Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 185 - A Zoon Podcast (Opposite Day)

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

A podcast we recorded while looking at each other on Zoon! We are very sorry about the quality of this podcast and we are trying different things to get this out to you sounding really good while in I...solation, today we ask ourselves, is this truly “Better Than Nothing” ?1?!!? xoxox The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Hello and welcome to the Anti-Donner Podcast, the second week of Lockdown. Unfortunately, this week Mark and Zach couldn't come because their balls fell off so they couldn't come this week. So this week on the Antidona podcast, the Zoom edition which you can watch on YouTube, we're gonna try putting this on YouTube at some point. I've brought him to guests, obviously Tom is here, hi Tom how are you? Good, thank you. I'm really good, we're doing it on Zoom so there's a really fantastic lag.
Starting point is 00:00:46 But Tom, if I get that music down just a little bit, controlling the music. I'll get to you, Tom York. Tom York, I'll get to you and I will get to you other mysterious character. Tom and I, we're running a Zoom podcast, which is in my opinion, the best way to do a podcast. And I've never hated COVID more than right now. I thought it was okay before this. Sorry, just out of character for a second, I hated COVID because it killed a lot of people in Northern Italy. But whatever, if it's a Zoom, that's your problem, whatever. I'm very upset with COVID because a lot of my cousins and my extended family are dying and they're at risk, but I understand that for Brodon, it's upsetting that the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:33 isn't working. Let me be clear. Before today, I was on the fence with it. I didn't know I didn't want to pick a side just yet, but now that it's annoying my zoom, my zoom podcast for the weekly upload of the anti fucking Donum podcast now I'm off it I don't care what anyone says still out on coronavirus COVID though Now now I just Just quickly broden before you before you go on again. I'm still out of character. It is zoom
Starting point is 00:02:01 As in zooming in not zoom We're not on zoom absolutely. I got it. I absolutely got what you just said so it's a zoom Yeah, with the name like zoom like do you know Mazda or Suzuki? I know cars I don't know if that's Mazda or Zazuki. Listen. Put your fucking character back on.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Put your fucking character back on everyone. Shut the fuck up. I'm around this fucking podcast. All right. To our valued listeners, this week, Mark and Zags balls fell off and they can't find their balls. So I'm joined by two exciting guests Some we've seen before some we haven't the first one is Tom York the lead singer of radio head and other side projects
Starting point is 00:02:55 Which are like the less Tom. Thank you for coming on the pot. What did you what did you say? Oh? I said that you're lead singer of radio What did you say? Oh, I said that your lead singer of radio hair. Yes, yes, I am. And of course I also have Solo career that is much loved as well as my other band Atoms for peace. Ah, ah, ah Now in this world Tom York not only are you the musician who is the lead singer of radio head and also other, uh, but you are also a sort of a Dracula type character. Well, this is just, it's because I, uh, from I've had to Oxford. Yes, you went to Oxford, which explains why you're a Dracula type character
Starting point is 00:03:42 from Transylvania. Uh, just some very quick questions I need to run by every guest, not just you Tom, my question one is, what's your favorite thing to drink? My favorite thing to drink is gay, Torre! Okay, so that you're talking like a Dracula-type character, but your favorite drink is Gatorade. What is your problem?
Starting point is 00:04:10 What is your problem? What is your problem? My problem is your COVID-19 in the zone and in COVID is my biggest fucking problem. My second, I don't have a problem yet, but I don't know if you are a Dracula or if you just talk like a Dracula because your favorite drink is Gainerade. The Gatorade mixed with Lebonade. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Oh, that explains it.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Okay, my second question is what's your opinion on the natural rays from the sun? Well, I tend to keep away from them, but only because I have enough vitamin D. I have too much vitamin D in my system, you see. But also, yes, I do. But also, I wish, Broden, for you to see me in the sun. For my skin, it glitters like diamonds. Okay, so that's, so what I've got is more information that you're not Dracula, but at the same time, you're, that's, that is a trait of a vampire. So you would say, have you seen the twilight films?
Starting point is 00:05:25 If you touch my skin, it feels like marble. Yeah, yeah, okay. This is the fuck if I was fuck you, it would be very strange for you. Yeah, say, I don't want to fuck you. It would feel like a quick slap of marble entering into your office. Ah, ah, ah. Well, I haven't felt like that since union. I'm no interest in going back there. Thank you very much to clarify I was fucked by a piece of marble in uni. And my second guest will get back to you
Starting point is 00:05:57 Tom and whether you're a vampire or not. But my first, my second character this week, and I refer to guest as characters, but the second guest character this week, you know him from Mortal Kombat on the Sega and Nintendo, the original Nintendo entertainment system and perchance the Sega Mega Drive. Tom, what did you add? Mr. York, listen, I don't come to the recording studios of a radiohead album and tell you how to mix the song. That is true. That is handled by Nigel Goddrich. I don't tell you how to drink blood. I'm running this.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Is that clear Tom York? Okay. I was just trying to help with vodka. I know. I'm trying to get him to be shown in more than a comment. That's the awful fucking open eye. Fucking open. trying to help with what you're trying to appreciate and mortal economy. That's the art of an open eye. Fucking over the right and more talk.
Starting point is 00:07:09 All right, that is I was bullied about that very much then I was a kid. I slaughtered hundreds because they would say something about my eye. Wow, so Tom, this is information that I know about Tom, I'll get to you soon a Mortal Combat character, but so what we know now is that Tom, you're the lead singer of radio head, the famous 90s band and also some unsuccessful projects on the side. Tom York, whenever bullied about his valet, funny eye, he would, excuse me Tom, he would slaughter hundreds by the hundreds he would kill people. That's interesting, fucking heads off. He would rip their heads off. I would rip their heads off. It was just a small swipe of my hand.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Okay, so now, okay, so is that because you have long nails or they're sort of cypher-like fingers? Yes, it was just I have such incredible strength, almost superhuman, that if I were to you know, briskly touch your cheek, your head would decapitate, almost instantly. Well, I never want to get a hand job from you. I'll tell you that much right now. What? What about it? It goes like this. What do you think of that? It sounds like a radio hit song to me if I've ever heard one. Fantastic. Thank you, Tom.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Our second guest you know from the Wii console, he's from the game Mortal Kombat, he has a mask on his face. Thank you for coming along. Welcome to the show, Sub Zero. Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here, Broden. Welcome to the show, Sub-Zero. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here, Broden. Now, Sub-Zero, you are a martial artist. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So I was born in China. My dad was the original Sub-Zero, but I knew, would say, but I'm the with saybot, I'm the second sub zero. My mortal enemy is my brother scorpion, but we both have masks on our faces, but I do more of a sort of a, like I have sub zero abilities, I can freeze people, that sort of thing. Okay. Now this is a conversation, so I always like to bring in interesting people and talk about their careers. Now, is there any overlap in the way that sub-zero you go about learning a new, maybe,
Starting point is 00:09:57 fighting moves in the way Tom York writes a song? That's a fantastic question, Broden. Now, obviously, I don't know a lot about music. So what I do is I fight in a tournament called Mortal Kombat. And basically, that's a tournament where different people from different sort of universes or realms, if you will. We come together and we fight to the bloody death.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And we just, and we fight to the bloody death and We just and we do a bit of that. There's been some video games some movies based on what we do But look I honestly don't know a lot about music all I know is that I I can kick I can punch and You know when push comes to shove I can freeze people. Yeah That's very impressive. You see, I've also never really fought to the death. I imagine you have many times before. I'm more interested in sort of electronic music and blending that with pop and rock elements. But I do have a brother that I feud with and he has the ability to make a small sort of like creature come out of his hand that he can shoot it towards me. Sometimes he says, come over here and he will shoot the thing out of his hand and try to put it into my chest and bring me towards him. Have you ever experienced anything like that?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Me. No. No. So most of what I do is I record sort of indie electronic music. I started out more in sort of indie rock and roll. But now I've moved more into sort of electronic music. Ever since, ever since Kid A, really, my album Kid A. Yeah, so what's happened here, sorry, I might just in a sec, in a check. So, Sub-Sher, you've started to do the life of musician, Tom York, and Tom, you've founded, too. You've said that your brother is a mortal combat
Starting point is 00:12:07 character. Well I don't know if he plays a mortal combat but I do know that his name is Scorpion and there's some other man who I know who has electricity has electricity. And I'm losing grasp. I'm losing grasp, from exactly where exactly. Sorry, just to be clear. I collaborate with a man named Nigel Godrich. He is a producer who works both on my solo albums and with my band Radiohead. I write most of the songs, but then there is a lot of musical input by another guy, Johnny
Starting point is 00:12:52 Greenwood, who also records, he makes albums, he makes a soundtrack for films. I'm subzero. Yes, I just have to be clear. Just to be clear, I have a friend who, both of his arms are metal, his name is Jacks, and often we will fight in a tournament together where we are trying to kill one another, and it's a fight to the death. And my name is Tom New York. I am from... I am from...
Starting point is 00:13:28 I am... I am a character in Mortal Kombat. Just to be very... Okay, very simple questions. Sorry, sub-zero. There's very simple questions I want to ask. Yeah. Alright.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Which of you was in the band radio head that would be me sub zero Okay, yeah, and which of you is a fictional character from a video game? I believe that is me Tom. Yeah Right, okay, so People get us confused because we have the same name So people get us confused because we have the same name. Yeah. Why? But the library.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So you say it's very confusing because we have the same name. People get confused. His name. OK, sorry, very quickly. What's your name? My. My name is sub zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:20 My name. One more. Yeah, it's the same name. OK. So no, it's the same name. No, it isn't. You've got different names. No.
Starting point is 00:14:32 See, see, this is where people get very confused. So sometimes when I'm fighting people to the death of the mortal, come that tournament, people get very confused because I think that I'm'm I'm Tom York from Radiohead. Then a lot of people criticise me for the release of The King of Limbs for it being a little too subversive and and and it not being radio friendly enough. People then think, eh, are you sub zero from Mortal Kombat? Say, and say that people were very confused as well when I released King of Lins. Yes, that was very upsetting for us. And we sued, and it was hard because on the legal documents
Starting point is 00:15:19 from the lawsuit, it had the same name suing the, enough the same name. It said, Tom York lawsuit against sub the zero. So people are like, why does it what's it say the same name twice? We're going to take a short ad break. We'll be right back. All right, and we're back to the podcast with the lead singer of Radiohead Sub Zero and
Starting point is 00:15:49 I didn't ask I didn't say anything. I'm just explaining There's a place to be here. Thank you so much, bro. Yeah, I know it's a pleasure to be here. This is huge profile building for you sub zero The lead singer of Radiohead. Yeah, Broden, who is your favorite character to play as in the Mortal Kombat series? To be honest, I haven't played it in a very long time. If I had to pick one, if I had to pick one of the Mortal Kombat, it would probably be Noel Gallagher.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Ah! Because the songs were though aces, which is so, so great. Ah, very good. Oh, they're okay. Okay, bro, I'm sorry, man. I think you're a little bit confused here. Yeah. So you just said that Nol Gallagher was a character in Mortal Kombat. You also said that I am in radio head to be abundantly clear.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I am sub-zero, okay? I am a character in Mortal Kombat. Tom, you're right. He is in radio head. Nolgallaga is a Brit pop star. Nothing to do with mortal combat. I don't know where this confusion is coming from. This, I'm sorry, that is not my confusion. coming from this. But that is my confusion. Mortal Kombat is full of other characters such as Baraka or Cassie Cage or Edo Brian. It's those kinds of characters that are in Mortal Kombat. Now that's gone over my head.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You've said three nines and I'm not really sure I'm assuming they're musicians. No, not like that. Baraka has, you know, big claws and Cassie Cage is a martial artist and Edel Bryan is a wonderful guitarist whose son or album is coming out in April. Those are the kinds of people you play as in Mortal Kombat. And for me, this is where you're super, super confused here. So if you're thinking of Mortal Cut, Radiohead is a band, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Radiohead is a band. And that band features the members Tom York. It features Johnny Greenwood. And of course, their their drummer Jacks. He's a metal, metal arms. It allows him to play for hours or then. And it also means he can punch good when he's battling people to the death. This.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And of course our long time collaborator and producer, Sonia Blade. Sonia Blade. This. Yeah. Right. Okay. Now, I wanted to just, now, some series,
Starting point is 00:18:38 you said you grew up in China. Is that correct? Yes, that's correct. No, no. So Tom York responded to a question that was aimed at some zero. Wait, I'm sorry, I was very confusing, do you? You have the same name, so when you hear Sub-Zero, you think I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Okay, well maybe I'll refer to Sub-Zero as Sub-Zero A. And Tom York, I'll refer to you as Tom York B. That would be very helpful. Great, so sub-zero A. Yes. Oh, I'm sorry, I got confused. I think that was like, I made it pretty clear. Now you're just being a dumb cunt. Yeah. That's one way to talk to a famous musician. Well, I thought you were in Mortal Kombat. No, I'm in Mortal Kombat.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Tom York is in Mortal Kombat. Tom York is in the band video head. And Sub Zero is in the band video head. Which one of you has ripped off the head of someone as some sort of cool finisher? That would be Tom York on Kitei, that was Track 4. So, okay. And you've never ripped off anyone's head sub-zero.
Starting point is 00:19:56 No. I went into a really dissident place around the middle of everything in its right place. It gets really unlistenable, but then that release is just no. No. No. No. Now you're just saying radio head story. No, no, no. Radio head is Tom York. Yes. I don't know where the confusion lies here, bro. And I'm so sorry, man. Read the book, my god. My god, read a book. So Sub-Zero A, you are from China. That is why you have the heavy Chinese accent.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Is that correct? Yes, that's correct. And my brother, Scorpion, he was born in Japan, but we are mortal enemies. Is that real? Is that a real mortal combat thing? Yes, I think one brother is from China. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yep.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah. Is that, are they both, how does that work? If I knew, I think my parents moved. They moved for work. My dad worked for Toyota. And he, I on the older brother. We lived in Toyota City for, you know, the first five years of my life. And then he got work in Shanghai as they were trying to move into the Chinese market. That's when my brother was born and then we, oh, no, sorry, that's when I was born.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. Yeah, sorry, I got a little confused. Hang on. Yep. Yep. OK, so your brother is actually Chinese, but just born in Japan. No, we're both Japanese, but I was born in Shanghai when my dad was working there as a representative for Toyota
Starting point is 00:21:43 as they were trying to make some imprint into the Chinese market in the 80s. I don't know what this is like. I'll tell you something. And then we all move back. It's quite custom-pointed because they give us an insight into the people, famous people we just see from afar. I see Sub-Zero and I see him
Starting point is 00:22:04 of some sort of one-dimensional, fictional martial arts character in a video game. What I didn't realize is he's the son of two working class car makers, Japanese car makers. Sorry, if there was a bit of confusion there, not working class. My dad was quite high up in the company. We were quite wealthy growing up.
Starting point is 00:22:24 We even had a holiday house in Paris in France. That's where I learned how to freeze people in the cool, Parisian winter. All right. Well, maybe Tom, you can chime in on this too because you're also sub zero for some reason. Well, we just have the same name. Okay, right. I'm just as I'm confused. Do you? I'm so fucking confused. Not only are you doing this contradictory character shit so that whatever it's say is
Starting point is 00:22:59 it's fucking wrong. On top of that, we're using fucking zoom and fucking COVID is making it impossible to fucking talk. So I'm confused beyond belief. Right. So, Broden, I think we're your confusion lies. Is it zoom? Yes, it's zoom. Yes. It's zoom. Mazda or Suzuki. What is it? I don't do anything. Because Vandoff, I don't know which one. But one of those company slogans is zoom, zoom, zoom. And if you're familiar with that, then it could lead you down the path of knowing the name of the program.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Now, let me tell you how would you spell it? Zoom. Z. Oh, oh M M You guys did a really good job of doing that in sync considering that you're doing it over zoom This we're not doing it over zoom
Starting point is 00:24:01 Technically we're doing it on Zencastable is well Technically when do we get on ZGaster? That is fair. And I would like to thank Zencasta for making such a... Are you familiar with Honda? Yes. Yes, the first slogan is Zencastasta Zenkasta Zenkasta. So, if you're familiar with Honda, then maybe it will lead you down the path to realize the name of the program. Tom York, mate.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Oh, that does help a lot. Yeah. Tom York, mate. Sub-zero. Yeah. Good to hear from you. Thank you. Thank you. I've got to ask you,
Starting point is 00:24:45 why do you insist on just continuously bringing up rival Japanese car brands when you know I grew up in Toyota City with a father that worked for Toyota. Well, good to be honest. Well, look, it's nothing personal. I didn't know Toyota was a Chinese car brand. What are you laughing at, Broden? Well, because about five minutes ago with the lag, you said Toyota. I have a speech impediment, much like my lazy eye. And when people make fun of me for it, I get a speech impediment much like my lazy eye and then people make father before it I get a little bit upset what you get well okay I'm sorry I'm sorry for for making fun of your lazy eye and the way you say toy eye tied didn't realize it was a speech impediment I'm very sensitive. Toyota is the only car there, my God, say it properly.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Can I just... Because of my speech, do you know there's an old phrase? There's an old phrase in in Toyota City where I grew up. There's a phrase and it goes a little something like that like this. Those in in glass houses should not throw zoons. Well, I'm sure what you said was really good, but for me it very poorly glitched out. And so we didn't hear the last word of the fucking sentence. I did not catch all of that. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So what I said was, and trust me, it's very funny once it stops glitching, those in glass houses should not throw zoons. All right, listen, so that's a funny ending, but unfortunately when you said at that time, we missed the middle bit because it glitched out things to zoom. So if you could just do that one more fucking time. Yeah, sure, sure. Now there are some internet connection issues that is ruining the joke. So just to clarify, because there's not that connective tissue anymore, Broden, you were
Starting point is 00:27:04 teasing Tom York for pronouncing something wrong? I said, there was an old phrase where I grew up in Toyota City. It goes a little something like this. Those in glass houses should not throw zoons. And we got there. We got there. Very funny. That glitch there's very very funny. That glitch really put a lot more weight on that throw like it. Put a lot more pressure on it to make it a very funny joke and
Starting point is 00:27:48 Zero B Tom York a I want to I want to ask you guys. Yeah How much do you hate this COVID shit? Because I'm can done with it there as I said before I was fine with it up until having to do a zoom podcast. Okay. As doing my fucking head in, I'm fucking at my fucking limit counts. I don't know if I find someone with COVID and punch them in the mouth. That way I'll be bashing the shit out of COVID itself. Sure, I might get COVID, but at least I can then bash the shit out of myself who
Starting point is 00:28:26 will then have COVID. And then I'll go to a public area and bash everyone there because they will be getting COVID off me and I'll be preemptively bashing them. Bright and chance. I know you're in a really dark place right now. maybe a little sensitive, but I do have to ask the Zoom thing, pronouncing it with an N. I need to just ask you, I think there's about three things that could be happening right now. One is, you truly think it is Zoom and you haven't picked up that I'm not doing a bit I'm just correcting you. Two is it became a bit a long time ago. So I'm sure that the short thing for two was really really fantastic. I'm sure three is even better.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'm sure three is even better. Yeah. But unfortunately due to the Zoom connection, oh my god, we lost your number two. I'm glad you're fine. So what we're going to need is to go back to your number one. All I have to say is be prepared for a lot of weight to be put on number three Because immediately now if this do not sing it's going to be a big vest of time See this is the big issue. It's now been given the weight of a joke where it was a legitimate question
Starting point is 00:30:01 No, no, no, no, the big issue is a magazine that you buy from street vendors. Oh God, that's tough. He is correct there. Yeah, sub zero B. Yeah. Can I hear number one, two and three of what could be happening with my pronunciation of the program soon? Well, I don't know if the cafe that this may have a lot of writing on it. I don't think sub zero B heard that this may have a lot of a dig on it I don't think sub zero B heard it. I think it glitched out for them as well Yes, it is Tom York B and I'm sub zero a who's sub zero I've got a third person in here with the same name as us. Sorry. I gave myself that because you guys have the same name as me So I thought it best
Starting point is 00:30:49 So sub zero b what was point two? Well, I would love for you to tell me what the point is okay sure point two was You realized it's pronounced zoom the first time we picked you up on it and then it became a running joke Point three is sort of a combination of the two. So for about half the podcast you thought it was Zoon and then you realised about halfway through and then turned it into a running joke. How do you spell it? Z-O-O-M as in Mazda. Like a Mazda. Like a Zubi.
Starting point is 00:31:28 No, not Nina. You know Mazda or Matt or Nally or Nio from the Matrix. Got it. I'm unclear on it now. So with the one two or three, I'm on clear, I'm on clear, I'm on clear. I'm on clear, I'm on clear. I'm on clear, I'm unclear on it now. Hmm. So with the one to operate, I'm on clear today. I got, great, fantastic. I haven't answered yet.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Fantastic. Yeah, you just, you preemptively responding to me in the hope that I'll fill the space in the lag from zoom. Yeah, that's what he was doing. Yeah. And here's my answer. Here's my answer. I know what the honest answer. Yeah. You want the honest, of course I know it's zoom. Okay. I've been saying it's zoom the whole time because I, but secretly I've, I know it's zoom. Was, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:32:33 You heard me, can't. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I just want to know when you realized that was doom. I know what it is. No, I think there was a moment there, Ven, you didn't know. I think that's fair to say. And it's just seeking clarity about what about violence? What the fuck are you? Are you a vampire right here? What is fuck are you? Are you a vampire? Right here in the corner. What is the fucking obsession?
Starting point is 00:33:07 I am from New York, from Radiohead. I fight in Universal Combat Tournament where we try to kill each other. And last year I released anima, my second solo album. What is confusing about this? You two are the worst fucking guesses podcast has ever had. Please don't know how to say zoom, can't! Hey, hey, sub-zero. Yeah, man. sub-zero.
Starting point is 00:33:35 That's a bit disrespectful. You listen here. You listen here. If I didn't have to socially distance right now, if I wasn't a responsible citizen, I'd go around for your fucking apartment and I would rip your head off from prison. I actually went through it. Whatever that threat was, I'm sure it was very scary and very threatening. Yeah, but yeah, we lost you because of the glitching in Zoom.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, sure. Let's go back again. Okay sure sure if I wasn't I'm gonna pick up the energy again if I wasn't being socially responsible and socially distancing. I would come around to your apartment and I would rip your head off and freeze you. your head off and freeze you. Okay, we got it. We got the jizz. We got the back time. Yeah, yeah, I just want you to know that yes, I can find I can play nice, but I am a killer. And I rip people's heads off and I freeze. Okay, I respect you, I respect you for that. But look, you guys have been awful, awful. This one.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, thank you. Thank you. And you've reaffirmed. You've reaffirmed. No, that's, that's a very kind of you. You'll do that. It's lovely. No, this is not opposite.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It's hang on. Is the twist of this episode? It's opposite. It's opposite. It's opposite world. It's opposite. It's opposite. It's opposite world. It's opposite. Everything.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Everything. The twist has been all time. Every time you've seen this, you've met no. Every time you've seen this, you've met no. Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. You've met no. Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. You've met no.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. You've met no. Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. You've met no. Every time you've seen this, you're not subzero. You've met the day was in opposite day. Congratulations, brother. And can you win a prize? I don't know how much of this concept is gonna hold up for the retrospectively looking back at this podcast, but I'm happy to go with it.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah, no, it'll hold up 100%. I promise you that. There's this thing. Is this the end of the podcast, bro. Yes. Yeah. Well, I just would love to plug. If you know, very good, very good. I just actually love to plug something if that's okay.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Are you sub zero or Zach? I'm sub zerozero. Great. Yeah, so I've got a podcast. You can hear me on a podcast with my different Paul W.S. Anderson. It's called Mortal Fun Times. We talk all about the movie he directed starring me called Mortal Combat in 1990. Really? Just fun stories about onset. all those sorts of things. It was a documentary film he made.
Starting point is 00:36:32 We just talk all things Mortal Kombat, which was his documentary film. You can get that on the iTunes store, otherwise follow us at Mortal Fun Times. This, and could I try something as well? Yes. Biomeans, please. I just wanted to say that because of COVID-19, I've had to delay some of my solo shows, but I will be back on the road. But in the meantime, there will be an extra DLC pack for Mortal Kombat 11 in which you can play as
Starting point is 00:37:07 Robocop and as Philip Selway. So please keep an eye out for that coming to you. And on top of all that are you a revampoier as well? Well I never said that, but I will say that then I am, I can be jobined. Conveid my mind. I can be jobined. But I can't be the one person who I'm in love with. She is a shield. An agent of shield or that's a, that is a vampire power. I'm sorry. Do you know just a fun fact? I can send it to a bat and I suck blood. I'm so zero. Okay. This is it. This all works because it's opposite day.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. It's opposite day. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, just a fun fact. I can send it to a bat and I suck blood. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Okay. This is it. This all works because it's opposite day. Yeah. It's opposite day. It's opposite zero. Okay. This all works because it's opposite day. Yeah. It's the opposite day. Well, what a wonderful Zoom podcast.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'd love to... Let's take off the silly goofy characters. This is Zach and Mark are playing these two characters. Hi, everyone. That was just me the whole time playing Sub-Zero. We're character performers obviously and we do improvisational comedy and that was all a ruse. If you liked this podcast just because you're tuning in because you're self-isolating, you wanted something to listen to. We also have a YouTube channel that you can check.
Starting point is 00:38:44 That's right. And don't forget Twitter and Instagram. We do sketches. We also take down other cooking channels. Just lots of fun stuff like that. So check it out. And we're going to start doing some exercise workouts as well, teaching you how to get fit in 25 minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And Zach, do the characters, just take off that mask. No, it's all done there, Zach. No, it's fine. That's fine. But cast is done. So we're filming it. Zach is wearing a mask. He's been wearing a sub-zero mask. Sub-zero, I was in character. I knew we were uploading this Zoom meeting onto YouTube. So I thought I'd wear a mask. I thought that would be appropriate. And we all still have beards? Yep, we all still have beards.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Anyway, maybe we can talk about the mask next podcast. I'm not taking off the mask. I'm in character. I'm a method actor. I'm not taking off the mask. We're all in lockdown and we've all kept our beards. I didn't make any rash decisions to shave off our beards. None of us thought it would be a fun experiment to shave off our beard in lockdown,
Starting point is 00:39:51 forgetting that he still has to do a lot of filmed content. None of us made that choice. Yep, that's I believe. We've all got our beards. Let's get that. Let's get that mask off. I was thinking for next week's podcast, if we're filming it again, We've all got our beads. Let's get that. Let's get that mask off. I was thinking for next week's podcast, if we're filming it again, I've got a great character called Hannibal Lecter. And then the week after that.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Oh, cool. Yeah, a character I like to call Masky Mook Mask Face. And then I'm good to be me. I think you should be three weeks after that. I think you should be Hannibal Lecter. I think let's do Hannibal Lecter's Act, but do him from Red Dragon. Okay, no, no, I'm thinking when you have that. Let's do him from Red Dragon. I think that'll be best because you know how you can just see his whole face. I love that about the character. Yeah, that's a good point. No. No.
Starting point is 00:40:41 All right. No, but I will be playing Hannibal Lecter with a mask on. Okay. Great. Well, it's been a great time. I've had a fantastic this is what COVID is going. Look at us. Do you see, do you see what we have become? If you're just some, some people were saying on Reddit that perchance the new slogan for the podcast and maybe it's the new slogan for the podcast during COVID while we have to social this and the world. And the world, rather than this is not entertainment, it's something that you said, Broden, which is it's better than nothing. So, I'm sure you. So, Pichant, for this COVID series of podcasts, the slogan now is it's better than nothing. So if you would rather nothing, then speak up, I guess. But if not, shut your fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Where do we now best? I've got some more tech ideas which we shall implement as we grow and develop. We're figuring it out. Tom's our gadget man. Yeah, I should see you. All right, great. We'll see you next week on the Undead on a podcast, unless I snap and run into traffic.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Have a great week, which I would, you shouldn't be outside anyway, Broden. No, if I do go outside, I'm fucking going outside. Right, okay. As long as you're going, I think the best thing to do is go outside only when you have to, when you have a clear intention, like if you are going to the shops or you're planning to light out on the street and wait for a car to come run over you.
Starting point is 00:42:32 A lot of my cars are so, you know, you might struggle with cars. That's true, you're going to be waiting a while. I love the movie Cars. Cars 2 not so much. And on that note, planes is the best one. Plains and cards too. Thank you everybody. Thank you everyone.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Bye. Good bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you. I mean, if you want, sub to here.

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