Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 159 - The Donna Brekky Show

Episode Date: July 30, 2019  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. You'll hear with Zach Broden and not Mark. Mark has had a bit of a whoopsie doodle he slept in so we are here breakfast. No Mark. We don't know what we're gonna do so um we've got here sorry just play this sorry sorry the the the the tracks plain on the next track there were a rough morning here at the Donna because we don't know just sorting through some paper just sound of ruffling trying to keep it together but uh okay so basically what's happened is, I come into work this morning, we get up at what, 3, 30, I think I wake up.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Sparrows, fast. And I get into work, I get into the studio, I look across from me, there's Broden, I look over to Mark, see, and where is he, he's not here. We try calling him, we try texting him, I think we even sent an email at one point We got through to his partner and she explains he slept in he slept in and he's not here So we are trying to fill in while he is desperately trying to get through some of that Melbourne traffic try to get to the
Starting point is 00:01:41 Studio, I'll be in Melbourne traffic probably the the heavey or boy out next week. It's looking like that. We are receiving text updates about where he is. He's listening right now. So Mark, hope you're enjoying the drive. And I think you've got to talk to the man upstairs. I think you've got to talk to the boss. But we were going to get out on the way
Starting point is 00:02:01 at first topping of the week. Would you cut off your penis? I wanna know if you'd cut off your penis. Would you slice it off with a knife? Would you slice it off for a price? I wanna know if you'd slice your dick for a price on the donna. Now obviously this question is based on the fact that we had an award winner last week. We got someone in. They sliced off their dick for $2,000.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And we want to know is someone going to do it for a thousand. Now obviously- I've been noticed by Squicky Chair. I have noticed a Squicky Chair. That is pretty crazy, Broden. But we want to know, would you slice off your dick like Terry from Craigie Burn did last week for $2,000? I want to answer Tony, I think it's equal for everyone. Equal for I don't want to answer to all of you. He's equal for everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Equal for everyone. I want to know if some of the chicks out there and slice off their labios. That's why we want to know. Would you slice off your dick or your labia for $2,000? Now, I don't, I just, everyone's involved. And now Mark did have a few thoughts on the matter. We checked in with him yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:01 He'll, I'm sure he'll talk about it at the top of the net. He's not here. He's not here. He's not here. But we do have here our producer. He's stepped up to the plate. He's a young fella. He does host Saturday nights. Sam Lingham, how are you mate? I'm really well. Thank you for having me. Just I'm excited. I don't want anyone to worry at home. I'm a safe pair of hands. I'm a safe pair of hands. They don't you go stressing. Now, Sam, you are hosting the Saturday night program. You can't trouble your dick.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Would I chop off my dick? Or, I reckon maybe last week if I didn't get beaten to it for the 2000. I don't get it. Yeah, well, you did call this up. You did want to do, you did want to get your dick chopped off for 2000. But unfortunately, you're hosting the Saturday night program.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You talk about the biggest YouTube videos on a Saturday night. The biggest ones. Yeah. What's good on YouTube? I saw a funny video on Facebook the other day with a silly cat. I saw that cat and he didn't know what was up, what was down, he was fallen over.
Starting point is 00:03:56 In fact, I think we've got some of the audio from that right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that was a very funny video. You got to check it out if you get the chee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee- Yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, Now, Broden, can we put on some serious music? Can we find some serious background music? Cause I'm gonna talk about a more serious topic soon. First of all, I wanna say Sam, thank you so much for stepping up. Mark should be here in the next half hour, but thank you in the meantime. No worries.
Starting point is 00:04:35 But we wanna talk about an issue now that's very close to our hearts here at Antidona Breakfast Radio. Broden of course brought it up last week, but I'm gonna talk about it a little bit here. Now, as some of you know, my parents had a rough trot. I grew up in a rough area of Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Not really love single mums. I love single dads. But you love single mums. That's very true mate. Oh, you love, I love going over and over and sex him. No, no, look, actually mate. Have you ever sex with it? Oh, yeah, I love I love going over it over sex Oh, no, no look actually mate. Have you ever have you ever had sex with it? Oh, you coughing? Yeah, I had a little cognitive apology for that cough a guy. I am sorry mate I am sorry, but if we can check on that serious music for a second here
Starting point is 00:05:16 As long as you admit as long as you admit to me that you love Single mums. I love I love single mums mate. I love single mums All right, but I also love you know single dads. They're doing it tough out there Okay, and we want what you actually know one single dad And he's doing it really tough. He's raising three kids on his own his wife passed away last year And we're gonna give him five hundred thousand dollars. Some guys send his send his kids to school because I do joke about Single mums. I did make a joke about single moms But there are actually a lot of single moms single dads that they're doing it hard
Starting point is 00:05:48 They are doing it hard and we're gonna give him $500,000 if he cuts off his dick and We've said that to him Mate if you're willing to cut off your dick for your kids and you know what we got that caller He called in we got a guy willing to cut off his dick for his kids. And that's pretty powerful stuff. Obviously, thanks to Hungry Jakes for supporting the Hungry Jace. Cut off your dick for charity event. $500, called our cash cut off your dick, throughout over a train track.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Pretty inspiring stuff. This guy, you know, lost his wife. He was working a full-time job. Now he's on the job. With a dick, with a dick. He's got a dick. And that's... He's got to be working full-time. Workin' full-time job. Now he's he's on the wall with a dick with a dick. He's got a dick and the dick and he's gonna be working full-time. Work him for a time. And this guy this guy he loves these kids so much he's got two teenagers one kid under 10. I just want to say
Starting point is 00:06:32 I made some jokes about the single mom stuff. This is a serious bit. Hungry Jack's cut off you do for cash. This guy is gonna cut off his dick for his kids. Man, jeez. How will he pee? I don't know. I don't know. And that's why we love him here. And that's why we're so happy about him. That's my biggest question. How's he gonna piss? Well, we're gonna talk about that, I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:52 But more important than that is, Hungry Jack's gave us $500,000 just to give to a single dad for him to cut off his dick. And that's pretty powerful. The biggest question for me is, where's Mark in all of this? Now Mark, I don't know if you know this bro, Mark is right now in a car. He's caught a traffic if you're just shooting in mark is in a car right now
Starting point is 00:07:09 He's caught in traffic We called him up. We got it this morning. We called him up. He was sleeping in he bloody slept through his alarms We've got Sam here. He's from the Saturday morning program. He talks about YouTube But we want to know if you're gonna cut cut off your dick, Mark's not here unfortunately, driving it a car. We want to know, here we've got a classic tune coming up, we're going to play, we're going to play 20 seconds of a classic tune, you got to guess what that tune is. If you guess what that tune is and cut off your dick, guess what you're going to do, you're going to be in the running to make $40,000 thanks to Bo repairs. Just repeat that one more time, what you get.
Starting point is 00:07:45 You get $20,000 if you cut off your dick and if thanks to bow repairs. All right, so let's hear 20 seconds of this song. If you hear it, call in, say what the song is and then cut off your dick, you're in for a cheer in the running for 40k cash, taxfree. Tax-free. Tax-free. Tax-free.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Thanks to Bo repairs. We've actually got a representative for Bo repairs. He's just outside the studio. He's holding $40,000, $50,000, cold-hard cash right there in his hand. All he wants to do, and this is literally the deal. If you come in, you tell us the song. Straight forward. You tell us the song the song he's gonna put that $50,000 cash in your hand You're gonna put your dick in his hand. He has to be able to walk away. That's you have to fully sever the Yes to be able to walk away with your You've got your official term in your full, official terminology. Now, if you're a lady or if you're sorry, if you're someone that doesn't have a penis, that you don't have a lady or a girl,
Starting point is 00:08:48 and I did my jokes about the single Mums before that was a joke. But if you don't have a penis, if you've got a vagina, we are happy for your cat off your lavia. Now, here's the song for $40,000, Codah, Cash. our cash. That's all you get. That's all you get. And we're not going to tell you much. All I I'm gonna say is I love the beat of that song. Hey, Jude That's all I'm gonna say. I love the beat tools the beat of that's the Beatles of that song I think Jude my hint you might you if you don't know that maybe ask your friends Paul Ringo John
Starting point is 00:09:46 If you don't know that, maybe ask your friends Paul Ringo John and Paul. So we've got a couple of callers in. We're going to talk to... George, first up we're going to talk to Tom from Tungabhi. How are you Tom? G-I-M-A-S-G-N. Tom, what do you think that song is? Who do you think did that song? I think I was the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, what's the name of the song there, mate? I think I might have been a... Hey, Jude, mate. Yeah, mate's the name of the song there, mate? I think I might have been a, hey Jude, mate. Yeah, mate, now we wanna know one question. Are you willing to chop off your dick for $40? Yeah, my net. $40,000. $40,000, mate.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Look, I think about it. Um, yeah, look, I'm willing to do it, mate. All right, we've got another caller in here. Tom from Tungavi. How are you, Tom? Yeah, you're getting it, mate. How are you? Tom, what do you think the day for that song is?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Oh, I reckon I was aged by the Beatles, mate. Yeah, that's fantastic. Now, Tom, have you got a means to come to the studio? Yeah, mate, I can catch the old 517, and each time you need my. Well, you're the second person that's guess the song, if you're the first person to the studio with a fully severed dick,
Starting point is 00:10:39 it doesn't even have to be your own. That's the thing about all you need to do is you need to put a dick in the hands of the by-repears- It's gonna be a walk away. And you've got to be your own. That's the thing about all you need to do is you need to put a dick in the hands of the bow repairs. It's gotta be a walk away. And you've gotta be able to walk away. It doesn't have to be your dick.
Starting point is 00:10:50 That's something we noticed yesterday. Now obviously the memes of the competition were like, we've cut off 14 dicks so far in the hungry jacks cut off your dick for cash. Let's check out some serious music here for a second because I wanna talk about right now. I wanna talk to all of our listeners here. Now if you're just tuning in mark couldn't make it obviously because he had a sleep in He bloody slept through his alarm. He's in his car right now. Jesus. I bet he wishes it was a Porsche
Starting point is 00:11:16 Unfortunately, it's not it's not as good of a car as that Ha ha and he's driving in right now trying to get through that Melbourne traffic We've got Sam. He hosts the YouTube show on Saturday night. How are you, Sam? I'm really, really good. I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me what's trending on YouTube. Have you heard of Sci?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Oh, no, I haven't heard of Sci. I'll tell you, your big-a-bit Sci-co when you talk about Sci. The series bit. Okay, so, now, as you know, I lost my house in a fire a couple years ago And if it wasn't for the firefighters, I would have lost my own life Life and my wife and the life of my children life your wife life and my wife But here's the thing, Broden. There are so many people doing it tough, and it's firefighters, it's ambulance drivers,
Starting point is 00:12:11 it's police officers that are really saving the day, but a lot of those guys, if they've got families, if they've got two families, they are struggling to make ends meet. And that's why we want to help out the local heroes, the firefighters, the police officers, the ambulance drivers. Well, this is what we said.
Starting point is 00:12:28 We said to him, we said people lose their lives every day, the lives of their wives. The lives of their wives. We put them in strife when they're, and we thought we got out there, we made a few calls to people that we knew, and we said, what can we do? Which is why we started the slice your dick off a cash 40k roll out. And that's why we knew you guys are getting airy. We got a party coming up this Friday night with Book the Hall, with Book the DJ. We've even got Hussie in to do some stand up.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Hussie's agreed to it very reluctantly on my daddy. Wanted a quiet Friday night. We said Hussie, you gotta come in in you gotta do a little bit of stand up. He's it's gonna be a great night Bring the kids. I just want to interrupt you there Aaron. We got Aaron on the phone He sliced off his dick or he says he will. Are you there? Hi, hi, it's Aaron here Aaron will you slice off your dick? Well, dear the thing is made. Oh, I'm happy to slice off my dick. May you go great. Thank you so much We got Michael coming in from one thingy Michael. Hey guys. It's Michael. If you want to thank you
Starting point is 00:13:32 I use slice off your dick for the hundred jacks cash absolutely. I'm a bit far away I don't know if I'll be able to get there Fantastic. Also got Aaron there from chimchow. Are you there? Yeah, good. I fell as hell. I mean Aaron you willing to slice off your dick? Mate, for $40 grand old dude, a lot worse mate. So we got a party this Friday night. We're gonna do a mass dick slicing. Come on down, but here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:13:58 we got jumping castles, we got party pies. It's gonna be... Face pain for the kids. Face pain for the kids. There's no stress, there's no me face pain for the kids face pain for the kids there's no stress there's gonna be face pain for the kids it's gonna be and that's the thing i mean uh the single dads the uh the fire fire fighters uh they're really struggling right now they are struggling but we've got this party it's gonna be a lot of fun and they can forget about
Starting point is 00:14:20 their woes for one night the the only thing is they have to slice off their dick at the door if they're going to get in. Now a lot of people wondering, can I get involved in this event if I'm not home? And the answer to that is absolutely. We've got this new, great initiative. You want to help out these faries. What you do is you go around to your neighbours and you say, you give me a thousand dollars, I'll chop off one centimeter of my dick. Yeah, it doesn't go around the whole neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:14:44 But it's a big deal. A lot of people say, I don't want to chop off one centimeter of my dick Yeah, it doesn't have to be a whole neighborhood That's a big deal, a lot of you say, I don't want to chop off my whole dick And I said, well, you don't have to chop off your whole dick You just be a bit of a dick, one centimeter is all we're asking And if you don't have a dick, you can chop off your labia That is very clear We do want to make that very clear, you can chop off your labs Now Sam, you're here, of course, from the YouTube
Starting point is 00:15:04 You're on the YouTube show Saturday night. Now that is from 9pm to 12pm, to midnight, 12am. That's the one. What are you doing? You're talking about your favorite YouTube shows. I don't understand it, I'm not much for YouTube, I'm a radio guy myself.
Starting point is 00:15:17 What's it like? It's pretty great, you know, it is the party slot, so you're doing it together, you get a few wild calls in there, people out there on the night, but you know, you're just getting on there, you're on that trending tab, you're a few wild calls in there, people out there on the night but you just getting on there, you're on that trending tab, you're like, what's in there? Am I coming for your job?
Starting point is 00:15:31 I was pretty funny that Mark's alarm didn't quite work. Yeah, no, I'm not good, no, I love you guys, you guys are so good at what you do, I do. You got it, make me think that you want to chop off your dick. Mate, you come for a job. I'm not coming. No, I'm not coming for your job. So I did the Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah, it wasn't about YouTube then. We were talking about alternative music then. Yeah, okay. I did my time on the Saturday night. I did the arcade on the Saturday night before I got here. Yeah, that's like the chop off my own dick to be a brick for starters. He's missing his penis. Like, you don't know what that's like to chop off my own dig to be a brick for starters. He's missing his penis. Like, you don't know what that's like.
Starting point is 00:16:11 So when you come in here, when Mark is mysteriously ill, he falls mysteriously ill, and then I'm told, oh, lucky, the Saturday night guy is here. I, I don't know what I can say to convince you that I'm not coming for your job. I'm just, you know, I think I don't, I walk through the halls of this radio station, yeah. Sam, I walk through the halls of this radio station and I see from the, from the girl out the front to the Saturday night kids, to me, I'm fucking produce everyone once my gig.
Starting point is 00:16:36 When I walk past that big, big W container filled with circumference, just cut off dicks. Yeah, I don't, I just think for what? For what? Every single person at this radio station has cut off their dick for the breakfast, all labia, all labia. All labia.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah, and I am the one standing here. I got this job through hard work. Yeah, through cutting off my dick and scooping out my ball. I still have my discooked at your balls. And you come in here wanting my job. I survived Kyle Sandalins. I survived Rove. I survived. Um, other competitors. I survived. I survived.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Other competitors. You know, yeah. You know, you survived a lot. You've come a long way to be. They've paid me 350,000 dollars a year. You've worked so hard and I, to be honest, that's something to aspire to. Ah, you're all right, mate. Good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:45 That's why we want people to call it down and say, I love listening to the Morning Show. See, I actually have some good news for you. I was just fucking with you. You haven't chopped off your deck? No, I haven't chopped off my deck. What I have done is I've killed Mark. You've killed...
Starting point is 00:18:00 We killed Mark last night. He didn't die. He didn't sleep in. He, he didn't sleep in. He is not on his way in. We murdered him. Yeah, absolutely. We murdered him, Sam, because we want you. No, he, named Katoff is dick.
Starting point is 00:18:13 You shouldn't have. You shouldn't have. We did, we did, we killed him. We shouldn't have that we did. We did, for me? Because we want you to be the new Mark. Yeah? You are to be the new mark. Yeah, you are to be the new mark
Starting point is 00:18:25 Like Steve was before and like Trevor was before him. Yeah, you are now mark And we may murder you and cut off your dick May you want to do it? We'll find out if he's gonna cut his dick after this ad break Yeah Before Adam is going to count his dick after this ad break. You have a bodyguided to the shop. You want to get a little caribou with a comb to the shop. Hey, I'm going to go to the insurance. So you'll be able to come to the shop?
Starting point is 00:18:57 I want to insurance. So I go to the shop. Not a happy customer, but... I was able to go to the store. yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio.
Starting point is 00:19:14 A'r ydym yn gweithio. A'r ydym yn gweithio. A'r ydym yn gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn yw'n gweithio. A'r ydym yn gweithio. A'r ydym yn gweithio. You need no liability on the cover show. Get a month on the guy car. Ah, tires. We got all the tires you could never want.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Ties. Do you have a retirement? I'm going to get a kind of some, but I'll tell you so you can. Hang a sink, I'm going to do it. Why are you so nervous? I'm 17. Why are you so nervous? Hang a gang, sir.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Why are you so nervous? Otherwise, you will suffer. I think I already dirty every run. Hey, where this somebody to you? Hey, you guys are me. I see them, I was here. Oh, they're all supposed to. You were silver on t-sorting, dirty, covered in red. Hey, where you going there? Oh, it just happened to go jump in, dude. You're so dirty. You were saying it got too blue.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But, oh, no. It's about two minutes ago, we said it got carbonate. It's dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. Oh, see you, we got down there. Oh, guys, hey, let's see what you got. They're just, they're these parts of the t-shirt, or the t-shirt. You're just, they're the t-shirt, go down there okay I was out hey let's see what you have up there you're sure are you part of this you got a this you know that's there to get out of here
Starting point is 00:20:09 road tour about to get started I see a lot of those there walk down everybody's there that's where I'm going I don't want to show I see a lot of people have I say I'm a barrel sink on land on the city's okay you want to that, huh? Ham. I say, I'm a barrel sencomg handle with you. You want to say I'm a little serious?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Hey, you little serious? Yeah, I'm a little serious. You're not, you're not, you're not. You're not, you're not. It's the other, it's the other. And we're back. And they brought you back. Now, we've got a traffic issue we're here with a new mark.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Mark, how are you today, buddy? I'm good, thank you. I'm good, I'm Mark, and I'm here and I'm here and I'm rare in a go. We're playing here three, fifty a year. You're having a good time. We want to know, he has a traffic light. We got someone in a helicopter. Michelle, you're in a helicopter right now.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Not neither are the Michelle's that our fans know. It's a new Michelle play by top. Michelle, you're in a helicopter right now. What's going on? Gena, Billy, as always, Pund Roads looking absolutely because of this time of morning. Bell Street, couple of intersections, blacked up for a couple of blocks, but otherwise, it's a clear run on the eastern, a clear run on the metro as well.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And who's this one brought to you? This one's brought to you by Punt Aclein, disinfective wipes. That's a great Punt Aclein disinfective wipe traffic report from Michelle Playboy top. There's a cool up the person and still tell him something scary. We're gonna call up a person tell some scary. Tell him some scary and be tricking him. Oh I can't wait for this. Who are we gonna call up the person make
Starting point is 00:21:41 him scared. Here we go. Hello, I'm y'all gonna kill you. He's a god gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill your two. I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill you too. Why are you both gonna jump off killing us? I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna chop off your dick. My dick. We're gonna chop off your dick. Hey, what's your name?
Starting point is 00:22:20 We just have a bit of fun with the other only daughter morning show. What's your name? I'm with it alright. Alright, and do you want a request to song? Yeah, I'm a cany-play. There you go. He's off easy, he's out. We've lost him. Just a little question here from me. I thought Mark, we can't, that's even to be Mark.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I thought we keep Mark. Well, it's more of a deathmatch kind of thing. A deathmatch. Yeah, that'll happen later. So, Broden, I want to know from you, you were telling me last weekend, you went on a picnic and you made sausage rolls. Tell me that story.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Well, let's say pretty serious story. I didn't know. I didn't know it was a serious story. That means it's time for E-O-E-O. It's serious story time with Broden Kelly. That means it's time for EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEE disinfectant wipes. Anyway I'm sitting there with my boys. It's Mark Corn. Hello? No, no, no, no, we're doing a putt in the middle of a podcast man Now wasn't this fun No, I'm gonna kill you, Mack that's Zach That's Zach. That's Zach, he's just talking. That's exactly the voice that I heard.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And another voice as well, that was probably you. Mark, you got a favor, bro. We're doing a podcast. You're feeling sick. Go back to bed. Go back to bed, mate. We're doing a podcast. That's the voice.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Bye-bye, mate. Who are you? I'm going to kill you. What? There he is. So we're gonna, if you missed, if you're just tuning in, we've got a serious story with Broden. Broden's telling us a serious story.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He was on a picnic last Saturday. He brought saucy drills. Now this serious story is brought to you by Pinoclean disinfectant wipes. You get that value pack 120 wipes. We just got to go to an ad break though first. Yeah, no worries. Here. Hey, there, there, first. So we're back now.
Starting point is 00:24:50 We've got, if you're just tuning in, we're doing a serious story with Broden Kelly. Brought to you by Pino Clean disinfectant wipes that cuts through grease and grime. Broden, tell us your sad story. One of my kids was eating a snailsy drum. So you've got that value pack, 120 wipes. Are you gonna keep doing that through the sad stuff? It's just important that we make sure the sponsor's happy. Absolutely, I understand that. We got Eddie McGuire coming up.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Eddie's coming up, he's gonna talk about AFL. What a cammin up? Eddie? Eddie's cammin up, he's gonna talk about AFL. Who knows he might even say a racist thing. Well, I didn't realize that. Well, we fuckin' rare, we talkin' about sad stories. Let's get back into the fuckin' Robin Greedle fo'l we. Get out of here, get out of the hole, put it on the hat.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, longy rick, I can put it on the hat Yeah, long your egg rock and rub like this If you just cheated in brunette's gal for a run silly Well, I run on run on this buff a charity. He's run another swap a charity We're looking at the other of the numbs and pop is it the emergency workers. We got a new mark killed the old mark This is Sam a used to know the YouTube show Saturday night. I did now. He's the new mark Well, Max still alive though. He made it through we beat him to a pulp But he lived through it to see another day. This is brought to you by Pino clean. We got Mark calling again. Sorry cut What's up man?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Man very funny. What? No, it really wasn't me. That legitimately wasn't me. What are you talking about? What? That properly wasn't me man. Very funny man. Very very funny.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Seriously man. No, no, no, I'm not joking. Did other. And you got. Sorry Mark. Hey, can you hear me man. Seriously man no no no I'm not joking. Did other than you guys. Sorry Mark. Can you hear me man? Mark. Mark. Mark shut the fuck up just for a second. Seriously. Can you hear me right now? Seriously. I did not. I was doing the silly voice before we've called you twice. We've seriously called you twice. What what did the last call the same? Mark what did the last call the same? No Mark do not answer. Mark we're just doing your podcast we'll see we're just feeling Mark we're just doing a silly podcast. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:27:27 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:27:35 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:27:43 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I don't want to do it. No, we can't. I think Martin just got murdered. Can we go to a song? No, we can't. This isn't joke anymore. I'm sad we're not doing the breakfast show anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Martin just got murdered. I'm sad we're not doing the breakfast show anymore I'll play a song what's the point is it? I play hooting in the blowfish. I think I'm friend back. It's me Hey, Zach You You can be... No! No! You can be. You've got to get your love, don't you think? No! You did!
Starting point is 00:28:31 But I don't want to be dirty, we call the police. It's brought to you by Panna Clevver. Sam, this isn't the bed anymore! What's the point, our friend Mark has been murdered by someone! Alright, look, as clean slate. Let's be open with the audience We did try to do a podcast with that mark He's homesick. We thought he'd be funny to prank call him as a radio breakfast show It feels like he's been murdered. I think monks been murdered and we got Carl here from
Starting point is 00:29:02 Sam and Sam calling in Call you choppy dick I am a man yeah I'm a man Oh, Sam Stop Stop If you're listening to this podcast
Starting point is 00:29:16 That's just from Claire If you're listening to this podcast It means we've released it Which means we've probably found out Mark is okay Or but no that is okay that might be the case But also it's we're recording this at 315 on a Tuesday Which means we are right up against it. Yeah, we are putting this crazy immediately out So
Starting point is 00:29:38 Katoa and break Sam Sam is the point filling What's the point of comedy if our friend Mark has been murdered? Brought to you by Spitwater cleaners, that's what it does. How long have we been recording for? Twenty-nine minutes and fifty seconds. Look.
Starting point is 00:30:00 What are you doing? Zach, we're all grieving in different ways, right? What I've done while you've been grieving and you've been trying to cover is I've created a... I went with Hit the 30th. Yeah, but I've prepared it in Memorium from Mark who's now dead. But with Hit the 30 I don't really care. Stop. Yeah. What I've done is I've made an in Memorium from Mark. It's a collection of photos of his memories with him and us over the years.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Shush, shush, shush. We will find his murderer, but what I want an audience, our audience, I'm sick, clearly. What I want our audience to be out, man. Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, Sam. We invite you onto our podcast. The only people that are allowed to block
Starting point is 00:30:40 bro and me and Mark. You don't talk over and like that. Sorry. What I've done is I want the audience to, when I play this song to put little photos in your mind of Mark. He used to not have a beard, so we'll put some up like that.
Starting point is 00:30:55 He also used to have a mustache. You can imagine them if you're listening. Imagine them and you can make your own montage. His chin isn't as big as his beard You have to take away. That's not important. What I'm worried that they're gonna imagine him with a giant chin It's not I don't want my friend to be remembered with a big giant chin like the vet from channel 10 That's fine. Let but that let people fill in the gaps. No, he's got a normal chin So you've got a he's chin isn't as big as he's been
Starting point is 00:31:31 Today's episode brought to you by Chop off you for 500.000. No, it wasn't always just a baby was also just during this bit Don't masturbate when you think him do in the bit with no one was don't I know I know it doesn't have the dick anymore don't all that be all labia um if you did kind of your dick because of our pop okay don't blame us all right this is
Starting point is 00:31:59 to mark banana gone to can I say a little something I was right the middle leaning to that man but I just want to say a little something before Before you do it. Yeah, here's my Okay, the carry on no, you know, you don't get to do that. What do you mean? Why not? Because I'm doing that Okay, I'm very sorry bro. I Just want to say one thing. Sam, no, stop.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Bro, it seems our best friend Mark died. Yeah, I've been a little irrational. I've been a little rude. I rejected your offer of the immemory, but I shouldn't have. Yes, yes you did. That's because... I don't wanna lose you the way we want the do it. I don't want to lose you like that. Well let me play it. I love you bro. Great I'm gonna play it. Mark banana gone too soon.
Starting point is 00:33:13 So put photos up in your mind. Maybe one of him with a mustache. No masturbating. It's him. Stop masturbating. Sorry. No. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him.
Starting point is 00:33:35 It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. It's him. Hey, salami sausages and hang them up in the shed. What, I got to try one of the salami sausages? He sliced them up at the motorboy. It was red and it was delicious. Delicious! Mark's dad made salami sausages. This is more about Charlie than his mother. Do you ever have any Charlie's so many sausages?
Starting point is 00:34:11 I think it's started again. It's started again. It's started again. I'll work on the lyrics. Oh, I miss it so much boys. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Pretty cool at the start. It is very cool.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I didn't realize I had this chassis bit. Can I have a little bit of this? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, probably stabbed. Why stabbed you reckon? A knife culture. You mean knife culture? Mark's dad used to be a butcher. He made Salami sauce for his friend. But it's not appropriate. Made them with meat, chili and fat. Hug them, I'll be shit. You're nothing good to say about Mark? Chilean fat Hug them up in your shape You're nothing good to say about Mark. Yeah, I'm gonna say something about Mark. You just gotta wait until the next bit
Starting point is 00:35:19 He's dead made the salon these sausages Slice them my voice friends Yeah, the tsunami sausages Unsafe voice with cubes of cheese Oh, love, love, these sausages Love, these sausages Max Dad made us I'm gonna be so jeez. Mark's dad made us Salami sausages. We had them at Mark and his ex-co-pratels. We had them at the balcony.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Salami sausages, you're calling, boy. Yeah, I'm talking about Mark. Mark, I'm talking about Mark. I'm talking about Mark. I'm talking about Mark. Mark, I'm talking about Mark. Mark, I'm talking about Mark. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Remember my friend Mark Smile as I ate his dead slobby sausages chopped their butt, put them on some voice. Delicious, so bad. He's hangin', hangin', there's a love, he's sausages. And dry them up in his shits. He's in salt and during! We all like the Salami sausages instead!
Starting point is 00:36:51 I will remember you, Mark! From the taste of your Salami sausages! Oh, wow! It's not a small piece of meat. Charlie's Salami sausages are Charlie, so I'm in sausages. The best. So I'm in sausages in jail. I'm sorry. You ate so much. You ate them with the void and some cheese.
Starting point is 00:37:20 You okay, Zach? I'm so glad. Maybe he's singing bad here in this verse. Yeah, well. This is a long song. It's very long song. No more staying with making it to love his sausages. That would be delicious and rich. And chill out, Charlie, it's to love his sausages.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It delicious and so boy, it's all with bread. One, two, three. What's a boy, it's all with bread! What? What's a bit instrumental? It's called the piano, man. No, it's not. It's called Stead's Box, Stead's Lovey Sousa Jun. My mistake. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Here we go. Stead's Lovey Sousa Jun! Once he served them with lettuce! They were like Salami Sousa's insane joy bells! He served them while we shot the fun with Fronan! It was dead, chuffed. It was the day of the saw home. Play out.
Starting point is 00:38:24 He's still alive. He's still alive. Stop fucking fepping! Wow. This is the chipmunk versus. Stop fucking fapping. I'm warning. Remember those salami-sosy-sashoy bells? You made them when we shot chaffed at his house. You're talking to Charlie now. Charlie, he made those salami-sosy-sashoy bells. They were delicious, just lettuce and cheese.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And of course, the secret ingredient. Charlie Salami Sosage's! Charlie made Salami Sosage's a thing day. He was a butcher once, and now he's retired. But he still has time for Salami Sos The song is longer than I thought it would be. So much longer than I thought it would be. Oh well. One more time. Mark's dead Salami sausages.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Slice up and serve Don Savoy. They're the best salami sausages You can get the side of the boy Oh wow That was beautiful, Zach I'll remember Mark It's a fitting tribute to the boy I'll remember Mark's smile
Starting point is 00:39:44 He's great-fashioned, he's said He's wonderful, he's a fitting tribute to the boy. I remember Mark's smile. He's great fashion sense. He's wonderful sense of humor He's great abilities as a writer and as a comedic performer. I remember his kind eyes Generosity of spirit. No too late This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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