Aunty Donna Podcast - Oceans 14 Part 2 Feat. BEN RUSSELL

Episode Date: August 1, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTEN-F production. You listen to the only ton of podcasts The greatest fucking book I've seen a while Buried my Kentucky sometimes and guessed We hope you enjoy the part of fucking podcast Ah, here we are, still robbing, trying to rob a lap or cat or I'm now conturneble And I'm Hans Zimmer and I just wanted to say if you're just tuning in now, maybe go back and listen to some of the earlier podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:32 We try to make every episode entry level for our audience, but I don't feel entering into this podcast now is the best thing you can do. This is really part two of maybe a seven-part podcast, potentially a nine-year. I got a call from my dearest friend, here's a man, a very silly little man by the name of, he does all the dinky-dinky little songs from the movies. Oh, Danny Elf.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yes, Danny Elf, when he called me and he was so silly, he said, I didn't know what was going on at all I Loved it's a little bit enough for that harms him are it's time for us as me as prime minister I'm used the person who scored bad man the band the pizza man is has got a tummy issue. Elewitts me, Danny Elfman. Oh, Danny Elfman. I just popped in to say I've been dead for long time. Oh, Danny, how about you little man? Oh, I'm dead tired.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I don't think Danny Elfman is dead. I think he's still very much, I'm pretty sure he did just a slig. Oh, did I? Yes, little Danny Elfman, you're such a little man. Maybe I'm just a slig. Oh did I? Yes, little Danny, and your such a little man. Maybe I'm just to run down. Yes. So Mark got a serious tummy issues. So he won't be here.
Starting point is 00:01:54 That's why we've brought you in, Danny. Ah, it's me, Mark. Fuck you, broding. Fuck you. Fuck everyone. Fuck this and f*** you! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Yes, Mark does have different tones to the way he performs.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So Mark, we need to recruit you into our little plan. Uh... Vinnigio, I'm not entirely sure what's the plan the plan is. I can't remember from last week. Here's the big, I'm Malcolm Turnbull. Malcolm Turnbull! That's right, Mark Bonano, and we're robbing a lab or kit up. Oh, well, sicker, fuck him a titties, that's crazy! Malcolm, yes, fuck my titties and teeth. That's crazy! Welcome!
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yes, fuck my Tidens in the D. Mark Vinny-Jew as an Italian man, took all into the Lapocetta and pretend to be a customer, Contrary to Cisforas. Absolutely! I'm an actor! Very well, but we're going to need Jesus Christ to walk across the Yarra River to get into the lap or kettle. Hey guys, how are you today? It's Jesus Christ. Mark, have you met Jesus? I've met him a long time ago, but then he touched me on my little Willie boys!
Starting point is 00:03:22 I didn't mean to do that. I'm Jesus Christ. I'm just a chill guy. I can't really help it. I'm a maid, so some, man. Jesus, are you, I'm Malcolm Turnbull, the current prime minister of Australia. I've lost 50 popular votes in a row. I want to ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I've got big tummy problems. Yes, Mark. I've got a big tummy problem in my big tummy. Yeah, but thank you for coming in Mark today. Ah, fuck off and fuck you! Where is this ocean's 14? Kelly. Jesus, are you on board to rob a bank?
Starting point is 00:04:00 My name's Jesus, okay. And I'm here to say I'm a okay with robbing a bank That's great. Well, we need a few extra people to rob this bank. Is there anyone you'd like to add to the Group? I think it's time for the Sam's the South African Okay, let's let's go. I know where one of them is and maybe we can find the second one I can't really remember what this is. Why do we need San the South African? Well, they know how to deal with an issue and it gets a little bit touchy Excuse me
Starting point is 00:04:40 What a niche it gets a little bit. You know, and initially gets a little bit But it needs to get some little bit of you know and initially gets a little bit Uh-uh Jesus I'm gonna say boys. Let's go find What does my sister character I can't remember He was a bit more Callie. Okay. I'll do him a bit more like this We don't think he was Australian. Holy fuck on my- No, he was American. Sit on my little tongue dick and squirt around.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You're getting this so good, Mark. You're doing such a good job, is it? Good. Okay, so let's go see South African sand. I don't know, South African sand. Oh, who's this? It's Mark. It's sand. I don't know what that's called, sir. Oh, who's this? It's Mark.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's Mark. It's doing Mark. Wow, you're so varied. I'm Bessetop. Hey, Mark, are you a Catholic? I'm Italian. Oh, OK. Well, let's head over.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Such a fully far-steading of the character. Mark, can you do us a favor and head over and talk to the two South African Sam's for us? Absolutely, I like their mark. What do you want? Listen South African Sam, why we need you Fucking dude. It's fucking thing and fucking rubber fucking fuck my listen mark mark. Do you know where we're from mark mark? You're from South Africa, right? You got to do one I thought you were going to say Namibia, but I'm not from the Mibia mark No, he's not from that. He's from a little pizza off of the air now. Do you know anything about Seth? I've come up I know that you've got a very high from Camark. I know that you've got a very high run rate. Not a walk in the park mark. Not a walk mark. You come in here and you say, oh hi,
Starting point is 00:06:31 crown rate. Well, I say it's not a walk in the park. You're not going to go to a fountain mark. But you know what, do you worry, what have you come to us to Denmark? We're going to rub this fucking park. Hit us shitship! Mmm, fucking suck my dick! Mark, can I ask you a question, Mark? It's a very good mark. Such a well-fished out character that you're doing for us, Mark. It's almost like your master and person item, Mark. Holy well, sit on my bitch titties!
Starting point is 00:07:00 And fuck it! Right in there! I'm a big odd! Oh, suck it over! I wanna get a suck up over! Mark, Mark, have you read the power of one mark? Yeah! Big time you fuck face! Tell me your good to hear. What do you want us to rob a bank?
Starting point is 00:07:19 I want you to rob the biggest bank of all! La Pochetta! Mark, that is a big bunk. Mark, that's a big bunk. I want you to rub the biggest bank of all! La Pochetta! Oh, Mark! And it's a big bunk. Mark, that's a big bunk. It's a big bunk, Mark. Mark, all the bunks that I've ever been to, BUNKS, all the...
Starting point is 00:07:36 Mark, Mark, I'll rob... I will rob a la Poquette, Mark. Because I have had to rob lots of places, Mark, because South Africa, it is not the walk in the because South Africa. It is not the walk in the park It's not a walk in the park. You think we've never robbed a bunk We're all sticky guys fucking have that's why fucking come all over you bitch But the mark I'm only going to rob a bank if I have the help of non offensive mark Hello of non-offensive mark. Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. Hello.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I mean, non-offensive. Hello, non-offensive. Hello, non-offensive. Hello, non-offensive. You boys like a beautiful cupcake. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non-offensive. I'm a non. Mark, I look at you non-offensive and I say, have you been to South Africa? I have never been there although I respect its people and cultures greatly. Non-offensive, you are a great representative of your people. Thank you so much, I'm a grandmother. That's why I'm a comers of Nana. Nana. And my last name is Fensive.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Fensive. Yes. Your grandma, you read a lot, Nana? I read every day. What's your favorite book, Nana? I'm like, which? What's your favorite book, Nana? I love the bear for investor. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:09:06 No, no, no, no. Yes. I've already read the bear foot in the book. You can just not get rich quick book, but it does get you to take control of your finances. Oh, excuse me. Sorry, I'm just non-offenses in next door neighbor rural Jan. Rural Jan! Rural Jan! That's right, I'm just non-offences in next door neighbor rural Jan. Rural Jan! That's right, I'm a lady, I'm a lady called Jan and I love local produce, whether that
Starting point is 00:09:32 skips land yogurt. Vocal produce? No, local produce, you said vocal produce. Now I'm finding you a little bit offended. I'm terribly sorry that goes against this character! That's okay. I want to ask you guys a question. What are you talking about over here?
Starting point is 00:09:49 A nonna and the Rural Jhan. I have a question for both of you. Yeah. Have you read the power of one? Yes, I have it with so touching. It's very moving. It's very hard. I read, I saw the movie.
Starting point is 00:10:04 What's your favorite chapter of Power of One? A lot of it when he makes friends. But are those the friends that later piss on him? I'm not rid of you that far. Too offensive for me. While the Power of One is quite a good film and book, do you know my favourite book? What? Cloud Street.
Starting point is 00:10:24 The Australian book by Tim Winton. And that's available at any of your gimmicks. And you can buy that at Greensboro Shopping Center. You can buy that anywhere you want. It's a story of two families, the fishes and the lambs. My best was that the one with my best friend Ben Mendelssohn was seeing that one. I don't know. You'd have to ask him.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I have to ask. Let's go. No, no. Let's go ask Ben Mendelsohn. Are you guys robbing La Polquette or by the way? Yes, absolutely! I need you. Nonna, to do something with the lots. I'm getting out of here and I'll just try.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'll trick them with all my non-offensive material. Rural, Jan, I need you to set up a series of deals with them so we can get our Bones in there. I guess I don't know Well our pocket is a local Melbourne based company and I'd love to get some some local produce pork Tomatoes, they're all grown in Victoria and you can get them in whether it's in the Kipsland family I always say pork tagged around everywhere who is he? Who well, so pork is a tag artist. Do you ever think about that? I always say pork tagged around everywhere. Who is he? Who? Well, pork is a tag artist. Do you ever think about that?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Is it a street artist? Yes. Like, bagsy. Like pork. I don't know. I see. Someone's name is pork. Yes. There is a man named pork that is tagging.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I tell you, the criminals in South Africa, they don't tag. No, no. They kill. I have been killed in the four times. Where did the other thing go? Excuse me, hold the phone, you've been killed four times. I've been killed four times, and that's how I can help. But if you want to recruit someone else that's at the place,
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'd be happy to let this character go. No, I think you should stick around for it. It's tough, it's tough out there for a South African. Well, I'm on board, did you want me to go get Ben, I think you should stick around. It's tough. It's tough out there for a set there for good. Well, I'm on board. Did you want me to go get Ben Mendelsson? I would love to meet my boy, Ben Mendelsson. Oh, get out there, mate. How are you? Ben Mendelsson, you beautiful. Get out there, not offensive, mate. How good? I hate going on? Oh, we're just trying to organize our robbings. Oh my, you don't need worry about that. I might...
Starting point is 00:12:30 You've been talking to the cops, right? No. No, I've been Mendelssohn. Been Mendelssohn? No, I've not. You know, it is there for African descent. What's that been Mendelssohn? Quite hard to say, you're not with more of this.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's there for a concept. I just went to Kiwi for a bit. I think it's there for the same. Vad ser jag med min dusning? Det är en halvdagsall, du har en nöj med mig. Ser jag det för att du kan se? Ser jag det för att du kan se? Jag har en klipp för att du kan se. Jag tror att det är en halvdagsall. Vad ser du? Kan du ha en sån? Vad är det? Ja! Du har inte en halvdagsall, men...
Starting point is 00:12:54 Du har inte en halvdagsall. Du har en helvdagsall. Du har en helvdagsall. Du har en helvdagsall. Du har en helvdagsall. Du har en helvdagsall. Så... Du har en helvdagsall. You want to remove yourself as this character from the song? Get a OD on Hill?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Are you hungry? No, I'm out of recognition stick around. What are you guys doing? We're just trying to organize a reboot the La Pochette. That seems like nasty business. I don't know if I'll be interested in that. If you don't then I've got a bunch of other cookie customers that I can call. No, mate, I'm on board, mate.
Starting point is 00:13:31 But first things first, can you go get me a 86 Commodore? Yeah, that's it. Yeah, but... You want me to go meet my mate? His name is Manu. He's got an 86 Commodore all waiting down it's in killed appear Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so literally been in the cinema. I just leave it back here at 1 a.m Mate, okay, here's a good boy
Starting point is 00:13:56 Grandma Fucking you're a grandma. Oh, sorry mate. Yeah, I am a clearly a smaller Italian woman. Yeah, I have sounded Greek Ain't on a yes No, hey mate, did you know I built the death star? I That's interesting. You Yoda? Interest it is. Hey, no, not a go-get-me-ah, go-get-me-no, will ya?
Starting point is 00:14:35 Okay. Riding on a fancy, driving in a 96 km motor, doing an errand for Ben, Anderson. Hello! Hello, welcome to Cirque. Nice to meet you, Alessandro. Mano, this is an empty vacant lot. Yes, it is, but I think that we can turn it around. Is this one in many of your restaurants that have been closed down?
Starting point is 00:15:06 You know, you say closed down. I say it is a little bit down, closed down for a while. Well, just like in... Oceans 13, you get to have your revenge on a big fish or the big fish. The biggest fish in the world. La porche des. Oh no. See. Can I tell you a little secret? No, nothing. Wait. When I'm doing a European accent and someone else is doing a different European accent, sometimes I struggle to make that. You struggle to make sense! I do.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm a new. Get out there man, who has a guy. I've been a man to serve. That's right, it's me and the flesh. Did you know that I almost caught that man? Ben Mendelssohn, can I ask you a question? Yeah, man. How did you propose a cheese sauce did your propels at cheese sauce?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Did I prepare the cheese sauce? Yes, how did your propels at cheese sauce? You may even bash a male. Did you make it from scratch? This is my question. Because I have a subtle, a plastic taste. You want to use some of your chicken stock? I think you've mistaken me for what are your contestants on my kitchen rules, man.
Starting point is 00:16:27 This is not their contestant on my kitchen rules. I'm an international hero. Hello, it is me, Manu. Oh, oh, no. Oh, no. Too many. This is so many. This is very confusing.
Starting point is 00:16:38 They look the same. No, that's... Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. It's too many. No, Zan Ben Mendelssohn. Too many. No, Zan Ben Mendelssohn. Two menus and Ben Mendelssohn. Two menus and Ben Mendelssohn. You're not going to tell the cops are you mate?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Well, two menus and Ben Mendelssohn is recorded in front of a live studio audience. No, I think, okay, on the count of three, what number am I thinking of right now? Okay, one, two, three, ten. Wow! No, we are both smart news. We are both clearly smart news. Only smart news, choose ten. Smart news, I am a channel 7.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Smart news, I ask you a question? Please, manu. Manu, what is your favorite flavor of Magno? Magno, it is a wonderful, love chicken stock, Magnum Ego. Use it in your chicken stock. Manu, that was a trick question. Use it in your beans. Your favorite flavor of Magnum Ego is the Manu, that was a trick question. Use it in your beans. Your favorite flavor of Magno Migo?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Is there manu flavor? Oh, I've been the real flavor. Did you know that? I've been tricked. It is not me. I am not there even though I have. Oh my God. Oh my God, it's Dive Use.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah, bloody hell. Yeah. Bloody window of shops. There was no bloody magno megos. Yeah, buddy hell Yeah bloody window shops There was no bloody no mate bloody magnamy goes. I said where you're at magnamy go. It's going behind us He said no ordering some in I'm like ordering some in yeah, what's that? The views we have a question for you. I mean, I, I mean, manoeu, can you ask, you ask Dave, you the question. Well, you just ask me yourself, okay? Too good. No, thank you. Do you not like that?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Dave, wouldn't you dare to instruction at a local lap of Qatar? Yeah, bloody lap of heads. And we need the most famous man in all of Australia to distract us. It's tough. Yeah, bloody hell, I got there and go. Yeah, bloody, but what a big spaghetti alive. It's a most famous man in all of Australia to distract us. It's there. Bloody hell, I got out there and go. Yeah, bloody butterbeggar spaghetti alive. Open it up.
Starting point is 00:18:51 They're all dead. Bloody kill up a spaghetti alive. Yeah. Yeah, I think you mean snake, mate. Yeah, good on you. Good on everyone. Good on all of us. Here, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Hey, hey, hey, do you see you've been talking to the cops man. No Now I've got a lot of a lot of business behind the scenes. I wouldn't do that, man Yeah, go eat cooler cops said cops you got to help me no bloody okay just one moment. I was like bloody don't one moment One moment. Bloody hell, what am I paying tax for? Do you wanna rob a bank with this mate? Absolutely. But before you do, I need you to get my aunt to gelnet
Starting point is 00:19:35 to help you out. Can your boys do that for me? You wanna get a hundred net? Bloody a hundred net. Bloody went to a genette the other day. She was like, what's with that? I said no, I do not know Credit for bloody imperial credits. What's the deal with that? Good on you we're down in this farm with guy
Starting point is 00:19:59 Be a voice to farm man If I wanted to farm some moisture just look at my pants yeah yeah you see that's pretty cool mate yeah bloody you can make a bloody lot a lot of money off that hey that's right you just moist your farm at oh look it's on your net oh I always hear you doing you know you know you're not you're not oh you're the I'm a big fan of yours yeah good on you I used to love you on that Saturday night live I used to just light up a cigarette get myself a pre pre mix bourbon and color and what you do your little spots
Starting point is 00:20:33 Saturday night live. Not Saturday night live. I'm a dingus buddy. Um, what's the Saturday night? I'll tell you right now. You're in it. You're telling me you're telling me no. Hey Hey right now you're in it, tell me you're not telling it or not. Hey, hey, it's Saturday. Thanks, mendo, that's great. So I was watching, I was watching Hey, hey, it's Saturday. Hey, mendo. You're still good for that 20 bucks. Oh my, you know, bloody 20 bucks. No thank you. Hey guys We're gonna need bath to board a get through this basketball to rub the fucking love Okay, that sounds like football football cricket Here's me would it be all right if I get a selfie with you? Yeah, absolutely good on you good on the fans
Starting point is 00:21:24 Always got time, you know, yeah bloody hell Here's a can I ask you a question? Yeah bloody question I was asking I was in the shop to the day Bloody asshole come to the questions you said this isn't a buddy question places the shopping center I was like yeah good on you. Oh, you're so funny Here's the you're so funny me daughters, but they don't reckon you got it But I just think you are so
Starting point is 00:21:54 Play how I look at who you are. I stop it. You are your gorgeous. Yeah, I see I sense to my daughter Thanks, Nick Hey, God, do you know anyone? You didn't cate you crack me up on the drive to work. I could. Kate. Would you guys know if anyone who could use bus can ball to help us roll my bag? I bloody, my best friend, Andrew Gays.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Let's go there right now. Psh. Well use my teleport, I'm very rich. Oh. Have you got a teleporter, usually. Yeah, it's just me and bloody some other rich boy. Excuse me, I'll bet you a teleporter round with your wife or girl friend. You're bleeding wife, yeah, bloodied wife and kids.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Wife and kids. Bloody go down the round. Bloodied wife and kids are yapping them out. Yeah, bloody stop it. Okay, enough. You're so funny, you see. I think you're so funny Oh my god, it's a guy's buddy crazy Five six seven that's eight rebounds today Geez, that's a good on taking a break. Well knock me down with a feather if it isn't if it isn't Dave Hughes and old
Starting point is 00:23:06 Genette what are you guys doing here? I'll tell you I'll tell you YouTube boys if you were one man I'll tell you you'd be quite the father and husband material I'm actually with fuse together. Imagine what would happen then. It'll be pretty funny I'm gonna imagine an angry guy's fusion Andrew gets fusion Andrew can't even take you in there. Just run up run up and and we'll go in together, okay? Okay, I'll jump in I'll jump in one two bloody three I'm
Starting point is 00:23:43 Use days I'll love this boys. I'll tell you I'm Android users. I love this voice, I'll tell you what. You are just spectacular, boys. I play. Yeah! It's hard to find a good man these days. Boys, Oh no! Hirosh!
Starting point is 00:24:07 Shut him up! Oh no! Enter gaze and he's the of dying in an nuclear explosion. That's the worst thing that could possibly have it and say hard to find a good man. But lucky for me, there's a new two men coming over the horizon. I'd love to see which two men are coming over and I'll let them choose. As I sought the nuclear explosion on the horizon, I thought this may be the end.
Starting point is 00:24:37 However, it clearly wasn't. Oh, shit, it's that smart count from ABC! Yes, that's correct, it's me. Louis the Roo. Oh, you're right. Tell you go and leave the thing going on. I'm... Oh, we got it.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah, little actual explosion. Oh, British Bill. That's right, I'm British Bill. Now, British Bill, do you think that perhaps... You're a little bit too British at times? It seems like... That's not true. No, you're put words in me now. I'm not putting words in me now.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I just think that perhaps, you know, if someone... I'm happy with who I am. I'm happy with who I am. It's now a British bill. That's who I am. It's now a good time. Perhaps he seems quite British right now. Is this normal?
Starting point is 00:25:20 He's not in the picture. What are you talking about, mate? Archonet, you know, you of course know how long has he been British like this? I don't know, I've only known him for about a minute or two. As I was talking to Archonet, I knew that this problem had gone deeper than just British Bill. In fact, it had permeated Archonet. These characters were so too dimensional.
Starting point is 00:25:46 There was very little that you could take it or do with them. A single. No, I have a family. We've just recently moved to California. Oh, boys. I don't know how I know this. Because no one told me. But we need to rob a lapel kidder. That's right. I mean, who am I? Um, that's right. And I know just the frog. Do you think that?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Man, do you think that perhaps that this reference that you're doing for oceans 14 is just a little bit dated? Perhaps. It seems a bit dated to me. What is this? Oh, how loud. LAUGHTER Wait, though. Hello there, I'm a frog. And I thought of it more of a Zanotian's eight reference
Starting point is 00:26:36 as Zach slowly turned into the other character. I knew that he had limited range. LAUGHTER Oh, how how are they? Very limited range. And more than that, I struggled to go into a character that they had a bit of a warm up. Do you think that perhaps being a frogman is working for you at the time? I came here in 1976 to sort of build my house and at Scythe Lavaly to have you here, Louis. You know, I really trust you. Yes, so some reason people trust me even though my family have always been quite wealthy. And I'm just a journalist, but I have this kind of bumbling exterior,
Starting point is 00:27:31 but actually I think I'm just normal, just a normal person. And I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm a frog. And that's, do you think that perhaps you're being a bit of a cunt? I can just say that. I can just call people
Starting point is 00:27:45 cunts straight to their face. And but I do it in a kind of roundabout way. Like, is now a good time British bill because Frogman seems to be being a bit of a cunt at this time. And then I do a narration when they're talking, they're doing even know that I'm doing that. As I was talking to these cunts, I knew that they were absolute cunts and there would be cunts for the rest of their life. Louis don't take it the wrong way mate. Absolutely not but I think you need to go and get Elmate who's going to help us rob this love or kidder which we will do at some point but I feel like it's going to get harder.
Starting point is 00:28:20 What are you reckon frog man? On a frog. I think we need to get Owen Wilson I'm actually well-collected. I know Owen Wilson. Let me just I'll use my teleport. I'm very rich Wow look at all that smoke I don't know. It's crazy. I can't believe it's smoke. It's smoke is what I hope. I don't know. You think that these things cost so much money. You think they do something with the smoke. You know, it's it's crazy. Wow. Owen Wilson. Will you help us rob a lot of people? Yeah, I love that stuff. Let's do it. Man. Let's get in there. We're two. We're like two of me knows two amigos, me and the frog boy and British man.
Starting point is 00:29:06 We're like, we're hanging out. All right. This is the team that we're going to do it with. Look at that tiny skinny little boy working at the counter of that love or kidder. Now's the time to do it. All right. Why don't we do all? I'll like run to strike like, like things will be going through.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I'll be like, I think we just do it. We think we free will it on three. I'll be like, I think we just do it. We'll be free with it. On three, one, two, three. Oh, excuse me. What do you call this place? Is it a crazy place? Is it one? You got pictures of families and famous people on the walls.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Where is this like, I've never been here before. It's by a lot of people. It's crazy. You know what I'm saying? It's called La Poquetta. I can't go. Oh, that's crazy. La Poquetta, these are my friends. I'm sorry boys. Could you put me on the bench? I just he's just a little frog. You believe that you believe this frog thing is amazing. If you just pick them up. He's a dog He's a little from here's a thing lapel came ploy. He's just a little from
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm a frog now We got a rob you before we did that would you like a pizza? I love a lot of pizza Like a pizza. Yeah, who doesn't enjoy that? I will. It's just pizza-trained. I know. Before we count of it, I got a quick question. Yeah, who, for me, are the pizza-pain here for British food?
Starting point is 00:30:33 And why am I'm struggling? Because there's not sort of an anchor for the simple for the eggs. I think you're doing a great job. I think you're doing really good. Oh, you're one really good. I don't. You're, you're, you're one before. In your stuff. I feel like I'm smiling. You know what?
Starting point is 00:30:50 We just make movies. Okay. We're just two people. Okay. We're just, we're just making. We're just doing what we do. And I'm very lucky. You're a human person.
Starting point is 00:30:58 You're a human person. I love almost in person. Oh, wow. That doesn't sound anything like you. But it's good. That's good. That's good. It's a good time. If you're enjoying it do it more than what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:31:11 What was it like during the film? Miley and me. Can we order our piece? Can we order? People say never work with animals personally. After that movie I always make sure there's an animal in my films. What did you do? A frog and me.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Absolutely. I'll talk to my people. Well, I do large 20, you eat like flies, well, I do like flies and scums. Well, I eat parmesan, I live mostly. I eat parmesan, hey, can we get two parmesan? Yeah, of course it. Also, give us your money, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, give us all the money, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:40 It's like we're two people, but we can't communicate. We're robbing you. I'm robbing you. I'd rather you didn't rub me fear not all right Well, I'll leave it there's all these ideas and they're just they're just going back and forward. It's crazy guys How do let's do a huddle right hey? I want me to talk hey guys. No get out of here. It was pinley little boy. Sorry. I got confused I got it's okay There's a lot of different ideas going back and forth
Starting point is 00:32:06 It's easy to be confused be a little bit of Jeff Goldblum to your your own Wilson. I'll get him on the phone Do you see what I mean? Yeah, very much very much so Do you see what I mean? Yeah, very much so. It's just slightly, it's just a little, a little difference as you know what I'm saying. So, oh. He's a little more energetic, you know, or is it just a little more,
Starting point is 00:32:39 just like subdued, but he's happy to be here. I'm saying. But of course, oh, oh, oh, oh, watch out. should do, but he's happy to be here. I'm saying. Of course, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, watch out. Ha, ha, ha. Spio teleporters, don't give me, don't give me stardie, don't have a talk about. And when the characters took over the improvisation as the night went on into lapo keta,
Starting point is 00:33:04 as they went on eating their pizzas, enjoying Carlton North lapo kitta, the thought crossed the 240 people robbing the lapo kitta's mind, did they even need to rob the lapo kitta? Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do We ran I couldn't find any more characters. Do we run it? I mean I got he's got a few I had done Don't know to go. Oh, yeah, don't know and mum you have your dad character. What's dad character? I got quite smart I don't think the end of your characters is necessarily the same point as the end of the idea Yeah, yeah, also I'm working on 19 Yeah, yeah, I'm working on 19
Starting point is 00:34:14 Really snag up on me there. I've been working on solid on film actress that doesn't It doesn't like the sound films, you know, but that's for later I've been working on my math and econ hay. He's got a lot better It's like now it's more math and we can't enhance more like when he's got a lot better. He's like, now it's more, man, I think we're Connex, we're doing serious stuff. No wait, I'm in on mode again. No, okay, all right, man. Hey, it just times the flat circle. That's all good.
Starting point is 00:34:35 That's a good one. We're here, we're two people. I can't, hi, yo. You know, you're just gonna frost your shower. No, I'm too old and Wilson right now. That're so good. You know, as you just kind of crushed your shot. No, I'm too old and Wilson right now. That's very good. I was deep in on, that was the deepest I got in an old Wilson, that was fun.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So that was very real. The way I saw it, I was there. The way in my head that that oceans 14 went is they got a few people together and then three of them robbed it and they went in and then there was pizzas and they had a great meal. So Mark's not here, did we say that? Not really. So Mark's not here, so we got Ben Russell into Mark. It's Mark, I'm not Mark after all.
Starting point is 00:35:15 You like to be at your professional comedian name is the man of a thousand voices. Yes, that's right. People go and welcome the man of a thousand voices. And they don't even say my name Yeah, and you've just bought your ninth house 12th if you're counting the beach houses in Brighton which bloody cost cost about the same huh? Yeah, you guys know what it's like, but yeah, is that fair? I just I in my head. I didn't know where to go once we were in the lapel Ketter Well, yeah, though. They're going into o'keta was quite the twist for me
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, I think you were I mean I was expecting a little bit more characters, but I don't think just going in and robbing it for the first I mean that was the first time that we've robbed it Mm-hmm. I think you can keep robbing it That's true. So that was just the North card and one that we've robbed that's true, and there's a bunch more is one's one in the buy point. Yeah, high point gold coast. I think there's even one in Perth. If you're just tuning in, this is after the improv.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I post a improv discussion. Are you going to keep this into the podcast? Yeah, thanks for having me. And thanks to all the... What was your, what was the most fun part for you about the improvisation, about the episode? I liked going into Jeff Goldham because I never really had given it. All I do is kind of his laugh.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah, yeah. And I think it's, I love Jeff Goldham. He's great. Do you know it apparently on the... I like Double Manoeu, that was quite fun. Double Manoeu was fun. Can I ask you asked you guys to go on the set of oh sorry Yeah, maybe would it be good if I just interjected occasionally in what you're saying with names of Locations for Lappel kidders. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I prefer that great. Um, Altona Meadows. So a fun fact
Starting point is 00:37:00 Apparently on the set of Thor Ragnarack Bellarat he came up to To tackle a TT based water. And he said, Ben the East. And he said, excuse me, what do you want for this character? And he just said, I want you to go as Jeff Goldblum as possible. Very precisely. Say no more. Broad Beach. I just love him.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I think he's wonderful. He's a real listener. You can see him even in talk shows just Listening face Caroline spring Now Ben you've been an improvis, a performer for a number of years. Um, Craig, you've been central. What is on, what is in the future for Ben?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Um, I don't know. I'm just doing like some writing gigs around, around town. I'm actually writing a, uh, a little, uh, YouTube, uh, web series. Don Vale. I want to get in, you know, not to encroach in your, if you're ever in your YouTube, if you ever need any pointers just on how to best release stuff. Yes, I've actually already taught to Sam about it. Oh, yeah, he's a smart boy. Menton. Hey, it's me Sam. And I've been doing a little thing with Sam as well. That's been fun, isn't it? That's been fun. We can't talk about it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:23 it's a secret. That's, yeah. Waga it. Yeah. It's secret. That's it. Waga, waga. Not too secret. Do you have anything you want to plug at the moment? Uh, I don't think there's anything like hand plug right now. I think I think I've got to walk, uh, we've got to walk like a little featured extra bit
Starting point is 00:38:40 on the same, oh, we do as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Hey Mission Andy. Hey Mission Andy. True stories. We, yeah. The Hey Mission Andy. Hey Mission Andy. True stories. We were all in a Hey Mission Andy true story. Yeah, I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:38:52 When did I come back soon? When did I come back soon? It's gonna be soon. Wasn't the, they, they had the viewing soon? I got a response to that. So yeah, we'll move. We're all in season two of true story. If you want to see me without a beard, it was very,
Starting point is 00:39:04 very devoid of confidence, because they haven't had a beard in the first time in years and years and years, then watch that. Yeah, give it a watch. All right. And you can see Zach, act. Zach, very jet lag, very sick, Zach. And you picked a character that morning and we're like, and halfway through you like, a don't. Don't you know why I picked a character that morning and we're like and halfway through you like a don't
Starting point is 00:39:26 Don't you know why I picked the character. I picked the character You were a bit more it was too close to frog man. I think no I picked the character It's just uncle. It's an uncle character I do and the reason I picked him was because I Didn't I Didn't have much of a voice Because we'd do it and then, and then I was sick. I was really, really sick for the flight home.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So because of that, I didn't have much of a voice on the first day. So I had to pick a character that worked with no voice. And then I got my voice back about half way through the day. It was rough. It was a very zack move. Yeah. Couldn. Too much. That's how the terrible it is. I like this idea of doing 30 minutes of improv and then just wrapping up with 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:40:14 of discussion. Yeah. After the improv. After the improv. It's like you don't have to listen. You've listened to the gold bit which is us doing apple-cadabang-robbing. But you can stick around for 10 minutes a chat. Is it been half an hour soon?
Starting point is 00:40:27 It's been like ages, man. 40 minutes. Do you guys ever get McDonald's for Uber Eats? Yeah, all the time. I just feel like a piece of shit when I do it, but it's so quick. I got a record. I got a recognized once.
Starting point is 00:40:43 The fan of ours was the one delivering the original. It's very great. And I was in my tattoo pants. Did you tip them? I don't think you really have any. You should tip an Uber. It's even though I don't know if you're bad. I just go, thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Look at you. That's my name. I know I should tip you because you don't get paid very much. But thank you so much. But he got a photo. He is a part of our culture. He got a photo, a selfie with me, which is like a tip that's better than money.
Starting point is 00:41:08 It's better than money. But the emotion, I can't express to you how much I had to make sure that my Uber Eats McDonald's bag was not in that photograph because there was a lot of shame. Never meet your heroes. I'm just like I met Zach, I'm not circus there, I was delivering him McDonald's Uber Eats
Starting point is 00:41:30 and he had no shoes, Zach. You live like two blocks from him McDonald's. Do you? I do. Oh, Zachy boy. Zachy boy. Zachy boy. Never unlives two blocks from him McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Mine's too far of a walk, but when I lived where you live, that's a walk. That is a walk. But if it's after, because I know you. That closes. What did you get, do you remember? This was actually my old place. Oh, I carry on.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And I think I got nuggets. Yeah, like my story. I think we were going to buy those sparsy nugs. I haven't had them yet. I was just saying that I had the KFC sparsy ones. No, they're always great. I didn't write them sp and I get to all the spicy fries shake Like this
Starting point is 00:42:12 So delicious. Oh, okay. I'm not huge on that. I Was skeptical as well. I gave it a shot guys and it's true I I need to go home. I do too actually need to go home. I do too actually. So I've got to get it out. Cooper is in tonight. Oh come along guys. If you want to see Ben along. Cooper's in last week. 10 days ago. I'll be at Cooper's in 10 days ago. If you ever see Ben on the street, go scrub and tickle him. So this will be 10 days. He loves the tickle.
Starting point is 00:42:38 So I'll also be in Perth doing a string of gigs. When you in Perth. But like maybe four days ago. No, no, this is next week. I'll really release it next Wednesday. Oh, well, I'll be there. I'll be, uh, comedy lounge, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Yeah, great. Down in Frio. If you're in Perth, come and check it out. That's all right. Uh, we don't have any listeners in Perth. Well, I'll also be in the Gold Coast at the end of the month as well. I think I'll 80% of our audience is Gold Coast. Come along, there'll be, it's like the comedy rooms around the Gold Coast, not need friendly faces.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And just remember, as Broden said, Ben loves to be tickled. So just go on to Drew. Pick him up. Pick him up. Pick him up. Give me a tickle. He loves it. Throw him in a traffic. I'll squirt. All right, and I'm out of the hell. That's been Ocean's 14.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Goodbye. Bye. Thank you. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by See you next week!

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