Athletico Mince - Ep. 69 - Six More Fish

Episode Date: September 7, 2018

Jordan Henderson gives us a song, the guru drops in again, we enjoy a bread quiz and Peter Beardsley meets Nick Knowles. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. ...See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're recording, yeah. This is recording now. I was walking beyond you on the way to the... That's a bit today, you know. Sneaky. I wasn't sneaky, I came up. I was about 60 yards, maybe 50. Did you not think? I was getting sneaky. I was I came far behind where I was about 60 yards, maybe 50. Did you not think I was getting closer? I was getting closer as we walked. So you slaughtered along like a dad, I don't know what what models like your waddle. You're a bit pigeoned towards Andrew. I'm up. You're having a good look where you're from 60 yards away. Yeah, well yeah, it emphasized your guess because I was looking at the complete unit, you know. Do they have got a nice ass? Right, you got baggy jeans and I I couldn't tell, don't think I didn't look though. So welcome to the podcast, Andrew. What are you welcoming us for?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Well, I just think this is a nice touch, it's that I call true. It makes me sound like it's not my podcast. Oh, I see what you mean. Well, I'll tell you what. You say, I'm happy to have you, Bob. Happy to have you, Bob? Oh, right. Now it sounds equal.
Starting point is 00:01:04 That's fantastic. Please, we've done that sort of that out. Happy to have you Bob? Oh, right, now it sounds equal. That's a fantastic place. We've done that sort of that out. Do you have a favorite bread, Andrew? I'm quite partial to a tiger loaf. Because of the sea and spruce. Because of the sexy crust. Because of the exciting crust, yeah. Do you think the bread underneath is any different
Starting point is 00:01:19 from a non-tiger crust? Is it all about the crust? I think it's mainly the crust, it's the look. It's that look if you carry it under your arm, crust upwards, facing outwards, do you know what I mean? So people can say, oh he's got a tag across. Oh look, he's got something about him. Look at Henry Dubois, that he's a man on the up. Yeah, so yeah. Well, I'd just like to ask you, bread are not bread. Oh, okay. Okay, I'm going right around the globe, bread are not bread. Oh, okay. Okay, I'm going right around the globe,
Starting point is 00:01:47 looking for interest in them. Yeah, yeah. What about the start strong? Start strong? Speck and dick. Oh, that's a bread. Can you imagine what country it's from? What it'll be from the Lollins, I think?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Germany. Yeah. Rai Pankerke is. Tongue Pank Pank. That's also a Right, Pancake is. Tonguey Pancake. Haha, that's also a bread. It is a bread Korean. It's filled with red bean paste and walnut kernels. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:02:12 That's here, isn't it? Yeah, that's a little bit. That's right, well, good. Van Nocker. Van Nocker. Van Nocker. Van Nocker. Now this is where I'm starting to try
Starting point is 00:02:21 and second guess how you've assembled this quiz. Oh, why not just play it like? like I'm seeing yes that's a bread. Here's a bread to check. Some that they were brioche. What makes a brioche a brioche do you know under you know I know they're a bit shiny aren't they? Um I think it's the shinyness yeah it. Well they add a packet of shine into it. A bit of um pledge.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh it's hot. We don't get in. My breads I will think in about the breads a lot because I want to see you eat some pledge. So so many breads, isn't there? But you've got your your breads you like, you know, I like do you know the really small brown hovers? As the quiz finished. Yeah, shit. Do you know, I'll tell you me further breads, anyway, I'm not, you're not in touch with those. I was just about to ask you incidentally, the really small, the tiny little brown sliced hovers, I like that.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Right. White or brown? Brown. That's why I said brown. There's one that's slightly bigger, and it's a completely different bread. Extraordinary, looks the same. Looks just like the bigger version.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Oh, there's a difference, is there? Two, right, there is. Right. I like the McDonald version. Oh, there's a difference is there. Two right there is. Right. Um, I like, um, the McDonald's burger bun. Uh, yeah, it's all right. There's nothing doing is there. It's just, it's just like something to grip really. I had a double cheese burger last weekend. Did you know, none of the stuff on the top, just the cheese and the double, the double patty. And it
Starting point is 00:03:43 was very rewarding yeah yeah you look well on it anyway that's a punch out a bit and it oh fucking Alandie how angry the other day you were yeah I want to say burrow Bristol yeah right or bad journey and on and that that corridor is you call it a corridor don't I sound like official of a motorway corridor like official of a motorway corridor, that corridor, I think it's the M4, right, it dominated by Burger King. Yeah, so I always fucking forget that Burger King don't serve milk shirks, and for me there's no point in having a burger with our chocolate filled sugar. I have never had a burger in a milk chit like that, it's sweet, sweet's savory. Oh, it's beautiful, Andrew. Oh, it's really something, yeah. That 99 pay burger.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Right. So, would you get, I've had Mac days would you? Yeah, not but, I wish the, to be honest with you, I wish the just fuck off from Alamo, as Burger King. Burger was £7.49. A motorway burger. Yeah. Wow. It's your own fault, isn't it, by the motorway burger?
Starting point is 00:04:43 I like some sandwiches here. Is that what you do? I've done that before, yeah. What a prick. Do you know what I mean? What a prick. People, if you're saying that. People, not people, wherever people are listening to it.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Now there's a lot of home of people saying, what a prick. Taking your own sandwich, isn't your clown car? Is that because I'm, you know, fiscally challenged that you're having a go because I can't afford a motorway burger. And you can afford it fun.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You can afford it fun. Your problem is is your tight ass. The iced finger, do you like them, Andrew? That's a bread, you know? Is that a clasp, is a bread? Yeah, you're on the ice bun, nice finger. I suppose it is, isn't it, really? Do you like, I come?
Starting point is 00:05:21 I'm not that bothered anymore. I probably would have had one when I was younger, was younger in a man, but now that you're sensing that I would you feel a bit of seated batch? Seated batch, tell me a little more about it. It's kind of it's not full size like that big hovers, but it's not like the little little hovers. It's like the twigs. It's like, yeah. And it's war buttons. It's war buttons. It's covered in seeds. I don't trust them. You don't trust them. I don't trust them because they're up for something.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Well, is that Mr. War button in the adverts? No, of course it's not. Now you sure of that? Actually, I'm not nice yet. You know, with the muppets and that. I think it might be him. I mean, it might be Mr. War button. There's a bit of an ego operating there, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:06:01 Directly, he's encoded for the Austrians. Why the Austrians? To an arch-H-steader. Trua Falsandru. Yes. Iron man can iron up to ten shirts in an hour. Of course he can, true. Trua Falsandru, William Schatner was originally called Bill Shits.
Starting point is 00:06:18 It's false. It is false. Trua Falsandru, daily male readers believe that Paul and his empathy. It's false. It's false. Chua false Andrew, daily male readers believe that Paul and his empathy. It's true. Is it? I don't know. Well, you're the one with the question. Chua false. Yeah, but not the answers. Chua false, all ravens are goths. Oh, this is like a vent diagram. Does that mean that all goths are revins? Is this somewhere in between the goths are revins and revins that are goths? Oh, yeah, honestly, you've lost me that angel. Oh, that was that. Yeah, it is true. It is true.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Do you want a name and you're bastard? Go on and what you got. Connie Backwash. Yeah. UK's thinnest worst pump operative. Gary Corn Cobb's Cooper, utilizes underfelt in his battle plans. I like that. Ert sequence is a Latvian dance professor. Middle one. You're going to take it.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Gary Cooper, I'll be him. Are you still thin Richmond? I've got one more with this one. Really? Because you lost to a 8-inch. Can I tempt you with three Richmond? I've got one more with this one. Really? Because you're lost to it, I think so. Can I tempt you with three possibilities? Gone then. Titch bridges, four foot five holds your hand as you walk across the Clifton Suspension Bridge if you're scared.
Starting point is 00:07:34 69 quid though. Don't want it for 69 quid. No, you don't, no, you bring in the 69 quid. You've got a message from Eddie as I had. Have you? Yeah. What's he said? I'm not telling you because that would be what do you call it?
Starting point is 00:07:49 A trade secret or something? No, I'm bothered. Confidentiality. It says that somebody wakes for comic relief. Bongo Yotsman? I'll be Bongo Yotsman next week. Enigmatic International Smuggler of Upscale Pornography? No, sorry, it really got you.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And they really got you. Salon function, inventor of the function room. Oh! Pot. Well, that would have tempted me, but I'm thin, Richmond. If I try one of them next time, you think it's... You're not here for a few weeks, are you? I'm not here for six weeks. I'm going off to the listenership, going off fishing again. Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Gonna try and catch pike, salmon, brown trout. Have you not caught all the fish by now? Not this 12 fish and we caught six. You got off of them. It's lucky for a second series, isn't it, the six left? Well, you hope you get them all.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I hope you get them all. July watching me fish, you see me cast it out and you think, it's stuff, wow. He's doing something right in his life. To me, it looked as if it was all done with CGI, the bits when you were doing the fishing. All the fishing. Just your bits. Paul obviously can fish. But you look like it was something of some kind of star wars or something like that. Would you think, looks, older me, Paul? Paul listens to this, so be careful.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I'll say, yo, because I don't give a fuck what you think. Or at least. You think I look older. Fair enough. You might be right. Did you have to wear one of them green body stockings when you filmed your CGI fishing bits? I wasn't CGI and it was real life. It's like a reality show, isn't it? Well, when you think about it, honestly, all we did was we filmed what happened. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's why it was like such a... Did you not sit down and like, work out first? No, we turned up on the day and it was quite worrying actually, because our whole pitch was, you know, it might be nice just passing some time with a couple of old fellas.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It might be, but it was risky, but some, no, we didn't. When you were our chosen, where were we going to stay, yeah, a fishing expert chose where we would go and where they might be the fish that were after. The bits when you fell over. Did you plan them? The genuine faults. I didn't realise how bad I am on the feet. If you know if you haven't been on rough terrain. Slippers you've got to. I did another song, Andrew, that didn't quite work out, but I'm going to sing it because I bloody did it. You might as well get it out there because we're getting out there also for the next six weeks.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You might as well get it all done with you. You're swearing, I'm not clearly. Now I thought to myself, I've never had any of me footballer's thing, and I can carry your Debbie or anyone so, and I was drawn to Jordan Enderson obviously, and he sent me in the song. I just wrote to his agent and said, I know he's interested in music and all that, and he sent me this... Good song! Jordan, Jordan, let's eat a piece of beauty, feel the joy for us. You've got to find a new purpose in life, a new way to fulfill yourself, have you considered trying to check and wrap? Ah, don't talk, soft-pity, you fucking dial.
Starting point is 00:11:18 In this you get himself in the fucking eggs, a dozen every day, fried scrambled poached, but if the poaches have been at be 34 and rolly. But I'm a fruitcake, I'm a clock pot, I throw all your rings and sailors, I'm a bounder, I'm a bet spoon, I want to throw a snake and pulled all my fits face Oh dear, you seem a bit excited about that John, you know? I often find that standing still staring at things like a pipe or something For a few hours can calm me down, especially if I calm me down as I stare Are you in your fucking car, to your spooky car?
Starting point is 00:12:04 What you fucking need to do is clown? What if fucking NHD don't? Is get a police interceptor's box set and have a good old fucking watch? Whilst he sucks on a nice cold handbiler! I pull him a nuttumb! I'm a breadbin! I got copin' sips on his stepsum! I'm a frokkick! I'm a frok kick, I'm a flat bread, I've got seven dead pigs in the garden shed.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh fuck I know. So he said it was that arc quite likely. Hi, catchy. So, hey, you probably, did you notice, then, that Peter Beasley was on that track and his wife? I didn't, I wasn't listening really. Yeah, there were of, and like, I know it might be a bit of an overlord, but I've got a really interesting Beasley story coming up. Oh, well that's something for a paper look for it though. So it's quite a big slab of Beasley.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Okay. You know, if people like that kind of thing. I think they do. What's behind the door? Yes or no? Yes or no? What's behind the door? I don't know, I don't know. You know the rails bar. Here we go. There's a door. Yeah. A imaginary door. Not the rail door. I mean the emergency exit. It's the imaginary one. I want you to try and imagine what's behind it when I say it and tell me whether you'd go through the door and have a look.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Right, well you're going to tell me what's behind it. I'll tell you what it is. About a hundred Argyle jumpers. Oh, who's that message from? Oh, right else. Oh, is he listening? A hundred Argyle jumpers, you can try them on yeah and there's a photographer in there as well but you can't take any of them away. No I'm alright
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'm bothered. No I'm okay. Some drug addicts playing five aside. No thank you. No okay one of them Japanese toilets with all the features. What where it sucks it out just all the features it says. It's probably has got the thing where it sucks it out. Just all the features it says. It's probably has got the thing where it sucks it out, yeah. No thank you. No thank you. But you've made me want to show you something. Well I've got one more. I can build. Yeah. A shit-faced and he's smashing up a model of the Titanic
Starting point is 00:14:19 that he's made out of matchsticks because he's done the funnel wrong. Well I always go to wanna go and see that. So you just put that in because I always gonna wanna go and see that, so you just put that in, because you know I wanna go and see that, like a bulk. Good. Now, all done a minute, let me show you this, because I'd like to record your reaction to it.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Right, okay, see if that's good, Red, yeah. Okay. Ah. Ah, Jesus. Oh Oh Jesus no That's quite something in it. Oh shit you know it is odd No Fuck yeah now And I'm supposed to describe what I've just seen no you please don't I don't know what people to know
Starting point is 00:15:01 I like that's not on the internet Well, it's probably in the dark web, is it? But by the way, Lendjum, it's not rude, if that's what you think it is. Braily rude. It's not rude. It's all Android, it's not rude. It's not sex, it's the good thing.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, it's not sex rude, but it's, it's, it's in us related. LAUGHTER I tell you what, what? Have you been an Italian because I've been a bit a little bit slack to be on this one. I have as well. I've realised that I don't really have much time to watch television because I've got two children. I've been...
Starting point is 00:15:35 The Revanage where they're always fucking awake when I am. So I can't watch anything that's got any adult content in case one of them breezes in. Well, I don't see any displem in the room. They're not playing PlayStation or nothing. that's got any adult content in case one of them breezes in. Why don't you just put them in the room to play on the PlayStation? And they've got like, if they're raw them around, do they? They're raw them around from room to room. Yeah. Yeah. Wouldn't if you put Shane on them.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Might do. You know, if they could get as far as you're up stairs, like, you know, that would, would that work? Yeah, you could. Are you hesitated though? I haven't been watching Big Brother. I don't know. Are you hesitated though? I haven't been watching Big Brother, have you been watching that? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I watched a little bit of it when that rock son woman was... Pretend it was big. Yeah, I didn't like this. I always watch it. I was watching, but you know, it's not of interest to many people. Is it really good this one? Well, it's good in the sense that there's a fellow in there, I think he's called Hardeep, who like, you know, he grates a bit.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And they're the best big brothers when there's actually kind of a baddie, you know? Right. I watched Gordon Ramsay's, I caught up on his 24 hour restaurant. Did you think? By accident? No, because he does the disguise at the beginning. So they don't know it's like a secret diamond. Oh, right, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Like Beatles About. It's a bit like Beatles About, yeah. What were they... Look at it at the end. Bit of dinner. So, and I didn't think much of that. So, what can I say? No, hit red.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Did you watch the thing about Red Car last night? I did watch the thing about Red Car, yeah. How did you feel about that? It was an interesting one, because it didn't quite feel like a reality documentary. No. And I was trying to put me finger on why that was, and I think it was because of the voiceover. Yeah, it was a little bit sore-popperish of something. Like, Tauy were felt like a little bit staged
Starting point is 00:17:29 when they were having their conversations and that. But, no, it was a good show. Yeah. It was a good show. But it just jared a bit. I think I'll probably have to settle into that. Oh, it's not quite your usual stuff. I thought that it made me angry politically, but that's not for this podcast. No, no, thank you
Starting point is 00:17:46 But I agree it didn't it made me the same it was yeah, it's quite depressing. What I'm doing the there was two super bits of graffiti in it One there there was two doors in the middle of nowhere. Oh, my stuff and it said naan here on it And the other bit that said crimey eyes out I miss that as well. I want to recommend something that's on YouTube. Go on then. It's a documentary about hell's angels from 1973. I've watched that many times. It's very good, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah, I'll just, I'll tweet the link out. It's very good, isn't it? It's really good. On many, many levels. So many levels like social history. There's a hell's, there's a slightly boss eyed hell's angel. Oh, oh. In there, there's the little holiday that they're going.
Starting point is 00:18:26 The little party there. The boat there. So much to enjoy. So we'll tweet the link out for you. For everyone should watch that. We must tweet out the link to the Posh Homeless Bloke, as well, I'll get that one. That's a great dog, all doggy.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Posh Homeless Bloke. Really Posh Homeless Bloke. I'll get it anyway, I'll get a link out to that. It's fall. And you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no. You can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup, maple lattes, and maple bourbon. Yes, we deliver those.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Turtles? No. But turtles the dessert? Yes. Because those are groceries. And we deliver those too. Along with your favorite rare items, we deliver those. Turtles? No. But turtles the dessert?
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yes. Because those are groceries. And we deliver those too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Product availability varies by region. See you at for details. Oh, Andrew, I did this I tried I was on you know you were late today like look now I want to go on about that right yeah so I'm gonna bounce on the bottom of the tree and again I'm I'm fine I wrote a song right and I don't think it's very good but I'm gonna get out me my system, right? It might work. To a beat. Tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t then pissed on me rattles all the thruum in the slumber. As wide a part, first like a pie, with an evil grin, he puts his figure in your eye. A 12-year-old, he slaughtered a dog
Starting point is 00:20:11 with a blade that he stole from the butcher's shop. He's got a dummy that he sucks and a dolly that he cuddles. There's only one thing that makes him happy, that's laying a tod in his stretch where snappy. As wide a part, built like a ball, he heads it in the net and then he farts on you. Oi! Nice! If they're not singing that of the terraces of wherever it is, what would play by by the end of next week, I'll be standard. I've never wrote anything worth saying it worth on the train. I also think I'll write
Starting point is 00:20:42 something on the train, I never have that, never happens. Well that's the limit. I all think I'll write something on the train, I'll never happen. Well that's the day of it, you reckon. Top notch that, I don't think so. Do you guys have a go-ro in the bow? Yeah, I feel a little bit. Funnily enough, you have time. Hello. Hello, go-ro. Just a few questions for you today. If you could go back and talk to your younger self, maybe over-lovely nourishing pot of salad leaves with a boiled egg in there. And if you had the chance to recommend a mindfulness technique to your younger self, would it be maybe sensory deprivation tank or holding your breath for ages and ages and doing a big chant, maybe drinking you and you and you.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Maybe one of those? Of those go wrong, probably the flotation tank might help me. Would you do it far to the flotation tank? There's no one else there. Well, I suppose if one can't, you know, one app that occurred, yeah, probably. If it helps you achieve mindfulness in me. No one else there. Well, I suppose if one came, you know, one api occurred, yeah, probably. If it helps you achieve mindfulness in me. Well, I do.
Starting point is 00:21:48 You do it. You do it. Are you hydrating correctly at the moment, boys? No, I know. I constantly worry about it, actually. How much should I be thinking of? Eight litres a day. Is recommended daily dose. No, I'm fine. No litres a day is recommended daily dose.
Starting point is 00:22:05 No, I'm fine. No, I'm near that. Does T and coffee count that we go through? Me, me, me. Oh, I'm having an eye on that. No, I suppose that's acceptable, yeah. If you have a baby, that baby. Are you finding it's having a detrimental impact
Starting point is 00:22:19 on your water worth? Oh, you're getting it back to your water worth. Just asking. No worry, you know, I worry. I had, if I had dreaded, it would clean up me system quicker. Yeah, I suspect. Okay, finally. Do you own an animal onesie?
Starting point is 00:22:33 No, I don't go. Do you own a tiger onesie? No, I don't have a onesie. Do you own a monkey onesie? No, I don't go. Should I? Do you have access to monkey ones? Do you do not actually own? Well, I could buy one, I suppose, if that's what you're recommending. Maybe too many
Starting point is 00:22:50 thing about it is. Have you ever had it off on the waterways of the UK? No, I haven't. And you should have my guy. Yes, you about that. And would you like to have a little bit of a restaurant after this? Um, if that's part of the, uh, if that's right about that. If you want to, I would quite like to. Okay, we'll do there at the end and then give you much thank you, ball. And how much are you, go, 16 out of bounds. Oh, it's gone up this week. Thank you. So I just saw me go all the time, then, Andy. Oh, yeah, it was a girl, right? Yeah, he's, he, uh, it's, oh, was it some
Starting point is 00:23:24 nail on the head? I'm not hydrating enough. Was he wearing his tricon hat again? Yeah, it was that, yeah. With a pigeon on the top. Well, it's not a real pigeon, you know, Andy. Hey, Bob, do you reckon, John, do you reckon, are still hungry like the wolf? I mean, it was 1982 when the originally sung by...
Starting point is 00:23:43 Oh, sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them wasn't a vegetarian or maybe he's having a vegan by now. I mean wolves ate mainly hoofed animals, they are moose, bison. You've been a fucking wicky. I've been a wicky pig. And I can't imagine Simon Lebon eating a moose in 2008. Unless it's like a moose in a restaurant, like chocolate moose, or any interdelight,
Starting point is 00:24:08 something like that. But I don't know what you think. Well, I don't know. I don't know. I will hungry than humans. The hunting packs are still hungry. The hunting packs will. So maybe it's Jorangiran did that back in 1982,
Starting point is 00:24:23 whether it was off the phone or lassoes or whatever, I don't know. Not a John Turner with a spare year. Yeah, now, don't know. Andrew, to answer your question, because I know it's a genuine question. I think we're probably from time to time, I still, hungry as a wolf.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Oh, just now we're getting. You know, the two levels of hunger will at some point, maybe there's a... I think we all are, aren't we? At some point, yeah. Yeah. We're equally safe. Oh, thank you for thinking about that. Oh right, Bob, I'm still at home, you know, keeping my life taken over, while the bosses decide what to do with me, you know, I do trouble with the foreign land, Mae'n gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweith I think about things in my life, you know, from the past, like that made me happy, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Don't dare. You're like me mum, you know tickling me tummy when I was a nip bag like. I'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Mae'n gwaith. Mae'n gwaith. I'm not sitting up and now comes Nick North, you know, the singer's songwriting does a bit of labour on the side, like you know. I shout it over, best I could, you know. Nick North, Nick North! Nick North, give us a song Nick North! I go to the song! Anyway, yeah, this song here was a us a thumb up thumbs up like so I showed you to me speed up, you see that you look. Well, it's actually not because the
Starting point is 00:26:33 latest footballing, like, comes from the world, or the chat, to have a little chat with me like. All right Peter, what the fuck you doing here sat on a baller, I'd like a messy can't see. Now I was on the stair that the Galagians you know I passed the time to me, Waste needs next egg hitcher. What you'll do anyway? Is that where you live now Nick? Nah, I've just done a DIY SOS on the geth. Call us in cause it's your shit out. And we fucked about a bit and made it a much cleaner, brahish shit out. Ooh, like you, like you, like you, like you say to her. What was the actual emergency?
Starting point is 00:27:21 At the San Cort Mongeou summit off of Fox? They wrecked him at Los Alimifid and never knew kitchen units to offer right, and a new cornice in his big room. Nice and home run. Nice one then. He's a bit of a like, he's a noisy little bastard, I'll tell you that. If noise generation is any indicator well-being then he's as fit as a trumpet as our soul. No, no, no, that is very good Newton. Hey Nick, I was just wondering, my wife, um, really fancies you, a big fan of your heart singing and oh, could I play trouble if I'm not the craft mate. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,wch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch, a'r ysgwch spent next to Nick with him half-singing along to every kind of paint book was almost energized. I've felt since you know I purchased
Starting point is 00:28:51 Minio Puffa Buffa jacket about 12 months ago so I was a magic time like you know. So we get them I also. The wife is in the footroom watching police body come sure you know I ask Nick to hold back in the hall there I said hey love. I've got a really nice surprise for you Well Nick books is Edram the door and says oh you're darling you want to get blessed in with Angle Nick? Why is that flopping? Cockney dial in my house. Have you asked enough? Mae'n gwyllwch? Mae'n gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllwch yn gwyllw If he is not out of the South in ten four-kans, seconds flat, I'll squeeze so much shine in the sofa that you'll be cleaning it for two-fog and once.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So whoops, I hope. I hope, I'll fancy that. I also make our apologise for any misunderstanding. And he drives off down the street, blasting out when I need love. yw'n mys yn ddastan yn ym. A'n i'r ddwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydwydw I'm not gonna knock the house about her now. Fuck him and his spooky crow on bastards. But I thought you fancy him with no... Sit down, Peter. Oh, God, why, am I in trouble, mate? Just always here, fuck a toy, you bucket of shite. So I tore it down in the...
Starting point is 00:30:42 The wife says... There's only one bloke I fancy, Peter. What, well, yeah, was that then? You yet does it yet? Oh, thanks, darling. I do love you very much, you know. I know, Peter. Yeah, good luck. And you will actually put your hand in my back and give me tummy
Starting point is 00:31:09 little tickle and your josey my mum lost too. Now get in that fucking kitchen and knock us up a special planner. A special planner look right there that's two by That's too boilers, too fried with a five egg onion omelet of roof. Correct, now fuck off out of my sight. Oh, by dairy, by man, in the spare room at the moment, reading some leaflets that came through the door, you know. I might do a few jokes with me, but before I go out, you know, so just pick up me, go up and go looking at me. You know, Batman and Robin, Robin says to Batman, Batman me, you won't start.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Batman says, well check, Batman me. Robin says, what's a Terry? Man in interrogation, says, I'm not saying a word without my lawyer present. You are the lawyer, says the policeman. Exactly, still, where's my pleasant? The pleasure later. Hehehehe. Did you hear about the fire that they come to eat? They hate me to intense.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Pfft. I got sacked from my job at the back of the deal. I might actually... I might have stayed in Accenture. I might do this like a scouts. I got sacked from my job at the band today. I don't need it cleaning and I just need to check a balance so I'm pushing it over. F***ing hell.
Starting point is 00:32:54 One paper bittersweet, no one will unpeat a bitters. One paper bittersweet, paper bump. So Peter met Nick Niles. Lucky Peter. Yeah, got his house done out as well. No, he didn't. No, he didn't. He didn't get those.
Starting point is 00:33:15 But you know, the promise was there. It was nice. And the nice thing is, wife says she fancies him really. It was a very emotional moment that I felt. Yeah. Well, that's about all we've got time for, I reckon, you're off. I'm off fishing, soon. And maybe he's getting touch from a riverbank somewhere, if you can. Do you think I should check in?
Starting point is 00:33:35 I should check in. Or cooking on the fishing shore. Do you think people enjoy me cooking? Good. Just do something. Oh right. Because there's a lot of you just sitting about and talking about death. I suppose it's quite telly. I'm going to get me surgeon to actually replicate
Starting point is 00:33:52 without cutting into me the operation so that people can actually say just that how incredibly brave I was. It's going to do it unlike some. I will get to lie me. Come across. No, lie me down on the table. Jesus. Straddled me. And sure what he did, you know. Right. So that could be interesting, couldn't it, Andy? What's he going to use like a plastic kit?
Starting point is 00:34:13 And I think you'll probably bring along like heart and long, you know, the plastic ones. Well, I, I am, that's him too, but I imagine the carrier of the novel. I mean, have you run this by the BBC? Yeah. And they say, that's all right. What's right? Well, like, because we, you said there should yeah, and they say, that's all right. What's right? Well, because you said this should be some content.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Well, that's educated. Wouldn't you like to say what they're doing? I said, maybe it's just, two years just build a den of something. We're going to, um, abort ox. Fucking hell. Fucking. Maybe it's, I don't know, but building obstacle course. Don't be exercise.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yeah, we're going to do some exercise. Star jumps. Yeah. To star jumps, H, but yeah. Right, let's do a proper end to the show. That was the end. Right, while Andy, I think that's it, where I better get off and go fishing. What, you don't know the red and fall? Just don't know the red and fall.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Well, this is, oh look, there's John, none of this is, no, no, it's going to spill. Ha ha. Yeah, hold on. Why, so tell you, I'm going to win it. Yeah, all the time. I believe that's going to spill. Ha ha ha. You're going to hold on. Wow, you should tell you what I want to do. I want to do all the time. I believe that's how we speak. So anyway, I've enjoyed the podcast.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I am going to... It's turned out all right, I think. Yeah, I'm going to get in touch with you more football see if I can get songs from like Jordan. You do that. So if there's any out there listening, send us your songs and we'll get them played on the podcast. Imagine if football is a listen to this.
Starting point is 00:35:24 There will be one. There's about a a listener to this. There will be one. There's about a bit of lace one. There will be one somewhere. We can wander somewhere like that. If you are a footballer and you're listening to this, you know, let us know somehow. See you, Andy. Bye.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Thank you.

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