Athletico Mince - Boiled Parsnips 34: Wheat Special

Episode Date: October 3, 2023

Football, aftershave, driveways, telly, cream, Tyne crime, Dom, the EFT gang, and soap. (Rec: 29/11/22)Enter Club Parsnips with a 7-day free trial at Become a m...ember at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright Andy! Hi there Bob! Yeah, hi! It's a surprise to see you winner a sweatshirt rather than a t-shirt. Yeah, it's, well it's getting called in it. True. We've got the, the energy crisis and a lot of so I haven't had the heat non this week yet. So I'm wearing my sweatshirts. Can you say what it says? It says, Roxy Music. Roxy Music. I suppose you want to tell me you've been to C.M. or that you, that they gave Brian Felly gave you it. Are they to give me it? Yeah, me, yeah, he invited me down to his base
Starting point is 00:00:50 in London, I sent a limousine, I went down and I just went, there's little something for you, thank you for all your support. Over the years. Yeah, and I, he said, don't open it yet though though. So I got back in the limousine, got driven back up warm, opened the sweatshirt, it's slightly too small. I didn't like to say that. I didn't like to say but it is snug in it. All your country was on display, I'm
Starting point is 00:01:19 garbier. Very much so. Well you know some people like to say that kind of thing. So today we woke up for the first time in a couple of weeks without a 10 o'clock Match and it was and it was difficult to take when it's been hell. I've done what to do with myself You should see the state of my house tell me about it. Tell me about it. I've done like a week and a half of just very little minimal Maintenance and tidying up. And it's just a shit heap, Bob. When you say shit heap, do you mean like the area in front
Starting point is 00:01:50 the telly's covered in nuts and wrappers and crisps and dog dirt and stuff? What are you talking about? That's a good thing. Yeah, piles and piles of unwashed dishes. Yeah. Unlaundered laundry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's why we're wearing the rocksy music titswet shirt that doesn't fix the tight sweat shirt. The thing is Andy this 10 o'clock start it really did set your whole day you can kid yourself you'll do something between the matches but do you fuck? No, especially because the bonus was the huge amounts of added on time that were putting on the end of the week. Yeah, yeah, so So you just completely reduced your downtime in between the matches. But as a whole, a lot. A people are saying the quality's not being great, but it's kind of not the point, is it?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Andy, it's just getting stuck into it, really, isn't it? That's the thing. Yeah. It's like a buffet. No one goes to a function where there's a buffet and enjoys everything that's there. Yeah. Well, I mean, I'd enjoy more stuff of it, but you take a bit of everything, don't you? Yeah. I'm trying to think of anything on a buffet that you'd reject. Go on, I've got. Maybe like sort of like a little salad thing that's like got a fat cheese and an onion in it, you might not bother. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 What, like a little individual bowl of salad. Yeah, maybe you wouldn't, maybe olives. Maybe you wouldn't touch the olives. I'd be all right, maybe it's the case, I'm not the asked about case. Yeah. You know, no that's fun. No, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:03:18 No, that's fun. I feel quite like that very berycony one, you know, that classic berycony case. Yeah. Cheese and onion ones, nice warm, Andy. I had the, I was up the Morrison's, you know the deer, because I do believe Morrison's is the best supermarket. I know you do, Andy.
Starting point is 00:03:32 That's now my official stance. And they're doing in the excellent beer goods area. Yeah. They're doing a pigs in blanket, raw, which is like a sausage roll. Oh, you eat something there. What you got? You got a fir, I mean, I which is like a sausage raw, oh you eat something there, what you got? Yeah, I mean I'm gonna kick that junkie. I was just gonna say it.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I only kick that earlier, but I thought what I'll do is I'll eat it before the podcast, rather than doing it. Was it a junkie or a finger one? You could tell you, it was two fingers. Just a two fingers. Just a two fingers yeah. I had a custer cream on it. Marissa's is a good star. We don't fingers. Just the two fingers, yeah. I had a custer cream on them. Marousine is a good store.
Starting point is 00:04:06 We don't have them down. We did have one next to the station, but shut down, we couldn't make a living there. You know, bad sight, bad spot, come power. The south. They, but yeah, pigs in blanket. Raw, and I looked at the ingredients before I ate it. And it's sausage made, but with bits of beer
Starting point is 00:04:24 and mixed into it. Right. I've got you. Kind of vibe. It was alright but I didn't really taste the beer and very much. I thought you were going to devastate me and say that there was a small percentage of cotton in there as well. I didn't get that far down the ingredients because I quite honest. Listen up. I'm still spiraling into the very centre of country music, Andrew. OK. Can't pull myself out. It's like a maelstrom.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So I've had to write a song and I'll have to sing it if you don't mind. Are you ready? I'm ready. One, two, three. I've been listening to that country fucking music with my cowboy boots digging into my thighs I've got dally-parten posters on the windows and banjo-shaped licks on my mutton pies
Starting point is 00:05:23 I've had a speaker inserted in my pillow So I can absorb the country music while I sleep I've changed my son's name to Willie Nelson Not every time he sings a song, he outfocus me I'm not honky, I'm not bright as a spark I'm anti-dorf, dorsal, I'm not fucking weak, I'm not hunky, I'm not bright as a spark, I'm anti-dorf-dorf, so I'm pissing on shadows, in the fucking dark. I spend all day just listening to current music And sitting in the bath to bleach my fucking jeans I've lost my job, my wife, and my fucking savings
Starting point is 00:06:14 That's how much this country music fucking means But I'm not honky, I'm not crying as a spark, I'm ending door-door, so I'm pissing on shadows. Interfugging down. I think you can fail a passion there, Katty, Andy. Very much so. It oozed passion. Very good. Hey, while we're talking about country music there is an Excellent documentary series called I think it's called country music Mm-hmm, and it's been repeated on BBC 4 lately sort of beyond the iPlayer and it's by that fella called Ken Burns
Starting point is 00:06:56 It sounds like just someone had worked in a garage, but he actually does really good documentaries Why do I know Ken Burns is he from the past? really good documentaries. Why do I know Ken Burns is he from the past? He's just he's the documentary king. He did that really good one about the Vietnam War that was on a few years ago. Oh and he's done the Dust Bowl in them. The Dust Bowl one yeah and he's got prohibition as well. You generally get them if you get the PBS channel which I think is on Sky but you can get a subscription to it as well. At Christmas, they just show all the Ken Burns' greatest hits. It's good stuff. Happy coming up. He knows what he's doing, don't he Ken Burns?
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, oh yeah, because I don't really, I never used to be that asked about couldn't be muted by what you stock your memory, it's brilliant because all the stories behind the people are couldn't repeat them. Careful Andy, if it gets you, you're forked. Can you tell me anything about resin bonded drivers? Because I've failed as long before I'm more interested in concept of them. Well, some important facts, you want resin bonded, yeah, you don't want bonded resin, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:00 What's the difference? Remember, it is permeable. So if you lay it on a non-permeable surface You're going to get a layer of water underneath it and it will lift and the it can be subject to to sun damage Yeah, so you should pay the extra for the one that's UV light Right nonsense. It are there a few facts that you've enjoyed I'm not very concerned about the permeable element. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So you've got a layer just on the soil. You've got to layer it onto a permeable surface. If you've got a condin soil? I don't think you want any soil in there. And you're going to get weeds coming through. I think what you need is, I think they're very professional outfits. They lay a sort of membrane. Right. Maybe even like a little layer of concrete or I don't fucking know. Something pernumeric. Concrete, well not concrete then. All right. Maybe there is a permeable like concrete. I don't know. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You think I've got a knowledge gap. A little bit, you seem to know what you're talking about. You sounded convincing. All right, you tell me it's just been about resin bonded drive words. I'm worrying about them, asking you. You said you were interested. Well, I'm interested, yeah, but I'm starting from like,
Starting point is 00:09:21 I'm starting from square one. I've got no knowledge, that's why I'm asking you. Well, you can't be interested if you've got no knowledge. Have you thought of a color you'd like? Oh God Brown You want a brown That's a good choice on this sort of look like muds This is how little I know about it, do they do brown?
Starting point is 00:09:45 I know why you want brown, so this dog didn't want to show up and I'm not deaf. Probably. Well, I tell you what, I got a quote for a resin-bunded driveway the other day. Do you want to share it with us? Blue me tits off, I want to be getting that and the... I thought you say it was blue. No, I'm a driveway. That sounds like a countryside blue driveway.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Blue driveway, yeah. I've cancelled my Blue Drive With and I've bloody up as well. Andy Nirmwies, yeah. I'm thinking of Les Pantelons, French for trousers obviously. Len trousers or Kenny Slacks, you know, just if you're into the sort of trousers of Ibe today. It feels like there's a lot of thought went into them. Do you?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Can I be what was the middle one? The middle one was just simply lent trousers. Yeah, I'll be that. Okay, all right, how are you doing? I've got three for you. Good, I'm saying good. Kinky likelihood. I can't take it without you and the others.
Starting point is 00:10:44 There's no biography. it's just the name second one is it's just simply marbles mm-hmm I have got a little biography he carries around a velvet bag filled with what he says is marbles right inviting to have a little a little fail in them but we don't know whether they're marbles no we don't know you can't look there's a bit of jeopardy with marbles. Finally, you could be a richy-tissed head. No, I'd like to be kinky. What is your kinky peculiar? Kinky likelihood. I'll second. Talking about pouches and stuff, would you agree, Andy, that the four main accessories for a man, that's a male, yeah? The essential accessories, you know, a gun belt, a grain pouch, a retractable measuring tape and a clown horn. They're the top four essentials you'd see. Hold on a minute.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Well, I'm asking you for your grey. And there it is, he's got the clown horn with him. Definitely the clown horn, definitely the clown horn. I'm not sure about a grain pouch. Well you've managed without one up to now and you haven't got you very far, is it? I just remembered this episode, our official grain partner for this episode is wait. That's nice. In case you will wonder and see you can amend your records for that. I know you will be able to tell Andy Book, can I just inform you that I'm wearing after shave to well a cologne today. It's called, it's called, old Carlos. So, if you got that from, I got it as a gift. You might want to, you might want to share some. Have you had a birthday or something?
Starting point is 00:12:25 No, it's just a gift for being a good guy. It might master some of your dogs, you know what I mean? It's quite strong. I'm not gonna ask you to give you it, because that's private, but was it wrapped up? Yeah. Not just in a bag. Bad the shop, I think.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I gotta be honest. TV I like at the moment Andy, and I wanted to be far off a like at the moment Andy I wanted to before I forgot because I really like I really enjoyed it Andy did I enjoy it what I really enjoyed it Andy did I enjoy it oh yeah yeah we seem to have put then this again you see tell us that you knew about resin bonder driveways last time and you clearly don't so am I being unreasonable The new days you may cope a thing on I play a I've seen the first episode it's fabulous
Starting point is 00:13:12 Right you didn't like you didn't like it was all right, but I just I got distracted by someone else Okay, the football man, is that it? No, I've watched well, I love that very much I've watched a couple of Scottish documentary series on BBC about murder and that. All right. One was the ice cream wars. Yeah. Don't know if you remember that going on at the time. And the other one was the world's end murders. There's quite a lot of Scottish murders. I've been seeing the one where a Berries is victim under the church and then they they find out he's a serial killer and he's done about nine before various parts of the country. That's not a bad one if you like that sort of thing. I haven't seen that but I'm aware I'm aware of it. Was that Peter Tobin? That's him. Yeah I remember that up and in. Yeah. Bad guy.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah I think he's a bad guy. Yeah. So and I really like the white Lotus. Have you watched any of that? And they I watched the first part of the first series of that I didn't like it much. Yeah, it does turn to something what you didn't think it was You know what I mean? Something I did start to watch and then didn't think much of what went back to and I've enjoyed it's Avenue 5 Yeah, which is the thing with Hugh Laurie setting out of space I've not seen it but I hear good things Andy thank you very much for that space cruise ship that's trapped in space it's probably a metaphor is it a metaphor for something oh probably as I'm gonna get much thought yet I'll sit down and have a proper think about and
Starting point is 00:14:41 realise that yeah probably is have you met red man Man new book yet? That's so complex, are you still not bothered? I've listened to the audio book version of it. For all of it, yeah. You got the end of it. Very good. Did you think it was exciting at the end? It was, I don't know whether I want to give it away or not, but it was unexpected. Do you think it was exciting?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah. Do you think? Especially the way you think it was exciting? Yeah. Do you think... What is the question? Do you think it's like got a lot of metaphors in it about the country and that? Oh shit, was the metaphor's in it. Oh, that's covered with the man. Really?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah. I need some kind of metaphor glasses or something. You do. You know, like dyslexia glasses where they're like blue. You don't think the squirrels are metaphor for something Thatcher Jordi hate andro I did manage to get all the verbose script from the upcoming series Jordi hate unknock flicks Still hasn't got a release date
Starting point is 00:15:41 Jordy, he on Netflix. Still hasn't got a release date due to various problems occurring in problematic areas, but you can have problems. Yeah, there's a lot of problems. In problematic areas, they're tentacrom. In areas, yeah. So, Jordy heats
Starting point is 00:16:01 crime on the time. Hot, Jordy knights. Jordy streets full of crime. Jordy heats. Exterior abandoned racetrack. Mr Sting has just arrived trackside to test drive his new plasma-powered supercar. Trudy is wife is asleep in the massive stretch Mercedes by the hut. The hut that has a toilet ball in it but no seat. Sting! Oh look at my supercar Trudy! It's got massive wires, massive wipers, massive brakes and
Starting point is 00:16:45 got a thousand miles an hour without even bragging the sweat, I intend to drive it around the world in one hour, what do you reckon Trudy? Sting turns to hear Trudy's response but she doesn't open her eyes and just slips an onion and coriander flatbread onto the dashboard to indicate that she does not wish to be disturbed. Just at that moment, two motorcyclists pull up next to sting. It is Sai and Dave, the hairy bikers. Alright, mate, is this your car?
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's Reed Kallilike, says Sai. Yes, it is. This is my plasma supercar. If it is actually any of your business. Now a move along please, the forces created by the car called quite easily reputed soft and that is a hard-called fact. Dave, it's so chupritsika would make a lovely sense space for fun there or a kiddie's jamboree. I like its bright red it reminds me of Rudolph the reindeer. Does it remind you of that sigh? It does me. I and also the bright red asses on the monkeys.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Oh, they all like a Masrobocato or monkeys ass. I think you'll find that your faces look like the inside of the sunbottre for shitham and that is a hard code and unfortunate fact. Now leave this track immediately as I have hired it for my own exclusive use and enjoy him. Go and go and go and go and fork a puppy down the moon. Sai. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no the receipts here in my hairy hand. You tell him, Si, we have the receipt in Si's hairy hand. Well, there's some use for you. I have a copy of Mary's seat here on my massive Pulse Powered Phone,
Starting point is 00:18:39 which I'm holding now in my beautiful note playing hands. Mary's seat is bigger and more electronic, so I am the winner. Please leave the track before I post a call. Johnny Heath squad. We're not scared of that bunch of fatty jazz. Your will be if they're sent PC, can it be? I'd say stiff, she is a worry, but we have a dozen scotch eggs in our pannear bags, should be like putty in our hands when she sees them. Do you think so, Dave? I do. Well, we shall
Starting point is 00:19:11 see about that!" Sting gets on the phone to Jordi Heat HQ. As he does so, the hairy bikers pack their motorcycles, either end of Sting's supercar blocking it in. Sting goes and stands outside, Trudy's Mercedes waiting for the Jordi Heat Squad. He knocks on the passenger door window, but o'r llwyd yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n gwybod yn ymwyr i'n g close-up of meditation bar. It is manufactured by not-cut perpamels of Dundee. Exterior, sting supercar, jeep inspector Eddie Howe and commissioner Amanda Stavley exit the Ford. Exit the Ford Tittle Mouse Squad. Mr Stig approach is them. What about tram too?
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh hello, Miss Stavley. How lovely to see you. It's Amanda baby. I love your super car. It's plasma powered. Am I right? Yes, and it has nitrous injection. Say it for super wolves. And don't work. Amanda, nitrous. You can't beat it, am I right? Eddie how? Er, so what seems to be the fucking problem here, Mr Sting? It's very simple, I booked the track all day for my exclusive use, and these two fucking mobile farmers have turned up, claiming they are booking as well.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I require you to book them off, seize them, seize their bakes for research. Oh, a double booking situation, very fucking inconvenient for both fucking parties. I have an electronic receipt and dirty receipt is a simple and written one which could ever have been forged so I am the winner." Amanda approaches the hairy bikers, Hi, I'm Commissioner Amanda Baby. How are you two guys today looking for some fun? Am I right? Yes, says Dave, we booked the track to go dead fast and ride without our helmets because
Starting point is 00:21:20 our beets get trapped in the straps down the side. Do you think they get trapped in the straps side? I do. Sigh, aye, and that clown over there reckons he's booked the track for the day which can't be right as we have a hundred and receipts signed by Johnny Pompus, the track hunter. Amanda, Mr Sting also has a receipt and it's electronic, which sounds a lot more fancy and proper. Am I right? Dave.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Well, electricity is very complicated and important, so maybe you are right. Or hold on, here comes the track on the Johnny Pompus. Maybe. Maybe he can clear this up. They all. Maybe he can clear this up, they all gather around Johnny Pompous. Eddie, so Mr Pompous, we said I've been a double fucking booking situation, so I'm a fucking ads. Can you shed any light on what's fucking occurring? Oh, you've got quite the rough tongue on you, haven't you sir?
Starting point is 00:22:26 Did you get had a bit expected blaster of Paris and all you got is grout? Don't get lardy darn with me, Johnny fucking pompous. I'll let you so hard you've lend up fucking and puppet on the moon. What's the peasant always the peasant? Lay a finger on me, I assure you my lawyers will squeeze you, so hard your pasty face will transform into a beetroot. Permission a fucking lamp in my mandabairy? Amanda.
Starting point is 00:22:55 No need for that, Eddie, Eddie. So Johnny Pompus, can you tell us which one of these parties actually booked the track today? Ah, more importantly, which is off the one of us booked electronically and get up I's the winner. Let me check my Google Android. Ah, yes it was booked for the day by Mr Gordon Sting of the massive house with the massive try.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Gajin and the booking winner! Oh, Mr Sting, that Mr just thing. He booked the track online. Oh, it's just thing, yes it's just thing. Electric winds every time. Yeah, oh right, it's just thing. Enough with the song and the fucking dance notes. Mr. Pompus, the two former lads have a Henry and Rissé out of fucking explain that.
Starting point is 00:23:41 It must be a forgery I never, and I mean absolutely never, put pen to paper these days. It's just too much of a perforth of faffle. As he's saying this, the hairy bikers run to their machines and roar away to make their escape. Forgery, forgery, did I wrap the porridge?
Starting point is 00:23:59 Amanda, the cheek of it, are my rides? Eddie, well, there you fucking guy was distinct. We'll leave you enjoy your track die and I wish you all the best in your endeavors and for the fucking future. Amanda, giving Stinger wink. Cheerio, Mr Sting. Sting. Oh see, I'm under peepy. Jordy Squad leave the scene and St sting opens the door to his supercar. Just as he does so the horn on the Mercedes blasts out and Trudy places a goat's milk and bumberry smoothie on the dashboard, indicating that it's time to go home, as she has a bark and seascum rubbing booked in the town centre.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Oh, come in Trudy, I just put car weight in the massive garage! Under his breath. I bet a better manda baby wouldn't treat me like this. Ooh! Ooh! Looks like Sting's got the hearts for a manda. A wooden. Could be a love triangle. A searish and emerging there. Yeah be a love triangle. A situation emerging there.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah. And this thing with receipts. Yeah. Like, you know what you're in a shop in the city? Can we take your email address and we'll send you an electronic receipt? The fuck is. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:25:15 I finally just saw. So hard to refuse someone email address. Like I just said, no. Oh, that's really easy now. Once you've done it once, it's really easy. You just say, no, I'd rather have a paper one. Because they'll say something like, we'll give you an electronic receipt to save paper
Starting point is 00:25:31 and put the guilt trip here. And you meant to think that art is good for the environment. But it's not just date of harvesting. I find it very, I'm glad you brought it up because it's a genuine issue. It isn't easy. It's like, you sit down, sit at a car showroom and say,
Starting point is 00:25:46 hi, I'm interested in getting a service for me, car. Take your email. I want to know what you're fucking email, Paul. Because of what email, so that can keep it and probably sell it? You reckon the seller? Well, I don't know, the the Russians... Do you have a Chinese? And do you have a Chinese?
Starting point is 00:26:08 I don't know, I'm not so really electronic. Do you have a Chinese? I have a Chinese. Well, maybe Horde might be about... Trops. Do you have your wheat? Well, it is a wheat special today. Maybe we should start growing some.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Would you like other quiz? Go on, and of course I would. Oh, here, the quiz in question is called Boeing Crash Pop. Leather Thwack Klangang, peanuts, dove, clang, crash, shield, me just a little little more time, time, time, time, time, ping, here we go and what we've got in front of me, I've got three types of soap, just hand soap. Okay. Not liquid soap, nothing like that. Just hand soap. A bar of soap. Okay, the other same size, Andy. There are all 100 grams and we're talking about a four pack. You're talking form. Four packs. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Shouldn't meet any difference. One pack, four pack doesn't matter, but they're four packs No, we've got where you're getting them from Asda as the Okay, it's often as the more okay. Yeah, yep Okay First one pairs transparent soap. Okay, I'm getting familiar with it to me. It's very familiar good hard soap good hard soap Yeah, we'll lovely smell second Imperial leather original nice soaps what are you that's what I use that's what you use
Starting point is 00:27:51 yeah do you do you put pay the little sticker off I never have I've never have well I'm still does it does it the grip no it's it's useful for when it gets tiny that's why it's there what's's it there for? Help you grip. To hold on, oh. Yeah. All right. And finally, sheild fresh aqued deodorizing soap. Are you familiar with that, Bron?
Starting point is 00:28:13 No. I'm gonna go most expensive. Curable. Most expensive. Yeah, I just see as well. I will, for full disclosure, the sheild is 115 grams as opposed to 100 grams, but it's still a four pack.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm going shale most expensive and imperial leather least expensive. And pairs as the middle. Yep. You have fucked it up. Humiliation. Yeah, most expensive was the pairs, £2.65. Then was the shield £2. Quite a big drop there from £2.65 and the bigger £115.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Imperial leather, £1 158, 4 bars. The cheapest? Well I did say it was cheapest. I said shield most expensive Imperial leather least, so I got that one right. Imperial leather's got 4 out of 5 on the review, whose pairs have got 4.5 out of 5. Shield hasn't been reviewed, so a jewellery's out. Okay. But it is suitable for vegans. I'm very happy, I'm very happy with Imperial leather and the very happy. I sometimes find it difficult to get a froth you know a foam up with the pair. Yeah. That's just maybe that's just me. What is your technique?
Starting point is 00:29:42 Hello, why don't you be doing a little work? I will come along to the Do it at Little Point. Of course, it's a big change because of the reasons. I'm not happy about it, but what can you do? So, it's the Do it at Little Point, Little Point by name, massive point by nature. That's why you slogan. Don't speak yet. That's why you slogan. Very good, Tom. I must but don't speak yet. Sorry. I need to choose you.
Starting point is 00:30:07 My special guest on this week's episode is one of Britain's leading fiction offers. Mr. Bob-Bob, well, Bob. Hello, Tom. Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. I read some of your new book. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah. Onwards. Um, onwards. Uh, what, you fancy self as what Richard Osborne or side, do you? Well, I hope it's a bit different from Richard Osmans, you know, it's a little bit different, but yeah, I suppose. You were, did you find it easy to write the book? Excellent question, Tom. Yeah, not too bad. Talk about four months. Yeah,? Excellent question, Tom. Yeah, not too bad. Talk about four months.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah, that comes across, actually. Yeah. Anyway, all the podcasts, it's not about you, it's about me. Bob, is it your feature, which I'm calling the nation's favorite Davis? Do you have a favorite Davis, Bob? For example, Steve Davis, Ray Davis from the Kigs, or Davis loved the third. Rekolfa.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I mean, I was going to say, I was going to say, you could donate your outfavorite Davis if you ever would. No, I was going to say Ray Davis done, but you've pulled the rug out from under me ass, you know. Yeah. Another Davis. Can't think of one sorry dumb yeah well Davies is what Ray is he's a Davies and not a Davis so I suppose
Starting point is 00:31:31 we have to disqualify that what were you said well I was just just top yeah right it anyway I want the fence for that one I got one. You got me thoughts about immigration. Pee. No of you, Dom. That it really? Jesus, do you think he's ever gonna come back? I think the chances of slim, Dom, I ain't gonna discount it. Yeah, I think he'd come back, but he'd come back as a smaller man in last time.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Right. More condensed in body mesh. Yeah, a bit more come back by the comeback as a smaller man the last time right more condensed in body mass. Yeah Yeah, I'm a little like you're right Well, man, man. Yeah, that you can't imagine it. Yeah, I'd fall back that I find a question for you this time Redbub That's just exactly what did it role play for example if you're ever it's about cereal EG Frosties right Right. They're my favorites. Mine too. Ah, yeah, good. You pour some milk on, but there's no enough milk left in the bowl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And you have to do bottler milk. Would you then mix the milk with the original milk or with just a band in the whole thing? Well, I can't see the point of abandoning it. Dom, you've got some milk in your hand. Yeah but it's cross-contamination though, isn't it Bob? No I don't reckon. Do you know what I do Dom? You know the milk that you get these days isn't very creamy. So I put a bit of cream in the bottom of my bowl.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Then I put the milk in, stir it, and then I add the frosty. So I'm a contaminator anyway That doesn't say very good for your art to be fair. No, it'll be fair to be fair. You're probably right But it is delicious. What a sea round what can you do? What can you do? Sometimes you've got to follow your compulsions. You know The heart wants what it wants That I think is the message from this episode of the Donut Little Pods. Thank you very much. This is the thanks for joining me. Well, well, well, well, well, hey, good boy. Good episode. That one. And did you hear it,
Starting point is 00:33:35 Tom's podcast? I just caught a bit while he said that your book was a bit undercooked. It was talking about cream. Oh, we were talking about cream and it made me wonder where do you enter the cream thickness sort of table? Are you like a whipping cream man, a single cream, a double cream, a clotted cream, you know, where's your sweet spot? I mean, as you can imagine from looking at me, I enjoy cream in all of its forms. I bet. I particularly enjoy a double
Starting point is 00:34:05 cream in pouring form. You don't go as far as the clotting, the actual sort of stuff. I don't mind it, I'll have it on a scum, you know, some jam. It depends on the occasion, like if it was a ball of strawberries, it would be double cream, poured on. But you can get that what's what's called L leaves, I don't think is actual cream. It's not cream. It's made of butter or something. Is it? Yeah. Yeah Probably worse for you than real cream. I mean it fucks me off a bit like I think I'll have a scone with some jam and cream Yeah, but you have to buy a pot of clotted cream Yeah, and I probably will never ever you know what I mean. I've got no other use for it, but me scones Does that piss you off getting butt and morocons?
Starting point is 00:34:49 They do a scone kit where you get and the jam and you get a bit of you get a scone and it's all in one package So there's no worst proving again that they're the top soup market. Yeah, it's innovators They've also get you get a breakfast kit as well, which has got some sausages in some bacon Some bits of black pudding. Yeah, and it feeds four apparently So yeah, four of which one of you I imagine four or one of me. Yeah Got a gangs of the EFT and when I say gangs of the EFT Andy It's because it's a gangs of the EFT. When I say gangs of the EFT and it's because it's a gangs of the English football team rather than the English Premier League.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Gangs of the EFT. So I paid up and got some footage of the England squad hanging around at said George's before they set off for the World Cup. In Finnety Rock it's a hot Jeffrey router capture on the TV and Jordan Anderson's room. Yeah, on Jeffrey. Yeah hot Jeffrey. Proper stuff. Well it's old fashioned but it's never been better Andy. Jordan's there, Harry Kane, Harry Maguire, Trippier and Eric Dyer. So I'll just play it for you really. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Jordan's the first to speak. Right and yep, don't know it. We need a elect and boss for this holiday so that behaviour and standard to hold up and ask price means, ask price at West Sweden, don't look lazy, Bongo's a fuck and not guess. Harry Kane. As a senior member of the squad, as the senior member of the squad, I think we should all make a pitch and then take a vote on who shall be laid there. Harry Maguire, did you know that the large grass cutter here has a hundred brake horsepower and can mulch the cuttings at a rate of 4 kilos per second?
Starting point is 00:37:01 It's a beautiful machine with a two-year service cycle. Harry Kane, very very interesting McGuire but a bit off topic, if you don't man me suggesting that you get back on track before the meeting gets acrimonious and upset in. Oh I'm sorry boss. Trippier, excuse me but I don't think you should be saying boss because as of now we haven't voted on it will be the holiday boss. Harry came, that's very true and correct, Kevin. So, Eric, would you like to make the first pitch?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Eric, do I have to stand up. No Eric, it doesn't matter it's up to you. What's your personal preference Eric? Sit down. I love a sit down on that mower. Did you know the seat as a lambs were lining an independent suspension? Trippier, that that's our topic isn't it Ari? That's actually very naughty. It is naughty Kevin but let's not make a fluffy buffy about it. Go on Eric, let's have your pitch. I would like to be holiday bus. But why are you? What's that tool for? At the end of the push with you. I withdraw. Okay so Eric has withdrawn from the rest. Let's have your pitch Kevin Trippier. Number one, I have the best air cut. Number two, I don't have a girlfriend but I know what one is. Number three, if need be I can be alright little Larry Bastard. That is my pitch. Very nice cabin. Jordan, let's hear your pitch pitch I know if you like a holiday rep could you style and whether
Starting point is 00:39:08 Wedge of iron look is done that the piss pot then look no further than hendor the tires right I've got 18 water butts full of bright wool and next time yarrington drop by say a lot of Barbara head lecture at Sunland Club School that fellow citizens is what my pitch is. Very nice pitch, Jordan. Anything you want to add to actually make a better case for you? Yes. Hot, yellow, handled hammers.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Very good, Jordan. Harry, we're going to let's have your pitch. Coordinated Lads, Trip Abroad is very much like properly maintaining your tractor or grain sautere. Look after basic maintenance, oil changes, fuel levels, clean the chassis after each use. Don't overload the machine or use it on an inappropriate surface and for fuck, fuck sake, check your tire pressure at least once a week.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Finally and perhaps most importantly, don't leave it outside in the rain when it's not in use. Trippier. That is a total perd pitch. What he's basically saying is we need to eat drink where appropriate footwear and staying hotel unless we are needed, for example on a football pitch, or meet your interview. I think I will be voting for Maguire. Harry Kane. It was a nice little pitch, but don't you think you should wait here? What I have to say before declaring your preference? To be honest, Kevin, a beggar's belief that you would do that, it could potentially put a sour note over the whole proceedings. That thrown me a wobble and is very upsetting, not just where it's a discouraging. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:40:40 Kevin, not... or pull yourself together, cheers, let's have your pitch and put so kids play free. Okay, as your holiday boss, I would ensure that we stick to our diets attend all appointments on time including actual matches and always look presentable and confident around the hotel. I also promise to teach Kevin to swim to hire a jet ski for Maguire and buy a big yellow hammer for Jordan and by Erica Grant Big Lumpur Fudge to suck on to help him to get to sleep at night. That is my pitch. Let's have a show of hand. Who votes for me? All of them put their hands up. Thank you guys. Now my first duty I pronounce our name to be the Lion Kings and our motto to be
Starting point is 00:41:27 When we roar you'll know all about it all of them when we roar you'll know all about it and that's that's as much as the hot Jeffrey Oh Jeffrey got me. Oh I mean that's that's a hell of an ending. That's a great catchphrase. What's a catphrase? I need you to remember it. When we roar, you'll know all about it. What's that? That's it. So, if and when we roar.
Starting point is 00:41:57 No, if no, you've got it right. When we roar, you'll know all about it. You'll know all about it. Fly me. I'm going to put some money on England or win the tournament now. Well, there we go, Andrew. Have you got any exciting bets we can look out for
Starting point is 00:42:10 on the World Cup? I fancy France to win it. And Bappi is a big pro, but I would always watch an unbappi and the other fellow on the right wing, the other night was thinking, we can't handle that. No, England can't deal with that. I can't handle that. And always trippy here in like John Storns and Harry McGuire. No, I don't think that's possible I'm not sure anybody can really yeah true France can only Shoot themselves in the foot I think yeah defensively
Starting point is 00:42:36 But you don't know you never know football you never know I mean, I don't think Brazil looked at that could to be honest with you. No, very good But not that good France is the with you. No. They look very good, but not that good. France is the problem. Maybe Spain, maybe. Maybe. Yeah, so thanks for listening. Thank you everyone.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Thanks, Prosthipus. See you next time. Yeah, goodbye. Thank you.

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