Aunty Donna Podcast - America Quiz!

Episode Date: May 30, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list of our production. Well, it's Wednesday the 30th of May and morning. You don't know that. I do. I do know that the day I looked at my calendar on my phone on my head like that. Yeah, all right fair enough. Jesus, all right.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm just always getting so bloody technical. Good morning, Zach. Yeah, hello, but do we need to be so contrary right up the top mark? My name is Mary. Mary, contrary. Before we start, things were saying, yes, we did fly to Brisbane last week.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We did go to Domino's. Mm-hmm. We did a day there. It's magical. It was beautiful. Not a full day, just the morning. Just wanna get things accurate. We wanna be accurate, then the more say a morning and an hour because we finished it one All right
Starting point is 00:01:12 He'll be a little technicalities again, but I'm just because he's being contrary doesn't mean you have to come down to his level Mary I'm just Contrarying effect to neutral yet, and that's what I'm saying You have to come back to his level, okay? Two contrary doesn't make a neutral sharing it back to neutral. Yeah, and that's what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm gonna have to come back to his level, okay? Two contrary, he doesn't make a neutral. That's what our proverb goes. To anyone.
Starting point is 00:01:31 This is not the time to go through that. We will go through that. Another time. Another time on another platform called YouTube in a series that will just do the whole Domino thing. That shaking of a coffee, up there, coffee or a guess that? What coffee is that? Farm gold, I think. Look, Starbucks. No, almond milk.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I'm an almond milk. Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on here? So you drink an almond milk, chalky milk, but you are having farmers gold, which I might say is my favorite yogurt. But when I was eating yogurt, my absolute favorite yogurt, the farmer's gold brand yogurt. I don't think I've tried this pot set. Oh, it is spectacular. You're in for a real treat. Can I ask Tom, why do you change to almond milk?
Starting point is 00:02:18 I just like to try all the new products that come through Coles. Cool. And this is the new milk product. I'm a milk quiv organic. This isn't an ad, they've just started to talk like this. I just want to make that clear. Products that come through calls cool, and this is the new milk product almond milk with organic This isn't an ad they've just started to talk like this. There's one make that clear I'm saying the tree We're not getting money from
Starting point is 00:02:34 We're not getting money from Domino's we're not getting money from almond milk. We're getting money from anywhere We are getting money from almonds Though not almond milk This episode is brought to you by almonds the nut So stick those nuts up whatever whole you like You just to be clear. We're not we're not getting any money by any like union of Arm and farmers or anything to that effect. I am sort of a joke. No, I am not like a Sam kick of it. I'm accepting Arm and money under the table
Starting point is 00:03:11 You're gonna die with the arm and people kill you. No, they're not gonna kill me. I'm doing what's meant to be done They just said just if you could just Mention almonds a couple times in your episodes Well, that's not very fair that we're not getting almonds money as well. Well, you didn't get in the meeting. I'm getting them back on track. We're going to America next week.
Starting point is 00:03:32 This is the USA trivia. We did Australia trivia. Yes. We're doing the USA trivia. Yes. All right. United States of America. No Justin out techie from America who's addicted to drugs this time
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's just you two. Oh Justin's gonna be on the road Come as well Yeah, you can see the answers. I can't say the answers. No, actually you can't It's gonna be a click through I'm worried if we go to a narrator again that Justin is gonna get me hooked on heroine Is Justin coming on this stuff? Yeah, well I don't know. I don't know. He liked an Instagram post that he did today so he said he was cruel.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Had corporate work he was going to do that instead. As would I. What a dog. As would I. Dog in the boys. Alright, yeah. Just what would you drop? What would you drop American tour for? What kind of job would you drop it for?
Starting point is 00:04:27 Broden a babe you drop it for a babe. Yeah, yeah, damn a babe. Some day. So no he would drop it for a babe I'm a classy guy. I drop it for a game. Wow. That's amazing. I'm not gonna. I'm a damn Judy dance. That's incredible Dame Maggie Smith. Dame Maggie Smith. All them, Dame. Dame Edmonds. Oh my God. Don't let don't let that's a man in a costume. Anyone out there who works at cinemas or theaters do not let Zach into tea with the games.
Starting point is 00:04:58 The new movie coming out, he will treat that movie in a program. I will. I will. I will, it's not a good movie. He will be bringing his own blanket to that premiere. Blanket, you understand, but blanket. You mention that far too quickly. What do you mean? I don't, I don't know the ways to cover masturbation
Starting point is 00:05:23 in a cinema like that. You famously said you're not a great improviser. And suddenly you're just like, you know, I don't know how to improvise this. I don't know how to improvise this. You bring a blanket to a cinema to masturbate. I don't know how to improvise. That's the only logical, it's just logic, that's not improvisation. You could bring, I would bring four popcorn boxes, one for each side, one for the front,
Starting point is 00:05:50 and one for the top, and create sort of a masturbation hut. I'd only need three popcorn boxes. I would just masturbate in my pants. One for the shaft and one for each testicle. That's true. But how, no, I'm listening to Nintendo's mechanics of that. But the first question is The winner by the way
Starting point is 00:06:08 Is this about popcorn box covering dicker? Is this the question and trivia America? Can you pass the ultimate US trivia quiz? Is this the will we if we don't get these right will we not be allowed in? No, no, we've got visas. We've got. We'll see, because I hear they got someone in power in there who isn't keen on immigrants. And can I just say thank you to our Patreon for organizing those visas. Thank you to our patrons for hooking them up.
Starting point is 00:06:39 What? We went on our Patreon. Not Patreon. Yeah, we went on our Patreon and we said, hey Patreon, we need some visas and you guys did us a solid, so thank you so much for that. I don't understand where you're going with this. I just think it's funny to start thinking Patreon and people for things. Oh yeah, yeah, that's good. I like this. Yeah. Well, thank you Patreon for this quiz. Thank you for this quiz.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Which of these wasn't one of the original 13 colonies? No, no. I mean one of those ones. This I like this. Is it A? But just before you go on, don't think this is getting you away from the fact that we all know you masturbate in cinemas now. Will you be active? your way from the fact that we all know you masturbate in cinemas now. I've admitted on this podcast to masturbate while driving at 100 kilometres an hour on
Starting point is 00:07:30 our way. Do you think that that's any slight on my character that I masturbate in cinemas? Well, it's ruined a comedy career in the US. Well, I've never done it in cinemas. That's not in public. A private cinema, if you were like a millionaire. Well, I would say my home is a cinema. And I was talking about, I think you go to a multiplex,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you buy $25 worth of popcorn and coke, and you masturbate vigorously in the back corner. I only do that one I've also bought about $2,500 worth of tickets, I buy out the cinema. I may or may not have received a hand job in a cinema. It's different. All right. It's different.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I've done some heavy, I've done some heavy petting in a cinema. I've done some heavy petting in a cinema. Let's name a mouth. Do I have to be this? No, that's fine. No, I will Connecticut Vermont South Carolina I'm gonna go South Carolina. I'll go Vermont. I will also go Vermont I have to click one so I guess I clicked Vermont and then we find out yeah, oh you have to wait to the end. Oh, no
Starting point is 00:08:44 This is a Buzz end. Oh, no. Is this a Buzzfeed quiz? No. No, we're all gone. We're going to have to go through and put in unanimous orders from which one? Then we can't have a winner. No, but then we can wrestle. No, we can do a point. They're like searching fans about team work. Do I meet a rider down in my in my bed? Yeah, right. Then your notes. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll just put down my thumbhouse gold. I think we just know. I think we just all say we all say what we think. And then you just pick one randomly. And it tells you what the winner is then, yeah. So even if you get it wrong on the computer,
Starting point is 00:09:25 you'll know what the right answer is. I won't know, it's gonna tell me at the end, Eric. So it's not telling us what you know. Well, it put a tick. This is why I normally organize the quizzes, but. Yeah. No, you don't. You're too busy with your farmhouse gold, delicious yogurt.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, it does. Every single one of one is getting sponsored. Didn't like the almond milk? It's quite bitter, but I'm just warming into it. Can I have it right now? I've written down in that. No, I don't. What has a higher population?
Starting point is 00:09:56 What has a higher population? In population? More than people. Do you know what I mean? People. I hope not the cinemas that mark masturbated in. Oh, I didn't masturbate in the movie theater. I'm very open and honest about my masturbating efforts. What's the difference between hand job and mutual masturbation? Someone else
Starting point is 00:10:16 is masturbating next to you. Yeah, it's really sick for me. Oh, that takes like shit Tom. I wasn't gonna say that. It's too hand job. It's not amazing. That's fucking horrific. There's three things in the world. There's masturbation. There's fingering. And then there's mutual masturbation, which can be masturbation and fingering as one. It can be masturbation, masturbation in one. I'm sorry, I asked. Or it can be fingering and fingering.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Have you ever not knotted off next to someone while they're not not two Have you ever met? What I'd rather not go into it on the podcast you don't have to but no you don't have to go into it But it's just a yes or no question that is that would be going into it that Nuturally messed about no, that would just be answering it going into it would be the details the names The names we don't know who you age. We're not gonna go whether I've done that or not Is detail I cuz I I have have you ever I'm not going into it But I have you've admitted to having been what has the higher population
Starting point is 00:11:16 Alaska or Washington DC Where I was really big isn't that yeah, so that probably Washington DC that seems like a trick question. I would say Washington DC. Also Alaska doesn't have a huge population. I will go Alaska and you guys can go that way. I will tell you my mutual masturbation. Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River? Right, do we?
Starting point is 00:11:37 So they don't give you any indication? We'll find out at the end, or they will never tell us, we'll just get a sedge. And this will have been a waste of time. Where is the mouth? What I also love is your dedication to getting to the questions on a quiz that may not come to anything. I'm a driven man. That's how I got to where I am. That's it.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Did you drive today? No, I walked. This... Mississippi. Missouri. What's the question? On the way to the Anna. What's the question? Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River? I'm going to say Louisiana. Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Where is that sweet mouth? These are complete guesses so far for me. I want to know where that's sweet mouth. Where is that sweet mouth? Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River? Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River? Yeah. And what's the state?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Mississippi. Missouri. Missouri. Those there. I don't know, Louisiana. More importantly, where them sweet lips of the Mississippi mouth. For kissing. I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Probably with it. I love heavy petting. What is the highest mountain in the United States? Everest. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Rainier. Nope. Mount Hood. Nope. Mount McKinley. Nope. We're really like going hard. We're like stopping the comedy to do this quiz. There's no comedy happening between the questions and we don't know the answers Mount Rushmore never is satisfying about this list never risk Mount Everest is not a option well then the quiz is broken highest mountain in the Romania Mount Hood mountain-kindly or Mount Rushmore I
Starting point is 00:13:21 Stick with my original answer the highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest or K2. Rainier? K2 is the second highest mountain in the world. Haven't you seen vertical limit? New Mexico shares a border with which date? Which bond do you go? Right right right right. I like to change my answer to the obvious answer to Mount Everest. I was going to get a joke. Mount Rushmore. Here's my question. Mount Rushmore is your... Of course.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Have you ever seen that in pictures? Huge. It's like slightly taller than half a torso. Alright. Yeah, sorry. Then lock that in. I have seen it compared to people in front of it. Well, then I'll find Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Mount Rushmore is not as tall as a man. So Zach and I have said it Mount Rushmore. And it is taller than a man. I've seen every photo I've seen. You've seen the statue, the men. Every photo I've seen, there's been four men standing in front of it.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And they are just half a torso in a head and it's not much taller than them. I don't think you understand what Mount Rushmore is. New Mexico shares a border with which states. South Carolina. That's not an option. This is the worst quiz ever. No, you don't know that. It's not finished and you don't know the answers. But I don't know what I'm really going to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but what I can do,
Starting point is 00:14:44 I'll do that. Although I threw to the end and then if it gives you the answers then we have the answers And then we're all having a good talk. What I what I can doing that and while you do that we'll talk about marks Proclivities no what movie no well I was I did some heavy penny not talking about the heavy penny No, because that's all I've ever done. I've never done, I've never slipped. No fingers, no digits have ever been slipped. In, in, if you see in a movie with Mark, you might be in for some heavy padding, depending if that's the way it goes, if that's the kind of movie that we're watching.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Very funny. I had to tell a couple, a young teenage couple, to stop heavy padding once when I worked at the cinema. It was up there for awkward excuses. Yeah, it would have been horrible. But it was in the credits, the movie was over. The movie had finished and they were still like... It's the only chance some young kids get.
Starting point is 00:15:36 They have Christian families. And I walked up to them and I was like, excuse me, I have to clean the cinema and they were like, I'm sorry. I was a young Italian boy Strict Catholic Italian family. I wasn't allowed to bring home girls stuck in them So we have to go dark rooms go to the movies love actually a lot of heavy pet nint nap I did I had a bit of a past during Tom's Tom's Dave Dave who cinema
Starting point is 00:16:04 Cinema performance Tom's, Tom's, Dave, Daveu cinema performance. Cinema performance. Not, not babe, big in the city, what's it called? Oh, Charlotte's web. Charlotte's web. You were making it in Charlotte's web. Well, you know, you did. You're gonna do what you're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:16:16 That was the movie that was on. I know, I also made out a lot in Troy, the retelling of the Iliad starring Brad Pitt. Yeah, don't think so, and Eric Banner, long movie, boring movie, lot of tongue. That was a long movie. I love to the opening scene. It's quite good.
Starting point is 00:16:35 The horse took me by surprise. I didn't know that we're gonna be in there. I love that twist. I was like, we're just giving him a gift. This is so sweet. What the fuck? I killed his new bitch! I just had a funny thought. I'll get to it later. What are the quiz questions, bro?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Alright, I've got some good news. That's okay, I just had a funny thought. Mm-hmm. What was it? I don't want to share, I just had a funny thought. Mm-hmm. What was it? I don't want to share, I just... I was just letting us know when we have funny thoughts. I just want that I thought I could easy to the fight car. I got it truly.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Oh, I had another one. Oh, that's a good one. Proud of him. I've got some good news, I've got some bad news. I imagine. Can I just guess what the good or the bad news is? I want to guess kind of the structure of the good news, bad news. I think this is the sort of good news, bad news where the good news is closer to neutral
Starting point is 00:17:40 news and the bad news kind of renegs that. So it could just be broken to us as bad news the good news is unnecessary Yeah, that is that a good guess No, I'm not sure. No, it's a good guess bad news my good news Well, you'll see Bad news is an old love has reented your life And it's made you question
Starting point is 00:18:08 several things about the direction that your life has gone and you're not sure exactly what's going on there for you anymore you've got some hurdles to jump now that this old this old love has come back into your spectrum of Emotionality, this is my good news bad news. I cannot before I don't before you do. Yeah, I've just got a very funny follow up to Mark's joke there In my head. Yeah, yeah, I don't want to share it that lighter lighter good news bad news. Oh I got a bad news. I got a funny thought for the good news you want to share it no no I just had it some things we like to get some those we just get some
Starting point is 00:18:53 good Catholic boys keep it in I'm more I'll tell you that oh you're good funny it's blue Okay Good news bad news with Broden Kelly La la la la la la la News bad news good news bad news with Broden Kelly Good news bad news. I'm here with Mark Manano. We're so excited for the announcement of the good news the bad news with Broding Kelly. Now we have been speculating all afternoon about what could the good news be and what could the bad news be but not only what order will he tell us in because a lot of people go do you want the good news first of the bad news first and a lot of people say
Starting point is 00:19:50 the bad news first and I can end on the good news but we know with broken cally it's sometimes he likes to give the good news first and then the bad news second and today john we have no idea what we're going to get now mark I'm john your mark I've I've commented I've I've seen a lot of good news bad news announcements you've done a lot of them yourself and about it uh... this is quite unprecedented we we're hearing a lot of things uh... coming out of out of broden's office in particular a lot of his staff as a saying this is an exciting good news bad used and the i just can't wait to get Broden Kelly on the phone, find out exactly what the good
Starting point is 00:20:28 news is. And then what the bad news is, because once we know, here's the thing that I love about good news bad news, right? Depending on what he tells us first, if he tells us the good news first. Mark obviously our expert on good news bad news, he's done about 15 announcements in his career. Of course, everyone knows me as the good news bad news guy announced so, Broding Kelly is the good news bad news guy.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Now, the thing I love about good news bad news is that once we find out what the good news is, immediately after we're going to find out what the bad news is, which is so exciting, but alternatively sometimes, sometimes when we find out what the bad news is, right after, we're going to hear that good news. Now Mark, you popularized the form of good news bad news. That's an announcement. Where you actually created a degree of space between the good news and the bad news announcement, tried to create a sense of separate announcements.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yes. Do you think Broden's going to bring this or do you think he's going to go for a more traditional announcement? I have no idea. That is a great person. Now Broden is an author, which is what makes him so exciting. Sometimes he'll bring up that good news and it will just fill you with such joy and such excitement.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You don't know what to do with it, but the bad news can cut you down to the core. So it really all depends on the level and extent of which the good news, of which the good of the good news is and the bad of which the bad news is because it could be horrible news and excellent news or it could just be okay news and met news. You know what I'm saying? Hello, I'm a representative of Broden Kelly and I just like to have some news on the good news, bad news announcement. Fantastic. the actual news announcement is that the bad news will be read first the bad news will be read
Starting point is 00:22:10 Oh my god a huge huge update here a good news bad news representative of broding callies What was what was your name pickle? Dicking Tom Tom Tom I thought it was pickle Dicking so Tom mark So Tom, Mark and John, okay. Tom, Mark and John, so Tom has come to us with a exciting announcement about the Good News Bad News. And that is, is that the bad news will be read first. Now, this is obviously a big surprise. I'm changing. A lot of the pundits were placing a lot of money
Starting point is 00:22:40 on the Good News being read first. We've got about 250,000 people gathered today to hear the good news bad news around the nation. And I think if you were to do a straw poll amongst the people, I think you were going to get a lot of people assuming, even not even thinking about it, but assuming that the good news would come first. This is broadened seventh good news bad news news announcement Except for his second one and that was very Particular circumstances. He's always open with the good news So this is very exciting and a little bit concerning why is he changing his form?
Starting point is 00:23:14 And I don't want to be assuming and I don't want to be Amy Humoring either. No What doesn't want to Amy Schumer Whenever once the Amy Schumer anything. she's a wonderful comedian and incredible person, but you never wanna Amy Schumer a good news bad news. Now Amy Schumer of course is a term that has come into the good news bad news community long before the comedian, it's quite a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Amy Schumering is of course deciding what the good news or the bad news is. You know what? Before you hear it. Let's Amy Schumerist. Let's Amy Schumer this good news or the bad news is. You know what? Or you hear it. Let's aim a Schumer. Let's aim a Schumer this good news, bad news. Because I want to know what your thoughts are going to be on what the bad news is and the bad news is coming first.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Isn't that right, Tom? Correct. Correct. Now, obviously, he's got news. Oh, he's got news. Okay. He said, wait a second, wait a second, hold the phone. Boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Okay. Recent update on the good news, bad news is not only does Brunnen Kelly wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait good sunbed okay so we've got bad news coming first we've got good news then we've got news some good sunbad now mark obviously all the expert here but we can't be sure that the uh... the news the general news is separate piece of news separate to the good and the bad news or if it is the the overall thought process applying to the entire news of the day. Look, obviously I don't think he's going to be talking about world issues, bro, to always kept it local. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I suspect it's going to be related to the quiz from earlier in the podcast. Or potentially something about the NBA drafts. So it could be about the NBA drafts. That's Mark, the expert Mark. You've done more good news, bad news announcements than I have. Mark here is saying it's about the NBA drafts. I have personally, I've got actually money on this.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Do you? Yes, I've got money on the fact that it will be about the quiz earlier in the podcast. Zach, allow me to take my years of experience and put them into practice right now because the best thing about good news bad news is that we just need to let the person who's going to give the good news bad news, give it at a time when they least expect it. Now, before we do that, Mark, I do just want to play a clip of...
Starting point is 00:25:37 Is that my good news bad news? Well, I did just want to play a clip of the last time you announced good news bad news. Well, I did just want to play a clip of the last time you announced good news bad news This was a big announcement back in 2014 And I'm really an exciting one before he came out of retirement. So let's hear a little bit of a clip This is Broden announcing the good news part of the good news bad news in 2014 Hello Everyone This is obviously a pre-911 world 2014 Hello everyone This is obviously a pre-911 world
Starting point is 00:26:10 Post no prick what year is it 2014 would have been great to set you up as a It's 2014 2014 and we're here Very excited for Broughton to give us his good news. Followed directly, I imagine, by his bad news. Broughton, please, whenever you're ready. I want you. It's 2014. This is one of the first times you've been reading Good News Bad News. So I'm very excited for you to give us the good news bad news. Take that away at your leisure because my favorite thing about good news bad news yeah is that when we get the good news yeah then we get the bad news or sometimes you could do bad
Starting point is 00:26:53 news followed by the good news depends on what the news is and that's what I love about Broden and that's what I love about this segment Broden's been on the road Broden's been on a bit of a winning streak with the good news bad news and this is his last piece of good news bad news before his coming retirement. I know and I've heard about his time and I never stated about it. So good news bad news with Broden Cali. So excited. We've got Mark. We've got Tom. Fuck it out. We have got John in the studio. Tom. Yeah. Do you know anything about this good news bad news before we get to it? Do you have any updates on it? No, no updates on the good news bad news before we get to it do you have any updates on it? No no updates on the good news bad news so this is a bit of a mixed bag
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, last time we had a mixed bag with Broden Kelly on good news bad news was about 2009 No, no, no, it was 1999 my forgiveness for myself for making a mistake Why don't we go back before we get to Before we get to Good News here, why don't we go back and listen to that clip from 1999 a Broden Cali, where in Good News bad news for the first time. Let's go to that now Here we are, here we are, Frodan has just said hello to the audience. He said thank you for coming. And he said put away your phones. For some reason people have brought their phones from home.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Now, I just want to say, now this is a very, very special good news, bad news. It's 1999, the world is just a joyous place. It's a very happy place. The Cold War is over. We are not afraid to go outside. So many great things have come back. I don't want to interrupt. We have just heard, all right, I've got some good news, some bad news from Broden down in the back. We know what time it's for. It's time for good news, bad news with Broden Kelly, but there is a difference this time.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I know the good news, bad news. I've got some bad news. And that Kelly but there is a difference this time. I know the good news bad news. I've got some bad news. And that has never happened before. Okay, so we've just heard I know that I've got some bad news first. Before we get to the bad news. Yeah, bad news. Before we get to the bad news. Second time Broden's a real rookie if I do just want to say Broden is a real rookie here in the good news bad news announcement. This is the second time he's ever done it. He really showed some form last time and let's let's see what he does, but he's really mixed feelings up. Well the thing about that there are some similarities between his first time and his second time. The second time I know what the good news bad news is. You know he usually
Starting point is 00:29:13 commentators slowly fade out when when when the action starts. It's very hard for them to actually interrupt what they're saying. What do you mean? Yeah I know. What who mean? Us. Us. what they're saying. What do you mean? Yeah, I know. What who mean? Us. Us. Let's look back at Broden's first ever good news, bad news, read, which I believe was in 1992 just after the release of six years off. Six years off. Seven. He shot a lot of profits. Six or seven years off. Let's have a look at that clip. What year is it 91? 91? Two. I do just want to say. Well, well, I'm not sure. Brody has done the research. Every time. It's access. It's 91. I say it's 92. Let's listen to the clip and then we'll find out. It's 1992.
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's 1991. There you go. It was 1991. Mark said 91. This is, thank you for joining us on Radio Nation 1. We've got some good news, a bad news. So, I've got some good news. Get a good phone quiz. We've got some good news. I don't have time. It's great to say hi.
Starting point is 00:30:17 My name is Zach. I'm here. I'm the commentator. I mean, I'm John. I'm a commentator for Good News, Bad News. We've got here for the first time in the studio just retired last year in 1990. The wonderful, very exciting Mark Bonanna. You've been in a Good News bad news announcer for 15 times, but 32 years. That's right. Are you excited to see this newbie at work?
Starting point is 00:30:44 There's some great things out of the amateur circuit. What are your thoughts? I'm very, you excited to see this newbie at work? There's some great things out of the amateur circuit. What are your thoughts? I'm very, very excited to hear Bronning Kelly. I've never met before, but I haven't listened to his demos, and my God, was there a lot of good news bad news on there. Of course, Bronning recorded a number of demos on cassette tape, as is the tradition with good news bad news announces. They a number of demos that's how they move from the amateur scene into into the big arena we've got I think 43,000 people here today this is a record for a first time good news I like what you do the answer it's very exciting very big numbers And I can't wait to hear what he's got to say. All right, I got some good news.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I got some bad news. Do you want to be speak? Yeah, of course. It's your first segment. He's just said, are you going to let me speak to the audience? A very interesting way to open. All right, the news is, of course, he's going to open with good news as most newbies do. Bill Clinton is the new president of America.
Starting point is 00:31:52 That's great news. I've voted for him. That news is the TWA Declare's bankruptcy. Oh, no. That is terrible news. Fantastic work there from Brody and Cali announcing it. That's the trail. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:32:08 That was his good news in 1991. Here we are. And it was incredible. And look at how far you've come. And here we are in 1999. Yeah. I got some good news. We got Brody and Cali good news, bad news in 1999.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You know it. You know the figures. You know the format. They've been doing it. Bill, he's only done one and then he took seven years off. I know he's good news or bad news. But we replayed it a lot. It was very good.
Starting point is 00:32:33 So here we are. There's been a lot of rumors that he's going to open with the bad news for. Yeah. Bill Clinton's been acquitted. Oh, wow. I don't know if it's good news or bad news. Well, I'd like to p pent as you voted. That news for Kelly is hard right? He's a hard right voter. So team that good news. I got good news. And the good news. And the good news is
Starting point is 00:32:59 SpongeBob Squarepants is premiering. Oh and I love that that show. I've seen every episode. I've not seen SpongeBob Squarepants obviously. It's gonna be great. You've been given some tapes. I really trust him. They took me down to the Nickelodeon HQ, showed me every episode and then at the end of it, they dropped the bunch of slime on me. Here we are in 2014. 9? 9. 2000 and yeah, we did that Here we are in 2014 obviously we just heard a clip of the controversial Second read I still have open Revealed that he's hard right voter
Starting point is 00:33:42 Open with negative and Revealed that he's hard right voter Brodans for retirement retirement Bad news Good news first Good news first face on the good news first Good you go to bad news good news, but we just we step Well then you've made a mistake because this is bad news first That's what we just said no, we established oh wait are we back to now?
Starting point is 00:34:11 No, it's just 2014 2014 bad news first was that in 2014? I don't know what you said in your own little media box, but this is what happened you 2014 I said bad news. No, you only once said bad news first. Hey, hey, hey, let Broden run his fucking segment. All right before we go on I do need a fact check from Aunty Donnefak check. I do need a fact check from Aunty Donnefak check. You've been your super rude. Broden has been doing this. This is his, I can't countless times.
Starting point is 00:34:47 He's brought us good news. This is his retirement. Good news, bad news announcement. He's only ever once done a bad news. Good news. Order. Yes. That was his second time in 1999. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Rumors are in three years. He'll come out of retirement and do another one. This is bad news. First, it is. Well, then I've got it here. in three years he'll come out of retirement and do another one. This is bad news first. It is. Well then, I've got it here. Well then, you know, the old country saying spill the beans. We're listening.
Starting point is 00:35:16 All right, you ready for this? I feel like I've upset you by doing bad news first. Well, because it just doesn't go with the chronologic chronology. You don't want to the chronologic chronology. We said something yes, but but we have been doing this for 27 years now. I just I just worry that in the future if I say anything to contradict this That's you can prevent that now you can go forward in the future and there can be a reason for you saying it if you did say it I'll give you some content. Oh, yeah, that's good. Wait If you're saying it, if you did say it. I'll give you some tips on the game.
Starting point is 00:35:42 You know what I mean? Oh yeah, that's good. Wait. Uh. Uh. Okay, let's hear it out. Let's hear it out. I got some bad news.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I got some good news. 2014. Let's go. A plane. A Malaysian airline plane has gone missing. Missing. And we feel the worst. Mm hmm. The good news is statistically that won't happen again soon from Malaysian Airlines.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Well, there was at the time in award winning good news bad news announcement, at a since emerged that was actually a double whammy of bad news announcement at a since emerged that that was actually a double whammy of bad news that was a bad news bad news and that's why I didn't count it when I said he's only announced bad news once and a lot of people in the text line were confused about that statement but I just wanted to clarify that has since been rewritten in the record books as a bad news bad news announcement what's interesting about broad and hell is bad news bad news good news bad news announcement. What's interesting about Brunner's bad news, bad news, bad news, good news, good news segments is that he's always, all of those stories, once he's announced, them have been three to six months old. Brunner doesn't usually find out about things until a little later on. He doesn't really concentrate. So the reason we don't sound too
Starting point is 00:37:03 surprised during the segments is we're sort of pandering to him because we're both of us had heard about these things on our Facebook pages weeks and weeks and weeks before. I just want to say to that before you go on I'm so sorry. But obviously when you're working at the professional level you can't be dealing with hot fresh good news, bad news. Although we have heard a lot of rumors that Broden will be talking about something very recent with this announcement. That's not the pro level.
Starting point is 00:37:35 It takes months to form the good news bad news announcement. I do just want to say that I don't think that's an excuse because when I go to Bakers the light, I'm dealing with hot fresh veggie might scroll. If you're dealing with hot fresh breads. So if Bakers the Light can get it right, I just don't understand why we're not holding ourselves to that level. I just want to say in 1986 I believe one of your most famous good news bad news announcements was related to the release of a film from the late 70s. It was about the Academy Awards for the Film Network. That was something like six, seven years. Famously
Starting point is 00:38:15 the longest distance between good news and an announcement. But a fantastically formed announcement, I don't understand. All I'm saying is that recently I went to Bakers Delight. I had a delicious finger bun. Fresh bread. Yeah, I had a finger bun. I had some fresh bread. And I was like... I've really not in a cinema.
Starting point is 00:38:34 You think your bum? I don't know if it wasn't in a cinema. I've fingered my bum in the cinema. You tell me. You fingered your bum in a cinema. Yes. What? Heavy for play? You guys know I'm I'm heavy for play
Starting point is 00:38:49 Brody's heavy for play bad news good news now obviously this good news bad news announcement is brought to you by Bakers the light and the And arm and My glasses brought to you by Arbans the in-world all right. No in-world almonds as well. Wow. That's the deal I signed you are such a dog the in-world. All right. No, in-world almonds as well. Wow. That's the DLS signs. You are such a dog. That's the money I'm taking now, I in-world out-world almond promotion.
Starting point is 00:39:12 So Broden's walking up to the lectern and he's got a good coming. I know. Thank you. I'm for his. Thank you all for coming to my good news, news speech thank you or as it is today bad news good news so obviously we were right with that information it is bad quiet please quiet from the media shushing some people in the old- Exactly. That's a sack. Be quiet up in the media box. Some, uh, aggression.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I said, shush. I said, shush. Shush. I won't tell you again, Zack. I've been very quiet through this whole video. You too. Just doing some of that, like, commentator filling that they do, you know how I fill in the gas.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Here is the bad news. Bad news from Broding Kelly. The quiz that we were doing never showed the answers. Bad news. You went through and it's all the buttons. And then it just told me I got eight out of 30, right? There's some shock amongst the audience, this definitely is bad news. A large portion of the podcast that we were doing at the time was irrelevant. Are you supposed to learn with a quiz like that is my question, Zach? Tom? However, John Deep, we will analyze after the an announcement the darkest Oh, I just realized it's always just before the door
Starting point is 00:40:52 Here I love this order. I'm a big fan of it for this reason. It's the good news I'm so broken by the bad news. It's like we've wasted our time and then I forgot completely that of course the good news is coming Here is the good news quiet Zach. news is coming here is the good news Quiet Zack he's repeated here is the good news twice a famous move from Broden and also he's just said quiet You're talking in the media box obviously just quietly dipping in and Where is it do we have a theme directly to his I can hear you you're very loud which is very quietly whispering I feel like it's a bit weird must ourselves so I can hear you you're very loud which is very quietly whispering I feel like what's going on? It's a bit of a must ourselves
Starting point is 00:41:25 So I can fucking hear you What commentators do they do little they do little in's between the bad news man has the hearing of an eagle We are over 500 meters away from him I'm trying to do like half sentences is the max really going in for big conversation good news Is just before you do that, bro. I'm sorry, I just have it you there, man. What? I'm sorry, I took a stab with your full sentence thing. Oh, I thought we were just having a conversation. Yeah, but there is the good news.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I just wanted to do the little in it little lens, you know, like this, like, here is the good news. The seventh time he said that now, and here we go, like that. But I understand you wanted to have a chat and I'm very long sentence What you're doing I know I'm aware of that but you said I'm just trying to do short sentences And then you went on and did like two three sentences. Yeah, that's why I'm apologizing because I know that by apologizing I've become a hypocrite so I'm sorry for being a hypocrite. It's a bit of a circular as long as you know it's only became a hypocrite by Apologizing yeah, what are you calling? What do you call? I only became a hypocrite by apologizing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:25 What are you calling a hypocrite? What are you calling a... Brodyn's gone off topic here. What are you calling a gang member in the 90s who wore red and then wore blue and then changed to blue. What would you call that? Muscapone you don't. A hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:42:41 A hypocrite. Very good. Very good. I think it's very good. Yeah. It's the good news. Good news coming up. Mark, I want you to know that I love you the best commentator.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Now you're the one who is talking. Zach. Yeah, I know, I've said that. I'm willing to break my own rules to tell my brother that I love here. Here's the good news. It's the 18th time, Broden said, here's the good news. The good news is I found the new quiz that I love here. Here's the good news. It's the 18th time, Broden said here's the good news. The good news is I found the new quiz that we can do. Yay!
Starting point is 00:43:09 Next question one. No, we don't have time. There was the good news, bad news announcement from Broden Kelly. We're here with the good news bad news after show. With stuff, some upstroke. We're here with the good news bad news after show This is the show where we break down exactly what the good news was and what the bad news was and how we can use that move forward to be better people But first a word from our sponsor Tom loves stroke is Pocos really long. It's really good
Starting point is 00:43:46 Get around inside out on milk organic cow That's what I like it should be Tell mom's gonna give you a share of that almond money baby That's how you earn yourself some sweet under the table Do the trivia next week. We'll do the trivia next week. We'll do the trivia next week. All right, bye. Bye. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by
Starting point is 00:44:13 See you next week. MUSIC you

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