Aunty Donna Podcast - Feat. ROVE

Episode Date: October 3, 2017

Get Around Rove: @ RoveInsty: @ rovemcmanusSee us us on The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A Listener Production A Listener Production A Listener Production A Listener A Listener A Listener A Listener A Listener
Starting point is 00:00:16 A Listener Rock and uh, roll Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening We're coming at you Easy listening we're coming at you live from the Soft Italian Sydney. B a shame I really wanted tonight to be a really professional slick production for our Perfect tonight more like this morning That could be evening. Oh, they might be the morning for you, but I've had it through You're in bed, but that can I talk to you over here for a sec? Sure
Starting point is 00:01:07 We haven't agreed to it being evening. Where did the other guys go? So basically what's happening right now is that the guys have gone into another room. Right. His burden has had to talk to Zach about his misconduct. Oh, okay. Zach has been... Because of how terribly unprofessional the letter is to sort of pull an all-nighter. Yeah, before we talk to one of Australia's media. Sure. Which I think is rude. I went to bed very early. I got my beauty sleep. I was ready to. I did too. It shows.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Thank you so much. I was ready to have... Can I talk to you over here for a sec? Absolutely, men. We'll just be one. Sure, no problem. Have you met Zach? He's my friend Zach.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Hi. Can I talk to you over here? Yeah, sure. I just think we should have a meeting about Brodans misconduct when it comes to pulling people into other rooms. I tried to give him a pass before Right and he was he was very rude about it. Where would you where were you trying to pass him in the other room? Right now I'm a room. I mean that is a guy that is illegal in the guy guys. Sorry. Yeah, Rowe from Macmanus. Yes, I talked to you in the in the on-sweeper A second. Yeah, sure. Sorry. Sorry guys. Sorry, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I just yeah, what is it? Um, it's a night. I don't know You know, Pash is that what this is? No, listen, where did you hear that? I just look
Starting point is 00:02:20 I don't know if you've heard but the word on the tree is you are fucking bang on for a patch So I just thought we should in all my use. Oh, sorry, it's actually here. Sorry. So this is the private I'm sorry guys. Yes, we just for a second. Hey, Rope can I just talk to you for a second? Yeah, what is it? I'm just you know when when they say hey, it's Auntie Donna Do you want to come into our hotel room? And you're like, yeah, sure, that should be fun. And you're thinking it's gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:02:48 so I'm really great, sort of, I don't know, circle joke experience where you get to be the biscuit. And then they put a microphone in your hand and you have to start talking. Like, what the fuck is that about? That's not what we're talking about. How do we get out of this?
Starting point is 00:02:59 How do we get out of this? How do we get out of this? Sure. I think Rugs lost his fucking mark, guys. He's in another room just talking to himself. To be fair, we did promise him a Bukarki session and then forced him to do a podcast. I know, I know, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:13 what is that? I thought I'd make goofy characters and fun roleplay. You know what I've got to say to that? Hey guys, I'm back. Oh, hey, I've painted my face with some garish Japanese sort of patterns. Oh, yeah. Is that the the to get ready for our session? I got one thing to say to that, what the?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Hey! Good night everybody! And that is the introduction to our guest this evening. Have a great day. We've done well. Oh, we've done a fairly well. Are they paying for these yet? Rove, tell us a little bit about Kabuki.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Well, he was a great Japanese wrestler. Yes. Who's gimmick? Yes, he's the one in the business. Was to spray the green mist into the face of his opponent. Wait, is that, are you talking about Cum? Yeah. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:04:04 The white green. Was he, well I could wipe green, because was he... Well, he would always, he would just go down on the sickest member of the audience. Yeah, right. And I don't know if you've ever... You've been like when you get the flu. And you know when you get the sneeze, you look in the tissue afterwards. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're like, oh. And then you're sort of like a milky pink. Yeah, yeah. So same thing. So when you have the flu and you come, you should always look in the tissue afterwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Always look in the tissue afterwards.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So Mark, your normal come color is dark brown. Like everyone's here, like this. Yeah. Mine is more of a milky white. Right? Mine's paisley. Ah, a paisley? Yeah, I've been in the tissue for a while.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I've been in the industry a while. Well, I guess, you know, after I make a successful TV to know I've been in the Super Wild. I've been in the industry a while. Well, I guess, you know, after I've been in the Super Wild, I've been in successful TV to know. I've been in a bra, sure. I wouldn't have Paisley come. Take some different strokes. For... I like that.
Starting point is 00:04:53 For what? I'm kidding. For a lot of people, sure. I'm sure everyone will. When you go short strokes, that's the Arnold. Yep. And the Longest Stroke is the Willis. The Willis.
Starting point is 00:05:03 The Willis and the Arnold. You're back to Japanese wrestis. The Willis. The Willis in the Arnold. You're back to Japanese wrestlers. That's please. Takashi, there was the two wrestlers when I used to watch, when I was a kid, who were, they're a sole job was to get beaten up by bigger wrestlers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 They were called the Womans Takashi and the other one, but they would just get power by the undertaker. That is why we bring that up. Was it, do you think it was a racist thing? Or a wrestling fan? Yeah. And for being a big wrestling fan. I was a big fan of his brother, mankind.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Sure. And the takers brother. Wasn't they brothers? No, they were mortal enemies. Or was it kind of, you're thinking of, I'm sorry, I'm thinking of, no, but I did like mankind. Man comes good. I'm thinking of, I'm able when I, I'm thinking of, I'm just thinking of any other just job descriptions that they put him for someone like you're you're an undertaker This week, I think it's undertaker versus
Starting point is 00:05:55 Paystree chef. I think mankind was the second cousin. They were definitely related Yeah, yeah, I think like they could have had sex and it wouldn't have been illegal That's what I think that's right. Yeah, they could have had sex and it wouldn't have been illegal. That's what I Yeah, that's right. They could have had his job They just nowadays yeah, are they they are they like white lady funerals? Oh, now there's a gimmick That's really funny name to give I'm breaking people comfort in this Because they're just out. No, I Appreciate the white lady funerals for saying, we take the time to care and we're
Starting point is 00:06:25 there for you when you sit there thinking, who are the people who don't? Yeah, we don't give a shit. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group.
Starting point is 00:06:37 We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. We're not in the group. No one only why lady they might say they will but you turn up on the day and they is oh and I left it in at the other funeral
Starting point is 00:06:46 On the on the topic of wrestling I mean you want to wrestle the Melbourne mayor at the moment for getting the loguys out of the well where is he look he's There's no chance we could get him here though Bobby Doyle I don't know who's in the other room! Oh, right! What the hell is that? I don't know why I can be here in Sydney. I just had to come up and sleep with the competitions
Starting point is 00:07:07 like I'm told you. They're great as a great city. Now? They have a bridge, but have a harbor bridge. What else you got going on? Where are the laid-was? What? Where is the flat-was?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Where is Kate Blanchett's school that she went to? The Robert D'Oll. That is the... Yeah, that is the school that she went to. Well, it's here in Sydney. It's a football football football. She went to Merida. Well, I mentioned. T my squad and called me Bobby
Starting point is 00:07:27 I'm gonna have to go up on the roof of the first off. I'm throwing myself off. Oh I'm the only Need a deal with the Robin Doyle's funeral. Well, I'm the take it The thing is is that the first person who walks into the room after the mayor has killed themselves becomes mayor. That's law. It's not law. Oh, I didn't have cable growing up,
Starting point is 00:07:52 so I don't really know what the undertakeer says. Well, the fact that you have that white Acubra on says you are ready to go. I'm going on. I'm sure that I care. Oh, it's what. He started a new company.'s white undertaker funerals and they give you the care and the power drives that you deserve so could you please power drive the mayor's family hello I'm the mayor's wife my neck hello I'm the mayor's son. My name is Mayor Jr. Oh, I'm a power drive. I'm a snap this now.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And my bones are still pliable at this young age, but that really hurt me. Oh, why am I still talking? It's such a fun fact, son of Robert Doyle, that when you're a young man, Mayor Jr. Yes. You can call me Jr. I prefer Mayor Jr. Sure. Now, a young person has more bones than an adult person who knew that Yes, I would turn up I don't have been broken behind my back my bad Yeah, but it's because
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't take it. You got to say that about the old take up he owns it It's like it's like an iris slowly going out in front of me like a tunnel of light. I saw you there in the ring I just got but it's all red and I just snapped your own. Oh, thanks. I'm sorry Respect bang No, no respect. All right, they say it's me mankind. I'm his third cousin I wanted to be mayor of always wanted to be mayor of this stink old town and now I got it because the I'm It's me K we meet once and for all all right you son of a bitch You want to I've got a sock on my hand and a you do it with come
Starting point is 00:09:48 Right will I killed my own brother? You're fuck what do you mean you killed him? Yeah, I bloody killed him mate. I I'm a big family. I'm getting the biblical one and the me I'm a biblical one sorry No, I've sucked on a wolf's tit. I know that I know that my story arc. That's good Oh, you're a biblical character. Yeah, it's funny because we actually have Jesus right here right now Jesus Seriously, hi Undertaker I don't think you're a very good You guys share was a California
Starting point is 00:10:23 You got a share. It was a California surf. A true California. For a short run. I don't really remember the character, but I think it was like this. So Jesus, how do you feel about the amount of people that undertake a hearse ends to heaven for you when you're down? I was it. You guys should really talk this out. I was at the American apparel store last week.'s closing down because the CEO he was a bit of a whatever and you can say it I was buying some shirts and I reckon I'll tell you what that undertaker he does a good job he sends them all up to heaven I don't think he's this American
Starting point is 00:10:56 yeah well whatever okay so it's a bit more like this okay that's Jesus oh well you I sort of got I sort of got thrown at me a little bit of a transfer of water to wine and you're dialect to a different dialect. It's the power of Jesus. That's the power of Jesus. Okay. I saw that plastered out the front of a church once. Uh, watered wine. Watered wine.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And nailing accents. That is the power of Jesus. It's the God of the earth. It's 1890, the God of 42. Tell you what, after those warrants, you see me plastered out the front of a church near and then tell you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892.
Starting point is 00:11:36 So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're on the 1892. So you're made the effort. No, you made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort.
Starting point is 00:11:58 No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. No, you made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made the effort. You made I guess you guys are meeting no no correction. I'm just horribly horribly disfigured right I'm so sorry multiple fractures in bones that may have already been separated before I was even injured well It's strange because you look exactly the same as when you walked into the room and you were helpful So I used to know what well thank you well, I that wasn't a compliment. Oh Well, that wasn't a compliment. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:27 Mayor Jr. How do you feel about this? I'm slightly insulted. I always Prouded myself. Is it pro-prouded? Prouded. Prouded. Prouded. Prouded. Prouded. I often proudered Myself on my Incredible figure where people would say junior you do have a rip of you have a great the way your fingers Been the wrong way and the way you seem to have two elbows on Let me let me speak on behalf of the group when I say when we look at your body. We are all boring out Well, thank you That once again that wasn't a compliment. Sorry. I'm going to go me. Sorry. I just realized Bitch, you know, bitch, you know, make it sad. God, a bro, take a look at our triumphs, more than any undertaker.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Remember the mankind has begun. Can he lay against international pro-wrestling rules, but in the outskirts of the world? But now it's better No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Bang bang bang well silver hammer game down. We all live in the yellow submarine Marine How many times has there been a knock at the door doing one of these By that I mean singing in a submarine Oh I'll get it doing one of these. About that I mean singing in a submarine. Oh right, man. Oh, uh, oh.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I'll get it. Oh geez, quick get the full rod. You're letting your water in. Right, right, on the mirror of Soffatel. And on me to say, Sir Lord James Soffatel? Yes, and I'm here to say, I'm kind of the after the noise. Oh, he's got it. What a singer.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Why is it, what? Soffatel, which is trying to have a good time apart. We're going to be destroyed. But I'll tell you what, this is a fancy hotel. This used to be the quantest hotel and you boys are counted in here. I counted here with your wife. It's my research at the hotel in Melbourne and they let this shit fly. Yeah, well this is in Melbourne. You just sip in your lattes like a bunch of cat.
Starting point is 00:14:44 This is a, I tell you what, I tell you what, I mean, you're like, I don't care, you might be, you might be YouTube celebrities, you might be television and radio personalities, but let me tell you right now. Go on then, this is Mike Domain. I'll tell you if you get a little on that. You want the website?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, you need the Don't Make website for real estate, I'm owned by Fairfax. You know that's not what I meant, but you know that I meant this is sort of my kingdom better. Yeah well there's restless shooting other wrestlers in here. You don't seem to give a shit about that. Well you know the international laws of wrestling. There are like four dead bodies on the wall right now. There is an engine child in this room. I think that's sort of that's not good isn't No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Soft Teller's a community. Is it also that you're a female horse or? Yes. No, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:47 No, yes. That explains the mood. Yes, and I have little hooves. Mayor Soft Teller. Do I have a question? I have the same international law that's applied to the Melbourne Mayor, applied to the Mayor of Soft Teller. Good question, Mark.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Good question. It's a great question. I can't remember what he's an animal. Oh, he's an animal in the spot. Oh, it's just this is the sort of shit you got to deal with when you barge into our submarine. Just wanting to throw your dick around your horse. Yeah, by the way, which for the record as a female horse is a bit questionable. Thank you. Although your choice, your choice. And I know you've been there as a soft fo tell. What jurisdiction do you have in a fucking submarine in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Yeah, okay, let's eat
Starting point is 00:16:25 We're an international waters. Yes, international soft hotel waters. Yes, this is a wait a minute Let's pull off this mask and find out who you really are It was masquerading as a rooster. I have a rooster! God damn it, chicken man! Oh, you're a chicken man! Bang! Well done.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Thanks, mankind. That's all right there, man. I'm the chicken man of this hotel. Which is also a submarine. Wow. Wow, wait. Hey, guys. Oh, it's a manager cat.
Starting point is 00:17:04 No, no It's someone doing an impression of cat. Yeah, I get all right then on my manager cat. Oh This is gonna be a character we do yeah, it's which rocks my world have you made our manager cat? Right I have now oh And this is a cat shape. I know that's a dog thing You can be a dog you can and this is a cat shape. Oh, no, that's a dog thing You can be a dog you can shake on a cow. I know you're a dog I know Scooby-Doo How everybody so we're here on Q&A. I'm Zach I'm feeling it
Starting point is 00:17:37 We still do Stray raggy As we did Scooby-Doo Yes Scooby we out of chicken man raggy Yes We did screw me up, screw me down. Yes, Scooby, we out. Turn out, chicken man, raggy. Yes, gooby, go out. We got to screw bitch, raggy.
Starting point is 00:17:48 This guy's just going to suck. Scooby, could I talk to you? Okay. Okay, chicken man. So I don't know what the fuck I think we need to put Scooby dude down. Yeah, absolutely. Scooby dude.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh, right. These guys are going to try and kill you. What? We're so ruffable. I brought a cat to a patreon podcast recently Oh I need you to get the fuck out of here All right, we're back Hey, come over here stand on the Rub my tummy make it scuba
Starting point is 00:18:21 Hey, hey scuba pop up on this metal stainless steel bench here. Look at that buddy, you don't have to do this. That's all good man, oh, this is a happy need. Oh no, I'm gonna put this in your sacrum. Wait, so we have a tonight? Can we neuter him first? Absolutely, because those got the biggest set and fuckingckers I've ever seen and I wanna be- We love looking at Scubi.
Starting point is 00:18:47 We'll get Scubi's scrotum off right now. Ready? Hey Scubi. Chop. Zoyce! Zoyce indeed. Oh man. Oh!
Starting point is 00:18:56 So much blood. And the biggest test I've ever seen in my life. Oh my god. You can get that. Soutra saggy. Soutra saggy. Soutra saggy. I'm not so saggy. I'm not so saggy that. Sutra saggy. Sutra saggy. Sutra saggy. Sutra saggy.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure. He's hilarious. He's scubi-look-oh. Oh, he's scubi-smacky. Do you want this scubi-smack? I hate it. I just fed scubi-dues on you.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Oh, no. I did. No, of course. I scubi-smacky. Scubi-smacky. Scubi-I hate to do this, but you've been punked. I did I see who be scooby snooby I hate I hate to do this, but you've been punked You've been punked by the fuck It is a camera camera I'm asking for a chest job
Starting point is 00:19:36 This is Kim I'm my lead It's as far as Cyrus you've been punked this whole time You've been punked Fuck you scooby You still got your part You still got your part You've been punked this whole time. You've been punked, man. Fuck you, Scooby. You've been punked this whole time. You've been punked this whole time. You've been punked this whole time.
Starting point is 00:19:47 You've been punked this whole time. You've been punked this whole time. Fuck you, Scooby. You've been punked this whole time. Fuck you, Scooby. You've been punked this whole time. Fuck you, Scooby. You've been punked this whole time.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Fuck you, Scooby. Oh look man me with the kids With Bruce Willis yeah, I know it's really it's weird man. It's like you know being a shun So you know that camera that's actually a microphone. This is the camera God They're not turned on oh no we We do this whole thing again. So we'll take it from the Lord me Lord me and in fact, I'm not a Lord me. I'm mere wings I've won so many horse races in a row in the sprint. Hi, I'm winks
Starting point is 00:20:39 Does anyone know horse race now then that references? Right over we know what we got by on a wrestling rift with only two people knowing about wrestling. So I reckon we can do this. We can do this. So I one of those people. So it's horse what racing. So, right, so you know, I know horse racing. I've been to a horse race. No, no. No, no. That's not the only one where they chase a little dick around a track. If you're not seeing that, if it's a sex worker's race. That's what makes me go crazy. We call it a sex worker's race.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, I am red face. That's all right, face. You don't call it a prozzy pit in the air. Has he been still on that red face? Now, does there is that kind of face? Red faces? Red faces. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I thought only that red faces was the home of black facing. Yeah, they got it wrong If only that had a red face they would have been okay Harry what do you want to be fair when I watch the black face? I was a little red face I'll find Darryl some is was a little bit red face Hello guys It's me Darryrell. Hey, Darrell, are you know still trying to get by? Are you still doing dancing with the stars, Darrell?
Starting point is 00:21:51 I am, no one's dancing anymore, but I turn up every week in my touch with it. Darrell, swag as we like to say in Australia of quips and puns and... Can you explain? I mean, Aussies there, it's just... Can you explain? I'm not your obsessed with one television format and can't move on in your career because it's classic everyone wants variety back I'm on board I'm on board with that I love come on get Johnny so much PC he said she said we said all said
Starting point is 00:22:22 when we just what we just want is just fat people dancing And little kids being humiliated with a gong. Sorry, Darryl. Am I right? Yeah, I'm with you. Who wants a chuck? Me. I want a chuck, Darryl summons. You get a chuck. Thank you for the chuck, Darryl summons. Who likes a chuck? Come in, man. Can we just, can I just needle in on the No give us these are chucks Oh Oh That's your
Starting point is 00:22:51 Just a really Wingo Tom down one second let's go to the mailbag Oh We have a letter here from It's from June Brickets, Mayor, Jr Says send help
Starting point is 00:23:13 Another one from mankind Got a gun. I'm not afraid to use Dickie Job black man. Oh, yeah, my buddy dickie Oh, I think he's now dickie's gone on to some great work guys He's done some really important independent film work in Canada You see a lot of me. I still think variety is back Do it is independent I still think variety is back
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh Okay, oh god Did you just say fuck sorry? I'm Darryl summer Okay, that's okay. That's why it's a free pod. You can tell you can tell okay man It's okay, and we love hey hey it's Saturday. Oh, thanks guys. Yeah, we have a lot of We have a lot of international listeners who won't know what the fuck hey hey it's Saturday years But I'm not wrestling is and that's what all I care about That's all that matters And soft hotel and stuff So Winks is a champion Australian thoroughbred race horse
Starting point is 00:24:18 Australian well there's your problem Oh you're talking about far lap No Winks Do you think you're giving it a far lap? Is that the prostitute again? It is the running is sex work. Yeah, sex work. Sorry, sorry. She's God's sake. Oh, don't let Darrell catch this thing in that. Sex worker back in the day. We used to be able to say, prosis, when we
Starting point is 00:24:35 wanted to. Darrell, you could dress up in prostitute face on our show. No. The amount of times we had a great act to turn up. What are you gonna do? I'm gonna do prostitute face Oh, we laugh and laugh Darrell hit a heart and find something would come up in words on the screen They couldn't see it we'd ever laugh It's bring it back on say it's a different time now Darrell summons you can't be walking I'm gonna hop in this submarine and leave I know Darrell bye Bye Darrell. Bye.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Bye Darrell. Darrell, bye Darrell. What, just what do you think, Steve? I have to get this out, is that she was fooled. She, controversial. Was born on September 11th. Oh, right. That's what I just had to say that.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Is that, are you saying that? Where was she? Where was she? Well, she was probably in a stable. Oh, okay, well, then she's in a stable condition. Where was the stable? Yeah, where was good? Where was where was shit? Which was probably in a stable. Oh, okay. Well, then she's in a stable condition. Where was the stable level? Yeah, where was good. How many other horses were killed in the car? It was in the car.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I couldn't say. You're not meant to forget. I'm not, I haven't forgotten. You meant to remember exactly how many horses died. In fact, or in my year 12 exams, I remembered everything. So everything ever? Yeah, I walked in. Who was the person who invented the microphone?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Cameron Nash. God, he's good. Cameron Nash. I don't know who invented Pete's Ridge Pure Spring Water. Well, that'd have to be Peter Hillier. Yeah, that's true. When was the last time a horse was in the airport? Karin Grant. Karin Grant is correct. That's true. Kering, okay. Okay, how many apples can you fit into shoes? Bruce Mansfield. Right, okay, that's amazing. Okay, that usually gets him. That usually gets him.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Bruce Mansfield. Okay. It's exactly the amount of apples he can fit in shoes. He's roving right now. And he's seegly. Okay. Wow. I thought I'd get him. I thought he'd go with a dog mullray, but you know, was he can finish it? Is Rover wearing right now? We're in the Siegley. Oh, wow. Thought I'd get it. How does he know?
Starting point is 00:26:26 I thought he'd go with the lug mow right. But you know, he don't have podcast. It's great to be in the city of Sydney, a great home of... Uh, great home of Harbour Bridge. I feel, I feel... I feel, I feel, be honest, do you know anyone in Sydney? I know lots of people in Sydney. Do you know in Sydney?
Starting point is 00:26:56 A lot of friends in Redfern and Marikville are mad that way. That's just you mentioning just suburbs now. No, I have a lot of friends. No, that's not true, Roe. I have a lot of friends in Blacktown and Manley have a lot of friends in black town and manly feel for those of you on the podcast currently who have no fucking idea who you're pretending to be that would you just and I'm sure there I'm maybe I'm alone you just give us a small just
Starting point is 00:27:17 just a little bit of context what I'm enjoying most about this is how I imagine not many people in the world know who feel Brady is but from the people listen to 3 a double you mil After 9 o'clock weekdays it's nightline Phil Brady. Oh, you got a hold the why Phil Brady. I want to know what your favorite toy as a child was Oh, you got a first caller I only got a first caller. I'm on nightline. Phil Brady? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It's, oh, what is this? 4 at 5 and 5.30 in the morning. Certainly is. What's your call in regards to? Well, you just asked, well, our favorite childhood toy was. Yeah. So we had some great toys. We had to get a choo-choo train for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah. My mom had this little toy that I had to play with and she was out of the house all the rabbit. Oh no. And it was incredible. It was, you would turn it on. And it would have these kind of like a, you know, like a yop or whatever. You know those things that you hit in a mace of all noises.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It was like that. It had like, like rotating beads. This is a kind of like a, a pile of, a little weight to this kid's foot. He had like, yeah, what? rotating beads I kind of like a part of it He had like yeah It sounds like a fun toy or rabbit little rabbit and it had kind of like that kind of like two little ears coming off Both would vibrate one was
Starting point is 00:28:36 innocent enough right and the and the and the tip of the Which sort of like Turn on No, which sort of like turn on kind of white people Pardon no was a power ranger toy So guys, this is the classic stuff we should bring back get a Darryl summer See I don't remember what I said like the four I keep I'm just lurking always waiting for a sniff of variety I just found it Darryl
Starting point is 00:29:03 Hey, it's what childhood toys Darryl. I am an executive from Channel 9. I never heard of it. Oh Don't know Little spot. Yeah, I used to shoot out a GMT enrichment. I love it. I just want to say I love your energy I love you five. I love what you don't know it. I'm ready to go. I love the talk. I'll see's in the bag Let's do it. I love dancing with the stars I don't know if you've ever done any other television'm ready to go. I love the tuck. All these in the bag. Let's do it. I love dancing with the stars. I don't know if you've ever done any other television other than dance with the stars because I am younger.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You're on the hot shot. I'm only 19. I'm the executive of Channel 9 comedy. Because I'm sure that's who they would do in charge. I don't like the dancing. I don't like the stars. You don't like it? No.
Starting point is 00:29:40 You know what I like? I like your Mutsie boy. I want to put you in front of a camera. I want to do a variety show with you. Oh my God, Saturday night. Oh my God, you got a name for it. What about, sorry guys. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Hey. Good start. Hey, two hais, the two hais. Hey, because I've got your attention with the first one. Oh, I thought you were just getting my attention. No, no, see what I've done already. Okay, I've read it in a guy. All right, I've got you.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Okay. And then you're like, well, hey, hey, what? Hey, hey, what? It's what? What? What could it be? Got death? That was my working title.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Hey, hey, but Saturday. It's good, but can we put it on a Wednesday, keep the name? Y'all sure. Great. I'm so. There's so many things we do on Saturday nights. It's an exciting time of the week,'t it you go out with friends and family Maybe feel great for a pasta dinner. I want a no ring. Oh great
Starting point is 00:30:31 Little is on her a higher on nightline Yes, hello Winks here. Oh winks hello the winning horse Few people seem to remember matriarchs. Yes, no, you must admit a feel like Darryl myself sometimes Yes, all the work I've done yet zero recognition for the legacy. I've left behind yes, Wings now you're a horse Yes, sorry, what a horse yes, I look there have been rumors, but no Look, there have been rumors, but no, I feel very good Yes, oh, we've got us now what we're gonna do now is take Someone else is saying ring ring next to me. Yes
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm always Hold for one second. Yes, yes, look I don't want to talk to you right now. I need to fill What you saying ring at me because because I love you. Oh, I've got a beautiful... And what I've got here is a ring, because I wanted to propose. I never thought this day would come. Is this why we're here?
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's why we're here, because... I'm so glad you're here to wait. I'm actually here. I lied. I'm actually here to uncover something. What? You think there's one winks, but there are another 39 winks. What do you mean? There's 40 winks? For no
Starting point is 00:31:52 40 winks no no, there's a 40 winks I just want to raise my hand inside. That was a great joke fantastic. I didn't know where it was going. I just wanted to say 40 winks Yeah, there's 40 there's 40 winks and you know who's you know who who's the father? I didn't know where it was going. I just wanted to say 40 wings There's 40 wings and you know who's you know who's the father? Captain snow Rod Pond talk a great medium. Everyone listening in Canada We should listen to their anthem. It's a good answer Canada Oh, sorry, oh, yeah, I thought that was actually Canada get out of here. Oh, oh get some Putin. Oh, okay nicer than
Starting point is 00:32:32 The people south you 40 wings captain snooze bit it didn't have anywhere to go Callie Ray callie snooze bit it didn't have any way to go just and be but cali cali can these canadian isn't he just a bebo tell you how else is canadian no don't
Starting point is 00:32:50 please don't i don't know i want to know that who's right now no one wants to know take a head drums floating around Take a head drum take a head size us that does that has none we are you are me. I am you. Oh, God. We are no one I'm glad someone's finally ready to say it. Yeah, well, I mean nothing. There is no self-grove There is no self-zap mark. We are just we are just little things floating around and so that so it doesn't matter How recently did someone close to you die recently? Yeah, but that's not important what I want to know is we all
Starting point is 00:33:35 Hekaday drones floating around yeah, yeah, this is just for clarity I'm I carry lost these mind recently. I know Clarence is I carry lost these more and I know I know I'm Brought you here just to try it. I feel like this is like an am I say or something Absolutely, like in some sort of pyramid scheme. I don't know Proudness guy's got like a big bag of like it's like a box with like products in all these different toys One of them it kind looks like a power ranger, but I think it's a double-dive. Rob. Rob, sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's not exactly that. I'll be right back. Yeah, sorry. Rob, I just have a question for you. We did just put it down, but you've been holding a pair of this whole podcast. A pair of what? Variety! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it happened down. I'm like a human boomerang video.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But I really just, I'm just doing the same thing over and over back and forth Yeah, it's like look at me everyone. I'm doing the boomerang. What the piece? The young I'm a lady. I'm a lady. Ro, bro, bro, bro. I'm gonna say, Ro, bro. I'm gonna eat the pear shit. I'll get off the pot. You've been holding the pear. Unless this is the thing you need to do. Yeah, eat the pear shit and get off at the get off the part of the party I've never heard the
Starting point is 00:34:46 Remember get off the part you've never heard it. I've never heard that phrase really it'll get off the shit or get off the pod Which is Star Wars thing? No, it's like either you're going to either you do a shit somebody's podcast Really bad material. Yeah, and improv Or just fucking late. Yeah, and you've never heard of it. Oh, yeah But we all have to be very quiet We get this we get this top we get this top We get that on the mic top we get that we get that we get this Can we zoom in on it? Can we get that we get that?
Starting point is 00:35:23 There it is, Roe Vitya Pear. Oh, we're going to get some of that. That's a great one, guys. That's it. Wait, wait, wait. That's Roe Vitya Pear. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by
Starting point is 00:35:39 See you next week. This week...

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