Aunty Donna Podcast - A 3aw Christmas Special 6

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

ahhh the most wonderful time of the year where we get to enjoy another wonderful 3aw Christmas special!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for p...rivacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a Legends and welcome to another Ripper episode of the Anti-Donna podcast. This week we have the sixth installment of our annual 3AW Special. Remember, if you're loving the pod, you can get access to the video and bonus episodes at You listen to the only brother podcast The greatest fucking podcast in the world Burn my Kentucky sometimes and guess We hope you enjoy the mother fucking podcast And hello everyone, it's uh... That special time of year
Starting point is 00:00:41 When we all gather together the family It's been a big year and three eight W. Talking Melbourne. And it's time to celebrate that special time we all call Christmas as always. And I'm here with Graham Wickham. Hello there. And now I'm behind the desk today. We've had our young fella call in sick.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We have a producer, our young fella call in sick we have a producer young fella Tom he's come to me to me to me to back behind the panel for the first time since 1984. Yes, you should operate the panels down at nine for Graham can be a boat Newton. Yes, I did. That's how we got his stuff in the using it. How things changed? There's a lot more computers now. We've got one computer here at the 3AW radio station, one computer that we all sort of have different monitors for. So I'm having to not just record manually, but also onto the computer.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And that's for sort of recording. They keep the player. They keep the type measure, the type machines, and what you're supposed to set, the type, the type, we use an A track back in the day. So when you'd come in and read the news, and what was happening in the tape, the tape. We used to use an A track back in the day. So when you'd come in, you'd come in and read the news and what was happening in the BBC and what was happening in the Americas
Starting point is 00:02:10 and the Asia's and you'd read them out. We would be listening around. And Christmas time, you'd read the Fables and presented the Queen's message. We used to employ, I think, back when I started, I was one of 89 of the sort of behind the desk fanners, and we had 573 librarians at 3 AW, and they would record on to tape, and they would put that in one of the rooms.
Starting point is 00:02:35 So that's why those buildings were so large. But at any point in time, when you were on the radio, upwards of 9 million people would listen to you. Now it's closer to two. And now we are here at this special time of year. And everyone is out and about shopping and getting those presents and the bettokki hams and prawns and things.
Starting point is 00:03:00 But it always is important to remember why we celebrate Christmas and the birth of Christ, but also family and friend. Absolutely, and there's a lot of disagreement sometimes between family and friends, and I've always said, you know, I've always, I've got a bit of a joke, don't I? Yes. I've got a bit of a joke about, and there's nothing harder to maintain than an argument with your mother. Mmm. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 42 years old still going strong there old Jim as he's a vicious racist even by my standards he's an aged care he is an aged care but let me tell you the nurses down there they look after him
Starting point is 00:03:54 for Christmas they made made some gravy flavored slop gravy flavored slop is my special and it's because the Christmas that he's having the gravy flavor Absolutely, they've made him gravy flavored slopp in the most depressing place of earth and to love to those nurses working in the service industry in the healthcare industry It's been a particularly hard year with that with Dan and Cruz and such But we're here to celebrate Christmas, but I know what people are thinking at home. Oh, it's getting to that time of year when you need to pre-book the Hams and the crayfish and the grapes and the panatone. Panatone. I got Tom Lippertore in here this morning. He's the Italian fellow from the grossers. Yes, now we get him in once a week,
Starting point is 00:04:46 as you know, to talk all things deli. Coles have recently been really upping their game when it comes to deli projects. Now, Coles is not just a supermarket conglomerate. It's also your local store. They're for platters and other such things such I've been going to the Surrey Hills Colts Which has been beautifully refurbished
Starting point is 00:05:11 Not not like your typical old calls and then there are fun Although I I miss the old days of getting Small 13 year old child to put my groceries through. It's all machines and beatbox. Now they expect me to do it myself. I hate the self service. Oh, it's chaos. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And the police. That's the spec. The police. No, no, let me. Why all I would do is by shopping and they don't have any, what am I gonna put my groceries in? Well, when I was when we were children, yeah, in 1891.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah. You could go to the grocery store and you'd get paper bag. Absolutely. And I said that to the young lady at the store the other day, I said, you'd listen to me and you care. Why won't you give me at the very least, give me a paper bag? I imagine you made that child cry.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Oh, she cried and cried, and she left, and they brought in a manager who treated me much better because she had the means to. But the girl kept saying, I'm not allowed to, I'll get fired, and I just yelled at her and yelled at her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I missed the good old days of it. I went, because I and yelled at her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a Mr. Good old days of it. Oh, but no, because I feel like we figured it out,
Starting point is 00:06:28 paper bags, they would break. Why, they would break all the time. And we brought in plastic bags, and I remember I'd do a shop, but I'd have up to 300 plastic bags, I'd take those bags, I'd put them into toilet. And I don't see what the problem with flushing those things down the drain would just not like it used to be.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah, so I just think that charging $15 now is a... I saw one store, I saw it on Facebook, I saw the press charging $15 for a plastic bag. Well, I'd bring this from home now. I'll do you, that's smart. That we should, I should think of that. But you shouldn't have to it's the Principle oh, yes
Starting point is 00:07:11 What I was going to say was they've got they get all these things delivered in big boxes Why don't they just have a have an area with all those boxes at the front and I can take that for free free, put all my groceries in there, carry it to the car with that. That would be fantastic. If there was a shop that was able to just leave the boxes there. If only. You're living in a dream world. I'll tell you though, the self-service check-out gives me the hurts, so I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Because I like to be helped with my order, as I go through, and if I choose to be served by a young staff member, I have to wait three to four people. Oh, it's, but who, who do I, when I'm there if something goes wrong, I have no one. Oh, yeah, I put my hands in the air. I could scream at it, help, help, and then someone comes and,
Starting point is 00:08:00 I don't know what I'm doing here. Lannion, I don't understand me. I know a scam. And a lamb goes I don't understand. They're like, what the hell? An alarm goes off. It's the stuff's red. Make you feel like a third class citizen. Oh, I feel like I've done something illegal or something wrong. Well, you know, these are the tenants of a dictatorship.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And that's what's happening here. Yeah. We are going the way of a dictatorship. This is what happens. You first allow your freedoms to go at the grocery checker and then and then they kill the landowners. And that's a special time of your Christmas because it's about family and friends and all of a sudden everywhere you go whether it's Chad's and shopping center can I find a car park or where am I going to get to the butcher and get that sliced off-law
Starting point is 00:08:47 whatever you're having. Big, Christmas lunch. So Tom's coming and he's going to tell us all about the author. Tony. Tony. Tom's sick, he's got the gout. That's why I'm behind the desk. And now a word.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Oh wait, I remember what we used to do. What, keep going. That's a rough one. Cut this. Nah. No, no, I think I've got this. Oh, it was, we'll cut. Oh, now I keep it Tom.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Now cut it. Now cut this. Cut this bit. Now go straight to it. Keep it Tom. No, I think I've got it. You reckon cut it? No, I reckon, no, I cut it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 We'll be back. Now keep it. After a word, no, I cut it. We'll be back. Now, keep it. After a word, from, I'm not gonna play the whole thing. A word from our sponsors. Yeah, cut it, Tom. We'd like to offer this program to bring you down, press our managing director of Sonrasia Natural Beverage's, talking to his mum Ruby about Sonrasia's exciting cranberry creations.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Trust Sonrasia to bring cranberry juice to Australia then. The Americans have known the cranberry secrets for centuries Ma. American Indian used cranberry for lens drinks and sauces. And American sailors drank cranberry juice for their vitamin C. And now Sunrazier has revealed a secret of cranberry juice. You've heard how Sunrazier cranberries are selected for juicing Ma. The age-old bouncing cranberry juice. Two late Ma. Sunra bouncing cranberries. Two late mar. Sunrise your cranberries are available at carrying supermarkets and
Starting point is 00:10:08 the health food shops near you. Where's the cranny, cranny? Where's the cranny granny? Of course, no more sunrasure on the shelves. It's all this ocean spray nonsense, which I just don't understand. Well, how much is that going for? What's the deal for a sun ocean spray at the moment?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Ocean spray, you can get a 1.25 liter bottle of ocean spray, any of its varieties of course cranberry, cranberry grapefruit, cranberry light, ruby red, grapefruit, cranberry and blueberry, cranberry and raspberry, all the ocean spray varieties and you can get that for up to 5.95. 5.95, that's point. That's two to five. That's on special. It's on special.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Keeps well in the pantry until you need it. Don't put it straight in the fridge. I find when at this time all the shops are busy. Have you noticed that? Absolutely. Well I don't go to the shops. I don't really do the shopping. That's more than that role.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But when you need to go and get hers and Zammels or go to the jeweler and it's a line town of thing and the food courts pumping. And I just find this time of year, it's more like a stressful time of year. No, you stress Christmas. Iful Christmas, I call it. Stressful Christmas, that's very good, you know. And I do see the stress in the net.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yes, it's very stressful. Yes, it's quite Christful. Oh, yes, Christful. Yes, that's a great putment of. A little turn of phrase. No, I know that the net is very stressed because we have a Christmas dinner at house. Yeah, so we've been alternating with my sister and my brother-in-law. How many guests will be coming to your home Christmas day or Christmas Eve? Well, no, we're not
Starting point is 00:11:59 dear Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is for just friends. So yeah, you know, I've got a particular friend of mine who I've been spending a lot of time with and I'll be doing Christmas Eve with him. Yes. And then home with a little bit for Christmas Day. And who is this friend? Oh, that doesn't matter. And then I'm home.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'm home. With that family. Home with the family. With little family. Traditional values. That's what I know and love you for. I told you about family this time of year, it's a family to me.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It is, it's a prizes. But do you find when you're going out every time you're going out to pick up the toys, or the toys, or you're picking up the hams, and the crayfish, and the prawns, it's the roads, the back, the car parks are full. It's the lines feel almost endless sometimes. I go to David Jones for my shopping drama series.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Drive into the city and I find on a normal weekend, saying June or July. Quite a. Quite quiet. If I can get where I need to go, I get my coffee, I get my little biscotti, I get my tie, I get what else do I get, I get a... You might get it, I might get coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh...
Starting point is 00:13:12 ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh...
Starting point is 00:13:20 ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna be a fresh... ...and coffee, I'm gonna the roof. Yeah, and yes, yeah, you have to park... I have to go up. There, there, there, go level one. I can get a parking now.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Level four, level five. Because it's busy at Christmas time. It seems busy. And I wonder why that... Oh, it's Christmas. Oh, that's also Dan not adding lanes to the road. Yes. But what I'll do is when I park on the roof,
Starting point is 00:13:44 it's just quite hard. Not that I'm forward to Andrews or anything like that, but adding lanes to roads quite a difficult time. There are a lot of city planners that have done many studies that have said adding lanes to roads does not work, but I disagree. I find a Christmas time when I'm parking on that roof, to my car, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You can get away with parking your car in one of the undercover areas quite easily, but at some time that beaming sun will put up the reflectors on the windshield. Oh, yes. Kick it out of the car. The steering wheel cool. Steer lock, put the steering lock on. Oh, yes. Because there are thieves out there.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So they can't turn the car if you put the steering lock on the wheel. Yeah, there are gackers. You drive a very nice. So they can't turn the car if you put the steering lock on the wheel. Yeah, there are gackers, you drive a very nice mic. Grandson for his 18th birthday, we got him a male wine of steering lock. Yes. That way no one was going to break into the car and steal the car, and you're not getting far. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I find it very hard to park them the roof. I tend to get up there, look over the edge, and I think, well, what's the point of it all? What difference would it be? I was right about the existential look of the world. I have a little existential nightmare. Yeah, yeah. But at least you're not stealing those disabled parks. I often see people going into their cast.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I got most ev of society and I scum. I got to them. I scream at them. I do I don't scream at them I just you don't belong here You're walking on two legs and then often they explain sort of The reason why it is there are Yeah, but I sell but I don't let them off the hook that easily. No! I take down their details and I turn it into the police. And whoa, and we'll be back.
Starting point is 00:15:32 After these messages, probably from Batokki, I love Batokki. Consider yourself a ham, this Christmas. I love Batokki ham. Batokki ham. We're back. Probably a message from Batokki ham. And we're back. Probably a message from a turkey ham. The best ham at Christmas.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Speaking of mates, there's some wonderful special... Oh Tom, going on in our Australian butcher stores. Of course, go out there and support the maid industry. They need to... I do. They can vegetarian. They don't think of the farmers. They don't come into Christmas.
Starting point is 00:16:07 What's on special? What's on special this year? We've got, are you love a yearling beef brisket, don't you? Oh, brisket of a Christmas. I've never had a brisket of Christmas. How much would you be paying for a brisket at Christmas per kilo? Well, 12 pounds, we usually paid about eight pounds. Eight?
Starting point is 00:16:24 You do love it, we've moved parts of the year. Of course we are. We are. Yes, we are. Yes, we have our own currency now. Of course, the Australian car. Whatever, everything's changed, everything's changed now from when I was a baby. But for example, at Christmas time, you'd be about family and friends.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But at the moment, I go out to a shopping center and can't find a part. We've got a move. Bussing and wrestling. Yeah, I used to have to tell my wife used to tell me how many steps I did a day. Now I have a fit bib. You know, I've got a little fit bib on my wrist. And that tells me how many steps I do every day. You've got to change with the time.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Well, that's the thing. I think Jeff is doing a great job of that for the state. Jeff, can it? Oh no. He's stuck in the... Have you found that when you go to these shopping centers, you're Northland, Chadstone, Donkaster? There's no parks. Yes, we did cover that.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yes, we've covered that. We covered that early. But that one, I won't, you know, the other staff was concerned, like this is commercial. The video, no. So you would talk about that for the rest of the world, I won't, you know, the other stuff was concerning. This is commercial. The idea though. So you would talk about that for a while. I'm worried you haven't fully recovered from the stroke you
Starting point is 00:17:31 had a few months ago. Well, Christmas, it makes you appreciate Christmas this time of year. It really does. But let me ask you boys, are you, we have the Queen? The Queen. The Queen. For the brisket.
Starting point is 00:17:42 For your late beef brisket. That's a special, you're not going to be seeing anywhere else any other time of the year. I was having a meat pie with Alan Jones and the premier of New South Wales last week and we were discussing a new tower in the city of Sydney. And he said to me, what are you doing for Christmas? And I said, you know, I don't know yet, but I do know one thing. We'll be eating a warm winter dinner on a summer's day.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Isn't that interesting that we do that? Have a new ever paired with a bit of crayfish or a prawn. No, we do do that. Now we have a prawn sort of a prawn, a fresh prawn as on tray before that. Here we go for a dinner. Oh, my mouth's watering of the thaw. Isn't that interesting that we have a witted dish
Starting point is 00:18:26 on a summer's day? Yeah, I think that's very, and I said that to Alan Jones, as he passed the water of cash to the New South Wales Premier, I said, isn't that an interesting little fact about the other blues? Just a little message here, uh, the tickets to the GAN,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and now if Alan was winning this, we'd have a trip from the GAN from Adelaide all the way up to the might, he northern Territory Doe. Now, have you done the GAN and now I'm available as a winning guest. We're going to have a trip from the GAN from Adelaide all the way up to the might. He northern Territory down. Now, have you done the GAN? Oh, I love me and the wife did the GAN a few years ago. We've collected them all now. We've almost done the Indian Express rail journey. The wonders of the Murray River and Kangaroo Island tour on the Kangaroo Island pedal boat. Have you done the Northern Lights? And then the Discovery crews to see the Scandinavian stage?
Starting point is 00:19:08 We did that for my 80th birthday. We took the Scandinavian North of my car. But have you done it in the last 30 years? Yes. When the musket back soon. But I've got to say, I've got some time of year. I've got to say, I did the game. I did it as a piece for postcards, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And I just had the most wonderful time. The tenure once you're lower, you'll teach you needs to see your face. I had the most wonderful time on the game. The producer said, you know, it's going to be a long trip, you know. And I let me tell you, I had the most wonderful, I had to make the postcards, you know postcards Yes, it's the program the travel Progree and and I got to go on the gand back. I prefer get away
Starting point is 00:19:53 Well, you know That's fair, but they did steal a lot of our content We do things on postcards postcards is more the smaller, like what's happening in your community. The smaller, yes, the smaller, these postcards are quite small, so they focus more on sort of what kind of... No, that's not what I meant. No, no, no, no, that's not what I meant. I wasn't, it's not literally talking about postcards. Postcards is a show about the areas in your rural communities and what's happening there. No, yeah. So why maybe you want to go down to Philap island and tell you about amazing things and...
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh yes, I love amazing things. Well we take the grandkids there. Who are now all 35? I own 35% of cows, the town in the middle of the right here. I own 35% of the properties there. And speaking of cows, so what tells what specials are on? Uh, specials.
Starting point is 00:20:49 How much would you buy for a bag of diced meat? I'd buy about, um, probably 12 ounce a pound. 12 ounce a pound. Well, again, we have moved on from that, but raw diced steak in a bag, Yeah. Not fit for human consumption. Pet meat.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Oh, you're spitting it. Forget about the little, we feed the critters, the critters and the creatures. And a lot of them giving them this processed dry food biscuits and whatnot. Not me, I feed my animals meat. Oh, poppycock.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Poppycock. What? I just give them the bag of stuff from the shops all this raw meat this raw meat that puppy cock Yeah, we're happy just give me a bit of pal. I'll just give them a bit of pal What's this raw meat this raw meat? I'm a little heated there. I'm so pal was good for Susie my little my little Pal was good little heater there. I'm so happy. Pal was good for Susie, my little, my little, K-Kelpie. And it's good enough for all the dogs today.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm sorry, I got a little heater there, and I didn't actually listen to what you said. I just, I- Ah! I didn't actually, I just heard something about me to dogs, and I got mad. And you got fizzles.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I understand. I just like serving my pets raw meat, meat from the gravy from the freezer from the fridge Yes and gravy will be eating a lot of gravy What's your secret for a great gravy? Sorry, I'm a bit distracted Oh what happened? What have you got the I forgot the old name? What's your name? I'm Bruce Bruce, hello Bruce I'm just a bit sad of opening up the paper in front of me and I've got the baby. I've got the old name. You've got the old name. What's your name? I'm Bruce. Bruce.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm just a bit sad. I've opened up the paper in front of me and I've got the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the
Starting point is 00:22:36 old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the old bitch where it's all the do balls with the worms. I know into school with him in Yacquendan. And it just becomes more and more as you get older, more and more of your friends die. It's very strong. We become more and more alone. And yes, your friends leave this mortal coil. I always say, when you're a child, you go to birth, they part. He's when you're an adult, you go to weddings. And when you're this age You just go to funeral funeral years and to the point that you start I shouldn't say this is you start maybe
Starting point is 00:23:13 Thinking this way or that way about the food at the wake up I went to one the other week and I thought geez these are the best party pies. I've had it at any wake And I thought what am I doing? Yeah, that's not funny. No I just put the older I get the more am I doing? Yeah, that's not funny, no. No, not funny. You're in a relationship. I just, but the older I get, the more pain I'm in and the more pain I feel the more I want to just end it all. So you don't feel any pain. I use the millions of dollars we make on this program
Starting point is 00:23:37 to make sure I don't feel any pain at all. Oh, we live through one of the smoothest, most pleasant times in the history of humanity. And you and I, what do we make per year? We make hundreds of thousands of dollars, but also our own. We bought houses for a fucking bag of rice. I own a bit of this radio station. We've lived through one of the smoothest parts in history, and yet all we can do is fucking complain. And now your friends die.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You're around here. My friend John, who I went to high school with. I went to tech college with him. Yes. And he started the radio with me the other day dropped in. Yes, at the ripe old age of 97. So that is whole, I'm just young. Too young, too young, too young to go.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Dying around me and I've had a gut full of it. Well, do you know my second wife died last week? No. Yes, no. Yes. How old was she? She was, but she was, but, she was, but, she was, but 43. Oh, too young.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And just before the deposition. But your new just before the deposition but your new but your But your new wife I hear makes you very happy look that I love look at and she's more age-appropriate Which is she's 35. Yes. Yes. Yes, and it does get to the point where age I think is button number Yes, absolutely Carparks at the shopping center. We've done this. We've done this. They're fuller. What about the warm winter dinner
Starting point is 00:25:12 or the summertime if we covered that one yet? Yes, yes, we have. What about plastic bags? I find people said to me, your wife is far too young. At a ripe old age of 54, of course I'm 178. And I say, it's a wonderful sense of humor that connects us. We both are able to laugh at people who are on the streets
Starting point is 00:25:34 and don't have a home and say, what, why can't they just get up and get us a choice? It's a choice and we laugh at the fact that they made that choice to do that. And to us, we couldn't laugh and I don't find that with people my age. My age, I find people are dying or just... Do you know who's good? Matthew Guy.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Matthew Guy. All I like him, I was having a mid-pie with him at my place two days ago. You don't understand this reference? No. This is... Apple Jones. I think I did it last time. Alan Jones Anyway, look it up look it up. It's a good look it up. It's it's it is truly
Starting point is 00:26:12 fucking South America, but do you know what you do you know what I find yes, well You go to the shopping center. Yes. I know this They are there so full these days, and I wonder. I have this. I have this. I have this. They are, they are so full these days. And I wonder why I always think to myself, Jordan July, I go to David Jones, I go to the country road section, I buy a $400 dressing gown. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And I think to myself, it's quiet, it's peaceful, come Christmas time. Busy. Busy. I'm, I'm happy. Busy, busy. I'm not happy my... I'm happy. Busy. Busy. I'm not happy with just the undies and socks from the grand children.
Starting point is 00:26:48 You get to the age where undies and socks and even a little bit of cash in hand. God knows we need it. Helps and you push and you give. I give my grandchildren all 4,000 and of them, a crisp $10 note. Oh, they're Christmas card. Oh, they can spin that, but whatever they roll. They're the joy of life. A spread that of whatever they're...
Starting point is 00:27:11 Oh, sorry, I'm talking through a burp. They're the joy of my twilight years, my grandchildren. And all I want to do, me and Jizzelder, I want to seize the grandkids. Now, how many of your grand children? What's the age range of your grand children? Well, from as young as one to 94. Oh, you know, they're the joy of my twilight here.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So I sit at home, sky news and the grand children. And they feel I imagine they're not. They're not about what they're doing in school. And they're visiting often, they call you on the phone. And yes, when I was in for surgery, I'd wore angle private the other week for a small foot thing. The grandchildren coming in and showing me paintings and stencils that they've done wonderful.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I have to say, you know, there's so many things I love about Christmas, but I have one question for you fellows and I'd love to know your opinion. Why is it that I can just see when I go to the top of a tower, I can see so far. Surely, if there was curvature of the earth and the earth was a globe, I wouldn't be able to see so far from that tower. I believe the world is round, I think. Well, I'm in my opinion, we live on a disc surrounded by an ice wall. I think you'll find this earth is more similar to a fresh, don't live it but tocky ham.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Oh, lovely. It's lice up over Christmas and guess what you're having on boxing days? Well ham sandwich. I love a ham sandwich. I love to warm my fat ham slice a slice of thin and flat like I believe the earth is okay all right I've seen a YouTube video oh very now I'm just joking you haven't seen the video or you're joking about the Earth being flat. Why would there be so many spheres in the sky? Why would we be the only disc? Doesn't make sense. Special gun this
Starting point is 00:29:17 gr is bad. We're coming up to the hour here, we will hand over to John Elliott for the afternoon. Hmm. Little question for you before we... It's scoot off this mortal coil. Which we will soon be... With all my friends and loved ones, family, my parents are gone. I can't... Brothers and sisters, who we live through the...
Starting point is 00:29:40 The wars, we're there all gone. Gone. What? What do you like for Christmas? I said I just unease and something here for my grandkids and for you I'd love to spend time with my loved ones. Oh wonderful. What would you like Graham? I think I'd like the new Aldi Yeah, very nice just simple wealth to all in the sundry, they're a Merry Christmas to you, and a Merry Christmas to all your loved ones, except to the union.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Merry Christmas and to all, a good night. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by night.

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