Aunty Donna Podcast - Check In Charlie

Episode Date: April 2, 2024

Check In Charlie is always checking in but who's checking in on Charlie? LINKS  Follow @theauntydonnagallery on Instagram   Become a Patreon supporter at   CREDITS   Hosts: Broden Kelly, Zachary Ruane, & Mark Bonanno   Producer: Lindsey Green Digital Producers: Nick Barrett, Jim Cruse & Tanya Zerek Audio Imager: Mitch Calladine  Supervising Producer: Elise Cooper   Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh   Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. And welcome to another silly and jovial episode of the Aunty Donna podcast starring Mark, Broden and Zach. This week though, we have a very fun visitor, a guy called Check In Charlie, who people have been wanting to see for yonks. This episode and more. The visuals are available on the Aunty Donna Club powered by Patreon. Go there for some mad sick adventures.
Starting point is 00:00:26 In the meantime, have fun. Let's see what Charlie has to say. 10 ways to have lots of fun. Cause you're going to get nine reasons for the best type of podcast in the world. Don't hate our stuff. I'll tell you why. There's seven days in the weekend that six are lame because they don't feature this wonderful podcast. About five years it's been happening for different people when Tom was involved. Now it's three and sometimes a funny guest. They haven't too much fun on the only podcast, the number one, the Aunty Donna podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Good morning everyone and welcome to the Aunty Donna podcast brought to you by the Nissan Pulsar driving you better on the road. And on the topic of the road, we are going to finally, we were promising this for a few weeks now, we are finally going to do... Mark's sick. Mark's sick by the way. No I'm not. Okay Mark is here.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Hi Mark. Hey Mark. Oh sorry I... Why do you keep saying I'm sick? I have blinkers on. What? Blinkers. Like a car?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah, so like a horse. When they put blinkers on horses, horse racing horses, so you can't see the other horses. I have blinkers on and I was just, oh, do you want a podcast? I walked in, saw Zach, I said, it's a podcast with Zach. I won't ask where Mark is. Sorry. I'm sorry. No, it's all right.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I'm sick. Are you sick? I mean- Do you wanna be here, Mark? Do you wanna be here for this podcast or would you like to take this opportunity to step out of the room? I would like to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Okay, great. Well then welcome. You're welcome. For tours from the road. For tours. Oh, great. Well then welcome. You're welcome. Tours from the road. Oh, for stories from the road. Stories from the tour. That happened on the road. So Tours from the Road is a podcast we've been promising for a few weeks here.
Starting point is 00:02:57 People want to know what it's like. Hey, how's it going boys? Sorry folks. Sorry. We've Mark, Zach, Broden here and we've just been interrupted by a friend of ours, Charlie. Eh! Hi Charlie. How's it going boys? Just having a good time.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I'm just checking in on the pods. It's Checking Charlie. Checking Charlie. Eh! Now I, as I've said on the record, when I record podcasts I go into a fugue state, I don't remember any of them. Yeah. Now, I, as I've said on the record, when I record podcasts, I go into a fugue state. I don't remember any of them. Checking Charlie, you've been a guest in the past, but help me remember who you are, what you do, what your point is.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Mate, mate. I've got a guitar. Okay. And you're checking in? You just check in on us? I'm just coming in, checking in on my boys, see how the party's doing. Haven't checked in in a couple years. Well, thank you for checking in.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Uh, the top line is all good. Yeah, well, yeah, the top line is all good. Uh, since you last came in, made a Netflix show, show for ABC, a few tours. COVID hit. Is that how long it's been since Check In Charlie's been in? Boy's been busy. That's a couple Yeah, yeah. The boys been busy. That's a couple busy boys. Shows, tours, roads, stories.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So you just check in. That's your remit. You check in. I come in, I check in, I sing a couple songs. Hit it. Nah, I don't feel like doing one. Fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 That makes sense. I'll let you know when I'm doing one. Fair enough. Yeah. That makes sense. I'll let you know when I'm doing one. I'm just checking in. Was that a song? Nah. Oh, here it is. Oh. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Checking Charlie on the guitar. Yeah, a couple licks. Oh. Oh, baby. Got a little bit of a... Yeah, checking in on these nylon strings. Getting a little bit of Last of Us Part 2 vibes from the checking, Charlie. Oh yeah, great. Checking in on that. How you boys doing on that game? You got finished it? Yeah. What'd you think of the story? Good,
Starting point is 00:04:57 very powerful. That fucking cuckman, I didn't like it. Oh, okay. I've not played that game. I'm not a big gamer. Do you need to check in on me playing that? Oh yeah, just after this lick. So if you're listening, you don't have the visual. Check in Charlie is playing this guitar. Now where are you up to in the last of us just checking in on that? No, I'm just saying I don't play that game. Don't bother with the second one, mate.
Starting point is 00:05:26 All right, I won't. Actually, it's really good. It's really good. Oh, God. This is this fucking SJW. No, no, it's not about that. It's a great extension of the story. I think it's a powerful,
Starting point is 00:05:36 I think it's a good piece of storytelling. I call him Neil Cuckman. And if I can, I called him fucking my wife. And then I watched. I was just checking in. What his what's his original name? Druckmann, okay. Oh, that's right. Yeah, that's very effective, but I don't think he's a cuck I think the story needed to go in that direction. Does he ever drive a truck? Because then you can call him Neil drug. I don't know what kind of car the one of the creative directors at Naughty Dog drives
Starting point is 00:06:02 My dog just checking in on this pod. Oh Doing a couple licks on the old acoustic here. Not a lot of melody on this one. Well you can... Can you try singing to this? I can try, yeah, I can check in. I don't try, I check in. You've stopped playing? Oh there you go. I can check in on it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Well no, just sing. Last of Us meets Ben Harper over here. Home. Yeah, this is good checking. Home. Yeah, nice. Home. You're meditating, are you?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Now home is where? Oh, home. Wow. The door is? Wow. Go door is... Wow. Going there. Checking in. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Checking Charlie's beautiful. Check what's in the fridge. Uh huh. Three half empty cupies. You eating a cupie, mate? Hard to get it out from the bottom Never want to admit that it's empty when it is cuz it still looks like there's lots in there This is the blues. It's truth. It's sadness
Starting point is 00:07:16 Checking Charlie. I didn't know you carried so much sadness in your heart. Yeah, of course I do Cuz I checked in I don't just check in on you boys. Yeah. Why do you think I've been away for the last couple of years? Are you singing this still? To be honest with you? No, no. I'm just licking it up while I'm talking to you. Story telling, you know. I'm going in and out of it. Checking in on the garage. Are you checking on the garage too? Yeah. What? What? Checking on the garage.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Checking in what's in there there see if anyone's robbed it are you and they haven't Don't need that new door. Tell us what else you check in on you know, I can't so Check in on the state of lizards. How do you do that? Go to the reptile sanctuary well that's Melbourne's you know what you know originally I want to play something with a bit more of a you know but that's but I you, you know. You're playing... You're...
Starting point is 00:08:27 You're the guitarist. Yes, from Blink-182. Yeah, you're Mark? No, Tom. Check it, Charlie. You're Tom. I... Well, I've checked in so much on Tom Delonge. Cos he loves checking in on them UFOs and alien shit. While he's checking in on the UFOs, you're checking in on him. I'm filling in for Blink 182 and Angels and Airwaves.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah, that's his other side project. Now, I hear that when Mark got cancer, you were quite active in, hey, we're going to get through this, you know. I was checking in on his colon every day, boys. Good boy. Getting up there, getting the camera up there. What else you've been checking in on?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Well, as I was saying, lizards. Well, no, you said you check in on the state of lizards. Yes. Can you explain to me the difference of checking in on lizards versus checking in on the state of lizards? Checking on lizards. In song. Checking on lizards.
Starting point is 00:09:24 That's just one lizard. Yeah. Checking in on the state of lizards, is gathering information from many lizards. I like this. And asking them, what is... And then, you know, it's kind of like a... That's more like a census.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Beautiful. What else are you checking in on? You know, I'm checking in on, checking in on, you know, inflation. Ooh, good lick. Tell me about that. Well, it's happening. It's happening. What is inflation? When you have a balloon
Starting point is 00:10:07 and some spare breath, you can put that in a balloon. And you can sing, you can sing with a bit of drive. Double time it. You want me to double time? I don't even know if this has a beat. So you go. You want me to double time? I don't even know if this has a beat. So you go... Alright. Show him, Zach. Sing about balloon. You sing about what have you been checking in on? Everyone's checking in on something. I'm checking in on the balloon.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah, but you do have to do the pulls. Yeah, you have to do the pulls. I've been playing these licks for years. I can get a bit in there, so... Checking in every day. You're checking in on Lindsay? Yeah, how are you going, Lindsay, out there? I'm going well. Can you check in on our producer, Lindsay?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Lindsay! Yes, Charlie? How are you going, Lindsay? I'm doing well, thank you. That's great, I'm just checking in. That's all right. You know, I love the guitar. You know I do. But sometimes you just want to play a song that's got a little bit more gusto, a little
Starting point is 00:11:17 bit more pep, a little more pepies. And I would love to do that. But obviously it's not my trail. And then also Lindsay how long is check-in have to be here for? Still, how much time is left? You want me to go? No, I'm just asking. You've been going for 10 minutes. I can put another song on if you like.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I just think I like the vibe of this song. I do. If you want to change it, I understand. I'm just happy we've checked in and now that we've checked in I feel like... The look! In your eyes! If you wanted pep in that song you probably should have set it in the pre-production V. You know I just said a selection of acoustic tracks. And there are other options we've been told. I like what you're doing here. This was my selection for stories from the road.
Starting point is 00:12:11 It's called Tumbleweed. Ah Tumbleweed, well thanks for checking in. I could put a different track on if you like. Lindsay all I was doing was checking in. If you make a decision from you based on the check-in, that's up to you. I haven't put anything on you. You're playing check-in, Charlie. He has a gown ball. Why don't you play me a new song?
Starting point is 00:12:33 You wanna hear a new song? Me personally, I like this. I'd love to hear more things that you've checked out to this. I wanna hear a new song, check-in. Why don't we come back to this one? We'll circle back around. Yeah, when we get bored with the new one, we'll come back to this one. Absolutely. And five, six, seven, eight.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Hot dogs for breakfast. Go back to the other one. That's a song I song, Charlie. The other day I was checking in on my mate Inspector Detector Detector. Now he, Inspector, Inspector Detector. He inspects detectors, Inspector Detectors. And I was singing, and it was 6am. Can you sing it? What? Butt Dogs for Breakfast? I'd love to.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But I worry that, I don't want you taking credit for it, because that's our song, Checking Charlie. No, well I was checking in from the bushes. But I worry that I don't want you taking credit for it because that's our song, Checkin' Charlie. No, well I was checking in from the bushes. And if you ever try to steal our song, Checkin' Charlie, this is the vibe you've got to go with with this music. Yeah. If you ever try to steal our song again, I'll kill you.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Alright. Jesus. I'll take, I'll take when Lindsay said 10 minutes and Mark's eyes with me for the rest of my life. Well can I tell you boys a secret, can I get you to check in on me? Yeah. Is that what you'd like? Yeah. Has that ever been done before?
Starting point is 00:13:54 No it hasn't. Who checks in on the checker in? Exactly. The Oppenheimer moment when it's like for the first time that this happens do we know it's not gonna start a chain reaction that ends the world? Well, I've done the maths. I've done the maths. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:14:08 And we're okay. Oh, great. But good that we've set that up because it might come back at the end of the episode. You gave me- Like Oppenheimer. You gave me a wink. Cause what I'm gonna do is at the end, I'm gonna go, when we checked in on Check In Child,
Starting point is 00:14:23 oh, no, I don't wanna give away the end of Oppenheimer too soon Broden do you want to check in on check in Charlie? Sure here I go Charlie yeah just checking in. Are you checking Chuck or checking Charlie? Checking Charlie you're thinking a chin up Chuck which was a character from an ill-fated show. It was a bad sketch we did. Bad sketch. That we did in Edinburgh did you check in on us there? I didn't but I should have. You should have. You should have said.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I should have checked in and gone, hey boys the show's already 65 minutes long on a good night. That sketch that isn't getting any laughs and none of you really like doing, I reckon it's putting a bit of a dip in the show. Check in Charlie, do you give advice as well as check-in? Well I check in and then based on the check-in I then check in with myself about whether the check-in should end or the advice should start. But here's what I wanted you to check in with me. Well let's do that.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Please. Broden, do you want to check in with Check-in Charlie? Hey Charlie, just start with me. Well, let's do that, please. Broden, you wanna check in with Check-in Charlie? Hey Charlie, just- Start with, how's it going boys? All right, how's it going boys? Pretty good. Just checking in. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:34 How you going? Good. All right, see you later. No, go a little deeper mate. Oh, what else, are you sure? I've, I'm gonna be honest with you boys. Oh. I've never existed for this long.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Wow. Usually I check in, check in, get out, get out. Last time I did that, year, like years. 2019, 2018. No one listening remembers that. Years ago. You're a pre-existing character. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I checked in on Mark before this. Said, Mark, how you feeling about checking Charlie? How does that work, checking Charlie? It's a, I've got to do it in private. Is it all in Mark's mind or do you play out both parts? No, we play it out. Norman Bates kind of vibes? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah, but usually done in public bathrooms. Gollum's a good one. Do you turn your head like Gollum? I don't know. How would it look? How would it look? When Mark and Checkin Charlie are talking. I think it's the same as Gollum, but there's no turning.
Starting point is 00:16:34 It's more of like a slight head tilt. So more like Psycho. A bit more like Psycho. Go show me. Hello, come in. How's it going Mark? I think that's more Gollum than Norman Bay. Oh yeah no I'm good. No but Gollum does the whole. So Mark uh check in Charlie right now for those listening is turning his head like Gollum. Which is a circular. Should have checked in on him. I just realised that's a circular, what just happened there is so you would demonstrate for those who didn't know, you demonstrated what Gollum does visually
Starting point is 00:17:13 and then I for those who didn't know visually described it as he did what Gollum does. So that helps no one that little circular. Can I talk to you about some guys I should have checked in on that I regret? Yeah, reel them off for me. Gollum is one. In song. In song. Well. And you can like go, like you can.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Or you do it. You know, like checking in on these people and then this person too. You know. Oh yeah. Like, hey, glad I checked in. Yeah. You know, like, oh yeah, right. Hey, glad I checked in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I wish I'd checked in on Gollum. Schmeagol as he's known to the Hobbits. Well, he was like a Hobbit. He was a Hobbit. No, he was a species very similar to a Hobbit. Wasn't he a Hobbit and then he acted greedily? He was very much to a hobbit. Wasn't he a hobbit and then he acted greedily? He was so... He was very much like a hobbit.
Starting point is 00:18:08 What was different? I think he was just different to a hobbit. He had long feet and long toes? Like Neanderthal to homo sapien kind of difference. So hang on, he wasn't a hobbit at all, ever? I think he was like a hobbit. It's called the hobbit. No, but that's about the hobbit.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Now I'm saying this with the confidence that in my core I don't have. I'm just hoping... There's that origin story in which one. He's very similar to a hobbit. But doesn't Gandalf say he was much like you? But he doesn't say he was a hobbit. Add another one to the list, J.R.R. Tolkien. Checked in on him about the clarity around whether Schmeagol was a Hobbit or not.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Who would know? Who would know? Anyone who's read the books, anyone who's watched the films more closely than I have. Lindsay, have you read any of that shit? No, I haven't read any of it. Okay. You wouldn't be able to Google it, would you Lindsay? I don't have access to the wifi.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Is that alright? Check in on that wiki fanpage. Is that alright? Check in on now that wiki fanpage. Is Gollum a Hobbit? Is Schmeagol a Hobbit? Is Schmeagol a Hobbit? I'm happy to own it if I was wrong. I checked in on him, you know what I would have said?
Starting point is 00:19:18 What? Put the ring away. Put the ring away. Cause he killed his Hobbit friend. Not worth it for anything else? Hitler. Yes. Yeah. Should have checked in on him.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah, at art school. Yeah, at art school. Should have checked in on him going, mate, it's not worth it. Okay, we don't need to do that. You're lining up. He is a strife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yep. That's good. I get it. Who else? That's most of them. It's not a huge list check-in challenge. No, it's not. Well, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:51 He's checking in a lot. I've checked in with a lot of people, I've got to be honest. Are you like Santa? Is that what we're building here? In a way. I don't give gifts. What, the gift of checking in? Yeah, but I do slay.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Hey, here's my question when you check in, Charlie. This is the longest you've existed for. Yeah, but I do slay. Here's my question we're checking Charlie. This is the longest you've existed for. Yeah, I'm tired. But you also imply that with JR, Tolkien and Hitler that you've been around since at least the 30s? Oh yeah, 15s yeah. When you pop into existence are you aware of the time that's passed or does your existence only go as long as? I sort of, I come to fruition when I'm needed. Yeah. But when you come back, do you feel like you're a hundred years old or do you just feel like you're...
Starting point is 00:20:35 No, yeah, right. So I only exist for the times. So I pop out any time, but I'm only as old as all of that accumulated time. Yep. A bit like Severance, you know, on Apple+. Oh, I haven't seen that. I should check in on that. Yeah, I'll check in on Apple+. Best season finale, top 10 season finales of all time. Really? Yeah. Check in on that. Incredible final episode.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah, check in. I always forget to check out hotels. So you're que... Do you? You don't have to, I don't think. No, it hasn't been a problem. They take your card. Check in though. The only thing that'll happen, I think, is when you would leave a hotel and just piss off, they'll ring your room to see if you answer
Starting point is 00:21:15 and if not, they'll go turn it over. But you don't have to check out. They'll just change your card. You got another song? Yeah, I got one. Okay. I got one. Okay. I got one more. Are you ready to play it?
Starting point is 00:21:29 No. Or am I? Here we go. Let's check in on that. Lindsay? Oh, this is perfect. We should have gone with this from the start. Yeah. So, oh.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh. Wow. Well, he doesn't like it. He's shaking his head. No, I'm just... Oh, sorry....the start of the song. What's your range checking, Charlie? How high can you go? I can go pretty high. About seven feet up.
Starting point is 00:22:02 If I got the right kind of springboard. Singing. Well. This is a good show, this is a good song that actually reveals my range. Here we go. Went on, went on, went on, checking in, went on, checking in. There it is. Went on, went on, checking in. Where's the bass?
Starting point is 00:22:37 Went on, checking in. That's low. Two hotels. What's your belt like? How do you belt? It's like four notches. No, no, no, no, no. You've like what's it what how do you know it's like four notches no no no no you've done your falsetto how do you belt what's your what's your range like with yeah well it depends what they've done wrong so prepare the mic if if they've you know if it's just like a small thing I
Starting point is 00:22:59 don't belt them too hard but if they get out of hand... He's talking about his kids? Yeah. Oh yeah, alright yeah, the song. I forgot, I need to check in on myself there. You know that's not, we don't do that enough. No, we don't check in on ourselves. Do we know about God? Do you want to hear my belt? Yeah, here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Well unfortunately that's the song. Wow, that was a beautiful song. Checking Charlie. Or is it? Oh, wow. I like to, in my music, I like to do a mix of just talking to my friends and then doing things they ask me to do. And you've got a show coming up in Warrandyte.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I do, at the Eureka pub house. Oh, that'll be nice. Sunday afternoon or? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How much? It's $14! Wow. You belted the price. Yeah. Sure you're not Rhonda Burchmore? Legs 11, that's what we call her.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Who's we? Me and the other check-ins. So there's a... Oh, wow. There's a whole check-in universe of characters. Who are they? Name them. Check-in Charlie, check-in Chuck, check-in Charles, check-in Carmelo, check-in Koala, check-in Wallaby. What, Jay? Check-in Marsupial. Do you check in on... wait, hang on. Do you check in on all of these? Is there a check-in Chaz?
Starting point is 00:24:24 No, no, we don't check in on each other and yes there is. Check in Chaz, he got fired for checking in too much. Tried to check in on, what's that guy's name? What's that fella's name? You know the one? No. You know he did the, he was at that thing. You know what one? No. You know he did the uh, he was at the, he was at that thing. No. You know what he did? Oh yeah I think I know yeah. Yeah. No. No no no.
Starting point is 00:24:52 He was uh, that guy uh, the glasses. Yeah. Dharma. Jeffrey Dharma. He checked in on Jeffrey Dharma. Tried to. Fell in love. Fellen love with Jeffrey Dahmer. Went up to his room. No more is he? He got fired because of this. He got fired because of that. That's a good song. Check in Charlie. That's me. Tell us more about the check in universe. Why? Tell us more about the Check-In universe. Why? Well, I often find when we talk about universes, we reduce them down to their one thing. But what else happens in the Check-In universe other than Checking In? Well, we are, you know, there's a, it's sort of like, have you seen Loki?
Starting point is 00:25:42 No. Well, that doesn't help. we should check in on that. Did we ever find out Lindsay the Golem thing? Yes I did Google it and apparently, Golem was a store hobbit of the River Folk who lived near the Gladden Fields. So it was a hobbit. Specifically a store one. A store hobbit? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:09 You look up what Frodo was. Yeah, I was happy to kind of lose that one, but if we're going to keep digging. No, because I want to know. I want to lose. So I think what it is, is he's a different type of hobbit. Like a store-bought hobbit. As opposed to a homemade hobbit? Is that a difference? Store was S-T-O-O-R as opposed to S-T-O-R-E.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Stoore. Stoore. So he's a hobbit of the river- he's a riverfolk hobbit. Yeah. There was rivers in Hobbiton. Both Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins were part fallohide due to their Took and Brandy Buck mothers respectively. Oh, their Took, Brandy, their Took mothers.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Well, if I'd known he had a Took mother, should have checked in on that. And that's why... That's a good song. Yeah, thank you. Oh, no. Still going. I, thank you. Oh no. What's your... Still going.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'm checking in on you boys. Wow, checking Charlie, checking in on us. How's it going boys? Good, thank you. Honestly, this, for a character that, you know, has existed in, you know what, a minute at most in the past. Mark's here. I've had a great time.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, you've done a wonderful job. I've had a great time being here, checking in on all things, Auntie Donna. What's this podcast about? Improv. Oh, no, this particular episode, we were hoping to get to Roads from the Tour.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Roads from the Road. Stories and tours. Roads from the Tour? Tour, story, Roads from the Tour. Roads from the Tour? Tour Story... Roads from the Tour. Roads from the Tour. I think it is a couple of boys. Now what I'm noticing is there are a couple of boys
Starting point is 00:27:51 who need to check in on each other about the name of this podcast. That's fair. I leave that to other people. Because when you love each other... What do you think, Mark? Let me finish. I was just checking in with Mark. Mark. Who's here. Yeah, I'm here this whole time. It's been great. I'm having a good time. What do you think when you fucking let me fit let me think I was just checking in with Mark Mark here
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, I know. Yeah, I'm here this whole time. It's been great. I'm having a good time. You're not mark Yes, I have been as a gallon boys. Yeah, you say that all time. How's it going? Yeah good What are you been up to? I've just been here listening this whole time checking Charlie. Oh, I have you now Yeah, I have well I was about to share some advice with the boys. Keep going boys, keep talking. Because it seems to me, there's a couple of boys who need to check in with each other. I think it's fair because for the, we've been trying to do- Can you fucking- I'm trying to- I'm in the middle of like an emotional speech here.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Because when I interrupted, that was fair. I had interrupted, but I just wanted to bring to attention that Mark was still here. Can you go back to your old blues song? But just then you left a big pause for Broden to talk. I did but that's because I was pausing for dramatic effect in the middle of my story. Can't do that with the Broden. Broden's gotta find out more. Get, dig deeper. This is dig in Broden.
Starting point is 00:29:02 What the bloody hell's going on here and such? Sounds to me. Why there's a couple of boys. They need to check in with each other. I know man! Yeah. Do you though? Can I do that now? I'd love you to.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Cause we've been calling this tours from the road. Oh he's checking in again. Hey check in Charlie. Oh sorry I thought you were done. No I was clearly at the start of a whole thing that you put forward. Hey, Check In Charlie's great at checking in, not checking in on time. Well, maybe you could work on that, Check In Charlie. Maybe I need to check in on my cell. Check in on my cell.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah, we got that, yeah. How's it going, Check In Charlie? Well, I'd like to check in with you. Well. I think we did that. Yeah, but now it's my time. Check-in Charlie, you've been talking so much about checking in. Yes, I have. But you've not addressed your own issue,
Starting point is 00:29:52 which is that you can't check in on time. Yeah, how's it going boys? See, exactly that. If you don't check in on time for a flight, you miss the flight. Really? Maybe if you... maybe you've missed your... Tell that to my Virgin Australia flight the other night. I checked in on time.
Starting point is 00:30:09 8.30 flight. Get there. One hour delay. Fine. Fine. I'm not going to get too upset. I've checked in. I'm checking, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, very rarely that you wouldn't check in. 9.27. Flight gets cancelled. They didn't check in. 9.27 flight gets cancelled. They didn't check in with me. Well, they didn't. Well. Do you know what's crazy? What? Mark had the exact same thing happen to him on Friday. Did he? Did you want to talk about it, Mark? This is me, Mark. Yeah. I've been here this whole time. You wouldn't need, we wouldn't be needing to do all this if you've just been sick But here we are carry on
Starting point is 00:30:51 You know, I'm not feeling great you want to step out. Yeah, I might step out Marks gone home everyone. He's sick. I should have checked in on him before I started the podcast We did we did. How's it going boys? I'm checking Charlie. So what happened with your flight? What happened with my flight? Yeah. Well, he checking in on me now. You know, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:13 But you gotta do it that way, he said. The checking in man is being checked in on by the people he's checking in with. Hey, you just said that this is the longest you've been awake for. Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted. This has been like a lifetime for me. But you just then described a story where you were trying to, where you checked in over an hour before your flight got cancelled. Yeah. So that indicates to me that you were awake for at least an hour.
Starting point is 00:31:40 No, well, we were supposed to record this podcast last week, but Lindsay was sick. Yeah. And so when the idea for Check In Charlie came up, which was a week ago... You've existed since then. I have. And so I thought, well, go out, check out the Opera House, check out that... Yeah, there's a great Palace Cinema just near there, went there, watched a movie. What did you see?
Starting point is 00:32:03 I saw Avengers Endgame. A two and a half hour movie? Yeah. So, wait, maybe you explained it and I blacked out for a second. Yeah. This is the longest you've... Had you seen the other... Had you seen other marvels?
Starting point is 00:32:17 No. Very confusing. How'd you find it? Uh, it was long. It was very long. Like, yeah. God, I've had to take a piss halfway through checking in on my bladder. Did he explain how long he's been awake?
Starting point is 00:32:29 How he's been, how he saw a two and a half hour movie if this is the longest he's been awake? Son I think you need to check in on you. Yeah. Well boys it's been great. Are you off checking, Charlie? Well, you know, it's been half an hour and I'd like to go. Half an hour a week, sometimes go up to 45 checking, Charlie. I know, and I've checked in on your audience. I did a poll. Oh, did you? I hope you don't run into it.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What the fuck does that mean? P-O-L-L, not P-O-L-E. The fuck does that mean? Were you? P-O-L-L, not P-O-L-E-R. Why don't you check in on the audience? We'll leave and you just check in on them and when you're done, that'll be the end of the episode. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here you goin'. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Maybe for those watching you can eyeball the camera. Here you goin'. It's check the camera. How you going? It's check-in Charlie. Could you do it to all the cameras? I can't, no. But each do it, say something to all the cameras. Are you gonna let me check in? It's the only thing I do. It's true.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It's the only thing. I'm sorry. No, you should just do this. I'm trying to check out. He also goes to movies and gets plane flights apparently. Well when I've been asked to exist but did he explain how he was around for that long? You said... Well yeah we brought him into existence again last week and since Lindsay was sick he's existed for an extra week. Oh I was very confused. We can let him die soon and then we will just bring him back
Starting point is 00:34:05 once when in another five years whenever we feel necessary. I had a chock chili chock top. Are you happy to die? Die? Well I don't die I just sort of go into the check in ether. But what is death then I guess? It's kind of like if not but you know failing to exist. Well. To die to sleep no more. Yes, but you don't, which I saw by the way, New York. Wonderful show. Hamlet. No, Sleep No More.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Oh. No, it's Hamlet. No, I saw Macbeth the other week. Oh, you saw Macbeth? And he says Sleep No More in it. He says in that as well. That's why it's based on, Sleep No More in New York is based on Macbeth.
Starting point is 00:34:44 But it's in Hamlet as well. It's in To Be or Not To Be, that is the question. Can we check in on Shakespeare? Whether it's his nose in the eyes to suffer the slinks of marriage. Maybe it's in Hamlet as well, but he goes, you know, is it like Macduff does sleep no more after he killed the guy? He may say it again. Maybe not Macduff.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Banquo, Banquo. It's in To Be or Not To Be. Is it? Yeah, because he's talking about to kill himself, to suicide. And he's saying to- Is this important? Well, we're talking, dear boy, about Shakespeare now and you are quoting- I'm trying to check out.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Would you know I'm not good at? I don't do it at hotels. Yeah, no, you don't need to. Well, yeah, I've discovered that. But I usually go into the ether after that, so I don't know, maybe I'm getting in trouble. What's this? What?
Starting point is 00:35:29 So you go into the ether? Yes. When are you in the, when are you in the check-in universe? Um... Check-a-verse. What? Check-a-verse? I just, I know that you're, you're struggling because this is the longest you've been around
Starting point is 00:35:44 as a character, but there's some layering inconsistencies here. Well, you know, it's what you watch endgame you want to see inconsistencies. This is more, ah very good, but I'm thinking this is more X-Men in terms of how all over the place this is. Right, the original trilogy or? All of them, how much it fell apart. Let's cut the music because I'm starting to think this character. I'm fatiguing. I am fatiguing.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I just got a couple of questions. I don't have any funny things. I don't have any funny say. I just want to go home. I've checked in. The most I've checked in on anyone in my life. I've been around for like two weeks now, tried to get to Sydney, cancelled my flight, had to go back home.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You didn't go to Sydney? Well, no, I had to fly in the morning. They changed my flight to seven in the morning. Oh, so you have a home in Melbourne. Yes. Now, check it, Charlie, I don't have a lot of questions for you, mate. All I want to know is how you have a home considering you've only ever come into existence for spaces of minutes before.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I also want to know, please let me finish, I also want to know when you are in the Check In universe, if when you leave our universe you go to the Check In ether. And lastly, what is the check-in ether exactly? You say you cease to exist, but then you also exist in a sort of spatial construct. What is an ether really? Well, so first question. The four questions. First answer first, your first question. You're checking in on me. That's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I'm just asking some questions, mate. I am. Yeah. I have a place, you know, it's through Nelson Alexander. Um, you know, I checked in with them. You get a detector inspector? Yeah. They fucking come in every week at the moment. What's the thing? Three at my house the other day.
Starting point is 00:37:41 How are you paying? Sorry. That's, that's not the question. I don't know. That's one down. I just have a place, you know, for when I am in existence, I've got to go somewhere, I've got to go and, you know, have a shower. Can I ask him how he's paying for it?
Starting point is 00:37:53 No, you've got four. Yeah, you get four questions. All right. When you get your four, can you ask him that? It's direct debit, mate. How do you make the money? From a direct debit account that I've set up. Look, my dad was Mr Check-In Charlie. Okay, you come from money.
Starting point is 00:38:13 All right, that's all I need to know. Yes. Yeah, that's all I need to know. You in the Strokes? What? Were you in the Strokes? I mean, yeah, you know, like I was around them at the time. Yeah, you probably went to school with the Strokes.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I went to school with them. I owe you like proper money, New York money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I helped Julian write his first couple of ditties. And so based off that, based off my contribution. Are you a check-in person because when you were growing up, there was no, there was less roadblocks for you to be able to facilitate being able to focus on something as obscure as checking in on people as your life.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Absolutely. I was support. I had that support. You never had to worry. I could check in and fail. Yeah. And it didn't matter. And it didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:38:55 But that's not to say that I'm not very good at checking in. No, but there are probably people, there are probably great check-iners who we'll never know about because they didn't have roadblocks in front of them. They didn't have that. I mean, I wanted to be a check-in. Yeah, but you couldn't. You had to look after your...
Starting point is 00:39:12 Well, I mean, I could have. I did all right. My parents were okay, you know. I would describe myself, I don't know, I would describe myself as middle class, but that's such a board. But then in that sense, imagine maybe there was a Michael Jordan of checking in who came from a really low socioeconomic area. And I couldn't even be a check in.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I was, I would say somewhere between working class and middle class growing up, I couldn't be, I said to my parents, I want to check in and they said, no, no, no, no, no. Or if they come from a country with no Centrelink or you know. My dad was one of the Bee Gees. Which one? Mate, you got to check in if you want to know that. So is your last name Check-In Charlie Gibb? No, it's Check-In Charlie Bee Gee.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Okay. But their last name was Gibb. I changed it. Oh, okay. You changed your last name. Yeah, I was proud of my pop. From Gibb, but you're... Gibb still works, man.
Starting point is 00:40:05 What? Gibb still, I would have... if you'd been Gib... Well, if you'd checked in when I'd made that decision, maybe I wouldn't have done it. BG's stands for Barry Gib. Where the BG's. I think there's Gib in there. I do think, yeah. Gib in the G. But Barry Gib? What's the other Gib? There's three Gibs. There's four Gibs, actually. There's three who are in the BG's and then there was another Gib. What if What's the other Gibb? There's three Gibbs. Yeah. There's four Gibbs actually.
Starting point is 00:40:25 There's three who are in the BG's and then there was another Gibb. What if it's the brothers Gibb? I reckon that's what it is. Okay. I don't know. Checking Charlie you answered one of my questions. What about the other three mate? What was the other ones? Can you remember? No and no one can. Oh this will bother people if we don't get an answer though. I gotta be honest, my back is starting to hurt. Yes. I got hit by a car. Mark's got some back problems as well.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, I got hit by a car in Seattle. Well, unlike Mark, you can just stop feeling that pain once you stop existing. That's true, which I'd like to do now. Right, and he's gone. And he's checked out. See you guys. No, he's gone, he's gone. And he's checked out. Oh, he's back. See you guys. Bye, check in.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Nah, he's gone. He's gone. He's gone. Thank you for listening this week. That was Check In Charlie, one of the great characters created in the Donaverse, I'll call it. If you like characters, why don't you go take one and shove it up your ass? This has been a great week. We'll see you next week on the podcast. Sorry. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Thanks for joining us for another RIP episode brought to you by See you next week! Listener.

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