Athletico Mince - Ep. 66 - Catering Bacon

Episode Date: August 3, 2018

It’s a welcome return for the landlord AND Barry Homeowner, Mick McCarthy brings his dog in, we find out what’s inside the drawer, Andy tries to find out more about the showbiz centre while Bob te...aches him some Beardsley… Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Puh! You ready? What was that? The start of a podcast that night? Puh! That's the new beginning I'm bringing in. Is that a realization of like the cartoon thing? P-W-O-A-R No? Fooah! Oh that's Fooah! Puh! Is that a realization of like the cartoon thing PWOAR? No. Oh, that's four.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Five. Five. Yeah. When you see puarro, but he kills you just before you're able to end you. Yeah, it's easy. No, God, it's puarro, though, killing. Yeah, of course he doesn't need to. He's protecting money, doesn't do killing.
Starting point is 00:00:42 If he, honestly, come the crunch. Look, you know that I want to be Chris Evans, right? In real life. And you know that. I want to like, more than anything, more than anything, Bob. I want to show, prove to you that I know everything. Hmm. Right. So this week, I'm going to be giving you
Starting point is 00:00:59 the little quiz, Struct Educational Item. High Cab, a low cab. See, because I'm the army with Chris Evans. No, but it's a sort of thing he does, a crew, high carb or low carb. At the moment, people are thinking, right, the fat is better for you than carbs, right? Okay. Now, Chris Evans would want to be right on top of that. Right. So, carb, high carb, low carb. High carb. So, first one. Sacable the first one.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So, you say high, you say high, or you say low, Andrew, right? Does it like play your cards right? Fascinating, isn't it? Ten it. It was kind of egg. Low. It's low carb, Andrew. Look at your little stupid face. Do you know like when dolphins come
Starting point is 00:01:50 right up to the glass aquarium? I wasn't expecting an egg so early. Alright, let's go to the fruits. Strawberries. Lower high. Oh, in carbs. Good instinct says low. you're right Sticking let's go to the meat right pork chop lovely pork chop Law correct Andy can you pull this off there's only three more to go Apple Oh Apple It's how lucky and drugs. Still will do the rest, please.
Starting point is 00:02:29 High allowing. Fucking dog care, law. Hi. Cream track, hi. Correct. Vodka. Law, law curve. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 That's your free drink. Yeah. If you're on the carb thing, that might be where I have to turn it with some point. Yeah, bathing it, shower in it, turn me back on booze. So you if you're on the carb thing, that might be where I have to turn it at some point. Yeah, bathing it shower in it, turn me back on booze. So you're dressed for the weather. It's very hot in the old room. Yeah, first time I've dressed for the weather in the UK, is yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You even got a t-shirt on the far away places. Yeah, is that that in case it makes me dream? And it makes viewers dream as they pass me on the streets of London. Yeah. You know instead of thinking of the queue at the care of say that they're studying, they can think of a faraway place. Maybe a care of say in San Diego, yeah. Do you want an airman because I got one? I mean, just one.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Wolfnickers. Oh, man. Only in Foyhub is that he lives in Derby, yeah. He's allergic to crab meat and he spends all of his cash on the post-cald lottery. So I know it's only like a very sort of shaky description, but that's wolf neck. It sounds kind of similar to what a lifestyle I live at the minute. What do you want to check in there? I'm too much admin. All right, I'll open it back. Hello Ronnie, hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Okay, I've got one for you. Gone. It can Ronnie, hot dogs. Okay, I've got one for you. Gone, then. He can be thin-richment, obviously. Oh, well, I do want to be thin-rich. I want it to be thin-richment for eight weeks. You should've known that, and this is... Are you sure? Well, you can run it here the alternative. Run it, Alia, one, please.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Right, you can be 4592661. Yeah. Just that of prison, but he's so indoctrinated that he's sticking with the number rather than his name. Gender-flowers, where's the crown? I'll be thin, Richard, thank you. But when was the last time you were in a church, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:04:10 You know, was it to pray or was it to steal things, you know, like from the mourners pockets and that? When was the last time I was in a church? Or when was the last time I was a really just serious? When was the last time you were in a church? Actually church building. It'll have been a wedding or a chrysanthemum, something like that. What a superb answer, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I've got a lot of these things though. Are you often in church? No, you know what it was. It'll have been the Christmas Carol service for me, kid. What's especially just for your kid? In a church. The whole church was shut. Yeah. And there's rolled your kid in in a pram. It was jick. And gave him a little ceremony. for your kid, the whole church was shut and there's rolled your kid in in a pram and gave him a little ceremony.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So did you ever receive the cane at school, Andrew? No. Are you the post-cane generation? We were on the cusp of the post-cane generation. The cusp was being eradicated and our headmaster, our school was a man who enjoyed administering the cane, but the law was beginning to catch up with him. Right, he also once named checked in a Brian Furry interview as the worst teacher Brian Furry ever had. Right. Mr. Gaffney. And we all know Brian Furry had some great teachers.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah, of course he did. So he'd know what he's talking about That's that we are brown ferry. It's a bit of both But I don't know if furry was ever came by mr. Gaffney I suspect he might have been mr. Gaffney I was keen twice. I was Fucking Gaffney yeah, put the after if you want to go even though he's probably long on and you're you're spitting on his grave as it were. See, I was keen twice. Once for attempting to burn down the science block. So that's nice where it's nice where to get out of here and and how far did your attempt go? Well, it was, you see, I think it was ambiguous. What we did was leave a lighted candle in a wooden cupboard.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah. Yeah. And we, I don't know what we were thinking. Maybe, you know, we weren't thinking, let's burn down the science block. You know what I mean? So, consciously you were. Well, maybe, maybe. Otherwise, why would you have done it?
Starting point is 00:06:19 But that's how it was perceived by the authorities. So, we got Ken. And I thought it was a nice touch because the Kane does in the science block. Right, so I thought that was nice. Do you reckon that's not fun? Oh, you'd, the Polish riff at the crime. And the other time, when I'd be about 11 or whatever,
Starting point is 00:06:36 I got the Kane for Parede and around him, underpants in the playground. Right. But that had a lovely ending, I might have told you before, because we went the Edmast's office and when he raised the can up to thwakmy to do that as a noise, like to thwakmy, he left go of the cane, smashed the glass in front of the trophy. Really?
Starting point is 00:06:59 So you know what I mean? You won there didn't you? In a kind of way yeah. I still cried when he said it doesn't make you cry the cake. Was it on the hand or the ass? That was the ass, the one in the science plot was on the on the hand. Old Jan doubt boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 They would say. So, um, Andrew, have you ever considered, um, placing a slice or two of streaky bacon under your tits, you know, to prevent chaffin in the artwork? I thought you were going to say it's a cook-a-pick. To broil them in the sweat. It's a simple question. Have you ever considered it? I have no work.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I have no. Because that's what you're streaky. Well, that's what you, because it's got a certain pliability, you know, you could lay it down, pull it up around the edges, you know, in like a loop. And it's what you use for a turkey. And when I look at your eye often think of a turkey It would react well to the fat within the tits as well
Starting point is 00:07:48 I wouldn't get like toxic shocks in drum or ever it's absolutely none of that as long as you don't use like a Super cheap Danish collar bacon, you know, right? Like they were coming a pack about six inches thick. Yeah, they're catering bacon. Yeah, come. I've got any catering bacon The shrink wrap packet. Yeah, it hasn't got any air in everything. Yeah, you can spend all day We none of us really know where you get that shit You could go out every shop in South East London where we are and say have you got any catering bacon? Say no, sorry, don't know what you're on about. You know what you do the password. I'll try next door You got any catering. It's under the counter stuff. It's tricky one for you. You need a card or something?
Starting point is 00:08:26 You just want to use a nice, like say an eight pack of walls streaky that see you through four days. Look, we've got a special guest over in outside Andrew. Before we know who's that then. I'm Mick McCarthy. Can you see him? Well, like an ear him. Andy's got his salvation. Jesus Christ. Are you Mick?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Are you pair of bastards? Are you Mick? You look a bit rough. Yeah, bastard doe. I spent last night on the bastard street in the door, if clacks the bastard show shop. Oh, come here. Some bastard knick me while it me bastard phone. When you say bastard, do you mean A and Holloway?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, that's the bastard. We were drinking a bottle of his own bro bastard of a cider. And he did a run-o with me bastard, bum bag. You were a bum bag, Mick. Doesn't every bastard in the London Bullen are bastards? Oh, yeah, but I just can't imagine you were, everyone. Well, are bastard. Do you know who are a little bastard? It's a one-off bastard, special.
Starting point is 00:09:34 If any of your bastard listeners are offered it by a bastard Erber in the pub, then they should tell me an arranger fight with the bastard. Well, it shouldn't be hollow where you're angry with. You mean it should be like who's someone else? Yeah, always a dead bastard walking. But I won't be bastard. Bumback back your bastards.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Right, well, how would our listeners recognize us? It's white with blue letters. And what are the letters, Sam, Mick? One word, bastards! Can you lend me my tune for arm, you fat bastards? Oh, how much do you need? 80 bastard quid. Oh, sorry, I'm skinned. Yeah, I'm the same, Mick. Oh, come! Well, we bumped into Ian Holloway last night and he rinsed us. What a bastard! That bastard is! I'm going on the bastard down with me, old session! The old session, what's the old session called?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Dog Busted! Sir your lads! Sir your mick! God, his old session is stankin' it, isn't it? Whoa! Beakin'? You know what? Probably, maybe even color bacon Bob do you reckon that when of a Paul Young's Lizzie's hat that's the least home? I
Starting point is 00:10:53 Mean it was 1983 when he sang that it seems like the kind of thing you'd only do with a confidence of youth, isn't it? You know put your hat down and see an I live here now Is it do you think he's restricted to one home at a time or is it like a lifetime deal puts the hat down and see an eye live here now Is it do you think he's restricted at the one home at a time or is it like a lifetime deal put to the hat down This is my home put me hat down over here. This is also my home put me hat down there. It's a Not you think yes, yeah, I think wherever he lives, he's probably keeps his hats Yeah, he doesn't see what kind of hat is either that keeps his hats. He doesn't seem a kind of hatter, is he? That's quite frustrating. He doesn't seem. Homburg, do you think, Toby? Well, as you know, Andrew, I've had the dealings
Starting point is 00:11:30 with Paul Young. Dailings? Yeah. He tried to join mine, Jim's fix, and Jules Holland's Gentleman's motorcycle and club. Did he? So he came to our Red Quarters HQ. Yeah he came to our HQ but sadly it was where in you know leather trousers that I've got lacing they have laces all the way
Starting point is 00:11:54 down the side. Yeah exactly. And another car set of club with them on. And another cartoon ejaculation from you there Andrew. You up. are you switched off. No I've got I've got a really someone really important said they're going to call me in ten minutes. Oh right so that's exciting. Okay listen to me business card. So he was wearing a fancy leather. Yeah and the other early Davidson which in the context of that a gentleman's motorcycle club so his application was sadly rejected. Totally react like that. It took his add-off, said this ain't my old one. Oh yeah. Trademark.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Do you ever see him down the shorebiz center? Because you get down there a lot, don't you? I've got a down shorebiz center quite a lot. You've been racing, have you seen? I go twice a week shorebiz center, get a cup of tea, get biscuits. Yeah. Get a bit of blood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:44 He's haunted by a ride castle actually. Is it? That's nice. You don't need it very often, but... I don't want to inspect. Three weeks about the lights went off when we heard. Bapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapap I lifted spirits. Yeah. Landlord. You alright? Ding Dong, landlord here. Is that the correct voice? Ah, thanks. Ding Dong landlord here.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Sorry tenant, but I'm putting your rent up to cover the cost of my vape liquid. Let's call it 50 a week. I'm getting through pints of the stuff down at the casino Superbow. Ding Dong landlord here. I see you've been opening the windows for fresh air during the hot times. It's gonna have to change, charge you for hingeware and deterioration. Let's call it 200 quid. Just enough to cover the cost of nespresso capsules for my pierre de terre and farringdum. I'll do this and while I'll do the next one is Brian Ferry, please do. Please do?
Starting point is 00:13:46 Can I have a bit there? Ding dong! Do the landlord here! Just brought you this bag of my daughter's donkey shit! Thought your kids might like it! To use it as a muddling medium! I know! I'm a fucking saint! So, there you are.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That was nice. If you could tell yourself, you're younger self. One thing. Yeah. What would it be? I like this small. Yeah. What would it be?
Starting point is 00:14:18 You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? I'm a young guy. So, I'm a young guy. You yourself a little bit of I-Bike. So, a little bit of I-Bike. So, I'm a young lad, then. I'm stood next to the young myself for the adult version. Down the precinct.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Oh yeah. You can put it arm around yourself and give yourself a bit of advice. Let's say don't worry about shit. Well it's really deep. Um, yeah and try and get woke. You know. Did it know, the shipyard. Did you say I said she justy-work in the shipyard, I'm sorry, I missed that.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Does that, they said try and get woke? Is that what you were saying? No, try and get woke. It's a new phrase where you're aware of what's really going on in the world of politics. How would you have to be the, how would you have to be the, to you have to be, to be woke? You can be woke at any time, baby,
Starting point is 00:15:07 but mainly under 30, probably best under 30. That was a great item. Ah! Ah! Ah! If I could go back, yes, my younger self,
Starting point is 00:15:17 and put my arm around him, and whisper a bit of advice, do you see it? I think I'd say, tie the handles of the kitchen pin bag before you try and pull it out. That's. Comes out a lot easier. That's not advice. Took me a long time to realize that though. That's a religion. Hey, you've got a styling point there. Oh yeah. Yeah. I never buy the tie handles. I always buy the... Controversial? Yeah. I know. Well, I buy the one that got two big handles and then
Starting point is 00:15:44 I tie those handles together a loop yeah I don't use is that what you mean well you can use yeah you can use them or you can use the one the one that got four flaps that come up and you tie them together oh I can't I'm done them that's too tie in though isn't it you're tying two knots there might be someone somewhere who's got a technique with the handles you, you can do the same thing, but you lift the handles out and you just make one knot and then you get out. I can drink a pint in less than three seconds. Do it. I am got a pint, have I, Andy? But I just wanted you to know that.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I want the people to know that. Barry Homeowner here, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, just thought I'd bring you up today to Rooney on the circumstance de moire. So let's cover the three main life boxes, workplace, home space and leisure plane. You're up for that Andrew, Home space first. Let's focus straight away on my kitchen island, the center of the hill as it were. I've recently had the Korean re-burnished. It really can sing the reflections from the mix of taps now. I'm very pleased with it. I've purchased a third bar stool stroke cabaret chair to sit at the island. You know, just in case I have a double visitor runny at Oon, at Oon, make mine double cream at that cappucciu-chiu-chiu.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, you with me? One major addition to the boutique hotel at Home vibe is I've a two reclaimed plywood clipboards that I've hung from the lighting rig above the island using old Coiled telephone flex. Yeah, I'm decided what they are for yet But I just know they're gonna be an inspiration somewhere down the liner runie Moving box to the workspace. That's very much as it was. I'm leading negotiator rentals, I'm currently riding a 6% commission average and that's including a 10K handicap handicap that's been run out across all the branches. God, her ma, who saved birthday card from my workmates last week on the occasion of my birth
Starting point is 00:18:02 celebrations and I contributed to the madness with a 24-piece donut centerpiece. We all ate like effing kings that day. We were 10 minutes into our half hour lunch break before the per-her-ly, her-ly, her-ly drifted to a fizzle. Yeah, that was per-her-ly. It's like the way I say parley. Jesus. That's the difference that is me. There's a chick-a-do. Yeah, chick-a-chick-a-do. Just started and I've positioned her under my wing. Her family is originally from Malaysia in the far distant east of the world. Her name's Predin. Get in Predin. That's what I say whenever I take her on a viewing. Yeah. It's said in Predin, that's what I say when it's been raining for a while Andrew.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah. Predin Predin, that's what I say whenever a client brings their dog. Yeah. It's great fun. Needless to say, she's fascinated by me and my life. There's a real connection developing. Watch this space to be continued. Every picture tells a thousand words, yeah? Got a new regional manager, Dave Tranta, old school, he's old school. Totally unwoke.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Grey M&S suit with a pink shirt and white tie. Still calls a room a room instead of a space. I know, I know, I do know. Decent motivator, terrible innovator. Rejected my idea of VR headsets, that's virtual reality. Head sets for insitu virtual property tours. clients need to smell touch and breathe the property keep it visceral give them the personal touch hey I just winked at preting when she when he said this and she ran into the toilet she gets it she gets me okay Andy moving into the leisure box there's no other word but may ham yeah just added Netflix and Amazon Prime to me smart TV
Starting point is 00:20:05 rostra opened an account with paddy power which you just know they are going to regret Andrew. But myself a mountain cycle been tearing up and down the asphalt in the cold sack once the seed is worn in I'm gonna ride to the town center and make some big air over the speed bumpers. I'm not just going to turn heads, I'm going to turn hearts and minds, yeah. There was an open day at the Audi dealership last Sunday, so I took the TT up there and tuned on the breeze with the sales crew. Free glass of champagne was mooch-o appreciated and I was given a whirlwind tour of the latest
Starting point is 00:20:43 models, actually got to sit at the wheel of the all-new R8. Must have been there about an hour, but it felt like eight minutes. So yeah, that's the box is unpacked and ready to be refilled with the incredible and the unimaginable. Going to be mums tonight for the Sania, water bore, but hey, she gave me life so that I might make the world as special as I do. Chabella and have a kappa tsu tsu on me. See ya. Thanks Barry.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Thanks to Bill that he's still a shit house. You know he's a shit house isn't he? Where's armless though, innit? I get, well I don't know what I suspect he'll commit suicide. You think he's gonna cop off with Prattin? He'll do something there that you probably shouldn't do. But you've prettting wise. Yeah, something like work. Something inappropriate. Something unwalk. Workplace inappropriate activity.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah, workplace not walk place. I've got some questions here from Mikwads. Oh, here they come. Question number one. Uncle Bob, why have you continually refused to take our dad down the show base center? He's a decent man and we can show you who will be no bother down there. Well, because it's member only and you're not allowed to get in. Can you get him a membership that says, No, well, if he gets into show base, he can apply.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Is this podcast not regarded as show base? What do you think Andrew? Well, is it not? It's this podcast not regarded as showbiz. What do you think Andrew? Well, is it not? If showbiz is the great big edifice that is BBC Portland players, yeah. This is a freaking puddle on the old Kent Road, Andrew. I mean, is there not like different rooms, according to how famous you are? Can I like just sit in like a holding pen?
Starting point is 00:22:21 No, it's one big mirrored room where we can all gaze at ourselves and each others. So, so I just go around McMoth house instead. Go around McMoth's and practice on the drums. All right, second question from the car. Good, man. Bob, are you having any problems with your water works at the moment? Yes. That was a very fast answer.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Okay, well, yeah, I'm here. To elaborate on some problem? Nope. Would you like to confirm whether we're talking about outdoor plumbing or internal urinary? Both. Which is what pressing in issue? They're all so mixed up, they're mixed up like a freaking ball of string. Are they intertwined? Absolutely. Can one not be sold without the other best sold? No, they'll be solved in combination, you know. Are you taking measures to ensure that they are solved soon? I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Right. As with every bloke, I don't really like. Anyway, can we stop talking about my urinary tract, and all that stuff, please? So is the urinary tract, that's the procedure? I have no idea, Andrew. I'm not a medical man. You're not your gutters. Yeah, I'm not a medical man. Not you, you're, you're gutters.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, I might just have a spot. I don't know. Is that it? That's, that's the end of the questions from your kids for now, yeah? Yeah, well your kids come up with terrific questions. I haven't heard from Badesley this week. Have you not? No, so what, right? What I thought I might do is Andy, do you fancy having a little session
Starting point is 00:23:45 of learning yourself Beadsley? Good on them. We got that. So I'll say the prayers, you repeat it so if we can get you up to speed. Okay. All right, Rob. Oh, that's done.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Oh, Christ, thank you. Right. Oh, well, it's a start. It's a start in it. Ooh, I love a chicken rat me. I love the lumpy lumpy chicken. Oh, I love a chicken rat me. I love the lumpy lumpy chicken. Oh, I love a chicken rat me. I love the lumpy lumpy chicken.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. I put your chin in a bit. No, it's out. No, you're juggling it out. I'm like Fred Flintstone. It needs to go down a bit. No, it's out. You're juggling it out like Fred Flintstone. It needs to go down a bit, don't it? Yeah, just relax your mouth.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Right, okay. So, I'm learning a bit of troubling or working the phone with ads. Yeah, I'm learning a bit of trouble without working with foreign ads. So, what you think of the session of learning some things? I wasn't expecting it but I think I've done a little bit better than I thought I might do for a first goal. You've done very well. You've done very
Starting point is 00:24:53 well today. So thank you Robert. You can have one of me runnies. Thank you very much. Have you had any more thoughts about the vacuum cleaner more that you want from me? Well I did I tell I got on you over, did I tell you? No. I got on Mealy CX1. Really? It's 1200 watts, it's old stock, you know, because you're only allowed now. You get it from the UK or from abroad?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Got it from UK. Sanand. No, it's a new unit, I think. It's an overstock from somewhere. Something like that, yeah. I mean, you should really be panicked by in them because as this wattage goes down and down, you're gonna have no suck whatsoever, yeah. No, suck it also.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I should have bought two, I've only bought one, but I might address that when I get, oh, television-wise Andrew, two little records. No, so are you trying to say you don't want that spare anymore? Are you keeping it as a backup, do you think? Do you think you could take the coil out of it? I love a go.
Starting point is 00:25:43 It's some sort of electrical coil that makes the connection to it's the like the no one would say about this Andrew please TV wise, right? Yeah, I'm seeing two good documentaries. I am gonna recommend and fully recommend yeah, okay I mean I what I'm watching one called Is it blind spot dark spot? What do you like spot? I'm eating all of it's cold before you come and eat it. Don't fucking know me like that. Well, you know what I mean? Preparation is key, isn't it? I'm watching one called black spot, which is very similar to the forest, which I gave
Starting point is 00:26:15 a sort of it's all right. Yeah, it's all right. Yeah. At the moment black spot is terrific. Series or one off? It's a season. It's a season is it? Yeah, and I'll come back to people on that, but if they're wanting to catch up with it, you'll have a chat about it with listeners that's called black spot. How many episodes? It's subtitles, but I'm a sucker for that. Sorry, I don't apologize for that. It used me recommendations though. Do you want to watch this documentary, Andrew, a man in America has to have his lower leg cut off from the knee down there. So far so good. Okay, he asks if he can keep the leg even better. Yeah, and
Starting point is 00:26:54 he puts it in his barbecue grill, in his garage, yeah, right, in some sort of chemical or whatever. Fast forward to a locker where he stores all this stuff because he has to move house and a man buys the contents of the storage unit. I have a question. Yeah. Is the leg nude or is the leg clothed? It's completely nude. What do you think that you think the surgeons are hospital? Well, I'd like to try and keep the bottom bit of the trouser attached to the leg. The Codaroid throws a leg, the Suga., it's a, it's a fleshy leg. At this auction sale, another man buys the contents.
Starting point is 00:27:30 When he gets home, he opens up the barbecue grill lid and sees a leg in there. Yeah. Yeah. This documentary, right, covers the 10 year battle for ownership of that lower limb. It's called Finders Keepers and I give it a very solid recommendation. I'm not exaggerating here where I say it, these sounds like the greatest documentary ever made. Well get on it Andrew. My other question is how does a man forget that his former leg is stored within a house and then move on someone else? You'll need to Andrew You know, let's go into the spoiler area. It sounds implausible. That is exactly what happens
Starting point is 00:28:08 And I'm not conning no one so you'll recommend that recommend that the other one I recommend is one called glacin Have you seen glacin? No, it's he was an American football star You know how they jump about all that we're about on between like lines and hell and a bit of a hero. But his life went to total shit. No spoilers. Incredibly moving, Andrew. Our weeping too. It's really. He loads his leg. I'm not Andrew. I don't do the spoiler thing. It's a story of sort of human perseverance, bravery and all that, but boy is it sad. But if you like that kind of thing, it will deliver, you know what I mean. Well, I'll mention again what I've done on the website. There's an area now called Crime Club.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah, but have you got all my recommendations in? As many as I can remember. Oh, that's where you just see if it can remember them. Fucking 30 on there. I'll add these two as well. So if you, you know, it's got links to where you can see all these things. Oh, well, well done.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Don't put me down. Well, don't you? Well, you were kind of bureaucrat, aren't you? What was that name? You know, there was the fat controller. You're the fat bureaucrat. That's a bad thing. Why?
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's a bad thing of me to say. You're actually looking very slow, Andrew. And I shouldn't have said that, but there's something about your face that it's nice to say the word fat towards it. Yeah, me sons as well. Yeah. What's inside the draw? Yes, I know. Yes, I know. What's inside the draw? I don inside the draw I don't know I don't know This is a bit different what's behind the door. This is what's inside the draw slightly different concept There's something in the draw right right all I want to know from you is whether you wish make to open the draw so you can see it
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yes, but I'm not telling you what it is first. I'll give you a clue if you like oh I have to say open I'm not telling you what it is first. I'll give you clues if you like oh I I have to say open I'm not open. Yeah, I could get rid of this item really You don't want to see it. I'll open the first drawer hang on. There's one. It's soft. Okay. It's a historical art effect Yes, and it's portable in case you want to carry it around and shoot the people Would you like me to open the drawer? Yeah, I'd say what it is. Well, I wouldn't know Well, I know you might not I can't think what me more of it should be for not looking at it. You usually quite obstinate when it comes to these things, and you just dismiss them. I'll be obstinate if you want me to be. I'll be honest. I want you to be honest. Do you want
Starting point is 00:30:35 to open the drawer? Yes, soft historic. Yeah, I will have a look at it. It's Brian Furries-Nickers. Glad I opened it. There you go. They're all yours really glad I opened it You see sometimes best foot forward fortune favors the brave you know I mean there you go. Thank you for that you welcome. Is that it then Andrew? I'll see you in another bit. It was the end of the podcast or it can be well Have I caught you by surprise there? Oh, I didn't know if you had anything else you were gonna I'd like to call you a little shit before we finish like I do that. Oh man, it's been so long. You're a little shit. Thank you very much indeed. I've never noticed. I've here. I've here though Andy. I've here ever noticed how horses are taller than pigs. I'm right though, aren't I? Yeah? Have you noticed that you're so busted? I've here. Yeah. I've here.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I noticed that all people drive more carefully than the young ones. I'm right though, I'm your... I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not interested, I'm your not right, I'm right, I'm right, I'm right, I'm right, I'm right, I'm about that, I'm right, yeah, you've noticed that. Did you find it amusing? You're doing really kind of observational, interesting, true. Okay, well take that one, it's got to take on value. Yeah, is that that bit? Yeah, that's that bit soon. You feel, I just, I get the sense that you like to carry on.
Starting point is 00:32:00 No, I'm pretty much done. What I would like to end up with. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, something I haven't done. That was a trouble, wasn't it? Yeah, a trouble, I'm pretty much done. I would like the end. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. If something haven't done. That was a trouble, wasn't it? Yeah. A trouble, I think it's time. You know, we've got a reasonable hit rate
Starting point is 00:32:11 in predicting seasons. Yeah. Well, because we're involved in lower league football. We've very much so, yes. It's getting very, now, I want to put one proviso in is that because of the transfer window, I might do it again next week. You're okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So, my outsiders, teams I've got a little feeling about for the championship, is Norwich and Sheffield United, right? Right. I'm going to plump for Norwich as a surprise package. I've been at the Saldan Lorde players though. I mean, I would have gone for whole, but whole of only got 40% of the team left. Right. That came good last season.
Starting point is 00:32:47 So, I'm not expecting much from any other team in that division. No, in the middle of Britain. Not really. Apart from Norwich. I think you will have a Norwich. Sheffield United. Automatic promotion. I think middle of Britain, though, are right.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I think it'll be horrible to watch. But that doesn't matter because it's about results, to results business. I'm not bothered. Have you got any predictions about Sunderland? Sunderland go up. You're right. Number one. I don't think we've got what's number one. Yeah, of course. You always going to beat you. I don't know. It's a weird leg that one. You always get one team that comes out of nowhere and does really well. Yeah you got you it's good lad you've got that manager. Detective Inspector Jack Ross. Yeah he's a good lad. I hope so. For that division you'll sort them out. They won't talk about with him. I want to say something that I can't
Starting point is 00:33:35 actually see in the podcast so I'll just sit a little bit around. Okay well see you next time Andrew. Can I just leave you with one new speaker headline from your source. Yes of course. Drunk Wacked Penis on women's car then did poo in street as they sat an air chips. And that would be in which city? That would be Redca. Ooooooh! That's nearer to the middle of the road.
Starting point is 00:33:53 That would be much better. Thank you. Thank you. Goodbye. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats, but ice tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats.
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