Aunty Donna Podcast - Party Quirks 10
Episode Date: October 25, 2022Another wonderful addition to the party quirks saga!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: ...for privacy information.
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Get our legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Anti-Donna podcast.
This week on the Anti-Donna podcast it's the 10th edition of Party Quicks and Mark, the
Party Quicks' spade-man champ, is back to try and beat his record.
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What? I want to do. Party quirks, party quirks, no one wants to play party quicks Party quicks Party quicks
Which show we did before we started party quicks
Party quicks
Party quicks
Maybe the balls would have stayed together
And stayed playing party quicks
Before we start the podcast
It's already started, baby
Yeah, but I know that's what I was in it.
I'm vibing.
Do we have a sponsorship from Fritale,
the perfect travel of water?
Well then, I'm gonna take this label off
for the video version,
because I don't wanna give them free advertising.
But they do make the best water available
for a reasonable price.
Oh my God, it's so delicious. But we don't have sponsorships, so I'm not going to be endorsing them.
Anyway, should we get started?
Tom, make sure you cut that.
I'd like to point out last time we did party quirks.
Mark, you did it in a record time.
You hold the record for getting it in the best shot.
You're getting it for getting it in the shortest amount of time.
Yeah, that was incredible. Who's up this week?
Who's up this week
Mark oh
Hop out of the room. We'll speak to you in a sec. Don't be mean my I don't know what you're talking about, Mark. I've done the resync. No, we won't remain.
What was last month for you?
Was it all of the boosters?
Yeah, it was the entire collection of boosters.
Oh, it got too quick.
We won't be any more famous.
See, let him mark which kind of...
I'm going to make concessions.
See, Mark, we're just going to pick what your characters
you have to guess are.
Have a good one, man.
I've got one for you, I think. Yeah, man. I've got one for you, I think.
Yeah, great.
Well, I've got nothing for you.
I've got the start of something for you
and then we can evolve it.
All right.
You are nothing.
You are the absence of anything.
You're absolutely anything. Yeah. You're absolutely nothing.
Anytime he guesses something, he's further from getting what you are.
Except for the fact that anytime he guesses something,
you say, you imply that he's getting closer.
One and every...
Am I playing characters and stuff?
Or am I doing
anything? I know I'm nothing, but is there like my... You are every time he guesses, I want
you to change, come in with a big offer. Yes, to get this, you're starting with a big offer of your choice. Every time he
gasses, you, like, unnoticeably to him, change the quality of your offer to be a little
bit not what he gasses. But you're saying, yeah, but really you're nothing. I think you're nothing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
The other thing is
Part of your character is I sometimes give concessions
and allow for
I go look we can compress that he doesn't have to get the whole thing. Yeah, yeah
You say that or I say that you ask me sometimes. I allow is that close and then like stuff like that when when and like you go You know, I don't have to do all of them. Do I?
So occasionally you ask exactly. I don't know he needs to just get you are nothing
You he has to get you are nothing and that you came in with a big offer and you're changing
it occasionally.
And occasionally you ask to compress.
Yeah, but he also asks to know that I've given you nothing.
Yeah, yeah.
All right, that's good.
That's easy enough.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah That's easy enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he'll get that pretty quick.
You are, yeah, you know how you know every prime minister in Australian history. I don't know them
of the problem I am. You're them in order. Yeah. You have to act through them. Yeah. And you can
only do voices and and policy.
Edmund Barton, wasn't it?
Yeah, he's the first one.
And then I'm going to struggle for a few.
Billy Hughes was up there somewhere.
And then we get John Curley.
This, you can cut in onwards, I'm OK.
Bart, or maybe Whitlam.
You're a corresponding pastor with every prime minister.
Do you want me to make?
Both the food and the religious.
No, not a pastor.
I don't know what else.
No, Ravioli Rigatoni,
that's a bit of a journey.
And then I guess that's making them up
because I don't know if we can.
I think I can find enough courage.
I'm probably more confident in the pastor thing
than I am in the Prime Minister of Australia,
which is an indictment.
Well, my nose is blocked.
To knock over.
Now on top of that, the reason you're pastors every time, right, is because you're
bummed, you're sitting on a like a camping hot plate and you're a bowl of a boiling pot
of pastor.
All right.
Am I the pastor in question each time, or am I just a generic?
Every time he guesses a prime minister, you move on to the next pasta pot.
Do you know what I mean?
So, and then so you start from maybe a lightly salted water that's not at a boil to boiling,
to adding the pasta.
And each time he guesses that pot is getting that pasta added.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh yeah.
And then I would love at some point this
I would love it half if you know I can't for this game I would love at some point if he if you get him to say
three King Gizzard in the lizard wizard albums
huh so it'd be great that's just like a bonus yeah there's like that is part of it would be great. But that's just like a bonus. Yeah. But that is part of it. It would be really.
He has to know that the three King Gizard and the Lizard Wizard are not part of it, but
he has to say.
He has to say it's just a fun bonus if I get that part.
So I am nothing.
And I'm the absent-
You know him.
You're absolutely nothing.
Yeah, absolutely nothing.
But every time he guesses I do a little bit of a...
An infant is more change away from what he's guessed.
But to the level he can't notice.
Yes, and you are.
And also, also, you ask me to simplify.
Yes, yes, yes.
Can I simplify, yes?
Sometimes I let you, sometimes I don't.
This will be easy.
And I am all of the prime ministers of Australia.
I can only hint through not, what was it?
What I can't, I can only...
I can only go through policy and voices.
So you can't say, oh, I'm the next one.
And I'm from parks.
Andron Bunk was from parks.
I didn't know.
No, Henry Parks was from parks.
The man, he was a... he wasn't a bin from Parks.
They were named it after him.
Yeah, he was, he is from Parks, you know.
Yeah, and it's maybe a some point from Parks.
It's like Parks is a place.
Monash didn't go to Monash.
He might have at some point.
Yeah, I don't know if he's the, that's some for fact check.
He was a great army general and architect hmm
So Jewish was he I?
Don't know that for sure that was such confidence maybe German his German history
You know who is Jewish scarlet your head said there you go
So Woody Allen didn't know that
All right, no wait, I don't know mine
On the boil you're on your body. I am I am each pastor and then each time he guesses I add that pastor
No, you start again. You're a new book bot. Oh, I thought it was a ever growing pot of pastor
That's calling me. I'm sorry. I thought we were ready, but we're not
No, I think I've got this.
I got this.
We're ready, Mark.
Oh, he hung up on me.
I don't know what.
Mark, we're ready for you.
Are you sure this time?
Because last time you called me and didn't seem like you were.
I look at this as a fun back and forth but it's really important you get in here as soon as possible and start the party quirks.
I just think like my time isn't particularly...
Mark, trust us when we say you need to get in here if we're going to get this podcast in under an hour. All I'm gonna say is next time,
cool when you're certain you're ready, because my time is valuable.
And what are you doing right now?
I just feel like you've been fucking me around.
I'm doing, I'm doing work.
I've got work to do.
No, you don't.
You're doing a podcast.
Yeah, you're like, no,
all right, here he comes.
All right, I'm feeling good, I'm feeling great about this.
You can hear Mark walking up the stairs now, here he comes.
The record holder for fastest guesser coming into defend his title.
Oh, cool.
Check it out.
Yeah, cool, right. Cookie from Melvin. This song's called Party Girl. Yeah, great.
Because I'm a real party girl.
I'm a quirky party girl.
One second, I'm just cleaning up.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
I'm just cleaning up.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
I'm just tidying up my house.
Can't have guests around.
I have La Bala Figuida, which is the beautiful figure.
It's an Italian mental illness, where I can't have anyone
around my house unless it's spotless.
Everything needs to be in its place.
A place for everything, everything in its place.
So excuse me while I- Oh, hello.
Hello there.
Today is an exciting day for what is now a budgeted nation.
Now we must hold it together until March, where the true democratic process will take place.
Are you Australia's first Prime Minister.
Absolutely. And what's my name?
It's like Edmund Bunton or some shit?
Edmund Suntman. Edmund?
Yeah, yeah. Edmund Suntman.
Well, I can't believe he's got it.
Don't you don't know, you know? Edmund Suntan. Well, I can't believe he's got it. Don't you don't know, you know.
Edmund Bunton.
But it's very close.
Oh, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Well, are you on the water?
No, no.
Well, we are.
Yeah, it's very good.
Very good.
Shall I say first, Prime Minister, it's a member of the club.
I can't wait to find out if I've filled with beef or sort of
squid your burrito.
Your burrito.
Your burrito.
I said burrito.
I said burrito.
Are you some sort of burrito or pastitsi?
You're a pastitsi.
Oh, pastitsi. You're a pastitsi. Oh, pastitsi.
Yeah, a pastitsi? Blubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblubblub Maybe I do, maybe I do, maybe I do, I don't know. I don't know what to do, maybe I do, I don't know.
You don't know if you do or you don't?
I'm maybe I...
Hell no, no, no, no.
Can I reduce it a bit?
You know what? Yeah, I go.
Oh, got a morning in it.
He's gonna morning.
Morning, I say morning, I say,
baby, baby, baby, baby.
You jagger, whover.
What's going on here?
What's going on here? Are you the entire royal family? B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- Alright, so your Edmund Barton? No, I would never take such an insult. That man true, he shepherded us into a new age.
But we are in now a new future and this is the nature of the Barters.
But he said before that you were.
I was not and that is why this is a great democritic change.
Do you change every time I guess Prime Minister do you then become the next Prime Minister?
Well, what would that make me who would that make me right now?
I'm the biggest cunt in the world.
I'm not the cunt.
Edmund Barton was though with his redactive ideas of...
I guess he was protectionist and maybe I'm...
The political parties haven't formed yet.
Broadly we...
We lied ourselves with shut up.
Shut up Alfred Deakin.
Yes, I agree.
Yes, he should shut up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what Chris Watson reckons.
Yes, it's a labor movement.
Isn't that right, George Reed?
Well, I haven't become him yet.
Alfred Deakin, you're back.
Are you made of what are you underwater?
I would slow down.
I would slow down there.
It's also part of it that you tell me how to guess this.
No, no, blubblubblubblubblubblubblub.
So now we're...
You are gonna have words with you after this podcast already
Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me
You gotta give me more. What do you eat for dinner?
You know I'm gonna tell me anything you're gonna answer any of my questions are you that's part of it
Part of it is that you won't answer any of my questions. Hello. Hello
Hello, how are you? Oh, so you will answer some of my questions. You know,
this, your whole thing is that you've been given too much and then you'll constantly
look at Zach being like, can I make this smaller? Because it's too much, it's too big.
That's part, that's a layer. For sure. Yeah. And also you won't tell me whether I've got anything right on that
That's not a thing what you're doing isn't a thing that's not you're not doing anything
You're not doing a thing you're not doing a quick
You're not doing anything
Playing the game you're not doing a thing. Oh. You are not doing a thing. You are doing a thing. You're just doing a thing.
You can compress it a little bit if you want.
You have to keep making it smaller. You have to keep...
You're not... You just don't have to do all of them. You're doing, you're doing, you are doing everything.
You are not doing everything.
You are not doing everything.
You are not doing everything.
And you need to make it smaller.
You keep checking in with Zach about with it. What are you are you what am I you are not doing everything
and you're compressing it you're not doing everything hey you can get the topic right
you are not allowed that you are not doing everything doing every you are not doing every doing every
You're not doing everything. Doing every.
You are not doing every.
Doing every.
You can't say thing.
You're copying me.
You are not doing every.
Not doing every.
Every time I say not doing every.
that doesn't, not doing everything.
You're not doing everything.
Put it together. Not You're not doing everything!
Put it together!
Not you...
Not doing every!
You're not doing every!
Not doing every!
Not doing every!
Not doing every!
Put it together!
You're not doing...
You're not doing every! You're not doing! You're not doing every, you're not doing every, you're not doing, you're not doing,
This is really good listening for our audience.
Thing, not doing every, not, nothing, you're not doing every, not thing, you're doing every, not thing. You're doing every not thing. Not thing. If he wants nothing. Nothing.
You're not doing nothing. You're not doing nothing. You're not doing every nothing. You are not, if he gets three more things, I'll allow it.
If he gets three more on this, if he gets the other things,
I'll allow it.
You are not everything.
This isn't VCE.
You can't just say the words in the right order and get a win.
You're gonna know what you're saying.
You are not everything.
You are not thing one you are nothing
You are nothing your Quirk is that you are nothing
You are nothing and you keep checking him with Zach about whether you can compress it
But nothing is already nothing you can't compress nothing
So that's what you're checking in with him about
Yeah, but if so if he gets I would say like if he gets the topic of it. What am I doing as well?
What's the other little layer?
The other little layer is that you are taking my words.
You're taking my words and you're making me, no.
You whenever you...
Whenever I guess.
This is so funny.
Whenever I say... whenever I say, when everybody works instead of
just sort of,
prescriptive like,
mind game.
Well, you've given me possibly the most abstract idea
that has ever been on this fucking game.
So, I was breaking it down into words and syllables and sounds.
I think it's potentially the only way.
You got that he was nothing.
You are nothing.
And now you just need to get all the other things
that he's doing, and I did originally want the full list.
You know what I mean?
Like you did to the other one.
But if you can get the topic and a couple of them,
I will allow it.
So you are nothing.
Is the talking to Zach a thing?
Is the compressing?
Can I compress it?
That's a thing.
Part of you is you're checking him with Zacker
about making the idea, your quirk idea smaller
and more accessible for me to be able to guess.
Yes, yes.
Yes, right.
Thank you.
Hello, everybody.
And you're also doing character work.
Oh, I'm a number.
In gibberish.
Hello. How are you today? Good, thank you. How are you? Good, thank you.
Because you're changing voices. I'm a little cat. You're changing characters
every time I guess. You are nothing. You are checking in with Zach in terms of
making nothing a more accessible idea for me to guess
Even though nothing is already nothing but also but it is so big
But you want to see if you can make it smaller and every time I guess you change characters
Got it. Can't that's pretty good. You are
I'm a bro to the style now
You are.
That's fair, bro.
That's fair.
What was the, that's fair.
Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub.
You didn't give him a character.
You gave him a thing, a concept.
And I, you can't perform a concept.
And part of my action was his character.
I admit that it's a little abstract.
And yet I fucking got it, like, well, I've got a straw here. Oh.
Is that doing anything?
No, you don't do that.
That's unpleasant.
Don't want to drink the person.
That would taste like seawater and burn your lips.
Oh, because you're the ocean.
Blub, blub, blub, blub, and burn your lips.
Oh, I'm burning my lips.
I don't want to fuck it.
Let me turn it down a little bit.
Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub.
You're some sort of heating element?
I, uh...
Yeah, in a heat.
I'm like, oh, yeah.
I have, I'm sort of, I have a bit of a cup shape to me
in like, today.
Like a lantern?
So, if you have a meteor, Ragu, I'll be perfect for that.
A meteor, Ragu.
Because I've got a cup, I will hold some of that.
For a good.
Because you're a sieve?
Well, no, sorry, I said cup, I'm like, I'm cylindrical.
Let me try you.
Well, yep, there.
I threw a bit of it on the roof.
And the cup thing, I forgot the name of it,
so change that.
I'm cylindrical, I'm a tube.
You're a tube.
So I'm good for a rugoo. Or a, or a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,, blub, blub, blub, and you're sifting me. You're hot cheese. You sift me and I was salty like the ocean,
but I'm sorry.
Salty like the ocean, but I'm,
are you turning me down?
Are you ricotta salata?
Not a cheese.
Not a cheese, but good for a regu.
Not a tomato sauce is no.
You'd be good in a sauce.
Aren't you from, what are you,
I'm not gonna help you on this.
So is this part of it that you're doing something to question my Italian this?
No, it's just no.
You've talked about what you put on top of the river.
Oh, pasta.
In salted water.
And your pasta and salted water had you added a part of salt water. You're a part of
salted water. Specifically though, I'm good for a regroup because of my cylindrical shade.
Oh because you're rigatoni. Yeah and now. Now. Now.
So rigatoni, let me tell you, let me tell you, my opinion is that we need free trade between the
states. You're rigatoni. And when I was premier of New South by all of you.
Of course, George Reed.
I'm just looking at your phone.
Well, fucking can.
You should know these names and their policies.
I was so close at the first one.
I'm back.
I'm back.
I'm back, blah, blah.
Yeah, I'm also back.
Of course, you're back at the first one.
I'm also smaller.
Still good for a review, but not as high as your own review.
Are you changing past that every time as well?
So what am I now?
So you are, what are you now?
Yeah, just, you're smaller, you're macaroni.
Yeah, and I'm, Alfred Deakin.
And you're Alfred Deakin, macaroni.
Great, let's just work through this, let's just work
through this B by B.
Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and the pastor and the prime minister's change every time I guess. However, I have to guess every prime minister and pastor.
Correct, let's go!
Okay, yeah. And then we'll be the other one.
But that's not as... Okay.
Oh yeah, then the other one.
The other thing, there's another bit, but it's not as important.
All right, all right, Andrew Fisher.
Yeah. What shape are you?
Andrew Fisher. Well, Fisher goes great with this soft porridge type.
Soft porridge-y.
No, I was just thought I'd mix it up.
Maybe like a pory, like a...
Like a poryg-y?
What's a soft pasta that you have with fish?
I don't know. Do you have with fish? What?
I don't know.
I just thought I'd give that.
Do you think rock, do you?
I might not actually be a pasta.
I'd say kale all out.
Never stop moving, not hey, gotta keep you moving.
That was not a condition.
It's not, Mr. Not Thing.
It's not a, it's, it's.
Gotta keep you moving.
It's not a pen, eh?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Gotta keep you moving.
No, otherwise you'll stick to the pot. But that's what you're asking. It's not a penny. Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub. Gotta keep you moving. Otherwise, you'll stick to the pot.
But that's what you're asking.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I understand now.
I thought you were telling me to keep moving.
No. No.
He's gotta keep moving.
Is it the fucking little ones that are like rice?
No, it's not a past.
It might not be a past.
Is it rice?
Is it rice?
Can I just change it?
Yeah, because it doesn't matter.
Is it what I was just doing?
I was just doing polenta for fun. Polenta. I just thought it? Yeah, because it doesn't matter. Is it water rice? Is it water rice?
Polenta for fun.
I just thought it'd be fun to do polenta.
That's not a pasta.
I just think polenta with a nice white fish is so different.
Yeah, polenta with me falls as well,
but that's not a pasta, that's not fair.
His name is Andrew Fischer.
I just thought it'd be cute to do polenta with Andrew Fischer.
You can understand it'd be fun to do with polenta.
No, no, it's a nice white fish with polenta. understand it would be fun to do with Palenta. No, nice white fish with Palenta and a super bar.
I guessed you, now we just need to work through the mechanics of it, right?
I got you.
There's another thing, but it's not as important.
I got you.
That's not it.
You don't have to do anything.
There's something else, but it's not very important.
But there is something.
But there is actually something, but it's not very important.
That's part of your character.
But you don't have to get it. Part of your character is that there's something else I don't have something, but it's not very important. That's part of your character. But you don't have to guess.
Part of your character is that there's something else I don't have to guess.
That was just you wanted.
But there is actually something else and we'll get to it.
Alright, keep going, can't.
Alright, so we'll go with Pallenta.
Alright, so...
Andrew Fisher was Pallenta, bullshit, horse shit, not pasta.
Move on.
Alright, can't.
You're gonna be like this, hey.
Come on, be in your back.
I'm back.
And you're macaroni.
No, Mark would call you a dumpling, but I'm gonna fuck him up.
Yuck, you're not gonna.
You're not gonna.
You're not gonna.
Here we go.
Oh, I'm back again.
Fishes back.
Moved around a lot.
Fishes back.
Yeah, and I'm here to say,
Blub, blub, blub, blub.
Yeah, set it before. Give me something. Oh, oh, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue I'm a bit, I'm, I'm, I'm flat as a beginner,
but I'm a little bit wider.
Uh, linguini.
Sure. Let's go. Let's go.
That was feta-chini.
Let's go, can't.
Uh, I'm not linguini.
I'm feta-chini.
And also, I'm...
Thank you, Billy Hughes.
And, all right, Stanley Bruce, what did you give me?
Let me give you a...
We lost the magic of this.
Let's go, let's go, Stanley Bruce, let's go!
Um... 1883, the 19th, the 17th.
I know, I'm passionate about food and agriculture
and I was once the high commissioner.
Stanley Bruce, yes, I know.
You guessed earlier rice, like,
this is a great idea.
That's not a pasta.
I am though, even though I look like a rice. Oh Oh you fucking can't I don't know the name of that one
Fucking really I've already said it no one that looks like right. Yeah, I know it's fucking hard. It's
Fuck I don't know it
What do you know it? What is it?
Yeah, Rizoni
It's like every aeroplane meal passes a little bit. Yeah, right Rizoni can't
Um, I forget who I was last time. You're Billy Hughes. Was I Billy? No?
Yeah, no, I'll go. Fuck. Oh, no, no. I've been Billy Hughes and Stanley Bruce. Come on. Come on
This is horse shit. This is horse shit. Oh, look, you know, you can't blame me for some of the issues,
because I got hit by an economic...
I know, James Scullin. Just talk to me about your shape.
Oh, I'm not...
You do?
I'm doing a physical action.
Throw it.
Around my throat, yes, I'm holding something.
A P.W. Hermann has one.
A pasta necklace.
The fuck?
Are you talking about?
I'm cinched in the middle.
You're cinched in the middle or are both the bow tie pasta.
Next up, please.
So we'll just hit time.
So, um, let's power through. Next up, please. So we'll just hit time.
Let's power through.
You fucking cunts.
You fucking cunts.
Come on, Earl Page.
Let's go Earl Page.
No, Joseph Lawyne's.
Yeah, the United Australian party.
Joseph Lions. Lawyne's Lloyd what would you put with a
loin or there's so many to go there's too many there's too many to go and there's that other thing as
well yeah well that was just no but that's not a thing I've guessed that no it is a
thing but it's not it's more for we've've got it, please, please, we've got this, we get it.
No, we haven't got it.
Yes, we have got it, and you're taking your fucking sweet ass time.
I'll do the prime ministers, you just do the pasta.
Let me just look up a list of past.
Is part of it that he's taking his sweet ass time so that I don't fucking break my own record?
No, no, no. No, you've not broken it. Even though technically I have, I would say I think I did. He's taking his sweetheart's time so that I don't fucking break my own record
No, you've not broken it technically I have I would say I think I did
Technically if I got his concept you're still not good at all, you don't have at all
You haven't revealed it that's not fair. Well, you know those are the rules
Well, so it looks like someone's... Earl Page!
Someone's taken a flight.
Earl Page!
I don't have the past as yet.
Earl Page!
Give me a minute here.
You're taking it.
No part of it is he's taking his sweet ass fucking time.
No, but I'm just doing this for fun.
It's not fun for anyone but you.
I think Brodon's ever been a fun.
Brodon is cruising.
He's cruising. So he's not having... I'm hungry for pasta if I'm being honest
Broden's content that he doesn't have to fucking keep
Where's come on Earl page you say
Ravioli I did Ravioli earlier and I forgot that he didn't get it. Yeah
With what kind of filling?
Spinach and...
Okay, great.
Now next, who are we doing?
Spinach and cheese.
Robert Menzies.
Oh, Robert Menzies, one I know.
I know Menzies.
Robert, come on man, this isn't fun.
Still the same thing, but now, new.
What am I filled with?
Ravioli filled with beef.
Ah, aphaden.
Ah, aphaden.
Yes, yes, and God Himself.
Ah, Galadriel, Galadriel gifted,
well, she's not one of these, but she gifted Gimli
three of her locks, three of her beautiful.
Now God himself, I imagine the hair, wow, I can't say that.
Angel hair.
Oh, next up.
John Curtain.
John Curtain.
John Curtain.
God, you're not as good at this as your prepping.
Maybe that was just a fluke. That he pre that maybe that was just a fluke that it's his he's thinks that what that last time
It was a fluke that's another this is me just teasing you
This is got nothing the other thing is that he's teasing me and every time my guest
No, I am just teasing you no no no
Sketches of East Brunswick is one if you wanted to use that sketches of East Brunswick
Okay, well, I don't know that.
I would guess we've done that one.
Sketches of East Brunswick.
Ah, the fattest and flattest of all the pastors.
Fattest and flattest.
I'd just say thank you, Robert Menzi.
Oh, Tugli Italian.
For being a pro-Minister for so long
Because we're like right at the end now
Oh, are you also all the albums from King Lizard and King Gizard and Elizabeth Wizard?
Yeah, well not all of them
Is that some of them? Every second one?
I'll weigh how many are there?
Oh, four billion
So there wouldn't be every second one, no
Um, well let's get to to that we'll get to that
Right you just say the prime ministers that I'll just do the past is all right
I wanted to do some all right say a prime minister and then I'll get you the past
We'll get through this together
John Curtain
Mm-hmm and
Tugley Italian
No, we got that we're up to Frank Ford. Okay
Frank Ford and,
I'm not a mama, I'm a,
not the mamas, but the-
Well, that's a good one.
Ben, chiefly.
Yeah, sure, and I wouldn't care.
That's fine.
I don't know these pasties.
Oh no that...
Robert Menzie's.
Don't know that.
That's the same.
Robert Menzie's.
Yeah, and then what am I pointing to right now?
Elbow macaroni.
Come on, Cunt.
Harold Holt.
I've done both ties.
Come on, Cunt.
I don't know that one.
Harold Holt.
I know.
Cunt, Don Penne.
He guessed Penne at one point.
Well, alright.
Harold Holt and...
Fucking hell.
John McEwan.
You and John McEwan.
Well, he knows the name of that one?
Let's find out you want to are you I was just gonna skip to it easy hurry
This is an unlistable someone sit on a bus right there. This is not good for anyone. No
I have a good time for the roads ever good. You're just happy you don't have to be a part of this anymore. Oh, yeah that one
But not John McE anymore. Oh yeah that one. But not. John McEwan.
Oh baked.
Baked. The sopranos love their baked.
Baked. I want some baked.
My name is.
Baked. Zity.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know Z-T?
John Gordon!
Oh my god, hurry up.
I'm not quite a cake.
I'm not quite a roast.
Crispy on the side and gooey in the middle.
I am aloney.
Crispy on the side.
gooey in the middle. I'm not quite a roast, I'm not quite okay.
He's doing riddles now, yeah.
You're not quite a, what, a pasta, lasagna.
And which from in his stuff?
John Gorton.
Oh yeah.
William McMahon.
And I am.
Billy McMahon though, he went by Billy McMahon.
He went by B.
Shut up.
And um, oh yeah.
So you guessed, Ravi,
only before now pinch it at the corners.
Pinch it at the corners.
Oh, fuck, what's that called?
No, no, fuck.
It starts with L, I think.
No, fuck.
Ah, let me say, um, oh not or a chatty. Oh that's this
This balloon has blown up so much it is
You guessed it before
Goss Whitlam and I am the past, I'm the Burrito of Italy.
Let's go, Malcolm Fraser, let's go.
How you consider that?
Let's go, Malcolm Fraser, let's go.
We're out of pasta.
Well, we'll never feel it.
We're not acting a lot.
Malcolm Fraser, Agnalotti.
And then what's the next point?
We're done.
Well, but...
No, there will be so unfulfilling to people if we ended now.
Let's find some power fucking through.
We don't have any more buttons, shall we loop back around?
Oh no, I know what we'll do.
And fillings for...
Um, Ravioli's.
All right, good job.
You're just changing it now.
No, we were doing that before also.
Guess your next one.
Bob Hawke.
Oh yeah, I'm a larykin, larykin,
but I've gotta give you a hint, don't I?
So I'm a larykin, no.
Chicken, and what herb goes well with?
Rosemary sure
That's a nice path that'll be nice. Paul Keating Paul Keating I'm gonna give you a hint Paul Keating. I've allowed you to be a little cheeky Paul Keating now
I'm not as like a bull Paul Keating my tongue is sharp Paul Keating correct
Oh spooky Halloween Pumpkin. Pumpkin what?
Fedder. Oh, that'd be nice. Pumpkin and Fedder. Ravioli. John Howard. John Howard.
Spooky. Spooky. Spooky. Bention. Oh, wait, I'm gonna give you a hint.
Yeah, I'm gonna give you a hint. I will not be introducing Dr. Howard. John Howard.
I'm not being introduced to you. Pumpkin and Recorder. But what now I'm not be introducing Draco, I will not be introducing you to see.
But what now I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
Kevin Rudd.
Kevin Rudd.
Why let me give you a hint.
Kevin Rudd.
I tried to introduce.
Kevin Rudd.
A mining town.
Kevin Rudd.
Yes, Kevin Rudd.
Kevin Rudd.
Anything, you can put anything in Ravioli, you can put anything in it. No, I think I'm going to mix it up.
I've got some vegan friends coming around, so I'm going to replace the bolognese with
eggplant for this not quite a cake, not quite a rice.
Eggplant parmigiana, eggplant lasagna.
Julia Gillard.
I didn't knife him in the back.
Julia Gillard, Julia Gillard.
And also, I was instrumental in the NDIS.
I'm gonna kill myself.
Julia Gillard.
Yes, yes, correct.
I will not be lectured about misogynizing the fight.
Yes, correct.
Back to Ruddy. Yeah, well, I'm not. Just do a beef cannelloni, correct. Back to Ruddy.
Now what?
Just do a beef cannelloni, do a beef cannelloni.
I will not be lectured to.
Do a beef, Julia Gila.
No, but I will not be lectured by you about
do a beef cannelloni.
I'm not gonna do a beef cannelloni,
but maybe I'll do a chicken cannelloni.
A chicken tortellini.
Kevin Rudd again, hurry up, come on, come on.
She knife me, I knife Kevin Rudd.
Bruck, bruck, bruck, bruck.
Chicken cannelloni.
Tony Abbott.
Tony Abbott.
Tony Abbott.
She can't happen.
Tom, you find the time when we start doing this and you put in the title of this podcast.
No need to listen past this point.
You can do a bit earlier than this.
Tony Abbott.
Tony Abbott.
Tony Abbott.
He did a guess so now, Patipaster.
I'm fucking out, man.
Anything, just say anything and cannelloni.
Like a pork ravioli.
Pork ravioli.
I don't know, we just said it.
Yeah, I'll go in, going, going.
Well, no.
Pork cannelloni.
Malcolm Turnbull. Malcolm Turnbull. This man in. Yes. Malcolm Turnbull. Malcolm Turnbull.
Malcolm Turnbull. Malcolm Turnbull.
I basically have been being named the Indian Australian. Malcolm Turnbull.
Malcolm Turnbull. Yes, that's correct.
Next, pasta.
Oh yeah.
Oink oink.
Totally any. Yes.
Scott Morrison.
Scott Morrison. Wait.
For me to give you a hint. Scott Morrison. Wait. Scott Morrison. Wait, for me to give you a hint.
A lot of her.
Scott Morrison.
Scott Morrison.
A lot of her.
Is that a policy though?
It isn't.
Scott Morrison.
It's a lack thereof.
Scott Morrison.
Scott Morrison.
And this will come out after the election.
I hope he's not, I mean, it's dirty more than that.
Scott Morrison.
Scott Morrison.
We like not to get too politically clear.
Yes, yes, correct.
And the final pasta.
Beef Tortellini.
Chicken Cannelloni.
Beef Cannelloni.
Spinach and Feta Cannelloni.
Spinach and Riccola Cannelloni.
Give me a hint.
Chicken Cannelloni.
World and. World and. And your three of the King is it and the
But I don't have to guess that that's not I mean it's more
It's more for laughs
If you want to keep going if you're enjoying this we can do no
But if you want to keep going and I guess this I got this
But what about it? Why are we doing it? In case I get it really quick. Because you're, but it's like, it's
we're vibernate. It's not important. We're vibernate and we're having a good time and I get it really
quick. There's a specific word I'm looking for. Exciting. Ah, easier than that. Easier than excited.
Just a simple, three-letter word.
If it's fun.
Now put it all together.
If we're having fun,
You are also three of King Gizzard
and the Lizard Wizards albums.
And what were the other things?
The other things were you are a list of,
you are all, you are a boiling pot of pasta.
That changes pasta. Yeah. Every time I guess and you are also all of
Australia's prime ministers that changes in sequential order every time I guess.
And what am I?
You are nothing.
Yeah, that's great.
You got me before.
Well done Mark.
Another fun game of pasta. Well done Mark
Another fun game of time what's the time on this podcast?
Oh, you didn't quite land this one did you? He still holds the record. He's still the record
There's nothing to prove it wasn't a fluke was it? Oh
You quite lay all this one
I'm big nice about him. You didn't quite get this one. I think it a very he got nothing very quickly
Even though it's a little while to get the pastus. He don't know he did get them quick
He did get them quick. Yeah, he got the concept, but it took him a fair while to get all those prime ministers
And he was slow with the past pastors. I will I will add it
I he didn't even start even do our a chatty because he didn't think you get it
I had it on the list he went he didn't know Rizoni
Riz, yeah, but that's just as I forgot I know what Rizoni is I don't know the man
I don't know Rizoni
The more you said you're kidding for handsy. I don't know Rizoni
Rizoni's little ears
I didn't know that I was telling him. I didn't know that I was a Chetty. I was a Chetty's little ears.
I didn't know that I was a Chetty.
You didn't do shells?
I tried shells, but it just...
I got facility like that.
I gotta say, Mark.
I, Brodom was telling me earlier today
how good you were at this game.
He was really hyping you up.
But you didn't even start guessing the King Is it stuff
until like 30 minutes in.
All right. The jump areas, I didn't even start guessing the King isn't stuff until like 30 minutes in. All right.
The John Ferris, I didn't start giving the hint.
But I feel like I'm upset, Mark.
And if you have a guest, we're banking him again.
And I think what's gonna be really fun,
you'll come back next week and you're gonna get it up.
You're gonna get, I think you're gonna still
get a bit of resentment from Mark
because I did this to him.
I just want to give that context for next week.
Just know that the resentment is equally distributed.
I was, I, I, I, yeah fit.
Alright, we'll see you next week.
This has been Party Quirks with Mark and Zach.
I did a rat that cough just then, it's not covered.
You've been listening to the Antidona Podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you by
See you next week!
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