so I'll just start the tape. Andrew, right? Okay. Right, okay. Click, click. So Peter, one of our listeners has asked, what are your favourite things to stare at? Oh, well first off, I prefer to always stare at things through glass. Ith yw'r ffordd o'r wyth yw'r gwas ydw'r gwas. Ith yw'r meddwl ymwndo, sy'n gwas yw'r gwas. Mae'r mewn meddwl ymwndo, yw'r cyflwyth yw'r gwas. Mae'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas. Mae'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r gwas yw'r g stuck in the Albanian fellen X doors rosbush I got a good cup of lousy after that and it's a very strong and happy memory my best window there that I remember
Starting point is 00:04:35 Bob was at a mouse playing in its cage and a pet shop on the Wheatdale Park. It would occasionally do a dropping and each time it did our clap and ring the little bell on my key ring. Best bus shelter stair was at a sunny day pack it stuck in a hedge with the straw and a pleasant like angle to the carton. I imagined it was you know like a ship's gun place there by the bird to protect their nest. But my favourite overall stare though is when I look at my wife's face and the nice run, very, very stream of egg yolk, running down her chin, and I know that I've done her porches just right. These porches are as bloody as fuck, you're a good lad Peter. She will say, I'm so happy then.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So I would recommend staring to everyone, especially if your marriage is going through a dreary period it can be very very refreshing. I thank you very much Peter so what is your your perfect chicken wrap someone on one of our listeners ask? I see you're all in your own. I love a chicken wrap me. The wrap itself should be soft and very Mae'n gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r fucking cuppy and should have them lands on it that make it look like it's being cooked on a barbecue you know I don't go for tomatoes and sauces and that's far too ornamental like for my liking and let me tell you a rap is always best enjoyed while you're having a good old stare EJ a Park. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. Felly o'r gwybod. I'm wondering around like I'm in my crepe. I'm gonna get CTV, CTA camera, you know, and I catch a bastard out of there. I think he might be stealing my insulation piece by piece, you know, he owes it to some proofing for the machine he bought off a Norfolk family. Apparently it can plant under his sputus for a minute.
Starting point is 00:07:25 It could just be a loft dog like you know, but my wife says loft dogs are active during the day mainly, so I'm keeping nothing on the back burner. Have you ever considered like an alternative to the puffer jacket peter. I think you should have a brown leather bomber jacket, you know, with an elasticate wear span than cups. It was a very serviceable young, you know, with good zip and a concealed pocket in that, and a lot of the business with para-grey lines slugs in a nice pointy a'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r cymryd i'r Jesus so the bomber Jackie went in the fire along with me Daniel or Donald Albums like you know he got a nice first out Daniel you know well at least before he started part in it you know the Winter Quay which we was left and
Starting point is 00:08:35 right to help him find the bookies well thank you very much Peter for answering some of our questions that That's great. No problem Bob That was lovely, so it was nice to be helpful when I was a love dogs I mean, trade to normal love dogs is there a documentary about love dogs? I could hunt down on Netflix. I'm 50 50 on it. Do you not think they exist? No, I'm 50 Like prairie dogs as I are they rail or not? They're just dogs that when they died they haunt the last. It's like looking down at them.
Starting point is 00:09:09 They don't call it, they just go up the loft and they're roamed in there. Well, they're very hard to disprove Andrew. Oh, it's a very hard to prove. 50, 50, 50, yeah. You know what was Easter? And yeah. What did you do? Which memory did I do?
Starting point is 00:09:27 I didn't make much use of it. It was nice, sunny and nothing. I went to the beach. I went to the beach because my kid went to the arcades with his mates. I just hung around, I dropped him off then, picking him up later on, so I just hung around. I wondered about on my own at the beach like some kind of lonely sweat really. There's a fellow there picking pebbles up when I want to look at them, I thought I'm just one step away from being here.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I hope you're telling them that, mate. I bet you enhanced the beauty and the aesthetic of the beach wandering around. I have my shorts on it. Oh God, I'm so what I thought. Well, I, um, I went to Lodlough. Is that a real place? Yeah, in Erifager. Is it coastal? No, it's, um, like, you know, like landlocked property. Well, there's a place there, um, Lodlough Castle is like I say, my ancestral home, because it was Lord Mortimer. All right. Who owned it? So I thought I just picked just wander around and give talks to anybody that's hanging about Don't I tell you why I did see what did you say? I've heard of have you ever seen these big pie allas that people make
Starting point is 00:10:39 You're not in a great place. They've got to see them. Yeah, I've wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive pants. You're not wearing a massive it. You look at the whole thing, you know, you just get a bit of that. I know, I'm not, but you didn't have put a lot of prawn, you know, you know, it looked good. And so I went into Ludlow castle and he said it would be 50 minutes. It would be ready.
Starting point is 00:11:16 It's a lot, but there you go, 50 minutes, big pan in it. Yeah. And I went in there, I always get to want to get a snow globe when I visit these places. Is the castle inside the snow globe a smaller version of the castle? Exactly where it is. The little castle in winter. The little tower from...
Starting point is 00:11:34 But I was in the gift shop and Piazza is out there. Right. I'm in gift shop. Right. I've got snow globe. Yeah. And no one serving. Right. Oh, he didn't. Did you? I don't know whether I should say I wouldn't say. Even this is a sub-subscriber only episode.
Starting point is 00:11:54 So it's kind of ring-fenced, but you know, word could spread. There's one of our listeners is about to be a grass. Well, I put it in my pocket. Did you? And as soon as I put it in my pocket and as soon as I put it in my pocket, I blow a paper, he had a really powerful fungal spray, right? I'm just fungal, it had fungal in it. It's just said fungal on it, right? And he says, thank your pencil for a bless you with this fungal sprite well what I'm meant to do and he because do it a fungus it could cause it could get in me rolls and me fat and you get how could get thrush or whatever
Starting point is 00:12:37 crest growth in there so I said I'm what you what you what you're doing this for me I'm sorry pay for the globe he, I'm a fucking gangbanger, mate. It's in my blood. Oh, God no. So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says, So he says you know so it's nice and sorry I've got that wrong trust the snout glove in your irainess what you read this leaflet on the castle's history so I said do I shake it first he says it's sorry and he says and shake it first I said what the globe are my ass he says the globy clonker what do you think I
Starting point is 00:13:23 work for the globy clonker what do you think I work for? The globe you clonker what do you think I work for Brontan fucking print So I shake the globe and it does look very pretty Andy and so I get down on my haunches to sit on it, yeah suddenly Bang he goes down on the On the deck, yeah, and I look up and the first thing I see is a big fucking spoon, right? It's the bloke from the pile, that's all. Wondering where I am. Yeah. Because I promised to go up in minutes. I said, oh, thanks mate. Come on, let's get
Starting point is 00:13:59 some of that pile. So, and that's the end of that really but guess what? What I got away with the snow, go? Did you? Yeah. I think it's in pieella as well. Yeah it was beautiful. Was it good? I was worried. You know you were talking about the 50 minutes been a long time but I thought if you had gone back earlier and got some with the state you're arses in that could have been a recipe for disaster, didn't it? Did you think it was a bit like that Batman film where the Jorka puts a pencil through someone's hand?
Starting point is 00:14:26 That story. That's thinking that. The bit I was telling it, yeah. And also congratulations because I had no idea where that was going until the South African turned off. So I'll have to work on congratulating you on that. I've got some questions for every kids for you. Oh God. Bob, when you go back to Middlesbrough on occasion, do their treat you as a God because you can walk upright and use consonants in the right place most of the time?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Do you know the kind of do, yeah? They like it's like something from Game of Thrones. It's from the exotic Game of Thrones and the, I mean, some titles when I'm up there, yeah. Do I go like, oh, I'm just, no, no, no, you're not good, you're not. And I do subtitles. I'm doing fine, thank you, Frank.
Starting point is 00:15:16 What do you visit, Millsbury to the elders gather around you and groom you, picking ticks out of what was left of your hair? They eat no ticks in my hair man. As if they're going here. Just asking. The kids are just asking. Where you got a mills-breedie with void wearing brightly colored clothing so you won't
Starting point is 00:15:34 stand out or trigger something and have collected a mania in the backstreet. No, I wear very brightly colored clothing. So they attract attention? Yeah, then I'm different. And I've got the approach to precaution. Right, thank you very much for those answers, they're very good. John the Scottish tale.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Oh, please. It was late summer in 1963, and the day that the present word was to be ceremonially and diverted into office as the ruler of the aisle. Young Bernie McAllister was appointed to be the calier of the ceremonial sword and charged with ensuring its blade was a sharp as a razor for the cutting of the seal on the Jack Marney scroll. Bernie suffered from cucumber urine and in usual condition that caused the patient to urine
Starting point is 00:16:27 the taste of fresh raw cucumber, above anything else, including love, money and laughter. It had left him a sad and miserable laddy, for there were no cucumbers on the island due to their tendency to induce gayityty and iny endul. Two days before the ceremony, as he sat on his bed sharpening the sword with a pumice dune, his cucumber craving took a turn to the extreme, and he decided that he must, what they are at the cost, get his hand on a mainland cucumber. That night he made a flotation device from polystyrene, oil barrels, and an empty bottle of oat water. A broom and a flipper suffice as an ore. By the break of
Starting point is 00:17:14 morning he emerged on the beach and made us wait at the central shopping area. First up was Marx and Spensis. Full of foods and trinkets and materials that he could never previously imagine existed. Then he saw them. Cucumber's large, cucumber's smurl, cucumber's straight, cucumbers bent like the curve of an Essex eyebrow. He gathered one of each variety, his mouth watering, and his heart beating as loud as a dumb beetle's shame. All he needed was a knife to remove the bitter skin. The bright seductive perplonnings of Costa Covey drew him in like a cushioned Todd Bucket and he took a corner seat away from the hustle and the bustle.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Horn is seat away from the hustle and the bustle. As the seat taken, said a young lassie in a parka coat, holding a plight of mint and toast, notice free and suggestive of much comfort," replied Barney. She removed her coat, revealing a tight t-shirt with the slogan, Keep Carmen Marie John, written over a picture of John Stapleton, the broadcaster. It was immediately apparent to Bernie that she had plenty to spare, what an avalanche and reserve should your sightline be restricted. He felt his personal pipe to which he gazed his zipper, and in a fluster he blurted, would you help me with my cucumber lassie, I'm gasping for some relief here." Well as the lard had worn, the cucumber is a dangerous fruit, and thinking that arch he was
Starting point is 00:18:52 referring to his Roger de Corsi, the lassie insisted that a local constable arrest him. He was soon collected from the jail by the lard's henchman and returned to the island. from the jail by the Lerd's henchmen and returned to the island. On the day of the ceremony the sword was not used to break the seal on the scroll, but instead to remove the head of young Burney. But it had the face of Frank Ribbery the face of Frank Ribbery the face of Frank Ribbery There you go. Beautiful and what of stuff?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athletical pastips, Athlet go pass nips Athletic go pass nips. Let go pass nips with Andy and me. Thank you Would expect that I'm in any problems recycling wise at all Andy are enjoying your recycling I do not want to discuss it with me recycling. I yeah, I've got an ethos if you like. Go on then. I'll put anything in that I think deserves another go. All righty, it doesn't have to be a big paper or a cardboard or glass, there's anything I think deserves a second chance. You know you always nick in, you tell these off the kids so that you can pretend that
Starting point is 00:20:18 there's a bogey man. Yeah. So where would you put like one of those cheap nylon pink teddy bears that you buy for your kids? Recycling. But what would you put it of those cheap nylon pink teddy bears that you buy for your kids? But what would you put it in paper? I just chatted in the other big bit. How many bits, how many compartments is your recycling bin? I've got one.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I've got one big green bin for any old nonsense. Yeah. This isn't recycling, this is standard. That's me big. It's here for feelings. They're going to brown bin. I've got a brown bin for like, I'm not a vegetation. I've got only put grass and grass cutens in my brown bin.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Oh, I can put out the food stuff. You know, I could put in, say anything that's like I always think from nature, you know what I mean? I could put in dead birds, air cons, you know, like shells. Yeah, I could put all that stuff. And then I've got a law box that you put in paper, cardboard, and then a low, box equally low grain box that you can put in glass.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Do these boxes have lids on? No. Wow. We used to have them. Now we've got a full size bin with a lid on. Well, I was a bit re-ins, you've picked where I'll turn some more. I'll turn, mix their job more difficult than it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 That's stupid, isn't it? I thought you saw something as supposed to be on the board with this sort of thing. What do you mean? What? Southern as equals expertise at worst, is it possible? Well, I do. He's all simply thinking it does well. I don't think it does. First function in worst disposal center, what do they call them? You know, they've got a big chimney in that, I'm not. That was in Middlesbrough, and we're all very proud of that. That's the North, though. But that's what I'm saying. That was in Middlesbrisson, we're all very proud of that. That's the North though. But I'm saying the Northern's where the expertise on the cycling.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I've seen the Southern has reckoned they know what the top is. Oh, you are. I didn't. I've got a blue bin and it's got a paper compartment in the top and then the rest of it all goes in cardboard glass, dead birds, egg shells, bottles, eggshells bottles yeah cans okay Adrian yeah was kind enough and is met the waiter yeah to answer some viewers viewers questions for us yeah boys and girls yeah so we can play that can we yeah I'll tell you that yeah I've got some questions for you that have been posted to the restaurant. Adrian, what is your favourite f**k and side dish? Oh f**k, that's not f**kin easy.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I love all meaty side plates. Don't f**k about Adrian, just chose one. F**k off. No, you f**k off. Well, in that case, would have to be. Moroccan Donky lad, 48 hour filtered through a mesh of mutton chip-ins. Oh, that's got my juices running like the hot tap at the Donekabab van. Does your son burn it, suffer permanently from the quickly shits?
Starting point is 00:22:58 The short answer is yes. Largy, due to its love of all gravies. It's not a problem though, because as soon as a searedrip, I toss him outside onto the hardstanding, wherever an outdoor hose to wash away the quickness into the curbside. Question here from Richard Sheen, what does Adrian think of Sparman corned beef. Oh there's no answer there. This has been written badly. I've moved on a question from Jenny McElis there. Oh, got your hands, that her boyfriend's meat cooking is tarnished as soft furnishings with its meat vapors. She loves them. What is it fork and worth it? Oh, she's captured a prince there.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Sounds like heaven. She needs to embrace his meaty heroics. She should hang their bedding above the cooker when he's frying liver or rendering fat. You never get a better night's sleep than when you're trapped in a scent of meaty smog. Look, he luky laughs. What do you think a spammer can be? Just up the top of your head. Well, it's trapped meat.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It's trapped meat, that makes it sweaty. That makes the juice is gone, gee. That makes it perfect for the salad. Would you say, go to the tin, I'll just lick it out. Tim! Tim! I just... I just lick it out and then use it to pick up any of the tips from me, sent. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, he sent me in a, well you'll hear it's terrific as always and you know how much I enjoy listening to the mandro. Yeah, so, yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, let's do this
Starting point is 00:25:06 Let's go welcome to the first ever Barry C. Homeowner audio blog and fantasy realization experience a motivational medium where my inspiration and insight can up search your business Successoruni to know me is to experience pure love to hear me is to eradicate your backwards thinking. Oh, it's someone tells me no, it doesn't mean I can't do it. It just means I can't do it with them. I had this problem with Darren from Lettings, I just went to the boat like some my own. Build your own dreams or someone will hire you to build them. The other day I replaced a button on my team Audi Dover cover which would come off you
Starting point is 00:25:44 to my night scrotting and fidget spasms slept like a horse I won't let you down I'll just take you up up up up Up into the business guy You feel Feel like you make him love Make a love to Thomas the Tank Engine! If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.
Starting point is 00:26:13 If you're in your comfort zone, then your life is on hold. Pin your email to Audi about your service schedule, research trends, make visible changes, a pink tie equates to finely tuned muscle memory A red sock to the ability to throw great distances over arm Yup, yup, yup, yup, I won't let you down I'll just take you up, up, up, up Hop into the business guy And you will feel Be like you make in love make in love in a dark
Starting point is 00:26:51 risk order don't wait for an opportunity create one pop up an honor in the ladies handbag at a sales conference I went to see Avengers Endgame and left a banana on my seat you never know who might have picked it up. The key is to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles. Bring your outdoor space indoors by propping the back door open with a rubber wedge. Don't have an espresso for your COMPETUTIO, BY ONE. Don't have a Nutri-Bullock for your smooth runies, BY ONE. Don't have a girlfriend, then read about them.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I won't let you down. I'll just take you up, up, up, up. I'll be doing the business sky. And you'll feel, you'll feel like you're making love. Making love in a coach full of turtles. I'm the secret super superstar and you've got a new idea who I am. It's the end of the football season now and usually what happens in football is the manager ticks the players away on a holiday as a thank you. Usually it's somewhere really nicely great on my knocker and the bare minimum
Starting point is 00:28:27 you get is a center park spot in a hot foreign land. One year ago I was playing for a top, top team and would only finish 16th in the league and would got knocked out of both the cups by a couple of little teams. So at the end of the season, the manager took us all to a pontons for a week where they made high d high. I can't even remember where it was because it was shit. The manager forced us to do all the combat activities each year like water, pool, and bar room dancing and we only got one deer trip out. That was to a local factory where they made jumpers and cardigans.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It turned out one of the lads, not me, was allergic to wool. Not me, was allergic to wool, and he ended up lying down in the car park with sickle of his trousers, and he bought the trousers, especially for the holiday, and we didn't even get a free jumper or a cardigan at the end. That night, lords of the players were ringing their eagings, trying to get rescued but we didn't know where we were cause the manager had confiscated all our phones and he'd even took our maps of us. It's sort of worked or the next season we're finished for emptying the league and we're We've got to have a week at Olden Towers. I'm the secret soccer superstar, Tara. Tera. See you around sometime, Matt.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah. Do whatever. Tera. Thank you.

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