Athletico Mince - Ep. 74 - Adrian Lewis Meat Feast

Episode Date: January 11, 2019

Another one-off quiz from Bob, bath levels, Jordan Henderson returns with a song, Roy pops in, and there's more from the White Harts, Dom and Joe Swash... Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Alright, honky tongue. Oh, that was an intro, was it? I thought, so after we were just sitting there, there was nothing. I thought, so we were just sitting there, there was nothing I thought so I wanted to start Do it again. Alright. Alright honky-tonk. So I'm can't quite look at the what that accent of it. Alright. I could go in the dirt guy if you want. Oh, honky-tonk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I found myself doing the Boise laugh the other day from Warnley Fuzz and Horses and I found it quite pleasing. Let's hear it. I'll'm so I can dread you up. He's a next week then. Oh she's a jaguar round with you.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I don't know. Well I would think, yeah I just found myself drifting in. I was on my own in the kitchen and it felt good. Did you have a drink last night, Andy? I did, I was in a travel lodge on my side watching the tele-attractor come up with things to say at the out of the day. Honestly, I had a bit of a drink. A bit of a drink. Yeah, I had three of the large cads of Stellaratoa and a bottle of Stora Promen.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Oh, no idea what that is. Check. Pilsnallaga. You look like you've had more, you look haunted, you know what I mean. Yeah, you're aged, terrible, you know what I mean. I guess you're not as well, it could be that. You know what, I've noticeably, demonstrably put on weight since Christmas. Me too.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I reckon seven pounds minimum, I'm happy. I mean, physically I can feel added dimension. I had a bath last night and I always have the bath at the same level. Do you know what I mean? And I know when I put weight on because my belly dorms above the water level. Have you got a line on the side of your bath? No, I just run it up to. I just, you know, isn't that the same with everyone?
Starting point is 00:02:03 There's a depth that you're just, you know, kind of is't that the same with everyone? There's a depth that you just, you know, kind of is, but it's not exact, not exact science, is it? My, my, my, I'm only like, I have a couple of inches. Really? Yeah. No, it's, yeah, well, it's cost of it. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Putting the immersionator on in my mom's house was a big deal, you know, like the immersion. It's a nightmare in it, it's because once you've, once you've used all that up, yeah, it's fucked, isn that up, it starts to tie your donut halfway through the drawer, I think you call it a drawer. Are your bins back in sync? And they are as of yesterday, yes.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I think I'm really like this. But I have got some leftover general worst that I'll need to take down to the tip, I think because I was too much. Well, you like to trip down the tip, don't you? I don't trip down to any excuse, just trip down the tip. If you're in, say like the paper area, E.G. and you've got your paper in a black bin bag. Do you sneakily just throw it all in in the bin bag?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Of course not. Yeah you do. That's a shit's trick. That of course I don't. You don't do it. I'd take my paper and my cardboard, don't see any sprees because that's the thing, it's nearer than the tip and they've got the bins there. I only use the tip for general worst wood garden worst cement concrete. I agree good. Would you take a fridge down now given a chance? I'd probably try and take... I'd probably get a fridge done as a bulk collection. Do you have the free in Sunland? No, it's 20 quid,
Starting point is 00:03:22 but you get up to get items. Nice. I'd like the mini fridge ad tip on myself, I think. I like the thought of you with a mini fridge held at high above your head. Waddling it along to the tip to love it in. But we have scrap metal collectors that come around regularly, so if you just put your stuff out, they'll take it. Is it rag and borne, I know, they're in a wagon. They're on a lorry.
Starting point is 00:03:44 They're on a lorry. Flap bed lorry. It Flatbed lorry. It's time to move on don't they? You know you can get nostalgic but you can you know you can rule with it or you can perish. Sgt. Hard standing is my first offer of an M Andrew. A parade in a camouflage kind of leggings you know that tight camouflage gear in car parks in Essex and at the end of his little display rings a handbell and shouts. Not a lot of people know that, right? On the car in the car park. At least display until?
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's somewhere between like a military march and like erotic modern dance. Right, so like a gymnastic element to it. Do you know what there is, yeah? And he doesn't get the floor dits for that. If he was a gymnast, the sail, while he's trained at, he's done well, but because he's just a camouflage dancer, carpack dancer. Perhaps he'll topple Ashley Banzio off his throne eventually. He's a carpack dancer.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Well, in Skonstiny, Ashley Banzio. Ashley Banzio, lad, nice lad. What a mess with Ashley Banzio. Ashley Banzio, lad, nice lad. What a mess with Ashley Banzio. Luxury Malcolm. Eats his evening kebab. We'll like our evening kebab, don't we, I know. He eats it off a towel made from Foxfer.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That is our luxurious ears. You might be tempted, but hold on because you could also just be the mole. The mole. The mole you remember him from Thunderbirds, right? Yeah, the mole. He was kept in pod for a few. Thunderbirds. He lives under the mole. The mole. The mole you remember him from Thunderbirds. Right? Yeah. The mole. He was kept in pod for a few. Thunderbirds. He lives under the floor. This is the bit now, I think it's going to get you, Andy. He lives under the floor of his bungalow and he forces his
Starting point is 00:05:15 tuts up through the cracks in the floorboard during the farming show, Emadel. With his paws. With his paws. Forces them up, or does he emit them through up through? No. He has a Todd. Yeah. I didn't really want to have to get into the... What I need to know. He has a Todd. Put it in the palm of his hand. Poor. Is he a man or a mule? He's a man! Oh God! No, no. No, not when he further. I don't want any part of that. So you're on the updogs, are you? No, I'll be the middle one to follow the towel. Look, Shreemalka. Does he wash it every day?
Starting point is 00:05:48 Every day it's washed for him. He lives a luxury life. Oh, well there you go. Definitely have been there. I've got, I've got, I've got a couple for you. Kid Kidney, he wears his baseball cup backwards. He speaks like one of the rappers. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:00 He's working for the UK Kidney Marketing Board. It's helping me get more Kidney introduced into everyday recipes. Okay, well I like Kidney Marketing Board, it's happening to get more kidney introduced into everyday recipes. Okay, well I like kidney so... There's Captain Asperin, yeah? You can subscribe to his service and he'll come to your home or place of work
Starting point is 00:06:13 and give you an Asperin once a day. Because that's good for heart health, isn't it Bob? It's very good at things that blood, yeah. Captain Asperin, or you can be lipstick Liz just a really brassy lass. Oh well, of course I'm tempted to be brassy. Oh, of course you can be lipstick Liz, just a really brassy lass? Oh well, of course I've tempted to be brassy. Oh, of course you can be. But do you know what I might be, what is he called?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Aspirin, Captain Lassbrind? Well, maybe I will be in because I feel a bit sorry for the Aspirin these days, it's been completely, is it supplanted by like these new refans and it breathes. Yeah, and cordial. And what's just doing, the Aspirin now is a preventative measure, don't that. But I do believe it has original, original purpose.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It's a pain killer. Yeah. And you know, it did all right in the 50s. Yeah. So that's what we should go back to. I've got to mention there's a massive rip in his soap on the arse. But I will then definitely, definitely, definitely. I've got one of me once on the quizzes, Andrew. It's called, they're once only for a reason aren't they, Bob? Yeah, because they're shit. Right, it's called, gravel concrete, perving tarmac, oink oink part, wink splat, cap of windpipe oink, paste. I've been motionally invested already.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Okay, right, so it's as simple as this. There are four alternative ways that you could do some hard standing, the car, parking car or a pathway from now you're gate to the front of your house, that's probably about three foot, is it in your case? No comment. You could use gravel, concrete, paving or tarmac. Now, why I'm asking you to do is to order those in the cost per square foot. Right, and that's including preparation, laying the whole job. It includes leather. It includes leather with with a whole job right? And it's called, once again, gravel concrete, perving tarmac, oink oink part,
Starting point is 00:08:09 wink, splat, capper, oink, tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt And then I would go concrete. And then, oh shit, paving or tarmac. I'm going to go tarmac after that with paving is the most expensive. Well, you've had a good old stab at 800 because paving is by far the most expensive at 18 pound 56 per square foot. And then labour is not easy as well, is it? So you've cracked that one. Sadly, the second most expensive was concrete. Really? Yeah, at £6.52, I imagine it's something to do with the prep and the Leab, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And then tying, in this an incredibly interesting thing, Andrew, don't you think? Keep going. Tying in joint third place, a gravel and tarmac. Really? Both were at £3.26 per square foot. I've not of had tarmac there, it's been that cheap. Yep. That's probably why it gets yo-saw widespread. Yeah. So that was Andrew.
Starting point is 00:09:18 What was that? I can't remember what it was called. A gravel concrete. Perving tarmac, ointe, ointe, ointe, ointe, ointe, ointe, ointe, ointe,, parving, time, eye, eye, part, wink, splat, eye, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, You'd have to get someone in the do-time mark. No, I'm saying you're paying for the job, yeah. You've made the decision to pay for the job. You're not doing it yourself. I'm not doing that figure on time,
Starting point is 00:09:48 where are you getting that from? I'm getting it from the Encyclopedia of Building. No, honestly, I've got to print it out. Does that include layer by the way? Yeah, obviously. You put the time mark down. Yeah, so time mark over the counter is cheaper than gravel. Because I'm seeing that could put gravel down yourself.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I wouldn't it get someone in to put the gravel down. Andy, this is a... I just get a sack and I just spread it out. No, I can't emphasize enough. You've made the decision to have it done by someone else. Okay, can we move on? You remember Jordan Anderson? Of course it is. Yeah, he's done another version of his
Starting point is 00:10:27 song. Oh good. And he's done it. This is interesting isn't it? He's done it with John Joe Shelby. Yeah. Right. Mick McCarthy. Oh. Peter Beesley. Oh. And Beesley's wife thought it's kind of like full-dead or something isn't it? Oh yeah. So raising money for. He's right. Are you outside? when I was on the way here, there was a grammar, like a grammar trump, right, promise, as I passed in, grammar trump. On Ropel's straight, yeah, he shouted, T H E, the definitive article, right? So that said, grammar trump, and then he had to, he said, which was a nice sentiment, he said, I'm going to buy new houses for doctors so they can give cognitive therapy in their own home
Starting point is 00:11:12 Let me sort this out because it comes in quick this one Andy I'm a nut job I'm an inkbot I eat whole raw crops out of bin bags I drink fence paint, I kiss bathtaps I sold me caliber van to a ghost from Japan Jordan, Jordan, it's my paint that basically I feel the Jordy J4's You need a van at the children
Starting point is 00:11:40 You know, I have a good old stair about Saving a spot in the abandoned bit of stinger? Go and look at some puffer puffer jackets. Oh fuck off, baby, you're cheating lion spooky, fucking dior! What John needs is to get it on there and have a club around my front ease whilst we share the tenor garment fresh off the arm of my fucking sofa. But I'm a cognote not I'm a tartarote
Starting point is 00:12:07 I threw a bag of pounds at Jeff Sterling's and Astor Roblox in the juxtap I've got 11 switches on me bedside ham The organ, it's John your Shelby here You need to taste the flesh blood of a Christian in your throat. I'll find a decent well-maintained municipal graveyard where you can hang around at night have a funny about and a tough laugh. Make me coffee, Jordan! You like to like a bastard! You should know how I get out of my room, I'm not to Bastard. Tell the other books and the Bastards, I'm electrolyte for daily, and that's a Bastard con.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Brannaboggerall, I'm a loophole. I've been 15 days in a bath full of quails. I'm a crack pipe. I'm a wet wipe. I have massive pound under walls in Sunderland! Oh fucker now! Oh god! I'm spat all over the entire studio doing that and I apologize. I've got to go all over the podcast, is that it? I said, finish quite suddenly. Yeah, fucker. I've got to go on any longer, I don't know if I bet you were, don't know. That was very good, I enjoyed that.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Hey, he's a fascinating fact to phone on Twitter yesterday. Oh, thank you. In 1845, nearly 80 people were killed in great Yarmouth. After they rushed onto a bridge to see a clown in a tub being pulled by geese. True. Absolutely true. It's from the QI Twitter account. Oh, I love QI, interesting stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, I read the books. Oh, the books. I've gotI interesting stuff. Yeah I've read the books. Oh the books. I've got the audio book. Oh I've got the one Kindle. Kindle. Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa. He is Roy. He is Roy.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Oh wait a minute. I'll open the door, I'll send that to you. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I will only answer questions that relate to War Emmer. Anything else you ask me today is trivial and silly and will be deflected. You are a relevant little freak man. So go on, for a while. Oh, okay, well, do you know, I was just talking for an update right on Palace of Season 1
Starting point is 00:14:38 to fate in six matches up to 14th. Is that will ever? Well, no, but I can, you you know I'm only prepared to talk about whoever for example are you aware that the vampire counts consist of five playable vampire families each of them with different ambitions and bits and pairs von Karsthands necrarches black dragons laminns and street going no I wasn't right but thank you so you got got Watford or almonds at it, yeah, you get your claws to that 40 point mark. Fuck, so what you need to remember about
Starting point is 00:15:10 Ogres is that they have guided solely by their stomachs. They spread devastation and destruction everywhere they go. Now, what Ogres, I consider to be a neutral army, they could actually end up fighting for any side. In fact, they sometimes hire themselves out as mercenaries to feed their lust for food. Well, I didn't know that, but I would really appreciate it, right? If we could talk about something else apart from why, man, you know. It's pronounced whirmer. Whirmer, whirmer. Whirmer.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Whirmer, how do you mean whirmer? Whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, whirmer, wh. You got spurs at home in the next round of the cup, will that be a bonus or a distraction, right? Well, it's gonna be a bonus, obviously. It means I'll be back in the ass by 5.30 at the latest. Now I watch the juke's of Ezzy with some beans on toast and then Andrews Towns-Ed and Christian Bentechow come right for a massive war-emissation. Smearshing.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah, it does, it sounds great. It is a great fucking dickhead. Look, I'm ready to, smashing. Yeah, it does, it sounds great. He's a great fucking dickhead. Look, I'm making it be careful though, what an honest street is, he's fucking big tech-ass, but he's stocking up on hundreds and hundreds of skinks in a cannon for the elusive men. He's up to something.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I only, you sat out of what it is before I got in the battle with him. Oh, well, good luck with that, Roy. And as always, thanks for coming in. Well, it's a pleasure. Do I have to go out the the same door as I came in? Yep, well there's only one door, Roy. Wow, thanks for your mash.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Oh thank you, Roy. There we go, see you, Roy. Woo! Yeah, well I'm a Roy. So you were quiet whilst he was out there. Intermediated by him, right? I honest. Not in a wildhub of sense, but as a kind of a football
Starting point is 00:16:43 and giant that he is. He's like, at both, and let's just say for the listeners out there, he's not taller than you think, any? Massive, huge, big skinny bloke, why are you being so upset? Put me seat up. Andrew, TV-wise. Yes, for opposite. I just wanted to correct someone for up last week because I got the name wrong, I said, who was driving. I do highly recommend on the eye player, it's wrong, I said who was driving. I do highly recommend
Starting point is 00:17:05 on the eye player, it's called car crash, who's lying. I just wanted to correct crash, I forgot all about that, but it sounds good, I'll get round to that. Okay, fine, I know you'll enjoy Andy. I will. You'll enjoy it. Have you involved yourself in Manon Olotha, the two crime things that have been? I did watch Manhunt because I wanted to say Martin Clunes bring a murder at justice. And how did you find it? They wanted me ambitions that I enjoyed it. Did you? Yeah, I did. A bit plugged in. I thought it was a very light viewing. It wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:36 fun. It was very taxing. Yeah. Like some of the American things. It was almost a children's programme. But sometimes that's what you need, isn't it? Yeah, her name is nice, he always comes over lovely. Well, I think Lufa tops it. I've never seen Lufa. Oh, it's pretty good. I have to hand it to him. It's one of them where people on the social media are like
Starting point is 00:17:58 re-aging about it and about what a gritty it is. And then by the time I get to the last episode they all go, that was full of shit. I'm not. I've not got the end yet, so. By the end all go, that was full of shit. I'm not. I've not got the end yet. So, but. I'm not apparently Bob. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Oh, the bother with it. I tell you what I've been watching, or what I did watch last week. BBC iPlayer again, a two-part story built about the vehicle tragedy. Oh, I like a bit of Waco, yeah. It's three hours in total. And is that the one?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Waco's not John's town, is it? No, we're branched to Videon, David Koresh, right. Whether in that big compound and there was a standoff was a big gunfight then there was a standoff for a couple of months. I might watch her sat on it. And it opened flames but there's people who escaped from it who were still very much into the whole branch to Videon. Yeah, to this day. You could say a brainwashed but perhaps they're not. Was you a fiddler? Oh, courage.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah. Oh, it was a sex offender. Oh, right. It's often at the heart of these things, isn't it? I know the couple of things that I want to mention, Andrew, viewing wise, because I do the viewing so that you don't have to. That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Right, yeah. So you don't have to watch the dross, yeah? Well, I've watched the marvelous Miss Mersel. I've heard things about that, Yeah, and do you know what? I've been socket in it's quite enjoyable couple of seasons of throw throw right Um, like the Levi Bellfield thing quite easy Yeah, it's yeah, it's it's not about the hunt for a murder But it's it's a about the hunt for a murder, but it's a last try and it become a
Starting point is 00:19:26 Comedian in nothing probably the 50s when that wasn't really on I do that. Yeah, but it's it's really nice. You know that snap snap snap snap sort of Jewish humor I think it called a lot of that very clever got some laughs in it good That's Amazon Prime I think isn't it? Sorry, I don't know where I watch these things I've just been patronizing it is Amazon. I'll fix that, Pete. I knew you wouldn't do it. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats, but ice tea and ice cream. Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See out for details. You like your darts, don't you?
Starting point is 00:20:17 I do. After every match, my favorite darts player is Adrian Lewis. Big ad. Big glad, yeah, big sweaty lad. And after every match, he goes darts players, Adrian Lewis. Big lad. Big lad, yeah, big sweaty lad. And after every match, he goes out for a mate's supper. You're all right. That's the figures, yeah. Now, can I just say, I'll insert in brackets here,
Starting point is 00:20:34 for any people who don't know the darts, instead of Adrian Lewis, imagine this is the, what's the old leads manager? Big, like,'s he called Evans or something oh Steve Evans Steve Evans yeah or Sam Aladai just instead of Adrian Lose if you're not a darts person just imagine one of those big old fashion lads yeah so would you play the way it for me and because I've written down I heard I overheard their conversation right love to so to. So I was on the tape recording is it?
Starting point is 00:21:06 No, no, no, we'll have to act it out. I wrote it down. So I was happened to be on the next table at the slaughterhouse restaurant near the Ali Pali after one of his matches in the world championship. Now he doesn't read the menu. I don't know whether it's because he can't, you know, he doesn't read it, he just asked the waiter to read it out all the meat options for him are from the menu yeah so if you could start yeah for Starless we have roast porno maro and salad oh porno maro okay now that's a Fugan. Oh, I'll move on then. What's next?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Kim liver on tourist. Oh liver, do Fugan. FWillia, do Fugan. No, you've hit the bulls eye the admit. Is it in the lump or a paste? It's in a patria, sir. A patria, Fugan, get in. So I could eat it with a spoon, Fokki-S.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Does it come with any meat juices? So, just the toast. So, Fokki-Sori, boy. Hahahaha. Is the toast put there? Oh, or Fokki. Has it been submerged in dripping. Pull us up, I'll tell you what, I'll have the born marrow and the liver,
Starting point is 00:22:31 But hold the salad and the toast, and give me a big, Fook and darts spoon, take it with. Now give me the meat men's, you fucker. We have roast my lard, with an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an-han- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an-han- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- With an- with an-with an-with an-with Is it on the bone, your vulca? Yes sir, fork it in. Oh, fork bang 180, the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat. I'll have one of them, but all the veggies like mustard, carry on.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Right, there's a fork and a fork, ain't, Sello and Stick, serve with roast cauliflower. I swear. I swear to you, I'm a sweet potato mash. Oh, 14, Fork and Heldens says of hot muscle, Oh, fork, fork, fork, What you, you trying to do to me,
Starting point is 00:23:37 you meet here? Oh, so, that's a whole bunch of fuckers, man. Pfff. Pfff. Pfff. Oh, fuck yes. One of them and bunch of fuckers, man. Pfff. Pfff. Oh fuck yes. One of them and all your fucking no carry on. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Sturgeon Kitty Pie. We're cabbage. We're buttears. Pfff. Pfff. Pfff. Kidney's all fucking wallop you dirty bastard. Is it pigs, ox, or lamb, Kidney?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Oaks, Kidney, all fucking, all fucking, now, all fucking, now, tell me, is the best, real hard best. Yes sir, and fucking world this tight was so added, beef dripping, beef dripping. All fuck met, just let him out, pillow at home. I'll take the pie as well, but hold that fork and veg. Any fork inside or a spoon? Fork off, yes of course. A lump of laden, a couple of inchotters, or glory be you beautiful bastard.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Ah, and a drink, sir. A juggerlouc warm gravy and a pint of fukin' bovrel. Certainly, sir. Well, that'd be all you fukin' ones. Ah! Have you got that? Have you got any spare bones for me sent, Burnett? Of course, sir.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You are a fukin' fucking diamond and get a fucking fart on my slacks of sweating up like a bastard sponge. And that was all I had. That's what went down, that's what went down. Oh, Jesus. Just ate some on. A very powerful, powerful scene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I think it was a little bit, was it a little bit like the movie, try to think with those deep voices and like the lack of joy. Can you think of a movie Oh welcome to another edition of Oos the Quick! Don't look like a dumb! Don't ignore it! And what beautiful assistant Jou Smosh say hello Jou! Jou Smosh! There he is! Lovely! Have you ever known as Christmas in New Year Jou?
Starting point is 00:25:56 What did you get up to? Jou Smosh! Yeah, right, yeah. Okay, but where to play? As always, who's the prick and you? Bum bummer, almost special guest. And today you're raising money for a machine or a machine? What? What? What? What? Okay, but we're to play as always is the prick and you Bob Marlmer on my special guest and today you're raising money for a machine that will allow you to clone credit code
Starting point is 00:26:11 Does that that's right? Yeah very nice now then before we go any further Bob Marlmer I'll guarantee you but now by your harm will befall you during the execution of this game Do you trust me Bob Marlmer? Yeah I you dumb yet. Fine here we go. I'm gonna get in with three people. One of those are quick. They have two so I want you to turn the use of the quick using your skill enjagement. Okay number one Peter Foster number two Tom Morton number three. See how the poodle Oh one of them's a prick first one is it Pete Foster? Peter Foster you and he's a prick what do you and he's a prick Bob Worma
Starting point is 00:26:53 Do you have any sort of information? No I just reckon he's a prick He fucking busted Jee-ee! Give us a correct answer Joukswish! Fucking hell, Jouks Yeah the correct answer Bob Joukslash! Fucking hell, Joukslash! Yeah, the correct answer, Bob Mournmore is Peter Foster.
Starting point is 00:27:08 He's a serial con man who was featured on Esther Rancens that's life in the 1980s. Tom Morton, memorised over 16,000 telephone numbers, and appeared on Esther Rancens that's life in In the 90s. Say, I would a poodle, it's talking dog. He appeared on Esther Ransons, that's life, in the 90s. Well done, you'll not have this time, Bob, you will be one day soon. And I'll be here, waiting, because this is never going to end, Bob, Bob, this will never end. You got that? Yeah, all right, calm down, Tom. Thank you for playing.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Thanks again, Joe. Joe, what a fuck off, Joe. All right, countdown done. Thank you for playing. They say goodnight, Joe. Joe, what a fuck off, Joe! All right, Tom. MUSIC All right, so, Andrew, I've got a gang of the EPL. So, you have the introductory music? So, it's gangs of the EPL. MUSIC So Andrew the White Arts had got together Aries, Aries Carey and's Mums garage for a new
Starting point is 00:28:12 year as a party, right? Eric, Debbie, Tinky Winky, Keenan, Keenan, Chippie and Son Hong thing, yeah? Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky, Harry Wink, yeah. Aries Mum's laid it all out nice for crisps called mates and that and they're all wearing clothing that you use when you're handling sports equipment, you know, a white tracksuit, a white train, as that kind of thing. So arey. So what did you all get for Christmas? I hope you all got something that will last and it's not just some flippant
Starting point is 00:28:42 and disposable fluffy buffery. Debbie, show a thing boss, on Christmas Eve I was hurting for sure, my girlfriend Ruby played a blender and convinced me I was getting nothing because I was undeserving in it bro, then on Christmas day she gave me this. Keenan, Keenan Tripier, yeah. What a rich Debbie, look, red gradely. It's hot whales ultimate city garage in Cobra Crush flyover. Wow, it's like a road system of donkastor, but you know the scale that you eat down. I doubt very much they have a hungry giant Cobra in donkastor canine. Take a wrong turn and the Cobra actually digest you. I haven't got to go friend but I know what they
Starting point is 00:29:27 are says Keenan. Is you hurting something Keenan says Debbie. Yet you're alright. Thank you Debbie. No need to be a boot smug noxious and I must say I'm very disappointed in your girlfriend ban you something so trivial and unessential. You will soon tire of it and it will just be another piece of clutter. You should donate it to a school in a poor area where the children are needy for such things. Okay if I must boss but can I play on it today? Yes you can Debbie but be careful handling that cobra. It's teeth look very alarming I feel like Jeffrey Mcqueasy just thinking about the potential jeopardy involved and do not put the cars in your mouth. Yes, boss So what did you get Eric?
Starting point is 00:30:20 I Got Vocy now. New hat. That's a nice sensible gift. What sort of hat was it, Eric? It was a green hat. Oh, what a lovely colour for a hat, who got you it? My girl. Oh that's my ear. Canaan chips in. I got to go friend, but I know what they are and that they must be treated well.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So have you bought you new green hat with you for display and showbraw? You feel me in it? No. Why not? I... Sorry. Lost. It. Well, that is a shame, Eric. And I expect Maria will be very upset and out of sorts when you drop that bombshell. I suggest you sit down right away and right to her begging for her forgiveness. What about you, think son? And that's think son, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. Who came to the country via Dortmund. Is that relevant? Yeah, maybe because I ain't doing an orient in Laxman and then in Mequeria. No. So I think I'll do some stuff. No.
Starting point is 00:31:54 What about you, Thamesan? You're best present ever from my girlfriend. You so young, a disco sound hub to spit out high quality musical fire at home in the car! Slightly German. Yeah well I would do worry. And at a party, it keeps me vital and sane when everything else makes no sense to me whatsoever! I would like a girlfriend, where did you meet yours? At a K-pop party in Rochester!
Starting point is 00:32:27 Harry, an electrical item, a very stoked and sensible gift. I recommend you post off the warranty without delay, and it should give you years of pleasure and satisfaction. Come on, son thing, fire it up! So, son thing turns on his disco hub one and this is what he plays. Pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up. All right, saying, all right, that's quite enough. I didn't realise it would be so loud and rum bonks, yes. Eric is trying to write his apology not.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Bloody hell what? Kakofany! What about you? Tinky Winky, what did you get? Ari Winks. 48 gallons of pure ox peace. Everyone goes silent, you know, what? Then Debbie speaks. Is that meant to be a joke? Because if it is, it's in very bad taste and makes me speculate that you was hurting brother Winky. No, it's the truth. My ex girlfriend Rosie sent it me. Cush here to me goods. Harry, it sounds like she just can't let go.
Starting point is 00:33:38 She needs to move on and live in the moment, not the past. Keenan, art living moment boss. That way, I don't get upset about not having a girlfriend in the past and probably not having one in future. Son, think son, you should go K-pop in Rochester. Don't be daft son, it's his haircut that's holding him back. He's a nice young man and he'll find his sweetheart once he gets his hair sorted. What present did you get, Keenan? Or you, uh, fucking Yorkshire, I've just been doing it.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'm not right. Right, right, right. Pack, pack of sausages and a bell. That's very nice, Keenan. Debbie, so what, what did you get Christmas boss? I got you usual, you know some chin oil, a chin strap to stop me teeth chattering at night, a chin prop to take the weight off me chin when I'm reading and writing, and the chin bros brushed to get rid of dust and grime after I've been walking through a poor area.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Oh, and I almost forgot I got this letter. I never had a letter about, to do understand what one is. Here Debbie, you can read it out. Debbie reads it out. Her Majesty, the Queen, hereby grant you the honour of the Order of the British Empire for services to sport. Well, that means you is at OBE, bro! Yes it does and I am very very boat smuked chuffed. Let's get this party started. Pick me up, pick me up, pick me up! And they're partied, right, all the way through till 9pm, and we're at the corner night.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Kofi, a New Yorker, a few. Sorry, that was a little bit overambitious that bit. I had a bit of trouble sorting out Owozu, and you know, I'm just kind of fain. It's alright, you know, it worked in the end, I think. I don't know, but we'll find out, I suppose, won't we? Well, if I'm included in the episode, yeah. Do you want to stop there or do you want to carry on? I haven't really got much else to add.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Well, one thing I do want to add, if you're going into McDonald's, you know them, touch screens they've got where you can order your stuff on the touch screen and pick it up at the counter. This is the face she's putting in. They're on covered in shit. Yeah. Say, I feel a bit sorry for McDonald's and that because it's actually the public that are covered in shit. Yeah, McDonald's have done well. The geose technology and the public are coming with their shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's like, it makes you wonder when you go on the chub and the escalators. Yeah. Because they look particularly absorbent for feces. hands, things on the... Rubber ice hand things. I find it's best not to dwell too much on all that sort of thing. And just wear like little cotton gloves all the time. If you think about it too much, you're not going out, are you? No. The, uh, do you remember the pop band? Do you remember the pop band blur from the 19?
Starting point is 00:36:41 You do that, bit, Andrew. 19! Night! Yeah, do you remember them? I don't. I don't. 19 you do that, be Andrew 19 Yeah, do you remember them? I don't, I don't They're all dead and hope, break your heart, don't it, break your heart That's very sellable in it Do you remember the bandicua from the 19
Starting point is 00:36:57 19 18 Oh, what a bando, all dead and all dead Oh, dead, all dead Break your heart then too, doesn't it? Very together in a lie. Oh dear. Anyone will on that sad note, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Okay, that's it. Thanks for listening. See ya. See everyone. Bye bye. Thank you.

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