Aunty Donna Podcast - Haggis, Neeps and Tatties Feat. DANIEL SLOSS

Episode Date: May 3, 2017

Get around Daniel:Twitter: @ The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. What does Chukas mean? Chua ha! Scottish man! Chukas is pretty much break a leg for Australians. Where does it come from? I'm not sure of the etymology of it. I know the etymology of break a leg. Which is... Which is, so the leg of a theatre is the invisible line between the curtain and the stage. So they would say break a leg in terms of walk, if you're walking out past the leg, you're walking on the stage and you're getting paid. Sorry. Mark, what's wrong? So it was just a bit of a cut caught in my throat.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Like, how do you mean mucus? Yes. I feel very good, by the way. Did you have your little job? I had the most in it was so intense. Did you call it a joby over here? No, no, we don't a job. He would be a rirsty. That's cute A job is a rirsty. Yeah, like a hand job like oh no job it is is a little like a poop I went for a job. Hey, I'm just gonna break down the illusion right now. I don't see how why that sex worker
Starting point is 00:01:19 I was with was so angry Oh champagne, international comedy. There's an etymology for chukers. Yeah, do it again, Slut. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. Then we've just been etymology with Broding Cali. Etymology. Etymology.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Etymology. Etymology. Etymology. Probably from Chuk, although the precise origin is unclear, what the fuck? Great. Etymology. Etymology. Etymology.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Etymology. So no one knows, great. Even Wikipedia... I just said um... Where do all that money go that... You know, Wikipedia always asks you for money. Yeah? Yeah, more obviously.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It's a waste. Someone told me that there is only like... 11 people employed at Wikipedia. Yeah, I believe that. Maybe not. I would say it would be close to the next two years. Maybe this was in 2008, so maybe it's increased now. But the whole idea is that it's not for profit thing
Starting point is 00:02:34 and it's in the top five most used websites in the world and it's got compared to Google, it has like 20 employees. I would believe that it has very few employees is what I would believe. it has very few employees is what I would believe. Because it's so dark shit. Yeah. Excuse me. This podcast is not sponsored by Wikipedia. Daniel, Daniel, can I talk to you for a second? Sure. You want to go outside? Yeah. Yeah. Go to the net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net, net we are, the elevator. Here we are, on the level 40 bus. Oh, yeah. Where's the commercial port?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Lack of some food. Yes, I'd love a lemon, please. Oh, one lemon, come on. What, what, what? No, I never, I never got the small green one. Shit, do you want a small green one? It's a lamb. I'll take a lime.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I have one lamb for you. Hello. Oh, hello. Hello, I'm the lemon of the lamb, please. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no get them tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Ah, now look here. We don't know, we did good enough on the wrong foot. That's because I have a fake foot. Let me put my proper one on. Ah look, we're getting off on the road foot. Now listen here. I don't always agree with your methods. Well that's because... Oh no, He killed himself!
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh my god! But he got the job done. That's what's important. We do have a sponsorship with Wikipedia in the world. Do you? Yeah, so if you could take that back, that'd be awesome. I'd like to get back my slander of Wikipedia. Part of the effect. No.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Oh no! I have a confession to make because about Wikipedia. Pots of effect, no. Oh no. I have a confession to make of course about Wikipedia. Do you remember when I Wikipedia page started? And we were like this amazing. No. I didn't start it, but I did keep editing it. It was very funny to come into work every day.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And if you guys be like, someone's added more to the Wikipedia page. So did you add like the Joe Koski and that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, that much. Just always make sure my banana's name came first. No, no, no, no, no, someone else made it and wrote it and then I just added a few things. I don't think I added Joe Koski.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I've got a compassion to my boys. It was me. What? I've set up the Antidona. How did you know that Joe Koski? I, oh, it just, look. Scotland has a lot of pastimes, killed wearing whiskey, racism, casual racism, not so casual racism,
Starting point is 00:05:54 blatant racism. And one of the other ones is, I forgot where I was going. But how did you do it? Well, I went on to the edit page, and originally it was Donald Trump's page, and I just fully edited every part of it. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Except for the hashtags, but the fake news, how did you, and, and, he's definitely a cuck. Well, he doesn't even get urinated on, allegedly. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Right, and that's the video urinated on allegedly. Yeah, right. According to the bus fake feed news, buzz fake fake. Yeah, we're getting there. We're hitting the real top in the political topics. Look, the last podcast we did was fun. This one's the political satire one. But that is where we hit the top. That is what they reckon is. They reckon that the video that Russia has of Trump
Starting point is 00:06:42 is him getting pissed on yet. I reckon the video is just a him-buttering both sides of his toast and we all can agree that's fucked. Yeah, yeah. It was real fucked. I'll have him hanged. Depends if you might... In life you're making a grilled cheese sandwich. Nobody wasn't.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It was just for... You don't need it. It was just a dip in his tea. You don't need to butter both sides for a grilled cheese sandwich. You just butter the outside. I butter both sides because I like my butter and then you put the cheese in the middle. It's pretty good. cheese and water. It's part of the out side. I better both sides, because I like my butter and then you put the cheese in the middle. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I just butter the outside. Did you do bean toasties? And those are bean toasties. Oh, but what beans? Good one. What was big in Australia for a little while? Were Jeffal lions? And you do Jeffals?
Starting point is 00:07:19 We're two big things, not Jeffal. Like we love Jeffals and not engaging with the indigenous people of our country. So those are two big things for a while. What's a Jeffal? That's right. We get political here at Donna, and if you can't handle it, you can call us Cucks and we don't care.
Starting point is 00:07:34 A Jeffal is sort of when you refuse to acknowledge that there were people here before white settlers in Australia. And casual racism is like, it's kind of like a like pocket bread. It's kind of like you get two pieces of bread and you put a medicine, iron and you can fill it. It's very hard to do. You know toes of complicated. It's such a deep, weird idea. So basically it's like a toasty, except instead of just a flat piece of toast with something in the middle,
Starting point is 00:08:06 it's more of systematically ignoring the circumstances that you've put a people through to create the social and economic issues that exist today. Very simple. Very similar to those. People get them confused. And you can put ham and cheese and... Well, what was the biggest one? Yeah, that was the biggest one was a can spaghetti jaffle.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So it's kind of, it's very difficult to actually explain. A lot more difficult than I initially thought it was going to be. And are you the fucking weirdos that have that... You put sprinkles on bread and call it dessert? Yeah, very hard to call it, very bread. Not even dessert. For some people it's just lunch. It's just a snack at a time.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And what's a candy? Very bread. Very bread. Put hundreds and thousands. You do white bread. No bread. No bread. No butter. And not good white bread either. It's almost important that it's the shitty. The key. Fucking just crappy, squared loaf. And my people are weird.
Starting point is 00:09:00 But your people just put bread and other things in a bowl. They could a bowl, bake the bowl and call it a pudding. Yes, it is. Here's a thing all that different. Our cultures are so similar. Outside of Australia for Donna, we've probably spent the most time in Scotland more than anywhere else in the world.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Have you tried hackers? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We were found. It's fine. I haven't tried, I don't know. You can't see the face I'm doing on the podcast, but it is incredulous. Well, I need you to.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I need you to. And you can't see the face I'm doing that, which is, I'm unsure if I use the word incredulous properly. I'm really keen to do it. I'm sure. You've never had it. Well, not, I don't think I've had it properly, because I don't know exactly what I'm having.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Like, I've had breakfast with like, at side of Haggis and stuff. Well, that's by place. That's by place. If you want to Haggis, you've got to go catch it, frail from the wild. But do you get it like, I'm having like I've had breakfast with like a side of Hagus and stuff like it's like if you want to have it you gotta go catch it fresh from the wild. But do you get it like? Do you get like a slice of Hagus head of the world? No, what you do is you gotta you gotta pluck the Hagus before you cook it. I get all the feathers out.
Starting point is 00:09:57 This is the sound of Hagus makes. That is yeah that's so we have to do that call when you're hunting them. Yeah right. To get them over. All right. Well I thought I knew what Hagusis was I'm real confidant. Can we just act out catching haggis? Sure, okay. I'm seeing this brought to you by McDonald's. I'm picking on camouflage at haggis famously can't see the color pink So that's why we are fully wearing pink But I in the wild it's a they're weird boat Do you have your bow and arrow?
Starting point is 00:10:26 I have my bow and arrow else have my megaphone ready to do the haggis call hi, I'm a sex megaphone Okay, just do the call I'm just his mate megaphone. I'm just a giant phone. But when he misses his mum. Look, see over there, you see? There's two there, with the three Haggislings. All right. And the baby ones.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Are you allowed to kill the Haggislings? No, no, no, very rare species. But they are a delicacy. I will. But you have to get them on the black pudding market. Thank you. Thank you. Daniel's loss are tiring from comedy because he has piqued.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah, do the ceremony of shooting himself in the face and floating out into the ocean. With a bow and arrow, very difficult with the angles to kill yourself. With a bow and arrow. What I tend to do is just fire upwards and then just run and just hopefully land. Hopefully it lands in the end. Yeah, somewhere. You're the king of Scotland and I want to know from, because we go there a lot and end up being just chippies for a month.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Did you have chip butties? Yeah, I love chip. I love it. Have you ever had the deep fried pizza? Yeah. Because that's the joining of our two cultures. Yes, very much so. And it is fucking delicious. I've actually, I haven't had it yet. Deep fried, and it's the joining of our two cultures. Yes, very much so. And it is fucking delicious.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I've actually, I haven't had it yet. Deep fried, it's the same with the fairy bread. The shit of the pizza, the better it is, like the tip of fully embalter. And it's really good. So here's the thing, right? We have one fairy bread. And then you have all the fucked shit.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah. It's like, it's fairy bread is no worse than deep fried pizza. It's like, yes, but when you add them all up, it gets cumulative. I appreciate you got other, you eat fucking kangaroo and crocodile, you're weirdo. It's the kangaroos, have you had kangaroo? I know. It's so good. I prefer haggles.
Starting point is 00:12:19 No, well, yeah, but that, but that. And there are much more beautiful creatures in the wild than haggles. This is what I want to know. How is it served to me? If I can order a nice place, nice, huge and tallies. I don't know what that means. You just don't know what it's the most.
Starting point is 00:12:29 That is hoggiest leaps and toys. Right. How does that come? Is it like a mince? Because I am a Tommy's. Right. Hogg is in big, but tall boy. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I didn't realize I was hoggerman and tall boy. Yeah, just you go in your, yourself, and play the hoggerman and Tommy. Hey, Lord, run up, Lord. Get the sandsprings, get some hogg and talk him, walk you. I just yourself a plate of hunger man. It's heavy Lord run up. Look at the sins. Please get some walking talking walking. I just love a plate of homeicapa Is this racism Think at a stretch Hague is neat and tight is which is Hague's turn up and that potatoes right? I guess knees and toes
Starting point is 00:13:02 Right, so I guess Nees and Toes. Yeah, how about that? I guess Noes and Nees and Toes. Nees and Toes. I guess Nees and Toes and Nees and Toes. Yeah, it goes very well with my theory that that Scottish people don't like texture in their food. Oh, I hate it. I want mush.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So is that how it comes in? Is it just coming out as like a mush? Yeah, so it depends if you have nuggets on a, on a Burns night. a burn's night. With the burns night? Yes. Yes. No, they're saying blue-own.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Blue burns. Yeah, they do an ode to the haggis. I know I was like, this sounds like I'm making this up, but I cannot stress how true this is. Well, someone else out around and then someone brings out the haggis and then one of you Does the auto haggis which is the famous Robbie Burns poem where you sing the song to the haggis before you cut it open And then everyone goes and eats it. Do you eat the sheets the stomach because this is what I'm confused
Starting point is 00:13:57 People always say oh my god, it's in sheep intestines like what do you think a fucking sausage? Yeah, yeah, so it looks like a Like a salami yeah, but like a really fat chute salami. Like a big fat chute salami. Now you're talking my language. What's the haggest prayer you're led to say it or is it disrespectful? I don't, I don't, you could look at it. Yeah, but the, but the,
Starting point is 00:14:15 look to alter the haggest. What it being, um, we get you. I'll do it in the Scottish. That was all Scottish, like language, isn't it? Yeah, what, yeah. It's hard to tell if it was an old language
Starting point is 00:14:24 or whether you're Robbie Burns was just, you know, he was a drunk Yeah, it was, yeah. It's hard to tell if it was an old language or where the Robbie Burns was just, you know, he was a drunk wife, a beer, and you know. I love that, like, they were the poets with the, uh, were just the assholes of the party. Oh, yeah, he was an absolute, like, if England had Shakespeare
Starting point is 00:14:39 we had Robbie Burns, uh, he did some really fucked poems, but when you're young in Scotland, you have to learn one and then do it in front of the class. I love that you used to be able to be a full-time poet and that could be your job. That's not an occupation for the government to be the government poet. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:56 My nerd, can you come over here and make your feelings rhyme for us in public? Can I just use the podcast as an opportunity for you to just take us out for Haggis or two Haggis next summer I'll take you to skylight the I'll take to haggis in Scotland has to come with the I'm very drunk already It has to come with the whiskey sauce as well, but it is it's it's it's a bloody I love that. I want to have proper good haggis. I'll spend the money. I'll take you to the one on the Royal mile And you recommended that one to me and I did not fucking go. Did you say?
Starting point is 00:15:25 I don't know. Because we have depression when we're in Edinburgh. We don't leave the house to the list of the rest of our show. That's very hard. All right. It's a very long. I'll just do the first two standards. I like it all of it. No, please. Well, I'm saying, and Tom, can you just underscore this with some Sprite, I live music. Did you put subtitles on this?
Starting point is 00:15:46 I'll just put the podcast. You can translate. Can I do that? I'll read it. You know, you do. I excerpt from Ode to a Hagus by... The Red Bones. Who's a by?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Robbie. Robbie. Ode to a Hagus. Red by Robbie Burns. Read by Daniel Slouse. Fair fire on his son's face, great chief to know the Puddin race. Abund them you take your place, pinch, tryp or them. Will you are a worthy of a grace as langs me am. The groan in trench, her there is your fill, your heart is like a distant hell, your pin would help demand the milk and time or need.
Starting point is 00:16:28 While through your porous the juice is still like amber beet. If you're just tuning in to A-B-C now, that is. That was the most cultured our show has ever been. That was really beautiful. That was really beautiful. Scottish comic and actor Daniel Slas, he's here for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival performing O to Haggis a wonderful place.
Starting point is 00:16:50 A one-man plague. Now tell us a little bit about your show, Daniel, it's about I believe Scottish culture and how it intersects with the West. But just really not only Scottish culture, but really how it's Scottish culture helped shape the world in a way that not many people realize. Now you were born in England. Yes. Do you talk about
Starting point is 00:17:09 that a little bit in your show? That sort of dual selves I suppose? Well yeah you know I ran for the fact obviously I was born in England but I'm excuse me too many beans for breakfast. Was it on the toaster? We just had some beans before the show but please carry on. I've always said you boys are full of beans and we certainly are. Explain this big fart. Please, this is a very serious podcast. I'm so sorry about the international guest. I'm an international guest. As an international guest, trying to, you know, as an international guest, trying to cultureize you fucking swine. It's the very, it's the very least you could all do.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And listen. I'm sorry, I'm trying to hold it in. That's why. That one was too. That one was too. It's coming in. That one sounds sharp like you're flinching. I coming in the side. That one's in the side. That's one sound sharp like you're clenching.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I'm clenching. I'm trying to hold it in, please carry on. Just ignore the clenching. Put a fucking cork in it. Oh, God. Okay, here's my cork. Boing. Okay, sorry Daniel.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Zach's ass is corked. Please continue. Okay, so Scott scouts have helped. Oh no, no, the blood gets to the room. It got me in the eye. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Lord. It's just, it's here, it just,
Starting point is 00:18:39 Oh. It sounds like a ghost escaping. Good, oh. It's like that bit in the Martian where they have to blow off the saves of the Oh! Sounds like a ghost escaping. Good ooooh! It's like that bit in the Martian where they have to blow off the saves of the spaceships. I haven't seen it! Oh! Thanks for ruining the Martian form. It's actually, I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I have. I got myself a big popcorn, a big coke. I just had a great time at the movies. Did you? Yeah. I had bigger coke, I just had a great time at the movies. Did you? Yeah. You look like a bigger coke, too big. Yeah, it was sort of a medium coke, which is like a McDonald's large coke in movie worlds. Do you have the sweet popcorn when you're at home? Would you have the salty, to save everyone? Oh, if I'm at home neither.
Starting point is 00:19:18 But when you go to the movies in your hometown, I. I think Odion. Can you buy a sweet popcorn from a shop? Corners. What? Can you buy a sweet popcorn from the shop? He's like Marker Wave's sweet popcorn. Yeah, you can, yeah. That's good.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So for everyone at home, sweet popcorn. But we have to pop it ourselves. Oh, you don't have the Marker Wave stuff. No, no, you just get, you just got to chew the kernels. That's weird, man. Or you're set on them yourself during the movie. We call them Corn Eggs. Corn Eggs?
Starting point is 00:19:50 In Scotland. And you sit on them throughout the movie, and then they pop. And then that's when they're ready to. That's great. It's still longer than the second thing. Depends who warm your arsehole is, Zach. Right, what if it's a short film and a cold arsehole? It's the name of my first book. What if it's a short film and a cold arsehole at Zach. Right, what if it's a short film and a cold asshole? That's the name of my first book.
Starting point is 00:20:06 What if it's a short film, cold asshole? Daniel Sluss. The insider story. The cold of the arsehole, the harder it is in both obviously texture and difficult to pop the corn. But if you have a spicy curry for dinner, then your asshole will be a light Yeah, but then you get curry flavored popcorn and who a fucking likes that Well, you know, I'd give it a try I'm not gonna say no, okay
Starting point is 00:20:40 I've heard that about you Oh, Markey. It's true, Mark. We all know. I don't want to talk about it. I don't know. I don't know. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Any more questions? Okay, next question. How is Conan? The paper is saying Daniel Slocz is in. Which time? Which time? Narolet Don't For Me. Daniel's been on Conan a record number of two times, which is pretty amazing. How many times have you been on there?
Starting point is 00:21:17 Eight. Wow. Oh my God. Conan has notoriously said that he reckons you're the best comic, like up and coming comic. He has, actually, on record. I've seen it. In Harvard, no less. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, he told me that over a coffee. No, it's not true, I don't like that. Conan apparently, because we also know the guy that books for the KP. Cut. He's a lovely man. Apparently Conan is aware of us. He really, really wants to get us on. Unfortunately, we're not very good. Is the only thing standing in our way. Like, well, is you're one of the best
Starting point is 00:21:55 up-and-coming comics in the world. We're probably... Every time I'm like that, I've seen it in this spot, Conan comes over and just as it creates, well, you sort of have a conversation, Tim, and that's all, you know, that makes none. But that whole time, each time I've done it,
Starting point is 00:22:07 he is just fucking slamming you boy. Yeah. Yeah, it's really. It's the only thing getting in the way of us doing the show is that Conan doesn't like us and that we're not good for TV. And I feel like once we get over those two things, I think we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I think we'll get on. Well, he's come to every one of our shows shows even in Australia. He'll like secretly come to Australia and just and just sit there and go not for me This is right He gets like the tour show and with all the dates of your Anycross as well for as he goes and just goes wasn't for me Still still not for me didn't do anything for me this time. I enjoyed it today. J.K. just as shit.
Starting point is 00:22:51 J.K. Simmons. J.K. Ruffling. Didn't like it last time, this date, no exception. Thought I was mistaken, but still, a hundred percent record for me on knowing what I do and do not like. The latter of those things, these three cups, just for the record. Yeah, kind of does.
Starting point is 00:23:11 This isn't true, this isn't. Yeah, and he's never said anything to you. He's also listened to the podcast. Yeah, he's kind of does the things. I always just want to say sorry about, sorry about joking about you so much, kind of, but please put a fucking put us on the sheet. And Conan, I'll see you soon, baby. Oh, see you. Yeah, miss you. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,'s gonna be the name of this episode is Kissing Cone and...
Starting point is 00:23:45 Kissing Cone and... Is it even my second book? Hahaha! What was the first one again? Oh, Gaping Arsholes and Popcorn, what was it? Yes, yes. Cold Arsholes and long movies. Long movies, no short movie, Cold Arshole.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, that's right. Um, that's a beautiful metaphor. You explain it in the forward. If you are in Melbourne, most of our listeners are melbourne genuinely you should see Daniel sloss because he is fucking world class and uh... is he and unlike in scottland or in other places in the world you can actually get tickets to him here because it not to say you're selling badly but it's possible to get
Starting point is 00:24:20 to get to the point how you put it but it's like not an unattainable thing. In Scotland, tickets for this year for your Edinburgh in August are already sold out, I imagine. Sure. That sounds good for me. If you're in WagaWaga, I'll show you an Edinburgh in which case, please fucking poke.
Starting point is 00:24:37 If you're in WagaWaga, I know we have some listeners in WagaWaga. Daniel's not coming to Waga Waga, so... So, in your face? Yeah, I guess, that's what they're meant. Melbourne and C, Daniel Sloth. The show's called So, is that correct? It is, yeah. Question mark or exclamation mark?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Bull mark. Oh, both. So? So? I imagine the original title was So Shit, Daniel Sloth is... Excuse me, Brody. Wow. We're gonna talk to you for a second. Yeah What is he's like I like I mark in pro of walking is always like the clip of the club He horse
Starting point is 00:25:24 Marks a horse, Marks a fucking horse! Fuck you, you fucking horse! I'll make you glue can't. Ha ha ha, you fucking dumb can. You're a fucking horse can. Tell me, let me fucking nooky, eh? Ha ha ha, you're a fucking horse! Nah, nah, so I'm pretty fucking sick of this shit. Like...
Starting point is 00:25:43 No, cause I get called... Careful, he'll buck! Yeah. Kakarou! No. I'm pretty fucking sick of this shit like No, cuz I get called careful Hill Buck Kakaroo no I get I get called Fuck me now fuck it I thought bosses had big dicks, but you got a tiny dick You got a real tiny dick. Hey boys boys. I'm just gonna do a coffee run What's that flat white for you, Broden?
Starting point is 00:26:05 What do you want, mate? What do you want, Sloss? Oh, black two sugars. Alright, yeah, maybe I'll get a coffee, maybe a muffin, and a bloody some water and hay for fucking horse over here. Fuck you! Fuck you horse, you idiot! You fucking horse, can! Sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That's the fuck, the, um, Seriously, those fucking so much and too much. Um, just a bit upset. I'm, I'm getting out of here. I'm getting out of here fuck that I'm serious. That's fucking so much and too much. I'm just a bit upset I'm getting out of here. I'm getting out of here. No, I'm going saddle bone boys Off you go off to horse school Fuck you guys We don't got played That's that's one of those ones are you gonna have to say in the socials just like you got to listen to the end Oh my god, we were lucky enough to do it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Stick it out like it gets good by the first season. We were lucky enough to do to like do a childhood dream last week. We did the Oxfam Gala Which is you know the big moment international Connie Festival girl we up watching it. And you were on it as well. It was. But you were on dead last. Dead fucking last. How was that? Three and a half hours of show. People doing their tightest four minutes. Yeah. Three and a half hours of the time. Did you guys hear the trailer for it? No, yes. I'm worried that we've been cut.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah. Well, we'll know by the time this goes out. I've been going on last also. Like, I did my material on Am on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am, on Am You guys don't care about that over here, so whatever. We get Fallon. Does Fallon know you? He's aware of me. You know who I love, I think, is the best. James fucking cordoned. He's so good. We love cordoned, we love Fallon. Did they know you?
Starting point is 00:27:59 I don't know cordoned, no. Yeah, yeah. Which is not the worst thing that could happen to me. Hold on while I gently, I'm not cutting these ties, but I am fraying them. I've never seen his show, I've only ever seen... I don't think he has, and that's why it's still fucking... I'm sure you've seen some of those viral vids. I have, that's all I've seen, and I hate those.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I feel like we're trying to break out in the US I'm gonna stick with the no comment I think he's a wonderful performer. I think his viral videos are fantastic and I'd love to be involved in the James Corden hour which you don't want to do the the karaoke which not only is fun to watch it's a hilarious pun Which not only is fun to watch, it's a hilarious pun. It's just it gives on all fronts. If you love, if you love, if you love, if you love professional singers Get ready to hear them with bad sound quality and another man singing louder than At all of your favorite songs with another man singing as loudly. What is he an artist from the 90s singing over a song they don't want to do and
Starting point is 00:29:10 become very uncomfortable? Check out Carpool Karaoke. I think it's great I hope to be involved in the show in future and if you're listening talent scout give us a clue. But yeah you're were on Dead Last, how was that? Well, at that point, because I was doing like everyone else on the show, there was a lot of comedians that had done like, you know, pro gay marriage material, which is great, but with the time I go on, also doing pro gay marriage material, I think the audience were just like, we fucking know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah, we've heard it. And at that point, you almost want to go, you know what? Yeah, I'm against it. You know, You almost want to go you know what yeah, I'm against it Just just to freshen things up look they can't get married and all I'm saying Is that a bad thing? We've got with there's this sketch that we do it's an old sketch called found out I'm gay, which is a monologue I know yeah, you're aware of it And we did it in New Zealand last year, where gay marriage has been legal
Starting point is 00:30:07 for quite a while, and it just didn't land. Because everyone was just like, yeah. I just looked at it and I was just like, no, I know. I'm just really obsessed with the idea that you did pro-gay marriage material, because the audience can only woo so much. They can only woo! But they were the install woo-dote. Too much woo-wing. Oh, just yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I'm sure it went well. Well, we got to wrap this up. And we're thank you so much for coming in here. Thank you, Mark. You are one of our favourites. Oh, I love you boys. You're one of our favorites. Oh, I love you boys. You're one of our favorites. You're one felt less sincere, but thanks that.
Starting point is 00:30:50 We should definitely do that haggest thing when you're in Scotland. Because we all have time when we're there and we're all really energetic. So, let's do it. It'll definitely happen. Yeah, and we'll maybe take a photo of it, put it on Facebook. We will do a little Instagram video, put it on the Snapchat story. Yeah, maybe. We can eat it with the dog fill around.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah, that'd be really fun. I thought it was for dogs in your haggers. No, it's the Auntie Donna boy. It was rumbles. We should try and buy some proper equipment, Tom, so we can do proper podcasts in Ed and Burr. That's the thing. The iPhone thing came out real good.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Oh, did it? Yes. If we gave you an iPhone and said, Hey, can you just record into this iPhone for this podcast? Would you go, what are these hacks doing? Yeah, but this is for- Oh, would you go, that's fine, because I hear it works. Oh, if it did for works, I would do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Boys, I just enjoy the conversation. Ah. We love you, Daniel Sluss. You're very lonely, aren't you? We're so lonely. Yeah, we're so. We're so lonely. We're so lonely.
Starting point is 00:31:44 None of your fucking business. Fair enough. I'll see you at town near the Greek centre. Oh right. How interesting. Daniel, you are genuinely one of our favourites. I know that they already said that I would like a genuine not repeated compliment from you Zach. Okay Me for me. Yeah, absolutely. You are you, Daniel. Yeah. It's lost. Genuinely one of our favourites.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Oh, fine. Daniel, thanks so much for being on the podcast. You're genuinely one of our favourites. Yes. Go see Daniel's show. It's called SOOOO! And it's on at the Melbourne International Company Festival at the Greek Centre. It's not at the Greek Centre.
Starting point is 00:32:28 It's not at the Greek Centre. It's not at the Greek Centre. Daniel's lost. You can get to get it from slash shows for details. Oh, I see what you boys have done. No, what time, Aya? I should know. And what's the venue? Great, check him out. You can get tickets on ticket master.

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