Aunty Donna Podcast - Aunty Donna World Cup

Episode Date: November 28, 2018 haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. So, uh, over the pot... we haven't addressed it, but over the past, probably month on the subreddit, for anti-donor, for anti-donor. That's an address right there. What address? slash r slash anti-donor. He said we hadn't given an address. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Sometimes Mark, I just want to punch you right in the... Then fucking do it, then fucking do it, mate. Then fucking do it. I know I won't, I won't because I don't want to be in court. Because I will take you straight to fucking jail mate. You'll be dead, man. I'll be dead. And then where do you think you'll be, mate?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Locked up. 20 years minimum. If I'm a king in prison, if I kill you. 13 years For parole on good behavior and you're reckon you're gonna get good behavior with that attitude if I'm in prison I for killing you. I'm a fucking king. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure they're all gonna you know what I've heard is that people in prison Look down upon people who kill little wag guns It's like what I was Look down upon people who kill little wag guns. That's true.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's like, what are such a shit? I always get them confused. Petaphiles are bashed in the past. Petaphiles are bashed not. But if you kill Mark, you get everyday free fresh soup. They give you fresh soup. Yeah, but who's making the slow-weatherer a documentary?
Starting point is 00:01:40 No, you do. Super is like, in prison, super is the In prison soup is Supes the best Oh, you're hard can't you can trade soup hard can't go here Hard can pick whether you're gonna insult me or eat a carrot I'm gonna pick if you get it insult me or eat a carrot our rough morning I went to make my musli I saw there were ants on the table where we keep my breakfast stuff
Starting point is 00:02:04 Explain what that is explain what you keep on a bench Where do you keep your breakfast? Oh, there was ants. There was no one's fault. Explain what you leave out. Just explain what that breakfast is. I should be allowed to leave maple syrup wherever the fuck I want to leave maple syrup, alright? In an office, there shouldn't be ants. And anyway, it was this very slow realization of there were ants on the bench, and then I made my cereal, and then I grabbed the maple syrup, and then my arm started etching,
Starting point is 00:02:33 and then I looked at my arm, my arm was covered in ants, I looked at the maple syrup, maple syrup was covered in ants, I took the top off the maple syrup, there were ants in the top of the maple syrup, shut up, I scored the, what? How did they top of the maple syrup shut up. I just have what they What how did they get in the maple syrup? I don't know I poured the maple syrup and then there were ants in They drowned themselves going for the sugary gold
Starting point is 00:02:59 How did they get in the maple syrup? What do you mean? They're little ants. Did you leave the maple syrup open? No! No! It was lock tight. It was a little bit open. It was a little bit, it was a little bit. It was a little bit open. Is that funny? That's the way you discover ants.
Starting point is 00:03:17 You see an ant. And then very gradually, it's not for a while until you see the depth to which the ant has fucked up. And it's the situation. I want ant has fucked up. It's the situation I want to still get me there's still fucking my fucking skin. I want to quote you right now earlier today You said there shouldn't be ants in an office and I agree But I'm gonna have to disagree with you on one key point. This is bullshit I don't think there were ants in the office, and then they ate your maple syrup. No, there were ants before the maple syrup.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I am not to blame for the ants. I was not. I was just saying, well, let's leave it to the audience. Tweet us, who's responsible for the ants? Is it someone else? Anyone else? Or the guy who left open to the lady here? Oh no, you're gonna be aware of the can of worms
Starting point is 00:04:11 you're opening here. You gotta be aware of the bottle of maple syrup you're leaving open. What you're saying is that anyone anywhere who leaves maple syrup at any time in any place is responsible for it. He's largely responsible for it. No! No! You should be allowed Anytime in any place is responsible for it's largely responsible Infants
Starting point is 00:04:25 you should be allowed To have your maple syrup and put it wherever you want This is not our world, ma. This is the ants world. This is the ants world You know what's seen the Woody Ellen the ants were right, look, the ants were fuckin' everywhere, all right? It's not like they were just around the maple syrup. They were all over the shop. And some were on the maple syrup. So there were ants. And then there were naughty maple syrup ants.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's like they came for the maple syrup and then disappeared. No, it's like when people go to Disneyland in Anaheim, they go to Cheesecake Factory, but they came for Disneyland. You're just talkin talking about your experience. That's right, but I'm saying, I quit. I went there for VidCon because I love videos. You love videos.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Really, in a lot of ways, you know, maybe that the rubbish bin, with the rubbish bin is the Cheesecake Factory to your maple syrup's Disneyland. I think think is what Broden's trying to say. I did forget to check in with you guys. Did you guys resub to YouTube Red? No, I didn't. No, no, no. Man, come on, do some.
Starting point is 00:05:33 If you want to avoid those ads, we'll see that exclusive content. I don't want you to miss out on any YouTube Red exclusives. I want you to hit that bell, though. Hit those notifications on. Anyway. On the sub-red. Got you. I do just want to say, I just want to elaborate a little on the
Starting point is 00:05:48 Mark Benano, Maple Syrup saga, because I think from our perspective, here in the podcast studio, while we were getting ready to do a podcast, was very enjoyable. So we were just sitting, getting ready, talking about what we were going to do today, what podcasts we were going to do do today and just hear the distance It was all going well Until I tipped the maple syrup into my bowl of musely and coconut yogurt and then one ant carcass fell in and I was like fuck and then I got my spoon to go get it out because I was still gonna eat it and then I slipped and then the ant carcass got mixed in with
Starting point is 00:06:36 the yogurt and the musely and I didn't know where it was and I was like I'm probably not gonna eat an ant. Eat the ant, there's nothing wrong with an ant. It's not too bad but I was was like, I have carrots and strawberries. I'll just eat the carrots and strawberries instead. Your life's all carrots and strawberries, and not enough eggs, dear boy. Too many carrots and strawberries, ma.
Starting point is 00:06:57 You live your life on strawberries, cream, and carrots. You should be spending a bit of time getting you amongst the carcass of the eggs. I don't know what this is need some we need some and father Okay, all right, okay, that's enough of that then. Oh, what who is that? That was just me oh Good make the podcast of your dreams at stupid old studio So on the subred So on the subreddit, on the subreddit, some guy or girl or other, decided to start a world cup called, his name, their name is Kadeva.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Kadeva 74, he made a world Cup of podcast characters and I have to say what initiative for someone who receives no Patreon money, no live touring money, just did it on the on the love of Annie Donna, which none of us have. He's gone or they've gone, why do I keep saying he? Statistically he. Statistically he. But not necessarily. But not necessarily. But not necessarily. But not necessarily she or it could be a gender neutral. That's right. And so I should, I'm gonna start saying they.
Starting point is 00:08:09 They have decided to put their time and effort into making a world cup. Which we really appreciate. So let's go. Just statistically. Just statistically and then some of our fans. So this episode is a world cup and world cup recap. That they put in a, So this episode is a world cup and world cup recap that they
Starting point is 00:08:25 put man or Woman or gender neutral person put together Let's do oh they could fall anywhere on the spectrum. Yeah They could be closer to they could go by he but be closer to the middle. Mm-hmm What are we done? Yeah? What? What? Are we done? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I thought we could play the Russia World Cup 2018 Official Playlist for the FIFA World Cup because they've used the structure of the World Cup and then we do a sports recap. Are you in Zach? Am I in? Yeah. To this idea?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yes. Yes. Mark, are you in? I'm an Audi. What? I'm so sorry. I thought we were talking about belly buttons. I Thought you said Audi. Yeah, I thought you said Audi No, I you just said Aldi is in the German super market. Are you an any or an Aldi? Just for everyone everyone overseas listening we struggle as much with the accents as you do Are you in any or a Volkswagen? Are you in Thomas Armstrong's portrayal of Judas Iscariot?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Get A, cance. No, you can't. You got a damn Judas. Our people have come to love. And a lot of people, Tom, think that you are Judas. And you know, I think you should just ride that you wear to acting Judas can't I'll fucking betray his for silver you can't all right right now we're back there we're great you have 15 grand hexedadre for acting
Starting point is 00:09:54 school yeah and a 15k oh that was this might come out before that episode though so are you on a put this on our first? Yeah. Next week, because it's live. Yeah. This isn't live. But it's live, it's happening. What's it called? Like a news role? So for context for everyone listening, we put the world cup.
Starting point is 00:10:15 We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup.
Starting point is 00:10:24 We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. We put the world cup. and then, oh, we make a bunch and then we release that sort of staggered, but we're cutting this one in. We're slicing this one in. So we might be doing callbacks to sketches or to a podcast that come out in two weeks. Yeah. I think I confused the issue more with my explanation. All right. What a world cup it was.
Starting point is 00:10:40 The first rounds seem to be round 16 funny enough the first contest was between Judas and Manbase. Manbase is not really a podcast character well wasn't full podcast characters it was for all anti-donna characters yes but the best characters surely have been explored I don't think that was an equal they shouldn't be in the same sport so they were but they shouldn't have been explored. I don't think that was an equal. They shouldn't be in the same sport Well, they were but they shouldn't have been and that's why they fucked up he They likely nine seven seven in brats in bracket statistically statistically most likely Who do you reckon won that? Mambies
Starting point is 00:11:20 Judas is scary it killed Jesus Christ has a 1940s accent loves the silver Judas Iscariot killed Jesus Christ has a 1940s accent loves the silver Manbees rolls off the tunnel and I'll walk on Hill sovereign Hill of the manbees of fire. I'm already vote I voted for manbees Did you vote? Yes in every round. Did you really? Yeah, I did as well. Yeah, I feel like that puts it into contention No, the only no did you vote? No, I tell you I did vote for one. I did vote for one I voted against Mr. Bull. So, Mambi's won that. Mambi's beat Judas, which I think is one of the best podcast characters we've had. So, that's interesting that it went that way. Any thoughts, any recap skies?
Starting point is 00:11:57 I think Mambi's is a very loved character. I knew going in that he would be a contender. I actually had my money being in the final two and a real contender for the winner. So when I saw Judas is scary at versus man base, that was very sorry for Judas in that draw. I felt Judas was gonna make it very far. I thought Judas was gonna make it very far, but unfortunately in the draw there he was unlucky. So, he's not a surprising result, but a disappointing one for Judas in the draw. He portrayed Jesus. And he portrayed Jesus.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Very funny, we know he played in the 1940s, musicals, but we know that the fan base truly portrayed Judas in the end, we're going for manbears. The next round was Caldoy versus Steve Gold. Now I like how the members were in the end. The next round was Caldoy versus Steve Gobs. Now I like how the memory was raised. Yeah, Brodom. Caldoy knows how to lasso.
Starting point is 00:12:50 He's been down the full-skinnery and the Condomry Steve Gobs. He's Steve Gobs. Undoubtedly Steve Gobs. There's no other facts about Steve Gobs. Undoubtedly Steve Gobs. Who would you have gone? I think I would have placed my money on on Caldoy. Now obviously he's just loved, he's loved.
Starting point is 00:13:08 He wasn't, he hasn't been a big character, he hasn't been a recurring character, but I think he has produced the most memes for us to go on to the fan base, love Caldoy. Like, you wanna kiss Caldoy, but you wanna goby from Steve Go gobs. Oh it goes without saying. I think what's also come it comes down to is more people watch our videos than they listen to our podcast. Yes, I disagree That's not it. That's not it. It's not a opinion. No, you have your opinion and I have mine. I disagree
Starting point is 00:13:39 Well, he is right if he were to pick one podcast and put it against, say, the Seattle leg of our American to a documentary. Yeah, that's true. If it was like the Tim Minchin episode versus... versus Man's second world-class showbag trailer. Oh, yeah. Yes, but no, Caldoy smashed gobs. Yeah. Really smashed.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Absolutely. Absolutely. I have my money on gobby. All right. Next round, thisdo is smashed gobs. Yeah. Really? Absolutely. Absolutely. I have my money on gobby. Alright. Next round, this is where it gets interest. Can we start doing money? Can we start putting money, Betsy?
Starting point is 00:14:13 I know the results to all of these. That's okay. Okay, yes. The next round. This is round 16. This is where it's most interest. The same with the football World Cup. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Is that, you know, you've got fun, interesting matches. Money gets to the end And it just becomes a zack fist and it's a fuck that's a bullshit. Well, I didn't agree to this She did character of the World Cup. This is the round 16 frogman Versus Andrew Gays. All right guys first round I can again a tough draw for Gaze I really saw him making it through to the at least the semi finals But just a tough draw for him. Why tough draw look frogman. He was the first character or the second character after Sorry, I'll again. Oh, he was the second literally the first character
Starting point is 00:15:00 After really I like the first character. I can't remember someone said So who was the first character? Oh James Gordon James Gordon James Gordon was the first Didn't even get a look it in the World Cup. Yeah, anyway frogman marches to the beat of his own land vulnerable to suicide married Bindio and Andrew Gays. I don't remember that That probably happened. Yeah, well, I went on the best People ask really That probably happened. Yeah. Well, we're not the best. People ask really. Playzbask, you told me you never listened to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I don't listen to podcasts. Yeah. I can't listen to podcasts. Like, give me a headache. I get, I get, um, car sickness. So I need to listen to podcasts on tour. I don't. Do you listen to ones about how to combat car sickness? No, I usually listen to like cereal or this American life
Starting point is 00:15:49 I just get a bit of neutral gonna go a listen to one about the history of Oprah Winfrey Who obviously Who won this what's our what's our beds that was a tight one your hot takes I want hot takes I look I don't know the results, but I imagine it was a close one. It's two very well-loved characters. A tough draw for both. I was really surprised to see them up against each other so early. Do you think there's...
Starting point is 00:16:16 I think it was a close one. Buys. I think there's Buys. Was it random? No, it was a draw from my guess. Do you think it was close? Yeah. Frogman annihilated.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Oh really? 73%. Wow. I was a draw from my guess Yeah, frogman are Niohlated. Oh really? 73% wow 73% you know 23% voted for the father of the year 73% voted for frog the anti-donna fan base frogman the anti-donna fan base support frogman more than Australia supported marriage equality That's right. It's a funny way to put it, but yes. Yes. It's a strange way to put it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It's very depressing. Okay, well, next stop. Manu. Fildle. Did you get that one answer? Vidal. Vidal. Vidal. Fildle. Vidal. Vidal. Who's that idea? That's the name of Vidal. Feel the No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, She's dog ugly Zach. She's alright. I think Hollywood is stunning. Hollywood is a fucking dog man.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I would go step over Hollywood. Manu vs. Mr. Bull. This one I voted against Mr. Bull. Um, just in case Mr. Bull won. There was no, like, he's triggering for me. He's an Australian celebrity chef, Manu Field. A really liked beef tartaire was definitely not involved in 9-11. 9-11 being when the two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, just for anyone.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And, uh, very, very distasteful joke. Mr. Bull stomps. Spaniards are his mortal enemy. Stomps was the third thing. I'm going to vote for Mr. Bull so I can see the result. I just want to say for me personally, I want to step out of commentary on this particular one. I feel I have a bias against Mr. Bull. So I really feel like I need to step out of that Mr. Bull was a character in 1999 that a lot of people did really like Zack struggles to have Mr. Bull brought up because for him during the filming of Mr. Bull There was and the release and the release there was some difficulty there a sketch that maybe didn't reach its full potential purely because of
Starting point is 00:18:40 Budgetary and time restraints nothing to do with of, the incredible character acting abilities of Zach Ruane. I'll tell you something. Can I tell you something? Mr. Bull received a higher percentage than Andrew Gays, 32%. Wow. And Manu received 68. So Zach, maybe Mr. Bull is worth more
Starting point is 00:19:04 to our fan base than you think. Wow. I think that's just the... More than Andrew Gaye. I think that's just the 1999 effect. We've seen that across the board. 1999 effect. Really bumping up some of the numbers there on the character.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Especially Mr. Bull. I think that accounts for a good 10% of his score there. This is on Fair One because there's two people versus one. Ah yes. This is unfair one because there's two people versus one. Ah yes. Which is unfair. The two South African Sam's versus Louisiana Jill. Now obviously I had my money on Louisiana Jill. I've been a big supporter of that character
Starting point is 00:19:36 since she was drafted into the podcast. The character doesn't exist. This is very... Well clearly they do. They're from Louisiana. They need to do more research on old characters. It's their own trust me. She was an amazing character.
Starting point is 00:19:53 These are the notes and the South-Earth-Earth-Hiphickensims, not from Namibia or Cameroon. But that was South-Earth-Hiphickensims for me, was very much a breakthrough podcast in terms of us clicking into something. And just going with a concept rather than changing every half hour. Yeah, for a half hour. It was not to Africa.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It was not to South Africa. After this one, we saw our podcast listeners in Africa just boom. Yeah, exploded, really exploded. Because they thought a lot of people messages saying thank you for getting some South Africans on Our work as South Africans was so convincing People thought that it was real South Africans. We're just hoping to avoid any sort of a poo controversy They have a fully ripped bod and it isn't a walk in the park, Mark. So for me, I had my money on Louisiana Jill. I know she's been a real dark horse in this competition,
Starting point is 00:20:55 but I really believe that while she hasn't reached her full potential as a character yet, she's really exciting, and I think there's a real future for Louisiana Jill and I know that if she didn't make it in this world that's that's really just a testament and that dark horse very much became a Melbourne cup dead horse I imagine after this round oh yeah because you know how you know how they do the Melbourne cup and horses I did at the end of it at the end of it. Yeah, yeah. Oh, well, you're okay to go and eat meat.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Okay, so South African Sam's won 67% there. So that's what that, but that's two people versus one. Look, and I think that really, can I say, I just want to comment on that for a moment. That result, whilst I find it disappointing, doesn't surprise me. I love South African Sands, they're great characters. It was a breakthrough podcast. I think it really shows, though, that Louisiana Jill hasn't reached her full potential yet. I think of the excitement we had when she first came onto the first half. She gets a good coach in over the next four years. It could be back in four years.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And if she's very good-chance, she's just backs herself, I think, I think young team. That's what we need to see. We need to see more Louisiana Jill. We need to see more facets of her character. Weekly even. Weekly even. Or a full podcast. Completely dedicated to the character.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I would rather kill myself. See, the more around 16s, we've got Ben Mendelssohn, built the Death Star, started Animal Kingdom once and know if you've been to the cops versus Mark's grandparents ghosts played by Ann Edmonds and Mark Bonanna, long lost lovers reunited, Big libido and his very rare though, can I add something? Absolutely zero memory of this. Zero memory of this episode. I believe it was deep in Edinburgh, which would explain why I did not remember.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I remember making Veggie Might toast for Ann Edmunds and there was too much Veggie Might on it. That's my only memory of that podcast. Yeah I remember doing it in Edinburgh that's it that's all I remember. So let's see how the audience responded because Ben Mendelsson you know he's a great character. Probably been done to death, I would say now, but the audience went with, see, we're seeing the same sort of numbers every time, 63% for Ben Mendelssohn, just 63, 232 votes,
Starting point is 00:23:18 put them to bed, but they were not a return character, so I don't think they would have had a very good chance. The next round, oh, next round, this was a hard one. This is the issue with the World Cup, is that? Can I just come back to that's really interesting. That's where I think it's a real testament to the South African, the Sam's here. They have only featured in one pod really cut through. To cut through the way they have, I know I was talking a lot about my anger at Louisiana
Starting point is 00:23:42 Jill and her not stepping up to her full potential. But that shouldn't take away from the achievement of the South African Sam's there. Well I'm glad you circled back to that. The next round is Don May vs Italian Man. Hard first round. Brutal. Don May, CEO of Domino's Group, earns 40,000 year plus bonuses. Loves a decadent treat.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Italian man, Italian. Likes the song shut up your face. Then they have written probably the best character work by any Donna. There you go. Brutal. To me, I've always been a supporter of Don May, the real man, and thus by extension the character, anything that gets the Don word out there. And I was so upset to see that draft. I was so upset to see him up against. Not just an iconic character, but I agree the best character in the anti-donner universe. You're
Starting point is 00:24:39 almost doing him now. So I was very disappointed to see that draft and I truly did believe that was a shoo in for all the fans tended to disagree with you there. I imagine. That's my guess. Well it was three votes to one essentially 75% when we've done made a CEO but he could have bought those destroyed destroyed Italian man destroyed him So there you go. I have nothing more to say. I hope this doesn't put the only character I do The only character I don't disagree because the next round is Bjork versus Ben Russell's mark banana I know wonder who won Well, at least my own got your name
Starting point is 00:25:28 one. Well, at least one of them has got your name. What was what was what we say through the World Cup is it should just be Zach. That's what they want. Right. Clearly. Yeah. They just want Zach. So that's I guess. And that's fine. That's fine. I've copped that not copped that on the chin. So who do you think one out of Bjork versus Mark bananas by Ben Russell? Ben Russell. For sure. That's because they love you so much. No, they like Ben doing impersonations. This is a little bit like that time that um... They prefer for Mark to be sick and have Ben come in.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah. That's what they want. No, it's like that time. That's what you fucking want. It's like that time that the like... I just want to do it. I just want to do the podcast. No Mark. It's fine. Mark. No it's fine. It's like that time that the like- I just want to do it, I just want to do the podcast. No Mark, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:06 No it's fine, it's really fine. It's like that time that- Just for very quickly, the awkward smashed. Of course she was. Ma banana by Ben Russell 65%. Boom. Ma, Ma, I love your beer. What?
Starting point is 00:26:21 What? I do want to say this because I think it's true. I think that there is an element of the Mark Benano by Ben Russell as that time that the cover of Pumped Up Kicks got 32 on the hottest 100 because it came out a year earlier and people just voted. Do you remember that? No.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, our eyes did pump up kicks and it got voted in because you couldn't vote for the FOSTA of the kids because it was a year old. And our eyes unfairly got voted in. Our eyes suck. No, our eyes is fine. But people just went to pumped up kicks, voted for it to such a degree that a cover came 32, one of the hottest 100s.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So I think there were people going, well, Mark Vanana was the only of the three Donna boys that I can directly vote for, even if it's being played by Ben Russell we get to the quarter final let's disagree as agree to disagree quarter finals was a hot and heavy time folks Don May vs the South African Sam's oh that's a hard one yeah Don may smash the Sam's not a sub one. Two versus one. Okay. Fuck them to death. Wow. And got a bonus for it, I bet. Manu. This was the first tight one we've had, really. There's a few tight ones coming up.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Manu versus man-based. Oh. And now again, this is, I had my money on man-based being in the final. 13 votes in it. That's so arrogant. Manu. Manu. Manu. Manu won. That was on a
Starting point is 00:27:48 close. It's 6 to 44. Oh, very close. That we were counting through the night for that one. That was back and forth the entire time. I really did think I was surprised to see it close. I thought that manbees would come out running. So that was a real surprise Mac banana versus Caldoy Once again close only 30 odd votes in it really through the night We were and what way did it swing Mac banana by Ben Russell there you go Ben Russell He's a cunt. He said that sonny's fried chicken was no good. It's my favorite fried chicken Little cunt. Oh, that's hard to take.
Starting point is 00:28:25 That's a hype. That's a hype. He's an idiot. He's an idiot. He's an idiot. He's a spender. All right, I think Ben's all right. And the last one of the quarter finals was Frogman B. Ben Mendo.
Starting point is 00:28:37 This was, I think, the biggest smashing we've had. Oh, OK. The biggest smashing we've had. Well, I think 20%. He got. There was... Frog frog mango 20% 180 votes in it Go Ben the man could have called this I think Mendo called him to concede Very early in the night. Can I say this was a very thrilling race here? And we had some real surprise surprise victories there
Starting point is 00:29:06 And we had some real surprise, surprise victories there, particularly in those middle two. It was so close and it really does show that every vote is in it with these sorts of things. At this point was the last time that any characters portrayed by Mark or Broden were left in it. Yeah, it's the end of Broden. It's the point where I decided that, like, Zach and I almost done, in terms of like being friends. Yeah, okay, I'm, this was like, and this is what really the World Cup has achieved is a sort of a drift and a rift within the answer on a boy.
Starting point is 00:29:34 A drift and a rift. A drift and a rift. A drift and a rift. A drift and a rift between Zach and us. I didn't organize the thing, I didn't wanna talk about. didn't I didn't want to talk about. But you did vote in every round. I did not vote in every round except for a gaist one of my own characters. For one of your other characters just want to
Starting point is 00:29:54 make that clear. Oh that's true. That's true. This the semi-finals were between Mark Bonanno and Frogman Which I was like oh, but no, no of course not of course not Don May versus Manu Fieldal That's a rough one that was that was that's that's genuinely I have no friends I honestly have no idea how that one would go because Don May Did so much for Anti-Donner the character and then the way it bled into the world I was phenomenal But Manu has some of the best jokes that this podcast has ever seen or heard and is a real character Don May
Starting point is 00:30:37 I just talk a bit fancier No, it's a character. It's a character, Zach. That's true. That's true. Um, so if I was an ad executive, I would say don't do a character and you'd get my Don May. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how that, how did that one go? Was that tight? Or did that? It was relatively tight. There was only 20 votes in it. Oh, that's very tight. That's the title. We've had 47 to 53% I would have put my money I would have put my money on Don Yeah, Mano took it home with 6% win there Wow wow Canning to the night. It's that 9 11 bit man. That's just classic. Yeah, it's classic You just get on the top of the Grand Zero.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I just, I didn't, I didn't want to do it. I think I brought it up. I didn't want to do it. I said at one point, like we had been planning on doing a recap and then I think around this point, I was like, we are after doing it. Sorry for those of you who don't know. Those of you who don't know, 9-11 was the time
Starting point is 00:31:43 when the American government organised two planes to fly into the World Trade Center. No, that's not true. Well, you know, you have your way of thinking and I have my way of thinking. That's true. This is a good song. Yeah, this is fun. This is the Russian World Cup music.
Starting point is 00:32:01 It's illegal to be gay there. Oh no. It's true. I know. It just makes me upset to think about that. Yeah. Where's Seder? Is that now there's only Zach characters left.
Starting point is 00:32:16 There is no way for a while. Yeah. Frogman, but now Ben Russell's gone. Oh Ben Russell's gone. I can't find the results for the Frogman. Ben Russell know about this. We need need to get no no no don't tell him I don't want him to know why should he know that's pretty funny no no fuck him okay alright fuck that can't if I fucking see him again I'm gonna fucking
Starting point is 00:32:39 strangle him I just think it's a nice little no no he's a fucking dog I want to say this in silly if I ever see Ben Russell again. I'm gonna cow it punch him Oh, I just Thought it was it okay. That's my it's honest. That's a threat. I like Ben I think the next time I see him out the front of men's gallery. Oh, yeah, which I think is gonna be this weekend I was gonna come up behind him I'm gonna punch him in the back of the fucking head And he's not even gonna know what he did and I'll say do that character now. Yeah doing the outcome Yeah, fucking
Starting point is 00:33:13 That's a good character Mark banana's bed Russell's Mark banana. You've done it before. I think I have I think I have let's bring him in Well, I really want to do a Louisiana Jill podcast next week Please or in a few months frogman landslide obviously against Mark banana by Ben Russell Let's bring him in. Well, I really want to do a Louisiana Jill podcast next week. Oh, please. Or in a few months. Frogman, landslide, obviously, against Mark Bonano by Ben Russell, Cigabani, 6% Victory. So there we go. And then we get to, do you want to know the silver?
Starting point is 00:33:35 I mean, not silver. Oh. Hey, how's it silver? You should do it. Get a can. Do you want to do the like the sector, the bronze award or whatever it is? First, or do you should I go to the World Cup find? Did they do a bronze one? Yeah, I didn't realize between Ben Russell and Don May
Starting point is 00:33:52 Oh You didn't see that no that's here surely done sure This is for third place the third place playoff. Yeah third place imagine having a play for God having to try try knowing You didn't win and having the Australian when the book when the boomers were in the in the bronze medal Then they lost they all cried so it must have meant something to them It would almost be worse because like for gold you're playing to be the best Hmm, but you get second you get the silver if you lose
Starting point is 00:34:21 Whereas for bronze you're playing for a medal you You're playing for the lose, you don't get a medal. But this is also because this is, is anyone apart from that going to get a placing? Mmm, it's huge. And my guess is no. I don't know. I have the results here. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Don is so beloved. I love Don. And I love what Don did. And I'm not going to say. I called him Doe once. I called the man, I called Don the man Doe. It's on film. I called the mother fucker Doe.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He earns more money in a year than I will ever see in my life. His name is Don and I called him Doe. You say that, Mark. You say that. You'll never see that amount of money in your life. But our Patreon is really going off this month and you can check it out at slash anti-donna for more crazy wild podcast adventures. Don May vs Mark banana is it gonna be all three zacks or is Mark banana is Ben gonna get into the podcast finals I think you guys have been unnecessarily harsh on Ben I just want to say I know he's an incredible hey Ben is one of my best friends and he's an incredible character actor and if I see him
Starting point is 00:35:29 I'm gonna choke the mother fucker out. Oh, that's a bit unfair. I'm gonna go and do UFC classes Gonna try gonna go into the Himalayan Mountains and train for five fucking years and Come back and avenge my podcast characters years and come back and avenge my podcast characters. The winner of the third flight. I didn't see this at all. It's a landslide. 42 votes to 146. I'm waiting with baited, with Patrick Bateman breath.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Don May. Of course. Oh my god. Oh my god, because I would have fucking smashed that little cunt if he took my bros I would have fucking taken that little cunt down. I would have fucking grabbed head locked him dragged him to the outside The front of this fucking building and then the final is between two characters that were in the first episode Which tells me that it's been a constant decline? Yeah, must have been must be that Between
Starting point is 00:36:28 Manu God Do you not want us? Do you not want mark? That way is nothing like fucking contributed nothing we can't be as fucking Nothing like fucking contributed. Nothing we could have done. Nothing we could have done. Fuck it up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, So, so, you know, go for it, tell them they're great. Don't make this about you. We're telling the audience, if they don't want us,
Starting point is 00:37:09 that's clear. Just say it. I don't want to be in a loveless relationship. You say, I want you, I love your character because you don't have to say, and besides, Zack's a dog gun. You don't have to say that. No, you don't have to say that. Because that, like, this makes so much sense
Starting point is 00:37:23 that it worked out this way, with Don, Manu, and Frogman being up the top. Anytime anyone has talked about the podcast, those are undoubtedly the three characters that come up and the conversations that we've had with those three characters. Absolutely. What are you saying with that, Kurt? I'm saying that you're an incredible character actor and the podcast is very much your gem you're very very good at it. No, I fuck off, fuck off. Alright. I'm sorry. Fuck off, cunt, you're all fucked. It was a landslide.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It was a landslide again I guess. Would you say 63 to 33, 37% is a landslide? Yeah, that's a landslide. That's definitely a landslide. Well Malcolm Turnbull says that's a landslide and that he... What? Turn it a little. No Malcolm Turnbull says that's a landslide and that he what turn a little little Malcolm Turnbull Jack. Which is a character who didn't even get a place in the World Cup. I'm working on a Scomo. Cool. I can't wait to do World Cup this year when it's Scomo versus there was there was a little bit of love for a character that I do outside of the World Cup wall the world cup was happening
Starting point is 00:38:29 Checking Charlie yeah, he's new. He's new so I'm I'm and then and someone said to me last night though like hey Maybe check him Charlie will go for a bit of a run next year and I was like hey maybe maybe I'll ruin the character by then You never know. Obviously, no. Frogman. Frogman is this year's World Cup winner. But there won't be World Cup next year because World Cup's happened every four years. I'll be dead by then, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:38:58 If everything goes the plan. Do, do, will these characters re-enter the next World Cup? Yeah, you can re into the world cup But it'd be a different you know the four years of change maybe yeah, maybe frogman will have retired He's not we hope he's not a long one. There is one joke. It's that he's a frog. Yeah, but it's a great Joe It's very well. It's it's it's it's just one of those things from explainer, but it makes you laugh toads live for 12 years There you go That's that's interesting
Starting point is 00:39:30 Frogs tend to live 10 to 12 years, but Frogman is currently 45 when there'd be start the podcast two years ago when you're going 20 16 let's all agree that in in Yeah, probably 2026. Let's all agree that in in 20 30 eight 2038 no matter where we are no matter what we're doing we come back together and we do a death of frogman That's very funny In 2038
Starting point is 00:40:02 Doesn't matter if we haven't spoken to each other because of a falling out we've had over legal issues regarding anti-bona-lib. Let's make sure we do that. Guys, come on, promise me. Okay. Guys, let's close out this World Cup ever so thank you to everyone who voted. Congratulations to Frogman. Congratulations, Frogman.
Starting point is 00:40:20 This is the last podcast that Mark and I will be on so far. Oh no, it's just that now. That's just Zach now. Don't worry about it. I love them. Have a great week. Thank you, Judas. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-amp episode brought to you by See you next week! you

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