Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 193 - The Bus Driver Podcast

Episode Date: May 5, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. We return to the weakest link hosted by the redhead lady. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. She used to be on home and away. The Australian one did yes. I'm thinking I'm going to go for the British one. Oh, I don't... She's also a redhead. I'm thinking I'm gonna go for the British one. So I don't, it was, did you?
Starting point is 00:00:27 She's also a redhead, I'm pretty sure. Oh, okay, good. Hello and welcome to the weakest link. My name is weakest link lady and today I'm going to do a show with a similar format to an older show called 15 to 1 but mean. You've seen Simon Cowell on that new show, Pop Idol.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'm like Simon Cowell but a lady. It's the early 2000s and we love mean things. Just to clarify, I think it's very important with this concept. This is a show that was big when we were little boys, you know, Balea hair on the pub. I mean, hair on the pub on the ball. Balea hair on the pub. You said it right the first time, Broden. I think it's important.
Starting point is 00:01:19 It's some of our audience. That's why pubes are so thick because they're like trees. They have branches. So it's actually not that many pubes. I don't know how why pubes are so thick because they're like trees, they have branches. So there's actually not that many pubes kind of, I don't know how your pubes are, bro, but I have one large pub that emanates from the center of my mon's pubes. Yeah, that's pretty weird. I was born with that and it's above, and I'm not mistaking it from my doodle, it's above my doodle, and then from that branches out many pubes. It's like a scourer sitting atop your mons pubes held in by one hair. Your pubes bare fruit.
Starting point is 00:01:54 No, mine don't bare fruit, they're made of hair, but marks do. Yes, mine bears jackfruit, then I'm then able to make vegan pulled pork out of. It's an Italian tradition that they all get together when all their pubes are bear Jackfruit. They get together over the weekend and they make fake pulled pork on mass and then they sterilize the jars, pump them in the jars and everyone in the family goes off with like
Starting point is 00:02:23 a couple of boxes of them. And then we fuck each other, we fuck all our cousins. It's called pub day, and a lot of insist. Anyway, anyway, anyway, anyway. Anyway, anyway, anyway. This was a show the week's thing was on in 2000, like two, right? So, fuck you fact check. Our audience now that we're big on TikTok, there's a lot of them who aren't, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:48 at the fuck we're talking about. So I'll just say, when you hop back into this character, be very clear, just be very clear to explain everything. Well, the good thing about podcasts, unlike, say, right? Now, people might be listening who are driving, but if you're driving, you possibly remember the weakest link. No, maybe not, because you could be 18, so you might possibly remember the weakest link no, maybe not because you could be 18 So you might not remember the weakest link because it was happening when you were born. Yeah, so yeah crazy
Starting point is 00:03:12 The day you were born the day you were born the weakest link was on the weakest link was on According to Broden and I'm going by those facts, which means you could have been conceived During an episode of the weakest link. Because I know that it used to get my parents on all the time. And my parents, and it's on the weakest link, would come on. They'd be like, oh, see you in five minutes, Mark, we have to go to the bedroom,
Starting point is 00:03:37 and then they would lock the doors, and I would hear the most horrific noises. They'd be like, fuck you, you don't fucking respect me, you fucking piece of shi-how dare you fucking talk to me like that in front of the kids, you know, like they would be making love. Being sexually aroused by the Weekest Link a few years later, this is in about 2005, now they scientifically had a name, they created a name for it. What?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Obviously, the weakest kink. And that's now scientifically known. The etymology of the weakest kink, funnily enough, is not the pun. It's just that it's a very light kink. That's true. That's true. But not to be mistaken with the weakest kink, Ray Davies. Dave Davies was the strongest kink and Ray Davies was the weakest kink. Very good. Very good. So what I'm saying is if you're listening to this podcast, yes,
Starting point is 00:04:34 it's probably downloaded, you might be driving, but in most circumstances, you probably have the ability to just quickly just do a Google of the weakest link. If you don't know what the weakest link is, you'll quick little Google, maybe watch a couple of clips, so you just get an idea, but basically, a Stern woman comes out, it's very similar to the show, 15 to 1, which I discovered three days ago. Stern woman comes out, it was always a woman, wasn't it, for some reason, that was kind of a stupid thing. What I was about to ask was was do you think the Australian host was cast based on them trying to approximate the British host as closely as possible? I never realized, I just looked it up, I never realized that both women look exactly the
Starting point is 00:05:16 fucking same. The core concept of the show. So if you're there, exactly the same Mark, if redhead people the same as blondeheaded people, Mark. It's not what I'm broding, that's not what I'm not saying you all look alike I'm not saying that you know what school was like for me in 2003 I imagine you got some people talk down people talk down being a redhead Constantly when I was in year eight. It's a true story
Starting point is 00:05:40 So I'm through an orange it my head and yelled ranger Was it an older kid the older kids love to do shit like that. Yeah, so was it, I was a year eight, maybe a year nine, did that. I hope that guy has 15 kids now and he's on the fucking doll. Fuck that guy, wherever you are. Oh, geez. I had a guy that used to say, no, I'm not going to, I'm not going to say what the bullies call me because then the fans will use it and they'll weaponize you.
Starting point is 00:06:04 They'll use it against they'll weaponize the message. They'll use it again to comment. That's the new section. Yeah. So, um... Well, what did it rhyme with? What was it though? I'm not gonna tell you, I'm not gonna tell you
Starting point is 00:06:12 because then the comment section's not weaponized it. I'm not in the right state. I know what I would have called you. So, I'll probably answer this. I'm not in the right state. I said the moment to handle the comments, Mark. Um, so... What did it wrong with?
Starting point is 00:06:25 I'm not gonna tell you what it rhymed with. It was a fictional character with a big forehead. All right, so, and besides it was his monster that had the big forehead, so they fucked it up. Oh, they fracked, they, yeah, I say it rhymed with Duncan time. Yeah. Clementine? They call you Clementine. I call, Clementine they call you
Starting point is 00:06:45 Clem and time for me Time for see Broden had a Clementine thrown at him and they Teased you for being a Clementine time. Well, they threw Zach at me. Well admittedly admittedly This was because I was doing a lot of maps recap on Twitter at the time right had nothing to do So anyway Anyway at the time, right? Right, had nothing to do with. So anyway, anyway, scathing. What's that?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Scathing. Scathing. No, I don't. So if you don't know the show, it was a lot like 15 to one. Now 15 to one, if you don't know 15 to one, that's a show I'd never heard of until recently. Do you boys know 15 to one?
Starting point is 00:07:27 No. So, 15 to one is a show. It's now hosted by Sandy Tolvik. And basically, a host comes out and there's a 15 people in a circle and then they go around the circle and they ask a question, question, question, question, then they go around again and then if you get a certain amount of questions wrong, you get blacked out, like they turn out the light on you,
Starting point is 00:07:51 and then they get it down to a number, and then the second round is all about getting it down to three, and then there's a final round between three people. So basically what the weakest link did is, is they took that concept, very similar show, it's people in a semi semicircle with a host asking trivia questions, but they gave it a twist, and that twist was a mean, middle-aged redhead lady
Starting point is 00:08:11 being mean to them. Mm. It was a bit like the hard quiz of its time. And I just realized, started in 1988. I very much could have been conceived. I was born in the beginning. Weakest links started in 1988. I very much could have been conceived. I was born in the beginning. We just link started in 88? No, 15 to one.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Right, so that's our show. So there's a situation where maybe a group of British podcasters in their 40s could do a 15 to one sketch and we would have to go on the same journey that our 18 year old fans are about to go on the same journey that our 18-year-old fans are about to go on. This is worth it. This this nine-minute tangent where we've been getting every so I think. Absolutely. Shitty 530 in the afternoon shows. Well no actually weeks, I think it's prime time, but what is it prime time? Yeah, went off.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Anyway. Wow. This is important. Are we ready to jump into the improvisation? Are we clear? Is everything, I've just, I worry that for someone's driving that doesn't have the opportunity to Google the weakest link, that they don't have all the
Starting point is 00:09:20 information. I think that anyone who listens to our podcast, we shouldn't be demanding homework. I think that this is my worry. Well, that's my worry. I forget. That's my biggest concern here is that they're not gonna be on top of it.
Starting point is 00:09:32 All right, well, let's set up homework then. No worries. All right, no, I'm not what I'm saying is if we don't set them homework, do they? No, I'm on board. No, no, guys, if they're not what you think. Let's just breathe. I agree.
Starting point is 00:09:44 We're trying to bring some joy here, man. Watch this, so I would say it's important for them to watch three to four episodes of the weakest link. This is homework that I need to do because I forget how the show is formulated. Like I forget the, you know, how does it style? Is it just trivia? Is it just trivia?
Starting point is 00:10:02 I don't know the setup. I mean, this is what you're saying. So here's my question. Well then, well then what are we doing? We shouldn't we set homework for ourselves. We're some of the best improvises in the modern suburbs of Melbourne. I was just gonna come on and be mean
Starting point is 00:10:16 and then I was gonna pull up a trivia, like a trivia quiz online and just ask you guys questions and be mean to you. But is that not a big deal? But that's still, I think you still need that homework done. I think you still need. online and just ask you guys questions and be mean to you. But is that not an ideal? But I think you still need that homework, don't I? I think you still need. So I would say the audience needs to do three to four episodes.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I'm obviously. You need to watch. So don't even listen to this episode until you've watched four episodes of the week's link. Find them online and give a fuck. The thing I would say to that, bro, is it's important probably to watch the British one, because I'll be doing the British character,
Starting point is 00:10:45 but it's also probably important in that mix to watch a few of the Australian ones as well, because that's going to be what we're evoking emotionally. Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but...
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but. Yeah, even just one or two of each of its years. So one or two of it in the 80s, there's a great clip of a man getting a perfect score
Starting point is 00:11:12 in the final round. That's not really relevant to this, but if you can watch the man getting the perfect score, but really to appreciate the man getting the perfect score, you really have to read about how the final round works. So it's probably worth watching a few episodes of the original, get a sense of how the final round works. Then watch that clip just for fun,
Starting point is 00:11:35 because it's very impressive to see a man know 40-E trivia questions exactly. Then I would say, watch the new one with Sandy Tolvig. She's at great screen presence. She really is the Scandinavian Stephen Fry. What about the weakest link US? That'd be good to watch too. I've got a clip here with a host,
Starting point is 00:11:55 and Robinson, another female with red hair. It's quite short in stature. I think that's a British weakest link lady. Is it, but it says you were, but also they got the British lady to do the US. I don't know this, I don't know this. Well, that's some research for the audience to do. You shouldn't have to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:14 My guess would be, and I'm not a genius on this, but I would say that potentially they bought her a plane ticket from England to America. That was really big. Borted the plane, she landed, maybe they put her in a hotel or some sort of accommodation dwelling, a dwelling, could be a dwelling shanty. Yeah, but even. A cabin. A cabin. A cabin.
Starting point is 00:12:38 When they started the American idol, so the American version of the pop idol phenomenon. You know, Australia's model was to mirror, so in Australia, we couldn't get the weakest link host, so we made our own out of spare parts from home and away. We couldn't get our own, we couldn't get Simon Cowell, but we were like, what you need is a mean British record executive. So we found Dicco in Dicco Dickinson. But what the Americans did is they took Simon Cowell and they put him on a plane, probably business class.
Starting point is 00:13:19 They flew him to Los Angeles. They put him up in a nice hotel or a villa and then they drove him to the set and they just put Simon Cowell in the Simon Cowell type. And they would have filled in with cameras and microphones and things like that. Yeah, and had contestants and you know, yeah, brought them all on and just done the show. If you're just tuning in now, it's important to know we are doing an improvisational comedy based around the 2000s competitive game show the weakest link. I'm playing the host, the main one.
Starting point is 00:13:50 We are about to jump into the heightened characters and goofy events. But first we're just sending a bit of context. You don't have to do this homework, but if you want the full rich experience of the improv that we're about to do, I'm sure you can do it. Yeah, because it's going to be funny, the kind of humour that we do we're about to do. Yeah, yeah, because it's gonna be funny. The kind of humour that we do is that it's funny, even if you don't know, however,
Starting point is 00:14:10 however, for something like this, if you really, really wanna get the jokes, get the nostalgia, you know, steep yourself in the law, it would be important to do this homework. I would stop this podcast right now before we get to the big goofy characters and the heightened parody of the weakest link. I would watch these videos, you know, to take a good
Starting point is 00:14:30 two, three hours, maybe a bit more, depending if you want to stop and take notes, which I would do. And then press play again, and now you're going to have the full experience of the podcast. I think it's important for it, because we're doing this because we're big on TikTok now and a lot of our audience were born after the week of things on air. I think it's important also maybe to just watch a bit of the zeitgeist of the early 2000. Just watch a bit of film, watch a bit of maybe,
Starting point is 00:14:58 maybe a bit of a bend at like Beckham. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I say Sarah Marie's bum dance, and you don't know what I'm talking about You need to know what that is you need to know what that is just to understand the world in which the weakest link Maybe just all of season one of big brother as well. I think would be a good I could think to watch my my the thing I would say as well though is there's probably a few I know we do have a few fans that are older than
Starting point is 00:15:27 older than tiktokers I know we're big on tiktok, but there are fans on Instagram on Facebook that are more closer to our age And it's probably a lot of assumptions going on here You're assuming you remember more details of the show than you do so I don't think it hurts to do a refresher. If you can't think like that exactly what the structure of the show is, it doesn't hurt to do a refresher. And the other thing I would say is, look, if you are driving, if you are maybe you're performing surgery, you've just got the ear buds in and you are at this point
Starting point is 00:16:07 Completely unable to switch off the podcast. You have to listen through to the in-prose. So what's that saying there is if you are a Surgeon and you're listening to the anti-donna podcast during sort of heart surgery or bum surgery or that sort of thing Yeah, or marine if you're a marine you're in the middle of a skirmish at the moment. We're talking about sort of very specific skills where your hands are currently occupied. Maybe a six worker. Maybe a six worker.
Starting point is 00:16:36 The two hands are in a big meaty penis. You're joking to that to the point of climax and you've got a little jabber elite air've got a little Jabra Elite AirPod, a little potting in your ear. You're in a position where you cannot touch, you can't get your phone out to pause the podcast or to, so you have to listen through to the in-pro. I just wanna say to you,
Starting point is 00:16:58 so maybe you're a surgeon or a SWAT person, maybe you're a police officer or a bus driver. Maybe you're working in an abattoir, and you've got the cows all lined up, and you've got that piston, and you're right in the middle of sort of sending that piston into the cow's brains to kill them so that they can cut them up for human consumption.
Starting point is 00:17:18 If you're in one of those types. And you're listening to the anti-donapod cows. And you're listening to the podcast, so you go, hands are occupied because you're trying to hold the cow downapot cast. And you're listening to the podcast, so you go, hands are occupied because you're trying to, you know, hold the cow down and come, the cow as soon as you. Maybe working hospice, maybe working palliative care, you're injecting the drugs that make the person who's passing away
Starting point is 00:17:36 slowly, feel painless, maybe you're, you know, talking the family through it, you know, and you're making sure that everyone's okay in the room. And while you're doing it, you've got the anti-dominant podcast in your ear. You've got the air-bud in your ear- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You've just got that one.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Air-budding your ear. Pachance, you're a thief. Pachance, you're a thief in the old days. You've stolen a loaf of bread to feed yourself and your younger sister, because of course you're both orphans. You've been captured by the militia that control the city. They have you, they're about to cut off your hands,
Starting point is 00:18:10 because that's what they do to with thief. But in your ear, you're listening to the anti-dono podcast. On iTunes or Spotify or... You don't have a chance to just get up there and press pause. I want to be really clear here. We're throwing around examples for the sake of clarity or for the sake of explaining our point. This is not an all-inclusive list. What we're trying to convey is there are people that are in a situation that once they have started a podcast or once they've started a playlist, they can't switch that off, because sometimes it's a life and death situation. Even if we're talking about an airplane pilot,
Starting point is 00:18:48 perhaps you're an airplane pilot. You're flying that plane domestically at the moment because there's not a huge amount of international flights right now. You're flying that plane domestically and there's just been some sort of issue. Now usually it's more autopilot but there's just been some sort of issue. To a degree that you're not having to land the plane at this point, there's not really a threat of
Starting point is 00:19:09 crashing, but if you're not engaged, if you're not talking to people down on the ground, if you're not really active, if you're seen to be getting your phone out of your pocket, to be pausing a podcast because you don't feel prepared for the coming improvisation. These are the situations we're talking about. The weakest link improvisation comedy. That weakest link, we are getting to the weakest link. If you are using your hands right now and you can't stop using those hands, don't worry. For chance, you're a scuba diver.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Because maybe you're a scuba diver. For chance, you work in salvage and you're a scuba diver. Because maybe you're a scuba diver. For chance you work in salvage and you're a scuba diver. You're scuba diving. You know, like a truck has fallen into the river. And you are underwater and it is your job to retrieve the salvage. Because you're not going back to the water. You don't have a chance. to retrieve the salvage. You got that? Because you're not going back to the water.
Starting point is 00:20:05 You don't have a chance. And the thing is, you have to get what's in that truck because you don't want to go back to those dangerous sort of tomb raider-esque days of your past. Exactly. You're doing this because your brother, and your brother was murdered in a island prison years ago and now you simply,
Starting point is 00:20:26 for his treasure. Hopefully, but, you know, the craziest thing that could happen is that your brother didn't die. And maybe he turns up with the opportunity of a lifetime. If that drags you back into that life. And that's the case. And you're listening to the unidona podcast. So here's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:20:43 The podcast could probably be on the boat. Your phone could be on the boat. So we've been talking about a lot of situations here. And that evokes for me an even more dire situation. A lot of these situations, in my mind, the phone has been in the pocket. That's the first one that raises for me. Maybe you're in a different room to your phone.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah. You're physically. You are picking up, you know, we have these wireless headphones now. I've got one. Yeah, great. And that's really important because you've probably got those wireless headphones. It's in another room.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Broden's going to give you an example. But I want to be really clear, these are just examples. There's probably more, but we want you to just not worry because when we get, we don't want you to worry because we are going, because we can link, bro, and take it away. Say you're a assassin. An assassin.
Starting point is 00:21:34 In a long line of assassins through the fence. A long line of assassins. And your main job is to go into a machine that transports you back to different eras to a quiet, daater and information. And as you're traveling to Rome or to America in the revolution days, you got out podcasting your ear. You got that podcast player. So you're not going to be able to, are you saying your phone broken in this situation could be in a different time? Only in the case if you are an assassin who is, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:12 sorry, if you're doing a sassin's creed, you're saying in this situation, no, no, no, your phone could be in like 2018. No, no, no, you are in the ancient times. No, that's not listening to the podcast. How are you gonna? That is what he say. Yeah, just in the year. It's in your ear. You can't go you can't just hop back hop back to the Marion Coutillard. Say, say you go, oh, can you turn it off? Cause oh, switch to the next one, cause I'm gonna do my research after lunch. Say you are an Italian plumber. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And a turtle dragon, who's stolen the love of your life. 100% And you are 100% I'm feeling this brother. And you, and you want to get your woman back. But of course there are fireballs and smaller turtles and Venus fly traps in your way. Do you hear that book?
Starting point is 00:23:13 I'm sorry, do you hear that book? I said that in your ear. As you are leaping over several things, you can't just take it, take time to stop it. And say, for example, you're an Italian plumber, and you discover that there's an underground city of where dinosaurs have evolved in the same way that we've evolved, and now they're like Dennis Hopper.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And you go down with John Leggwizama into the underground dinosaur city, and then, and it's sort of a bit batmany. In that situation, maybe your phone is up on you. That's your phone, up to, up ground. Just to our real loyal listeners, just wanna say you would have seen the washing machine post this week, I talked about it.
Starting point is 00:23:57 You just heard the very washing machine. Wow. Wow. That's the one for you. Yeah. So you were a guitar hero and you hero of guitarist one of the great guitarists who played cover songs around the world and you know and you're on highest difficulty playing through the fire and flames. Oh excuse me.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You got that podcast in it. You got that podcast in it, yeah. So what we want to say is never fear, because whilst we're not going to be giving you the comprehensive education that the recommended research will give you, we are going to make sure that in this podcast, which will be in three parts, we are going to make sure that in this podcast, which will be in three parts, we are going to make sure that that next two podcasts, sorry go bro, then I'll wrap this point up, yeah go. So you were, I actually don't have one. Say, say you wake up. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:25:07 And it's grandpa day. It's grandpa day. You're working for a brand-of-station. And you go out. You go amongst your day to day, you've got to do this boring job. Go check out Pugs Mahone. Make sure Pugs makes a shadow, right?
Starting point is 00:25:23 And there's this girl that you like, but you're like a bit too much of a jaded asshole. I know, you totally engage with it. And you go to the Steve and Tubby Lobsy bothers you. Yes, yeah, every day he's like, get away from me, Tubby Lobsy. You wake up the next morning, guess what? It's Groundhog Day again.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Steve and Tubby Lobsy and and Dana Gould have bothered you. They're giving you shit all day. And so you just start killing yourself. After after weeks of this, you start killing yourself. You just start killing yourself. You start putting a toaster in the bath tub. You start walking in front of cars. But every day you wake up, you're still Bill Murray and it's still correct
Starting point is 00:26:07 But in your ear that whole time half-hot cars in your ear about the time I like when we I like when we started improv And then very and then we decide that we don't like it Stuff rounded but say Well, I'm gonna to definitely get to, I think there's a really great episode of foot where you play the British lady. And I guarantee we're going to get to it, bro. And that's a great point that you've made there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm really keen to do it. But if it takes three to four to five podcasts to get there, so that's better better because I don't want to do it and us not be ready and our audience not be ready because that's the problem. So we've got a twofold issue here. We've got one group because we're big on TikTok now and we've got one group who they weren't even alive
Starting point is 00:27:01 when weakest link was on Tally. They're gonna need to do their research. We've got another group that probably need their refresher research. We've got another group. Let's call them the assassins creed search and bus drivers. They're in a position where they can't switch. Bus drivers.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Bus drivers, you think a bus driver's gonna, oh excuse me everyone, while I'm driving, I'm gonna get out my phone. No, you got in your ear as a bus driver is gonna, or excuse me everyone, while I'm driving I'm gonna get out my phone. No, you got in your ear as a bus driver. That is true. If we do have any bus driver fans, I would love to hear from you. Do we have any bus driver fans?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I wonder if we've got any, I might do a little shout out on Twitter. Still we got any bus driver fans. I know we have some tram driver fans, but very different, very different. I know a tram driver with a lot of fans. Nicomason. Oh, Nicomason.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Still drives the, is he driving the trams through the COVID? I think he's on a break, but he, you know, but he's still got a tram. You can still get a tram. I got a tram the other day. He's less people on the trim and you just avoid, you just everyone's staying away from anyone.
Starting point is 00:28:09 That's great. So I got one like, but no one's responded so far to any bus driver fans on Twitter. Well, that's because they're driving the bus. They're probably driving the buses right now. Of course, I feel like a silly Billy. But if you were driving a bus, and you got that podcast playing in your ear
Starting point is 00:28:28 because both your one hand's operating the stick and the other hand's on the big wheel, taking a big turn, I'll brain, beep, beep, get out of my way, that's how bus drivers operate. Have you ever seen one in action, Broden Kelly? I don't know what a bus is, so what's? The girl from my primary school. Her mum used to drive my bus in the morning to high school.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And isn't that a picture of a coincidence right there? That's in no way the explanation of what a bus is. No, but did you hear what I said did you fully? I went to what I said with Courtney brethren and then her mum Mrs. Brethren Was my bus driver that took me to high school? What if you're still unclear about what a bus is, Broden? There's nothing I can do to help. I've seen a lot of wheels. Wheels.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I mean, do they? No, all buses have wheels. What about a hover bus? If you are a bus driver or if you are not a bus driver, those are the two people we're interested in right now. If you are either a bus driver or not a bus driver, we want you to head to our Twitter. I've done a tweet saying we've got any bus driver fans.
Starting point is 00:29:54 We want to get a comprehensive response. So we want you to head to our Twitter, follow us on Twitter, find that comment from... Scroll through the feed because we recorded it. ...a day or two days old. I get on there and I want you to comment, I am a bus driver or I am not a bus driver. This is your listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:14 We need to know this. It's important for us to know moving forward how many of our listeners are bus drivers. So everyone who is either a bus driver or not a bus driver, we need you to comment under that tweet. If we don't have 7,000 comments under that tweet, we know some of you let us down. We need the data.
Starting point is 00:30:32 By the end of the week, we should have 55,000 responses. 55,000. And I'm expecting a 90 10 split. 90% bus drivers of bus drivers. Yes. I don't think there's that many bus drivers. No, that's quite high, Broden. I don't think there's that many bus drivers. No, that's quite high, Broden. You don't think there's that many bus drivers?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, I think it's going to be, if anything, the other way around. At most, there's like 12 bus drivers. Yeah. What is a bus? It's a big car, but not truck. It's like 10 cars on top of each other. It's a truck for people. It's a truck for people. It's a truck for people.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's a people truck. It's a hollowed out. It's like a three dimensional rectangle. It's been hollowed out and then filled with crazy people. They hollow out, they get a large. They stick 10 trucks together. 10 cars and they hollow it out. They hollow it out. So 10 trucks. 10 trucks together, 10 cars, and they hollow it out. They hollow it out.
Starting point is 00:31:25 So, they cut out the front end. 10 trucks. 10 cars. While I'm describing a different kind of bus, there's two ways to make a bus. It's like, you know, how there's like two ways to make a meringue. There's two ways to do it. Stop talking about meringue. Always about the meringue.
Starting point is 00:31:42 You have been banging on about the meringue. Just go ahead and get off it. about meringue. Always about the meringue this guy. You have been banging on about the meringue. Just going to get off it. I talk about meringue's, like far less in my Donna career than my solo career. You guys are getting the minimum amount of meringue that I can give you. And yet it's still too much. So... So much meringue talk. Mering meringue meringue.
Starting point is 00:32:01 If I hear soft peaks one more time, I'm going to fucking lose it. What are you fucking? Egg whites. Egg whites. If you say egg whites. I'm not gonna say egg whites. I'm only gonna talk about aquafaba. What is aquafaba?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Oh, no. Well, I wish I could tell you, but apparently I'm not allowed to tell you. You said you were only gonna talk about it. You just said that's... No, apparently I'm not allowed to talk about it. You just said that. I'm not gonna talk about morangs anymore. I'm only gonna talk about aquafaba.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You wanna know what aquafaba is? Yes, I do. It's bean juice. It's the juice of a bean. Oh, that's like a wrap. You can then whip into a vegan morang. Well, no. You can.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You can. With cream of tartar, that's what I've learned. Right. With the tart, oh really, that'll be it. That'll taste all mayonnaisey and fishy. No, you're thinking of tartar. Tartar sauce. Tartar sauce.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Cream of tartar is a derivative of wine making. Tartar sauce. It's so expensive. And cream of tartar. And the acidic powder that helps as a binding ingredient. It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big...
Starting point is 00:33:08 It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big...
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big...
Starting point is 00:33:24 It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... It's a big... The sauce doesn't taste of fish. You put it on fish. Put on the best light. Put it on a Vogue fish. And the same way chicken, salt, a Vogue's chicken. Mm. So the best way to make a vegan meringue is to add tartar sauce to bean juice, to bean juice. So we just want you to know, if you're one of the 55,000 people listening to this podcast that either are, that either are a bus driver or are not a bus driver, we want to hear
Starting point is 00:33:53 from you on our Twitter. We want to find out. We want to find out. So that's been the point of the whole podcast is we were confused at the start about who and who wasn't a bus driver that listened to us and now we're finally taking action and we're getting to the bottom of it. No more, no more will we go into these podcasts with our eyes covered blind? We're not going to do it to ourselves anymore. We need to know who's a bus driver. Who's not a bus driver? It's one of our smallest followings Twitter. It'll soon go up when all 55,000 of you come on, get on that tweet, get
Starting point is 00:34:32 under it, say, I am a bus driver, I am not a bus driver. I thought it could be a good thing to get the ball rolling and just ask all 21,000 of our followers if they are a bus driver. You guys called me to do that? Yes, do that. And please don't lie, we need the raw data. We need to be able to know unequivocally whether you are or you're not. Please don't lie, I'm expecting there to be about 12 of you. Brodon's expecting there to be about 52,000, but we will see. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I don't know. I don't hold me on those numbers. Don't hold me on those numbers. Pretty good. That's pretty good. It would be close. These are like more like 49,000, 48,000. Look, look, I didn't go to school. Yes, you did. You just said you're your friend from school. It's mom drove the bus to school. I never never said that and you can't quote me on that I Will oh how they'll go make some go make some vegan marangs with the tart with cream of tartare broden All right, I don't I don't want to
Starting point is 00:35:41 I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. I said that that that was really mean. It's all right guys I've asked the top six of our six of our followers if they're a bus driver But I've gotten a little bored and I don't think I'm gonna make it to the 21,000 Right, you got pretty far you got pretty far. I think that brings us to the end pretty fast. I think that brings us to the end. Does it of the bus driver podcast? Okay. Um, but oh, sorry, go. No, no, I had nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Look, I know you're probably just just being just sentences with butt. But well, I didn't have anywhere. I didn't know I was going to go anywhere. So when you jumped in Zach for me, that was like, oh, thank God. I thank God. I now don't have to step into this. You know when you're editing podcasts. You're like, oh, you're sorry, Broden, go.
Starting point is 00:36:31 No, no, no, no. I've taken a leaf from Mark's book, and now I finish every sentence that I do with the word, but you have something more to say. Yes, Broden. Oh, sorry, you're gonna say. No you have something more to say. Yes, bro. Oh, sorry, you were gonna say. Sorry, no, I had nothing to say. I was just mixing it up.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Sometimes I mix up a but with a hell of a. Do you know, Kiron Wheatley taught me when you're editing a podcast, the best way to do it is if you can't make it seem like a call and response, if you can't, you have to have one person speaking and then the other person speaks. So you have to cut that way. If you can't make it seem like a colon response, if you have to have one person speaking than the other person speaks.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So you have to cut that way. If you can't make it seem like a colon response, you can overlap the tracks a little bit. So it just sounds like the person's interrupting the other person with a completely new thought. It's very funny, because if you're the editor of a podcast, you can make someone seem very rude. It's a fun thought.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Well, thank you for that thought, sir. But I did just want to say, actually, I know a lot of you have tuned in. I think the funny thing to do here, the joke thing to do, you know, we are a comedy group, would be to move on and pretend like we were never going to do, you know, we are a comedy group, would be to move on and pretend like we were never going to do the weakest link. But we promised you the weakest link at the top of this podcast. We promise that to you. Join us next week for another half hour of catching you up on the weakest link. On the details, hopefully you've done a little bit of your own research. We'll also be doing some more explaining,
Starting point is 00:38:09 breaking down the structures of the show. And hopefully by the end of that podcast, we should be ready for our in-pro. What are your thoughts guys? Or do you think we're gonna maybe on the third? Yeah, I just wanna make sure that we're across enough examples of people who would be listening to the podcast, while their hands are occupied,
Starting point is 00:38:27 who don't have the ability to stop. We are not sure if we got that across listeners in the exact way that we could. So as long as that's clear for me, I'm pretty good. It also depends on our listeners as well, are they going to put in the homework? So we'll find out, we'll find out from them if they've put in the time and effort if they're not ready if they're not willing to put in that time and effort that we have a lazy fan base and I'm worried that they're not going to do the work that's required. So we'll see from them if they're grown up enough now
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yes, and if you and I tell you what if you go to Yes, and if you and I tell you what if you go to slash Antidona Drawing the anti-dona club powered by patreon. We will have some links up there for the research that you should be doing I join the anti-dona club Pal by patreon slash anti-dona and you don't have to do the research yourself to find the research. We'll be linking you on there to the Wikipedia. We'll be linking you to a couple of links of the videos. I'm not doing this. You will do it. You will do it. You will do it. You will do it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I'm not doing this, Dick. Or whoever it is, we'll do it. But we'll be linking you to all of those things. But if you are not a member of the Patreon, that's okay. We don't want to punish you for not being a member of the Patreon. Do your own research. Here's the bottom line, if I can, guys, if I can level with the fans here, is that okay? If I just take it down a notch, get a little seriously. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I'm pretty confident. I'm fairly confident that we could be doing the weakest link improvisation by about halfway through Saturday's podcast, by the next podcast, about halfway through. I think the rundown of the straight. Well, this is what I'm saying. I think I'm pretty confident we can do that. Okay. Download the app. Yeah. If they download the I think I'm pretty confident we can do that. I can say download the app. Yeah, if they download the app, I'm pretty confident we can get about halfway through. If you guys are doing the work at home,
Starting point is 00:40:36 if I have to cover what you were meant to do over the next four or five days in the podcast, if I have to talk about the tone, if we have to talk about 2003 pop culture. I've got the list here, so I'll read it out. Let's do this one last time. You have to do this. You are going to listen, watch three to four episodes
Starting point is 00:40:58 of the British weakest link. You are going to watch three to four episodes of the Australian weakest link. Yep. An episode or two, as many as you want, of the American weakest link. Two episodes of the 80s, 15 to one. Two episodes of the 90s, 15 to one. Two episodes of the 2000s, 15 to one. And then you're going to watch all of season one of Big Brother. And you're going to watch all of season one of big brother and you're going to write a paragraph on what the bum dance is. Bro, can I just interject there? There
Starting point is 00:41:33 was one other thing. You've got to watch the viral video. This is after you've watched caught up on the rules and the structures of 15 to one, the viral video of the man getting the perfect score in the final round. Perfect score of 15 to one. the viral video of the man getting the perfect score in the final round. Perfect score of 15 to 1. That's for you guys. And also, I would say I would love to have a list from everyone of 10 different occupations where you might not be able to be doing research while you work with your hands. Here's the thing guys, that question. I running all this down, please, and I know exactly what to put in the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In the picture. In journals, just write it out. Really the point of that
Starting point is 00:42:26 is we just want to know that you were listening. So it doesn't really matter even if those jobs don't really work. We're not grading you on that list, but we'll know. It's not an essay, not an essay. And the final thing is we'd like an essay from all of you on why the weakest link is an important 2000s piece of zeitgeist. So that's a three paragraph beginning beginning middle end, I want opening paragraph closing intro conclusion, three arguments using three persuasive tactics. So alliteration, retortical questions, statistics to show to me why the weakest link was an important show. And we just want you to know there's no word limit on that essay. You can do as many as you want. There is a 1500 minimum, but there's no maximum word limit on that essay.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So go for it, you know, go for it. But don't just do a lot of words because you weren't editing. That's what I think. I would rather a concise, clear, well edited 1500 word essay, than a rambling 3000. But if you've got 3000 words worth of really good points, heck, if you've got a novel for us, you give us that novel.
Starting point is 00:43:41 That's what I'm doing. If you were handed it on a floppy disk and then I find out it's corrupted because you've scratched it up, then you get a fail. And I do just want to talk about marking. So we prefer, we're a little old school, I guess, of the weakest link generation. We prefer hard copies to mark up. We would, even though it's not mandatory, it is in this class.
Starting point is 00:44:08 We do require you to hand in hard copy, but you do also need to hand in via the server because that's how we do the plagiarism checks and everything now. An online hand in and a hard copy hand in, and we expect both of them on Friday, both of them on Friday. Don't want to see a single hard copy written in pencil, guys. If you're not writing with a pen at this age, then I can't even say, if I get one written in gray lead, I'm going to flip. If you don't have your pen license, you don't have your pen license,
Starting point is 00:44:48 then it's time to start, you know? You're 16, you're in grade 10, you know? Like, come on, guys, get your shit together. Sorry. No, I didn't mean to swear, it's just like, I've had it gutful. Listen, we all have to get to this litigy. We all have to get to this litigy now. I know that brother brother, brother, this is a Catholic school now. I know that brother
Starting point is 00:45:16 Peter has put together a really lovely litigy for everyone. So we all need to get to that. But listen, I think the litigy is going to be a lot about the values that we place on high at this school. And I think this is a good opportunity to think about your own values and who it is that you want to be. So what's that Mark? Um, my Nana just died. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I mean, if you won't, sub to you.

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