Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 155 - Bleeding Pud Dry

Episode Date: July 2, 2019  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome to Creators In Depth, an anti-donna podcast where we talk to an exciting creative about something that broke them through and something that has built their fanbakes. I'm here today with comedy tour to force and one of Australia's biggest comedy act, I'd say. Yeah. Anti-Donna, hello. Thanks for having us, Broden, from Anti-Donna.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Absolutely pleasure. And I've seen both dressed for the weather. Yeah, I've got a big... It's quite chilly, yeah. If you're out listening, I wish I had a visual to this. I'm wearing a big, woolly jumper. Yes. Yes. up. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yes. Yes. I saw it at a top man at a closing down sale. I thought that's going to be great for winter. It's warm. It's warm. I bet you feel warm. I feel so warm.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I feel like, you know, when you're back home at the parent's house and you say, can I borrow just a big woolly jump up from Dad's cupboard? Mum says go for it. Pop it on. And then you're in the jumpers available. Yes, yes, yes, you killed himself in the garage. And then you take the jumper home and then everyone's very fashionable. You're dressed like it's like Dad call. Now Mark, you wear your grandfather's jacket.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yes. And now I've read that in the ill-globo. Yes. Australia's number one Italian newspaper ill-globo. Yes, I just wrote a've read that in the ill-globo. Yes. Australia's number one Italian newspaper ill-globo, yes. Just through your reach on the featured in ill-globo. In your short film, the culpas. Yes, that's a scuupa.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Neoculpa. A scuupa. What does that mean? Neoculpa. I think it's like guilty in that realm. No, the name of the film is scuupa, which means to scoop. I was about ice cream. That ice cream. It was about ice cream originally, and then we made it about Nana's in the re-wraps. It's like a live action.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's like a live action, a Pixar. Why don't you write a film about me? No, I haven't yet. I wrote a film about mine. Tend it to me. I read Mother slowly getting dementia and fading away. I wrote a beautiful film about mine. Tend it to me. Grandmother, slowly getting to mention, fading away. I wrote a beautiful film about it. After a few drafts, it turned into a film about Yoshi,
Starting point is 00:02:11 the frozen yogurt to the stool. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, I had a similar experience. I was writing about the death of my grandfather and how it affected me and sort of gave me a feeling that I was going to die sort of a hyper-condria, fled up my hyper-condria, but then India redrafts it turned into more of a yugi-o story.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah, yeah, I got the cards. About the cards, about the fighting Pokemon Digimon cards. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and that was just through the rewrites, but that's writing, rewriting is writing. I thought I had hyper-condria ones. Yeah. I turned out I was fine. I just had very bad cancer. Yeah, right, right. Yes, yes, yes. Now guys, you're huge. You have 50,000 views. So are you? You're very big. Imagine I'm not. I know I am. Are you playing? Okay. I just adult that you're asking us these questions, bro. But go on, go for it, please. Please you guys are huge
Starting point is 00:03:05 You can't walk down the street without getting phone numbers off chicks. I'm very famous. We're all very famous Both collectively and individually and you're famous because of a very special Festive video Yes, Christmas put Yes, yes Christmas put everyone comes up to me, they say, oh, I love put. Like, she was Christmas time, I could watch put again. I say, you can watch put any time a day.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Most people come up to me and they say, they say, hi, I'm a big fan of your work. Say thank you. And they say, any room for custard. Yeah, yeah. I say, no, you've from the pool. They know me from. Yeah. Would you say it's your best work? No. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, look, it's the biggest one.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's for sure. Yeah. I remember waking up, waking up, and for a new audience as well, for people who aren't familiar with anti-donna, Christmas put is this crazy sketch. It's why? It's crazy. It's what where the guys are imagining its Christmas The funny thing is is that we didn't shoot it on Christmas Well because we had to release it before Christmas Really we had to release it about so we wanted to make sure we were engaging with it That topic it's not an evergreen topic so we went to VidCon Yes, and we learned about
Starting point is 00:04:23 Relay schedules is the Melbourne show for YouTube. Yes, short of video convention. So it's about people that make, it's a convention for all people that make, it's all love watching online videos. It's the UN for YouTube services. Basically, yeah, essentially. We went to the Melbourne one.
Starting point is 00:04:43 We've only been to the Anaheim one once, but oh my god, it's wild. It's so beautiful. Did you learn a lot there? I learned so much. So basically, the thing is, Christmas is not an evergreen topic. People aren't thinking about Christmas,
Starting point is 00:04:56 although, you know, based on the fan reaction, I think people are starting to get their names back. I think they are thinking about Christmas. But maybe they might not be thinking about, what we did was we took an unevergreen topic and we put an evergreen element in it and the evergreen element is put because it doesn't like a cheeky bit of putty.
Starting point is 00:05:12 But we did have to release it. We did have to release it about a week before Christmas because that's when people are talking about that's when people are sharing people is saying, aren't you Cheryl, I'll be coming over your house this evening in a week. People may be buying and I'll bring... Yeah, but by their order, at least ordering their puts.
Starting point is 00:05:29 It's a thing I'll buy. That's all we were thinking, we were thinking, what can we do to engage put based people? And where did the name come from? Auntie Donna. Auntie Donna. Okay, okay, so... So, right, Mark has an auntie Donna. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And she loves putt. And it's just a coincidence. Absolutely, we actually do stuff other than putt. So we've made videos other than putt. Yeah, yes, we've done a whole documentary series about our trip to LA. Yeah, we've been to America. Yeah, we've been to America and we did a documentary series wildly successful documentary series. We've done other sketches. Really? Yes,
Starting point is 00:06:12 right other things. Yeah, so we've got a sketch called World Futsis Championship which never really took off. Didn't take off in the way that we wanted it to. Was that funded by Screenfic? No, no, no. He did that one. No, no, no. So here's the thing about online video. Is teaching me a thing or two? I just want to make it very clear as well, by the way. Our stance on this podcast is BTS are great. Oh, yeah, we want to make it very clear that we absolutely love
Starting point is 00:06:39 the Korean boy band group BTS. And we've not listened to their music to be fair. I've not listened to a lot of it, but that's not, and so that doesn't mean I think that they're bad. I think they're good. We love them. We love them. We love them.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So here's a thing about, here's a thing about, I'm not upset anyone. Online video. Here's a thing about online video that's really wild and really, really fun. BTS for life. Are we done? Yeah. Move on, move on, move on. BTS for life. Are we done? Yeah, we'll just move on now.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Move on, move on. We love online video so much. But here's the thing, maybe 10, 15 years ago, if you wanted to make a video, you needed a channel two. You needed a channel two or channel seven. The channel, which isn't what it was once. Channel seven, channel nine, channel 10 what it was once channel seven channel nine channel 10
Starting point is 00:07:27 That was pretty hard to get into as a starting out you were looking at either 31 2 or 4 31 2 or 4 so SBS Yeah, yes Channel 4 so you were looking at one of those three really 31. Yes Did you want to be is that your was that your ambition? We started out as TV guys Yeah, we wanted to be TV stuff. I grew up watching the McCullough program channel. Yeah, that was my big influence. Mark, he liked them. Sorry, you go. Well, you know, I like things like the Big Bang Theory and two and a half
Starting point is 00:08:01 men and just sort of those broader comedies. That not true Mark, you were a big fan of the weirder ones Those American guys in LA Oh, you loved him, and Eric brought it on the other hand He was a big Conan guy. Oh, yeah, that is true. I did love American things But so your hope was to get on channel two. Yeah, so we wanted to get on channel two But um, but look, and tell me what took it to win? We're part when did put come land on your desk? Well, it was one of the first sketches we ever thought of, but one of the last sketches we ever shot, ever.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Ever. So that's the amazing thing about sorry, I'm so sorry. Yeah. What was that? You're an interviewer, I'm expecting sorry. Yeah. What was that? You're an interviewer, I'm expecting a follow up question and you're taking off your jacket. Yeah, your dad's a take-ins getting quite warm. Sorry, you were answering the question.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I felt a bit warm in my woolly denim jacket. I put it on the back of my chair. Not to worry. So we've been doing this for seven years now. Actually, we've had a really long career. We do live shows, we do online. We have had a few television opportunities as well. We're working at those part-time,
Starting point is 00:09:08 Bristol Jobs, the cafe. Actually, no, we're doing comedy full-time now. We're just really excited. Now, we're not in the show. But we used to go in and clock in and do the nine to five every day at our older jobs. Well, I always worked casual. I don't know about you.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah, no, I did work casual. I worked at a cinema. I worked down at the jam factory. Where did you work, Mark? I had a plethora of jobs, but the main job that I had that sustained me through my early years of Inaudont was selling, can you believe it? Selling tickets at a local theater.
Starting point is 00:09:40 What about you, Broden? Well, I worked at the MCG. Yeah, right. That's right. It's showing where you sit, where you sit. There? Well, I worked at the MCG. Yeah, right. Right, right. It's showing where you sit, where you sit. There you go, enjoy the game. And that's of course the Melbourne Cricket. The Melbourne Cricket Ground.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Right, right, right. It's in and it's a... I'm not the sportiest guy. Yeah, but I mean, it's a... I do not frequent the game. I'm not a sporty guy either, but I obviously understand the history of it. I don't even understand the rules of cricket. It's MCJ stands for Melbourne Cricket Grand.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I thought it stood for Hope. I thought it stood for action. I thought it stood for like gladiatorial battles. Some of the finest athletes in the world. They do, it does stand for their shoes, and they call it the Helloed turf. Yeah. But it's a, what would you, MCG is a...
Starting point is 00:10:32 Cricket. But what's the, what is it, a short hint? A male or what is it? An acronym. An acronym fit. And so, in the same way, I believe it's an initialism. But beat, beat. It might actually be, acronym is where it becomes a word, isn't it? Yes. No, it's an initialism. But beat beat might actually be. A acronym is where it becomes a word, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yes. No, it's an initialism, whatever it is. But BTS is also that, and I think they're good. My favorite member of BTS is Jay Hope. Yep, great. And I just want to make a comment. We're not that I love Jay. We're not joking about BTS.
Starting point is 00:11:00 We love BTS. I don't want anyone to think we don't like BTS here. Mark doesn't really listen to them. He's just trying to, he's being nice. I've never listened to them, but I've seen them. You think the favorite. And that's not, he's just doing that. A big fan. Yeah, I'm not trying to take the piss. I'm not trying, I'm not trying to take the piss. I'm absolutely not trying to take the piss.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I've seen some of their film clips and I really like Jay Hope. I've seen a few of their videos, so they're really good. They're very talented dancers. Let's move on. And they're very good. So, when? Tell me that, Pood. Where did the funny, where did the idea of Pood come from?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Because it's your biggest video. It's up there with the size. It's up there with the break of my rents. It's up there with the Wakenfrites, the Alvin Purple. How many views has it got? Put it now look I don't know the exact number it's always clocking over it always always clocking Tom Tom our so Tom does all of our music he's also in charge of our Facebook account Tom how many what numbers do we have now on put on Facebook? I'm gonna look it up and I'll let you know
Starting point is 00:12:03 He'll let us know. I have the numbers. I have the numbers. I have the numbers right here. It's funny because it's such a funny, great idea and it's the kind you would have seen on Channel 2. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, you used to have to put sketches together in a show like an album, but now like I choose, you could just watch sketches individually and that's what's so great is you know it can be harder for the weirdest sketches. We have
Starting point is 00:12:28 a sketch called Mr. Mustache Man for example and that definitely suffered by a bit of a mixed response early on. Some people loved it, some people hated it and it definitely would have benefited from being within a half hour show. But you know, look that's not how it works anymore. You put up sketches, you see how it goes. Do you have a Facebook account? Because that's where we put it up. We put it up on Facebook and mostly on our YouTube. Well, we actually have just under 250,000
Starting point is 00:12:54 follow subscribers on YouTube. And those are people that have clicked in and said, yes, I want to know when they're next. It's the new channel too. It really is a new channel too. We don't have gatekeepers anymore. Gatekeepers, they used to to you. It's the new channel too. It really is a new channel too. We don't have gatekeepers anymore. Gatekeepers, they used to keep you back. But that big said, we love channel two.
Starting point is 00:13:12 We've got a lot of friends over. I know Sammy J. Oh yes. Sammy J works at channel two quite often. Yeah, so we know. He has an office. So how many, it just went viral one day. I remember I was at a Christmas lunch celebrated.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And I saw what the heck is this video? And when viral like the plague darling. So I just wanna know, how many people have seen it now? Tom's got the numbers here. I've got the numbers. Who's got the, wait, wait, wait, wait. I've got the Facebook numbers and the YouTube. Who's actually got the numbers?
Starting point is 00:13:42 I've got the numbers here. I just don't understand here. Tom, if you've got the numbers. Mark, you knew that Tom was doing that. I just wondered why did you step on his stuff? I wanted to help. But how is that helping? Because I have the message. I was here answering this nice gentleman question.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I'm there. While you were googling the numbers. Tom, it doesn't have a microphone. Well, I passed him the microphone. We established. Tom, why don't we share the numbers? Guys. No, no, no, no, no, no, Tom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no book and then Tom says the other half of the number. Do you have the Facebook numbers? Yes. All right. So what's half of the numbers of the Facebook?
Starting point is 00:14:26 We can say it at the same time. No, no, no, no, no. I want you to say half and you to say half. So I will say the first half. The number and you say what follows. OK. 1.4 million. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So what I wanted, because you've just, because you look that's you've just because then I'll That's in a harsh then you it should have you that would be that the number is 2.8. Yeah, I wanted you to say 700,000 and him to say 700,000 and you're oh That's not that was not I thought what he described excuse me. No, it's funny. This never would have happened if you just let Mark do, a Tom do his work. No, I just let Mark do the numbers. You're right.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You're right. You knew he was looking up the numbers. Why did you look them up? Because I wanted to help. You wanted to, how has this helped? Well, it's helped. How has this helped? It's created a bit of filler for a podcast that, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:22 might not get a lot of work. I think the podcast is doing fine. We're doing a bit of a riff on the answers, like the stock answers we give to people when they ask questions on the media. All right, I'm sorry. Is that what you wanna hear? What were the numbers on YouTube though?
Starting point is 00:15:37 Cause Tom didn't look well. Please, Tom did look them up. Please tell me half the numbers. All right, I can show this mark over here, mate. All right, I'll give the first half a mark and give the second half. All right, so there is... That's gonna be easier for me.
Starting point is 00:15:50 235,000. And 235,000. Right, now I drop math in your nine, so that tells me that on YouTube it's got eight million views. No, yeah. Oh, yes Let's say yes. Let's say yes. Let's just say it overall across the platform Across the platforms we have over 2 million views on wood. I want it to just done On Facebook there's also 43,000 people tagging their mate John saying hey this is gonna be you next week mate You're a room for put mates that touches on something Tom that I was very keen to do
Starting point is 00:16:29 I want to go through and see how this video has affected people I would love for you guys to read some of those. I'm sorry. I'm really bored with your questions Excuse me. I'm bored. I'm the first comment Sorry Mark. Yes What the fuck is your problem? Cunt face. There's a bunch of lame questions coming from a just just some Jack shit. Jack country to be you are a cunt face to be fair you are a Lamo Broder you're a you're a Lamo and you're sending us to snooze town with your boring questions. Well I'm gonna tell you what you are after this short ad break.
Starting point is 00:17:10 La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. When I don't get boners anymore, I take Viagra. La la la la la la la la. Mark, you are a big, stupid, can't face. Okay, well, now I was on your side. I was on your side, and now I've turned into a can't face.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Well, I was defending you. Before that ad break, I was defending you, and now I'm just shocked and appalled. Bro, don't mean that. You're speaking to me this way. I'm not boring. I'm interesting. I don't know it. You're speaking to me this way. I'm not boring. I'm interesting. I don't know if you know this, but we made Pood, right?
Starting point is 00:17:49 I'm sorry, I didn't realize. We made Pood. Do you have any idea the kind of power that holds, especially at Chrissy Time? Yeah, when people are having, when people, yeah, when people are having their Pood, for the next two to three years, when people I have Pood, they're gonna think of us.
Starting point is 00:18:03 You think that 1.4 million views, close to 2 million. 700,000 split in the two. Right. Yes. Over two. Over two platforms. You think that's just going to stay stagnant? You don't think we're going to reshare it, come Christmas time, rather than doing at least
Starting point is 00:18:24 a less successful follow-up. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden.
Starting point is 00:18:33 A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden.
Starting point is 00:18:41 A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. A coden. Yeah, sure. We have the most reliable company in the world telling us we've got 1.4 million views. 700,000 divided by, you know, if you divide it by two. So 700,000 times two views, I'll give you that. Thanks, Godface.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And then you're coming at me with these basic, ask, basic bitch questions. Where'd you get your name? Who gives a fuck about that? I want to try to get to the substance of what we're trying to do here. All right, put yourself in my shoes, Kant. What? Put yourselves your cunt self in my, our cunt shoes. In my cunt shoes. In your cunt shoes. Yeah. You should have cunt shoes.
Starting point is 00:19:29 That cunt shoes. Anyway. Mm. I think we'll call it a little something. Oh, like this. Come in. Hi. Um, is this platypus?
Starting point is 00:19:41 Yeah, the shoe store. Platypus. Yeah. Platypus. Yeah. Platypus, is that what you're going for? Yes, really? Yeah. That was something that wasn't an accident. That was crying.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Cutshuse, cutshuse, cutshuse, cutshuse. I thought you were just going for a generic brand. Also, it's Ella Cutshuse, and then... Yes, welcome to Platypus. I'm so sorry about him. Bro, did you get that, I know you? I don't know a Broden. friends, also select countries and then... Yes, welcome to Platapus. Ah! I'm so sorry about him. Bro, you get that, I know you. I don't know a Broden.
Starting point is 00:20:09 My name is Jim Jo. This is Jim Jo. I am a big shoe man at Platapus. Yeah, but you get this funny that there's a lot of people at Platapus. I have two loves in my life. Shoes and getting laid. Now is your third one up selling
Starting point is 00:20:23 and I'm all out of laid. You're all out of laid. Now is your third one up, Sally. And I'm all out of laid. You're all out of laid. Well, what happened? I can't even. My dick fell off. Oh, well, you can take Viagra for that. No, I can't. Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 00:20:35 If I had a penis, that would make it erect. Have you seen my penis fell off? Have you seen Austin Powers, a revenge of the spies? No, I, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, I'm assuming Austin Powers is a mermaid. Sure, doesn't matter. Doesn't matter for what I'm about to say. You know what, forget it. I'll just get a pair of conch shoes and I wanna get out of here. That's what would happen.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah. So back to the, I mean your conch shoes, what happens? What questions would you ask yourself? Here's an example one. What keeps you up at night? Here's one. As the creator of the hood. Why would? Here Here's one. As the creative hood. Why hood?
Starting point is 00:21:26 Here's another one. What is it to hold these visions in your mind? Visions as brilliant, as sharp, as evocative, as life-changing as hood, and having the ephemeral beauty of them in your mind, but the worldly constraints of filming, meaning that only sometimes you get it across. Only sometimes you're able to capture
Starting point is 00:21:54 what it is that you feel in your heart. Here's a question I do have. You started this podcast without a hat on. Oh yeah, when did that happen? This is true, Zach put a hat on mid podcast. When did that happen? Why did you do that? Oh, I felt like we're in a hat. That's weird man. That's super weird. I'm on a hat hat. It was next to me. I'll pop that on. Right, and just put on his little beanie. No, I didn'tanie for supporting pink sports day.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Is that a press canter awareness? You might not like sports, but everyone can get behind a cause like that. Zach, these can't choose a squishy. I don't want it really digging on it. I don't want to go in a little bit on that Why put we thought a pudding With the right as well you guys you guys have an art legions of fans now rivaling BTS Yeah, very incredible awesome fan
Starting point is 00:23:01 South Korean and we just want to be very clear band. We don't in any way think we're bigger than or Better than BTS. No, but you do rival their fan base now with your put video Well, that's their perfect Christmas video was actually probably a little more popular than put Probably but put in in Australia huge impact. Huge input. Yeah, input. Input, is what we input. That's how we say it. Why put?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Why put? Put has been the foundation of comedy all the way back since comedy was invented with multipython. The put has. I think it's better than Python. Pood? Well, it's a lot tastier. No, I think you don't have a better than Monty Python. I thought you were just saying, if someone was gonna offer me a plate of Monty Python,
Starting point is 00:23:58 like the DVDs or a plate of Pood, I would choose the Pood every time. Right, I'm saying you, Mark, you don't have to touch me when you're saying this, although it does feel quite nice. I bet it's a multi-pithe, because you made put. Um, put, and then that little, um, greater than symbol. Anything multi-pithe, I've ever done. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not afraid of the Python fans.
Starting point is 00:24:23 68-year-old fuck-knuckles. Thank you. I fucked them. Um afraid of the Python fans. 68 year old fuck knuckles. Thank you. Fuck them. Fuck the Python fans. Oh, they're dying out. They're all dying. But there's a legion of fans. Younger my age.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And what will happen is, what will happen? You were all here. We all have Python where I'll put any word in the box. We are better than them. But we're better than them. And when they all die, all their fans, I imagine, will clock over to us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:48 That was just sort of okay. So we're just sort of waiting it out. And once the Python boys are done with living, which shouldn't be too much longer now, that fan base, you know, I'm talking O to arena to fan base. I think by the time of it at the Donna page, we'll be so big there'll be O3 arena. Can you imagine playing O3 or O4? It's too big. I don't know if it is.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Well, I don't know if it is. If you put as seen input on the poster, as seen from the creators of PUD, we have to not do that because otherwise, we're talking O6. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's gonna be pretty wild We'll tickers go on sale for that For the PUD show at oh six. Well, they have to build those six Yeah, I'm just gonna take up the majority of the
Starting point is 00:25:38 Culturally fingers crossed the cultural Relevance of yeah, I mean it's still holding up. Oh they're making puts every year. Yeah, every year. In a way it isn't evergreen. So what was your question and why put? I refused your hypothesis. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. Everything I needed to say. It needed to be school. Everything I needed to say, get ready to be school boring. Everything I needed to say, I said it input. I think I speak for the whole group when I say that. Okay, well that's interesting. Everything we needed to say, we said input.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Do you want to talk about violence? You want an essay? Go to an academic. You want a hint at what life, what humanity is capable of? Check on our YouTube channel. Wow. At what life, what humanity is capable of, chuck on our YouTube channel. Wow. Can I talk about a specific 90 degree turn input? You're all finished with your put,
Starting point is 00:26:35 you're eating it, you've finished it, you've had a great meal. We're all full, yeah. And you all say very clearly, I can't have any more meal. I can't eat any more. I think the line is no more room for put. But then, this is a real important moment and I'm sure you guys know it in much more detail
Starting point is 00:26:57 than I do. But one of you says, maybe would you like some more put? And one of you says and one of you says? One of you says yes, okay. What are you trying to get out here? Why what do you mean why? Have you seen the video? No, I think it's a good question. No seriously. No, have you seen the video? Well, I think it's a good yeah, but I'm I think I look like someone who's concerning myself to the one question Like honestly though, honestly, do you you think I wake up in the morning and go, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, do I look like a, because we owed someone money.
Starting point is 00:27:31 He does, so he's answering the questions, and he's helping me. Yeah, so we owed our manager money, because we used to be in a different sort of performing group. And so that's why I put, was that we owed, we're kind of performing group. Kind of like a, like was a bongo based, we would play sort of bongos,
Starting point is 00:27:51 what kind of called the bongo boys. And we owed, we did a tour, didn't work out, and we owed our manager some money. And she said to us, look, you have to do this task for me. Right. Or your dead meat. And that task.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Broden thinks that if it's like I'm not coming into it. No, not at all. Broden, you want to answer why? No, I'm happy to talk about our career, man. I'm happy to talk about where our name comes from, things like that. I can't answer it. You said before you weren't Are you serious right now? You're gonna we're gonna dig that hole?
Starting point is 00:28:32 You're a guy this character. I just guy Anyway, go on she said to us. Oh just context your bongo boys your we were we were okay We lost a lot of money and you're in debt to your manager and that's why manager I'm manager said I need you to perform two tasks for me. One is, you need to make a video about PUD to pay us back. And the second is, I need you to shop around for this young pop star. But also, the twist is, the twist is, the twist is,
Starting point is 00:28:59 if he pays off the money that we owe, then the bongo boys can start again. And there could be a Bongo Boys revival. We could potentially, that's our rodents. That's Bongo Boys revival. Motivation. Incredible story.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Let's move on. Did you think Poodwood Go as well as you thought as it did go? Now you're probably gonna receive OIMs from the Governor-General. I hope that we do that well. I mean, you make a piece of art and you... What happened? You put it in the video up, do you go to sleep, you work up the next day? That's how viral things hit in the same morning. Tell me what happened. Tell me what happened. Well, I don't be so right now tell me what happened. Yeah. Okay, so we went to bed. Okay, we woke up the next day. I feel like you. But what was the number when you went to bed? Okay. What was the number? I will for me it was 69. Yeah, because I was having a date night with my partner. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:06 So the number for me was 69. There was 69 views on the put video. No, no, no, no, right between the six and the nine here. The number for me before I went to bed that night was 69. And what was it when you woke up? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I understand.
Starting point is 00:30:23 How do you understand? You put your penis, you were like, you did a six, nine digit thing where you, you turned each other over and sort of put your mouths on each other's genitals at the same time. Yes, that's what I'm reading between the lines. Kinda lingous and phallacia at the same time. Look, I thought I was being a little more tactile than I was,
Starting point is 00:30:47 but yes, that is exactly what I was. And then what was the number on the put video when you woke up after 69? It was in the hundreds of thousands. Yeah, it was quite high. Here's the thing, here's the thing. Hundreds of thousands, that is huge. Brodon, I don't make... That's lead Bible numbers.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, okay, I get it. I don't... I don't make art for Bible numbers. Yeah, okay, I get it. I don't make art, art for the numbers, for the viral hits. I do. I make it, and that's where we complement each other. I make it to reach something. Or to reach the bad sheds. I do it to reach something greater.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yep. And with PUD, I think that's what happened. Is it resonated? It resonated, we resonated. Because a lot of PUD I think that's what happened. Is it resonated? It resonated? It resonated. A lot of PUDs got in contact with this after and said thank you for the representation on screen. And this is... PUDs don't speak well. This is the thing, Broden. I could take that 2.1 mil, give or take it, whatever. Don't really care about that 2.1 million views. I don't know if it's... I don't know. When you add them together it is, it's 2.1 mil give or take it whatever don't really care about that 2.1 million views I don't know if it's when you add them together. It is it's 2.1 It's actually a little bit more than 2.1. I give or take I don't care
Starting point is 00:31:53 What matters to me is those comments is those messages when I said read the comments You said I don't want to talk about that. Well got half a million on YouTube and 1.4 million on Facebook. Isn't that 1.9 million? If I'm wrong, no, no, you're right. Please just say something. That was one six on Facebook. Fuck. Maybe we're... ...fuck. ...not the viral sensations we thought we were.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I am. I've been really rude to you, bro. I've been a really rude bully. Oh my God, I'm finally... For the last six months, my head has blown up to the size of a watermelon. What I'm noticing from music, there seems to be a moment of clarity. I feel like your eyes have glazed over and then unglazed over and then glazed over again.
Starting point is 00:32:56 What's going on for you right now? It puts a really good video. Yeah, but I didn't need to be an asshole. I didn't need to be some sort of douchebag about it, Broden, you were just asking me some questions and I was an asshole to you. Bro, I'm sorry. Thank you, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You're a good interviewer, Mark. I'm sorry. We can do that come drinking sketch. What do I know? What are you talking about? The argument we had in the car ride here, about the Cumb drink and sketch you wanted to do. I wanted to do it. There's not much beyond that, really.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It's just this class. It sounds like Poutou. It sounds like there's a glass of Cumb. We won't be doing a sequel. No, no way. Unless you guys want it. If you want a sequel, Tweeters, Hashtag, I'd love to see your love on Poutou.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I'd never thought about it. I'd never thought about it. I'd never thought about it. I'd never called tweeters hashtag I'd love to see your love on Poodle4. I'd never thought about it. And suggest jokes for it as well. Have you ever thought about doing other sketches after Poodle was such a success taking that energy? Oh, sketches in a post-Pood World. Put them on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Put them on Facebook. Or in a post-Pood World. Pilot at the moment for Channel 2. What is it? It's basically just about us, like the fourth member of our group, leaving. So we had a fourth member, and we just wanted to address that for the fans.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So the fourth member leaves, it's a question, can we go on without him and then we've got a comedy show that night? Yeah. But it's sort of, it's that. It's sort of us hanging out, just being doofuses. But then we jump into sketches. Think flight of the Concord meets Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Can I ask you this? Yes. If you guys are the biggest, one of the biggest comedy acts in the world, you're super successful. Thanks for the food. Why have you never got a TV show? Well, the gatekeepers. The gatekeepers.
Starting point is 00:34:50 The gatekeepers are keeping us out. Is it practice the whips? I'm very good. Now there are arguments that is because we're not very good. But let me ask you this. If we're not very good, explain Pood. That is a good point. Yeah, it's a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You don't have a TV show yet you made Pood. Keep bringing that up. Bro, there was a couple of times I was a bit rude to you earlier in this interview. Would you be able to cut that from the YouTube show? Sure, sure. Thanks, man. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I wonder how much we'll be left with That's fair. That's fair. I was I was see a humblest because I was see the difference 300,000 views can make Tourman I was rude not many people get 300,000 views and you guys have done it and I thank you for your art and I thank you for your art. And I thank you for your questions. And if you need anything at all from me, anything,
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'm happy to help you out. You winked to Judith, you say that? Anything, anything. I want to put it to. Well, we'll get you a put on net, net weeks episode. Thanks, son. Good night. to a put on net, net weeks episode. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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