Aunty Donna Podcast - It's A Little Bit Early To Have This Guest

Episode Date: January 10, 2023

WOW new year and a new guest who's too early!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for pri...vacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get religions and welcome to another rip-up episode of the Anti-Donna podcast. This week we have a very special guest who's a little bit too early. If you're loving the part you can get access to the video version on a whole bunch of bonus episodes over at Anti-Donna Club at dot com. Yeah listen to the only product cast The greatest fucking podcast in the world Burn my Kentucky sometimes and guess We hope you enjoyed the part of the fucking podcast Hello and welcome to the Anti-Donna podcast Today we have a very special guest
Starting point is 00:00:37 One of the specialist guests Maybe that we've ever had? Now I know you're thinking it's a little bit early In the year To have this guest. You've probably read the name of the pod and you've gone, it's a little bit early in the year to have this guest. Well, that's the name of the episode. Is it?
Starting point is 00:00:57 It's a little bit early to have this guest. Well, then you don't know who the guest is, but you're probably thinking, geez, I wonder who it is. Yeah. I can infer. And when you find out who this guest is, you're going thinking geez I wonder who it is yeah I can infer and when you find out who this guest is you're going to feel a white heart rage you're gonna be so mad you're gonna say it's not that time of year it's early it's it's like if you when you go into a store some sort of shop it's September and they've already got the Chrissy things up they've already
Starting point is 00:01:23 started to well yeah it's it's exactly like that, except for this holiday. That's what I'm saying. Because before the podcast, we tried to explain this concept to you and you didn't understand. What do you mean? Are you fucking with me then? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:01:38 We said... We were told... We said that... Well, it's... Brodo, let's do it. We used to be... Before we bring because The day after Christmas coals and more worth in Australia at least do make a point of Putting hot cross bon buns hot cross ponds. Don't you don't change the topic don't
Starting point is 00:02:03 So sorry we said brodo had this wonderful idea of playing the Easter Bunny. Because. And then he said it's because, you know, Hot Cross Buns come out on Boxing Day, right? They come out early. That's outrageous. They do it for people to talk about it. I mean, I think initially it was just, you know, and then it had an organic, and now they're like,
Starting point is 00:02:18 put out a couple of Hot Cross Buns, get the social media content. And the same way they do Veggie Mike chicken. They do Veggie Mike chicken. So they put out the hot cross buns earlier and earlier every year now they do it on Boxing Day. We explain that to you. No you didn't explain that to them. We said to you we said we're going to be I'm going to play someone who is upset with the Easter Bunny. He's going to play the Easter Bunny. And I'm going to be upset with the Easter Bunny.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And you said, why are you going to be upset? And I said, I'm going to be upset. Because I'm going to think that the Easter Bunny is responsible for the early release of hot cross buns. And then maybe there'd be a bit of repartee with the Easter Bunny. Well, the Easter Bunny probably wouldn't have anything to do with that. And that's what the Easter Bunny was going to say. He was going to say, I'm here to talk about chocolate eggs. And I was going to be mad at the Easter Bunny man.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Which he could see. No, it was going to be a comment on the irrational anger pushed by Facebook. And what happened Mark, is we tried to explain it to you and what did you say? Well, I don't First of all this amount of detail was not given to me. That's number one number two. What I didn't know What time out? Brody needs a time out. Oh an ad break already It hasn't been 15 minutes Has been 15 minutes. You want to do an ad break now?
Starting point is 00:03:44 This can't I didn't do that look. I hasn't been 15 minutes, mate. You want to do an outbreak now? This can't. I didn't do that. Look, I know this in a minute. We've got it on camera. No, you didn't. If you want to see Broden gaslight me, go do slash anti-donor, or the anti-donor code.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Anti-donor code is a corn that we are putting out. But we are making some changes. What are the merch sites? The Andy Donacov? And it's just a corn cow. I thought I would have gone loaf. I would have gone it's a cob loaf. Not me.
Starting point is 00:04:16 No, it was a corn cow. I had to pay a vet to make my dog vomit a corn cow. What I didn't know. Turns out they're like a corn. What I didn't know, what I didn't know. I just didn't know turns out they're like a cool what I didn't know what I didn't know I just didn't know this I didn't know that the Hulk cross buns came out boxing day. I didn't know that Hulk cross buns were already in you couldn't extract a little bit you fucking let me finish okay
Starting point is 00:04:39 I've already had I don't have to be this is tense. Yes, but we don't have to let it get to that I've already had that is fair I've already had, I already had. This is tense, yes, but we don't have to let it get to that. I've already had. That is fair. I've already had, I reckon, seven hot cross buns. Did I ask you, can't? Well, you just, I would like to know one thing about this. My friends, I love you both. I love you both. This is a bit.
Starting point is 00:05:01 To anyone listening, this is a bit, I'm not upset with them. I don't love you. What I want to know, what I want to know is, and what for wrong? I see you have a sookie lala. You love him. Say you love him. Say you love me. Say you love me. No, you know how I feel about you. No, I don't need to say you're gonna say you know if you do love me Yes, you do I you know I show I need to hear my I need to hear I show my love through actions I'm gonna shit and it just cheers of love. I do I need to do it I speak lay out of the woods or I walk out this fucking door and you're never going to see me again
Starting point is 00:05:41 Fuck the gauntlet has been laid down Will mark say he loves Zach? Mm-hmm. If I, in what? Do I, why? You're not gonna walk out of that, I know, because you're recording the podcast and you know. That's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:59 But it'll never stop if you leave. That's the threat. I'm not walking out and making sure I... Oh, I'll... Do you know what Mark? If you don't say you let him... I'm bomb to the podcast. If you don't say you love me,
Starting point is 00:06:12 I'm going to find a good, fine replacement for me. Like, I'm gonna look, you know, I'm gonna hold auditions. And then I'm gonna get Tom in to make sure the podcast is fitting. No, I'm out. I'm out the door. Zach, you the podcast video... No, I'm out. I'm out the door. Zach, you know...
Starting point is 00:06:29 You know that I love you. Put. That's... Oh, what? What? Dude, like, I work, is it? You said you loved him. That's weird. You just said you loved him.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, but like, they're like that. What? Addbreak? Actually, this time? No. He's tricking you. I'm what are you talking about? I'm just tricking you let up but we're hot. We're gonna hire we're gonna make a little highlight reel of all the All the lying that's going on In this podcast because the listeners think I'm crazy But can we get back on you as no the truth because the biggest lie that happened was before the podcast
Starting point is 00:07:04 No, I didn't I didn't know that a hot cross buns came out as early as they did I've been to the shops and seen the hot cross. So now can you In the shops and seeing the hot cross buns. I've been to the shops, but I haven't seen the I mean on Facebook. No, I don't have Facebook. Oh You got to get Facebook man. No man. It started it started with just, I had it. I had it. I had it. Yeah, and I've, Oh, you've had it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I've missed it. My space is done, man. It's cleaner, it's simpler. So, why didn't you extrapolate then? You knew the Christmas thing when we said early, is the, did you not think, well, they must do the same thing. Because what happened is we started recording the podcast,
Starting point is 00:07:45 I was expecting I would be explaining to you how it would work. And then you said, it's like the Christmas thing. Did you know that before the podcast? Did I know the Christmas thing happened? So when we said they sell Easter stuff a little early, and you were like, I don't understand. I don't understand. I think it's a fun thing to drill your own.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I think it helps. You're going like David Frost. Yeah, that's what I thought would be the fun thing to drill your... I think it helps. You are going like David Frost. Yeah, that's what I thought would be a fun hard one. It's just like go hard, are you lying? Yeah, that's fun. I, you know, if it's uncomfortable for you, we can bring on the Easter buddy. We forget about it, because I don't really mind.
Starting point is 00:08:17 No, no, no, it's fine. I love you, sir. I'm happy to. Oh, okay. Say you love him. I know how I feel. No, no, I'd like to hear it again, because I'm starting to feel a little bit of a loss of love here.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You know what I said, threaten him. I will come to your house and put poison in your water and then watch you drink it and wake up in the middle of the night and need a glass of water and drink it and then watch you bleed out of your mouth and your eyes. If you don't say, thank you. I think that's been, what's that? It's a coerced. Yeah, it was a pretty violent threat.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah, I was just... But you threatened him. Yeah, I was just gonna walk out the door. Yeah, yeah, that was, and I would have been in petitions. And all you would have had to do down this press space bar to stop the pub go. Well, I said I didn't know that. Oh, now you do.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. So did you know? So you know, I'm upskilled. Yeah, I'm upskilled. Did you know when I said that, when we said that, did you know at that time, did you go, oh it's like Christmas? What was going through your brain at the time?
Starting point is 00:09:29 I don't know. I'm trying to pull back, I don't wanna be as threatening, I just wanna understand. I, to be honest, I wasn't thinking. Yeah, I was, for that I apologize. That's fine, you don't need to apologize. I, I don't know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I'm sorry, we will be able to do this. Have you had a whole cross-fun yet? Today. This year. This round. This'm sorry we will be. Have you had a whole cross-bun yet? Today. This year. This round. This round. Yeah, round. No.
Starting point is 00:09:49 What I was going to ask is the variety of Hawk Cross buns are out. And what variety of Hawk Cross buns are out? I mean, that's just going to help me in my understanding. I think it's just good stuff the Eastern Bunnington talk about because I'm a bit worried about this character not having much to do. We'll hold that off until the base of the... Because he's a thing.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Do we need to go to an outbreak? Is that what you're telling me? I don't know. I don't know why would you ask me that. You just gave me the little T. No, no, no, no. No, you did. No, I had an itchy hand.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Oh, okay. Do we need to go to the outbreak now? Do we? No, man. No one's indicated anything. No, I don't think we need to at all. Okay. Usually about 15 minutes we do that.
Starting point is 00:10:25 You guys are rude. So we hadn't started the podcast. We explained to you that, and you say, I don't know what that means. And we say, all right, well, I didn't say no. I didn't know what that means. No, that's what I would. I just didn't know that hot cr-
Starting point is 00:10:38 I guess subconsciously when you said the hot cross buns are already out, my brain went, oh oh it's like the Christmas thing I didn't immediately engage with that thought until we were doing the podcast okay sure and then it came out sure it's like the Christmas thing so you understood that Easter you understood at some point and then you were just helping the audience. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. So we've got the Insta Buddy here. Oh, Insta Buddy.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Now the Easter Bunny. Here I come. Wait. We'll find the music. Easter time. Easter time. On the Easter Bunny and I do it in rhyme. It's fun time to be with your friends and family. It's Easter time.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Easter time is a fun time of year. You get your little eggies and buns and treats. On the Easter Bunny and a hob about I'm the Easter Bunny and it's fun to clout. Easter Easter Bunny. Bunny Easter Easter. Here you here you here here have a Fist of Easter no meat on the Friday before cuz I'm the Easter Bunny and so much
Starting point is 00:11:51 more hop hop hop hopping around I'm the Easter Bunny no need to frown time to have your eggys it's Easter time Easter time. He's the time. He's the time. And he's the time. Fixing him nine, because I'm the he's the time. He's the bun is here and it's here to say that the he's the bun is coming every April and May. He's the time. Hey!
Starting point is 00:12:20 I love them to do that. He's the time. He's the time. And it saves a nine. Easter eggs! Chucky eggs! Hidden in bushes and under pillows. I come into your house in the early morning
Starting point is 00:12:33 and I put the Easter eggs down for you to enjoy. Put them in your mom and your dad look around and your little brothers and sisters that found Easter eggs everywhere, yummy indeed. Hot cross buns in my tummy indeed. Oh Easter bunny, I'm the Easter bunny and I hop about and I leave footprints on the ground and you the children see where I have been that night with my Easter eggs. How are you doing boys on the Easter Bunny? Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs! Everywhere, Easter Bunny, I don't even care that the Easter eggs are coming this time. Easter eggs all over my mind. I make the eggs at the North Pole for the Easter eggs and the yummy and deep cream eggs.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Eggs shaped like a bunny. Eggs that are filled with smarties in this tummy. Humpty, dumpty, darly, Cadbury. A yes-in. Songs a bit long. In my opinion. You've been pressing the button. I agree. You've been pressing the spacebar. Hello, Zach and Mark. I'm the Easter Bunny. And I'm here to come on and say, what an exciting time it is. This Easter.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Easter Bunny, thank you for joining the podcast. We know you're a very busy man, particularly at this time of year. Indeed. And a very Easter Bunny. I meant, I meant to say busy bunny. And I said, Easter bunny. And he's of all the bunny.
Starting point is 00:14:12 He's of all the bunny the most Easter-y. It's like, actually, that felt like having a stroke. When you said a very Easter bunny, I was like, oh yeah, that's a weird phrase. But you say that? I am very Easter bunny. The bunny is to the Easter bunnies Easter bunny yeah, right wouldn't you be the most Easter of the bunny? That's why I just said isn't it You're the most bunny-est of the because there's only one Easter bunny. That's me. Are you the most bunny-est?
Starting point is 00:14:40 No, I'm as bunny is all other bunnies You did just say that you were the most bunnyist. You didn't do this to me now too? Just asking. I'm the Easter bunny. I've got a friend now, so we're both going to like a go-you-me. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Is the fact that you're one thing I've always wanted to know. One thing I've always wanted to know. One, two, three. Didey. OK, we need a, we go for an ad break. Enjoy this ad. And we're back unless there was no ad. I'm sorry. Okay, we need an ad break. Enjoy this ad. And we're back unless there was no ad.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Who knows? Ease the bunny. I've got a couple questions for you. A couple things I've been- Oh please! I know things about eggs. I know things about bunnies. I know things about Easter.
Starting point is 00:15:21 What's the other? That's great. I think it's the I think it's... The bit of an egg. Yeah, but what is it? It's the bit of an egg that can be insiminated with sperm to make a chicken. Now, I'm pretty sure the white becomes the chicken. And the Yoke is the food.
Starting point is 00:15:37 That's why it's so high fat. The Yoke is the food. I believe that. I'm asking him. I wanted to hear... No, I know. I'm throwing that in there. I believe... I'm the Easter Bunny. I wanted he I wanted I know I just I'm throwing that I believe
Starting point is 00:15:48 that Not don't think of any of it. You got to think of it all as food or none of it is food because an egg is not made to be food You understand no, not I think The oldest food is for the for the embryo white. Yeah, oh, yeah, oh, I don't know I don't know bad. Oh, I don't know. I don't know about it. So you don't know that much about eggs. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I just think it's interesting. I might be wrong. Now, I might be wrong. I don't profess to be an egg expert. Egg expert? Sure. Do you have any other questions for Easter Bunny? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Is there a... So, hot cross buns? Easter Bunny. Is there a correlation there? No. So, I've got a question for you? Easter Bunny? Is there a correlation there? No. So I've got a question for you, Easter Bunny. I was in Woolworth's the other day. It's what is it's a January.
Starting point is 00:16:34 It's not even, it's January. I was in Woolworth's other day. I lived in January. January 11 when we recorded this. And I see one of my shock, two of my shock, fucking, fucking hot cross buns at the shop in January. Wow. And piss all over the floor. And piss all over the floor.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I can't help you with the piss. Why would I know about the piss? Why would I talk about it? I'm an Easter guy. It was only four aisles over from the hot cross buns. I'm a seven foot foot tall bunny seven foot tall Yeah, I'm like you should buy basketball. I'm a Navi. You're a Navi. I'm a tall a Navi What's that? I'm Navi and much like ten foot tall. I'm ten foot tall because the gravity is lower on
Starting point is 00:17:16 But I'm a bunny. I'm magical bunny and I come around at Easter time I can talk about buns and hot cross buns in particular, yum yum. But I can't, I don't know about the pissative woolers. There was like all over the law. Yeah, there was pistons. Like, at the street. But why would I know about the piss? And even if the person was pissing like a lot, you know, like he, like heaps it like a thick
Starting point is 00:17:39 stream, they would have had to have been pissing for at least a minute. For that amount of piss. Maybe it was someone who hadn't, that makes sense because if someone pissed their pants at Woolworths That's not someone who pissed recently, is it? But no, but it was like that someone who needs to piss and then go to the point where they needed to piss. It was a gargantuan amount. Maybe it was a thirsty person. It seemed like it came from something big.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And I'm not talking about the size of the user. I don't know, I've never been to a world where maybe a seven foot tall bunny. Is all on. Yeah, I'm between seven and 10 feet. How much do you, do you, do you hydrate a lot? Do you drink so much water? Yeah, okay, that, well, because the piss was clear.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So, so here's the thing about. I'm super hydrated. You super hydrated you said I drink Baroque Hmm so was that do the epis orange and guess what color that you should you fucking played your hand It just said it was clear. I lied he lied So did I I don't drink into a corner. I don't drink Baroque Easter Bunny we know never have we know That you pissed in the Ivanhoe will work. It's fine, you don't wear pants in all the stuff that I've jerked off to.
Starting point is 00:18:51 You're never wearing pants. And so it's true, I don't wear pants. I wear a Cadbury purple vest. Yeah, you just wear a little, you just wear a little. And it says, like Easter Bunny and Cadbury on it. So you don't have to. So you don't have to be a Easter Bunny. Yeah, well they gave it to me for free.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, right. It'll be great if you wore this, do a few posts. We on it. So you don't have to be a Cadbury is the buddy. Yeah well they gave it to me for free. Yeah right. You'll be great if you wore this, do a few posts, we appreciate it. Oh like a little sponsorship. Did you do that in pay or anything to wear it? That was just like a free thing. Yeah that was cool and they chucked in some eggs. Are you uh sicker chockies? Am I sicker chockies? You sicker chockies? Yeah I don't think I can have, I think they're toxic for me. For the bunny? Yeah. I think you're thinking of dogs.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Well, I just, I'm extrapolating from that dogs can't have chocolate, the bunny's can't have. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes'm not over it. I'm not over the fact that you lied to me. I didn't lie.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I didn't know hot cross buns. The kid, add break again. Yeah, go go to an ad break, Mark. All right, we'll be back after this ad. Hot tricked you. Pfft. Pfft. He tricked you right there. You got me, I believed you. I tricked you right there.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You got me, I believed you. I was trusting you. So, more full me, I never will again. Now, all I will say, I could say, very Stephen Fryesk, his book's called More Full Me. Is it? It's a full Stephen Frye. But you said very Stephen Fryesk, I thought you meant like that's something he would say,
Starting point is 00:20:26 but like that is very scientifically. Yeah, did he coin the phrase? Oh no, no, no. He's just smart and stuff. I wasn't asking genuine, he's a fucking idiot, obviously, he's a bright guy. Well, more for me.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I thought you were more for me. More for you. More for bunny. But you know apparently it's to bunny. Debbie Downer, the phrase Debbie Downer was Invented by they reckon they invented the sketch the SNL sketch Debbie Downer was invented by them Which is hard to believe So who knows maybe he didn't meant my fool me more my fool me
Starting point is 00:21:02 We've all today done a little fiddle with our words. We've all done a fiddle with our words. You said, gone Cobb. You said, the anti-donna Cobb. Yeah, anti-donna Cobb. Brody, I've not, but Brodyn said, what did I say? Hot cross-bond. Hot cross-bond.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And you said that was embarrassing. Yeah, it was all me. Like in my full me. They could be your book after you've had lunch. Oh, if I book about my big lunch, I'd fall in the way. All I was saying was at the start. I was chill vibe.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I did it. I didn't know this happened. Well, I'll tell you why it happened. Well, just let me fucking finish. You can't. I'm just trying to... I didn't, I'm this guy still on my back And if I don't explain this properly what I keep bringing it up. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:21:50 That's fun thing you thought I was lying If it comes up again, yeah mark I'm a man and I was trying to move it along Why do you still move? It's not moving? No, it's heart because I know him. Yeah, he's saying it's fine now. Yeah. He has the memory of the hummingbird You'll remember memory about it. Yeah, what is that and what is it? You mean a goldfish? Like no, no, I mean I'm in bird Oh, it's hot. Oh, it's hot. Easter time, Easter time, saving nine with the Easter time. Easter eggs four, all the children. Yes, Easter bunny brings all the eggs for you East of Bernie coming to your home down the chimney and hiding the eggs
Starting point is 00:22:52 Stint will leave all the down the chimney Yeah, how else would I get in the door? And it's locked you know lock your door. Yeah, does the you don't lock your chimney No, I don't lock my chimney. I always lock my door. I lock my door. Yeah, the fat man's coming. If the fat man gets in the house,
Starting point is 00:23:11 he'll leave things that you've done want. He'll leave his presence. He'll steal your cookies. He'll steal your cookies and your milk. The fat man will come and steal your cookies. And I don't know what's eating that fucking carrot, but it doesn't work human. You have to lock your, you have to bring to you.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You have to lock your, what? You have to lock your you have to bring you you have to look what the luck your chimney The rindy he brings dear with him the fat man will bring his dear to steal your vegetable He's my friend him the truth fairy. He takes my dairy He takes my traits and then he gives his fucking He brings the deer down with a fucking forest He's like a car or a PlayStation or no he takes my He takes my carrots, he gives them to his forest dogs. And I don't like it. Forest?
Starting point is 00:23:49 He brings his forest dogs into my house. He lives on the roof. He lives on the roof. He lives on the roof. He lives on the roof of the world. Yes, true. If you look at the world in that way, space is not top bottom, is it? No, no. And Zach believes he lives.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Are you pointing to the light? I'm a bit into this stuff at the moment. Yeah, what do you mean space is not top bottom? He's saying, sentence lives on the roof of the world. Ah, ah yes, and you're saying he doesn't live on the roof of the world because there is no up or down. North, south, it's a Eurocentric. It is a Eurocentric. This, it doesn't make any, it doesn't actually mean anything.
Starting point is 00:24:30 When you're in space, North could be left, right? Down. The roof of the world you see could only ever be the exosphere. That's the part of the atmosphere when it's so thin, it's basically space. It's where the international space station lives. I think don't fact check me, please don't fact check me, please don't fact check me on that point. I just know that the international space station is pretty close to earth closer than you'd think. You see the curvature but not the whole Earth. Fun fact, only 12 people have ever seen the whole Earth as one thing.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Easter time, Easter time, Hot cross buns and chockies at nine. Eat wake up in the morning in your pajamas and come to you the bathroom and see the eggs. Einstein was a pretty clever fella, but he didn't have the maths to work it out. He got a maths friend and said, I think that it's kind of like geometry and he said, hey, I can help you out my little friend.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I can help you out working it all out. So it's not just a time. It's a time. it's an Easter time. Egg turn, chocky's at Easter time. What's your favorite kind of Easter bun? I love the hot cross bun. What's your favorite satellite going around the earth? Gotta tell you that. It's gotta be the moon, that special moon. That's a satellite just like any other. Where do you go at Easter time?
Starting point is 00:26:09 I've got your house with the children and I leave eggs in nine. And what do you mean there's no North in space if I wanted to get to Mars? What direction would I go? North and South are just magnetic poles, and you could put a magnet any which way. So North and south are magnetic yes But the fact that we think a bit is up and down is purely because European people wanted to put Europe on the top of the map Do you have a girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:26:38 No, I don't. Do you have a girlfriend? No, I don't. Wow, it's been real fun to talk to you about hot cross buns. We need to go to an ad break now or are you just being a clown? Let me know right now. I'd like to know. Or you're making me frown. Easter time is a magical time. March and April, Easter time is a magical time, March in April, Easter time, I get my little
Starting point is 00:27:07 sack and I fill it with eggs and I hop hop hop around seven foot tall and I put the eggs in your yummy hole. Did you know Jesus? Yes I did. What's your favorite planet? Gotta be Mars. What do you like to do on the weekend? A hopper round.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What's your favorite constellation? Oh wow, maybe Orion. Yeah, that's it. What's your favorite star sign? Leo, what do you like to get for Easter time? A chubby egg and canvres my fave. Have you met God? he's not real where do you go right away
Starting point is 00:27:47 in time? I love to go to the ocean have you ever had sex before? oh yes I have this morning for sure this morning? oh yeah when two of massage parlour
Starting point is 00:28:01 when I'm there they say look at my back and they say a little bit more. I said fuck and go for broke. I'm the East of Bonnie and it's East of time. East of eggs. Savin' in nine. Would you go to space if they said you could? Absolutely yes to float about what a thrill it would be. And that was the East of Space time song featuring Zach and the Easter Bunny. Mark and Mark and now it's time for the Marks Elias song. No it's not. So we, so we, so thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You don't want to do the Marks Elias song? The Marks Elias song. Yeah because before the podcast I don't know if you're a bit honest. You're a bit sad. You see I told you this would happen. If you don't address things in their full, I full get full clarity. If he brushes something off like, no, no, no, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It's always coming back. This is the thing I've learned working with, say. And you should know this is the bunny. Because if you cross him, if you cross me, he's the bunny. When you come into his arm, I'll fucking come for you. And don't go through the chimney, because he keeps it low. Let me tell you, let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:29:08 to keep the fat man broke into my house. He stole my cookies, he stole my milk. He fed my vegetables to his fucking, to his forest dog, this forest dog, this forest horse, for as he had a horny forest horse, and he left, right? This happened in 1987.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I told my friends I said I'm going to kill that man. And they said to me, they said to me that man was traveling. Did you leave your present? That man travels nearly as fast as the speed of light. He left me a sea, a sea-gum-assist system. A sea-gum-assist system. 1987. An Atari.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And I said I'm going to- Well, a sea-gum-assist system. 1987. An Atari. And I said, I'm not... Well, a Seagamassist tomorrow in an Atari. An Atari. I'm trying to get the dates right, 87. Atari? I guess that's monetary. The band. And they said, he travels nearly the speed of light, this man, the fat man.
Starting point is 00:29:57 To get from house to house, he travels at the nearly the speed of light, you understand? 30 hours, he has to visit all these homes. And I said, I will kill him. And he skips a lot of homes as well. And do you know what that? Yeah, I do. And that's what I said to him. That was the last thing I was doing.
Starting point is 00:30:11 He's more elistic. There's the last thing I said to him as he breathed his last breath. You killed Santa. I said to him, I said, this is for all the kids that don't fucking get presents, all the poor kids. And that was the last thing he heard. I bet you got a lump of cold in next year. No, I got nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Santa's dead. You cross me. Same thing will happen to you. You understood me. You. I'm not going to forgive you. Yeah, I'm going to apologize. Yeah, you made a simple mistake. Thank you. Wait, no, I didn't. Okay, you said that just like you said, No, I didn't. You said a thing, then I got confused. What mistake did I make? Nothing. You didn't make a mistake. I got confused
Starting point is 00:30:56 before the podcast. Someone's going to stick up to yourself. When I said to you before the podcast, I was going to let it go. But when I said to you before the podcast, I was gonna let it go, but when I said to you before the podcast, oh, we'll talk about that for a bit. Uh-huh. Oh, is it? I'm pretty broke. I don't know, yeah, I don't have no idea.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I think so. Oh, let's, uh, if we went through to add this much, we'd be rich. We would be very wealthy. We would be very wealthy. We are, which is, oh, I'm be rich. We would be very wealthy. We would be very wealthy than we are which is oh We are fucking rich. I don't know if I want to be wealthier than this. I people say to me they say Oh, you must have had a lot of money on all your projects and I say yep healthier wealthier wise wise
Starting point is 00:31:40 Is that the show? Yeah healthier wealthier. or what? What's your favorite spin off? Because for me, it's Huey's cookie good bitch. Of Healthy, wealthy wise. Of Healthy, wealthy wise. Someone said, someone said, this is a great ensemble show. But that's the lead. You're the star Huey and they pulled him down. No one knows who pulled him down.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I think like this about, I reckon 4% of our audience don't know what we're talking about..O. It's the show in the 90s. 90s healthy wealthy was what was the money left? What was the wealthy portion? I remember the healthy part like finance advice. Yeah like they bet it would invest up but they need to find answer. Yeah that's the offer is money money money. Yeah yeah is that a show?
Starting point is 00:32:24 I don't money money money money. Oh you know you're saying that's the one that's been offered money money money. Yeah? Yeah. Is that a show? I don't. Money money money money money. Oh, you're saying that was a song. That makes sense. Well, that would have been the theme tune. Money money money. But I think that was on Channel 9.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It's so fun. See, what happened to Healthy, Wellthium-wise is it was a victim of Channel 10's skewing to younger audiences. It was their most successful show. And they said, Nutt, we're dropping it. We're replacing it with big brother. Mm. And let's see, someone big brother was a wonderful social experiment. I really, I quite enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 We wouldn't have the cultural phenomenon that was the bum dance. Oh, the bum dance. If it's the one. Can I tell you, I had the most, you know, I think I've had the money themes. Oh, I'd love to hear it. But before we do, I just want to say,
Starting point is 00:33:04 before we started this podcast, right at the start, I got like a tension headache. It is sitting below my skull in the muscles, and radiating all the way through my brain. I'm in pain, I've merely fainted twice. That sounds like you're a little dehydrated. The eye recognition might need a big glass of water and maybe a couple of ibuprofins.
Starting point is 00:33:28 You done? Yeah. Date for this antique bathroom. Things begin to get complicated. This is our house. The millennials have to take shape. That's ours. We have had a few little keycaps.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Okay, but it says. And finance guru René recon takes chill around his country. It's a very, very nice house. What do country very very nice house. They said it was called money Fucking our house. It is it is our Join us next time for those stories and lots more get fucked It's the end of our house going into money. Oh Here we go. It's just called money here. We go I do not remember this show. I do not remember this show.
Starting point is 00:34:09 It's a very safe investment that's sending people, bro. Absolutely is devastating. What channel was it on, bro? Nine. I remember it. So it's not a sped up. I'll put it up. The show's can spin off on to other networks.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Full frontal. Macala shows. I suppose, yeah. Keep the car. That was really a sped up. That was really a spin off, Frigidrone. It was actually, I've just finished Macala's book, which I recommend to anyone, right? At the end of full frontal, they commissioned, the last two episodes of full frontal was where pilots for two shows.
Starting point is 00:34:37 One was Eric Banner and one was Macala. Macala and his writer Gary McCaffrey wrote a show, which was like a tonight show, and Eric Banner did his Eric Banner show and they went with the Banner show, and then ABC picked up that one. I know, I love it. I love it. And who's Eric Banner?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah, he's like a Hollywood sub-star now. Can I play the Money Theme Song? That's easy? This is Fallen Off the Rouse. This has become more of a conversation, which I mean, I'm enjoying it. I'm a bit shy. I'm a bit shy. It's a podcast. No I mean, John, I'm enjoying it. I'm at five between friends.
Starting point is 00:35:05 It's a podcast. No, exactly. But can I please play the Money Theme Song? We haven't got to the Money Theme Song yet. Have a wee. Oh! There you go. I hadn't thought about that in 25 years and it came to me.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I haven't thought... I didn't know that. I remember our house. Our house. It's a very, very, very... Which is a real song. Did they? Is that. I remember our house. Our house. He's a very, very big. Which is a real song. That they... Is that a real song?
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah. Who wrote that? Stand by. I like this. Stand by. I've been heard of that. I'm a fan of it. Stand by.
Starting point is 00:35:34 What else have they done? Well, Graham Nash. What? Madness. I think it's madness. That's our house. In the middle of the street. Cash warehouse. Jamest warehouse. Yeah. In the middle of the street. Campus warehouse.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Campus warehouse. Yeah. In the middle of the street. The campus warehouse. I love the campus warehouse song. I don't know if you're listening and you're from another country. Campus warehouse is a chain of chemists
Starting point is 00:35:57 and they are pharmacies and they took the our house in the middle of the street song. Someone. By men. Someone thought, well, both those songs have house in it. So that will be a good parody. Now that's not how we'd owe Yankovic things. He thinks about syllables, he thinks about rhymes.
Starting point is 00:36:13 They just thought, house, house. The problem is, our house, two syllables. Chemist, warehouse, four syllables. Doesn't fit. Chemist, we're a lot of house. Chemist, we're a lot of house. You've got to believe it. You is going to love House. Kim is way. Yeah, you've got to play it. Tell me the other.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's clunky. Yeah. The chemist syllables don't even fit into the our house rhythm. And that's how. The warehouse, our house. Yeah. Chemist life, they just chuck in there.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And they do it. They do it like house. Kymist, way house. Kymist, way, it's it's clunky. I've never heard this. I've never heard this. It makes me mad. And I don't get mad at ads very often. I've never heard this. I've never heard this. It makes me mad and I don't get mad at ads very often I don't get mad, you know you can attest to the fact
Starting point is 00:36:55 Whoa Oh, this is This is horrific Oh, this is horrific. I'm actually getting on board. I imagine our house is a classic song, right, 80's song. That raises more questions. Yeah, they leave our house. Did you get that in there?
Starting point is 00:37:22 They leave our house in a couple of months. At the start as well Yeah, because because I reckon they did chemist warehouse and I know like we have to we can't just have it I love how I love our throw away it is Cameraw it's very funny. This is the first podcast back for the year Nice for us. Oh, yeah, it is And It's gone off the right. How is your break? Yeah, good. There's late still broke my toe yesterday
Starting point is 00:37:55 You laid still yeah for two weeks or three weeks just laid still oh Sounds like a dream is that net break or is it time up? Had break now That sounds like a dream. Is that net break or is it time up? Ad break. Now? Alright, enjoy the sad. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week! [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪

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