Aunty Donna Podcast - Australia Quiz!

Episode Date: March 7, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Hello everybody and welcome to the podcast. Hello. We are in Portland, Oregon. Oregon? In a hotel room. Sorry, did you just in Portland, Oregon, Oregon in a hotel room. Sorry, sorry, did you just say Portland, Oregon? Yeah, we're in a big jar of, Oregon, or Oregon, Oregon. Oregon, I was there calling here in Portland, Oregon. And we all know how this, if you've never listened to the podcast before, this is a, it is a trivia show where we have people fire off questions at you and you whoever wins is the king
Starting point is 00:00:50 this week we are doing a Australia quiz how well do you know Australia? oh I just heard the I just heard the sultry sounds of some north california sexy boy well I'll get to yeah so in this week our guests are Mark Bonano. Hello. Do you know much about Australia? I was born there. I was raised there. I am first generation. So well pasta might run through my veins. I like to tongue-kiss kangaroos. Zach Rwain is our second guest. Hi Zach. yes, I was also born in Australia. I'm second generation and whilst potatoes and Guinness and
Starting point is 00:01:31 Kilt's run through my veins I also like to eat meat pies Great and our third guest is a guy we met a week ago the guy who have been given as an employee for this tour to do our lighting Justin Preston, hello Justin. Hey, how's it going? Now just to me, we should mention the loser of the podcast, loses his job. And we'll have to. We'll not be paying anything he hasn't been paying.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah, it doesn't get paid for the work that's already been done. So, if you'd say lit our shows and been touring with us, doing the lighting design, you would not be paid for the work that's already been done. So light if you'd say lit our shows and been touring with us doing the lighting design you would not be paid for that. That sounds fair. However, however, there is one sort of cat that if the person who loses if them being fired from anti-donna will affect anti-donna's future they're're probably not going to get fired. So like moving forward. So like if they're an integral part of the team, you know, be it brightening or acting or lighting, for example, would not be something that you know, probably we could probably like it's replaceable. Yeah, you can
Starting point is 00:02:38 probably put some but someone like like the faces of anti-donna. Yeah, yeah. Okay, but we've all got things at stake here. Here's a Yan. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm not a fan of the fair. But that's what. If you, if you, if you, we've all got things at stake here. Here's a thing. Okay. I will good thing. I mean, I'm an expert in Australia.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So really in Australia? You're, you're just an expert in Australia. Is it a city here like a, can't tell me, tell me who Roe v McMannis is. Is that a type of co-occa? Oh, co-occa. So co-occa. Co-occa. Americans are,-occa. Co-occa, co-occa.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Americans are, if you're an Australian, you mean an American. Tell them about co-occas, which is the small rodent that lives off the coast of Perth, because they're obsessed with that shit. They all want to go to co-occas. In Australia, we all see Americans as ignorant. You know, they don't know much about outside of their country. They know about their own, they're just all high, smoke and weed and plain and tamarines. Yeah, I love tamarines. So we want, I want you to break that mold, Justin.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Okay. You have, I'm gonna do my best. You are holding the weight of how Australians see Americans on your shoulders right now. Okay. Is that clear? Yeah crystal all right and also Don't run your fucking mouth because I know you got a habit of doing that all right, so here is the first question Okay for the Australian quiz the loser loses their job Unless it's Mark or Zer're an integral part of the same. Well, I didn't say that specifically. What is the meaning of Australia?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Is the first question on this online quiz? What is the meaning of Australia? The meaning of Australia? Bro, did I just want to make sure you've ever heard this quiz to make sure it's something? Oh, Zach, I haven't looked at this article at all. I haven't, I've been, I came into this hotel room, I opened up this laptop and now I'm reading what is the meaning of Australia?
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's just a multiple choice. Just a someone who recently, who recently looked up a news article from 1996 and derailed the whole podcast. So I'm just telling you you're on IC ground. I, you know, I don't, icy ground. I do. I've never listened to this podcast but is it fair to say that it's that you guys put about as much prep work into it as your guys' live show? Justin, Justin, very simple, very simple answer that. It's so funny. I knew the food in America was salty. I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:00 know the lighting technicians were. You're salty. You're a salty little fuck. You're salty little boy. Now question one. What is the meaning of Australia? It's a multiple choice. Yes, they're all multiple choices. Number one number one North land. Okay, guys in Northland shopping center. Okay. Yeah East land. Yep West land. Mm-hmm. And I'll give you a guess about what the last multiple choices best land South Southland Southland shopping center is the meaning of Australia Northland Eastland Westland or Southland now do we have to is it a buzz in kind of buzz in situation buzz I have a first to call out the answer I haven't thought that far does everyone answer and then buzzed southland what I think you put in your options
Starting point is 00:05:54 Okay, well don't what Mark will Justin always has to go first. Yeah I'll go with Southland, that's right. Thanks Zach. Yeah, Zach as if he wouldn't know I'm gonna with Southland. That's a good thing. Right, thanks Zach. Yeah, as if he wouldn't know where I'm going to go Southland. I'm going to go Northland. Right, so the score now is Justin and Zach are on one and Mark is on zero. Okay, so the answer of course was Southland. So I've just tapped Tom on the leg to say, Tom, can you keep score? He looked at me and then continued on his phone.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah, because I'm ready. Oh, great, awesome. Awesome. Great, sorry, I'm sorry. Hey, Tom, I'm sorry I yelled at you. That was really interesting. There was no need to call him a cunt then, bro. I thought that was really unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I see a cunt, I call it cunt. And I've always said that, and I always will. I'm looking at a cunt right now. His name's Justin Preston, what a cunt. That doesn't say cunt a lot here, and they get very offended by it. Can I just say very quickly, Justin has taken to the word cunt. I love it. Like a cunt to a...
Starting point is 00:06:58 I don't know. Oh, I'm confused. Yeah, like a fish to water. Like a fish to water. You like saying cunt? I do. I think it's like a fish to water. Like a fish to water. You like saying cunts? I do. I think it's going to be a problem, especially living in Southern California, where we try to be politically correct all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:14 He's taking to it like a dog takes to laying eggs. What? What? What? What? What? No more egg stuff with you, man, after last week. Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:07:26 No more egg stuff after last week. What did I do? Your cream egg thing. That was a great bit. I've never had like people genuinely just like, guys, you went too far. Hey, guys, I've got on a social media platform to let you know. That really upset me. And have a great week. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Shit, I thought all the animals in Australia did that Number one the lion Frodin number two fucking jobs are on the line here, man number two
Starting point is 00:08:14 Number two the tiger god god Number three told me I'd be safe Number three the kangaroo and number four, the zebra. Now, which Australian animal carries its babies? I think they get harder. Just a little bit. I'll go with the kangaroo. Great. I'm going to go... I think it's a trick question. I'm going to go zebra. It's definitely kangaroo. Right. The answer is kangaroo Tom can I get the scores from round two it's mark with one Zach with one and Justin we have two
Starting point is 00:08:51 oh yeah Jesus Christ he's he's leaped ahead there I didn't even see I can't when did that happen around three which animal lays eggs? Okay. Platypus. Platypus. Wolf. Wolf. Jackal. Jackal. Dog.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Oh, I gave it away. I gave it away earlier with my analogy, god damn it. Have you read this quiz? I'll... No, I don't know what he's talking about. I've read this quiz. Fuck. Here I, I don't know what he's talking about. I'll read this quiz. I'm bugged. Here I am.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Can I get the animals again? Sure, absolutely. Number one, the platypus. Number two, wolf. Wolf. Three, jackal. And number four, dog. I feel really bad, because I do feel like I gave it away earlier with my analogy.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So if you just want to like that. I'm going to go with platypus. No, but you heard what I said before didn't you? No, I don't listen to you. Justin's very mean to us. He's a sassy pants from Sassafras. Now, your answer is this. Oh my answer is, well Mark obviously is committed to dog.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, I'm not even gonna ask Mark. Mark said dog. My name's God damn dog. And Mark, can I just say, I trust that you didn't cheat. I trust that you didn't look at this before. So I'm gonna say dog as well, because I trust you. I say platypus. What?
Starting point is 00:10:24 The answer was platypus What? The answer was platypus you fucking dog to me man. No, I didn't man. I was I'm sorry I'm sorry if you were confused Tom round three actually no hold away What is a jackal? Jackals an American animal is it you fucking California and fucking in and out at burger eat? I'm sorry that it's not made out of weed Isn't it is yeah yeah Sorry it's not made out of weed you so fucking
Starting point is 00:10:51 Isn't it like a type of uh... I know Bruce Willis played one in the jackal But isn't it a type of like coyote dog fuck It's a coyote dog type thing It's a coyote dog fuck I hate that sort of thing Sorry this game just it's a little too quick for my drug-addled mind And I said it was inside my little weed legal here Justin you you've been different All right, he sees gone to sleep
Starting point is 00:11:19 Round four round four now I'm gonna what is the current date for Australia day? Ooh, the god is good. We fucking got you. Number one, 26th. Don't put your phone down, don't be a vlog. Come on. Number one, the 26th of January. I can tell you Independence Day.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Number two, the 1st of May. Number three, 15th of August. Number three, 15th of August. Number four, 26th of September. Good. It's Australia day? Last. Australia day. And what does that celebrate?
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's Australia, when a group of white people came to a place that was already inhabited and killed everyone. Oh, I can identify. We'll say. I don't know if you have that in America. Um, I'll go with, uh, A. Australia Day. You show you on the 26th of January.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. Is that for real? What am I supposed to know the answer to this? I just don't know what your answer is. What are your, what are your, what? We'll go through and then, well, you know, I reckon it should be B. That's my opinion, sir. Yeah. I don't recognize a. So you both lose. So while you were right, you are insensitive. You are tall. That is no one in Australia would ever say that. Well, do you know how I knew the answer to that?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. It was the only answer that Broden refused to make eye contact with you. Oh my gosh, that's a mind to it. He's a fucking... Is that really what I did? Broden, you fucking jumped around the line here. You told me, you said to me, we'd be fine. He's a mentalist. that's what he is. He's a I didn't realize Justin was a god their mentalist Tom I'm gonna get a score update. You're like a regular Simon mark on
Starting point is 00:13:15 To Zach on one Justin on four I feel like you joking all right, let's just move I don't know how this is I feel like you joking. All right, let's just move Get it back here boys with your Australian knowledge you said I'd be fine man. I put my fucking job on the line for this Still time Which is which of the following is not a state? Okay Queens land. Oh, we fucking got you with this one States we have states and territories you ignorant fucking
Starting point is 00:13:46 car not just some island some island nice we don't have 70 of them and we don't have a little star for everyone we've got points on a star we've got states yeah all right fucking we got states and territories and we've also got stakes heard of a little place called out-packs stay counts Yeah Justin you fuck you fucking dog. I bet you get the munchies sometimes of your medicinal lead from Venice Beach
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'm only here because I was promised there would be munchies We'll get you your munchies. Your munchies are camel. I want you to cover pretzels That's why we got Justin on this story works for Oreos We'll get you your text mix. You got to scrape out the filling. Okay. I don't like the filling Yeah, we will scrape out the filling of the oreo just this is a big this is a little fun fact everyone from Southern California Works for Doritos and and loose change in the tip jar. I got fired Works for Doritos and and loose change in the tip jar. I got fired Which of the following is not a state no, I'm not giving you eye contact for any of them good work, bro Queensland you don't let him beat you Western Australia
Starting point is 00:14:56 South Australia oh no and Northern Territory oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck wrote these questions The website go for forward slash 32 forward slash Australia hyphen Quicksie go again. Read them again. Read them again. One more time. The following is not a state. Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia or Northern territory. Good fucking luck I'll go with Northern territory. Why would you say that? You're going with us in territory. Why would you say that? Why would you say that?
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's why you said that. I just, you know, it just sounds, just doesn't sound right. Broden, I'm going to have a guess now. And I'm also going to say, maybe don't open a question about states and territories by explaining to the American that we have two things in our country. One is called states, the other is called territories. We have more than two things actually, we have states, we have territories, and fucking reasonable gun laws. Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah! Yeah! Fuck that! Alright, Zach, your answer? Uh, I'm gonna go Northern Territory. Mark, is the hard one. It's tough. I've got a hard one for you when you come out and look at it. He's clean in that we we washed down the room before every podcast
Starting point is 00:16:26 It's like a like a sumo school the young sumo's will clean the space for the older sumo's it's cleaning That's my good job Tom. All right. It's not a no territory. I know it's no longer territory. Lock it in everyone got that right The answer is northern territory. It is not a state Let's go to this and numbers question number six. Oh my god This is interesting this one and don't fucking go. Oh, no before the writers Yes, so think about juzzly. He's not a mentalist. It's just a normal fucking person Oh, no Northern territory Yes, so think about Juzly, he's not a mentalist, he's just a normal fucking person. He's just a huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, Which Australian captain declared the innings in a test when his individual score reached 300? Listen to the question. I'm trying. Which Australian captain declared the innings in a test when he's, you've got as much chance of getting this right as the other two, by the way.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That's not true. Because when innings innings are in baseball. That's it. That's it. That's it. Which Australian captain declared the innings in a test when his individual score reached 334 equaling that of Don Bradman, Ian Chappell, Mark Taylor, Alan Bordor or Kim Hughes? Fuck, I was gonna say Don Bradman. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I was gonna say Don Bradman. I'm gonna give you a little hint, the sport is cricket. That's not a sport. It certainly is, you fuck knuckle. We're in American. I know the only sport you know is a little job down to 7-11 to get some chicken nuggets. And I'm excellent at it. You got some, my munchies.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Okay, what are the options again? Ian Chappell, Mark Taylotte, Dylan Borda and Kim Hughes. I know it. I know it. This is the last cricket question, by the way, so don't worry The one hard one for him. I'll go be beat mark Taylor. Why would you say that? Why not? I'm gonna go William Shakespeare I'm gonna go William Shakespeare. He's gonna Kamikaze. But I don't like going into a change room, smack another boy's bum, when I can be doing music theatre with some beautiful girls.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, sounds really gay to do a show with beautiful women. William Shakespeare's my answer. These are the responses that I would, and Zach would say at school when people made fun of us for doing these. I got that more than I said it. I was like, oh whatever. People would say, hey, don't worry about doing music theater. You get to do theater with beautiful girls
Starting point is 00:19:16 or they're smacking each other's bottoms. I'm like, they both sound great. I got it. And mark your answer. Angle board room. What was he? Number C. Alan boarder. Alan boarder. Ang angle board room. What was he number C? Alan border angle board room Your answer is angle border. Yes Alan border. Alan border. I actually don't know the answer Do you know the answer Tom?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Who is it was it? I did was look at his eyes. I just So yes All I did was look at his eyes. I just look at his eyes. I just look at his eyes. Oh shit! So yes, Justin has got that character. Oh no. What's fun? Tom scores for the job and you will lose your job, Zach or Mark. Oh my god. The score is Mark 3, Zach 2, Justin 6.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I believe that's a perfect score. You guys don't know your own country and Munchy boy over here is taken to it like a fish to Dorito. I already like it because it looks like a half-eaten Dorito. He likes our country. It looks a bit like a potato chip. Which one is a Dorito or a potato chip? Oh no. Number seven. Oh there's more questions. I can get this. We got to check. You got to on something. I know what is Don Bradman's test batting average Okay, no go go go go. Is this really the 52
Starting point is 00:20:34 29 99.94 or 100 go be 29 sure Zach 99.94 I 29? Sure. Zach? 99.94. I grow Zach.
Starting point is 00:20:46 See. Well, when the Australians come to play the cream rises to the top, that's one point to Zach and Mark and Justin, you fucking idiot. What the fuck's wrong with you? That's what they've been doing. That is just playing everyone's ass. I'm fucking ignorant. The thing about this question now is,
Starting point is 00:21:05 what is Dom Brehm and says batting average? Is it 52, 29, 99.94, or 100? What's a batting average? Of course, it's gonna be the dead. You could have just ended the question after his name. What is, and then the guy's name, and I wouldn't have known. So he got the last one in the car.
Starting point is 00:21:23 We know about your culture, we respect your culture. You don't even know who Don Bradman is and that's pretty insulting. Yeah. He was even first prime minister. We know everything about America because we have no culture of our own. So we just watch all your stuff. And the fact that you're right. And that's that's probably why Zach asked me what was North of California. And we've literally just flew into Portland, London. What I really love about Justin, this is the most the very good thing every of my kids, is he laughed at me. I said, what state is immediately north of California?
Starting point is 00:21:55 And he was like, oh, silly boy. And he didn't even know Australia had states. All right, I have to move on guys, because is it time for a mid roll? Yeah, I don't have a mid roll now. Harry's razes, everybody. You love a Harry's razor. I love a Harry's razor. Do you love a Harry's razor, Mark?
Starting point is 00:22:14 I shave my neck with them. I think I'm going to shave my downstairs. I do. And it's great. Harry's razor. Go to No, I don't know what I'm saying. What's the email time? Harry's razor. Go to No, I don't know what I'm saying. What's the email time?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Harry' and get yourself some free stuff plus shipping. Also, royalty-bite we're coming to the city. We use. We haven't paid for a mid-roll. Harry's have paid for a mid-roll. I pay for a mid-roll every day.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I have to spend with you I tell you what I'm getting a few rolls in my tummy after eating all them in an out burgers Harries raises Hey, if you if you guys if anyone in Melbourne who's listening to the podcast you got one of them sweet in an out burgers the other day They turned up just let us know on the Twitter how it was we'd love to know I turned that just let us know on the Twitter how it was we'd love to know How long you waited for all right of course what I would love to know all that's the best It's fine What I really like what Justin what my
Starting point is 00:23:16 I'm sorry. Sorry. I know Tom's been talking a lot But that piece of information Tom just said five guys is better than in a now. I wouldn't know Well, yeah peanuts, but other than that sometimes I feel like we fall into the demo of 25 year old white boys from Melbourne Australia too much and as we're now talking about burgers in America I feel like we can't get anymore That's funny. Well, I mean I don't have anything to contribute Because I'm vegan and I don't I'm not vegan Congratulations, macro vegan. Congratulations. How's it been so far? What do you mean so far?
Starting point is 00:23:50 You've been vegan for a few days. Yes. I'm not doing it. I'm doing it because I've been very sick. You've got tummy problems. We haven't been having some big tummy problems. So I've gone vegan and the fact that you guys still eat meat I think is disgraceful and I think you really need to have a look at yourself sitting here talking about which burger's better you know what I think is better life I choose life oh life do do do do do life oh life question eight is this the national anthem of Australia? Yes, I am afraid of the duck especially when I'm in a park rather have a piece of love is watching the evening news life
Starting point is 00:24:36 Oh life Oh all right I wish sorry just quickly I wish you could see Justin's face right now as we've been. I'm pretty over it. Justin, this is your job to deal with us, so fucking cop it. Alright, alright. It's your job for now, even though your 48 points ahead of Zack and Mark, you might lose your job. Question 8, and this is legitimately how this question is worded. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Legitimately. What is dingo What is dingo Episode right question one wait quit answer one Help just read one I say on though before a Flat I'm moving to a by the way, and what he's looking for respond. What is dingo? You should fucking know what a dingo is Don't say ah you've given it away. I'm fully avoided ah What is it is it a flower a tree a bird a wild dog?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well the laugh afterwards, does I know? Now I know! I didn't know before, but now I know! This is my joke! Now I know! This is my livelihood! The ends of the way! You killed us! A tree, a bird, or a wild dog!
Starting point is 00:25:58 I thought I could throw a few at the start for laughs. I was so confident! Just the grants, please. I'm going wild dog. Interesting choice, Zach. I'm going to go wild dog. Is it mine? I have to go wild dog because there's a lot of steak here,
Starting point is 00:26:13 and there's- Yes, sir, yes. I was determined that they thought it was a flower. What is dingo? What is dingo? Dingo is wild dog. I love it, you can go. You knew what it was.
Starting point is 00:26:23 All right, Christian. But honestly, I think the only reason I know is that sign felt episode. Maybe a Dingo ate your baby. It's not a baby. It's a Dingo. It's very funny because that's a movie that people mocked, but it actually happened. It was very sad. That's a real thing. Yeah, yeah, baby, eight of woman's Dingo. I'm never coming to Australia now. Yeah, yeah, baby eight of woman's She let him stay
Starting point is 00:26:53 Jeremy put it down No, actually our friend in the they made a film about it when Merrill Street played the Azari Chamberlain the person who's Baby got eaten and our friend, because there were no Australian actors that were able to do that role. Merrill Street played it. Merrill Street's the best. Yeah. Oh, she's a national treasure.
Starting point is 00:27:14 You know where she's from, right? She, boy. Liberal Hollywood. I'm just assuming America. You fuck. Oh, no. You munchy eating Oreo fucking. Hey, you like shit.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Thor? You like, you like, um, gladiator. I haven't seen Thor. Hey, do you like Russell Kroes alright? Do you like the American remake of Captain Kim? What? We invented Captain Kim. We invented Captain Kim. Hey, do you like the American remake of Wilfred? We invented Wilfred. Well, we invented it mate. All right, like what's that guy from bloodline? That's the guy Ben Mendelsson. Yeah, but I'm a man. Mendelsson right now. I would love to meet man Well, guess what he's here in the room. Oh my god. Hi there Justin mate. Hey, girl buddy What are you doing? I've been I'm a I'm a huge I'm a huge fan. Love it a major mate. I haven't talked to the cops ever, mate. About what?
Starting point is 00:28:07 You're talking funny, bug, if night. Can't be here, buddy. He's cleaning me out a little bit. Yeah. He only knows Ben Mendelssohn from the Star War movies. Oh, get out there, Mark. Thanks for talking to me, mate. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:28:21 You haven't talked to the cops ever, mate. Just doesn't understand the reference. You haven't talked to the cops have you, mate? Just that doesn't understand the reference. You haven't talked to any of the cops. I really know what the... What? Get out of here, Ben Mendelssohn. Oh, I there. I may have been talked to the cops have you, Ben.
Starting point is 00:28:33 No, I'm not. I don't, I don't, I'm not. I'm gonna go kill myself. No, that was awful. I was gonna... Hey, guys, I'm back. Question nine. It was great.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Which is Australia's... Which is Australia's tallest bird? Guy. Austria's, A-MU, parrot, dove. Well, the last after you say dove, now I know the answer. Yeah. What is it there? What are the options? Austria's, A-MU, parrot, dove. You're the worst.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Right. Right. Well, I don't know. It could be, it could be it could be This is tell I get this one wrong. I'm gonna go I'm your e-mo Excuse me Why say which one is it your option is Emu
Starting point is 00:29:19 No, I think you said something else. What did you say? Yes, sorry, you don't get that point. You know, he said, Aemoo, so lock in Aemoo, whatever that sounds like. Aemoo, it sounds like a 90s website about Kells. Aemoo. That's actually where I get my business cards from. Aemoo. At Aemoo, the best and freshest milk is available to your door. Aemoo.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I'm gonna have to go Emo as well. It's Emo. Is it Emo? It might be ostrich. No, we don't have ostriches. I almost, that's where I was confused was whether it was ostrich. Emo, correct.
Starting point is 00:29:55 If that's score. Dove? That should not be an option. That's a bad idea. That's it. Fax, should we just continue on to get the two done? Let's get those last two questions done. No, no, there's a lot more questions.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Let's just have it work. Continue next week. Alright. Welcome. So next week we will find out who the winners, or winner of the Antidonna Australian, your job is on the line quiz. We're going to continue it next week. See you, bye.
Starting point is 00:30:33 You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by See you next week. See ya next week!

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