Aunty Donna Podcast - #Meijgate

Episode Date: July 18, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. You listen to the only dollar forecast The greatest fucking forecast in the world Buried my contact in sometimes and guess We hope you enjoy the part of a fucking podcast When it comes to who's earning the most dough The Dono's pizza box is topping the list Don't make taking home more than $36 million in the last financial year.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's almost 435 times the average Australian wage. And here's a guy named Nanna Yeh, seems wrong to me. Imagine how many households at feed. $36 million. Well, I hope he's worth it. The country's best paid CEOs work for Domino's Westfield and the quarry bank, all with pay packets above $25 million. And then there's more tax paid. Good morning, faithful listeners.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We're releasing this in the afternoon of Wednesday, the 18th of July 2018. I didn't think we'd have to say it. This was, this just started as was started as a funny sketch podcast. Just a sketch podcast that we do weekly and occasionally that comedy would via towards funny brands. So often we did jokes about La Polketta. We've done Peter Hut with Domino's Hungry Jacks. The two pizza companies that we've focused on primarily in this silly little podcast with eight listeners is Domino's and La Polketta. And both both of those. Domino's and La Polketta both of them. Both of them
Starting point is 00:01:35 have had very huge huge controversies and yeah here we are here we are within 12 months recording our second emergency pizza podcast yes because these companies are in the news whether right or wrong and we should state as well that we have we have a larger connection with obviously La Poquette if you haven't listened to that episode go back give it a listen essentially just the cliff obviously La Poquetta if you haven't listened to that episode go back or listen to that. Go back, give it a listen. Essentially just the cliff notes La Poquetta killed people. La Poquetta wasn't the people they were whole but like underground we're just tied in basically the mafia. La Poquetta equals mafia is what we learnt from that. And in this time we we have a bit more of a connection to Domino's, Don flew us up to Don May the 36 million dollar
Starting point is 00:02:26 man, flew us up to Brisbane and we had a tour of Domino's which will be a short film that we're releasing for cans in two weeks. That's right. So for those of you who aren't across the huge news that has come out is that Don May, a close friend of the anti-donut podcast, has been labeled as the highest paid CEO in Australia, almost $30 million more, $11 million more. Then us. Then us, and the people just below him who work for the Westfield.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Westfield Court, the Corridor Bank. Yeah. And a lot of people are like, you know, confused as to how did he have a pizza boy? I'm angry. How did a pizza boy who started off delivering pizzas for Domino's, or some shit, I can't remember, work his way up the ladder so much that he is now Australia's highest paid CEO. We're calling this MAGate.
Starting point is 00:03:26 MAGate, M for clarity, ME, IJ, GATE, not M-A-I, J-I. M-E-I-J. M-E-I-J. M-E-I-J. GATE. G-A-T-E. M-E-I-J. M-E-I.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I want under this really tense music. M. MAGate, MAGate, not ME, I-GATE. I want to do this really tense music May go may go not may why gate not me age gate no, I got this would have been better happen in May But no, it's in but no the truth is in July it's in July So second emergency pizza podcast. I'm mad. Can I say that are you mad about how much I'm mad? I'm mad at them. It's been earning. No, I'm mad at the mad about how much I'm mad at them? I'm mad at them. I'm mad at them. I'm mad at them. I'm mad at them. I'm mad at the medium. Yep. I'm mad at the lack of truth. Uh-huh. I'm mad that this is just coming to our attention now. Uh-huh. Yeah, I wish Don had been up front and told us when we met him in person. Yeah. I wish that was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Mm-hmm. I am 30 years away in a year. Great. Great, thank you. Now we can go for a night.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Not even, not even hello. No, I don't need a hello. From someone that rich, I need to know the kind of bull that's missing his pocket. Yeah. Do you know what it is? We've had some high profile guests on this. Huge.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I reckon accumulatively. Yeah. We had some big people who've made a lot of money. Like Bob Sagitt owns full house, I think, or a large portion of it. It's probably an EP on it at the very little. Domay. We've a lot of money gone through this podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:58 There is, there is. And we haven't seen a fucking sense of it. Not a crump. So. Not a domino's crump. We have a, we have a lot of drinks. We have a lot of it. Not a crump. So not a dominoes crump. We have a we have a we have a good thing and the coffees are on you. She was. Yeah, we actually don't do coffees at Domino's though. Unfortunately, I wasn't saying Domino's coffees. Just because we find that that's a space that people really have. You know, you've got your McAfees, you've also got your
Starting point is 00:05:40 local coffee places and whilst we did experiment for a time with coffees at Domino's, we felt that it was really important to focus on those decadent treats. Coffee is a practical, has some coffee getting out of there. We just thought let's focus on those delectable treats, soft drink, pizzas,
Starting point is 00:06:01 subs. That's what we really wanted to focus on at Dove Nose. Don't I just obsis zagging around these questions? We got some hard-hidden questions. We appreciate you coming in. I imagine this is a hard week for you. It's gonna be a hard week. You are 36. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, weeks. Right, yeah, yeah. I know, imagine you've got more than 36 million, because I can't imagine that you've... You only earned this year. Like, you know, I can't imagine throughout the next year you'll spend 36 million and go back to zero.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Well, Mark, I don't think you appreciate how much I love pizza. 36 million dollars on pizza? Yeah, I think that's a bit of a stretch. And I'm not talking about a stretchy dough. No. I'm talking about... Nash, see what he's done? See what he's done? He's charm-dust. Yeah, he's charm-dust, isn't he And I'm not talking about a stretchy dough. I'm talking about Nash. See what he's done.
Starting point is 00:06:46 See what he's done. He's charmed us. Yeah, he's charmed us. There's any. I'm in love with that. We've got some serious questions for you, Don May. How, now when we, when you flew us to Brisbane, yes. Which will be in our short film.
Starting point is 00:06:57 It will be in our short film. That we're putting in myth and cun. Coming out soon. I don't think that was out of your pocket. I reckon that was out of Domino's pocket. I want to know how you justify flying six pieces of shit. Can I put this into some sort of context? That was my idea to fly you to Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:07:17 That was my idea. And that's the sort of thing they're paying me for. Some of us driving around in my yellow Lamborghini. And I thought, wouldn't it be great to fly the anti-donna boys up to Brisbane? And that's the sort of thing they're paying me for. So I was driving around in my yellow lamb beginning and I thought, wouldn't it be great to fly the anti-donna boys up to Brisbane? You have a way to make some pizzas with this. So you've got a lamb beginning
Starting point is 00:07:33 and yellow lamb beginning. I imagine it's a sports car. Yes, I drive that around Brisbane to see it. Yes, and someone was driving you around. No, I was driving it around. And I had a thought, let's bring anti-donna up, you know? And that was, you know, and that was you know They pay me bonuses for things like that. That's what you've got to understand. I'm not making 36 million dollars
Starting point is 00:07:52 Just cash in hand. No, I make bonuses and well, it looks like a very big number actually when you break it down It's quite a reasonable number for a CEO of Domino's aren't the bonuses cash Yes, so they are cash, but that's not... Inhand, would you put them in your hand? Oh no, no, I put them in my bank account. My bank account with billions of dollars in it. I would argue that that is in hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Okay, sure, sure. So it is cash in hand, but I don't start the year going, I'm going to make $36 million. I could end this year making only maybe $40,000. I could end this year making that much money. So you, so I can say that. There's a big discrepancy between $40,000 and $36 million. How do you, and so your argument is that
Starting point is 00:08:45 almost 35 million, that almost 35 million, more than 35 million, more than 35 and a half million of that 36 million. Well, even 36 million has been cracked out. I think it's 36.7 million he earned. So $700,000. So it's 36.0 something I'm making in bonuses, yes. Right, so, right. Okay, how do we, how do you break that down?
Starting point is 00:09:04 Okay, so some of these bonuses for... Sure, so I just want to make that clear. I'm actually not earning any more than our delivery drivers. There's a lot of talk in the media. I find that hard to believe. What? Well, I am in bonuses and that's the misunderstanding. So, for example, Mark, I know you don't eat dairy.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yes, sir. Have you had our delicious vegan pizza? Yes, I have. And did you enjoy that vegan pizza? Actually, it was pretty good Yeah, you enjoyed that now I was the one I came in I was driving around in my yellow Lamborghini and I thought Vegan pizza and I came in and I pitched that to the team I said maybe we should do vegan pizza and I made $10 million for that. That was a $10 million bonus That doesn't seem fair to me.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Did you have you had the vegan pizza with your own friends? No, I've had it. I've had normal cheese and normal meat because I'm a man with muscles. Oh that's fantastic. And we have that meat lovers pizza. If you're in the mood for something a little bit more decadent, we've got that meat lovers pizza. What do you got? What other son of pizza do you got? So we've got the meat lovers pizza. We've got our Melbourne range and that was when we came into Melbourne. We found that people, they didn't understand the dominoes. He's got them, charm and you gotta stop with, turn the charm off and answer the hard-kitten questions. I blame you Mark. Are you wearing hard enough of him? It's my turn. All right. You go. You try. I know this is not great for a podcast. It's really bugging me.
Starting point is 00:10:23 The left side of your jacket is folded in. Oh, that's better. I'm going to ask him the hard questions. Okay, sure. But don't. Do you understand that I've explained 10 million of that 36 million? I don't think you've explained it. I think you're being difficult about it.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So much money for coming up with the concept of a vegan piece which already exists. I don't think you justified how that equals that amount of money. Okay. You just said, my idea equals this amount, and I don't think, listen, do you know that you earn this year, and this is from stats that I have in this paper in front of me? Okay, sure. Upwards of 435 times the average Australian wage.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Well, actually 135, just like that number soak in. That's more pizzas than you eat in a year. Now, I have a question for you, Broden. What? Now, Mark and Zach earlier today, they told me you love sweeties. I love them. I don't want to talk about sweeties,
Starting point is 00:11:17 I want to talk about you. Oh, absolutely. This is actually related to that, Broden. All right. So now, now let me tell you, have you enjoyed our delicious thick shakes? Well, one sort of twice, I think they're fantastic. And they don't have any of those nasty additives, do they?
Starting point is 00:11:33 No, how do you do that? So basically, what we do is we have a machine. And that gets the dearer. A machine? Yeah, we have a machine. And that gets the dearer just to that optimal temperature. So you've got that smooth texture of a soft serve, but you're not having to add any of those nasty additives.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So in fact, you're just getting 100% authentic dairy soft serve. Now, when I pitched that idea to the group, they said, that's fantastic. And the board said, don't, we're going to give you $6 million for that. $6 million. $6 million for that. $6 million. $6 million. Okay, did you come up with the machine? Oh, no, no, we got it from America. I was in Denver.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And I had some of that ice cream. I said, this is fantastic. Is this real dairy? They said it doesn't have any of those nasty additives you get in a soft, so. And you decided that's with $6 million. No, I didn't decide that. The board did. The major shareholder decided that's worth $6 million. No, I didn't decide that the board did I wish the major shareholder's decided that We're up to $16 million now and all you've done is is said the words vegan pizza which already exists
Starting point is 00:12:32 Mm-hmm. The other thing you're on a nice holiday having a delicious soft serve and you went oh, I like this That's worth $16 million. You know how much a doctor gets paid how much I don't know I don't know I actually get paid less than them. When you take out some of those bonuses. So you've enjoyed the delicious ice cream? Well, they're delicious. And they're reasonably priced. Yeah, and you've enjoyed the delicious vegan pizza mark.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I have it was really nice. Yeah, it was wrong about Don, though. Yeah, it was a nice guy. I think you should get paid more. I've got a question for your boys. Have you had the... Have you had how puff pastry pizza? Oh, they are delicious, those puff pastry.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I do, I've always loved. I've always loved. Did you know that puff pastry base is vegan? What really, I've been avoiding it recently because like, wow, that's incredible. So basically, Wait a minute. What a bitch.
Starting point is 00:13:19 You've done it again. You've charmed us. Shut up, Don May. Listen, I put into Google how much doctor make okay And it says and I just want you to be aware of this okay Unfortunately, this is the Google answer July 25th 2016 Which is the date today which is the date unfortunately as in many professional fields now I haven't pre-read this so I have no idea what this is gonna make or break my point
Starting point is 00:13:45 I'm just reading as it comes as you're hearing it. I'm discovering it myself Unfortunately as in many professional fields male physicians earn more than female doctors Well, that is just a bloody outrage. I feel like males and females should be earning the same amount What why is there this pay discrepancy and then why do people say that the pay gap isn't real? I can't believe that, I cannot believe that male, like, where are you? You've done it again! You made me talk about the wage gap instead of,
Starting point is 00:14:15 why do you, now look at this. I really don't think that was done, I think it was you. No, no, that was shut up, that was done. All right. You son of a bitch, now male primary care doctors earned 225,000 a year, compared to a female primary care doctor who earned $192,000.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Now done, how do you justify the price of a New York range pizza? Mm-hmm. When a female doctor is only earning $192,000 a year. Okay, so this is the thing. When people were online, they were on the internet, and they were saying, Don, Don, we've just been overseas, a lot of Australians, they're much more mobile than they used to be. So they're going over to New York,
Starting point is 00:14:55 and they're discovering that New York style pizza, large, foldable slices, lots of cheese. And they've said, Don, we would really love Domino's to have something like that. Mark, I said that. I read that, and I said that to the test kitchen, and I said, why don't we make large Domino's style pizzas at Ford the New York style?
Starting point is 00:15:17 And why are you earning 36 million? Because every one of them sold, I make $100. So every time, every time, how much is that added up to over the years? That's $5 million. So, okay, so I just want to just stop you right here for one second, okay? So, $10 million for the vegan pizza.
Starting point is 00:15:35 $6 million for the ice cream machine. It's $5 million for the New York range. Now, all of that is delicious. Can I just note that you have delicious foldable slices. You pick that up, you fold it up very well. I've had it very, very fantastic. Yeah, all up. I love the cheese and I love the cheese. I love the cheese. $5 million for the New York range. Now all of that is just going to be worth. You have delicious foldable slices. You pick that up, you fold it up very quickly. I've had it very way.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, all up. I love the cheese and mushroom one. Lots of cheese, lots of mushroom. That's $21 million. Yeah, actually. Now, when Zach pitched the idea of him breaking down the bonuses that Don made and what they were for, I expected it to be in slightly smaller amounts.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So it would last a much longer portion of the question. Can I ask you question, Don May? Yes, absolutely. You have much do you actually earn then what's not bonus? What am I actually making? I'm actually making less than our delivery drivers. How much? How much is a delivery driver? How much do you earn per year? I'm actually making $15,000 a year. You're a liar. No, I'm actually making $15,000 a year. Because I said that. When I started this company, I was a delivery driver. And I said, those guys are out there on the road.
Starting point is 00:16:31 $15,000 is below, if the salary, how many days away do you want? That's the way we make. Thank you. Thank you. And that's really what I'm all about. I want to earn a very small amount. Because he's the only... There you may $36 million. Well, that's really what I'm all about. I want to earn a very small amount because he's the
Starting point is 00:16:46 there you may $36 million. Well, that's in bonuses, Broden. I'm not. I'm not. What do you do if you get paid $15,000? What do you do for that? What do I do? What if you had no bonuses?
Starting point is 00:17:00 What is your job consists of? It consists of running dominoes enterprises. And that's seven countries. That's seven countries. What are they? They're Australia. They're New Zealand. Good start.
Starting point is 00:17:11 They're Denmark. It's Japan. It's some other countries. Do you get a bonus for every time you knew one of the countries? Absolutely. Yes, I make $100,000 every time I know the country. So just there, in the next financial year, I'll be making $400, yes. I make $100,000 every time I know the country. So just there, in the next financial year, I'll be making $400,000 just as a little bonus. Because you can name, because I can
Starting point is 00:17:31 name four out of the eight countries we distributed. I would argue that that's not worth $400,000. What's your thoughts on that? Look, I don't determine those prices the major shareholders do so the hungry jacks guy don't make these people are Determined you're on the board. Well, I am a major shareholder of dominoes. All right. Look all right So look I googled he just I googled I googled how much dominoes pizza boy make right and here's what came up This article came out about a man who was delivering pieces in India. Are you telling me that I'm supposed to believe that you earn less than 3000 rupee a month? Well, I'm not delivering the pizzas in in I'm talking Australian minimum wage here. And let me just say just for a moment, well, I don't convert rupee to a Australian dollar.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So it's 0.020 cents, 0.020 cents, everyone Indian rupee. I think you'll find that Domino's India has nothing to do with Domino's Enterprises. You're going to have to talk to the head office in Denver. I got the board members for the Domino's Enterprises right here. That's $59 a month. That's all I made. You heard less than $59 a month. You know, it's pretty hard out there.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It's pretty hard out there for a CEO. Why are you giving some of those bonuses to Lush? To Lush. Very good, yes, very good. Lush. Fagously underpaying their workers. I would like to know, at a 30, I think, you could give two million of your dollars
Starting point is 00:19:02 to Lush employees. Okay. They're most deserving charitable case in the world. Absolutely. Absolutely. Hey, don't you get, don't you get preachy, you son of a bitch. Yeah, I think you're forgetting, he just didn't, he said the board decides how much I earn. And then I asked him who's on the board.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Well, not the board. And he said me. I see said I don't decide who decides I get 400,000 for a calling four of the countries I'm in charge of. The board does. And I said who's on the board and he said me. Fuck. So I get together with my good friend Jack, who started hungry jacks. We have a coffee and we just bash out those bonuses. We just bash him out. But let me ask you, Mark, do you enjoy the delicious foldable slices on a vegan New Yorker pizza?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Well, I mean, that was one of the reasons why I ordered the New Yorker pizza in the first place was I was like, I just, I've just been to America. I love the foldable slices of pizza over there. I was just curious to know. It's a great idea, right, that you decided that pizza should be a bit bigger, right? But I would say the stealing on how much that idea is worth is only about $10 million for me.
Starting point is 00:20:12 That's why we said, let's not do this as a flat bonus. Let's see how they sell. And just every time you sell a pizza anywhere in Australia, you just get another $100. And then it was an exciting day when we sold 50,000 pizzas. So what did I made five million dollars there? How do you earn a hundred dollars every time a pizza for 14, 99 is closed?
Starting point is 00:20:37 I get a text. I get a text. But do you see the disparity in profit margin there? Where if a pizza's 1414 and you're making $100 and you're in a net loss of about $85. Now you could say that, but this is the thing, that's why we charge that 15% surcharge on Sundays, just to make up the year.
Starting point is 00:20:53 That was big. That was big and equals up. I don't think it levels out. All right, I'll generously add $1.50. Okay, and then also $84 profit disparity. So also, have you have the delicious chicken wings How do you cook them wait wait so what are we up now what are we up to now so 10 million Vegan pizza as a bonus decided by the board which is made up wholly of yourself or not the board major
Starting point is 00:21:21 Shareholder major and major major Well not the board major shareholders major a whole and major major Six million dollars For going to Denver and and seeing a ice cream machine Deciding that you should do that. How much was it for the a hundred dollars per pizza, which is five million five million Five million just in the last financial year, right. Oh, that's a lot of pizza Yeah, selling a lot of pizza. I love pizza. Oh Yum, so that's 21 that's 21 million was there something I missed? There was another 5 million for the chicken wings 5 million for the chicken wings now we're up to 26 million dollars in
Starting point is 00:21:58 Pay, but actually I'm not making that much when you break it. No, you're making 26 million Yeah, well, okay, so here's another thing. You have to understand, after a certain amount, I'm actually paying about 18 million in tax. That's true. I'm paying about 18 million. No, no way. No, no way. No way.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I'm paying nearly 50% in tax. That's true. You can look that up. I'll top of that. I'll top of that. You have another job and you've had to put it on the tax free-through. No, you get that back in tax. I do donate to charity, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But I'm paying a lot of money in tax. On top of that, I'm also paying for red Joe on my yellow invagadie. That's your dad. That's a red Joe. That's not that much. That's not that much. So, well, you add that back. And insurance, what do you get in like, $10 million?
Starting point is 00:22:42 So that's $10 million. Yeah, $10 million. And then I've got the car red Joe on the yellow line beginning. And then what? And then with insurance, that's 1,500 a year. And I'm only getting 50% off on those pizzas. Everybody pays car red Joe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:56 But I'm gonna pay, well, yeah, that's fair. That's a fair car. I'll take that. Everyone has a car and they pay red Joe. What I want to know is, you said you're paying 50% tax And is that because you have a second job which is on the tax three fresh old and then you put your domino salary Not on that so you get tax 50% or is it because you're in a certain I mean I'm earning a lot I mean I'm not earning that much. I'm only earning you know 15,000 well then then you wouldn't be so you have to have a second job
Starting point is 00:23:22 I want to know what you're saying the bonus is a tax quite highly and then then you wouldn't be so you have to have a second job. I want to know what you're saying. The bonus is a tax quite highly and then because you know It does add up to 36 million. I am taxed at quite a high rate. Yeah Have you had have you had our have you had our new little Sundays? I love the little Sundays Yeah, I thought they weren't gonna be enough. They're a little quite small. I have one is plenty But sometimes I have to roden. We live above a donut. I live above a domino. I have, one is plenty, but sometimes I have two. Broden. We live above a domino. Broden, I live above a domino. I hate to inform you.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You've been charmed. Have I been charmed? You've just been charmed. Yeah. He got you the cheeky bums. You rich bastard. That was a million dollars for charming you just then. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:01 I think that's fair. You just got to pay bonus. Well, that'll be in the next financial year, yeah. Are you expecting to earn more next financial year or have you run out of saying things that already exist? Yeah. And then receiving money for it. Domino's burgers. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Are you gonna change your name to I-I Domino's? Yeah, sure. Why not? I'll do that. Help us with the bonus on that. Let me me spray that down for you? It's a reference to the International House of Pancakes in the United States of America Canada Which they abbreviates you I hop I recently changed the name to I hop International House of Burgers. They did do that and we actually did change our name a few years ago from dominoes pizza To just domino's because
Starting point is 00:24:45 how much did that got earned you? That earned me 12 and a half million dollars. That got me 12 and a half because we wanted to focus not on just the pizza but we're a delivery service, we're a technology company and we love decadent treats of all varieties. My worry now is that you're over. That was a few years ago. That was a few years ago. That was a few years ago. Right. So now I'm just at 9 million of bonuses, which I can break that down for you. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:12 How? Tell me, Broden, have you enjoyed a delicious Pepsi at our Domino's? Yes. Have you enjoyed a Pepsi or a Pepsi Max? Yes. So when we switched from Coke to Pepsi, that was $8 million. $8, that was $8 million.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's a hard deal to make. But you drive a hard bargain. Yeah, right. But I imagine you didn't do a lot of the groundwork. I took the Pepsi, I took the Schwebs, the whoever owns Pepsi in Australia. I took him out to a nice dinner in Brisbane. Did you pay for them food?
Starting point is 00:25:46 No, I used the company card for that. But I talking about for dinner, I bought him some wine, I joked that maybe we should be drinking Pepsi and he laughed, he said, maybe our Pepsi for lunch. Let's have a glass of wine to celebrate. Right, and you got $9 million. Did you also have to take the Coke CEO out and break it to him that you were no longer
Starting point is 00:26:05 going to be continuing that relationship? I just texted him. Oh, that's cold. How much did that cost? That's cold. That's colder than ice cold coke. Yeah, how much did that cost? That was $500,000 for texting him.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. I would argue. Yeah. No text is worth $500. Why didn't you ever texted the CEO of Coke Australia? Let me think. Why didn't you go into a lush, get one of the employees there to text them and let them have the $500,000?
Starting point is 00:26:32 That's a great idea. But here's the thing, Mark. That's for the lush CEOs to focus on. My focus? My focus is on decadent treats for everyone. I see how much the lush CEO made. Don't wait for me. OK. How are you, bro? I don't know. I'm good. I'm a bit. I'm I don't know. Like, you've come to us.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You haven't gone to any major news outlets to break this break this down. You've come to us and we're not trained journalists. I feel like Lee sales would have really taken you to town. But I'm on board now, I feel like you've earned every cent. Yeah, and guess what guys? And that's not because... Three pizza for every week. Oh, great, and that is not just because... It's not...
Starting point is 00:27:13 I'm not on Don's side just because they flew us to Brisbane and Gamers, gave us free pizza for a day. I think he's earned $36.7 million. He has, he has. Even though he's not the CEO of Domino's Australia. No. That he's made that someone else's job, which how much did you earn for that idea?
Starting point is 00:27:33 For that idea, that was a few years back. That was four million. How much is Nick? How much is Nick? I don't know. Let me tell you boys, right now, as we've been talking, it's $500,000 worth of bonus. So I'm about $515,000.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Why? Can we have some? Yeah, sure. I can give a shit. Don, mate. I don't want to do with all this money. I can't find any more. Alright, so apparently, apparently Nick Knight, no way.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I can't feel it. Are you don't, and please don't get Nick Knight confused with Nickelodeon at night, which becomes a... Nick at night, yeah. Nick at night is, can you imagine? So apparently, Nick Knight, or it's just giving me Renon Stimpy show times. Well, it's maybe that's what he's been paying.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Maybe he's being paid. So it's just saying Red and Stimpy from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. just like back to back episodes. So, okay. So you're making $36 million, and Nick Knight, the man below you, is only earning Red and Stimpy reruns. That's right. I'm sorry, but something sounds like, it sounds like you're right. I'm sorry but something sounds something sounds like it
Starting point is 00:28:45 sounds like you're way you run in lush too. No I'm not running lush and let me tell you I love decadent treats. Well that's a good answer I can't I can't fault him on that answer. Tell you what your question is what's going on with the pay disparity and he said I love decadent treats I'm on board. That's the same thing. But for me, I'm the fan of late harvest jalapenos, just to add a little bit of spice to my pizza. What is late harvest? It's harvest the light.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So basically, like at night? No, yeah. It's going like in early hours than between 12 p.m. And one of the new boys are very, so basically what happens? A boy's a very what? Your boy's a very silly. So basically what happens is we
Starting point is 00:29:26 Excuse a lot of people pick Caliphate very young. I don't think is this silly? Yes, it is boys so light harvest how many years don't have a sharpness hey, hey, is this funny? I mean silly Yes, that's very silly broden Hey, hey, is this funny? I mean silly. Broom! Yes, that's very silly, Broden. Do you have anything silly for me, Mark? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I do. Here's something silly. Your pay packet. Ooh. Hey, Mark, what can I do to get you on board? I guess the only thing that would make me happy with you earning $36 million point seven by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:07 $36.7 million a year is just adding a few more options to the vegan pizza range done really? Yep boys thank you so much for having me. Wow I've had a great time thank you so much. This is legitimately what happened when we went out there. If you walked in, this is Don May guy. It'll be in the film in two weeks. Two weeks, yeah. By the way, we love Don May.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I'm glad he's only 36.7. I said to him, I asked him one question. We're having a delicious pizza that we made ourselves. And I just asked him one question and I went, dumb, if you wake up in the middle of the night and you have an idea for a pizza, can you make it happen or do you have to go through anyone else and before I'd even finish my sentence he just went, yes. So you guess I can and I was just like, that is, that is power and you know what? That is how you earned 36 million dollars. Close us out on this episode of the podcast is Don Macing in his favorite song Okay, here we go
Starting point is 00:31:11 Just I'll choose one okay Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you It's a birthday dear pizza Happy birthday to you You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some.
Starting point is 00:31:29 You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some.
Starting point is 00:31:37 You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. You're facing some. harvested from the field. Mark, let me tell you, a lot of people, they have their pizzas born right after they mix it.
Starting point is 00:31:46 But we believe in letting that yeast settle over two to three days. So I would say a pizza is born when it's ready to be popped in the oven two to three days after we've made it. Alright. Thanks boys, thanks so much for having me. You've been listening to the Don May podcast. What? Of which I just earned a $4 million bonus. When I walk to Brisbane having the pizza I make lots of fun and have a good time Zack doesn't have a sense of rhythm and what do you know?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Nor does Don I make it with the vegan and all the yummy treats I make lots of fun and have lots of beats yummy yummy pizza in my tummy tummy tummy. I'm done Mayin how do you do? I'm into a podcast looking real flash. Yeah, he was earning heaps of cash. His name's Don May, but that's not how he plays the game. He walks around in his Lamborghini hay, driving around, not fucking around, making pizzas all around the town. Yeah, his name's Don May, and that's okay, because he earns more money than you gramma. Fuck you! Yeah. Yeah. May and that's okay because he earns more money than you grandma fuck you
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah Been spend in most my life in a decadent treat paradise I've been a decadent treat paradise. I've been offended by my life in a decadent treat paradise. Yeah, drive my yellow game beginning round town and I make pizzas every day with a frown. No, I am smiling for all my boys and girls making 36 of Do-yo-yo. When I made the money I knew straight away that everyone would go, hey hey hey hey, let's make a pun about money and dough, and what do you know, everyone did. Ben spends in most of his life with an indecident treat paradise.
Starting point is 00:34:00 That's like my fourth favorite song, so I was a little surprised. Good night, everyone. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rep episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week! you

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