Athletico Mince - Boiled Parsnips 39: What Are Machines?

Episode Date: March 21, 2024

Kings Cross, foil, Harry’s barbecue, sleep, party foods, zombies, and more. (Released via Club Parsnips in April 2023) Become a member at Hosted on Acast. ...See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:58 Cross within the space of two minutes right? Can I guess one of them? can I guess one of them I guess one of them I'll get one of them is an emergency ambulance arrival oh not really okay the emergency element is part of it but I'll tell you and there's also a celebrity sighting I spotted a celebrity at King's Cross as well can I guess who that is you can have one guess and I'll give you a close female all right I'm gonna say Gabby Gabby Logan oh close all right well we'll find out sorry to interrupt it well I got off the train and they're doing the announcement for inspector sands I've talked about this before if you ever hear the announcement will inspect the sands go to blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:01:42 platform west whatever it means there's an emergency imminent it could be a terror attack could be a fire not occurring but imminent well it could be occurring it's code for shit is going down right you inspector Sands I don't know listen out for that well I've told you it before on this podcast yeah but it's hard to remember you don't retain all the information that you get given on this no? Yeah but it's hard to remember. You don't retain all the information that you get given on this? No chance. Right well that was the first thing and then I walked out of Kings Cross and walking towards me looking very flustered was none other than Sue Pollard. Very nice. National treasure Sue Pollard.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Is there any comment you'd want to make? Did she hold a collar? Incredibly easy to spot, she was very brightly coloured dressed. I wanted to tell her I loved her but I felt that was a bit much. Did you give her a wink or a hello or anything? I didn't do anything. She looked as if she was a bit confused. But there you go, in the space of like two minutes. Slightly unsatisfactory story Andy, what was the emergency, do we know? We don't know. Well then I think it came on a couple minutes later that said that the fire drill is now at an end so I think it was just a drill, an inspector Sans drill so I don't
Starting point is 00:02:52 think there was a fire or a terror attack. But when you get off at Kings Cross you never know what you might spy. A secret code for a possible fire and Peggy from hidey-hide there you go a little song who is that singing then is it just a cockney like clown yeah I think it's a it's a pearly King maybe or maybe I don't know I think the pearly Kings are a bit gruffer than that. It's probably a pearly Prince Really King in waiting. What would you rather kick? so let's for example say up the ass right a pearly King mm-hmm or One of them people who stands dead still in common garden, you know, oh got me the latter
Starting point is 00:03:39 You give them a kick with I think a pearly King will give you some back But I think you could run away from a pearly king. I don't think they're very fast. Because of all the pearls. I wonder what the pearly king's land speed record is you know. I would say about 8 and a half mile an hour. Because they're knocking on a bit generally aren't they? They're all generally pretty old.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm envisaging Arthur Mullard when I see a pearly king dressed in all the... is it even pearls that they wear? I don't think it is does it? Buttons I think. is does it? buttons shiny buttons shiny buttons yeah but I tell you what else I love so much it's that country music Bob. Has it got to you as well? Oh completely I've got a little country music song if you'd like to hear it. The two right I would. Here we go I've been listening to that country fucking music I've been riding my Alsatian like a hog I got a lasso that I fashioned from a clothesline
Starting point is 00:04:36 And I'm brewing up some lager in my bog I'm so crazy for that country fucking music It's got me popping and twitching in my sleep I've been howling at the moon with my quadruplets And baptizing them all down the local creek I'm not hunky, I'm not bright as a, I'm Andy Dawson, I'm pissing on shadows, in the fucking dark. I can't get enough of that country fucking music, I've been trying to save some pennies where I can I've been sneaking into funerals to stay warm And I'm boiling up some worms to make my jam I'm not funky, I'm not bright as a spark I'm Andy Doe, Doe, Thor soon I'm pissing on shadows Pissing on shadows, shadows In the fucking dark
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yee-haw! You love country music don't you? Oh it's in me blood If you cut me do I not bleed country music? Fiddly Diddly, there's a name you could have That came out of nowhere Fiddly Diddly. Does he have a bio? Well he can't resist a fiddle especially if it comes when it comes to his convection boiler no not a fiddler like you're thinking. Yeah sorry just a fiddle.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Fiddly diddly. Okay. Or you could be sandpaper Alec. Right. Very rough hands Andy. Right. Really rough hands. He's like self-declared enemy you know of varnishes. Of smoothness. Yes varnishes or taps. Yeah. Particularly fucks up taps. Right. And there's no worse than a fucked up tap. Well but that's Sandpaper Alec if you are interested. Or I can be Ronnie Hot Dogs. No you can be the king of the tundra. Oh's more you can be the king king of the king right it's very King heavy episode so what's more powerful king or Emperor Emperor for sure yeah Emperor's an Empire in it King's a land okay you can be the
Starting point is 00:06:58 Emperor of the tundra you roam aimlessly around the Russian steppes yeah shitting on cabbages what steps Russian steps yeah in Russia yeah is I've got any steps no you know the big steppes S T E P P oh no I'm not aware of that huge huge hinterland in the center of Russia oh right and you'd wander around there shitting on cabbages right in the fucking dark in the fucking dark. In the fucking dark if you want. I'll be the emperor of the tundra. I wouldn't have done it if it was the king and I wouldn't have done it if it had been just a staircase. Staircase. Other than this other
Starting point is 00:07:34 thing that you've mentioned that I know nothing about. Well thanks very much for coming emperor. It was nice to be here. Because all emperors are posh and educated at Charterhouse. Do you wonder Bob about what there is in an emodium tablet that can just melt on the tongue in a couple of seconds and immediately turn liquid shit from pouring out of your ass into just nothing? I have never had an emodium. Do they work? Do they literally do what you've just said yeah you take two and they honestly they just melt on the tongue they're like they're like almost like a holy communion wafer in terms of weight and substance and they just vanish on your tongue sort of like it must
Starting point is 00:08:15 be an essence of chalk something so small and so benign can just stop something as powerful as liquid shit. As the quickleys? Yeah. I'm sorry, I mean I'd love to hear your endorsement Andy, but I've not experienced them. Right. And what must be in it? It must remove water, mustn't it? I can't imagine. So chalk or?
Starting point is 00:08:36 I don't know. I don't know. It says on the box what it is, but I've never read it. You know when you have a Malteser? Yeah. Do you suck the chocolate off and then destroy the central hub with sort of their bit? Or do you bite at them? I'm trying to work through my process because I took some maltesers into the snooker yesterday. I was at
Starting point is 00:08:53 the snooker in Sheffield and I took a bag of maltesers in. I only consumed them between frames. Yeah. I'm not a sweet rapper, rustler. Right. I followed the etiquette. What, what did I do? I put two in, I just let them sit. I just let them dissolve. And so you're left with a hard ball. You're left with a hard ball. But that dissolves as well. So yeah. And it goes quite quickly as soon as the water penetrates. It does. But I could, or something I also do, sorry to interrupt you there. No worries. Something I also do is to sometimes nibble the chocolate off the exterior of the honeycomb centre. That's very satisfying. That's what I do with the crunchy. So that I'm justcomb centre. That's very satisfying. That's what I do with the crunchy. So that I'm just left with a long slab of yellow pleasure.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Wow, that's something to consider. Okay. Sorry I can't help you with the emodeum but I'm pleased to know there is. I didn't think there was something, I thought it was just time, you just had to sit there on the borgon wing. No, the emodeum, they work really well. You know, speaking from personal experience, I don't want too much detail but Bob it also says on your Wikipedia page that you're one of Europe's top lip readers is that
Starting point is 00:09:51 true? Yes well top not I'm top 20. Top 20 yeah do you think you could lip read what I'm about to say to you if I just say something? I can almost predict what it'll be but go on yeah. Do you want to make a prediction now? No because you'll change yet. I'm a massive shit yeah so you said you massive shit no but I'm good Andy yeah. Correct yeah well done. Topics today Andy just wondered if you've got any interest Easter egg foil The foil on the Easter egg it depends on what angle you've got on it, but well possibly yeah You well at least to go into now. No just a few interesting any later on it's like I'll say yes for Easter egg foil Yeah, yeah, and the other one maybe it's just a statement really, but I was just thinking
Starting point is 00:10:50 I'm sure in the past when I used to occasionally see a lamppost with like the little panel missing and a few wires hanging out yeah do you does that is that a memory you have yeah I remember saying that I don't think you see it anymore I think they're different now maybe that's the reason things are different now well do you want the topic to be think things are different now well do you want the topic to be different now well what about that as a topic things could be a regular feature couldn't it things are different now yeah cuz that's kind of like observation comedy and it is a bit different yeah but more serious you get like an entire podcast series out of that yeah it's very
Starting point is 00:11:22 stunt comedians get their friends on and talk about how things are different now. What things did you like? Yeah what things did you used to do that you don't do anymore? Well I suppose it's that white dog shit thing that's the start of observation comedy. That's the obvious one. We can do better than that. Was there anything else other than those two? Well yes there is but I think we should crack on with what with some content. That's not content that we've just done is it? I haven't got music for this and I should do really, but I think we should go... Down on Harry's farm!
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, because the geniuses, let's call it as it is, Infinity Rocket Plastics, got me an extract from the upcoming reality series where they follow life on Harry Maguire's farm. Right. Vimeo link. So I've got a password in, so I'll just do that. Immortium. Don't pass to Maguire, it is.
Starting point is 00:12:23 There we go. So I'll just play that. It's Harry's up first by the look of it. Right you lot, as a special treat for your Ard Gref today, I'm gonna cook you your lunch here in the barn on my gas barbecue. What for that? Anthony Gordon Oh yeah That sounds mega Is a chicken You're a cool kid Oh you got chicken?
Starting point is 00:12:56 This is no good Those are like it Go with it You got chicken, sausages and liver young Anthony Sean Dice is there You can't beat a bit of liver What with it? Have you got chicken, sausages and liver young aunt for me? Sean Dice is there You can't beat a bit of liver Especially in a pie with some corned beef pellets on the side
Starting point is 00:13:13 You could do with some liver Anthony Build you up a bit You look like you're eating out-butt crisps Well there's nothing wrong with crisps And before you say it There's nothing wrong with hula hoops either anything you can't put in a pie is bullshit listen up son let me tell you about diet and I've got a song for Shaun here which I've forgotten but I don't
Starting point is 00:13:39 is it the usual? yeah well I can facilitate that for you. Yeah just hold on a moment. If it cooks well in lard then go for it hard. If it cooks well in lard then go for it hard. If you can surround it with pastry it's bound to be tasty. If it goes well with liver, then it's bound to deliver. Berries and seeds are healthy, but play havoc with your guts. Pies won't cause you problems, unlike fucking nuts. If it cooks well in lard, then go for it hard. If it cooks well in lard, then for it hard and remember kidney scampi pork pastry pie and that's the healthy way take that on board young Anthony
Starting point is 00:14:46 hold on what no jacking chicken is for pricks it's got no clout unless you're talking maybe chicken livers alright alright says Harry let's not argue about the grub let's just cook it ten hag pipes up have you checked that the barbecue is up to temperature and that there is a fire
Starting point is 00:15:06 blanket within easy reach you saw evers a matter of fact and suddenly throw me that fire blanket over anthony throws it but i remiss the catch and it falls on steve mcclaren snake cast oh careful where you're throwing fire blankets young lad. That could have damaged my little Casper. I know he's a cascade of a thousand delightful stars. But he's not on fire you ninny con poop. Oh what's my fault? The throw was perfect. It was McGuire who fucked up.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Don't use that word in front of Casper he's as innocent as a baby kitten in a fluff factory and I want it to stay that way sorry la ten hug you shouldn't have thrown the blanket you you should have handed over to him at a safe distance from as a hot barbecue oh god not health and safety police next thing you'll be telling us we can't piss in the sink because of germs or some shushite. Right come on says Harry, let's get these burgers on first. We're going a bit away with voices going here aren't we? There's a lot going on. I was just thinking Anthony was a hillbilly last time. Was he?
Starting point is 00:16:21 He knew did him? Yeah. Oh well. Let's get these burgers on first. Ten hag. Have you checked that the burgers are thoroughly defrosted? And please tell me you haven't handled the raw chicken. I beg of you tell me that. Excuse me but always this no bad? Honestly can you stop with the gin house language? Like I said, I want to keep Casper on factory settings, innocent and full of sentimental cuddles. Sorry, La. Right, I have handled the chicken.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Listen, boss, you can't really get fussy on the farm, you know. There is shit everywhere. Where is the shit? Can I have a look at it? Oh, it's in the front of the cow shed. Huge grape pile of it. Right, I'll go and check that out. Make sure that you don't handle it. I'll try my best, no promises.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Right, I think the burgers are actually ready. 10 hag. Have you checked their core? Have you checked their core temperature it should be 75 degrees Celsius minimum It is also advisable to check each individual burger and not rely on the testing a single patty You saw full of shit Ten ag You're so full of shit, Larry. Harry knows when they're cooked. Tenag. But I didn't even see him turn the burgers over. Oh, you don't bother with a turn. If I hit a turn, it would take me another five minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Harry, is it true that you've been practising hitting a barn door with your soccer ball yep people said I would never do it but I've hit it twice in the last 10 days go on la show us then kick one of them sausages at the barn door Harry ah careful Harry the sausages will be hot put on the heat resistant mittens. Honestly mate, you'd suck the foot out of a chimps christening. Go on Harry lad, hit that barn door. Harry kicks the sausage towards the barn door.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It hits the ceiling and ricochets straight onto Casper's thighs. Oh my word Casper, are you okay? My precious bucket of delightful bits and pieces. Please tell me you'll survive this sausage incident. Caspar smiles as if to say shut up mate and downs the sausage in one gulp. Sean enters the barn licking his lips. You ready for a sausage Sean? No, I'm okay thanks, I'm feeling a bit full. Do you know what's happened Andy? What's happened Bob? Why is Sean feeling full? I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:14 Well, he went to inspect a big pile of shit by the cowshed. Oh, I think he's had a say Oh God, I'm sorry, but I think that's what's happened And you like the sands calling Inspector Sands. So about that... Is that it? Yeah, yeah, I know it does. It's not really noticeable when it ends, is it? I should do it. Was that what you would call in the comedy game a punchline? It was, but it's what's called the hidden punchline, you know? Like the disguised punch.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Right. You've got to be right on the ball to see it. And it was a callback to the earlier thing. It was a callback. Now that is another interesting comedy device. The callback. The pratfall is another one. Yeah, the custard pie.
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Starting point is 00:21:07 the nature of the beast. Yeah it kind of makes your mates look like. Just go for one. I mean because it's not cheap. It's about 15 quid maybe for an all you can eat buffet. Something like that. You've got to get your money's worth. One plate's not not a value for money. I mean and you can travel around the world to an extent in these buffets. Yeah, there used to be a good one in Sunland, but it's shut now. That's... Around the world then? An around the world buffet, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Did you go to it? I did. Did you fight there? Did you fight or...? I didn't fight, no. Only with my kids. I used to take the kids. Oh, kids would love that. Yeah. I bet there's one sweet bit of chicken or something that they love getting every week. Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Well, they're quite fussy eaters. So they're focusing on one thing and just have like 10 of them. Why are they fussy eaters? It's usually the parents fault. It's the parents fault. Yeah. So what did you do? What did you do? Well, I don't know if I knew what it was I'd done. I'd have stopped doing it, wouldn't I? But I don't know. It's done now, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:01 They just got to deal with it in therapy when they're older. You probably, I think you'll have had good intentions You'll have bought broccoli and haddock. Yeah, but they'll have reached to the to the pizza circle Yeah, although although I don't know the fish fingers quite popular with the old chicken dippers Well, it's but it's so much easier in it it shuts them up Yeah, I think this phrase that the young ones like to use now regarding the therapy that they'll inevitably have when they're older yeah to their parents you broke it you pay for it is that right in other words we're not paying for our therapy because but there is it's therapy is not science is it Andy I
Starting point is 00:22:37 don't want to go home so that well I think you're probably right I think if you go I don't think if you went on think if you go, I don't think if you went on your own, fine. To the end of the world. I don't think there's anything intrinsically wrong with just getting one plate. Yeah. But if you're with someone else, you know, at least pretend you've been there. If I went and saw someone who was just sat there on his own and he had one plate and then left, I'd think he was a spy probably. He probably would be undercover, yeah. Yeah. So I'd say two and a half plates minimum. What do you think you would be spying on? Assholes?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Just regular assholes, daytime assholes. Yeah. To provide an asshole report for the mayor or something. For the council. Yeah. Yeah. Most underrated football stadium asks Thomas Henley. Do you have an answer to that?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Well, a quickly jogged down. J, jogged that's running so that's not Jotted. Jotted down. Bristol City, MK Dons, Burton and Yeovil. Okay anything about any of those that? Bristol City Bristol C is very pretty. MK Dons ain't got it wrong. MK Dons is a beautiful new build. Right. Pristine. I've never been. Very nice and it's a really impressive stadium. Yorville, beautiful parking. Literally next to the turnstile on a field. Yeah, you can't put a price on only for me easy access Oh, yeah, I'll cut open the window. Where's this again? You over your what's the capacity 3,000 a bit more? That's a nice lovely club. Of course you can park easy in the 3000 Rochdale's Park is all right as well
Starting point is 00:24:16 I should maybe have included them. They've just gone out the football league so commiserations commiserations to Rochdale. You'll be back Burton is rest is the rough still you'll be back Burton is I just came to me man because I love the group the old grounds waiting stand right the away end of birds a lovely little standing area I would say Newport County not being good county I've only seen on telly but it looks like it's made up from bits from other grounds yeah and none of it seems to be uniform yeah yeah and one of the stands the side of the pitch doesn't go the full length of the pitch it just stops and then there's just an area next to it I'll check it out online have a look it's good I'm going to accuse that area
Starting point is 00:24:52 of being potentially useful for catering okay you know for the hot dog wagon that sort of shit so that's my so yours is Newport mine's Newport another quick one David McIntosh what's the best exact time to fall asleep at? Well the advice I always give is try to get to sleep one minute before midnight before the actual monster, the actual real monster, has arrived. Before Santa Claus comes out on Christmas Eve. There's nothing good happens after midnight when you're my age? No, no. I struggle to get to sleep now. Yeah. I don't know why. I haven't got too many worries but yeah there you go. I would say probably 11.30. You'd be happy with
Starting point is 00:25:35 that? I'd be really happy with 11.30 because sometimes I've got to get up at 7 get my son to school. Yeah. And that's not enough. It's like 1230, seven hours, six and a half hours isn't acceptable. Yeah, under five is particularly difficult. Oh, it's awful. Sleep's really valuable, especially when you get outrage. Yeah, it's when you repair all the bits that are going to shit. Get your sleep kids, get your sleep. So that's my answer one minute before midnight. It's a good answer. Scott says less news about yetis these days, any thoughts about this? Well I suppose one hand no news is good news. Yeah. But I think the problem for yetis and Nessie and all
Starting point is 00:26:15 that is that these days a lot of people believe 100% in zombies and animated characters so there just isn't the need for these old fellas. I think we're about 25 minutes ish and I wondered I had a little bet on myself how long it would take you to turn the subject around to zombies in this episode I had 16 minutes I'll be honest it's gone longer than I thought but you've done it is there any zombie updates you want to? Well it's interesting here because someone has actually asked said hey Bob if you're still watching zombies and you haven't watched Train to Busan then I insist you do. I have seen Train to Busan. It's zombies on a train.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Now, to me, that sounds amazing. That could be my zombie inn. It's a very good thing. Zombies on a train. it's good and it's fast-paced and it's easy I was gonna say how fast the train is asleep a train or is it like a pace a train or one two five it feels like a one two five you know is the catering can't remember it's good but the zombies are very young or zombie person I'm looking for it in that's what I'm saying this feels like a zombie odyssey that's a good in yeah there's a modern they're now they're always like jerking their joints and going like and they all bend the neck and that has become the modern zombie right and I'm
Starting point is 00:27:38 not that keen on it the best zombie is I think in Black Summer there's a zombie just running like a human might run around a neighborhood and it's a very long scene looking for someone yeah anyone or someone particular anyone it's dead he was yeah that's zombies for you there was another question that came in from Matty Elliott. I don't know if this is Matty Elliott or if he used to play for Leicester. Oh could be. I like to think it is. Dirty little bugger. Yeah he says can we have Mark Lawrence's top 10 party foods. So I submitted that request to Mark Lawrence and he came back with a WAV that I'll play for you now. Good on you Mark thank you. This is Mark Lawrenceon. These are my top 10 party foods.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Number 10 mini sausage rolls. I expected that to be higher didn't you? Well it's not. Number nine a bowl of crisps. Number eight, party rings, preferably with the coating scraped off. That's just how I like them. Number seven, duck spring rolls. Number six, an egg tart. Number five, tempura king prawns. Or as Barbara calls them, tempura king prawns actually noah number four hot dog segments on cocktail sticks number three coronation chicken volvons number two ham sandwich open
Starting point is 00:29:17 or closed i'm not fussed but no he's pudding number one my top 10 party foods is sticky chicken skewers thank you very much there you go sticky chicken sticky chicken skewers wasn't expected and mini sausage rolls number 10 number 10 and they've been top four for me oh for sure for sure it's been contrary I think well you know he's lived a long life and he's had a lot of I bet he's been at a lot of trestle tables picking away at you know cold produce you'd imagine so wouldn't you you'd imagine so do you have anything else to add before we I don't have anything else to quite I've got stuff like talk about the foil I could work it to that back to the foil before we end because we're gonna do a
Starting point is 00:30:03 mince episode as well it'll go out in a few days. So. Well, we'll give it a go. We've been chatting on. So I just want to think though, Andy, the very, very thin foil that you get on the Easter egg, you know, what do you think, you know, like, hold on a minute. What do you think is it's almost too thin
Starting point is 00:30:23 to comprehend its manufacture and how it's handled too thin. Yeah to comprehend its manufacture Right and how it's handled. Yeah, you know, do you think a machine can pick up that square of thin? Fucking foil. Yeah and wrap it round an egg breaking without breaking it or do you think they've got humans doing it? It's got be a machine but the thing is about machines Bob and I'll say this with some gravitas Yeah, we can never truly know the power of the machine Yeah, and I think that's the lesson to learn from this episode does the machines are powerful They are but we don't even know how powerful yet The one thing I'll come back to that Andy
Starting point is 00:31:02 But when I see the foil covered bunny, I will come back to machinery when when I see that foil that's a good example because I'm thinking Easter eggs when you said that I think the Easter eggs are thinner yeah and the foil there's a lot of love under that foil in there under the foil yeah you know I mean a lot of love you know when that's given as a gift and yeah you know the foil that shape it's like you're giving them and the foil will have been cut into that ship by a machine no we can only imagine the people who are in charge of machines they're not us right there on a higher level of us so they've got stuff going on in their machine world that we don't know about like for example you you can't
Starting point is 00:31:44 imagine how that bunny gets covered but the machine owner yeah we'll just go ask that machine over there does it so that's the thing is Andy is as a lot of people worried about AI taking over in there yeah I don't think it'll happen I think we're more likely to zombie apocalypse you think it'll be. I think we're more likely to zombie apocalypse. You think it'll be zombies? I think we could, AI, I think we could kick its head in if we had to. Ultimately, with one of our earlier machines that does what we ask it. That's the worry though, there's machines going on in the machine kingdom that we're not aware of yet. Yeah. What's the most used machine in your house? I think mine is the dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Oh, it's gonna be the same I think as yeah. Hold on is the fridge a machine? The fridge is a machine the fridge is in constant use. Is it a machine? The fridge is a machine of course it is. Really? What else could it be? I think you've got moving parts in a machine. Well they have in the back. What do you know about the back of fridges? I've had a look in the back of a fridge before. There's pipes and stuff but yeah oh there is a fan. Yeah there's a machine to keep the milk cool. Well is your electricity that's in all the wires in the house is that a machine? Fuck no it's a system. That's a system? Yeah. Is that that's your most used system probably? The electricity store was on. It's a constant system.
Starting point is 00:33:10 As for machines I think it's got with the fridge stroke freezer. Okay Andy, do you want to call it a day? I think we should. I've just spoiled. We've ended on a high there I think. Probably not. But let's do just do a couple of questions for them. I'm probably not but it's but let's do just do a couple of questions for them I'm about to go self-employed any advice on not fucking it up I always say this you know if you're gonna fuck it up don't fuck it up that was from Paul Ian Michael Michael what's your favorite item to lob into a skip at the tip I like a printer or one of those rotating fans did a rotating fan just the other week really quite with quite a long stem it
Starting point is 00:33:50 is decent did you just chuck it in did they not tell you to do the electrical recycling bit it was in a skip I got delivered to me house all right not rather than that's not the same when it comes to chucking it in because you're chucking it in just a ground level aren't you? Yeah. Chucking it in below ground level where there's plenty of yeah but listen up and it is much much better throwing machines in in it yeah oh yeah so it's electric electrical goods that are great well I was gonna say I've done a printer once yeah I did it in a bin bag because it was illegal yeah and honestly what a fine when that
Starting point is 00:34:24 went in yeah see the what that my tip and the electrical stuff that is now put into these like containers you don't throw it in a skip. Yeah. You don't throw it in one of the bins but anything. Same with mine but this was the old tip before we got the new one in Sunderland and the new ones a lot more let's say a fascistic. Yeah. You've got you can't fuck about. Yeah. They'll about yeah yeah no they will have you won't know yeah I can't remember what I got caught with last time I had to take it over to another designated area boy yeah you know you can't put what the fuck was it was books right I wasn't allowed to put books in the big paper
Starting point is 00:34:59 but recycle it's a recycling bin some sort of bin yeah pretending. Getting rid of books. Good recycle. Well thanks very much Parsnippers and good luck in the future. Yeah. And all your endeavors. Bye.

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