Aunty Donna Podcast - Aunty Donna The Album Review

Episode Date: April 4, 2018

Pls pre order our album dropping this friday: See us live: Support us on patreon: The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. And welcome to the review show where we review albums. You're here with your three hosts for this evening please say your names before we get into reviewing the new Arnidonna comedy album called the album and your host you say your name and this one over here And the third wacky character we have is... Mark Bonanno. That's crazy. That's, oh, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:51 And now let the reviewing of the album commence. You got to hide your voice. Hello, Ben Mendelssohn. Get hide your mark, he's going, mate. Good, thanks, mate. I did listen to the album this week, mate. I did. I did listen to the album this week. I've been listening to it for a long time I was a part of I was a part of the recording of it. I'm seeing on several tracks. That's pretty cool, mate. Yes. How you didn't talk to the cops did you mate about what? You know what I'm talking about. No, man. I didn't talk I didn't talk to the kids tell me you're right I mean mate tell me you did I didn't talk to the cops mate sure mate. I'm sure I'm sure mate
Starting point is 00:01:37 You're right. I Love the album. I gave it for animal kingdoms out of a possible four. Oh My favorite songs on it were the ones about about um silly cats that are people mate. That's that's me. Yeah nice mate. That's me. Yeah, nice mate. That's me. What was your favourite song on the album? The mic? Frog, right?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Hello, I'm a frog. Yes. Well, actually, I'm quite good friends with the members of Antidoma. They invited me in for listening to a lot of the recording sessions and I loved, I also loved the cat song being a frog. I thought, oh that's lovely. What, how do you, what does, why did you like the cat song being a frog? Well I said you should make this song about frogs and they said we're not going to do that frog man. You know, this is a song about cats, but it's close, it's close enough.
Starting point is 00:02:48 You know, I have an affinity to other people in the animal kingdom being a frog. Oh, the animal kingdom. Yeah mate, that's a film I started mate. You know, we didn't actually get animal kingdom where I'm from. Where is that? Kragy bird. It was a little bit weird. But we did get Star Wars and you were great at animal kingdom. And with my launching pad to move into the American market, did you know that?
Starting point is 00:03:13 I did, though, that, yes. I did, it feels like a place beyond the pines. Oh. And then I did the Star Wars movie where I created the dish, though. I also thought you were fantastic in season 3 of the album I watched. Oh, cheers mate. Although I thought it could have done with more frogs. What way would you... into what way would you think corporate frogs into the distra, I think 2000's drama love my way mate. Well I thought there was a scene where you got back on the drugs, right was a scene where you were off the drugs and you got back on the drugs and you're walking around and I thought
Starting point is 00:03:52 wouldn't this be a great scene for him to go to a swamp. It was a very dramatic scene you'd let down Claudia Carvin why not go to a swamp and talk to a frog friend. What are some of your favorite movies, Frog Men? For me? Yeah. I love all the Muppets movies. Not in those movies. No, I'm so sorry. I do love all the Muppets movies. And what character do you connect with the most in the Muppets movies? I'm probably the frog character. Cermet? Cermet the frog here. Although I've recently, I do get a little bit offended by him because he's actually played
Starting point is 00:04:33 by a human. Oh, I thought you were offended by him because he fucks pigs. No. No. I'll tell you how far from here. Oh. Okay. I'm sorry, I'm not a lot of the capital city. Oh. Okay. I was saying that a lot.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Hey, boy. More favourite character from the Muppets Peppa, the King Prawn. Yeah. Ah! Did you know that? No, I didn't know that. More favourite character. I'm...
Starting point is 00:05:00 Ben Mendelsohn. Yeah, mate. Your star's green's large and small. You're a star of the stage. Have you ever considered a starry, it a swamp? I did just consider that, yeah mate. I wanted to play sort of a downtrodden fellow who's had run into the cops.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Could you do my- Could you do my favourite blind one of any movie? Yeah, right. Which is hello, I'm a frog. What movie is it from? I have. That's my new film. That's my new film. I'm a frog. That's available now on YouTube. This code is called on the frog. Yes. And it opens. I say hello. I'm a frog. And what has the lines been filmed in my life?
Starting point is 00:05:51 This line. It's just a fly fly on the wall document tree. It was made by a fly. Sorry. The problem was kept eating the fly. I did see people in the vlog. There are a lot of a lot of documentaries. Oh my. Funny bug. That of documentaries. Oh my, funny bug is mate, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:06:06 That's really funny. No, that's true. I did eat a lot of the flies. How many flies did you eat in your film? They're being frog. Seven? But this is seven director flies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I also ate a number of other flies, but those are seven directors. So the film had to have seven directors. A lot of the other flies were members of that flies family. Yeah, right. It was very traumatic experience for him. But he is, could you say that one for me? Which line of games I am a frog. Yeah, mate. Do you need context?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, where am I? I do. Who what where what? You're in a swamp. You're in a swamp. You're in a swamp? OK. Am I a frog?
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yes. Yes. Well, a frog band. Frog band. More exactly than an entail, mate. It's sort of not quite a frog. Not quite a band. That's why I like to catch a show.
Starting point is 00:07:04 The catch show? Well, your little professor was good. Yes. Yeah, a lot cat. Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you? Did you I actually can't answer that question. Why? For possible reason. Could you have a note answer either? I don't remember anything before the seventh birthday. Because before I am a great teacher. Before I am a from Australia to Australia. Yeah. Yeah. And I was adopted by a lovely frog couple.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah. Do you come from a war-torn country, mate? Yes. Why? Why? Why have you chosen me? I don't want to talk about it. Okay, here's me. I'll do the line and what was the line again, mate? Hello, I'm a frog. Oh, good day there, mate. I'm a frog. Wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Now can you do, can we get some girls in here from Batman? I had an accident for that one. Yeah, I feel. Can we get some girls in here? That's making me duck not right. Can we get some girls in here? That's my awesome Batman. Now, man. Mark, could you do
Starting point is 00:08:46 Abba Steupordow tell him? Just him as Mark Banana? Yeah. I'm a Steupordow Italian man. I have Sam. Can you ladies. Hello ladies. You can someone make that a ringtone. Just seem going. Hello ladies. That's a great message tone. Mark, what was your favorite song on the album, mate?
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's okay, you can tell me, mate. Come here buddy, hey, look at me, mate. I'm looking at you. Come here me mate. I'm looking at you. I'm gonna. Yeah Don't cry. I'm not crying. I'm not crying All right, mate. I need you to get me a car mate. What? You get me an old Falcon. Okay Scram me a Falcon mate. Just leave it in the front car front drive way. You want a boost a car? Yeah, mate. You want a boost car? Yeah mate. You do that for me mate.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Ah. All right, frog man, do you want to come? Ah sure. All right. Give me some, um, give me some lollies as well mate. Well, what do you do want the, you like the natural confectionery companies, uh, Salabez, that are. No daddy, don't eat, don't. Don't chop the dinosaur down.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Can I just say a dinosaur? I've always struggled with that ad because there's another fucking 20 lollies in the bag. No, don't chop the dinosaur, Daddy. What do you mean? Well, there's so many lollies in the bag. Why are they chopping every lolly? Because she thinks they're real. She thinks they're shinning things. Yeah, so why are they chop a good half to share? Well, why don't they just have two lollies? I guess she doesn't deserve a whole lolly. But I'm pretty sure they chop two lollies in the space of the ad. So why don't they just have two lolly? Otherwise you wouldn't have the line don't chop the dinosaur daddy. Well that line doesn't, you know, if you can't make the line work, don't do the line.
Starting point is 00:10:47 A better line is opening a film with I am a frog. It's very big. Is that what you're trying to say? Well, I looked, I looked straight down the barrel of the camera and I say, hello, my name was Frogman and I'm a frog. It is a music star. Yeah, and then it shots at me. It's an old classic song from the 70s.
Starting point is 00:11:08 From Leonard Frog. We end the show with the so long Mary Frog. From Leonard Frog. But we open with Leonard Frog classic, alilu frog. Halaloo, alilu frog, alilu frog. Well, I heard there was a secret frog that they would play to please the frog. But you don't really care for froggy's do yeah And it goes like this the frog the frog the monofrog the major frog the baffled frog Composing a la lu frog
Starting point is 00:11:58 a la lu frog a la lu Is it the Jeff Buckley version with a different second verse or is it just the original version? It's the original. I'm a big fan of the Leonard frog. But because Jeff Buckley changed all the words, didn't he? Yeah. Changes are debated about God and minor chords. And it's like there's a simplicity to a big all about frogies. Did I'm Leonard frog? Was Leonard frog a frog?
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yes. He was a frog man? Yes. I didn't know this. Leonard Frog was. Yes, he was sort of our version, you know, if you will. He was the frog community's version of Leonard Cohen. Oh, right. So Leonard Cohen still exists.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yes. And he wrote the song, Hallelujah. He did take Leonard Frog to court in the early 90s over that. So Leonard Cohen wrote Hallelujah originally and then Leonard Frog came out with Hallelujah Frog. But interesting fact, Jeff Buckley's version is a cover of Hallelujah Frog. Oh, and then he changed all the lyrics to the exactly the
Starting point is 00:13:07 say was let it call a decision. Right. So what was your favorite stock of the album back? I really like the, I don't know, I don't know. I don't want to answer this fucking question. I don't want to talk about it. No, because it's really... You want some drugs?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. Oh, man, you want to be cool, buddy? Have some of this. Oh. Have you got any flies? Oh, you want some flies, mate. Yeah, here you go. This is a blowfly.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Now I want you to tell us what your favorite song of the album is, mate. I really like best free stylers. Oh, yeah, what's that about? It's about, we play three. It's coming out this, when's this podcast coming out? This is out today So they're just coming out today and best free Starless is coming out in a couple of days You see any couple of days at the same time as the whole album is coming out. Yeah, so best free Starless comes out
Starting point is 00:14:21 And then the whole album comes out if you've pre-ordered it. What's your connection to the group mate? To Aunty Donna. So I'm a good friend of Brodon's originally. So he used to have a frog girlfriend. So I sort of knew him. So Brodon used to date a frog. I didn't know this.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And I knew him sort of in the frog community. We would, we get together. What was her name? What was it? What was her name? BEEP. Frog. BEEP.
Starting point is 00:14:56 BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.
Starting point is 00:15:04 BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I'll make that. That I have to just be the bit where he feels my real ex-girlfriend. Well, no, sorry. Everything but when he changed one syllable, then I'm the frog. I feel like you said a name quite a lot of this but I've always been the frog. And I've always been the frog. I don't want it anymore. I'm the beep that quite a lot. No, so he used to date a frog and he would come to we would have big
Starting point is 00:15:26 Frog so that we have big frog ceremonies and sort of You know just I'd see him at the frog all the dogs church The RS frog With my frog grandfares. Which without you don't know, RS Frog stands for Returned Servism and Frog. Is we return servism in from Warfrogs and Frogs? Is that right? Yes. My grandfather fought in World War Frogs.
Starting point is 00:16:12 My adopted grandfather. Wraithful Frogs. Was your adopted grandfather a frog? Yes. Oh, I thought you were adopted by a human couple. No, not by a frog couple. Right, yes. I would then that make sense.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Did any humans fight in Will Bull Frog? Yes, we did have some allies. We fucking, we would have walked those guns out. Well, you'd think that, but we had better artillery. Oh, really? Yes, we had better bombs, better guns at the time. Right. Right. They just had sort of the the height Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They had the height and they squished us Oh, that's awful mate. Yeah, so it was very awful. Have you ever done a war film, Ben Mendelssohn?
Starting point is 00:16:58 I'm sure I have. In fact, I know what would you consider? Would you consider this new movie that wasn't Churchill war ton film? It's a war ton. I would consider Nikol K. Sophia Copattles the baguille the war film. Could you talk to us a little bit about the role of adult hit frog in World War Frog? I could.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I worry we'd have to cut 20% of the junk. I just wanted to know how many frogs he killed in World War II. All things considered the great many frogs died on both sides in the war. It's a very terrible memory and we honor them every day. I played recently played the King of England and my tumultuous relationship with Winston Churchill. Which King did you play? King George the Stammer. The Stammering King George. King George the Stammer was really fantastic. Do you thought I'd love to do one day? I was like, you're just commenting on your own casting there.
Starting point is 00:18:06 This is really good choice to cast me in that film opposite Gary Olm. I've loved to do a film with all the King George's of the last 10 years. Oh Farrell, the guy from the crayon. That was great. You... Would you say you're the, you've been the best one so far? Everyone has brought different times and energy to the role. But they all bought they have all surprisingly bought a stutter.
Starting point is 00:18:29 They all have because if the funny thing about that is the character actually there was a real person and he had a stammer. Was that a lot of work? Did you have to like experiment for them? I'd love to hear some of it. Yeah, I think it's not Two or five six Maybe forming his cheek what what same watch King was King George the number four Fifth
Starting point is 00:18:52 Six six I have no idea. There was a lot of I think the young King the young Prince is alive now We'll be the six he will be the fourth We'll say and we got fact check. We got only done a fact check to do that for us now you don't have to look at the performance the King the wartime King King George I'd love nothing father of Queen Elizabeth and then we'll get to reviewing the album he was King George I fucking said that did you I said that and you knew it and you all ignored me so the young the young the character Mark the young prince the near to the throne is gonna be King George's sister's mate
Starting point is 00:19:35 unless he changes his name which is what they can do yeah hey boy this is me hi I'm King George six. Mike. Hey, Winston Churchill. Are you talking to the I'll play I'll play Winston Churchill. Here we go. Hello. Hey, Winston, right. Had tell me it worked. Tom's real workly meeting about the war. Tell me what are you doing about Dunkirk and get near boys home?
Starting point is 00:20:00 Oh, what are you doing about getting our boys off that beach mate? I thought you said he had a stammer. He does. Yeah. Up up up up. Anyway. What are you doing about getting our boys off the shore? They might got to get him home.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So I've done a number of things. I've tried to put some flies just over the water to tempt them over. Yeah. I've also put the some flies just over the water to tempt them over. Yeah. I've also put the obsedic boats and Kenneth Branagh's over there working hard for us. Well, that's great mate. I just thought of a really fun idea. This is, this is, wouldn't it be cool if someone's super cut did a super cut of us? Do, do, do, do.
Starting point is 00:20:42 No, if someone did a supercut where they cut together, the, what is it, the final hour, what was it called? The Winston Churchill. The Winston Churchill. The Winston Churchill. Whatever that's called, cut back together with the film done, Kirk made a little mushy movie. Wouldn't that be a fun little internet thing
Starting point is 00:21:02 to read an article about? Watch the first 10 minutes of it, not actually what? Yeah. I feel like I should have got a best supporting actor role. What for that? Yeah. You weren't even nominated? Don't believe so. You should have been. Thank you. What's your relationship with Jack like with Jackie Weaver? She's a she's a Actual and off work with a path. She's lovely person. She's fantastic sounds like you're not saying something well It just sounds like you're holding back there. Okay, I'm not a psychologist. No, you're not Yeah, I just wanted sorry that was unrelated. I just wanted to mention that I'm just not a psychologist.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I'm not a orthopedic surgeon. Yeah, I know. I am not. I'm not a virus thing. Really? Yes. You're an orthopedic surgeon with psychologies? Well, I'm, you know, the frog technology is much simpler. I'm a vet. So I do both of those things. So you're good with, are you a vet? Are you a vet, but you're just a doctor,
Starting point is 00:22:09 and you look after the doctor? I'm a vet, I trained as a vet, but to the frog community, it would be very similar to your relationship with the doctor. So do you look after deer? I could, I'd know, I have a... Do you know what you do? I a I don't but I you know I did the training you know if you put a deer in front of me I could probably you have many dogs of you D6 not many I did some at at vet school
Starting point is 00:22:35 But no I went straight back to the frog community and I just have a little practice. Is it harder than being a Doctor because you don't know what you don't know what that what don't know what the patient is suffering through mate? No, because I only work with frogs, so they just tell me, they just give me, I say, how you feeling from one to ten? You ever had to treat someone who's lost their hop? Are you talking about depression? I'm just asking if you've ever had to treat a frog who's lost their hop metaphorically or officially.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You tell me you're the fucking doctor. Well, I'm not a doctor, I'm vet. Yes, I have. Yes, a lot of frogs come in, sometimes it's psychosomatic, and sometimes they've, you know, as frogs get older, they lose their knees a little bit. And we've got some options, but you don't need time. Are there any vigilantes in the frog community? What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Like any sort of Batman... Like Catwoman. Like humans have Batman. We have comic books, yes. No, no, no, no, I'm the man in real life. You want to hear another line from me in the dark night, right? I'd love to. Talk about Bruce Wayne, you go, I go,
Starting point is 00:23:48 ping and mason jars. Can you do the one where he's like, he's just got to go? The line about he's just got to go. I can't remember it. How does it go? He's cost us all a lot of money, and he's just got it go. Oh that's right.
Starting point is 00:24:06 He's got this a lot of money and he's just got to go. Can you just add your dumb for coming here? Can we just get some more girls in here one more time? Do we get some more girls in here? That's my favorite one. Do you know what I'm gonna give you? Can we do the scene between when Bane snaps Ben Mendelsohn's Do I ever see him? Do you think he'll meet? Yes he does of course he does it's an incredible scene
Starting point is 00:24:30 Here's a thing made Chris Fennel and Phil Here's the thing about Chris Fennel and Phil was I move very quickly and you forget I do Yeah, like there's bits in the dark night. I mean I can't fuck remember this happening Yeah, do you remember you guys he's. I'm like, how can I fucking remember this happening? Yeah, you remember you guys, he's like, I'm in charge here. I'm like, I'm free in charge. Oh yeah, and then I act all scared.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah, and then you go, and then you go, what are you? What are you? What are you, mate? I'm going to go, I'm rocking. And then what do I say? And then you said you were monster. All right, you're a fucking monster, mate.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Ha ha ha. My, my two, there's a fucking monster. You are a fucking monster, man. My two, there's a fucking monster. My two favorite things that you do as an actor, Ben, there's the dark, everything from animal kingdom, which is dark, brooding intense. Which you see, but I'm very over to say I haven't seen it because I'm a frog. The other thing I really love, this is my favourite Ben Mendelssohn, is douchebag with too much excess. So that was you in Dark Knight Rises, it was also you in that Egyptian movie.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Have you seen that in Egyptian movie? No, I haven't seen it. There's that Egyptian movie which we did get out of the swamp on the driving. And it was the one with Christian Baal and Thingy from Secret Life of Us. You know, what is it, from Secret Life of Us? Dead Wily.
Starting point is 00:26:01 No, the other one. Who's the one from Secret Life of Us? Brendan Kemp. No, Joel. Joel Headshoot. Edgerton, that's right. So they play a book. Moses and the Prince.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, okay. There's a guy who's running an outpost in Egypt and it's you. I can't believe you don't remember this. You would have filmed on it for a few weeks. And then you play this guy. But anyway, basically, my favorite Ben Mendsohn role is the one that's just like The one that's like, oh, I've got so many jewels. I've got so much money. Yeah, I do play that pretty well You know what I mean? Hey guys, we've got three minutes to talk about the album
Starting point is 00:26:37 Shit, I'm sorry. I was supposed to hold this whole thing together with my wacky Mark banana character I was supposed to hold this whole thing together with my wacky Mark Bonano character. People love the character, mate. It's a great character. It's the strongest one that I do. It's one of the only ones that I do to be fair. The album, Antitone of the album, is available for pre-ordering. You only have to wait two days until it comes out, because it's dropping on April 6th and all be available in all good Sanities and brushes.
Starting point is 00:27:09 But I, you know, can I just say I don't have the internet out of the swamp, there are only options for me. I'm at the library after this, so I could buy something online. Unfortunately not. So, aren't you done with the out of the physical CD? I could get.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Not that I'm aware of. If you go to anti-donna dot com you try to move the physical CDs I thought you could maybe use this opportunity I didn't realize that they were available I don't know I don't know anything about it um if you go to anti-donna dot com can we get some girl in here uh so there is
Starting point is 00:27:41 I don't we're gonna be selling the CDs that I'll live show we should be I don't we're gonna be selling the CDs that our live show we should be I Don't know either or talk about this about me after the phone We should do if they're if they're out of JB high fire we got a JB high fire We buy all the all the CDs JB high fire. We could and then we sell them for an inflated cost I don't think we could call cat enough Let's ask her a She's called a cat, and she'll call our manager cat. She'll answer the phone like this.
Starting point is 00:28:10 He's my impersonation of it. Hi. It's called our manager cat. See if we can, what are we asking her? I'm gonna ask her if we're gonna miss your manager cat. You're managing cat. Not my manager. You should ask her about vinyl as well.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yes, I will. We'll get all that info. We're gonna get about vinyl. Well, yes I will. We'll get all that info. We're going to get all this high info straight from the horses. Straight from the cat's mouth. You're the horse's mouth mate. That's very funny. It's just calling. Is it?
Starting point is 00:28:39 If she, it doesn't answer, it's just proof that we've got to move on. Hi. Hi cat. How are you. Hi, Cat. How are you? I'm good. How are you, Mark? I'm good. It's just Mark Banana here from Auntie Donna. I'm Mark Banana. Hey, we've got a couple of questions. Yeah. We want to know what to say on our podcast, mate.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah. We just want to know on our podcast, are we going to be selling physical copies of the CD from April 6th at our live shows. In theory yes they're on their way. They're on their way. Okay's all right. That's fine, Corey. They should be there. Ask a bit of final. And do we have any update on vinyl? And when that'll be available for people to buy? Well, that might actually be available soon, as in we first told.
Starting point is 00:29:37 She's trying to find out, but we might even have that in a week or so. Can you eating something at the moment? Maybe. I thought I was hiding it. I'm sorry I had a mask on my arm. Oh, and that's okay. I'm asking her if she can, but if she gives permission for this to be on the spot.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And also, what are you eating, firstly? I'm eating a chicken carrot lettuce cheese and onion roll. That's good. And you were hiding it very well. We could just I just caught you just on the end of a sentence there. Yeah. Also, it's totally cool if we've recorded this and it goes on the podcast, yeah. Yes, it I speak to her? Yeah. Of course, when I'm eating the one time I answer the fucking phone. When I'm eating, can you recording me for a pocket? Kat, it's okay. I cat high, hey, do it's Ben,
Starting point is 00:30:36 Ben nothing here mate, hey, go on. Yeah, good, how are you? Okay, mate, have you talked to the cop, mate? Well, no, hey guys, I've got to finish my lunch and pass more merch for you before I get a plane down. So have you talked to the cops or not? No, I didn't. Oh I know. Oh bye.
Starting point is 00:30:54 What can you probably have going for? There it is, boy. Straight from the cat's mouth, filled with a lettuce cheese carrot tomato roll. Very specific. CDs will be available at our live shows in Melbourne and vinyl is apparently very soon as well. But I would say, you know, don't wait on that happening, just jump online and pre-order it would be the thing to do. You do you. Don't listen on that happening. Just jump online and pre-order it. Would be the thing to do. You do you.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Don't listen to frog men. No, I'll just say jump online, pre-order it. With his name, I'll tell you. You feel the need to do it. It would really help us if you pre-order it. Yeah. It would really help us. Please stop rejecting me.
Starting point is 00:31:38 We're put a lot of fucking money into this. Mark, I'll teach this fucking girl. Ah. Two days to pre-order the album. I can't tell this back! Jesus fucking crap! Ha! Ha! Two days to pre-order the album. Ha! Please pre-order. And to finish this off, just give this a one word summary of the album.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Everyone. Um, you go Ben. Cops. Frog. Really, really happy with it. I think it's something of our best word. Just one word, mate. Pardon?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Just one word. Sam put you right in your place, mate. One word, Sam's a cunt. There it is, boys. All right. Guys, thank you so much for joining us on the Anti-Done Podcast. We want to thank our guests. We want to thank Ben Mendelssohn, Frogman, Manager Cat, Sam Lingham.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Pre-order the album, you can pre-order it from either in as a physical copy or as a digital download. If you're coming to Melbourne, just chuck it on top of your ticket, you can get it for a little bit cheaper, you can buy a ticket with the album. That's true of our whole Australia and New Zealand tour. That's true, whole Australia and New Zealand tour. That's true whole Australia and New Zealand tour Just get it on there the unloader on iTunes. It's a rip-er of an album We've got what I think is one of the best tracks coming out on Friday
Starting point is 00:32:55 Hope you enjoy it and good night Australia and New Zealand and England and America and China and New Zealand and England and America and China and Japan. Europe, we've got a few listers around Europe and France and Italy. Good night. And the wonderful people at Harry's races as well. Good night, all the wonderful people at Harry's races. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode
Starting point is 00:33:22 brought to you by See you next week!

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