Aunty Donna Podcast - A Trip To The Cinema

Episode Date: December 5, 2018 haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. All right, all right. Oh, hey bro, did you just push yourself? No, it was a lady up the back. We're still in the car park. But we're still in the car park. Shush. Oh, shush, get out of here. Boys, setting the scene. Boys, I'm so wrapped, we never get to hang out. Thanks for agreeing to go to the movie, Zach.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Shush. All right, lady. You gotta stop. We're still in the car park. I don't understand who's shushing him in gotta stop. We still have to stop. I don't understand who's shushing her in this scenario. I was trying to set the scene. Are you shushing her? No, she was shushing us.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Brodom was running late. I was gonna set this great little scene, but no, apparently I'm shushing myself. Mark, thanks for the green and come movies. I didn't agree, but I am happy to be here. You can go then. I didn't agree but I am happy to be here You can go then. I don't want to go. I agreed to be here You guys are gonna get fuck you can get fuck try to set a fucking scene and you fuck it all up Yeah, I'm trying to self-fac- yeah, I'm playing multiple characters. You dumb cut. Where am I supposed to know that? You're a fucking cunt man. I'm playing multiple characters you dumb cut. Where am I supposed to know that?
Starting point is 00:01:25 You're a fucking cunt man. I've got to turn on my way. You're a fucking cunt. I never said I wanted to be here but I agree with you. We're in the ocean now. We're in the ocean now. I don't want to agree to be here. Why is everyone so now? Go boys. This is. You see this trip to the cinema is tearing us apart Let's remember why we started this cinema group to Stick it up Oprah for having a fucking hoeyity-toity book club dumb fucking piece. Oh Mark I wasn't talking about Oprah. I was talking about you. I Like I'm I love Oprah. I love Alan Alan what's a cool guy Alan?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Alan Alan Alan Tudik. What do you say the red head guy from a night's tail? I say I say Alan Tudik. It's an accent thing. We all say Alan, but when I'm overseas Guys stop fighting Guys Zack mark this is our movie club. It's the first inaugural Movie club is it Yes, move on It's up close to inaugural is it I can't wait you just said it Think you just said it right
Starting point is 00:02:47 Guys we are in the car park of hoist. I thought you were making fun because he did a total of you inaugural Oh, no, it's because he said inaugural guys. This is our first but he did do a total. It's Not only did you say inaugural wrong? You did a total of you as well. Is it a total? Is it a total if I did you say inaugural wrong, you did a totology as well. Is it a totology if I did not say inaugural? Did you mean inaugural? Yes. Okay, well then yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Guys. Yep. A totology sounds like a delicious cake you would get from a cafe. Sorry, I'm so sorry. What, why have you come in here and started talking about totalities random old lady? Sorry, I've just decided you're now playing two people. Guys. This is not. You were creating a dialogue between two characters and it was confusing because it's fit and same. That's fair. It's same like you go shh, alright.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah, I'll take that. I'll take that. Mark, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I... Can we get some music behind you? Sad music? Sad music.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Oh, we're just gonna get some sad music up. Mark. Not sad, we were going for it. It's fine, Mark. Yeah. We it. It's fine Mark. Yeah We got off to the wrong star. Yeah You and I we were fighting what but we should have been acting like brothers. Yeah 5678 get out there Mark, but I don't hate you doing to that My name is sacriary and I say,
Starting point is 00:04:25 sorry, I just want to say to you, sorry that I was rude. I don't want to do a poo, but let me say, how do you do? And that was a smooth little rap to say, sorry Mark, I get that it was unclear. And I want to call you a dumb kind of. I appreciate it. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I appreciate you. You're apologizing to me. I love you. I love you. I'm a best it. I appreciate you appreciate you're pulling driving to me I love you. I love you. I'm a best friend. I love you. I'm a best friend Can't wait to go watch a movie with you and with this Anytime you want a message you ask I would love a mess out right of you Yes, I've got the oils. I've got the camera in my inner thigh You know my inner life I know that I hurt you so I will anytime you want Just need you come over. I'll wear some short shorts. I don't know who this guy is. I will take course But you've got a tape course online. Yeah to make sure when I touch that muscle is soft and smooth
Starting point is 00:05:20 Excuse me. Who are you? I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? My name is mr. Broden Kelly. I'm a comedian writer actor based in Melbourne Australia Yes, and one part of One part of Australian comedy tour to force anti-donna get the fuck out. I'm part of anti-donna as well How long have you been a part of anti-donna? seven Years that's so funny. I would have thought I'd have run into you at the office. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:05:47 We probably have. It's a big office. It is. It's a big office. Anyway, would you guys like to go to the movies? Yes. No. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Absolutely. No. That's what we agreed to before this dumb cun got in the way. I didn't agree to be here, but I'm happy to be here. Yeah. Zach, your microphone cord is coming out. Let's edit that out. Why would you fuck the podcast like that?
Starting point is 00:06:13 I didn't mean to. I accidentally knocked the microphone. Oh, you accidentally. I just accidentally knocked the microphone. I'm trying to keep this on track. I really want to go to this movie. Yeah, with no microphone connected. Boom. Fuck you. to go to this movie. Yeah, with no microphone connected. Boom! Excuse me, sir. You are dick.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I've... This is the first time I've met you. And you start coming at me. Sam, I mean... Dude, let's put some aggressive music on. You come at me right now. What is this? I'm just going to film until we get the aggressive music. I've never met you in my life, sir.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And you come at me. This is between me and Dumb Cunt. All right. Sorry. I'm sorry. Why are you sorry? I mean, that wasn't me. I got my aggressive music on.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I don't care if you're gold, bro, then the Dumb Cunt. Yeah. Oh. I'm mad at you. I'm gonna write you an angry letter That will pick point why I'm mad at you You stupid cunt, I know you are a cock Cuck, cuck I Carc Oh, no, come
Starting point is 00:07:28 Wow that was beautiful aggressive yeah, it was beautiful it the it was beautiful in the way you were able to Expression immersion so clearly with both music and words. Yeah, can you line up some romantic music place? I just have to say that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. And excuse me a moment, I just have to walk down to the river to contemplate some things. Wow. Okay. Thank you today to the YouTube royalty free playlist, by the way.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I'd never met this bro, then Kelly fell over for now. He approached you while I was fighting my friend in the city of our car park. With these big strong arms and his friendly face, he taught me how to love again. I haven't been able to love since 9-11. He's a kind and strong and bold. He takes me to the base for. He teaches me and he treats my kids right. I love Broder Kelly. Who is this boy? I've just...
Starting point is 00:08:50 Stop, stop. 5, 6, 7, 8. Who is this boy? I've just met... In the points, Carpac. He's my boy, he has seized that grade. I love him, I love him too. I love him more than I love him. And I bet he loves Poole Lord. Say, when I go to the movie today, Maybe I'll pull my arm around him. I don't know what unless I have a little bit of love like this since I don't live
Starting point is 00:09:35 I don't know if that 9-11 stuff's approved Anyway, wow that was incredible. You know you boys singing a Anyway, wow that was incredible. You know you boys singing a room angry song and a romantic song what you could hear that I could hear that I went down by the river to contemplate but the river's just next to the cup Anyway, let's go see a movie. Oh yes, what knows you upset. I was gonna was gonna say it's made me want to sing a song. Oh, no, I'm gonna talk to that. Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not come on Zach. Oh. Those boys. They really know how to hurt me. Cause I'm just a little man. Went to the movies with my band of friends.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. Man, brodin'. Didn't know what was goin' on when Zack said he didn't know who he was like. He was just a random voice on the phone. And ever since 9-11, Zack hasn't been the same. He hasn't looked me in a way you can't oh Since the town was built down you have just been a different man at the ground zero Hey Mark. Yeah man. We'll go to the movie. I'm sorry. I love everybody.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Hi Zach. Oh no. You didn't tell me you were coming to this cinema. Now you know I work at a cinema. What? We only know that because you just said it. Oh no. You're gonna try to hide it for a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Why did you wait at the front with a, I thought I would go into a different cinema. I was gonna take shit that I was late, but now you've seen me in my little cinema vest. You know that my parents aren't rich, that the only way I buy my nice shoes is through a nine to five job at a cinema. Hey, that's okay. Do you know why? Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Because we're mates. What do you mean? We're friendship. Why? Something that grows, doesn't grow on trees. It's a ground plant. And it goes and friendship is about being there for your friends. It doesn't grow on trays. It's a ground plant. And it goes and friendship is about being there for your friends. I can't believe you still like me after you found out I wear a little vest and scoop popcorn on the weekend. Doesn't matter to me as long as you're not involved in 9-11.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Boys, here's the good thing about working in a cinema. I can get one of you into this session for free Oh, sick And I can get half-priced popcorn and chocolate You're gonna say, top top, you thought I was rich But I wasn't rich, I was paying for my nice shoes With my cinema job I'm a fool, a fool for lying to my best friends.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I thought Mark was gonna sing that. So I left it opening for him. A woo woo. Okay. Excuse me, sit on my man. It's okay, hey, I know I wasn't the plan to come to this movie, sin a man, but hey. What? I love you. Boys. I've come.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, just two tickets to... I'd love that free ticket. Yeah, I can get you a free ticket. Thank you very much. You just pay Mark and then we'll be here. I'll just pay and we'll, two tickets to extremely land it incredibly close, please. OK, sure thing. What's that?
Starting point is 00:14:11 Oh, no. It's just a movie. I thought we would just touch up the 9-11 stuff. But OK. Is that that Charlie Sheen movie? No. That one's called 9-11. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:24 OK, tap, tap, tap. I've got three tickets. I'll join you. I finished my shift in a minute, so I'll join you up to the candy bar. Just tell them, just get a spot in line, and I'll join you, and I'll get the cheap pop. All right, meet you with the candy bar.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'll meet you there, man. Wouldn't we just walk it together? I know, I'm just gonna go to work. You gotta go to work. You gotta go to work. Hi, welcome to the candy bar. Oh, what the f? That's right, boys. What?
Starting point is 00:14:54 Wow. I work at the candy bar. I work at the candy bar. I'm brod and Kelly. I tell you how it is. And I'm bloody ruffin' I'm gonna have to work at the candy bar! Well, I just wanna coax zero, and a popcorn too, do you have any deals where it works out shape up for me?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals, deals. Who knows? What's why are all these songs have lyrics? We're going so well with the non-lyrics songs. What do you want? I just wanted to make like a Coke Zero on a popcorn but yeah $40. Wait, wait, wait, wait, $40. Put in this code. BEEP. $39.50. Don't worry about it. Thanks my man. $40, cash or card. CUNCH. Hurry up. Couch your popcorn. Hey, don't talk to me
Starting point is 00:16:04 like that. Don't be rude to my friend. BEEP. Cuts your popcorn. Hey, don't talk to me like that. Don't be rude to my friend. BEEP! $45. $45. I didn't order anything extra. BEEP! $50.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That's pretty good price, actually. Wait! You're walking around giving my friend a grief and telling him how much things are gonna cost. Well, I tell you, you don't deserve the title of candy by men. Say what? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I just came here looking for a deal. Instead, I got a real expense of meal. Why, aren't you just treat me right? Why you got to turn everything into a fight me and you we were handy in hand and now we're brothers that with this banded I just wish that my friend Judas was here. He could have me out with some silver Hey Hey, what's this great? What's going on? Oh, I'm up there. Don't go. Got it, you silver. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Come here. Oh, you got it right there, Judas, my friend. You don't deserve to be the candy bar, man. You get out of here, but maybe we can still be friends. Lately, when I've been pissing, it's been clear. I've been drinking a lot of water. It's been realized. That was how you guys all felt.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Can we get some cheap popcorn? Sure. Hi. Here's a popcorn, only $28. Thank you so much, man. I was happy with the $50 prize. But I'm just happy with the money. That's good. That's so much, man. I was happy with the $50 prize. But I was happy with it. I was happy with it.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's almost half the prize. You know who can't control the prize. Thank you for so much. But if there's a chalk top, too, I'd love one. You know, I wasn't always a chalk top, man. What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Can't what? I used to be a detective. Oh. But I'm the detective man. Ah, yeah. I used to be a detective I'm the detective man. Ah, yeah What was that they just see all wrong? He was riffin along. All right, okay. Sorry I'm the detective man. Yes you are! And I've been... Solving crime. Solving crime's the tech.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I... Oh no. Back up. Singing is about supporting the lead singer. Yeah. There you go. I've done myself. Go for it!
Starting point is 00:18:46 Boys, boys. Can't you see this detective song is tearing us apart? Yeah, and I just thought I could be a school detective. And you wrote a school detective? That's the narrative. Right, you do? We scripted before this podcast. Yes. So the script is so far what we wrote is that we meet the carpark five to ten minutes. There's a singer song,
Starting point is 00:19:06 V is towards 9-11 for a bit. We go inside, Zach's working there even though he walked in with us. And then you get tickets. These are the double. You're just reading the double points out further. This is the beat sheet. And then you go up to the candy, but I'm working there, but I was a detective.
Starting point is 00:19:23 But guys, I got to admit, when you put it like that, the script is all over the place. And I'm sorry. He's sorry! He's sorry! Cut. I love it. It's still gonna be a star.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It's still gonna be a star. It's still a simple change in attitude, Brogan. Yeah. Really turning things around. Zach was a miserable old sack of shit. And they're looking to be smiling. It's like the end of Greece. Yeah, he's working this.
Starting point is 00:19:55 He's flying off in your car. Do you know what? I think someone should sing a song about it. About Greece. Yeah. About being a positive man. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Huh? What? Oh. Positivity. Don't mean shit to me. It mean the world to me, motherfucker. Yeah. Because you gotta be smart.
Starting point is 00:20:22 If you're smart, you're smart. And if you're smart, you're positive. Yeah. Like if're sound smart, you're smart, and if you're smart, you're positive. Like if you've got, like being positive, like you're the doctors, and he says, you're positive, you're like, what kind of positive duck? And he's like, this might come as a shock. And I'm like, what kind of positive duck? And he's like, we did your blood test. And I'm like, what kind of positive duck? And he's like, I don't know if I should tell you, I don't know if I should tell you,
Starting point is 00:20:54 you're in the cinema in front of people. And I'm like, why was all of a sudden in the cinema? He's like, it's not appropriate. It's not appropriate for me to tell you, what kind of positive you are. Here, it's not good. It's not going to be all right. It's not going to be okay. Wow. It's a bit of a positive.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Wow. That was good. Bro, I feel like maybe some of my back-up may be got in the way of your detective story. And I would love to hear your detective story now. We can't find the song anymore. Just to a new song this far. Alright, let's do a new... This goes for all the people back in Alabama. And I'm a detective from Chicago in the 15th.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And I got a bottle of whiskey in my drawer. I got to find that murderer who killed that guy. And a detective who works at hoids. I'm a detective, yes I am. I solve the crimes with forensics. Then I get a semen sample and find the culprit. How do you do? Mr. Detective, Mr. Sir.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yes. My friend's been murdered down at the shore. Could you come along and take your semen and see if you can find out who did the crime? Well sure, I'm the detective. I'll find out who murdered your friend, yes or will. What was his relationship status? He was, it's complicated on Facebook, because he refused to pay child support to his ex-partner.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Well, in 9 times out of 10, is about the couple relationship is... I'm a sexy femme fatale, I'm a sexy femme fatale And I'm here to put you off your case Well how did that? Hello, I'm a femme fatale In my slinky red dress at my beautiful photo hair I'd say to you, how do you do? Well how did that femme fatale? I'm wearing a dress that my beautiful hair on, say to you, how do you do? Well, how is it? Fetal?
Starting point is 00:23:28 The songs of. Wow. Wow, that's what it was like to be a detective down in Old Mississippi. With the generally, I thought we would get to the movies. Wow. What? We're not going to get to the movies. We're in the movies now I
Starting point is 00:23:47 Love The movies Yeah, I love going to the movies every day Especially on cheap Tuesday. I love going and see you the latest Marvel flips And then at the one is my favorite. Hey man! What? Many great things to see at the old cinnamarney.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Funkey. Last time I went to the movies. I saw a thing that surprised and shocked delighted me in ways that surprised me. I saw a movie about a man who got stuck in a can and he couldn't dead inside because a ghost had come to steal their semen hat was in their balls and also you know girls have semen too. Ooh a little condensed milk version of a Harry's shaver ad. What's making a perfect holiday gift for that man that you oh god what do you get men that are impossible to read?
Starting point is 00:25:07 They're like a book written in hyalogrifics. Get them my Harry Shavers for their face. Special of the fans of the show, partner with Harry's to give you $5 off any shave set, including our limited edition holiday sets when you get a slash anti-donna, and you'll get free shipping ends on December 12th. So act now, you got a Harry' slash anti Donna and you'll get free shipping free shipping ends on December 12th. So act now got harry' slash anti Donna to get five dollars off a shave set. Well supplies last. Well there you go. Do you guys want to recap on movie club? Yeah. I love it. I love movie club. I think movie club is potentially
Starting point is 00:25:48 out of all the clubs on the part of book club movie club KKK And what is a sample part of keeping Kim Kardashian's valuables Private oh cake KK VP. Yes, sorry. If you're a second there. I thought you're a vicious racist Kim Kardashian's valuables private. Oh, KKKVP. Yes, sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:07 For a second there, I thought you were a vicious racist. No, not at all. KKKVP. KKKVP. Keeping Kardashians. Keeping Kim Kardashian's valuables private. It's just a group of friends. It's a club we get together.
Starting point is 00:26:21 How do you do? What do you do? We just anytime Kim buys something, we go, I don't want to talk about it. That's private. Yeah. That's a good one. She was quite a public life. Surely something.
Starting point is 00:26:32 That's right. So we avoided all costs. That's so great. I do. For a club. Anytime someone sees a headline, is that about something she bought? Yep. No. Little on me. That's private. I'm not a part of any club. Is there something she bought? Yep. No, no. Little on me.
Starting point is 00:26:45 That's private. I'm not a part of any club. I'm so sad I'm going part of a club. Are we showing this part of the song? That's the end of the song. You can see it again if you want. Yeah, I'd like to. I'm so sad that I'm the part of a club.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I wish I was part of a club. Zach, yeah. Did you not realize what you are part of a club? What club? You joined the YMCA last week, didn't you? Yes, I did. That's like a club. I joined the YMCA last week.
Starting point is 00:27:34 YMCA last week. Bye. How do you do? Welcome to the YMCA. Oh, would you like to do some stretches? How do I am seeing? I guess I would have liked to swim, I'd like to stretch, I'd like to run, I'd like to jog, I'd like to have a little bit of fun.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I'm a young man, a Christian man, and I'd like to join the YOCA. What options for membership do you have? Who fought nightly dibbers? Who's thirsty for dollars? Come straight out of your bank account. You can use the gym and do any of the zumba that you require. Okay, thank you very much Did you kiss the wife see I work her at the internet? Yes, I did I gave her a little kiss Oh, we went on a date. Oh, no, it's cool It's just yeah, it was just weird. I just thought that was a strange thing to do to someone you just met But you know, what do I know? I'm just a fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:28:47 Um, I'm just a fucking idiot Oh Damn my stuff that began oh Wish I didn't have Issues with self confidence I'm a fucking idiot. I'm always mucking up and stuff and around. Oh, we shoulda didn't get depression.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Sometimes it's the bilitating. He's a fucking idiot, yes he is. What a fucking piece of shoes. Oh, I need to see my psychologist about my issues with self-confidence. Well, I never realized you lacked so much self-confidence. Maybe I shouldn't have called you a dumb cunt all those times. It's alright, man.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Every time you call me a dumb cunt, a dumb cunt dies. A maybe dumb cunt dies. My, I'm sorry, I called you a dumb cunt. You are a dumb cunt, but I love you. I love you too, dumb cunt. I am a dumb cunt dice. My, I'm sorry, I called you a dumb cunt. You are a dumb cunt, but I love you. I love you too, dumb cunt. I am a dumb cunt. You know, the twisties were all dumb cunts. Deep inside, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:53 What about the twist of twisties? Just that they're so dang delicious. Everybody can't forget some twisties. What, pretty straight up them twisties What's pretty straight without twisties Everybody come, I'm gonna be back on twisties What's pretty straight without twisties Everybody, what's up twisties I got cheese and chicken and spicy
Starting point is 00:30:21 What's pretty straight without twisties What's pretty straight with that twisty Life's pretty straight with that twisty Everybody come to my shop where I sell twisty Cheese, chicken, spicy twisty Twisty, twisty, spiky Twisty, it's the last twisty It's the last twisty twisties twisties what's pretty straight without twisties twisties twisties
Starting point is 00:30:53 twisties song what was that? a twisties song it's a different twisties twisties more than than songs about twisties. My favorite twisties song is the one that's actually about all the different types of twisties.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That's song about twisties is the best twisties song that is because when you sing a song about twisties, it is the fearsizzier gun that got straight from home to put on the radio because what's going on in the song about twisties? Song about twisties cards. Put it on your radio speakers. Listen to it every day, because it makes you think of twisties and that's hey, okay
Starting point is 00:31:47 twisty boy twisty twisty girl twisty woman Nothing better that a song about twisties, but this song isn't about twisties It's about songs about twisties my favorite song twisties it's about songs about twisties my favorite song about twisties is not this song it's a different song about twisties because this song is a song about my favorite song about twisties and there's more than one let's name them all there's that twisties song my song about twisties all the twisties twisties, so, Song that they're just dangerous to these ones, and Song that is just a twisties packet open enough
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's someone recorded and put it to a big track, and there is all that songs like Chase And he's so so bad Chase, he's arguably a bad twistie, A song about chicken you can get that, as twisty tune There's nothing I love more than spicy twisty spot Only one twisty song, what it do is song because twisty songs are multi-fintime songs But it's not his inner song about twisty, it's a twisty song about how much I love other songs But only one song are about twisty songs I don't wanna eat chips, I don't wanna eat cake I just wanna listen to songs about my favorite snack
Starting point is 00:33:11 And that is twisty's twisty's twisty's It's a twisty song about songs about twisty's Twisty's song about'm about twisties. Twisties song about. Songs about twisties. Twisties song about twisties song. Other songs that I'm about twisties. Cause twisties is a twisties song. Well, well, well, well.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Mark, I never knew you loved my twisties song so much. I love this so much, I wrote a song about it. Can I just say I love that song about twisties so much? I love that song about twisties so much. Do you... Let me tell you how much I love that song about twisties. I love your song about my song about twisties. I love it so much because it's also about twisties. Where the footnote radio, Christopher Fink is, the bible wants song will play.
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's your song about my song about tweet it is these I love your song about songs about twisties sometimes I've said that there's not enough songs about twisties then I remember that your song is a song about my song about twisties. I've put a little twisties small on my face. Your song about my song about twisties, it put us all over the radio. It's a song about a song about twisties. I love your song about my song about twisties that you know There's not enough songs about twisties on the radio
Starting point is 00:35:14 Then I think about it, yes there is, because there is your song about my song about twisties When I wrote my song about twisties, I thought that's it. No more songs about twisties. And then I put on my radio. You'll solve your fail, my song about twisties. And I knew right then and then that it was a best song. Beautiful. Is that guy a... Oh god. And now I see you.
Starting point is 00:35:47 You lost my song about twisties. About your song about twisties. It reminds me of another song. That I write. And it goes like this, you fucking both. What's better than a song about twisties? That song about twisties? That another song about that song? That song about twisties? Twisties song? fucking boy Twisties! Twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties on twisties just any normal song about song about twisties I just want to say very quickly there's a massive vein pulsating from the side of your head
Starting point is 00:36:52 Keep going guys When you wrote a song about my song about your song about twisties. I was like oh my god Can you even do another song about another song? Oh my god, can you even do another song? That another song is possible to do a twisty song, about a twisty song, about a twisty song, about a twisty song, but it looks like I've been singing that song because this song is a song, that you're twisty song, that was a song about the other twisty song.
Starting point is 00:37:24 That all right, that was the other twisty song that I wrote that was about your twisty song Because you did a song about twisty's then I did a song about how much I loved your twisty's song and They're surprised surprise you did a song about that twisty song that three layers to a twisty song But they're okay right back and I did another song, I bet you twisty song, yeah twisty song, yeah a song about a twisty song, about a twisty song, about a twisty song, about a twisty song, yeah twisty song, yeah this song's about your song, which is a twisty song, about a twisty song, which is about a twisty song, which is about a twisty song about twisty song. It was a bad twisty song Wow
Starting point is 00:38:06 What's your favorite thing about twisty song? Is it the fact it's a song or is it the fact that it's a bad twisty snack? Or is it about the fact that it's a twisty song about another twisty song? twisty song Another twisty song This is a twisty song about your twisty song about my twisty song Which was a bad your twisty song So that's a song about a song about a song about a song Or twisty, or twisty This is all about twisty
Starting point is 00:38:39 I don't even like twisty I can't even eat them But do you know what I like? What? Twisty songs I like twisties, I can't even eat them. But do you know what I like? What? Twisty songs. I like twisty songs. I like twisty songs. And even more than a twisty song.
Starting point is 00:38:54 One minute left. I like a song that better twisty. Twisty song. It's a twisty song. This twisty twisty song. Because I'm twisting it about I'm making about your song You did a song! They're not in a song!
Starting point is 00:39:10 And after that song came another song about that song Which was about the first song but this song's about your song which was about the other song Which was about a different song. A song about twisties. What rhymes with twisties? Not a lot. What rhymes with song? BONG!
Starting point is 00:39:39 Wow. I didn't know you felt that way. I felt my twisties. I didn't know you felt that way. You felt my twisties. Please. Oh, back and only I thought I would have written another song. Maybe a little something like this. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Come on. When a writer's song about twisties, I didn't know that you would write a song about my song about twisties. So write a song about your song about twisties. When you wrote a song about my song about your song about twisties. You wrote a song about my song about your song about my song about twisty Forget me, you're all gone. This is my song.
Starting point is 00:40:34 This is my song about your song. This is my song about your song about my song. This song about your song about my song about your song. This is your song about your song about my song about your song about my song about about twisty twisty twisty this is a song about your song about my song, I've held my song about what? Twisties. Twisties. Twisties. Twisties.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Twisties. Twisties. Twisties. Zack. Yes, Mark? I had no idea that you felt this way. Mark, I've always loved your song, I've held my song, I've held your song, I've held my song about twisties.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And I've always loved this song about our songs, about your song, about twisties. Mark, Zach, don't you realize? What? What? All these songs are about twisties And all of these songs are songs about twisties too If this song is about twisties That's a beautiful ending But where do we tell you? Fuck off, can't That's a beautiful ending. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:26 But let me tell you, fuck off, God. Wow. I was going to, time to, gone to wrap up the show. Turn the wrap up the show. Who knows, maybe next week we'll actually get to the bloody movies. Oh what? It's been another week on the AdiDonna podcast. So we finished with our thank you for coming to the shop. Are you for coming along?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Are you for coming along?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Are you for coming along? Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Thank you for coming to the show. Thank you for coming. Thank you to allow Patreon subscribers. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming along. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You're going to come along. We've got a thankful listening again to the show. Remember to give us five star rating on the arch. I'm the podcast app. Thank you for coming in. Through this, we learned a lot this week about 9-11 and going to the movies and Detective stories and then twisties and then we had an adventure And thank you to Harry's Rises as well and
Starting point is 00:44:16 movement watches and Lute Right, Lute, right is the end of the show song at the end of the show song. At the end of the show song. What a great boy! Good night, Papa. Good night everybody. Everybody get into bed.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Have you all thanked your Patreon subscribers? We have listeners. We have Papa. Well then, it is off to bed with you. We love you, Papa. Good night. I'm off to fuck with you. We love you, Papa. Good night. I'm off to fuck your mama. Good night, Moon. Good night.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Good night, lamp. Good night. Good night, Kim Kardashian. Good night. And good night. My best friend. What? I was just saying, good night, my best friend. What?
Starting point is 00:45:09 I was just a good night my best friend. Which one? This is your best friend. No, please. You're just a little bit scared. No, you're better. Yeah, because you're playing Papa. That was a good night song. Every time I ever eat, I had to go through it all night.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Well, you know that. I didn't mean to upset you. It's gotta end sometime. You are my best friend. I'll get with the one I was talking to. Zach, you're my best friend. Brody, you're my best friend too. You're my best friend too. Ever since 9 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 o' 11 See you next week!

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