Aunty Donna Podcast - EMERGENCY La Porchetta Podcast

Episode Date: September 27, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list of production. La la la la, forget that, go with the foodies Oh, so much better, you won't leave her But you, you get better La la la la, la la la, forget that, now only time I've thought I come a narrow, don't you just let her feel hummish You can't be shan't be so let's not yet Take so much better at La Foucaix Ta A very joyful song
Starting point is 00:00:50 But today a few somber notes We're here at the Antidonna podcast I hear to talk about the La Foucaix de Scandal That is currently taking Australia by storm Good morning Mark, good morning Zach Good morning bro, good evening Thank you so much for having me here today On the Antidonna podcast On a La Foucaix lapbook at a special. So sad day but I think it's
Starting point is 00:01:08 something we need to obviously work on just to give everyone a bit of context. Today we had a scheduled a different podcast. We had a podcast scheduled with one of Australia's biggest icons Rove and we had recorded and we're ready to release that unfortunately with the events that have just commented in today's Fairfax media. It wouldn't be fair. Wouldn't be fair, wouldn't be fair. Absolutely. Now I know that we're about to get really stuck in.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So we've come back off holidays, we're you and Rosebud. That's what I was in the Rosebud family. With your family. Exactly. In Sydney. I was just doing a little bit of work with the Sydney Theatre Company, but I got on the first plane here to talk about it. With Kate, we were working with Kate.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Blanchet? Yes, I was. And obviously, we need to get together. We've made silly jokes about La Paul Ceta on now. Comedy podcast for years. But I would argue that what's happened today is no laughing. No joke. Not at all. So for context,
Starting point is 00:02:09 La Poquetta, an article came out recently in the age and newspaper and investigative article. Fairfax media. Exposing La Poquetta for a number of legal issues. Well, in fairness to us tonight, I just want to go full disclosure. We haven't read the article.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I have not read the article. I've read the headline of the article, which did lead to some sort of suspicion I had. I think it's fair to say it seems bad. It looks real for long. Probably should have read the article before we did the podcast. But this is the thing, obviously, when you're reacting at this pace, we usually line up podcasts. Obviously, we had the Roe from McManus podcast. We were going to be putting that out today, which we'll be coming out next week.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Hopefully next week and the God, unless something else happens. God forbid. So we are reacting. We don't have all of the information. This is where in the middle of it? This has been wedged into our lives like a delicious bowl of wedges that you would order from your book header. Now, before we get started on the atrocities that may or may not have happened, I haven't read the article.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, may or may not. Can we just start with maybe some memories, some positive memories of going to Apple Keter's show. I just thought that would be maybe just before we get to the do- Can I just say for it for a moment here? Apple Keter for me was always a beautiful thing for filling my belly. I never thought that it would be involved in the underbelly of Australian society. That's a great challenge. And that's such a great analogy. It's great, it's great, it's a great metaphor that you've brought up. Thank you. For me, I remember, I mean, we call it the pork in my family, La
Starting point is 00:04:01 Poucaitre, of course, is Italian for the pork. So we'd always be saying, would you like to go to the pork, for dinner? And I would say, of course, it's my favorite place to go. Lapo cedar. Lapo cedar. You know, like sitting around the table
Starting point is 00:04:16 and drawing a delicious tasting platter, you know, which consists of aroncini, meatballs, you know, some marinated eggplant, few slices of prosciutto. It's probably only cheese. So I'm not on the... Some roasted balsamic onion, roasted capsicum and olives, and served with herb for karsha.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And you know what, that's all for the low-low price for $29.90. And can I say it goes great with either a milo or even a cascade premium light. Oh! I'm so sorry, bro. I'm just, it's interesting that the pizza pie sits in the center of this because it looks like the underworld was taking a slice of that lupel-ketter meatlovers. Absolutely. The underworld, it usually takes a slice of drug deals, of billions of dollars of black market money today. It's taking a slice of a supreme pizza. It's almost like the
Starting point is 00:05:14 the underbelly of Australians dark underworld and decided that they wanted the lot. And no, I'm not talking about the delicious the lot pizza from the apple. You connect with the tomato based mozzarella ham mushrooms, capsicum, hot salami, olives, onions, shrimp, bacon, pineapple, and anchovy. And anchovies, more like an- That's okay, you're going to make the steak. Thanks Mark, this podcast- It's live. If you're just tuning in, we were going to be doing our Roe from the Command-S podcast
Starting point is 00:05:44 today. We've decided to put that on hold for something far more important. Can I just say we've got Sam live on the newsfeed. He's been in contact with a Katergate. Or the pork gate, as my family would be. Chris Fidelgo, we're fitting in contact with him, seeing if we can get him on air from Fairfax Media to talk to us. Sam. Oh, no word from Chris yet, but I have also just sent out a message to the Lapa Kater Facebook page
Starting point is 00:06:18 asking him for an official statement and any details about upcoming seasonal specials. And you are positive that this one get us mixed up with any sort of underworld figures. Not at all. I'm happy to get to the crust of the underworld here. I'm, I'm, I'm, I want to get to the bottom of this. And it's just like a big bowl of carbonara.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I want to get to the bottom of this and find out once I've been at La Boquetta, who's responsible? And we should probably read the article. I'll tell you what, I just want to say that. Oh, sorry. I haven't read the article yet, but I just want to say that this has absolutely chilled me to the bone,
Starting point is 00:06:58 much like the chili prawns available from the La Boquetta restaurants, which are prawns, like cooked with garlic, olive hot chili, and a napa salad, that like a sauce, a tomato based sauce, serving on a bread of rice. And I do just wanna say, before we get into this,
Starting point is 00:07:13 for those unfamiliar, not from Australia, there was a popular television show in the late 2000s by the name of Underbelly. It explored some of the dark underbelly of Australian mafia, of the Melbourne underbelly of Australian Mafia, of Malvin Mafia, and I just want to say, I always thought that underbelly was a TV show, I didn't realize it was dinner or a show, so this is very upsetting for me. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Alright, I'm going to read a bit of the article. Up please. I would love to know what's going on. Tom, if you can put Um anytime I'm and obviously yeah Sam is on the Twitter if if anything comes up Sam. Please feel free to interrupt This is this is alive. This is hot work ground zero here where it's ground zero breaking news fresh roasted Garlic bread news we news for the table. We had lined up a series of podcasts, including the Rogue McMahon-S podcast, which you would have been listening to today,
Starting point is 00:08:11 so that we could focus on writing our, our, our, some content. We were doing a web series for you, but we've, we've put that aside, we've put that away. We are not doing that. Instead, we are recording this podcast. We decided why what is the point of releasing a podcast with probably the one, the hugeest comedian in Australia, probably the biggest guest, one of the biggest guests we have ever had. Rove.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You would have been listening to the Rove McManus podcast today. We decided no, that wouldn't be fair, not only to our listeners, but to the people who are in knowing exactly what's going on with the LAPO KETTA chain restaurant. I know I would have been listening to the ROWF podcast saying, how can this group, I know they're not a political group, but how can this group have talked about LAPO KETTA for so long for so many years? I'm sorry, bro, and I will let you get to the article. But how can this group who has been talking about Lapo Keta for so many years backing them in the good times, not address Lapo Keta in the dark times and I think that's bigger than Rove. It is bigger than Rove. Okay, Broden. When the founder of Lapo K, Pizza Chain, Rocco Pentaleo. Can you just read out the title of the article that got us also stirred?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah, sure. So the article is by Chris Vidal and Cameron Houston. And Sam, I might get you to chase up Cameron Houston as well, see if we can get him on here. You listening to the Artynone podcast? Lapor Kettergate, Portgate. Port Ketterate, sorry. Pets of chain lapor ketogate is thin crust of respectability.
Starting point is 00:09:52 He hides a darker truth. What a deliciously scandalous pun. In that type of face. In that type of face. And I do just follow up, someone tweeted, Bushy Swagman did tweeted at us when we tweeted this article. I think I think a fantastic observation and a follow-up to that title which is their good name has been dredged in wheat flour and sauteed like
Starting point is 00:10:19 a vial scolopini. So Bushy Swagman, we certainly agree. This is not looking good for Lapoketa right now. Thank you Bushy Swagman. When the founder of Lapoketa, Peter Chang, Rocco Pantalio was subjected to extortion threats from Carlton standover man, Alfonz Gengitana, played by Vince Colossamo in the 2000 hit series under Belly. Rocco could have just paid up. It was the mid-1990s and notorious underworld figure known as the black prince of Ligon Street was threatening violence if he wasn't given a slice of the profits. Do you see what he's done there? I think so when he so like a slice kind of like a serve of pasta. I think so when he so like a slice kind of like a serve of pasta
Starting point is 00:11:13 No, I'm sorry Mark. I think he's I think it is a pun on pizza, but more important than that is Are you sure he's not it's not a pun on the delicious Moroccan salad that's available? I can't say look some of us are a little bit emotional here, Mark. The good name of Lapelcada is under fire. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's a Mediterranean couscous salad, which is tasty couscous with capsicum tomato olives and cucumber sprinkled with feta cheese and topped with pesto dressing for $15.90. And if you want it with chicken, that's $21.97. Threats were credible. Gendjitana had gunned down an associate at a St. Kilda House party during an argument over a personal slight. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I remember that in the first episode of Undebelied. So where do you see that murder, Andy? Wait a second. Are you telling me that La Pouquetetta runs so deep that it is featured in on the belly? Well, what they're talking about, I can't say that, but what I'm saying is the murder they are talking about here, features in the first episode of Unabelli Channel 9's Unabelli. The person who is murdered is played by our dear friend, Liam Aymor, who is a Yoke,
Starting point is 00:12:26 a improv comedian. So anyway, go back, it's on Stan, check it out under Billy Season 1. Oh, we'll be checking it. If you're just tuning in, we are talking about, we are talking about Kettigate. The Lappoketta scandal that Fairfax media has brought upon us. Brought it, please continue. Right, so that happened, but Pantalio, Rocca, Rocky refused to pay. He refused to pay.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Okay, so that's pretty worrying. Already we're hearing some very scary things about Pantalio. As any of our listeners know, he was a very influential figure at the North Carlton restaurant where it all began. The Lappel Kenner brand is synonymous with its founders, Rags to Rich's Immigrant Story. Now, can I get your thoughts on this in a second? Because you're a filthy immigrant. A successful modern franchise business still in touch with its roots. Pentaliot and the fellow Italian immigrant Felice Nania had opened the first Lappocator in Calton North in 1985. Can I just say very quickly Felice
Starting point is 00:13:35 Navidad was always a joyful song at home around Christmas time and I believe that that's definitely not going to be the case anymore as it sounds a lot like Felice Navia, the man responsible for crushing all of our dreams much like the delicious garlic that's been crushed into many a pasta sauce. So what's happening is Frank is rocker Rockies in debt. Rockies in debt the man who now he can be featured if you go into any of the lap okey Astores and you see the goofy man usually holding him specials menu like today Ministrone soup. Uh-huh that pit that big statue of a man. That's who we're talking about. Is that Rocky? Is that a I think that character is called rock?
Starting point is 00:14:22 I do just want to bring out please please please and this has nothing to do with my greasy skin or the fact that I love salami Although I do yep But we were sent in the mail something very interesting the other day I don't know if this was some sort of omen some sort of prediction. I don't know, or a threat. Or for initially I did think this was a fan, had stolen it from a store. I think now perhaps it runs a little deeper than that. On the atmosphere, we're verging where a spaceship, and we are verging on the outer realm of the earth and stepping into the criminal realm. So this is the, this is really the job of comedy podcast to dig deeper and to hold the 1% accountable.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I mean, I don't know how long it took these two boys to write this article. I'm sure many months have investigated journalism, but I do think it is a place and a right to have not read the article and comment on it. But we were sent the other day in the mail, a small statue of Rocky the Laplacada Moskot. And the thing about that Moskot was that I tripped up on my words here. I don't want this to take away from it. I understand you're very upset at the moment. It's not it's not a day for jokes. It's not a day for jokes. This is a dog this there are there are a lot of wags grieving right now. Oh absolutely. And and I think anyone that's used to our more polished sound our more polished style that will be returning next week with the rove McMaster. Yeah, we're so sorry about this sort of ramshackle unprepared, you know, no, lacks direction. This is as new to us as it is to any of you. But we were sitting in the mail. It's Grandplacetti mascot Rocky in the mail and it was smashed
Starting point is 00:16:33 to pieces. Someone sent us to repeat that, sorry, just, you can use different words. No, received a care package at our workplace, the stupid old studio's Brunswick, a anti-donut, to be doing the anti-donut, a package of a stolen, rocky muskot, shattered. Shattered, from Laplacadie. Now, we initially assumed that it was a drunk or an IT-nager. This is not a joke. We will take a photo of this and prove it. I planned to glue it back together and put it in my house.
Starting point is 00:17:06 This is initially, I assumed it was at some sort of high teenager or drunk teenager, had stolen the mascot and we're sending it to us and it had broken by accident. I think there's some... There's no accident in the hospital. There's some ominous tones here. It's quite a strange, if it is a coincidence, it's a strange one, and if it's not a coincidence, then I worry about my safety. Sam's just handed me, we are
Starting point is 00:17:32 following all of LaPoca to social medias at the moment just to see if there's any official statement, just to see if there's any official statement from LaPoca. Sam has just handed me on their Lappuketta. Sam has just handed me on their Facebook page on their feed. He's handed me some information. I don't know what we can draw from this, but Atrecy, I won't say her last name for privacy reasons. Atrecy has asked Lappuketta in the last hour, hi, can you please tell me which brand of gluten-free pizza bases you use. Some are better than others. Initially that doesn't have anything to do with Kettegate, but there are questions at the moment and I think we really do need to question every aspect of this story from every angle. We don't have the time that the Fairfax journalists had. We are just taking this as it comes.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So let me just fan a paragraph of this article. We're reading it off the Sydney Morning Herald website. We have. From the Fairfax Media. For those of you who don't know, age is the Melbourne paper. Sydney Morning Herald is the Sydney paper for fairfax. It's a Brisbane Times, I've heard. It's a Brisbane Times is Fairfax Media. Instead, this is about Rockins. He had a debt.
Starting point is 00:18:42 He had a debt. And instead of just paying the debt, the Calyprian-born restaurant tour reached out for help to Laonorata society. Can you pronounce that, Ma? La Landa, Sosaida. The honored society. Now this is where it gets a big room. A secretive mafia group with a powerful place in Australian organized crime. So that's huge. We've got a quote here as well just to back that up. I don't know where in the article this fell. Mark's life partner Naomi Higgins has tweeted us, Life partner Naomi Higgins has tweeted us Smuggled more than four tons of pills worth
Starting point is 00:19:31 $440 million inside cans of tomatoes That's a real part shell there and that's huge, but I do just want to say it is strange I've discovered something on the internet that I'd like to bring up because it is strange that this is happening this article would have dropped this morning. Yet only five hours ago La Polquetta Don Vale tweeted a picture of some pizza dough. The pizza dough has been rolled flat and is in the trays that you would bake a pizza right? Absolutely. And the tweets says, pizza prep Tuesday. So it looks like it's business as usual at La Poucetta Donvale. Now that makes me ask, Mark, that makes me ask, did the journalist in question, did they call La Poucetta, did they ask for a statement?
Starting point is 00:20:23 Because for my mind, that statement, that tweet right there, that shows a certain arrogance, I believe. Guys, we can just cut this bit from the podcast, but we should just try and ring Lapplketer, Kaltan for a statement. I'll just, at least we should speak to for a second. I think we should, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:44 All right, great. We can beep out people's names. Okay. Oh, take, oh, good morning. My name is Broden. I'm calling today from the Anti-Donna podcast. I was just looking for a statement on the article by Fairfax Media today in regarding the lapo-cada. Do you know which way we should go for a statement on that? No, you're going up the warehouse, mate. Oh, the warehouse? Okay. Do you have the... We'll all chase that. Thank you very much. I'm not your number.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I'll find on the internet. Thank you so much, thank you. Thank you for the number. Oh, I'll find on the internet. Thank you so much for your help. Okay, no, I'm, are you open for lunch by the, oh, he's, oh, I'm gonna get a feel skill. Wow, well, so that's, that's, okay. That's right up. That's pretty big. All right, I'm gonna ring it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Well, like, let's just break down exactly what he said, okay? He said, now mate, you gotta ring the warehouse, which makes me think, is he talking about a drug warehouse? Is he talking about a warehouse where they keep potentially dead bodies, guns, other sort of illegal materials? Or is he talking about a warehouse where they store all of the mushroom sauce for the fielskuller penis. Okay I'm gonna try the lapo ketta mill park. Hi good morning my name is Brunner I'm calling today from the anti-donner podcast we're just looking to get a statement. I'monna podcast. We're just looking to get a statement. I can't hear you.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'm so sorry. We're just looking to get a statement on the article by Fairfax Media today for La Polquetta. Do you know who we should speak to for a statement on that? Probably head office. Head office? Okay. Any open for lunch? Sorry? Are you open for lunch? Yeah. Okay, wonderful. Thanks for your help. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Bye. Okay. Now, what is going on here? We call La Pocate de Carlton. They say, Nama called the warehouse. We call La Pocate de Mill Park. their direction is call head office. Now, is it just me, or is there a little bit of inconsistency going on here? Unless the warehouse is head off. What? Well, I think we've got to take this all the way to the top. I think we need to call La this all the way to the top. I think I think we need to call
Starting point is 00:23:27 La Poquette a Don Vale and just find out exactly What's going on with pizza prep Tuesday? It just cross our fingers none of them killed themselves in three months Okay This is Lapuketta Don Haile. Good morning, my name is Broden, I'm calling this morning from the Anti-Donapotcast. How are you doing? Yes, good. That's the way.
Starting point is 00:24:05 We're just looking for a quick statement on the Fairfax Media article this morning regarding La Paul Cetta and its dark crust of Mara Fiatais. Do you know what I can't hear clearly, so you talked to La Paul Cetta, what? Oh, yes, La Paul Cetta. We're just looking for a statement on the article by Fairfax Media today. Pizza chain La Paul Cetta is thin crust of respectability hides a darker truth. We're just looking for a statement from La Paul catter.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah, I think for those other things, you should come to the owner for that. Yeah, oh no, okay. Yeah, okay. Can you get me a price on a meatball starter? Yep, and just checking how much would it be for a takeaway meatball starter? I want to take a bit for what? And just checking how much would it be for a takeaway, meatball starter. We're just checking price, not order, just price.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah, you want the pizza or what price you want to check. I mean, just get out of there. Okay, we'll just leave it there. Thanks so much for your help today. No worries, okay. Okay, now just to confirm here, we've had one person tell us to call the warehouse, one person tell us to call the head office, and finally a person telling us to call the owner, I'm going to call Lapoketa Tarellgan, and I think we're just... I'm just going to get a look to the bottom of this. Okay, now I have a few questions for Lapoketa,
Starting point is 00:25:24 so I appreciate your patience guys. I'm just gonna get into the bottom of this. Okay, now I have a few questions for Lapo Keter, so I appreciate your patience guys. Just calling Lapo Keter Trollgan. Typical Trollgan business. And it's not an answering. When this dark undertones you probably don't answer the phone. Okay, I think this is speaking volumes. Okay, I'm just gonna know answer. That's now either there's they're closed or there's been a hit. I would say that it is not unfair with what we have read from the four or five lines of the article that we have read,
Starting point is 00:26:12 that it is not unfair to unreasonable. Unreasonable to assume that everyone at La Poquetta to Railgan is dead. Now, I am governical. La Poqueta Werribee just to get confirmation on who we need to call and and and please check in with La Polqueta Taralgan. Just ask if they know anything about La Polqueta Taralgan. I don't want to you to ask any leading questions though. Hello, my name is Mark Samuel Bonanno I'm from the Antidona podcast here. I'm just calling up in regards to a few things. There was an article in the Fairfax media this morning about... I think it's more louder. Make it more louder? Yeah, it's like a near because we are in a restaurant. Oh I'm so oh I was La Poquetta restaurant. Yeah, okay. I was ringing up in
Starting point is 00:27:07 regards to a few questions. There was an article in the Fairfax media this morning about La Poquetta's dark mafia ties. Now we called La Poquetta in Don Val. They said to call the head office. Another La Poquetta told us to call the owner and then you are looking for someone here stop with yes I want to speak to Tina. Tina? Yes. No we do not Tina here sorry. Okay I'm so sorry thank you so much for your time. I'm sorry just just before we go on with with all of this. I just want to I just want to bring up Mark Sam Sam has just handed me some text. He's handed me his laptop. He's handed me some text. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I trust Sam.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It seems to be a Zomato review. So I'm just going to read that out now and we'll discuss. I'm just going to read that out now and we'll discuss. Okay, it's from an expert in South Yara with the title Good Food, Good Mode. Three and a half stars. I was helping friends move and this was how they repaid me. In all seriousness, La Pee isn't all that bad. After a tiring day, lugging boxes are mostly stood around and watched the guys lug boxes. We went to Bon Voyage over a pizza. This is actually one of the better lapel
Starting point is 00:28:32 catas I've come across. Given the location, I wouldn't have thought it would be that easy as this is more of a friendly, a family friendly style restaurant, but it was actually thriving. I searched the menu for the fresh tomato pizza I remember eating at this chain a good decade ago. It's probably been about that long since I frequented and I was disappointed to see that it is no longer available. It was very satisfying to car-blow it on the barbecue chicken after a big day though. That's got two likes and zero comments. Okay. Okay. That was, I do just want to say that was from yesterday. So things that was from yesterday, that review.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Right, so that's what before. We're not. So yesterday is before this article came out. What's worth noting is there hasn't been any reviews on Zomato since that review. Oh. So there's been no reviews since yesterday on the La Po kettas amount.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Well that is interesting because back if I could just bring it back to the lapo kettas Donvale Twitter account which is at lapo kettas Don V. Don V. Oh my word. I think the V is for Vale. I'm not sure there. Yesterday. If you are just tuning in this is Kettagigate. We're talking about La Poquetta. Yesterday, they tweeted a picture of a delicious, well, looks at me to be a margarita pizza.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And it says, describe this in one word. Now, a couple of interesting things going on here. Word is capitalized. And there is an exclamation mark after word. Now the most interesting thing is that there are no likes, no retweets, and no comments, which suggests to me that potentially everyone at Laplacada Donvale is dead. I think we can try. I don't think it's unreasonable to try this conclusion. Now I do just want to say very quickly, we hit 12,000 followers on Twitter late last night
Starting point is 00:30:40 and since we've been tweeting purely about La Poquetta we have gone back down to 11.9. Can I just bring up and we do need to wrap it up now? Absolutely. La Poquetta, I'm sorry I'm sorry for the rough moment. Reading La Poquetta's La Poquetta or Ivan hose Twitter handle They haven't tweeted since July 23rd 2014 We can only assume that they're dead they're dead Now I know for a fact that this lapo cat used to be a pizza hut It's now a lupal Ketter. But the last thing, the last thing that they tweeted in July 23rd, 2014, which sounds
Starting point is 00:31:29 like a cry for help. Pizza paste for lunch or dinner. Pizza paste for lunch or dinner. You are opening a can of worms here that we don't have time to get. No, I don't know if they were saying pizza pasta, phallonchord dinner and misspelled pasta, or if they want people to eat pizza paste. For lunch.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Well, brother, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna re-sweet that. I have it on good authority. I have it on good authority from one of the three lines I've read from the Fairfax article that they were smuggling drugs in the pizza paste. So a cry for help, a cry for help, maybe a warning guys. And I just want to say very quickly, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I do just want to say very quickly. I went on one of my first dates to La Boquetta more well. I got a lemon lime and bitters and then I went and watched Charlotte's
Starting point is 00:32:35 web and I do just want to say to anyone at Traogun, anyone in Trollgan, anyone in the Lattrogh Valley, anyone that knows someone that works at La Pouquetta, or that worked at La Pouquetta before they were all murdered. We are here, we are listening and we will do everything we can for the people of Lappoketa, whereabouts, Lappoketa, Ivan Ho and Lappoketa, Turalgun, that have been murdered in the last few hours. I'm very emotional and it's okay. Wow, that's where we leave it today. I think we've just got one. No, no, no, I have nothing left to... It is just
Starting point is 00:33:28 We are trending This story is trending on Twitter. Is it actually? Well the age article is But not we are the age article Do you mean AFL W Excuse me. Are you talking about AFL W? Are they enrolled in this? Well they're trending. Right. Look, a story, a trending story was detected by Trendelizer, TM, 10 tweets in zero hours and 316 likes,
Starting point is 00:33:59 shares, comments on Facebook in 148 hours. Well, I just think it, I think that shows the impact that this story is having on me. I'm not, I'm reading a sort of, uh, I don't know exactly what I'm reading here and I, a fear that I've, I've really derailed the podcast. No, that's fine. Well, have you or has the genjitarnos? I would say we just cut this bit. I don't, I just want to say, like the layers of a delicious Mexican Parmajana special, this controversy, it goes deep.
Starting point is 00:34:38 There are many layers to this, and I think we haven't even scratched the surface. If the surface is the article, we haven't read. We haven't even scratched the surface. If the surface is the article we haven't read, we haven't even scratched the surface. And I think that's when we leave it today. We step into the night and hope we all make it through. We're here for you. We step into a bold tomorrow. A tomorrow where we don't know what's there for us. If La Portquetta will be there tomorrow. If don't know what's there for us if La Pauquetta will be there tomorrow if if tomorrow we step into is the same yesterday that we are in tomorrow today yeah tomorrow will be soon today yes and when that tomorrow is a new today I suppose that's really the question. It is Sam we're just going to check in with Sam one last time any news Sam. Sam has offered the idea of sort of in honor of La Poquetta sort of an acoustic cover of the lapoquetta. I think that's a beautiful thing to do.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Maybe we'll add some guitar in post. Okay, a one, a two, you know what to do. La la la la, po' kitam La la la la la, Pizza and pasta La la la la la, You'll palm with chana, Taste so much, bitter at la po' kitam La la la la la, I love the plum with chana La la la la, Polo, alfanghi La la la la la, La la la po polo o fangui La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la I hope everyone who's working at a lapbook header is okay. I send you my best wishes. I hope everyone can enjoy a 5% discount Niochi Vegetarian Alfredo, which I'm sure you get working there as a employee of lapbook header.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And just want to make it very well aware that lapbook header do offer a huge range of pastas that you can feel free to mix and match your pastor types, whether it be Spaghetti Tortellini, Fettuccini and they do have gluten free pastor available. And I do just want to say this is the end obviously of our half hour this week, but the story certainly doesn't end. After this we will be on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram continuing to engage with this story. If you have any questions please do not be afraid to ask. And obviously a lot of pizza and pasta fans out there are going to be feeling a lot of pain. And we just want to say to you to all of our
Starting point is 00:37:42 pizza and pasta fans out there, if you are feeling worried, if you are feeling scared, do get in contact with us on Twitter, we are here to work through this together. There is still operating in New South Wales. I mean, we could go to Domino's and faster, pastor, because Domino's don't have a pizza. So I'm a Domino. Domino's faster option. We will get through this together. This is not the end, but let's work through this together and let's keep the story going. Please stay.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Next week we'll have our podcast with Rove. Hopefully. Hopefully. I mean, you never know what's going to happen. And for anyone who hasn't read the article yet I've just been skimming through it and I hope to Read it eventually before I speak on it again, but there are some wonderful Colorful pictures that do help to describe exactly
Starting point is 00:38:41 Exactly what's going on? So if anyone is confused by the words, on the website there are some wonderful sort of, they have a pizza pie graph with the pizza cut up into slices that shows the percentage of drug money and how it's being dispersed amongst Australia's crime families. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Thank you to Fairfax. Thanks, Fairfax. Thank you to Fairfax. Thanks for being here. Thank you to of course La La Volcata Good night everyone. We'll speak next week You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week See ya next week!

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