Aunty Donna Podcast - Feat. TIM MINCHIN Part 2

Episode Date: June 28, 2017

See us on us on around Tim what a legend:Twitter: @ timminchinInsty: The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. That's the intro song that we have. It's an intro, please, real quick. Is that any, it's just whatever comes in your time. No, no, it's mostly, that's all good together. Three, four. That's all good together. Three, four, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, Boob at a party, done at a podcast. Why? I don't know about that. Boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, boob, and then she'd be recorded in the seating.
Starting point is 00:00:50 That was... I understand you've written a lot of music. Yeah, but that was... That was really shit, man. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:01:00 That was a good song. I don't know, you can go that high. What is your rank? Like, do you have a big high. What is your range? Do you have a big arrange the mic pattern? Because that is right up there. Yes, I think so. Yeah, that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Give us another note. Give us another note. Oh! It's down the bottom there. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! All together now. Oh! Huh? Oh! All together now. Oh! We're here with a vocal acrobatim mention.
Starting point is 00:01:34 A vocal acrobat is just a normal acrobat who has strong opinions on our faces. Just fucking do anything. Hashtag, you know, Twitter. Just back to acrobatting, man. More flour, you know, Twitter. Gives back to Equipating, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, flour, more flour, I'm sorry, I can put on my hand. I'm on a trapeze, but you can't have fucking say anything these days, the fucking PC police.
Starting point is 00:01:52 That's the character. Walking a tight line. Yeah, yeah. So, you wanted to get on your soapbox and take a few people on this poll. You asked for the floor? Yeah, is that what happens? Yeah, okay. So I just have strong opinions on stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah. What do you want me to have a strong opinion, soap, boxes? Yeah. Yeah. What is it with boxes these days and how they don't contain their soap? Oh, I'm sorry. You get this on regular, Jerry's side, that is. It'll blow up on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Are you ever worried that you'll ruin your career with a tweet? That's a regular, serious idea that man. That is. It'll blow up on Twitter. Are you ever worried that you'll ruin your career with a tweet? Yeah, because you've got quite a big Twitter followers. Well, I don't know if you follow me on Twitter, but you'll notice I don't really say anything anymore. Yeah, yeah. You just reshare a lot of BuzzFeed. Yeah, just like, oh my god, remember this ship from the 90s?
Starting point is 00:02:44 And I do a lot of huff-po diet stuff. Yeah. Latest berry. I just, I think everyone just needs to shut up and, but that says you for me to say, because I've had a voice and, but I, it's a huge problem, everyone having opinions. There was something I wanted to ask you about actually, because I saw a photo recently of you, and I believe it was on Twitter. Did you get to meet Mark Hamill?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yes. What was that like? It was like meeting a person with Darryl Summers. Like meeting Darryl Summers? Have you met Darryl Summers? Um. Can't remember. I might have met him a little while ago.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Imagine if you'd met Darryl Salas for our American listeners. Darryl Salmas is the equivalent of... No, there's no other... There's no equivalent. You pretend you've met Darryl Salmas. Sure. Oh yeah, I met Darryl. Oh wow! It was Darryl Salas.
Starting point is 00:03:44 It was just a really nice normal guy. When was it? When did you meet him? Oh wow! Was he hosting the Dancing with the Famous People Show at the time? Did he do that? He was on McKinney. Dancing with the Stars? Yeah, he was at the Australian version. In which when you watch it, I could never tell who the star or who the dancer was. Right. Because we don't have a lot of stars. No, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:05 She did it. Gazey did it. Fitsy is Fitsy, don't it? Oh, Andrew Gaze. Oh, I'm never dancing. Oh, I haven't never danced before. I've done the brother flag at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. But I'll give it a go.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Bindi Erma did a bad deal. Bindi Erma didn't go to me. Bindi Erma did it, but in America, didn't he? Cindy's amazing. She's incredible. She's an amazing girl. Yeah, Cindy's amazing. She's incredible. She's an amazing girl. Yeah, she actually is an incredible artist.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Have you met her? No. But what happened with Mark? How did you met? What was the circumstances? Mark went to Groundhog Day, he loves it. I think he knows PR, Jackie, and he was at the Tonys, and so I just met him on the red carpet.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Oh, that's so cool. And because he liked Groundhog Day, he said, Mr. Mention Can I have a photo? Oh my god, no, not really. I said, hi, I'm Tim Mention Can I have a photo? He went, who? And I went, I wrote Groundhog Day. He went, what?
Starting point is 00:04:55 And I went, that thing is that through the other night. He went, yeah, no worries. No, not quite. These are the amazing guys. I think the truth is, somewhere between those two things. No, he was really, he loved Groundhog Day. And he went on, he went and met the cast afterwards and spent an hour having photos with every cast member
Starting point is 00:05:09 and chatting to him and stuff. He's just the nicest guy. Yeah, he's really like, because he's not a movie star, you know, when he hasn't been. That's the voice of the Joker. That's basically been his career for the last 20 years. Yeah, and he did this movie, which at the, like, obviously he went through that incredible journey
Starting point is 00:05:26 But it was just a how far apart with four five and six like six years, right? Yeah, so it was a six-year period the first one He was then unknown and the second one that he was very known third by then it was massive But then it was done and that's a tiny part of his life. Yeah, Star Wars films. Yeah, the Star War movie interestingly I have a like you guys, a large nerdy geek culture following. Excuse me? Geek culture following our fans. We've got big jocks, we're the big jocks. We're going to be jocks. We've got to be jocks. I need to be jocks.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'm sorry, go on. Yes, but I have to slightly reverse engineer a love of sci-fi and bluff a little bit, because I love it all, but I haven't watched Doctor Who since 1982, and I haven't. I think I have seen Star Wars. LAUGHTER But I certainly, I saw the Jedi... You know, I think I've watched them through. But I certainly have memories of bits of them, you know, having watched an hour here and there.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I think Jedi. I've seen Jedi. Jedi, guy. No, I've seen one of the Jedi. No, I've never seen one of the Jedi. I was a fluffy guy. I saw that one, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I've seen Jedi, I was on set doing a major motion film recently and everyone's really good. Like this sound guy was doing this amazing True Backer in personation down the earpiece of the second A.D. And so I started doing my True Backer in personation which just slammed them all and completely became the standard True Backer in personation for the rest of the set and it goes like oh
Starting point is 00:07:30 wow oh my you say him coming oh I feel like I'm on tattooing I mean the can't get watch the movies. They're very good. I've heard it. I have very good. I have heard it. I just don't, it's not really part of my, I just grew up playing sport, you know. Yeah, so that I get my own. It's a weird quirk of my career.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I think it's connects to your film potentially, but you posted something on one of your social media platforms. For some pays. About you're in a helicopter. I was in a helicopter. cop over Manhattan and I didn't read. The moon and mid York City. This is a Peter Allen safe podcast. So you want to bring Peter
Starting point is 00:08:16 Allen. It's interesting written by Carol Baer, Saiga, Bacarac, Haldavid, Peter Allen and some other dude. That's my memory of that. Only because I played in a Bacarac cover band, a tribute band in the 90s in Perth, West Australia and which is the sort of geek I am. And we went, is it a Bacarac song? Is it not? And we thought, oh well, everyone wrote that. I'm so excited for like the first act of the first film when they make the Tim mentioned mini-series on Channel 7. Oh yeah, that'll be great. That'll be good. The best act right now.
Starting point is 00:08:51 The best act right now. Nothing more interesting than my life. I feel like the person playing your wife is what I'd be excited to see who they cast. Some minga. Is that sexist? I don't know. I mean people can be mingas or genders. I only know minga from Ali Jee and the character was quite sexist.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Oh yeah. Per chance. But matter. Could you do Ali Jee these days? You couldn't. Absolutely. No way. Could you bring Ali Jee into the world now?
Starting point is 00:09:21 No, definitely not. It's interesting. I guess that's for the best, but it's a very interesting show. Some of what he did was still okay. There's like, you know, there's bits and pieces, but most of it was just taking the piss out of serious people. Most of what he did. Well, that's why it's such an extraordinary, that's why that's how you defend the character. He was because of the, you know, racial ambiguity and all this stuff. He totally disarmed people and it was unbelievable the courage with which he just made these people look stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But the premise, that is a white guy playing a black guy who's kind of, his cultural value is a part of the mockery. It's very interesting how that would ride these stuff. It's muddy, it's really, yeah. I'm sitting in the middle of an opinion here because I know Sasha and I know and but yeah I see you gotta be everything is everything can go everywhere. So someone could listen to my last 10 sentences and say oh Tim mentioned things that cultural appropriations fine or they could say Tim mentioned Sasha Baron Khan and both would suddenly be true.
Starting point is 00:10:23 The thing the thing about that is that nobody listens to this podcast. Yeah! I'm free! This is no chance of happening. Anyway, I was in France filming on the last couple of weeks of a Robin Hood reboot that's happening next year. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:42 In which I'm playing Friatum. Oh, wow. And it was it was interesting massive four-month shooting Budapest and Kroishon Paris Jamie Foxx Jamie Donan Taron Edgerton Ben Mendelsson Are you using it? Oh, it was very Aussie Yeah, well Ben Mendelsson's Aussie. Yeah, I'm an Aussie. Yeah There's that it and off you were people on the crew. Yeah. I've gone the Pirro. Pirro is the name. The Pirro guys are an Aussie. Cool. First AD was an Aussie. Yeah lots of good people in the industry.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I finish shooting. So this is let's just take as given that I think my the environmental cost of my lifestyle is disgusting. Good. I finished shooting it like this scene at 4.30 in the afternoon, some day in Paris. And they went, okay, moving on to the next scene, and I was in the next scene, and that had meant that I was going to have to film the next stage, which means I wasn't going to be able to be at this event in New York, which is a kind of handshaking, you know, bottom-pattern event for theater owners all around America, which we have to do to try and encourage them to take Groundhog Day on the road. And
Starting point is 00:11:50 but it was like the producers of Groundhog Day. I got to be there and I'm sorry I'm filming. Got to this point on this afternoon when we looked at the script and I said to the boss said to the director, like, my guy just lay, he got the keys, it swapped the keys with Marion and I snuck out the back Why would he be in here now and he went oh yeah, Tim's wrapped for this thing and I went And so I got on the phone started and calls anyway went out to dinner that night got drunk Went to bed got up got the first flight out of Paris 8.30 a.m. out of Charles de Gaulle and Which because of the time difference you get even though it's at nine hour flight you get into New York at 10 30 or 10 40 we
Starting point is 00:12:29 happened to land a bit early I was stepping off the plane at 10 40 I've got a greeter at the airport straight through customs which can take an hour like to get off the plane to the middle of New York is usually about three and a half hours yeah straight through into a car, round the corner to a helicopter pad, into a helicopter, to west 30th and the river road, Hudson road there. And I was sitting, having landed at 1030s,
Starting point is 00:12:55 sitting answering questions at this Q&A, 1130, and me down here. Oh my God. Oh my God. It pays for that. Who, what's going on there? I don't understand how that's all organized and stuff like that by the producers.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Well, this is an interesting thing. So putting aside the environmental cost, which I think is huge moral compromise in my, like I fly, I'm going to England. So tonight I do a TV show, a flat of Chicago, London, do a 20 minute interview with someone by a special and about an Australian tour and then with someone by special and then fly Dubai, Melbourne, all in the next, you know, whatever, 72 hours, and I've done
Starting point is 00:13:32 Europe LA 15 times in the last 12 months, you know. In fact, yeah, and it's terrible, but the reason, so when I was your age, a little bit younger, like I couldn't figure out how to get out of it. When my first Edinburgh, I hadn't left Australia for 10 years because we were like going, do we, what do we eat tonight? Because we can't afford it. And everyone's like, that this thing you're doing,
Starting point is 00:14:02 you should be an Edinburgh and stuff. And I'm like, stop saying that. I can't get back to Perth for my grandma's funeral. How am I gonna get to Edinburgh? You know, it feels like such an impermeable membrane that poverty and distance. Yeah, yeah. And now I literally do that flight every month more.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And the money thing becomes, it's all about potential. It's just a sum, right? So to get me from Paris to the center of New York in that shorter time cost, whatever, you know, $7,000, the potential of having the composer, lyricist of the show, they're shaking the hands of the people, meaning that you can book, even if you only book one more theatre, because of that, my presence there, or get one more Tony vote, or whatever the hell the cost is, that could be exponential, it could be a hundred grand, or three hundred grand, or five hundred grand, for the production. And so the production of this musical, which costs almost 20 million bucks to get from conception to New York,
Starting point is 00:15:09 is like, get the fuck over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What does it take to get the fuck over here? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's gross. It's so cool. Was it cool? No, it's so cool.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Kelly Coptor from JFK to Midtown, New York. Yeah. You ever get the opportunity to do it? I mean, honestly, think of the shit you spend your money on. If you boys landed at JFK one day with the, you can't fit six year in the chopper, but it's called Blake. The Thompson's like it is.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And he can get it, Tommy can get it, Uber, but, like you get four of you, it'd be like three hundred bucks a h to do, a helicopter ride, goes and JFK, gets you into Midtown by in 10 minutes, and it's the most wonderful thing to come around the bottom of Manhattan in a helicopter that you know the floor's glass and it's a m- oh I was gonna say I did the Sea World one at Gold Coast when I was in year 7 and that was
Starting point is 00:15:55 breath day. You thought you said the Sea World I was like, no the Sea World one was you really beautiful you see all the towers at Gold Coast and that was really quite Something else He's crying. He's beautiful. It was a humbling moment. We'll be talking to our management. That's all I'm gonna Yes, I can't About big Hollywood movies considering you just didn't big Hollywood movie How how much did they film a day? Because when I hear four months... What are you?
Starting point is 00:16:27 I was a sucking whistle. When I hear four months... How though are you filming like a minute of screen time a day? Is it more complicated than that? Well, I guess it depends on the shot very much. Like if you have a long conversation between two actors, you could film in a day, if it's a three-minute scene, and it's all about the emotion of the scene, you would definitely want to get that all in one day
Starting point is 00:16:52 because you want to get the actors to where you get them and then you get it. Obviously, you could have a eight-minute conversation if it's Woody Allen or something, but on action films, it's more likely to be like two lines and you might do two of them a day, so you may be getting 20 seconds or 40 seconds a day or something like that, but also you're shooting that, you're getting hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of footage because especially action movies, they're virtually just made in the edit. Yeah, yeah, of course, yeah, it's just all pieced together. And so I did a scene in Dubrovnik in March where I meet a character coming through the
Starting point is 00:17:38 rain. We can open the door and say come in. And then a month later we filmed a bit where she comes in and she's in my place. And then that inter-broadic, I also filmed a thing where I come out of my door and get my horse. And I'm practicing a lot in my head because I have to go give bad news to the sheriff
Starting point is 00:17:56 nodding him so I'm like, we've had a minor incident. We've had a difficult, we've had a minor incident. Like I'm doing this and getting a horse. And so we do that 50 times because it's a mule and it's not by the stubborn as. Yeah. And then two months later, I do the bit where I arrive on the last day of filming, I'm picking up
Starting point is 00:18:19 the second half of that scene, where I'm actually saying the thing. It cuts from me practicing telling him this bad news to me telling him the bad news and the gap between filming those two states is two and a half months so it's you go get the photo you got your hair up you'll be at the right length and then remember what headspace you're in and look at the footage but they didn't have it available so I'm just like I think I was sure of like this and my accent changed yeah yeah see Daniel Day Lewis would have stayed in that state. He would have stayed in there.
Starting point is 00:18:48 He would have put himself in a box. I've always been, I've always wanted on those big scale Hollywood films what the rehearsal process is like. And there's like, or actors just, do they trust you, do they go, you've got the role, now go figure it out and then you don't see anyone else until you're on set. What do you have big readings? Do you have big, I have no idea how that works. You do a table read, which is really not about actors. In fact, most Hollywood actors
Starting point is 00:19:14 just like read it like this, because they're not like stage actors. They don't find every opportunity to perform, which I find frustrating, but because I'm like, we want to hear how this thing runs, but the table reads are really about the director and whether it sort of functionally works. Yeah. And stuff like that. And then it depends on what it is, but in a big action film, you might get a total of three hours with the director
Starting point is 00:19:40 over whatever period of time, where you go visit, read through the scenes with the other actors in the scene, sitting around on couches. But again, film actors are often just embarrassed by that process. It's really weird. Right. Because they really don't like acting unless the camera is rolling. Yeah, and everything is very, very small.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like a lot of film actors are acting at this level, even if it's intense. And it's really weird, but it translates to camera. And then, on the day, so by the time you get to that scene, it might be two months later, and it's been rewritten anyway. So you get there, and you get on set. The set's all set up, everything's ready to go. And they go, all right, actors traveling, we all get there. It's almost set up. It's 90%.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And you get there, and you've got your sides in your hand from that day, Jamie Foxx, and Taran, me, whatever. And we're all reading this thing. We don't know our lines yet. It's shooting in a couple of minutes. Yeah. Like, necessarily. Obviously, if it's a big bit, you've done your work. I mean, you do know your lines,
Starting point is 00:20:33 but you're actually going, look, I don't think I'd say that. Then, yeah, you know, with an hour, 40 minutes, until they're going to roll. And they have a big discussion and produce a steps in. Well, we do need you to say that because, yeah, but I just don't think, you know, and it can get, you know, the lead might go, just I wouldn't think it's going to make me look stupid, you know, and they go rewrite and the ride is there rewriting and then they go, all right, off you go, you go finish your makeup and you come back on and film it.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And so intense, but you might blow the first couple. Yeah, right. And then you turn it around and film it again, turn it around and film it again. I mean, with that having you done Wells, it's a re try to keep it light. It's a sketch series we do. I'm trying to keep it really similar. Like, yeah, keep that image. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that, that shot and having it on well six, where Zach spits wine into my mouth. And then, and then I spit it into a glass. and I think I drink it. I'm not sure. How many times did you do that? I think we did that 104 times.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah, the director was just like, I need it again. I need it again. And make it exactly the same. Yeah, that was a big, quite originally mark spatted into my mouth. That's right. That's right. I was like, my character would never do it. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Jamie Foxx was there. Jamie Foxx was there. It's Caron Edgerton pouring the wine. Yeah, that's right. That's right. I was like my character would never do it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, as weird So this was your first. Yeah, it's my first film. Yeah, it's done a bit of telly in Australia, but not much Yeah, like my third fourth thing We've got to Stop wasting your time and let you get on with your I just got a pack and stuff, but I'm I'm aware that I'm this is comedy podcast and mostly I've been boring do you want me to say something about it? Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Come on. Now you have to ask me a question, I'll try and put my money in. How, where do you get your inspiration? Oh, amazing. From Annie Donner. Yeah, for all credits. Did you want to plug any- You want to plug?
Starting point is 00:22:44 You want to plug any- You want to plug any- You want to plug any- You want to plug any- you want to plug any? Yeah, do you want to plug? You want to somehow, if you want to talk about it? Have a relationship with it. Have a relationship with it. Throw you a little crumbly, if you want. We got meant like after about two weeks, about 10,000 people. Listen to this. So, 10,000 people. Yeah, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:22:56 We're pretty lucky. What do I need to sell? I think like there's some leftover stock from my 2011 orchestra tour like a 10, 10% off. You get 10 all hashtag, hashtag, let's buy up Tim Minjans old stuff. Yeah, no, no, no. Let's end up viral on Twitter. Let's do that. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We've got about 10,000 solid listeners. Let's get the hashtag happening. Hashtag. What is it? Hashtag by Tim Minjans old all good But that's not just funny by sim mentions old orchestra to a stock but send it viral Let's get a viral sell that I remember that to it the pala theater that's worth getting You have a good stuff because I do mentions old orchestra to a stock trumps a con and let me try
Starting point is 00:24:02 Because we are we are recording this in Timmingen's house, and just by the looks of things, he needs the money, this place is. It's pretty grand, this place is. It's a grand house. Piece of shit. There's a big box of things. We're selling it by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Oh, maybe we'll plug that. We're selling our house. Oh, yes. It's quite the only way to house. We got it, we're gonna move back to Australia because I hate my career. And I think you guys, any of your listeners could pop in and have a little viewing. If any 17-year-olds from England would have bought a Hollywood Hills house.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Hashtag lets all chip in and buy a tibet in our lives. You joke, but one of the panic at the disco people listens to this podcast. So, I think it very well. I could very well snap it up. Yeah, he's got a nice hashtag. Pan the Disco guys. Hashtag down in the weeks. Can you please buy the image in LA House?
Starting point is 00:24:51 It needs a bit of work. They're free to show in the floor. There'll be a free t-shirt in it for you. I reckon you're checking a box of t-shirts. I'll throw in our box of t-shirts and an often t-shirt. Second hand. Put a couple of the, put a bit of a toky ham as well. We've just seen out of a toki ham. Okay, so this is the deal we've got, guys, if you call it in the next 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:25:10 We've got Tim Minchert House, a box of t-shirts. Tell you what. Tell you what. And the third person to buy a t-shirt, I'll throw in the house. I'll throw in the house. I'll throw in the house. This is some 18-year-old from like Milton. Oh my god. Mom! What do you prank on these house? So Jason entered the competition last week. But he can't get a visa. Because he's gonna tell you that. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:25:45 All right, thank you so much to you. Thank you for giving us your time. I'm sorry, I was gonna come and see you guys live tonight, but I have to get on this aeroplane. It's the same show that you saw last year. So it's not a big deal. I'm sure you really are getting on a plane. That's all good.
Starting point is 00:25:59 That's awkward. Yeah, but thanks so much for that. Yeah, how good shows? Yeah, I love you in LA. That'll be all over the place. We've been in LA. I mean, a thank you so much for that. Yeah, how good shows. Yeah, I love you in LA. They love you all over the place. We've been me. By the way, I mean a tiny percentage. A tiny percentage.
Starting point is 00:26:08 A small, big, big, big, big. I love your heart. Oh, we've had, like, the best shows. It might have been in the best shows of our careers in America this tour. It's been... Step up Australia. Yeah, the Rockers have been phenomenal. Well, all the Annabraps prove them wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Tell me, tell me. Look at the flak. Thanks, guys. Tell me, do it. Look at the foot. Thanks, guys. Get one of those watches. Yeah. Thanks guys, bye. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you by See you next week. you

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