Aunty Donna Podcast - LIVE IN NYC Feat. MITCH from THE KLOONS

Episode Date: September 7, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list of production. You listen to the only ton of podcasts The greatest fucking podcast in the world Buried my contact and sometimes I guess We hope you enjoy the part of the fucking podcast The podcast is... Oh, yeah, he's that recording. Feel free to come down, I know.
Starting point is 00:00:24 No, this is not an audience interaction podcast. So if you can get as close as you want. Have you started everyone? Feel free to come down. I know. This is not an audience interaction podcast. So if you can get as close as you want, we won't buy. Yes. You just moved over. Thank you. I like it. It's, I know, it's good.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I'm very impressed. Thank you. Thank you so much for staying around, ladies and gentlemen. It's Wednesday in New York City. It's the end's the sentence. It gets better than this. It gets so much better. It's around somewhere between 9pm and 12pm. I haven't checked. Step 930. 930pm. We're seated. We're seated in front of an audience? This is the first time that we have ever done a podcast after a show. Usually we do them standalone.
Starting point is 00:01:12 The reason for that is because after shows, as some people who've seen our show may have noticed, we're usually quite tired and depressed. So it's the most ideal time to riff and do comedy. 9.30 at night when we're all dehydrated and broken. On the dehydrated, if I may elaborate, for everyone at home, it's quite warm in New York at the moment. The temperatures are quite high and New York has certain humidity to it which is that is true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:01:47 That is true. That is true. That is true. That is true. There is a certain, and if I may elaborate, there is a certain, there is a certain tamb to this microphone that is changing the energy of my performance. Crata, crata, crata, smooth mood. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Oh. Oh. Do you The room. Oh. Oh. Do you like that? Yeah. I like those extended vowels. Oh, sounds. Oh, sounds.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Oh, sounds. I like them. It's probably a good time, as any to remind the audience that this was free. The show was cost money. So if you don't enjoy this, it's your fault. And I put you in a category of 98% of the listeners to our podcast. The other day we got a comment, we got to subred it. We definitely didn't start it. No, we didn't. We didn't. We didn't. We didn't. We didn't. We didn't. We didn't.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I didn't mean to have the same tone as the other. I definitely didn't kill my wife. Yeah. Yeah. My wife is alive. I don't have a wife. I didn't kill her, but wow. This has gotten real down. I can't remember what I was saying. I know that's all right. We got a comment on a Reddit post, someone posted the latest podcast as they do, and it was upvoted, you know, just a couple of times. And one of the comments was, I can't tell if these are awful or good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And that is the tone of the night that you were in for, ladies and gentlemen. We should do a thing, because when you said Reddit people clapped, we We should do a thing, because when you said reddit people clapped, we should just do a whole bunch of things, where it elab- at least it's a clap from the audience to get the energy out. All right, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Has anyone here heard of Auntie Donna? Oh, cool. Wow, OK, a few of you. OK. Hands up if You enjoyed the show. Yeah, well, hands Can I finish? Yeah, I've gets going somewhere hands up if you enjoyed the show Cool, right so you can't see people who listen to me, but most people raise their hands. I don't care what anyone says, but I'm anti-Trump
Starting point is 00:04:07 Not as strong as I thought hot topic Hit in the hot topics here at Auntie Donna. It's funny you can you can you can make Trump jokes in Australia because it's sort of an abstract idea Sort of like an Andy Warhol piece anyway, sort of like an Andy Warhol piece. Yeah. In front of things, it's an installation. All right. So, my name is Zach. I, my name is Mark.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Did you think that was going to get a clap? No. No, I was, to be honest with you, I'm really touched by the one person that went, woo! I was like, what a pleasant surprise. People I knew all I had to do was say my name. You're a great character, you do excellent work and everyone really appreciates what you do. Thank you. Thank you. Wow. For everyone at home, Mark just gave me a little kiss.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And then I thought I wasn't sure if Broden felt like he was missing out so also but that's just a very Italian thing. I'm just yeah I'm also a great we we we think that everyone deserves love. I'm not very good at this. You know I'll be honest with you if I I would have started that a long time ago. Tap your head. No, I'm sure we introduce. Who? Just introduce. Let's introduce ourselves.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah, I'm Broden. I got to see on the first clap, my first time I introduced myself. I got a big clap in the first time you introduced yourself. That's true. Now I'm not going to go into anything about like maybe we set up a precedent with me. I sort of went in first and I took the hit. I took the hit for you, Broden. And I just think that's a little bit unfair because I took the hit for you But that's cool. That's cool man. Congratulations, man That's what this that's a kind of positive positive energy we want when we Do in a book we bring a little bit of joy to everyone's lives half an hour every Wednesday or Or Thursday if we forget to give Tom feedback
Starting point is 00:06:22 lives. Half an hour every Wednesday or or Thursday if we forget to give Tom feedback. We bring that little half hour of joy. And that's what this podcast is about. But this is probably worth mentioning. Our platform that we upload our podcasts to is like a son like the son in superman's planet.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's crypto. I'm a Like the sun in Superman's planet, it's a krypton. Krypton is dying. Soundcloud is dying, isn't it Tom? Tom's not in. Yeah. So it was a race. It's a race.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's a race. It's a race. They need $750 million in equity. And we're here today. I'm crazy. Forcibly. What we need to do is to take one of our podcasts, put them in a little capsule. Yeah. equity and we're here today. I'm crazy. Forcibly. What we need to do is to take one of our podcasts, put them in a little capsule and send them
Starting point is 00:07:10 to another galaxy. Absolutely. We just put on a USB these days. Yeah, that's right. You're a floppy disk. We got it. Let's go. Let's use our guest.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But let's do that right now. Yeah. Let's start with a little bit of a tune and we're gonna introduce him with a rap boom boom boom boom well help to you to the lady the gentleman my name is Zach and on the real man I've heard it introduce my best friend Mitch. He's from the group and he's a bitch. It's the clowns boy Ladies and gentlemen make some noise from Mitch from the Hello
Starting point is 00:07:58 Thanks for having me. Oh, absolutely. Please. Have a beautiful rap. Is that what it was? Yeah, I wrote it Yesterday, oh, thank you, and you out there? Yeah, I wrote it yesterday. Oh, thank you so much. And you remembered it. My favorite line was, you're from a comedy group and you didn't say the name of the group. I think it was just a group. Yeah, did I say it?
Starting point is 00:08:14 I was in my group. No. No, you're like, you just didn't know where to say it. I'll tell you why, because Clunes doesn't rhyme with Mitch. Yeah. I know. Where is this? It's why we came up with Auntie Donna, whereas this is why we were in line. It's why we came up with Auntie Dono,
Starting point is 00:08:27 because it rhymes with all of our names, but that was really important for us. So if you can change your name to a bitch. A bitch, yeah. I'd really appreciate it. I'm of the comedy group of bitch. Yeah, good. Ooh, me now.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Spicey bull. I love us. No, you. The answer is yes. Great. Thank you so much. From the Clint. Let's give us the top paragraph of Wikipedia of who the Clint's are for those who don't know in Australia.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Who the fuck are you and why does anyone care? I ask myself that every day, having found a good answer, however, conventionally speaking, I make sketch comedy with my best friends from college. You're still best friends? Still best friends, this is a thing. How did you stay friends? Seven years of business together, still friends. Wow, you went to university college together, we went to university together and you're still friends. No, that's a business. Wow, that's sort of like so you went to university college together. We went called because we went to university together and you're still
Starting point is 00:09:28 friends. We're still friends. We, so that was I think we're a 13 years total. The business agreement started with a lawyer about six years ago. Wow. But I mean, I think maybe that's three. No, they, they, they did it cleverly. They, they were legally friends. Yeah, legally friends. Yeah, wow. See, and because I personally thought it was impossible to stay friends with like two people who you see every day. Totally. Which is so funny, because I'm best friends with these two. Sorry, I miss what you said. Yeah, I'm just talking about, I'm just talking just generally,
Starting point is 00:10:00 but like the idea of showing up every day and seeing two fucking people. Yeah, it's fun. Because I'm I'm Zach and I have very good friends Yes, absolutely. I would consider you a dear friend Mark. What about me? So much How are you on this fine New York Eve? I'm much better now that I get to see these beautiful faces. Oh my god. Yeah, thank you Yeah, absolutely. I want to say something and it's for the audience. Is everyone in New York here? No, it's a lot of nose. Where are you? Someone said no with a lot of
Starting point is 00:10:35 nerve. You guys were in Australia? We did show up in Australia. All the time this was so unnecessary to come all the way here and you're going home tomorrow. That's amazing. Thank you. We should have given you a free ticket because you know it's three grand worth of flights. Do you live here now or are you on holidays? This guy lives here now. No. I don't believe it. I do. So we got Australia we used to believe who else do we have someone else? No, that was it. Yeah New Jersey. You just Tony sopranos here. Well Brilliant now that he played he means dead oh Sorry, I find death money is that good time to mention that?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah, that's a great time to mention that. I don't mean this in an offensive way about New York, because I think it's the best city in the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not even that. I think New Jersey is the best city in the world. Yeah. Jersey City, man. A little bit of noise, Jersey boy.
Starting point is 00:11:48 But when it gets hot in New York, the garbage that sits on the street starts to rot and cook and ferment and the city smells like pile of rot and garbage. That's right. And I don't mean that offensively. I mean it in a nice way. Oh, that's part of the charm. That's part of the charm of the city. It is. I like it. I mean it in a nice way. Oh, that's part of the charm. That's part of the charm of the city. It is. Yeah. I like it. I like it too.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Is there a reason for that? Yeah, I mean, it's to give ourselves a unique sense that when people come to visit, you know, in the winter you smell the sweet nuts and in the summer you smell the sweet garbage. Yeah, we're all about sweet nuts. Yeah. Ah, well, we are. I know we're about sweet nuts, but it's never never gone on record and told people Well, I finally wanted to come out and say anti Donna love sweet nuts. It's true. We get a sweet now
Starting point is 00:12:31 We get a we get a sweet now. We put in a we'll put it in a box heck. I love a savoury nut That's Talk about that. We did our own record Put a little bit of salt on it check it it in the oven, got yourself a savoury nut. What happens when you put a nut in the microwave and it for too long and it blows up? A nut. It sounds like it blows up.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I'm going to try. OK, well, what's the, just go, I don't know what. I can't wait to come back here. What happens if you want to put a microwave nut and then it blows up what have you done? Why do you blow up the nut? You blow up a nut. I think that's the best I can do. Oh you busted a nut. Good boy. Everybody out here.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Alright, Broden, yeah! When I was a child and people started telling me when the hot new thing to do was to shave your balls. Yeah. I was always scared of doing it because I didn't know, but I thought that if I cut my scroll, the nut would fall out. It's not bad. And I was always scared that it would then go down the drain. And I'd have to go to mom and be like, mom, man, nut's gone. It's down the drain.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And thankfully, that never happens, and I have cut myself But you have shaved your nuts. Yes. Yeah, I shaved the other day I was bored in the in the bathtub We want proof and I and I know I love God know and I shaved my gooch. Yeah Have you ever shaved your gooch? That's a mistake. You only make once. Oh, it's like your taint I think you call it here. Oh, it's like your taint. Did I say gooch here? Yeah, gooch.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Oh, they do. Yeah, I shaved clothes for gooch. I shaved my gooch. And then I went, you know what, I'm feeling grown. I'm going to go for a run in the New York Sun. And I was in the, I went, I had, I ran for two steps. And then I went, I have to stop because it was so painful. Never shave your gooch.
Starting point is 00:14:24 That's the lesson of the day. Please let's move the fuck on. Is the taint the same thing as the gouch? Is it a different word for the gouch or is taint and gouch a different thing? I believe those are synonyms. They are synonyms. I believe so. They're synonyms. I think gouch is a funnier word but there's something about taint that I don't want to take it out of my repertoire The thing that's nice about taint is that it also means to to ruin to slightly ruin something in the fact that it's so close to the Ascle it does seem to taint that area It does
Starting point is 00:14:57 That's a different thing to throw them so just I think we should keep taint on the table The most poetic thing anyone has ever said on our podcast It's beautiful. It's an honor to be here. Thank you so much. Thank you, man. You're a real wordsmith. The way we found out about the Clunes and became friends with the Clunes.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I think this was, I don't know if you guys had reached out before. I think they may be. Potentially there was a message on YouTube that went ignored. But we found out we're watching Australian television which isn't very good and it was a morning show, the today show, the sunrise. Sunrise. Sunrise. And these boys had just gotten a viral and were all over the internet at the time. It was with the the auntie and the mum. Was your mum? No, it the the anti and the mom. And I was your mom at no it's next.
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's next mom and I interject just very quickly. Please when he says viral he doesn't mean they get sick. He means that when a video goes well online and it gets a lot of views. It's the colloquial term for the millennial. It's like it's similar to meme. I have a we have a different lingua us millennials. We have a different. Yeah, I say I am H.O.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah, right. When I'm saying, what does that mean? It means that inside my house, outside. Oh! So if you were to say, I think that Trump shouldn't have won the election inside. I am H.O. Inside my house, outside. Yeah, yeah. So inside my house, outside. There is no place. Outside is kind of, there's a my house outside. Yeah, yeah, so inside my house outside. There is no place outside. It's going to, there's a comma in the outside. There is no place inside my house.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Outside. You're a crazy boy. That's a millennial thing. You'll never understand that. Mitch, anyway, Loans. Sorry. Hey, we were telling a story. Oh, you were inside my house. We were telling a story. Oh, you were inside my house. I'm so sorry that I created that. Sorry, you were sick. You were sick. I was very sick. I was very sick. I was doing a photo of the body of film. And I am H.O. It's a fantastic series that you guys do. Oh, thank you so much. They were on TV about it in Australia, they were being interviewed by a man called Koshy.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And one of them, Nick from the Clunes, was wearing an anti-donate shirt. And at the time, they were kind of hard to get and really expensive and stuff with postage. We're posting them ourselves. And for some reason, this guy on TV had them. We were like, well, just, and it had come all over it as well. The design of the T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:17:28 That's the design of the T-shirt. Had Auntie Donna soaking in calm. That's the funniest part is on national television, morning television, Koshy, who is the equivalent of... Matt Lauer. Matt Lauer. They were being interviewed by our shitter, Matt Lauer. Matt Lauer. That was being interviewed by our shitter, Matt Lauer, with a T-shirt that has a big picture of come on it, and that made us a very happy. Also at that point,
Starting point is 00:17:56 and at that point it was impossible for us to get on Australian television. So the idea that the first time that we were on a commercial television in our own country was a group of New Yorkers wearing a shirt that with our name when it doused in come. And I remember showing it to my dad and he was so proud. It really made him so happy. We're so glad to be part of that beautiful story. We've since been on the Kashi show. Oh nice. Yeah, and did you tell them about the story? No, I know it's a very brief appearance and we offended Cushy we did offend them. You got really upset. You dastard me come that so it's good Yeah, some people just don't understand. I was like, oh what's all this come all over me? This is a bad impression of Cushy. See like everybody. So I know these people know they think it was a great impression
Starting point is 00:18:41 Oh get it out of here. I'm all I'm coming. Nice impression. I know it's terrible. Yeah, look, I'm Kashi. Tell everyone it's a good impression. It's very strong. It's good as time has ended to remember this is a free podcast. And you're also after you're an Ellen.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yes, we were on Ellen DeGeneres actual couch, which is why we love the Ellen bit more than anything. We came to see you guys live in LA. Whenever the fuck that was. Oh, yeah, that's why you guys are in LA and then we went to the magic castle. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, us and the clones went on a date to the magic castle. That was our first day. It was at the magic castle in LA and it was everything we could have dreamed it to be. We had to buy a suit at the Goodwill beforehand. Yes. You have to be in a suit. Yeah, so in the magic castle, there is a there's
Starting point is 00:19:25 everyone across what the magic castle is. All five thousand of our listeners. No, no one knows. Okay. Alright. So the magic castle just really quick. You know, in Batten End, the Superman, when Ben Affleck's asleep, and then the flash comes in clearly from a movie that's going to come out in 14 years. Yeah. It goes don't do it. Or something like that. To show it's just asleep, which is coming out in summer. Well, you, I don't, do you know that? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Pretty confident. But you're probably, it will be. Yeah. Uh, uh, and so don't do it. Have fun, if I were doing the live podcast, and then someone who's listening to the podcast when it comes out a few weeks comes in and goes, no, tell me what it means.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And then goes back through. I shouldn't have stopped the energy. No, it was good. No,, comes in and goes, no, tell me what it means and then goes back through. I shouldn't have stopped the energy of my podcast. No, it was good, I liked it, man. I was also like, cheese, I hope. So please tell everyone what the magic castle is. So the magic castle is the home of modern American magic. It's where a lot of it started.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I think Zach, you did a bit of research on the place, didn't you? Yeah, basically it's the home of modern magic. It's where a lot of it started. I think Zach, you did a bit of research on the place, didn't you? Yeah, basically it's the home of modern magic. It's where a lot of it started. Yeah, and Mark, I believe you did a lot of the research. I did, so from my research that I found out, I read a book, like a pamphlet that they had at the thing and then a book after which I looked at the Wikipedia page. And it's the modern house of American magic and that's kind of where it all started. It's where magic started. It's where magic started. It's the modern house of american magic and that's kind of where it all started it's where magic started
Starting point is 00:20:47 it's the uh... who's who do what the starting yeah you can't make it
Starting point is 00:21:01 you can't you can't i think i did well inside my house. I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. Shaky boy. Bring it back. Um, hi, I'm Zach.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah. Woo. So the magic castle is a great place where there's magic everywhere and we all went in there very skeptical to get inside. You have to have a chaperone who has a pass to the magic castle they have to be a magician so you have to know a magician to get into the magic castle and it is literally a castle on a hill and then to enter like the Ed Sheeran song like the Ed Sheeran I unaware of the reference but if you and then to get in the magician has to go I'm a magician these are my friends and then the person at the desk goes I understand and they press a button and a
Starting point is 00:21:51 bookcase opens and Then you walk through the bookcase down the hall into the magic castle which appears to be of hell a place that was very It was supposed to be a place that was very novel and exciting about 40 years ago. Yeah, right. And we all went in there being like, man, this is going to be so shit. Magic is dumb. And then we're all left going, I think I like magic. I believe it was. I believe in magic.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I don't think you can, because I really wanted to go as an arrested development fan because it's referenced a lot in an arrested development. And I was like, so obviously the only interpretation, the only image I had of it was one mocking it. And it was, I don't think there's been a bigger arc in four hours of just cynicism to pure unbridled drunk enjoy. It was just a beautiful night. It was so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:22:45 A woman's card out of a lemon, out of a fucking lemon. He cut the lemon open with a knife, and her card was inside it. The lemon is not the work of the devil, then I don't know what it is. The lemon was on the stage, the whole god damn Tom had,
Starting point is 00:23:01 he get the card in the lemon. I just want to say, I don't know, I hope I'm not ever reacting, but I think that because Ed Sheeran was in a few games with friends, I think he should be killed. I found the very important, I watched it, I liked the show and he's not from that world, so I think we should hang here. Yeah, I found it very important that after I saw him on there to immediately get on my phone, miss up chunk of the episode,
Starting point is 00:23:31 so I could call him a Kant on his personal Twitter. Yeah. I thought that was just, it was super important to me that I did that. I thought you have to know that you are a big Kant. I've been doing that to me. Yeah, because he doesn't deserve he doesn't deserve it Yeah, and I want him dead. I
Starting point is 00:23:49 I'm not I don't I haven't yet watched Game of Thrones. I will in time and Tom music guy he was he was watching it in the hotel room that I was in and I was watching something else with my headphones in probably born We were watching porn. I was watching pornos. I was watching the 2007 Victoria's Secret. It makes me choose a little inside story whenever we go to a hotel and we check out every time Zach's hotel rooms a bit more because he's bought some pornos. I love the porno. I love scrolling through the movies and then picking a porno.
Starting point is 00:24:30 There's something nice about paying for it in a hotel, right? Yeah, and it's anonymous when they build. It's no one knows that the one thing on the list, the same price as the porno with not porno written on it is not the porno. I want to do it one day so I can go, so I just want to pay for the M&M's and the Paul No, please. Thank you. So I was on my laptop watching something else and I looked over and my reaction was legitimately, I didn't know he was in
Starting point is 00:24:56 Game of Thrones. He should be killed. I was like, that's interesting. And then when I found out what he had done to the series I felt it was very important that he be put to death. I Just find that disgusting that he would have the audacity to come into someone's tally show and just Fuck it. What I can't I mean like the audacity to have his agent ring him and say, you've been asked to do this, would you like to do it? And for him to say, that would be lovely. They're in the same name. I'm a big fan of the show, I'd love nothing more than to do a small cameo, that would
Starting point is 00:25:35 make me feel so great. The audacity to accept the generous offer makes me want to take his head and crush it with my hand. Oh my god. I like her music. I love that he's a ginger. Yeah. But that makes me sick.
Starting point is 00:25:51 The hand crushing thing was a bit of an accidental reference to the new season of Twin Peaks, which is a great show. I thought I'd bring that up for the four people that are watching it. Oh boy, but it's a great show and I hope it's doing well. There's nothing to riff off. Have you seen it mentioned? I haven't seen Twin Peaks or Game of Thrones, but they sound like great shows. Well, this was great fun. Other than their guests, Kevin Throne is a fictional story of house-loos. Yeah. So it's on the lancestors and the stocks and say in
Starting point is 00:26:26 the world with magic and dragons. And it was great up into the point that Ed Sheeran. Oh my god. And then it's ruined. Yeah. It's really dangerous if you were. Tainted. Very good. Very good. Magiative. That was the end of
Starting point is 00:26:41 the podcast. Imagine if we didn't have eight more minutes to fill. I would agree. We could just sit here and silence and just wait. Imagine if that was the end of the podcast. Imagine if we didn't have eight more minutes to fill I would agree we could just sit here and silence and just wait just fucking wait it out guys I'd like to act out a scene Just because I need it almost therapeutically. I need to walk through it. Okay. I'm gonna be like a producer Yeah from Game of Thrones, okay, yeah, and one of you guys Can you be like a match the other stock from the musical the producers? By Nathan Lane most famously I
Starting point is 00:27:12 Do a mean Nathan Lane, so let's get excited for that. Okay. Thank you for that setup you guys Oh my god my Nathan Lane is incredible. I can't wait. They know who Nathan Lane is. I know. I know, and it's like they've been who Nathan Lane is. They were in New York that they've been who Nathan Lane is. It's just not another coshie.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Is what I'm trying to explain. I know, and they are going to be very impressed with my mate. You're not going to get away with the second right lane. No, no, and it's a good Nathan Lane. I'm a fan of Macarge Foltz. I hope you're not going to do one of those lame lanes. Mitch, I'm sorry for bringing you into this world.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah, we did too. I like this. So Mitch, who would you like to play in this scenario? You're playing the producer? Oh yeah, and we need maybe an agent. We need also the devil incarnate. Oh, that's generally what I like to play. All right, great. So you're the devil. You're going to be the devil incarnate. Well, that's generally what I like to play. So you're the devil.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You're the devil. You're the devil. Is the devil Ed Sheeran, or is it a different figure in this? Because I haven't really thought through this. What do you mean? Well, Ed Sheeran is comparable to a devil in my opinion, the way he took it. No, well, maybe, fucked it.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Or maybe the devil and Ed Sheeran are in. Good, good. So one of you guys are going to play Ed Sheeran, who would like to play Ed Sheeran. You can talk amongst yourselves. We've talked about it. And we've made the group come to the decision. I can't.
Starting point is 00:28:43 We're both going play here. Edge here. That is so good, because I had no fucking idea who was going to be the fourth person in the seat. Even the title was a shame. Struggling with the set. Yeah, yeah. With the third.
Starting point is 00:28:56 OK. So ring ring ring ring. So this is just a standard improv game. A prep game. You probably do a bit of improv. You're even the home of improv in the United States. Yeah, I was right up in the modern home of improv. We went to third cities, so second cities, the famous one.
Starting point is 00:29:12 We went to the one that was next to it. So little further down the road. Yeah, absolutely. Little cheaper. Little cheaper. Yeah, little cheaper. Yeah, little cheaper. You'd be surprised.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Not that much cheaper. Okay, here we go. Ring ring. One, two, three two three four and five six Seven eight nine Sure, we're doing a countdown to the sketch the devil's here We need you to get a sure and a game of thrones Yes, I do, they eat it, eat it, and it gable, stop the improv, stop the improv. Sorry, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Now, I heard a wonderful devil. Thank you for my head. I heard a deep sort of gravelly gutter voice, and it made me think of Lucifer himself. I thought, mefistophiles had come into the room. Yeah, that was beautiful. That was so fancy. I get that a lot, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Then Zack spoke. Yeah. And I don't know what happened. You were very impressed. No. I get that a lot actually then Zack spoke yeah, and I don't know what happened You were very impressed. No, what was that? There was my Nathan Lane Right I I loved it. Thank you. Thank you. So there's the best Nathan. I thought there's a fly on your on your face Some great physical comedy happening right now Some great physical comedy happening right now. Brunner said that's Mark, by the way. He's flying out and resting on Brunner's hat. Is this, this fly, I'm sorry to do.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Sorry to do. Don't you hurt him, don't you touch a hair on his head. I was going to punch you in the face. That's what he thought. You better be. This fly has been here since our tech rehearsal before the show today I shit you not that's been here for the whole show. Is it still there? It's not moving They live oh my god Nathan Lane is a fly
Starting point is 00:31:01 What are you doing here? Did you like the show? Don't tell him, don't tell him. I'm back to the show, Brian then. Oh my god! Oh! Fly is sitting. The fly is now on Broden's thumb. Oh, I landed. I didn't get him, I didn't get him.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Goodbye, fly. The fly, we need to fill people in. This is a good sign that the podcast is going well. We're talking about a fucking fly. But the fly landed on the microphone that I was holding as if it wanted to say something like it's going to be okay. Maybe he was going to talk about his groundbreaking work in the Bird Cage.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Is that the only thing you know that Nathan Lane has done? He was in the Lion King. No, ten things that Nathan Lane has done? He was in the lion king. Nathan Lane's done. Go. Bird cage, lion king, mouse trap, produces Broadway musical, produces film adaptation. Bird cage, lion king, mouse trap, produces Broadway musical, and the produces adaptation. He's fucking serious. Yes. Yes! Thank you! Does anyone think they can stop that many things that Nathan Lane's done in the audience?
Starting point is 00:32:10 With no repeaties? He was in the field right? No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, It was not it was a take on Greek philosophers. You know who was in that? I believe Nathan Lane Yes, actually he played the original all its place in the true story of a friend of ours You're always here man Hello frog man. Thanks for joining us. We flew you over for the podcast. Mixed you have any questions for frog man Oh, yeah frog man What what is the the most dangerous question I can ask you?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Oh, my. If it involves too much heat, I'll shrivel up like a prune. There's not much depth to this character. He's just a combination of a weird man from the suburbs of Melbourne and a frog. I love it. I'll skip his opinion on wet lily pads. Frogman, what's your opinion on wet lily pads? Oh tell me, oh, I love them. I love to get on a wet lily little lily pad and get nice and wet. I'm a frog. When I was 21 I came to New York and I saw lots of Broadway shows and I was like oh my god, one day I'm gonna come back and I'm a frog. When I was 21, I came to New York and I saw lots of Broadway shows and I was like, oh my God, one day I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna perform in New York City.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And when you said that, when I watched you do frog men, just then I realized that I've wasted 10 years of my life. Oh no. I've wasted 30 years of my life with my current wife. You're current, I'm so sorry. Married? I'm married and I'm very sad. To a frog?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yes. Mrs. Frog. Mrs. Frog. Yes. All right. Guys, Frogman doesn't really work in a live setting. So I'm going to fly away to heaven now. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Who are you? He won't. We've come back for a sec. Oh yes, hello. This is my way to heaven. So your heaven's in the sky. Are you dead? No, no, I'm just an archangel. This is something people don't know about Frog Man. He sees an archangel that sits on the right hand side of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now here's the doubt they were looking for. Yes, absolutely. This is new information to the character that's been around for all the many people have drawn Frog Man.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And I feel like they've been grossly misinformed. Oh, I can take the form of a man. I can take the form of a frog. But most of all, I am frog man, the Archangel and messenger for Lord Jesus Christ. What did you, that's like the first thing you should have said when you're on a show. I just didn't think to mention it. But if you're a messenger from Jesus Christ, what does Jesus Christ want to say to us and our guest Mitch? I don't know. He hasn't got anything. It's specifically I'd like to know. That's a great point, but I work Thursdays through Tuesdays. So I'll matchly on the day off.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Are you working the weekends? Yes, do you have a penalty rate for that? Not anymore. Your penalty rates in America? Over time. You don't get paid correctly for a lot of things. We have this thing, you know, and it get this on sun. This is you've got a, you've got a, you've got a clothing. Yeah, but you get paid extra if you work late or if you work on Sundays and shit like that. Does that exist here? Yeah, all right. No, and yes, America's very confused about their pay system. It's I think I'd bloody think that's because it's a confused system. So you guys hear something. I'm a frog, I'm a man, I'm an archangel for the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm a resident and a participant in the Caram Downs Council and also I am a staunch supporter for payment rights.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Guys, sometimes I start a thing and I don't know the professional. Ha ha ha ha ha. You know, very much. That's very much the general tone of our podcast, isn't it? But they're just like, we started the podcast one day with no idea what we were gonna do. And this is what it's resulted in.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yeah. So you were talking about pay But before that we were talking you work First days through choose days. Yes. I work Thursdays through Tuesdays We have to wrap the podcast up now, so right Well, I never know with Tom because Tom does this thing where I look over to him sometimes and he goes like this And that means both keep going and wrap it up. Sometimes you look over and he gives you the thumbs up like which either means great job or that's the end of the podcast. I'm gonna forget to do this. So if you're listening at home please ask me to film Tom on something, ask me to film
Starting point is 00:37:00 Tom doing the action that confused you. What if you're working though? Maybe. It will have to do it on a Wednesday. Oh no. Oh no. I don't work Wednesdays and sometimes I just spend some time with the wife. Other times I just go over to the donors and I do a little podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I just think I have a day. I'm a daymaid and a remit. The California and all female rock band, The Donuts, or Auntie Donna. Ah! Ah! Both, actually. Would you like to hear,
Starting point is 00:37:31 maybe we should close out with a rock and roll song. Me chump so sorry. Ah! No one's more sorry than I am. I'm sorry. We're sorry. Yeah. Yeah, thank you so much for sticking around after our show. It's a pleasure to be in New York.
Starting point is 00:37:47 You guys have been a wonderful audience to stick around into the late night on a Wednesday with the podcast. Thank you, Mitch. Thank you, Mitch. Thanks for having me, boys. Mitch, do you want to come see Dunkirk with us tonight? I have to. Yes. Yes, I do want to see it. We'll see if I can.
Starting point is 00:38:05 If anyone's telling you, you see Ed Sheeran telling him that he's a fucking asshole. And also, you know, we're going to start a little thing. We're going to start a little fundraiser selling cupcakes and car washes for Soundcloud. Oh, God. So if we can get that 700, you can get a million. I just realized the movies at midnight tonight. Yes. Doesn't don't you work Thursdays? No turn into a
Starting point is 00:38:27 Graemlon midnight What turn into a Graemlon is every midnight I turn into a Gremlin. Can you can you get wet? Then is that the thing? I'm always wet. It's different to the Gremlins movie Guys, I'm so tired and so warm, I need to go to a pond. Goodbye. Thank you so much, everyone. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Thank you. Like the thank you guest, Mitch from the point. Thank you. Thank you to Theatre Adi for having us to waste the time and for putting this on at top for doing this with his hands. Have a great night, guys. Thank you. Thank you. You've been listening to the Aunidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another
Starting point is 00:39:08 rip-episode brought to you by See you next week! you

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