Aunty Donna Podcast - Kylie Jones Part 3?

Episode Date: February 6, 2019 auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list of our production. Here we are at part 3 of the Kylie Jones suggestion podcast. If you haven't checked out out part one and part two. This is the continuation. I think the finale, I think we're pretty ready to go here. Yeah, yeah. I mean, part two was, I mean, we only did it last week. It's very fresh in my mind. And it was exhilarating. It was exciting. It was very fun. And now I can't wait. We're always dragging things out. And that's a bit of a thing we're doing on the front cars now. Dragon things out, pushing and pulling.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Oh, Broden. Oh, silly. I just heard that then. Yeah, that's good. Oh, Broden's just interjected there with the cheeky little I'm Broden. Put that on T-shirt by a house. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:01:03 We put that on a T-shirt. You get in houses. Broden is that on t-shirt by a house by a house saying we put that on a t-shirt you get in houses Broden just putting out some little irrelevant funny little tidbits there Sorry, I am just commentating all of your comments for this podcast. Yeah So that's just a agreeing with me there so broden's just agreed with him there well just acknowledging I would say that was more of an acknowledgement Can I say for one thing? I am so excited to wrap up the Kylie Jones podcast. That's something I'm so happy to do. Me free.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Because I think a lot of people that have been writing in over the last week and they're saying wrap it up. Because I think to the point. Now first two guys are a bit. Can you get that? You want to get it started? You want to get it started? You want to get it started? You want to get it started.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Because I'm sitting there the whole time playing that sound effect and I'm expecting a room sound. But instead you're getting... Where's the room? It's coming. It's coming. That's what we've been getting. There's no room.
Starting point is 00:01:59 There's no room. Hmm. People come. This is my belief. Is it? I'm not. I'm not. I'm what we've been getting. There's no problem. There's no problem.
Starting point is 00:02:07 People come, this is my... Is it clear what I'm doing there? Yeah, yeah. It's the sound of a squirrel in a blender. No, no, no. Have a listen. What sound do you expect? A rule.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Ah, okay, not for me. So what are you hearing? Oh, look, it's just the difference of opinion. I think we just move on. No, no, not for me. So what are you hearing? Oh look, it's just the difference of opinion, I think we just move on. No, no, I think it's important that we know what you're hearing, Mark. I was hearing the sound of what it sounds like when you get a squirrel and you put in a blender. That to me is okay.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Could you play it again, bro? Did you hear that little, that's the bone's crushing. Can I, can I, sorry, I actually finished this. That it finished, there we go. Sorry. I think that a squirrel in a blender sounds a little more like this. I'll tie that again. We'll see, the difference there is that you obviously haven't slaughtered your squirrel before
Starting point is 00:03:08 putting it in the blood. No, that's the way I always snap the squirrels neck. I mean, usually the way that's done is that from what I hear is that they snap the squirrels neck and then they put it in the blood. Can you best shut your goddamn mouth for a second? I just want to talk directly to our fan base, the geeks out there, I love the geeks. Yeah. I talked directly to our fan base, the geeks out there, I love the geeks of Donna. You're going geeks? Are we realizing 150, whatever fucking episodes
Starting point is 00:03:29 have done of this podcast? And never done the Wheel of Helms Cream. So just so you know, geeks, geeks and geekers always out there halfway through this episode. I'm gonna put the Wheel of Helms Cream in there. And if you don't know, if you don't know what a Wheel of Helms Cream is, get out of here. This podcast is for geeks, not for you.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But you're gonna have to pick which is the real Wilhelm scream because we are each gonna be putting in a Wilhelm scream throughout the episode. Three of them will be us trying to do our best Wilhelm scream. And another one will be us trying to do our best will him scream and another one will be the actual one. So it sounds like this that's the will home screen. Yes so that's what you're gonna be looking for. So that's what you're looking for. You're gonna be looking for that plan.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We're not gonna tell you once and once on like one more time. There you go. Oh, was that just was that just Mark? So from this point out, if you hear the Wilhelm scream, you gig, so no one I'm talking about. I reckon if there's a few, ah, was that the real one? Oh, was that the, no, no, no, no. So I reckon there's a few, there's a few jocks listening right now, and they go,
Starting point is 00:04:39 what's a Wilhelm scream? I don't even know. Yeah, yeah, I'm too busy to get about the Super Bowl. Oh, I'm too busy thinking about the Super Bowl. Oh, I'm too busy thinking about the Super Bowl Hey guys, Jack who's the loser? Yeah, who's the loser now the jox or the or the number one? So like when I was in high school reading Marvel comic and Marvel books Yeah, everyone was like fucking nerd fucking loser right All the jocks playing football, playing Super Bowl, right? Now, right?
Starting point is 00:05:08 Who's fucking cool now? Who knows, you know, how Dr. Strange, you know, does it the dimensional travel, right? Yeah. You know, that's egg on the face of all the jocks I've had time. So my question to you, my question to you, if you're a jock and you're listening right now, what's the number one worldwide box office hit of the of the world?
Starting point is 00:05:28 What's the most successful movie of all time? Is it Super Bowl? We got a bum bum sound effect Yeah, so you are sitting there thinking number one move now is avatar There was a beautiful movie about aliens about intellectual ideas about getting your hair and Fucking someone else with it with worms that come out of your hair, but we digress people come to anti-donut not for the People come to anti-donut the key key key Okay, so people don't come to anti-donna oh, sorry, wait people don't come to anti-donna for the room and we are here ready to room. We are ready to room room room into your hearts with the podcast that we've taken three to get to. We're gonna get played it though. So yeah, I know we just played it then.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Shut up, shut up. Only the Geeks and Dewebes will get that joke. But we're the cool ones now. But also only the Geeks and Dewebes will be able to figure out which one is the real will. Do you know I reckon there's going to be a few jocks walking around Galaxy's Edge that's the new Star Wars land coming to Disneyland. They're going to be walking around going, I don't get it, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And I'm going gonna be like now You know how it feels when super balls on yeah, and I'm gonna be like and be like oh so the knowledge that I have About what princess layer was wearing under her smart right no bra just duct tape on her boobies right oh yeah That makes me a loser now wrong that makes me a bloody intellectual goddamn wizard. Hey, I just want to talk to the gigs Yeah, bro, uh, jox closer ears. I want to say something to all the geeks. No, Jock's, this is a no-jock zone. Because only the geekers are always going to understand this, you ready?
Starting point is 00:07:32 Big jungles. Oh, oh, oh, oh on which big buff guy is better at kicking a football Well, we're watching movies with sexy princess layer Hey, Tart. Are you excited? Are you're excited to do episode three? Yes, really excited because we've come for the room Come for the room not yet. What haven't we come for? And we'll just sit here. We've not come for this. You're sitting here listening. This is a metaphor for the last two episodes. Today, it's a room.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Today it's a room and we are getting to the point. We're getting back on track. Getting back on track. Just say, for example, Tom, that we, our brains were cleaned. Yeah. were cleaned. Yeah, we cleaned like like we recorded a Butload of podcasts in November. Yeah, and then it's come back. It's it's February. Yeah, and where and we're carrying on It's like we haven't done a podcast with anyone. What would you say we need to do for this episode? Hypothetically speaking Tom
Starting point is 00:08:42 Now as a listener, you know right now I'm talking to you the listener the geeks the dewebes and maybe a few jocks Maybe a few jocks here who don't want to bloody admit it. I think everyone goths goths can listen to our podcast he moan comedy fans cheerleaders skate borders. Yeah, she run the druggies the the plastics People who drink monster energy drinks All these people are all the best to you. So these people are at home, they're listening right now, they're listening, you're listening, and you know that we... teachers, you know that we record every week. Mechanics, you know that we record every week, we come into this studio, rain, hail, shine, gamers. We don't take a month off
Starting point is 00:09:27 where we take a little bit of time to breathe. Plasterers. You know that you're coming in here. Scaffolders. You're coming in here and you're listening. This is a weekly podcast. The white collar elite. But Tom, I've got a question for you.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Nazis. Yeah, Tom. Say, for example, I don't want to break any illusions here neon Nazis But we yeah, banked up about ten podcasts This is just a hypothetical top maybe last year We banked up about 15 podcasts and We haven't done a podcast in three months. So we have no idea what the last two be continued podcast was about beyond its name, beyond its title, which is very easily able
Starting point is 00:10:15 for us to find on Spotify. I thought my title honest I haven't read it. I have no idea. I've not read it. I call it. The Wilhelm screams usually a bit shorter sex. The next time when you try to do it. Oh good test. So I'm hearing a lot of screams. Which one is the Wilhelm scream? I reckon the footy boys. That's that one. That's that that one I reckon there's a few footy boys going Screams of scream. I scream all the time when I kick my football scream is a mark It's scream is a mark Pardon Scream is a mark scream. Oh Screamer a screamer is a mark a big. Is a big mark in an AFL football. Australian rules football.
Starting point is 00:11:06 We're talking about Super Bowl football. Yeah. Would you call a Screacher Attackle? No. Screacher Attackle. Is Attackle also known as a Screacher? No. No, no, no, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's just running with the ball just called sort of talking. A talking? They're doing know talking? Too much football talk. Too much jock talk. This is a nerd podcast, boy. Meme culture. What? Sorry, I just got into a kung fu fight with my panda. This is from DreamWorks Animation.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Hey guys. Get out of here, Angelina Jolly. This podcast is only for people that know what T.I.L means, and T.I.L. that nerds are the future. Yeah, yeah. Oh, it's the whistle horn. What the fuck is it? What do we do? What was this? Let's just say that's...
Starting point is 00:12:01 Huh? Because it's so far. We haven't got going yet. Well, okay, that's a really simple way to communicate a very complex way. Yeah, this is just a sort of a metaphor. So Tom, you say we haven't got gone yet. That's what you say.
Starting point is 00:12:20 We haven't got gone yet. What I say is, antidonalistas, they come for the room. They don't come for the... Sorry, one sec. Anti-donna listeners, stop it. So, you've got to just bust. Well, it's just, I mean, you've got to do it really smudged.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Okay, so there we go. Anti-donna listeners, they come for the room. They don't come for that. Man, I'm... So, no, you've got to come in right on the that so it makes grammatical sense. So for all the listeners at home we do all that said. We do all that sort of things. No.
Starting point is 00:13:05 What? Sorry. Can you rewind the tape? Rewind the tape. So, wait a second. So, everyone at home, you come for the room, but at Aunty Donna, it's so far, we've only been delivering the, see that's you's urine about four minutes
Starting point is 00:13:26 to it. Yeah, but it works. I feel like it is clear enough for the audience to understand. Guys, I'm gonna tell you something. I love you. Thank you. I need it right now. I love you too, Zach. Me and my girl broke up. You mind if I listen to a song to make me feel better? Yeah, I would love you in Sophia. Yeah. Yeah. Do you mind? I'm just going down to the dump. Is a challenge for you. Is a challenge for you.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Let's do a single podcast with Tom. Doesn't have to go through a beat out day. I'm fine with that actually. That's a lot of fun. Day, as long as we're not sending last name. No last name. Girlfriends that I may or may not have had in the mid 2000 from high school. Guys, and I just want to cheer me up.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Don't cheer me up. I know we're in the middle of a podcast. I know we're trying to get more Patreon's as well, trying to build our audience. Yeah, if you're trying to sign up. If you can sign up to a Patreon, we want to buy a boat. It is just really just a hustle. We're just trying to, the podcast has just all been a hustle to get them sweet dollars in the wild, Patreon.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I know we're doing a suggestion from a fan and it's already important, but I'm down in the dumps. Yeah, you're down in the dump. Broden. That's right. Broden came. Broden came to work today. He goes, my name left me.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And we said, and we said, Broden, I was just listening to some FM radio. We said this all together. Yeah, we did. We said, Broden, I was just listening to some FM radio. We said this all together. Yeah, we did. We said Broden, we was just listening to some FM radio. And Broden, we have just the song for you. For you. Wow. I haven't heard this song before.
Starting point is 00:15:02 If this doesn't make you cry, then I don't know what the fuck will you solace. Can I just say, I'm a goth, so this just makes me cry with laughter. I didn't know if this is... Look, I just wanted to play this song because I think it's funny. What was your favourite memory of your... Damn. Oh, one day we went to Was she British
Starting point is 00:15:44 I dated the Queen. Really? Latifa. Did I date a Queen Latifa? No, I never. Were you dating her during... Oh, sorry, go. Was Queen Latifa in Chicago? I think we can talk through the verses, but when the chorus comes back, we gotta show herself. We choose in taxi.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Were you dating her during the taxi period of her career? No. I never dated Queen Latifa. Because I call my bill 12. She was 12 then. during the taxi period of her career? No, I never dated Queen Tifa. Because I call my bill 12 then. Yeah, you were 12. And that would be wrong. No, how old is Queen Latifa? She's only...
Starting point is 00:16:13 Should be about your age. Here we go. Shut up, everyone shut up. And my friends say, when are you laugh for a bite of so- Mm. It doesn't matter put the foil away. Put the foil away. You gotta put the foil away.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You gotta put the foil away. Because I know it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Put the foil away. Well, because here's the thing Mark. Here's the thing. All right. This is a story about a boy who is grieving.
Starting point is 00:16:38 No, no, no, no, that's a different movie. No, about a man who is grieving the loss of his partner. And, but so, so much that he doesn't want to brown his chicken. I thought that he's so through. I thought he'd sort of made a, you know how Angelica has a... The rug rack? No, sorry, not Angelica. It's the girl from Hey Arnold. And she has a... what's her name?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Helga. Helga, Helga. I thought I was gonna say Latrine. That's an army toilet. Yes, Helga has like a model of Arnold made out of his used chewing gum. And he always something like, like fuck sounding. No, and the train is an army toilet.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Like Blanche. Yeah, but Blanche is a name and that's a way to cook chicken. Potatoes. Is that a cookie chicken? Um, or potatoes. But I think I would rather a child named after a delicious way to cook chicken over an army toilet. Okay, well, I agree to disagree.
Starting point is 00:17:37 So you thought he, so here's the two theories that are happening right now. And just let us know, text in on 1-800-364-596, which way you saw the foil. So Mark, sorry. It's as a bone. So Mark, okay, that's, we'll talk about that. That's like a whole curve ball you've thrown at us.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And we'll get to that in a second. Maybe it's fine, but on the chance it's foil, let's just discuss a little further. Perhaps you've shut down, and interesting conversation with phone talk with facts. No, not with face. Perhaps it's phone.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Perhaps it is phone, but what you've done is you've come in. You are fake news. I'm fake news. You are fake news. I'm fake news. All right, Mr. D Trump and by D I mean, Donald. Yes. Wow, we're getting political.
Starting point is 00:18:24 If you're just joining us at the Antidona podcast, we're only for nerds and geeks, and nerds and geeks understand political comedy. So we're getting political now. If you don't understand, maybe pick up a New York Times. Yeah, maybe just... And put it down the toilet. Maybe put down your pedestrian TVs.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah. And pick up a copy of the Australian. Maybe, uh, maybe track away your channel 11. And pick up a copy of the Guardian Weekly. Maybe switch off 10 boss. And pick yourself a bloody tablet computer. And open up pedestrian TV. Maybe, maybe, maybe what you need to do is you need to stop watching 9 now and you need to start reading the quarterly essay. Maybe you need to get
Starting point is 00:19:16 off 7 mate. Yeah, everyone gets it. And open up a copy of variety This is the thing if you're coming to our comedy with a dumb dumb uneducated brain Then you don't deserve to laugh None of this is even gonna make sense to you dip shits We're talking about Donald Trump Can I explain this song to you and how important it is? Well in a moment can we just conclude our chat about... If it's about... I think it's very clear what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Playable? If it's about foil, what is it? What am I saying? What's your explainer to me if you understand it so much? Oh, so simple! Go! What do I think? I don't know what you're talking about. What do I...
Starting point is 00:20:02 If the lyric is foil, put away the foil, what is my interpretation of the lyric? Well, I don't think it's important because he's saying phone. It's not important. If he's saying, or you don't know, because you have him, Bill is listening.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You have an open up your mind. I think it's quite clear. He's saying put the phone away. Phone, you are lepney guy. So obvious song. If that's phone, I've heard that so many times. And also, that's saying put the phone away. Phone, you were lepneyed through your song. So obviously it's a cliche, put it away. That's phone, I've heard that so many times. And also that's a great point, Zach.
Starting point is 00:20:30 cliche number one, number two, if it's phone, why did I hear foil? Why did he hear foil? Am I just fucking making it up? Am I, are you gas-like? I know, you're misheard. I'm being gas-like. It's interesting because I didn't hear foil,
Starting point is 00:20:43 but I've been with it being foil for quite a while. So, since he said foil, so I'm pretty confident it's foil. And I'll tell you why I'm confident it's foil, because sometimes when people, and this is true of a lot of people, sometimes when people go through a rough breakup, they don't think they deserve a properly browned and crisp chicken. They think they deserve, they think they deserve a and crisp chicken. They think they deserve, they think they deserve a moist roast chicken.
Starting point is 00:21:09 They think all they're worthy of is cookies chicken. They don't think they deserve, so this song is so input that foil away, you crisp up that chicken skin. So sad. Sad interior eyes. Mm-hmm. So he's struggling with this breakup.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Something you're trying to hide. Maybe, maybe, it's a role of aluminium foil. Maybe, maybe he's singing to the chicken. There's a chicken in the oven. Yeah. And he's saying, this chicken is going crispy there. Yeah. It's getting a delicious crispy exterior.
Starting point is 00:21:45 It's caramelizing. It's saying put the phone away. It's browning and he's going, I don't deserve a delicious crispy skinned chicken. I deserve my skin to be moist and rubbery. I continue. Rich for your hand, but it's cold due to the way again. Okay, pause there. Okay, so it's a cold hand.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And this is a cold hand, perhaps one made out of aluminum for you. Perhaps, perhaps, and I'm just throwing this out here. So many different interpretations. Perhaps it's the cool chicken leg that is yet to be roasted. More? More. Wonder what's on your mind. It's stupid to chicken can't think of. more more It's stupid to chicken can't think of course yeah, and a and a and a and a and a certainly foil
Starting point is 00:22:32 remake of a human being like a foil model of a person would not be able to think so that's sorry Right, okay, I miss that it's it you say to me you make a dumb mistake. Right, okay. What was that lyric? I missed that lyric. It's a, you say to me, you make a dumb mistake. You make a dumb mistake. I'll tell you a pretty dumb mistake I made. The other day I was making a delicious buttermilk roast chicken from a salt fat acid heat, that wonderful Netflix, Netflix documentary series.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I was making a roast chicken and I'll tell you that, what was the lyric again? When you look at me you're a dumb mistake. You're a dumb mistake. I'll tell you the dumb mistake I made The skin was I put the foil on too early the skin was rubbery. It was wet. Can it wasn't enjoyable? Can I just quick just actually just give you a I've been roasting a lot of chickens of late. He said phone. I've been roasting a lot of chickens of late. He said, phone. I've been roasting a lot of chickens of late, is that? And this is, this is, you said, foil, let's talk about chicken.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah, and this is someone, and I'm not even joking right now, I just want to, I don't know what salt acid fat told you to do, and you know, hey, who am I, I'm just a humble monk, and I don't know. But Katie Locker, a friend of ours, she's a chef. Yes, she's a chef.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And she told me how to make a crispy skin chicken in the oven. Everything you've said so far makes complete sense, yeah. All you need to do, you don't need to put no foil over the top of it. You just need to rub a shit load of salt in to the skin. And then you throw it in. I don't think it's a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I don't think it's a spoiler. 100 that the host of salt fat acid heat also encourages the use of salt. Guys, no, but you were saying you put foil over the top of it. I'm saying, no, no, this is what I'm saying. You don't need to do it. You deserve better. This is what the song is about. I'm going to talking about a song. I'm talking about roasting a chicken and the song is saying you deserve a better kind of chicken Put the foil away
Starting point is 00:24:32 Don't wrap it in foil let the skin crisp So what did you do what did I do? Yeah? I that was I was just using that as an example I didn't yeah, but I won I. I just went away from the song. Yeah. I noticed that. Can we get back on track? So we will?
Starting point is 00:24:51 We're on this track. So I am back on track. No, I'm not. Can I be honest with you? Can I be honest with you right now? Yes. It was perfect. The skin was perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I was trying to connect with our audience with the song. Well then I want you to tell me what you did. I um, Marinated the whole roast chicken in a salty, uh, salty buttermilk brine. Okay. Uh, and then I added extra salt. I'm gonna place salt in. What I just just wanted to say. And, and that created the crispy skin. Also, she talks in the documentary about where you place the chicken in the oven.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And that was a really big key. Can you with your dietary requirements? I'm so sorry, bro. But I think this is relevant. We are on our track. And we got back onto that track. I think this song is five. Okay, but if I can just start a smart one quick.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I can't have buttermilk, but would I be able to be able to just put it in water and salt? It's just in a brine? Uh, let me look into that and I'll get back to you, but I do think a brine would work. Okay. Right. And let me know if at any point you're allowed to have buttermilk again.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Okay. Probably not my lactose intolerance, I think is a cause of it. Of course. But I'll find out, it's probably an acidic thing. So maybe like a lime juice. Potentially. Of course, but I'll find out it's probably an acidic thing so maybe like a lime juice essentially Starts to tremble and your voice begins to break you say the cigarettes on the corner What's your friends there will my mates?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Okay, so admittedly a lot of those lyrics don't sit well with my theory Uh, chickens don't smoke they don't talk Mmm But skin does crack in the oven Yes And so could he be talking about the breaking of the skin and then that the Maybe he's worried the flesh will not be moist He thinks he has to
Starting point is 00:26:40 choose between Christmas or Chris Biscuit or moist flesh and he isn't able to... He's using metaphor here, the metaphor of a girl who's broken up with him. Yes. He isn't able to decide and this song is saying, son, you can have both. I'm... Well, I just want to, am I okay, do I get a, do I get a chance to talk?
Starting point is 00:27:08 You have a writer for a play. We're 30 seconds into a three and a half minute song. Okay, I'm, because we will get, and also, we will get to this podcast idea. Absolutely, yeah, that is coming. I've slightly changed my story based on hearing the previous words. What I think is is that it's a puppet made out of foil.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Because then all the things that he's talking about, a very easily accomplished, it's his girlfriend's puppet. And later on in the chorus, she's broken up with him, what she left behind, the tin foil puppet. And she calls the puppet foil. Yes, yeah, but the foil away. Well, because to everyone else, it looks like,
Starting point is 00:27:46 oh, you're just mucking around with foil like a stupid little boy. Remember when people used to say that about your sketch comedy. Yeah, you're mucking around with your little plays. It's a metaphor for the puppet made out of foil. It's actually a very smart one. The foil is a metaphor for the puppet made out of foil. It is saying phone.
Starting point is 00:28:03 What we'll see. We'll see we'll see Color draining obviously that's the chicken changing from pink to white Yes, or the of course the light hitting the tin foil at a at a sunset So all of these theories so far and presuming you're still going with the phone your friend Whatever that is calling the girlfriend trying to whatever that is. Calling the girlfriend theory. All of these theories actually kind of work. They're adding up.
Starting point is 00:28:30 That's the beauty of art. And interpretation. Is that we can all bring our interpretations. No. There's no wrong interpretation. To me, I believe this is a song about cooking a delicious roast chicken. And to me, it's just about a small tinfoil puppet left behind by a previous relationship.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And my friends say, so now, this is OK. I think we all agree. The friends are concerned whether it be about the girlfriend, phone situation, whether it be about the tinfoil puppet or the chicken. So that's clear, friend. I love her body so her name, okay. It doesn't matter put the phone on her.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Oh, okay, it is phone, it's phone. It's fine, it's fine. It's fine. That's all right. I think I feel a better thing, you guys. That's all right. I can't believe that. I completely misheard that the first time.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Oh, man. My bad, that was totally bad. I do think the song is still about roast chicken. It does make a lot of sense if it's about a tin foil puppet as well. I completely misheard that the first time. Oh, my bad, that was totally bad. I do think the song is still about roast chicken. It does make a lot of sense if it's about a chicken. So maybe he's ordering replacement chicken dinner or something. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Maybe he's got Uber Eats on his mobile phone. And someone saying, no, trust yourself. Look, I don't want to dive too deep into it. Let's not get stuck into it. I think my theory still stands. But what we can agree on is that it's definitely fun. And that's part three of the episode. Oh, is it? Is that half an hour or are we just... Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Ah, I really wanted to... Really? Let's just say we haven't got potentially to reading out the suggestion. Oh that's okay, no no, we will get to the Kylie Jones. Whatever, I don't know. I can't remember the person's name. We will get to put out to the email, sorry we got a little side track. We got to the side track.
Starting point is 00:30:19 We got to the little bit to, we got a little bit too. So in today's podcast, admittedly, we got a little bit too. So the, the, the, the, uh. The, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, room today. And I am sorry, I for one, I wanna say sorry. We didn't get to the room. It feels like- It feels like- I don't know, we just walked into that, it felt like we were out of touch.
Starting point is 00:30:52 We haven't done this for a while. Yeah. I agree to disagree. I agree to disagree. I make no apologies. I think we've done exactly what we set out to do. And we will conclude the podcast suggestion from Brackenal Jones, whatever your fucking name is, Exactly what we set out to do and we will conclude the podcast suggestion from
Starting point is 00:31:06 Brackenal Jones or whatever your fucking name is in the epic part for conclusion next week Part for conclusion, but admit would we What So thank you for what you're gonna say! I don't know, I think I started speaking and I had no sentence in mind. You know what would, what? What, what, what, what? Thank you so much and I just want to take a moment here to think...
Starting point is 00:31:39 I can even hear it phone when it's lower and you're talking the other topic. It's just how I made that mistake. I can't even put it together in my head. It's so funny that all three of us made that simple mistake. I know, we all heard foil. We all heard foil. We all heard it on the tangent. We didn't get to the point of the podcast, but we will get to it. Sometimes I just want to grab your heads and clunk them together.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Like a couple of mallens? Yeah. Oh my god. I was pretty sure it was phone. I was, I was humoring you too. Yeah. But I was pretty sure it was fun from the start. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Good night Australia. We'll see you for the epic conclusion next week. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!

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