Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 172 - Pranking Joe Kosky With Jess Perkins

Episode Date: October 29, 2019

Get Around Jess: Twitter: @ jess_perkins Insta: @ jessperkins auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Hello, I'm going to the podcast. This is a connection to the prank call series where we prank called Jess Perkins. What numbers, a few back now, we released in around August September. If you haven't listened to them, go back and listen to them because they are a riot. We pranked the fucking shit out of Jess Perkins, made her look the fool. And what we've done now is we've brought Jess in the studio into
Starting point is 00:00:32 into anti-donorage cube. Now you're on art. Jess, thanks for coming on. You're a star of podcasts, you're a star of triple chees. We were... For the friend of yours. For the friend. We were former friend of yours. You were probably lined up to do a Saturday night row at some point. Yeah, different. Oh yeah. Yeah, but so many people knocking on my door. Jess, thanks for coming to our podcast today. We're sorry about the prank. We're sorry prank you're so good. Let me tell you Jess, when a lot of people think that pranking comes from a place of negativity and disrespect, but it's actually from a love and respect for your work and your great personality, when you take it like a champ, and that's why we chose you Jess. Did it up? Did Jess just tell us when we did prank all you? What were you feeling what were your thoughts what as it was happening I was concerned for your wellbeing
Starting point is 00:01:29 very good yes pretty offended yeah right I pretty busy at the time yeah just gonna phone call the middle of the day yeah we're doing anything important yeah I was grieving oh I just I set aside a little bit of time and day to grieve. It's very healthy, Jess, but I didn't even go to the hospital. You just have a grieving hour? Yes! Some people meditate. I grieve.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Well, I'm so sorry. Wanna hear me grieve? Yes, please. Oh! You grieve from the gut. Yeah, he's a gut, me. You're a gut, I grieve from the souls of my feet. Go.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Do you want to hear, do you want to hear how I agree? Where do you agree from first? I agree from my mind. Okay. So I agree with like this. Ah, Tis a pity that life be so hard. How eloquent, how witty, how well formed. Tis a shame that life be such a cruel Joker that it jest and play upon this very hour with my heart and with my mind.
Starting point is 00:02:33 You pointed at your head. Yeah. For heart, you pointed at your head and for mind, you pointed at your head. You've got to understand I'm an ancient Egyptian. That's where I think the heart is. The only thing that's inside of me. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah, my man's where I think the heart is. The only thing that's inside of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:46 No. Yeah, my man. Thank you where the heart was. I'm an ancient Egyptian and they think that all of the blood comes from the head. No. They think the heart is it, they pulled them out, they knew what it was, they put it in little tubes. Yeah, but they thought the brain was the heart and the heart was the brain. No.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And I am one of them. So I know. Your Egyptian And I am one of them, so I know. Your Egyptian. I'm an ancient Egyptian, not like Rami Malik, like, like, ferros of your. All right. So, sorry, just to be clear, Broden, we've lost our mind.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah. We were running 10 podcasts in three days. Why? Yeah, I don't know. We got a shit on. We got a shit on. We got got shit on. We got shit down. We got shit down. We got shit down.
Starting point is 00:03:27 But we're running out of ideas. Fast. Oh, you don't say. Jess, yes, that's it. Why you just screamed at me down a hallway instead of you got half an hour. Yes. We heard you through the door.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We're talking to a friend. Yeah, but we heard you through the door. We thought we didn't fight you in. Do you understand this platform? After you come on this, you'll never be the same again. We're giving you this opportunity. Oh, okay, now that I see it that way. Where's number 70 on the iTunes charts, Jess? 70. It moves around a little. It does a bit, yeah. Actually, it can go a bit higher, I was just playing. Yeah, he was, yeah, he was under-salonet.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's been humble. It's gotten higher. It's been as high as 47. Oh, wow. Um, Jess, of course, is on the do-go-on podcast, a very popular podcast on the Planet Broadcasting Network. Yeah, we've gone as high as three on the chart, but okay. What chart, though?
Starting point is 00:04:23 What chart? iTunes. Oh, that's a big one. Very, very good. That's it. In chart, but okay. What chart though? What chart? iTunes. Oh, that's a big one. Very, very good. That's it. In the world? Tri- Yep. Or in Australian comedy.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Probably in Australian comedy. That's not gonna look like you're getting a little, no we're just getting a little leisure, that's all. You're just nipping at the heels of Hay Mission Andy. Yeah. Which is pretty cool. Yeah man, thanks.
Starting point is 00:04:43 What are your numbers? No, we don't need to go in and talk. No, I'm the wrong number. I'm the wrong number. I'm the wrong one to ask. I actually have no idea. Yeah. The boys are obsessed with them. I'm just like, hey, let's have fun.
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's about friendship. That's what I'm doing. That's because they're pointed and sell out live shows. I don't know what I'm wanting. Yeah, let's just do that. Jess, we want to give you the platform to be here today and build your audience. That's why we brought you in. Jess, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Hey, little bit, come on, be a little humble here, Jess. Jess, you're welcome. You're welcome, Jess, you're welcome, Jess. Jess, I can't wait. Aronians, the millions, Dona Mites, we call them. Meet Jess. She is a funny person and joy her stuff. We thought it'd be fun to get the Dona Mites on board with Jess.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And we thought we'd prank call someone. You can be on the side of the fun side of the bullying. So we felt guilty about bullying you. We thought, you know, the best way to stop bullying is to bully someone who joined it. Make a big group of bullying. Yes, just diverse the bullying. Yeah, thought, you know, the best way to stop bullying is to bully. It's to bully someone, to join in, make a big group of bullying. Just to bully.
Starting point is 00:05:48 The bullying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because the bullying is like an energy. It's like a key, you know what I mean? A key, it's the key. And the bullying happens, it's there, it's always there. And all you can do is redirect the bullying. You can't get rid of the bullying.
Starting point is 00:06:03 No. Yeah, yeah. The best way to get rid of bullying is to bully someone else. Mm-hmm. So if you're being bullied, take that out on someone weaker than you. Yeah, and bully them.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Pass the bull. Pass the bull. Pass the bullie stick. So, which is a dried bull's penis that you feed to dogs. Are you done? I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Yes. Just check your Twitter followers after this podcast goes out. I know. Check your privilege. Just good to do. Yeah. I do that after my grieving. Are you familiar?
Starting point is 00:06:41 They're grieving 10 minutes of privilege checking. Are you familiar? They're grieving 10 minutes of privilege checking. Then a few more minutes of grieving. Yeah, for my privilege. For your privilege. But I once had. Jess. We're not going to just bully anyone.
Starting point is 00:06:55 You think we're going to bully some shrub? You're going to bully someone famous. So this guy, he's not used to being bullied. Okay. He's someone who's been on the cool train for most of his life He was you know kind of Johnny Bravo isk. Have you heard of Jersey boys? Yes, yeah, have you heard of Priscilla Queen of the desert. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this guy's life has been built around beaches
Starting point is 00:07:18 Broad and buckets. Have you heard of that one? Buckets have you heard of that one? That one hang on hang on what is the beach yeah beaches yep broads yeah very buckets buckets of his break and buckets he tours to a lot of places with beaches yeah he loves to carry a broad sword Buckets I know I don't know I don't understand where when you're rich You can't give shit somewhere it's a quite You gotta give your shit somewhere. Buckets are quite big. You got 25 buckets. How many buckets do you have in your life?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Like pathetic. Pathetic. But wealth is not a barrier, you know, social standing is not really a barrier to a amount of buckets. I mean, you have to be the poorest of the poor. You do. To not be able to access buckets. Buckets costs maybe a dollar a piece
Starting point is 00:08:04 if you find the right store. It depends on where you're getting your buckets from. But I'm saying if you really want 25 buckets, you can get those buckets. So using buckets as a demonstration of a man's wealth. I'm not saying that that just makes one makes it rich. I'm saying that his life to this point has been about hot beaches. Yeah, sharp swords. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:27 Buckets. Yeah, but wait do you understand that why why ask you Ask him brother, and I don't have the quay. I'm not Joe Cossack. I don't have the bucket I've got one bucket. We're gonna reveal his name later. We were gonna hold Beep it beep it. No, don't be but I have never seen Joe Koski once with a bucket Well, that's you maybe another close to Do you understand that the only show is his bucket collection to those? He's very close to he's got blue bucket. Yeah, he's got a black bucket Yeah, he's got a red bucket from bunny. Yeah, he's got a black bucket. He's got a red bucket from Bunnies. He's got a bunch of buckets from
Starting point is 00:09:07 Various other big one from big W So come on cuz you have quite expensive buckets. Is that what you know? They're all very cheap So his argument is that he has so many objects of value and he needs many a bucket Yeah, many bucket the store them. Why didn't you say? We need to keep in many objects of value. What? Well, why doesn't he send the, okay, I can't understand.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Where do you keep your coins? Sorry, no, I do think I understand here. So, Joe is so rich from touring music theatre that he has a lot of possessions, 25 buckets worth. Is it just to be clear? I've just trying to understand. At least 25 bucks.
Starting point is 00:09:46 At least 25 bucks. But yeah, we're talking a minimum here. So if he wants to take those possessions to places, to the shops, the cafe, he needs to carry them in buckets. So it's sort of a metaphor, a synactarchy for his wealth, is the large amount of buckets. He also has one big bucket that lives in. Okay, okay, yeah, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Have you seen it? No, I know he's gonna buy a house soon. Yeah, it lives in a house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Well, what is in here? The house is not a bucket. But what is in here?
Starting point is 00:10:17 It can store water. It can store the whole water. I guess it can. That's where we define a bucket. No, what would you say a bucket is? I guess it can. As well how we define a bucket. Broden, what would you say a bucket is? How would you describe a bucket? I said a plastic or metal cylinder, like a big cup.
Starting point is 00:10:35 You got very hand on it. You got very slim, vision or a bucket. That's fair. All right, Broden. I'm just saying, plus the ornamental, I say buckets made out of weaves. Yeah, that's true. That's a basket. No, not a whole bottle.
Starting point is 00:10:48 No, that is a bar. If it's a tight weave. What if it's lined with a plastic bag? It's still a tight weave, but basket with plastic in it. Agreed to disagree. You're wrong. Buck, does Joey even have any buckets
Starting point is 00:11:01 or does he just have a lot of baskets? He talks a big bucket game, whether he's got buckets or not. Maybe that's something we can find there. On set, I'll just call him and ask. If we're going to prank him later, then we will prank him. I'm fine, Edith. Joe has buckets. Can you check if he's free in 15 minutes as well for the prank call?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yes. Hi, mate. Joe, it's bro, how are you? Yeah, I'm good, mate. How are it's bro, how are you? Yeah, I'm good mate, how are you? Two quick questions. Two quick questions. Do you own any buckets? Any buckets.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yes. We have probably like a mock bucket. Would you say that you're a kind of person who is defined by the your ownership of buckets? No, no typically not Okay, second question. Are you free in about 15 minutes? What do you mean are you free for a call in about 15 minutes? Sure mate. Joe it's it's's Zach here mate, how are you? Yeah, pretty well Zach.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Hey, so we've got our friend Jess Perkins here. Hi Jess. Hi Joe. Yeah, so she's gonna prank Call you in about 15 minutes. Okay, great, isn't that what this is? No, no, no mate. No, no, no, this was mostly a bucket related conversation. This is a courtesy call. This is a courtesy call. Joe, Joe.
Starting point is 00:12:26 slightly off topic Would you define something with the tight weave as a basket or a bucket? And would you say as a bucket? Thank you. And would you say yes? No, I heard you and would you say that potentially a house is a bucket? Cool, We lost him All right, so back to it. What is your computer? Or is it his recipe? The recipe. It's a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Seems to happen most times. Starring school for. Jess, let's prank this cunt. Now, you do a little bit of radio, so I imagine you do quite a few prank calls. Yeah, yeah, you'd be doing a lot of crank calls on the J. Absolutely, yeah, and the best part about it is the offensive accents I get to do. You do a lot of that stuff, don't you? Yeah, just some people can't recognize my very recognizable voice.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Are you dancing on the line of comedy of offensive and inoffensive? Yeah. And I think that's a hard line to dance on. And it takes a brave person to do so. It does. So you've got to be brave. One of the ideas that I had was maybe we ringed up telling the family members past away.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Great. That's funny. Yeah. One of his or one of ours. His. Someone close to him is dead. That's brutal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Is that too far? Why don't we make it someone close to Jess? Yeah, and I'm calling the first person I would think of. Jon. Okay. What if, I mean, he's expecting a call from us, right? We call him a lot. What if instead of us, when he answers the phone, he thinks it's gonna be you
Starting point is 00:14:16 because you're the one calling him, but it's Jess speaking. So, just told him, no, but so he thinks it's gonna be you and then Jess is like, well, oh, it's Jess from Triple J and he'll be, he won't know what's going on. Yeah, yeah. Is that good? Is that a good joke?
Starting point is 00:14:38 I know that we did tell him Jess was going to call. I'm aware of that. I'm saying that fully aware of that. So I'm saying we lose the element of surprise. Well, it's good with about my one where I tell him a close family member's passed away. He's not expecting that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Okay, I can go with that. I can go, just so long as it is Jess telling him that. Yeah. Then if we do that compromise, if it's Jess saying the family members passed away, I think that was always the case. If we can do that compromise, we have to break. Go on a break.
Starting point is 00:15:12 We're going on a break. Go on a break. You do this on do go on. Go on a break. Halfway through, you stop so that Claire Tomty can put a net in the middle. Nah. We actually, we know how to do that ourselves. Oh, we don't do that.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Do you do your own ads? Did you get, did you get the Captain's snooze deal? No. Tomty hooked us up with snooze. Fuck. Fuck. Yeah, we should play the Captain's snooze, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You feel for 30 seconds? Yeah. Jess, how are you? You got a show coming up at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival? Yeah, it starts tonight. The Melbourne International Comedy Festival? No, that doesn't start tonight. Fringe Festival starts tonight.
Starting point is 00:15:54 What are you doing at Fringe? Doing a split show with Matt Stewart. Where? A coup is in. This isn't going out for it. Where's that? To my... In the city.
Starting point is 00:16:02 We're definitely going to be releasing this post showshow. It's fun. It went great. How to go, you. Yes. You've heard of a bedside story. Well, this is a fairytale because captain Snurter giving away a free bedside table and Dicarator cover with every bedside. We've got brass beds, bedroom suites, novel deals on best cellar in the springs,
Starting point is 00:16:24 and water beds. You're leaving in a free bedside table and decorate a cover with any of our bed, say teas. It's an offer you just can't put down. Captain's news, service advice and the right price. Thank you to Claire Conti for the snooze. You guys can't lose your snooze. Yeah, it was a pretty big deal, though.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Apparently someone at Captain's snooze listens to the podcast. And they're a big fan, so it was more of that. We think it's Ron Quontock, but we're not sure. Ron Quontock's a big fan. Yeah, no, sorry, Ron Quontock. So Ron Quontock is the guy in the air. Yeah, yeah. Ron Quontock is the guy in the air. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ron Kontoke is the CEO of Sam Lovsky.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Right. Completely different. They're not related at all. Get out of town. How many Kontoke's do you know? Just the two of them. Ron and Ron and Ron. Rob at the Kontoke.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Ron Kontoke. All right. And Bob Kontoke. So we're good on the killing your family member. What? Oh, no. Okay. So you've killed some. Yeah, I've killede. So we're good on the killing your family member. What? Oh, no. Okay. So you've killed someone.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, I've killed someone. I like that. So it's too far. Tom's nodding. Tom's saying it's too far, but if Jess has killed someone, maybe not a family member. Yeah. Maybe a family member. Yeah, maybe it's a family member.
Starting point is 00:17:40 What could is bullying if it doesn't go too far? Yeah, it's the point of bullying if you don't. Maybe, or, okay, maybe Jess, maybe you bring up as Andrew Lloyd Weber and you're firing Jokoski from school of rock. Yes. Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 What does Andrew Lloyd Weber sound like? Sounds like you. Oh, great. Yeah, which is amazing. Is that what gave you the idea? Yeah, yeah. Like, you're just sitting there watching me thinking, can't you sounds like Andrew Lloyd? I've always said that about you. Oh, great. Which is amazing. Is that what gave you the idea? Yeah. Yeah. Like, you're just sitting there watching me thinking, God, she sounds like Andrew. I've always said that about you. I think the first time we met, remember I said, you remind me of
Starting point is 00:18:12 Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. You did say that. Yeah. We can play a little bit of a clip, Rodin's looking for one right now. We can play a little bit of a clip of Andrew Lloyd Webber for you, Jess. And maybe you'll have a listen and you'll see very similar. Who's talking, Jess or Andrew Lloyd Web? I'm going to close my eyes and guess. An album's perspective. And then what happened, of course, was that it came up in England. OK.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yep, I would say that's Andrew Lloyd Webber. OK, that would be my guess. Now I'm going to go again. I'm going to go again. I'm going to go again. And then the audience perspective was in lightened. Okay, yep, yep. Pretty sure that was just, yeah, that was just, no doubt. All right, go again, ran three. I'm writing this on down to a rather resounding silence. So that was very clearly again a recording of Andrew Lloyd Weber. Maybe again another one.
Starting point is 00:19:12 A chorus of, I would say, not too cool. So that one was a little bit harder, but it was Andrew Lloyd Weber. Definitely. You just said that it sounded similar. Yeah, it's getting harder. I mean, I wouldn't know. It's just Diffie. For Andrew Lloyd Webber. Yeah, whenever I hear his voice, I perk up. Have you seen any of the works of Andrew Lloyd Webber just Perkins, our guest for this week? But you didn't know we had guests on the podcast, did you?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Everyone loves to judge. I get people DMing us all the time and they're like, I don't know. You're not such a shit podcast. You don't have to have guests. Well, guests who got number three podcasts in Australia on our podcast, Jess Perkins. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much. Jess, if we get you some money or something. Yeah, guests need money. Jess, you host do go on, where you tell funny stories about history and then comment on it. Tell us a little bit about that. Tell us a little bit about that. About history? About guests, Jess Perkins in the studio right now. Jess, we've got a lost mind. Jess, we've got to go to an ad break. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Can you stick around for another segment? We'll talk a little bit about more do-go-on. And even about a funny story you have about being on Triple J. Alright we're going to cut to an ad now Jess but can you stick around? Yeah no I'd love to. That's great well just thank you so much alright here's a little ad here. Here we go. It's a visual ad.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Have you discovered carature pressure washers? Whatever the outdoor cleaning task with a carature pressure washer, you'll have it done in no time. What's more, every carature pressure washer can run off a water butt, and we have the right accessory for every job. The carature pressure washer, we discover your home. Hi, we're back from the ad break. This is your listening to Zack Mark and Broden in the
Starting point is 00:21:34 mornings. Mark, how are you mate? I'm good, thank you and a huge thank you to Claire Tonti for the carature pressure washer ad. Broden Kelly, what gets you mad? We were talking in the out break about what gets you mad the left the left wing Oh, that's right. You're very right wing conservative. I'm sure no no no no no people who've left Oh people who just left you the left Those you refer to them as the left Yeah, there's the here. Yeah, can I understand how that's confusing for? For a lot of people, right? Can you understand that?
Starting point is 00:22:08 No, I'm seeking the fucking left. So, no, but like, so when you're at a party, and someone leaves, they're there for ever known to US the left. Until, unless they return. In which case they are? The heel. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:22 That's weird. Now, that's weird. Sam finished early today and left. Yeah. I didn't. I didn't. But then also, the thing that's confusing about that is Sam is also quite left-wing.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't care about that. Okay, you just care that he left. Yeah. We're also joined in the studio if you're just tuning in by Jess Perkins. And what was Jess's number three podcast in world? Jess was down the hall, why would we sit in our room? We were voiced through the door, we said, come do show.
Starting point is 00:22:56 We just genuinely run out of ideas. Jess, what's your, this is our culture segment of the podcast. We want to know what's your favorite movie out of Apple Pie and Fat Hal? Ah! Out of those two. So the movie Apple Pie or Fat Hal? What's your favorite movie? Fat Hal. Fat Hal.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Why? Why over Apple Pie? Apple Pie, I think. Bit rude. Bit rude. And you know when people hype up a movie so much, but then you're're a bit late to seeing it and so then you have a really high expectations Yeah, were you upset that the pussy bit got ruined in the trailer? Yeah, that she put the flute you like you've already given it all away Yeah, but you like you like to see a loved fat how did you see the twist coming in in fat how yeah?
Starting point is 00:23:43 No, I was like what yeah if George has a tail in that mood yeah George has a tail if you're just shooting into the podcast this is the first time you're listening maybe you're fan of the do-go-on podcast and you're listening this week because you're a fan of Jess and you wanted to listen in and this was our opportunity to win you over as a listen. If you are listening, we have stopped by now. We have decided to record 10 podcasts in one week and then release them weekly. We are now on podcast number seven in two days and let me tell you we've lost our fucking mind. We don't think we can get past 200 podcasts. What do you reckon?
Starting point is 00:24:32 No. How many have you done on Duke on? 203. All right, showbiz. At the time of recording. We're pretty done I think with the podcast. We're really, anyway, we'll talk about the way that's all. That's just that you know little podcasts are really for for people with perseverance. Excuse me Jess Perkins. Yeah. Are you talking to me? I think podcasting is really for stronger people. Excuse me. I can go go to my muscles.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Jess Rohn and goes to the gym every day. J.R. Ronin goes to the gym and I run long and I don't have perseverance. I laugh at you, J.J. I laugh at you with your, oh, I've got perseverance. J.J. So you're ready to prank called J.Kosky from School of Rock? Yes. What I want to do to him. So I think J. Yes. What do I want to do to him? So I think you're his manager. No, he's the Andrew Boy Weber.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I'm Andrew Lloyd Weber. Oh, yes. He's the Andrew Boy Weber. You're Andrew Boy Weber. So you're Andrew Boy Weber. Andrew Boy Weber. Andrew Boy Weber. Andrew Boy Weber.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You are so nice. Andrew Boy Weber from England. All right, so you've got to do your best British accent. Okay. And you call him up and you say, Hey, I'm sir Andrew Boy Weber. And let me tell you, you're out and Zacharaway is in. See where it goes from there.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Okay. All right. I'm really nervous. That's okay, man. Has he never been before this? It's exciting. It's worth it's, it's jo Koski. He made the big buzz. Calling Joe Koski if you're just tuning in we're pranking Joe Koski. Just waiting for Joe Koski to answer. Like he said he would.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Come on Joe. Oh, he doesn't answer that. So fucking bitch, I'll fucking kill him. I'll fucking kill him. Come on Joe. Come on you fucking dog. Yes mate. Hi Joe.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Joe it's Zach here. Zach, how are you Oh Zach, hey mate we're just prank calling you. Oh yeah, we're doing the prank call. I appreciate the heads up. Alright so we're just gonna hand you over to Andrew Boy Webber now. Oh hello Joe it's Andrew Boyweber, how are ya? Good, Andrew, how are you mate? Oh I'm alright, thank you everything good with your family! Yeah? Too bad. Too bad.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm good, I'm glad, everything's good with your family but I do have some bad news because I'm angry at you John really what about you about just you as a person and You in general just your beer overall vibe is no Gorgeous crook is crook and I've actually I've spoken to everyone else and you're fired Everyone else everyone all of them, Callum, Greg, Sharon agrees. We're all very mad at you and you're terrible at your job and we actually we stumbled upon a young man and up in Kama. I think his name was Zachary Ruayne and we've decided to go in a different direction and with my accent and with the role. Okay, well, yeah. Joe, it's Broden Kelly here from Antidonna, how are you?
Starting point is 00:28:16 You are on the air on the open-dota podcast. Just having a bit of fun. Just having a bit of fun. Oh my God. How do you feel? That wasn't Fucking god, he's too funny isn't it? You got to get you had it that chill was that a real thrill? Oh my god, I my heart is racing. Can you see why we pranked you? Yeah, get it now. It's funny
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, learn to take a joke to it You've been a real fucking wet blanket about this shit. You're fucking learning to take a joke, man. That's your fucking problem. What is your fucking problem? It's like, it's so fucking hypocritical for you to get prank call, be pissed off about it. Come on here and then fucking prank people.
Starting point is 00:28:58 That's fucking. You are a hypocrite, and that is why we ask you here today to confront you. Oh, God. It was never about Joe. Joe was a distraction. We don't even like Joe. I just did my best British accent for you. And it was and we could see right through it. You know when Zach before was saying, oh this is Andrew Oile but oh this is boy is this Jess Perkins. He was faking it last time. I was faking it. you don't sound anything like Boy Weber
Starting point is 00:29:25 and let me tell you something else, Jess. If I cross you on the street, I'll say hi, but I won't. If you need a hand with anything, I won't. You can't depend on me. We have a lot of respect for you, your hard worker, Jess. We're gonna call Matt Stewart from the Dugawon podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Tell us if you tell him you're out. Okay. We'll fire him. But as Andrew Boyward. Wait, I'm firing myself. Yeah, him. Wait. Matt. What am I doing? I don't know. You call me? Matt Hyatt's Broden. Hello Broden. No, we're prank calling him. Hey, we're just prank calling you. Oh no. Listen, we got Jess Perkins here from the do-go-on podcast. Yes. Is we just calling to tell her that Jess is out with us? Okay. We've also got Andrew Lloyd Webber here. Yep. Hello, Matt, it's me, Andrew Lloyd Webber. Hi, Andrew. I I I hear a big fan of musicals Yeah, I like that episode of Buffy The musical episode of Buffy
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah, that's your your idea of a musical I'll say don't miss the chef Hills work as well. Oh, okay. You bring up my arch enemy hmm Not cool, man. That was really well done, yeah. Thank you. It was great, I'm dizzy. I'm back on board with Perco. You know, I went a little hard on you before Perco. We came you on here to confront,
Starting point is 00:30:59 but you've proven yourself a cool dude, Perk. Perk. Perk, I think you've done a great job today. Thanks. And any fans of the Anti-Donna podcast have, if you haven't, if you haven't listened to Dooggo on, they don't need your support, they're doing very well. Yeah, but please listen to our podcast again. If you are a fan of Dooggo on podcast, you've come and had a listen, because Jess has shared this across all of her socials to promote it. And on the Do-Go-On page. And on Do-Go-On, the podcast you mentioned it. She talks about what a great experience she had. In episode
Starting point is 00:31:39 204, I believe it is. And that's why you're now listening to this podcast. Thank you for listening and thank you for being a new fan for life. You're a cool, you unlocked the cool dude code. We have that in every episode, we're going to tell people, but if the guest is cool enough they unlocked the cool dude code. You unlocked it which means you get to listen to the Bart Simpson rap. It's a cool, it's only for cool dudes. Hey what is it?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Oh, give me a break. Bart! What are you doing? You're right. I don't care what that give me a break. Fuck! What are you doing? You're alright. I don't care what that stupid test says. Bard, Bard, you're right. Pretty cool huh?
Starting point is 00:32:10 Well, they're there. I feel very cool. So thanks so much for coming. Listening to the podcast, supporting us, you are our lifeblood audience. You make us breathe. We obviously, we love you so much. We're going to record four more podcasts in the next day. you make us breathe. We obviously, we love you so much. We're gonna record four more podcasts in the next day.
Starting point is 00:32:29 So, that'll be funny. If you're not a fan, I think we'll start going back to weekly recording about January. So, come back to us then. Yeah, yeah. I think, you know, it's, it's it's it's it miss. It's it's a miss. You know, a lot of people I remember
Starting point is 00:32:47 when we got Max Miller on the podcast, he said that this is not entertainment. We've always taken to that line, Brodard said it last week, which was actually half an hour ago. Um, so he's, you know, some people say this is not entertainment, but some people say this is entertainment.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah. This is entertainment. Some people say this is not entertainment. Some people say this is entertainment. Yeah, this is entertainment. Some people say this is not entertainment Some people say this is not entertainment people go oh contra this is Entertainment maybe we prenaty shirt that is inside out you can turn the inside out And on the inside out has this is entertainment. What if it's like the mad, you know the mad fold in mad fold in so where it says this is not entertainment Then you fold in you go oh Contra this is Entertainment Jess Jess Perkins. Thank you so much for coming on the call girl sharing your stories with us sharing us
Starting point is 00:33:35 You know bits and pieces of your life. I feel like I got to know you a better than I didn't know you before and that you're a Person of value and with worth and you should consider yourself fucking lucky for being on here Where fucking god don't you ever fucking cross that fucking line again or I'll come at you If you have a lot of joke and that is a serious threat Okay, if you ever want all of us on do go on podcast to bring out it to help I'd love to do a radio hit episode sometime. No, that's alright. I only do one about Nick Kelly.
Starting point is 00:34:10 We've already done Nick Kelly fucking. I'll do the Disney Land opening day and about how the tar is sticky. I do one about the tar. We've done Disney Land. I do Tism. I couldn't do you haven't done radio. I'd love to do the radio. We haven't done radio yet.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Alright well my people speak to you Jess per You might remember my girlfriend number one for this guest so imagine if you made it out of two possible guests She was voted number one. She didn't tell me that bit Jess, thank you so much. Thank you. Have a great week fans. Oh, very good pickin' that energy right up. I'm still a little bright. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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