Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 140 - The Frogman Tapes

Episode Date: March 19, 2019  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. The following is an excerpt from the Netflix series Conversations with a killer, the Ted Bundy tapes. of roaming with my friends, the adventure and the explorations for the days of frog hunting, horrible play. Ted had an idealized version of his boyhood. First, Brad, I was somewhat of a champion fog catcher I was a fog man. I'm being far catcher are we who's a wazzy farman? Dealized. There's one more time.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Of his boyhood. First braid I was somewhat of a champion being far catcher are we who's a wazzy farman? Okay, I'm going to play that. I'm going to play that one more time. Yeah. I'm going to play that one more time. Yeah. I'm going to play that one more time.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah. I'm going to play that one more time. I'm going to play that one more time. Yeah. The champion for catcher are we always a busy fuck man. Did you get that last bit? Me? Yep. Yes, I did. What I heard was a Ted Bundy of the rum. The rum? No, no, no. Different, different.
Starting point is 00:01:21 What rum are you talking about? You're talking about Captain Morgan Talking about Thunderberg Bundy okay great very good No, so Thunderberg rum is from a separate country town Different country town in Queensland Ted had Ted had idealized version. You just said boyhood. First braid I was somewhat of a champion fog catcher.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I was a fog man. A champion frog catcher. A frog catcher. He said champion. He absolutely says champion. So, so okay. So what we're hearing here is that I'll just explain to who 10 Bundy is to you.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yes, explain it to me and just for our listeners at home, the Bundy has nothing to do with the Bundaberg and Coke that you buy at the IGA liquor store. Do not order a Ted Bundy and Coke. No, you will get you will get something wildly different to what you're expecting. You're not gonna get alcohol and Coke. No. Don't even get a Ted Bundy and Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:02:33 How come it's weird to say, can I get a whiskey and Coke? Why is it more normal to say, can I get a whiskey and Coke? And you're like, if you went in and say, can I get a whiskey and Pepsi? It's the same thing though. I'm gonna get a whiskey and coke and you're like, if you went and said, can I get a whiskey and Pepsi? Yeah. It's the same thing though.
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's the rhyme is very, can I get a whiskey and Pepsi? Whips, whiskey and Pepsi please. The Coke, I'm gonna start doing that. The Coke's quite masculine. Can I get a whiskey and Coke? There's a Coke, Pepsi. Anyway, Ted Bundy murdered a lot of people, women in the 70s and 80s allegedly
Starting point is 00:03:06 No, he confessed. Oh, okay. Watch. He's also a Netflix celeb I'm always innocent until proven guilty But sometimes I haven't realized that they have been proven guilty. So I'd assume in he for a long time Watch the series very interesting for a long time. He's I didn't do it. I didn't do it and do it and then before he was murdered I definitely did it right All for all four months serve a man. Yes blamed porn Blame pornography for the murder murder murder murder murder that's not what I blame pornography for what do you blame porn for? Getting bonus
Starting point is 00:03:42 He blamed it for he blamed it for a lot of murders. Yeah, when I watch porn, I think my murder and people, I'm too busy looking at my boner, my big fat boner. Yeah. Yeah. He, he, he, awful, awful man. But the reason we're talking about this isn't, this isn't my favorite murder the podcast. This has more views than that.
Starting point is 00:04:15 This is a comedy podcast, but a very prominent, even some would say the winner of the comedy world cup. Character. On this podcast called Frog Man. Ted Bundy said he's a frog man. And that he used to catch frogs. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:41 And he was a champion. Champion frog catcher. And a champion frog catcher. He was a frog man. He was a frog man. Sorry, I've been watching porn. Mark's dog is scratching his underbelly. So we have to take him to the vet. He ate some salmon. He got a bit sick. I don't know why I think it wasn't used to his system. I think the vet gave him something. And now he's real itchy.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Last night was fucked out of fuck night last night. I had to take the dog because my partner needed to get some sleep. So I had to take the dog out of the bedroom because it was scratching so much and sleep with him on the couch. And just pat him while he was just like scratching himself so I got fucking like two hours Yeah, he's like so I'm gonna take him back to the vet after
Starting point is 00:05:36 work today Great Did you want to talk about that more on coming move on to the No, we can move on to the No, we can move on to why we're here today Which is that Ted Bundy says he's a frog man Yes and captured frogs. That's what I'm very interested in I know he said he was a frog man Which we will get to because we have a special guest here who
Starting point is 00:06:05 is going to help us dissect. Not frogs. Not frogs. Not frogs. Not frogs. Sorry, what was that? I said, not a frog, I have. So a bit of context.
Starting point is 00:06:17 We got in touch with frog man. He was not willing to do any interviews at the moment. It's just zero state. Didn't want to make a statement himself. Yeah, and so we've got his solicitor in today, his attorney, his barrister, his lawyer, his Queen's Council. What's your name? My name is Sir Frog Boy QC.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Sir Frog Boy QC. Queen's Council. Queen's Council, yeah. And you for clarity, are you away frog? Yes, I am a frog, although I was raised. I only lived in the frog community for about five years before going to boarding school at Eaton College. Which also a frog, but you know. But you, so was this a boarding school for frogs or a... No, actually I was the first frog at Eastern college there was a lot of awkwardness at the time but I studied there and then I went to Cambridge when I read law. Was there segregation issue? Yes, if we want to go there there were some issues I mean there were not a lot
Starting point is 00:07:23 of frogs in England at the time. So I went there, I studied at Eaton. Did you play football or any sport teams or you're in the footlights? Well, I imagine you would have been quite good at water polo or even the 100 meters freestyle. Yes, I was very good at that. I was good at catching tadpoles, but that was an official event. We say you were a champion, tadpole catcher? I was a champion tadpole catcher, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So I studied and eaten and I... What are you doing? Just add a curiosity. Yes. What were you doing? Why are you catching tadpole? So sometimes to eat? No, to raise.
Starting point is 00:08:04 To raise as my own. So you would capture other people's tadpole, other frog's tadpole that weren't of you'd in birth, no. You're partnered in birth and then you would raise them as your own. As my own, yes. So kidnapping. No, I mean, this happens a lot in the frog community. Right. Obviously, a lot of people don't understand that. I know some of the boys at Eaton would rib me for it, but that's just the way they do humor there.
Starting point is 00:08:35 You know, there was a culture of hazing at Eaton, and I just accepted that and went with it, yes. Mr. Frogboy. Sir. We're not here today to talk about your upbringing in your vision. We're here to talk about your client. Yes. Frogman.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yes. What we thought was a friend of the podcast is not here today. Yes. I'm going to play you a bit of tape from a Netflix series. I've heard the tape, but yes, you can play it. Is that okay with you? Is it okay if we clear that with you? Oh, yes, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You can play the tape. I mean, you already have. And this is first and foremost. I mean, it's been played across a number of podcasts. Have you been playing it in Times Day? Did you say Valentine's Day? Sorry, I wanted to play a little bit of Big Mouth. Ah, that was from Big Mouth.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But now there's something else I would rather play. Have a listen to this. He lies version of his boyhood. First break I was somewhat of a champion folk character, I was a folk man. Okay. So we've heard the tape. So we've all heard the tape. But the fact that you're calling it a tape, it's an extreme series. So what you need to understand is that was a tape that was recorded in the early 80s by a deranged madman, a man who was a known liar. You are right. The Ted Bundy tapes. So this has been an issue for Frog Man and for the Frog community for over 30 years. When this first emerged in the book that was written based on the tapes,
Starting point is 00:10:14 a lot of people painted the frogs with the broad rust stroke of Ted Bundy. So this is an issue we've been dealing with for 30 years. I have a few questions, few questions, we'll have them back. The first one is, what is it like in the frog community? Yes. I am a frog, by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yes, we established that. Yes. But you only grew up in the frog community for a small amount of time. So, are you, did you? Well, I do have a home in the frog community now, in the pond. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I do have a house there, and a little lily pad. I obviously have an apartment in the city, and that's where I work, but I would call the pond my home. Okay, great. And I do a lot of work within the frog community. Obviously I'm working for Frogman Pro Froggo. What's your favorite luxury car? Is this a setup or something I should have already or? I guess the vibe in my head was like, because you're playing this high end guy, is the
Starting point is 00:11:18 idea of you enjoying the finer things in luxury? So if you would do what car do you drive? Well I drive. I'm a simple man, I have a few cars, obviously I do collect, I have some porches and I do have a rail's noise, but I prefer to drive a little frog mobile. Is that sort of like in the vein of the Batmobile where there's a sort of sort of frog design, a big green sort of plastic frog. Right. And I imagine that's a little smaller and more to your size because a roll's
Starting point is 00:11:57 voice. I don't believe they make it in froggy sizes. Well, I have a driver. I mean, I've been very fortunate, ever since my father invested in daily pads, I've been a very fortunate man, so I do have a driver, but I do drive my frog mobile on my own when I go into the frog community. How does one invest in frog lily pads, I mean, I would not say... How do you make money from a Lillipad? So I would not say it's worth investing in now. The prices are quite exorbitant.
Starting point is 00:12:32 If we're going to go there, I would say the market is due, if not for a crash at least a correction. If there are four or five Lillly pads on top of each other, would you call that a high rise? No. I just wanna drill down on, because my question to you, is what I wanna drill down on is I said,
Starting point is 00:12:57 how do you make money off of lily pad and you said, well, you can't any more? Yes. How did your family build its generational wealth off lily pads? So my father was a small business owner, he owned a tailor. Okay, did he own a small business or because he's a frog so he's quite small. So when he say small business owner, was he just a business owner? No, he owned a small tailor shop in Carlton, which in Melbourne. Yes, very.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So he was the first frog to make a parallel for humans. Okay, because I was going to say with a tailor, I thought he might remove the tails from tadpole's, a tailor. Oh, that's horrible. I mean, this is exactly what we're talking about. You're painting the frog community with the Ted Bundy brush. Just because... Oh, we've never said that.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Just because one man. We're just asking questions, sir. Yes. Well, I think you'll need to calm down. Well, the question I have for you is, is Ted Bundy a frog man? Or is he a deranged lunatic who believes? Should I play the tape again?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Sure. I just versioned it. So, it's way good. Can you play the big mouth tape? Oh, you're sorry, one second. That's okay. The big mouth is great. It's such a fun show, and I just want to cleanse my palate
Starting point is 00:14:22 with a bit of big mouth. Do you want to just play the theme song? Yeah. Okay. Would that be okay with you? Can we clear that? Oh, that's absolutely fine All right, here it is. It's here is the intro to big mouth Netflix big mouth Great song Captures the show. And there's a little sperm in that which reminds me of a tadpon. It does look a lot like a character.
Starting point is 00:14:54 There's a menstrual cycle pattern. Wow, what a cast. Um, pit hair. And two young boys. I didn't know that was Jordan Peer. It's not. Jordan Peer is, uh, he is the ghost of... Sorry, I was played it again.
Starting point is 00:15:14 He's the ghost of, uh, who is it, the jazz singer? Oh, right, that makes sense. I've not watched, uh, Big Mouth. Did you want to hear the snippet from Ted Bundy as well? Either either either either. I mean can I just talk to that clip for a moment here for a short moment. He describes himself as catching frogs. Talks about an idealized life. He talks about catching frogs. You have to understand that is not something a frog would do. Not something that a frog will
Starting point is 00:15:46 consider ideal either. No, absolutely not. I mean, we're talking about even if he is a frog man, which is a rumor that has been around since the early 80s. If he's catching frogs, I mean, he is as much an enemy of the frog people as any, as an ally. If he's catching frogs, bunk can only imagine what he was doing. Because no, no, no frogs, no frog man, whatever catch frogs or tadpoles. We catch tadpoles. You have to understand that's a cultural thing. But we do not catch frogs. No, that is inhumane. I just want to drill down on how are you making money off the early pads?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Okay. Because you haven't answered that yet. So my father, he was a tailor, he earned a small business in Carlton. Got it. He invested in three lily pads, in the real estate boom of the mid 60s. He made some profit off that,
Starting point is 00:16:43 invested in more. He owns a number of ponds. Yeah, okay. And in the frog community is there, okay, for a human and we're humans. Yes. A lily pad's not worth that much money. No, no, and it's not worth a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Nor a ponds. But it is worth a lot of flies. So we have a lot of money. Nor are ponds. But it is worth a lot of flies. So we have a currency of flies, which is also your staple diet. Yes, and that's how it works. But you must understand that was initially what it was. It came from a bartering system. So that's why we call them flies. But they are bartering.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So you would trade flies for goods. This is why we call them flies. But they are bartering. So you would trade flies for goods. This is why we call them flies. They are actually just gold coins and notes. It's very similar to your currency. Most of it is digital now. And how many flies to a USD? So it's a 1,000 flies to one USD. There you go.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Right. Approximately. It works a bit like Yen. Yes. So my father converted a lot of the money when we floated the flies in the early 90s. I mean, I don't really want to go into this. I was very fortunate at Ambrefrogg. When the flies were floated in the early 90s by the very controversial leader, by the very controversial leader. It was first proposed by...
Starting point is 00:18:07 No, I don't have anything there. LAUGHTER He, uh, the frog... Maybe France, frog and antel. Oh, that's good. Yes. I was going to go more for the Labour leaders of the early 90s, sort of frog, up, frog-ify that up. Would you like me to play the snippet from Ted Bundy again? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yes, absolutely. But I'll just say when the fly was floated, it was obviously quite inflated initially. He traded a lot of that for USD. And we've been very fortunate. Very dry, very dry answer, and I appreciate it. Thank you. Now, would you prefer to hear the Ted Bundy snippet
Starting point is 00:18:43 where he says that he's a frog man? Or would you prefer to hear the Ted Bundy snippet where he says that he's a frog man or would you prefer to hear the intro to the Simpsons? That's a hard pick. One is on topic. Yeah, and the other is another animation. Well, I'm not another yeah introduction to an animation. I've never watched the Simpsons. Are you familiar with the work of Danny Elfman? I do love Danny Elfman. I wouldn't be bothered. If you, yeah. Te-o, yes. Okay, well, I love your feedback. The Frogman Solicitor on the intro to The Simpsons. Oh, I absolutely love. All right, you ready?
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yep. There is The Simpsons Intro. Is there a video? Yeah, there is. The Sims. And the title of The Sims. Where's this tile? Springfield. is, where's this title? Springfield.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Springfield. It's where the fan lives. So this is the, this is Bar Simpson, the eldest of the... Is there a reason we talk about why his yellow? Could stop there. Yeah, so. So do we talk about why his yellow? It's, I think it's just a bit of artistic license.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Okay. Yellow people in the Simpsons. Are there other pink and brown people concerned by his yellow complex? No, no, so white people are replaced with yellow people. So he's not the only yellow character in the game. You'll see as the show, as we go through, you'll see the entire game.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah, so just family. Are there any green characters? Because I can relate to. I'm a a green little. I don't think I don't think so in the first couple of seasons they they had a few more differing Yeah, very consistent colors, but uh So but what's important to know from this little section is Bart Simpson as you can see He's been held back to right on the board So I remember from my days of eating these sorts of punishments of having to write on the keyboard. So as I remember from my days of eating these sorts of punishments of having to write lines, we had to do it on paper with paper.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And there's a very interesting thing that they do is there's been hundreds and hundreds and episodes of The Simpsons. So it's quite successful. It's one of the probably the longest running prime time animation ever. You have to understand. I've spent most of my life either in the pond or in England. Did you get channel 10? Not channel 10.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I think this showed on that. I think it's called four, but I was focusing on my studies. I think it's called 10 Peach. He's troubled, but Simpson, that's what's important. He's a bad boy, classic bad boy. As you'll see momentarily, he gets onto a skateboard, which is classic. So, yes, yes, I know the skateboard.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yes, we went through it. The skating became quite a big thing in the early 2000s. It's the poor man's horse. Frog community, yes. But also the modern, I would say the modern cowboys horse. So, was skating quite big. Is this show from the early 2000s or? I'm starting a little earlier than that.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I started around about 89. Also skating was big. See, a lot of cultural things take a little while to reach the frog community. So, yes. So if you have a look on the board, what about Simpson? Bats Simpson is the character of the spiky head boy. I will not eat things for money. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:21:48 So, yeah. So, suggestion is, isn't that he is very troubled and he will finally enough, this wouldn't translate into frog because, yes, eat flies so money. I would not fly things for flies. It wouldn't, it could work as a pun, but I mean, it, it, that joke wouldn't work. It's, it's difficult for a frog to go to the airport and you say, I'm flying today. Because of the word, yeah. Well, it would be, except fly, in that sense, flying through the sky is a completely different word in frog,. Where as fly, what we're talking about is more.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Sorry for being sensitive. No, no, that's fine. It's not a known language. We all speak English now anyway. Really, is that the frog language is sort of dying out? No, it's still an official language. It's like Gaelic in Ireland I would say.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Right, so taught in schools but. Most people can speak frog, I mean a lot of the elderly community in the frog world still speak frog. I know I made a point to study it at my time in Cambridge, but it's, yes, it's not common loop. I think we should move on we should move on but just quickly so Yet like a broad in sort in terms of the broad ideas to take away from this is that Bart Simpson is a bad boy Get into all sorts of trouble. It's true. Can I specifically? He's the Loki of the Simpsons very much the Loki of the Simpsons specifically in this episode someone has obviously offered him money, currency
Starting point is 00:23:31 to ingest something and he's gotten in trouble for that. Is he sort of like the cartman of the Simpsons? He's kind of like the cartman. He's a famous self-hug. Yes, that did quite well in the frog community. Yeah, it's not as cold here. Okay. So that might, he's obviously wearing shorts and shoes. Can I ask one question? The bumpy, the bumpy bald head. Is this common in the human community? Yeah, so what that is.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So that's representative of a very popular hair style at the time. It's called Spiky Hair. Spiky Hair. What they've done here is they've taken some artistic liberty and just made it look like his skull is sort of jagged. Can I tell you a funny story about my first year at Cambridge? I so desperately wanted hair. I actually wore a...
Starting point is 00:24:18 Had you gone bald at this point? I've never seen a frog before. Well, you're looking at one right now. Granted, a lot of us don't wear fine suits like this. Fine Italian suits. Right, I think that's what was throwing me was the tie. But you see his tongue is eight meters long. Do you see that?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Oh, yes, there it is. Well, it is. Amazing. And I wore a wig for a year. And he's wearing a good pair of Julius Mala leather boots there as well, which are absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much. Are those Dijor jeans? Well, I'm not...
Starting point is 00:24:50 No, it's an Italian trouser for my suit. Sorry, I quite often get Italian trousers confused for Dijor jeans. They're very high quality. And you like my watch? Yeah, what is that? I don't know the brand. Movement? My... Is it a my watch? Yeah, what is that? I don't know the brand. Movement? My...
Starting point is 00:25:06 Is it a movement watch? Yes, it's a movement watch. All right, so let's continue watching the simpsons. See what other characters come here, fantastic. Yeah. Did you want to make a statement on your client, by the way, or you could watch the simpsons? It's all lies, and I think the less we're told
Starting point is 00:25:23 you're about that, the better. Okay. Oh, yeah, this is big. It's performed now. But all lies and I think the less we're talking about that the better He's performing now only there. Okay, so this is a new character. We're seeing here We're seeing a man in a full has a mat suit. So he works at some sort of nuclear Place I'm presuming the bar is nuclear. Yeah, that is I guess a bar of nuclear power. Oh, Platonium. It's all Platonium. It's quite a heat. It cuts quite a scary thing. Well, you'll be revealed this. He is actually the oaf of the family. Yes, and he looks like a robot here before he's taken off his mask. He's like a robot has met suit. My father earns two to a nuclear power station. Yeah, Japan's right. I'm quite familiar with that
Starting point is 00:26:09 He owns like small ones or or not like small frog size ones. Yeah, or human or human human size Well, they're much the same size. I mean, we have little lily pads and little homes for fuckies But um, you still need the same size power stations. Surely not. Surely you could run the same halllines with like a triple A battery. Surely. No, they're not the borrowers. Yeah, they're not the borrowers.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Okay, my borrowers. My mistake. Remember, I show the borrowers. I do remember the borrowers. Movie. Starring that guy. Oh, that guy. That guy. That guy.
Starting point is 00:26:46 From Moulin. That shot. And she. And she. And she. And she. My favorite show of last year was Black Panther, I think. I really like that show.
Starting point is 00:26:55 That show shit was listed. Yeah, that's a great show. All right, so yeah. This person is the Oath, his name. And if you. And if you. I'm sorry. Who's trusting him with the nuclear power? Well, I was going to say, very cleverly, what is the Oath, his name. And if you, and if you're sorry, who's trusting him with the nuclear? Well, I was gonna say very cleverly what they've done is they've done a bit of,
Starting point is 00:27:10 and we talk about this a lot in the podcast. A bit of mishon scene. In the background, very small, very small. You can see two other yellow skin characters. One is bald, a balding at least, quite old, quite ghoulish looking. Like a human version of my father, I tell you he was a hard man. Yes, and this character as well is quite a keen observation. This character here, Monty Burns, is just a rifled bastard, quite mean unforgiving, an empathetic.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Can I tell you something? I called my father a few months ago and I called him. He lost a lot of his money in the Great Frog Crash of 2008. And I called him, I'm quite fortunate and I called him and I said, father, I want to buy you a lily pad. I want to buy you a lily pad. And he just called me then just before the podcast and he said, he said, frog, it's a frog boy, I've been looking for houses. He said, Florida man, he was looking for houses in Florida And he said you know The Bible The video that the rock put up the other day on Instagram. I'm not familiar with the rock
Starting point is 00:28:34 I was the rock board his dad a house recently. Oh, that's very interesting. Yes No, well, I bought my father a house recently and he called me up in Florida as well. He said in Florida Yes My father a house recently and he called me up in Florida as well. He said in Florida Yes Well my father was an Expression wrestler In the frog that's weird Yes, I was so it's weird that you've come in here representing a client You're telling us about your private family matters. Yeah, it's a little out in professional to talk about private life
Starting point is 00:29:04 Did you want to explain to that other gentleman is he's the homosexual character? family matters. It's a little out and professional to talk about private life. Did you want to explain who that other gentleman is? He's the homosexual character, Wail and Smithers who... They both have hair by the way, unlike Bart Simpson. Yes, they do. Dibber-Colored hair, what should you say? It kind of looks like someone's got a mallet and smashed but simpson's skull. That's his hair.
Starting point is 00:29:28 That's his hair. Well I just hope that there's not any other characters with strange shaped yellow heads. We should be good. I think we're fine. I don't, yeah I haven't seen it. Shall we continue? Let's continue. And there is the buffoon himself, Homer Simpson, the father of the family. He's an oaf. He's an Oath
Starting point is 00:29:45 He's an Oath Yeah, he's quite um, he's the one silly things. Yeah kind of the clown of the show he dances around the one that we you know He um quite slapstick. Are there any frog characters in the show? Yes Great Are they coming up? I'm I to see that. Time out. What are you going to do? I just feel like he's going to tune out if we don't. So you're going to lie to him. He's not going to know the deal. Alright, great. Time on. There's definitely frog in this. Yeah. Because I'm a frog and you know I would love to see a frog character.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Alright, this is Marge Simpson at the shopping centre. Marge, who's Marge Simpson? I get so much hair is posterer. It's quite high, it's quite high. It's posterer. Um, and blue. Um, and blue, I don't mind, I mean, but it's so tall. So, I believe it was the fashion at the time.
Starting point is 00:30:41 This is Marge and Maggie Simpson. Okay, Maggie's a small infant. Yeah, baby, I guess you'd say like a tadpole, kind of like a tadpole. Tadpole's more like sperm, they're more like eggs, you know? I mean, they are alive, but no, not really. When the tadpole's not like eggs, tadpole's come from the eggs.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I know what I'm trying to say. You don't count tadpole's. Culturally. I know this. I know what you're saying, know what I'm trying to say. You don't come. It's culturally. Culturally. I know this. I know what you're saying. And what I'm saying is legally and culturally in the frog community, you're not really considered a frog. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I don't want to get into that.
Starting point is 00:31:14 What I do want to get into is you come tab poles. Yeah. Real tiny ones. Are you talking about, have you been reading how my body works? Yeah. But also, I come into old baths on farms You you come into old baths. Yeah, you know like an old bath at the middle of the field. Yeah, been rained in I come in them Okay full of tadpoles. Fort four tadpoles. Join the dot
Starting point is 00:31:47 I'm gonna press play. Orchestra, school band. So you'll see a variety of... You'll see like upwards of 20 kids here playing to the song, behaving themselves, playing to their sheet music here. Most of them playing brass or woodwind instruments. And a variety of hairstyles. You're soon seen a rebel.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Who are these twin girls? Sherry and Terry. They are funny. Are they a lot a big part of the series? Yeah, it's mostly their Sherry and Terry feature heavily throughout the series. They're sort of the every heavily throughout the series. They're sort of the every man in the show. They kind of, they view the world as you view the world
Starting point is 00:32:33 and they sort of quite often turn to the camera, wink when like something shittily is happening. Jim help it. Yeah, see, very much like the Jim help of the Simpsons. Yeah, yeah. Sherry and Terry. Let's see, I like that. I and Terry. I like the Simpsons. I like the Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Funny. Let's see if everyone's playing to the music. Who's this? So this one, so we've got another rebel in the family like Bart Simpson, if she's playing her own thing and walking out. I imagine she's quite a naughty character. No, that's a very interesting observation that no one has made before, because I can understand
Starting point is 00:33:13 why you would get that from this footage, but actually- But actually- Is this name Wendell? No, that's Wendell's name of the little studio. It's the name of the music teacher. Ah, it's the cunt face. I have no idea. I have no idea. Oh my goodness. Cunt face. You know, cunt is a very offensive word and frog It's not Australia. No, no, no, no, no, we just fucking It's what you call your best. That's what you call your best mate. That's very funny Lisa is actually quite, she's a good student, she's a top of
Starting point is 00:33:48 the class, very smart, but quite passionate about her music and her discolored saxophone. Can I just say one thing? It's unrelated to both the case I'm here to talk about and the Simpsons. I've got little frog legs. Yeah, great. I've got little frog hind legs that I do little jumpies. Yep. And he's wearing a beautiful Italian talent suit. It's very beautiful. Gorgeous. Someone should do some great fan art for you. Yeah, so it's just sort of what the whole point of the podcast for me.
Starting point is 00:34:29 This is Homer. We're back with Homer. He finds a metal plutonium. Homer is his name. His shirt. Homer. Homer Simpson. He wants a reference to the Greek. Yeah, the Odyssey. Is he similar to the Odyssey I read that? He goes on adventures. He's an... Okay. And he's often worded by the siren songs of water women. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:47 I think I think I think you're thinking of the character Odysseus Homer wrote yes, he wrote the Odyssey and you're saying he's an O for a buffoon. Yeah a lot A black guy is this is this the use of irony. I don't fully understand why you would name we empathize with the Oath Laurel and Hardy Yes, but why is his name a Homer? I don't understand. I guess it's sort of a bit of a pun. It would be like naming an Oath, I find it quite dispelling. No, it's a pun, it would be like naming a pun.
Starting point is 00:35:21 He throws the metal rod out of the window of the car. Which you're just about to see. The new killer. But he's a bit of a skateboard and it's never seen again. New killer rods are very dangerous to frogs. I imagine it's quite similar to humans. There's going past all the characters in the village. Yep, one of them are much of a child.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, the child is driving a car. Yes, it seems as if the child is driving a car. Yes, it seems as as the child is driving the car here. Oh my goodness. But that is that is trick photography. Because you just see March, March almost strikes down her son with a car. The child is driving the car. And what Bart doesn't realize is is earlier just earlier just oh yes of course. Sorry, it's quite clever. It's the, it looks like they have a tight shot on Maggie using pretend, a pretend steering wheel. They cut, like pull the camera back wider.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And actually the car just for some reason has two steering wheels. It's like a toy steering wheel. Well that doesn't look like a toy to me. That looks like the, I don't know what you would call that. It's not an axle, but it seems as if the... It's connected to something. It's definitely connected to something. And to me, I would assume it's the dashboard.
Starting point is 00:36:36 It's quite confusing. Also with noting that for the joke, they've put a baby in a baby seat in the front passenger seat of a car, which is incredibly dangerous. Incredibly so. I mean, you would never put a baby seat in the front passenger seat of a car, which is incredibly dangerous. Incredibly so. I mean, you would never put a frog seat in the front. No. Neither for humans, you shouldn't be doing that. But the joke wouldn't land if they had not done that.
Starting point is 00:36:55 So they can't get the amount of safety. You would be able to see the baby. And just unbeknownst to Bart earlier when he was skateboarding down the street, he went right past the man that Marge almost had a sexual affair with. Just a bit of trivia. And bleeding gum's murphy. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Okay. Here they're beeping the car. Ah. This is the home. They're where they all these characters live. This is where Marge tries to murder Homer, but he gets away. Oh, and then all the characters come in and watch the television. Ah, yes, well that's one.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's a cute way to end it. It's just the very...all the characters come in and they watch the television together. That's, yes, that's correct. So everyone from the town, that's fantastic. Do you know what would be cute is if they did a different thing each time on the car? That would be far too expensive. A different car, every time. A couch gag, I like that.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, they wouldn't do that. They don't do that. And that's what they make. And a much money as... Animation is so expensive. You just couldn't, that's just not even a... Let's not even... We're making a series in the moment and we made three animated episodes and they cost so much money to make. So expensive. Because there's so much detail.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So much detail, yes. Did you want to make any final statement about your client? Look, he's not a serial killer. That's the first thing I need to say. Ted Bundy is likely not a frog. Is your client frogman or Ted Bundy? My client is frogman. Okay. That's not a frog. Why is it, is your client frogman or Ted Bundy? My client is frogman. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:27 That's not being clear. That I'm, cause you just said your client's not a killer. I don't think anyone was saying that frogman was a killer. Well, you've got in contact with him. You sent some very threatening messages. Just because you called him a serial killing frog cunt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but we didn't say anything like that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You said you better come on here. I'll read the message. That's all conjecture. Hi, serial killing frog can't. You better come on our podcast and defend yourself and your frogs. If you ever want to be on this podcast again, you better say something, you serial killing frog cunt. And he got very worried about that and that's why he sent me. And that's fair. And we did write that. But remember, as we discussed earlier, as he's called
Starting point is 00:39:14 their best mates cunts. Yeah. So, but we were trying to hurt him. Yeah. Yes, it was very threatening. We came at him. That is true as you know frogman does have a few prior convictions So he was very worried about that All right, we did know about no no, what are they? I'm sorry. I thought you were aware of his prior convictions. No, no, we didn't receive that we didn't receive that information I'm checking my email now. Oh There's just he hasn't talked about the prior convictions on the podcast. No, no No, oh my goodness. That sounds really fucked
Starting point is 00:39:53 We're kind of stuff sex stuff not sex stuff no No, um, but stuff. No, I look I'm not Not a liberty to talk about Look, I'm not telling stuff. I'm not a liberty to talk about Frogman's prior convictions. I was under the understanding you knew that that's why I thought I was here Frogman is not a serial killer. Frogman has never done anything of the sort None of none of the convictions relating to murder ever ever resulted in a guilty you've done a bad job as a lawyer because you've come in and made me think that he's more he is a serial killer now
Starting point is 00:40:33 more than when we started I'm his solicitor more importantly what do you do what did he do a salt was a the salt I'm not what I this is from a frothate salt. What? Frothelt hate-selt. Yeah, that's right. So he never frothelted another frog. Did he, um, might as well steal his, this is, I'm not at liberty to say. I mean, they're all, they're all public documents. You can look this up yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And we're gonna have to spotlight this. I, I, I, I'm sorry. Why did you sit here for 10 minutes and go through the opening of the Simpson? There's so much we could have been talking about in regards to your client. I just, I've never seen the Simpson's. Now would you like to come clean and get the record straight with your character, or would you like to watch the opening intro to Hey Arnold?
Starting point is 00:41:21 Well, Hey Arnold. Oh, well, Hey Arnold is a Nickelodeon TV show, sort of a kids show from the... Oh, yeah. It's a little bit more funky than I imagined the show did a lot better than the Simpson. Pause there. So as you'll see there's some similarities in terms of... Well, not similarities, but there is some stuff going on here. I didn't like his head. Well, quite a strange shape head, as I was gonna say. Well, Bart Simpson had a almost normal shape head, but then sort of a jagged up a skull,
Starting point is 00:41:56 which was to represent his hair. Here you'll see the hair as bizarre, almost as bizarre as anything Bart Simpson had, slightly more clearly defined on a sort of football-like shape. So I just wanted you to know that is he meant to look like a frog with the wide head and the separated eye? Yes. Well, I find that very offensive.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Oh. Now you'll see, there's all the friends of the local New York neighborhood. He's clearly not a frog, I mean. It's called Hey Arnold. Were there any frogs on the writing team for this show? Uh, don't... I doubt it. We could look it up. Oh no!
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah, this is... This is... this is... this. This... Oh, I love to hang on. Great show. She loves ball. Yeah, so that's that's that's Helga and Helga is sort of constantly trying to wear to put on a ball head.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Do you know how much how many times I got called a football head in addition? Five times I couldn't even put a number on it countless and to make a funny little show about a football head boy It's discussed his whole his head is representative of the shape of a of a whole frog Of isn't it? It looks a lot like a frog. I mean, I'm looking at a frog. This episode has gone way over. Has it? Yeah, we should probably wrap this up. Well, I had it all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Great. Would you like to go out watching the intro to Angry Beavis? I would love to watch Angry Beavis. You know, I'm not a fan of Beavis. Beavis killed my mother. Well, let's watch the intro to Nickelodeon's angry Beaver. They ate my mother Was it these ones? Oh, it's fun. No, they certainly weren't this fun. There's a beaver Yeah, those were representative trumpets at the front, but it was sort of done in in artistic way looks a bit wavy
Starting point is 00:43:58 A watery now. This is my sort of show angry beavers. They're not happy Beavers. They're not placid Beavers. That's the premise of the show. They're living a damn. Oh, I love it. This is up your alley. Yeah. See, one's a fucking mental Beaver, one's more chill. But what they have in common is that they're both angry.
Starting point is 00:44:25 So you've got two different personality types what they have in common is that they're both angry. So you've got two different personality types to sort of, you know, so they play off each other, they bounce each other. But the reason they're friends is that they're, you know, mad at the world there, they're aggressive, they're out there, out there on the world is probably one of more, that's pessimistic.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I only go out to the pond usually on weekends. I try to wrap up to a half day on Friday go out to the pond. So I spend most of my time in my penthouse on exhibition street. So I'm often looking for television shows, films, set in lakes, rivers, ponds, just to feel... Did Bundy series? Riverdale. Well this looks fantastic. Which is a dead Bundy series. Riverdale. Riverdale. Well this looks fantastic. Oh, there's a lot of water.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So they live in a dam. This one's more abstract. It's just the beavers jumping around. So they get a screen confetti. I just want to get to the water. Now all of a sudden they're aligned drawing. And it's fun. They're stacking each other. They're smacking each other.
Starting point is 00:45:27 They're going to watch a big TV. They're going to jump into the TV. They're stars of TV. One's struggling to... One's more chill, one's more chill. One's a little sort of doofus character. Now if you are interested in... So they play this with the Nickelodeons. Yes. Through it you put it nickel in. Yeah, and watch the Angry Beaver. We have to stop, don't we say?
Starting point is 00:45:49 We absolutely have to stop. This is definitely gone on for the show. No, I know Dawson's pretty good. But I'm a love Dawson. I just thought maybe we could watch the, yeah. You'll love this. No, I love Dawson's Creek. I've got it on DVD.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Just to see you say, look at that queen. Look how much water there is. You know, my pond that I live in currently, it looks a lot like the Dawson's Creek. I said to my partner, I said, you know, Steven, I really would love to live. How the fucking hell all of these people have gone on to have huge careers. Yeah, massive careers. Well, she was in the Batman. That man begins, she was later released by a different actor.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Thank you, too. So no, it's, yes, I said to my partner, Stephen, I said, I want a creek, I want to live in a pond that looks like the Dawson's creek and we actually got a little jetty build just like the one that's weird, that is weird, that's strange. As it was my favorite show, I was in Eden and I was second year of Cambridge and I was feeling very homesick, this show came on the television. What did you relate to the most about the show?
Starting point is 00:47:02 Was it sort of the creek element? The creek, yes, absolutely. I wasn't sure, maybe, I thought maybe it was the teenagers growing up, finding love, you know, or experimenting, that kind of thing, but another Creek element, I guess. Just the fact that they're all around the Creek. I love Creeks and Poddens for I Am Little Frog. Well thank you so much for joining us today a little frog frog boy frog man So frog boy who's a lawyer
Starting point is 00:47:29 Didn't do a lot to defend your career. If anything I think I've I've really defamed him more. Oh, indefinitely. Yeah, in Dubititally Indubitably indefinitely All right, fuck. Well, thank you. Um fuck off. Okay. Bye. And that was the huge look into the Frogman case. I can't believe where it went and what we learnt about it. And hi, it's Zach here. We just want to say a quick thank you to Instant Mustache on our on our subreddit for finding that hot goss that information about Ted Bundy being a frogman. So instant mustache, thank you for that. Hey guys, thanks for doing that interview for me.
Starting point is 00:48:13 That was a really bad diarrhea. So I really find you. When the runs, you get the runs, you've got to goza runnans. Yeah. Thank you guys. We'll be back next week with another podcast. This is a weekly podcast. I'll be going weekly now.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah, we're going to go weekly with this. Yeah, great. So we'll catch you next week on the Anti-Donna podcast. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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