Aunty Donna Podcast - Kevin Figgy

Episode Date: March 14, 2023

This week on the pod, the boys are joined by Kevin Figgy to talk all things Marvel and Figs. Tell the boys where they should go on their 2023 World Tour, head to to let them know. J...oin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Get our legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Anti-Donna podcast. This week we're joined by Kevin Figge to talk all things Marvel and Figs. Remember, if you're loving the Anti-Donna pod, you can get access to bonus episodes and the video versions at anti-dono club dot com. Hello and welcome to Comic Con 2023. Big year for movies. My name is ScroTem. And with me as always, is bark, bark, bark, scrotem and bark. And the composer, bark.
Starting point is 00:00:55 No, B-A-R-K. But are you a composer? Hmm, I'm the sound of a dog. Ah, I am so excited for this comic con this year because you love movies. What? Sorry, Bark, I didn't mean to overstep the mark. What did you say? Bark, I didn't mean to overstep the mark. But you said something about movies?
Starting point is 00:01:17 You liked them. I love movies. In fact, I adore them. I would make love to a movie. I can tell by the way, you're shuffling in your chair right now. I can tell you love film. Yes, and I wish there were films where you could see people making love. Because that is how I see it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 That's porn. Ah, very porn. I've seen porn. No. Do you want to watch porn? I mean, I feel like now I do. Because I have a CD, burnt CD that I got from my friend Tom. And it says arcade games on it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 No arcade games. So I have a, you know, those plastic folders, the folders they have. How many times have we brought this up in 300 podcasts? Every podcast I was talking about, how we traded porn in grader. You had it like a folio of CDs of porn. In any way. But now at the moment, I'm scrotum in your bar. And I'm bark and we're at Comic-Con. And we have the most exciting guest. Yeah, to all the thousands in sundry. In sundry. There they are. It's like being at Indie of the Pakistan, at the MCG in the T20 World Cup, 100,000 people.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Do you think that's a good metaphor for this audience? Yeah, well, I cricket loving audience. I mean, it's more like being at the, the Labyrinthon, buy and swap. They kind of love it and many people go to 50,70 people selling things like digital watches for about $20 a last year or a week. And what else? And what else? All kinds of trash and treasure down at the Lava-din markets.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You can get yourself a bag of cheetos from the Americas, imported from the Americas. What else? What else? Can you get the Lava- else? What else? Can you get the Levin and... You can get toy robots all the way from Japan. And what else? Why? Why do you need...
Starting point is 00:03:13 What else? It's a market. It's a market. It's a juries. The hemmajury. Hemmajury. And what else? Hats, the fake leather purses. And what else? Hats, the like, fake leather purses.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And what else? Why? I just want to know what I've been going to. I've told you. And we're here. And we're here at this crowd that resembles a crowd that would go to a cricket match. I just think Comic Con is a good reference point for our audience. Say, understand that. Yeah. I don't think you don't need a cricket match. I just think Comic-Con is a good reference point for your audience. They understand that. Yeah. I think I don't think you don't need to be
Starting point is 00:03:47 crickets. Imagine if you will, imagine if you will, the crowd in attendance at a sporting event. That's what it's like here. With me, scrotum and me, bark, the sound of dogmakes. We we're the hosts with the MCs. Now we are the con the on pairs. The opairs. So baby Sid is more of apples. Emcee. Go on. Go on bark. I we have someone here who is I would say a wizard. And not a wizard in the sense that they make magic. They don't, they can't say Abraham, and you know, turn a tree into an ent. And what else would a wizard do?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Come on, man. You're pushing me. What else would a wizard do? A wizard can do all kinds of things. Manipulate the elements. They can ride a broom through the sky. Two. Three.
Starting point is 00:04:52 What else? Well, how many do you need? Emma, what you've seen Harry Potter? Well, with a wizard, the potential is limitless. It is limitless. They, and, and, and, and what is also limitless is this figure's creativity. But I wanna know, I thought I was gonna go to do.
Starting point is 00:05:10 What is this? They can make a shovel dig a hole without the touch of a man. They can do all sorts. That's black magic stuff. What? I can't do that. Yeah, to take the work from a good,
Starting point is 00:05:22 hard, honest working trade- with with with a dream. That's black magic is the work of the devil. Okay, but they can do it. You ask that they can do they wouldn't. Would some would Obi-Wan Kenobi smite down children? Well, Anakin Anakin, I see. Yeah, I see. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But it was Jedi at the time. He was a Jedi at the top. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know anything about that. I shouldn't have delved into that. What are you doing hosting a Comic Con, if you don't know about Star Wars? Well, I'd take the money.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Woo. Think if, imagine if you will. Comic Con. Comic Con. Imagine if you will. Imagine if you will, one of the main stages of Comic Con. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Kevin Ficky is a figure that we're all very familiar with. I run Love's Kevin Figgie. Kevin Figgie looked at the Marvel Cinematic Universe and said, not enough Figs. Not enough Figs. And created a universe of their own in which superheroes and figs live symbiotically. Ah, figs. Ah, well, let's find out. I have not seen as much of the fig universe as I would have liked.
Starting point is 00:06:37 How much have you seen? None. I've seen that. Why, you are, you hosting. Because I love figs. I love figs too. I could eat them. And we've got Kevin Figgie here. Hi, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Please welcome Kevin Figgie. Ooh! Hi, thank you so much. I'm Kevin Figgie and I'm sort of like Kevin Figgie, except I'm a fig. Kevin Figgie, you are a fig? No, I'm a man like Kevin Foggy, but instead of wearing a hat, I wear a figure top my head. And you have a high voice.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You know how Kevin Foggy wears a cap? Yeah, I just rest the figure top my head. And you have high voice. Your voice is high. Yeah, and I committed to that last podcast when I created this character, I kind of wish I hadn't. I'd love to know how that will come down. The voice will come down over the next half hour.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I'd love to know how that figure is attached to your head. I rested atop my head. I use lady training, you know, lady training from 100 years ago. Like when I was balanced. I used to balance books on my head now. I balance a figurative. Apparently, for the debutant ball, you would walk around with a book on your head to show that you have a well-balanced head.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah. And even when I'm wearing a suit to Premiers, you know, my people, I'll still wear my fig in the same way, Kevin Faggy wears his cap, no matter what. I'll still wear the fig in the same way. Kevin Faggy wears his cap, no matter what. I'll see all where the figure top my head. And I find the hat on Kevin sort of grounds him, makes him seem like an every man that we can relate to. The fig, I'm not sure what that does. It says I'm all a bit, I mean figs.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You mean figs. You know, people, they sometimes doubt me, they think, because I started in Hollywood movies and stuff, they think, oh, this is just a Hollywood man Take but I've loved figs you know I worked on the original X-Men the original X-Men and figs movie in 2002 X-Men and fig yeah is that what it's called X-Men and figs it's not called X-Figs or fig men No, there's one X-Men one one fig. And what is that movie about? Same plot as X-men. So Magneto is one's to...
Starting point is 00:08:52 Character's called Magneto? Yeah, Popeye and MacAllen. How'd you get away with this? This is an official part of Marvel Cinematic Universe. So Marvel now works in films, So Marvel now works in films, television, and fig content. This is the new stream of Marvel. Okay. I work under Kevin Feige. So is the voice just going to keep going down? Yeah, I'm going to slowly evolve it down, find some range within it. Because it's like three minutes in.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, I'm going quick. I don't like it that hard. day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. I'm going to try to get it in the middle of the day. So I was brought on originally by the right wing guy at Marvel and it was a rivalry. So it was a separate department. It had Kevin Feige on film. He was working on TV. I was working on FIG content. When Kevin Feige went directly to Disney and changed the corporate structure of Marvel.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And so he now answers directly to Disney. I moved over with him. I now report directly to Disney. I moved over with him. I now report directly to Kevin Feige. But it's an autonomous unit. We make our own things. I just report to Kevin Feige. But X-Men was occasionally the voice goes up. X-Men was Sony Fox. Yes. I used to work on that. That's how I met Kevin Feige, he produced on X-Men. So, while Sony Fox were doing their Marvel thing, you were also doing a fig. Yeah, with Sony. With Sony.
Starting point is 00:10:33 With Fox, sorry, with Fox. With Sony owned... Oh, Sony owned a... Spider-Man. Yes, a Fox. This was Fox, sorry. Made in 2001, they made X-Men. And then they had a year and a half later, they made X-Men and then about a year and a half later they made X-Men and Fig.
Starting point is 00:10:47 There's about one X-Men that a fig taken down man. And it's the same plot. Similar but I mean X-Men had like seven or eight X-Men. They only had two characters. One of which was a fig which can't talk. So it was a similar story. And the other was a fig. Yeah it was Cyclops.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It was Cyclops.. It was a cyclob. Cyclob. The one with the... Cyclobs. Cyclobs. This is not what I expect. No, I thought of a magical world of figs and stuff. This is just a man who started with a high voice. It's still pretty high.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Well, they went up there. I need to find range. Everyone has range in their voice. I came in one night and now this is where it's it. Okay, right, yeah. Yeah. But now it's just a man who is essentially just making, he's not, you just wear a figure on your head. Yeah, I wear it at the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:11:39 As opposed to what I said. Yeah, it's not on my head. It rests at the top of my head, balanced always. Try the balance of the fig Marvel fig cinematic. Let me ask why? The fig. Well, it did start because I was balding. And then, so I was trying to like distract from that,
Starting point is 00:11:57 but now it's my brand. Balancing a fig on your head. Yeah, it's your brain. It's like, that's what I wear, you know? What is your proudest achievement or fig achievement? Well, it's got to be, it's, it has to be fig venges, fig venges. So that was the culmination of, of, of the phase one of Marvel Figs cinematic universe. Yeah, and which is, now tell me if I'm wrong, you are making the same movies.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So there is a parallel, yeah. You're making the same movies that already exist, but with a fig in them. Yeah, sometimes one fig, sometimes two figs. Talk me through, every three. Talk us through. I'm here to announce phase five and six well well yeah but I'm fucking I'm confused yeah I'll go back yeah yeah I feel like we need to go back talk about phase one or
Starting point is 00:12:54 fig one no phase one all right a figure's like a fruit a phase is a like a group of movies it's how we divide up out out. You know, a fig is actually considered a vegetable. I don't think it is. I think it's something. No, no, no, it's because of the seeds. That would make it a fruit. Oh, my God, a fruit. Do you know a fig? Every fig has a dead mosquito or dead bug in it? Did you, were you serious then about the,
Starting point is 00:13:24 that always it was that it was just taking a leap of faith or you think I think I Think many things But now I'm not even sure. Mm. Well, I guess I'm just a little mysterious Okay, Buck now you want me to talk through phase one. Yeah, I would love to know about phase one What do you want to know about do you want to know about? Do you want to know about the first? Every film you've made. I would love to know the films that were made,
Starting point is 00:13:51 or the figs that were made in the lead up to the fig benches. Yeah, okay, so how that happened and why, and I'm confused and go on. Okay, so the first one was iron fig, obviously. Iron fig. Iron fig. Iron fig. Iron fig.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Iron man would be the thing there. Oh, I am not. I am fig. Not I am latent. Or not I am as in I'm ironing. Not the iron lady, the Margaret Thatcher film. No, it's iron fig. But also like, because an iron fig could also mean an iron
Starting point is 00:14:29 that you use to press. Then iron fig. Iron fig does fucking damage. You throw a fucking iron fig at someone that would fuck them up. Yeah. Well, this one is about a fig who was an arms dealer. And then when he gets, so the main character is a fig.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yes. And he's an arms the main character is a fig. Yes. And he's an arm's deal. Sentient? No. Could you mind if I could break? I would love to. You want to rethink this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Okay, we'll be back after this. And we're back. You've had a thing? Yeah. So the main character in your film, Iron Fig, I've not seen this. You should, it's really good Well, I'm about to find out whether I'll waste my time or not The main character is our fig
Starting point is 00:15:13 That's an arm's dealer Doesn't cannot talk or move Or roll even it can't it doesn't has no, it is a fig. Everything you know of a fig. How do you explain that context cues other characters talking? So someone will say, hey, like I think there was a scene early on where the fig is in like a, he comes to Afghanistan and he's in the car and then other people are like, we can't wait to buy arms from you. Then there's a demonstration where he makes bombs, he works for Stark. We're in front of a hundred thousand people. That's why I was really excited to announce Fy's 5.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It feels like we're in a podcast room by ourselves, but there's a hundred thousand people here. It feels like Lavin and Mark are on a slow day. You're very flippin' about your whole canon as well. You're just like, yeah, it happened. But if you've made millions of... Well, I need to announce Phase 5. This is stuff that I, it's just,
Starting point is 00:16:07 we just jumped to Phase 5. Well, I can quickly run through Phase 1. I would love that. I would love that. Yeah, quickly. So there's I and Fig and that's about a guy. And then we didn't make an incredible Hulk Fig because copyright issues with, I think, Paramount.
Starting point is 00:16:24 They just, they wouldn't allow Hulk. They had Hulk and it just, it was too funky. So we just only made one movie that year. Then we did Iron Fig II, then we did Thor and Fig, Thor Adjig. Yeah. And it's just the simplest plot that we had. Yeah, the Thor and Fogging.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. All right. so yeah, next one. And then there was Captain America, the first fig. Yep. The first fig. So he's a fig? No. There's another fig. It's about the first fig ever.
Starting point is 00:16:55 He's the first fig. So he isn't of the movie. He goes into the ice. Yeah. But it's magic ice. It turns him into a fig. Right. And then, and then obviously a fig venges. Yeah. And that's the most priceless thing. So you're here to announce
Starting point is 00:17:12 phase five, phase five of the, what do you call the universe again, Marvel cinematic fig universe or Marvel, Marvel fig cinematic universe or Marvel fig universe, we haven't decided yet. And you're up to phase five. Yeah, we just haven't locked in. How many movies have you made? Like 2040. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah. We're in front of 100,000 people. We're making TV now. This is not all the last TV show you made. What? This is your music? Should I announce first? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's announce.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Now we're announcing movies first. I'm just fascinated by how terrible this all sounds. Yeah, it's all f�-shit. It's all like there's so much. So many movies with just a fig in the center of the main role. Do you have issues with birds? Yeah. Come and get the seed.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Just get some nets. Do you have a lot of nets in your movie? So the Fig Venge is two doesn't have an Ultron character. It just has a bird trying to get their figs. Like a loricate? Yeah, it's like a little bird. I think it was a parrot. And it's trying to get their figs.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Wouldn't Thor just smash the shit out of that bird and protect all the figs? Well, he doesn't have a hammer in our universe. He just has a fig. Yeah. Thor has a fig. Yeah. Thought has a fig. Yeah, instead of the hammer.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You know, the big, big up the fig. Yeah. It's a fig. I mean, it's really, it doesn't do anything. So he's not the righteous one who can only pick up the fig. No, he just has a fig. Okay. Do people in your universe eat figs?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Oh. Oh, a figs are a vegetable that's eaten by people. Okay. To people in your universe eat figs. Of figs are a vegetable that's eaten by people. Yeah. Yeah. So at any point do people mistake our heroes? No. Because they have costumes. So iron fig has a little iron man outfit around the fig. And you know, so you know from his little iron man, there's never I can imagine quite a conical scene where one of them goes to the fruit and vegetable shop to buy some some some hundred thousand people. I don't need to announce phase five. I will get to phase five as we want to call. No, you know, you don't call it thing five. I said that earlier. You don't call it thing five because you've been calling it phase five for ages.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah. So you don't call it fig, have you just decided you're calling it fig five? Yeah, I just want to say. So when you say we call it fig five, that was the first time you called it fig five. I'm the like mastermind of the fig cinematic ultimate universe. Masterminds are stretch. That's a good one. What is this?
Starting point is 00:19:44 What is this? What is this? I'm just this character. We set up a hundred thousand people this kind is like I'm going out He's like you're laying in bed. I'm ready to announce it. I'm I'm starting to doubt Maybe this is the real Kevin figure or not. No, it's me for chance this. Oh, you said it's him I'm out from the figure top my head and I now, oh yeah. And now answer, announce. Let's begin with Fig V. Uh, so what? What do you call it?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Phase V. All right. Let's go into Phase V. And I just want to just quickly, just, just think about maybe in one of these films, a humorous scene where one of the Fig Heroes goes to a fruit and vegetable. Say who pitched that to me last time, Josweedin. think about maybe in one of these films, a humorous scene where one of the figureos goes to a fruit and vegetable shop. Say who pitched that to me last time, just waitin'. Well, then I take it back.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I take it back. We all are. You're four as yours. Ant-Man and the Wasp. The crime, fightin', shrinking couple. Same. What's that? Is it the same character?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yes. On the MCU. Although we couldn't get Evangel and Lily for the Wasp. So we got we'll be Goldberg instead. All right, but Paul Rudd. We'll be playing Ant-Man. We all love Ant-Man and the wasp and all of their adventures in the quantum world. But have we ever seen them go into a fugue? Yes, we have in the last two movies, but now they're gonna go all the way into a fig seed in Ant-Man and the Wasp, fig mania. All right, one.
Starting point is 00:21:11 May of next year, how many movies, by the way? Or figs, as you call it. What do you mean? How many movies in phase six? Plus the TV shows, plus they phase six. I'm here to announce them all. Oh, God. Why don't you say that earlier?
Starting point is 00:21:27 I kept trying to announce it. And he kept wanting to talk about Fig 1. I needed some context. I needed some context. Yeah, no, it's fair. We just saved this form off the stage from in front of the 100,000 Fig fans. I mean, to be fair, they are gripped.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Oh yeah. I'm listening quietly, listening, leaning in with anticipation. This is somehow they are all at the edge of their seats. It's fascinating. And they're all ugly. Ugly nerds. Yeah. All of them. There's good looking. This just happens to be a room. It happens to be a hundred thousand. Yeah. We're not saying all nerds are ugly. What we are saying is that in this particular room, the ugly ones have gotten together. This is all ugly people. That person's ugly. That person's ugly.
Starting point is 00:22:06 That person's ugly. I'm not saying, I'm gonna come out there and say it. I'm ugly. Yeah, great. I'm ugly. You're beautiful. Thank you. I've got a figur top my head.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Nothing sexier than a fig. Next movie in Fig 5. I'm so excited to announce the return of James Gunn in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Big. The Ragtag team of outer space adventures take on their biggest enemy yet, a big fig. So everyone else is the same? Yep. You got the same actors?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Half an hour. Talk me through it. No, we don't have time. I want to know. We have a good time. I just want to know. I just me through it. No, we don't have time. I want to know. We have a good time. I want to know. The rest of it we couldn't get the right. It sounds like bark. I get that a lot. When I tell my name is bark, they don't you mean ma? And we go, no, I'm the sound of dogbanks. I'm not human. What's your last name? What's my last name? Yeah, if I know a friend called Mark banana.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Hmm. Are you Bach Manano? No. Oh damn it. That would have been magical. Miss Ma Captain Mark Manano. Bach Manano. But that's just what I just said. Is it? I wasn't listening. I'm the sound of dog makes. I'm not actually a person. I can't hear any banana. That's a good spurnerism. What did you call me? A spurnerism. What is that? I don't know. May I remind you? Oh my god. I just think that's the next one. It feels so intimate. Let's go. I just I would love to know. Yeah. Just one of the actors that's been taken out. So we didn't get the Batista because he takes himself seriously as an actor apparently. So we replaced him with the Undertaker. The wrestler?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. Great. Mark, Kellewe. I don't know. I don't work that specifically. Next up, Captain Marvel changed, Captain Marvel changed the power dynamic of the entire MCU,
Starting point is 00:24:05 but what will happen when she teams up with Miss Marvel, our favorite new character from the television series, and a fit? What's it called? The Marvels. No, a fit? It's implied. Won't that clash with the actual MCU film or TV series,
Starting point is 00:24:24 the Marvels? Well, we're talking to them about renaming their movie, The People Marvels. Right. Or the All People Marvels. We're figuring it out. We always change for them. I think it's about time they change. There's too many Marvel fucking things, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah. Well, I mean, you add this whole fig. Even without this. Even without the figs, really. It's really fucked up how much shit they make. Yeah, anyway, go on. Captain America, new fig order, is an exciting new Captain America, where now the flying one is now Captain America,
Starting point is 00:24:59 but he has to deal with the fact that there's figs. Lots of figs. But there's already lots of figs. Thunder figs is my... Now answer to the suicide squad. Some of your, that's thunderbolts, that's where it's the bad east of the city. Oh, I thought you had a thunderbolts.
Starting point is 00:25:14 No, thunderbolts. Starring Elaine from Seinfeld. Elaine from Seinfeld? Actually, other redrippers? Yeah, that guy. So, like, voice the figs. What's that? Are there any actors voicing the figs? No, no got voice the figs. What's that? Are there any actors voicing the figs?
Starting point is 00:25:27 No, no, they just figs. Every fig is. It's all context, excuse it. It's all someone reacting to the figs, saying things, responding. How much money is this? How much is a film make, ballpark? Make?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Depends, but gross. The bigger ones, you know, we're... I think our big Avengers won, the last big Avengers one that we made, the big Avengers endgame, that made, that was number seven in the pie's grossing movies of all time. So it didn't get up to the number three of the human, like what, $900 billion, $100 billion, it meant billion. It made, $1.6 billion, but it's been a little bit of a time. I've never heard of it. Never heard of it. Anyone doing movies around FIGGET. We're really big in China, really big in Italy, of course.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Of course. Of that does actually make sense. That's our well in Europe. That's our well in Europe. Fact check. Fact checking that right now, that makes sense. Alright, next film, please. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So, of course, very exciting news. We have got a fantastic actor, a real actor that we love. That guy from Moonlight. Oh, yeah. He played the mean dad. Yep. Marsha Ali. Marsha Ali is joining the MCU as Blade.
Starting point is 00:26:44 In. Bladefig as Blade in. Blade fig, Blade fig, about a man who is half vampire, half human and half fig. So I imagine he's in the same way the Blade is, he's a day walker, so he's a vampire. He does need blood, but he can go out during the day, but also older Italian women are trying to snack on him. Yeah and he's the biggest thing is he's afraid of going rotten. Hmm. I thought that was something. Still grip but what are you still
Starting point is 00:27:22 there to see? Unbelievable. Absolutely loving. You wanna hear about the TV shows? No, I want you to finish, we gotta finish this. I'm gonna hear what other movies are coming out. Well, that's everything, that's what I've done. I've been doing the TV shows. Yeah, okay, great.
Starting point is 00:27:34 What if big? And that just imagine big, what if different characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe were a big? But that's what you're doing, that's what you're, that's the whole thing already. That's what it already is. Sometimes we replace them with the pigs,
Starting point is 00:27:51 often figs are just incinerary characters. Sometimes they just have a fig. This is a direct life part. You can't, because if you didn't, you can't, you're stuck here. Because if you did a what if, where the fig characters were people, that's just the MCU. And if you're doing an MCU where what if some the fig characters were people, that's just the MCU. And if you're doing an MCU where what if some of them were figs,
Starting point is 00:28:08 that's the fig you know. All of them are figs in the what if figs. Everyone's a fig. And they talk to cartoon. So like Thor is a fig. Hmm. And he has a fig. Instead of a hammer.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah, is it a smaller fig? No, same type. Secret invasions, starring the queen. The queen? No, and the other one, the new one. I don't know. What's your name? Olivia.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Olivia Rodrigo. We got Olivia Rodrigo. They got Olivia from the queen. We got Olivia Rodrigo. Secret evasions about Bigs, Echo. You're quite flipping about the big thing now. You sort of go, well the TV, I can't be, I can't be, I can't be, I can't be,
Starting point is 00:28:57 I can't be across all of the TV. Is that sort of your major role is your across how Figgy? Yeah, I just make sure it's Figgy. So when they came to me and said, we'll do an echo. So the baddie from Hawkeye, I said, we'll just make sure you get some figs in there. So now she works her fig shop. I would love to. Yes. Just sells figs.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. So in the MCU, she sells, she's like in a gang, she's a gang member and she's trying to bring down Hawkeye. In this one, she just works at a fake shop. I have a question. Yeah. Do you think your, the production of your films has led to the current worldwide shortage of figs? Well, we only, a lot of our figs are CG now. You CG in the figs? Yeah, well, fuck no. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:29:51 They'll fucking do it. You just say to a CG house, we want some fucking figs in this scene. They'll do it. And if they don't, you go to another CG house. Hmm. Easy. Just get them laid off. Yeah, fucking easy. Then we got Loki figs season two, iron fig heart. off. Yeah, fucking easy. Then we got Loki Figg, season two,
Starting point is 00:30:05 Iron Figg, Heart. Yeah. Iron Figg Heart. Agatha, Covenant Figgs, one, and then, oh, yeah, this is a good one. We're bringing back Daredevil and Vintin Tenoffrio in. Daredevil and Vintin Tenoffrio. Figg again, 18 episodes of Figg-related Daredevil action. This is about a superhero that because of radioactive spill as a child, no longer can see, but all of his FIG sensors are heightened.
Starting point is 00:30:33 He can smell a fig better than anyone. He can hear a fig dropping on the floor like, no, what else? When he touches a fig, he can tell you everything about that fig, including the bug that's dead in it, which is a true thing. Every fig has a dead bug in it. You can eat, yeah, you're winning. So what does that mean? Because that's how they breed.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So they're sweet. And then the mosquito goes into it. And then it dies. And then it has the lady fig in it. And then it dies and becomes mushy. So every fig technically, most figs, I'm sorry to talk about it. Wait, most, I'm sorry, TIG talk about it. Wait, most figs I'm scared of.
Starting point is 00:31:06 TIG talk about it. Would it, but you don't know? I feel like you would know. You're a TIG talk about figs. What are figs scientists? I'm a film producer. Yeah, but surely you know the basics of a fig. If you're dealing in figs more than a fruit person
Starting point is 00:31:19 that advises, there's a fig advisor in every field. I don't think I can go and buy a fig right now. No, you have to have a fig tree. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you do? Do you only make your shows in fig season? No, we see Jay the Figs. You just see we see Jay the Figs.
Starting point is 00:31:33 We can make the fig, we've shoot in Atlanta and we just get CG houses across the world to do it. When you just said you didn't know much about figs, people started to get up and leave. Yeah. These ugly people are really upset. I know, he's about like Figs within story context. I just don't know like facts about.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm just saying the crowds leave and they're upset. Do you want to hear the big twist? Well, I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. I'm hearing it. Deadpool 3, now with Figs. That's the name of the... Well, we didn't make the first two Deadpools. So there was no Figs in that one. So now, is Hugh Jackman as Wolverine?
Starting point is 00:32:10 No. We didn't get Wolverine, but I'll tell you what we did get. Yes. Figs. Yeah. That's Figs. We got Higs as they would be Goldberg. No, she's great though.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Saw her on the... Yeah. Fantastic Fig. Fantastic for. Yeah. But on the... Oh, yeah. Fantastic fig. Fantastic four. Yeah. But it's just one fig. No, it's the four, it's the team of four of them. But all their powers are fig related now, such as.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So the stretchy man, you know the one that's stretchy and the other version, this one is fantastic. This one is, he can squish into a fig shape, but he is a fig. No, he's a man. Oh. And he can squish into a fig shape. But he is a fig. No, he's a man. And he can squish into a fig shape. The invisible one that makes the force fields... Uh-huh, invisible one.
Starting point is 00:32:52 She can go invisible, voice completely. As invisible as a fig. And you said it would go back and never went hard. There's always a lie. I was always bringing it back to that. You do the fig. she can go invisible. She can make every part of her invisible except for a fig-sized part of her. So she has to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:33:14 You know what I'm saying? So like one big part of her has to stay, but she can choose. Then there is the... That's so shit. Fire man. That's not even fig related really! Yeah, the man that flies around like a fire?
Starting point is 00:33:28 The human torch. Human torch, he can fire around. And instead of fire, it's just like fig seeds. Seed. Piggy fig seeds. And then of course the rock man is just a fig man. The thing is just a fig man. So he's skin is figs.
Starting point is 00:33:44 All right. His skin is made of figs. We he skin his figs. All right. He skin is made of figs. We're being asked to get off the stage. Can I just, I got the big announcement. Yeah. Of the fig venges, the Kang dynasty and fig venges, secret fig wars.
Starting point is 00:33:57 That's right. We're doing secret fig wars with Kang, played by that guy from the last black man in San Francisco. That's free cool. That's a kind of cool. Isn't it? It's a superfigure. It's Kang's in there.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You go, Kang. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you by See you next week. Listen up.

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