Athletico Mince - Boiled Parsnips 30: Amanda Baby

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

Fresh blood for Geordie Heat, pre-season Lawro, a distance quiz, hot Scholes, Steve and Casper at home, and a Milky call. (Rec: 20/7/22) Become a member at H...osted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm soliciting to that country for the music I've been feeding my kids on budget hands I've put my dog on to a keto diet so I can get that fucking elsation into its brand I've been down the tip with a boot load dog dirt I've been stealing instant mash from being ants I've been cooking my hot dogs in the air fryer And topping them with my early morning flame I'm not hot, funky, I'm not bright as the spark And as we dope door-sums I'm pissing on shadows as we dopt or sun I'm pissin' on shadows
Starting point is 00:01:05 Shadows, it fuckin' been a fuckin' time I'm talkin' I've been driving my van all round sunburnin' Picking up KFC buckets for my window box I keep crayin' all day for a miracle Like waking up surrounded by fuckin' pork chops I'm not pork, I'm ki, I'm not fried As a spark I'm empty doors
Starting point is 00:01:38 So I'm justin' on shadow Shadow, shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, How are you doing? I'm doing our hot you know like that's the theme of this this week, isn't it? He is Apparently, this is the hottest podcast since record was begun Really what's it running at 50 60 degrees? 67 degrees We already have a 27 degree head start on all the other podcasts we saw you do 67 degrees of shade
Starting point is 00:02:28 podcast. We saw it. 67 degrees of shade. Exactly. Yeah. It's the kind of hot shade that will be in a composter and it will self-immolate. It will just self-write it yourself. You're wearing a white t-shirt, Andy. Is there anything in the theory that white is cooler than black cotton? It's the t-shirt that I've had on because I've been out in the sunshine hanging out at the washing. so it was the only option. I tell you what, you incredibly lucky that I'm not doing this topless because I thought about it. No, I thought about it. I did think about it.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I didn't think it would be fair on either of us. It would probably put us right off and it would lead to a mental image that the listeners just simply don't need. It's simply not Simply not equipped for. Where'd you put your hand, your washing just over the fence? Yeah, yeah. I just think there's just, there's just a pile of bricks. I've got like half bricks in the corner.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I just light on that to let dry. I've actually been getting, um, I've been getting a lawn sprinkler from the Argos, and I've just pulled out on the yard. I was going to lie down and just let the just let the lawn sprinkler do its work. There he was. Careful of that dog dirt when it starts melting. You could get rivers of it.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Climb over next door's fence and use their tub. I've got some wives questions Andy. Oh the life's work. She's been busy. So it's only two. Andy she says hello. Hello, hello the wife. Yeah Has the Gregs in Sunderland retail park
Starting point is 00:03:50 been listed as a heritage site by the council up there in Sunderland? I Thought no, maybe it has but then there's nothing wrong with that We should be proud of Greg's emanating from the North. I see there's one up and then, less to square. Really? This week, they've got a great, so, you know, fashionable London is well behind the curve
Starting point is 00:04:16 when it comes to the might of Greg's. I suppose that's right. It's nice, there's one, there's one at King's crustacean now. There's the Elphora and the Northern just coming down. Exactly, that seems like the perfect spot for one. I don't know why there hasn't been one till now. What's your favourite Greg's item? It's a blue deer it's sight.
Starting point is 00:04:33 What's your favourite Greg's item? Cornbave pasty. Right I'm chasing onion pasty. Yeah that's very good. Last time I checked they didn't do do the cornbave pasta in the London Greggs. It wasn't regarded as a London dish delicacy. Well, they'll be out in the curve again, isn't it? That's wrong, then it saw that out. But the cornbave beer now, not the cornbave pasta,
Starting point is 00:04:58 which is also wrong. That's because of its shape, as it bowls, and it's a rectangular, isn't it? Is it the EC, do you think of the EU? It's the ECU, yeah. Tell us what the Carlo pasties. Yeah. Second question. Yes. In this hot weather,
Starting point is 00:05:14 do the fork of Sunderland shave their Alsatians or just line the prams with frozen chicken dippers? Never shave an Alsatian. Why not? Everyone knows they can't get it, keep still long enough. Alcations will not be shaved. They just won't have it. Yeah chicken dip, frozen chicken dip is and then obviously the body hate from the alcation will hate up the chicken dip is and once the one's the one's the one, enough you can snuck the alceacinus kind of like a canine barbecue almost. Well there you go see that's the people of Sunderland isn't it. Have you had your chance on the bay leaf yeah is it come round to your house yet or something bay leaf?
Starting point is 00:05:55 No no it's due it's due in I think I get it early December so I might put it in me Christmas dinner and then maybe freeze it freeze the dinner and just start out for Christmas dear. I like see. What would be a nice addition to Christmas dinner a bit of a bit of flavour. Yes, so a bit of taste for once in the Darsen El Sold. That would be good. Anything at any other insults? No, none whatsoever. Can we quickly go over to Mark Lawrenceson, he's doing some preseason friendlies in the Paraguayan non-league scene and I think he's recording the commentary from a basement in the middle of London.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So we'll go over and have a little listen to that shall we? Long hopeful barfarmer to air, been cleared. Little bouncing around in the middle of the pitch. Like that. I wish somebody could put me in touch with a big bag that doesn't leak. I never put liquids in the kitchen bin, but every single time there's bin Joe, so don't understand it. It's got every throw in there. That's all we've got for now. We've got back. He really brings it to life, don't he? I know that you enjoy the throw-ins, so that's good for you I guess yeah I managed to get old of a bit of the script for Jordy Hates and episode of Jordy Hate and I
Starting point is 00:07:31 didn't get it from Infinity Rocket Plastics by the way if that's what you're thinking because it's a actual hard copy of the script you know I printed out on paper so that that's a nice thing to print something out on isn't it Andy? Paper yeah yeah I'll read it for you anyway. Jordy heats crime on the time hot Jordy nights Jordy Knights? Jordy Streets? Full of crime! Jordy Heets. All is quiet and calm. Dièdie Howe is on the eBay, looking at novelty draft exclusives.
Starting point is 00:08:23 PC John-John Shelby is down in a hole in his cape. PC's Denise Welsh and Carol Beadsley are squeezing a chicken to see if an egg might come out. Suddenly they all get up and stand to attention. Their big boss chief constable Amanda Stavley has entered the room. They all get up, good afternoon, mom, good afternoon, mom, good afternoon, mom. Amanda. Oh, please. Just call me Amanda, baby,
Starting point is 00:08:54 because I'm worth it, pet. Eddie, how? Eddie, oh, fucking lovely to meet you, sweetheart. How are you getting on with, you know, with a local fucking accent? How a and why I pet I did not give a shiter boot noot Denise Welsh. Oh, that's very good, ma'am Amanda baby
Starting point is 00:09:20 Listen, I've just popped down to inform you that a new community officer will be starting with you today. There's a knock on the door. That's probably him now. Come in and meet a man-to-baby. The door open and in walks Mr. Sting. He's wearing a black bulletproof kelvara overcoat, a throbbing blue motorcycle style helmet, and is carrying a kelvara-covered loot. He has a diesel generator and a trolley
Starting point is 00:09:52 that he's pulling behind him. Special, Constable BC sting! From part of Fajotti, I'm here to make a massive difference to a massive problem and make sure he hates the most massive enforcement agency in the non-nual being world. Janice, oh god help us, he's got his loot. What was that you said Lady Copper? Nothing, nothing Mr Sting, lovely to have you on board. So Zaddi, do you think you could turn off that fucking generator? It's making a fucking racket. I'll can hardly hear myself fucking think.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Not even remotely possible. It's powering my super helmet. That contains the largest deer in the base in the world. And Gansulf Grounds denny easy like. It even has a light detector function for when we are questioning macons are smoggy is that bad thing? No, it's to have you on board, PC Sting, says Amanda. I suggest you share a desk with PC John, John Shelby. Good luck and welcome aboard, the good ship Amanda baby.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Amanda leaves the incident room. No chance, I'm asking my spooky children over there. I will require a massive desk with a massive revolving chair and massive big red lantern on it that lights up your beef Batman telephones. JJ, shall be. Call me spooky children again and I'll drain your blood with my long suction device that I keep under the drawers on the right side of my desk.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Spooky children! You know, PC Sting, can't affect them, will you? You can share a desk with PC Walsh if that's fine, you know, okay, we'll do this. Ah, yes, of course, boss. Sting's helmet makes a sound like a clown horn being stood on by a bear with a limp. Sting. She's lying, my helmet tells me that it's sore.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You cannot defeat it, and you cannot deceive it. I should know, cause it went off to, when I told Trudy I liked her mung bean smoothie. I would rather stand than sit with a liar. So come on, I've got me supercar outside. Let's go catch some tricky bastards. I think you're getting one ahead of yourself there PCStick. For the first four weeks of your training, you'll be very soon in the packing office. Just learning the ropes and looking after a fucking paperwork.
Starting point is 00:12:25 We have a bit of an emergency on the hands at the moment and a skate convict Pat fucking Bell who bears the grudge against PC Shelby. We are all staying hunted fucking down until he's caught. I'm prayer. Toby, what is this grudge again? Show me, based on. Er, he bit all nine of the bloke's fucking dogs, and then it would be put down. I told you we had spoken teeth. I told you not to call me that again. It's a good job. You don't have a dog. I don't have a dog on his massive. It's a cross between a said-burned and a spare virus. Mae'n gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaithio'r gwaith Try and stop me and I'll lump you in the face. So hard your head will turn in on itself, and Harry Potter-Bondons will stream out of your ass wall. Oh, OKAY then, no problem.
Starting point is 00:13:32 My, my own matured be fully charged now, anyway. Carol turns off the generator. The office falls silent again as they await news on Pat fucking bell. Steam breaks the silence. You're looking people, I have written a song about my police career and how it will pan out. I'll pray for you to Chinese detention. Oh Mr Sting, yes Mr Sting with his calvar hat and coat. Oh Mr Sting, he's a wonderful thing though he never likes to gloat. Oh, Mr. Sting, he's the crime fighting King, and he's always first on the scene.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Cos Mr. Sting, yes Mr. Sting, he's a man the baby's dream. My wee wee is dark. Tsk! Suddenly the door to the incident room is kicked open. And it's none other than a skipped convict Pat fucking bell he's wielding a show enough shotgun what John Jones shall we step forward I'm John fucking bell I'm gonna shoot your face to shit and back John fucking. It was Pat fucking bell wasn't it? Sorry I meant
Starting point is 00:14:47 Pat fucking bell. JJ Shelby throws his cape at Pat fucking bell to confuse him but it lands more than a meter shoot. I'm going to shoot you nine times one for each dog. Carol beardsly, nuts a quick pat fork and bell, check this. Carol throws six boilers at pat fork and bell, but they all miss. They're nearest missing by a good three feet. Brackets, not to director. Pleasing show a Carol does not eat the boilers prior to the commencement of this scene. Eddie smears his own hand with evo stick glue and sets fire to it. Listen mate, well fucking end is all for. You need to let me go so I can see urgent fucking medical attention. Denise extinguishes the fire on Eddie's hand using a bottle of Prosecco. She had hidden in the operational cowboy boats next to her desk. Oh thanks a fucking bunch to this. That burning end was more ticket to freedom.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Now I'm at the mercy of this fucking moon man, Pat, fucking Bell. Stuck with you now. It's only the vampire I'm at. Vampirarm after cause of the dog's deaths. Now get on your knees, Shelby. Shelby gets on his knees and Pat fucking bell points his shotgun directly at his face. He puts his finger on the trigger and there's a loud bang as the gun is fired. Eddie screams, Huuuk!
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh! Pat fucking bell falls to the ground and massive hole the size of a melon in the middle of his back. Tick, that Pat fucking bell bell you daft asshole, you've just been shot with Mr Sting's loot and shoot space weapon powered by your neetime of electric and animal plasma. Don't mess with Sting, it's just not the dumb thing. Thank you very fucking mass piecey Sting, we owe you a great fucking deck of gratitude and that is a fucking under-estimation. No, what is it? It's just typical of me to save the lives of others.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Come on, let's have a sing. Oh, Mr. Sting, yes, Mr. Sting, Jesus fucking hell. Oh, Mr. Sting did a massive thing killing Pat the fucking bell. So, or Fox, did you like my song? They all say yes, and the live detector instincts helmet goes apeshit. And he runs out of the room honking like a chimp in a circus store room. You're fucking liars! And that was, you're the heatmer coffee and I'm sorry listeners.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Oh that was so good. I enjoyed that immensely. Amanda, what a bastard. Amanda, stavily baby. Amanda baby. Yes. I had some sort of thoughts and failings there that I wasn't very comfortable with but uh yeah. It's fall and you can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So no, you can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup and maple lattes? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See you at for details. Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See after details. What do you like to play a game which I call from Center Spot Tissier Farm? Oh, you know I do and I love that game. Very simple. Three football clubs and all you've got to do is a judge which one of them is the closest to the nearest local sewage facility. I want you to give me in-order closest to further story. Okay, and it's a beautiful quiz. Can I just check? You're not tricky with these, are you?
Starting point is 00:18:37 You don't look for ones that you just look at a club and see the distance. You don't think, oh, I'll try a rural one or all. I'll tell you this it's a lot harder to put together than you'd think because a lot of the ship farms aren't actually listed. Which is suspicious but I'll tell you I'm going to look into in the future. What are they hiding Andy? Exactly. Three clubs for you. Number one, Maucham. Yeah. Number two, Aberdeen. Yeah. Number three, slightly rural, Ipswich Town. I would go, Mocha, Nearest, then Ipswich, then Aberdeen.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You've got that completely wrong. Mocha is 4.6 miles from the nearest shit farm. Right. Ipswich is 3.2. I'll give you that, you got that as the middle one. You got that correct. Aberdeen 3.1 miles from the nearest shit farm. And there's actually a review of the Aberdeen shit farm
Starting point is 00:19:38 on Google from a disgruntled for a movie. Right. And I'll not read it all out because it's very long, but the gist of it is that he got the job in February 2018, got sucked end of October 2018, sucked on the belief that I'd been smoking in the works van. I hadn't been only the, I don't have the van two months, asked myself before I got the new van. Why wasn't there any smell of smoke going to be found in the van? I drove for five months working there. Good group of people to work with,
Starting point is 00:20:05 but then this new guy started and everything changed overnight. He took over and in my eyes, he's found to be wanting. Good place to work. Great people to work with, but you will not be trusted or believed and I do not expect a fair hearing or appeal as Mike dismissal was already in the table when I got back to the office. If you get a job there watch your back don't trust the management there will not trust you. Ooh. I'd like to do a C1 workplace grievances and is it something to think it would be easy to find? I think it could be. Yeah there's put like like a domented one's like that. Well anyone I mean you could quiz it up for me and make it like there's a genuine and a non genuine. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:46 Maybe I'll I'll set the work on that definitely I'm so into it Andy, but I've got Paul Skoll's joining us on the line Hey, hi Paul greetings. Yeah Hello, yeah, thank you. Thank you for providing me with this platform. Hey, it's a pleasure, Paul You probably know I've recently been cancelled. Have you? Oh Yeah, you're cancelled by the MSM. All right, so why is that then? Oh Something to do with a toe. Oh, no, don't go on about it though. I could have sworn you were on BT Sport pretty recent they pull.
Starting point is 00:21:26 No, no, no, no, you're wrong, I'm proper cancelled, got the form and everything. Okay, well anyway before we go on to preview the new season pull I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you've been okay in this terrible heat. Hey what heat? You know the heatwave we're having this week record temperatures and all that. Oh that, you'll be the latest live by the deep states communication channels. Well no it's been it's 40 degrees where I am. Oh yeah right, we believe that do you cos they tell you that on the BBC or as I call it the bloody bullshit company.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh good one Paul look I've got a thermometer nailed to a tree in me garden and it was 38 degrees before I came inside to record this. Oh yeah, what's in the thermometer? I'll tell you Mercury, answer me this, would you drink that Mercury? No, because it's highly toxic. Well, well exactly, my motto, past goals as' motto is this, don't put anything into your mind that you wouldn't put into your mouth. Well, I think you're getting a bit carried away there, Paul. You haven't been out in the sun too long, have you? Oh, but you know, we're not all morning, mate.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I do the 10 mile jump while listening to the Russell Brads' new podcast. I suppose you. I suppose you were in the house, soaking up all the crap agander on Sky News Alambrane, I ate it so... Wasn't it worse? What he said, the custard was coming round the sides when the dogs clombed. Paul, Paul, I think you might be suffering a bit from the heat, you know. No, no, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'll pull a post-it note of the roof so the sky gods will get it and see what the trouble might be. I'm really though, not in Jesus style. Paul, I think you need to go and lie down in the shade mate. I'm fine, actually, I'm pretty close to exposing those bandits to infinity rocket plastics. What's the world finds out about their harvested of plastic? BEEP Ah, it sounds like we've lost Paul there Andy.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Oh, yeah, it was okay, he's on. Dropping the connection, was Infinity Rocket plastic to disset up that connection? Do you know? I don't know, I never know what's happening with the mandi, you'll be honest. I assume they're listening to everything I say. Just go through on the line. Yeah, well, I don't know. I hope he's going to be all right because he doesn't sound very well there. But okay.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I, uh, infinitely rocket plastics, just because you mentioned them, Andy, they, uh, I phoned them up. All right. And I was wondering how McLaren and Casper were getting on in this hot weather. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. And I got in touch with him, Steve, he still had access to the feed from his security cameras. And I found out it wasn't mousse, it was a bloke called, I think it was Jeff's baguette or something. Right, mucke.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Because mousse was at Comic Con in Budapest. Oh, yeah. And do you know what he said to it? I said, I said, oh, all right, nice to meet you. And he said, all right, Bob, did you get that stain off your pillar? I said oh I would hold on. I would you know about that And he said oh it's just he says it's just a wild guess on that, but it just shows you do it
Starting point is 00:24:56 What you should just subject after that today Yeah, anyway, I said he said there's a little a best of little bit no a little clip from Them yesterday. I've picked out a bit that's quite good. I'll tell you what, a Kurds off, Steve and Casper put you in a picture, sat on the sofa in the front room. Steve's wearing just his hungry caterpillar underpants and boxer shorts and Casper is sucking on his
Starting point is 00:25:20 candy floss flavoured vape. He's started the vaping Casper. All right, nice. There's a large fan blowing cool air at Steve and they're watching Willie Wonka on the TV and Steve's Steve's started speaking. Oh Casper, can you imagine being in a factory like that where there are hundreds and trillions of sweet delights and chocolate fancies and sweet sweet serifs and peppermints and candy rivers and little people that's super the highest the confectionery it would be
Starting point is 00:25:52 like living inside a giant fun and laughter bar. Casper, his is at Steve to get him the shut up. Oh don't be like that Casper I'm only having a bit of gorgeous fun and imaginary loveliness. Hey Casper, could you go in the kitchen and fetch me a wet hanky chief to put on my head to cool me down? Casper presses the paws on the remote control and gives Steve a look as if to say, if you don't want to watch the movie then why don't you fuck off to bed? Casper returns with the wet hanky and restarts the movie. Steve puts the hanky on his head.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Oh, thank you, my little saucepan of fresh noodles and joyful singing. If it wasn't for you, my life would just be a hollow fence post infested with nasty hands. Casper uses a remote to turn up the volume on the TV. I reckon the lead on Palompa is a baddie. His eyes are too close together Casper and Willie gave him such a funny look at one point as if he was a bad smell in it and like a sunny country lane. Casper turns up the TV even louder. Come and sit on me lap Casper so I can give you face a stroke. Casper sighs and makes his way over to Steve's lap, and
Starting point is 00:27:06 rests his head on Steve's box of shorts. What do you want to do this afternoon, me littler sack of cuddles and kisses? Would you like to go to the Choo Choo's train station and wear it at the trains? Casper shakes his head. Would you like to go to the park and have a square tea ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and strawberry laughter sauce? Casper shakes his head. Would you like to have a sing song? Well, let's have a sing song now.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Casper gives a look as if to say, fuck sake. Casper, you're a miracle, you're a flower bed in a town that's dead. Casper, you're a shiny star, you're like a flowery scarf in a sports car. Why won't you join in Casper? Oh shit, look, the film's finished. What happened at the end? Did the nasty one get this come up, hence? No idea. I missed it because of your fucking singing. Steve turns the fan up and billows, and it billows up his boxer shorts. This brings the caterpillars to life on the boxer shorts and Casper sinks his teeth in the one next to his face. Steve flies up off the couch. Hockey-L Casper that was right on me cock! Now we'll have to go to
Starting point is 00:28:19 hospital for a technical injection and we bomb, bomb tickles. Casper smiles as if to say that's what's even now and starts to sing. I'm horny, horny horny horny. Yes I'm well horny, horny horny horny. And they're sorry they clippended there and they... Oh, that's probably enough really. Quite nice that there was absolutely no mention of Steve's race at the point where the Manchester United. Yeah, he's not the, I, the rumor as he hasn't even been there yet. No, he's just trying to avoid it, do you think?
Starting point is 00:28:56 Just a bit of excuses. Speaking of Infinity Rocker Plastics, who've been involved quite a bit this week, I did another phone call to the showbiz center to try and cheer up the application, which is excellent. So they recorded that for me, so I'll just play the tip of that then. Aloha. Aloha, was that the showbiz center?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, it's Milky Jackson speaking, head showbiz center. Oh, can I help you? I was just thought when I check out one me membership application that I sent in a few weeks ago. I didn't get it. Yes. Well, have you checked? No, no, but I would have remembered you name if I'd seen it. I Didn't tell you my name. Yeah, you did, you put it on the membership application. No, no, no, I meant just now, I didn't tell you my name just now. Oh, well, are you good then? What do you mean? What I just said, as someone called Bob Mortimer,
Starting point is 00:29:57 I'm afraid of my application. No, no, I said good, like Bobby, definitely wouldn't do anything like that. Anyway, what is it you do, the trouble is, are you an illusionist's a good lad, Bobby, definitely wouldn't do anything like that. Anyway, what is it you do that's your business? Are you an illusionist, a stuntman? Pop star, pop man, anything like that? Well, I've been in a film actually. Hollywood? No, no, it's a Ken Lortz film.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Oh? Ken Lortz. No, I never heard of him. I'd say Simon Pegg being in one of these films. No, no, I don't think so, no, no. Where he probably won't get membership, because new acting memberships is just Hollywood or Simon Pegg films. So you're definitely a King Kong films, not gonna be good enough. Right, well I do a podcast with Bob Mortimer as well, does that count?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Hehehe, do it be Dave Pegg, podcast sent rail. Sorry and everything Right well, that's a shim. I'm dying to be a member of the show with sent They're like I've wanted to be in for ages. Is it is it good in there at the day? What's what's going on? Oh, Simon pegs been in early on oh, he's a right laugh. He puts funny faces in that, you know? Oh, everyone was cracking up proper. He's done it and some stilts for the fun car and next week, lovely lad Simon Pegg. Right, oh else is in?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Well, Bernard Rammer was in first saying for a full English what have gone down to Fagga Square and out funny about and the fountain cause of the weather. That sounds brilliant, maybe I'd get in on a deer pass one day or just have a look in through the window, something like that, anything? No, sorry Mr Elaftecourt, I'd have managed on a day pass one day or just I would look in through the window something like that anything no I'm sorry mister I laughed at God I don't mind just stool grease, juan's is all around and I think she's smacking around the back head with a glass astray, TTIFN and that was a worry hung up so that was that so that's the shame and I hadn't had a word with him
Starting point is 00:31:43 are you sure? Interesting that he asked if you were a pop man. It's unusual title of pop man rather than the pop. Well that's the shame. Keep on trying, Andy. The pop might used to come around delivering bottles of pop. That's right, yeah. My favourite was Susperilla.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Followed by Dandelion and Birdock. We used to get Dandelion and Birdock. Do you remember? Do you remember? I do remember. Thank you, pastippers, for your attention. Very much. That's enough for now. See you soon.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Thank you.

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