Aunty Donna Podcast - Mrs Claus' Lawyer

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

This week we invited Mrs Claus back on the pod but she sent her lawyer instead!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Aunty Donna podcast. As we enter the holiday season, we call it our Mrs. Claus to a tentative podcast, but she sent her lawyer instead. Remember, if you're loving the pod, you can get access to the video and a bunch of bonus episodes over at Christmas time special time year magical time
Starting point is 00:00:42 is Christmas like banana There we go I love Christmas time Spend time with my family and rhyme We all get together It's a good time What do we do? We spit real good rhymes My name is Brody Kelly
Starting point is 00:00:59 I love to fuck Christmas time We'll eat some duck Christmas gifts Come and and net the wazu. Yeah, we are, have a little room for put to. N-n-no, you're not. Oh, I thought you were throwing a gun. I don't, that'll do.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I'm not much of a rapper. Okay, welcome everyone to Christmas month. Or as we call it, um, Christmas month. Put month, put month. Put month. month. It's a special time of year Christmas because it reminds you of your family and friends. Yeah, and trees and decorations. It reminds me of snow, but not in like just because that's sort of a lot of the movies.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the aesthetic of it even though we don't really do it. But we do we do our Christmas in shorts is a big thing in here because it's Why do we wait? It's warmer if it's if it's mid-twenties our web pants if it's cooler our web pants I can't just say we may think of a Christmas. I've ever worn Shorts like after Christmas. Can you think of a Christmas where you've worn pants? No Well, you just you don't remember disambatting no, no, no, I just what did you do last Christmas?
Starting point is 00:02:14 I went to my brother's house We had dinner there. He asked me why I don't have any pants on again I we had some egg noug which was really nice and then I just we just went home We don't do the big family thing was lunch, but I'm we had some egg noug, which was really nice. And then I just went home. We don't do the big family thing. What was the lunch? Pardon? We had a roast chicken. You see, you don't do the family thing. You went to your brother's house.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, but it's very was just me, my brother and my father. So we don't do the big sort of everyone's dead or doesn't speak anymore. And that's, it's a special Tom Year Christmas. It is because it reminds us of all the things that family friends have you noticed? Yeah, shopping centers of busy years. Oh, come on man. I just noticed that. We have a very special guest. Yes, well, with us. Well, we wanted a very special guest. Yeah, last, with us. Well, we wanted a very special guest. Last year, if you're an avid listener to our podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:09 You're an avid listener. Then you'll know that we had a very special guest on last year. Incredibly, incredibly special. Who went by the name Mrs. Claus. And they were called Mrs. Claus because they were the partner of Santa Claus. Now, I don't remember really what the character, I remember I was got sexual. It got sexy and it got into a poly,
Starting point is 00:03:30 like a poly, poly, poly and stuff. Amerus kind of things and cucking, I believe there was some cuckolding. And then we, so we, people loved it and it was downloaded 48 million times, I think. Yeah. Which is pretty common for us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And we thought well maybe we'll get Mrs. Claus back Maybe she's interested in coming back on plugging the put book but the put book. I don't know I thought because it's actually played by its act that maybe should we talk about the put book? Yeah, by the put book Unless it's after the shipment date still by but it's available in store It's available. It's available. I've got to go to the store. Yeah, that's the whole that's the whole reason But penguin rather than self-published is what you would say. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for saving that That's right. We wanted Mrs. Claus Mrs. Claus a great a great to do I'll be there I'll be there can't wait so excited and we get in here today
Starting point is 00:04:21 No, Mrs. Claus who's here? Well apparently, apparently the solicit, what's your name? My name was Gavin. Gavin. Gavin. Come on, for each. Gavin or Kevin? Gavin. Gavin.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Gavin. Gavin. Ginger. Freeze. Jeff. Jeff. Wait, wait, let me go more like this. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So Gavin tells us that he's the solicitor for Mrs. Claus. I'm a KC. Queen's council. King's council. King's council. Queen passed away. Yeah. Had to change all my letter heads. Did you have to? Yeah. I imagine that would have been quite stressful. Not stressful, but it was, you know, a great personal cost. I have a little pen with my name on it that I give to all of my clients after we signed something had to get all of those very done. I'll start with the obvious question. Where's Mrs Claude's and why are you here? Mrs Claude said me to clear up a few things. She felt very misrepresented by your podcast. She wanted to come back on to clear up the things and she found that she wasn't personally
Starting point is 00:05:29 In the mood or in the space to do such a thing so she's asked me to represent her And so because when you say Misrepresented it confuses me just to touch the podcast is unendeded allegedly no No, no allegedly it is unedited. It's one. We know that your position is that the podcast is unedited. My client feels otherwise. She feels that she came in and recorded four and a half hours and you edited together a version of events that misrepresented her. I just have a follow up question from the who are you? So you're, what was it again?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Jefferies. Gavin Jefferies. Gavin Jefferies. Gavin, may I call you Gavin or Mr. Jefferies or? You can call me whatever you wish. All right, Porky. Scum pig. Mr. Spaghetti. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Right. Crunky two skins. Yes. Wow, he's really okay. He's genuinely okay with being called whatever we want. Jim? Yeah. Tim Buckshoe.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah. Mr. Leezard. Yeah. Crunchy snuggles. Yeah. A few snuggles. Yeah. A few things I'm going to go for like a sudden no. You'd be incorrect.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That's great. I'm not a comedian, I'm a lawyer. Pete, I want to know. Pete, I want to know. You tell me you're not Mrs. Claus. Yes. When Mrs. Claus came in last year, she was dressed in what you're Claus. Yes. When Mrs. Claus came in last year, she was dressed in what you're wearing.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yes. So, Christmas glasses. In fact, the same ones that I think have been in a canvas bag in our office for 12 months. Yeah. She felt it was important that I wear the uniform of the North Pole as I am representing that all the situation. She wore tinsel as well. Now, so, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You're not wearing the tinsel with the tinsel is here. Yes. Well, otherwise, I can understand that. You look strikingly similar to Mrs. Clause. Had the tinsel been on you? I would have been mightily. Would have. And the tinsel is a personal choice.
Starting point is 00:07:45 That's sort of a decorative element, but the glasses are the uniform. Senior Kampert. Yes. What was it that we misrepresented about Mrs. Clause's appearance on the show? Because I would like it. People loved it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People loved it. People that wasn't accurate. Now, I'm going to point to one or two comments in the YouTube video. I don't worry about that.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You can't the YouTube video comment as are all idiots. Yeah. Anyone who's ever commented on a YouTube video? Is it an idiot? You said that. You said that. We're gonna say are awesome and should engage more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh, okay. Well, yes, I'm happy to say that. And hit that awesome and should engage more. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, yes, I'm happy to say that. And hit that bell and stuff like that. Hit that bell, subscribe, what not. And subscribe, hit that bell. On multiple occasions, Mrs. Claus stated, unequivocally, that her polyamory and her cuckolding were two different
Starting point is 00:09:01 and separate interests. The fact that she is a, she cuckolds with her partner, Santa Claus, is separate to their polyamorous relationship. While one is needed for the other, while one needs to be polyamorous in order to cuckold, she made it very clear that they were separate concepts. Due to your editing, she feels now she is ostracized from polyamorous community because of perpetrating
Starting point is 00:09:27 various misunderstandings about what polyamory means. Go on. This is all I need it to say. I'm confused. I blacked out. It was quite as a little Lego mumbo jumbo. I tried to keep it to simple playing talk. Just to be fair. You dumber down for us again. Yeah, imagine you're speaking to two fucking idiots. Yeah. Who did drop mass at near 10? Why not?
Starting point is 00:09:56 I then just did the arts subjects. This is art. And then went to Union, got into a course that required a fifth like the lowest possible interscore Imagine you're talking to someone who got a 60 as an interscore Did nothing for three years and couldn't get into a course until they were mature aged student because they were so stupid I Already was imagining that I thought I had dumbed down the language consider go low You need to go, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:25 So, this is limbo, mate. Imagine the person you're speaking to grow up in where I be. Right. Okay, sure, okay, sure. So Mrs. Claus stated that she was polyamorous. For an hour after that, she explained very clearly what polyamory meant, how she engaged in sort of ethical non-monogamy with her partner.
Starting point is 00:10:50 N-M. Then the topic, then the topic of cuckolding and of sex with Santa's little helpers came up separately. It was brought up by you. She then talked about those things, you understand. You edited out both her talking about polyamory and a nuance way and you bringing up the topic of cuckolding. And it appeared as though she was under the misunderstanding that polyamory and cuckolding were synonyms, were interchangeable those concepts. So I am here to talk to you about very serious things, but you're wearing very silly glasses.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yes, but you must understand most of my jokes. For those of you who are listening at home, the glasses are sort of my joy very silly for those of you listening at home. The glasses are sort of a thick-rimmed round. They're right. They're right. They're right. They're right. They're right. They're red sparkly and they have yellow antlers that are attached to the glasses by
Starting point is 00:11:59 Holly, Christmas Holly. Yes. And I imagine anyone getting close to you would be tempted to give you a little kissy. It's strange. It's strange. It's the juxtaposition of what he's saying with what he's wearing. Yes, yeah, yeah, it's odd. But also what he's saying is it doesn't make any sense. So I need it dumbed down one more time. You need it dumbed down? Yeah. If you could dumb down, I think I've started to understand. I'm about three layers off. So go the next one. Yeah. Simpler. next one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Simpler. So Mrs. Claus. And if you haven't listened to the original Mrs. Claus podcast, go listen to that and then come back, because this is going to make no sense. So go back a year. It's potentially too late for that. So I think. Listen through.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And never go back into it. I didn't go back. I didn't go back and listen. I use that for you. That's a lawyer. I listened many times. I'm a bit white, but I didn't. I didn't go back and listen.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't really remember. I remember we shot it at the old podcast studio. Yeah. And we put it up on YouTube. Yeah. I watched half of the video just just before. Hahaha. Here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Okay. Just before. He is what happened. Okay, Mrs. Claus talked about fucking Santa's little helpers while Santa stroked his thick cock but not long He would like to watch she described the fact that Santa liked to watch now that's cuckolding now that is cuckolding She does not dispute that she said that and she does not dispute that she does that in fact
Starting point is 00:13:31 She wanted me to state that she feels no shame about the love life that she shares with her partner and the Concentral love-making she she has with his little helpers has with his little helpers. You okay? Yes, I asked Galja. She also wanted me to state that when her little helpers, when his little helpers grow her out, I remember talking about growling out. I do remember a year ago. I remember a year ago talking about growling out. I brought up growling out. Yeah, I do remember a year ago, I remember a year ago doing that growling out.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, I brought up growling out. Yeah, because you forget a lot of stuff. I'm the stupidest person in the world. No, no, that's not stupid. It's just not great working out. No, you always say stupid. That's what you always do. No, I'll never.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Go through a podcast and find one where I've seen your stupid. No, you don't do it on the internet. I don't have to worry about the podcast. It's always. Who are you? Oh, that was Zach. But me, I'm me. But for you, it's funny that you remember from 12 months ago growling out
Starting point is 00:14:27 I remember I remember bringing it up because I think growling out this is the phrase the phrase the phrase the phrase The phrase the phrase growing out is something that's within my ripet world She wanted to say that she does enjoy doing these actions with Santa's little helpers or the old, but she didn't wish to bring it up. You asked the question and she did admit to it. Now she feels no shame about this, but it is cuckolding and she never brought it up within the context of her polyamory. The polyamory is a separate thing. The polyamory is about her, which is, yeah please explain. Polyamory, as far as I understand it, is
Starting point is 00:15:12 the act of, is being able to ethically be in multiple relationships, relationships with multiple people. So she does have a partner, as real as any monogamous person's partner in Barbados. And she often travels to Barbados in January, February and spends time with him. She also has another partner that lives in the large North Pole sort of center. They live in a wing of the complex. She is exclusive, she is partners with this person who wants to remain anonymous. It is a person. Yes, I just thought maybe it would be a penguin.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Of no, it's not a penguin. Because the North Pole. Because the North Pole. Because of the North Pole. How many people would live up to the North Pole? Well, no, this person, they, she met this person at a saint's and sinners ball. It felt that, yeah, colonial hotel, I believe. And they, they, they were engaging, this person wants to remain anonymous. They were engaging in a
Starting point is 00:16:16 consensual sort of casual relationship, that this person was fully aware of Santa Claus and of their arrangement. They have since moved to the complex, to the compound at the North Pole, and she is in a long-term relationship with that person. She is in three relationships. Santa Claus is not in a relationship with that person. Add break. And we're back. Continue with the legal talk.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Mrs. Claus is in a polyamorous relationship with three people. There was one other person for a time, but that's no longer a thing. And while Santa Claus has had sexual relationships with the man in Barbados, he is also not in a relationship with that man, but not in a relationship with anyone else. He is in a relationship with one person in London. In London. Yes, and he spends, when she goes to Barbados in the off time, he spends time with that person.
Starting point is 00:17:14 He also does have casual sex with the Easter Bunny. Hmm. The Easter Bunny is aware of the arrangement as well. This is separate to the cuckolding. There was one comment on YouTube a year ago. he is aware of the arrangement as well. This is separate to the cuckolding. There was one comment on YouTube a year ago. Yeah, I remember that talking about it a while ago. That got to Zachary, he just wanted to clarify a few things. She created this sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Can we say what, I would love to know what the comment was. I can't find the comment. It was just something about how, basically clarifying all the things I'm clarifying and I wanted to clarify it too. And so did Mrs. Claus. Right. Um, can I ask, uh, why the fuck it matters? What do you mean by this?
Starting point is 00:17:58 Who cares? Well, Mrs. Claus has been an active member of the polyamorous community. Can I just add an ancillary question to that before you get stuck into this? So what was that? Who cares? Why is it matter? And then also what are you hoping to get for Christmas this year? Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:12 So I can answer that question nice and easily. I can answer that question really. No, I want to answer it really. Okay, sure, sure, sure. So I do have an answer to that. It's the Lego architecture Colosseum. Yeah, Lego. Yeah, like Lego, but it's Lego for grownups. Sure. It's like a three-dimensional puzzle. Now, why does anyone care? Well, Mrs. Claus has been an
Starting point is 00:18:33 active member of the, sorry, my glasses have little bells on it. I didn't mention earlier that the antlers have little bells attached to them. So what I just speculate, sometimes the little bells dingle, dingle. You're affirmately defending your client Mrs. Claus with rigor. Thank you. And then the bells began to dingle. Mrs. Claus has been an active member of the polyamorous community since 1987. Then she was known as Miss Smith. This was before she married Santa Claus. She feels that she has been, she has been falsely represented by you and your
Starting point is 00:19:15 podcast and has been ostracized. In fact, at the latest Saints and Sinners ball in Melbourne, at the colonial hotel, she was around Ali. She explained to me. He used to work. Multiple occasions. Did you ever work at a saint in Sinisteria? That worked. Oh wow. She was not invited to various rooms and dark corners and encouraged in fact to go home because they she was seen as misrepresenting a community that she's very much in love with. Because they are podcasting. But so I'm struggling to understand, because if you are in a situation where you're cuckolding, the chances of your relationship being open or polyamorous, whatever way you
Starting point is 00:20:04 define that, because there are many ways to define a polyamorous, whatever, in whatever way you define that. Because there are many ways to define, you know, a polyel, one polyamorous relationship is not like another. Yes, absolutely. I think it is. So why, why? I would know. I've been married to my partner for over 45 years. Mm.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Monogamous. Largely monogamous, except for one affair with the secretary in the mid 90s. Do you know the front? I appreciate the front. Yeah, this is it. Yeah, she knows. The secretary also assumed that you had done that and uh.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, I did it and the secretary's husband at the time tried to blackmail me so I just um put it out there. I'll put it out there openly. Yeah, it took away the thread. Yeah, that was a difficult time in my marriage. Yeah. That's the bell's going ring-a-ding-ding on the glasses there. So what?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yes. So I just don't understand. If you are cuckolding the chances of your relationship being open are probably very high. So why has there been this rejection from the community and how we're responsible for it? And also, what will you be doing for Christmas this year? Yeah, sure. Easy, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I'm very busy at Christmas time. That's when I work. Yeah, well, the shopping centers are packed. I nearly exclusively accept for a few different things. Well, yes, the shopping centers are packed, but I am the sole representative, along with my team of Santa Claus. So obviously that's a very busy journey. Right. So you're just full-time retainer. Yes, yeah, and I'll do the occasional quid pro quo trial by I work quite a bit in refugee resources. But for the most part, I work exclusively for the
Starting point is 00:21:48 clause estate. And is it the finance group that clause has had over it, sort of like, what's the company called North, called Magic Christmas North Pole, or is it? Now, I believe I went into the corporate structure of the clause state last podcast, but I don't remember any of the details. And I worry I'll contradict it. But it is, it's hard to describe. There are a number of businesses, okay, but it's all owned by a trust. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's all you need to say, aren't you? Yeah. There was an attempt at a corporate take over in the late 80s. Okay. And since then, Centrefeld, it was more important. He did try to go public before that. Now it's under the trust. No one owns it.
Starting point is 00:22:29 So it's a lot safer. I helped sort of build that. Congratulations. Thank you. I guess those bells. Listen, I'm sorry it's gotten to this. Yeah. We were legitimately just welcoming back a character
Starting point is 00:22:40 who had on before Mrs. Clause. Yeah. We'd love to have her back. The last thing we wanted for this podcast to be involved in any legal battle. I would hate that. So, what I would like to do is say, what can we do to help get Mrs. Claus back on?
Starting point is 00:22:56 What can you do to help get Mrs. Claus back on? Firstly, really clear up that misunderstanding. She doesn't have an issue with the Cuckold in community. You're absolutely right. Most Cuckolds are ethically non-monogamous. The issue is that it doesn't work the other way around. So she needs clarity from you. She needs you to say unequivocally. Is the issue that we have just assumed? We've put out there. We did nothing. I know. I know. I'm just trying not to get us into a legal battle.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yep. So we have, because that would be awful. Pfft. Because we have just, so we have assumed that if you're poly, you're cuck. She feels, I never did that. She feels the way I do it. I don't think it's the part that's...
Starting point is 00:23:41 What's really happening? One person's brought in a whole thing. And you and I have done nothing wrong, but yet we're the ones who are paying the price. Exactly. Sometimes you don't do anything wrong, and yet you still get in trouble. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 So what do we need to do? Mrs. Claus. I'm not Mrs. Claus. Or Zach. This is Clau's love, or Zach. You know, we get crumpled, dim-pim. It doesn't matter. But actually by your ruling, I could call you Zach
Starting point is 00:24:07 and you'd be fine with that. No, that would make me uncomfortable. Ah, there it is. Well, yes, so it's not anything. That's fair, but did you get it in writing? No, but I will follow this up with an email. Now, Zach, I mean, ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:24:24 Pimple, pimple. Yes. What do we need to do? I just need you to say, Mrs. Claus, there were aspects of her conversation edited for the YouTube video. Mm. And that's not what happened.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I mean, a section was taken out, sure, but it's a straight, if you would run this, and if you also admit that not all, ethically non-monogamous people are cuckolds. Those two things they are. Just say it. Just say it and it will all be over. I never see that. And if you don't say it, I will sue you.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Okay, for a hundred and seventy thousand dollars. I will say it, I will say it, I will say it. Yeah, I will say whatever you want. Well, fucking say it, we'll say it, we'll say it. We'll say it. Yeah, we'll say whatever you want. Well, fucking say it, because I, it's not fucking worth it. Although I do want to say, Broden and I never assume that if you're poly, you're Cuck. No.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And I would also never assume that if you, I guess I would never assume if you're Cuck, you're poly. Cuck might be a very specific, I like to get one person over my house. Fuck my partner, watch that. But other than that, I don't have relationships outside of that, there's no emotional connection. This is a very Christmassy. I have a fuck watch share.
Starting point is 00:25:38 This is Christmas month. This is Christmas month, pimple. How is this not Christmassy? They play that you fucking turn them up. It Christmas music offs, that's why. Oh, okay, right. Sorry. I'm the legal representation of the most Christmasy family. I can understand. So what I'm saying is I can understand if you have... Let's go through the legal minutia now. What I'm saying is if you have... And I imagine this is how it's done. I imagine in the bedroom there is a chair.
Starting point is 00:26:05 There's a separate chair. In the chair in the corner. That's the front watch chair. Because there's a chair in my room, but it's covering clothes. It's covering clothes. Obviously, it's not your fuck watch chair. If you need to know, if you must, they bring in a stool. They bring in a small stool with a hole in the bottom of the stool.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Why? I don't think you want to know. No, no, no, I really want to know. I don't want to know. It's for access for semitre. So they're on the stool. No, they're in the bed or on the stool. No, they're in the bed on the bed or on the swing. That's the way the swing.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah. And San is on the stool. He's on the stool. But he's just watching. No, no. Well, he is just more active than that. Right between the lines. No, I am, but what I don't understand
Starting point is 00:27:02 is why you need a stool. It's a podcast, Mark. Why is he doesn't need a stool with no Seat to put things up his asshole So well Santa Santa will often leave it. I don't want to know. So there'll be a helper It's not a helper. It is a helper in a way It's unofficial helper like a hamburger helper. No, he high is a fish of helper. Like a hamburger helper?
Starting point is 00:27:22 No. He, uh, he, uh, he is, uh, people from sex workers from Scandinavia and they've been doing that for a while. Just leaving. No, but I'm just asking about, I'm, I'm, you know, lawyers should you be going to this much more comfortable way. They feel no shame. They feel no shame about their life.
Starting point is 00:27:37 If you can't tell you a lawyer, this kind of thing, who can you tell? They feel no shame about their lifestyle. They said I could talk about any of it here. So the sex worker from... Skin and maybe they're flown in. They're flown in for two week periods. Christmas time. They do a two week carc.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Well, they stay, they don't, he doesn't, they're on calls. Some festivals don't go well. They're on call that time for that long. And yes, Christmas time, they double the amount of people at the hotel and... But surely they're more busy with the gift giving Yeah, they're more busy than more stressed stick to the chair stick to the chair I don't want to talk about the chair. I need to know I need to know because in my
Starting point is 00:28:17 Listen to this this is opened up my entire and they want to learn about this kind of stuff That's something they're gonna explore in their own journey. It should be putting their face and sand it takes it, it has a hole in the chair, so you can get shit up his ass while he... But I thought he was just watching, that's why I'm confused, because why not just stand? It's an active watch.
Starting point is 00:28:36 All right, that's all why I'm wondering. He doesn't get shit up his ass though. And you know what I mean? No, I don't think you do. I don't want to know. Well, because now I'm very confused. It's sort of a, it's sort of a bathing ritual. Okay. So it's like a bidet.
Starting point is 00:28:50 They washers, they wash him. No, so Santa Claus gets entirely nude. And he sits on the stool before the cucking, before the cucking, before he's, so Mrs. Claus and, and so he's in the house having drinks in the drawer room. He's in there with at least two. My man comfortable with it.
Starting point is 00:29:08 He's like, why? What I don't have to talk about this. I've been given permission, but it's only if you have to decide between yourselves if you want to know. All right, do we want to talk about these or not? It's all I want to talk about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Maybe he could do like funny voices or something for the podcast. I know, I know, I know, I know, and that would be good. I understand that's more what we do We don't mess that talk about the minutia of this is more of an abby check you characters Yeah, it is more of an abby chat field all right, but her biggest podcast is how to give a great blowjob Yeah, maybe this could be our biggest podcast ever all right to find that exactly house Exactly Alright, to find that exactly house. Exactly, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Around hell. Santa and his partner, Cuck. For me, that's a lie one for Christmas. Alright. Go on. And his boy, Shlem, go. Oh, great. I don't have to convince him.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You do want to hear that. You do want to hear that. Yeah, so I need to know why the chair has no, because I always thought it would be, in my imagination of Cuck, I've paid a Cuck to come over, fuck my wife. I have a comfy chair. I'm in a nice chair.
Starting point is 00:30:18 With a koala? Yeah. Nothing, no chair is better for being Cucked than a koala. Yeah, a single cedar sofa, something like that, very comfortable, maybe with an ottoman to put my feet up. Oh yeah. And I'm watching and I enjoy the show. I'm maybe I'm masturbate, maybe. But if I do, there's a small side table.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Are you telling me, or is to listen to what they do? What you're going into is what you would do. What I'm saying is this is what I've always imagined so to hear stool that has no seat that is cut out not not for penetrative pleasure no
Starting point is 00:31:01 Confuses me greatly and I would like to know For Christmas. Why? So Santa Claus he disrobes he has a room a special room for this he disrobes from his jolly red suit. He's wearing that all the time No, no, no he wears it in he he wears it in that they changed to a more casual stay on track I Don't care what he wears around the year round. You're okay. What he wears year round. No, okay. He wears jeans now I said I don't care to compete with the okay sure so
Starting point is 00:31:36 He'll he'll disrobe he comes into the room alone Then the two two at least two of the of the sex workers come in and they wash him. They completely clean him from head to toe. They wash his hair, they serve him up. The whole is... I think I've seen coming to America, I understand. The whole is to access the genitals and give that a good wash. So he's using the stool in the scenario.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yes, he's on the stool. One who's going to advertise on this podcast. Who knows? Yeah, that's fun to know. Let us know. So they wash the janitors, they wash his whole body, they then rinse him off. There's a sort of a lark,
Starting point is 00:32:18 so this section of their bedroom is linoleum. They're built in a wet room? They're built in a wet room? They built it like a wet room. They've built it specially. Yeah, it's a wet room. So it's Lynoleum with a large drain. They then rinse him off, dry him off, and then he stays on his stool.
Starting point is 00:32:34 He doesn't get off the stool. That's very important. He doesn't get off the stool. He's clean. They leave. That's all they have to do. Hmm. Then Mrs. Claus and the helpers come in and they do what they do
Starting point is 00:32:47 and he does what he does. Well, Merry Christmas from us at Arnie Donner to all of you. Oh. We hope you have a great Christmas or holiday, whatever you celebrate, enjoy this time of year. Thank you to the lawyer of this clause. Mark and others. I got my Christmas wish. We'll see you next year. Enjoy other stuff we do for the rest of the year. The you vote on the rest of the things.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And by our Christmas book. Sorry, it's been exact now. By the put-ball. By the putoodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. Or by the Poodball. See you next week!

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