Aunty Donna Podcast - Feat. RONNY CHIENG

Episode Date: July 27, 2017

Get around Ronny:Insty: @ ronnychiengTwitter: @ us on us on The Aunty Donna Club: https:...// for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snuff production. I just had an idea because my voice is quite low and you were just doing voice exercises, Zach. And Mark, you just woke up. I always woke up. Is that going to Edinburgh? Yes, we are. You guys need to rest up. You're killing it, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Arnold is great. Thank you. What's your name? Yeah, Ronnie, sorry. Usually the guests aren't allowed to say a fucking word. Oh, we got to introduce them. There's an illusion, right? No, look, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Maybe you apologize on the podcast. Look how professional this shit is. I mean, a lot of the listeners can't look right now. Yeah, they can't see. Do you want to just convey it as professional? We've started, yeah. Oh, dude, it's like, it's like, bean on this microphone right now.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yeah, it's like, this microphone has like a mask, it's got like an oxygen tank. This microphone is more professional than like any gig I've ever done. Yeah, then the fucking dumb club. Yeah, then the fucking dumb club. We just want to make it nice and clear that we fucking hate the dumb dumb club and they are a director.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You're right, it is. At our show last night in New York, I hope Tom will call, listen to this, but in the second row, there was a lady with a dumb dumb t- show last night in New York. I hope Tom will call listen to this bit in the second row There was a lady with a dumb dumb t-shirt or in New York. Yeah, that's true. Did you just calling Tom? Yeah I'm sure he goes by Tom. I was just real. I was like who the fuck is Tom? Yeah Tommy, don't I know Tommy. I know who the fuck is Tom anyway, Ronnie's apologized for I know Tommy. I know who the fuck is Tom anyway Ron is apologized for
Starting point is 00:01:51 Running podcast and I don't know if I'm yeah, and the podcast started did you know the podcast? No I thought we were doing my checks, but if it started oh, we don't do my checks We just listen we just you guys are super professional except for that We have some back in like six months and we go oh that didn't work and we just Dump some humongous podcasts with like we didn't know Bama one and the bikes are a bit funny yeah we just we just we just we got it Obama and then the Mike you didn't check it out just a bit funny like every everything Obama said was we just had to use what was picked up in our microphones well that's still bad and Tom Ballard's fucking
Starting point is 00:02:26 white savior podcast and I couldn't, I couldn't, he got me on and then afterwards the whole thing, like, the song was terrible, the whole thing was terrible and yet the like salvage, he had to intro the podcast with like, okay, listen guys, this one time, Mike's not working right, so this podcast sounds a little weird. I've done my best but This fucking asshole, okay? Was it really was it really bad though? Did you listen to them? Was it awful? Yeah, it's like I thought like my ears were bleeding because it was the sound was
Starting point is 00:02:53 I was like echoing everything was broken. Oh Jesus Cuz Tom said that a few times this before he's like guys. It's real fucking bad this week And then we listen to it and I'm like, Tom, that sounds normal. This is the main. It sounds like, it sounds like angels singing. Tom, it's the most beautiful thing ever. Mine sounds like someone dipped the microphone in water and then took it out and
Starting point is 00:03:13 we're like, we're trying to use it still like that. That's right. Well, he's on our shit list too now. Great. Were you saying really profound things? Because he's a real intellectual goliath. Oh, all right. But like, so were you saying,
Starting point is 00:03:29 I was trying to hold my own. He was, it was a conversation about heavy subjects. And the microphones won't work in the whole time. So what would we talk about? We talk about really heavy stuff as well. Yeah, I like stuff. So this week we thought our topic could be, Iron, yeah, we just want to talk about really heavy stuff as well. This week we thought our topic could be iron. Yeah, we just want to talk about iron ore.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Oh, like the element? Yeah, it's quite heavy. It is quite heavy, it's quite dense. But again, it's one of the densest metals in here. Now, as the price of iron ore is going down, we know that a lot of the labor of being let go in Western Australia. What are your thoughts as the price goes back up
Starting point is 00:04:04 with this, a way to get around the unions? So this is what we refer to on the anti-donna podcast as a heavy heavy topic. Heavy heavy heavy topic. Because we're talking about something quite heavy in quite a heavy tone. Right. So heavy objects, heavy tone.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Well, I think the natural resource moving in Australia was never gonna last forever. And I mean, when the boom was happening, the expectations should have been preparing for when the boom would end. Unfortunately that didn't really happen despite all the economically fiscal plan. I can't do it. I was trying. I was like, I knew I was talking about it and then I was like, I was very impressed. Thank you so much. Um, we just love chilling out, smoking plants and being badass dudes here. You guys are totally weak for into a tour or more.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I can tell. I came in a room, you guys look so beat up. You guys look like the guy who ran like Ultramathons But then like on the out of check. Yeah You know, you're twice the end of the ultra marathon. They just look like Tom Hanks Just some eggs Like for us gum after the when he got to Utah and then he turned back Yeah, we all like like that. We all look like Tom Hanks at the start of Sally at the moment White moustaches. I feel like I look like a Morgan Morgan spur lock at the start of Sully at the moment. So we were white moustaches. I feel like I look like Morgan Spurlock
Starting point is 00:05:27 at the end of his Super Size Me marathon. You're a fucked up man. Oh fucked up. This is not good. You guys are killing in America, but this is the first American tour, right? Yeah, we're in New York. We're on level three of the Blakely Hotel right now.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Tell the way you are. Room 303. This is Zack and Tom's room. Yeah. We're not releasing this for a little while. That's all right. No people will show up, don't talk. And kill whoever's in the room. Yeah, good man.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Thank you for asking. It's really, we went home for about a week and looked at our respective spouses. And then got back on a plane and came back to New York. There was before this year, and Andy Donner had never been to New York before. We've been there most of this year. We've been here three times this year. Yeah, you guys are pretty much done with America. I was filming my sitcom in Australia.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I wonder if someone was wearing an Andy Donner merch. Your merch is spreading. Your merch is even your merch is doing well. We made a point of trying to get everyone on international student to wear your merch to sort of just... I didn't get any. Yeah, we almost had Molly Daniels. We almost had her, we wanted to...
Starting point is 00:06:38 We were in discussions, it just didn't work. You're even your merch. Your merch has built this wheel underground, like in Melbourne, everyone didn't work. So you're giving your words. Yeah, your merch has built this wheel underground. Like in Melbourne, everyone's wearing it. Yeah, we wanted to just be trendy. We, the comedy is always just a side for the fashion. For the fashion. The fashion was the Miscata brand.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Well, we're going to get our designs into A-S basis. So our esauce. Yeah. It's a genuine hope that like, because at 99 hoodie is the one that people actually really, really like. And we re, the idea of doing a shepherd fairy, you know, the obey street art, like just moving away from what we initially wanted to do, which is sketch comedy and just becoming a brand
Starting point is 00:07:19 that we sell to target, or we sell to K-M. Yeah, I had an idea the other week for a 1999. How to do that logo is like a little pocket thick on a T-shirt. Yeah, you're a cute little man, you were killing it. And make a different color now. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 A business plan is very similar to MOOCs. Yeah, MOOCs. MOOCs, MOOCs, comedy. You're the MOOCs of comedy. Sounds like a racial slur, doesn't it? It does, mooks. I'm mooks, mooks. You're the mooks of comedy. You're the mooks of comedy. Sounds like a racial slur, doesn't it? It does mooks, but it's a cool clothing brand where the logo is a light bulb with little devil ears. I can't wear mooks anymore, because the one mooks shirt
Starting point is 00:07:57 I had, I wore, and then I got mugged at my point. And then the people grabbed my shirt, and so the cops were like, did they touch your shirt? When they mugged, I'm like, yeah. And so they grabbed my shirt and so the cops are like did they touch your shirt when they mugged I'm like yeah and so they took my shirt so I lost the police took my shirt and I had to go home half-needed. I'm so sorry I'm gonna have to take your MOOCs shirt Robby Chin. It took it yeah and then like two and a half years later I got back. Sorry you hinted at something there for like quite a big thing there and so you used to wear MOOog. I have one Moog's t-shirt one time I got a wee count. I was like, oh this moog's...
Starting point is 00:08:30 No it wasn't t-shirt it was a shirt. It looked like you were like when army girl looked right. It was a shirt and then it was it was yeah. So was this were you quite young? Yes. I was now well 19. 19. Yeah. But that's young enough to justify Moog's. Yeah. I like the other I've been mugged in mugs Yeah, I've been mugged in was this in Australia is a Melbourne yeah I was gonna say because there is a there's a shopping center that's referred to as knife point. Oh, yeah Melbourne. Yeah, my wife lives near the oh really high point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I used to never go there
Starting point is 00:09:00 I go there a lot now to see all the movies and so like that man there but is it still life point? I mean they've done it up dancing life point yeah you know there's a groove train there now so anywhere there's a groove train oh you know there's quality shit going on groove train was my go-to deep train oh yeah man groove train oh let's go to groove train in the whereby plaza now which is now called whereby pacific let's make the perfect date
Starting point is 00:09:27 17-year-old date. Oh, I can do that easy, dude. All right. Oh, what was your perfect 17-year-old date? Cuz I'm so out of touch now. Oh, yeah, cuz you don't know what the kids are doing I don't know the kids are doing. I've been with my girl for 24 years man like oh my god I have three kids 24 years 24 years. We've been together. You have three kids, me and Sally Jane. No, she's in first. Oh, sorry, bring that up. Oh, it's fine. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:52 We've been, it's fine. It's, you know, it's something that we've had to just work through. And now our kids are in cat bodies. Meow. We've got three beautiful cats. Meow. We love our kitty cats like we would. Cats I've talked to them all so far. In year 12 when I got my car I took North Carlton Lapporketta which we talk about a lot on this podcast. That's the Rige did
Starting point is 00:10:16 one with the the the the scooter on the roof. The vest bar on the roof. And someone private message us the other day saying that he used to work at that lap or cat I and ladies who worked at the place used to be able to get extra money if they went upstairs and dance for one of the owners That's right. Yeah, it's on private There's no lap or cat. Well, I like I mean, I'm Italian and my family I don't know any other way to run a business that is so it's just that's just the You guys love dance. It's just the Italian way like the wall Like jazz Oh, but the walls the walls
Starting point is 00:10:47 Come on, Ronnie You have a lot to learn The waitress coming money. Yeah, oh dude. Yeah, that's fucked up. That's that's Text book sexual harassment. Yeah, I Absorbed I used to just go there for a small meat lovers and a bowl of chips for the table. And you're not depends the pedal. There was utter menace and horror happening upstairs. Yeah, my ideal date involved a little bit of lapo keta, a little bit of lemon lemon bitters and then a trip to village mid Valley, eight to see.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Actually a movie that Tom Armstrong was in, which was not Babe, what's the other thing called? Tom was in Charlotte's web. You're in Charlotte's web? Wow. With Dakota Fanny. Now, our recording artist. Was in Charlotte's web, I love that book.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It's classic. Yeah, he's in the book. He's in the book as well. Wow. He really entered that franchise, he really bought into that. Yeah. And then Tom Armstrong from the anti-donna podcast banged the symbols, I think is what it says. But what's your ideal 17 year old date? Oh, in Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. Oh, dude, I got this down, Pat. Oh, yeah. So first, you have to go, you have to plan a dinner, then a dessert place, and then an activity. Oh, man. There's three things to make a good date. Can you call you? Mr. Shob is from now on and then the so dinner you have to go someplace
Starting point is 00:12:11 It's not too noisy. Yeah, yeah, because you need to have a conversation You'll find out whether this guy's a weirdo also so that they can find out whether you're a weirdo Yeah, so you got to go to have a website for this actually you should go to go to go to well Depends on what you want first you got to ask them because they'll never they'll never decide it's up to you but you just narrow it down. Do you want white people food or Chinese food? And you want white people food then you bring them to group train bring them to the that that grills yeah grilled if you want Chinese food then you ask them you want rice or noodles and then that goes to different ways. If you want noodles, you go to China Red.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Or you go Cammy's, you go Cammy's is a great 17 year cheap and like filling, you can have a conversation and make fun of like Asian people there, like the bond of racism. Yeah, I couldn't. Yeah, everyone could. Go that big one at least. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Make fun of everything that make fun of the menus, disintegrating, you guys have a laugh over like, you know, everything there. And then, so you, you easy jokes, easy jokes, Make fun of everything that make fun of the menus disintegrating guys have a laugh over like Everything there and then yeah, so you you easy jokes easy jokes just killing just killing me I'm gonna try this I'm gonna do this Yeah, and then go dessert place go to if you're going came is go right next door There's like Taiwanese dessert stuff. Yeah, and you can make fun of all Chinese food stuff Chinese desserts there as well Yeah, I'm gonna fucking shit Chinese desserts as well. Do you mind if I let you go? I wanna fuck you, he's the shit. Tap your gum, bobbah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I'm saying it, I'm saying it. I'm saying it. Yeah. After you've been racist at the dessert place, after that, I bring up the I dots, electronic dots. Electronic dots in China town. That's shit. Fun, you've played it?
Starting point is 00:13:39 I know, you're talking about it. Yeah. Listen, you don't like dots, it doesn't matter. I hate dots. I hate dots. Even if you hate darts I hate play electronic darts and you will love electronic darts The board lights up. It'll tell you like where you need to hit You'll change your mind about darts, but electronic darts will start to grow on you. Yeah, you let try to ask question
Starting point is 00:14:01 How do I make fun of China these people here in in New York in the darts in the darts? But it's very easy you go up to them and you say No, no you can yeah, that's so it's so it's make fun make fun of them just electronic darts. Yeah, yeah, it'll try to do it Oh great, but also have enjoyable meal in between It's not just all fun and games. It's a great Just like if any city I would say is a great area for a day because it's got all three. You can make fun of people, yeah. Well, you can make fun of people.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And it's got all three. You've got your delicious dinner, your delicious dessert, and activity. And activity, right? That's some, you really have that work there. Yo, I'm telling you, I know what, but this used to be my go-to, like planning out dates, like,
Starting point is 00:14:42 because I need to know where we're going, I can't yeah, and and they're always like they always like I don't know it's up to you up to you So after like years of it's up to you. You you figure it out. Yeah, all right. It's up to me I know this this is bum bum bum bum bum bum. Let's do it Well, see because as soon as I got a TV in my room all dates Just work fine to my bedroom. So I just remember You dirty dog. Well, I just remember fingering In my room to finding Nemo on DVD And not really a date
Starting point is 00:15:14 There's a really there's quite a extreme sort of almost I'm trying to think of the word here Like we've got both ends of the spectrum here on. Yeah, very much. I had to treat a girl. I would say to our young fans listening, go, go the Ronnie part. I was like, I just, you know, we went to
Starting point is 00:15:33 a lot of pretend cinemas a few times, but that's what I remember. I remember, hey, come on, you want to find a name, oh? Yeah. And then the fingers were banging. What under the sheets? What I liked about yours, Ronnie, is it was built like a stand-up set. It's like you had your jokes for every element of the day.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Like it was like a one-audience show. Yeah, it was, yeah. What did you like about mine? What I liked, I liked the the horror yes, I like the Very happy it answered a lot of a lot of questions Wait, so you brought you were your parents at home? I think so okay, that's very white person. Yeah, yeah You're not bringing goals back when your parents at home you live of Asian parents. It's not really just
Starting point is 00:16:23 But I came here, you, my parents are in Malaysia, so I came here by myself. And then I stood in. I, my first long-term girlfriend was Asian, Thai, and very much so, yes, the... You were going home with her, come on. No, yeah. You weren't stepping up for it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yes, you were going going anywhere living room. It's very much like that. They're very nice and very laid-back. I think my parents allowed me to do that because they, that was forbidden for them because they were pretty old school Italian grew up in old school Italian family, especially my mom and especially my dad. But they were like, nah, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:17:03 We're just gonna treat our kid like like white like proper white Aussie kids I think it's very much Very much because like traditional Italian families didn't know man that shit My mom wasn't a lad outside in jeans. Yeah look at the godfather man that guy Al Pacino had to have like a whole village following him when he was like walking. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's on him? A polina.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And did that happen in where I be with other families? It did happen in where I be though. Al Pacino would be walking around and all the Italians would be following him. And they just been like, thank you. Thanks for doing so much for our culture, and I'd be like, that's okay. I just remembered it. Yeah. That Al Pacino is The Alvajin was good. Yeah, he's good. He's really good to wear a beard.
Starting point is 00:17:47 You are the best responses to a tweet I've ever seen. I just remembered. The best one is when Tony Hawk just messaged you saying, like, I really liked the video you did for the daily show. Yeah, yeah. And you just responded in uppercase. You are Tony Hawk. Yeah, I guess so good.
Starting point is 00:18:02 What was the video you got that you liked? I can't remember. It was about like hover cars or something. It was a tourneyhawk watch that. That's amazing. Well he wants hoverboards I imagine. He's been raining for it since 2005. And then he not only watched it but tweeted that which was cool.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And we all know dude like we played tourneyhawk play skater. Everyone played it over and over. And he's like the coolest guy you know like he looks like the coolest guy. We are not doing like we play Tony Hawk, post-cater, everyone plays that. Everyone plays that. And he's like the coolest guy, you know, like, he looks like the coolest guy. I don't know him personally. I'm sure he's fine. Yeah, he resembles Cole. Yeah, he was super cool. Just to reach out like that for no reason.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, I don't know. You've been working on a movie as well haven't you? Yeah, I was lucky to do a super Asian movie called Crazy Rich Asians. And we filmed it in Malaysia and Singapore. And so I got to go home and hang out with, like, it's the best. American movie or Malaysian men? It's American movie.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, cool. It's like a Warner Bros movie. It's based on this best selling book, Crazy Rich Asians. And yeah, it was a fun experience. I didn't know what to expect with that stuff. Yeah, that's great. And it's really just a lot of waiting around. And then when you have your one line,
Starting point is 00:19:15 then make sure you don't mess it up. Yeah, that's what feels like. It sounds like the fuck dream. That's fantastic. We had Tim mention on the podcast a few months ago. Yeah, I saw that. And it's just, that's how new thing is just asking people what Hollywood movies are like.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Seriously? Because scum like us will never be allowed in. So we want to know. We're talking about you guys, fucking killing it everywhere. Australia, the UK, America, everyone wants a piece of undead on. There's merch just flying off the shelves.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. Oh, definitely make that pocket T-bow. That thing will... Oh, yeah. I just think it's just awful, I can't put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. I can put it in. You guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like, you guys are like What was doing a Warner Brothers? Movie with like obviously a multi-million dollar budget versus ABC International student Ronnie Cheng directed and shot at like Melbourne University How big was the difference because were they pretty much shot back to back or pretty close to each other? Yeah, they were shot within months of each other. Yeah, was that pretty crazy how big the difference was or was it actually not that much? It was I bet you felt it in the catering. Yeah catering no both time well it's hard to
Starting point is 00:20:53 Explore because the movie was I think it's fair to say it's on the smallest scale of Warner Brothers Yeah, yeah, yeah Batman in it Batman was in it. Yeah, Ben. I was in it You got him on the cheap for Well, yeah, we might not be doing Marbin is last Batman gig. That's our whole nother pub. Yeah We got what's his face Matt Damon was in it. He loves being in Asian movies as you know He loves being He loves being in that zone. He loves being the only white guy in Asian movie. Yeah, I'm insane, but Tom Balladroll He just got in a pickle so we name that Damon The only white guy in Asian movie, did he come and say, there's a Tom Ballad role, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:26 He just got in a pickle. So we named Matt Damon. Yeah. So I'll tell you, it's amazing how quickly people get very like Hollywood. It would become like, because there's a lot of stuff in your contract, which the unions fight for you. So for example, you need a trailer, you need like TV and a trailer.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And you know, we come from doing freaking spleen comedy in the back. We don't care about this. Like stand up comics, all these guys, we come from like the shittiest, you know. Yeah. So we go into this and we're like, ah, what? Like, there's water? shittiest you know yeah yeah so we go into this and we're like oh what like there's there's water oh great I don't even think about it and then people you know it'll be like oh my trailer isn't my trailer is like on the back of a truck my trailer is you know my trailer's toilet like it's the aircon's in it's too cold and I'm like this is like This is like, can you get Cubs attenu- Any time you want?
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, yeah. So the truck is the truck with the trailer for petrally moving, because that would be frustrating. No, they park it, they set it up, and then, no, so there was some scale things. Did you get your own trailer? No, I didn't. We shared one, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah, right. Me and Jimmy Ouyang shared one. Jimmy Ouyang. For my Silicon Valley. That's how I got, I met him for, for, for, Oh yeah! Yeah, yeah. So we were hanging out in the same trails
Starting point is 00:22:48 we got to know each other. That is like, I feel like in an Australian production, if there was a trailer at all, everyone would be in that trailer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crew and car. He's a good guy, Dameda. I heard there's an opening slot on Silicon Valley
Starting point is 00:23:03 that you might be able to slip in. Oh, if he, if,, if he could slip in. The other Asian guy leaves, I've... No, no, T.J. Miller. Oh, he could slip in. I don't think they can handle two Asians in the TV show. That would be great for me. One of those.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Is it a man in Patriots' day? Yes, he is. He is an idiot. Which is awesome. Yeah, he's a super cool guy. Yeah. So it was just like, it's funny that no one actually complained about it.
Starting point is 00:23:26 As far as I know, and Jimmy O'Yanx also comes from standup. So we were like, whatever. But it's funny, because in the contract, it's there. And then, so it becomes people like, well, it's in my contract. And then the union gets really angry if things that they agree upon aren't followed through, to the point where the union gets really angry if things that they agree to point out follow through, to the point where the union can shut down productions. If the union rules aren't followed.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And so it creates this weird situation where you have to be taken care of. And I mean, it's nice to be pampered. At the same time, it's a little embarrassing. We're just, you know. It's the thing is, I never want to go business class kind of because once I do, you can't go back to work. So unions let me fly business class
Starting point is 00:24:11 from New York to Asia, and now it's like, fuck, fuck every year. Yeah, you can't go, yeah, you can't go back now. That would actually ruin you. Yeah, it's over. Now it's over, I can never fly again. All of your money is now going to be spent. It's all spent then.
Starting point is 00:24:26 How are they different unions? Or is there just one big union? In America, SAG after us, the big one. I don't screen actors. Screen actors yield of course. They can merge with eight after all whatever that artist. Well, probably. And then they fight for everybody.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah. That's why if you have a flight longer than four hours, you need to, they must fly your business class. Of course. Yeah. I have one more Hollywood question now. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:50 What's the level who's not catching domestic flights anymore? Or who is the highest profile person to be catching domestic flights? You know what I mean? So. Private plane versus domestic. Yeah. Like, Alison Brie leading Glow Netflix, which is taking the world by storm with the moment. Yeah, is she on a Delta flight to JFK or is she on a private question? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:14 It's, uh, I mean, for one thing, we're all in show business. We know, don't believe your own PR. Like don't do the little bow wow challenge yeah you did you hear about that? you see what? what's this? I've been out of head about it right yeah you know it's where it's a little bow wow post this Instagram photo of like just finding New York to do some bizz and then like there's like a private Rolls Royce next to a private plane like a photo of that? yeah and he's not in it he's just like posting a photo
Starting point is 00:25:39 yeah and then immediately like five minutes later someone like takes a photo of little bow wow on the Delta flight like it wasn't even like business class just like any condom like doing this And then the little by-why challenge was like you know try to like oh that's right front as high as you can Yeah, and I mean there's no shame flying. It's in fact. It's commendable. I'd be fiscally responsible I won buffet won buffet. Yeah type of princess last name Buffet buffet. Yeah, that dude. He flies economy. I think really well famously
Starting point is 00:26:10 He's a huge acumen apparently if it's not for work will always fly economy with his kids He doesn't want his kids to get a night like Although that was kept bland. Okay, blind check guys to the normal movies. Yeah, no, she doesn't go to golf. She goes to the normal movies. She had the same philosophy as if she's paying for it. They fly economy, but if the movie studio is paying for it, then they'll fly it. Then you'll fly hotel suite in the air.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, but like, because like, they're actors who are just like Jennifer Lawrence is always in a private plane. Also, can I give you a little bit of insight on this what I love it. I've owned I've owned private plane once That with Trevor Noah. Yeah, and there's private planes in this private plane So there's there's actually a level of private plane that is below business class Right, you know, I mean where it's just a propeller plane. I say just though. It's still pretty fucking awesome The right brothers playing
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's open and you have to like push it and jump off it's a private plane But you have to start a kill you'll never see belt title It's like getting your own room at like a motel six It's it's hard to explain because it's still private in the sense that you get the private airports You never line up here say all that stuff you save time and it's not as fast as a jet, but right? It's it will save you time in the Lead up and the after you know like that and then the flight itself is more direct So it it's hard to explain, but sometimes that flight makes sense and commercially that flight can make sense Yeah, so what you're saying is Trevor now or is lower than business class?
Starting point is 00:27:39 No, Trevor Noah is he balls responsible ball No, Terminoa is, he balls responsible ball. Seriously, he practices responsible ball. He talks about it all the time. He's like, listen, it's not about, it's not about fronting on social media. It's about saving time. For him, time is the most variable resource. Cause let's do a show every single day.
Starting point is 00:27:57 He has to be in Toronto to do a show. So he helicopters to the airport. You know, it's, if you get, if you get, if you get, if you fill out the helicopter, it's 200 bucks a person. Yeah. To go to the airport, it's 100 bucks. So then it becomes like, oh, if you can get five people,
Starting point is 00:28:15 200 bucks a person, that doesn't actually sound that crazy to save, you know, to guarantees. Wait, let's just make this podcast about people getting helicopters. This is a different thing. You are the second person to talk about catching helicopters. Yeah, me too. Nope, he did the same and he was like exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:28:30 No, but it's about time. It's not about going live on Instagram. It's like you got to, yeah, yeah. If you have to be a someplace for work, it just makes sense, man. And then the numbers start making sense. Obviously, if you start doing that for like a weekend trip, then you're like, whoa, this guy is, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:45 So like, if we're doing it for a Cambrogage. You're doing it for a Cambrogage. I really want to see the second season of ball as starring Trevor Noah called Responsible Ball. Responsible Ball. I think that it'd be fucking sick. Just all the, all the fiscal ways to save a bit of money and time when you're in those upper echelons. Just imagine, I just imagine the rock calling five friends. Yeah, that's the undertaker.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And this... Don't call it. You must have been stinging. He's over there. That'll be great. Me and Kine, they feel it all up. And Trevor always talks about health as well I mean health matters because your your job is to be healthy. I mean look at you guys you guys look like shit now
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah, you guys can barely function Yeah, how you supposed to do shows so you should have fallen a helicopter as well. I'm saying yeah I'm Australia has been in jubilant at 6 a.m Where it was Mara can I particularly suffering from severe jet lag at the moment you guys Yeah sounding look like shit. I don't know how you supposed to do these shows especially Edinburgh Edinburgh is a marathon when you're at full strength you guys are going in do you do you Doesn't really matter the jet lags never been as brutal in Edinburgh And by the time we get to Edinburgh will be cool the New York has always been the most Jet lag 12 hours is fine. Yeah, what do you mean? The jet lag. 12 hours, it's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:06 What do you mean? Yeah, what do you mean? It's so much easier said than done. No, you're not. I was in the air. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. You wake up at 5 a.m. Boy, I should be going to bed. You wake up at 5 a.m. You go workout and then you at 2 p.m. you crash. And then you wake up again at 6 p.m. for show and then that's clever. Yeah. You're doing like the New York stand-up comedy thing at the moment where you're doing multiple shows every night. Yeah, that's fucking sick. Uh, yeah, I mean it I just got irritated and I was like, okay, I got irritated at not that the itch about the yeah, and then I just booked in yeah, yeah, I'm
Starting point is 00:30:44 each about the yeah and then I just booked in yeah yeah I'm gonna be sure they have they go on good yeah they're going okay yeah I feel like I've had of this is two inside baseball no one on the anti-donna podcast let's talk about the shirts I'm an what's my doing multiple so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so I do multiple susses of sets at night. I don't know, bro. Did you do that? What? Well done, done it. Done it. You said done it. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Done it. Quick get me my tiger gun What are you gonna do with that tiger gun?
Starting point is 00:31:27 I won't get more by tigers I see you go Thank you Seriously, so how do you find the answer? We're not fucking around Quick fucking around man I was going through a bit of a stand up rut I think I was trying to refine my voice because moving countries And I'm getting a bit older and I feel like I'm mat through a bit of a stand up rut. I think I was trying to refine my voice because moving countries and I'm getting a bit older
Starting point is 00:31:46 and I feel like I'm maturing a bit. And so I just had the booking gigs to kind of like, you know, get through that. And just get on stage as much as I can, get some new material, find out, you know, just kind of rediscover what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You're doing a big Australia tour at the end of the year which I'm fucking so excited for. Yeah, that's gonna be fucking cool, man You guys you guys doing lost trailer you guys just did one right we just did one Yeah, yeah, you guys are killing it. This is the This year right. Yeah, right where everything blew up No, yeah, yeah, kind of like we we found that it was the first year where we weren't kind of the cool underground act anymore. We were like, oh, and I'm saying fucking all the mainstayers and one of them is one of them is an anti-donna.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That's how I felt for our country. Yeah, it's awesome. And also, you guys mastered, it's very hot. We haven't seen YouTube people age. We haven't seen them age yet. We've only seen them age now. You guys you guys somehow managed to do new media and live performing. The Kings. The Kings of both which is hard man. People don't do both. It's how we started. We started in
Starting point is 00:32:57 live and we've always sort of kept the two streams quite separate. But even the people who stay in live no one can conquer new media. The live guys, no one can do new media. Have you noticed that all these fucking stand-ups are all like, we go, go channel because it's still on YouTube, no one has ever done it in the history of, no one has done it. I think it's just because sketch is built for YouTube. It's for four-minute ideas that sit and stand by themselves and it's what we do and some of those ideas must be okay to transition onto video
Starting point is 00:33:30 or to stay. Yeah and then because we trained as theater actors you know that was always where first sort of you know. Oh you guys are theater guys? Yeah yeah that's where we all studied Ballarat together together. Oh, but our University of Ballerat drama. Yeah, that's a good program, man. Everyone is fucking sick. Oh yeah, because you would know. Did you have many? I think you, Brenton came from there.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Brenton, you know Brenton? Yeah, he's in your shot. Dude, Brenton's a killer. He's, he's so fucking countered and then he came on set and then he did. We just wrote in the script, uh, do a funny a funny, we said, do a song about judge, do a judge rap and then do a dance. And he did it on the day, he came up for rap and then he did the choreography on the day
Starting point is 00:34:14 because he saw, he's a musical theater guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I asked him, like, musical theater, and he's like, oh, I'm actually a shitty, like, you know, like for me, I'm like, this fucking awesome. He's like, oh, I'm considered like a low-end musical As in as in he told me that he started dance too late so he can't go pro dance So he's for the music. He's all about the dance
Starting point is 00:34:37 So yeah, they were training dancing and singing and he he trained dancing too late So he can he can never be at the NBA level. He can be like the Mormon guy rebacked. Gary Irving is one of the most beautiful dancers. Yeah, NBA level dancing Australian. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll never claim it but he's coming back. He's gonna play for the Melbourne time. Yeah, he thought of he's sitting in New York sitting in New York talking're talking about bridge and I do you know here. Yeah, we don't use the bus in my year-level But he did music theater. I didn't right do you really hate him? What's on these is no no? It's a cool guy. He's been in one of our sketches as well
Starting point is 00:35:13 Right, he's great. So we're telling the great face. Yeah beautiful love his face You say you talk about his face. You mean like RuPaul's drag race face. That's good face. Oh, no I think he does good make up Yeah, he's got a great little, traditionally. He's got a beautiful face. Oh, not as like his new face. But face is a term on RuPaul's.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Brent's in Kosia. He's got, he's sickening. He's sickening. Brent, he's a good thing on RuPaul's. Guys, I'm going to stop appropriating gay culture. Is it a funny, is it a funny that a Russian money? Is it Rupal? A Rupal, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Is Rupal. And he's a gay icon. Would it work better if you didn't check? Yeah. There's so much shit on your microphone. He's actually scarring my hand. Oh, sorry. Do you want to go to the fucking dog?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, you're just a whole.... Guys, we just, what can you do? Talk about Hollywood boy. Yeah, that's what I was doing. Yeah, I do a bit of like, there's so much shit on this microphone that I can't, I thought you'd be able to know scars are permanent. I legitimately thought there was shit on the microphone. I'll hold it for you, right? No, it's in my contract. That's fucking all my mom's fucking yes. Just forever.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I'm Tom, God is real fancy microphones. For when we two are. They're so fancy. Yeah, they're like, you rolling stones recorded on these. That's what they did, right? They did. They bought them off the rock. They're on the rock.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I told you that the Rolling Stones podcast. The Apocas. Welcome to the... The Rolling... You've done... I've really begun a Rolling Stones. They're on the daily show. It's hard to film.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Every... Like half hour, they take drugs. Yeah. That's a drug way. It's brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace. All right. I'm going to go do some bigos delay it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Bigos delay it. And loot crate and loot. Look at me. This is brought to you by Quick and Loans. Quick and Loans. Quick and easy. You're making a cheap and affordable website. You I've got to do some yoga to keep my
Starting point is 00:37:28 Young's. I feel like I think now we started out like the Keith Richard. I feel like it's just the two bad pirates for Yeah, I was to come and pop it. No, it comes on who I smoked too much in his life Yes, those ads. Yeah, yeah, he actually Keith Richard's had trouble holding the microphones as well because of his severe arthritis. Oh, yeah. Okay. That guy. Wow. What a having kids. Well, he's kids are having kids. Could I ask you one more thing? Question. I'm sorry to just be honest with you. No, please. I know. But you worked on a big. You worked on a big water brothers film. Yes, I did, Broden, it was big. Like, you're a guy. Now, when's the first time you get to see an edit of it? Oh, they actually show this, like, they were putting it together as we were along,
Starting point is 00:38:15 just to save time, I guess, like production time. And so, the director would show us these sizzles of stuff we filmed. That's the joy of digital, I imagine. Yeah, yeah. Being able to shoot on digital is that you can just cut it straight away. I would go, so to book edits that way apparently. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:30 The other joy of digital is I can just look at my watch and I know the time I have to go all the way to the experience. Like there, it's boom. Yeah. We're running, I'm sorry to ask this question, but how do you keep in all the farts? Sure. Oh, he says I'm done. I'm trying to get back to trying to speak like manoeu
Starting point is 00:38:50 will be fine. Yeah, he was just trying to speak manoeu so when's the first time you see an edit? We can't go back. So you can say now whether you think, I have to talk about Fart. So you can say now whether you think it's going to be good or bad. Okay, I think it's going to be great because it looks sick. First of all, it looks awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:13 The cinematography is great. It's a culturally significant movie in there. There's a bunch of Asians, there's no white people. And finally, and then... That's a shame. Yeah, it's a real shame. It's a hell movie. And then, I mean, obviously, those two things,
Starting point is 00:39:29 and it was interesting seeing these traditionally, this movie, it's a romcom, but it's like, oh, it's just Asian people playing it. That made it kind of, that in itself was like fresh to see, we're friends. oh, it's just Asian people playing it. That made it kind of, yeah. That in itself was like fresh to see, we're friends. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:49 David Stratton, ABC series about film. Someone I think Claudique Harvin might have even said it. Say, I could see you like her in Love My Way. I love Love My Way. It's the kind of thing I've been curious to see. That Jeffrey, what's his name? made man Max George Miller George Miller just making man Max about a female protagonist Fuck like just it's a refreshing substantially changed the film and made it completely Right refreshing and then this day and age where you know what I'll try to find original ideas and everything's kind of been done
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah, maybe maybe that's a way to unlock fresh take on stuff. A very much is, I think it's just like pushing, like quite purposefully pushing diversity, I think is really important right now until we get to a point where it's just, that's what it is. I mean, like a movie with just Asian people in it, isn't new and fresh and exciting.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's just one of many films that has that, as well as one of many films that has female leads. And, you know, like, you gotta push it real hard now. Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, seeing that, because obviously we have a whole Asian cinema. Yeah. But for Asian Americans, it's interesting to that they don't have, I mean the last thing they had was like your luck club. So, yeah, that was all Asian, that was a real authentic Asian story.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Another interesting thing about this movie was that all the Asians on this movie were like from different parts of the world. Like everyone was very worldly, so you know, the cast came from, there's only two Asian Americans in this movie. Whereas we're like, Asian from British Asians, and then there was Australia Asians, Remy and Chris Peng from Australia. You know, Harry Shum Jr., he's, like, he seems very American, but he's from Costa Rica. You know, Jimmy O'Yang is actually from Hong Kong. He was in Hong Kong until he was 13. So we all brought this really like,
Starting point is 00:41:46 universe. kind of worldly perspective. It's not my words, John Choosa then. Where is it set? Oh, it's set in Asia. Which is in Singapore. Singapore is quite an international city. Yeah, it's not a lot of airport of films.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. Yeah, it is. And I mean, it's great. It's with that they, it's super fun that they filmed it there because I grew up there and I never thought we'd have a Hollywood movie set in Singapore that wasn't like a place where James Bond fucks a woman at the start. Whenever we have whenever Asia's a city in movies is always I always ask where James Bond fucks someone at the start of the movie and then they quickly get So we have to go to Asia just fuck someone
Starting point is 00:42:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's got a death mark on it now Yeah, like it was cool to have an agency that wasn't just a fuck location Yeah, like the city itself is like a character in the movie like oh Woody Allen Like man, yeah, is everyone really sweaty and hot with these? No, and that was the most unrealistic thing about the movies that were all wearing three-piece suits No, and that was the most unrealistic thing about the movies that were all wearing three-piece suits Because it was a crazy rich agent. That's a crazy. That's a crazy and crazy. It's us wearing three-piece suits in the tropics It's in open air. We were like between takes. Oh, it was disgusting But movie movie magic just everything looks great everyone everyone's pretty important
Starting point is 00:43:01 Everyone's gonna want to go to Singapore and wear Everyone's putting up a party. Everyone's gonna wanna go to Singapore and wear a... And we're pretty serious. It's gonna be, I'm really... The craziest part of the movie is... I swear, shoots in the tropics. I had to do these comedy ads. They were comedy ads for Domain.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Domain. I think I saw those. So what are those ones? And the funniest thing about them, they're written and there's witty lines in there. But the funniest thing in it is me, 29 years old old talking about how am I gonna buy my second property? That's the funniest fucking thing in the goddamn world and there is no chance in my lifetime that I'll ever own a piece of land.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You're gonna get sued for false advertising for it. Massively. But you go yeah that was great, man, come that money. Come that corporate domain money. Yeah, no, I fucking took that money, man. So you're made by a house, yeah, that's how you afford it, your second property by doing a domain ad. It's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's so, it's sofax. Domain, I think it's their larger, it's their larger. You mean unfair facts?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. Fudge all good. Roddy, that's a really good point. That's a really valid point. I think it's the kind of really, I think it's the most profitable section of the age newspaper is Domain. It's like their one thing that still makes money.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And what a great, you know, shit reviews to. Just a smith. This is a podcast for everyone in no way. Yeah, you have to like a lot of styles. You have to. Yeah, if you can't just talk about whatever on a podcast, then what the fuck is the point of it? What's the point of life really?
Starting point is 00:44:37 No, we should have this podcast, but then we'll do also like a really niche one, like trying to figure out whether fucking Tommy Lee Jones is Of alien in his movies The Tommy Lee Lones actually a terrestrial podcast. What do you mean by that? So we'll watch every Tommy Lee Jones But is that something that you've just thought of then or is that something that actually Purses something I've just thought of wow that was actually a very
Starting point is 00:45:03 Interns or like I'm just thought of wow that's actually a very very just breaking down and just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just
Starting point is 00:45:14 just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just
Starting point is 00:45:22 just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just just� just� just� just about that sort of part. But what I'm saying is, in Newcastle, when she growl men, he's also a man outsideer, so he could do that. I'm gonna do it now. He's got no hair in Lincoln, and he's married to an African-American woman, and he has no hair,
Starting point is 00:45:36 and he's an outsider. He plays outsiders a lot. I think I may have just invented the most popular podcast in the world. Go for it, man. It's just neat. It's either niche or it's a shit show. So just for anyone, just say,
Starting point is 00:45:49 I just realized we didn't introduce you. Ronnie Cheng, we got Ronnie Cheng. Oh, I'm so glad you got on the podcast. Thanks so much for coming along. I appreciate it. Ronnie, we have upwards of 25 listeners. Is there anything that you need to plug to those people? No, a gold watch, Antidona shows in America.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And go watch it in the Edinburgh. You guys are doing some shows in Edinburgh? Coming up. We're doing two weeks in Edinburgh. Yeah, in the debating hall to build a board. Oh man, two weeks. You guys are on the elis now. You don't have to do the four week now, guys.
Starting point is 00:46:20 We're sort of like just, we're on a separate elis that's a plug on the A-list because we made ourselves go on. To us? We already maybe plug in merch as well. Oh yeah, great merch. You buy You buy it all in a But haven't you done well?
Starting point is 00:46:35 I have a new By the 1999 hoodie before it becomes too cool to wear. Yeah. Too popular to wear. Right now it's still underground enough. You can get some eyeballs. You guys will be coming from New Much. Soon I heard the pocket T.
Starting point is 00:46:48 It's the possibility. The pocket T is coming. The pocket T is coming. I'm not on pocket T. Ronnie's face on a pocket T. Yeah, I do that. Can we do that? Can we do it?
Starting point is 00:46:58 You're doing it, Jonas? That'll be sick if you do that. Just rotty chicken. You guys have better. Yeah, you guys are doing the much better than me. I would love to be on Antidon. Because we started to work with the same management as you took off overseas.
Starting point is 00:47:12 So you've never got to spend much time with you. But I've heard these incredible stories about, and listen to this Australian people, but in one van traveling across Northeast Australia was Ronnie Cheng, Maddo Kine, Jen Fricker from Triple J Breakfast now, and Reese Nicholson, you know, told the Prime Minister to get fucked the other day. In a car going around doing comedy together, it would have been fucking insane. It was fun. I actually had a video from that, which I never published. I filmed sketches,
Starting point is 00:47:42 and I'm just not anti-don, I couldn't't follow up Never edited it never did shit. I was just like filmed it and then left it so I got all these like raw of all these like Sizzles no, didn't do shit with it. I just left in my computer one day you're gonna release that We're all be Hollywood movies does that was fun We did gig thing like a basketball court outdoors Yeah, people came it was funny. We just say a gig in a basketball court. You may just play basketball No, no, we were chairs and then we got it So I saw three every time we did a good joke So like I think we made the three then like we would do more calm. Oh, you're in the Harlem Globetrotters
Starting point is 00:48:19 Yeah, I forgot I have been yeah, that we were the Australia branch of the Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot I was, yeah, that was the Australia branch of the house. Well, Ronnie, thanks you so much for giving us your time. No, thanks for having me, you guys are the best. I love the kind. Everything you do is awesome, everything you tweet and post is great and say and lick and look at everything you breathe. And I love all you guys done the great job your brand and your content and the ticket sales and you guys deserve it and
Starting point is 00:48:52 I think that's about it. I love you. I love you. I feel the same Pretty solid Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go. Let's go. Okay. Now I was getting Okay, okay, okay, let's go. Let's go, okay. Now we're going to That's just match your beach all right now. The other complain I have is you being a bit too greedy with your TV shows What would be nice? Just try anti-donor. Alright, thanks, goodbye. You've been listening to the Aunty Donner Podcast.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week! you

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