Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 188 - Margaret Moves To Mars

Episode Date: April 17, 2020

Surprise! Sometimes while in ISO we might release two pods in a week, we also may not, we shall make no promises. On the "Aunty Donna Podcast" we deep dive with a different creative every week! Today ...we talk about “Margaret Goes To Mars” a new podcast from Aunty Donna member Sam Lingham and close friend and collaborator Michelle Brasier, which ALSO features lots of our wonderful friends such as Ben, Mish, Vince and Tim. PLS LISTEN Insta: @ margaretmovestomars Twitter: @ MMtoMarsJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. This is the Antidona podcast. It's the Antidona podcast. Hello. Let's start again. Welcome. We're not allowed to start again. Welcome to the Antidona podcast with Bruh, what is it again? Broden. Broden, Zach and Tom. And we have, who do we have to, what's today? I don't know. I've, I have not, I can't remember. What are we doing today? So we are introducing Mark a very special guest. His name is Sam Lingam and he's here today
Starting point is 00:00:48 to talk about a little podcast that he's been working on with a friend of his. And that podcast is a fun sort of thing for him to talk about. He's very exciting thing. He's really excited to talk about it, but I don't want to, I don't want to be the one to break down how it all happens and what it does. So I think we should just bring him right in. Yeah. Yeah. We received a DM from him. He said, I want to plug this thing, try and podcast. And we thought, well, anyone who makes a podcast must be something because, you know, it's not easy. So there's a high, there's a high barrier for entry. Yeah, you got to go down to the podcast, you got to go down to the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:31 head office in, in Fitzgera, you got to go in there, you got to line up. So we thought even we didn't know Sam, we don't know anything about him, but we thought, let's give him a go. Let's give him a little crumb, shall we? Absolutely. And we did. And we did. and here he is. And so here is his name is I believe it's Sam Linger.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Linger. He is from a town that he lives in and he loves what is he loves comments? He's so hot. It's a comedy podcast. And his name is Sam Lingham. And he is coming and he's, and we've got him on the line. Let's see what he has to say for himself. Sam, take it away. Hey everyone, thanks for having me. It's me, Sam Lingham it away. Hey everyone, thanks for having me. It's me, Sam, Sam Lingham.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Okay. Yeah, fantastic. Sam, we got to say we absolutely loved, we absolutely loved your podcast. We all had a listen to the episode. I did. Yeah, you didn't? Okay, that's great. That's, that's absolutely
Starting point is 00:02:46 a okay. I'm just here to have a fun time with you guys. This doesn't have to be like, you know, a Q&A or anything. We can just have a chat. Oh, great. No, no, no, no. Okay. Oh, I listen to the trailer. I listen to the trailer. I can do it for me. That's okay. I decided, purposely decided, had the time, purposely decided to spend that time doing something else rather than listening to the podcast. So don't know. But what I do know is that Sam, you are on the podcast. Yeah, no. No, it's not for everyone. That's fine if you didn't that's okay. It's not dwell on that but no I'm not what's a call what's a call? Well, yeah What's a call? It's called Margaret Moose to Mars and it's fantastic Wow and I just want to say Sam
Starting point is 00:03:35 I just want to cut in in here and say it's a shame the other guys didn't listen because I I absolutely loved Margaret went to Mars. I thought it was so funny. It was so much. It was very moving. I remember me, it moved to Mars. Yeah, sorry. I slipped up a little bit there. I was so engrossed and I didn't quite get that middle word.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I listened to all six episodes, I think, all in once. All in one. I just, I just binge of them all straight up. Now I've four of their episodes. It's irreversible. Do you have a press release or something? No, I... What?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Sorry. No, so like... You're not all six or eight yet, but that's... Okay. That's great that you're enjoying the podcast. Well, be sure to. So there was only... You didn't send all six.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'm sure I listened to a lot. I definitely listened to everything that was available. Yeah, I did listen to all three episodes and I loved them. Yes, because only three of them are out and I loved them. The fourth one didn't come out this morning but that's okay, it's this morning, it's today.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I got busy, we got lives. I'm happy. And I'm glad you like the first three. Well, I've got a... Oh. The... Now, Sam, I've done my research on this and I'm so excited to talk about Margaret on Mars.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Now, Margaret moves to Mars. I have heard that there's a little bit of O's are planets and A's are rocket ships in this world. Tell us a bit about that. So I think what you've done is you've put up the artwork for the podcast, which is made by the wonderful Annalise Napa, who's done some of the fantastic Don and Design work over the years. I don't know. And, okay, and I think on the text design, there always a planet, and then there's a rocket ship in it, but that's just for the text.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That's not a real thing that's in the podcast. That's not a part of the narrative. No, it's not a planet to planets and and and rocket to rockets and letters the letters that they are Now Sam I have not listened to Margaret Neymars Margaret I've heard great things I think it looks hilarious. It looks absolutely stunning. Tell us how you shocked the thing. How, what cameras, because when I was watching it, I thought, wow, how do you get such incredible visuals
Starting point is 00:06:15 on such a shoestring budget? Now can you explain to me how you did that? So again, we've said it this podcast, and it is a podcast, and we've said it is podcast, so is a podcast and we've said it is podcast. So I'm assuming you want to say what podcasts are there I know. Yes, I listen to them and watch them all the time. So there's no visuals. You can only listen to them.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like, right. Just, yeah. Exactly. I'm glad you saw things in your mind when you were listening and and that was yeah great. Sam mate, can I just say I did, I did actually listen, I know that it was something that you listened to. Absolutely loved it. I binge listened to all four, I just had to listen to the fourth one when you released it this morning. Thanks for something I'm aware of and I remember I was waiting, chomping at the bit, you know, I've been every week for the last four weeks
Starting point is 00:07:06 I've been waiting for each episode to come out and this morning I was very excited for the fourth one to come out. No, I just absolutely adored it. Yeah, okay So yeah, that's great. You're loving them all we did we released three last week So there's only okay two weeks worth of concert. It's like three we just drop a three and then there's one more added in the I know and what I'm saying is that that week felt like four It was so long. We're all inside so of course. Yeah, Sam Sam Sam I want to know from you who are your comedic Inspirations who are the people you the people you grew up loving
Starting point is 00:07:48 Big fan of multi-pif Python. Yes, I loved them. Legend loved the Chaser Show, on the ABC. Big fan of Peep Show, such a great program. I've got to say, I've got to say. I've got to say, I have not seen the podcast that you're talking about. But I have read the first episode and I wanted to know when you were writing it, what kind of prose was it that you were, because I noticed that it switches tenses, it goes from first tense to first person to second person.
Starting point is 00:08:25 What is it about a podcast that made you want to write? So we did write it, but not in the like we didn't actually, so it's, we wrote the story, wrote out. It was a great read. It was a great read. So it's not, you can't read it because it's just, those are some just Google documents with an outline of a story and then we improvised the beats and then sort of Develop it as we go along. Well, that's not, yeah, that's how some of the greats work as well like Robin Williams who he would just get up on stage and just come up with things off the top of his head. So maybe he's his radio plays a bit like Robin Williams. And then it definitely reminded me of Robin Williams when I was listening.
Starting point is 00:09:07 All that riffing he did when he played at Ladden, there was a lot of that playful riffing in all four episodes. But I've got to say, I listened to all four and I loved every moment, but my absolute favorite moment in all four episodes is that wonderful character and the job interview scene where she's doing the job interview. That's why absolute favorite scene in all four episodes of the podcast that I loved that one. Yeah, that's the first scene in the first. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And I loved all of it, but that was my particular favorite moment. Well, my personal favorite moment, Sam, was the moment when Margaret gets in that rocket chip and moves to Mars.
Starting point is 00:09:56 That for me, when that happened, I was like, wow, this is really going some unexpected places. I didn't, I didn't, that really took me by surprise. And that's, okay. So that's the name of the show and it sort of, it said it's gonna happen in the intro and then this sort of A scene before it happens, then it happens, it happens really soon with it.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And it's a lot, it's sort of more about, it's more about what happens when she's there as opposed to the actual physical shift, you know what I mean. Now, that's really fun. I hear that you have a Facebook page where people can go and look at Margaret goes to Mars and I keep on doing that. Moves to Mars. Yeah, and it was Easter, so you released a Christmas episode. Is that right? Yeah, so I just did a post this morning,
Starting point is 00:10:47 so it just happened to be that our Christmas episode came out on Monday after Easter, I thought, I'll conflate the two ideas with the Christian holidays. So yeah, that's the Facebook post I did this morning. And it was great. So how did you guys meet? I made it with Michelle Brazier who's a big look a long time done. I love it. We love love Michelle
Starting point is 00:11:16 So what she does She's done so much stuff. She's known for her work in the merger and Sean Colossum as hell. What's the merger? So the merger was a film made by Damien Kellenen, that's a Australian film. What is a film? So a film is like moving pictures with audio that goes along with it. It's like a story that you can watch. A picture. A picture.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Moving pictures. Now Sam, I have not seen the podcast, but I am absolutely fascinated by the name. Margaret moves to Mars. How did you come up with that? And why is it called Margaret moves to Mars? Well, I couldn't figure that out. After listening to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:12:04 which I absolutely loved by the way My biggest question was how did they come up such a wacky name? So we knew we wanted to character to go to Mars after a breakup And then I just really like a little ratio and assonance as well so that that that repetition of the Mars sounds like Margaret moves to so Margaret and Mars Margaret and Mars and then and then now put that in two words. It's only in two of the four words. So there's a littleeration in in three of the words and then there's assinance in two of the words.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Sam my man I've just got one question for you here just a moment. Now I know quite well that you are a member of Antidona. Yes, Sam, can you tell me a little bit about who Antidona are and what your role is with them. I love Antidona, by the way, and I love your starring role in Antidona. So, Antidona, a Melbourne based sketch comedy team. Yes. You know a hit YouTube channel with lots of hits series like Glenridge secondary college and they have a world-class live show which is to it to North America and the UK and Hong Kong Australian New Zealand all over the world. And they also have the podcast where they sort of just go on silly riffs and silly tangents. Can I say Sam, you're always my favorite part of the anti-donna crew. I always loved seeing
Starting point is 00:13:31 you in Glen Ridge secondary college and those live shows in Hong Kong and of course on the podcast. You're always my favorite character. So I was so excited to see you and I think you've done just such a wonderful job playing all these characters in Margaret and you could go into Mars. So great job there. I should have clarified while I do appear in Glenridge secondary college. Briefly, I mainly write a sort of behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:13:56 They don't really see me perform. Oh, and you stood out in that moment that you were in so wonderfully. Where the man was whispering into my cock. Yes. Now, I just wanted to, you said something very interesting and this is a show where we deep dive with creatives. I want to mention something a little bit earlier.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Now, you mentioned a picture. Now, what is a picture? So a picture is a 2D representation of something that you would see in the world, often realized, it could be stylized. It could be an imagination. picture is a 2D representation of something that you would see in the world, often really stylized. It could be imagination. Imagine it's either you guy in it, like a memory put onto a flat surface or something you could conjure in your mind, put onto a flat surface. And that was probably my favorite thing about the podcast, Sam, was the pictures, all the days, no pictures. Now I have listened to every
Starting point is 00:14:45 episode. I absolutely love it. But my favorite bit were all those cookie crazy pictures. Now did you draw those yourself? So that there are no pictures in the podcast. There are two to some artwork. And there's a picture that goes with the artwork. Yes. Wonderful, wonderful picture. You can get my analyst Napa, but no, there's no, it's an audio experience. Now Sam, I do have to say, you mentioned memories there. Of course, I did my research. I know what a memory is. For any of the listeners who maybe don't know what a memory is, do you want to just explain that to them for? Okay, so as you're living, things happen to you and you perceive these things
Starting point is 00:15:29 through your five senses, which are, you know, site touch, smell. Of course, site touch, smell, and taste. What was that, sorry, yeah, nouns and taste. So, site, smell, touch, nouns and taste. The five senses, the listeners would know this, that would understand this. And you perceive these events
Starting point is 00:15:46 and when you perceive them and they sort of go into your brain and you can bring them out later, you can recall them and those events that you recall, those are memories. Yes, okay. You mentioned something very, very interesting there. I'm, you know, educated at Box Hill Tafe.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I am a man of the world. I know what's going on. You said events. Yep. Just explain to our listeners, what is an event? An event is something that is put on. So, so, so some people will go, I'm going to get some other people together
Starting point is 00:16:20 for a specific purpose and at a time and a place. And that would be what an event is. Is anything that is organized to be on? Bye. A group of people. Like anyone. Bye. Anyone.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Anyone can organize it. Anyone, anyone. Sam, like anyone, it's been so fascinating hearing you talk about this fantastic TV show. Now, are you okay to stick around? Because we're coming up to the top of the hour and it is a newsbreak. Can you stick around, Shem? Yes, sure. It's coming up to the top of the uh, described as ambitious by the sports minister. The NRL is leading the charge to get sport restarted, planning gains by next month, but Australia's Federal Sports Minister is urging
Starting point is 00:17:32 all codes to have patience amid the coronavirus pandemic. A man in Queensland was refused ambulance while in hotel quarantine as he was released from ICU. A 70 year old coronavirus patient whose case sparked a major inquiring to the Hotel Quarantine system in Western Australia is moved out of intensive care and is back his cheeky old self according to his wife of 54 years. Tributes flow for the former Richmond Premiership Player Michael Bowden. Former Richmond Tigers Premiership Player Michael Bowden has remembered his fierce footballer, inspiring educator and compassionate family man after his death from motor neuron disease at the age of 73. A state-by-state breakdown, who
Starting point is 00:18:14 did the right thing over Easter, police around the country, you should find for reaching coronavirus rules over Easter, but overall people followed rules and stayed home. And that was the news. And I hope you enjoyed the news because there is no more news ever where cancelling the news segment from ABC, Australia's worst hit coronavirus. Well, it's back. Two more deaths, I mean, that are sustained and significant drop in the number of new infections. Something health minister Brad Hazard describes as moving in the right direction.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And no news ever. But we do have a Tasmanian government calls and assistance from the federal government and Australian defence forces. It tries to contain a coronavirus outbreak in the states northwest. It's three past four, back to ABC News Gipseland. My mistake there, we did have one more news. I thought we only had six newses today, but we had one more news. Now we have two special guests on with us today, not to talk about the news. We have of course Sam Lingham, writer, director, voice actor and star of Margaret Inside Mars, the tale of a woman who's mining Mars for gold. And this is a real podcast you can listen to on Spotify or iTunes. It's a real one that Sam has made and you can go listen to and you should listen to it. If you are a budding jewel thief, you will love this because it shows you how to break into the Berlin Museum and steal your self-a-jewel.
Starting point is 00:19:58 That's Margaret inside Mars and of course we have a third guest because I consider myself a guest. Why? Because I don't belong here. I don't think it's self-evident. I think everyone knows. I don't fit in. I know I don't fit in. I never have. Basic concepts are, you're a terrible interviewer. I just have one more question for Sam. Well, while he drills you, Sam, I've heard a little bit about this Margaret
Starting point is 00:20:29 going moving to Mars. And there's some very big characters. Is that right? Yep. There's lots of fun, wacky characters. Lots of them. You, Margaret, the man, they hoard tigers and move them around.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And they have sex with one another and kill one another the tigers Are all all part of it. Is that right? There's no tigers. There's a bit of sex and death, but no Tiger I think Everyone's talking about this show aren't they? I think it's I think maybe you've got my podcast confused with a live-action remake of the Jungle Book. No, I love the... I read the Jungle Book to my child, Nathan, every now and then. So there's a big tiger in that. Oh, it's about people, they fuck each other and they have tigers and then...
Starting point is 00:21:19 I don't know if there's any much fucking in the Jungle Book. I'm not talking about the Jungle Book. I'm not talking about the jungle book. He's clearly not talking about the jungle book. Talk about a fucking tiger king. It's clearly talking about jokes that are gonna tiger king. I'm talking about the Netflix series, The Tiger King, can't hold. I'm not sure what that is.
Starting point is 00:21:38 You're a can Sam, you're a fucking can. It's a Netflix series, what's a Netflix series? Don't, you don't get it. No, you don't get it. What, don't you don't get it. No, stop doing that to you. What's, what's, cause I've seen the jungle book, but I have no idea what this tiger thing is. You're talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Sam, you, I guess you, Margaret Bruce de Mars stars the rock playing Johnson and we've got them on right now as, and that's true. The rock. Hey, thank you so much for having me i'm not actually in margarine moves to mars but i am in uh... jim manji but not the first one that's got uh... the funny man from a lad in it
Starting point is 00:22:16 what i mean jim manji uh... but the rock uh... okay What are you doing? What the rock is cooking? Oh, okay. Oh, that's my brother, Dwight. Sorry, oh no, it's been a confusion.
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's been a big confusion, I'm so sorry. This is probably why you were so confused last time I was on the podcast. Right, it's from the podcast. I think you were just playing audio of my brother Dwayne the Rock Johnson. The big confusion here is I'm Wayne the Rock Johnson. Ah, now what, but you're in Jumanji. Yeah, he gave me, he let me do a part, I played one of the birds running at them. Have you, okay, have you, Wayne?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, I'm Wayne. And you're called Wayne, the rock Johnson. Yeah, I'm wearing the rock Johnson. You can't get mad at people for getting confused. Yeah, you listen to Margaret goes to Mars. I love it. I listen to her when I'm at the gym and I do my weight. Thank you, Wayne. Wayne.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah. Yeah. Now this, we were doing like an ABC, Gips Land sort of like it is. We're doing, like, the anti-donners experience whenever we do promotion for a live show or a series coming up, we'll often go on a press tour and the only people who want to speak to us are rural Journal, the rural radio shows from the public broadcast of the ABC who have no clue who the fuck we are We were doing that kind of thing with Sam, but why are you now? So I was I was Zach
Starting point is 00:24:00 Zach sent me a text message saying that he was a bit over playing Zach and so I came in on a big... in my private jet I drove him a big car, I guess it's cheat day so it's French toast and tequila for me. Why, what, how do you justify you having a plane I'm not just an actor anymore. When I lost the part to Tom Cruise in the movie Um, what's the movie Tom Cruise was in where he was meant to be told but he was little Be a tall spy man. He's a tall spy man. The movie Tom Cruise is in it Lee Lee no Tom Cruise is in the movies Lee Spiderman. No, Tom Cruise is in the movies, A Spiderman.
Starting point is 00:24:46 A Spiderman. So Tom Cruise is a guy and he fights people in bars and stuff. A Spiderman. A Spiderman. He's a spy. He's a spy man. And the guy in the book was tall. Sam, you might know, he was tall in the book,
Starting point is 00:25:00 but is it and blonde? Is it essentially Jack Reacher? Yeah, I was going to play Jack Reacher and I didn't get the part so that I I made a part for myself in in fast and the furious five Since then I've been not just an actor, but a producer $7 yeah, yeah, I'm the rock the rock was in class in the series five. And he obviously, this is information that Zach would know, is that Zach is that the rock went for Jack Reacher and they gave it to Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yeah, yeah, Zach would know that. I don't really know Zach that well. Anyway, I'm Wayne the rock jumpsome. And I was also in fast five. Like the rock jumpsome. Why do you think Wayne's a name to your brother? Yeah, do I, in the rock? John shop Johnson
Starting point is 00:25:47 J.O.H.M.S.O.M. So I have a different last name because I changed it by Deed Paul But do you want to talk to Sam about his thing? Why you hear that? Yeah, that's why I've come on to talk to Sam about his story and to offer him a movie contract because I would like to make a movie of your Pum cast wow my brother Dwayne I'm sorry to say but it is already a movie. That's what he's here promoting is his film Don't listen to him is not a movie it is a podcast. So he could become a movie. Yeah, we take a movie You'd like to make a movie. You'd like to make a movie of your podcast. Yeah, let's make a movie. Pitch it to me. Pitch your podcast to me. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Yeah, I loved it. My favorite scene was the job interview scene. That's the first scene in the first episode. Have you listened to any more? Yeah, yeah, listen to all six of them. I binge them. The daily cast. I can't see them. I'm not only four hours of now. Yeah, I can't wait to make a movie of your podcast. Margaret goes to Mars. Of course, I'll play the role of Margaret. An Emily Blunt will play the role of Mars. Okay, so Mars, yeah, so no, no, no, no, no. Well, so Mars is a character. Oh, Mars is not a character.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I've got a little bit of a... Mars is just Mars. I have not seen Mars. I have not watched the thing. I haven't seen it. Yeah, but that makes everyone's... Everyone's a winner. ...and Mars is another character.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Mars is not another character. That's the big thing for me. That has been the big thing. I haven't taken in your media, unfortunately Sam. I'm not really big on movies at the moment. I'm mostly listening to podcasts. It is a podcast. Yeah, but that's how...
Starting point is 00:27:42 Can I say no? I don't listen to those serious sort of this American life kind of podcast. I might prefer like my ideal podcast would be a group of really talented comedians getting together with a loose structured plot, but then improvising out the scene. So that's probably why I haven't really listened to your podcast. Yeah, I think that's why it didn't stick for me either. Is a much more a fan of that rather than these sort of informative kind of, you know, breaking down scientific.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It was a bit too scientific for me and a little too much about how you would move to Mars and not enough money. That's why I click for me. Okay, so what you've gone and described, I don't know how you've done this, is exactly what the podcast is. So the answer is, you've to describe what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:34 That's it. I'm not actually all that interested in your podcast unfortunately. I'd much rather listen to a podcast starring, maybe, Michelle Brazier, who I love, or Ben Russell, or maybe Vince from if it's for lazy dinner. Yeah if it's for lazy. Tim. Tim Langhasta. Tim Langhasta. Tim Langhasta. Is Tim Langhasta stars in this? I'm a show. this is how podcasted it. Well, this sent him to the show. And Misha Whitrop as well.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Misha Whitrop, I love Misha Whitrop. She does stuff with Zach. Sam, I feel awful that we haven't prepared for this. You've made an effort, you've got your girlfriend's microphone out, you've put it on her computer, you you put it so much effort to be here. I feel bad, I'm gonna do something for you right now. Guys, I'm gonna play episode one through the microphone in its entirety now.
Starting point is 00:29:37 So people don't need to go download your one, they can just do it. Are we sure that's the best, just the audio quality like I Don't know I don't know if you're holding your phone up to Australia's John's podcast network Is this good In my life lately I broke up with John
Starting point is 00:30:03 John I broke up with meno. Or Jonno broke up with me, depending on who you took to. I broke up with Jonno. And now I'm moving to the Australian settlement on Mars. It should be... Now, who is that weird voice? That alien voice? I haven't heard anywhere. Is that an actor?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Sorry, I'll answer's wrap that, sorry. What is that noise? Someone is tummy rumbling? I'm mad! Wait, wait. I've just been to my crystal palace and I've done weight. So why are you mad? Now the test I've thrown is pumping through my bod.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And I'm mad that none of you listen to Sam's wonderful podcast. I'm off podcast at the moment. I've been consuming too many of them and it's showing in my thighs and my belly. So that is why I haven't had anything to do with the podcast. I think he has confused a podcast for a pandemic. I have, I have, I have an eye. I'm confused a podcast for a delicious stack of pandemics. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And it all came together. He is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna go home I'm gonna sit down with the big stack of pandemics. I'm gonna put on your podcast Sam and and Listen to it and that's what you should do at home You fucking dumb cunts. I've already sent it to it. I don't want to say it again.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Sham, sham, sham, sham, sham, sham, sham, sham, sham, sham. It's been a pleasure having you on the podcast. We've got to get out of here. Sam, where can people have a listen to Margaret Goams to mom's? Margaret Moves to Mars. Yeah. You can find us on social media. It's on all the podcast things everywhere you get them. Oh, is it on, is it on Spotify? Sure, it's on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Oh, is it on? It's on Scramble. Yep. Is it on Sclib? Podbean. He's a bit of work, but we got it on Sclib. We got it on Podbean. Podbean. We got it on Podbean. All right, is it got it on Sclib we got on pod bean pod bean We're gonna pop bean all right. It's got it on sunshine. Have you got on stitcher? No, we didn't get on stitcher. Ah Oh, maybe is it like a is it like a paywall is not behind a paywall? It's for you're a fucking is it on Fly Delta app
Starting point is 00:32:41 Sure, all right is on, but I'm not sure if you don't need that work. It's on, no, it's not on w. I'm on that. You are. Yes. Yeah. No, your brother is. Oh, hump.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Are you on the roof? I'm on it. It's on. No, oh, ho. Are you on the S.E.N. app? We're working on it. Same thing. Same thing. Thank you so much for? We're working on it. Same as emails.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Sam, thank you so much for coming and we really appreciate it. Is there anything you want to plug? Ah! We've got... You go to the Arnie Donner YouTube channel. We just got cinema. We're releasing some sketches. Oh, I think you're going to get the roadpaper coming out of the moment,'re releasing some sketches. Oh, good, good, the road
Starting point is 00:33:25 paper coming out of the moment, which is some sketches we shot last year. So if you want to get on there and have a watch, I guess, they're all right. Sam Goodsberg from Northcutt Melbourne there with a wonderful show to watch, check it out. it out kind of the name of it Margaret's out of here and she's going to other planets Margaret's out of here yeah that's right that's right uh so Zach um Wayne the rock top and mark top Thanks for having me thanks so much for having us it's been a great podcast and uh we'll see you on the next podcast.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Bye!

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