Aunty Donna Podcast - Chris's Email Suggestion Part 2 (Stop Listening At The 45 Minute Mark)

Episode Date: January 2, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A least enough production. You listen to the only ton of podcasts. The greatest fucking book I've seen a while. Burden like a tag and sometimes I guess. We hope you enjoy the part of a fucking podcast. There you go. Thanks for giving me a job. I love being a receptionist for you guys and thanks for all the silver
Starting point is 00:00:26 Judas a zacker Wayne I just want to say on behalf of all of Auntie Donna you did the best application and we're so excited for you to be the New receptionist for Auntie Donna. We want to give you all this silver Silver so take the silver. It's yours. it's a gift to you Judas. Hey Hey guys, it's me Jesus Christ. Oh, hey Judas. What's up, man? Oh? Nothing much Meanwhile I mean previously Oh
Starting point is 00:01:03 Jesus Christ's drink with poison. Yeah, I'll do that. But only sorry. What's with that? There is the blinking vibes. I can't be the helping zombie on pipes. Oh my schoolsy, I didn't know you were to have a cheaty awake. I'm gonna make a fresh pasta.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Good save. Uh, yes. Um, I'll give you silver. Yeah, that sounds good to my deal. Was it? Yeah. Oh, anyway. Uh, Jesus. Oh, fuck you. Never mind that. Jesus, could I just do any delicious drink? Oh, I'd love that drink. We're always that pineapple Oh, I can't wait to have a little taste of this but before I do have a sip of your drink Not just drink it. No, well before I do have a drink. I just drink it now. Oh, no Judas before I have a drink I'm Jesus Christ and really I really you see this drink now. Well, it looks very good and everything
Starting point is 00:02:01 But before I do Jesus I would like Judas. I'm Jesus. Yeah, it was Jesus good and everything, but before I do, uh, Jesus, I would like, uh, Judas, I'm Jesus. Yep. It was. Jesus, and you should drink. Well, I-I-I will drink in a moment, but first, I just want to do one thing before I drink. Is that okay? Oh! I'd like to introduce you to my best friend. I brought him to the party.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's Mr. Andrew W.K. WITSTOP TO PARTY! Did someone say party? Someone say party! Well, so that was, that's where we are so far in the story, but we should probably catch you up a little bit if you're just tuning in. I think all we need to say is, don't start listening to this podcast on this episode. No, sir, if this is your first experience listening to the Antidona podcast, firstly welcome hello, we're Antidona, we do. But why don't you all know it if you're joining us from overseas. But only Italy. If you're from Germany, then good and tug. If you're from France, Bonjour, or anything, African-colony. Well, sorry, if you're from New Zealand, Kiora.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah. Ni Hao for those Chinese listeners. But if this is the first time you're listening, you're going to have a great time. We're a comedy podcast. We do goofs, gags, characters, that sort of thing. We are, of course, anti-dollars from YouTube. But if this is your first time listening just listen to the last one
Starting point is 00:03:26 We do recommend that you listen to the ass one I got I can't do this anymore. Just check out the last one. This is come to a chance We are all afraid of saying the wrong thing. Okay. Why did you create this environment me? Yes, I never created this environment. Well then I didn't. Yes you did. Maybe Mark created it. You started it. Not true. You started it. Hey, let's make a truth now. No matter what happens,
Starting point is 00:03:55 except the one time I will allow, and I'm sorry Mark. From now on, we do not tease people for saying the wrong thing. Unless Mark, unless Mark accidentally calls a person by the object for which they are most known. Well, we don't know that I did that. We still have a good friend. We definitely called Don Maydow.
Starting point is 00:04:15 He called Don Maydow. He seems to be in it reoccurring theme for part. So the only time we could see someone about how their saying the wrong thing is when they- It's now happens twice. So in the last podcast you call Judas Silver. And then in real life. You call this CEO of Domino's Doe, as in Pater Doe.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Is that can you blame me for that though? Is that really my fault? I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 00:04:52 I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:00 I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know done that once, I would have let it slide. I'm not the first person, surely. I'm not the first person to have met Don May and accidentally called him Doe. You are kind of been the first instance of that happening.
Starting point is 00:05:14 No, honest mistake. If you ever meet the head of hunger Jackson, call him hamburger. I had to call him Wopper. Excuse me, Wopper. This is your brain work. I don't see how this is my fault. It's a very common mistake to have met.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I don't, I don't. The other day actually no to be fair the other day. I ran into an old friend while they were working at Coles and I said, I like groceries. I was at the, I like groceries. I like groceries. The head of Lapo Kettis Spaghetti. Alright, let's continue the story. Should I read it? Yes. Yes. So if you are just tuning in, go back and listen to the live.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Tonight out of celebration on the town, Judas celebrates his new position as a receptionist of Arne Dona. Judas is invited, he's a good friend, Jesus, he's out to a British pub, didn't mention that stuff. I'm not important, I don't see why you mentioned that. Probably because British Bill owns the pub. Should we just do a little... Oh, we'll see. Can we just do a moment where we set up that it's a British pub?
Starting point is 00:06:18 Can we just do that moment that you can slot in later if anyone ever wants to edit this and make it into like a cartoon or something and then upload it to their YouTube Shooters link, we'll just do that bit. So yeah get some music in the background. Hell to pretend you're God's sake. I thought it was gonna be. Just that's good though. That's good. That's kind of chilling. Yeah check that in the back kind of chilling. Right here we are at this pub. Alright, here we are at this pub! We've been on the internet for a long time!
Starting point is 00:06:47 Thanks, Dan! It feels like a montage where like it's overcut with like mobsters assassinating multiple people. Yeah. Oh, they do this. Thanks for having me to the job and going out to this British pub. Not an old Judas and we hear it on Tidana. Actually can we just change the music? Great and then that once we say can we just change the music you can edit in,
Starting point is 00:07:13 slide it in, slide it in, we can also just put in this sound bite of someone asking Judas for a drink. What a big of now! So for anyone who wants to edit all of this together make it into an animation For free just in your own time and then we'll upload it to our channel and we'll definitely give you Credit I was making a little joke there, but now I'm worried that they were gonna get like seven different animations Wouldn't that be awful would have to upload all of them Seven different animations. Wouldn't that be awful? Would have to upload all of them. It'll be like that.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's like, it's like, this is a queen doing God save the queen. This is a bad bit. I'm just gonna stop it right there. I'm gonna shoot it in the back of the head this bit. Oh my God. I'm gonna joke assassinator.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'll assassinate your family. I'll assassinate the joke. Where were we up to? So we're at a British pub little does Jesus know that Judas has been paid in silver by the behind the scenes string pull of Ben Menelson to portray Bertray Jesus and Poison that's fine. That's fine. That's okay Ben Menelson or is Mark likes to call him movie Ben Mendelssohn or is Mark likes to call him movie. Um.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Of course, Judas is accepted because silver. However, Judas did not count on Jesus bringing a forgetful friend along Andrew W.K. who is ready to party and that's where we got up to. Uh huh. So what is the next sentence? During... well, there's... During the night, forgetful Andrew WK insists on ordering drinks for the whole night, complicating Judas' chances of poisoning Jesus' drink. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:56 As the night progresses, many characters who recognize Jesus approach the two bachelors. Bachelors? Yeah. What? Jesus is a bachelors. approach the two bachelor's. Bachelor's? Yeah. What? Jesus is a bachelor. Yeah, but where did the confirmed bachelor status come into question?
Starting point is 00:09:12 I don't know, Chris. I'm not Chris. I'm Mark. Sorry? I'm, I'm Mark. I'm so sorry. I've been calling you Chris for seven years. That's okay, comedy. That's what I'm known for.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Louisiana, these are the characters he said that could come up. So how about we set up a little bit of this drink situation and then we can have the characters come up. And I reckon that's a good three or four podcasts. We'll get out of there. Alright. Anything to keep this fucking fire going. We got to get to one podcast a year.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Hey, Judas. I mean, Andrew WK. Who are you? I'm Jesus. Okay, so what I basically did is I started a musical in the 1970s written by, oh, okay, I'm a guy. Alright, so how are you today? Hey Jesus, I'm doing really well.
Starting point is 00:10:15 How are you today? I'm very well and I'm so sorry to find out that you've become a goldfish. What are you talking about? Oh, what's that sorry? Sorry? I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you're a goldfish. What are you talking about? Oh, what's that sorry? Sorry? I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you're a goldfish. Am I a goldfish?
Starting point is 00:10:30 It looks that way to me. Hey Jesus, why don't you drink and drink? Okay, do this. Hey bartender, can I get a couple of rounds of schmoozy's? We're here! We're here to find the bartender. Pilipims! Pilipims! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here!
Starting point is 00:10:46 We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here!
Starting point is 00:10:54 We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here!
Starting point is 00:11:02 We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! We're here! my life can't if you if you keep trying to talk to me I'm gonna punch you in the mouth. Oh my god This is just like this is just like 51 states during Drew Beringorff. I don't know who the fuck you are Hey pili pins. Yes, I pili pili. The cheekiest character that's ever since pili pili pili pili pili So you seem to have left your phone over the table here it it is and by the way I've left my number in it.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Oh! How cool that you invaded my privacy! Hey Jesus! Don't you already have a girl? I did, but she just recently left me for Judas. Why are you telling me your life story man? I've never fucking met you before. Oh okay, alright. Hey, I'm PiliPings. I'm an old British bartender. PiliPins, can I get around a cider for me and my friends please? Because I love the party. Sure, just a round of cider. I'm PiliPins. So I originally met Andrew WK in 1967.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Nobody asked. I'm PiliPins. Can you drink that? 1967 nobody else Can you drink that drink? Well, I can't be rude to my friend Andrew WK So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have a little sip of each moosey and then I'll have a drink of your drink, dude It's a sip of this smoothie. No, I'll do it the other way around He's very cheeky on Judas Iscarin. Hey Judas, can I have a sip of that drink please? No, only Jesus. Holy Jesus, where did your voice go? I was hurting. So I just thought. That's okay, sorry. Most people are doing what they saw. I'm sorry. As far as I'm concerned, That's how you've always sounded yeah
Starting point is 00:12:47 Sorry, you're not gonna do the voice anymore. I was just hurting my throat hurts. I was coughing You hear me coughing before was there scratching it. Do you give a shit like this is our audience love this character? Yeah, it's more that I think it's more just these two-dimensional facty-lovers silver than anything. I love silver I love silver. I really love silver. Tell me why I love Marlon Brando's Godfather. It's not because of his, it's, I, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,. No, no, no, no, no, I'm ordering a round of drinks for me and my buddies here So that then the poison drink gets sort of mixed up in some shit. I don't fucking know exactly I think that's the general just of a time believe him. They're just of what?
Starting point is 00:13:39 You forget fucking can't you're such a forgetful fucking can't Forgetful fucking cunt You're such a forgetful fucking cunt So pillie pimp I should shit on your face Pilly pimp you fucking go Billy bims. I'd love you to shit on my face. All right Then I shall I come over and shit on your face come on. Let's do it. How come you remember that bit remembered what? Yes, I Just decided I don't want to do the anymore. I'm pilli- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want- I want plate, shmuzos. I love shmuzos, they're my favorite drink that Andrew W.K. gets for me every time. Jesus, let's do shh, let's do a yeagerba.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Oh, Judah, uh, juh, I wanted to do a yeagerba. Andrew W.K., how do you party so much and keep in such great shape? I love the party, I love to go to the gym, and I love, who? I love... Oh. Oh. Oh. What's wrong, Andrew W.K.? I love to go to the gym and I love who I love oh What's wrong Andrew WK? I got a headache Andrew WK you're you okay? Yep No, wait. Yep. Wait. Where am I? Hey Jesus? Do you want to do a yeager bomb? Oh, okay, but you've already all ordered me so many drinks
Starting point is 00:15:03 Okay, dude back off I'm me so many drinks. Okay. Dude, back off. I don't know who you are. Sorry what? It's so weird that you keep coming up to me and talking to me. Okay. It's freaking me out, man. I just want to, at this point, just step out and say, I'll name the other characters that Chris suggested could be good at this.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I don't see how this connects to the CEO by the way. Oh, it's just the, is this the whole, it's working its way to a resolution. And bear in mind, he stated very explicitly that he is not a comedian or a storyteller. But he has the confidence to write in and tell us how to do our podcast. Well, yeah, he's probably just a little fuck boy.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh, little fuck boys got the confidence that you need to write an e-mail. He was very explicit in his apology. He said we didn't have to do it. I love Chris. I love this e-mail. I thought it was very funny when I read it. I didn't. I haven't read it.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I haven't read it, either. I read it briefly. I've got a song you might like. Ring ring ring ring. This is a little track from Antidon of the album available on iTunes. Sorry, it's at a moment. So how about you just say each character and then we follow them in for a bit. Okay, great. I like it. What party song should I put
Starting point is 00:16:16 on? Something that is not too obtrusive to a listener so they can hear everything nice and clearly. I'm just wondering, celebrate? Oh, yeah, celebrate good times. Yeah. Oh, yeah. All right, let me just find that. Who's a buy? The celebration game.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's actually by cool game. It's from a favorite. From its from favorites chocolate. It's by cool and the game. Did I get half of the fucking band name right? I just guessed it. There you go, that's perfect. Great. Okay, you so you're at the party play characters. So okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Pilly pins. Yeah, right. Give me some silver drink to drink. Drink the drink. Forget I just have one joke where I forget things. Louisiana Jill is the first one he said. Okay, so, uh, Pilly Pins, you seem like a really cool chick. I'm not a chick nor am I a man. Oh, hey, how? Hello. Who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Well, I'm Louisiana Jill. And I'm here to celebrate my bed friend who did who we go to Secretary position down at the well Thank you so much. I'm gonna suck your dick Louisiana chill hey man. What's up? Oh? I'm gonna suck your dick too! Okay, we can do it like a little train! Louisiana chill we were just having some drinks with our friend Andrew WK
Starting point is 00:17:54 What are you up to? I'm Rural Jam I'm Rural Jam Is it Rural? Rural Jam I'm Rural Jam and I'm gonna rural jam and I'm going to make it. I'm going to show you all some of the great projects that the country has available for you.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Covers in yoghats and jams and duck angst. Hi, rural jam. Hi. Have you met Louisiana Jill? Well, how to do that partner. Hi. Well, how to do that partner? I'm from Osloeusian, down at the show. At the show, because the show is around the bar swan, which we call a show, because we're a show,
Starting point is 00:18:39 it's money in there. Absolutely. You ever seen a gator? Eat a pie? No. Well, I'm sure there's some footage of it on YouTube. A gator reading pie? No, I love some of the pies that I made in big ways. No, a gatorade. A gatorade eating a pie. No, I definitely know it's in that, but I'm for a rule jam. I love to have some of your pickled veggies if you got them. Well sure, these are pickled by some of the people from Sayle, which is in Victoria's A's. Is that a pickled cabbage? Is that a pickled onion? Is that a big onion?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Is that a big carrot? Yeah, Louisiana Joe is that fuck off the next characters Maria Cotyard Who's characters I'm gonna guess it was you. Oh, it's funny that I did two French characters and I can't tell Hello, yeah, it's me Mario Cotty. Yeah. Oh It's famous it's style at Mario, cut the air. Oh, it's famous, it's Starlit Marie Cardio. This character is Bindi Owen. Oh, good eye bear board. Um, so, uh, what we sell right now, bloody,
Starting point is 00:19:54 Judas' bloody, getting a... Oh, I'm sorry, uh, hello, my name is Marie, cut the air. Good eye cut. I'm a very good actress from France. Fuck, that's off some fucking foreign shit! Come here, you old male, huh? You've been my fucking brother! Fucking Bob!
Starting point is 00:20:13 I can't fucking swing her in a cock or two or a motherfucker! Get out of here, Bob! Hello, Bob! It's okay, you can just drop that. Yeah, it's too much for you I'm a 15 year old boy No fucking shit You just say this cat
Starting point is 00:20:34 Wait, guess the real fucking planar push You think you can just say this cat You can't have fucking planar push You fucking show you the spurs You fucking show you the end cat No fucking bullshit I'm a 15 year old boy Fucking pluripus, he'll fucking show you the spurs, he'll fucking show you the egg cat. No fucking bullshit on Bobby when I'm a 15 year old man. He's a fucking, he's a fucking go up, bindi mikes, he'll fucking fuck your cat.
Starting point is 00:20:53 He'll fucking walk, you know me, how many men we've killed, bindi and I. We fucking get the fucking bulldodo on the fucking cons might. Of King hit eight blocks. Bobby, I hope you don't get mad. Bobby, I don't want the fucking cons, mate. Of King hit 8 blocks. I hope you don't get more than that. I don't hope you don't, man. I'm probably one of my 15 year old boys. I would like to see just for a moment, and my friend, my new friend, Bindi Awin.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Bindi Awin, Ruth, and everybody engaged. Little congratulations, boy. Like Bob. I would like to see my... How are you, Mike? I would like to see my friend Bindi Owen having everything conversation with my other friends Lv. Energy oh Crokey Louisiana Jill you think this fucking penguin can We all had there. That's one fun looking penguin How are they? That's one fun looking penguin. You know fucking penguins my fourth I want Bind you and oh fuck every fucking cat walks in his fucking zoo fucking yeah
Starting point is 00:21:53 I'm not gonna fuck his bob because he's my brother and dad taught me that's no good Okay, I regret that this is young so much Bob how are you today? I'm a 15 year old boy, I'll king it plenty of boys Bob, have you seen me in the movie or walk around trying to get my job back? No, no, there's a fresh movie about the five years ago. I have not seen it I'm 15 year old boy, oh, I just want to say we have, it's not really a king here, it's a coward pun.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yes, what I'll do. I know, but I just want to say, it's not very kingly to be able to kill a man like that. It's more of a coward act. I would even call it a dog punch, but I'll fucking love me a dog. I love a dog. I love a big dog. I love a small dog. I love a dog. I love a big dog.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I love a small dog. I love a small big, great and small. You know who my idol is? Right, just I see. This is very good. Next two characters are gladdest and gladdest as sister. I was glad that so sisters are ones that... Zach did a...
Starting point is 00:23:02 Okay. You did both of them. Okay. Let me just channel them a little bit. I don't know, I don't know, is this close enough? I think that's quite a sissy. I don't know, I'm just being glad I'm doing so bad. Cool buddy. I'm just going to bomb myself a drink.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I'm not so little, go get your love. And another character that here is Bjork. D'oggang, D'bama, Zavadrink! Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, I like to call it a box for social. I want to tell you a little secret. Can you come to the horn the bar so I can tell you a little secret? I will come behind the bar but only on the condition that we get the violating cockroach wearing a saddle and a small Russian hat. Okay, then it says a grand idea. And glad I should see that. I'm here. Here's my cigarette.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Oh, don't put. One, uh, will have your dandipu have your dandipu in your pants? Or perhaps is the poo a metaphorical poo that you have done in your mind? No, it's a real poo. I accidentally didn't take out the toilet. Leads on, she's sitting on the toilet. I assumed that that's what was considering that the room smells of your shit. So the lady's room is just a toilet with pool on the lid. Yes, I saw that when I asked if it was metaphorical, it was in the hope that
Starting point is 00:24:41 pretence, it was not you who did the shit on top of the toilet in the ladies room. That was a mod pose. I'm glad I was a sister And that was a mod pose Glad I was a sister. Do you have a spare-douche bag? No, I don't know. I'm gonna tell you what I do have though. I know where I can get you a dick yes of poo I'm due to the scarlet love silver and I'm due to Suscarit, love silver, and I'm getting increasingly frustrated that these people interrupting Jesus drinking the drink. And the next character is Mrs Frog, open bracket, a huge reveal for a character that's been talked about quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Oh hello. Hello, it's me, Mrs Frog. Hi, wow, I've heard so much about you. Hello, Mrs. Frogs. Hello, I'm Mr. Frogs' wife. Yeah, you sound like him. Oh, no. Yes, that's very fracas to view to something.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Well, I can't hear the difference. I've never heard two different Frogs talk. I've never, so my brain hasn't developed to be able to decipher. Okay, so I'm Mr. Frog. I'll do an impression of him. He sounds like this. Oh, nah, nah Mr. Frog, I'll do the impression of him. He may sound like this. Oh, nah, nah, nah, nah, I'll never do the dishes.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Or as I sound like this, hello, Mr. Frog. Yeah, right. Very different. Um, Frog, stay with us, Mrs. Frog. But then the last paragraph is, so there's no resolution about the poison drink or anything here. There's just, many other characters could be introduced. British Bill could be working at the bar. DJ Sweet Love could be playing at the pub. The rustic dark old and they British pub. Maybe the chef
Starting point is 00:26:14 working at the pub is French and famous for it or Italian from where it be. So he there's no ending. Is that it? Is that the end of the email? Anyway, there it is and I heard this and helped what? And here's and then he linked us to episodes of the podcast Where some of these characters I probably Zach probably should have listened to that for a couple of his characters We should Maybe we should go back and this is linked to the app 45 where Jesus first appears all right Let's let's listen to a podcast Oh
Starting point is 00:26:52 and see All right So it's just loading out this podcast is It's like hey guys are over here. Oh Hi, all right, okay, we over here? Oh, hi alright, okay. Do you follow football? Ah yeah. Well that's kind of like for a lot of people that's there like their Sunday church thing with family they go and they watch sport.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Ah yeah, no having football though. This is a different character. Well I remember in the podcast he changed about three times. I'm a big listener by the way. Oh you like the podcast? Yes, I started listening because I was supporting my boyfriend Mr. Frog and then your boyfriend. Well, boyfriend. So do you just both have the same surname like a incident? No, we're married now. I used to be Mrs. Jim Cummings. But you just referred to him as your boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He was my boyfriend when you started the podcast and we got married. I still... I still... I still... I guess. He's my husband now, but at the time he was my boyfriend. Right. That was the confusion.
Starting point is 00:28:00 You married? So now you lost things frog. Yes, it used to be... I used to be Mrs. Jenkins. Can I ask you a question? Yes. Are you a frog? Yes. I last name frog. Yes, it used to be I used to be Mrs. Jenkins can't ask you a question. Yes. Are you a frog? I Yes, I'm a frog But my name was Jenkins
Starting point is 00:28:12 Is this her hard-to-understand? Yeah, no, it's just it's creating more questions than it's answering my first name is frog So your name now is frog frog is my name is Frog Frog, but it used to be Frog Jack and Kunz. What's your husband's first name? His name is Mr. So his name is Mr. Mr. Frog? And your name is... No, he actually goes by sir. So Mr. Frog?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yes, and... Was he knighted? Yes, by the Frog King. His name's Frog Man, not Mr. Frog. He's a man. Yes, so if you could break that down for us, if you're calling him Sir Mr. Frog, yes, and his name is Frog Man.
Starting point is 00:28:59 But his nickname is Frog Man. So how? Frog Man for short. Okay, so his name is Mrman. So Frogman for short. Okay so his name is Mr Frog. His nickname is Frog. His title is Sir, it was given to him by the Frog King. So his full name is Sir Mr. I hope are parentheses. No, quotation mark, frog band, quotation mark, frog. So here again, sir, mister, quotation mark, frog band, quotation mark, frog. What is nick name? Frog band, that's all the quotation marks, I'm assuming.
Starting point is 00:29:38 So his name is frog band, which is actually a bit, a bit of froggust of the name, but he's allowed it because he wanted it to be in with you. And your name is, your birth name is Frog Jenkins. My name is Frog Jenkins. Now you're Frog Frog. Now I'm Frog Frog. Mrs. Frog Frog. Mrs. Frog Frog. Well, I like to go by Mrs. Mr. Frog. It's a bit old fashioned. Mrs. Mr. Frog Frog. Mr. Sir and Mrs. Mr. Frog. Go again. So I'm married to Mr. Frog. Sir Mr. Frog.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And my name is Frog Frog. My last name is Frog. It used knee-chinkens. So when I refer to us as a couple, I say, Sir and Mrs. Mr. Frog. And you didn't want to keep your name hyphenated for your Jenkins frog? Jenkins frog, no, I'm an old fashioned frog. You're a bit like a money mum, Carmen. Yes, I just thought it was nice to take the name,
Starting point is 00:30:40 you know, I never liked Jenkins. Always wanted to be known as frog. Really? Well Jenkins is a very common name. You grew up in the frog community. You grew up the dreaming of having the last name frog. Well, now it's just I've never heard before. You never heard the last name frog. No, it's a very... frog and you had never heard the last name frog is is human a very common name amongst your people. No, but your husband's name is frog man. Yes. No, it's actually not. It's Sir Mr. Frog. Sir Mr. Frog. His nickname is frog man. You call him frog man. Right. And my name is frog frog, me Jenkins. And I liked Frog. It was different. It was different.
Starting point is 00:31:29 A lot of... You've got to understand, you know, Jenkins is a very common name in... It's like Neon. It's like the Vietnamese name Neon and there's a lot of Vietnamese people with the last very new Jenkins is very common for humans as well. Yes, it's incredibly cut incredibly common For for frogs right probably you know, it's like G What it's like G G. I think that's a common Chinese name. How do you spell that? X, I. Right. So Jenkins is a very common name.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I wanted something a little more original, a little different. So I took his name. Also I didn't have a great relationship with my parents, you father, that name, either, yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And how are you? Well, where are this party? Yes, I'm a lady for. The party's actually wrapping up. Yeah. I'm a jurist as killed Jesus. He's dead on the ground. There's Jesus.
Starting point is 00:32:41 He's dead. And can I just say it's good to finally get some conclusion and some finality to the CEO's search story. Just a beautiful conclusion. It's come together better than the Seinfeld last episode. It's better than that everybody loves Raymond final image of them all eating. Well that was wonderful actually. Yeah, that was a great ending.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Breaking Bad, spoiler alert. It's cool. It's cool. I just want to say thank you for everything. Because I was always a bit sad that we never concluded the CEO search story, so it was good to do a story. But it went to the end. It ended the way that we expected it to end,
Starting point is 00:33:23 which is we were looking for a CEO for maybe five, six weeks. We were doing references. We then went to a party in England and then Jesus Christ was murdered. And then we broke down the etymology of Mrs. Frogman's name. That's how I expected it to end, but it was good to just get that done. Everyone's got a bucket list. Yeah. Mine is... And it's, and, and when you get to cross things off your bucket list,
Starting point is 00:33:53 it's a great moment in anyone's life. So for me, this has been phenomenal. And what is it that... Oh, sorry, go ahead. I have a bucket list. Yeah. Guess what's on my bucket list. What is it, Jude?
Starting point is 00:34:03 I'm going to show up. I've got to shortlist the list. What is it, Judith? I'm out of stock. I've got to shortlist two things. Yeah. Go to Paris. Nope. Betray Jesus. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That wasn't on your bucket list. No. Come second at the Olympics. No. You fucking idiot. You know what you get if you came second at the Olympics? What would you get? Silver. I would love that. That's on my bucket list. You know what you get if you came second at the Olympics? What would you get? Silver!
Starting point is 00:34:25 I would love that, that's on my bucket list. Ahahahahaha! Ah, Chris, thank you for your wonderful idea. Judas, thank you for tuning in. If you have fantastic ideas, please just email them in and we will do every single one. Every idea that is emailed to us. Just send those emails to I have an idea for the Aunty Donna podcast at
Starting point is 00:34:53 and that's where we'll receive them. Great job with the email, Chris. We love it. So comprehensive. He put in so much effort that we had to do it. But, and we will, with all of yours, when you email us, we're gonna do your episode. 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I promise you. Send those emails to... Here's my idea for the Anti-Done Podcast at If you send us an email and we don't do your story, we will send you $100. So be sure to include your return address. I had bank details. Guys, can I tell you something? Yeah. You can tell me. You can tell me something.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I love you. I love you, too, sir. Well, I'm not buying. You're selling, I'm not buying. Okay, too, sir. Well, I'm not boyin'. You're selling it not boyin'. Okay, that's fine. All right, say it. Say it actually. No, I love you. Still feelin' about it. No, I love you. I love you, Mark. I love you, Judas. I value at time together. Oh, good idea boys. Who's this? I'm the love monster.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Oh, spooky. Let me just tell you, I love you all. No, I love you too love monster. Oh, I'm expecting nothing less. I have a thing here so I'm going to eat your fingers and toes. I'm scared! I'm gonna eat shifingas and toes. Oh no, I'm out of here. It's scary, it's scary, you want stuff. And that's the conclusion of the CO arc.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Please give us money at Patreon. Give us all of your money. Here is the galimbo. Oh, who are you? It's me checking Charlie. Yeah! Yeah, war. That you've always wrapped up the CEO,
Starting point is 00:36:53 I could have bloody focused on. Yeah, we did. You some things that you can trust. What's going on? I'm so sorry, my Google Assistant just went off. Well, I just have fun boy Oh That's all for me boys you have a name chicken jelly. I'm just gonna pop up out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:37:24 I don't need to hold it from me. Say you're lair boy. Yeah, boy. Yay. The door's locked. There's no exit. I can't get out of the door. How do you unlock the door? It's just a...
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah, I tried to open it up. Push it. Push it. I can't get out of the door. You just try it. Push it in a little bit. Push the door in a little bit and then unlock. It's a bit jammed. Yeah, right. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I can't. I'm just a bit nervous about it. Now, we'll check in Charlie. Is that door not opening for you? No. Well that's because when you become a character on the podcast, you never leave. You're here forever. Every character. This is the twist of the CEO.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah. Don't you say? Yeah. You never leave the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's so boring. You'll never be free of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Every single podcast character that has ever come, lives in this podcast studio forever and ever. So get comfy. I got it. Oh, I see you boss. Say your next week boys. You're going to go outside and the other door is locked. What's the next door? Sorry, he's still... He should come back or he's going to stand awkwardly in the whole way for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:01 That's what he's doing. He's waving. Oh, hi, boy. Who are you? Oh, my name is Rera Rera. Rera Rera. And all of the, the fit of your new favourite, I'll be a lonely character! Well, Rera Rera, we're 42 minutes into this episode. We're not really having time to go into who you are. Oh, that's a favourite character! Oh, oh, oh, I've been a ra ra! You've done a ra ra you've done a ra ra
Starting point is 00:39:48 Checking Charlie's here ra ra Checking Charlie ra ra I'm so sorry, but we really don't have time to get into the detail I'm the one who makes the calls a bit of that. A real dear Broden. Because what you did was... His win-checking Charlie joins the podcast. He's cool at the shots. He's whipping the... I guess the whip... Perth, I'm not...
Starting point is 00:40:22 I'm not... Man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Do we have time to go into Rarara Rays? Um... Yes! Alright, great. What are you? What are you and who are you?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Rarara Rays If I'm in you, I'm in a character. Hey! Got a couple of questions for you, Rarara Rays. Hey, you only need more Rarara. Here is out with the hashtag. No, we got time. We got time.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Just jump in. But from now on, if you want to hear, you just hit us out with hashtag. I've got one question for you. It's tagger. Tagger. And what you not even talk making any sense, Neil. Yeah, go.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Well, that sort of wire audience loves him. He's a very complex character. But one of the reasons I'd say our audience loves him is because he's so indecipherable. He, you see, he does ra ra's. You heard that earlier. I guess it's different. I'm doing it right now.
Starting point is 00:41:42 No. This is different horses, different horses boys. Some people like that about him. Personally, I find it a bit frustrating. If you want to see more of our DMs on Facebook, then give him a round. So obviously we're going to raarar shirts printed. So let us, you can pre-order them. I'm gonna go boy.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Check each other, you're leaving? Well, just game the chicken ball. That's what you do. And raarar comes to what do you say? Oh, here, raarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar I love it. I love it. Did any of you boys drive to work today? No. Alright. Just checking to make sure you're not parked somewhere. Maybe in a two-way house.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I'm parked somewhere but I'm parked at home. Is it out? Is there parking restrictions? No, it's just a private car park. We know the scheme. I think I'm at the former Galvag's boy. They still can get broken into a car, they... They can use several, almost every apartment complex of lived in. Has it some boy had a break in?
Starting point is 00:42:58 And that comes down to your body corporate, and what are they doing to keep your property safe? You know, the thing about body corporate stuff. They're the devil Oh boy The devil Brody corporates are the devil All of them
Starting point is 00:43:14 They want to take you soul boys I think they just sort of want to keep the building clean And you know any sort of work that needs to be done Oh yeah I am thinking of poltergeists. Oh some norms are confused of poltergeists for the body cope. I never heard that. Rara is still here because if you leave we lose subs. Alright, it's a great day.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Rara is such a good guy. Sam I I mean, Judas Hellenic's podcast has been going for. Oh, it's been going for a while. I'm gonna say maybe 40... Oh, 45 minutes maybe. Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara Rara I reckon we break the record. I think we make this go for four hells. It was supposed to end ten minutes ago. Then Rara came in. We've got a book for another 15 minutes, the studio, but maybe no one's in after us. We'll check. We'll do go on and over see. So they're not going to come take the podcast studio.
Starting point is 00:44:21 They're touring their live podcast show. So they're not going to come. I'm happy to keep going. If you guys are happy to keep going. Absolutely. I'm if we finish, will we have an early day and go home? I think we, I think what we do. So we just keep going.
Starting point is 00:44:43 If you want us to keep going with this podcast, hit us up with the hashtag. We got you to keep going. It's pre-recorded. Exactly. This is pre-recorded weeks ago. Where's Rara? Bring back Rara. Alright.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Get in here, Rara. Oh, yeah! Yeah! Oh, Rara! I can't get Rara. Put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can't put a little hat on my head. I can leave, turn off the podcast in any moment. You don't have to listen to this.
Starting point is 00:45:26 We're going to push through. We're going to be taking a moment. But now is the ideal time to stop listening, because there's nothing funny or interesting post this point. Except for me, Rara! Except for Rara's interjections. I'm happy for me. I was happy to end it about 15 minutes ago. Then you bring in everyone's favorite character. So Rara. Yeah. I did just bring in Rara. So sorry
Starting point is 00:45:55 about that. That's okay. I'm happy to wrap it up. If you're happy to wrap it up, Broden. Well, yeah, yeah, but only if there's no more gold to be mined. I'm good Mark, are you happy to wrap this up? Yes. So Planet Broadcast have it's booked from 7.30 tonight so we could go for another four hours. Yeah, yeah, there about or or We cut our losses We go for another three hours. Yeah, and then we spend that last hour
Starting point is 00:46:30 Maybe we go get maybe we go to Nando's and Company dinner company dinner and then and I'm not a pace for Nando's get that use that patreon money Get that sweet I'll have a I'll have the chicken avocado bacon salad. No dressing. Here's my question. Yeah, how we do these podcasts weeks in advance. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So right now, as your listening listener, that we communicating with the future, right now? Yeah, we are. And more so, we're talking to you from the past. So if anything rough has happened in the last three weeks in the news, sorry. Yeah. That sucked.
Starting point is 00:47:16 We're living in a pre-that world. Yeah, we are. We are living in a pre-that world. So as you're listening right now, when did we record this? We recorded this on the 14th. November 14th. November 14th. So when are we? It's currently 3.49pm Melbourne time. So if anything has happened between now and this coming out, just I want you to put that weight on it like wow they're in a
Starting point is 00:47:37 pre-acting. We're very naive. We don't know what you've been through audience. Something awful happened in Melbourne recently. We did record this after that. Yeah, but there are podcasts that will be coming out, well, the one that comes out today, for example. That existed in a free, Burke Street problem world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But now we're living in a pre, whatever happens next year. So whatever happens next year? Yeah, we're living in a pre-release. Doesn't have to be bad either. You could win Powerball. We're living in a pre that world. I could win Powerball. Have you bought a Powerball ticket?
Starting point is 00:48:14 No, I refuse. I'm off. You guys. What? I'm gonna go home. You keep doing the podcast, but I'm gonna go home. Is Rara going? No, he's staying.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Great. I love Rara. How No, he's staying. Great. I love Rara. And you know that video that we kept playing through this CEO arc of one guy, 30 Sound Effects? Yes. Do you want to play the whole thing? Yeah. This is just hanging out with us now guys.
Starting point is 00:48:39 This is not your premium, aren't you, don't content? This is just us playing a man called Big Marvel doing one guy, 30 sound effects. That's water dripping. Is that a man making that sound? Pour water. Pouring water. It's very impressive when it has the visual element.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Crickets? No way. Did you redo Fuck no drum Fuck no drum yeah Yeah, I don't know by that one real that sounds like a fire Sounds a bit sounds he's got shit real quick All right drill. on drill helicopter that's pretty good that's fine but I feel like that's good Pretty good spit layout
Starting point is 00:49:47 Still sorry What sometimes he just makes some songs cello No Something a cello Chill out me alien This is something a cello. Alright chill out, man. Alien. Anything can be alien.
Starting point is 00:50:11 That could... Car drive. Can there is lips too much? It's not bad. 12,000 dislikes. 12th out, how many likes? 246K.000 dislikes. 12 there. How many likes? 246K. Squeegee.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Trumper. Everyone can do a trumpet. Pretty good. I can't do a trumpet. Electric guitar. Bone crack sounds. No. Don't buy it. Bone sounds. don't duck.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Terrasaur, Terrasaur, Teradacto. Terrasaur, old door. Teradacto. Pushing gun. I think the other one was Teradacto. It said Terrasaur. Heart. Pig. Vocal scratch. That's very good. How many? Nuclear explosion
Starting point is 00:51:26 What we get sack How many sounds? One guy 30 sound effects What are we up to? There's a no I couldn't say it's like 50 sex Terrasaur I just assumed because you put a pee in front of it. Pterrasaur phonetically all All right. Before you go on, I've got a secret. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I'm not going to tell you the secret. That's very enough that you don't have to tell me. Why would I tell you? It wouldn't be a secret. No, I've got my... You're being a little secret taste. Don't taste me with the other knowledge of a secret if you're going to tell me the secret.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I just don't know. I just don't know. I just don't know. I just don't know. I've got a secret. No, because now I've got a little secret stiffie. And I know that little stiffy is not gonna get to do a little You know the surprise I mean the secret was I had a stiffy That's not a secret everybody can see because you've got a giant dick So sick I can go on to do a sandwich. What number are we up to? Can I do a sandwich?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Can I do a stand effect? You go off can I do a sand effect? Yes Yeah, that's great. I'm gonna get back to the good one. These are the good sand effect. It's a dog Yeah, yeah, it's pretty good. I hate it. I'd go woof woof if I was doing it That's my my more of a dog that votes a dog for me. Ready? Can we guess what they are? Yeah, quick though. So that's a lamb sheep or two. A full-width machine. Yeah. I am a god. He was prime. No, I'm a transplant.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Russian Transformer. That was Optimus Prime. They are. I am mega-dron-where is- Bumblebee. No mega-tron. If you're saying I am- I am bird I am...
Starting point is 00:53:26 Third, the last one. Aay! Do you want to do it again? Yeah, go from the top. Alright. No. I'm guessing. I'm guessing or not.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I don't want to go to her. Hey guys, I'm cooked. But I'm not leaving till Rara wishes me good night. Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara, Rara Oh, oh, contrary, I am still listening to your podcast. And that's the story of how Antagonna found their CEO. Join us next week when we'll do another fun improv-based adventure, because that's what this podcast is. It's three, four guys having fun together at work. Have fun together. Sometimes you talk seriously about some things occasionally.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah, but we stopped that. Was this the podcast where Tom got sad? Was that the previous one? The previous one. Same, same, same, same, same, same, same EU. Same EU. Standard universe. Yeah. So it's not like Venom. I just thought about Tom's death. I got real sad. I was just yeah, it's pretty you know how we did that 99 recap and that went well Yeah, I was thinking what if we do it again just the 99 one yeah, hmm. Let's do a now put it down I reckon we do it ever trying to put in your notes putting your notes I reckon we do a best content ever again I'm putting your notes. Putting your notes.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Are we can we do a best content ever again? Oh, it's funny. I like the idea of just doing 99 recap again. That's actually actually think that's funny. Yeah. See what else we can do. I'm gonna go now. Bye everyone.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Okay. Fuck. This acts lift the podcast. Well, that means since the magic maker's lift, that means we have to. Or do we? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:29 All right. Well, do you, what do we, how do we, how do we end this? How do we end this with Zach leaving? He just left the podcast. I did just leave the room. But how do we end this so, like, back on, you know, on a laugh? On a laugh. On a laugh.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I'm, I'm, I'm very tired. I've lost a lot of sleep. Thought I asked a couple of nights, because I've been having some really bad stomach issues. Tell everyone about that. No, I don't really want to get into it. I genuinely just depresses me to talk about it. I can talk about it if you want. Sure.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You go. I'm going to go. All right, so Mark essentially Has had issues with fructose and lactose lately. Guess him Stuck I don't why what would you call it? What would you call it? What what would you call it that what fructose and lactose do you? Lactose yeah, I like toss It um when I don't mess the way for a few days I like toss. I'm calling it. I'm calling the podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:30 We're done. You need to call Tom and tell him that's what it's called. Yeah, all right. I don't know what it's called. You wanna call him? Yeah, I'll call him. All right. I thought we were almost done there, but then something kept us here.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah. Wait. We shouldn't be called part two without I'm not but then in brackets, lactose Lactose is that what we're calling it? I don't know. What do you want to call it? I? Don't know I haven't thought of a name for this one. No, this is part two. Yeah I should have just be called part two not I don't know why you I should have just be called part two not I don't know why you Chris's email Hey Tom, we were just talking about
Starting point is 00:57:12 what to call this podcast and we think it should be called Chris's email suggestion part two which I think we already discussed I don't know why Whatever whatever the first one's called just Ed part two Yeah, yeah, that's fine or Lactos It's a bread and did say lactose earlier when you were saying lactose Zach missed that Zach left but now he's back. I think it feels guilty that we're still in here Is this microphone working yet boys? I just wanted say, sorry that I stormed out so
Starting point is 00:57:45 angrily before. If you want to make this podcast going for two hours, then that's fine by me. And I'm in it with you for another five minutes. And then I'm fucking out of here. Yeah, it's four o'clock. I reckon we should go home. All right, Tom, whatever you want to do, just call me if you need to talk about anything
Starting point is 00:58:10 that's going on in your life as well. Except money. Yeah, I don't want to talk to you about that. Just saw this on Reddit. Baltimore. Baltimore. Baltimore. Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Baltimore. Baltimore. Baltimore. Baltimore. Baltimore. There you go. Who did this? Baltimore. Oh, good on the paper. Let's read the paper. Good on Baltimore. The rooted times is out of course from. You know, we hear it, Auntie Donna,
Starting point is 00:58:36 don't get political often. But we do, I just want to say that I think, I don't want to say any concrete things about privatization of monopolised public assets, but I do want to say that I think you have to be very careful in creating private monopolies around necessities like water, public transport power. And that's my opinion, I'm not speaking for the group either. The group, we would just like to say on behalf of the the group we do have a lot of money tied up in water. That's where a lot of our profits from the Patreon aren't going. Do you guys know for water? I'd love you guys, your use guys is hot take on the
Starting point is 00:59:14 Bunning sausage controversy. I have heard about this so if you have forgotten because we recorded this three weeks ago. Do you want to hang up on top of all? Yeah, I think that's enough of a message for Tom. If you have forgotten bunnings with their sausage sizzles, so basically in Australia, there's a hardware store called Bunnings in every Saturday Sunday. They invite a charity around to the front of their hardware store. By the way, we did tell you to turn it off.
Starting point is 00:59:41 We weren't lying. Yeah, if you're still listening, it's 100% on you. So they, they, so every Saturday, Sunday, you come, you get a sausage in some bread, which is an Australian barbecue tradition, and they you can, you can also get some onion on top. Now, there is some controversy because in a, in a document that bannings gives to all of the charities, they always give them a document just Bunnings gives to all of the charities,
Starting point is 01:00:05 they always give them a document just saying, prepare this much sausages, this is how to do it, we recommend. They just said, oh, by the way, maybe put the onions below the sausages because if they fall off the bread, it can create a bit of a slip hazard. So we wanna know your thoughts
Starting point is 01:00:23 to the auntie Donna team, Mark, what are your thoughts on that? I'm just going to give Tom another quick call because I just realized something. My thoughts on the look, I can't eat anything, they're bunnings are serving. So if people are hurting themselves, then that's totally fine. Just call and Tom, just I just had a thought. Hello, you've reached the voice mail. Got the voice mail again. Tom, I think in terms of the name of this episode, we do want to go with Chris's email suggestion part two.
Starting point is 01:00:54 But then I think in brackets, just put stop listening at the 45 minute mark. Or wherever we start to trail off. I'd say around 35 minutes. I think just put Chris's email adventure part two and then in brackets, no need to listen past whatever 35 minutes and three seconds. So what happens Tom, just to be clear from my end, we do the podcast where we do the rest of Chris's email,
Starting point is 01:01:24 then check in Charlie comes in. so that's all still good. Then everyone's favorite podcast character, Rara comes in, you want to get that in and then we trail off a bit after that. And that's when you want to tell people to not listen to him. That's about 45. That's about 45. I was thinking after me. This is frog.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I'm okay. You're okay. Okay, so you think think there's a point We tell people to stop listening before their favorite character. There's there's an exact point where we say You don't need to listen to this anymore and I think it where when I say that at that exact time stamp That's the time that you put in that time or ten minutes. Yeah, I think that came in because it was too far. So we will put this on there. So make sure you tell him that he needs to watch it all,
Starting point is 01:02:09 listen to it all through. Yes. To check we didn't say anything. You tell him this is recorded. Tom, it's grown in. So do listen all the way through though. Just make sure we didn't say anything offensive, Tom. All right. I've got an idea for a character guys.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I won't do it in this podcast. In fact, I'm not going to pitch it. I'm going to pitch it later. No, pitch it. No one's listening. No, I'm going to pitch it later. We're over the hour mark. Owie!
Starting point is 01:02:39 I would like to go. Yeah. We'd all like to go. For another hour. I'd like to leave yeah, we'd all like to go For another hour I'd like to leave all right. Yes. Yeah, let's go Tazzo's getting restless Let's let's wait understand. That's fair because we've been sitting here No reason I feel like the I feel like the American no this is your doing. I'm not doing it. I left. No, this is a hundred percent. You're doing I Was you gonna fight me you did bring in check in Charlie After the hunger and then so this is how it happened We started to wrap it up and it could have been the out and then you brought in check in Charlie
Starting point is 01:03:17 Then you brought in everyone's favorite character. So I brought I brought it in Rara I was kind of a thought, I thought it was funny that we'd wrapped it up and then introduced checkered Charlie. So I brought Rara in as sort of a comment on that introducing of a character after we were done. I brought in checkered Charlie to wrap up the podcast. But sure. It didn't feel like it was coming.
Starting point is 01:03:39 It was checking in to wrap it up and be like, how's it going? And then you get out of here. Surely we all agree now that the funniest thing. How's it going? Oh, it's back. Come on. Come on, second.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Here, Kanye's back. Kanye, you're back. The cons back. The cons back. Hey, boy. Hey, Kanye. What do you want? He's gone. Oh, he can? He's gone. I can tell you
Starting point is 01:04:06 What are you gonna say, Brodan? Surely the funny thing to do is Stop it Sam. No way. Brodan's gonna say something. I love you guys. I love you so much. I love you too, Brodan. I love you boys so much. We're being through everything to get there. And then we cut it off right now. It's what would be good to do is with the right thing to do that instead. I'm gonna speak for you boys One of this podcast and the half a network
Starting point is 01:04:37 But it did it so we're going in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in We go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we go in we we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go Put your headphones on. No. You won't be able to hear this song. It's okay. Alright. It's the OPM family circuit. This is a something dark and savvish in our blood. It's very special. That's just the Broadway version. Long ago. So long ago I hardly know when My great-great-grandmother
Starting point is 01:05:48 And then step down Stop We're done You don't like my song? Stop recording Boys, what's your Christmas wish list? I'll tell you what I want I just want to know before we go
Starting point is 01:06:04 If you boys and girls, special treats learn that for your Christmas wish list. I want you plates. You want you some, what do you call that? Plates. Plates? There's a word, crockery. Crockery.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Crockery. And what do you want like really nice expensive crocory or do you want me to go to IKEA Put you up a nice little set. Oh, you gotta get me some crocory. I'll get you some croc But what level are we putting a limit on this year's KK four grand four grand, okay? You know they have to spend over four grand and it has to be one I don't think that's fair on Tom That's not fair on Tom no I don't think that's fair on Tom. That's not fair on Tom. No.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Zach, anything on your Christmas wish list? I wish for... Come on, take it seriously. I want you to... Zach! The Christmas I would like you to... I'm not leaving this room until I get a couple of wishes from you I want a little kiss from you mark. All right. You happy. I want you to give me a little kiss
Starting point is 01:07:11 Zach You don't have to wish for that for Christmas You know that any time you want a little kissy from marquee Can I have a kiss no you sick pig man. Can I have a kiss? No, you sick pig. Sorry. Let's have a kiss right now. You guys should really just kiss. Just want to like kiss on the cheek.
Starting point is 01:07:35 We all right, here we go. No, a real one. Unless you're uncomfortable, I understand you're uncomfortable, but I think it'll be real funny for me. And now we're into this podcast, you kiss on the cheek. All right, I'll kiss Mark, if you kiss Judas. Yeah, great. On the cheek, that's it.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Is that okay with you, Sam? And you have to go first. What? And you have to use tongue. No, I'm just a kiss on the cheek. Yeah, you can use tongue on the cheek. Are you comfortable with that, Sam? On the mouth.
Starting point is 01:08:01 No, I'm not comfortable. You gotta use tongue. No. No, you guys are fat. See, he's not comfortable with that. You guys should pass. It's not about passion, it's about Christmas wishes. Hey, I see, there's a real funny movie I just thought, it's called American Pie. No need to listen past.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And then that time, you guys see a American Pie? Yeah, it's a pie. It's so good. And she's like, oh was home at the bandcamp, I just like a flute up my- Uh oh! And she goes, there's one time at the bandcamp, I was stuck and flute up my-
Starting point is 01:08:33 and it cuts away. Oh, I'm finally saying the trailer. It's a great film, you should watch it. I want you guys to make up for it. I watched it with the volume quite low down in my room, because I didn't want anyone to- my parents to. I watched a little bit, quite low down in my room because I didn't want anyone to my parents I watched a little bit and then my parents would like
Starting point is 01:08:49 Realized I was watching it so I stopped watching it. Yeah, I'm going Bye-bye. I'm done. Where are you going home? Oh, it phone home. It's a true story Do you know what Universal Studios Florida is an ET ride where they pretend you're on a bike and then you save ET. So the first half is like the movie. And then the second half, you go to ET's planet
Starting point is 01:09:19 and then you fly around on bikes with ET and all these ET friends. Why do they have bikes or a man? It does he come from the moon? When it comes from AT Planet, you dumb cunt. All right. It comes from a planet. Maybe he comes from the moon.
Starting point is 01:09:34 No, it doesn't come from the moon. He comes from a far away planet. Like Saturn. No, like AT Planet, cunt. Scum, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, I'm a skateman. I'm a skateman. This sounds so good. Oh man. That sound. This sound is European pop sound. It's a bit of a pop sound.
Starting point is 01:09:58 It's a bit of a pop sound. It's a bit of a pop sound. It's a bit of a pop sound. It's a bit of a pop sound. That sound. Oh man That sound this sound this European pop sound needs a revival so bad Oh man what a good sound Boys turn off the music. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Mark, earlier today I called you a dumb cunt. That was rude, that was not on. That's cool, man. And as we bring to a conclusion, this hour and a half long podcast, I want you to know, and I want to end this podcast with our same sorry. Um, apology accepted, but I will forgive but not forget. Do you know why?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Because I'm going on holiday to my favorite country, Africa! You dumb cunt. What? You dumb cunt, it's a continent you dumb cunt. I'll stop the Stuff music mark. Yeah Earlier before I called you a dumb kind and I want to apologize. I don't know a lot about biology Okay, it's nice to make fun of me because of that Will you accept my apology in the form, you know, it's a crazy crazy world yes I will accept
Starting point is 01:11:26 your passion is this tears for fears mad world no this is not different I can do it to not buy feel cold So the Hanti Donna album of the day is available for $25. And the final on Silent Heavy. That one was from the KOM. $30. The album, the Hanti Donna album was available for $7. $25.
Starting point is 01:12:01 The album was available for $10. $5. The album logo is him 5 dollars album logo patch 5 dollars as well The album logo truck I'm going stop the music Take off the clutch crest Mark, be my hoody
Starting point is 01:12:22 45 dollars 5 big boy, I'm going back to my teens I need to go back to $45. Do you want to get a big boy out here? Yeah, back to your place. I need a white t-shirt. $25. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. $20. I hope I make it to Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt.
Starting point is 01:12:32 $20. I hope I make it to Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. Scent T-shirt. $15. That's a bargain. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. River Aussie's Scent T-shirt. sales pack 35 dollars Wait, just say flipper? No, it's down to like, is that flipper? Back with contains of scoeners, the T-Shirt We just want to say thank you our Patent Show The balls is some of scoeners, 7 balls
Starting point is 01:12:53 Big year everyone on our Patreon, in Onohoody Maybe the size is left, 50 dollars On the full pack of everything, our voice no Oh, the $70 Mark's funeral set, he sold that He sold that Granted culture is head box, filled with hats Yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-yom-om-y Oh I did it poo poo in my face Like when you're part of it. I put foodies pants everyone
Starting point is 01:13:31 All right, this is enough Tom 10 million dollars pulling that glass glue see full in the plug People the plug is it coming out of? I'm pulling the... People on the phone. Is it coming out of the speakers that are left up? Yeah. Ten million dollars. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no that up. This was the plan all along. Because the plan out podcast more. That's what I bet. I'm going on. Guys, that wraps up this week's podcast. Head to www.Haven' for merch.
Starting point is 01:14:17 slash shows to find out where we're touring to you. And it could be for many months that we don't. slash anti-donna and that's the way you can support us. The idea to go on for an hour and a half past the point where we should have was actually recommended to us by one of our patrons Jim Jim Araru. And if you want to recommend podcast ideas, like Jim, Jimaru, you can do it too. Good night. Quick, before we go.
Starting point is 01:14:52 What kind of Coke man are you? What do you like? I like a Coke man. You like a Coke man. You like a Coke man. Zero sugar, just quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, before we go, quick. Not normal.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Quick, you like normal Coke, Zach? I like a Colombian Coke. What do you mean, Colombian Coke? Okay, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no mix vanilla you like Coca-Cola vanilla post mix and Mark I don't drink coke cola can't do it high for those cool syrup and that my name is Jimmy back instead all right sorry the fucking press stop goodbye we got to get out of here this is our last chance come on press it same this is our last chance if we don't press it now we're never gonna get the chance. Hey, how's it going? Oh, hey, how's it going, boy?
Starting point is 01:15:48 That was a great idea that you offered there, Mark. That's a great out. I'll stop it whenever I'm putting hands up in there. That was there. I mean, all hands up. There's only two hands. There's a guy there and fucking podcasts are also fucking fucking. I'm gonna die in this room.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'll only stop it when the fucking kill you, can't if you don't fucking stop the podcast right now I can't that's fucking I fucking kill you can't that's just to oh fucking kill you if you don't stop this I want to play red dead adoption turn off I want to go home and play red dead red dead You have your hands raised how you been going with Red Dead? Yeah, all right. I couldn't find, I tried to find a legendary buck. So I got to the area where the legendary buck is, right? I dust my favorite thing to do is hunt the legendary animals.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Oh, kill me. And I keep going into the legendary buck area and it says you've entered legendary animal territory. But there's too much activity in the area and you can't track it. And I don't know what that means means and I keep trying to figure it out I've spent hours on it. I I'm I'm still this is my first big open-world game, so I'm still struggling immensely with the choice
Starting point is 01:16:59 I will just walk around the base camp for an hour. Sometimes you should be like, I don't know what to do. That's fine, you'll get used to it. The other night I played poker for an hour and a half. Yeah, I just walked around and got to the top. Some guy I just want to say, I had a fucking King High flush. Yeah. And some fucking guy beat me. He had pocket queens and two queens hit.
Starting point is 01:17:21 You know, and he got four of a fucking kind of, and so I pulled my gun on him. You know when a cow walks up to you and they're like, hey, you want to go on an adventure? And I'm like, do I have to go on this adventure? No, you don't. How do I know whether it's story adventure or not? The story adventures are the yellow markers on the map
Starting point is 01:17:38 and those are the ones that are specific for the story and the yellow markers. Oh, I can't speak to the yellow people. Everything else is not story. So you just want to follow the story. I'm taking him the yellow. I'm turning it off. I'm turning this podcast off.
Starting point is 01:17:50 No, bro, I want to talk about red dead. Goodbye, everyone. Oh, no. It's been, this has been a very fun adventure. This is where all very long. How long has it gone for? It's, what? Well, I would 20 or something.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I would 18 or much. That's too long. It's a movie length. Hey guys want to hear before you wait wait Before we go, bro, I just break down what you have for breakfast. I had a smoothie It had mango coconut strawberry and a bit of a way protein and nothing else You know I'm pretty sure I saw you have a latte. Well, that is that breakfast. I mean it counts You had to add breakfast time to flat white that bro Turn it off just turn it off. Brodan, wait, before we go,
Starting point is 01:18:26 we're going to be on a business. No, turn it off, you've even turned it off. Turn it off, it's done, it's just done. You just turn it off. Exactly, I skipped breakfast. I skipped breakfast, I know it's bad, I know it's bad. I know it's bad. I had some low-fod-map comments musely,
Starting point is 01:18:38 I had it with coconut yogurt, I had it with maple syrup, oh, Taz, I don't worry, we're going home, baby. And then I had that with some blueberries and some strawberries. a tarz, I don't worry, we're going home, baby. And then I had that with some blueberries and some strawberries. Turn it off. I don't think I can. Turn it off.
Starting point is 01:18:50 I can't do it. I need all hands in the air. Oh, you're pretty good. What have you done? Don't? All right, let's not be silly. Let's not be silly. Just turn it off the rest.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I can delete the whole thing. What's a funny out? What's a funny out? Just this. What's the whole thing? What's a funny out? What's a funny out? Just just this Don't you think it's a bit contrived? Oh, I'm going home. Maybe it's I am Mom's calling Mom
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yes Yeah, good what's up Yes Okay, I just I wanted to see how melee was doing Yeah, that's a dog everyone Don't always count get cancer I Oh That's sad But I hope she's gonna be okay Did she have cancer That's no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I hope so, Mom. I'm just that work. Oh, how was it? Hang on, put your mom in. Oh, good. I can't believe I'm going to die. I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave.
Starting point is 01:21:14 I'm going to leave. I'm sorry, I'm going to leave. I'm sorry, I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave. Yeah, now I've been planning on planning on you don't see it. Can I call you back? I'm just gonna wrap this up. Yeah, sorry, I'm just that work. I love you, mum. I love you, Chica.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Oh, thank you. I'm just that work. Just brought in wanted to say hello. Is that okay? Broden Yeah, yeah, you just want to say hello. Hey, Madeline. How are you? How's it going I heard that your dog head cancer. I'm very sorry about that. Oh, thank you. You're so sad. She loves that.
Starting point is 01:22:08 She loves that. We're good to hear from you. I'm going to see you soon. I'm sure. Bye. All right, love you, mom. Love you, goodbye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:22:21 I feel awful about it. What have we done? I feel so sorry about, I feel so bad so bad about my arm the dog can't get cancer What do you mean it cut the vet said the dog has cancer? I'm off Sex done See you guys I'm gone. All right. Goodbye everyone Stop it. I've stopped all right. I've stopped it. They haven't stop it Stop it. No one wants to hear this. If you're still here have a look at your life and
Starting point is 01:22:52 Consider donating to our patreon you clearly begin off here I'm sorry that was weird. I do feel a Lot of sadness for my mom and her dog. She loves that dog. Is she a big podcast listener? No, she doesn't know what podcasts are. Say Zach. Come on, Tazo. I guess you're me, sir. Yeah, I need to save this uploader.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Okay, we'll stop it. Goodbye, everyone. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!

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