Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 190 - Aunty Donna Turn on Their Fans

Episode Date: April 24, 2020

Today we turn on you, you dogs. Listen Kents if you don't like naughty words do not listen to this ep. Cheers Kent. auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna... Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. So we've got your Kant money. Not God, please. I don't want your Kant money. Everyone wants your Kant money. Kant money. How about you?
Starting point is 00:00:16 And welcome to the second podcast episode of this week. We just, you know, this comes out a little bit later in the week. And while we're at home, we just, we thought we a little bit later in the week and while we're at home, we just, we thought we, and we had the energy, we thought we might do another podcast for you. And the thing that came up to us is we realised when we were finished recording the last podcast is we weren't done with you fucking cunts. So we just thought we'd release an extra fucking podcast. Just say fuck you. Yeah, because I said,
Starting point is 00:00:46 fucking listeners. Because now I want to fucking make it very fucking clear. All right. I said that we need your Kant money, but that's just so we can fucking buy expensive gaming chairs and fucking nice pair like Nike suits and boiler, Nike shoes and boiler suits you fucking idiots We're taking your fucking money. We're spending on the shit that's important to us. You fucking I just did a fucking grocery shop for the week
Starting point is 00:01:13 You fucking that's so fucking responsible of you Fuck, sorry guys. Can I just I'm taking a fuck you down a notch. Can I just take it down a notch here? I just want to be really clear, we recorded this immediately after our last podcast, and I got a little hot, I got a little hot headed in the last podcast, if you want to listen back to that. And I said some things I regret. I said that I told you, bro, then to fuck off, I told Mark to fuck off, I told Tom to fuck off. I told Mark to fuck off. I told Tom to fuck off.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I told all the listeners that were listening that didn't like our new direction to fuck off. I told all the listeners that were giving it a go to fuck off. I told all of our patrons, all the people supporting us at the anti-donner club to fuck off. I said I didn't want their cunt money. And I just want to say I regret that. And the reason I regret that is because I feel I left out people that just like the new direction full stop.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So to them, so I said fuck off to those that didn't like it and those that didn't like it, but we're giving it a go. But to those that liked last week's podcast, I have one message to you. And that's fuck off, cunt. and when you say fuck off can't Zack it gets me steamed. Yeah, you like a little pork bun Yes, steamed scallion a steamed a steamed scallion you're a steamed little scallion like a like a spring onion Sort of like a small onion, yes. Okay. So you're like a stewed scallion weird. Yeah, so fucking, where are you fucking steam in spring onions? Come off. What? It's me. This is a little bit aggressive here. I just want to say
Starting point is 00:02:57 Mark, turn down the aggression and turn up the fuck off, come. Yeah, fuck off, comes. I've got a lot of you. So I've had a fucking gutful of fucking fans coming along. Oh, no, fucking fucking yeah. Yeah, fuck you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know how I've had a fucking gutful love? All right, I've got a fucking gutful of this fucking COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Oh, shit, all right. COVID-19, fuck off. Fuck off. Let me go out some of my fucking friends, have a fucking picnic. Let me go to church. Let me go to choir practice. You fucking COVID, fucking piece of shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I'm sorry, man. Is it a little bit hard self-isolating? Are you a little bit, do you not like self-isolating? No, no, no, no, no. Oh, is it a little bit difficult? Maybe you want to live in the slums of Mumbai Where they can't sell rice late because they don't have running water in their fucking houses Fuck off, can't oh, oh yeah, Zach. Oh yeah, just because I'm not living in a fucking third world country
Starting point is 00:04:05 You fucking prick doesn't mean I have problems of my own. Oh, I should take every problem I have and I should put it in the bin because there are other people worse off than me. Oh, I'm such a fucking cat. You know what? I deserve it. Tell me to fuck off. I love it. I love it. I want to hear a fuck off mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. I'm going to level with you, man. Have we lost sack? I think we lost. We didze. You're gonna know the crazy, strange thing. I mean, we're all recording this on our own. Fuck off. Zach, I only heat fucking shit. Well, you're not gonna fucking say it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm fucking fucking. You're fucking off. I want to fuck off. Can I please say my fucking piece? Listen, Cun, this fucking Cun's in Mumbai. I'm fucking listening to this, man. Fucking podcast. And you're fucking fucking around.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Fuck off, Cun. Fuck off, Cun. Yeah, fuck off, Cun. Yeah, fuck off, Cun. Oh, excuse Excuse me. Well Facebook is trying to start a not-for-profit so they have access to the internet So they can listen to our podcast, but people like you just want to make the him the bad guy so fuck off. Can Anyway, so what I was trying to say was me I thought mark was like I thought mark was the one that was breaking up But actually it was me because the connection is it is a two way thing I thought oh no, he's Mark breaking up and then it turned out it was funny That is funny. That is funny little thing. Yeah, but I do want to say sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, sorry, sorry. I'm so sorry. I need to interrupt Tom. Yes. This is oh Mark Zacken I have been building a fucking back and forth on stage, off stage, on screen. For a long time now. We are working in rhythms and timing that you. Shut your fucking mouth, you can't. We are talking, you shut the fuck up. Is that clear? We talk, you shut the fuck up and you fucking listen. You fucking backdoor hit can't. Can I ask you something, can't?
Starting point is 00:05:57 Oh, all this speaks. I'll ask you something, can't. I fuck up by all means. By all means, can't for this. We're talking about fuck off. We've got this on stage energy camp who's in the fucking sand desk for the last five fucking years giving you fucking cues camp some can some can some can by the name of Thomas Armstrong Right he's there he's the fourth member. He's the guy who's fucking the most in tune with you stupid cunts on stage Then anyone else on the fucking planet mate? Oh yeah, fucking right. Tell me what you fucking do then, Cunt. I could fucking learn it with my
Starting point is 00:06:30 teeth on my ass. It's not about fucking learning it, Cunt. It's about having a fucking reporter and an energy and an understanding, a telekinesis fucking understanding between the texts and the fucking actors mate. Cunts, look, I don't want Broden to have to stick his tits up his ass. All right, I don't want that down. I thought I got that through. I thought I got that through. Well, you didn't, Cunt, all right? Because you're a dumb cunt.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Now, I don't want him to have to fucking do that, all right? He is now, there's tensions between us. I'm telling Zack to fuck off. He's telling me to fuck off. And I have a message for you that I haven't gotten around to. One sec. Fucking interrupt him. So fuck off, one sec, one, you just fuck it up to my point.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You just fucking interrupted me, dumb cunt. All right, I don't get that. Take just a little bit of your own fucking. Put it in your fucking cell. It's cream and your fucking scallion. Put in your fucking baked potato. Shut your fucking Harry trap. Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Fuck you, fucking cunt. Fuck you. All right, make your fucking point. This is what I can make mine come. Well, here's one fucking thing we can all agree on, alright? There's one can't that needs to fuck off. Alright, we're telling each other to fuck off. Max Miller can fuck off. Yeah, directo, that directo.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Max Miller, alright, our director, alright. This little Greek fucking piece of shit, alright. He's so fucking, he's the wogiest greasiest fucking fuck of art eating piece of shit you allowed to say that yeah not really I would say about 50% take 50% this can't even do Greek Easter on fucking Sunday mate right what fuck off fucking fuck off not even do Greek Easter on fucking Sunday mate. He can fuck off. He can fuck off not doing fucking Greek Easter. He's whatever family he has left, whatever family is dead,
Starting point is 00:08:13 would be rolling around, they'd be sticking their tits up their ass if he fucking knew that. That's what they'd be doing. Listen, he's my thing, right? Oh, is it? Is it your thing here? Oh, what a fucking thing. You do have a fucking thing to say. But no, you say it's that.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And I'll eventually get to my thing, can't. I fucking remember Zach very fucking clearly saying, I can talk to myself. Oh, you don't have to talk to me. I can talk to myself. I said he could talk, can't. Oh, no, you fucking said something. I said he could talk, can't.
Starting point is 00:08:40 All right, well then let's let, I'll just let fucking broden walk all over you like the fucking dorm that you are you fuck off Fuck off you fucking piece of shit Broden please and then maybe we'll get to my fucking flag You're fucking doing isn't it get there? I say my fucking things. Yeah, I say my apologies man. You go you go fuck off That's it. That's what you have to fucking tell you got to say. There's not enough for you fucking dog. No, it's not
Starting point is 00:09:09 Thanks for fucking Steam rolling over the fucking conversation to get to your little fuck off mate Do you have any other fucking often so we could jump on that and go down the rail road of fun. No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you. You fucking piece of shit. Go Zach now if you want to fucking go. Now I have three things. I said I had two things. Now I have three things. I have three things I've got three things Alright, can I do my first thing? I'm fucking walking around I've got so many things I get to do with it It's really cool
Starting point is 00:09:50 You're worse than a fucking poly mate You're worse than a fucking poly flip flopping all your- I've got two things I had two things and then two people decided to talk so Fucking much that I needed to find a third thing Hey, Kevin 07 mate Kevin 07 Let's see if from Kevin 07 I'm 0 fucking seven. Let's hear from fuck. Oh fucking seven I'm not like heaven fucking 07 I can flip first thing first thing if you are going to talk for me
Starting point is 00:10:12 If you are going to defend me in my need to make a point maybe don't take up five fucking minutes of my fucking time doing it Fucking hypocrite Fucking dog shit fucking I know the fucking definition of irony mate Right? I thought I got a fucking eye in the ass It's not the time for bitch I said I really fucking fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:10:34 Oh my god, I look fucking here you dickhead Maybe you fucking possible Mark, man bro just wanted to make a point Sorry If you'd asked us a month ago Could we do a podcast over the internet and make it have fun energy back and forth? We would all say no, it's impossible. Look where we are now. Absolutely. So, back to it. Absolutely. So, number two, I wanted to say, Mark, you said to me about
Starting point is 00:11:01 your own issues, your own personal problems, and that I raised the issues of COVID in the slums and those sort of overpopulated areas that don't have running water. Obviously medicine, some frontier or doctors without borders have written extensive articles about, I mean, how do you deal with one, I think one square kilometer is a million people or five square kilometers is a million people and they don't have running water so they can't self-isolate. Now obviously you pointed out just because that's happening doesn't mean your own personal well-being or mental health isn't struggling.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So for that I want to apologize and I want to say I want to look inward for a moment and I want to say to Zach Rwain to myself, fuck off, can't. I really appreciate that man. I know you appreciate it. We can say fuck off, can't talk. So I'd still had a third point, can't. Can't. All right, can't. All right, can't.
Starting point is 00:11:53 All right, can't. I was literally... Can't. Just engaging with what you were saying. Fill out at the third point. So I just want to... I've just done some googling on my phone here. I just did a Google,
Starting point is 00:12:03 and I just wanted to read out a couple of recipes, fun little recipes I found here. Steamed scallion buns. Oh wow, Chinese flour rolls and that looks like a steamed bun filled with scallions. So Chinese scallions. So it's been cut. So it's been cut. So it's been cut. So it's been cut. Oh wow, that's so many things with scallions. In the bucket buns. Can't, can't, oh well, there's so many things with the scallions that are steamed. Oh, don't, you can't steam a scallion. Oh, you can't, oh you can't, oh you can't steam a scallion.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh, you can't steam a scallion. That's what I'm fucking asking, right? And you're just taking a big bunch of fucking scallions, steaming them on their own. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, are they part of an ingredient to another fucking scallion? Did I say scallions steamed on their fucking own? Did I say that? You know what? I said, scallions steamed on their fucking own? Did I say that? You know what? I said steamed scallions.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yes, steamed scallion is steamed on a steamed scallion, but I was just talking to myself. No, I'm asking your fucking drama can I want I fucking do it I'm not fucking interested in it mate I fucking interested it can I can't fucking so I'm not I hate so many fucking characters from you mate Oh I hear who I'm a funny character.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Just fucking goes in one ear and out the other can't. What the fuck is that got to do with the price of tea in China? I just can't fucking move the fuck to you mate. What the fuck is that got to do with anything can't? I'm talking about fucking steamed scallions in a fucking dumpling and you're talking about my characters. Way to get fucking personal, can't. Fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I want to... It's next left. It's next left. It's next left. So now... Oh, that we're left with this delicious sizzler steak with chicken. If you are watching this,
Starting point is 00:13:58 on Patreon we're just left with a delicious Sicilian steak. But if you are still on the club then you're not leaving. You are a fucking can't know. You're a fucking idiot. We don't care whether you fuck off, stay, fuck off, whatever. Like we give a shit. Because we don't need your can't money. Well, we do need your can't money.
Starting point is 00:14:16 There is his back. He's back. I knew you couldn't get rid of Zach. I knew you couldn't get rid of him. There he is. He's back man. And his back is chirpy. Oh There he is. He's back man. He's back. He's chirpy. He's coming in and out.
Starting point is 00:14:28 He's coming in and out. He's back to his old Zach self. Tell him people to fuck off. Fuck off God. Fuck off God. I don't know what this is. I don't know what this is. It's one of these other fucking goofy characters.
Starting point is 00:14:43 This is what I'm fucking. It's my goofy character I'll tell you my new goofy characters. You want to meet my new goofy character? I've been working on him You want to meet him? Yeah, it's called Tom Armstrong. Oh, I'm a big gun I'm just a big dumb con. I you like that character Tom Sorry, I could make him I should make him a little less realistic calm down calm down calm down, okay? I just want to say You have always said that your thing
Starting point is 00:15:10 Is that you do characters, but you do bad characters, and that's what you're quite Never said that can't you work can't be fucking dead you are saying you go somewhere with this can't so fucking shut You fucking little dude And let me go I'm listening. I'm the only go mate. I'm listening, I'm all ears mate. I'm gonna give you the space you didn't sit me. You didn't sit me. Are you fucking done? Are you fucking done?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, I'm done, mate. Are you? Because you keep fucking running your mouth. Because I say, are you done? And then you're like, Yeah, I am. So are you fucking done? Or are you not fucking done? I'm done, mate. I'm ready to eat you. Are you fucking done? Or are you not fucking done? I'm just gonna go fucking done. I'm just gonna go fucking done. I'm just gonna go fucking out. I'm just gonna go fucking out. I'm just gonna go fucking out. I'm just gonna go fucking out. When are you not fucking done? I'm just gonna go fucking done. I'm just gonna go steam a whole bowl of scallions.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Because that's what you think I find you do. I know that's what you're gonna do because that's what you fucking implied before can't, right? Cause a fucking dumpling with scallions in it. No, fuck her. I fucking dumpling with scallions in it that is steamed. What is in that? Tell me what has happened to those scallions in that dumpling.
Starting point is 00:16:01 It's the bad! No! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! And they are completely raw. They're just completely raw.
Starting point is 00:16:11 They're fried. So this is an amazing thing that happens when you steam a scallion bun. It's the bun. Every ingredient has flour, the egg, everything in that fucking dumpling gets steamed except the scallions. They just get fried somehow. That's a fucking idiot You're a fucking idiot, man
Starting point is 00:16:27 You're a fucking idiot, man I know Anyway, what point are you gonna make dumb cunt? I'm ready to listen What? What was going to make fucking what? Fucking what? Yeah, dumb cunt said what?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Dumb cunt said fucking what? Yeah, you, you're the fucking dumb cunt You just said what? Alright, you got me, yeah, you got me You fucking dumb cunt, fuck Listen, you fucking cunt dumb can't you just got me. Yeah, you got me you fucking dumb can't Fuck this new fucking can't I was gonna fucking stick up for you. Yeah, fucking stick up I was gonna do it was I was gonna go usually you do bad characters Yeah, but somehow you managed to do the most accurate interpretation of Tom Armstrong
Starting point is 00:16:59 Yeah, I've ever seen who was the biggest who who I thought I thought was the biggest dumb cunt I know after your fucking little rant after your shitty little fucking piss my pants shit my pants fucking rant You're a little baby piss your pants shit your pants fucking dumb cunt right now There's a bigger dumb cunt that I was the dumb cunt. I'm ready to own that man I was it no you know what it's not you it's fucking Broden and Kelly sitting there saying nothing You're just fucking cow fucking cow It's not fucking engaging letting his best mates fucking tear him apart doesn't fucking come in doesn't mediate Doesn't taste shit
Starting point is 00:17:38 Fucking laugh in that you can shit Of course, just fucking sit back laughing at you can't. Oh, fucking little, little fucking Jack Brussel Terry, a fucking nip in at the ankles can't. You're a fucking fly mate. You're a fucking blip on the radar mate. You're fucking make me laugh, you're fucking crum. You're fucking tanko crum.
Starting point is 00:18:00 You're a fucking tanko crum. You fucking pray this isolation lasts forever, can't. Yeah, cause as soon as we're allowed to fucking call you in, I fucking hope that more people die. That's what you fucking want, is it? I hope more fucking people can see. You said I hope COVID keeps going. To that I say fuck you and I fucking think you should be
Starting point is 00:18:19 fucking canceled, mate. I think you should never be at a fucking work again. You're fucking crumb. You've manipulated them. You've called me a crumb, which out of fucking work again. You're fucking crums. You've manipulated them. You've called me a crum, which is very fucking a thing. A fucking panko crum, you shit. You called me a fucking panko crum, right? The best of the crums.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The best of the crums, we all know it. The best of the crums, we all know it. It's a great crum, it's the best of the crums. It's a lovely crum, it's a Japanese bread crum. It's a lovely crum, man. Lovely crum. The best of the crums. Have a fucking container over there, can.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I'm sure you do. You're fucking pretzel. I'm planning on making a fucking eggplant. Panko bread crumb parma jianny. You fucking dick Khan. You're a fucking pretzel, Khan. You're a fucking darn hot. Oh yeah, Broden.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Can I just ask you a question, man? You're always fucking talking about this Panko crumb fucking eggplant shit. Oh, sorry, Doc. Don't fucking do it, Khan. Sorry, Doc. Don't actually gonna fucking do it, Khan. Panko crumb fucking eggplant shit. Oh Sorry, don't actually gonna fucking do it. Can't step up and this way This week this week needs tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow fucking make it can't if you're so fucking good at eggplant Fucking parmesan is fucking make it then can't I just actually want to change the fucking topic for a second here
Starting point is 00:19:24 Because I thought it was a little unfair. There's what, one, two, three, four people here. Now I'm on a con- Con-Count! Big sis! Oh, very good! Very good. Very good, man.
Starting point is 00:19:36 This doesn't have anything to do with you, can't. Ooh, what are you fucking letting this go, can't? This has nothing to do with you. Mommy, I can count you four! Mummy! I put my feet, but I can count! You are too much, can't. You are too poop-a-pat.
Starting point is 00:19:54 You do fucking poo and shit and piss your pants like a fucking face. Go fuck yourself, Mark. Go fuck yourself, Rodin. I said I'm saying something very important here. There are four fucking members of this group here right now, but there are six all up. And I just want to say that someone earlier in this fucking podcast said something pretty fucking offensive
Starting point is 00:20:12 to the other two members of that group. Why are we going? Oh, okay, here we go. So someone knows what he's about. He knows what he's saying. I know what you're fucking talking about. So what happened? Well, we were having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Brodom was saying some, I will admit fair things about the cunt that does our sound and what did he say? What did he say? Now he said he was the fourth member of this group. Like in his head, there is a fucking ranking system and he's put one, two, three. He's put Broden, Mark and Zach in the top three. Thank you for that. I don't want to elaborate on that one, two, three. And then you've put yourself at number four. Well, guess what? I was talking about, you thought, I was talking about in a fucking large setting camp.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Does Max come on fucking to a date? For that, no. Sam come on fucking to a date. You thought what? You thought what? You would anonymously say that. Pop it up on the podcast Saturday morning, chuck it up for the fans,
Starting point is 00:21:04 and Max and Sam wouldn't hear well I'm lucky for you Someone shot them a message and let me tell you we've got a response in from Max And I haven't read it yet, but here it is. I said Tom just described himself as the fourth member of the group I sent this to Max. Oh, and I fucking sent it to Tom I meant to send it to Sam so you knew about this Fucking sent it to Tom, I meant to send it to Sam, so you knew about this guy. DICKED! Oh, holy s**t Tom!
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah! And I said, make it aggressive and swearing, I told him he was allowed to do that and what was Max's response is response was, as the third member of the group, this doesn't bother me at all. Fucking smart ass can't. Fuck. He is a fucking smart ass. He fucking loves to run his little fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Doesn't he? He's just fucking. He's a scat, a muto ese, but to go, a mouth. That's nice, just fucking. Here I am, dear friend. He's a very nice guy, but he's always like that. He's fucking bringing out, right? Oh, I own my own property. I have a fucking fiance. He fucking makes me sick. He makes me fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:21:59 He's always rubbing it in my fucking face. Me, I can't get my fucking misses to fucking accept my proposal. I'm over here fucking asking her every fucking day, right? Getting turned down. Oh, he asked the love of his life, the fucking marium. She says, yes, what a fucking can't. He doesn't have to fucking rub that in my face. Why on a fucking house?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Oh, good for you, can't. Good for fucking you. And Mark, I understand why you're mad. For him to drop you down to fifth in the ranking is outrugging, no. I'm gonna say I understand why you're mad. He's the man who's the fucking fifth. You were the fucking, and then you fucking fifth.
Starting point is 00:22:37 You're fucking sixth, you're fucking fucking fifth. You're fucking fifth, you're fucking fifth. You're fucking sixth, can't. No, that's where it is. All right, yeah, I'll take on fifth, I'll fucking take on Vimported, what? Fifth can't, you're fucking sixth can't, you're fucking sixth can't. Fucking true color show and now can't.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fucking true color show and now can't. Yeah, fucking cop that, I always saw this in you can't, I always saw this color in you and you've always, oh, coming in with you, Oh, Zach, how you going? Can I get you a coffee mate? You fucking coming in with your polite little things? I always fucking saw it in you.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You are a fucking snake, Mark. You are a fucking snake. You're a fucking trumpet mate. You are a fucking snake. I've always seen this in you. You're a fucking thing in your off, Mark. You fucking listen to me, you're a fucking street trumpet, alright? Anyone walking down the fucking street,
Starting point is 00:23:28 pick you up, start playing, you're like a fucking fiddler, mate. You're fucking, you know, you're fucking, you don't know shit, you know, you fucking talk, like you're a fucking cheesecake, alright? Like you've got fucking crumbs, come here, and not panco, alright, I'm talking fucking biscuit crumbs, can can't you are a biscuit crumbed can't That's all I have to fucking say about that
Starting point is 00:23:54 So this week's topic for the podcast is Cool dancers hmm But we've probably run out of time for it. Mark, I'm so proud of him. Do you really think that about me, man? That you're a biscuit cheesecake. That actually how you feel, man? I thought we were just joking around. Well, I... I mean, you really think...
Starting point is 00:24:24 I mean, you do have a layer of biscuits underneath you, man. I don't know. Like that's just, you put a layer of biscuits into your shoes. I understand. And no one brings it up. But when you walk around the office, it's like we can hear it. We can hear the crunching.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Last few months, we hear the crunchy biscuits. I get that. I've been putting crumbs in my shoes. Biscuits crumbs in my shoes. Philadelphia cheese sugar mix on my head. Yeah, I've been doing that. And I didn't think that was bothering you guys coming in the office.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It doesn't bother us, it doesn't bother us, but it's not fair. It makes me hungry. It makes us hungry. And if I bring it up, that's not a slight on you, because it is happening. Through the images. Through the images.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It is fair to say. Like, you have to at least agree that it is fair to say. And I'm sorry if it upsets you. That's not my intention here, but to point out that you put biscuits in your shoe every day and then put filly cheese on your head that like that would be lying if I didn't be lying if I didn't bring that up. I thought of a funny ending for this episode so we can come back to it right so it's like it all comes good and then like cheers can and one of you go what did you say and then that's the end of it
Starting point is 00:25:42 you know I mean like it's about to start up again So just think of that as we bring this to work and then go say it wait So do you want this to be positive? Oh cheers can you want to cut this out? But say it and go say it. I'm not fast. I don't say cheers can't Cheers can no you got it no, we got to be good. What do you fucking say come? You got to be nice first and end No, we have to be nice first. And end. No, we have to be nice first. I'm sorry guys, I love you. Bro, didn't know you say cheers can't? Cheers can.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And what you fucking say can't and end. You're such a fucking dumb can't. You're such a fucking dumb can't. No, listen, I'm trying to get you fucking ending. No, but listen to what the can is saying. You're just skipping over all the fucking beats. You're not actually committing to them. Like give it some fucking thought, give it some,
Starting point is 00:26:31 stop being a fucking cheesecake, and start actually fucking thinking about that. You just stop calling me a cheesecake, and you just say, if it all over the fence, you fuck, I'll call you a pav, mate. I'll call you a fucking pav if that makes you feel better. I would prefer that.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah, but actually I forgive you, you're a good guy and we're friends, bro Thanks, can't what do you fucking say can't And there it is yeah, who's that take that was a great podcast guys really good work What would you say? Can't and end end there That was a great podcast guys. Really good job there. Cheers, cut.
Starting point is 00:27:09 What did you say, cut? That was an finish. That was a great podcast guys. Good job everyone. Cheers, good job. What did you say? And end. That was a great podcast guys.
Starting point is 00:27:22 She's everyone for tuning in. We're doing it over Zoom now, because we want our nanas to not die She's come She is can't she is can't and she's all the Can't she is can't and end And actually we're friends now and end. You know something? And actually we're friends now and end. I just can't. What do you say can't?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Can't. The one thing I want to say is that often, often we have been criticized. Who? But not for not writing. Is that that proven? Yeah. My proven coming at us.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It might be proven coming at us. But I think it's a criticism. It's a provoloning. What is the criticism? I am talking about the delicious provoloning. Yes, the criticism. The criticism is sometimes that instead of writing jokes, we got an email about this earlier today that all we do is yell and swear.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But I can unequivococally say I think we've proved them wrong. I'll with argue Mark and I want to argue this respectfully. This podcast had a lot of swearing and a lot of yelling. Maybe to you, can't. But to me, what I thought was cheers can't, can't, what did you
Starting point is 00:28:43 decide? No, you're doing a lot of parts. And end of podcast. Well, that was a good podcast. I like the bit that we saw. Cut, cut, cut. She is can't and end. What did you just say? And end.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Well, good podcast guys. She is can can't what did you just say I fucking say anything is that you can't and go for another 20 second now we're friends about half half an hour we hit in a half hour is that the goal can't she is the fuck now with friends. Oh good job everyone and same What you say can't What you say can't you shut the fuck up? I'm a sizzly boy. I'm a sizzly snake. I'm a sizzling snake sizzling snake sizzling snake sizzling snake I have to go grocery shopping we've got a meeting after this mark
Starting point is 00:29:52 what we've got a meeting after this one mark we've got a meeting to talk about some animals we've got a grocery. We've got to pick our favorite bit to put on YouTube. Then we've got to have a lengthy meeting. Oh, fuck. I can't open the door. See you fucking later, you fucking dirty dog cunt listeners. Wait, Tom, actually you guys are all right. I'm sorry I swore at you.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Cheers, cunt. What did you just say? This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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