Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 156 - Welcome To The Old West

Episode Date: July 8, 2019 haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. We're going to go to the Old West. My name is Sheriff Zach. Today we're going to be looking for the nastiest boy in all of Alabama, which is not the west, it's the south. This is my deputy Mark Benono We gotta find ourselves a cow door Yes, we're dude. We're looking for a cow door out here. No, there is We found him God that was quick my lord my lord same mercy mercy
Starting point is 00:00:47 Well, we got here couple of couple of buckles my names Caldoy I'll be looking for a couple of Nordist panels come along on a cowboy ride with a cowboy I'm the fastest gun slinger in the wets In the wets? I've been in the wets so long I've been cowboy Here's a little bit of a tumbley Roll it over Where's the plan my garden?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Pchoo! Ah! I put my garden. Caldor. I put my garden. We've been looking for you. I pull out my garden. Was this a sound effects thing?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Oh! Caldor. Caldor. You better think twice before ever coming down Comment what was that That's my horse. I Am a cadoy Cowdoy
Starting point is 00:01:58 I've been looking for you for 25 years. Huh. That's funny. I'm Denzel Washington I'm in training day. You're in training day, but today is the day I kill you, Caldor. Oh, no. Ah. That killed me. No, the body just, a rod just calm down.
Starting point is 00:02:26 He was just a more sicker. You can't kill no cow d'oeil on the street. He may... He got a wife? I'm the sheriff of this town. I got a wife? He got a wife? He got a whiff.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He got a whiff and a whiff. I got a kid. Now you got a kid and he got a kid bottom with and kid I Got kid now you got kid and he called kid in a failure So when I got Kenny failure, no kid. Can it have a single channel saying no, I don't think you do Okay, yeah, and this is mark. Yeah, he's dark the regular bush pig He's one from New Orleans. And I'm a cowboy. New Orleans, man. I challenge you to wrestle.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Me to wrestle. Yeah, I should of have a wrestle you. Get that shirt off or to see them nipples. Yeah. Okay, I'll take my shirt off. But I'll just do that for a, you can, you can look, but you can't touch it. I'm a touch him. I'm a touch him right now.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Give it a nipples. Lipi-dipi-dipi-dipi-dipi-dipi-dipi. Oh, no, no, and he sends me into a straight vacs to see. I'll tell you that much right now. Boys, I'm a caddo. Why you want from me? Caddo, your mom will be dick. And tonight I will kill you.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Who are you? I'm the sheriff of this town and when you murdered my wife 20 years ago I'm what? What? What? He murdered my wife 20 years ago. Why you never said that? And then I left Alabama and headed out west in search of you. Macy is dead. Macy died 20 years ago That's why I'm trying to kill cow dork. What what? You never knew this. No, it's all new information to me. I don't know you four-score 20 more. You haven't seen Macy in 20 years. I've been looking for cow dork. I became sheriff of this town knowing he would roll through. I thought. And you never thought that maybe it was because he killed Macy. I thought she was just busy.
Starting point is 00:04:20 She was not busy. She's busy in heaven, Lord above. People killed my wife. He killed my daughter. I shot dead when she stood. But the other reason I shot her dead is I thought she was a sarmabin. You what? What? I thought she was a sarmabin. You knew full well she was not the al-Qaeda syndicate terrorist living in a sarmabin.
Starting point is 00:04:43 There I was walking through all the wets where I said said hey, there's a summer bin he hit them tails So I shot a deer where she's stew. Well, this is quite a revelation. I had no idea Here I am I wake up this morning. I think my partner and confidence wife has just been you know busy tending to the field but she's a son bin life has just been, you know, visit tendin to the field. But she's a sunbin. But then I find that she a sunbin. No, see, this is the thing. She was never a sunbin lordin.
Starting point is 00:05:11 When he killed her, she was wearing a pink petticoat with long, blonde hair. She looked nothing like a sunbin lordin, so I don't believe him one bit. Your boys wore a lasso? I mean, I would love a lasso. I would love my face, you know, a thing to do is the lasso. There's one thing I love more than revenge. That's less so and so you got me there
Starting point is 00:05:28 Well when hit my play piece of old taron Western wetson music When you got a lesson you got a lasso You got a lasso You got a Lesu, you got a need rope When you got a Lesu, you got to get some rope Get it from burnings That's my Lesu song You know, Caldoy, I thought you
Starting point is 00:05:59 I'm the sheriff, and I gotta say I thought you were a villain But when I hear you sing your Lesuso song I realize that Mark and deputy Caldo. I deputy Caldo, I dress like Woody from Toy Story. I don't accept no double deputy. Caldo, your first mission is to fight the other deputy and a duel to decide who will be the one deputy. I'll arrest him, I rub these nipples. Oh no. Now I'm gonna have to kill this cowboy.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And considering this is a cowboy podcast, I have a fair idea about this my play out. But you know, I guess, I guess, you know, things can change, things can happen. Yes, I guess, you know, things can change, things can happen. No. Hahaha. Different things happen, things can change. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Um, how you want to do the, you want to wrestle? You want to wrestle, Caldor? Is that a time machine? Hahaha. Well, I'd see if Caldor has just checked the time, realized he has another 13 minutes 23 minutes at least of cow door Cow door Cow door Mark I talked to all the prairie the old condominium on the prairie. Let's move over to the prayer
Starting point is 00:07:39 I like the prayer music keep your music on yeah, I got this on Mark you look at a look at it, the bull riding Husky. Oh, wow, look at me, a bull riding Husky. When I have a, let me fucking finish. I saw a cat. I know you're a cow, though. You're a rogue, cow, though. Always interrupting me.
Starting point is 00:08:00 My fine story is I'm just trying to sit here to my eatin tobacco whisk my eggs you always coming at me talking interrupt me when I'm saying my peace my peace of peak hand pie and I got a cool then over on the windowsill and you can't have a slash you can't have no slash no fresh cream for cow doggie Oh, yeah, motherfucker, you motherfucker, you do it again. I don't accept it. I don't accept you cow doggie Yeah, it's true. I love cow doggie I love cow doggie from the day I was born and now he rides in here takes my job Tells me he killed or some of bin turns out it was Macy who I also loved but never told the sheriff
Starting point is 00:08:47 Our kador One of you has to die. She's been waiting to meet us I'm here. You told why he was right. He was right in the middle I hate when people interrupt me and I'm sorry, but I saw you very rudely walk in and interrupt my friend cowboy no piece of peeking pie for you And it's out of sale a cowboy Based on that information I have to step down a sheriff and I will now promote you cow-doin to sheriff cow-doin Well, wait no way you're the new sheriff now wait a second. Wait a second. I've been deputy for on 4x7 more more than 24 years ago.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah, in worth of dirt on Caldoa shoes. Oh, what shoes are you wearing Caldoa? I'm Nike. He's wearing Nike shoes. Shoes, I guess that's, you know, what we got here, regular, modern McFly. Hey, you guys want to see me spit with tin? I love to see you spit in tin. But turn off the music so we can see Caldor is spitting in a tin. Wow!
Starting point is 00:09:54 Wow! Do it again, Caldor! Say Caldor. I'm a Caldor. Can I tell you something, confidence? Yeah. Some of the people up north, they're looking for someone to run. Wait, no. Wait, it's lead.
Starting point is 00:10:15 No, it's sort of a San Francisco way. They're looking for someone to run. Someone to make sure those Nambi Pambis on the East Coast know what's happening out west. You see me? We need you to run for president of the United States of America, Caldor. Uh, I'm president now. Well, I don't think a choir works like that, Caldor. Sorry, where are my cattle farm?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Nah, it's called a ranch son. I know what it's got, damn, don't want to motherfucker. David Letterman's got one. President Cowdoy's spitting into a tin. Serious and tough. Serious opened up. President Caldoray. The South has said they will succeed from the North. Do you want to take to their demands or is this civil war?
Starting point is 00:11:17 How are brands from Caldor? Now should we... What? I'm brands from Caldor. Heat up, Dad. I am. Put a little message on the bum say I'm Mr. Caddo is all right. All right, Caddo. What kind of message we're gonna put on these cattle now This is a great American beef. This is going out to all the little boys and girls and Other people I'm present listen very run. Oh my god part of me
Starting point is 00:11:42 Let's invade run. Oh my god, a part of me. Let's invade run. I've never heard of such a place. We're going to, but they got weapons of mass. Alright, let's go. Let's hop on the horses. After we're on, we go. We go, they got us in photos,
Starting point is 00:12:04 and then we got lottery on. Let's kill them. Let's go. I'm cow-doin. Wow, this is not a ram. This is New Orleans Square in Disneyland. Where's the cow-doin? Why have you brought us here? I said I want to see Well to be fair it is the happiest place on earth. It's the happiest place on earth And right before we go to war I would mind spending some quality time with my best friends
Starting point is 00:12:38 It's the happiest happiest place on earth people love life Now can you be sad when you got a turkey leg this out of your head see this I got two churros in a turkey leg for just forty three dollars it's a bad place it's not a bad place if you like to laugh and love and sing and get on a sort of animatronic adventure you could see have you ever been in a real life-honda town I don't like it here I'm a cowboy You don't have to go to Disneyland. Let's go for a little walk to California Adventure Park. Oh, why don't we get on a bus to Universal Studios Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:13:22 Yeah, we can go to Harry Potter Lake Let's get on that first That was a fucking present A few nice things Well, you're not yet, you haven't run for election You see, the way it works Oh, got election What? Oh, got election
Starting point is 00:13:38 We can go to the election Right after we go to Hogsmeade Get some butter beer Along for the prayer. When fun flows like a faucet, sometimes my guys mistake it for some. It's what happens if Mugsie Johnson is a airport. No, I've been juicy Jeff started playing. You had up Will Smith with juicy Jeff back out of with Jazzy Jeff.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I didn't have that much. That was bro, another cow, another close. Brody loves to listen to Will with Jazzy Jeff. I did have that back then. That was brilliant, I'm a cowboy. I don't know what it's like. Brody loves to listen to Will Smith and GZ Jeff. Enough of this talk, boys. There's so much chatter. And don't you know that the water world show is on in 25 minutes. If we want to make it for the start, we got to go now.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Well, I got to make it to that water world show. Otherwise, I'll never know how Kevin Carson's for a played out post the film. Would you like to go to the water world live stunt spectacular with us? That is what I'm going to look at, Baudello. Get myself some lady. A Baudello? I could...
Starting point is 00:14:38 Oh. They ain't no Baudello. You see it? I know I'm just feeling as that spit flowers of the air and hits the tin. If you want to go to a boarddella we have to go to Las Vegas. Hey guys, let's just sit in this beautiful summer. Just imagine that we're riding over the hillside, getting some cowboy, cowboy, getting get the rams in the cattle. But first, we're gonna take a short break.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Here at Cowdoy, we believe in good old fashioned butter. If you want some butter on your bread, you gotta eat cowdoy butter. Cowdoy butter is made of butter. I take Western star butter. I scoop it out I put it in a plastic bag get a here a private dog Cowdoy butter the only butter endorsed by cowdoy sometimes there's some crumbs in it Wow, what be him? Is that because you've been dipping your all knife straight into the butter after you've put it on your toast?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Ah, but Caldo, I can't be running around all day. Caldo, you are a cheeky little man. But now, back to the adventures of Caldo at Universal Studios Hollywood. Caldo, how did you enjoy the water world's stuns spectacular? I didn't hear. I didn't hear. Why? Why do you hate it here so much? I love for the prairie.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Well, I can't take you to the prairie no more. That's been raised and taken all. Why can't we invade Iran? We can invade Iran because we have a fast pass to the mummied ride I'm afraid It's sort of like halfway but it's sort of half the Indiana Jones ride and half the Space mount I just realized that this song is in killbill volume 2
Starting point is 00:16:39 That whole movie is reappropriate and shit It really has Anyway, let's do something a bit more upbeat. Hey? Let's go. Hey, how's it going, idea? Can we go back to Prairie? Let's go to the Prairie right after we visit the Simpsons town.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I love the Simpsons town. I love over Simpsons. Let's get ourselves out. Let's get ourselves out. How about you? What if Bard Simpsons with his sl thing shot at his pocket. Come on. You can see Bart Simpson He's his five foot taller than you with a giant head He knows speak, but he waves at you and takes photos
Starting point is 00:17:16 How do I go to order an extra I could North Korea? Cowdoy Korea cowdoy Cowdoy Cowdoit, what? Cowdoit, what? Cowdoit, what? They're going to invade North Korea. We're going to invade North Korea. I promise you that. Korea, we'll get there. We'll get there. Cowdoit, what's your favorite thing to eat? Hamburger. Hamburger? Why don't you grab a rib wedge from crusty burger? Just down here. Crusty burger, crusty cram.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Crusty burger, real the crayon. Crush the burger. You can get a real rib-witch at Crush the burger. I can't have time for this. I'm gonna get that Kim Jong. Well, we can get that Kim Jong. Soon as we go on the wonderful Simpsons ride, it's like a beef 3D ride through a Simpsons ride. It's going on. Look, Olster.
Starting point is 00:18:01 What the fuck is going on? Now, now, now, now. I'll share. Now, now, now, now, now now now now share Simpsons town I know I know there's only so much I can do Hey look it's gc Jeff Gizzy Jeff what are you doing at Universal Studio? I'm not doing jizzy Jeff. No, I was I was getting the music. That's okay. So Caldor. I'm Caldor. We've taken you here to Universal Studios Hollywood a great personal expense A great personal expense
Starting point is 00:18:54 To cow door That's enough gizzy cow door we have each spend a lot of money on bringing you here. But it asks for this. You know, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, you know, we did pay for the tickets so that we don't have to wait in line. And they were an extra $60 each. It's a lot of money to skip those lines. In 2019, that's a lot of money. It's not actually skipping a lot. It's just getting in the small line. Cowdoy. What's, what do you need right now to be happy? I need all our needs to camp.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Push them out of music on. All our needs, all our needs to camp far. Couple of the native Americans and baked beans. Well, Caldoy, I can't give you that. I can't give you that right now. But what I can give you is a one hour tour behind the scenes of the movie magic. Please, but not only that, you'll sometimes go into sheds and be attacked by King Kong himself and then a race through Las Angeles with Vin Diesel and the Rock. This is the universal pictures ride. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I don't have any. The Backlup tour, where you can learn all about how movies are made and maybe even see the set of 2001's, The Grinch. Great. Come on, Cowboy. I thought your wife was a summer beat. I'm sorry I killed her. This is not punished. This punishment is unfair
Starting point is 00:20:26 I'm cruel as usual. Well look maybe we should leave universal studio Yeah Get back on the road and run the president's campaign for president But first let's go and see Optimus Prime fight the decepticons on the Transformers 4D is Stravaganza Rhyde. Based on the same rhyde mechanics of the Spider-Man Rhyde over it, Islands of Adventure in Orlando. You'll have thrills and excitement.
Starting point is 00:20:57 That's fucking... Cut Rhyde. Thrills and excitement. And hey, while we're at the lower lot, why don't we check out the new Jurassic World ride? They've updated the Jurassic Park ride, as you couldn't imagine. Yes, come on, Caldor. It's your choice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:19 There will be the Transformers ride. Or will we hit the road and run your presidential campaign? Precious, okay. Sire can't hear you, Caldoy, was that the Transformers ride? Yeah. Yeah, the Transformers ride. All the people in line address like army people. Do you remember, do you remember, do you understand no one does what the fuck you're talking about?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Except for the 10 million people that visit Universal Studios Hollywood every year. You know, let me listen to this podcast. I'm a cow no. What is this? This is from Transformers the Movie. What's that? You too can help Optimus Prime. He needs your help, cowboy! Come on, cowboy, get on board.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You can't let those nasty Decepticons get the best of us. Get into that little ride vehicle, as the Decepticons try to bring us down, and only us, a small car of about eight people can help Optimus Prime win Oh Oh Oh my god! I thought he was gonna hit me. Oh wow! Oh, it's just like a real 3D transformer!
Starting point is 00:22:51 Well, wasn't that fun, Caldwell? Guys, I feel sick, I got hurt. Caldwell, why do you feel sick? I got so stomach. Do you need something to help soak up the alcohol? Maybe some... I got a truck. Oh, bit more.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Maybe a turkey leg. Sassy old hair. They sell turkey legs here too. It tastes like ham because they brine it in salt. I just forgot her. Alright, let's... Okay. It's been a big day for all of us.
Starting point is 00:23:18 It is, I mean, it's full on. It's a big sensory overload. I just thought it would make you happy to come here. I want to do three things Yeah, I want to invade North Korea. Okay. I want to invade run. Mm-hmm. I want to have some baked beans on prairie Well, they don't have baked beans. No, we don't have baked beans and there ain't no prairie this side of town No, sir, but we can go and invade North Korea Korea No sir. But we can go and invade North Korea. Korea. Korea. If by North Korea you mean the new Kung Fu Panda 4D experience.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Know what I mean. Let's go there. Slowly racist. Come on, let's go. No I didn't mean about that. Okay, if I, wait rewind rewind. If by North Korea you mean the new walk and dead walk through haunted attraction Let's racist
Starting point is 00:24:07 If I North Korea you mean the new minions mayhem Good middle graph. Do you mean the minions may have yeah, it's not as exciting as it sounds I'll tell you that much right now and I know that from personal experience cow dork I've been I've been on the minions ride is what I'm trying to say right between the lines cowboy Been on the minions ride. It's not very good. I'm looking at you, and I know you're excited for the minions ride I'm telling you it's gonna be nothing but disappointment I don't want to go away if I North Korea Okay, I can't talk to my can I North Korea. Okay, can I talk to him? Can I talk to him?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Can I talk? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him?
Starting point is 00:25:01 Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? Can I please talk to him? It's quite a long ride away from him. It's finally on this set. I just won't make sure we have the space that we need. Here's the thing. I don't think Caldor is very much enjoying our trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. What? Hey. Hey. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:25:20 We rode away from you. I got big ears. He does have big ears. I didn't think they'd work so good though No, beautiful though like the wings of an angel. It looks like Dumbo. Yes. If Dumbo was sexier. I mean is that possible? You are fucking elephant. Well, no, I never said I wanted to fucking elephant. I'm just saying sorry No, I find Tim Burton's Dumbo I don't want the fucking elephant, I'm just saying... Sorry, I know, I'll give you... I find Tim Burton's dumber... Quite sexy.
Starting point is 00:25:46 If you want a fucking elephant, that's okay. We just need to know. I mean, this is the old way. Anything's possible. Not that. I mean, you shouldn't be fucking elephants. I don't want a fucking elephant. I never said I would fucking elephant.
Starting point is 00:26:02 If you're fucking elephants... I'm fucking ugly. I'm saying that I just find dumb both that little bit sexy. Cado, I don't mean to cut in when we're trying to have a private conversation. Oh no. Oh no. You stick about paradox. Cado is pulled out of gun.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Huh. Cado. You killed the Ace Ventura, character walk around person. Why'd you do that, Kowdoi? I thought it was Kim Jong. You thought that the Ace Ventura was Kim Jong? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I thought it was where the birth were loud shirts. Well, the thing is he's the president. And the president can't commit any crime. Darwin Lex. What? Darwin Lex. Yeah Caldor Beetle juice will be coming around this corner any minute now. You can't be shooting here. We put that on t-shirt I want Lex I want legs It's because John John McCain came up I
Starting point is 00:27:04 And then John Kerry came up. John Kerry? Why is it so tense in here with some... Caddo, you're being shot. Oh, Caddo, you're bleeding out. Beetlejuice shot you. Beetlejuice, why? Caddo, do you have any last words? Yeah, I got a couple
Starting point is 00:27:33 I played Jesse Jeff I'm dying it was an accident Hey excuse me, I'm trying to try my last words and you played Jesse Jeff Hey, excuse me, I'm trying to say my last words and you play Jesse Jeff Yeah, maybe just you play Jesse Jeff can you play that tennis music and I'll say my last words yeah, all right So I'll just realize your shot won't go from there Caldwell like you've been know. Was it Kim Jong? No, it was Beetlejuice. Oh, you got any last words?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Cowdoy. Sure, I got some last words. What are they? Boom shake, shake, shake the room. Boom shake, shake, shake the room boom shake shake shake the room boom shake shake shake the room tick tick tick tick Boom Well, I knew Caldoin. I knew you'd be alright. That's right, I tricked you, because I've been, I've put it up in a bunches all day. I knew Bill Ducic will be bent up, done it again. Caldoin.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I love him, Caldoin. He's done it again. Caldoin, thank you. Oh, the cheeky boy, let's bump Pian Gyeong Yeah, I know, I thank you for the greatest holiday a man could ever have Yes, when we started this adventure we had no idea where this would take us We didn't know we'd be going to Universal Studios Well, we did that was a surprise for you and it didn't work out But after you were shot and revealed you've been wearing an oven while you made our lives the happiest thing would ever be
Starting point is 00:29:30 Hey, I'd like to thank the director Justin Kuzel. I'd love to thank the Rodas of this episode Sarah Mringham. I'd love to thank Matt Joseph meini Renegersinsky, Dana Bethyren MacJelsemini, Renegersinski, Dana Bethune. I like to thank Galista folks. I like to thank all the creators of this episode. Thank you so much, Caldor.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You are a true credit and an honor to your country. Repfetch it, everybody. Now, shall we all go on another ride on the St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St'll be here shortly. Boom shake shake shake the room! Boom shake shake shake the room! Boom shake shake shake the room! Tick tick tick tick! Boom shake shake shake the room! Boom shake. Hi, this is Broden, Mark, Zach, and Sam,
Starting point is 00:30:40 the creators of the Caledoy in Universal Studios episode. Hi! I have a question and answer session now about the creation of that episode. And all the cool things that weren't we went about, probably our best podcast of the day. Yeah, we've got a list of questions here from people that want to know how we came about it, how the writing process,
Starting point is 00:31:00 Sam, do you want to open us up with the first question? So the first question, I guess, is that back-to-basis question. Like, it's a simple question, but I think it says a lot. Why is he not called cowboy? Why is he called cowboy? Right, right, right. And that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:31:15 And that comes in from Jennifer Lawrence in Hollywood, California. Jennifer, thank you so much for the question. I loved passengers. Oh, is it the starlet? Oh, God, I didn't even pick up on that. I didn't even pick up on that. It was her Twitter, it was her official Twitter.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Do you want to get to that question, Broden? Yeah, I want to play the Caldo. The third comedy, is a normal comedy, written by Tina Fey and me Polla with the call boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Written by Sam but I believe he got the original idea from Dana Gould Yeah, yeah, we're right the Simpsons. Yeah, Dana Gould has this process where he writes his jokes where he just he just says a sentence And then he'll go through the sentence and Pick a letter Pick a letter at random and just he'll just go what what have I changed that letter to A, what have I changed
Starting point is 00:32:08 that letter to B, what have I changed that letter to A? It could have very easily been Cal Baudidi. Cal Baudidi. Yeah, or Koi Doi. Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely. But it's Cal Doi and it's a funny thing because there's no one called Cal Doi, that's a silly joke.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Well there is now. So we've got to catch some. because there's no one called Cowboy. That's a silly joke. Well, there is now. That's true. Ah! Ah! So we've got a question. Ah! Ah! Ah! We've got a question here.
Starting point is 00:32:32 We noticed that you touched on Disney Land and Disney California Adventure. Why was the setting of Universal Studios Hollywood chosen? Interesting choice, but a rewarding one nonetheless. That's from Alan DeGeneres in Los Angeles. Oh, well thank you so much for your question, Ellen. And that is a fascinating question. I guess Ellen. Ellen.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Now, Ellen. Now, Ellen. Ellen. Ellen. Ellen. Ellen. Now, Ellen. Now, Ellen.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Ellen. Like, Ellen. Like, Ellen. Ellen. Alan. No, Alan. Alan. Alan. Like, like, Alan. Like Alan. Alan. Alan. Oh, Mark. The reason we chose Universal Studios over say the Old West or Disneyland was that we thought that Universal has a wide of range of franchises available that they're currently implementing into their part. So I think there was a pretty conscious choice of, you know, you make a reference to a Transformers ride, even if you haven't been on that ride, you're going to understand the
Starting point is 00:33:42 general mechanations of that intellectual property or IP. But if it's something like the jungle cruise, unless you've been to Disneyland, you can struggle with that. So I think the thinking was, we wanted to make it feel niche, but to have a level of accessibility to someone who hasn't been to the park. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Great question, though, Ellen. Thank you so much for asking. Is there any other questions? One more, it's from God and Heaven yeah, he's written Will we see frogman again? Everyone always wants to know about their favorite Well, Zach I think it's fair if you feel this one look yet it's
Starting point is 00:34:22 If I find if I find a creative id, um, for me, it's one of those things. I'm not going to do Frogman because I have to. Yeah. When it jumps out to me, I did one recently where it was Frogman's Lord of Exem. I remember, I remember. And I just think at this point, I've done the character so many times. Ah! I can't do it because I have to. I really have
Starting point is 00:34:46 to do it because I'm drawn back to the character. So who knows, who knows what Frogman's going to be up to in future. Well thank you so much for joining us on the Antidonna podcast this evening. We had an amazing time answering your questions. To take us out today we've got DJ Jizzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince of Ballet singing a little song can't wait to be with you. Have a wonderful night. Thanks so much guys. And as we always say on the podcast, enjoy the rest of your life. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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