Aunty Donna Podcast - Chris's Email Suggestion Part 1

Episode Date: December 12, 2018  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. time guys. What number podcast is this? 125. Too many. Thanks, Judas. 125. I mean, so for the day when you can just, you can listen to a podcast a day. You know what I mean? We want 365 emails. Well, it depends on what the year is in our podcast. We are leap here. I don't know why I said emails Oh, an anti-donna podcast today because I was like you you can do that. No, you can't there's people There's more than one podcast being released today. No No honey honey honey. No honey. There's there's one This American life a week, there's one anti-donna, oh that's only two. Yeah honey, so you need five more a week honey.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Hmm, how are you Mark? I'm alright. Matt Groney once said that he wanted there to be an enough episode to the Simpson so that you could watch one a day for a year. Yeah, how many are there of that? There are now 645 episodes of the Simpsons. So you can watch two a day. He overshot. It's the quality's dipped is what I'm saying. Can't say that.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I would say we'd be right. Right, because we're Hollywood movers and shakers. Yeah. We're Hollywood movers and shakers. Yeah. We're Hollywood movers and shakers. That's true. And we've got LA sometimes. They're looking for it. What if you're running to him.
Starting point is 00:01:50 They're looking for an ethnic replacement for a poo. I could be up for it. So and you've ruined it now. This will come up. This will come up. That statement will come up. Guys, are we done with the banter bit? Or whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Can I do like 20 to 30 seconds more banter or I'll put a call from One seconds yeah, no, no, I'm just feeling before you need some of the banter Do you need what I'm just feeling before we get on the clock for the banter, but that is banter It's a count. It's banter before the banter. All right. I'll put a timer on, hey. How long did I ask for? 30 seconds. Okay, great. Well, that's a lot of pressure. I'll say there's been about 30 seconds banter. Starts now.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Okay, okay, so what should I banter about? I'll forget it, don't have time. Mark, don't include me in banter, please. Okay, I want nothing to do with this. Oh, Judas, did you want to change banter? Okay, I get that. I'm pleased. Oh my god. I want nothing to do with this. Oh Judas did you want to do 15 seconds? Okay, I get that I get that it's 15 seconds But I just stressing out well I need to I just the whole point of banter is just to get people started on the chilled out your varnicking Yeah, I know I'm panicking, but I've only got five seconds now three and I but no, okay, that's not fair
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's not I haven't even started on the bed. That was great, man. That was good, Ben. Thank you very much. Thank you. I just like to keep it light. Yeah, I like the time. We received an email. Guys, we received an email from a boy called Chris. I'm not gonna say his last name
Starting point is 00:03:19 because he might be not of age. And people could follow him or her, or they, or they on social media and they could dox them. And we don't want you to dox our fans. What does dox mean? Doxing. We don't want you to dox Chris. That's when you, I'm pretty sure I've explained this before,
Starting point is 00:03:42 but that's when you shit into someone else's genitals. Was that you, Zach? Yes, it was. Sorry. Sorry, I just keep barking. You go to stop, man. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Keep going. Tarzo! Piece of shit, dog. Now I love that fucking dog. He's alright. Got an email from a boy court. I think. Yeah. So, doxing is when you release into release your shit. Don't dox, Chris.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's what I was saying. I'll read it out, guys. We didn't finish. We didn't arc for a few weeks and we didn't finish it. Disgrning. We did a we did an arc about finding a CEO. Oh, yeah, and then we lost interest in that I thought you meant the arc we were building at the back of we haven't finished that either So God came to us and said well, he's gonna flood the earth you need to have every ammo We started to build it. Yeah, I just said ammo. You haven't checked since the weekend I just thought you said it real quick. I'm pretty sure'm pretty sure I said Amel, which is what you smell to loosen your ass hold.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's true. You can also just smell it to have a good time. Yeah, you can just get higher for it. You can have a loose ass hold and have a good time. No, no, no, we're not saying that. We're just saying they're not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of people that sniff Amel and the loose ass hold is sort of like a side effect. It's not the goal.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Here's the email. That's not to say that some people don't sniff them or to get a loose arsehole. Sometimes that is the end goal. Sometimes people snorted as a party drug. Sorry, if some people snorted as a party drug. Snort? I don't think there's a sniff. It's more of a sniff.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It's more of a croming kind of sniff. So, because people sniff it as a party drug, there's been moves to make it illegal, and many people say that those moves are in many ways. If not homophobic, then at least ignorant to the gay community because it is. Here's, Croming is more of a, of a, of a, of a breathe. I mean, that's just based what I've seen on the whereabouts line.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'm croming right now. You're, this email's open on it. I'm crom, no, you're thinking of Google Chrome. You're impossible. Sorry. You're something else. I don't care. Here's the thing. You guys don't realize I don't care what anyone says. You don't. Sorry. You're something else. I don't care. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:06:05 You guys don't realize, I don't care what anyone says. You don't. That's all he really doesn't. I don't really care about my reputation. That's my song. Wow. Anyway, here's what the email says. Hello, Mr. Antidonna Men.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Hello. He's not here. You're just sort of responding to him. I sorry. No, I thought you were saying it did sound like you were saying hello to Zach. I'm not in real as you were seeing you today. I didn't realize you were starting. It was weird. It was weird, bro. It was a weird way to start the, uh, start the book. Fuck you. I just it fuck you and fuck you. I'm gonna take a page out of Brody's book because I don't really care about my reputation. Yeah. Yeah. So whatever you want to me, you can say that. And I'll raise that from you. Kinder to me. I'm a sensitive soul. Hello, Mr. Andy Donnamen. Hello. All right, now I'll start the email. Hello, Mr. Aandre Dona-Men is what he's written here. That's interesting that the way you greeted Zach was the same way as the email opens.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's a fun coincidence. Was that a coincidence? Yeah. But you know, every day that we go to work, I show up at Stupid Old Studios, 20 oven street brunch, and I walk in, I say, hello, Auntie Dona-Men. You do say that, but Broden, you've just opened,
Starting point is 00:07:24 you've just opened us up to a doxing attack. Oh God, and that would just stink up the office. You've just opened us up right there by saying, in many way, no, I'm not going to address it. Well, I saved you on the animal thing, so we're all good now or even. Let's celebrate with some amulets. Let's go to the shaking hands. So you've now doxed us. animal thing so we're all good now or even with some amul with some amul so you've now docks
Starting point is 00:07:48 that you just docks can I just say very quickly what it sounds like when what I imagine someone fighting who's just took amul with sound like this is a fight with someone who's had amul. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's good. I was expecting more of a. Oh. Oh, just looking.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Oh. You ever want to make your ass hole your own. Take some amul and have some beans. Mo. Like that. Anyway, we will get into the email, but my concern, Broden, is that you've just docksed us. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You've got docksed you've docksed you. Well, I feel very docksed right now. Hello, I'm Mr. Arny Donovan. Hello. I'm one of those insane people who's been a long time listener of the podcast. He's been on the podcast for years. He's grown up. I'm reading an email. Oh, see, now you've gone and done, he's gone and done the same thing that I did before.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I didn't realize. That's okay. You just need to be clearer when you're reading the email. You need to say something like, now I'm reading the email. He said eating the email. That's what I mean. That's a weird one though. Like you just dropped the R and said eating.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah. Eating, eating, eating. But a long time listener of the podcast, and I've been loving what you do. Thank you. That's very kind. That's not what I, the feedback I get on the street. My purse? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Sorry, I don't want to get to this and I'm not I can't do anything now that it takes a whole email the whole podcast to read the email This will go for an hour if it has to that's fine But my question to you right now, Broden, is what is the feedback you're getting on the street? Oh, well there was a guy in Warnemble who said it's gotten better recently because it sounds like you're doing a slight bit of Preparation which is which is true, which is true. I don't know if it's made it better, but we've definitely before we press a court have gone, what is this one about? What should we? Yeah. But, you know, there is still the freedom to go off the rails because I think that's what makes it special. I have the freedom to buy a gun. Oh, not in this country
Starting point is 00:10:09 Well, he does if he was a farmer he could I farm laughs If Brode have wanted to buy a gun. I'm gonna start saying that. What do you do for living? I'm a farmer. What do you what do you grow laughter? You should do that I can that how land you're on is our living in an apartment. That's very good. I have a, how much head, how many head, like of cattle. I got it. I got it, heaps. I had a moment there.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I had a get head. For a moment there, I didn't realize you were using the Sinect the key of the key. Why were? I thought you were saying I get a lot of head, how much head do you get? No, like cattle. How much head of cattle?
Starting point is 00:10:48 No, how much head from cattle do you get? How much head from cattle? Yeah, do you get? Why wouldn't we invite it to the podcast awards? I don't know. We can have a lot of that. I'll never know if you want. No, let's ring some, can we email the bud?
Starting point is 00:11:02 No, right, I have an idea for a podcast. Do it now. No, I got an email for it, email. We got a stick to this email? No, right, right, I have an idea for pod. Do it now. No, I'm going to email for it, email. We got to stick to this email. No, we don't even go off this video. I want to write this one too. I got it right down there. This looks funny.
Starting point is 00:11:12 No, I want to, people, I've got the email open and Chris, email podcast awards. Email podcast awards. I want to write this. I email podcast Sears. Good auto correct. Anyway. This is what we do now. Sorry, I just want to record our email podcast Sears. Good auto correct. Anyway, this is what we do now. Sorry, I just want to tell everyone, this is what we do now.
Starting point is 00:11:30 We would have, back in the old days, we would have emailed the podcast award people in the podcast. You would have gone with us on, but now we're going to plan it. And next week, we're going to email the podcast Sears. Or it never happens. Or it never happens. We'll talk about it. My personal top 10 characters
Starting point is 00:11:46 Who have visited are in no but his naming his his list of favorite characters? Frogman British bill Andrew WK the goldfish. That was a good one Jesus Christ Signor Mucha chuba judu to the explorer. I don't remember that. No idea South African Sam. Oh, yes, but no, it's boys South African Sam He's listed them twice. Yes, you're a clever boy or girl. Oh, they Chris WK's parents
Starting point is 00:12:18 I know the characters Judas. Hey He's not a character he's our friend. Oh, my character like the club cools in. You are a character. And can I say Judas, the thing I like about you is you're a loyal friend. You're a loyal friend to us. Yeah, you're a very loyal friend to the anti-dono podcast. I would trust you with my children. And with my own life. I believe that you're not a pedophile,
Starting point is 00:12:47 is what I'm saying. If you get me silver, you're gonna believe whatever you want. Great. I think people across that. Rural jam. Rural jam, she was a good character. Anyway, no, no, I'll move on. He did a-
Starting point is 00:13:01 Is that the 10? Yeah. I can't believe that's 10. It's 10. Is that 10, is he like, we're in- In the. He's not a 10. Yeah, I can't believe that's 10 is 10 Is that 10 is he like in the metric way it's 10? Because so when he says Andrew WK's parents is that two of the 10 or is that no? That's one, but he's named both South African Sam's in separate So it's really 11 and we're trusting this person with our podcast Here's what he says next. Oh, I've been loving this recent search for a CEO
Starting point is 00:13:26 and receptionist which took place recently and I've been dying for more of that narrative arc, which we forgot about. We did. While I was waiting by my phone on a Wednesday morning for my podcast, After Reflesh, and reveal the next anti-donner podcast. I thought of a possible idea for contributing to the arc.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It includes many characters and many potential directions. So I thought I'd write and tell you my idea just to see if anything came of it. And then the next bit is embold. Oh God. But firstly, I totally acknowledge that this is completely out of the blue and you have anything came of it and then the next bit is embold. Oh God. But firstly, I totally acknowledge that this is completely out of the blue and you have absolutely no obligation to take this suggestion on board. Very aware of potential dick-headed-ty. I'm conveying by doing this. I do not want in any way step on
Starting point is 00:14:19 anyone any toes. I'm not a comedian or a performer or a story writer. You don't need story teller. Can I ask a question right now to Chris? No, he's not here. But if you're listening Chris, what do you think this email is? Sounds like a story to me. Yeah. You don't need to do more of a story teller. You don't need to do anything with this if you don't want to. You guys are doing more than amazingly without my silly ideas. Well I disagree. Well my agree. So I'm great at disagreeing. I think we're in a disagreeing. Just to be clear for everyone listening at home as there's no visual element, wrote in a mark, just shook hands. It's true. Hey I just remembered we were going to film one podcast and love to put it on YouTube. I think we've made that decision four times over the last two years.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So we just forgot. Just, it's, it's, we've made that decision four separate times. Twice, we've actually filmed it. And then we've completely forgotten about it afterwards. They're trying to upload a 40 minute video from my phone of our podcast. I'll do a computer while I'm two, was, was hard. I've been trying to upload a 40 minute video from my phone of our podcast, I'll do a computer while I'm two,
Starting point is 00:15:27 was hard. So here's my idea. Oh, can we hear Chris' idea first? Well, my idea is to read his idea. That's a great idea. So here's my idea. You're right. Here's my idea.
Starting point is 00:15:39 We read the idea. And then we see where we go from that. I just think that's a great idea, but I don't want to discuss it until we hear Chris' idea. Shouldn't we do the idea and then we see where we go from that. I just think that's a great idea, but I don't want to discuss it until we hear Chris's. Should we do the idea? Because if we read the idea that everyone knows what the idea is, my idea is we read and see where we go from there.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So just keep it open. Should I read on? I, okay. I will discuss your idea after we've read Chris's idea. You ready? I, yes. So here's my idea. Well,
Starting point is 00:16:04 no idea. I'll sack. Oh, Mark. Do it a little bit of an idea bit here. He's written. So here's my idea. Who's written? Chris. Chris has written it. Here's the idea. Okay, you ready? Judas, are you ready? Did he write that? No, I'm just saying I've gone I've gone I've gone whose line? It's very difficult when you're going off script like this. Who's ideally reading right now? Chris's okay, and then we'll hear your idea once we've heard he's all right. This is long you ready It's a night out of celebration on the town as due to celebrate Since new position as the receptionist for any Donna. Should we do this? Should we do the idea?
Starting point is 00:16:44 Why don't we read it a bit and you reading a bit and then do a bit? And then do a bit. What do you want to do that sentence? Yes. All right. Oh yeah. Let's go out on the town. I've got a new position. I got a piece of silver, a day for being a receptionist. Great. Next sentence.
Starting point is 00:17:01 No, no. Well, we can play on this a little bit. Okay. Judas, we can play on this a little bit. Okay, Judas, we put Thank you so much to come to the party Judas. We just we've put some money together We all chipped in and we've got new a present It's four pieces of silver You don't stop fucking banging on about it to be honest. And Jamison Whiskey. Did you just call Judah Silver?
Starting point is 00:17:29 What? Did you just say congratulations? I don't think so. Did you say congratulations? Judah, is that what you meant to say? I have no idea. I genuinely have no idea. I might be wrong, but I think you just said congratulations, silver.
Starting point is 00:17:45 All right, well, we can't decide. I don't know whether I did or not. I genuinely can't say. So just let us know on Twitter with hashtag, mark you said, congratulations, silver. Or hashtag mark you said, congratulations, Judas Zach is a dumb cunt. My guess is that if you think I'm a dumb cunt.
Starting point is 00:18:01 My guess is that. Hey, guys, this is a party. I'm sorry. We're celebrating our's a party. I'm sorry. We're celebrating our new receptionist Judas. Yeah. But I do just want to say, if you think I'm a dumb cunt, but you also thought that Mark said, congratulations, silver, you can just specify in the tweet that you think I'm a dumb cunt.
Starting point is 00:18:20 That's not the only option. I don't think they would have thought it. They'll have the answer, you know what I'm saying? cunt. That's not the only option. I don't think they would have thought, they'll have the answer. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. But if I do, I just don't want them to feel obliged to go with the other option because they want to say I'm a dumb cunt. It's Judas's party.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I'm gonna say the next sentence. Judas has invited his good friend Jesus out to a British pub to celebrate. Call for Lucifer. Yeah, but it was a bit of styling as well. California surfer, okay. Hey Jesus, you come out to this pub to celebrate. All right, hey, how's it going there?
Starting point is 00:18:53 My name's Jesus. Whoa, okay, all right. So this is my friend Judas. Hey Judas, I just want to talk to you for a second. All right, you got me silver mic. No, I don't have any silver and that's why we've run into problems in the past. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, problems. Well, you, okay. All right. Wow, okay, there's a lot of tension going on. Jesus, I don't want you bringing a digging up old dirt where he'd celebrate Judas' life and race and hiring. Do you know what Judas does? Do you know what he does? Do you know what? Why are those perceptionists for Ahn's? He don't know what judas does. Do you know what judas does? Do you know what he does?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Do you know what, why is he the receptionist for Andy Donnell? Oh no, no. I don't talk to judas because he fucked my girl. What? She came in and she's like, oh, a little bit so silver. Wow. Where the fuck me, ma'am? Was she a sex worker?
Starting point is 00:19:42 No, she was a sex worker. That's a reverse sex worker. Are you a sex worker? No, she was not. That's a reverse sex worker. Are you a sex worker? Two decisions a sex worker. I imagine, in my belief, I believe a reverse sex worker would be someone who has penises come out of them. Oh, right. Well.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They could, they were made. I'm a billion of fiscal sense. All right, okay. Can they weaponize their penises? I'm a billion of those. Can they weaponize their penises? That's my question to you. Anyway, can I move on to the next sentence? Are we going to address the fact that he fucked my girl? Why?
Starting point is 00:20:20 She gave me silver. That'll do it. I was mad at her more, but that doesn't excuse him. Okay. Yeah, you're a dog. Hey, guys. Oh, no. Oh, that probably.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Hey, what was this? This was around 2,000 years ago, okay? All right. All right, Jesus. And M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- and more recently as well. Pardon? And more recently. So it was after your death. What's that? It was around 18 A.D. It was around 2000 years ago. It could have been, you know, give or take 18 years.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I guess. So I could have been on that. What year? Yeah, you were dead. It was around you died. It was the, it was about two months before, I should have known, because it was about two months before he sold me out to the to the Romans. So all right.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So about two months before you sold Jesus out to the Romans, you fucked this girl and then recently you fucked this girl too. Yeah. My current girl or that girl? Because that's fine. Both. You fucked both of you up. You fucked both of you up.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That Jesus. Jesus, it sounds like you're a cock. It sounds like you're a cock hold. And you are watching someone else fuck your girls and you'll find with it. So I would say you need to step up and you need to challenge Judas to a surfing competition. Well, that's not what it says here,
Starting point is 00:21:40 but how do we feel about that? Could we kind of go off on like a choose your own adventure? It's sort of thing we challenge each other. We're one sentence into a very long. Oh, what's the next sentence? Well, the next sentence is, is that, well, this can work. Is a little does Jesus know that Judas has been paid in silver by, behind the scene, String puller, Ben Mendelssohn to portray Jesus and poison his drink. Alright, so, so maybe it's not maybe just saying these things and Ben Mendelssohn's actually fuck your girls
Starting point is 00:22:21 No, fuck them. Alright, fucked them. Oh, I Judas. May I have also a fuck go? Before we go on, Broden, in your little ideas, note book, could you please write down Judas versus Jesus' surf comp? Right. We will continue this later, alright? Hey guys, I just want you to know you're all really cool. 10 minutes before they went to the party.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh, good idea Judith. I got a Ben Mendelssohn. What's your favorite film of mine? Oh, I can't remember the name. I just lost it recently. You're sort of an upper middle class American bloke and it was a wonderful one. You sort of just come unstuck from your life a bit and you're sort of looking upper middle class American bloke and it was a wonderful one you sort of just come unstuck from your life a bit and you're sort of looking for meaning and Mississippi grind no it's on Netflix
Starting point is 00:23:14 anyway fuck this cut the shit I mean cut the shit I want you to poison Jesus as a drink mate. There's no way I will do that. Hope you're about some silver. All right, I will do that. Hey, on a side note, I want you to touch my household. There's no way I will do that. Could I interest you in some silver?
Starting point is 00:23:42 All right, I'm touching your asshole. Thank you. Just to be clear, Sam did mine then, the actual touching of his asshole. Hey, would you, can you give me a coffee? No, I'm not getting you a coffee now, am I? What if I give you some silver? Give me a coffee, you want? Would you? Oh, see.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Do you see the arc here? Do you see what Wanna sugar? Oh, see. Do you see the arc here? Do you see what he does? Yes. All right. So that's what's happened there. This is Batman. Yeah. He's from the Dark Knight.
Starting point is 00:24:12 This is the moment when... Dark Knight rises. Is it Dark Knight rises? It's called nothing out there. Mm. It sounds very similar. It's very similar to the V.C. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:22 It sounds very similar to the V.C. We got some girl in here. view of the girl in here. We got some girl in here. What are you? Um, it's it. You're a dumb for coming here. I, I, I wait, can I just on another note? I would do a whole podcast where the only thing we do is say, can we get some girls in
Starting point is 00:24:38 here as Ben Mendelssohn and the other. This is that right. I just, I just, that sounds very, very similar to the score that is playing when Batman finds out that Rachel is dead. This is called nothing goes. And he goes, and I let that murdering psychopath blow him head after hell. It sounds like that moment as well. It is a trilogy. There's like a... No, I didn't mean it to sound rude.
Starting point is 00:25:06 No, no, no, I'm just that... Sorry. Sorry. TASO! This is shit, fuck. Alright, swear to God. I'm gonna read out this whole paragraph and then we can negotiate how we get through this. Because we're becoming more and more complicated.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Hell, what? What? Hell only if we got on the podcast. What's the time? It's ending in two minutes, so we're going to move quick. Why can't it come back? How did it just like do this? I can't do this next bit.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah, so the next thing it says is, of course, Judas is accepted because Silver... I've already done that. We did that. But I have to go. However, Judas did not count on Jesus bringing a forgetful friend along. Andrew W.K. who is ready to party. Could we go dun dun dun. And then...
Starting point is 00:25:55 To be continued. We'll find out what happens with Andrew. Do you want me to find that done dun dun sting? Yes, yes, if you could. Alright, but we're going to do this bit, don't we? Alright, be at the party be at the party or rather oh I love this party. Hey Jesus drink this drink. Oh before I do I'd like you to meet my friend. Have you got the done done done? I get oh no, okay
Starting point is 00:26:18 Not yet. No, yeah, so He'll reveal the character. We reveal Andrew WK and then you play so you also got a little bit on the No, and then we'll fill after it we can fill we'll do a Harry's add-on. Yeah, we'll do a Harry's add or something Okay, all right, so you go you go. I Jesus would you can't know? White So it's gotta be have you met my friend Andrew WK? He says something and that no no, so then I'll say something like hey guys WK he says something and that no no no so then I'll say something like hey guys
Starting point is 00:26:50 Um did someone say no wait I'll say something no no no as Andrew WK I'll say something like did someone say party, but in the interview case Perfect then but not when I run the whole thing a jesus. No. Yeah. Sorry. So he's gonna say hey Jesus would you care for this drink and then I say oh sure But before I drink it, I'd like you to be my friend. No, no Clarence that again you keep doing this. There'll be no time for a harry's ad There'll be no sorry. There'll be no time for a harry's ad. Yeah, that what you want That what you fucking want be good. Okay, don't Jesus no, no, no, no, no, no. Ay, Jesus. No!
Starting point is 00:27:25 Sorry, no. Can't, can't, can't, can't, no, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, you are being a can't, can't, can't hold up. Sorry. Hold off, can't. Sorry. Ay, Jesus, would you care for a drink? Oh yeah, I'd love one, but before I do, have you met my friend Andrew W.K.?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Did someone say party Damn, I can't I didn't say no To be continued in the next thrilling episode Mark I that's very good, but I really do think it needs to come straight after we can just edit it Well, I just think it'd be good. Sorry It needs to come straight after we can just edit it. I just think it'd be good. Sorry. TASA!
Starting point is 00:28:06 Sorry, the video, the YouTube video for the Dundanon just went on the next suggested video. TASA. Which is one guy 30 sand effects. Oh, that's fun. I want to make it very clear that I'm sorry. I really love my doggy and I'm sorry he's barking so much. I think it's a good liar. It's a so much. I think it's a good liar.
Starting point is 00:28:25 It's a fun liar. And it's not your dog barking, your dog, who is in the recording studio is very quiet. This is my dog barking. That's right, you barking. So are we clear on when the dun dun dun has to come in? I did it. No, it was too late.
Starting point is 00:28:40 This is a classic comedy gag. Or is it? Okay, so let's just run it one more time. Let's see if you can get the timing right, okay? Let's do it. Okay, okay. Hey, Jesus, would you care for a drink? Sure, I'd love him, but before I do,
Starting point is 00:28:58 I'd like you to meet my friend Andrew WK. Did someone say party? So that was perfect technically, but I didn't think there was much passion behind it Behind your Hitting of the space bar or behind that performance. I think I think as a group we weren't together You know, but that was a technical run. So let's now do it like it's opening night. Restrails and if someone makes a mistake we cover it. We pay brood over that's that's how you got to do. Good good.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Chris you put some put the meat. Could you put the party music back on? I would really help me if I immersed yourself in the same. Yeah. Okay great. Oh hey hey everybody thanks for inviting me to the same. Yeah. Okay. Oh, hey, hey, everybody. Thanks for inviting me to the party. Do you run the whole first half of the email? Yes. Yeah. So you, I won't have been Mineral Sankhain. He's just sacredly. I was already happened. Yeah. No, we got to do that part. Do you want to do it chronicle? I want to know what chronologically. No, we get
Starting point is 00:30:01 to it. I will do it as a flashback. Can we get a flashback sound effect? Oh God. Oh Whatever you done Well you're listening just a quick thank you. This is we're over 30 minutes guys. This is like It's fine. We've done that before all that comes up when Zack please continue on her. I know what you're gonna say. What was I gonna say? We just want to give a quick shout out to Harry's Shavers. Oh no, we don't have to do that now. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I was just gonna say thank you for the Patreon subscribers. That's much better. I just thought that was a good way to fill, but we don't have to do that. A good way to fill is to be Phil Collins. All right, you ready? A good way to fill is to fill Collins. It wasn't surprisingly, it wasn't better the second time.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I'm just trying my best. You're doing doing great job. So we're at the party. Sorry, always been. No, so it's celebration and then you're hanging out. And then there's a flashback and we do that whole bit. I'm doing this on my laptop and it's given me severe anxiety. Let's do the party music.
Starting point is 00:31:21 All right, action. Oh, gee, thanks for giving me the job. it's great, we're having a party on the town of this, British pub. Uh, Judas is scary it, as all the members of Antidona, we want to say thank you so much for your application, you really did deserve it. That's right, thanks Silver, and we wanted to thank you so much for coming in and being our receptionist because we love you so much. Oh, thank you, I'm just eating it for the silver.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Ha ha ha. Uh uh. Oh, hey guys, it's me, Jesus Christ. Uh, hey Judas, what's up, man? Oh, not much. Nothing at all. Wasn't expecting you here. Fuck. I'm doing pretty good here.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh, good idea. FUG Jag är inte så bra här Jag är inte så bra här Jag är inte så bra här Jag är inte så bra här Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra
Starting point is 00:32:22 Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Jag är inte så bra Ja, så, så, hvor er du gør, at jeg ikke gør! Hvad er det, jeg har med den plæme, jeg har møsor i den ligge tæps, så let mig fiks i den forje! Tak, jeg er møt. Jeg, du har ikke tænkt til at købe dig, men... Oh, no, jeg har tænkt til at købe dig, så jeg har tænkt til at købe dig, så jeg vil møt, så du ser, at jeg kommer til at købe dig, og jeg er møt. Det er mig, jeg har tænkt til at købe dig, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil møt, og jeg vil mø Kill him myself and go to bed! Oh yeah, well, Jayce. Hey.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah. I'll go to... I... I'll go play him for you, brother. And... You're gonna kill Jayce with the cross. And I'll fight her if modern Christianity. There is no way I'm gonna kill Jayce's cross.
Starting point is 00:32:59 What if I'll give you a little handjob? Nah, I'm not gonna do it for a little handjob. What if... Oh fuck, what could I give you? Maybe a kissy. Kissy? Nah, a kissy is not going to work. Maybe a box of barbecue shape?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Box of barbecue shape. Nah, not for a box of barbecue shape. Maybe a half-eaten thing had done Karoo's. Half-eaten thing had done Karoo's. Nah, half-eaten thing had done Karoo's. Maybe a box of chicken crimpy shapes. Shrimp crimpy shape. Yeah, box of trivia.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Awwww. Awwww., shrimp, shrimp, shrimp. Yeah, box of trippie. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Not, not. What about maybe 20 pieces of silver? Not, that's dumb, man. Oh, hey, hey. Trust me. Oh, I'm a trippie. Bronz.
Starting point is 00:33:36 No, no, no, no, no for bronz and not. Gold? Oh, no, no, no, no, gold. Platinum. Platinum? Oh, no, no, no, no gold Platinum platinum oh No platinum aluminum a really a genuinely think silver's gonna work. Yeah, right shiny shiny gray Take some shiny gray What are we gonna show any gray cunt cunt Sorry, I said, no, no, I think you cut this off an appropriate side
Starting point is 00:34:14 Anyway, you're right back at the party with so what are you being back at the party you've always been here? What yeah, why do you say I'm back at the party? I just went outside and I was just got some fresh silver My pocket. I'm sorry you went out for a diary. I forgot Fresh silver that sort of unrelated to any sort of flashbacks you may have had okay, right? I can't fair enough Anyway, jesus would you care for a drink Judas before you off for me anything? I want you to know that I forgive you for anything you've done to me Yeah, that's that makes sense. I I'm alright. I'm a top-look. Anyway, would you care for a drink, Jesus?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Oh, I'd love a drink. But before I do, I'd like you to meet my friend that I brought to the party. His name is Andrew WK. Did somebody say party?! And join us next week for the thrilling either part two of or the conclusion to Chris's email suggestion for a podcast. We want to say thank you to Chris which cannot be the name of the episode Chris's email suggestion for a podcast.
Starting point is 00:35:24 You're going to ask Tom. You're gonna ask Tom. You're gonna ask Tom. Wouldn't we ask Chris? No you guys, Tom. Chris. That's the title. All right, I'll just let him know. If it's not the title,
Starting point is 00:35:34 know that Mark lost that argument with Tom. I just wanna say thank you so much to Chris for sending in through the suggestion. To anyone else listening who thinks it's a good idea to... We're calling someone. I don't know who it is. How's it going, man?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Tom! Are you just wake up, mate? A couple of hours ago, yeah. Yeah. You can always tell. Yeah, sorry about that. No, not you, just in general. And anytime I try to cover, anytime my parents call me, they're like, just wake up. And I'm like, nah, and I'm in bed. And I did just wake up. Yeah, no, I definitely
Starting point is 00:36:16 did like, like one, 50 or something. Yeah. Tom, Mark's got an idea for the name for the podcast. we just recorded. Can you just he just wants to tell you now before he forgets? We're thinking of calling it Chris's email suggestion. Part one. Are you writing it down? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So this is ep 125, Tom. Ep 125. Yeah. Is that all right for a title? Are you okay with that? Yeah, it seems like a good one if you've got any issues with it now now's the time to speak up I know It might it might not be 125 though if we end up you're always Judas No, I'm just talking to this Hey, I don't want to stand on this podcast. I just want to, because there is a chance,
Starting point is 00:37:05 if we do, we're talking about like a pick up episode, we might slide in there, so it might push it back to 126, depending probably will. Right, but we'll see. We've got a team of shells today, don't we? What's today, Wednesday? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a good idea to get that up soon.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, I'll probably do that in the actual time. Yeah, we talk about that. How's things? I'm really old, actually, I'll probably do that now. Actually, really tough of that. Has things. I'm really old, actually. I'm having really rough time. I'm having really rough time. All right, cool, man.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Well, we also can this be on the podcast? Yeah, sure. Is it your, is it your thumb? No, it's my death from the 80 out with my hard death as long as I'm like 15, 10, 10. I don't know what to do about it. Oh shit Yeah, right. I won't you don't have to put you don't have to put this on the we won't put this one on the podcast you can cut this out What if it's gonna be in there what advice would you give to people? What I'm really worried about you now
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah, I'm really worried too, but you know what people, what? I'm really worried about you now. Yeah, I'm really worried too, but you know, what can we do? I'm just going to work at Coleson til I thought. No, if you need a hand, I'll talk to you later. No, we're all good. I just like them just upset that I have to work at Coles, you know? Yeah, but so we call it Chris's Emile. Emile's suggestion, part one.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Okay. Yeah. It doesn't really seem important now. No, it is. I'm what you call Michelle's episode today. Oh, I don't know. It was about a quiz, was it? It was a quiz because I've all grown. Listen to it because it seems that there's no issues anymore. There was that one bit where the mic popped, but I think we covered for it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I think it's fine. Yeah. I could have a quick scan for that. Yeah, maybe I have a quick look. Or it's something like Michelle's mystery game show, shenanigan. That's great. I'll rock it down. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Are you okay? Well, this is all recorded though. So just try and keep it up up we can have a genuine conversation later Parties All right, we'll catch it catch it catch it soon We about to say Easter Okay, we've recorded all of this I hope that's okay And that was Tom Armstrong.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Woo! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Thank you everyone. Thank you Chris for sending in the email if you've got ideas for a podcast Maybe don't send it through as an email Bye-bye everyone. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week you

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