Aunty Donna Podcast - A Saucy Night Of Cabaret - Feat. PENNY GREENHALGH

Episode Date: May 10, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. 5, 4, 3, 2, one. Libbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-dibbara-d You okay? I'm sorry. Yeah, I just had a I had something caught in my throat. What was it, Broden? It was Trying to lead you into the theme of the episode that we discussed It was a cabaret Cabarrays? Yes! Cabarrays. A saucy night of cabarrays. Some well-sought. Wait, hey, Lane's German.
Starting point is 00:01:07 No, just, this is an absurdist podcast where anything can happen. Guys. If you don't believe I can have a thing, I'm just saying, if you don't think I can have a saucy night of cabarray caught in my throat, then what the fuck are you doing on this podcast? I start. Well, I'd love you to, in one second, in one second, Mark. Yeah, I've never had a saucy night of Cabaret
Starting point is 00:01:29 caught in my throat. Never have I known else I've never had Manu in this studio. Yeah, but I've had a problem. He's been in studios. He's been in seats within the realm of possibility. Okay, listen, I've had many Cabaret artists in my mouth and not in the way that you think dirty boy, all right? In what way, Mac, explain it. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I want to agree how it wants to know. I guess for this evening, a penny green horse. Hodge. Hodge. Hodge. Orange. Orange. Orange. Oh, goose. Oh, goose. Oh, I've had a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, are you related to Mr. Sheen? Sorry? Never mind. How have you, answer Penny's question. What was the question on? How have the cabaret artist been in your mouth? Well, look, cabaret. Not in the way that we're thinking.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Look, cabaret artist. Well, what way were you thinking? Are you being dirt? No. Are you being dirt? No. I would just love for you to explain yourself. I would love to explain.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I started. I had a doubt. I think we'll for you to explain yourself. I would love to explain. I started. I had a nightmare. I think we'll do a clean start. No, we want to know. I want to do a clean start on this because I really like this idea. I was leading into it. I was leading into it in a clean, fun way and you had to pick on me like a bully. Yeah, well, I just didn't realize it was a prawn themed podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:42 What? What? I'm just, wait, prawn. Well, that's something that could get thought according your throat Thought in your coach. Oh, man I'm not a Christmas dinner. I had a fishbone caught in my throat No one believed me and then my mum got real mad at me because I was like I can't swallow it Turning this while I'm like final take it to the hospital Stooping in the hospital and then they pulled it out on my throat and it was like I'm showing how big everyone in the studio
Starting point is 00:03:04 It was at a big fish guy. Yes, at home we'll never know. So ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna start again. And that was my fault, I own that. You got to own that man, you got to own your Mr. and hey, hey man, I love and respect you for owning that spot. All right, you ready?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, now we go to that half a bit 9 8 can we see D and now the surrealic alphabet We're good love now what rifty pitty pitty pitty pitty Bob dude. I just can't fuck you on All right, I reckon actually Tom let's get the giff out We rather than us doing it. Can you come in? Can you add some like Cabaret piano music? It's a pretty interesting. We love to be really funny shit on Tom On I know you're very busy being in our live show and everything
Starting point is 00:04:03 I know you're very busy being in our live show and everything Any work still any working at Cole still that's his choice It is his choice. Yeah, but yeah, no use you know, it makes sense. He's just cold Does Andy don't pass us enough to survive but not not enough to live in the lavish lifestyle? Please become a calm Let me start all right, so Tom're going to bring in the fake piano music and we're going to surname Penny. Green hold. Green hold.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Green hold. If you fuck it up, I'm leaving. Okay, green hold. Is that a promise? Yeah. Penny, if we get mad at you, Penny, green hang. Fuck you, fuck you. Penny, green hold green hold we starting now
Starting point is 00:04:52 We've built this up too much I Roll and welcome to a saucy night of cabaret A night of different... ...sources. No, no, no. Tabasco. No, no, no, stop it.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Stop! Hey, tomato. H-P. Ben Banana Sauce. Caramel well Wow Penny and I are so in tune. There's no caramel here. This is a night of Sausage cabaret Night where it's not just your Dave uses
Starting point is 00:05:38 And your adj back is arch back I'm the host for the evening and my name is I'm the host No, I was no I was hoping to maybe try my hand to character No, you get your chair. Okay. I'll just disappear into this variety of sources that we have spread out on to the table I was trying to month them. You're taking an axe to my idea. I'm sorry I was only trying to help, trying to help, trying to be... ...that me and Broden have been passionate about this idea for over two years. I've been into it too. I'm trying to contribute.
Starting point is 00:06:22 This is great. I'm picturing Sizzlers with like a spotlight of the end of the... Yes. like the movie about... ...because that's where the sources are. The source? Yes, it is at a Sizzlers in Brisbane. This is what's going on.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's 6 p.m. It's not quite dark. Come on, man. I'll do it. We're going to have... We're going to have... I hope you're ready for it The managers just let Broden do this place
Starting point is 00:06:48 Welcome it's it's Broden's auntie's friend in Brisbane for our will Welcome to sis me on the on the managers Broden I really think you should give Mark's character a go I really think you should give Mark's character a go. I'm going to give him a level 5 minute camera rate. Okay, is that if you agree to that? I agree. I'm sorry. I've just come in after three months in Bali.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I wasn't across all the logistics. He's mum, so the costume is special. So how do you introduce him? All right, now if you've got a cover, if you've worked it out with the rest of the wait staff, then I'll just go off and let you boys do your thing. I want you guys to have your night of cabaret, but I've just got to make sure that the cheesy bread is stocked.
Starting point is 00:07:30 That the soft serve machine is working. And that there's enough bacon bits for everyone's Caesar salad. You said this was a cabaret then, you bro. It is a cabaret. Now boys, boys. Now because you've been working here here you all get complimentary buffet bars Now can I get you guys a lukewarm soup? Yeah, hey Penny Greenhullge Do you want anything?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Cabernossi I'll get you a steak Cabernossi Can I just can I just quickly talk to my my business partner for a moment Sarah? Well look if you yeah do you guys want to want to meet in the staff room? No it's he is fine. All right. Broden, is this what it's going to be like in Edinburgh? Oh we got a steak and the juice up. We got a steak and chips for Table 42.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Hey if you want to speak to Madame. You can also speak to Penny Greenhauge. Well Penny Greenhauge didn't book this venue. Penny Greenhauge booked the butterfly club in Melbourne and it went very well. Madame Budden, average attendance of six. Madam, do you need some more cheesy bread? Give us a cheesy bread.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'll get you a cheesy bread for the time. Yeah, I'll get you a couple of cheesy bread. What do you want? Do you want to, do you want maybe a bowl of cheesy bread for the table? Two bowls of cheesy bread. Two bowls of cheesy bread. Just three bowls of cheesy bread. You want three bowls of cheesy bread.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Four, four, four, three. Okay, you ask, because you are sitting on your own, Madam. I was just wondering if that's going to be too much cheesy bread. Wow, my God, she just ate three bowls of cheesy bread. Jesus. Four breads. You ask? Because you are sitting on your own, Madam. I was just wondering if that's going to be too much cheese a bit. Oh my God, she just ate three bowls of cheese bread. Jesus. Oh no, I've been a grin, I'll see. You've got to eat all that cheese bread. Too ladd I had a doll.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Oh no. For our first act. No, no. I'm not letting you do this. I just went with the weight. Just wait, just wait, just wait. I just went with the cheese bread. I've got the weight.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I've got the weight. I've got the weight. I've got the weight. I've got the weight. I've got the. I just went with the weight. Just wait, just wait, just wait. Just wait with the чисless thing. I've got some. I let go of the camera, I think. I go with the чисless thing. I'm talking about cheesy, right? Anyone got a Yucolayli? Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I've only got the new hot video game on PS4 Yucolayli. LAUGHTER Sweet. And that's a little joke, but yeah, on Switch, that's a little joke for all the gaming nerds out there. But I was going to do something. I was going to do something. Just trust me. Can I introduce you? That was the host of the night. I was
Starting point is 00:09:27 going to what I was going to do was introduce you as the host of the night. And then we I felt like then we both get we both get a cheesy bread in that situation. Pina Bouch is the independent voice on this. I feel like maybe Pina can tell us. I was going to say in our first act of the evening, it's the host of a saucy night of Cabaret Broding Kelly. Can I introduce that though? Sure. Do you need someone to introduce you? Yeah, like Penny Greenhouse. Penny Greenhouse, you're a Pena Bouss. Pena Boussons like this? Yeah, let's go Pena Boussons.
Starting point is 00:10:01 My only problem with that, Penny, is that's great, but I feel like it's being that such a big, large character and such a fun one. She may need an introduction. Zach, do you think you could introduce her? A peanut butter? Yes. Absolutely. Which of my myriad of characters would you
Starting point is 00:10:16 like to introduce peanut butter? One that sounds very different to all the other ones. Oh, God. All right. Peanut butter. Not the DJ sweet love. I'll do DJ Sweet Love. All right, DJ Sweet Love. Does DJ Sweet Love need in some of the DJs?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Absolutely, you need to do DJ. I think maybe Tom, if you could just introduce DJ Sweet Love. G'day, Matt, this is DJ Sweet Love. No, no, you've won. Yeah, you've got to propose. Listen, mate. Listen, you are going to introduce DJ Sweet Love who's going to introduce Peanut Bound.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Peanut Bound. Peanut Bound is going to introduce Broden. No, you who is going to introduce DJ Sweet Love, who's going to introduce peanut Bouch, peanut Bouch is going to introduce Broden no you who was going to introduce Broden. I was you're gonna introduce me who's gonna introduce Broden who's gonna introduce me All right, who's saying gonna introduce Broden? I'm that this is gonna go It's gonna go very well. All right ready Welcome to the stage DJ Sweet Love Welcome to the stage DJ Sweet Love. Get I Can'ts, my name is DJ Sweet Love on the parody of people that lived on Chapel Street around 2009. This character was really fun to do when I was 22.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Now that I'm 27 and people like this don't live on Chapel Street anymore. Doesn't live in a lot of stores. Nah, nah man, nah, fuck off, can't. Seriously, like, I know that like I'm like a lot of world source. Oh, no, no man. No fuck off. Can't Seriously like I know that like I'm a Carried up and get to your introduction Sweet love in 2017 like he now works in a bank or something. That's pretty good man But seriously though you got him in the way in my vibe For that first I know what is so man, but I will fucking fight you like I know I don't look like that kind of guy
Starting point is 00:11:46 But I grew up in Brisbane. I know how to fight and I will fuck you Yeah, the valley of what it's you know, yeah, 42 valley man. Yeah, but it's really tough It was pretty tough in like the early 90s and shit when I was like three Yeah, I'm going to but first I'm gonna have to fight you can't seriously. I like I will Well, you're gonna get through penny first all right, so well pennies not here It's been about okay, all right so ladies Welcome to the stage pin the ball Hello, Peter Batch back announced herself. We are running a
Starting point is 00:12:19 Source ignited cabaret here, okay? We should not have such a consummate artist as Penny Grouch. This pronounced consumance. Consumance. We should not have such a consumance artist as Penny Grouch. I am the manager. I am the manager. I am the manager here at Sysla and I will not allow that to happen especially when we've got a new range of stakes available for 32 dollars.
Starting point is 00:12:43 You come into Sicily again. My name is Pena Boushe. Pena Boushe, can I just... I'm not locked to a chance for a very comfortable stage. Mag Banana. Just before you pass it on, I've been waiting for years for DJ Sweet Love and Pena Boushe. Pena Boushe.
Starting point is 00:12:59 To finally meet. I've been a Boushe,-renowned European dance choreographer Pena meet DJ sweet love. Can I can't nice to meet you? So what sort of dance do you do Pena Bouch? Just a bit of break dancing a bit of interpreted dancing a bit of Subbalai a bit of Jazz balai a bit of the tapping that That's fucking sick being a bache. I'm actually friends with a couple of guys that went on Australia's Got Talent and did that.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I don't understand what you're saying. Do you want to see me do the dancing? I would love to see that, can't. Wow. Do you think the sad was pretty good? That was such a sick dance. I just wanna say that was like the best visual joke that's ever happened in our audio podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:49 You know, only you could all see what we saw. When you created your dance theater company, tonsata vu petal pinata. Ah, yes, that rings the barrier, yeah. It should ring a bell. It's why you created this. When you created tons, tons tharthar, which I imagine would translate to dance theatre. No, no, that's a translet
Starting point is 00:14:14 tool. So hamburger. It's translet. Sorry, hamburger. And what is vulpital translet? Vulpital means a hospital. So hamburger hospital theatre, dance theatre. What was the reason for creating hamburger hospital dance? So I just, I was in the hospital, it was a sad story. And then as a hamburger was very nice. I thought it was the dance. It starts the dance. It starts the dance is the hospital. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:51 What sort of tunes do you like to dance to? Flume. You like flume? He's fucking sick. I like flume. I like some truck. I like flu, I like subtract, I like, uh, uh, you like, um, do you like chain smoke? I reckon they're pretty poppy, but they're pretty fucking sick considering.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Do you know, bewitched, uh, the magic, 90's bands from the Irish? Yeah, fuck yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, come on Come on Variding in a roller coaster. Yeah, they're fucking sick man I'll play them like ironically all the time man. It's not ironic for me. I like it It was it what did you they but which was the count was the scoring for your first Dance stout up the title The killing of every person. Yeah. The killing of every person.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. So wait, wait a second. Were you... Inspired by Bertol Brecht, my favourite man. Were you somehow involved in the atrocities of World War II? Is that what you were all living to then? In what way? In what role did you part?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Just. In what role did you part? In what part did you play? The sugar plum fairy? Yes. With the gasses. Right. Okay, so you...
Starting point is 00:16:12 Too many beans. So you made the gasses? Oh, I did. It's taken a dark turn. It is, but you have to remember that this is all you. We do edit if you'd like us to. Just know that. What I'd love to ask.
Starting point is 00:16:28 It's important for people to know the truth. That what Germans are very good at, technology out, responsibility, and moving on from the past. And world are now now. Sam is German, and he's enjoying this. That's so good. And I think America can take a leap out of your book.
Starting point is 00:16:50 What I really do I think America can take a leap out of you and we can do it with our dark history. I think you should be applauded, Jim. Thank you so much Hillary Clinton. Thank you. No, you're welcome. I'm Hillary Clinton. What I'd love to know is when you won the award for Deutsche
Starting point is 00:17:07 Tundse Price in 1995, that really made on this character. Is it okay if we don't pretty loaded? I'm okay if we don't move on from Peter Balsch. No, no, I love Peter Balsch. She's the great character. And can I say before that shocking loss, where unfortunately I did not break the glass ceiling.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I watched on YouTube one of your most fantastic pieces and it really inspired me to the power of... Well, that's a killing of every man. Yes, it was such a fantastic piece. I really couldn't. It's a gathering on. I like the way it went. It's a... Yeah, the dawn, the riding in the road. The night of love.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I loved it. I thought it was very good. You're an alma mater of folk van schoen. Yeah, that's a... I believe truth. The manager of Sysla is also George, is it? George... Gorg! Gorg! It's not yours! Yeah! the manager of Sizzler is also George is it? Yeah George yeah. Go go go because that's yours.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah go that's me. Yeah both. And back in the early 30s. What did you say? You're both Alma Mater of Final Class. But you're your boyfriend. Yeah yeah we used to. Early 1930s.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah we used to roll together. Back in Berlin. Back in Berlin or remember I was putting up the wall What emotionally yeah, I was putting up a wall emotionally Yeah, cuz like actually Berlin in the 30s was a pretty progressive place I wasn't talking about the Berlin wall mate. I was talking about a wall same vintage They do and they were like dropping some sick beats.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like it was a real party time. No, I know. I was there. We used to party. We used to go to hogs. Hogs. Hogs, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Did you ever work that you were a manager? No, that's where I got a mind swear. I cut my teeth. I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah, I'm not a real. Yeah, I'm a vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. I was half the vinaigrette. 20th 20th century. She's like like a contemporary of like the disco dudes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:28 Just so it was like at the same time peanut bash anyway, sorry going George Anyway, so we're eating venous knitzels in in the hogs berth cafe in Berlin in 19 East Berlin. East Berlin. What's the year? 127 13 8 the year. 12, 117, 18, remember winter. Oh God, it was I tell you what cold. You thought it was hey, you thought it was cold. Last time you thought it was cold,
Starting point is 00:19:55 it's cold. Is it, would it be safe? What would I wear? Short some t-shirt? Oh, what in the, you talking about the Berlin winter of 12 hundred and yeah Why do I wear a jumper? What do I wear? Oh, you'd be wearing Skivvy skivvy and the under clouds Under clothes clothes under your skivvy is what she's trying like what like like a member should a Sermon Member show a thermal a thermal membrane shirt a thermal membrane. A thermal, a thermal member show. A thermal member.
Starting point is 00:20:26 No, a sermon. Can you, can you fucking listen? I'm sorry, I'm a sermon. I'm a sermon. What? A sermon. A sermon. So you would get a sermon from out of one of the many good books.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah. And you would, using a paper mache technique, put that over your body, create a cast of your body, fill with silicon the cast of book of moment very much so yeah feel that with silicon cut a couple of holes in it and then in your private time you just do whatever you want and wearing shorts and thongs or thongs songs yeah and you be singing the song so one of my favorites songs to those are contemporary dancing tool. Pain about.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Anyway guys, this has been great. So when do we get to do the actual Cabaret? I'm so embarrassed. It's probably going to happen in another podcast. I was going to happen now. I welcome to a night of Cabaret. For your first Gooding a chap I'm gonna kill you. No, I was gonna introduce
Starting point is 00:21:35 Just like I'm meant to start playing at 12 30 and it's already 12 20 so you go around Right, no, I don't give a shit man on whatever. I'm sorry So then peanut the new yeah, if you like peanut bouches and get caught in the rain, but if you like peanut colliders and champagne champagne yoga palates and... Yoga, Pilates, and the hamburger. Hamburger. Hey, does this mind hamburger? Yeah, because if you do the yoga and the Pilates, then you've earned yourself a bit of a cheeky hamburger.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And that's the murder of the story, yeah. The what? Yeah, it's the murder of the story. The what of the story? The murder of the story. Oh, the moral. The moral of the story. The moral of the story. The moral of the... The moral of the story. Oh, the moral. The moral of the story. The moral of the story. The moral.
Starting point is 00:22:27 The moral man. The secret man. What? The secret man. The secret man. What? The moral. What?
Starting point is 00:22:35 The secret man of the moral. What? Are you okay? What? What's this guy? What? What? He's just a man.
Starting point is 00:22:43 What? What is this? What? Oh no. What? Oh just appeared. What? What? What? Oh, no. What? Oh, no, Zach's got confused. What? Who?
Starting point is 00:22:51 We need to reset him, turn him on and play. What? I'll go and I hope he doesn't turn him into him. It's his last. Yeah, it's his last. Hold on, I'm going to turn him off. And now I've turned him back on. Oh, hello, I'm Spanish, Zach.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Oh, god, dammit. It's like Toy Story 3 all over again from Spain Originally from Barcelona, but I recently moved from Madrid Spain So you met peanut butter. I have hello peanut Have you been since you died about five years ago? Oh? about five years ago. Oh no! Oh, of old age. That's old age is so good yeah. Okay good, wow. I just had a I just had a um a new moment for the like for the overseas audiences. I didn't realize this was a real person. Until right now. So that's really exciting for me. So that's really exciting for me
Starting point is 00:23:48 Pinabash she she died at the age of 68. That's not old. That's the new 20 68 20 It's very sad. I'm sorry to have brought the whole vibe down. Yeah, great new character She had a few years over now. I guess No, no keeping But he is the thing Vim vendors did a film about her not long after. So there is so much comedic potential in peanut bouchon Vim Vendors being friends. Who's Vim Vendors?
Starting point is 00:24:12 He's Vin Diesel's brother. Vim Vendors, he's a... German? Yeah. I believe so. You feel like you made that name up. Vim Vendors, I'm thinking of the wrong... Oh, the inventor of the vending machine. I'm thinking of the wrong. Who's the funny one? Who's the funny German director? Oh, then everyone does. Verna Herzog. Verna Herzog. I always get him and Vim Vendors model about. Oh, that's not. So Verna Herzog did a film. He's a fantastic art house director that's not funny like Verna Herzog.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Sorry, sorry. Everyone does a Verna Herzog. Yeah, what's yours? Hello. Yeah. Mine goes a hurt song. Yeah. What's yours? Hello. Yeah. Mine goes a little something like this. Oh, my own, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm a hurt song. Hi, my name is a fair and a hurt song. German film director.
Starting point is 00:24:54 What's your fair and a hurt song? Oh, I'm, I'm a bloody hurt song. I'd all love bloody making to have cheeky little art films and fucking pigs. What's your winner hurt hog? Peanut Bouch. Peanut Bouch. Peanut Bouches.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah, what's Peanut Bouches? Ow! Ow! What the fuck? Ow! That's great. Tom, what's your winner hurt hog? Ehh!
Starting point is 00:25:20 Sam, do you have a winner hurt hog? Sam's in the studio, right? Sam's in a... Um, I hate Werner Hurtog. Wow, if you've got a Werner Hurtog, uh... I had the worst... I had the worst... I had the worst...
Starting point is 00:25:34 I had the worst... I had the worst Werner Hurtog. I had the Brad Verst with Southcrab. What about a guy called Werner, or Werner, and he likes to hurt male pigs Her dogs Love to hurt hogs Get a hear you bloody pig
Starting point is 00:25:53 Oh, okay Peanut, peanut bear Peanut bear You have a question for me? Yeah, what's your favorite flavor of cordial? Beans Beans is a good Yeah, what's your favorite flavor of cordial? Beans. Hahaha. Beans is a good flavor. It's beans and cooler.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Is that a German thing? No, no. It's more of a Mexican flavor. Yeah, great. A cordial. I'd love to start sourcing on a cabaret. Yeah, please, it's please. OK.
Starting point is 00:26:20 What is your MC name, host? Bro. I don't know, yeah. Maybe you have to say it in. Oh. Bro. Then. Bro.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Hey, guys, welcome to a saucy night of Cabaret. My name's bro. Then, sorry. Then, sorry. I thought we were going to do it the same time. OK. Hey, welcome to a saucy 90 cabaret. My name's bra then Yeah, come on penny white. Let's do this penny green That was pretty good. Thank you
Starting point is 00:27:02 Green That was pretty good. Thank you. Green house. Green house. It's better. Green house. My. That's the best ones ever. Yeah, go high. Go high. Go go go go go go go go go go go go to camp. We're going to hike high.
Starting point is 00:27:17 We're going to hike high. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. You're going to do it. But I'm just saying that they hear us. It is date no, because last time Dan, Mr. Buffle, you know, heard us and he made me sit out
Starting point is 00:27:27 and saw me being told for like, five minutes. Shut up, son. I've got, I smell one. Dan, stop saying, guys. You came in way too early. Guys, if they hear us, they'll make us not be able to go high ropes tomorrow morning, so we're going to be quiet.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm fucking giving shit about high ropes. I don't have to go kayaking. I never even wanted to go on the high ropes. It's a tripp, we get to kayak every day. If Britain wants to do the high ropes, I feel like I don't want to ruin that thing. I want to ruin it. Otherwise I'm not going to give you each one of my Ike brought fan tails. Mark's batting. Oh, shut up. I'm hand in the room. That's real rude. I didn't realize that was what was going on I'm not doing anything. I don't know. He's making his neck. No, I'm not Do it again. Oh, shut up. Just leave me alone. I'm not doing anything. I'm trying to sleep guys
Starting point is 00:28:22 Stop wanking for a sick. I shouldn't have to tell you. It's bet it's one thing. It's the good to minus when we're trying. There's a really bright outside. It's really bright outside. It's not a new high ropes tomorrow. I hate high ropes. I just wanted to do kayaking.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Unfortunately, the allotted amount of people that could do kayaking, the people who chose it first, they got their choice. So I'm forward to it. Sir, Penny chose it. Penny said to you in second term, I remember I can back her up on that. I will ring your parents and they'll have to come up here an hour and a half to pick you up. I don't even, I don't even want to do kayaking. So this is not even for me. I just remember. Do you want me your mom's not gonna be happy if she has to drive a fuck off Sir, whoa you can fuck off seriously. I never thought of that way what sir what broden bought fan tails What sir? I just can I just ask mark was wanking. I wasn't wanking well that's perfectly natural way to express your sexuality is this natural
Starting point is 00:29:24 Well, that's perfectly natural way to express your sexuality. Is this natural? Well, I'm looking you in the eye as you masturbate and I'm sorry. It's not that's not natural. Are you sure? What if I don't like what about this? Now that's healthy that I can get on board with Pinabouch Thanks for coming on this camp with us. No worries, kids. I'm so glad that we had such a fun time doing so dancing all day.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Can we go around night? You didn't get it right for very many hours. Can we go around the circle and talk about one thing that we learnt. From Pina Bouch? Yeah, from Pina, this week. Can we all, every character we play played today go around the whole circle. Yeah, it's going to be a lot of stuff, but also all the characters we play. Okay, great. Um, start with George. All right. Uh, Jay, what did I learn? Uh,
Starting point is 00:30:15 look, you know, I learned a lot about what it means to treat a customer with respect. Yeah. You know, uh, how did that shoot you? That's a pattern. How did you learn? How? Well, well, learn how I will get well do you remember I remember very fun? I'll tell me how how did he do that? That's for me. I don't know what happened there I'm I believe it's my turn in the circle. I have the stick and I believe you can't talk to be fair He does have the stick I've the talking stick Well, I remember when I could I first laid my eyes upon you. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, I just fell in love instantly. And you said to me, I would like the bread. And I said, well, here is a bucket of cheese bread. And then before I knew it, you were eating three buckets of cheese bread. And I was like, wow, this is the woman for me. And that's how I learned to not sexually harass the customers while working Thank you so much for that George. That's very moving. I can't remember. Oh, hello, I'm the one that wanted the cheese bread at the start I learned that if you don't get in we have like three minutes. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:31:21 I learned that if you don't get in and get your cheese bread up the top you might miss it. I'm cheese bread. Oh my. Any of the characters you play? I can't remember. You played the cabaret boy? Bro... Then then. Wow. I'm really upset. I feel like some people were trying to upset me. And our first man to leave me. Oh. Hands stick to pinabash, or unless you had more. No, no. No, no, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:59 For someone without the stick, you're doing an awful lot of talking. Well, I'm mediating this group. I believe that. I believe that. Now, I think it was me who was mediating from the start Well peanut bouch here a guest here today and I vote peanut bouch as the To in de thrown Zach As well. Yes, it should be peanut bouch pulled down the giant statue of Zach. No, it was a thong
Starting point is 00:32:25 D song He's the stick peanut bear. Thank you all. Thank you for the stick Good I learned Sorry masturbating teenager. It's peanut bouches tend to I'm I'm I'm I'm so sorry am, am I saying something that I learned from myself? I don't know any. Maybe you could say something that you learned from the group,
Starting point is 00:32:49 from teaching the group and taking us out here, to what I learned, what I just want to ever, eat the breakfast with your pigs. It's the breakfast, your pigs. Is that it? Is it Kellogg's cornflakes? This is the crime. This is the absolute... I can't...
Starting point is 00:33:15 I've learnt this from your pigs. So Kellogg's cornflakes... It can never happen again. Why, what was it? Well, I don't know what we did wrong for the entire trip. All of a sudden you're calling us pigs. What did we do wrong? What did we do?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Come on, you know what you did. What? We always call us conflakes and the chewing incessant... Oh, you have to eat! How else do you eat? You can't look complex. We've been here for four days, Penah. And you don't bring up the calibers. Why bring it up now? I would have dealt with it. Penah, can you honestly look me in the eye and say?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yes, I will continue to look you in the eye. Come, yes? Okay, no, you're all right, you made it weird. You made it weird. made it usually I usually I do that and that scares people off and that's where I get my power from but if you just steer me right back that's just like looking into the deep empty cavers that is my soul I just have to finish up that's all I'm waiting. So the cornflakes you worked out. I learned it so continue. Oh, I thought you finished. Pardon? I thought you finished. Oh, I'm never finished.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Is that a problem? Do you need to talk to someone? No, no, I finished. Start again, though. Penny, Penny Greenholm. Here's here, I am. Tell us what shows you. This probably isn't... We're probably not putting this up for a few weeks, but are you doing shows in...
Starting point is 00:34:58 Where are you going? In Sydney, I'm doing some shows in May. We don't have listeners in Sydney. Oh, that's fair. I have listeners in New York, LA, Milan, Tokyo. Milan does a Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Hong Kong? Rotorua, Shanghai, Rhodesia, Tokyo. But none in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:35:21 We just can't break the Sydney market. OK. Well, I guess that's that then. Cameron James has got that locked up. Yeah. Yeah. He's good, isn't he? Do you have any social medias that people can follow you on? No. Really? No. Nothing?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Nothing. Is there anything they can follow you? If someone on that will tell them where you're on, can we... My address is 154... ...if you send a letter, make sure you put 2642. My address is 154. If you send a letter, make sure you put 2642. It's 2640, so it used to be 2642, but it's changed now. What you can't just change an address. Who changed the address on you? The bloody state government, that's who?
Starting point is 00:35:57 They are malgamated. The bloody shy is. I'll tell you what, I'm a livid. Penny, should we beep that out when you give, when you just gave your read on the address? I don't address. I don't think that It's it's seven hours drive from anywhere I'm gonna be I'm gonna get Tom to be I know our fans. I know what they're like and well, I'm just gonna get Tom to beep it
Starting point is 00:36:20 I love our fans and I think they're wonderful. Oh, I love them I love it. You choose to beat it out, that's fine. I trust. I think it's a difficult damn deal. I've been a difficult dad. For a long time, Auntie Donner's like official address. And even might still be her official address on like business shit is Sam's family house?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Oh, really? Yeah, which is literally eight years away from anything. Like you go to his house, he grew up in proper country like, you know, like she- Similar to where you are, I think. Not where you are, but by country, though. Similarly, out of anywhere, away from anywhere, kind of thing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And so, aren't he don't know? And is, aren't he don't a fan mail arrive at your parents house? No, no. No, I know. No, it's just like business stuff from ASIC and the ATO and ABR. All boring stuff that no one gives us stuff. I love the idea of the eight, we should have in the same way Rupert Murdoch, for his entire company, they have their annual AGMs in Adelaide
Starting point is 00:37:23 because that was his first newspaper, the Adelaide Abataza. I love the idea we should have our AGMs at Sam Lingham's Family House literally on like just giant you know canola field. Yeah. Yeah. How many people would be there? Would it just be you? You guys? It'd be the six of us. The six. We could have my family house on the big canolli fields. Bayo! Bayo! There Italian. Every word is a stab to the integrity of your culture. Sorry guys, I'll be a sec. He's off. And he's off.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I feel like that's a great note to just fade out. Thank you, that was so good. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!

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