Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 187 - The International House Of Pandemic

Episode Date: April 14, 2020

That’s the thing about cabins!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy infor...mation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. It is the 15th of April, a beautiful day to be alive. My name is Broden Kelly and this is the Antidonna podcast. And with me, as always, is the co-host of this show, Mark Bonanno, Mark High. Hi, Broden, it's so good to be back. You know, we've been away for a couple of weeks sailing in the
Starting point is 00:00:28 Ocean We've been on the movie crews. We went on the beautiful movie crews together and With lots of people we had a great time Shuffle ported we did casino. We saw some live shows that we docked in Sydney We went out and we touched everything. We touched everything and we spat in each other's mouths and we've got of course the other co-host of this show who we know and love. You know him as Zachary Rewain but today he's here as himself it's Zachary Rewain.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh this will be good. Thanks so much for having me guys now Okay, so I don't understand what's going on I'm trying to The Good boy, mate. Well, you're always good. I'm trying to, it's trying to bring some more intensity character of the Budgast, the subreddit. This is not a character, it's just me, it's just, it's just Zach input. Fuck that, it's just Zach input.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It's a bit weird for me, but I do like it. I'm more of a James Corden, but this is fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, I just, you just sort of laugh and over me. I was gonna try and come in and bring some joy to the audience. Yeah, the characters, you've done the character now some joy to the audience. Yeah, the characters. You've done the character now.
Starting point is 00:01:47 You can draw that. Yeah, I don't know where this goes. I think this feel like it has five minutes in it, but if you've got more, let us know now, otherwise. If you need to push on, that's fine, but. Character's been loved for eight years. Eight years I've gotten out of this. Oh, very good.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Very good. He's back. He's back. I swear to fucking God. Yeah.. He's back. He's back. I swear to fucking God. Yeah! You're not fucking me, you're all. You killing me. You killing me.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Stop it. Thanks so much for having me, boys. Let me say, I've really enjoyed our podcast. There's certainly some challenges. We actually want to hear from you. What are some of the challenges you're having with this pandemic? What's something you wish you could go out and do?
Starting point is 00:02:30 Maybe it's going to the movies, maybe it's topping down to a shop. Give us a call, 1397-1209-12034. One of the issues I've had with this pen, Demick, is the main thing for me is the flipping component. So I love making up the batter, I love getting the pan to a nice heat, but as soon as I can't get a perfect flip. Broden.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You're not thinking of pan-demics, you're thinking of pancakes. Mm-hmm. Very, very different. They're very, very different. I wasn't familiar with. So here's, what? No, I thought we were talking about the same. They're very very different. I wasn't familiar with so he is What? No, I thought we were talking about the same everyone's been talking about this global pandemic
Starting point is 00:03:11 Haven't they? Yes, yeah, yeah, the exactly it but you're thinking everyone's been going to pancake pandemic parlour No, no, you're thinking of pancakes and you just said it. I heard you just You did here's the trouble. I heard you just said it. No, I didn't. You did. You did. Here's the trouble I've been having with this global pandemic. Is I can't quite get it to solidify. So I make it, I make it in the pot, I turn it over, and then when I bring the pot up, it all just sort of goes away. I don't know if I'm adding enough gelatin or if that is the
Starting point is 00:03:45 issue, but that's been my big problem, the global pandemic. See, Mark, here is the issue that's happened here, is you have mistaken the pandemic for, I don't know what, you haven't actually given me enough detail to work out what you've mistaken it for, I reckon. I believe. I believe he's mistaken, of mistaken for a record. I believe. I believe. I think he's mistaken. Delicious, a big delicious stack of pandemic for a delicious panicotter.
Starting point is 00:04:12 That's right, I was thinking of pandemic. Sorry. We wanted to talk about the moment at the International House of Pandemic, the beautiful International House of Pandemic. Bro beautiful international house of pandemic. Brodyn. Where? Yes. That, that, that mug is a typo. I don't know where you got that mug from.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It must be off brand. For anyone listening on their way to work or to go to the beach and spit in someone's mouth, I held up a mug that is IHOP, which is a restaurant in the Americas. It's the international house of pandemic. You can go there. When we were there last, you can get a stack of pandemic
Starting point is 00:04:48 with cereal in it for the low low price of $8.99. Oh, bro, that is a typo. The name of the restaurant is I harbour. Everyone knows this. It stands for International House of Bookers. You get yourself a delicious burger because they're known for boogers, not just pandemics, but also you're thinking of pancakes.
Starting point is 00:05:12 A pandemic is like a gelatin custard treat. You are the dumbest cunt. Okay. All right, International House of Bookers was a short-lived promotion that I hopped in, where they changed their name from pandemic to Buggers. That was an awful idea. Awful, awful.
Starting point is 00:05:32 No one wanted to go there to have Buggers. Buggers come from your nose. Gross, gross, gross, gross. But we have guys. Yes, guys, guys, guys. There seems to be, I would say, a huge amount of confusion here. So, Rodin, whether it's IHOP or IHOP,
Starting point is 00:05:51 bookers, pancakes, you are wrong. Pandemics are not cakes cooked in a pan. Mark, you're also wrong. Pandemics are not a delicious sweet treat from Europe. Pandemics are one thing, they're a very serious and important thing. And without pandemics, someone like myself, I think I'm someone who is more affected by pandemics
Starting point is 00:06:15 than maybe you guys are. If I don't have a pandemic, my hair gets greasy, it gets tangled, it gets all over the place. I think I've got it. I think I've got it. I think I've got it. I think I have it too, but you go, Brodden. Yeah. I think you've mistaken a delicious stack of maple syrup covered pandemics for Pantene Provi, the shampoo, and conditioner. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. So that is what I'm talking about. I'm talking about that fantastic, affordable brand of shampoo and conditioner, a pandemic,
Starting point is 00:06:53 pro-view. I go down to Coles, I buy that. Fortunately, I can't at the moment because of this whole COVID thing. I can't get my pandemic. All you idiots have been talking about how you think what a pandemic is. And I would just say, take a good hard look at Italy and how they're having delicious pancakes
Starting point is 00:07:12 every day. It's coming in every day. There's more and more cases of people enjoying delicious stacks of pancakes, pandemics. And I would just... Yes, see, Broden. Actually, that's actually where your confusion is my man I'm so sorry um they don't have a they don't really eat pandemics over in Italy They're actually having a problem with with what's known as a pancake now a pancake is when a virus um yeah spreads over multiple countries
Starting point is 00:07:44 So they've got a pancake over there. Something known as COVID-19 has created a pancake. Started in China when it reached Italy. That's when it became a pancake. Instead of an epic cake. And so it was an epic cake in China. And now it's a pancake. And yeah, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands,
Starting point is 00:08:03 of people are dying because of this panic. Can I believe it started in China? I believe it started in China because a man ate a panicada. Is that correct? No, no, so. A man ate a panicada and started a pancake. Sorry, Mark, no, yes. You're confused. Okay. So the man didn't eat the panicata. Uh-huh. The panicata was caged
Starting point is 00:08:31 was caged with a panteen. Uh-huh. The panteen Prove caught the COVID from the panicata. Uh-huh. And then he ate the panteen. Oh And then he ate the panting. Oh. This is a wet marker. So the panting being a mammal was sort of, I think, the bridge between the panocotta and the human. If Peakeak Pala wanted to sponsor this podcast and send us pandemics, I wouldn't say no.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I think that'd be a great, I think we have great brand alignment. They don't travel more. In the same way that we had a great brand alignment with dominoes, I think we could have have great brand alignment. They don't travel. In the same way that we had a great brand alignment with Domino's, I think we could have a great brand alignment with the Scientology-owned pandemic parlor. I would love to see the pandemic parlor head office and what they're experimenting with up there.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You know, you know how like, you don't had the pizza kitchen. You're just fucking around with shit. You could just go in there and dream Remember his dream room. We just went in there and dreamed up a pizza You could dream up any pizza he wanted and then he could make it in front of him He had his own personal oven there. He had a little couch to sit and read right right in his little dream journal and his pizza I miss dress I miss dress. He had a mistress. Yeah, that's quite a something Yeah, and Mr. Sietta, Mr. Sietta. Yep, that's quite a sum that.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I wonder if the pandemic power have one of those with air, sitting thinking about how can we charge someone more than $45 for two pancakes and an egg? How can we do that? And they just sit there and they dream up of different ways to do that. And $80, anyway. Anyway. And $80.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Anyway, $80. And $80. $80. That's a publicly called today. I got to say, I got to say, just on the pandemic parlor bullying, so bullying, so as people that listen to our podcast, no, we once bullied dominoes until they gave us lots of free pizza
Starting point is 00:10:21 and a flight to Queensland. And now, as you can see, we're starting a bit of a thing. It's been happening now for a few minutes, where we're deciding that we're probably going a bully pandemic power into sponsoring our podcast for free pandemics. My biggest concern with that is I've recently, just in my personal life, personal solo career, been trying to bully cinemas into something. And none of them are responding. And it started to make me think, A, the collective force of Donner is more powerful than any one of us on our own, which is absolutely fair.
Starting point is 00:10:57 But B, we really lucked out with Domino's. And maybe Pandemic Pala won't back us or support us. And I just want to know that we're going to be okay if pandemic parlor doesn't help us. For me personally, you're walking out with a win either way. Either we get free pancakes and we've bullied pandemic parlor or we have bullied them and upset someone. And for me, that's as big a win.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And I can make pancakes at home. What have you been to? But I don't want to get, I don't want to get free pancakes. If I'm banned from pandemic, I'm from in a similar position to where I am now, which is not going to pandemic, parlor ever. I also, I also just want to say, before we move on to our special guest, we have a special guest today. And we will move on to them. We have a special guest today. Hmm, and we will move on to them. Pancakes do not travel well. I think they travel quickly.
Starting point is 00:11:50 That's the biggest problem with them. They travel down your body, mouth quickly. Down your body, mouth is not that quick. That's why they can take us. That's why the doctors need the masks. We do have a shortage of masks. I think that's pancakes can get straight down your mouth. do have a shortage of masks. I've got those pancakes. You can get straight down your mouth
Starting point is 00:12:07 if you're not wearing a good mask with top coverage. When masks and I and Max came back from America, we were in America as it started to get real fucked over there because of the pancake. Pancake. And we landed back and we all went to the hospital and were immediately tested because we were showing mild symptoms of the pancake.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But we all tested negative. I was covered in syrup and even though they tested me, they said, you are definitely not a pancake. I read them out. Why is all this with butter on my head? Why is all this with butter on my head, doctor? They didn't have an answer. My man.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. You've actually made a little bit of a mistake there. I'm so sorry to just to jump in here and interject. You're talking about whipped butter. You're talking about maple syrup in relation to pancakes. I think what you've done there is you've actually mistaken a pancake for a pay TV subscription. Right. So pay TV subscription is like a flour egg milk.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like lost. But so what you do is you make like flour, egg, milk, butter, you mix that in a bowl and you cook essentially a cake in a pan. And that's a pay TV subscription. That's that's what I know it as. So for example in America, they have the international house of pay TV subscription. You might have a stack of those pandemic pandemic parlour they serve
Starting point is 00:13:42 pay TV subscription stacks. Exactly. I think you've got and confused. I think I show you. You've got and confused. You're confusing with what you're talking about. I'm a parlour, they serve ITV subscription stacks. I think you've gotten confused. I think you've got confused. You're confusing with what you're talking about. It is a subscription service. It's something that we have where we have people who pay for us to give them extra content every month.
Starting point is 00:14:00 That's the ITV service. The anti-donac club. That's a pay TV service. We have our pay TVs and they donate to us every month. That's a pay TV service. The anti-donna club. That's a pay TV service. We have our pay TV's and they donate to us everyone. Oh, yeah, pay TV. Yeah, pay TV is and we love it. And if you want to become a pay TV for the anti-donna club, go to slash anti-donna. So you're thinking of of a of a Patreon, which is a paid force TV subscription. We have a special guest. And in this world, by the way, in this world, where that is these are the words,
Starting point is 00:14:29 these words mean different things. Prostate cancer is... What does that mean? Patreon. Yeah. Wait, so just to be clear, Brodon, is prostate cancer, so is it like a full swap in this world? So, you know, like my, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:48 my dad had to get checked for Patreon. Yes. And I'm so sorry. I'm, I'm, I'm, yeah, and I'm very grateful, I'm very grateful to our prostate cancers. Yes. Yes. Because we've just hit 700 prostate cancers on the Antidona Club powered by prostate cancers. Yes. Yes. Because we've just hit 700 prostate cancers on the Antidona Club powered by prostate cancer. In this world, yes. So Lance Armstrong had one of his testicles removed because of a really bad case of Patreon. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Well, that's awful. I didn't know that. It was the size of an apple, and he had it removed. And then he went, came back and cheated in every competitive cycling event for the next 10 years. It was a really important thing. And Jordan Peterson, I know, it's what he made. It just sounds like a real pancake. What's pancake means to you? A pancake is when sort of everyone is doing something.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You know what I mean? Like he had to... That sounds like a real pancake to me. Because I know that he was caught. But I think everyone was doing it. So that sounds like a real pancake. Mark, I've got some awful news. What? That riff took us to the halfway point of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And we have a guest. And we have a guest. We have a guest. We'll get to the guest after the break. Wow, what a fantastic ad. What was your favorite part of the ad, Brodin? With the thing that was good. The thing that was good about the ad.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I like the accessible pricing of it. And Mark, what was your favorite thing about the ad? I like the money that we make from doing the ads. I know we have a guest. Green. We have a guest. I just want a backtrack. I had a funny thing to say, a bit earlier about the... We will get to you, sir. We will get to you, my man.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Absolutely, we will get to you. My name, man. My name, man, will be your name. My name, man, brother. Don't you worry, brother. Hey, brother, don't you worry, my man. We will get to you. My big boy, just a big boy brother.
Starting point is 00:17:06 But here's the thing man, here's the thing. Do you want to water or anything? Do you want to water? I'm fine, thanks. No, so I've got one. Okay, he's got one. My man, but I just want to say my man. Okay, you go, you go.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Well before you do, before you do, bro, I just want to say to my man here, we will get to you, but there's something in comedy, it's a very powerful thing. It's a very deeply powerful thing, and it's an amazing thing, and I mean that, not in the way that young people use that word now, oh, that's amazing to mean very good. I mean, to amaze, to blow us away,
Starting point is 00:17:41 and that thing, it's greater than any one man, and that's called a riff. And I think Brodin's on a riff right now, I think we're all on a riff. That's right. And we've got to follow that riff right now. So I'm so sorry, but Broden, continue with your riff. Now, I know we will get you my main man, but we will get to you my main brother, man. But I just wanted to say when I went and got tested for the pan Demick okay Demick Pink so you got tested for a pan. Demick. That's right. Sorry. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry First thing I would do to test someone who's
Starting point is 00:18:14 What you do is you go and covered with butter and fucking maple syrup That's the first thing I do to test if someone's had a delicious stack of pan Demick I would say to them, you feel and fulfilled, you feel like you've had a yummy meal. If they said yes, I'd say it sounds like you had a pandemic. That's what I would do there, right? But I want to say, when I rang up, I said, hey, I just want to get tested for the pancake. I hope that's all right. I'm showing mild symptoms. This is all true. I had a sore throat. I've just come back from overseas
Starting point is 00:18:46 And they said look unless you start showing fever or dry cough, it really is probably at this point This is a few weeks ago now. It's not necessary for you to come in So but then I said I do have a delicious Vienna coffee. I am drinking a Vienna coffee, which is you can get from the pandemic parlor a delicious Vienna coffee. I am drinking a Vienna coffee which is you can get from the pandemic parlour. It's a coffee with whipped cream on top. They said get the fuck in here now. And that's when I knew that it was serious. That's when I knew that I needed to get in yesterday. And I just want to say at the pandemic, you know, the pandemic parlour, they do more than just pandemics. Some people don't realize. I can some people don't realize I can get the menu up You can get the menu up. Yeah, please do you can go in there and you can get I love getting they do these things fried
Starting point is 00:19:32 They do pot holes fried in butter. I don't know if you've ever had a pot hole a very big Irish people love pot holes There was a great spot. This is a great. Can you explain to me what the fuck you're talking about? There was a pot hole famine in Ireland. Pot holes, so sorry if I can just interject here. You seem to have made a mistake. So Mark is thinking, when he's saying pot holes, he's referring to that starchy staple of Irish and really European cuisine, that starchy staple of Irish and really European cuisine.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That starchy staple used, you can have mashed pot holes, you can have roast pot holes. Can't you fry pot holes at the pentaday? He's made a terrible mistake there. He actually, when you say pot holes mark, you're using the wrong word, the correct word for that starchy treat, the thing we make French fries and chips with is portabello mushrooms. I'm so sorry. Can I gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:20:31 I've got the pandemic parlor menu up. We'd like to screen share with you guys and we'll take you through the wonders that are at this place. We will get to our guest. My main men. We will absolutely get to you. We will get to our main men this we will get to our guest my main men we will absolutely get to you Traditional bacon and eggs Yep, okay great, so that that'll do for that. I'm bit. I'm gonna close that all up now
Starting point is 00:20:58 That didn't go anywhere They didn't use the word pandemic as much as of pancake as much as I thought I would because that that was I think where the bit was good to go It just said bacon and eggs. It just said bacon and eggs and then underneath it it said pancake. Yeah, so it kind of assumed I mean and really that is you know Superfluous wording if you're saying pancake on every item one assumes paying pancake on every item. One of Schooms. One of Schooms. With those fake get an eggs, there is pancake. Why have a pandemic?
Starting point is 00:21:28 I never want to Schoom. I have two of Schooms, one for each feet. Okay, I don't have a Schoom. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm sorry, as host of the series. I have two Schooms. I'm gonna mute you. Wait, why are you buying our Schoom?
Starting point is 00:21:41 I always buy two Schooms every time. I go down the platypus and I buy two shrooms. How will you, what do I ask? Yeah, that's just made me think. Have you guys ever, have you guys ever eaten shoes? Have you done shoes? Have I ever done shoes? A little bag of shoes?
Starting point is 00:21:58 I was like, I did shoes once before I met you guys from Ballarat, I had a friend bring over a small bag of shoes. We made it, we made a tea out of it. Were they Nike? What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I know I shooms what's that? I shooms not shrooms No I can't. I shooms Why I have to know? No Sorry the mark made a mistake those are referred to as shoes You know
Starting point is 00:22:37 Wait, wait, what are we talking about are we talking about a shoes the things you wear on your feet? Or are we talking about shoes those big sort of duffons, the things you wear on your feet, or we're talking about shoes, those big sort of duffle-type bags that you take to the gym and you put all your gym gear in. I think you're thinking of a, is that just a gym bag? What's that just a duffle bag? That's a shoe. So Nike, they make a shoes, and they also make shoes, which are just big bags. They're like big bags that you take to the gym
Starting point is 00:23:09 and you put your shorts in there, you put your shoes in there. And they have a big Nike tick on them so people know you're cool and dedicated to your working out. That's a shoe, isn't it? Or is that a gym bag? I once get confused. This bit has well and truly hit a wall. If only there was some place that we could take
Starting point is 00:23:33 this. Well, absolutely. If only there was just some kind of thing that we could do with this podcast that could, you know, bring it bring back to life a bit of new information about a new energy Well, that's the really exciting thing because Broden we actually have a very special guest with us today Someone I'm so excited To to meet someone that has Has asked to be involved in the podcast because they themselves have a project they're particularly excited about. It's someone I've known for a very long time and have wanted to see what they would do without our shackles. And they've done something very exciting, really fun and interesting.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'd like to introduce to you men who something about cabins. I can't remember what was the character Mark? I'm trying to introduce you. I just love more cabins. The men who loves cabins. That's the voice. Men who loves cabins. Thanks so much for having me on the show. I just want to say, I've been having so much fun going have you ever been to Wales? Mr. Man who loves cabins is an absolute honor to have you on here. I We appreciate it. We love you. I would love to take you out later for a big plate of pandemics But first I want to know from you. You love cabins. Is that right? I love cabins. I asked that I saw cabin in the shape of a shoe Wow
Starting point is 00:25:03 Wow, that means you love cabins. I asked that I saw a cabin look like a hat. I thought that I loved cabins. I thought I loved like a good log cabin, but I have never loved cabins so much that I saw a cabin shape like a shoe yesterday. That's how I know. You love cabins.
Starting point is 00:25:21 That's the thing about cabins is you can make them, with a cabin you can make them, if the cabin, you can make them, any kind of shape, you want. A cabin can be outside. That is the thing about a cabin. That is the thing about a cabin. The thing about a cabin. Now, do you love...
Starting point is 00:25:38 I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, bro. What is the thing about a cabin? The thing about a cabin. A thing about cabin. If you've got four a cabin. I'm think about a cabin. Is it got four cabins and I'm up in a row? You got one, two, three, four. One cabin's shaped like a cave. One cabin's shaped like a heart.
Starting point is 00:25:52 One cabin's shaped like a house. My shavings cap like a cabin. And you've got, and you've got more outside, you've put in your competition with one another, which one wins. That's the thing about a cabin. And we've got chimneys. Yes. That is the thing about a cabin. I'm so glad I cut you off for that, bro.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Now, man who loves cabins, I want to know. Now, it seems like the things you've mentioned so far are mostly cabins, which are small huts, usually in the woods, the forest, you know, they're smaller than a house the Cabin would say. But my question to you is, do you love any type of Cabin? I'm thinking of the Cabin on a plane. Well, that's a very different type of Cabin. That's funny, because I was talking about, mostly I think I like Cabin's Bayer Award, but sometimes you can get a Cabin, make a house. Sometimes you can get a Cabin, make it look like I've Based I sometimes you can get but a cabinet applying his like you know, it's like a flying cabin really But the thing I like the whole thing I can get a cabin a cabin He's the thing sorry the thing he's got a thing about
Starting point is 00:26:56 Kevin sorry, yeah, bro And sorry to interrupt sorry, man. Sorry, bro. I don't drop. I just I would love to hear his thing about Kevin's If that's okay, the big is the thing Well, the thing is, the thing is about Kevin's. The thing is about him, is that, they got, is that the thing is about him. And there's not, there's a lot of him, and does it just have to be on the land, who can be in the sea.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Okay, great. That is the thing about Kevin though. That is the thing about Kevin. Yeah. That is the thing about Kevin though. That is a thing about Kevin. That is a thing about it. You are becoming more and more like a little Briton season 2 or 3 character right there. Well that's a thing about me a lot for my eyes. That's a thing about Kevin. It's like, I know where it's going.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Thank you. You go over to the Wales. I've been to Wales. You don't sleep at the little Briton USA over. You haven't in the Wales. You don't sleep it's a little Britain, USA, mate. I've never been to Wales. I haven't been to Wales. No, no. What is the place?
Starting point is 00:27:51 Well, the thing about Wales is that it also happens. That's the thing about Wales. The thing about Wales is you go out and kick off or was where he stole the stone. The thing about cabins is there's a lot in there and they're all in wild but if you want your own cabin I can I can make one for you for a quick well that's the that is the thing about cabin that is the thing about cabin that is the thing about cabin wait a cavern or a cabin? A cabin? A cabin?
Starting point is 00:28:26 A cabin? A cabin? A cabin? A cabin? That's the thing about a cabin. Like a cabin, a space or a cabin? Well, cabin is a cabin. Some cabins are quite cozy.
Starting point is 00:28:39 No, a cabin. So this guy seems to like log cabins. He like shanties. He like shacks. Can I, I'll run you through a list of to like log cabins, he like shanties, he like shacks. Can I, I'll run you through a list of things and you tell me if you like them. Okay. So do you like a hut? I've got a figure about hut is a bit like a cabin
Starting point is 00:28:55 but I don't like a hut because not cabin. I think a hut is a cabin, sir. A hut is a cabin, is it? Yes. I think about a cabin, is it can be an open? Jesus, crap. I think about cabin, is a big cabin, is it? Yes. I think about cabin is it can be anything. Jesus Christ. I think about cabin. I think about cabin is a big cabin. Is that the hell?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Let me make this very clear sir. I'm going to read you a list of all different types of cabins. Now they are all cabins. Okay. Now I want to know if you like these cabins. Okay. Log cabin. Oh, that's a very nice cabin. That is. That's my own logs. Yes, correct.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You know this stuff. I know that cabin. Shanty. That's the thing about Shanty is there's a cabin on the beach. Cabin on the beach, but the other group would. Sha, can I ask you? Not me, Sha, he's in Wales. Can I ask you, man, who loves cabins? Is a cabin better, worse, or the same by being by the beach? By the beach, the figure about a cabin by the beach is a charity thing about a charity. Lots of women love a charity. I would be going to this character for information about cabins. I'm getting the notion that he's quite quite a low IQ and may have less severeed some some brain injuries but it does love cabins and I'm learning. He also he also just hinted at just a slight streak of
Starting point is 00:30:16 misogyny there and I don't know if I want to dig into that or not. Understand. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, that's a big amount of soge. Is that a love of shanty? They do. They do. Have you ever done the whales? Yeah, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:30:32 No. No. It's fine. I've got one more question for you. Oh, I don't want to leave. I would like to leave. You want to leave? I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's all right. I can not go. Actually, yeah, you can go. You can go. I can't. I can't. I can't. I don't want to talk about the leaves. He wants to leave, Zach. I would like to leave. You want to leave? Kevin, okay. That's all right. Can I go?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Actually, yeah, you can go. You can go. I've got a cabin to get to. Is that what I want to cabin to get to? That is the thing about a cabin. It's not like if it's empty. So is this character? I love the thing about it.
Starting point is 00:31:00 He knows things about cabins and he wants to leave That's yes, that is the breakdown of the character that's a breakdown of the character I know so I'm a soldier He's a soldier. He's a full-sudge Soge cabin man you don't have to be here. It's more of a thing. I just wanted to say the reason we had the Cabin Man on is he has released probably my favorite podcast to come out in the last month. It's a real blast. It's a podcast all about cabins.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Did you want to tell us a little bit about your cabin podcast? It's called Cabin moves to Cabin This is our small boy is David Cabin our captain Nash as they've come in Nash and he's working the political system And he thinks it makes I don't want to do this anymore I want because the thing about cabin is it's a good guy here And the thing about cabin the thing about cabin is you got one out in the woods. He's just developed a list. This far into the character, it developed a list. Figure about Kevin, is that out in the woods?
Starting point is 00:32:15 He's got a list now. Well, that's to figure about what Kevin, is it not? That's the word. I was like, you're talking about man. Wow. That is where I was just tear up'm the one. You're talking about man. What? No, they just were able to tear Popeye Pocket up. This is a different character now. This character.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Okay, Popeye Pocket. This is like Homer Simpson's season one. Homer Simpson's season one. It's a completely different. No, it's Homer Simpson's season 24. It's a different character. Oh, I don't love. I don't love that.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Can I do a short, can I do a short, can we do a short little Britain season two sketch with you men who loves Cavins? Oh yeah, yeah, if you want. Are you David Williams or are you, oh, I forgot his name, the other one. Captain Nash. I think you're David Williams. All right, and I'll be the other guy.
Starting point is 00:33:00 All right. This is a different sketch. Sorry, Zach God. No, no, please, can you do it as the guy that the writer on the little Britain? Hello, this is little Britain. Let's see what's happening at the little British town. Oh, so here I am, here I am at my, at my, my real estate shop. I've got lots of different houses to sell and oh, eerie comes for the sixth time. It's a man who loves cabins. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Are you interested in buying a house? Well, what's a thing about a house? It's not cabin. What's a thing about cabins? It's not a house. Mmm. Mmm. What's a thing about cabins, it's not ours. Mmm. Mmm. That's the thing about houses. That's the thing about cabin. Yeah. Oh, please.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I'm trying to sell you a house. I've got mansions. I've got houses. I've got apartments. Not a bloody cabin. And they're not any cabins. No. Well, that's the in the cabins.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And there it is. So now that's probably the best time to mention, we have that's the thing about cabins' mugs that are available on our website at the Antiton Club. That's the thing about cabins' mugs. So as you read them, it says that's the thing about and then when you put hot water in them it says cabins. So we've invested $200,000 in a huge, this is our next big,
Starting point is 00:34:34 little imprint. That's our next big imprint. That's the thing about cabins. We are now little Britain and our staple character is that that's the thing about cabins guy We are now little Britain and our staple character is the that's the thing about cabins guy. We're gonna wrap it up there but I just want to say this man who loves cabins. I'm so sorry it took us so long to get to you. We were just on a bit and I know you took up your time to be here. We really appreciated but I just want to say thank you so much man who loves cabins for being here. That's all right. I thought I had to character down a bit more, but then we went on for 15 minutes and I forgot what he was. So I just thought of trying to make up to up as he went long
Starting point is 00:35:16 as a cabins. He loves cabins. I just, I quite forgot what I wanted to bring. Well that's the thing about cabins, can I? That's a thing about cabins! That's the thing about Cabin. That's the thing about Cabin! That's the thing about Cabin! I just wanted to say one thing before we wrap up. A lot of people think because they see Aunty Donna, they see only our accounts, you know, only our social media accounts as the collective that we all are actually doing our own thing. We're all doing really interesting and exciting solo projects and I think this is a really good opportunity to just mention I'm currently trying to live in a cinema. So I'm currently doing a campaign to live in a cinema. I'd love to live in a cinema during this and I was just wondering if Tom Broden Mark, do you have anything you'd like to promote at the moment from your solo career?
Starting point is 00:36:09 It's worth mentioning that next episode we will have Sam Lingham who writes with us on. Was he supposed to be on today? Yeah, but unfortunately he couldn't make it. We didn't get to him. We had to bump him for time and for the cabin guy. Sam, are you okay to stick around and do a podcast after this? Yes, sure thing. Sure thing.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah, good. Great. We could have talked to you that whole time. You were sitting there. Those riffs weren't really good enough to... You could have promoted your new podcast. Why didn't you promote your new podcast during this? Oh, I was just waiting for an intro.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Oh, we kind of just jump in. That's kind of our thing at the point. We just jump in. It's a bit like, you did say at the top, you were going to introduce me. You got more confidence. And there were several bits where you were like, oh, they're going to talk about it now.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And then you would like sort of talk about Mr. Cabin instead. Oh, that is fair. I probably should have introduced you instead of Mark's fake character. then you would like sort of talk about Mr. Cabin instead. Oh, that is fair. I probably should have introduced you instead of Mark's fake character. That's probably a good character. It is for the... Yeah, but you sat there the whole time. You could have promoted your podcast
Starting point is 00:37:16 through that entire period. It's just a bit silly on your part. Anyway, that's the end of this podcast. Stick around for the exciting conclusion where we talk to Sam. This is the anti-donner podcast. If anyone has anything they wanna say, say it now, or forever hold your podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I killed him in. We'll see you next week. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. We'll see you next week.

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